Re: Dub hanging for a long time

2015-02-07 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn
I do not use antivirus. It's floated error. I can't reproduce it. 
But sometime it's appears again.

Re: Issue with template function

2015-02-07 Thread Charles via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 February 2015 at 17:40:31 UTC, ketmar wrote:

On Fri, 06 Feb 2015 17:09:28 +, Charles wrote:


if you'll take a look into druntime sources, you'll find that 
string is
just an alias to `immutable(char)[]`. so you actually doing 


i bet that this is not what you meant. ;-)


Re: Dub hanging for a long time

2015-02-07 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 7/02/2015 8:55 p.m., Suliman wrote:

Several times I encounter problem when DUB is hanging for a long time
It's look like that when I tun DUB from folder of current project it's
do not show me nothing, just move cursor on next line for a long time.

running dub from any other location is fine.
If to wait some times (about 1 minutes) it's begin build project. After
it next running dub from project dir work mediately.

Does anybody encounter such problem?

Try disabling anti-virus ext.
Something seems to be messing up execution.

Dub hanging for a long time

2015-02-07 Thread Suliman via Digitalmars-d-learn
Several times I encounter problem when DUB is hanging for a long 
It's look like that when I tun DUB from folder of current project 
it's do not show me nothing, just move cursor on next line for a 
long time.

running dub from any other location is fine.
If to wait some times (about 1 minutes) it's begin build project. 
After it next running dub from project dir work mediately.

Does anybody encounter such problem?

Using reduce with user types

2015-02-07 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn

I can use filter algorithm with my types easily.

struct A
string value;
int count;

void main(  string[] args )
A[] aArr;
aArr  ~= A(HTTP, 3);
aArr  ~= A(HTTPS, 2);
aArr  ~= A(UNKNOWN_TCP, 4);
aArr.filter!( a = a.count == 2);

But I couldn't compile when I want to use reduce algorithm. I 
simply want to get the sum of count variables inside of A[]. 	

auto sum = aArr.reduce!((a,b) = a.count + b.count);

The line above gives

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (__lambda3(result, 
front(_param_1))) of type int to A
Error: template instance app.main.reduce!((a, b) = a.count + 
b.count).reduce!(A, A[]) error instantiating

source\app.d(363):instantiated from here: reduce!(A[])

How can I achieve summing count variables inside A[]?

Best Regards
Kadir Erdem Demir

Ps: The problem caused by my lack of D basics I admit, the reason 
I can't look up references more  before ask question I am in a 
bit tight schedule. Sorry for my dummy questions.

static alias this

2015-02-07 Thread Mike via Digitalmars-d-learn

Consider this simple example
struct StaticRegister {
static private uint _value;
@property static uint value() { return _value; }
@property static void value(uint v) { _value = v; }

void main(string[] s) {
StaticRegister = 1;
assert(StaticRegister == 1);

This gives two errors for each line in `main` (exactly what I 

  test.d(8): Error: StaticRegister is not an lvalue
  test.d(9): Error: incompatible types for ((StaticRegister) == 

  cannot use '==' with types

However, if I modify the example by adding an `alias this` ...
struct StaticRegister {
static private uint _value;
@property static uint value() { return _value; }
@property static void value(uint v) { _value = v; }

alias value this;

void main(string[] s) {
StaticRegister = 1;
assert(StaticRegister == 1);

... the assignment error is eliminated, but the read is not.

  test.d(11): Error: incompatible types for ((StaticRegister) == 

  cannot use '==' with types

I argue that either both errors should be eliminated, or neither 
should be eliminated.  One could also argue that some variation 
of the following should be required...

   * static alias value this;
   * alias static value this;
   * alias value static this;
  ... to distinguish it from non-static `this`

Now, in the example below, `this` is referring to the type itself 
in a static context

import std.stdio;

struct StaticRegister {
static string GetType() { return typeof(this).stringof; }

void main(string[] s) {

So, it follows that the example below should work... and it does
struct StaticRegister {
static private uint _value = 0;
@property static uint value() { return _value; }
@property static void value(uint v) { _value= v; }

static uint GetValue() {
return this.value;

void main(string[] s) {
assert(StaticRegister.GetValue() == 0);

So, why does `alias this` in a static context (See example B 
above) only half-work?  Bug?  If not, what's the design rationale?


Re: strange work of GC

2015-02-07 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

If a destroy method is used together with GC inside of my 
app,it makes my app unstable.
In this case I need to choose how to destroy my objects: 1) 
always manually by method destroy, but without GC; 2) or always 
automatically by GC, but without using the destroy method.
In the first case I need to know how can I disable the automatic 
GC in my app?
In the second case - how can I disable the destroy method calls 
inside of my app?

Re: Issue with template function

2015-02-07 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 February 2015 at 17:09:29 UTC, Charles wrote:
I'm trying to create a template function that can take in any 
type of array and convert it to a ubyte array. I'm not 
concerned with endianness at the moment, but I ran into a 
roadblock when trying to do this with strings. It already works 
with ints, chars, etc.

Here's the relevant test code:

module byteReader;

public import std.system : Endian;

ubyte[] toBytes(T)(T[] arr)
if (arr == null)
return null;

ubyte[] result = new ubyte[arr.length];

foreach (key, val; arr)
result[key] = cast(ubyte) val;// This is line 16

return result;

string readString(ubyte[] buffer, uint offset, uint length)
assert( buffer.length = offset + length );

char[] chars = new char[length];
foreach(key, val; buffer[offset .. offset + length])
chars[key] = cast(char) val;

return cast(string)chars;


void main() {
import std.stdio;
This is line 39


Here's the output:
byteReader.d(16): Error: cannot cast val of type string to 
type ubyte
byteReader.d(39): Error: template instance 
byteReader.toBytes!string error instantiating

Are you wanting to to convert each element in arr to a byte thus 
truncating and losing data (when T.sizeof != 1)?

as in
toBytes([1,2,3, 42, 500 /*this will be truncated to 244 
*/]);// T  == int here
or are you wanting to convert each element to a ubyte array and 
then concatenate it to the result.

as is
 ubyte[] toBytes(T)(T[] arr)
 ubyte[T.sizeof] buf;
 if (arr is null)
 return null;

 ubyte[] result = new ubyte[arr.length * T.sizeof];

 foreach (i, val; arr)
 buf[] = cast(ubyte[T.sizeof])(arr[i])[0 .. T.sizeof]
 result ~= buf;

 return result;

Re: strange work of GC

2015-02-07 Thread FG via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2015-02-07 at 12:02, Andrey Derzhavin wrote:

If a destroy method is used together with GC inside of my app,it makes my app 
In this case I need to choose how to destroy my objects: 1) always manually by method 
destroy, but without GC; 2) or always automatically by GC, but without using the 
destroy method.
In the first case I need to know how can I disable the automatic GC in my app?
In the second case - how can I disable the destroy method calls inside of my 

Why do you want to use destroy? Put GC.collect() after the call to fn1 and GC 
cleanup will work just fine[1], I've checked. Are you talking about a different 
program now?

[1] Assuming that you compile the program as 64-bit and not 32-bit.

Re: Learning to XML with D

2015-02-07 Thread Arjan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 February 2015 at 09:15:54 UTC, Derix wrote:
So, I set sails to transform a bunch of HTML files with D. 
This, of course, will happen with the std.xml library.

There is this nice example :
that I put to some use already, however some of the basics seem 
to escape me, specially in lines like

xml.onEndTag[author]   = (in Element e) {
   = e.text(); };

OK, we're doing some event-base parsing, reacting with a lambda 
function on encountering so-and-do tag, à la SAX. (are we ?)

What I don't quite grab is the construct (in Element e) , 
especially the *in* part.

Is it *in* as in 
? In which case I fail to see what associative array we're 

It's probably more a way to further qualify the argument e were 
passing to the  λ-function : could someone elaborate on that ?

Of course, it is entirely possible that I completely miss the 
point and that I'm overlooking some fundamentals, if so have 
mercy and help me find my way back to teh righteous path ;-)


Maybe, when you're on windows, you could use msxml6 through COM.
You have DOM, SAX, Xpath 1.0 and XSLT at your disposal.

Re: Using reduce with user types

2015-02-07 Thread Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 8/02/2015 1:47 a.m., Kadir Erdem Demir wrote:

I can use filter algorithm with my types easily.

struct A
 string value;
 int count;

void main(  string[] args )
 A[] aArr;
 aArr  ~= A(HTTP, 3);
 aArr  ~= A(HTTPS, 2);
 aArr  ~= A(UNKNOWN_TCP, 4);
 aArr.filter!( a = a.count == 2);

But I couldn't compile when I want to use reduce algorithm. I simply
want to get the sum of count variables inside of A[].

 auto sum = aArr.reduce!((a,b) = a.count + b.count);

The line above gives

C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\algorithm.d(770): Error:
cannot implicitly convert expression (__lambda3(result,
front(_param_1))) of type int to A
C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\algorithm.d(791): Error:
template instance app.main.reduce!((a, b) = a.count +
b.count).reduce!(A, A[]) error instantiating
source\app.d(363):instantiated from here: reduce!(A[])

How can I achieve summing count variables inside A[]?

Best Regards
Kadir Erdem Demir

Ps: The problem caused by my lack of D basics I admit, the reason I
can't look up references more  before ask question I am in a bit tight
schedule. Sorry for my dummy questions.

auto sum =!`a.count`.reduce!((a,b) = a + b);

Not much difference.
I tried sum instead of reduce, but it didn't work. Wouldn't matter much 
as it is the same thing pretty much anyway.

Re: Using reduce with user types

2015-02-07 Thread FG via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2015-02-07 at 13:47, Kadir Erdem Demir wrote:

 auto sum = aArr.reduce!((a,b) = a.count + b.count);

The line above gives

C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\algorithm.d(770): Error: cannot 
implicitly convert expression (__lambda3(result, front(_param_1))) of type int 
to A
C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\algorithm.d(791): Error: template 
instance app.main.reduce!((a, b) = a.count + b.count).reduce!(A, A[]) error 
source\app.d(363):instantiated from here: reduce!(A[])

// auto sum = aArr.reduce!((a,b) = a.count + b.count); // Wrong

auto sum = reduce!((a, b) = a + b.count)(0, aArr); // Good

See here:

Re: static alias this

2015-02-07 Thread jkpl via Digitalmars-d-learn

Another try

struct StaticRegister {
static private uint _value;
@property static uint value() { return _value; }
@property static void value(uint v) { _value = v; }
static uint opCall(){return _value;}
alias _value this;

void main(string[] s) {
StaticRegister = 1;

Yes you're right, it's a bit strange that the writer works...does 
the expression 'static this' make sense ?!

Re: Using reduce with user types

2015-02-07 Thread Kadir Erdem Demir via Digitalmars-d-learn

auto sum =!`a.count`.reduce!((a,b) = a + b);

Rikki Thanks a lot. It works.

Function map!a.count(aArr) surprises me a little.
Because when I read std.algorithm reference: `Implements the 
homonym function (also known as transform)`.

Which reminds me C++ transform and it will never used for 
returning a element of the struct.  I expect transform to modify 
the elements of the range but in D it seem to me it also used 
traversing the elements.

How can I imagine what map does in my mind, because it doesn't 
matches with the transform concept in my mind?

Kadir Erdem

internal compiler error with immutable

2015-02-07 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn


I'm trying to use immutable class instances and that seems to be 
really difficult.

For example, with the following program I get an internal 
compiler error:

import std.outbuffer : OutBuffer;
import std.typecons : Rebindable;

enum Attrkey : ubyte {

alias Codes = Rebindable!(Attrs)[MAX_COMPRESSED_ATTRS];
static shared Codes codes;
private class Attrsp {
immutable(Attrsp) next;
Attrkey key;
ubyte value;
private this(Attrkey key, ubyte value, immutable(Attrsp) next) { = next;
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
// FIXME allow comparing the entire chain for equality.
	private immutable void print(OutBuffer destination /* 
destination */) {

destination.write(cast(ubyte) key); // FIXME .toString()
destination.write(, );
destination.write(, \n);
if( is null)
override immutable string toString() {
auto destination = new OutBuffer();
return destination.toString();
// TODO add newless static opCall which also does compression?
	/*doesn't work static immutable immutable(Attrsp) opCall(Attrkey 
key, ubyte value, immutable(Attrsp) next) {

return new immutable Attrsp(key, value, next);
alias Code = ubyte;
/* Compresses the given attributes into 1 Byte, if possible.
   Returns MAX_COMPRESSED if it's not possible. */
	static Code compress(immutable(Attrs) node) { // FIXME make 
thread safe

ubyte i;
for(i = 0U; i  MAX_COMPRESSED_ATTRS; ++i) {
if(codes[i] is null) {
codes[i] = node;
return i;
} else if(codes[i] == node)
return i;
return i; // tell that it didn't work.
static immutable(Attrs) uncompress(Code value) {
assert(value = 0U  value  MAX_COMPRESSED_ATTRS);
return codes[value];
alias Attrs = immutable(Attrsp);
gdc A.d
cc1d: ../../src/gcc/d/dfrontend/statement.c:293: 
ErrorStatement::ErrorStatement(): Assertion `global.gaggedErrors 
|| global.errors' failed.

cc1d: internal compiler error: Aborted
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
See file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.9/README.Bugs for instructions.
gdc (Debian 4.9.1-19) 4.9.1

What I'm trying to do is save space by putting often-used Attrs 
into an array and just compressing references to those into 1 
Byte in the other data structures where it's used (these other 
data structures are not thread-local). Why do I need Rebindable 
to begin with? I'm not even trying to modify the contents of the 
instance, I'm just trying to assign another one to the array slot 
(actually not even another one - it was null before).

Re: signal handling

2015-02-07 Thread rlonstein via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 6 February 2015 at 19:40:44 UTC, Danny wrote:


if I want to clean up inside a signal handler and then exit the 
process (as it would have without me handling it), what do I do?

Can I exit() inside a signal handler or should I use a more 
direct quit now function? (after all, it could have been in 
the middle of relinking the free list when the signal arrived)

I'm using a basic C-style sigaction with core.sys.posix.signal 
and calling std.c.stdlib:exit. For context, I'm performing serial 
communication with an actual device so the signal may come when 
my code is blocked in an vendor API call or on an underlying 
syscall. I have very little state so I'm doing equally little 
beside freeing extern handles. Setting a global flag and testing 
it didn't really prove adequate and littered the checks 
everywhere so I'm thinking now of leveraging std.signals but I'm 
not sure that will be reliable.

Re: signal handling

2015-02-07 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi rlonstein,

I've now read up on the opengroup pages about signal handling 
(which references POSIX), and apparently it goes like this:

A signal can be delivered to a specific thread or to a process. 
If it's delivered to a process, a random thread of that process 
will receive it. If it's delivered to a thread, that thread will 
receive it. sigaction() thus seems to be required per-thread. The 
handler of a random thread will usually be called.

I've now settled on:
- per thread, register signal handler using sigaction with a mask 
that blocks all the cleanup signals while the handler is running. 
Remember the old handler in TLS variable.
- in the signal handler, clean up (just use the write syscall to 
make it sane), then use sigaction to reinstall the old signal 
handler, and then call raise().

Seems to work fine so far. Not sure whether it's safe to raise() 
inside a signal handler. Calling raise() without reinstalling the 
old signal handler is a very bad idea, I tried. Interesting is 
that, after reinstalling the old signal handler, I can raise() 
inside the signal handler even though it's blocked. It probably 
gets queued in the kernel for the thread. Then the handler 
returns and it processes the queue, calling the old handler. So 
win win?

bottom. Note that I don't distinguish between whether I'm in the 
correct thread or not since for my use case it's not necessary. 
The FD is always the same and who cares who resets the terminal...

I have very little state so I'm doing
equally little beside freeing extern handles.

Yeah, same for me, really.

Setting a global flag and testing it didn't really prove 
adequate and littered the checks everywhere

Yeah,I don't think that EINTR and flag-checking is even safe. 
What if you check the flag (and see nothing happened) and then go 
back to the loop and block (in read() or whatever), and right 
after the flag checking, unbeknowst to you the signal handler 
sets the flag, returns, and only then you block in read()? You'd 
block forever.

Do you know signalfd() ?

I know how it is with external libaries, they always block at the 
silliest of times. But I've had one (OKAPI) which gave me the FD 
back, so I could select() on a bunch FDs in my mainloop. In that 
case, signalfd() was nice since it showed up as a normal read 
ready in select(), i.e. as a normal event source. Might be 
worth a try in your case?

Like this, in pseudo-code:

while (!error) {
   auto readyfd = select([signalfd, externalfd]);
   if (readyfd == signalfd)
  ... signal (would have) happened, handle it
   else if (readyfd == externalfd)
   else ...

so I'm thinking now of leveraging std.signals but I'm not sure 
that will be reliable.

Hmm, I don't know that one yet.

Re: internal compiler error with immutable

2015-02-07 Thread Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn


I've filed it with before reading your reply. Will 
it be forwarded to or should I file it there as 

Also, it seems there's a new DMD release underway right now, does 
it still happen with that? (I tried but can't get it to build - 
doesn't seem to support ARMHF target)

Fun with floating point

2015-02-07 Thread Kenny via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hi, D community!

I have this program:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

int main(string[] argv)
  float eps = 1.0f;
  float f = 0.0f;
  while (f + eps != f)
  f += 1.0f;

  writeln(eps =  ~ to!string(eps) ~ , max_f =  ~
  return 0;

According to the languge specification what result would you
expect from its execution?

When running similar C++ program (VS 2013) the loop terminates
and I get t = 2^24 = 16777216.

Does D language specifies that loop will be terminated for this
program or  ?

I compiled with DMD and it hungs.
Details about assembly generated by DMD can be found here:


Re: Fun with floating point

2015-02-07 Thread Kenny via Digitalmars-d-learn

And sory for the typos, cannot find edit functionality here..

Re: Using reduce with user types

2015-02-07 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 13:38:00 UTC, Kadir Erdem Demir 
How can I imagine what map does in my mind, because it 
doesn't matches with the transform concept in my mind?

You can think of map as taking a range of something (in this 
case, an array of A), and calling a user-supplied function on 
each element in that range. The user-supplied function is a 
function that describes how to map each value in the range to a 
result. In your case, the function defines how to map from an A 
to its `count` member variable (it is a function of type A-int).

All!`a.count` means is that for each A in aArr, return 
its `count` member. map!`a.count` is some syntax sugar D has to 
make function calls shorter; It expands to the following:!((A a) {
return a.count;

The main difference between `map` in D and `transform` in C++ is, 
I believe, twofold. First off, `transform` is eager, meaning it 
does as much work as possible as son as possible. On the other 
hand, `map` does as little work as possible as late as possible. 
For the following code:

iota(10).map!(n = writeln(n)).take(5).array

Only 0 1 2 3 4 will be printed, as map is lazy and will not do 
work it doesn't have to.

Second of all, map returns a range that is the result of applying 
the supplied function to each element of aArr. C++'s tranform 
copies the result to another user-supplied range. If you wanted 
the equivalent of transform in C++, you could do this:

auto result = new int[](10);
iota(10).map!(n = n + 1).copy(result)

And result will be filled with the results of map.

Re: internal compiler error with immutable

2015-02-07 Thread H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sat, Feb 07, 2015 at 02:35:13PM +, Danny via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
 gdc A.d
 cc1d: ../../src/gcc/d/dfrontend/statement.c:293:
 ErrorStatement::ErrorStatement(): Assertion `global.gaggedErrors ||
 global.errors' failed.
 cc1d: internal compiler error: Aborted
 Please submit a full bug report,
 with preprocessed source if appropriate.
 See file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.9/README.Bugs for instructions.
 gdc (Debian 4.9.1-19) 4.9.1

Please file a bug at Compiler internal errors
are *always* bugs that need to be fixed. Thanks!


English is useful because it is a mess. Since English is a mess, it maps well 
onto the problem space, which is also a mess, which we call reality. Similarly, 
Perl was designed to be a mess, though in the nicest of all possible ways. -- 
Larry Wall

Re: strange work of GC

2015-02-07 Thread Andrey Derzhavin via Digitalmars-d-learn

Why do you want to use destroy?
The destroy method always calls a dtor of the objects, where I 
can destroy some
object's variables in that order that I need, I think. And this 
is very good for me, because I have a full control of the 
object's destroying stage.
But if I use the GC, I have no garanties that the dtors will be 
called, therefore some of my methods will not be called too. In 
this case
it would be better to disable automatically garbage collection in 
my D app, elsewise once app will be failed (manual destroying 

On another hand if I use only GC (automatically destroying 
idiom), I have to disable destroy method and all dtors of the 
so that nobody can call destroy method. Otherwise app will be 
failed once again.

Two idioms are existing in one app at the same time have more 
possiblities for D programmers to make hard errors in their code,

and it is confusing me sometimes.

For example, .Net (C#) have no dtors and destroy methods. It is 
a very good idiom, because no confusions occur.

Re: Issue with template function

2015-02-07 Thread Charles via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 12:04:12 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 
Are you wanting to to convert each element in arr to a byte 
thus truncating and losing data (when T.sizeof != 1)?

as in
toBytes([1,2,3, 42, 500 /*this will be truncated to 244 
*/]);// T  == int here
or are you wanting to convert each element to a ubyte array and 
then concatenate it to the result.

as is
 ubyte[] toBytes(T)(T[] arr)
 ubyte[T.sizeof] buf;
 if (arr is null)
 return null;

 ubyte[] result = new ubyte[arr.length * T.sizeof];

 foreach (i, val; arr)
 buf[] = cast(ubyte[T.sizeof])(arr[i])[0 .. 

 result ~= buf;

 return result;

The original code I was using was written in Java, and only had a 
method for strings. This is closer to what I wanted. My unit 
tests were just going back and forth with readString function, so 
I was completely missing this for other types. Nice catch!

There were a couple issues with your code so I've included the 
corrected version:

ubyte[] toUbytes(T)(T[] arr)
if (arr is null)
return null;

ubyte[T.sizeof] buffer;
ubyte[] result = new ubyte[arr.length * T.sizeof];

foreach (i, val; arr)
buffer[] = cast(ubyte[T.sizeof])((arr[i]))[0 .. 
T.sizeof]; // Parenthesis and missing semicolon
result[i * T.sizeof .. (i * T.sizeof) + T.sizeof] = 
buffer; // Specify appropriate slice for buffer to be inserted 


return result;

Re: Better native D 2D graphics library?

2015-02-07 Thread Gan via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 23:29:01 UTC, Namespace wrote:

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 22:09:03 UTC, Gan wrote:

Is there a better D graphics library in the works?

I'm using SFML(which is very easy and has lots of features) 
but it seems to use a lot of ram(if you leave it running for a 
while on a graphic intensive scene) and trying to make it 
include the dependencies with the compiled executable is 

Is there a D 2D graphics library that's just as easy, cross 
platform, doesn't use X11, allows drawing to off-screen 
buffers and drawing those to screen? (plus supports nice 
drawing of shapes, circles, rectangles, lines)

I'm probably asking too much- I doubt such a thing exists.

I once wrote such a library:
But since I left D I don't maintain it. Maybe that will change 
in the next few weeks. But otherwise you are free to use or 
improve it.

That's really cool. Very very similar to SFML.

Only thing that makes me concerned is:
static immutable string Disk = D;
static immutable string Mode = Release;

pragma(lib, Disk ~ 
pragma(lib, Disk ~ 
pragma(lib, Disk ~ 

pragma(lib, Disk ~ :\\D\\dmd2\\src\\ext\\Dgame\\lib\\ ~ Mode ~ 
pragma(lib, Disk ~ :\\D\\dmd2\\src\\ext\\Dgame\\lib\\ ~ Mode ~ 
pragma(lib, Disk ~ :\\D\\dmd2\\src\\ext\\Dgame\\lib\\ ~ Mode ~ 
pragma(lib, Disk ~ :\\D\\dmd2\\src\\ext\\Dgame\\lib\\ ~ Mode ~ 
pragma(lib, Disk ~ :\\D\\dmd2\\src\\ext\\Dgame\\lib\\ ~ Mode ~ 
pragma(lib, Disk ~ :\\D\\dmd2\\src\\ext\\Dgame\\lib\\ ~ Mode ~ 

I'm not entirely sure what that is or if it's cross-compatible 
friendly or sharing-with-friends friendly.

Though I really hope you re-maintain it.

Re: Fun with floating point

2015-02-07 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 21:33:51 UTC, Kenny wrote:
The above code snippet works correctly when I use LDC compiler 
(it finds expected 'f' value and prints it to console). I'm 
wondering is it a bug in DMD?

p.s. the final code used by both compilers:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

int main(string[] argv)
const float eps = 1.0f;
float f = 0.0f;
while (f + eps != f)
f += 1.0f;

writeln(eps = , eps, , max_f = , f);
return 0;

Intermediate calculations may be performed at higher precision 
than the precision of the values themselves. In particular, the f 
+ eps may be performed with 80 bits of precision, even though 
both values are 32-bit. The comparison will then fail.

The reason for the difference between DMD and LDC is that DMD 
tends to use the FPU more with 80 bits of precision, whereas LDC 
and GDC will use the SSE2 instructions, which only support 32-bit 
and 64-bit precision.

Re: Fun with floating point

2015-02-07 Thread Peter Alexander via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 23:06:15 UTC, anonymous wrote:

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 22:46:56 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

1.0 is famously not representable exactly.

1.0 is representable exactly, though.

I think he meant 0.1 :-)

Re: Better native D 2D graphics library?

2015-02-07 Thread Namespace via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 22:09:03 UTC, Gan wrote:

Is there a better D graphics library in the works?

I'm using SFML(which is very easy and has lots of features) but 
it seems to use a lot of ram(if you leave it running for a 
while on a graphic intensive scene) and trying to make it 
include the dependencies with the compiled executable is 

Is there a D 2D graphics library that's just as easy, cross 
platform, doesn't use X11, allows drawing to off-screen buffers 
and drawing those to screen? (plus supports nice drawing of 
shapes, circles, rectangles, lines)

I'm probably asking too much- I doubt such a thing exists.

I once wrote such a library:
But since I left D I don't maintain it. Maybe that will change in 
the next few weeks. But otherwise you are free to use or improve 

Re: Fun with floating point

2015-02-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 02/07/2015 01:33 PM, Kenny wrote:

The above code snippet works correctly when I use LDC compiler (it finds
expected 'f' value and prints it to console). I'm wondering is it a bug
in DMD?

p.s. the final code used by both compilers:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

int main(string[] argv)
 const float eps = 1.0f;
 float f = 0.0f;
 while (f + eps != f)
 f += 1.0f;

 writeln(eps = , eps, , max_f = , f);
 return 0;

OK, ignore some of my earlier response. :)

The code above works with dmd git head 64-bit compilation and prints the 

eps = 1, max_f = 1.67772e+07

You can use the %a format specifier when debugging this issue. It allows 
you see the bits of the floating point value:

  writefln(eps: %a, 0.1);

double 0.1 on my system:

eps: 0x1.ap-4


Re: Problem with simple Formatted Input example.

2015-02-07 Thread Venkat Akkineni via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 8 February 2015 at 00:47:46 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 02/07/2015 04:42 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

readf(%s\n, firstName);

 I see that readf reads the first line of entry *after* I press
 two Enters on the console.

OK, that is related to the '\n' character that you have in the 
format string. Also, repeating the space characters has no 
effect as a single space means zero or more white space 


Thankyou, I think it was encoded to be some other character 
instead of a space. Once I removed the space and re-added it to 
the string, things seem to work.

I am reading your book. It is a great book for newbies. Thanks a 
lot for the effort.

Re: Fun with floating point

2015-02-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn
To answer your other question, there is no Edit because this is a 
newsgroup (see NNTP). The forum interface is supposed to be a 
convenience but it hides that fact.

On 02/07/2015 01:33 PM, Kenny wrote:

 The above code snippet works correctly

There is no right or wrong when you compare floating point values for 
equality (and inequality) unless those values can be represented exactly 
in the machine. 1.0 is famously not representable exactly. (It is 
similar to how 1/3 cannot be represented in the decimal system.)

 when I use LDC compiler (it finds
 expected 'f' value and prints it to console). I'm wondering is it a bug
 in DMD?

Not a bug.


 p.s. the final code used by both compilers:

 import std.stdio;
 import std.conv;

 int main(string[] argv)
  const float eps = 1.0f;
  float f = 0.0f;
  while (f + eps != f)
  f += 1.0f;

  writeln(eps = , eps, , max_f = , f);
  return 0;

Re: Fun with floating point

2015-02-07 Thread Meta via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 16:06:14 UTC, Kenny wrote:

Hi, D community!

I have this program:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

int main(string[] argv)
  float eps = 1.0f;
  float f = 0.0f;
  while (f + eps != f)
  f += 1.0f;

  writeln(eps =  ~ to!string(eps) ~ , max_f =  ~
  return 0;

According to the languge specification what result would you
expect from its execution?

When running similar C++ program (VS 2013) the loop terminates
and I get t = 2^24 = 16777216.

Does D language specifies that loop will be terminated for this
program or  ?

I compiled with DMD and it hungs.
Details about assembly generated by DMD can be found here:


A point of advice that Walter gives for situations like these is 
to ensure that your algorithm has a minimum required precision to 
work correctly but not a maximum. As Peter Alexander mentioned, 
DMD performs intermediate calculations at higher precision than 
GDC/LDC and thus your algorithm breaks.

Re: How to write asia characters on console?

2015-02-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 02/07/2015 09:57 PM, Lave Zhang wrote:


My first D program is like this:
import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
   dstring s1 = hello你好d;
But the output is not correct(and my console codepage is 936):

C:\D\dmd2\samples\ddmd hello.d -offilename hello.exe


This thread may be useful:


Better native D 2D graphics library?

2015-02-07 Thread Gan via Digitalmars-d-learn

Is there a better D graphics library in the works?

I'm using SFML(which is very easy and has lots of features) but 
it seems to use a lot of ram(if you leave it running for a while 
on a graphic intensive scene) and trying to make it include the 
dependencies with the compiled executable is complicated.

Is there a D 2D graphics library that's just as easy, cross 
platform, doesn't use X11, allows drawing to off-screen buffers 
and drawing those to screen? (plus supports nice drawing of 
shapes, circles, rectangles, lines)

I'm probably asking too much- I doubt such a thing exists.

Re: Fun with floating point

2015-02-07 Thread anonymous via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 22:46:56 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

1.0 is famously not representable exactly.

1.0 is representable exactly, though.

Re: strange work of GC

2015-02-07 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2/8/2015 4:32 AM, Andrey Derzhavin wrote:

Why do you want to use destroy?

The destroy method always calls a dtor of the objects, where I can
destroy some
object's variables in that order that I need, I think. And this is very
good for me, because I have a full control of the object's destroying
But if I use the GC, I have no garanties that the dtors will be called,
therefore some of my methods will not be called too. In this case
it would be better to disable automatically garbage collection in my D
app, elsewise once app will be failed (manual destroying idiom).

On another hand if I use only GC (automatically destroying idiom), I
have to disable destroy method and all dtors of the objects,
so that nobody can call destroy method. Otherwise app will be failed
once again.

Two idioms are existing in one app at the same time have more
possiblities for D programmers to make hard errors in their code,
and it is confusing me sometimes.

For example, .Net (C#) have no dtors and destroy methods. It is a very
good idiom, because no confusions occur.

You shouldn't think of destructors as they are in C++. They're more akin 
to finalizers in Java and C#. You should never use them to clean up any 
GC memory or implement any operations which touch GC memory.

In your case, forget destructors and the destroy method. Just implement 
a common method on all of your objects that need cleanup (perhaps name 
it 'terminate') and call that. This gives you the deterministic 
destruction that you want (the same as calling destroy on each object) 
while avoiding the possibility that the GC can call your cleanup method.

Re: static alias this

2015-02-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 02/07/2015 04:46 AM, Mike wrote:

 struct StaticRegister {
  static private uint _value;
  @property static uint value() { return _value; }
  @property static void value(uint v) { _value = v; }

  alias value this;

 void main(string[] s) {
  StaticRegister = 1;
  assert(StaticRegister == 1);

 ... the assignment error is eliminated, but the read is not.

I bet it's an unintentional implementation artifact. Assigning to a type 
doesn't make sense to me.

 I argue that either both errors should be eliminated, or neither should
 be eliminated.

It is not hard to create strange D code. I recommend the following 
lightning talk for fun. :) Brian Schott at DConf 2014:

 Now, in the example below, `this` is referring to the type itself in a
 static context

Not exactly type itself because you apply typeof() to it later below. 
I this 'this' means the type of the object if it were not a static 
function. :/

 import std.stdio;

 struct StaticRegister {
  static string GetType() { return typeof(this).stringof; }

 void main(string[] s) {

 So, it follows that the example below should work... and it does
 struct StaticRegister {
  static private uint _value = 0;
  @property static uint value() { return _value; }
  @property static void value(uint v) { _value= v; }

  static uint GetValue() {
  return this.value;

That works by accident. I am surprised that 'this' works in a static 
function. In any case, it should better be null.

Ok, it's good that 'this' is not available:

assert(this is null);

Error: 'this' is only defined in non-static member functions, not foo

Phew... :) So, 'this.value' works by accident because the compiler 
reaches for *static* value() without evaluating 'this'.


Re: Issue with template function

2015-02-07 Thread Nicholas Wilson via Digitalmars-d-learn

The original code I was using was written in Java, and only had 
a method for strings. This is closer to what I wanted. My unit 
tests were just going back and forth with readString function, 
so I was completely missing this for other types. Nice catch!

There were a couple issues with your code so I've included the 
corrected version:

That's what I get for replying at 11pm =p

ubyte[] toUbytes(T)(T[] arr)
if (arr is null)
return null;

ubyte[T.sizeof] buffer;
ubyte[] result = new ubyte[arr.length * T.sizeof];

foreach (i, val; arr)
buffer[] = cast(ubyte[T.sizeof])((arr[i]))[0 .. 
T.sizeof]; // Parenthesis and missing semicolon
result[i * T.sizeof .. (i * T.sizeof) + T.sizeof] = 
buffer; // Specify appropriate slice for buffer to be inserted 


return result;

 thinking about it again this can be done in a single memcpy

 ubyte[] toUbytes(T)(T[] arr)
 if (arr is null)
 return null;

 ubyte[] result = new ubyte[arr.length * T.sizeof];

memcpy(result.ptr, arr.ptr , arr.length * T.sizeof);
return result;

and an asUbytes can be done as a cast

 ubyte[] toUbytes(T)(T[] arr)
 if (arr is null)
 return null;
 return cast(ubyte[]) arr.ptr [0 .. arr.length * 


Re: How to write asia characters on console?

2015-02-07 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 8 February 2015 at 05:57:31 UTC, Lave Zhang wrote:


My first D program is like this:
import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
  dstring s1 = hello你好d;
But the output is not correct(and my console codepage is 936):

C:\D\dmd2\samples\ddmd hello.d -offilename hello.exe


I tried your code and it works fine for me. I think the windows 
console only supports UTF-16, try using wchar/wstring instead of 

Re: Problem with simple Formatted Input example.

2015-02-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn
On 02/07/2015 04:29 PM, Venkat Akkineni wrote: This simple program 
seems to just hang. I am probably missing something.

 Any help is appreciated. I am using Linux with DMD. Program compiles
 fine, but when enter a string  press enter, the programs seems to wait
 forever without returning.

 import std.stdio;

 void main()

  string firstName;
  readf(%s\n, firstName);

My earlier understanding was that readf was reading till the end of the 
input. So, you will see that it will terminate when you press Ctrl-D at 
the console. I explain that understanding here:

However, when I tried your code again with dmd git head, I see that 
readf reads the first line of entry *after* I press two Enters on the 


How to write asia characters on console?

2015-02-07 Thread Lave Zhang via Digitalmars-d-learn


My first D program is like this:
import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
dstring s1 = hello你好d;
But the output is not correct(and my console codepage is 936):

C:\D\dmd2\samples\ddmd hello.d -offilename hello.exe


How to write asia characters on console?

2015-02-07 Thread Lave Zhang via Digitalmars-d-learn


My first D program is like this:
import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args)
  dstring s1 = hello你好d;
But the output is not correct(and my console codepage is 936):

C:\D\dmd2\samples\ddmd hello.d -offilename hello.exe


Problem with simple Formatted Input example.

2015-02-07 Thread Venkat Akkineni via Digitalmars-d-learn
This simple program seems to just hang. I am probably missing 
something. Any help is appreciated. I am using Linux with DMD. 
Program compiles fine, but when enter a string  press enter, the 
programs seems to wait forever without returning.

import std.stdio;

void main()

string firstName;
readf(%s\n, firstName);



Re: strange work of GC

2015-02-07 Thread FG via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2015-02-08 at 01:20, Mike Parker wrote:

In your case, forget destructors and the destroy method. Just implement a 
common method on all of your objects that need cleanup (perhaps name it 
'terminate') and call that. This gives you the deterministic destruction that 
you want (the same as calling destroy on each object) while avoiding the 
possibility that the GC can call your cleanup method.

What is wrong with doing all that in a destructor? I don't know if it is just 
an implementation detail, but a destroyed object is either zero-filled or 
reinitialized to the default, so, if implemented correctly, it knows whether a 
cleanup is required (and I'm assuming that a model of simple single ownership 
is used, like in Qt). Therefore it should be safe to use destroy to finalize an 
object and even to put destroy in its destructor in order to perform a 
controlled cascade destruction of all the children that require immediate 
cleanup (ie. releasing expensive non-GC resources, closing connections, etc.). 
The main difference with C++ being that you would only force finalization, but 
then let the GC free the memory in its normal fashion.

Re: Better native D 2D graphics library?

2015-02-07 Thread weaselcat via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 7 February 2015 at 22:09:03 UTC, Gan wrote:

Is there a better D graphics library in the works?

I'm using SFML(which is very easy and has lots of features) but 
it seems to use a lot of ram(if you leave it running for a 
while on a graphic intensive scene) and trying to make it 
include the dependencies with the compiled executable is 

Is there a D 2D graphics library that's just as easy, cross 
platform, doesn't use X11, allows drawing to off-screen buffers 
and drawing those to screen? (plus supports nice drawing of 
shapes, circles, rectangles, lines)

I'm probably asking too much- I doubt such a thing exists.

Not what you're asking for, but you could always use SDL - I 
believe it has two or three bindings to D. Check on dub.

I doubt you're going to find anything like SFML written in D as 
it's a lot of work to maintain such a project, and just 
duplication of effort. It's why most projects in most languages 
just wrap SDL in some form.

Re: Problem with simple Formatted Input example.

2015-02-07 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 02/07/2015 04:42 PM, Ali Çehreli wrote:

readf(%s\n, firstName);

 I see that readf reads the first line of entry *after* I press
 two Enters on the console.

OK, that is related to the '\n' character that you have in the format 
string. Also, repeating the space characters has no effect as a single 
space means zero or more white space anyway.


Re: strange work of GC

2015-02-07 Thread Mike Parker via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2/8/2015 11:32 AM, FG wrote:

On 2015-02-08 at 01:20, Mike Parker wrote:

In your case, forget destructors and the destroy method. Just
implement a common method on all of your objects that need cleanup
(perhaps name it 'terminate') and call that. This gives you the
deterministic destruction that you want (the same as calling destroy
on each object) while avoiding the possibility that the GC can call
your cleanup method.

What is wrong with doing all that in a destructor? I don't know if it is
just an implementation detail, but a destroyed object is either
zero-filled or reinitialized to the default, so, if implemented
correctly, it knows whether a cleanup is required (and I'm assuming that
a model of simple single ownership is used, like in Qt). Therefore it
should be safe to use destroy to finalize an object and even to put
destroy in its destructor in order to perform a controlled cascade
destruction of all the children that require immediate cleanup (ie.
releasing expensive non-GC resources, closing connections, etc.). The
main difference with C++ being that you would only force finalization,
but then let the GC free the memory in its normal fashion.

First, there are no guarantees about when or if a destructor is going to 
be called. The fact that the current GC calls the destructors of all 
live objects at application shutdown is an implementation detail. If you 
want deterministic destruction, you can not rely on destructors.

Second, if you are going to call destroy on every object to clean them 
up, then in principle that's fine. But now you have to be careful that 
no mistakes slip into the code base, e.g. forgetting to call destroy on 
an object that touches GC memory in its destructor.

By separating resource cleanup from object destruction, you get both 
deterministic cleanup and more freedom in choosing whether or not to 
clean up at all. I used to be obsessive about cleaning up everything at 
app exit (my C background, I suppose). These days, I've come around to 
the view that it's fine just to let the OS handle it. I put a terminate 
method in every class that allocates any sort of resource. If I need to 
free those resources at runtime, I call terminate and let the GC worry 
about the object when it needs to. At app exit, I only call terminate on 
objects that absolutely need to do something before the process exits, 
like writing a final message to a log file, or sending a See You Later 
packet to a server. Everything else I just let go and leave to the OS to 
deal with. There's no reason to do otherwise. In essence, resource 
cleanup only happens when and if I say. That just isn't possible if all 
cleanup is in destructors. You either have to destroy *every* object 
yourself, or be vigilant about which objects you let the GC call 
destructors on.