Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-12-06 Thread list email filter
Not the moderator, but my comments are below.


Roger J. Buffington wrote:

 What does any of this have to do with digital radio?  Mr. Moderator, why 

Perhaps because digital modes usually require the use of computers? 
Though I do agree the school yard king if the hill stuff gets real old 
real quick.

 is this thread, which has nothing to do with amateur radio, let alone 
 digital radio, permitted, whereas threads dealing with the 
 legality/illegality of modes and the new regs, are not?

Perhaps because we spun of a dedicated and separate group to contain the 
mostly American political discussions?

 de Roger W6VZV

Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-12-06 Thread Roger J. Buffington
DuBose Walt Civ AETC CONS/LGCA wrote:


  All of these things have a LOT to do with digital operation. The
  rules, the modes, the operating systems and programs are all a vital

Sorry, I disagree.  You could transplant this Windows v. Linux thread 
into the photography and other groups that I belong to and no one would 
know the difference.  This tiresome subject comes up in almost every 
technical Yahoo group to which I belong, and has been removed from most 
of them.  This group was supposed to be about digital communications, 
not purely computer issues.  If it is going to turn into a computer OS 
forum, then I guess we might as well find out.

de Roger W6VZV

Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-12-06 Thread Kevin O'Rorke
Totally Off subject, but every time I try to do a reply, because of 
all the @[EMAIL PROTECTED]* add's on the right hand side of the message, it is 
impossible to get my text in the right place.
is there any way of getting rid of those adds'??


RE: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-12-05 Thread manaen
From: Michael P. Brininstool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 2006/11/29 Wed AM 10:12:23 CST
Subject: RE: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Kevin O'Rorke
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

Seriously, until Linux programs can be installed as easily and reliably 
WIN) then Linux has not a dogs chance in Hell of competing with Windows.
I enjoy the challenge of fighting with Linux and consider myself an 
apprentice geek in that realm, but really what John

I personally have never had *any* problems installing things I want to run in 
Linux.  I am not married to any windows applications either though.  There are 
Linux alternatives for nearly every windows solution out there, to include 
programs that I want to use with my radios.  My personal experience has been 
that M$ has far less support for older hardware and it is much harder to find 
drivers.  It always amuses me that somehow it is ok to hunt for 5 hours for a 
windows driver that only works half right but it's not ok to have to spend 10 
minutes looking at a *nix log and changing a config file, goofy.  The problem 
isn't that Linux is hard to use it is that people have significant mindshare 
built up in becomeing windows experts and are unwilling to go through the 
process again for Linux.

Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-12-05 Thread Brad Gillis
It always amuses me that somehow it is ok to hunt for 5 hours for a windows 
driver that only works half right but it's not ok to have to spend 10 minutes 
looking at a *nix log and changing a config file, goofy. The problem isn't 
that Linux is hard to use it is that people have 
significant mindshare built up in becomeing windows experts and are 
unwilling to go through the process again for Linux.
First I am not a big fan of Windows and especially Billy Gates who steals 
everybody's ideas because he has the money and can. He just pays the antitrust 
fines or whatever meantime the poor bloke that came up with the idea/software 
goes in the poor house. Short version!

But I never had to spent 5 hours looking for a windows driver but I have spent 
days trying to get a new version of a Linux program to work because of one 
missing dependency outta a dozen you need to install. I've spent 10 times as 
much time learning Linux with a fraction of the success as I have Windows. And 
if you go to a Linux forum and ask a question all you get is RTFM, doesn't 
matter that I have read a dozen of them or that yes I do have the answer in one 
of my MANY Linux books but really don't want to spend days figuring out which 
book it is in when some Linux guru could tell me in 39 seconds where I went 

I'll stick to Windows since it works 99% of the time with a 1000% less hassle.

I don't want to be a Windows or a Linux guru I just want an OS that works with 
as little hassle as possible. A system that'll let me install the software I 
want without spending days chasing a rare dependency.

Later Brad

RE: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-12-01 Thread DuBose Walt Civ AETC CONS/LGCA
Are you referring to ham radio applications or other more normal 
applications?  I haven't had any problems with normal/regular Linux programs 
and even many ham radio programs...but I'll admit that some of the ham radio 
progrmas take a lot of work to get them loaded correctly and running correctly.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Michael 
P. Brininstool
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:12 AM
Subject: RE: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin 
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

Seriously, until Linux programs can be installed as easily and reliably 
WIN) then Linux has not a dogs chance in Hell of competing with Windows.
I enjoy the challenge of fighting with Linux and consider myself an 
apprentice geek in that realm, but really what John
says is, unfortunately true.

I have been using *NIX since 1986 (before Windows) and have never like Windows.
The installation problem to which you refer will probably never be fixed in 
That is because, to do so, means standardizing distros and configs --something
die-hard *NIX fans will not stand for.  The reason I prefer *NIX is that I can 
have it my way.

The analogy I like to use is this:

You go in the the M$ (MicroSoft) restaurant and sit down, the waiter brings out 
your meal.  You do not have a choice in what to order, or how it is prepared, 
just how many copies of the meal.

I go into the *NIX restaurant, and talk to the cattle barron, and negotiate 
which cow he will let me purchase and for how much.  He then hands me a butcher 
knife and sends me into the field.

As much as I do not want to have to butcher my own meat, if that is the only 
way to get beef instead of the mystery meat of the year, and get it cooked to 
my specifications, then I will do it that way.  Pre-packaged distros are just 
paying someone to butcher and wrap the meat for you.

The problem I see, is that Linux interfaces are trying to become M$ Windows, 
and are starting to lose their original appeal.


RE: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-11-29 Thread DuBose Walt Civ AETC CONS/LGCA
Way back when, Debian tried to solve this by being the Ham Friendly distro and 
most ham programmers used Debian.

Today programmers like one distro or another and don't generally tell you what 
distro they used.  If they do, then you might want to use that distro.  The 
problem is, as you have noted, is that various programmers use different 

I believe the solution is for programmers and/or Beta testers, to try out the 
program on other distros than what the programmer used and report want 
additional libraries will be required for a specific distribution.

I have also found that even between various releases of the same distributions 
that the library requirements change.

This was suppose to be solved by making a program install using RPMs...all the 
libraries (dependencies) were there.  But not everyone uses RPMs...they use 
something newer.

I encourage all Linux programmers of amateur radio applications to list all the 
dependencies needed and specify the distro and release of the distro that they 
used.  I also encourage the programmers to ask Beta testers to try their 
applications on various common distros and list any additional dependencies 
needed and the URL to the dependency.

Over the years, I have been more than satisfied with Linux (since kernel 0.98a) 
but have been frustrated with adding dependencies.

I work in a MS world and everything I have to go through to keep MS client and 
servers up-to-date and running I will NOT tolerate at home where I use the 
computer for FUN.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Kevin O'Rorke
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

JOHN said
 I have this mental picture of linux users hunched over their 
 computers, eyes red and glazed , looking for WMD  (What Microsoft 
 Did), toiling for hours to make unsupported software run.
 Sorry Guys, I'm with Bill Gates, he developed an operating system that 
 mostly works, and let's me get on with chasing DX instead
 of trying to make it work. If he happened to be very rich doing this, 
 good on him!!!

I am one of those interested in Linux , and have reached the stage where 
I know my way around it fairly well, I have experimented with a variety 
of distro's,.and they are mostly a superb replacement for Win in the 
ordinary Home or Office environment, BUT the biggest problem with Linux 
for the ham or experimenter is the installation of programs.
You download a program, and attempt to install it. You get a message 
that you need such and such a thing (library or whatever). You go on the 
Internet, download that, go to install that, get another message  you 
need x, you get x, go to install it and get a message you need 
version y of x, you attempt to find version y and cant find it.
At this stage you give up, have three triple brandy's, and fire up Windows!
I know some geeks out there will say get a pre-compiled version. You 
cannot find one for your distro, or not one at all.
 Seriously, until Linux programs can be installed as easily and reliably 
WIN) then Linux has not a dogs chance in Hell of competing with Windows.
I enjoy the challenge of fighting with Linux and consider myself an 
apprentice geek in that realm, but really what John
 says is, unfortunately true.

PS. I am aware of Harvs Hamshack Hack, and have it.

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Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-11-28 Thread Harv Nelson

CUltist! ...Sorry John, I missed something.  I don't even know the prayer
yet or the secret handshake.
if its gotta be a religious argument.  keep in mind that a cult is the
first step toward legitimacy. I speak as both a user and as a former tech
at a Help Desk in a 99% windows shop.   I used to work for a large
university hospital.  The last thing most ISP's are interested in is
Service.  Their pimary function is collecting money. from an illiterate an
unsuspecting public.  Training help is a lot more expensive than promoting
mythology and forcing users to bear an unnecessary expense.  for most ISP's
the Help desk is an expense item ... not a revenue item. most ISP's are
consumed with MS Marketing hype and FUD.  IF MS makes such great stuff,
how-cum I gotta buy symantic or norton to keep it safe and running?  how-cum
nearly all of the internet runs on linux and bsd servers?  we're never
hunched ove our computers trying to make stuff run.  it usually runs with
less effort than windows requires.  no red eyes.  we don't have to read or
react to those constant virus warnings.  we don't have to be affraid to
open an email attachment.  I don't claim immunity only less vunerability.
lets quit this thread and get on the air where we can have some fun.


On 11/28/06, John Bradley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   hmm I didn't think linux was a cult until now!!!

some things you must be prepared to deal with if the help desk at
you ISP knows you are running Linux, they will treat you like a leper.  They
will tell you that you MUST run Windows and buy their over priced
modems.(check if they can accomodate you.  only if we (linux users)start
demanding equal service will they provide it. this is my experience with
Charter cable and Centurytel DSL.  (I encourage all hams to avoid these two
outfitsfor your ISP needs, if at all possible). These help desks places
are largely Windows only operations. and LINUX users scare the B-Jesus out
of 'em.  I think they fear us cuz we know something they don't. 1) it really
isn't necessary to pay the Microsoft Tax to make your computer run.  Then,
once you have it running, you don't have to pay the secondary taxes to
symantic and vandals.which your MS sytem largely promotes and encourages.

I have this mental picture of linux users hunched over their computers,
eyes red and glazed , looking for WMD  (What Microsoft Did), toiling for
hours to make unsupported software run.

Sorry Guys, I'm with Bill Gates, he developed an operating system that
mostly works, and let's me get on with chasing DX instead
of trying to make it work. If he happened to be very rich doing this, good
on him!!!



Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-11-28 Thread Kevin O'Rorke
JOHN said
 I have this mental picture of linux users hunched over their 
 computers, eyes red and glazed , looking for WMD  (What Microsoft 
 Did), toiling for hours to make unsupported software run.
 Sorry Guys, I'm with Bill Gates, he developed an operating system that 
 mostly works, and let's me get on with chasing DX instead
 of trying to make it work. If he happened to be very rich doing this, 
 good on him!!!

I am one of those interested in Linux , and have reached the stage where 
I know my way around it fairly well, I have experimented with a variety 
of distro's,.and they are mostly a superb replacement for Win in the 
ordinary Home or Office environment, BUT the biggest problem with Linux 
for the ham or experimenter is the installation of programs.
You download a program, and attempt to install it. You get a message 
that you need such and such a thing (library or whatever). You go on the 
Internet, download that, go to install that, get another message  you 
need x, you get x, go to install it and get a message you need 
version y of x, you attempt to find version y and cant find it.
At this stage you give up, have three triple brandy's, and fire up Windows!
I know some geeks out there will say get a pre-compiled version. You 
cannot find one for your distro, or not one at all.
 Seriously, until Linux programs can be installed as easily and reliably 
WIN) then Linux has not a dogs chance in Hell of competing with Windows.
I enjoy the challenge of fighting with Linux and consider myself an 
apprentice geek in that realm, but really what John
 says is, unfortunately true.

PS. I am aware of Harvs Hamshack Hack, and have it.

Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-11-28 Thread Salomao Fresco

Hi to all on the Group!

Just like Kevin put it!
I've tried mty way aound several distros of linux, and stumbled on the same
installation, libraries and the rest.
For the moment I have SuSe 10 installed on another disk of my main computer
it works allright,
network and dsl setup was a breeze. Ham software not (yet) installed because
of the above issues,
but on the second half of December i'll be on vacation and give it (another)


On 11/29/06, Kevin O'Rorke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JOHN said
 I have this mental picture of linux users hunched over their
 computers, eyes red and glazed , looking for WMD  (What Microsoft
 Did), toiling for hours to make unsupported software run.

 Sorry Guys, I'm with Bill Gates, he developed an operating system that
 mostly works, and let's me get on with chasing DX instead
 of trying to make it work. If he happened to be very rich doing this,
 good on him!!!


I am one of those interested in Linux , and have reached the stage where
I know my way around it fairly well, I have experimented with a variety
of distro's,.and they are mostly a superb replacement for Win in the
ordinary Home or Office environment, BUT the biggest problem with Linux
for the ham or experimenter is the installation of programs.
You download a program, and attempt to install it. You get a message
that you need such and such a thing (library or whatever). You go on the
Internet, download that, go to install that, get another message  you
need x, you get x, go to install it and get a message you need
version y of x, you attempt to find version y and cant find it.
At this stage you give up, have three triple brandy's, and fire up
I know some geeks out there will say get a pre-compiled version. You
cannot find one for your distro, or not one at all.
Seriously, until Linux programs can be installed as easily and reliably
WIN) then Linux has not a dogs chance in Hell of competing with Windows.
I enjoy the challenge of fighting with Linux and consider myself an
apprentice geek in that realm, but really what John
says is, unfortunately true.

PS. I am aware of Harvs Hamshack Hack, and have it.

Need a Digital mode QSO? Connect to  Telnet://

Yahoo! Groups Links


Salomão Fresco

If it works... dont fix it!

Re: [digitalradio] Linux versis Windows: Let the debate begin!!

2006-11-28 Thread Brett Owen Rees VK2TMG


I run one of each in my shack - Windows XP for VHF APRS AGWPE/UI-View and
Linux for HF fldigi. That way I get to run the best-of-breed software on
each, and get to make use of my available sound cards and serial ports. The
linux box is very quiet RF-wise on HF. I install my debian systems from a
Knoppix live cd (use 3.9 - it is good) and then update the machine over my
ADSL - I can have a box built and fully patched in about an hour - at which
time it is ready for years of service with virtually zero maintenance. I
think Harv's hamshack is based on knoppix - I expect that a hard disk
install of that would be possible also.

I am a believer in the philosophy of doing the simplest thing that will
work. Sometimes, Windows is the simplest thing - and sometimes it is linux.
Why not have both? Hook them all up with Ethernet and Wifi and you can have
a home network that puts most small-business computer systems to shame. hi

73 de Brett VK2TMG