[digitalradio] Re: I, am a Pactor Robot............

2008-01-17 Thread Danny Douglas
Yes, that can happen to transmitters in general, on any mode.  But, as long
as an operator is sitting there doing the control of the transmission, he is
capable of immediately knowing what is happening.  For instance: I come up
on a freq, in SSB, and listen.  Hearing nothing, I ask twice if the
frequnecy is busy.  Either someone responds, or they dont.  If they do, I go
elsewhere, find another freq and ask again.  If no one responds, then I can
reasonably be insured I am not going to interfere by calling CQ or call my
scheduled partner.The Pactor, or any other automated station, without a
control operator is not able to do that.  It cant come up and ask if the
freq is clear or not. I am also reasonably sure that most Pactor (read -
automatic stations - because there are certainly other such modes) operators
who want keyboard to keyboard QSOs, DO listen.  I am not sure that they ever
first go to SSB and ask if the frequency is clear or not.  Asking in the
Pactor mode, would probably not get much response from SSB or other mode
operators who would immediately think that you had just come up
automatically to operator.  They wouldnt know the difference, not being able
to copy it.  Here, we might take a look at SSTV operators, who generally do
just that.  We come up on SSB, ask if the freq is clear, wait a few moments,
ask again, and hearing nothing, will either call a CQ on SSB stating we are
looking for an SSTV contact, or we might just, at that time, immeidately
transmit a CQ via SSTV.  Either way, we should first insure (via SSB) that
no one is using the freq.  (The old hidden transmitter syndrome).

Your second paragraph would be covered if the software is correctly written
and used.  It would have manual bypass which would allow you, as a control
operator sitting in place, to bypass the busy guard in order to transmit and
check for an ongoing QSO.  I think this is how the original busy guard was
written, and as explained to me.

 Third paragraph: same as second, with the bypass capability.

I understand your thinking, or at least think I do.  HI   But, I believe
what it comes down to, is without adopting the busy guard, the powers that
be in the auto digitial world are going to find more and more resistance
from the rest of us, and eventually the FCC is going to have to step in and
make a decision.  I dont think that  the digital world wants that.  They
certainly dont need that, and can prevent it by quickly adopting the busy
guard capability.  I also think they are pushing to avoid the busy guard,
by ignoring it at this point, hoping it will go away.  After all, who wants
to be told Yes- the frequency is busy.

I personally think there is a place for automatic transmission on guard
sites.  I would envision such to exist on every ham band, where I or any
other operator could go, immediately connect up, and report an emergency
situation.  That way, whether sailing or driving an RV, or sitting at home
with the phones out, I could get someones immediate attention for sickness,
accidents, etc.  But those should not spread over large sections of any
band, or be in the middle of an ongoing conversation.  Easily avoided, by
strict adherence of, not a band-plan, but a specific assigned frequency, and
to be used ONLY for emergencies.  Other than that, such transmission modes
should be used, as are any others, with a control operator and for keyboard
to keyboard operaton.  I really dont see where we have either the spectrum
or the necessity to turn ham radio into a common carrier operation.
Danny Douglas
All 2 years or more (except Novice)
Pls QSL direct, buro, or LOTW preferred,
I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload to eQSL for
those who do.

[digitalradio] Re: I, am a Pactor Robot............

2008-01-17 Thread Danny Douglas
Jack, I think I answered most of that just now, to another station.
As long as you are setting there, and have checked that the freq is clear,
fire away.  If then you get someone coming in and connecting, you have
already checked the frequency, so go ahead with your contact.  But, if he
hears you, transmits and then finds HE is causing interference, he should
immediatly advise you, and quit tranmitting at his end.  Just like SSB, I
ask if its clear, and no one comes back, I transmit a CQ.  Sonmeone answers,
but he immediately is told the freq is busy. He quickly comes back and tell
you and the two of you then slip to another freq, where both ask if its
clear, and if so, have your contact.

Bye the way, if both of you had busy signal capability, his would have
immediately told him he couldnt transmit-- but I would hope he would have
heard it on the earphones before that, or seen it on a waterfall, or
something.  Surely all stations do check the freq before transmitting,
keyboard to keyboard?  He could then simply bypass the busy signal detect,
and quickly advise you to QSY to  for a QSO.

No not asking for perfection, just an attempt to get as close as possible.

I know - easier said than done - but that takes place hundreds of times a
day on CW or SSB, and is doable.
Danny Douglas
All 2 years or more (except Novice)
Pls QSL direct, buro, or LOTW preferred,
I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload to eQSL for
those who do.

Re: [digitalradio] calling CQ

2008-01-17 Thread John Becker, WØJAB
On my 2nd call of CQ when the rig un-keyed after the CW ID
there was N4X something or-other calling CQ with HELL.
I did not have to tune a bit to copy him. Just plug the audio
into the laptop.

At that point I called it a night and went up front to the living
room to read a bit.


At 11:03 PM 1/16/2008, you wrote:

Hey John,

Been listening, John.  Didn't hear a peep from out your way.
I was copying some 5s and 7s on PSK on 7.070 area,
perhaps it's simply the propogation beast that's at fault.

[digitalradio] Fw: APRS W9YJ-11 Near Space balloon experiment (time critical)

2008-01-17 Thread Mark Thompson
- Forwarded Message 
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 1:15:36 PM
Subject: [illinoisdigitalham] APRS W9YJ-11 Near Space balloon experiment (time 

Currently tracking a balloon carrying APRS over Canada launched
earlier today from a school near Terra Haute Indiana.
Current position reported:

For a complete track, and to follow progress, see
http://aprs.fi/ and log in, then track W9YJ-11 over last 6 hours.

For launch information, see
Update #617 :  Wednesday 16Jan08 14:00UT

Logged this flight on my APRS terminal from NC IL while near Toledo, OH.

R. Patrick Ryan



Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 

[digitalradio] RFSM8000

2008-01-17 Thread John Bradley
at 20:00Z

Beaconing 14103.0 RFSM8000, non-standard modulation , 60sec intervals, for
the next 2 hours




Re: [digitalradio] Re: I, am a Pactor Robot............

2008-01-17 Thread Jack Chomley
At 01:07 AM 1/18/2008, Danny  wrote:

See interspaced comments.

Jack, I think I answered most of that just now, to another station.
As long as you are setting there, and have checked that the freq is clear,
fire away. If then you get someone coming in and connecting, you have
already checked the frequency, so go ahead with your contact. But, if he
hears you, transmits and then finds HE is causing interference, he should
immediatly advise you, and quit tranmitting at his end.

By the time he has connected and this text exchange takes place, with 
a TX/RX changeover, it could be 30 secondswhich is a long time.

Just like SSB, I
ask if its clear, and no one comes back, I transmit a CQ. Sonmeone answers,
but he immediately is told the freq is busy. He quickly comes back and tell
you and the two of you then slip to another freq, where both ask if its
clear, and if so, have your contact.

How do you ask IF the freq is clear in Pactor and expect any other 
modes, even Pactor to say yes, freq is in use? And get a readable response?

Bye the way, if both of you had busy signal capability, his would have
immediately told him he couldnt transmit-- but I would hope he would have
heard it on the earphones before that, or seen it on a waterfall, or
something. Surely all stations do check the freq before transmitting,
keyboard to keyboard? He could then simply bypass the busy signal detect,
and quickly advise you to QSY to  for a QSO.

A busy signal from what mode? Again, decoding who or what is there is 
not easy, Pactor hardware has no waterfall, you do not know what 
signal is there, unless your well calibrated ears interfaced to your 
brain, can understand what mode is transmitting, it may even only be 
an ALE sounding? Who knows?

No not asking for perfection, just an attempt to get as close as possible.

I know - easier said than done - but that takes place hundreds of times a
day on CW or SSB, and is doable.

2 modes,  the ears can decode very easily, Tx with Mic or 
Keydigital modes are a little different, particularly those 
that are hardware/firmware based.
When someone comes up with a piece of software that is a simple 
decode only program for ALL digital modes, it would give listen and 
identify signal, before using freq, things may get better, but still 
not perfect as you would need a full blown laptop to run it. When 
some Pactor and Packet (some PSK31) operators can even use a dumb 
terminal to drive their Pactor/Packet/PSK31 hardware.



Re: [digitalradio] RFSM8000

2008-01-17 Thread Steinar Aanesland
Cool , I will listen for you , but I don't expect anything . The band 
seem to be
dead here in Norway now.

73 de LA5VNA Steinar

John Bradley skrev:

 at 20:00Z

 Beaconing 14103.0 RFSM8000, non-standard modulation , 60sec intervals, 
 for the next 2 hours





Re: [digitalradio] Re: I, am a Pactor Robot............

2008-01-17 Thread Jose Amador

Pretty confusing indeed.

As Jack says, you never know when someone will connect.

Have any of the proponents been a sysop? I guess they have not.


Software would have to be rewritten, so an incoming call rings a bell, 
turns on a lamp, awakens the dogs and let'em out,
something that lets the sysop know his box is being called, listens 
between packets and authorizes the connection in a timely fashion.

As far as I know, such a software has not been written, but would be 
interesting to hear about prospective programers to solve that problem 
for us.
There are already at least two tasks to be done: A busy detector and a 
sysop awakener. Any volunteers to get the things well done?   At least, 
an API
with the calls and procedures is needed, in order to encourage other 
software developers to join the effort in a structured, well thought 
fashion. Also,
a legal advice could be displayed, warning the sysop that any QRM 
originated by his allowance to answer a call can be used against him/her.

Or keep on the fundamentalistic, taliban aproach: criticize, criticize, 
stir the pot, do nothing else and get such activity forbidden.
This seems to be a LOT simpler.

So far, as I see, only the taliban approach is showing any progress.



Jose, CO2JA


Jack Chomley escribió:

  At 01:14 PM 1/17/2008, Danny wrote:

  Jack. We on the other side see THAT as exactly the problem. Your
  mailbox sits there silent. Somone else gets on the freq and calls
  it. It comes up - and causes interference to someone else that is
  already using the freq (which you would have heard if you were
  physically sitting there operating). The origninal caller to you,
  because of propagation, did not hear the other ongoing QSO- but YOU
  would have. Therefore it is your transmitter that caused the
  interference. All quite easily taken care of if our software had a
  busy signal capability, and simply didnt respond to the other
  guy, while other signals were up and on the air. That software has
  been written, and from my understanding would be made available to
  the Pactor software people, if they would just accept it. If its
  been done, other software writers can do the same.
  Your mailbox needs to be controlled by YOU, not the other end, as
  long as there is no busy signal detection.
  N7DC/YV5 G5CTB All 2 years or more (except Novice) Pls QSL direct,
  buro, or LOTW preferred, I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload
  to eQSL for those who do.

  Well, even IF I am at the keyboard, I do not know IF someone is about
  to connect.until they do. When that happens, do I just switch
  the box off? Yep, I could do that and the station at the other end
  would scratch his head and wonder what is going on, like he connected
  and next minute he is cut off by me. If it was me trying to
  connect.then I would keep trying, just like he would. Looking for
  contacts in this hobby, is what its all about. I mean, this kind of
  operation was done on HF Packet for many years, BBSs forwarded on
  frequencies and everyone simply got along, generally :-) A busy
  signal scheme will only work while there is a signal present, the
  moment there is a break in the signal being heard, the busy detect
  would drop and.the station would fire up, unless the busy detect
  had a timer, which counted x time after loss of heard signal, before
  the station transmitted. Danny, I think you are asking for a perfect
  solution, when given all the modes we now have..its a big ask.
  Unfortunately, we have to accept some QRM at some time or another and
  thats it, in the real world. I think the Pactor mode has been
  somewhat tainted by the WinLink wars, to a large degree. I mean, I
  could set up a Packet Mailbox and start beaconing, looking for
  contacts :-)


  Jack VK4JRC


Participe en Universidad 2008.
11 al 15 de febrero del 2008.
Palacio de las Convenciones, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

[digitalradio] 30 Meter VK/ZL/Pacific Digital Weekend

2008-01-17 Thread Mark Thompson
30 Meter VK/ZL/Pacific Digital Weekend

When: Weekend of February 9/10 2008 

Time: For convenience of Universal Time and a reference point this 'Free and 
Easy' activity will start around 0600Z on the 9th and end 1900Z on the 10th of 

Where: 10.138 to 10.145 KHZ 

Modes: PSK31 RTTY or whatever digital mode you fancy.

Depending on propagation here is a rough guide to follow in contacting VK/ZL's:

For Europe: 0600 to 0800Z and after 1200 to 1400Z then 1500 to 1900Z.

For USA/Canada: Around 0800Z and after 1100 to 1200Z if propagation is kind to 

For Japan/Asia: 0800Z and onwards.

The main aim is the promotion of the 30 meter band and Digital communications 
allowing the opportunity for the rest of the world to work VK/ZL/Pacific 
stations in a easy relax atmosphere of Your Choice of rag chewing and or 
experimenting with modes/propagation

All our welcome to join in and have fun.

For all queries please contact: 


73 de Bill ZL3NB


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 

[digitalradio] Re: I, am a Pactor Robot............

2008-01-17 Thread Bill McLaughlin
Hello Howard,

I was actually agreeing with John; sorry to all if it was poorly
worded. When operating Pactor (and in the past using Amtor), I too
have been interfered with and when I queried the other stations they
said something to the effect that, I thought you were a bot.
Obviously no excuse. 



 - Original Message - 
 From: Bill McLaughlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 10:16 PM
 Subject: [digitalradio] Re: I, am a Pactor Robot
 Hello John,
 Well I have seen no others, aside from you, complaining about qrm when
 operating Pactor modes on the sole basis that you were using Pactor.
 I am sure it happens as we all get benign qrm.

[digitalradio] Re: New file uploaded to digitalradio

2008-01-17 Thread Tooner
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, John Becker, WØJAB [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Would someone like to step up and take credit for this?
 John, W0JAB

Hey John, this is an article I submitted to our local ham club's
newsletter*.  Let me know if there's anything glaringly wrong, as it
won't get printed until a week or so from now.  Opinions are also

Hey, anyone notice all the 20M PSK31 activity today?  Busiest
weeknight I've seen in a while!

73.  Frank, K2NCC

* Back issues and other info for OTVARC can be found here:

[digitalradio] PACTOR I Activity

2008-01-17 Thread w6ids

Hello Again,

Had a great chat with VE1XL (Dick) in Hillsborough, New Brunswick,
that lasted the better part of an hour.  I copied him on this message
so that I could pass along the two links below for him to use:

We're posting activity on the following sites:



Dick was saying that his operation is a bit hit 'n miss so the links
may help him.  KU2A (Nick) picked  him up after we dropped the link.
He then got picked up by K3CXB (Walt) who was having his first PACTOR
contact ever.  He was learning with software based PACTOR I so stayed
FEC I believe.  I'm wondering if he was using MultiPSK since he said he
did have AMTOR ARQ in the package and wanted to try the ARQ.

Anyway, thought I'd pass along the moment to you.  Here's a little
cut 'n paste just to show 'n tell:


W6IDS de VE1XL =
hello. Not too many of us around. Name here is Dick and my QTH is 
New Brunswick.  BTU OM.

W6IDS de VE1XL =


 Dick and nice to see you on the mode.  Yes, you're right.
 There's not a lot of PACTOR I on the air but interest is gaining
more momentum lately.  I think it stems from the DIGITALRADIO
message forum discussions involving andi-Winlink operations,
PMBO stuff, etc.  Your call is anice surprise for sure.

Name is Howard as youmay have noticed.  Location is about
37 miles West of Dayton, OH right on the OH/IN border.

I'm using a PK-232MBX that I've had since 1989 and am giving it
a workout.  Surprised at how much I've had to relearn for not
using it much.

Your rst is S8 S8 with just a little QSB but not bad.  You took
a little dive at 0132Z but hung in there.  Software in use is
the WinXP package and it has seemed to work well.

BTU, let's see how you are doing...


W6IDS de VE1XL =
RR FB Howard and it sure is nnice nice to hear your signal and to meet you. 
am a long-time Pactor operator and I manage to snag a few QSO if I listen 
long enough.
 I hope you are correct in that maybe all the comotion will stur up more 
 I do find that most of the ot digital sound card modes are very much 
Spelling.. I have been doing this in Amtor since 1987 and then came Pactor 
in the
early 1990s or so and I have been here all along. hi.
I am using an SCS PTC-2e. The radio is a Ten-Tec argonaut V QRP radio to a 
linear amplifier to only about 50 Watts out to a dipole.  My software is 
NcWinPTC by PA0NC.  I am familiar with the XP Ware you are using.  A good 
FB your QTH and signal port.  You are S-5 to S-6 with noise on the band. 
this gets through very fine.  I do have Pactor 2 and 3 here also. Nost of 
the WinLink
2K stations use the Pactor 2.  BTU before I hog it all on you, Howard.

W6IDS de VE1XL =


Tell you what, give me your email address and I'll send you two
links that PACTOR operators are posting their activity.  I'm posted
there now, and just noted that we're connected.


Re: [digitalradio] Re: I, am a Pactor Robot............

2008-01-17 Thread w6ids

Well, s?  I thought that might have been the case but then,
I could have been wrong...so I cashed in my $ .02 worthGRIN

In fact, it happened today...talked with VE1XL (Dick) in Canada
using PACTOR I and near the end of the contact, I could hear a 
('scuse me but) PMBO or  at least a station sounding like one
right close to use and fairly strong.  Gave Dick some competition 
for sure.  It was surprising because I had been listening for about 
15 mins on 3.5880 with no activity noted at all.  Then, after talking 
with Dick for the better part of an hour, voila!  There's this PACTOR
station suddenly making its presence known.

I did post a cut 'n paste of the chat just for show 'n tell and give
a little push for PACTOR I activity - it still works, of course.  It was
fun today.  

Howard W6IDS
Richmond, IN

- Original Message - 
From: Bill McLaughlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 7:55 PM
Subject: [digitalradio] Re: I, am a Pactor Robot

 Hello Howard,
 I was actually agreeing with John; sorry to all if it was poorly
 worded. When operating Pactor (and in the past using Amtor), I too
 have been interfered with and when I queried the other stations they
 said something to the effect that, I thought you were a bot.
 Obviously no excuse. 

Re: [digitalradio] Re: New file uploaded to digitalradio

2008-01-17 Thread John Becker, WØJAB
No not a thing wrong with it.
I would just like someone to get the credit for it since
there was no name or call in either the email address or
any place else.

Thanks, again Frank.

John, W0JAB

At 07:07 PM 1/17/2008, you wrote:
--- In digitalradio@yahoogroups.com, John Becker, WØJAB [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Would someone like to step up and take credit for this?
 John, W0JAB

Hey John, this is an article I submitted to our local ham club's
newsletter*.  Let me know if there's anything glaringly wrong, as it
won't get printed until a week or so from now.  Opinions are also

Hey, anyone notice all the 20M PSK31 activity today?  Busiest
weeknight I've seen in a while!

73.  Frank, K2NCC

Re: [digitalradio] RFSM8000

2008-01-17 Thread Rick
Hi John,

Can you tell us anything about how this technology is working out? From 
what I can see from the web site, it replaces and is backward compatible 
to RFSM2400.

Although we can not use it here in the U.S. on the frequency you 
selected, it could be used to send images in the phone/image portions of 
the U.S. sub bands. What is your feel for the robustness or lack of it, 
etc.? The waveforms appear to be based upon the MIL STD modes although 
some may be modified.

Have you registered the program? Or plan to if the 30 day test has not 
run out?

The cost seems very high to me at $290 USD for the pro version, but even 
the $180 USD price for the ham version is still impractical for many 
to purchase unless they could actually use it, and it would work as well 
as say, Pactor 3 or close to it.

Is the old RFSM2400 program available for free ham use? I now have the 
capability to key a COM port PTT mode so could use the older program. I 
see that the new program claims to support CI-V.

Any thoughts on this? Anyone else who has experience with either of 
these programs?


Rick, KV9U

John Bradley wrote:

 at 20:00Z

 Beaconing 14103.0 RFSM8000, non-standard modulation , 60sec intervals, 
 for the next 2 hours





 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
 Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.6/1229 - Release Date: 1/17/2008 
 11:12 AM

RE: [digitalradio] Re: I, am a Pactor Robot............

2008-01-17 Thread Dave AA6YQ
I'm going to start driving my car around at 150 mph. When some programmer
develops an an add-in that reads speed limit signs and prevents me from
going too fast, I'll stop running into other cars and people.

Any criticism I receive between now and then from victims or onlookers will
be disregarded as pot-stirring.


Dave, AA6YQ

-Original Message-
From: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Behalf Of Jose Amador
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 4:06 PM
To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: I, am a Pactor Robot

Pretty confusing indeed.

As Jack says, you never know when someone will connect.

Have any of the proponents been a sysop? I guess they have not.


Software would have to be rewritten, so an incoming call rings a bell,
turns on a lamp, awakens the dogs and let'em out,
something that lets the sysop know his box is being called, listens
between packets and authorizes the connection in a timely fashion.

As far as I know, such a software has not been written, but would be
interesting to hear about prospective programers to solve that problem
for us.
There are already at least two tasks to be done: A busy detector and a
sysop awakener. Any volunteers to get the things well done? At least,
an API
with the calls and procedures is needed, in order to encourage other
software developers to join the effort in a structured, well thought
fashion. Also,
a legal advice could be displayed, warning the sysop that any QRM
originated by his allowance to answer a call can be used against him/her.

Or keep on the fundamentalistic, taliban aproach: criticize, criticize,
stir the pot, do nothing else and get such activity forbidden.
This seems to be a LOT simpler.

So far, as I see, only the taliban approach is showing any progress.



Jose, CO2JA


Jack Chomley escribió:

 At 01:14 PM 1/17/2008, Danny wrote:

  Jack. We on the other side see THAT as exactly the problem. Your
  mailbox sits there silent. Somone else gets on the freq and calls
  it. It comes up - and causes interference to someone else that is
  already using the freq (which you would have heard if you were
  physically sitting there operating). The origninal caller to you,
  because of propagation, did not hear the other ongoing QSO- but YOU
  would have. Therefore it is your transmitter that caused the
  interference. All quite easily taken care of if our software had a
  busy signal capability, and simply didnt respond to the other
  guy, while other signals were up and on the air. That software has
  been written, and from my understanding would be made available to
  the Pactor software people, if they would just accept it. If its
  been done, other software writers can do the same.
  Your mailbox needs to be controlled by YOU, not the other end, as
  long as there is no busy signal detection.
  N7DC/YV5 G5CTB All 2 years or more (except Novice) Pls QSL direct,
  buro, or LOTW preferred, I Do not use, but as a courtesy do upload
  to eQSL for those who do.

 Well, even IF I am at the keyboard, I do not know IF someone is about
 to connect.until they do. When that happens, do I just switch
 the box off? Yep, I could do that and the station at the other end
 would scratch his head and wonder what is going on, like he connected
 and next minute he is cut off by me. If it was me trying to
 connect.then I would keep trying, just like he would. Looking for
 contacts in this hobby, is what its all about. I mean, this kind of
 operation was done on HF Packet for many years, BBSs forwarded on
 frequencies and everyone simply got along, generally :-) A busy
 signal scheme will only work while there is a signal present, the
 moment there is a break in the signal being heard, the busy detect
 would drop and.the station would fire up, unless the busy detect
 had a timer, which counted x time after loss of heard signal, before
 the station transmitted. Danny, I think you are asking for a perfect
 solution, when given all the modes we now have..its a big ask.
 Unfortunately, we have to accept some QRM at some time or another and
 thats it, in the real world. I think the Pactor mode has been
 somewhat tainted by the WinLink wars, to a large degree. I mean, I
 could set up a Packet Mailbox and start beaconing, looking for
 contacts :-)


 Jack VK4JRC


Participe en Universidad 2008.
11 al 15 de febrero del 2008.
Palacio de las Convenciones, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba

[digitalradio] RF feedback problems

2008-01-17 Thread David Bowman WB0QIR
I have a Kenwood TS-680S rig and am using a psk31/rtty soundcard
interface from Associated Radio.  Whenever The db9 data cable from the
interface is plugged into a computer my signal is terrible when I
transmit data or use the microphone.  Unhooking the microphone does
not help.  Before I buy some ferrite chokes I wanted to see if anyone
has any other ideas of how or what the problem may be and how to fix it.