Re: Why not allow elementwise operations on tuples?

2023-01-19 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 18 January 2023 at 16:42:00 UTC, JG wrote:
I guess such a method wouldn't be particularly generic since a 
tuple does not need to consist of types that have the same 
operations e.g. Tuple!(int,string) etc

That's where `areCompatibleTuples` function comes in!

Re: Why not allow elementwise operations on tuples?

2023-01-16 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 13 January 2023 at 15:27:26 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 02:22:34PM +, Sergei Nosov via 
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

Hey, everyone!

I was wondering if there's a strong reason behind not 
implementing elementwise operations on tuples?

Say, I've decided to store 2d points in a `Tuple!(int, int)`. 
It would
be convenient to just write `a + b` to yield another 


I've written a Vec type that implements precisely this, using 
tuples behind the scenes as the implementation, and operator 
overloading to allow nice syntax for vector arithmetic.

Yeah, that's clear that such an implementation is rather 
straightforward. Although, I'm a bit confused with your 
implementation - 1. it doesn't seem to use tuples behind the 
scenes despite your claim (it uses static array) 2. `alias impl 
this;` introduces some unexpected interactions (e.g. `~` and 
`toString` are "intercepted" by the array implementation and 
yield "wrong" results).

Anyway, my original question was primarily about reasoning - why 
there's no implementation specifically for `std.Tuple`? If it's a 
"feature, not a bug" - what's the best way to provide an 
implementation on the client side?

Why not allow elementwise operations on tuples?

2023-01-13 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hey, everyone!

I was wondering if there's a strong reason behind not 
implementing elementwise operations on tuples?

Say, I've decided to store 2d points in a `Tuple!(int, int)`. It 
would be convenient to just write `a + b` to yield another 
`Tuple!(int, int)`.

I can resort to using `int []` arrays and write elementwise 
operations as `c[] = a[] + b[]` which is almost fine - but it 
uses dynamic allocation and forces the user to create an explicit 
destination variable.

It seems a bit awkward given that it's fairly straightforward to 
write smth as

T opBinary(string op, T)(T lhs, T rhs)
if (isTuple!T)
T result;

static foreach (i; 0 .. T.Types.length)
mixin("result.field[i] = 


return result;

You only need to turn it into a member function to make it work. 
You can even make it more general and allow such operations for 
different, but compatible tuple types (there's a function 
`areCompatibleTuples` to check for such compatibility). Yet, 
there's only a specialization for tuple concatenation of 
`opBinary` (and an implementation of `opCmp` and `opAssign`).

So, to repeat the question - is this a deliberate decision to not 
implement the default elementwise operation?

Re: Can you simplify nested Indexed types?

2022-12-27 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 27 December 2022 at 16:43:49 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 12/27/22 07:09, Sergei Nosov wrote:
If what you are looking for is a way of defining a variable for 
"any InputRange that produces a specific type (size_t in this 
case)", then there is inputRangeObject, which uses OOP:

I have an additional example here:


Thanks, everyone!

I guess, this answer is the closest to what I was looking for. 
Somehow, I missed the range interfaces (and was considering to 
use `Variant` or smth). It does seem to answer the original 
question, albeit with layer(s) of indirection.

  auto indicies = iota(3);
  RandomAccessFinite!int ai = indexed(a, 

  ai = indexed(ai, iota(2)).inputRangeObject;

Still, my gut feel is that some compile-time solution is possible 
- will, probably, tinker with it for a little more.

Why not use filter(), isn't it important to filter out what's 
in range?

That does something different.

Well, pretty sure this isn't what you meant by "same variable" 
but since it technically does what you want, I decided to share 
it: Basically I'm abusing array and this thing might be pretty 
memory heavy...

Yeah, using arrays is another alternative, but as you mention, it 
uses more memory and makes index evaluation eager (vs lazy).

Re: Can you simplify nested Indexed types?

2022-12-27 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 27 December 2022 at 15:20:24 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
On Tuesday, 27 December 2022 at 15:09:11 UTC, Sergei Nosov 

Consider, I have the following code:

auto a = [3, 6, 2, 1, 5, 4, 0];

auto indicies = iota(3);
auto ai = indexed(a, indicies);
//ai = indexed(ai, iota(2));


I confuse about comment line that I mark...


Not sure I'll be more helpful, but I'll try to add more details.

I have an array and I use `indexed` on it. Conceptually, I now 
have a second array, but it doesn't exist in memory explicitly - 
only a function to map indicies from "second array" to "first 
array" is stored; all the values are stored once - in the "first 

Now, I want to have third array that will do the same trick with 
the second array. The problem is that the second array is not 
really an array (but, conceptually, it is an array with random 
access). If I create a new variable with `auto` as type - 
obviously, it works. But can I use the same variable I used to 
store the "second array"? (In the provided code that doesn't work 
because of the type mismatch).

Re: Apparently there's some dlang action in spacemacs

2016-10-13 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d
On Thursday, 13 October 2016 at 13:32:42 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

Anyone familiar with the editor?

It's basically a sophisticated "config file" for GNU Emacs that 
aims to provide a "modern text editor" experience out-of-the-box 
within Emacs (the vanilla Emacs looks pretty alien to a 

As far as I can tell, the thing is pretty popular within Emacs 
community (my guess is ~10,000 users - based on the "number of 
downloads" jump after one of my packages was included into 
spacemacs). The project is also well-documented and 
well-maintained, communication with maintainers is always a 

Re: AST like coding syntax. Easy upgrade!

2015-09-07 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d

On Monday, 7 September 2015 at 02:50:06 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Sunday, 6 September 2015 at 23:33:17 UTC, Walter Bright 
I'd always thought Javascript was an ideal extension language 
for a text editor.

Well, I don't think *ideal*, but indeed, it wouldn't be bad.

C'mon, kind sirs! Haven't you heard anything about Emacs Lisp? =)

Re: Reggae v0.0.5 super alpha: A build system in D

2015-04-07 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 7 April 2015 at 08:25:02 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
See, the problem with this approach is that you can trivially 
get out of 1GB of memory with DMD even when compiling single 
module, all you need is to do enough compile-time magic. 
Separate compilation here delays the issue but does not 
actually solve it.

Yeah, absolutely agree. But at the moment separate compilation is 
the most forgiving one. Like, if it doesn't work - anything 
else won't work either. And given that personally I don't 
recognize the (possibly) increased compilation time as an issue, 
it's the solution that works for me.

If any effort is to be put into supporting this scenario 
(on-server compilation), it is better to be put in reducing 
actual memory hog of compiler, not supporting another 

Agreed, too. The whole forget about frees approach sounds a 
little too controversial to me. Especially, after I have faced 
the dark side of it. So, I'm all for improving in that regard. 
But it seems like it's not recognized as a (high-priority) issue 
at the moment. So, we (the users) have to live with that.

Also you can still achieve the similar profile by splitting 
your project in small enough static libraries, so it is not 
completely out of question.

As I described, my project was just a couple of files. Building 
vibe.d was the actual problem. I don't think it is feasible to 
expect that a user of a library will start splitting it into 
small enough libraries, when faced with this problem. A more 
structured approach is needed.

Re: Lost a new commercial user this week :(

2014-12-19 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 19 December 2014 at 08:57:56 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
I've debugged a lot of D code with no debugger at all (how else 
could I port it to various platforms like Win64?).

I've actually not found debuggers to be of much use other than 
telling me where the seg fault was and giving a stack trace.

I think the most valuable point Manu made is that there are 
excellent and good programmers. The difference is not so much 
in the actual skills, but in the willing to spend time on 

Excellent programmers spend a great amount of time learning 
things. It takes a huge part of their free time and it really 
takes a lot of passion and diligence. But most of the 
professional programmers are simply good. They code at work and 
that's it. They don't spend any time beyond that on programming 
and, especially, learning new things.

If we're speaking about excellent programmers category, then 
almost everything about D is already good enough for these 
people. You can tell it by a number of truly fascinating D 

And it looks like the guys who work on D are mostly excellent 
programmers, which speak pretty different language compared to 
the good programmers. Probably, this is the main cause of 

In the debugger case, Manu's point is that it's unusable. And 
Walter's implied point is debuggers aren't that useful anyway, 
so why it was a showstopper?.

My personal observation is that excellent programmers share the 
Walter's point on debuggers - they practically don't use it. And 
the uselessness is so obvious, that there's nothing even to talk 
about. At the same time, good programmers use it extensively, 
especially on Windows. It is so useful to them, that there's 
nothing even to talk about!

So, Manu speaks from the good programmer position, and Walter 
speaks from the excellent programmer position, implying if 
you'd become a better programmer, you wouldn't have no problems 
using D.

This implication is mostly true. But it's orthogonal to Manu's 
point - good programmers have troubles using D.

The probable solution to this is to attract some good 
programmers to point out and work on the aforementioned issues - 
site, documentation, tooling, etc. But I'm not sure it's possible 
to do this for D with volunteer efforts.

Re: Lost a new commercial user this week :(

2014-12-19 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d

On Friday, 19 December 2014 at 11:16:41 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/19/2014 2:47 AM, Sergei Nosov wrote:
The probable solution to this is to attract some good 
programmers to point out
and work on the aforementioned issues - site, documentation, 
tooling, etc. But
I'm not sure it's possible to do this for D with volunteer 

Sure it's possible - but the issues have to be specific. Need 
more examples, for example (!), is nice but not helpful to 
anyone trying to improve the documentation. Saying I need an 
example for is an actionable item.

I'm afraid, the answer to this specific question is - Every 
function needs an example. Consider, e.g. or It's hard to find a function 
that doesn't have a usage example.

Granted, the mentioned references are most likely volunteer 
effort (are they?). But it took C++ something like 20 years and a 
wide corporate adoption for that to happen.

I guess, it took less time for other languages, like Python or 
Ruby, but that's, probably, because those languages looked really 
interesting and fun at their times. So they attracted a lot of 
good programmers.

D poses itself as a more serious language (at least it's how it 
looks like). And, probably, nobody will say that it's bad. But, 
as a consequence, it makes it less attractive to good 
programmers. Especially now, when there's lot of successful toy 
languages. D is not flashy enough these days.

Re: Lost a new commercial user this week :(

2014-12-19 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 19 December 2014 at 11:54:42 UTC, ketmar via 
Digitalmars-d wrote:

On Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:47:27 +
Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d 

In the debugger case, Manu's point is that it's unusable. 
And Walter's implied point is debuggers aren't that useful 
anyway, so why it was a showstopper?.

My personal observation is that excellent programmers share 
the Walter's point on debuggers - they practically don't use 
it. And the uselessness is so obvious, that there's nothing 
even to talk about. At the same time, good programmers use 
it extensively, especially on Windows. It is so useful to 
them, that there's nothing even to talk about!

one of the things one can do if he is in corresponding position 
is to
ban debuggers. i found that after month or two people start 

better code with better documentation and control knobs. and
surprisingly faster. debugger is just a kind of bad habit, and 
people faced the fact that they will not be payed for work 

(and why should we?), they either go or becomes more productive.

Exactly. But you also imply something like it would be great if 
every good programmer became excellent, which is not very 

The example is a little abstract, but smoking is also a bad 
habit. However, there's no way you can fight it and win for the 
observable future.

Re: the traits trap

2014-11-20 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d
On Friday, 21 November 2014 at 04:08:52 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
Can anyone figure out a good solution to this problem? I like 
template constraints, but they are just too black-boxy. Would 
we have to signify that some enum is actually a trait and so 
the compiler would know to spit out the junk of compiling? 
Would it make sense to add some __traits function that allows 
one to signify that this is a special trait thing?

This is one area that D's templates are very user-unfriendly.


I would second this. Personally, I have the same not very 
pleasant experience debugging template constraints.

Since more often than not the constraints have the form of:

if (clause1  clause2  clause3 ...)

my naive proposal would be to show which clause was first to be 
false in the error message.

However, I have no idea if this could be implemented easily.

Re: vibe.d 0.7.21 has been released

2014-11-18 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 18 November 2014 at 17:23:48 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Just quickly (finally) announcing the release of the next 
vibe.d version. This one was originally scheduled for start of 
September, but I got extremely busy with no time left for 
tidying everything up.

The list of changes is long with notable improvements to the 
web interface generator, the Redis client and the SSL/TLS 
implementation (including added SNI support). However, the 
improvements are all over the place. It also compiles on the 
latest DMD compiler releases (there have been some breaking 
changes in 2.066).

The full list of changes/fixes can be found at

DUB package:

For some reason, the download link in the top right corner 
suggests a 0.7.20 beta.

Re: D support in Exuberant Ctags 5.8 for Windows

2014-11-11 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d

On Tuesday, 11 November 2014 at 18:44:23 UTC, ANtlord wrote:

Wake up dead topic! :)

On Tuesday, 25 September 2012 at 04:22:13 UTC, p.crimsonsphere 

Hi there.

So, anyway, have you found any live link to download Ctags 5.8
working for D programming language?

I found here
and applied it to

I downloaded compiler for Ctags, I mean, BCC32 and failed to
compile it.

If anyone has a Ctags 5.8 or 5.81 for D language, please~


If it is actually, you can use that

I wanted to suggest this link as well (snosov1 is me).

It is ctags 5.8 with the aforementioned patch applied and few 
other fixes on top.

It's not perfect, but works reasonable.

I didn't use Dscanner for that functionality much, but I expect 
it to have better quality.

Re: Interview with Andrei Alexandrescu on the D Programming Language

2014-10-11 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 11 October 2014 at 09:21:21 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On reddit:

Andrei mentions in this talk, that C++ support is implemented to
the extent, when you can pass std::vector from C++ to D and in
the opposite direction without friction.

Are the any pointers on how I can try it out? Like, is it in git
master? Where can I find a documentation or an article about that?

The corresponding section on the site
( says:

D templates have little in common with C++ templates, and it is 
very unlikely that any sort of reasonable method could be found 
to express C++ templates in a link-compatible way with D.
This means that the C++ STL, and C++ Boost, likely will never 
be accessible from D.

And I assume this is no longer true. So, anywhere I can look for

Re: A Briefer Syntax for Using Concepts

2014-05-07 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d

On Wednesday, 7 May 2014 at 11:57:51 UTC, w0rp wrote:
Here is a question, is it possible for D, or any future 
language, to eventually take something like this...

void foo(InputRange)(InputRange range) 

...and to instead be able to write it like this?

void foo(InputRange range);

Where the latter expands into something like the former, and 
InputRange is not a type. How to declare such a thing in the 
first place doesn't matter that much. There are many ways that 
could be done. I'm just wondering if the above is possible at 

C++ concepts has similar syntax.

templateSortable Cont
void sort(Cont container);

I don't think making InputRange behave as you suggest in void 
foo(InputRange range); is a valid options, since - how do you 
handle the situation when you want to accept 2 InputRanges of 
possibly distinct types?

void foo(InputRange range1, InputRange range2); // how to specify 
that InputRange should be exactly the same type? or possibly 
distinct types?

Re: DIP61: redone to do extern(C++,N) syntax

2014-04-28 Thread Sergei Nosov via Digitalmars-d

On Sunday, 27 April 2014 at 19:54:50 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:


Unlike C++, namespaces in D will be 'closed' meaning that new 
declarations cannot be inserted into a namespace after the 
closing }. C++ Argument Dependent Lookup (aka Koenig Lookup) 
will not be supported.

Do I understand it correctly, that if I have namespace members 
defined in different files, like

// a.cpp
namespace ns { int foo(); }
// b.cpp
namespace ns { int bar(); }

I have the only option to put those in a single D file, like

// c.d
extern (C++, ns) { int foo(); int bar(); }


And the only way it's more flexible than the hypothetical 
extern(C++) module ns; is that you can put several namespaces to 
a single file?