[IxDA Discuss] Local Event - Columbus, Ohio

2009-03-25 Thread melinda
IDSA's Central Ohio chapter and Young Professionals section are
teaming up with the Columbus chapter of IxDA (Interaction Design
Association) for this month's Blender - a monthly get-together and
happy hour to mingle with other designers and see what's going on in
the community.

Come join us for a drink, a chat and some music this coming Thursday,
March 26 6-9pm @ Bristol Bar - 132 East 5th Avenue Columbus, OH 

Your local IDSA and IxDA representation will be there in full-effect.
Make sure to bug us to fill you in on what we have coming up, and feel
free to tell us anything that’s on your mind. 

Please invite your friends and coworkers. We’ll see you there!

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[IxDA Discuss] IxD Portfolio review resources

2009-03-25 Thread Jonathan Warner
Can anyone suggest a resource for professional portfolio reviews? As
so many of us have migrated from other fields, creating a
straightforward portfolio is more difficult. The budding IxDA
mentorship initiative may eventually provide an opportunity here, but
I'm looking for something available now. 

Moreover, I haven't found much in the way of IxD-specific portfolio
tips. (Thanks SCAD and this site for a couple good tidbits).  Thanks
for any help anyone can offer.

A specific subquestion: why the anti-Flash bias? Posts on this site
and others indicate that people don't like Flash portfolios. I must
say that I don't understand; it's a perfect platform for
interactivity and to present a wide variety of previous work in
differing formats. What do you all think?

- Jonathan

P.S. Though this post is a sincere quest for more formal portfolio
review resources, I'm of course open to any feedback on my own
portfolio draft... http://www.sustain.us/portfolio_3/index.html

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Feature discoverability

2009-03-25 Thread Brian O'Neill

Great topic. I've just been through the same thing and we actually
usability tested affordances around double clicking (indirectly) on a
topology diagram one of my clients has. We used four users, three of
whom were regular users, one of whom hadn't touched the product in
awhile and gave them tasks that would require them to see information
supplied in popups to complete their task. The existing topo they use
now had right-click functions (exposed through "training sessions")
but no double click functionality.  Two of them accidently (I assume)
found out we had integrated these detailed popup windows via double
click in the version they were being studied on, but there were no
hints given in the UI that this existed.  My analysis was that due to
some other bugs and/or frustrations while using the (in beta) new
topology diagram, the users were clicking around quite a bit and were
running across things accidently - like the double click. Either that,
or they were already double clicking as some people do on the web
unnecessarily. I was surprised that any of them actually found this
feature given it doesn't exist in their existing version of the app.

Anyhow, our attempt to make the affordance better around
double-clicking  was to consider one of these two options:

Option 1:   When this new feature gets released into the topology,
the first click interaction (of any kind) interrupts to inform people
of the added double-clicking features,  using a popup or some type of
diagram/screen shot directly above (z-index) the topology. You'd
have the typical "don't remind me again/remind me again in a
month" kinda stuff as your dismissal commands.

Option 2:  We put the same instruction content (mentioned above)
ABOVE the topology map and pushing it down to give high visibility to
this info . (the non z-index/stacking approach where the content is
just there automatically right after the upgrade is made to the

This is hardly a new invention - many apps give "tips" 
(Dreamweaver anyone?) that you have to eventually dismiss. Those are
ok, but often out of context (right info at the wrong time).

In our case, hovering on an item already reveals more data (if you
hover on an object, it's name goes from truncated to fully-spelled
out). The pulse thing is interesting and worth exploring.

thanks! Open to other's suggestions...


User experience and interaction designer (Boston/NYC)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] the little pointy hand

2009-03-25 Thread Guillermo Torres
If you are on a mac and press command-Tab to switch apps, you will see your
cursor will change from the arrow to a pointing hand. We know this cursor is
good for pointing out links or buttons, particularly for the web. At first I
blamed the inconsistency on an oversight, which is common on web apps (Gmail
only changes the cursor for underlined text, Reader doesn't). But this
cursor is rarely used at the OS level; someone had to make the decision to
make the switch. Do you know why? I can't. Now that the web is invading the
desktop and applications are going online, is it time to ditch the hand, or
keep it?


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[IxDA Discuss] Different form fields: mobile v. computer browsers?

2009-03-25 Thread Eric

We are creating a page which includes an input field asking for a
user's e-mail address paired with a second field asking them to
retype it to confirm.

This page will also be offered for users visiting with a mobile
browser and we have been debating whether to drop the confirmation
field for mobile users since it would seem to be more of a nuisance
in that context.

Is the assumption that we should drop these "luxury" fields for
users with mobile browsers a good one? On the one hand, it saves them
time and effort. On the other hand, it may allow for increased user
error when submitting e-mail addresses.

Related to this, does anyone know of any good resources (free or
paid) that collects best practices for IxD for mobile browsing?



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[IxDA Discuss] Looking for best of breed date and time pickers

2009-03-25 Thread Emma Van Niekerk
Anyone know of any great date AND time pickers out in the world.




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[IxDA Discuss] [JOB]Los Angeles-Flash Developer, Interactive

2009-03-25 Thread Vincent DiMauro

Hello all, 


This position is located in West L.A. and is a senior position with an Ad 
Agency. They will pay very well for the right person. Check out the job 
description below and please respond if you fit the requirements below. My 
contact info is at the bottom. 


Thank you! 


Senior Flash Developer, Interactive
Location: Culver City, CA


Notes- They mostly work in AS3, Flash 10, & have a custom built framework for 
AS3.  However, they do have some legacy projects and/or clients that they need 
to build off their AS2 framework.  As for Flex, it would be ideal if they have 
Flex experience. They do a fair amount of Papervison projects. They are also 
pretty much the digital agency of record for Adobe and do all of their flash 
design and development for them.

Full Time Experienced (6+ years)
The Senior Flash Developer must be passionate about programming interactive 
technologies and committed to building unique and innovative User Experiences. 
You've mastered Math Motion algorithms, Procedural Animation, AI and game 
engine physics and show great interest in the works of Keith Peters, Erik 
Natzke and Grant Skinner. You obsess over building the coolest navigation 
widgets and presentation interactions that "feel" real and respond 
intelligently to user interactions. Your work transforms client goals into 
compelling, usable, and media-rich Interactive Experiences ranging from 
Websites, Games, Applications and Widgets, to intelligent User Interfaces for 
mobile and the console. Our creative concepts, design, motion graphics, video 
and audio teams will challenge you to plan and build innovative projects for 
our well known clients, appreciated by millions and often awarded top industry 



Strategic Work

Lead the Interaction Experience of projects by implementing tactile, game-like, 
fluid, dynamic, physics based elements, interfaces and widgets that brings the 
creative work to life 
Plan and Architect interactive elements ahead of time along with the Creative 
and Art Directors 
Learn and Contribute to the BLITZ Flash Development  Framework - Fabric 
Provide meticulous attention to detail when working with art directors and 
integrating media assets such as design, motion graphics, video, and sound 
Work with the User Experience team to author and maintain interaction and 
technical documentation through the life of a project 
Maintain well organized and clean project files and folders 
Maintain the highest coding standards and best practices by keeping up with the 
latest Flash Platform enhancements and techniques 
Be an active player in advancing the goals of the Flash Dept - contribute to 
the BLITZ code libraries and component productivity tool sets, do Research & 
Development during down time 
Tactical Work

Develop Interactive Experiences using Flash AS3 (and a little legacy AS2), with 
strong understanding of Object Oriented Programming techniques, RIA/SOA 
architectures, as knowledge of when/how/why to use Design Patterns 
Utilize strong performance optimization skills and the ability to help guide 
creative team towards sound creative solutions for flash 
Write clean, documented, reusable and scalable ActionScript code 
Optimize Code and Architecture for great performance and outstanding user 


At least 3 or more years of interactive programming experience in an agency 
Strong Game Development Background, Math Motion, Physics and AI 
Interactive Agency Experience or Similar 
Expert understanding of theories related to interface design, usability and 
Expert understanding of Papervision3D and other available interaction 
Expert of latest Flash Player features such as Pixel Bender, Filters, Blend 
modes, Flash Type, Bitmap caching, Alpha Blending, Advanced gradient control 
An innovative, hacker mentality, and an interest in experimenting with new 
algorithms and technologies 
Passionate about pushing the boundaries of interactive technologies 
Proficient at Flash & JavaScript Integration, External Interface 
Familiarity with localization techniques and the issues related to providing 
international (i.e. non-English) content within Flash 
Knowledgeable about tricks, workarounds and limitations of the Flash Player 
An obsession for high-quality deliveries 
Creative toolset knowledge (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.) 
Excellent communication skills 
Proficient at Flash Video Delivery and Integration of Sound, Motion Graphics, 
Animations and Transition sequences 
Proficient at Client/Server Integration (Flash Media Server, Remoting, XML, 



Vincent DiMauro



office: 310.479.8830 x218

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bowman leaves Google

2009-03-25 Thread AJKock
For some designers his name is probably a curse word, because I have
yet to meet a designer who likes Jakob Nielsen, but in his latest
newsletter he has actually commented about this issue. Maybe he is
following this thread. :)

Nielsen argues a third way. I unfortunately don't have the newsletter
with me and I don't see those comments on his website. If anyone else
received his newsletter, can you please post Nielsen's comments on
this thread? I think it will add to the debate.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Command line vs. menu driven interface

2009-03-25 Thread Fredrik Matheson
I've witnessed the insane efficiency of insurance reps working green
screens. The entry barrier is huge, but after striving to learn it, most of
them became extremely adept at making the software do what *they* needed.
OS X enables searching for a command from the help menu. This inelegant hack
lets me execute shortcutless commands without running through e.g. CS4's
vast menus. If anyone here knows about a more elegant option, let me know

The committed user can become more efficient using keyboard shortcuts. In
the end, however, they're coincidental key-to-command mappings. Why not just
tell the app what it is you want to do? (Reducing user errors and increasing
feedback through a context-sensitive, suggestive command mode, of course.

I don't use Ubiquity for many things, but for the things I do, it's
unbeatable (Try "amaz interaction design")

Which other apps that mix a GUI & a rich command mode should we all know

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[IxDA Discuss] Interaction Design Programme (CIID) - call for admissions

2009-03-25 Thread alie rose
The application process for next year's interaction design programme,
run by the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design and the Danish
Design School is well underway. This graduate programme is the
successor to our current Interaction Design Pilot Year. It will offer
students an intensive 12-month education in interaction and service
design. Contingent on confirmation of funding, we will begin the
programme in September 2009.

For more information and the online application form, see:

Deadline: Applications should be received by April 1st, 2009. Please
contact us if an extension is required.


The interaction design programme teaches students to apply technology
to everyday life, through the design of software, products, and
services. We believe in a hands-on and user-centered approach to
interaction design. Students learn the programming and electronics
skills needed to work with technology as a design medium. They
conduct user-research and experience prototyping to provide
real-world grounding for their concepts. Frequent work in
multi-disciplinary teams encourages peer-to-peer learning. A diverse
selection of visiting faculty exposes students to a range of

Next year's interaction design programme builds on the structure of
the pilot year. The twelve month programme is divided into three
tiers: foundations, investigations, and the thesis. The foundations
are short workshops that provides students with the skills they need
throughout the year. The investigations give students the opportunity
to pursue in-depth projects around a particular design brief. The
thesis provides students with an opportunity to explore an area of
their choosing, combining design work with reflection and knowledge
generation. Additionally, students will participate in innovation
projects: collaborations with industry on briefs of mutual interest.

For more information on the current Interaction Design Pilot Year
curriculum, see: http://ciid.dkds.dk/education/

A gallery of course information and student work from the Interaction
Design Pilot Year is available at: http://dkds.ciid.dk/


As an education concerned with the broad potential of design and
technology, the interaction design programme is looking for a wide
diversity of students. We welcome applicants from all over the world
and from any background. You should be curious and creative;
enthusiastic about design and working in a cross-disciplinary
environment. Whether you’re currently studying or working, you should
be interested in the connections between education and interaction
design practice. As this is a new programme, we’re seeking students
with an interest in helping to shape the education and curriculum. We
plan to have a class of approximately 25 students.


For more information about the interaction design programme, see
http://ciid.dkds.dk/ or write to i...@ciid.dkds.dk.

Please pass this information on to those who may be interested.

Kind Regards,

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] the little pointy hand

2009-03-25 Thread Brian Forte

Guillermo Torres wrote:

If you are on a mac and press command-Tab to switch apps, you will see your
cursor will change from the arrow to a pointing hand. We know this cursor is
good for pointing out links or buttons, particularly for the web. At first I
blamed the inconsistency on an oversight, which is common on web apps (Gmail
only changes the cursor for underlined text, Reader doesn't). But this
cursor is rarely used at the OS level; someone had to make the decision to
make the switch. Do you know why? I can't.

Apple's own [UI guidelines][1] note the 'Pointing hand' is for 'URL 
links'. On that basis, at least, it is definitely an inconsistency.

The hand itself first appeared in [Bill Atkinson's][2] [HyperCard][3] 
(with the pointing hand icon designed by [Susan Kare][4]). In 
HyperCard, the pointing hand appeared whenever the pointer passed 
over an area that, if clicked, produced an immediate effect. This was 
(I believe) a way of distinguishing such areas from others that 
required a double-click to produce an effect, or took a click to make 
them active (eg a text-edit area).

When you press Command-Tab and bring up the Application Switcher, 
each item in the list is clickable. (In fact, you don't even need to 
click: press Command-Tab to activate the Application Switcher; 
release the Tab key but not the Command key; move the pointing hand 
over an icon in the Switcher; release the Command key; you will 
switch to the application the pointing hand was hovering above.)

It's difficult to call this a fully-formed reason for changing from 
the arrow to the pointing hand icon but I can imagine someone making 
the argument and winning, perhaps as an effort to make the clickable 
nature of the Application Switcher list more apparent to users.

Now that the web is invading the desktop and applications are going 
online, is it time to ditch the hand, or keep it?

Given how many millions of people rely on the pointing hand to tell 
them 'this is clickable', I'm not sure we have much say in the 
matter. For better or worse, the pointing hand is with us for a while 


Brian Forte.




words, edits, type, layout, code

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Different form fields: mobile v. computer browsers?

2009-03-25 Thread Harry
Hi Eric

Is there a particular reason why you need to double check that the user has
entered their email address correctly? I'm sure you're aware that when
registering on most well known sites, the user is not required to type their
email address twice - this is reserved only for passwords.

I'd remove the "email confirmation" field unless you have a really solid
reason for needing it...



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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UI Performance Testing Methodology

2009-03-25 Thread Baruch Sachs
I am talking more on the technical performance side, keeping in mind the UX
ramifications. For instance, a lot of UIs might be designed well from the
design side but perform poorly (slow loading, refreshing a whole page vs a
section on the page, etc) which ultimately negatively affects the UI.

I have been asked to assist with the development of this methodology, using
the UX to drive what we should be testing for. I have my own experience, but
wants to get a broader sense of the topic. I sense that we do not often have
the opportunity to influence this area..

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Chauncey Wilson

> Hello Baruch,
> Could you describe a bit more what you mean by performance testing of
> the user interface?  There is benchmark usability testing, but also
> performance testing of widgets under different loads and system
> testing of various types of responsiveness.
> Thanks,
> Chauncey
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Baruch Sachs  wrote:
> > Lookng for any resources available on methodologies for performance
> testing,
> > focusing specifically on the User Interface...preliminary searches
> bringing
> > up very little. Hoping someone can assist...thanks in advance!
> > 
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> >

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bowman leaves Google

2009-03-25 Thread AJKock
Taken from Useit.com's latest newsletter.


One of Google's visual designers apparently quit in despair over
having to prove every tiny graphics decision with clickthrough data,
instead of having management rely on his artistic instinct:

  > http://www.kottke.org/09/03/google-and-design

I'd argue that both approaches are wrong. Moreover, it's a false
dichotomy to choose between numbers and art.

The third way is called insight, and is found through qualitative

Of course, in reality, the very best design blends all 3 methods:
qualitative insights, hard numbers, and pure aesthetic taste. But I
think that qualitative should be the driving factor.

It's obvious why taste shouldn't be the overriding factor: countless
websites look great but don't sell. You have to moderate pure art
what customers need.

It may be less obvious why the hard numbers should be secondary to
soft insights. The reasons are that (a) you may measure the wrong
thing, and
(b) even if you measure the right thing, such as conversion rate, you
can sub-optimize individual screens while undermining your long-term
strategy and overall user experience.

Putting A/B Testing in Its Place:
  > http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20050815.html

Risks of Quantitative Studies
  > http://www.useit.com/alertbox/20040301.html

To take the example of which of 41 gradations of blue to pick for a
element: yes, one of these will have the highest clickthrough rate,
and thus be the local optimum for the design of that one page. But
it's quite possible that another shade would be better for the
look of the site and make the complete set of pages feel more like a
coherent user experience, which would enhance user confidence and the
site's credibility, and lead to long-term loyalty, as more people
return to buy next year.

And more important, while the best shade of blue might generate 0.1%
more business than the second-best, it's almost certainly the case
that there is some other aspect of the design that would lead to 50%
more business if you could identify it. To do so, use qualitative
research to observe deep user behaviors.

The things you know to measure are rarely the ones with the big
The things you DON'T KNOW are the place to focus usability efforts.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UI Performance Testing Methodology

2009-03-25 Thread Peter Boersma

> I am talking more on the technical performance side, keeping in mind the UX
> ramifications.

Maybe a search focused on non-functional requirements will help?


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Accordion Interaction

2009-03-25 Thread Jordan, Courtney
Your survey appears to be closed. The main difference between an
accordion and closable/collapsible panels is that with an accordion only
one panel's contents are visible at a time, thus if you open another
panel, the first panel closes, whereas in closable/collapsible, you can
view as many panels as you'd like at one time. If you open another
panel, it opens but the first panel also stays open. Check out
www.welie.com. I found his site very helpful when creating our design
pattern library. 


-Original Message-
From: discuss-boun...@lists.interactiondesigners.com
[mailto:discuss-boun...@lists.interactiondesigners.com] On Behalf Of
Christian Crumlish
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 6:14 PM
Cc: disc...@ixda.org
Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] Accordion Interaction

As promised a month or so ago, I've put together a survey about the
accordion user interface element to help inform a design pattern I'm

If you have opinions about what makes an accordion an accordion (and
whether it's really anything different from stacked panels or a
reskinned tab interface or a tree widget), please come by and share
your thoughts.

The questionnaire is here:

...and my blog post about it is here:

(hoping those links don't break)



Christian Crumlish
I'm writing a book so please forgive any lag

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Portfolio review resources

2009-03-25 Thread ELISABETH HUBERT
Hi Jonathan,

I'm still not sure it's the right resource for you, but the
Information Architecture Institute has a mentor program set up as

As for feedback on your portfolio I would say that all the hover
overs are a little bit much for me, this of course may just be my
personal opinion, but I think you should either have clicks instead
hovers OR have one control do one type of action and a different
control do another. It was hard for me to read if my mouse hovered to
a different location then I realized that I had to click to get the
info to stay. Just didn't seem as clean.

Good luck in your search!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Posted from the new ixda.org

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UI Performance Testing Methodology

2009-03-25 Thread Chauncey Wilson
Performance or system responsiveness comes up often in usability
surveys as one of the top 3 usability problems.  There are a few
issues here:

1.  Consider both performance and performance variability.  If a
system has a great deal of variance in performance that lends
unpredictibility to the user experience, that might be worse than a
long, but predictable experience where you can do other tasks.
2.  There are many factors that affect perceived responsiveness.  For
example, good progress feedback can influence the perception of
3.  In your testing, consider realistic databases.  You might have a
small testing database, but gather data on the sizes of your customers
4.  Consider that performance can be too fast.  There is some research
showing that performance that is too fast or too slow will result in
more errors than a mid-range response.
5.  Direct manipulation and immediate control responses need to be
responsive or people will feel like they are working in a tub of
6.  Perceived time will be influenced by the user's perception of the
size and complexity of an operation.  So, if you are loading gigabytes
of photos, you will accept fairly slow response, but the same may not
be true of operations that are judged as not so complex.
7. If you are looking at performance of your system, consider response
time, response variability, scalability, and startup or launch time as
three major buckets to consider.


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Baruch Sachs  wrote:
> I am talking more on the technical performance side, keeping in mind the UX
> ramifications. For instance, a lot of UIs might be designed well from the
> design side but perform poorly (slow loading, refreshing a whole page vs a
> section on the page, etc) which ultimately negatively affects the UI.
> I have been asked to assist with the development of this methodology, using
> the UX to drive what we should be testing for. I have my own experience, but
> wants to get a broader sense of the topic. I sense that we do not often have
> the opportunity to influence this area..
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Chauncey Wilson 
> wrote:
>> Hello Baruch,
>> Could you describe a bit more what you mean by performance testing of
>> the user interface?  There is benchmark usability testing, but also
>> performance testing of widgets under different loads and system
>> testing of various types of responsiveness.
>> Thanks,
>> Chauncey
>> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Baruch Sachs  wrote:
>> > Lookng for any resources available on methodologies for performance
>> > testing,
>> > focusing specifically on the User Interface...preliminary searches
>> > bringing
>> > up very little. Hoping someone can assist...thanks in advance!
>> > 
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>> >

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UI Performance Testing Methodology

2009-03-25 Thread Paul Nuschke
To add a little context, I think that there are two sides to technical
performance: measurement and perception. Regarding measurement, depending on
the variability of your app, you may be able to test and record response
times yourself. Try it from multiple computers on multiple networks, at
different times of day (ideally in scenarios close to what users might
experience). This can be difficult to test with users unless you go to where
they work (remote testing methods like webex can slow down the
computer/internet). Once you know the times, you can map that a prioritized
list of tasks to see how it affects them.

Regarding perception, Chauncey makes some great points. To test perception,
I would test users in context, record the time, and watch the user closely
for signs that they are frustrated with waiting. You may also want to
followup with them after each task (e.g., What did you think? Did it load
fast enough for you?)

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Chauncey Wilson

> Performance or system responsiveness comes up often in usability
> surveys as one of the top 3 usability problems.  There are a few
> issues here:
> 1.  Consider both performance and performance variability.  If a
> system has a great deal of variance in performance that lends
> unpredictibility to the user experience, that might be worse than a
> long, but predictable experience where you can do other tasks.
> 2.  There are many factors that affect perceived responsiveness.  For
> example, good progress feedback can influence the perception of
> responsiveness.
> 3.  In your testing, consider realistic databases.  You might have a
> small testing database, but gather data on the sizes of your customers
> databases.
> 4.  Consider that performance can be too fast.  There is some research
> showing that performance that is too fast or too slow will result in
> more errors than a mid-range response.
> 5.  Direct manipulation and immediate control responses need to be
> responsive or people will feel like they are working in a tub of
> jello.
> 6.  Perceived time will be influenced by the user's perception of the
> size and complexity of an operation.  So, if you are loading gigabytes
> of photos, you will accept fairly slow response, but the same may not
> be true of operations that are judged as not so complex.
> 7. If you are looking at performance of your system, consider response
> time, response variability, scalability, and startup or launch time as
> three major buckets to consider.
> Chauncey
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:00 AM, Baruch Sachs  wrote:
> > I am talking more on the technical performance side, keeping in mind the
> UX
> > ramifications. For instance, a lot of UIs might be designed well from the
> > design side but perform poorly (slow loading, refreshing a whole page vs
> a
> > section on the page, etc) which ultimately negatively affects the UI.
> >
> > I have been asked to assist with the development of this methodology,
> using
> > the UX to drive what we should be testing for. I have my own experience,
> but
> > wants to get a broader sense of the topic. I sense that we do not often
> have
> > the opportunity to influence this area..
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 9:24 PM, Chauncey Wilson <
> chauncey.wil...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello Baruch,
> >>
> >> Could you describe a bit more what you mean by performance testing of
> >> the user interface?  There is benchmark usability testing, but also
> >> performance testing of widgets under different loads and system
> >> testing of various types of responsiveness.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Chauncey
> >>
> >> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Baruch Sachs 
> wrote:
> >> > Lookng for any resources available on methodologies for performance
> >> > testing,
> >> > focusing specifically on the User Interface...preliminary searches
> >> > bringing
> >> > up very little. Hoping someone can assist...thanks in advance!
> >> > 
> >> > Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
> >> > To post to this list ... disc...@ixda.org
> >> > Unsubscribe  http://www.ixda.org/unsubscribe
> >> > List Guidelines  http://www.ixda.org/guidelines
> >> > List Help .. http://www.ixda.org/help
> >> >
> >
> >
> Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
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Paul Nuschke
Principal, Research & Strategy

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bowman leaves Google

2009-03-25 Thread Alan Wexelblat
*takes Jared's strawman and sets it on fire*

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Jared Spool  wrote:
> So, if I understand correctly, you're speaking in an ideal world, where
> everyone already has the data they need when they walk in the room and
> everyone is on the same page with that data. Did I get that right?

No, and you know it.  I said no such thing.  What I said was that the
people in the room should be the vision-holders for the company. It is
possible (even probable) that there are organizations where such
people don't exist, or where they fail to do their jobs in this way.
In which case you have a different problem.

I then further postulate that people involved in a brainstorming
exercise will reach a stage where the brainstorming begins to coalesce
around a few accepted ideas/projections.  Given that, I believe that
the people in the room should be sufficiently familiar with their own
product that they can see how the results of the brainstorming
exercise differ from their current product.

I don't think either postulate is unrealistic or ideal (in the sense
of unobtainium). I'm sure we can both give counter-examples where this
wasn't true, but that doesn't discount the notion that Dave (and I)
are describing a design-driven process.  All process models are
ideals, as you well know.

> Because, I've never stepped into that world. The world I live in has
> stakeholders who have no clue what's happening with their designs outside
> their perceptions of mythical users with mythical scenarios.

Right.  Which is why I suggested that data should be introduced into
the process, in the part of my message you didn't quote.  It's
important to understand how a new design concept may perform vis a vis
an existing design, how a new design might or might not address
deficiencies with a current design - all understandings for which data
are crucial.

However, none of those things go counter to the notion that you can in
fact have a design-driven process that incorporates data, and not just
a data-driven process that might happen to incorporate design
somewhere down in the pixel-fiddling range, which was the thrust of
the original complaint.


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[IxDA Discuss] ixd failure(?) exploited for voting fraud

2009-03-25 Thread j. eric townsend

The entire article is worth reading (and has actual hot links), but I'll
call out how the design failure(?) was exploited by pollworkers to
change votes:


The Kentucky officials are accused of taking advantage of a somewhat
confusing aspect of the way the iVotronic interface was implemented.
In particular, the behavior (as described in the indictment)
of the version of the iVotronic used in Clay County
apparently differs a bit from the behavior described in ES&S's standard
http://www.essvote.com/HTML/docs/iVotronic.pdf";>instruction sheet
for voters [pdf - see page 2].
A http://www.essvote.com/HTML/iVotronicDemo1/demo.html";>flash-based
iVotronic demo available from ES&S here shows the same
procedure, with the VOTE button as the last step. But evidently
there's another version of the iVotronic
interface in which
pressing the VOTE button is only the second to last step. In
those machines, pressing VOTE invokes an extra "confirmation" screen.
The vote is only actually finalized after a "confirm vote" box is touched
on that screen. (A different flash demo that shows this behavior with the
version of the iVotronic equipped with a printer is available from ES&S

So the iVotronic VOTE button doesn't necessarily work the way a
voter who read the standard instructions might expect it to.

The indictment describes a conspiracy to exploit this ambiguity in
the iVotronic user interface by having pollworkers systematically
(and incorrectly) tell voters that pressing
the VOTE button is the last step. When a misled voter would leave the
machine with the extra "confirm vote" screen still displayed, a pollworker
would quietly "correct" the not-yet-finalized ballot before casting it.
It's a pretty elegant attack, exploiting
little more than a poorly designed, ambiguous user interface, printed
instructions that conflict with actual machine behavior, and public
unfamiliarity with equipment that most citizens use at most once or twice
each year. And once done,
it leaves behind little forensic evidence to expose the deed.


J. Eric "jet" Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

design: www.allartburns.org; hacking: www.flatline.net;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Jared Spool

On Mar 24, 2009, at 11:54 PM, Russell Wilson wrote:

I know there are projects of this size, but from the description  
(and admittedly many
details were left out), it just didn't seem like that large of a  

Website redesign projects are a gaseous substance. They expand to fill  
all available budget.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ixd failure(?) exploited for voting fraud

2009-03-25 Thread Dana Chisnell

There are a number of confusing things that happen at the end of the  
voting process on an iVotronic. And casting a ballot always takes two  
steps on these machines.

1. There are *two* places where a voter can answer the call to action:  
a physical button at the top of the screen that lights up red when the  
voter reaches the summary/review screen, and a green button in the  
touchscreen UI that usually says something like "Cast your ballot."


2. There's a confirmation screen. But the messaging there isn't always  
obvious. Here, the voter touches Cast Ballot again.

What the Kentucky election officials did was tell voters they were  
done when they had taken the first step. Then they went back to the  
voting booth and hit a Back button to go through the ballot again,  
changing votes. Then they cast the ballots themselves.

This article has a pretty good explanation of what happened: 


:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
Dana Chisnell
desk: 415.392.0776
mobile: 415.519.1148

dana AT usabilityworks DOT net


On Mar 25, 2009, at 6:35 AM, j.eric townsend wrote:

The entire article is worth reading (and has actual hot links), but  

call out how the design failure(?) was exploited by pollworkers to
change votes:


The Kentucky officials are accused of taking advantage of a somewhat
confusing aspect of the way the iVotronic interface was implemented.
In particular, the behavior (as described in the indictment)
of the version of the iVotronic used in Clay County
apparently differs a bit from the behavior described in ES&S's  

for voters [pdf - see page 2].
A http://www.essvote.com/HTML/iVotronicDemo1/ 

iVotronic demo available from ES&S here shows the same
procedure, with the VOTE button as the last step. But evidently
there's another version of the iVotronic
interface in which
pressing the VOTE button is only the second to last step. In
those machines, pressing VOTE invokes an extra "confirmation" screen.
The vote is only actually finalized after a "confirm vote" box is  
on that screen. (A different flash demo that shows this behavior  
with the
version of the iVotronic equipped with a printer is available from  


So the iVotronic VOTE button doesn't necessarily work the way a
voter who read the standard instructions might expect it to.

The indictment describes a conspiracy to exploit this ambiguity in
the iVotronic user interface by having pollworkers systematically
(and incorrectly) tell voters that pressing
the VOTE button is the last step. When a misled voter would leave the
machine with the extra "confirm vote" screen still displayed, a  
would quietly "correct" the not-yet-finalized ballot before casting  

It's a pretty elegant attack, exploiting
little more than a poorly designed, ambiguous user interface, printed
instructions that conflict with actual machine behavior, and public
unfamiliarity with equipment that most citizens use at most once or  

each year. And once done,
it leaves behind little forensic evidence to expose the deed.


J. Eric "jet" Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

design: www.allartburns.org; hacking: www.flatline.net;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

Reply to this thread at ixda.org

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] the little pointy hand

2009-03-25 Thread Aaron Houssian
I had noticed this same thing, but thought nothing of it as often I'll hit
command tab in order to select from the (rather lengthy list) of open
programs with my mouse instead of lots of key strokes if I'm going for
something on the far side of the linear list.  Although perhaps you are
right it's inconsistent if the same thign doesn't happen when you mouse over
open programs in the dock.

The metaphors are invading all kinds of interactions, even in our daily
lives.  Not long ago I often heard people talking about their "bandwidth"
when refering to their workload.  I think this is neither a welcome nor a
bad thing, just part of the change that is part of the world that always has

Aaron Houssian
MS Human-Computer Interaction Design IU School of Informatics
I check email 2x/day, reach me sooner by clicking to
https://www.awayfind.com/aaronh **This will contact me immediately on my
My Contact info:
Blog: http://designingforexperience.com
Skype: ahoussian, GTalk:aaronh, AIM:azonarh
What am I doing? http://www.twitter.com/houssian
Intentional design is what is needed in every area of life, business, and

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Guillermo Torres wrote:

> If you are on a mac and press command-Tab to switch apps, you will see your
> cursor will change from the arrow to a pointing hand. We know this cursor
> is
> good for pointing out links or buttons, particularly for the web. At first
> I
> blamed the inconsistency on an oversight, which is common on web apps
> (Gmail
> only changes the cursor for underlined text, Reader doesn't). But this
> cursor is rarely used at the OS level; someone had to make the decision to
> make the switch. Do you know why? I can't. Now that the web is invading the
> desktop and applications are going online, is it time to ditch the hand, or
> keep it?
> Guillermo
> Reply to this thread at ixda.org
> http://www.ixda.org/discuss?post=40441
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Accordion Interaction

2009-03-25 Thread Christian Crumlish
thanks. not sure how the survey got closed prematurely (it is supposed
to stay open to april 30, so i'll check that and re-open it).

you are addressing most of the key questions, though (and Welie is one
of the first sources I consulted when starting work on our pattern).


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 5:08 AM, Jordan, Courtney  wrote:
> Your survey appears to be closed. The main difference between an
> accordion and closable/collapsible panels is that with an accordion only
> one panel's contents are visible at a time, thus if you open another
> panel, the first panel closes, whereas in closable/collapsible, you can
> view as many panels as you'd like at one time. If you open another
> panel, it opens but the first panel also stays open. Check out
> www.welie.com. I found his site very helpful when creating our design
> pattern library.
> Courtney
> -Original Message-
> From: discuss-boun...@lists.interactiondesigners.com
> [mailto:discuss-boun...@lists.interactiondesigners.com] On Behalf Of
> Christian Crumlish
> Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 6:14 PM
> Cc: disc...@ixda.org
> Subject: Re: [IxDA Discuss] Accordion Interaction
> As promised a month or so ago, I've put together a survey about the
> accordion user interface element to help inform a design pattern I'm
> writing.
> If you have opinions about what makes an accordion an accordion (and
> whether it's really anything different from stacked panels or a
> reskinned tab interface or a tree widget), please come by and share
> your thoughts.
> The questionnaire is here:
> ...and my blog post about it is here:
>  ccordion/>
> (hoping those links don't break)
> Thanks!
> -xian-
> --
> Christian Crumlish
> I'm writing a book so please forgive any lag
> http://designingsocialinterfaces.com
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Christian Crumlish
I'm writing a book so please forgive any lag

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bowman leaves Google

2009-03-25 Thread Jared Spool
Ok. I contend I *didn't* understand what you were trying to say. I do  
now. We're in agreement.


On Mar 25, 2009, at 9:28 AM, Alan Wexelblat wrote:

*takes Jared's strawman and sets it on fire*

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 6:11 PM, Jared Spool  wrote:
So, if I understand correctly, you're speaking in an ideal world,  
everyone already has the data they need when they walk in the room  

everyone is on the same page with that data. Did I get that right?

No, and you know it.  I said no such thing.  What I said was that the
people in the room should be the vision-holders for the company. It is
possible (even probable) that there are organizations where such
people don't exist, or where they fail to do their jobs in this way.
In which case you have a different problem.

I then further postulate that people involved in a brainstorming
exercise will reach a stage where the brainstorming begins to coalesce
around a few accepted ideas/projections.  Given that, I believe that
the people in the room should be sufficiently familiar with their own
product that they can see how the results of the brainstorming
exercise differ from their current product.

I don't think either postulate is unrealistic or ideal (in the sense
of unobtainium). I'm sure we can both give counter-examples where this
wasn't true, but that doesn't discount the notion that Dave (and I)
are describing a design-driven process.  All process models are
ideals, as you well know.

Because, I've never stepped into that world. The world I live in has
stakeholders who have no clue what's happening with their designs  

their perceptions of mythical users with mythical scenarios.

Right.  Which is why I suggested that data should be introduced into
the process, in the part of my message you didn't quote.  It's
important to understand how a new design concept may perform vis a vis
an existing design, how a new design might or might not address
deficiencies with a current design - all understandings for which data
are crucial.

However, none of those things go counter to the notion that you can in
fact have a design-driven process that incorporates data, and not just
a data-driven process that might happen to incorporate design
somewhere down in the pixel-fiddling range, which was the thrust of
the original complaint.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ixd failure(?) exploited for voting fraud

2009-03-25 Thread Dana Chisnell

Here's a picture of the interaction for the iVotronic on the ballot  
summary/review step.


:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
Dana Chisnell
desk: 415.392.0776
mobile: 415.519.1148

dana AT usabilityworks DOT net


On Mar 25, 2009, at 6:35 AM, j.eric townsend wrote:

The entire article is worth reading (and has actual hot links), but  

call out how the design failure(?) was exploited by pollworkers to
change votes:


The Kentucky officials are accused of taking advantage of a somewhat
confusing aspect of the way the iVotronic interface was implemented.
In particular, the behavior (as described in the indictment)
of the version of the iVotronic used in Clay County
apparently differs a bit from the behavior described in ES&S's  

for voters [pdf - see page 2].
A http://www.essvote.com/HTML/iVotronicDemo1/ 

iVotronic demo available from ES&S here shows the same
procedure, with the VOTE button as the last step. But evidently
there's another version of the iVotronic
interface in which
pressing the VOTE button is only the second to last step. In
those machines, pressing VOTE invokes an extra "confirmation" screen.
The vote is only actually finalized after a "confirm vote" box is  
on that screen. (A different flash demo that shows this behavior  
with the
version of the iVotronic equipped with a printer is available from  


So the iVotronic VOTE button doesn't necessarily work the way a
voter who read the standard instructions might expect it to.

The indictment describes a conspiracy to exploit this ambiguity in
the iVotronic user interface by having pollworkers systematically
(and incorrectly) tell voters that pressing
the VOTE button is the last step. When a misled voter would leave the
machine with the extra "confirm vote" screen still displayed, a  
would quietly "correct" the not-yet-finalized ballot before casting  

It's a pretty elegant attack, exploiting
little more than a poorly designed, ambiguous user interface, printed
instructions that conflict with actual machine behavior, and public
unfamiliarity with equipment that most citizens use at most once or  

each year. And once done,
it leaves behind little forensic evidence to expose the deed.


J. Eric "jet" Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

design: www.allartburns.org; hacking: www.flatline.net;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

Reply to this thread at ixda.org

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Welcome to the Interaction Design Association (IxDA)!
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Portfolio review resources

2009-03-25 Thread David Little

The IxDA mentorship initiative sounds interesting, does anyone have
any more information on this? I couldn't find any on the site.

In terms of creating portfolios, this article from Sitepoint may be of
some use. It is very web-centric but I'm sure that many of the
principles will be applicable for other design fields:

"Designer needed: portfolio required"

Best wishes,
David Little
w: www.littled.net
t: twitter.com/djlittle

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Accordion Interaction

2009-03-25 Thread Christian Crumlish
Aha, free SurveyMonkey accounts max out at 100 respondents. Just
upgraded, so please try again!


On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:04 AM, Christian Crumlish  wrote:
> thanks. not sure how the survey got closed prematurely (it is supposed
> to stay open to april 30, so i'll check that and re-open it).

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[IxDA Discuss] UX Certification?

2009-03-25 Thread Michael Dunn
So I've been asked at work to research UX Certification programs.  While I'm
glad that an interest is being taken, I feel to a certain extent that the
whole certification thing is outdated.  I'd rather just go to one of
Adaptive Path's UX Intensives (http://www.adaptivepath.com/events/2009/uxi/),
but because no 'certification' is involved, it's not even being considered.
Does anybody know of any programs out there?  Anything worthwhile?  Cooper
offers certification but they are very vague about what it entails...


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[IxDA Discuss] UX Certification?

2009-03-25 Thread Michael Dunn
So I've been asked at work to research UX Certification programs.  While I'm
glad that an interest is being taken, I feel to a certain extent that the
whole certification thing is outdated.  I'd rather just go to one of
Adaptive Path's UX Intensives (http://www.adaptivepath.com/events/2009/uxi/),
but because no 'certification' is involved, it's not even being considered.
Does anybody know of any programs out there?  Anything worthwhile?  Cooper
offers certification but they are very vague about what it entails...


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UX Certification?

2009-03-25 Thread Jared Spool

Hi Michael,

Are you asking about UX Certificate programs or about becoming a  
Certified UX Practitioner? The latter doesn't exist, but there are  
some excellent certificate programs available.


Jared M. Spool
User Interface Engineering
510 Turnpike St., Suite 102, North Andover, MA 01845
e: jsp...@uie.com p: +1 978 327 5561
http://uie.com  Blog: http://uie.com/brainsparks  Twitter: jmspool
UIE Web App Summit, 4/19-4/22: http://webappsummit.com

On Mar 25, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Michael Dunn wrote:

So I've been asked at work to research UX Certification programs.   
While I'm
glad that an interest is being taken, I feel to a certain extent  
that the

whole certification thing is outdated.  I'd rather just go to one of
Adaptive Path's UX Intensives (http://www.adaptivepath.com/events/2009/uxi/ 
but because no 'certification' is involved, it's not even being  
Does anybody know of any programs out there?  Anything worthwhile?   

offers certification but they are very vague about what it entails...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UX Certification?

2009-03-25 Thread Michael Dunn
Certificate programs are what I'm looking for.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Jared Spool  wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> Are you asking about UX Certificate programs or about becoming a Certified
> UX Practitioner? The latter doesn't exist, but there are some excellent
> certificate programs available.
> Jared
> Jared M. Spool
> User Interface Engineering
> 510 Turnpike St., Suite 102, North Andover, MA 01845
> e: jsp...@uie.com p: +1 978 327 5561
> http://uie.com  Blog: http://uie.com/brainsparks  Twitter: jmspool
> UIE Web App Summit, 4/19-4/22: http://webappsummit.com
> On Mar 25, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Michael Dunn wrote:
> So I've been asked at work to research UX Certification programs.  While
> I'm
> glad that an interest is being taken, I feel to a certain extent that the
> whole certification thing is outdated.  I'd rather just go to one of
> Adaptive Path's UX Intensives (
> http://www.adaptivepath.com/events/2009/uxi/),
> but because no 'certification' is involved, it's not even being considered.
> Does anybody know of any programs out there?  Anything worthwhile?  Cooper
> offers certification but they are very vague about what it entails...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Russelll Wilson
Don't get me wrong - I've personally responded to and won a $6.5m
project in the past (with a large retail store). That project was
literally immense... and the price was easily justified. 

But I'm just not seeing what the complexity is in this project (and
admit that I don't know enough of the details).

@Patrick - do you have the RFP or more details that you can share?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UX Certification?

2009-03-25 Thread Fred Sampson
There are other companies that give certifications, Human Factors
International comes to mind, or there are academic programs, such as Bentley U.

The certification issue raises its head every few years in STC, and goes
nowhere. IMHO, until and unless employers start demanding certification in a
field, there's no point in creating one.


On Wed, 25 Mar 2009 09:29:12 -0500, Michael Dunn wrote
> So I've been asked at work to research UX Certification programs.  
> While I'm glad that an interest is being taken, I feel to a certain 
> extent that the whole certification thing is outdated.  I'd rather 
> just go to one of Adaptive Path's UX Intensives 
> (http://www.adaptivepath.com/events/2009/uxi/), but because no 
> 'certification' is involved, it's not even being considered. Does 
> anybody know of any programs out there?  Anything worthwhile?  
> Cooper offers certification but they are very vague about what it entails...

Fred Sampson
Information Developer

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Russelll Wilson
If I read correctly it also says that they sent the RFP out to 228
companies and received 3 replies???  Does that indicate a
"nightmare" project?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Jared Spool

On Mar 25, 2009, at 8:16 AM, Russelll Wilson wrote:

If I read correctly it also says that they sent the RFP out to 228
companies and received 3 replies???  Does that indicate a
"nightmare" project?

Or it could mean that firms are getting smarter and not responding to  


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread mark schraad
The only 'reasonable' response to an RFP (IMO) is to chuck a huge number at
it to see if they bite.
Three reasons that folks put out an RFP:

1. They have no idea what they want and would like you to tell them for

2. They already know who will get the project, they just want qualifying

3. They will buy cheap... as in the lowest bidder.

I know there are a very few times when a RFP is done well. And, there are
many times when an RFP is mandated... either by government regulation or by
industry culture, but it is  a terrible approach to design and counter
productive towards quality and effective problem solution.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Jared Spool  wrote:

> On Mar 25, 2009, at 8:16 AM, Russelll Wilson wrote:
>  If I read correctly it also says that they sent the RFP out to 228
>> companies and received 3 replies???  Does that indicate a
>> "nightmare" project?
> Or it could mean that firms are getting smarter and not responding to RFPs.
> Jared
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Avoid self-fulfilling prophecies in Most Popular lists

2009-03-25 Thread Bryan J Busch
Thanks for confirming my suspicions, gang.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Sachin Ghodke
Without knowing the extent of the website and what it involves it
really could be the case that this $705 K minimum bid is real. But
then again, I wonder if the amount of complexity involved would make
this website any expensive as this one. 

I can understand that the complexity will be a hard thing to overcome
while taking a decision if this is to be outsourced to any one of the
Asian countries. I am sure here the price would be half of what is
being asked for here. Maybe I am biased towards outsourcing, but when
critical decisions are to be made then a design agency that is local
would certainly win the race.

I would be pleasantly surprised if this gets outsourced! 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] JOB: Senior Mobile UI Designer; Germany; Recruiter; Full Time

2009-03-25 Thread Sean @ IC Software
  £40-55k  + benefits

Ideal profile: Mobile Interaction design, Mobile UI design, WAP, device UI, HCI


Global and house-hold brand name is looking to add to their talented UX talent 
with the addition of a Senior Mobile UI designer.


This role is based in Germany and International candidates can be considered  
(and visas sponsored), but candidates must have solid mobile UX/UI design 


Candidates can expect to add significant value to their CV and career if able 
to join this client - the work is cutting edge and directly visible in the 
mobile market.


To view similar UI / UX / IA / Usability jobs please visit:

Sean Pook

D +44 (0)118 988 1156


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Thai Lam
Considering this is for a government contract I doubt it would be
outsourced to other countries. Fed, state, or local projects almost
always require U.S. citizenship or at minimum green card status (at
least for the Federal level). Any people involved on that project
also goes through a basic level of background/security check.

As everyone else stated, depending on the size and complexity the
price could have ballooned. On top of the normal user experience
design tasks and personnel pricing, the final price could involve
sending multiple personnel to the CMS's training program, the time
involved for content migration into the new CMS, development licenses
for the contracting company, etc.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UX Certification?

2009-03-25 Thread Craig Cailler
Bentley University. (in-person and virtual classes available)


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] JOB: Mobile Graphic/Visual Designer; Germany; Recruiter; Full Time

2009-03-25 Thread Sean @ IC Software
£Senior + very good benefits 
Ideal profile: Graphic design /visual art background, mobile UI / Interaction 
design exposure/knowledge


It's not often a chance comes along to design visuals and graphics for such a 
well-respected and exciting global brand - but that opportunity is here!


My client is seeking an experience graphic designer who must have at least 
one-year mobile/small screen experience.


Artists/cartoonists will not be considered but experience of mobile interaction 
design and working in a corporate environment is essential. The upside is that 
the office is very international and visa sponsorship is possible.


Candidates must have an outstanding portfolio, with particular emphasise on 
your mobile/small screen design projects.


To view similar UI / UX / IA / Usability jobs please visit:


Sean Pook 
D +44 (0)118 988 1156

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] UX Certification?

2009-03-25 Thread Kanika
Hi Mike,

Here's one which I've heard some good things about - Human Factors,


They have different courses on usability design and their CUA
(Certified Usability Analyst) is pretty well-known with big

A friend of mine recently got his CUA certificate and has given good
feedback in terms of professional knowledge and broadening your
design sense in terms of user interface design.

Hope you find this relevant!


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Good intranet books

2009-03-25 Thread Igor Dutra
Nielsen Norman Group - Intranet Design Annual 2009 is a good start point
(although very expensive compared to a book):




> It's been a few years since I worked on a corporate intranet. Can anyone
> recommend some good books to bring me up to speed on current best
> practices?
> Thanks,
> Jim K.
> --
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[IxDA Discuss] UI/UX Design distance e-learning from Korea

2009-03-25 Thread Jose E .
Hi IxDA members,

I'm thinking take some online or distance courses on UI/UX Design or
related. I will like to know if I can take this courses from a
University in Korea, mainly cause I like the design style from

Any information will be really appreciated and maybe useful for other
IxDA members looking for something like this

Thanks in advanced

Jose E.

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[IxDA Discuss] Good intranet books

2009-03-25 Thread james_kauffman
It's been a few years since I worked on a corporate intranet. Can anyone 
recommend some good books to bring me up to speed on current best 

Jim K.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ixd failure(?) exploited for voting fraud

2009-03-25 Thread Den Serras
I'm curious, how many of you Ix designers actually work with, hire,
or consult with security experts before finishing a project? Of
course this wasn't even a high-tech attack but the equivalent of
telling the voters to use pencils and then erasing them. Does anyone
even have a user testing program that includes people trying to f*ck
with the system?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ixd failure(?) exploited for voting fraud

2009-03-25 Thread Alan Wexelblat
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 6:53 AM, Den Serras  wrote:
> I'm curious, how many of you Ix designers actually work with, hire,
> or consult with security experts before finishing a project?

I work on financial services software.  You better believe we try to
figure out ways attackers would compromise our systems.

But outside of this domain, no, I don't think people have the proper
level of paranoia.  Witness the recent Facebook-based infections.

InfoWorld had a note earlier this month about a simulated Twitter
attack vector 
 I'm sure we'll see one of these in the wild before the year is out.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Different form fields: mobile v. computer browsers?

2009-03-25 Thread James Haliburton
Absolutely drop all but necessary fields for text entry for the mobile

The amount of people giving up with just one entry field is enormous,
let alone two. Remember that mobile users are situated in other
contexts where they will get distracted by the rest of life. :)

A few questions to ask yourself...

What does your site offer that requires signing in? Does that use
case still exist in a mobile context? 

Can you simplify the service or offering? 

What is the profile of the person using the site? 

Text entry is okay on iPhones and Blackberries, but they represent a
relatively small amount of users in the global market.

Check out design4mobile for a start on the patterns for mobile
design.  http://patterns.design4mobile.com/index.php/Main_Page

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ixd failure(?) exploited for voting fraud

2009-03-25 Thread j. eric townsend
Speaking as someone who has done security in consumer electronics for 
10+ years, I've never been asked by any sort of designer to be involved 
in the design process.  It's usually the case that engineering receives 
the requirements docs, then I go through those and start looking for 

One of the things I hope to achieve by going back to design school is 
learning not only design, but how to talk to designers in their language 
for those instances where I'm "just the engineer" on a project.

Den Serras wrote:

I'm curious, how many of you Ix designers actually work with, hire,
or consult with security experts before finishing a project? Of
course this wasn't even a high-tech attack but the equivalent of
telling the voters to use pencils and then erasing them. Does anyone
even have a user testing program that includes people trying to f*ck
with the system?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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J. Eric "jet" Townsend, CMU Master of Tangible Interaction Design '09

design: www.allartburns.org; hacking: www.flatline.net;  HF: KG6ZVQ
PGP: 0xD0D8C2E8 AC9B 0A23 C61A 1B4A 27C5 F799 A681 3C11 D0D8 C2E8

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Patrick Neeman
I don't have the RFP response, but I >do< have the
deliverables/wireframes/content matrix, and the size of the site.

One of the complexities of a site like this is that isn't not just
flat HTML -- there are a lot of dynamic forms. Think about it, 83k
pages. That's a lot of pages that have to be edited, massaged. That
doesn't include the cost of setting up the CMS, building the forms,
etc, and scaling for governance. 

After going through the process with the other city (they were
actually at 130k pages), this price is low. And even though the price
was off, if they are offshoring, the city is going to be rebidding
this out. I think I know one of the firms that bid on it (and list).

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Good intranet books

2009-03-25 Thread Jamie Bresner
Although it sometimes comes across more as a sales pitch, Razorfish has a
free PDF titled "Corporate Intranets Best Practices Report" available on
it's site.
Here's a link to the section of the site where the report is located. The
report is the last item on the page.



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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Command line vs. menu driven interface

2009-03-25 Thread Isaac Weinhausen
Humanized is a software company that has a lot of great stuff to say
about command-line interfaces.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] Readability in Software and Web Applications

2009-03-25 Thread Adam Lerner
Is anyone aware of studies relating to the relative readability of formatted

I am currently working on designing a client-server application that
contains data entry screens as well as information display screens to be
referenced long after the data has been entered. On the display screens, the
information is generally formatted into phrases and sentences.

Consider the following as a fictional example: a user might encounter a
question with radio buttons such as:

   Are you hungry?   Yes  No

When reviewing the information later, that response would be parsed
sentence-like on the display screen with a label, such as

"Hunger: You are hungry"

On the information display screen there will be many of these items and the
user will have to scan quickly to the ones she feels are relevant.  It is,
therefor, the response that is important, rather than the label.  I would
like to call out the response by bolding or otherwise emphasizing it. This
might facilitate rapid scanning of the screen to find the key responses.
Others in my organization would like to bold the labels -- mainly, I think,
because they are used to seeing labels bolded.

So, my questions are:

   1. Does anyone have data on optimal methods of displaying this sort of
   information for readability/scanability in high-pressure, rushed
   2. Is anyone aware of studies related to readability in relation to
   obtaining information from screens rather than simply reading articles or
   stories on the web?

I am open to paying for research or white papers if necessary.

I appreciate any direction you may have.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ixd failure(?) exploited for voting fraud

2009-03-25 Thread Angel Marquez

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Command line vs. menu driven interface

2009-03-25 Thread Fredrik Matheson
Indeed, Humanized sports Aza Raskin, who helped create the Ubiquity
plugin/interface for Mozilla Firefox.
The Humane Interface, written by Jef Raskin, is well worth a read, and
discusses many of the CLI/GUI details we've touched upon here.

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[IxDA Discuss] looking for examples of how to best edit large forms

2009-03-25 Thread stephen eighmey
i'm redesigning an application that collects large amounts of form
data, about 100 fields of info that i've divided across 3 or 4 pages
and each of these pages i've broken up further into 3-6 logical
groupings.  the form is displayed in 2 columns, labels on the left,
textboxes on the right. if someone wants to edit the information in
the form my thought is to simpley display it in this format, that way
a user can see the information and edit it if they would like.

i've been asked to show the form information in a list or tabular
format so it is more easily scanned, and then allow a user to click
either an individual field of the group of elements if they want to
edit the information, such as they do in facebook or even salesforce.
 my preference is to leave the form in its current layout, but i have
to show this new layout idea.

does anyone have any ideas on how to best show this editable
information or perhaps even examples? 

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[IxDA Discuss] User Friendly/Visually Appealing/ Simply better ways of showcasing news/upcoming events

2009-03-25 Thread Aalap Doshi
Hi everyone,

I am working on a clinical research site "Engage"
(www.umengage.org) which works at matching volunteers interested in
clinical research to research studies at the University of Michigan.

If you look at the home page, you can see that we have a section on
News and upcoming Events which is basically a list ( 2 items)of the
latest news and upcoming events. On clicking on a news item, it takes
you to the original news page and on clicking on an event, it takes
you to the calender showing all events for that month.

Is there a more user friendly/visually appealing way/ better way of
doing this? Is there like a design template/pattern for something
like this? Are there examples where people have handles this
situation differently?

It would be great if you could also lead me to resources which could
help me in this regard.

Thanks so much,
- Aalap   

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] looking for examples of how to best edit large forms

2009-03-25 Thread Alan Salmoni
I came across a document called, "Best practices for form design" by
Luke Wroblewski (senior principal designer at Yahoo!). It might be
available on his website at http://lukew.com/

Sorry, just checked - it's available as a book from

I also saw an interesting talk by Joshua Porter at WebStock
(Wellington, NZ recently) - it's more about 'pulling' customers
into your website and encouraging them to be persistent visitors so
it might not be relevant to your context
but he might have his presentation on a site somewhere.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] ixd failure(?) exploited for voting fraud

2009-03-25 Thread Den Serras
 We have to deal with security when we use a captcha or passwords, but
I feel like a lot of designers I know assume that, if there's a
weakness, it will be in the programming and so not their problem. But
this is a case where the exploit absolutely is in the user

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[IxDA Discuss] Shopping cart design...

2009-03-25 Thread Patrick Neeman
Or, the fun of committee decisions...

What are people's studies/feelings about quantity box versus a link
that reads edit quantity, and then they can change the quantity? 

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Shopping cart design...

2009-03-25 Thread J. Ambrose Little
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Patrick Neeman 

> What are people's studies/feelings about quantity box versus a link
> that reads edit quantity, and then they can change the quantity?

I like simple plus/minus signs to click and increment/decrement the
quantity.  People usually don't have their hands on the keyboard having just
clicked something to get to a cart view (or some other such navigation).
 Maybe you have the box in between these operators for, say, bigger
quantities that would take a while to increment to.

As to requiring a click to edit, man, that just seems like bad mojo.  Why
make them take that extra action?  Also, if they have a list of items they
might want to just tab through the quantities (once they get their hands on
the keyboard for the first one).  If it is a styling concern, you could
style it to fit with some sort of indicator they can edit in place and
change the style to feel like an input when they do.


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Shopping cart design...

2009-03-25 Thread James Wanless
 /- is good.  I also agree on as few clicks as possible.

What about an Ajax update.  A live edit on the page much like the
titles and descriptions of Flickr photos.  Display the number and
make it editable by clicking it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Five things Interaction Design probably isn't

2009-03-25 Thread David Cortright
Perhaps this is too high-level and abstract for the discussion here, but I
consider interaction design to be all about *problem solving*. This involves
two distinct parts:

   1. Defining the problem
   2. Designing a solution

So if I had to say it in one sentence:
*IxDs design simple, useful, usable, desirable [insert other adjectives
here] solutions to well-defined, people-center problems.

Here's the presentation I put together that expands on my thinking:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Angel Marquez
Say you give it a year to do and an annual salary of 100k per worker, that
would give you 7 people to hire.
What 7 roles would you employ?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Patrick Neeman
well, it's not 100k per worker -- it's 250k per worker at consulting
rates (or splits depending on offshoring)...

when considering that's literally three people for a year...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Angel Marquez
Totally my point. The amount is not enough to get much done. I was using the
100k block as a point of reference.
If you had to organize a team and the WBS you would have to find some cheap

I was thinking something like this with the 705 as a base:
3 developers - cross disciplined (front end, back end, scripting,
1 visual designer - creative direction experience
1 production artist - focus on IA
1 interaction designer - platform specific
1 product manager - proven start to finish project portfolio

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Patrick Neeman
And the content migration...

That's going to hurt, and cannot be done by that team.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Good intranet books

2009-03-25 Thread Daniel Szuc
Good stuff here - http://www.steptwo.com.au/category/papers


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] Wall of Deliverables

2009-03-25 Thread Bojhan Somers


I am not sure if anyone noticed but at the IASumit09, they have this 
Wall of Deliverables idea and the photos are up, as is the website.



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Re: [IxDA Discuss] $705k for redesigning a website???

2009-03-25 Thread Angel Marquez
I would totally do it for the spare 5k after the new system was defined and
the old system inventory had been taken.
Integration is a pain, I hear that

The quick team scope could pull it off if the synergy was balanced; but, the
likeliness is in the lower 10 percentile.

I predict that project takes 3 years and goes through 3 teams with maybe one
survivor from the original team that really has his or her heart in it
seeing it through. 705kx3

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Patrick Neeman 

> And the content migration...
> That's going to hurt, and cannot be done by that team.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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[IxDA Discuss] ExecTweets

2009-03-25 Thread Angel Marquez

a plan has been foiled yet again...


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[IxDA Discuss] UX event, New York City, April 24, 2009

2009-03-25 Thread Brian Lym
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Library presents:

>From Transaction to Interaction: Transforming the User Experience
Friday, April 24, 2009, 9 am to 3 pm

 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Library
 Rockefeller Research Laboratories (RRL) Building (Auditorium)
 430 East 67th Street NY NY 10065

 An engaging dialogue about User Experience (UX) and its relevance
within the information profession. Our keynote speaker will be Dr.
William Gribbons, reknown UX expert and Director, Master of Science
in Human Factors Information Design Program, Bentley College, MA.

COST: $50
Buffet lunch will be provided

Payment is due the day of the event. Check or money order is
acceptable and should be made payable to: User Experience Symposium
c/o Donna Gibson, MSKCC. We are unable to accept credit cards at this
time. Online Registration closes on April 17, 2009.

To register, visit:

Co-sponsored by Rockefeller University Library, Cornell-Weill Medical
Library, and the Library Association of the City University of New
York (LACUNY), and ACRL/NY

For more information contact Donna Gibson (gibs...@mskcc.org); Brian
Lym (b...@hunter.cuny.edu); or Valeda Dent Goodman

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Portfolio review resources

2009-03-25 Thread Jonathan Warner

Jon Kolko can hook you up with the mentorship program initiative;
he's a member of IxDA.  It's in relatively early stages, but they
likely need more help!

Thanks, Elisabeth, for your comments and time.  


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Portfolio review resources

2009-03-25 Thread Leon Barnard
I don't mean to be snide, since we're all on the same team, but I
think that the portfolio of an Interaction Designer shouldn't require
directions for use. If it's not blatantly obvious how to navigate,
then it's not as easy to use as it should be.

My 2 cents,

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Different form fields: mobile v. computer browsers?

2009-03-25 Thread Eric
Thank you for your responses and for the link to the mobile UI pattern
library. You have confirmed our decision with good reasoning.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Portfolio review resources

2009-03-25 Thread Evan Meagher
I agree with Leon. An interaction designer's portfolio should be as
much of a testament to their skill as the items within it.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: [IxDA Discuss] IxD Portfolio review resources

2009-03-25 Thread Scott McDaniel
To try to do the whole 'lighting a candle' thing...
indications can be built in to make it blatantly obvious to
click/mouseover the points on the map to
see the portfolio pieces, or even having a secondary navigation so the
user can simply Do What They Came Here to Do - or even making the map
more central but deemphasized/desaturated, especially when someone
wants to do something.  The map idea isn't useless, it just gets in
the way.

Flash has problems with presentation, if someone wants to print out
the portfolio they have a chore ahead of them,
accessibiity issues and deep-linking (i.e. "Hey look at this piece
where...oh, ok, go to the map and click on that middle part...no, not
that middle part!")

That said, the Forking Path rocks!


"I have mad skills at doing spazzy things." - Janiene West

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] looking for examples of how to best edit large forms

2009-03-25 Thread Daniel Szuc
Check out - http://www.formsthatwork.com/


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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Good intranet books

2009-03-25 Thread Cone
Look under the Intranet Usability section at NN/g
I've used a couple of them from here in the past and I gladly recommend


Cone Trees- User Research & Design

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 1:22 PM, james_kauffman at vanguard.com <
james_kauff...@vanguard.com> wrote:

> It's been a few years since I worked on a corporate intranet. Can anyone
> recommend some good books to bring me up to speed on current best
> practices?
> Thanks,
> Jim K.
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