Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-21 Thread Johndavidson9 via Digitalmars-d-announce
I wonder if there is just so much fear of the GC vs people who 
actually tried to use the GC and it failed to suit their needs. 
I've never been afraid of the GC in my projects, and it hasn't 
hurt me at all.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-14 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 14:50:50 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

IMO, 'autonomy' isn't the notion you're looking for.  The word 
I prefer to use is *empowerment*.  A programming language 
should be a toolbox filled with useful tools that you can use 
to solve your problem.  It should not be a straitjacket that 
forces you to conform to what its creators decided is good for 
you (e.g., Java), nor should it be a minefield full of powerful 
but extremely dangerous explosives that you have to be very 
careful not to touch in the wrong way (e.g., C++). It should 
let YOU decide what's the best way to solve a problem -- and 
give you the tools to help you on your way.

Yes, trying to reduce a concept into a word, can be tricky.

Even so, 'autonomy' is the right word I think:

'the capacity of an agent to act in accordance with an objective'.

I've found the D programming language 'empowers' me to be more 
'autonomous' (or at least, to more 'easily' be autonomous. I 
don't feel like D restricts me, before I even begin (like other 
languages often do, or the learning curve associated with their 
syntax does).

So I far less concerned about features, and more interested in 
how a programming language empowers autonomy.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-14 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 18:54:26 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
You might as well say that C is unusable at a high level vs. 
javascript because you need to decide what type of number you 
want, is it int, float, long? OMG SO MANY CHOICES.

Bad choice of example… C is close to unusable at a high level and 
C++ is remarkably unproductive if you only want to do high level 

But yes, the problem with D const isn't that there are many 
choices. The problem is that there is only one over-extended 

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-14 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 1/14/22 1:20 AM, Araq wrote:

Plus with D you cannot really work at the "high level" at all, it is 
full of friction. Is this data const? Or immutable? Is this @safe? 
@system? Should I use @nogc? Are exceptions still a good idea? Should I 
use interfaces or inheritance? Should I use class or struct? Pointers or 
inout? There are many languages where it's much easier to focus on the 
PROBLEM DOMAIN. Esp if the domain is "shell-script substitute".

I realize you have a different horse in the language race, but this 
statement is completely strawman (as countless existing "high level" D 
projects demonstrate)

You might as well say that C is unusable at a high level vs. javascript 
because you need to decide what type of number you want, is it int, 
float, long? OMG SO MANY CHOICES.


Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-14 Thread Vinod K Chandran via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 14:29:54 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

Well explained. :)

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-14 Thread Vinod K Chandran via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 20:41:56 UTC, Walter Bright 

You nailed it. Bravo :)

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-14 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 09:18:23AM +, Paulo Pinto via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 02:13:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > How is using D "losing autonomy"?  Unlike Java, D does not force you
> > to use anything. You can write all-out GC code, you can write @nogc
> > code (slap it on main() and your entire program will be guaranteed
> > to be GC-free -- statically verified by the compiler). You can write
> > functional-style code, and, thanks to metaprogramming, you can even
> > use more obscure paradigms like declarative programming.
> When languages are compared in grammar and semantics alone, you are
> fully correct.
> Except we have this nasty thing called eco-system, where libraries,
> IDE tooling, OS, team mates, books, contractors,  are also part of
> the comparisasion.

That's outside of the domain of the language itself.  I'm not gonna
pretend we don't have ecosystem problems, but that's a social issue, not
a technical one.

Well OK, maybe IDE tooling is a technical issue too... but I write D
just fine in Vim. Unlike Java, using an IDE is not necessary to be
productive in D. You don't have to write aneurysm-inducing amounts of
factory classes and wrapper types just to express the simplest of
abstraction.  I see an IDE for D as something nice to have, not an
absolute essential.

> Naturally C# 10 was only an example among several possible ones, that
> have a flowershing ecosytem and keep getting the features only D could
> brag about when Andrei's book came out 10 years ago.

IMNSHO, D should forget all pretenses of being a stable language, and
continue to evolve as it did 5-10 years ago.  D3 should be a long-term
goal, not a taboo that nobody wants to talk about.  But hey, I'm not the
one making decisions here, and talk is cheap...


Give me some fresh salted fish, please.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-14 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 03:51:17AM +, forkit via Digitalmars-d-announce 
> On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 02:13:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > 
> > How is using D "losing autonomy"?  Unlike Java, D does not force you
> > to use anything. You can write all-out GC code, you can write @nogc
> > code (slap it on main() and your entire program will be guaranteed
> > to be GC-free -- statically verified by the compiler). You can write
> > functional-style code, and, thanks to metaprogramming, you can even
> > use more obscure paradigms like declarative programming.
> > 
> I'm talking about the 'perception of autonomy' - which will differ
> between people. Actual autonomy does not, and cannot, exist.
> I agree, that if a C++ programmer wants the autonomy of chosing
> between GC or not, in their code, then they really don't have that
> autonomy in C++ (well, of course they do actually - but some hoops
> need to be jumped through).

IMO, 'autonomy' isn't the notion you're looking for.  The word I prefer
to use is *empowerment*.  A programming language should be a toolbox
filled with useful tools that you can use to solve your problem.  It
should not be a straitjacket that forces you to conform to what its
creators decided is good for you (e.g., Java), nor should it be a
minefield full of powerful but extremely dangerous explosives that you
have to be very careful not to touch in the wrong way (e.g., C++). It
should let YOU decide what's the best way to solve a problem -- and give
you the tools to help you on your way.

I mean, you *can* write functional-style code in C if you really, really
wanted to -- but you will face a lot of friction and it will be a
constant uphill battle. The result will be a huge unmaintainable mess.
With D, UFCS gets you 90% of the way there, and the syntax is even
pleasant to read.  Functional not your style? No problem, you can do OO
too. Or just plain ole imperative. Or all-out metaprogramming.  Or a
combination of all four -- the language lets you intermingle all of them
in the *same* piece of code.  I've yet to find another language that
actively *encourages* you to mix multiple paradigms together into a
seamless whole.

Furthermore, the language should empower you to do what it does -- for
example, user-defined types ought to be able to do everything built-in
types can.  Built-in stuff shouldn't have "magical properties" that
cannot be duplicated in a user-defined type.  The language shouldn't
hide magical properties behind a bunch of opaque, canned black-box
solutions that you're not allowed to look into.  The fact that D's GC is
written in D, for example, is a powerful example of not hiding things
behind opaque black-boxes. You can, in theory, write your own GC and use
that instead of the default one.

D doesn't completely meet my definition of empowerment, of course, but
it's pretty darned close -- closer than any other language I've used.
That's why I'm sticking with it, in spite of various flaws that I'm not
going to pretend don't exist.

As for why anyone would choose something over another -- who knows. My
own choices and preferences have proven to be very different from the
general population, so I'm not even gonna bother to guess how anyone
else thinks.


English is useful because it is a mess. Since English is a mess, it maps well 
onto the problem space, which is also a mess, which we call reality. Similarly, 
Perl was designed to be a mess, though in the nicest of all possible ways. -- 
Larry Wall

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-14 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 06:20:58AM +, Araq via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 02:13:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > It takes 10x the effort to write a shell-script substitute in C++
> > because at every turn the language works against me -- I can't avoid
> > dealing with memory management issues at every turn -- should I use
> > malloc/free and fix leaks / dangling pointers myself? Should I use
> > std::autoptr? Should I use std::shared_ptr? Write my own refcounted
> > pointer for the 15th time?  Half my APIs would be cluttered with
> > memory management paraphrenalia, and half my mental energy would be
> > spent fiddling with pointers instead of MAKING PROGRESS IN MY
> > 
> > With D, I can work at the high level and solve my problem long
> > before I even finish writing the same code in C++.
> Well C++ ships with unique_ptr and shared_ptr, you don't have to roll
> your own. And you can use them and be assured that the performance
> profile of your program doesn't suddenly collapse when the data/heap
> grows too big as these tools assure independence of the heap size.

That's not entirely accurate. Using unique_ptr or shared_ptr does not
guarantee you won't get a long pause when the last reference to a large
object graph goes out of scope, for example, and a whole bunch of dtors
get called all at once. In code that's complex enough to warrant
shared_ptr, the point at which this happens is likely not predictable
(if it was, you wouldn't have needed to use shared_ptr).

> (What does D's GC assure you? That it won't run if you don't use it?
> That's such a low bar...)

When I'm writing a shell-script substitute, I DON'T WANT TO CARE about
memory management, that's the point. I want the GC to clean up after me,
no questions asked.  I don't want to spend any time thinking about
memory allocation issues.  If I need to manually manage memory, *then* I
manually manage memory and don't use the GC.  D gives me that choice.
C++ forces me to think about memory allocation WHETHER I WANT TO OR NOT.

And unique_ptr/shared_ptr doesn't help in this department, because their
use percolates through all of my APIs. I cannot pass a unique_ptr to an
API that receives only shared_ptr, and vice versa, without jumping
through hoops.  Having a GC lets me completely eliminate memory
management concerns from my APIs, resulting in cleaner APIs and less
time wasted fiddling with memory management.  It's a needless waste of
time.  WHEN performance demands it, THEN I can delve into the dirty
details of how to manually manage memory.  When performance doesn't
really matter, I don't care, and I don't *want* to care.

> Plus with D you cannot really work at the "high level" at all, it is
> full of friction. Is this data const? Or immutable? Is this @safe?
> @system? Should I use @nogc?

When I'm writing a shell-script substitute, I don't care about
const/immutable or @safe/@system.  Let all data be mutable for all I
care, it doesn't matter.  @nogc is a waste of time in shell-script
substitutes.  Just use templates and let the compiler figure out the
attributes for you.

When I'm designing something longer term, *then* I worry about
const/immutable/etc.. And honestly, I hardly ever bother with
const/immutable, because IME they just become needless encumbering past
the first few levels of abstraction.  They preclude useful things like
caching, lazy initialization, etc., and are not worth the effort except
for leaf-node types.  There's nothing wrong with mutable by default in
spite of what academic types tell you.

> Are exceptions still a good idea?

Of course it's a good idea.  Esp in a shell-script substitute, where I
don't want to waste my time worrying about checking error codes and all
of that nonsense. Just let it throw an exception and die when something
fails, that's good enough.

If exceptions ever become a problem, you're doing something wrong. Only
in rare cases do you actually need nothrow -- in hotspots identified by
a profiler where try-blocks actually make a material difference. 90% of
code doesn't need to worry about this.

> Should I use interfaces or inheritance?  Should I use class or struct?

For shell script substitutes?  Don't even bother with OO. Just use
structs and templates with attribute inference, job done.

Honestly, even for most serious programs I wouldn't bother with OO,
unless the problem domain actually maps well onto the OO paradigm. Most
problem domains are better handled with data-only types and external
operations on them.  Only for limited domains OO is actually useful.
Even many polymorphic data models are better handled in other ways than
OO (like ECS for runtime dynamic composition).

> Pointers or inout?

inout is a misfeature. Avoid it like the plague.

As for pointers vs. non-pointers: thanks to type inference and `.`
working for both pointers and non-pointers, most of the time you don't
even need to care.  I've written lots of code 

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-14 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 02:13:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
compiler). You can write functional-style code, and, thanks to 
metaprogramming, you can even use more obscure paradigms like 
declarative programming.

No, you can't. You can do a little bit of weak declarative 
programming in C++ thanks to SFINAE. The D type system does not 
provide a capable solver.

I can theoretically do everything in C++ that I do in D, for 

Only with the GC, and even then that claim is a stretch. Without 
the GC you loose features that C++ has.

In C++, I'm guaranteed that there is no GC -- even when having 
a GC might actually help me achieve what I want.  In order to

You have access to several GCs in the C++ eco system.

that are not compatible with the GC, etc.. Definitely NOT worth 
the effort for one-off shell script replacements. It takes 10x

Never seen a scripting problem that cannot be handled well with 
Python, why would I not use Python for scripting?

When you sacrifice system level programming aspect in order to 
make scripting more convenient, then you loose focus. And people 
who primarily want to do system level programming will not 
respond well to it.

Hardly surprising.

With D, I can work at the high level and solve my problem long 
before I even finish writing the same code in C++.

This is great, but does not solve the other issues.

And when I need to dig under the hood, D doesn't stop me -- 
it's perfectly fine with malloc/free and other such 

Nobody are fine with malloc/free. Even in C++ that is considered 
bad form.

This is why these fanboy-discussions never go anywhere. People 
make up arguments and pretend that they are reality.

Well, it isn't.

Rust and C++ are doing better than D in terms of adoption, and it 
isn't just marketing. It is related to actual design 
considerations and a willingness to adapt to the usage scenario.

Rust has actually focused on runtime-free builds. They pay 
attention to demand. Despite Rust being "high level" and 
"normative" they pay attention to system level usage scenarios 
beyond those of browsers. I think this is why it is easier to 
belive in the future of Rust than many other alternatives. And I 
don't have a preference for Rust, at all.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-14 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 02:13:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 01:19:01AM +, forkit via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote: [...]




How is using D "losing autonomy"?  Unlike Java, D does not 
force you to use anything. You can write all-out GC code, you 
can write @nogc code (slap it on main() and your entire program 
will be guaranteed to be GC-free -- statically verified by the 
compiler). You can write functional-style code, and, thanks to 
metaprogramming, you can even use more obscure paradigms like 
declarative programming.


When languages are compared in grammar and semantics alone, you 
are fully correct.

Except we have this nasty thing called eco-system, where 
libraries, IDE tooling, OS, team mates, books, contractors,  
are also part of the comparisasion.

And in that regard it doesn't matter how great D is against C# 
10, if C# 10 gets me 90% there with a legion of libraries, IDE 
tooling, OS, team mates, books, to help me getting there. 
Using C# version explicitly here, because since C# 7 the language 
has grown multiple features that used to be only on the D's side 
of the comparisasion.

Naturally C# 10 was only an example among several possible ones, 
that have a flowershing ecosytem and keep getting the features 
only D could brag about when Andrei's book came out 10 years ago.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Araq via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 02:13:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
It takes 10x the effort to write a shell-script substitute in 
C++ because at every turn the language works against me -- I 
can't avoid dealing with memory management issues at every turn 
-- should I use malloc/free and fix leaks / dangling pointers 
myself? Should I use std::autoptr? Should I use 
std::shared_ptr? Write my own refcounted pointer for the 15th 
time?  Half my APIs would be cluttered with memory management 
paraphrenalia, and half my mental energy would be spent 
fiddling with pointers instead of MAKING PROGRESS IN MY PROBLEM 

With D, I can work at the high level and solve my problem long 
before I even finish writing the same code in C++.

Well C++ ships with unique_ptr and shared_ptr, you don't have to 
roll your own. And you can use them and be assured that the 
performance profile of your program doesn't suddenly collapse 
when the data/heap grows too big as these tools assure 
independence of the heap size. (What does D's GC assure you? That 
it won't run if you don't use it? That's such a low bar...)

Plus with D you cannot really work at the "high level" at all, it 
is full of friction. Is this data const? Or immutable? Is this 
@safe? @system? Should I use @nogc? Are exceptions still a good 
idea? Should I use interfaces or inheritance? Should I use class 
or struct? Pointers or inout? There are many languages where it's 
much easier to focus on the PROBLEM DOMAIN. Esp if the domain is 
"shell-script substitute".

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 14 January 2022 at 02:13:48 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

How is using D "losing autonomy"?  Unlike Java, D does not 
force you to use anything. You can write all-out GC code, you 
can write @nogc code (slap it on main() and your entire program 
will be guaranteed to be GC-free -- statically verified by the 
compiler). You can write functional-style code, and, thanks to 
metaprogramming, you can even use more obscure paradigms like 
declarative programming.

I'm talking about the 'perception of autonomy' - which will 
differ between people. Actual autonomy does not, and cannot, 

I agree, that if a C++ programmer wants the autonomy of chosing 
between GC or not, in their code, then they really don't have 
that autonomy in C++ (well, of course they do actually - but some 
hoops need to be jumped through).

My point is, that a C#/Java programmer is more likely to be 
attracted to D, because D creates a perception of there being 
more autonomy (than that provided by C#/Java).

I'm not saying it's the only thing people consider. Obviously 
their choice is also reflected by the needs of their problem 
domain, their existing skill set, the skillset of those they work 
with, the tools they need, the extent to which their identity is 
attached to a language or community, etc..etc.

And I'm just talking about probability - that is, people are more 
likely to be attracted to something new, something that could 
benefit them, if it also enhances their perception of autonomy, 
or at least, does not not seek to diminish their existing 
autonomy (e.g a C programmer might well be attracted to betterC, 
for example).

D should really focus more on marketing one of its biggest 
strenghts - increased autonomy (well, the perception of).

Getting back to the subject of this thread, that's why 'I' like D.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 01:19:01AM +, forkit via Digitalmars-d-announce 
> C provides even greater autonomy over both C++ and D. And I'd argue,
> that's why C remains so useful, and so popular (for those problems
> where such a level of autonomy is needed).
> By, 'autonomy', I mean a language provided means, for choosing what
> code can do, and how it does it.
> An aversion to losing that autonomy, I believe, is a very real reason
> as to why larger numbers of C++ programmers do not even consider
> switching to D.

How is using D "losing autonomy"?  Unlike Java, D does not force you to
use anything. You can write all-out GC code, you can write @nogc code
(slap it on main() and your entire program will be guaranteed to be
GC-free -- statically verified by the compiler). You can write
functional-style code, and, thanks to metaprogramming, you can even use
more obscure paradigms like declarative programming.

If anything, D makes it *easier* to have "autonomy", because its
metaprogramming capabilities let you do so without contorting syntax or
writing unmaintainable write-only code.  I can theoretically do
everything in C++ that I do in D, for example, but C++ requires that I
spend 5x the amount of effort to navigate its minefield of language
gotchas (and then 50x the effort to debug the resulting mess), and
afterwards I have to visit the optometrist due to staring at unreadable
syntax for extended periods of time.

In D, I get to choose how low-level I want to go -- if all I need is a
one-off shell script substitute, I can just allocate away and the GC
will worry about cleaning after me.  If I need to squeeze out more
performance, I run the profiler and identify GC hotspots and fix them
(or discover that the GC doesn't even affect performance, and redirect
my efforts elsewhere, where it actually matters more).  If that's not
enough, GC.disable and GC.collect lets me control how the GC behaves.
If that's still not enough, I slap @nogc on my inner loops and pull out

In C++, I'm guaranteed that there is no GC -- even when having a GC
might actually help me achieve what I want.  In order to reap the
benefits of a GC in C++, I have to jump through *tons* of hoops --
install a 3rd party GC, carefully read the docs to avoid doing things
that might break it ('cos it's not language-supported), be excluded from
using 3rd party libraries that are not compatible with the GC, etc..
Definitely NOT worth the effort for one-off shell script replacements.
It takes 10x the effort to write a shell-script substitute in C++
because at every turn the language works against me -- I can't avoid
dealing with memory management issues at every turn -- should I use
malloc/free and fix leaks / dangling pointers myself? Should I use
std::autoptr? Should I use std::shared_ptr? Write my own refcounted
pointer for the 15th time?  Half my APIs would be cluttered with memory
management paraphrenalia, and half my mental energy would be spent
fiddling with pointers instead of MAKING PROGRESS IN MY PROBLEM DOMAIN.

With D, I can work at the high level and solve my problem long before I
even finish writing the same code in C++.  And when I need to dig under
the hood, D doesn't stop me -- it's perfectly fine with malloc/free and
other such alternatives.  Even if I can't use parts of Phobos because of
GC dependence, D gives me the tools to roll my own easily. (It's not as
if I don't already have to do it myself in C++ anyway -- and D is a
nicer language for it; I can generally get it done faster in D.)

Rather than take away "autonomy", D empowers me to choose whether I want
to do things manually or use the premade high-level niceties the
language affords me. (*And* D lets me mix high-level and low-level code
in the same language. I can even drop down to asm{} blocks if that's
what it takes. Now *that's* empowerment.) With C++, I HAVE to do
everything manually. It's actually less choice than D affords me.


People tell me I'm stubborn, but I refuse to accept it!

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 21:32:15 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

Actually, I think *self*-government has very little to do with 

I'm not so sure.

Presumably, C++ provides a programmer with much greater autonomy 
over their code than D?

C provides even greater autonomy over both C++ and D. And I'd 
argue, that's why C remains so useful, and so popular (for those 
problems where such a level of autonomy is needed).

By, 'autonomy', I mean a language provided means, for choosing 
what code can do, and how it does it.

A language that makes you jump through loops to get that 
autonomy, will serve a niche purpose (like Java for example).

An aversion to losing that autonomy, I believe, is a very real 
reason as to why larger numbers of C++ programmers do not even 
consider switching to D.

Of course, even if they did consider D, there are other 
considerations at play as well.

It think this is also why D (in contrast to C++ programmers) 
tends to attract programmers from the C# and Java like world. 
That is, D provides greater autonomy (which should translate to 
greater freedom to innovate and be creative with code).

Of course autonomy is not something that is real.

Only the 'perception of autonomy' can be real ;-)

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 09:32:15PM +, Paul Backus via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 20:48:39 UTC, forkit wrote:
> > Programmers want the right of self-government, over their code.
> Actually, I think *self*-government has very little to do with it.
> So, why do so many programmers reject D? Because there's something
> else they care about more than their own autonomy: other programmers'
> *lack* of autonomy. Or, as it's usually put, "the ecosystem."
> Suppose you've already decided that you don't want to use a GC, and
> you also don't want to write every part of your project from
> scratch--that is, you would like to depend on existing libraries.
> Where would you rather search for those libraries:, or
> Who would you want the authors of those libraries to be:
> self-governing, autonomous programmers, who are free to use GC as much
> or as little as they like; or programmers who have chosen to give up
> that autonomy and limit themselves to *never* using GC?

This reminds me of the Lisp Curse: the language is so powerful that
everyone can easily write their own [GUI toolkit] (insert favorite
example library here).  As a result, everyone invents their own
solution, all solving more-or-less the same problem, but just
differently enough to be incompatible with each other. And since they're
all DIY solutions, they each suffer from a different set of
shortcomings.  As a result, there's a proliferation of [GUI toolkits],
but none of them have a full feature set, most are in various states of
(in)completion, and all are incompatible with each other.

For the newcomer, there's a bewildering abundance of choices, but none
of them really solves his particular use-case (because none of the
preceding authors faced his specific problem).  As a result, his only
choices are to arbitrarily choose one solution and live with its
problems, or reinvent his own solution. (Or give up and go back to Java.

Sounds familiar? :-P


Democracy: The triumph of popularity over principle. -- C.Bond

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 21:32:15 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
As you correctly observe, D is a great language for programmers 
who want autonomy--far better than something like Java, Go, or 
Rust, which impose relatively strict top-down visions of how 
code ought to be written.

I keep seeing people in forum threads claiming that Rust is not a 
system level language, but a high level language (that poses as 
system level).

With the exception of exceptions (pun?) C++ pretty much is an 
add-on language. You can enable stuff you need. The default is 
rather limited. I personally always enable g++-extensions. And 
having to deal with exceptions when using the system library is a 
point of contention. It should have been an add-on for C++ to 
fulfil the system level vision.

C is very much bare bone, but you have different compilers that 
"adds on" things you might need for particular niches. Which of 
course is also why the bit widths are platform dependent. By 
being bare bone C is to a large extent extended by add ons in 
terms of macros and assembly routines for specific platforms.

This modular add-on aspect is essential for system level 
programming as the contexts are very different (hardware, OS, 
usage, correctness requirements etc).

In hardcore system level programming the eco system actually 
isn't all that critical. Platform support is important. Cross 
platform is important. One singular domain specific framework 
might be important. But you will to a large extent end up writing 
your own libraries.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Paul Backus via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 20:48:39 UTC, forkit wrote:
Fear of GC is just a catch-all-phrase that serves no real 
purpose, and provides no real insight into what programmers are 

It's all about autonomy and self-government (on the decision of 
whether to use GC or not, or when to use it, and when not to 
use it.

Programmers want the right of self-government, over their code.

Actually, I think *self*-government has very little to do with it.

As you correctly observe, D is a great language for programmers 
who want autonomy--far better than something like Java, Go, or 
Rust, which impose relatively strict top-down visions of how code 
ought to be written. In D, you can write C-style procedural code, 
Java-style object-oriented code, or (with a bit of effort) even 
ML-style functional code. You can use a GC, or you can avoid it. 
You can take advantage of built-in memory-safety checking, or you 
can ignore it. If what programmers care about is autonomy, it 
seems like D should be the ideal choice.

So, why do so many programmers reject D? Because there's 
something else they care about more than their own autonomy: 
other programmers' *lack* of autonomy. Or, as it's usually put, 
"the ecosystem."

If you go to and download a Rust library, you can be 
almost 100% sure that library will not use GC, because Rust 
doesn't have a GC. If you go to and download a Go 
library, you can be almost 100% sure that library *will* use GC, 
because Go *does* have a GC.

On the other hand, if you go to and download a D 
library...well, who knows? Maybe it'll use the GC, and maybe it 
won't. The only way to tell is to look at that specific library's 
documentation (or its source code).

Suppose you've already decided that you don't want to use a GC, 
and you also don't want to write every part of your project from 
scratch--that is, you would like to depend on existing libraries. 
Where would you rather search for those libraries:, or Who would you want the authors of 
those libraries to be: self-governing, autonomous programmers, 
who are free to use GC as much or as little as they like; or 
programmers who have chosen to give up that autonomy and limit 
themselves to *never* using GC?

If you're working on a project as a solo developer, autonomy is 
great. But if you're working as part of a team, you don't want 
every team member to be fully autonomous--you want some kind of 
guidance and leadership to make sure everyone is moving in the 
same direction.

In a business setting, that leadership comes from your boss. But 
in an open-source community, there is no boss. In open source, 
the only source of leadership and guidance is *the language 
itself*. If you want to make sure other programmers in your 
community--your "team"--all agree to not use a GC, the only way 
you can do that is by choosing a language where GC isn't even an 

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 11:30:40 UTC, zjh wrote:

On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 03:10:14 UTC, zjh wrote:

I'm a `GC phobia`.

"A phobia is an irrational fear of something that's unlikely to 
cause harm."

"A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder defined by a persistent 
and excessive fear of an object or situation."

"A phobia is an excessive and irrational fear reaction."

" phobias .. are maladaptive fear response"

plz... go get some help ;-)

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 10:21:12AM +, Stanislav Blinov via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> Oh there is a psychological barrier for sure. On both sides of the,
> uh, "argument". I've said this before but I can repeat it again: time
> it. 4 milliseconds. That's how long a single GC.collect() takes on my
> machine.  That's a quarter of a frame. And that's a dry run. Doesn't
> matter if you can GC.disable or not, eventually you'll have to
> collect, so you're paying that cost (more, actually, since that's not
> going to be a dry run). If you can afford that - you can befriend the
> GC. If not - GC goes out the window.

?? That was exactly my point. If you can't afford it, you use @nogc.
That's what it's there for!

And no, if you don't GC-allocate, you won't eventually have to collect
'cos there'd be nothing to collect. Nobody says you HAVE to use the GC.
You use it when it fits your case; when it doesn't, you GC.disable or
write @nogc, and manage your own allocations, e.g., with an arena
allocator, etc..

Outside of your game loop you can still use GC allocations freely. You
just collect before entering the main loop, then GC.disable or just
enter @nogc code. You can even use GC memory to pre-allocate your arena
allocator buffers, then run your own allocator on top of that. E.g.,
allocate a 500MB buffer (or however big you need it to be) before the
main loop, then inside the main loop a per-frame arena allocator hands
out pointers into this buffer. At the end of the frame, reset the
pointer. That's a single-instruction collection.  After you exit your
main loop, call GC.collect to collect the buffer itself.

This isn't Java where every allocation must come from the GC. D lets you
work with raw pointers for a reason.

> In other words, it's only acceptable if you have natural pauses
> (loading screens, transitions, etc.) with limited resource consumption
> between them OR if you can afford to e.g. halve your FPS for a while.
> The alternative is to collect every frame, which means sacrificing a
> quarter of runtime. No, thanks.

Nobody says you HAVE to use the GC in your main loop.

> Thing is, "limited resource consumption" means you're preallocating
> anyway, at which point one has to question why use the GC in the first
> place.

You don't have to use the GC. You can malloc your preallocated buffers.
Or GC-allocate them but call GC.disable before entering your main loop.

> The majority of garbage created per frame can be trivially
> allocated from an arena and "deallocated" in one `mov` instruction (or
> a few of them). And things that can't be allocated in an arena, i.e.
> things with destructors - you *can't* reliably delegate to the GC
> anyway - which means your persistent state is more likely to be
> manually managed.

Of course. So don't use the GC for those things. That's all. The GC is
still useful for things outside the main loop, e.g., setup code, loading
resources in between levels, etc..  The good thing about D is that you
*can* make this choice.  It's not like Java where you're forced to use
the GC whether you like it or not.  There's no reason to clamor to
*remove* the GC from D, like some appear to be arguing for.


The only difference between male factor and malefactor is just a little 
emptiness inside.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 16:33:59 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
ARC, tracing GC, whatever, but make your mind otherwise other 
languages that know what they want to be get the spotlight in 
such vendors.

Go has a concurrent collector, so I would assume it is reasonable 
well-behaving in regards to other system components (e.g. does 
not sporadically saturate the data-bus for a long time). Go's 
runtime also appears to be fairly limited, so it does not 
surprise me that people want to use it on micro controllers.

We had some people in these forums who were interested in using D 
for embedded, but they seemed to give up as modifying the runtime 
was more work than it was worth for them. That is at least my 
interpretation of what they stated when they left.

So well, D has not made a point of capturing embedded programmers 
in the past, and there are no plans for a strategic change in 
that regard AFAIK.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 15:44:33 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 10:21:12 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
TLDR: it's pointless to lament on irrelevant trivia. Time it! 
Any counter-arguments from either side are pointless without 

"Time it" isn't really useful for someone starting on a 
project, as it is too late when you have something worth 
measuring. The reason for this is that it gets worse and worse 
as your application grows. Then you end up either giving up on 
the project or going through a very expensive and bug prone 
rewrite. There is no trivial upgrade path for code relying on 
the D GC.

And quite frankly, 4 ms is not a realistic worse case scenario 
for the D GC. You have to wait for all threads to stop on the 
worst possible OS/old-budget-hardware/program state 

It is better to start with a solution that is known to scale 
well if you are writing highly interactive applications. For D 
that could be ARC.

Just leaving this here from a little well known company.

ARC, tracing GC, whatever, but make your mind otherwise other 
languages that know what they want to be get the spotlight in 
such vendors.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 11:57:41 UTC, Araq wrote:
But the time it takes depends on the number of threads it has 
to stop and the amount of live memory of your heap. If it took 
4ms regardless of these factors it wouldn't be bad, but that's 
not how D's GC works...

Sadly fast scanning is still bad, unless you are on an 
architecture where you can scan without touching the caches. If 
you burst through gigabytes of memory then you have a negative 
effect on real time threads that expect lookup tables to be in 
the caches. That means you need more headroom in real time 
threads, so you sacrifice the quality of work done by real time 
threads by saturating the memory data bus.

It would be better to have a concurrent collector that slowly 
crawls or just take the predicable overhead of ARC that is 
distributed fairly even in time (unless you do something silly).

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 10:21:12 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
TLDR: it's pointless to lament on irrelevant trivia. Time it! 
Any counter-arguments from either side are pointless without 

"Time it" isn't really useful for someone starting on a project, 
as it is too late when you have something worth measuring. The 
reason for this is that it gets worse and worse as your 
application grows. Then you end up either giving up on the 
project or going through a very expensive and bug prone rewrite. 
There is no trivial upgrade path for code relying on the D GC.

And quite frankly, 4 ms is not a realistic worse case scenario 
for the D GC. You have to wait for all threads to stop on the 
worst possible OS/old-budget-hardware/program state configuration.

It is better to start with a solution that is known to scale well 
if you are writing highly interactive applications. For D that 
could be ARC.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 10:21:12 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 16:17:02 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:


Oh there is a psychological barrier for sure. On both sides of 
the, uh, "argument". I've said this before but I can repeat it 
again: time it. 4 milliseconds. That's how long a single 
GC.collect() takes on my machine. That's a quarter of a frame. 
And that's a dry run. Doesn't matter if you can GC.disable or 
not, eventually you'll have to collect, so you're paying that 
cost (more, actually, since that's not going to be a dry run). 
If you can afford that - you can befriend the GC. If not - GC 
goes out the window.

In other words, it's only acceptable if you have natural pauses 
(loading screens, transitions, etc.) with limited resource 
consumption between them OR if you can afford to e.g. halve 
your FPS for a while. The alternative is to collect every 
frame, which means sacrificing a quarter of runtime. No, thanks.

Thing is, "limited resource consumption" means you're 
preallocating anyway, at which point one has to question why 
use the GC in the first place. The majority of garbage created 
per frame can be trivially allocated from an arena and 
"deallocated" in one `mov` instruction (or a few of them). And 
things that can't be allocated in an arena, i.e. things with 
destructors - you *can't* reliably delegate to the GC anyway - 
which means your persistent state is more likely to be manually 

TLDR: it's pointless to lament on irrelevant trivia. Time it! 
Any counter-arguments from either side are pointless without 

You collect it when it matters less, like loading a level, some 
of them take so long that people even have written mini-games 
that play during loading scenes, they won't notice a couple of ms 

Hardly any different from having an arena throw away the whole 
set of frame data during loading.

Unless we start talking about DirectStorage and similar.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Paulo Pinto via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 02:37:47 UTC, Walter Bright 
"Why I like D" is on the front page of HackerNews at the moment 
at number 11.

I enjoyed reading the article.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Araq via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 10:21:12 UTC, Stanislav Blinov 
Oh there is a psychological barrier for sure. On both sides of 
the, uh, "argument". I've said this before but I can repeat it 
again: time it. 4 milliseconds. That's how long a single 
GC.collect() takes on my machine. That's a quarter of a frame. 
And that's a dry run. Doesn't matter if you can GC.disable or 
not, eventually you'll have to collect, so you're paying that 
cost (more, actually, since that's not going to be a dry run). 
If you can afford that - you can befriend the GC. If not - GC 
goes out the window.

But the time it takes depends on the number of threads it has to 
stop and the amount of live memory of your heap. If it took 4ms 
regardless of these factors it wouldn't be bad, but that's not 
how D's GC works... And the language design of D isn't all that 
friendly to better GC implementation. That is the real problem 
here, that is why it keeps coming up.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread zjh via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 13 January 2022 at 03:10:14 UTC, zjh wrote:

I'm a `GC phobia`.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-13 Thread Stanislav Blinov via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 16:17:02 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 03:41:03PM +, Adam D Ruppe via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 15:25:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh 

>However it turns out that unless you are writing a computer
>game, a high frequency trading system, a web server

Most computer games and web servers use GC too.


Depends on what kind of games, I guess. If you're writing a 
60fps real-time raytraced 3D FPS running at 2048x1152 
resolution, then *perhaps* you might not want a GC killing your 
framerate every so often.

(But even then, there's always GC.disable and @nogc... so it's 
not as if you *can't* do it in D. It's more a psychological 
barrier triggered by the word "GC" than anything else, IMNSHO.)


Oh there is a psychological barrier for sure. On both sides of 
the, uh, "argument". I've said this before but I can repeat it 
again: time it. 4 milliseconds. That's how long a single 
GC.collect() takes on my machine. That's a quarter of a frame. 
And that's a dry run. Doesn't matter if you can GC.disable or 
not, eventually you'll have to collect, so you're paying that 
cost (more, actually, since that's not going to be a dry run). If 
you can afford that - you can befriend the GC. If not - GC goes 
out the window.

In other words, it's only acceptable if you have natural pauses 
(loading screens, transitions, etc.) with limited resource 
consumption between them OR if you can afford to e.g. halve your 
FPS for a while. The alternative is to collect every frame, which 
means sacrificing a quarter of runtime. No, thanks.

Thing is, "limited resource consumption" means you're 
preallocating anyway, at which point one has to question why use 
the GC in the first place. The majority of garbage created per 
frame can be trivially allocated from an arena and "deallocated" 
in one `mov` instruction (or a few of them). And things that 
can't be allocated in an arena, i.e. things with destructors - 
you *can't* reliably delegate to the GC anyway - which means your 
persistent state is more likely to be manually managed.

TLDR: it's pointless to lament on irrelevant trivia. Time it! Any 
counter-arguments from either side are pointless without that.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread zjh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 02:37:47 UTC, Walter Bright 
"Why I like D" is on the front page of HackerNews at the moment 
at number 11.

version](,and [another one](

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 20:41:56 UTC, Walter Bright 

My experience with people who don't want to use a product I've 
worked on is:

1. they'll give reason X, which is usually something that 
sounds convenient

2. I fix X, they can use it now!
3. they then give reason Y, after thinking about it for a minute

What's happening is neither X nor Y is the real reason. They 
just don't want to tell me the real reason, usually because 
it's an emotional one.

Yes, emotions come into play, but the 'emotion argument' on its 
own explains nothing.

The 'real reason' is that people are by nature, aversive to 

This impacts how people evaluate a choice.

e.g. an aversion to losing an existing skill set...

what you need to do, is argue you're case in a way that produces 
more dopamine neurons to activate ;-)

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 20:48:39 UTC, forkit wrote:
Fear of GC is just a catch-all-phrase that serves no real 
purpose, and provides no real insight into what programmers are 

"Fear of GC" is just a recurring _excuse_ for not fixing the most 
outdated aspects of the language/compiler/runtime.

I have no fear of GC, I've used GC languages since forever, but I 
would never want a GC in the context of system level or real time 
programming. I also don't want to deal with mixing mostly 
incompatible memory management schemes in an application 
dominated by system level programming.

In this context a GC should be something local, e.g. you might 
want to use a GC for a specific graph or scripting language in 
your application.

Do I want a GC/ARC for most of my high level programming? Hell 
yes! But not for system level programming, ever.

(Walter has always positioned D as a system level language and it 
should be judged as such.  Maybe D isn't a system level language, 
but then the vision should be changed accordingly.)

It's all about autonomy and self-government (on the decision of 
whether to use GC or not, or when to use it, and when not to 
use it.

Which essentially is the essence of system level programming. You 
adapt the language usage to the hardware/use context, not the 
other way around.

You shouldn't be glued to nonsensical defaults that you have to 
disable. You should  have access to building blocks that you can 
compose to suit the domain you are working with.

A GC can be one such building block, and in fact, the C++ 
community does provide several GCs as building blocks, but there 
is no force feeding… Which is why C++ is viewed as a hard core 
system level language by everyone and D isn't.

I don't believe people are attracted to D because it has GC. 
There are better languages, and better supported languages, 
with GC.

Or more importantly; low latency GCs and a language designed for 

Also, the idea that 'GC' means you never have to think about 
memory management... is just a ridiculous statement..

I don't have to think much about memory management in Python, 
JavaScript or Go, but I would also never do anything close to 
system level programming in those languages.

You can create very interesting interactive applications in 
JavaScript, but then you:

1. Rely on clever system level programming in a very heavy 
browser runtime.

2. Use an eco system for interactive applications that is 
designed around the specific performance characteristics of the 
javascript runtime.

3. Adapt the application design to the limitations of the browser 

4. Get to use a much better low latency GC.

Point 1, 2 and 3 are not acceptable for a system level language… 
So that is a different situation. And D does not provide 4, so 
again, a different situation.


Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 16:14:54 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

I wonder if there is just so much fear of the GC vs people who 
actually tried to use the GC and it failed to suit their needs. 
I've never been afraid of the GC in my projects, and it hasn't 
hurt me at all.


No. Fear is irrelevant.

Fear of GC is just a catch-all-phrase that serves no real 
purpose, and provides no real insight into what programmers are 

It's all about autonomy and self-government (on the decision of 
whether to use GC or not, or when to use it, and when not to use 

Programmers want the right of self-government, over their code.

This is not politics. It's human psychology.

It is, to a large extent I believe, what attracts people to D.

I don't believe people are attracted to D because it has GC. 
There are better languages, and better supported languages, with 

D should not spend time promoting 'GC', but rather promote how 
programmers can have this autonomy.

Also, the idea that 'GC' means you never have to think about 
memory management... is just a ridiculous statement..

..Every programmer *should* be thinking about memory management.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 1/12/2022 8:14 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
I wonder if there is just so much fear of the GC vs people who actually tried to 
use the GC and it failed to suit their needs. I've never been afraid of the GC 
in my projects, and it hasn't hurt me at all.

My experience with people who don't want to use a product I've worked on is:

1. they'll give reason X, which is usually something that sounds convenient
2. I fix X, they can use it now!
3. they then give reason Y, after thinking about it for a minute

What's happening is neither X nor Y is the real reason. They just don't want to 
tell me the real reason, usually because it's an emotional one.

The GC issue fits all of that.

For example, back in the olden days (the 1980s), as related to me by a friend:

X: The most important thing I want in a C++ compiler is speed! I cannot 
emphasize enough how important that is!
Y: No, that isn't the reason. The most important thing to you in a C++ compiler 
is brand name.

X: (Dumbfounded) Why would you say that?
Y: Because you are using Microsoft C++, which is 4 times slower than Zortech 
X: Oh.

Another one:

Friend: You should write a native Java compiler! It'll take over the world! I 
really want a native Java compiler!

Me: I already wrote one, Symantec's Java compiler. You can get it and use it 
Friend: Oh. [Changes the subject]

Now, consider BetterC, a 90% subset of D, and no GC in sight. It changed 
nobody's mind who didn't use D "because of the GC", because that is not the real 

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 05:42:46PM +, bachmeier via Digitalmars-d-announce 
> On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 16:52:02 UTC, Arjan wrote:
> > I think it stems from experience from long ago when JAVA was HOT and
> > sold as the solution of all world problems, but failed to meet
> > expectations and was dismissed because they found is was the GC what
> > made it fail..

That was my perception of GC too, colored by the bad experiences of Java
from the 90's.  Ironically, Java's GC has since improved to be one of
the top world-class GC implementations, yet the opinions of those who
turned away from Java in the 90's have not caught up with today's

> I don't think they're necessarily wrong. If you don't want to deal
> with GC pauses, it may well be easier to use an approach that doesn't
> have them, in spite of what you have to give up. On the other hand,
> many of them have no idea what they're talking about. Like claims that
> a GC gets in your way if the language has one.

Depends on the language; some may indeed require GC use to write
anything meaningful at all, and some may have the GC running in the
background.  However, D's GC only ever triggers on allocations, and as
of a few releases ago, it doesn't even initialize itself until the first
allocation, meaning that it doesn't even use up *any* resources if you
don't actually use it (except for increasing executable size, if you
want to nitpick on that).  This must be one of the most non-intrusive GC
implementations I've ever seen.  Which makes me *really* incredulous
when the naysayers complain about it.


There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread bachmeier via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 16:52:02 UTC, Arjan wrote:
I wonder if there is just so much fear of the GC vs people who 
actually tried to use the GC and it failed to suit their 
needs. I've never been afraid of the GC in my projects, and it 
hasn't hurt me at all.

I think it stems from experience from long ago when JAVA was 
HOT and sold as the solution of all world problems, but failed 
to meet expectations and was dismissed because they found is 
was the GC what made it fail..

A lot of engineers just repeat the opinion of some guru they 
admire without fact checking.

Although I've seen various serious performance issues with JAVA 
and python software, only once it was related to the GC..

I don't think they're necessarily wrong. If you don't want to 
deal with GC pauses, it may well be easier to use an approach 
that doesn't have them, in spite of what you have to give up. On 
the other hand, many of them have no idea what they're talking 
about. Like claims that a GC gets in your way if the language has 

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread Arjan via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 16:14:54 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 1/12/22 10:41 AM, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 15:25:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh 
However it turns out that unless you are writing a 

game, a high frequency trading system, a web server

Most computer games and web servers use GC too.

idk about hf trading.

I know for sure that one was written in JAVA, using Azul C4 and 
other tech to maximize performance...

Yeah, I had trouble agreeing with that statement too.

Just wait for Paulo Pinto to join the conversation, he will 
happily refer a lot of tech and products using GC which are high 
performant and very successful ;-)

I wonder if there is just so much fear of the GC vs people who 
actually tried to use the GC and it failed to suit their needs. 
I've never been afraid of the GC in my projects, and it hasn't 
hurt me at all.

I think it stems from experience from long ago when JAVA was HOT 
and sold as the solution of all world problems, but failed to 
meet expectations and was dismissed because they found is was the 
GC what made it fail..

A lot of engineers just repeat the opinion of some guru they 
admire without fact checking.

Although I've seen various serious performance issues with JAVA 
and python software, only once it was related to the GC..

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread Elronnd via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 16:17:02 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Depends on what kind of games, I guess. If you're writing a 
60fps real-time raytraced 3D FPS running at 2048x1152 
resolution, then *perhaps* you might not want a GC killing your 
framerate every so often.

Resolution is down to GPU performance, raytracing ditto.  
Realtime GC is a thing (not for d, of course); consistently 
sub-millisecond pause times are achievable.  Given 16ms 
frametimes (you mention 60fps), that seems reasonable.

(But even then, there's always GC.disable and @nogc... so it's 
not as if you *can't* do it in D. It's more a psychological 
barrier triggered by the word "GC" than anything else, IMNSHO.)


Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 11:14:54AM -0500, Steven Schveighoffer via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> Look at Sociomantic -- they still used the GC, just made sure to
> minimize the possibility of collections.
> I wonder if there is just so much fear of the GC vs people who
> actually tried to use the GC and it failed to suit their needs. I've
> never been afraid of the GC in my projects, and it hasn't hurt me at
> all.

Like I said, my suspicion is that it's more of a knee-jerk reaction to
the word "GC" than anything actually founded in reality, like somebody
actually wrote a game in D and discovered the GC is a problem vs
somebody is *thinking* about writing a game in D, then thinks about the
GC, then balks because of the expectation that the GC is going to do
something bad like kill the hypothetical framerate or make the
not-yet-implemented animation jerky.

Those who actually wrote code and found GC performance problems would
have just slapped @nogc on their code or inserted GC.disable at the
beginning of the game loop and called it a day, instead of getting all
knotted up in the forums about why GC is bad in principle.


I'm still trying to find a pun for "punishment"...

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 03:41:03PM +, Adam D Ruppe via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 15:25:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > However it turns out that unless you are writing a computer
> > game, a high frequency trading system, a web server
> Most computer games and web servers use GC too.

Depends on what kind of games, I guess. If you're writing a 60fps
real-time raytraced 3D FPS running at 2048x1152 resolution, then
*perhaps* you might not want a GC killing your framerate every so often.

(But even then, there's always GC.disable and @nogc... so it's not as if
you *can't* do it in D. It's more a psychological barrier triggered by
the word "GC" than anything else, IMNSHO.)


A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. -- P. Erdos

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 1/12/22 10:41 AM, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 15:25:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

However it turns out that unless you are writing a computer
game, a high frequency trading system, a web server

Most computer games and web servers use GC too.

idk about hf trading.

Yeah, I had trouble agreeing with that statement too.

For computer gaming even, GC is not horrific as long as you aren't 
allocating and freeing loads of things every frame. And a web server 
works great I think with GC. vibe-d makes non-stop use of the GC 
(allocating a bunch of class objects for every request).

sub-second latency is also quite possible even with a stop-the-world GC.

Look at Sociomantic -- they still used the GC, just made sure to 
minimize the possibility of collections.

I wonder if there is just so much fear of the GC vs people who actually 
tried to use the GC and it failed to suit their needs. I've never been 
afraid of the GC in my projects, and it hasn't hurt me at all.


Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread Elronnd via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 15:41:03 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

idk about hf trading

Per hearsay, some is c++, some is java, frequently it is 
fpga-assisted.  Certainly, gc is not unheard of in that domain.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread Adam D Ruppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 15:25:37 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

However it turns out that unless you are writing a computer
game, a high frequency trading system, a web server

Most computer games and web servers use GC too.

idk about hf trading.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-12 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tue, Jan 11, 2022 at 06:37:47PM -0800, Walter Bright via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> "Why I like D" is on the front page of HackerNews at the moment at number 11.

Favorite quote:

Some people may not consider the GC a feature, I certainly did
not at the beginning. I came from a hard-core game developer
mindset where you need to know the exact timing for every
operation in your critical path. I lived by quotes like: “the
programmer knows better how to manage memory” and “you cannot
have unexpected pauses for GC collection”.

However it turns out that unless you are writing a computer
game, a high frequency trading system, a web server, or anything
that really cares about sub-second latency, chances are that a
garbage collector is your best friend. It will remove the burden
of having to think about memory management at all and at the
same time guarantee that you won’t have any memory leaks in your

*Flamesuit on.*


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different 

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-11 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 06:27:47 UTC, forkit wrote:

surely this article needs to be balanced, with another article, 
titled 'why I don't like D' ;-) (..but written by someone who 
really knows D).

oh. btw. I'd love to see Walter (or Andrei, or both) write this 
article ;-)

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-11 Thread forkit via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 02:37:47 UTC, Walter Bright 
"Why I like D" is on the front page of HackerNews at the moment 
at number 11.

surely this article needs to be balanced, with another article, 
titled 'why I don't like D' ;-) (..but written by someone who 
really knows D).

IMO... the next generation programming language (that will 
succeed) will be defined by it's tooling, and not just the 

Language complexity increases the demands on tooling.

I remember Scott Meyers.. the last thing D needs.. 2014 talk.

We really need him now.. more than ever ;-)

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-11 Thread surlymoor via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 12 January 2022 at 02:37:47 UTC, Walter Bright 
"Why I like D" is on the front page of HackerNews at the moment 
at number 11.

Nice article, especially this paragraph:

In case you are writing a performance critical piece of 
software, remember you
can turn off the garbage collector! People on forums like to 
bash that in such
case you cannot use many functions from standard library. So 
what? If
performances are essential for your system you are likely 
already writing you own
utility library with highly optimized algorithms and data 
structures for your use

case, so you won’t really miss the standard library much.

Good luck to the boys and girls in the HN comments as the 
dumpster fire is already raging.

Re: Why I Like D

2022-01-11 Thread ag0aep6g via Digitalmars-d-announce

On 12.01.22 03:37, Walter Bright wrote:
"Why I like D" is on the front page of HackerNews at the moment at 
number 11.

Why I Like D

2022-01-11 Thread Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d-announce

"Why I like D" is on the front page of HackerNews at the moment at number 11.