Re: DIP1046, "ref For Variable Declarations", has been Accepted

2024-06-24 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 24 June 2024 at 11:08:32 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
On Sunday, 23 June 2024 at 21:50:37 UTC, Vladimir Marchevsky 

On Sunday, 23 June 2024 at 13:29:21 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:



Does ref add anything compared to using an alias?..

`ref` will bind to lvalue expressions, e.g (from the DIP):

ref int dark(ref int x, int i, int* q)
ref m = *q;// m refers to whatever q points to

`*q` is an expression, not a symbol. `ref` can bind to e.g. a 
struct field runtime value, or an lvalue returned from a 

`alias` only allows giving new names for existing compile-time 

This is welcoming news! A nice addition for folks transitioning 
over from C++ who are use to having this functionality.

Re: Demo for The Art of Reflection released (a 3D game and engine fully written in D)

2024-06-18 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 18 June 2024 at 08:49:57 UTC, cookiewitch wrote:

On Friday, 24 May 2024 at 17:45:31 UTC, Lewis wrote:
Hello! Not sure if it's of interest, but I've been developing 
a 3D game and engine in D for a few years, and finally have a 
demo up on Steam for anyone interested in poking around 
(Windows only unfortunately).


I've just played through the demo, it's impressive! It's a 
pleasantly confusing experience and my brain hurts now. Also, 
it works perfectly fine on Linux via Proton.

Added to my wishlist, as I always like to share with others 
projects built in D :)

Re: DCV has a new release.

2024-05-20 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 20 May 2024 at 11:47:25 UTC, Ferhat Kurtulmuş wrote:
I've been working on DCV for some years. Recently, DCV has 
started to be used by some projects, such as etichetta[1]. Even 
though it's still far from perfect, I think DCV deserves a new 
version. Existing unit tests pass. New ones are also necessary. 
Docs are produced for most functions.

Here it is

And here are some fun examples:

panorama stitching:

Binary region analysis:

Video input:

Basic image manipulation:


Well done Ferhat!

Re: Upcoming ACCU 2024 Talk: How DLang Improves my Modern C++ and Vice Versa

2024-04-19 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 11 April 2024 at 01:21:41 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Wow! Talking at ACCU is an honor. I'm so pleased you're doing 

Thank you all!

The talk was well received, and I've challenged folks to try D 
for an hour through the D Lang Tour. :)

Slides are available below, and I believe the video of the talk 
will be posted in the coming months for free on YouTube.

Upcoming ACCU 2024 Talk: How DLang Improves my Modern C++ and Vice Versa

2024-04-07 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce
I'll be talking more about D (and modern C++) at the ACCU 2024 
conference in Bristol (Abstract below -- talk is on April 19, 

Let me know if you'll be joining (in-person or online)! The 
recording of the talk will otherwise be posted after the talk, 
and slides will immediately be available on my website after the 
talk is given.

ABSTRACT: The D programming language (DLang) is a multi-paradigm 
language (like C++) developed to solve real software engineering 
problems. DLang has a rich history since its inception in 2001, 
and continues to be an actively evolving memory-safe language 
used in industry. In this talk, I will discuss how learning and 
using the D language has directly benefited my use and learning 
of C++ and vice versa. We'll look at the evolution of both C++ 
and Dlang, and see how each language has borrowed from each other 
during their most recent evolution in the past decade. Throughout 
the talk, I will provide side-by-side code comparisons showing 
idiomatic ways to complete tasks in D alongside C++ code 
examples. The goal of this talk however is not to pit one 
language against the other, but rather to show how to use each 
language to its strengths and learn how to become a better 
programmer. Audience members are expected to be familiar with 
Modern C++, but are not expected to have any prior D programming 

Re: Is D programming friendly for beginners?

2024-03-12 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 20:40:49 UTC, Meta wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 16:20:29 UTC, matheus. wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 14:52:32 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:

I really think D would be a wonderful first language.  Fast 
feedback, no need to manage memory, and easy to use built-in 
data structures would make for a nice intro course.

If you say that D would be a good language to learn in lieu 
C++/Rust I'd agree, but as a First Language neither one would 
be my choice.

Most here already program and know things, but as a first 
language forget, at least where and when I did college 
(Already knowing how to program), most people were lost with 
all the concepts of C++ for example.

Bitwise shifts like << >> and the same operators being used in 
cin/cout may be OK for most people already in programming and 
using shell, but for those learning was a hell.


I think it really depends on the person. My first language was 
C++, which was absolute hell to learn as a complete beginner to 
programming, but I really wanted to learn a language with 
low-level capabilities that could also do gamedev. Learning C++ 
as my first language was incredibly difficult, but it also made 
the programming parts of my CS degree a breeze - especially 
courses like machine level programming. Nobody else in the 
class even understood what a pointer was for the first couple 

I've been at institutions where C++ is the first language and for 
most folks who were sure they wanted to do programming it was a 
fine enough language (when taught with care) to teach. In fact, 
it benefited me (and other instructors) quite a bit when I saw 
those students later and taught them computer graphics (usually 
taught in C++ to prepare them for job market).

For folks who were not sure if they wanted to study computer 
science, unfortunately they were scared away as they thought this 
was the only path for programming (i.e. C++, assembly, etc.). For 
this reason, a language that is gentler (e.g. Python, JavaScript, 
or I also suspect a large subset of D) would all have been better 
choices. More universities these days are offering courses with 
gentler options (e.g. Programming for non-majors) which usually 
take this approach to more slowly ramp students up -- which I 
think is a good thing to have these offerings. And then later on 
in the program, these students can learn the good stuff (i.e. 
systems, compilers, graphics, etc. :) )

Re: Is D programming friendly for beginners?

2024-03-12 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 16:20:29 UTC, matheus. wrote:

On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 14:52:32 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:

I really think D would be a wonderful first language.  Fast 
feedback, no need to manage memory, and easy to use built-in 
data structures would make for a nice intro course.

If you say that D would be a good language to learn in lieu 
C++/Rust I'd agree, but as a First Language neither one would 
be my choice.

Most here already program and know things, but as a first 
language forget, at least where and when I did college (Already 
knowing how to program), most people were lost with all the 
concepts of C++ for example.

Bitwise shifts like << >> and the same operators being used in 
cin/cout may be OK for most people already in programming and 
using shell, but for those learning was a hell.


I agree (and I've made my case from my DConf talk with some data) 
D is much more productive than C++ for students (especially in 
the scope of a quarter or semester long course).

I probably would recommend in the general case that someone who 
wants to try programming to start with Python or JavaScript -- 
purely because the start up cost is smaller, and the vast amount 
of packages let beginners do something interesting quickly.

That said, in a university curriculum (where students have 
multiple semesters), D could prove nice as an intro language as 
it has the ability to scale up in difficulty over time. I think D 
is friendly enough that it would not immediately turn away 
beginners from computer science programs (But ultimately Python 
probably wins for now in this category).

As a note, the 'which language is best for CS 1' debate has long 
been debated -- but at least in a school setting, I've found the 
quality/enthusiasm/encouragement of the teacher to be the most 
important aspect regardless of language choice.

Re: Is D programming friendly for beginners?

2024-03-12 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 12 March 2024 at 14:03:30 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:

On Monday, 11 March 2024 at 12:30:10 UTC, Doigt wrote:

On Monday, 4 March 2024 at 13:37:53 UTC, Fidele wrote:
I want to start learning D programming language it looks 

Depends what you mean by "beginner". If you've never 
programmed before and D is your first language, then the 
answer is a definite no.

Why definitely not?

-- Bastiaan.

I really think D would be a wonderful first language.  Fast 
feedback, no need to manage memory, and easy to use built-in data 
structures would make for a nice intro course.

Re: LDC 1.37.0

2024-03-04 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 3 March 2024 at 14:46:34 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce LDC 1.37.0. Major changes:

* Based on D 2.107.1.
* Important fix wrt. if-statement elision on constant condition.

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors & sponsors!

Thank you for the hard work!

Re: Bug fixes for Mac OSX landing in 2.107.1

2024-02-26 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 26 February 2024 at 12:55:32 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:


Over the last 2-3 years, there's been a slow build-up of issues 
on MacOS that have now come home to roost, and they could no 
longer be ignored/worked arounded in CI as GHA has made Xcode 
15.0.1 the default SDK since ~end of January/February 2024.


This is great Ian! The unaligned pointers and macosx development 
issue have plagued students for a long time (the workarounds were 
possible but confusing). Will give it a try after March 1st

Re: Upcoming talk at FOSDEM 2024 - The D Programming Language for Modern Open Source Development

2024-02-05 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 1 February 2024 at 00:58:53 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:
On Thursday, 18 January 2024 at 08:32:14 UTC, Peter Jacobs 

On Sunday, 14 January 2024 at 23:16:40 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:
If folks have a particular open source project they'd like me 
to highlight, please feel free to share here -- I'll do my 
best to figure out how to link a few projects in the 

If you want to show some applications written in D, I can 
offer the Eilmer compressible flow solver as an example.  This 
year it will be ten years that we have been using D to build 
our flow solver.  It has been a good ride.

There is a blog entry from a couple of years back 
which is still a good starting point on why we like to write 
our code in D.

You can also browse our main web site to get an idea of the current state 
of the project.

Feel free to send an email if you want any flashy pictures for 
your presentation. The fellows here have been doing some 
impressive calculations in recent times.

Peter Jacobs

Peter, I'd be happy to show Filmer -- if you have any flashy 
pictures please send them my way at 
Otherwise I'll grab what I can from the website with a citation 

Will close this announcement out with the link which now includes 
the slides, and in the future the video (and there should be a 
video on YouTube soon as well).

Re: Symmetry Autumn of Code 2023 Result

2024-02-01 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 1 February 2024 at 12:12:43 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
If you've been paying attention to the forums over the past few 
months, you'll have seen weekly updates from the three SAOC 
2023 participants: Teodor Dutu (his third SAOC!), Emmanuel 
Nyarko, and Prajwal S N. Congratulations to each of them for 
making it all the way to the end. The work the put in was both 
well done and valuable for the D ecosystem.


Congratulations to all the participants -- they should be proud 
of their accomplishments. It was great to see their weekly 
progress, and I look forward to their continued work :)

Re: Upcoming talk at FOSDEM 2024 - The D Programming Language for Modern Open Source Development

2024-01-31 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 18 January 2024 at 08:32:14 UTC, Peter Jacobs wrote:

On Sunday, 14 January 2024 at 23:16:40 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:
If folks have a particular open source project they'd like me 
to highlight, please feel free to share here -- I'll do my 
best to figure out how to link a few projects in the 

If you want to show some applications written in D, I can offer 
the Eilmer compressible flow solver as an example.  This year 
it will be ten years that we have been using D to build our 
flow solver.  It has been a good ride.

There is a blog entry from a couple of years back 
which is still a good starting point on why we like to write 
our code in D.

You can also browse our main web site 
to get an idea of the current state of the project.

Feel free to send an email if you want any flashy pictures for 
your presentation. The fellows here have been doing some 
impressive calculations in recent times.

Peter Jacobs

Peter, I'd be happy to show Filmer -- if you have any flashy 
pictures please send them my way at 
Otherwise I'll grab what I can from the website with a citation :)

Re: Upcoming talk at FOSDEM 2024 - The D Programming Language for Modern Open Source Development

2024-01-17 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 17 January 2024 at 14:49:03 UTC, Sergey wrote:

On Sunday, 14 January 2024 at 23:16:40 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:


If the talk is related to FOSS, probably it will be worth to 
* GDC project. That D is a part of GCC family and can be easily 
used from this toolchain.
* work of Brian Callahan about porting D to OpenBSD system. So 
D should work on FreeBSD and OpenBSD as well (not sure about 
* one more time mention that D has open source license for very 
long time (because sometimes I still can see in web - people 
mentioning closed source old issues).

Excellent highlights -- thank you!

Re: Upcoming talk at FOSDEM 2024 - The D Programming Language for Modern Open Source Development

2024-01-16 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 16 January 2024 at 12:28:35 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:

On Monday, 15 January 2024 at 00:49:25 UTC, matheus wrote:

On Sunday, 14 January 2024 at 23:16:40 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:




Hi Mike are you sure the link is right, or you're on that list?

The main track in that link is still empty. Here is a link for 
just the main track, also empty:

You'd think the main track has been finalized by now (it is 
only 18 days until the start of the conference) and since all 
other rooms have plenty of entries already, this list being 
empty seems like a malfunction to me.

-- Bastiaan.

Indeed might be a malfunction -- either way I'll post the final 
slides/talk here when completed 

Re: Upcoming talk at FOSDEM 2024 - The D Programming Language for Modern Open Source Development

2024-01-14 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 15 January 2024 at 00:49:25 UTC, matheus wrote:

On Sunday, 14 January 2024 at 23:16:40 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:

Hi D Community,

My talk on how I'm using the D programming language and why I 
think it is an excellent language choice for open source 
projects will be featured at FOSDEM 2024 at the start of 
February 2024 in Brussels, Belgium.

Look out for the official talk schedule(in the Main Track) 

If folks have a particular open source project they'd like me 
to highlight, please feel free to share here -- I'll do my 
best to figure out how to link a few projects in the 
presentation. I'll also be digging through previous 
announcements, discord, etc. where appropriate to otherwise 
link some projects to show off D during the presentation.

(The talk will otherwise provide an introduction to the D 
language -- it should be fun!)


Hi Mike are you sure the link is right, or you're on that list? 
- I tried "D Programming", your name (And only Surname) but I 
couldn't find anything.


It looks like they have not yet pushed the update for the main 
track, but it should be there soon I hope.

In the past the conference has live streamed or otherwise put 
recordings shortly after the talk on the schedule, and on YouTube.

Upcoming talk at FOSDEM 2024 - The D Programming Language for Modern Open Source Development

2024-01-14 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hi D Community,

My talk on how I'm using the D programming language and why I 
think it is an excellent language choice for open source projects 
will be featured at FOSDEM 2024 at the start of February 2024 in 
Brussels, Belgium.

Look out for the official talk schedule(in the Main Track) here:

If folks have a particular open source project they'd like me to 
highlight, please feel free to share here -- I'll do my best to 
figure out how to link a few projects in the presentation. I'll 
also be digging through previous announcements, discord, etc. 
where appropriate to otherwise link some projects to show off D 
during the presentation.

(The talk will otherwise provide an introduction to the D 
language -- it should be fun!)


Re: Happy New Year!

2024-01-02 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 3 January 2024 at 01:25:29 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Along with my best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2024 to 
all the DLF community members, and their families and friends.

Happy New Year to all!

Re: D Language Foundation October Monthly Meeting Summary

2024-01-01 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 31 December 2023 at 11:12:23 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The D Language Foundation's monthly meeting for October 2023 
took place on Friday the 13th at 15:00 UTC. It lasted around 
one hour and thirty minutes. I was unable to attend, so thanks 
to Razvan for running it and to Dennis for recording it.


I also would have reminded everyone that one of our major goals 
right now is to strengthen the ecosystem. We're absolutely 
willing to throw some money at code-d and any other important 
projects in our ecosystem where that money can help get 
something done. We have over $11,000 sitting in our 
OpenCollective account that can be used for this sort of thing. 
Jan or anyone working on a key D project is welcome to reach 
out to me to discuss possibilities: bug bounties, contract work 
for specific tasks, etc.

Some of the important ecosystem projects when I teach D are 
code-d, IntelliJ support, and fixing issues for MacOS (e.g. 
Having to type out 'export MACOSX_DEVELOPMENT=13.0' or something 
similar for the tools is tricky for students).

The current Symmetry of Code projects (Dfmt, C++ Interop, etc.) 
and d-scanner are also very valuable tools for adoption in my 
opinion -- appreciate the efforts for those contributing to the 
tooling ecosystem!

Re: Release D 2.106.0

2023-12-04 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 2 December 2023 at 18:09:11 UTC, Iain Buclaw wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.106.0, ♥ to the 33 contributors.

This release comes with...

- In the D language, it is now possible to statically 
initialize AAs.

- In dmd, there's a new `-nothrow` CLI flag.
- In dub, `dub init` now has a select menu for package format 
and license.

As always, you can find the release binaries and full changelog 
on the site.

on behalf of the Dlang Core Team

Lots of exciting developments here! Much appreciated!

(A few highlights)
- Happy to see ODBC bindings restored (as Adam mentioned)
- dub build --deep, nice feature to now have in dub
- nothrow compiler switch for D now

Re: New DUB documentation

2023-11-27 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 22 November 2023 at 21:35:34 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
the revamped DUB documentation I started a while ago is now 
deployed on


Just wanted to say that I appreciate the effort and improvements 
to the documentation. The ability to easily edit and add new 
examples will be incredibly useful over time.

Re: DLF September 2023 Planning Update

2023-11-15 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 at 21:48:04 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:
On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 at 05:27:40 UTC, Mike Parker 
On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 at 02:27:42 UTC, Mike Shah 


It's just like any other language feature you have to learn. 
The documentation will be clearly divided by edition. You'll 
have one section for the base language (the default edition) 
and one for each subsequent edition. You can jump in an use 
the default language without caring about editions. Then when 
you want to learn more, say sumtypes and tuples from edition 
N, the documentation, tutorials, and example code you see 
should make it very clear that you need to specify edition N. 
And the documentation for edition N will explain all the 
changes that edition makes.


Makes sense -- thanks Mike! Looking forward to learning more!

I will add that the idea of annotating 'edition' or 'version' is 
something I am use to doing in glsl (e.g. '#version core 410' 
goes at the top of the file), so that is pretty easy.

For others, I'm reading about Rust editions 
( to 
try to get more education for now. Indeed looks like a win for 
DLang to adopt something similar. For C++ there was an epoch 
( as well probably worth skimming for others.

Re: DLF September 2023 Planning Update

2023-11-15 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 at 05:27:40 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 15 November 2023 at 02:27:42 UTC, Mike Shah wrote:


It's just like any other language feature you have to learn. 
The documentation will be clearly divided by edition. You'll 
have one section for the base language (the default edition) 
and one for each subsequent edition. You can jump in an use the 
default language without caring about editions. Then when you 
want to learn more, say sumtypes and tuples from edition N, the 
documentation, tutorials, and example code you see should make 
it very clear that you need to specify edition N. And the 
documentation for edition N will explain all the changes that 
edition makes.


Makes sense -- thanks Mike! Looking forward to learning more!

Re: DLF September 2023 Planning Update

2023-11-14 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 21:13:34 UTC, monkyyy wrote:

On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 08:18:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

## The future of D
Robert had been itching to talk about our long-term plans for 
D. I think most of us understood that he was talking in terms 
of language features, but in this session, he explained that's 
not what he meant. D started as a successor to C and C++, but 
he doesn't see the language that way. He sees it as the best 
parts of C, Haskell, and Python. Others may see it 
differently. So how do we define the language going forward? 
What role do we want it to play? Are we mostly concerned with 
C-style stuff where every bit counts? Do we see D as a great 
tool for one-off scripts that would normally be written in 
something like Python?

D is not and has never been a c replacement language, your not 
Zig, there's a very real dependency on gc(and no @nogc/betterc 
doesn't change that, you have first-class dynamic arrays based 
on the gc) theres a grand total of 3 platforms where d is 
stable and it will never be the portable asm of C; no embedded, 
no gnu, no unix, and no credible aspirations to change that.

D *is* a c++ replacement, c++ isn't very good at its job, and 
while I dont know how somehow aa managed to convince walter to 
merge in lots of quality of life stuff for the template hell. 
Please focus on making the template hell, survivable and either 
take it upon yourself to make the stl or enable its conditions.

D isn't haskell, sumtypes aren't even a first-class abstraction 
I simply don't know what someone could've said that made that 
on the table.

~~python sucks and is irrelevant ~~

Do we see D as a great tool for one-off scripts that would 
normally be written in something like Python?

D has replaced every single file Python script that I use. Fast 
build times (DMD), multiple programming paradigms, and 
concurrency support are huge wins for D over languages like 

The major advantage with D (over Python) is building/maintaining 
scalable applications (i.e. more than one file, but several 
thousand or hundred thousand lines of code).  Talking to several 
engineers over that past few years in a few big tech companies -- 
they have spent a significant amount of time rewriting their code 
from Python to C++ because of issues with Python (performance and 
dynamic typing being culprits in Python). Too bad they did not 
start with D to avoid a rewrite! :)

What do we want the first experience with D to be like?

A person trying out D, who writes a one-file simple application 
using phobos does not care that a lib abandoned in 2018 still 
compiles. So why should they be the ones paying the penalty?

I just want to echo Steve's sentiment, that it should be easy for 
new (and old) D users to start up a project without worrying 
about editions. Reducing friction is incredibly important for 
adoption and usage. If the library writer specifies the 'edition' 
within their own module and it's totally encapsulated, that seems 
fine -- I think that is what I understand from the editions 
proposal (and if they don't specify the edition, it defaults to 
whatever the compilers default edition is).

I'd be curious to hear what folks working on tooling (IDE, 
linters, etc.) concerns are with editions. Having more tooling 
support is the main request I hear from students (Again, maybe 
this is already answered with DMD as a library in progress).

Re: DConf '23 Day One Talk Videos

2023-10-17 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 16 October 2023 at 16:55:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I've just pushed out Vijay's talk, the last from Day 1, to the 
DConf '23 playlist:

Walter's talk will be up in a few days. I'll announce here 
again when all the Day 2 talks are up.


Nice work Mike!

Re: SAOC 2023 Projects

2023-09-21 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 21 September 2023 at 16:12:45 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Milestone 1 of the sixth edition of Symmetry Autumn of Code 
kicked off on September 15th! We have three coders hacking away 
on D projects for the next four months. You should be reading 
their first weekly forum updates very soon.


These all are wonderful projects -- very much looking forward to 
hearing about the progress! Congratulations to those selected!

Re: DConf '23 in London -- Start thinking about your talks!

2023-02-09 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 9 February 2023 at 14:58:42 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I'm finally able to announce that we're going back to London 
for DConf '23! Thanks to Symmetry Investments for hosting us 
once again.



Re: Hipreme Engine is fully ported to WebAssembly

2023-02-03 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 3 February 2023 at 13:41:35 UTC, Hipreme wrote:
This has been finished for quite a time but I was polishing 
some features.


Very cool, thanks for sharing and congratulations on this 
achievement! Would be curious to learn more about the challenges 
in supporting Mobile, Desktop, and XBox and now the web.

Re: D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting Summary for December 2022

2023-01-21 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 21 January 2023 at 11:25:37 UTC, Sergey wrote:

On Saturday, 21 January 2023 at 04:29:28 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The December meeting took place on the 3rd of the month at 
15:00 UTC. The following people were present:

* Andrei Alexandrescu
* Walter Bright
* Ali Çehreli
* Dennis Korpel
* Mathias Lang
* Átila Neves
* Razvan Nitu
* Mike Parker
* Robert Schadek

Thank you Mike and all D foundation. It was very pleasant read.
I am surprised how many things and details were discussed in an 
hour and a half!

Agreed 100%, these summaries and the transparency into the 
decision making are great!

Re: D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting Summary for November 2022

2023-01-12 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 12 January 2023 at 11:47:26 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I fell behind on my meeting summaries in the run up to DConf 
Online. The December summary will follow in a few days.


Thanks for these reports -- great to have such transparency and 
get updates on the work in progress. Great work everyone!

Re: D Contributor Tutorials Part 1 - Building the Compiler From Source

2023-01-08 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 8 January 2023 at 11:27:14 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Have you ever considered hacking on the D compiler but were 
intimidated by the build process? Dennis Korpel has been 
working on a series of video tutorials aimed at helping 
potential contributors establish a foundation from which to 
start contributing code.


This is fantastic! I like seeing these videos organized into a 
playlist as well -- I think this will be very important to 
bringing new contributors to D!

Re: Poll for D Game Dev

2023-01-03 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 4 January 2023 at 02:54:51 UTC, Hipreme wrote:
Hello D Game Developers. As you guys know, I have been 
developing a cross platform game engine for some years right 
now. I'm close to release version 1.0. If everything goes 
right, I can do it before the Global Game Jam, though I'm still 
studying other related things.

My engine is stable right now (probably won't have a massive 
refactor for quite a time), and I would like to ask some things 
for you guys only to know which priorities to give in my 

1: Would you be interested in participating in a D game jam? 
I'm going to promote those in near future with paid prizes 
(though those are going to require using my engine as its main 
purpose is making it better).

I'm hoping to find some time for the Global Game Jam coming up. 
I'm likely to use D or some combination of D and C-based 

2: Why did you started using D for developing games?

To learn more :)

3: What frameworks, libraries or game engines are you using for 
D? Are you developing your own?

SDL2 (and eventually 3) and OpenGL

3.1: What do you like more about the framework you're using?
3.2: What do you dislike about the framework you're using?

Generally like the platform support with SDL (meaning it runs on 
linux, mac, windows, etc.).

Generally, when developing games I spent a bit of time on the 

4: What the D ecosystem is missing for you to develop your own 

I think D ecosystem is missing iOS support. SDL and OpenGL are 
enough for the time being otherwise (eventually I'll look more at 

5: How much do you care about the game engine being betterC 
compatible? And why?

I haven't done much with betterC yet -- but that is likely 
something that will get attention from game devs.

6: Which kind of game do you plan to develop? 2D or 3D? Which 
platform are you targeting?

Both 2D/3D and targeting Desktop and Android.

7: Are you looking to sell your game or just toying with the D 
language ( not going to make any serious project )? Why?

Right now I'm faculty, but thinking hard about more graphics/game 
dev tools and building serious projects in D.

Re: Ali introduced D at Northeastern University

2022-10-16 Thread Mike Shah via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 11 October 2022 at 18:01:05 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 10/8/22 16:11, Walter Bright wrote:

Just posted it in the "New" section of HackerNews

On the front page at the moment.


Thanks again Ali :)

If there are other folks in the Dlang community who might want to 
give student-centered talks, please feel free to reach out.

Northeastern has a few campuses across the US (Silicon Valley, 
Seattle, etc), Canada (Vancouver), and London -- so in person is 
an option as well.
