Re: [IxDA Discuss] Storyboards in Balsamiq?

2009-11-13 Thread AJKock
I Twittered @Balsamiq a few minutes ago regarding your issue and he
responded inside 10 minutes. The feature you want is on the Next
list, but it currently has a workaround: (look
under advance features - IMAGES).
If only other company's had someone like Peldi. His customer response
time is astounding.

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[IxDA Discuss] Research on Rehabilitation Center UX

2009-08-21 Thread AJKock
Does anyone have some references I could read which refers to
Substance Abuse Treatment website UX?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] CONAN Design Review

2009-07-10 Thread AJKock
Yes, ready for duty!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] How does requiring fields affect completion rates?

2009-04-24 Thread AJKock
I am actually sitting with exactly this problem. Consultant needs vs
User Experience

I work in the travel industry and our consultants would like to give
an appropriate and complete quote for a client after first contact,
but this would require the client to complete lots of fields in the
enquiry/booking form:
E.g. Name, email, telephone, country, Date of travel, comments,
adults, children, childrens' age

Creating detailed Itineraries for customer can take quite a bit of
time so the more details a client can provide, the more accurate a
quote can be.

So do you only ask name, email and telephone number the first time and
loose out to a competitor that already sent a qoute on the first
contact or are you that competitor?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Online Advertising vs User Experience

2009-04-15 Thread AJKock
I am going to play the Devil's Advocate here for a second and ask:
Why is advertising seen as bad user experience? If users didn't want
ads, why is Google making money? What leads to a bad user experience
is untimely and out of context advertising, but not advertising per se.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Need to learn Graphic Design -- Do something about it!

2009-04-09 Thread AJKock
Thank you. This is great.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bowman leaves Google

2009-03-25 Thread AJKock
For some designers his name is probably a curse word, because I have
yet to meet a designer who likes Jakob Nielsen, but in his latest
newsletter he has actually commented about this issue. Maybe he is
following this thread. :)

Nielsen argues a third way. I unfortunately don't have the newsletter
with me and I don't see those comments on his website. If anyone else
received his newsletter, can you please post Nielsen's comments on
this thread? I think it will add to the debate.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bowman leaves Google

2009-03-25 Thread AJKock
Taken from's latest newsletter.


One of Google's visual designers apparently quit in despair over
having to prove every tiny graphics decision with clickthrough data,
instead of having management rely on his artistic instinct:

I'd argue that both approaches are wrong. Moreover, it's a false
dichotomy to choose between numbers and art.

The third way is called insight, and is found through qualitative

Of course, in reality, the very best design blends all 3 methods:
qualitative insights, hard numbers, and pure aesthetic taste. But I
think that qualitative should be the driving factor.

It's obvious why taste shouldn't be the overriding factor: countless
websites look great but don't sell. You have to moderate pure art
what customers need.

It may be less obvious why the hard numbers should be secondary to
soft insights. The reasons are that (a) you may measure the wrong
thing, and
(b) even if you measure the right thing, such as conversion rate, you
can sub-optimize individual screens while undermining your long-term
strategy and overall user experience.

Putting A/B Testing in Its Place:

Risks of Quantitative Studies

To take the example of which of 41 gradations of blue to pick for a
element: yes, one of these will have the highest clickthrough rate,
and thus be the local optimum for the design of that one page. But
it's quite possible that another shade would be better for the
look of the site and make the complete set of pages feel more like a
coherent user experience, which would enhance user confidence and the
site's credibility, and lead to long-term loyalty, as more people
return to buy next year.

And more important, while the best shade of blue might generate 0.1%
more business than the second-best, it's almost certainly the case
that there is some other aspect of the design that would lead to 50%
more business if you could identify it. To do so, use qualitative
research to observe deep user behaviors.

The things you know to measure are rarely the ones with the big
The things you DON'T KNOW are the place to focus usability efforts.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Designers, meet the Drupal community!

2009-03-21 Thread AJKock
This is critique in general about people who prefers to choose the
complex path, in fearing of being devalued.

I actually didn't want to get involve in this discussion, because it
is almost like Apple vs PC, but if I don't ask or discuss clarity will
never be reached, and some people actually think that WordPress is
just a blog and can't be a CMS.

I have been on this group I think for over a year now and I thought
that the aim of this group, of like minded people, was to create
better user experiences. We want to create products that users can
embrace and not be frustrated by. Why is it then that the experts
fear WordPress? Why do the experts choose systems that are known for
their higher learning curves and shun the systems like WordPress that
has excelled in user experience? WordPress embodies everything we want
in our digital life; a product that are easy to learn and use (than
any other similar system currently on the market).

Does empowering the user, scare the experts because they might no
longer be needed or feel less of an expert among their peers?
Why do you want to do the more complex methods if easier ones are
I hear things like Drupal or Joomla can DO so much more? Really? Are
you working on possibility or practicality? How many users do you
think WordPress MU handles?
Are we being hypocrites (especially as IxDA Members) by choosing more
complex systems?

I am not criticising Drupal or anyone specifically here. I am sure the
people at Drupal are great and passionate about the product they
create and so are the Joomla supporters; and their products can do
amazing things. But if you are evangelists for a better user
experience, shouldn't you be supporting the products which have a
better user experience?

The funny thing is that Drupal  Joomla can improve their user
experience with leaps, if only they will only choose to stop using
engineering and programming terms and start talking the user's

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bowman leaves Google

2009-03-21 Thread AJKock
The problem with pure data-driven design (testing for 4 vs 2 pixels)
is that they might be missing the point that the result is only valid
for that moment. Humans are not happy with things staying the same (it
might be part of the our survival mechanism to keep changing), because
one year we might like curvy cars and the next year we like boxed
cars. Design from Dave's p.o.v. acknowledges the potential for change
in a design and data-driven design doesn't.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Designers, meet the Drupal community!

2009-03-21 Thread AJKock
@ Peter Wordpress 2.7 Roles:

WordPress 2.6

@ Brian More powerful? Powerful for what?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Bowman leaves Google

2009-03-21 Thread AJKock
@ Peter Can data-driven design predict future design? No, it can only
measure today. Design is more than just testing for today; it also
envisions tomorrow.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] \Download Adobe Acrobat\ for PDFs

2009-03-17 Thread AJKock
Out of those 9,199 visitors, ...9,856 had Javascript ??

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Airline Website UX

2009-02-12 Thread AJKock
Thank you everyone for your informative answers.
Eduardo, your last link doesn't seem to be working.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Whats in a name, my fellow Usability Experience Specialists?

2009-01-16 Thread AJKock
I think a similar challenge lies with Psychology as a field; you get
various types of psychologist (psycho-analysts, behavioral, cognitive,
social, etc.). If you want to cure a bad habit, you would probably
be better off with a behavioral psychologist instead of a psycho-
analyst, although both would probably claim that they can cure you.

User Experience Design also have various starting points (art design,
information design, psychology, etc.) and so yes ' User Experience
Design', its broad enough to cover all the various sub groups  is
already somewhat of an understood
term, but it doesn't indicate which starting point your User
Experience Designer has and not many UXD are qualified or
knowledgeable in all the above mentioned fields.

Should they be knowledgeable in all the above mentioned fields? Well
that is debatable. Should all psychologist be experts in all fields of

In my opinion, until education for the UXD field is standardised, you
are better off knowing the starting point of your UX Designer, so that
you can choose the correct designer for your specific user design

For a nice article on the various starting points:
Or a quick image:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Examples of sites w/ dashboard info

2008-11-21 Thread AJKock
I am not exactly sure what you are looking for, but you might try There you will find numerous visualisations on
text, numbers, graphs, etc.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Best Practices for Mouseover Layers

2008-11-17 Thread AJKock
Just out of curiosity: how can you comply to Section 508 if you
information provided with mouse-over functions?

Do we draw a line between cosmetic feedback (colour change) or if the
information provided is additional or vital? Or is a mouse-over a
mouse-over and if used, not compliant to Section 508?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is simplicity the answer? I am with John Maeda on this one.

2008-10-31 Thread AJKock
I think this paragraph might have slipped the not

So simplicity is [not] always about loss of features, it is about
tools that fit the task. If that means more tools, that is fine.

If it was intended to be without the not, the comma after features
should have been a semi-colon, if my grammer is correct. If the
intention was a comma, then not before always would make more

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Is simplicity the answer? I am with John Maeda on this one.

2008-10-31 Thread AJKock
The hair: complex vs complicated
This might imply: you are in control vs the program/device is in

There are subtle differences between word usage and their meaning. You
will call something complicated if you can't manage it (which implies
that it doesn't have to be complex to be complicated). You will call
something complex if you are managing a intricate program/device which
can do/handle a lot of things.

I am starting to sound very socialist with product alienation, but it
might just be that our vocabulary differ if we feel empowered or when
we feel alienated from a product.

And thats me running off in a completely different direction again...

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Terms and Conditions with a twist

2008-10-28 Thread AJKock
If I remember correctly, when I got my new credit card with Virgin
Money, they had a TC I had to sign, but they also had a human
version, which I actually read!

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Country from or to in Travel

2008-10-28 Thread AJKock
@ Andy. I am currently experiencing exactly this terminology problem
from a previous form someone made for our Newsletter management and
the system also by default used ZipCode for Country and that led
to problems, when you want to sort data and the list only allows
equal, greater than, etc. for ZipCode, because it assumes the
field is numerical.

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[IxDA Discuss] Country from or to in Travel

2008-10-23 Thread AJKock
I am in the Travel industry and we have found that people completing
an online form has problems understanding when a field means their
country of origin or the country they want to travel too.

We have the country field under the personal details section, but
some people still tend to complete it with their country of

Does anybody here have a suggestion on how to solve this? Should we
change the wording for country to something like Home Country, Your
Country or Country of Origin or is there another way?

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Country from or to in Travel

2008-10-23 Thread AJKock
 A strategy that is more likely to work is to ask for country in a more
 natural way, which is as a component of their address (if it is appropriate
 to ask for their address as part of their personal details).

We are using the Jakob N loves us Wufoo form and unfortunately they
only have an address field, when if you make it compulsory, people
have to complete their whole adress and country. We are really only
interested in the country and don't want to create too much effort for
the user in completing the form. I had to create a drop down box from
scracth for the countries. I can now add the address fields above it
to give it more relevance, but that would just increase the size of
the form with 4-5 lines (of information we don't actually need).

 Note that the country of origin may not be the same as the place that the

Very good point.  Tx

 You might do better with Where does your journey start? and Where are you
 travelling to?

We only want to to know where they are from. We know from our product
which country is the destination. Journeys can also unfortunately
start in country of travel, so some people might still get confused.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The New Facebook Redesign: The Beginning of The End?

2008-09-18 Thread AJKock

 So to step back for a moment, to think about real audiences, users,
 communities, vibrant cybercultures, and how dare they presume to exist and
 use tools without our benevolent blessing and permission! What nerve of
 them! G How dare those cats resist our herding!

Well said Christine. People have a tendency to forget the user in
Interaction Design.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] The New Facebook Redesign: The Beginning of The End?

2008-09-17 Thread AJKock
Just because Friendster is dead in the USA, it doesn't mean it is dead
in the rest of the world. It is extremely popular in Malaysia and
surrounding countries. 80 Million users is far from dead.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Interesting interface design

2008-09-17 Thread AJKock
Good Points:
1. It was interesting way of going through information

Bad Points:
1. If response after gesture takes too long, user doesn't know if he
did the right thing.
2. Two of the tests failed to load in my browser and there was no way
for me to know what to do next, because there was no feedback and no
way for me to tell the system that the test didn't load.
3. Why SHIFT+Tab and not just Tab. Actually I did use SHIFT+Tab and it
jumped but as soon as I started typing, it jumped back because my
mouse was still hovering over the first field. Device conflict?

Funny thing was, that when I left the site I found myself doing mouse-
overs on other sites and waiting for something to happen. :)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Invitation to connect on LinkedIn

2008-09-10 Thread AJKock
And here I thought I was finally breaking through. :)
Don't worry, I unsubscribed again after seeing it mentioned here. So
that makes it 499 people to go.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Good Mobile Trends Info

2008-08-14 Thread AJKock
A very interesting blog about Mobile Interaction Design:

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Article: Is Google Making Us Stoopid? from The

2008-07-28 Thread AJKock
Ironically that this intelligent debate started on the Internet.

Information on the Internet is beyond what traditional means used to
offer. Traditional reading methods is inadequate for the amount of
information that needs to be assimilated. Instead of complaining that
we don't read like we used to, how about providing methods that people
can use to sensibly move through large amount of data, because reading
word for word aren't one of them.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Blogger versus WordPress versus TypePad

2008-07-23 Thread AJKock
1 Wordpress does not allow modifying the CSS of the template (cannot
Adsense to the template or images to the side-bar ).

This is possible.

2 Inserting tables is a pain in posts in Wordpress, easy in Blogger.

There is a plugin for WordPress that allows old fashion tables.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Weighting Search Results

2008-07-03 Thread AJKock
I have no research to back this, but here is an idea you can try:

Rule 1:
Alphabetical Titles [Yeah I know Jared is probably going to hate
this :)]
Rule 2:
Alphabetical Categories
Rule 3:
Letter's appearance in titles


(A)BC for filing [Papers]
(A)necdotes for searching [Papers]
(A)pple [Papers]
(A)pple pie recipes [Papers]
(A)re you really happy? [Papers]
(A)griculture [Categories]
(A)rchitecture [Categories]
(A)necdotes [Categories]
Five (a)pples on the sidew(a)lk [All]
There w(a)s (a) m(a)n with one (a)rm [All]
I sent seven ducks for (a) walk [All]

You can obviously use your own method of hightlighting the letter /
phrase in question.
Depending on how your users search, you can swap [Papers],
[Categories] and [All] around.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] registration download flow

2008-06-27 Thread AJKock
I don't have any research to back up my claims, but there is nothing I
dislike more than finding a large form to complete after I clicked on
a link which was suppose to give me the link to download a product /

There are pros and cons for both options.

Register first
1. User disappointed for not getting what was promised, by expecting
the user to give away personal details first.
2. If required, only ask the minimal information
3. User might complete form if they feel they not giving to much away
and they can still ignore your marketing emails after downloading the
product / file.
4. You might end up with a lot of uninterested registered users

Register Second
1. User might feel oblidged to give details after you have them
something in good faith.
2. User might be willing to complete a slightly longer form.
3. If users see the value of giving their contact details, they will
more than likely complete a form afterwards (while downloading).
4. You might end up with more interested registered users.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Pie Menu Spotted on the Web

2008-06-25 Thread AJKock
So here I was still playing with it on the right hand side, when it
jumped to the left hand side. :( What happened to consistency? The
site looks like fun to play with, but when the fun wears off, will it
be functional to shop on? There are so many options, you have to click
too much to see something. It is standing in the way of getting to a
product. I personally would have prefered to get to a product quickly
and then get options on it. But you asked about the menu... In theory
I don't see a problem if you provide a menu in a block, circle or
triangle. It is what follows that will be challenging.

If you are looking for another example of a pie menu, check out

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Pie Menu Spotted on the Web

2008-06-25 Thread AJKock
Busted! :)

I am also shock to learn that Gen-Y's are more tolerant than Gen-
Xers. :)
Kewlness, fashion and preferences come and go. Intuitive work-flow is
cross-Gen and forever (more than one generation).

I don't see Gen-Yers or any Gens for that matter will have a
preference for inconsistency if they want to complete a task. I have
no problem with different but intuitive navigation. I (my opinion)
don't think we were are critising the menu. We are questioning the IA
and task flow.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] unique search result interfaces

2008-06-24 Thread AJKock
There is also,, and

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] An alternative phrase to Buy Now?

2008-06-24 Thread AJKock
How about Get it? - Informal and to the point.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Adaptive UIs (web or otherwise)

2008-06-13 Thread AJKock
@ JenniferVignone - Their sales because of the technique would have
told them otherwise if it wasn't working.

@ Danny - We already know users don't know themselves very well. That
is why we don't ask, but observe.

@ Jeff - Dangerous situations I can probably think of is Air Traffic
Controller Interfaces. Adaptive systems could prescribe procedures for
certain situations, but for you to trust it you will need to have
catered for ALL possible situations and that is rarely possible (right

The example they used in the study shows content being presented
differently, but the details of the content stayed the same. So if the
system guessed incorrectly your cognitive style, you would still be
getting the information you expect when you clicked on a link; it
would just be presented differently. For e-commerce purposes they
would probably track their accuracy by improved sales and by comparing
their predicted content between different, but similar cognitive

Regarding the Amazon example: Amazon usually ask you if you are User
X and if not, click here. This will remove details of the previous
user and new predictions will be based on your surfing, You can't
really blame Amazon's predictive system, if you lied to them about
who you are, by continue browsing as someone else.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Forms: One vs Two Email fields

2008-06-06 Thread AJKock
Here is some research

I am trying to find the article which stated that two email fields
for verification should die. Will post here when I find it.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Ok, more twitter articles in the mainstream press, now from C|Net

2008-05-21 Thread AJKock
I thought David might enjoy this...

We'll preface this by saying this whole thing could be one giant
hoax, but it's most certainly within the realm of possibility. We're
told it's a mixture of Insteon, SMS and Twitter, all of which are
utilized in order to give one particular homeowner the ability to
activate / turn off lights remotely by sending a specific message to
the latter.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Ok, more twitter articles in the mainstream press, now from C|Net

2008-05-21 Thread AJKock
I think the idea behind the automation was more about What you could
do with twitter, instead of The best way to use twitter.

The fact that a tool actually inspires some people to go beyond its
initial means in itself, is complimentary.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] seo and usability

2008-05-16 Thread AJKock
 I agree that the guideline could be expressed more clearly and that
 there's no obvious answer to the how much longer question, yet.

It's perfect example of how marketing can interfere with clarity. I
understood what you meant, but it was open for interpretation if you
didn't understood the context.

I am very sure that the guidelines in the book have value. What scare
me, is when people read about research without understanding the
context of the research, and then make generalisation based on this
research. One day research says this and on another day research says
something else and that is because of people ignoring context. Context
defines function. I frequently have to argue with people who read
research somewhere and then assume that the results apply to all

Your site: Very interesting topics. Read through a few of them. I can
understand why short links won't work for you as your site is very
text heavy (no images to rest the eyes or break the long posts, and
posts in conjunction with text heavy menus becomes visually taxing).
People in certain lines of work (maybe it is personality type, maybe
it is learned behaviour - maybe the experts hear can clarify) or maybe
it is a stereotype to claim it, but they prefer just text. Anything
else to them is a distraction. They would love your site. Other people
prefer visually attractive websites and they will skim your info. I
think a visual heavy website with longer text links will be less
effective, because it will increase the visual clutter. For a visual
heavy website shorter text links might actually be more effective. I
have no research to prove this, but that would be my guess. (This is
obviously not taking in account where cultures see web clutter as

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] adding the twitter badge to the IxDA site?

2008-05-16 Thread AJKock
Thanks Dave for the lengthy explanations. I think I understand the
benefits of the tool, but it won't ever become my main source of
communication. I am trying to cut out noice. :)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] seo and usability

2008-05-15 Thread AJKock
Where in particular do you find SEO at odds with good UX?

SEO prefers descriptive links, which leads to some people creating
long phrases which they link.
Usability: I find them less readable and distracting when reading.
They are also loaded with keywords which are vague, but descriptive of
the content you are going to, but never spesific.

Linking to an article on hamburgers by using succulent beef being
sacrificed on rolls with green and red salad

The problem is that those keywords could have linked to many other
things like steakrolls, sandwiches, etc.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Do you ask for Functions or Scenarios?

2008-05-13 Thread AJKock
It seems that the guys/girls over at 37Signals also prefer design over
functional spec.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] iPhone 2.0 Game Over? I think not!

2008-05-06 Thread AJKock
 I'm seeing the  
 iPhone pretty much everywhere I go, especially with high school and  
 college students—tons of them.

This might be because younger people use their mobile phones
differently; text messaging, chat, music and photos. Business people
will more likely use their phones for voice communication with the
office or clients. Loosing a connection with the network will be a far
more visible and problematic for business people than it would be
for the youth.

This might explain why you see a lot of high school and college
students with iPhones. Connectivity is not the deciding factor in
their choice of phone.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Highly Usable Forum ?

2008-04-17 Thread AJKock
I found working with SimpleMachines (
very easy compared to phpBB. It even has a web install / upgrade. I
will be testing bbPress ( soon which was created by
the same group who made WordPress.

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Windows -- what would you change in interaction?

2008-04-04 Thread AJKock
1. Focus stealers: I'm just sick and tired (juvenile enough?) ...
2. Pop those balloons: ...

Oh thank you I am not alone on this. I dislike 2 but seriously dislike
1. You busy typing and IE throws a popup with a file you were busy
downloading being taken from the temp file and wham, you cancelled it
by accident because you were busy typing in word.

And Maxim, Total Commander is the second program I always install
after Windows. :)

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Re: [IxDA Discuss] Don't listen to your customers.

2008-03-31 Thread AJKock
I am going to get slightly philosophical and maybe it will illustrate
the topic better/differently.

People have functions
Products serve functions
People rarely think about these functions, they just do them.
Therefore asking people about these functions rarely gives you the
right answer, because people don't think about them.
But we ask people for other reasons: For example, you need to make
sure that your definition of their environment corresponds with their
definition of their environment, so that you are both on the same
wavelength and your deductions are not based on assumed facts.

So, whichever test you use, understand what you are learning from that
test and the relevance. Now put all these famous quotes in context and
you will understand that they all listen to their target market, they
just do it different. When something like You have to listen to your
customers becomes fashionable, people tend to use it at inappropriate
times. There is a correct place and time for everything and there is
more than one way of listening.

The Evolution of Functions  Products
What are functions? Functions are things you do everyday: You go to
work, you work on a PC, you write with a pen, etc. It is everything
that you do.
What are products? Products are everything that you use to complete
those functions: A car to drive to work, a Dual Core PC to do work on,
a Parker to write with, etc.
In general, we do functions and we have to get them done. Any product
that improves the time it takes to get things done is a plus and if it
does it better, it is another plus. Now the problem with getting
things done is that we suddenly have more time available, but that
leads to us adding more functions and the cycle continues.

Example: Compare your original PC with your current one. How fast was
the original and how many things did you do with it? How fast is the
new one and how much are you doing with it now? Yet, we still complain
that our current PC's are slow when we want to get things done, when
it is probably 20 times faster than our original PC. Why is that?

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