Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Time for me to move on from OSGeo

2020-06-18 Thread Seven (Aka Arnulf)

Hey Cameron,
thanks for all your support over the past decade and all the best for 
your new endeavors. It has been a pleasure working with you and I always 
honored and learned a lot form your well-thought-out comments and 
suggestions. Great to see you leverage these skills for docs in the future.

Best regards,

Am 18.06.20 um 14:15 schrieb Cameron Shorter:

Hi all,
I've decided that I need to significantly step back from my 
involvement in OSGeo activities.
I've picked up my involvement in tech writing in open source, focused 
around and I need to drop some things.

I've also moved my career toward tech writing.

As such, I offer my retirement notice to all of the OSGeo committees 
that I've been involved in. (Feel free to move me into the retired 
section of committees.)
I will hover around the edges of OSGeoLive, and OSGeoLexicon, and will 
be available if people reach out to me directly.
But I've been here for over a decade. It is time for me to try 
something new, and create space for others.

Good luck to everyone. OSGeo has done some great things and I'm sure 
will do much more.

Cameron Shorter
Technical Writer, Google

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Changes (and proposed changes) regarding the Code of Conduct

2018-12-11 Thread Arnulf Christl (aka Seven)
Adding one more comment: Please, I implore you: Do not remove the 
assumption of good faith from OSGeo's principles!

"Assumption of good faith" and "Quietening down somebody" are totally 
different things. In her blog on Annalee somewhat hastily 
mixes the two up when she says:

"The harm is that telling people to “assume good intent” is a sign that 
if they come to you with a concern, you will minimize their feelings, 
police their reactions, and question their perceptions."

OSGeo and any open and welcoming community cannot exist without 
assumption of good faith. The opposite to assuming good faith is perfect 
paranoia which is only destructive. It is also quite impossible to set 
up rules to regulate everything without suffocating. So let us talk and 
interact as best we can from all our gender, cultural and individual 
background. If it starts to get out of hand - and this will happen again 
- look at it closely, have concerned people on a functioning CoC and 
repair the damage.

Unfortunately I have not followed the issue which Sara Safawi indicated 
as her reason to want to leave OSGeo closely enough to be able to 
understand all the intricacies. But it actually did not feel good, even 
from a distance. Maybe a functioning CoC could have helped? People on a 
CoC have to take every complaint serious (reverse citing Annalee): Do 
not "minimize their feelings, police their reactions, and question their 

And lastly, sometimes it is also time to let things go. If Sara has no 
intention of picking this up again we may want to let it rest.



Am 11.12.18 um 02:09 schrieb Daniel Morissette:

I agree with Jonathan here. I also have my own similar personal story 
from ~20 years ago where I used a French expression as the opening 
line in an email where all the rest was in English... and some of the 
recipients (co-workers) could very rightly have been offended. 
Actually some wondered if I might have been mad at them, but instead 
of jumping the gun, they asked me directly, I explained the meaning of 
the French expression and why I used it in this context, they 
explained that there was a corresponding slang word... that day they 
learned a new French expression and I learned a new word of English 
slang. I was not being careless, I simply had no way to know at the 
time that there was a corresponding English slang word that could have 
been offending, because I am not a native English speaker.

We all had a good laugh in the end, but if it was not for their 
assumption of good faith this could have turned into a huge mess.

I realize that not everybody will agree and I am not planning to enter 
this CoC debate... I just wanted to relay an experience.

Stepping out of this thread now.


On 2018-12-10 7:44 p.m., Jonathan Moules wrote:

Hi Maria,

Just a thought, but I'm not sure getting rid of the assumption of 
good faith is a good idea. To do so would be basically assuming 
people are guilty until proven innocent which runs counter to how 
these things should work.

To use a personal anecdote, many years ago I had a black flatmate who 
I was joking around with and I made a comment that it turns out is a 
negative racial epithet. Being young and unworldly, I didn't know 
that at the time and certainly didn't mean it in that context, it 
also has a perfectly innocent context - the only one I'd ever been 
exposed to - which is how I was using it.

Now, reading your link, I can see that the author there 
would suggest I be pilloried for what was an honest mistake. They'd 
say I was being "careless" or "ignorant" and stepping on their toes. 
But I don't think either is fair because it's not reasonable to 
expect people to know everything that could offend everyone, 
especially somewhere as multicultural as the internet.

For example, consider this symbol: 👍a simple thumbs-up emoticon 
that's commonly used to signify "it's all good" and "thanks". Well, 
it turns out that it's "an obscene insult" in some cultures! I didn't 
know that until a few seconds ago when I went searching for a simple 

I have learnt over the years from experiences in both directions that 
it's best to always assume good faith if possible. Humans may be the 
species with the most complex communication on the planet, but that 
doesn't mean we don't fail often.

@Ben - Thanks for sharing World Human Rights day. I'm a long time fan 
of the UNDHR!


On 2018-12-09 12:49, María Arias de Reyna wrote:

Dear OSGeo community,

As you may already know, I have been working for the last months in 
improving our community procedures[1] to make it a safer space. 
Recent events in the community have shown that we have a lot of work 

We all, as OSGeo, must remove the recent 

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2018 sponsorship

2018-02-26 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
we have seriously discussed this over and again to the point of boredom.
Still, I am happy that the topic comes up again and again because it
shows that people are alert. Good.

Having said that, we need to be as precise as possible in our terms and
definitions. Every now and then this blurs over.

Therefore allow me to give a quick primer: When we say "Open Source" and
"Free Software" we basically mean the same thing: Software that is
licensed under one of the 40+ officially respected licenses ranging from
the GNU GPL over BSD and MIT to the WTFPL.

Please refrain from using the term "Open Software" because it is
imprecise and only good to confuse people. Do not say "closed Software"
either because it may imply that it is more secure (like "locked" and
"safe"). Most evilly wrong: Never say "Commercial Software" because it
connotes that we cannot do business with Open Source and that commercial
enterprises cannot use it to make money which is both wrong and hurts
commercial development of Open Source businesses. The opposite to Free
and Open Source Software Licenses are proprietary licenses (and believe
me, proprietary vendors hate this term).

We should not make the impression that there is no business to be done
with Open Source software. People have to understand that we do not
charge fees for licenses and give the software away for free - but that
we do charge fees for developing and maintaining it, when we actually
"do" something. This can be maintenance, development, training,
SLA-contracts, implementing the newest standard or whatever else may
come up, you know how 95% of IT-revenue is done. Only a fraction of 5%
really come from proprietary licenses, not more!

Next: When we say "Open Source" and "Free Software" we also often "mean"
a lot of additional things. One very dear to OSGeo is "community based"
and "good governance". But this is not necessarily part of the license!
It is only our interpretation of how Open Source should be done (and I
totally believe in it).

We should also be clear that anybody can use and support Free and Open
Source Software for any purpose. This explicitly includes Esri and
Oracle and Microsoft and all the other proprietary vendors. And why not?

How do we deal with them at a conference? Like any other business. If
they like we even invite them to a plenary talk, get a versed speaker
from our trenches and let him or her publicly dissect all their
proprietary arguments. This gives Open Source a much better voice than
to just to ban them. They know we are so good at doing this that you
will even have a hard time getting anyone on a plenary at all.

We have also publicly invited proprietary brethren to participate in
performance shoot-outs and the result was invariable showing how good we
are. This is much cooler and shows much more self-efficacy than denying
entry to anybody.

Autodesk has tried to go Open Source and they basically failed. But they
funded the fledgling OSGeo Foundation and now look at where we are.

It appears that we are still not done educating folks who are still
stuck on proprietary stacks.

Lastly, how do we prevent an evil proprietary vendor from luring our
conference attendees into believing that proprietary software is better
than Open Source? Well, let them give a talk and if they say anything
stupid or even wrong about Open Source they will be ripped to little
pieces by the audience, believe me.

Thanks for listening.


Am 26.02.2018 um 17:03 schrieb Hogan, Patrick (ARC-PX):
> Sergio,
> I for one am delighted to hear your well expressed concern. In point
> of fact, ESRI certainly has no real interest in open source. They are
> there to make as much money as possible and don’t mind playing rough
> to get it. That is not to suggest we cannot find ways to live and even
> work together. Though like you said and said well “This approach
> should make OSGeo more alert.” On another but related issue, I am
> still curious as to where ESRI and the OS community are on LiDAR
> format and compression as ^one^ open standard.
> -Patrick
> *From:*Discuss [] *On Behalf Of
> *Sent:* Monday, February 26, 2018 7:03 AM
> *To:* María Arias de Reyna; André Cruvinel Resende
> *Cc:* OSGeo Discussions
> *Subject:* Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2018 sponsorship
> Stefano, certainly you are NOT the only one. In the past I have
> expressed my concern about this fact. It's as if Monsanto were
> sponsoring an organic food event. I don't think ESRI (or Google or IBM
> or others) approaches OSGeo innocently. This approach should make
> OSGeo more alert. And distrust their intentions. I remember that some
> years ago ESRI did not let gvSIG people even ass

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2018 sponsorship

2018-02-26 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
+1 agreed.

I like your thoughtful response too, Jody (as most every time).



Am 25.02.2018 um 22:57 schrieb Hans Gregers Hedegaard Petersen:
> I did write that in a peculiar way didn’t I. :-)
> My point was merely, that while one can take a negative stance on corp
> sponsorship, it can also be seen as a positive kind of attention. The
> perspective changes a lot depending on a closed or open mindset.
> I personally find it a good thing, that corporations sponsor projects
> they use, and have worked hard for them to do so. The system works
> imho because some put in money, some put in time, and others put in a
> bit of both. Without conference sponsors the tickets would be even
> more expensive (and without the gift of time, many of our projects
> wouldn’t live a year). 
> Cheers,
> Greg
> søn. 25. feb. 2018 kl. 21.56 skrev Jody Garnett
> I am not sure we need the endorsement of others to be taken as
> serious - we are being taken serious because we are serious :)
> We are also fun, motivated, and out to win.
> But our “win” includes everyone :)
> -- 
> *Hans Gregers Hedegaard Petersen
> *
> Partner, Seniorkonsulent
> <>
> --
> Septima P/S
> Frederiksberggade 19, 2.
> 1459 København K
> <>
> Tlf: +45 7230 0672
> Direkte: +45 9132 6945
> Cvr: 34900841
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] withdrawal from Board election

2017-10-22 Thread seven
After reading latest posts I agree that canceling the elections might open 
Pandora's box (which is not going to happen because we are all grown up and 
work towards the same goal, right?)
Honestly, having Jeff retrospectively withdrawing his resignation and accepting 
the election and sit on the board will make him (and us all) look really silly. 
I already regret to have voiced my opinion at all. 
Vasile, Board, you have my fullest compassion. 
http://arnulf.usMind your business
 Ursprüngliche Nachricht Von: Datum: 
22.10.17  18:18  (GMT+01:00) An: Cc: Betreff: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] withdrawal from Board 
Dear Vasile,

for what is worth, from my short experience as a CRO for GRASS' PSC elections 
last year, and I mean my readings on and off in trying to be useful for the 

I think it is not useful to cancel running elections. Nor it is to accept any 
withdrawal during the process.

The candidacies, the process and the result should be protected from any such 
actions. Else, it is like openning a small Pandora's box and any similar 
difficulty could eventually cancel the elections.

Please, let the process finish, don't rush. Give time for second thoughts to 
everyone. After the elections, life will go on somehow as Even sketched it very 


À Dimanche 22 octobre 2017, Vasile Craciunescu a écrit :
> Barry,
> I fully agree with you that a complete restart is the fairest way to go. 
> However, people are getting really tired with this subject and some 
> already unsubscribe from this mailing list. Also, not sure if this 
> should be my call or the board should formally decide on this. Probably 
> should be me, as four of the board are standing for reelection. I know 
> that most of you are irritated by the amount of emails that circulate 
> this days on the mailing list but I would like to hear more opinions on 
> this subject before taking a decision.
> Best,
> Vasile
> CRO 2017
> On 10/22/17 4:33 PM, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > My proposal to the Board and the OSGeo charter members is to leave the
> > list as it is and make sure that the people that did not vote yet are
> > aware of Jeff's request to withdraw from the Board elections.
> > 
> > 
> > No, this is completely off. If a candidate withdraws during an election, 
> > you should declare the current ballot void and start a new one without 
> > the withdrawn candidate.
> > Leaving the ballot running, but telling people who have not voted yet 
> > that one candidate has withdrawn is *unfair* to those who already voted.
> > 
> > I would hope that running a ballot is low-enough cost that this doesn't 
> > have a cost impact, unlike a paper election!
> > 
> > If Jeff had been elected to the board and then resigned the day after 
> > the election then I assume there's regulations for having new 
> > by-elections for vacant seats, but this situation is not the same.
> > 
> > Barry
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I can
> > insert the information in the reminder mail that I'm planing to submit
> > tonight/Monday morning.
> > 
> > Best,
> > Vasile
> > CRO 2017
> > 
> > 
> > [1]
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On 10/21/17 3:34 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> >  > Dear CRO,
> >  >
> >  > Please accept my withdrawal from the Board election.  I am sorry to
> >  > cause all of the problems so clearly explained by so many here
> > publicly
> >  > this election.
> >  >
> >  > I wish to take the time now to thank all of the candidates for
> >  > volunteering their time for the OSGeo community.
> >  >
> >  > Yours,
> >  >
> >  > -Jeff McKenna
> >  >
> >  >
> >  >
> >  > ___
> >  > Discuss mailing list
> >  > 
> >  >
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Discuss mailing list
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> -
> Vasile Crăciunescu
> An elegant place for sharing geoKnowledge & geoData
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Envoyé depuis mon Jolla
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] withdrawal from Board election

2017-10-22 Thread seven
Vasile, I agree with Barry and others. It is your call to cancel this election 
because it was invalidated by Jeff's (repeated) resignation (irresponsibly 
causing an unnecessary and damaging split in the community). 
Board you will then have to decide how to proceed. My completely impassionate 
recommendation is to accept Jeff's resignation and immediately restart 
elections with the great slate of honorable, well meaning candidates who have 
already been nominated and seconded.
To the critics on this list:To my knowledge there was not a single personal 
attack which would in any way justify Jeff 's resignation which was again given 
without any rationale. Therefore I have to reject any and all accusation 
against the board, CRO or other individuals who have just done their jobs and 
correctly pointed out irregularities. 
All,can we now please have a grown-up election and get some peace so that we 
can turn back to do useful things? Please! 
Does anyone really believe that it makes a difference to Jeff's great community 
building and support work, whether he is on the board or not? He will be 
passionately pissed off, smolder for a while, then remember that he already has 
been awarded the Sol Katz award and the friendship and support of all OSGeo and 
then he will continue to grow affordable FOSS4Gs ground the world. 
I volunteer to support Vasile as co-CRO in case this is seen as helpful and 
does not further disrupt processes. Alternatively I offer my resignation from 
Charter Membership (for no obvious reason).
This was a totally inappropriate joke. But funny all the same. 
Lets get some fun back into OSGeo and all that passion channelled into 
constructive work instead of bickering around positions and roles and 
formalities more than is really necessary. 
Slighty pissed off regards, Arnulf 

http://arnulf.usMind your business
 Ursprüngliche Nachricht Von: Vasile Craciunescu 
 Datum: 22.10.17  16:14  (GMT+01:00) An: Barry 
Rowlingson  Cc: Betreff: 
Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] withdrawal from Board election 

I fully agree with you that a complete restart is the fairest way to go. 
However, people are getting really tired with this subject and some 
already unsubscribe from this mailing list. Also, not sure if this 
should be my call or the board should formally decide on this. Probably 
should be me, as four of the board are standing for reelection. I know 
that most of you are irritated by the amount of emails that circulate 
this days on the mailing list but I would like to hear more opinions on 
this subject before taking a decision.

CRO 2017

On 10/22/17 4:33 PM, Barry Rowlingson wrote:
> My proposal to the Board and the OSGeo charter members is to leave the
> list as it is and make sure that the people that did not vote yet are
> aware of Jeff's request to withdraw from the Board elections.
> No, this is completely off. If a candidate withdraws during an election, 
> you should declare the current ballot void and start a new one without 
> the withdrawn candidate.
> Leaving the ballot running, but telling people who have not voted yet 
> that one candidate has withdrawn is *unfair* to those who already voted.
> I would hope that running a ballot is low-enough cost that this doesn't 
> have a cost impact, unlike a paper election!
> If Jeff had been elected to the board and then resigned the day after 
> the election then I assume there's regulations for having new 
> by-elections for vacant seats, but this situation is not the same.
> Barry
> I can
> insert the information in the reminder mail that I'm planing to submit
> tonight/Monday morning.
> Best,
> Vasile
> CRO 2017
> [1]
> On 10/21/17 3:34 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>  > Dear CRO,
>  >
>  > Please accept my withdrawal from the Board election.  I am sorry to
>  > cause all of the problems so clearly explained by so many here
> publicly
>  > this election.
>  >
>  > I wish to take the time now to thank all of the candidates for
>  > volunteering their time for the OSGeo community.
>  >
>  > Yours,
>  >
>  > -Jeff McKenna
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > ___
>  > Discuss mailing list
>  > 
>  >
> ___
> Discuss mailing list


Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Costly FOSS4Gs

2017-10-16 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)

if we want to compete then we have to play the game. Party is great but
the money is not in the party and fun part. The money sits in large
corps and governments. Folks coming from there are not expected to party
or hang out and have fun. They are expected to see the bleeding edge
technology first hand, learn about the reliability of Open Source and
Free Software licensing and learn about the leading businesses in that
domain. Companies who choose to support FOSS4G with their sponsorship
and come to the global big business FOSS4G industry event. Honor them.
Honor those who organize those events. Consider paying them professional
rates instead of burning them out and then complain that they have left.

(Maybe to the disagreement of some) these kind of events function by
making things shine and excel. This includes a great venue, great
catering, inviting great paid speakers and award great awards at a great
gala dinner. Yawn. How I hate those events! Plus they are costly! Plus I
have to wear my (cat)suit! Yuck! But this is also why I always have worn
a suit when it was required (especially on Star Trek Voyager). No, I do
not consider myself a suit. But I wear one when it is required. There
are aspects of Free Software and Open Source where a suit is a door
opener. Condemn it, door closes.

The good thing is, we do not have to stop anything. We can and we
already are doing both. We have great local events and code sprints and
fun and party and all. Plus we have a one time per year event that is
expensive and attracts the money. Where is the problem? Don't like it?
Then don't go. Cannot afford it? Then promote it so that those who can
afford it go (and indirectly pay your pizza during the fun events). How
cool is that?

Honestly, FOSS4G "global" should stay (or become even more of) an
industry event. What do you think where the (admittedly tiny) OSGeo
budget comes from? It is the surplus generated by well organized,
efficient and shiny (plus fun) FOSS4Gs. This money is used to support
the pizza and coffee for local code sprints. Why on earth would anybody
in his or her right mind jeopardize or even criticize an event that
helps fund everything else we do?


(Founder, Charter Member, ex Director, President Emeritus of OSGeo and
grumpy old ex Borg drone)

Am 16.10.2017 um 18:55 schrieb Jody Garnett:
> I would like a chance to listen to everyone and avoid creating spits
> in our community, some of the most critical feedback received about
> foss4g affordability has been by companies. Our strength in part comes
> from bridging divides, a foss4g for business would not be a foss4g.
> Ravi can I ask if you would like to have a "hangout" or "party" event?
> I was surprised to encounter the viewpoint that foss4g it is
> considered an OSGeo party. While we have lots to celebrate, I view
> foss4g as a time when we can best meet our outreach goals. I tend to
> view this as a responsibility - the local organizing committee has
> specific brought us in to knock-the-socks off the local geospatial
> community and show them how amazing open source can be!
> As a personal goal I am trying to be more relaxed about viewing OSGeo
> as a party, our community members are amazing should be celebrated and
> celebrating. It is one thing I really appreciated about the slower
> pace of this years foss4g-europe event, think it was the first time I
> got to see Andrea Amine slow down enough to talk to.
> Thanks again for bringing interesting questions to this years elections.
> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 15 October 2017 at 23:59, Ravi Kumar  <>> wrote:
> Hi List,
> happy to note that 'FOSS4G being Costly/Unaffordable', is discussed.
> To make it fun, spice is added on the TERM HANGOUT..
> May be the next board will have FOSS4G for Business, where in 5*
> comforts that might make business easy for OSGeo.
> Will also have, 'FOSS4G Developers', where in young
> students/Reserchers can have a great conference.
>  Some fine tuning may make, Say , 1st 2 days 5 Star.. Next two
> affordable.
> But in a world where, 'COST some times means Efficiency', may not,
> 'play ball', with this Idea.
> Cheers.. and All the best to the Hopefuls
> Ravi Kumar
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Jody Garnett
>>> wrote:
> Okay I checked that the report is not published yet (sigh). I
> really appreciated Jeff's answer, and agree that regional
> foss4g events are seeing great success and are much more
> affordable.
> To answer your question:
> /'Do you agree tha

[OSGeo-Discuss] Terms and definitions: Free and Open Source Software (for Geospatial)

2017-03-29 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)

every now and then terms used in discussions get a bit fuzzy resulting
in misunderstandings. We need to be very clear in our wording to avoid

There are two terms describing the open and free approach:

  * Open Source (mostly a development model)
  * Free Software (mostly a licensing model)

We carry this definition in the name of our main conference FOSS4G. I
actually like the symbology of the legally protecting license models
(Free Software) wrapping around the open development model (Open Source).

There is exactly and only one term which differentiates to the above, it

  * Proprietary software (mostly a licensing and business model).

Everything else is confusing and inexact. Especially problematic is the

  * "Commercial Software" (which I therefore only use in quotes, if ever).

It is not well defined [1]. Any software that is used in a commercial
context is "commercial". This can be Open Source, Free Software and
proprietary software. So "Commercial Software" does not really mean
anything at all. Therefore we recommend to not use the term "Commercial
Software" and to be very picky and investigative whenever hearing or
reading the term. Most people just use it out of an old habit and
without much thought.

The FAQ of our foundation wrap this up nicely - and I remember well that
it took dozens of mails and edits to finally get there:

And just to make sure that we build on the positive side and not to the
detriment of others, it there says:

The foundation respects the important role that proprietary software
plays in our industry, and is not trying to get rid of it, or the
companies that produce it. However, the foundation takes the position
that free and open source software can and should play an important role
in the geospatial industry. Furthermore, having quality open source
alternatives to proprietary software can be good for the end user, the
industry, and even the proprietary software vendors. In fact, most
proprietary geospatial software is built on open source software to some

Enjoy the day,


Arnulf Christl
OSGeo President Emeritus
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo AGM (Annual General Meeting) in Bonn

2016-08-16 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
thanks for starting this! It would be great if somebody from the board
would volunteer to moderate the session. I am happy to help out but
would prefer someone official to lead this session.

please add your name to the agenda and prepare a couple of slides (or
even consider talking freely) highlighting what your OSGeo project,
local chapter or initiative did in the last year. This is always a great
inspiration for others even old honks like me because there is such an
amazing diversity of things going on around Open Source geospatial.

Looking forward to see many of you next week in Bonn!

Have fun,
Seven (aka Arnulf)

On 04.08.2016 08:10, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please note the time and location of this year's OSGeo AGM in Bonn as below
> 25 August @ 17:30  in the plenary Chamber
> It would be great to have volunteers from local chapters, committees, to
> give a
> very brief update on activities and outcomes.
> Please sign up here:
> Best
> Venka
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Membership (was Re: [Board] motions from June 18 meeting - making OSGeo Charter membership more exclusive)

2015-06-24 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

On 22.06.2015 21:49, Jorge Sanz wrote:
> 2015-06-22 21:14 GMT+02:00 Vasile Craciunescu :
>> Sure, actually I was about to ask the board if such a survey make sense
>> before the elections and then to shape up the questions together.
> Looking at recent discussions, it makes a lot of sense and it's great
> that we finally start using this to get our CMs opinions in an
> organized manner. Thanks Vasile for putting the wheel on moving.

now things are starting to make sense. What we really need is a regular
OSGeo membership that can be polled and asked and that can vote. It
should not be tied to an annual election and certainly should not be
tied to a self pollinating "Charter Membership".

If you go to the roots of the term "Charter Member" [1] it means "those
who were there when things started". The founders [2]. We misused this
term in the past years to emulate something completely different, namely
the representation of a vibrant and growing and caring community of
spatially interested IT people. Instead of trying to implement rules and
conducts and election thresholds and fearing a hostile take over we
should strive to at last put a regular membership in place. It will
require us to ask people for some personal information (which we have to
keep private) to be able to authenticate them. OSGeo was never really
set up to do this kind of adminstrivia which is why we shied away and
tried to misuse the Charter Member role for this purpose. To create
something that might resemble a somewhat democratic election. They are
not ever. We are self pollinating from an arbitrary initial group. With
the number of Charter Members growing there will be more and more people
who don't know each other and will likely never meet in person. "Charter
Member" is simply the wrong tool for what we are really trying to achieve.

Once we have regular membership these issues go away. Then OSGeo will be
really open for anybody. Any time, not just once a year and not for a
limited number of people only. Then we can have real elections and polls
that make sense. People who excel through their commitment, knowledge
and initiative will be elected into the board [3]. Those who care about
their membership will elect the board, not some dreary old Charter
Members from a decade ago (no offense meant, haha).

While we are at it we could even ask for a low annual membership fee
(remember Paul suggesting the Burger Index to find a somewhat fair
global price tag?). This would make authentication a lot easier and
demonstrate some kind of commitment from the new member. Can you picture
hundreds of people becoming regular members, giving personal information
and transfer (even some small amount of) money just to "take over"
OSGeo? Come off it.

Apart from this there is a Charter. It is the DNA of OSGeo and I see no
reason why it should be fundamentally changed.

There will be more amendments and bylaws and in dog's name even a CoCk.
But there will be no fundamental changing of the Charter (support Open
Source Geospatial, bla, bla). This is why it is a charter. It has been
written down on paper to be there for everybody to read. Not to change it.

Oh, by the way - where is our Charter? My guess is we don't even have
one. All we have is this:

Have fun,


- -- 
Exploring Boredom

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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Hacking OSGeo

2014-09-12 Thread Seven
Hash: SHA1

Sure happy to talk over lunch.

And yes, Code Sprint = Code Sprint. Arguably OSGeo has some code, its
just not C or Java but some weird social code that is really hard to
serialize... Trying for years already but mostly creating new bugs. :-)


Am 2014-09-12 16:14, schrieb Jody Garnett:
> Thanks Arnulf, I gotta spend time with committers tomorrow (Code
> Sprint = Code Sprint). Would be happy to talk over lunch?
> Jody Garnett
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 9:25 AM, Seven  <>> wrote:
> Folks, if anybody indicates interest in hacking OSGeo at the code
> sprint in Portland tomorrow please answer.
> In past years we have brain stormed around Marketing, Sponsorship, 
> Education, Data (specifically how OSGeo can support the Open Data 
> model) and so on. It is a aunique opportunity to evolve OSGeo as
> an organization and I would be happy to contribute to anything you
> might want to achieve for within and around OSGeo as an
> organization.
> This can also include how (or rather if at all) OSGeo manages
> FOSS4G. In my experience the day directly after the event is the
> best time to actually do this, impressions are still fresh and lots
> of ideas have popped up. If we do not invest some time into
> realizing them we are not going to get anywhere. So if you think
> OSGeo needs a push in a certain direction, join. There will be
> representatives from the board of directors, the president (I guess
> you are there Jeff, right?) and other folks in key roles. It is
> probably the only time in the year when you will get so many bright
> OSGeo folks in one place.
> Here is a link to drop your ideas. Its a Wiki, just go hack it as
> you like:
> Cheers, Arnulf
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list <> 

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Hacking OSGeo

2014-09-12 Thread Seven
Hash: SHA1

if anybody indicates interest in hacking OSGeo at the code sprint in
Portland tomorrow please answer.

In past years we have brain stormed around Marketing, Sponsorship,
Education, Data (specifically how OSGeo can support the Open Data
model) and so on. It is a aunique opportunity to evolve OSGeo as an
organization and I would be happy to contribute to anything you might
want to achieve for within and around OSGeo as an organization.

This can also include how (or rather if at all) OSGeo manages FOSS4G.
In my experience the day directly after the event is the best time to
actually do this, impressions are still fresh and lots of ideas have
popped up. If we do not invest some time into realizing them we are
not going to get anywhere. So if you think OSGeo needs a push in a
certain direction, join. There will be representatives from the board
of directors, the president (I guess you are there Jeff, right?) and
other folks in key roles. It is probably the only time in the year
when you will get so many bright OSGeo folks in one place.

Here is a link to drop your ideas. Its a Wiki, just go hack it as you


- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Elections

2014-08-03 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Hey Charter Members,
this year the elections are electronic - thanks for the great work to
Jorge and Bart and who else might have been involved!

This is just a reminder that as a Charter Member you should have
received an Email with the subject:

"Invitation to participate in the OSGeo Charter Member elections"

It is personalized and contains the token you need to participate in
the elections.

I am just sending this because I inadvertently archived my copy of
this mail (holiday slacking and all) and it took me some time to peel
it out of the archives again. Hoping that the subject of the mail may
help you if you have the same issue...

Have Fun,

It is a great list of nominees! And I am really happy that we have
this much better voting system in place now. Thanks to all who
contributed to the talks leading up to getting it implemented - and
thanks to the implementers and CRO! From past experience I know it is
a rather thankless job. :-)

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Membership and/or upcoming elections

2014-05-07 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

there always was a lot of discussion and different opinions about how we
manage OSGeo membership.

This usually happened when the elections process had already started.
After the fact everything quieted down again until - same procedure as
every year.

Instead of volunteering to go through the holistically not automated
process of manually searching 150+ mail addresses, verifying
individually with people and nudging us through elections that nobody
really thinks are useful I suggest to start a conversation (SIC! not a
discussion) [1] on how to change the current procedure, because change
it needs.

Before happily conversing away I suggest we all go back to what we
already have now and then proceed from there.

What we have: official documents

How we do it:

Why it sucks:
* It is a bit incestuous
* Hard to maintain
* Always ''feels'' a bit fishy
* Charter Members have nothing to do most of the time
* (Appears to) exclude normal people
* tbc ... please add your personal offense

Have fun,
Eight minus one

[1] Why not a discussion? Because discussions are usually based on
predefined opinions of which a single one can "win" whereas all others
"lose". Instead I'd like to first see an animated collection of ideas
and later on a fleshing out process to find a new way of - well, what
exactly? Having folks become OSGeo members.

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: [Spanish] Happy PostGIS Day

2013-11-21 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Jorge Sanz kindly reminded us that after GIS Day logically follows the
PostGIS Day. I'd say this is worth a few tweets and next year we might
even want to make this a little bigger event (I always seem to forget to
prepare in time... :-).

Happy celebration.


-  Original Message 
Subject: [Spanish] Happy PostGIS Day
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:42:33 +0100
From: Jorge Sanz 
Reply-To: Capítulo Local de la comunidad hispano-hablante

To: PostGIS. Bases de datos espaciales. Estándares ISO y OGC asociados.
,  Lista OSGeo Spanish
,  Sistemas de información Geográfica y

Pues nada, como cada año el día después del "GIS Day" es obviamente el
PostGIS Day así que felicitaciones a todos los administradores y
usuarios de bases de datos que hay por ahí, cuidad de vuestras bases
de datos como ellas cuidan de vosotros.


- -- 
Jorge Sanz
Spanish mailing list

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Mailmain password reminders

2013-08-26 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

apparently some lists still have the monthly password reminder active. I
remember that there was general consent that we should turn these off.
But Mailman does not have an option to do this for all lists at once (or
/me too dumb to find the setting). OSGeo currently operates 200 public
plus a few dozen private lists and I am too lazy to check them all
individually. But I did turn off discuss (this one) and a few other
larger onces now.

Please feel free to ping me if you are on a list that still reminds you
and want it turned off by an admin.

If you are a list operator yourself please check the setting "Send
monthly password reminders?" and set it to off - except at least 51% of
your subscribers cry out in pain and want it back on. :-)

Have fun,

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Anymore Contributions for the OSGeo Journal Volume 12?

2013-04-03 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

absolutely, we are happy to. This is the whole point (well, at least
one important aspect) of the Journal. We do good things around Open
Source, Data and Education and we should also talk about them. The
Journal helps to spread word and get others interested.

Best regards,

On 04/03/2013 09:04 AM, maning sambale wrote:
> Can chapters-in-formation submit reports?
> -- cheers, maning in behalf of OSGeo Philippines
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] inspire conference 2013: help with presentation proposal

2013-03-15 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

I am pretty sure that "Members of the JRC INSPIRE Technical Committee"
is also sort of "wrong". The JRC is only the "facilitator" for the
"INSPIRE process". They are (and definitely don't *feel*)
"responsible" for INSPIRE. In the end it is the member states who are
responsible for everything and you can't get a hold of them either
because they send people to do something about INSPIRE. Then there are
the SIGs and some companies are also involved in defining the rules,
some get paid, some don't, some want to influence the process so that
they can sell their software and so on. Slippery slopes all over the

- From all the quotes in this you can easily tell that definition-wise
this is a big mess. And it got me into trouble every single time in
the past ten years that I tried to interact with anybody "responsible"

My suggestion was and is that those people who have to implement
INSPIRE finally take ownership of it. That is broadly said "INSPIRE
users". But feel free to go ahead as you think fits best.


On 15.03.2013 12:08, Margherita Di Leo wrote:
> Hi Arnulf,
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf)
>>> wrote:
> Folks, I really like the idea of the round table but changed some
> wording to amend the expectations for it. This was mainly to the
> effect of avoiding up front misunderstanding which invariably over
> the past years lead to unnecessary friction.
>> Thank you for that, it sounds way better now. We don't aim to
>> create any friction but to improve the dialog, so smoothing the
>> tone was a good thing IMHO.
> The whole point of INSPIRE is that there is nobody singly
> responsible. It has evolved over time and through the contribution
> of the broadest set of different people from different backgrounds
> and many are not even involved any more. Therefore we cannot really
> talk to "the people responsible for INSPIRE" - there simply are
> none. To avoid having one side of the table empty I changed
> "members of the INSPIRE Technical Committee" to "users involved
> with INSPIRE". Maybe that is too broad, if so please change to
> something else.
>> Here maybe there was a misunderstanding. With "Members of the
>> INSPIRE Technical Committee" I meant people from JRC working on
>> the implementation of the technical rules, so if you agree I'd
>> change this in: "Members of the JRC INSPIRE Technical Committee".
>> Users involved with INSPIRE are of course welcome as well..

> To the same effect I changed "discussion" (which always results in
> one winner and one loser) to "dialog" (which means that people
> listen to each other and learn from each other).
>> very good.
> Hope this sits well with you, otherwise feel free to revert to an 
> earlier version.
> Please note that the Wiki had a hickup when saving two conflicting 
> edits, so one intermediate version is raw HTML. I tried to save
> the earlier changes, mainly adding Paolo to the list of
> contributors. Please recheck, if you edited in the past hour or
> so.
> Looking forward to seeing some of you at the conference.
>> Thanks! m
> Cheers, Arnulf
> On 14.03.2013 22:14, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>> Hi Margherita, Jachym.
>> Margherita, thanks for the workshop proposal draft. I will
>> review this too.
>> Jachym, the abstract review is done on my side. Please have a 
>> look.
>> Regards, Angelos
>> On 03/14/2013 10:41 PM, Margherita Di Leo wrote:
>>> Thank you Jachym. I also prepared the workshop proposal here
if you guys could also review this. And, of course, add your names and
>>> affiliations.
>>> Thanks
>>> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Angelos Tzotsos 
>>>> Hi Jachym,
>>>> I will review the proposal and make additions/corrections.
>>>> Regards, Angelos
>>>> On 03/14/2013 07:46 PM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> can anybody please have a look at the proposal of
>>>> presentation of INSPIRE conference, I've prepared at [1]?

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] inspire conference 2013: help with presentation proposal

2013-03-15 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

I really like the idea of the round table but changed some wording to
amend the expectations for it. This was mainly to the effect of
avoiding up front misunderstanding which invariably over the past
years lead to unnecessary friction.

The whole point of INSPIRE is that there is nobody singly responsible.
It has evolved over time and through the contribution of the broadest
set of different people from different backgrounds and many are not
even involved any more. Therefore we cannot really talk to "the people
responsible for INSPIRE" - there simply are none. To avoid having one
side of the table empty I changed "members of the INSPIRE Technical
Committee" to "users involved with INSPIRE". Maybe that is too broad,
if so please change to something else.

To the same effect I changed "discussion" (which always results in one
winner and one loser) to "dialog" (which means that people listen to
each other and learn from each other).

Hope this sits well with you, otherwise feel free to revert to an
earlier version.

Please note that the Wiki had a hickup when saving two conflicting
edits, so one intermediate version is raw HTML. I tried to save the
earlier changes, mainly adding Paolo to the list of contributors.
Please recheck, if you edited in the past hour or so.

Looking forward to seeing some of you at the conference.


On 14.03.2013 22:14, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Hi Margherita, Jachym.
> Margherita, thanks for the workshop proposal draft. I will review
> this too.
> Jachym, the abstract review is done on my side. Please have a
> look.
> Regards, Angelos
> On 03/14/2013 10:41 PM, Margherita Di Leo wrote:
>> Thank you Jachym. I also prepared the workshop proposal here 
if you guys could also review this. And, of course, add your names and
>> affiliations.
>> Thanks
>> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Angelos Tzotsos 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jachym,
>>> I will review the proposal and make additions/corrections.
>>> Regards, Angelos
>>> On 03/14/2013 07:46 PM, Jachym Cepicky wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> can anybody please have a look at the proposal of presentation
>>> of INSPIRE conference, I've prepared at [1]?
>>> I'm not native speaker, nor do I use the language (English)
>>> very fluently, so any help mostly welcomed.
>>> I would also like to ask, if someone has the capacity and
>>> inspiration, that he/she could extend or rewrite completely the
>>> proposal I've prepared (and add his/her name at the top).
>>> Thanks for help, more work will come if the proposal will be
>>> accepted
>>> Jachym
>>> [1]
>>> Discuss mailing 
>>> listDiscuss@lists.osgeo.org
- -- 
>>> Angelos Tzotsos Remote Sensing Laboratory National Technical
>>> University of Athens
>>> ___ Discuss mailing
>>> list 

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board Meeting Summary (2013-01)

2013-01-21 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Hi Jachym, Jeff,
thanks for the link to the logs, update and comments, this is a
valuable source of information for the community. I hope you can keep
this up (and please if anybody else thinks this is useful, why not
comment on it too. I know from experience that there is nothing more
frustrating than to shout in a forest and not hear anything back at all).

On 01/18/2013 02:18 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Here is a glimpse of some of the events (if you notice I missed 
> mentioning your regional event please do reply to this email with 
> details):
> Buenos Aires (april) Bucharest (may) Minneapolis (may) Nottingham
> (sept) Tokyo/Osaka (nov)

FOSSGIS in Raperswil, Switzerland (June)

(event item just submitted to add to the OSGeo events list)


- -- 
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
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Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G North America - Blind voting [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2013-01-17 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
 who will have the most insightful content, and who will attract the
> most audience are usually those who have built up a large, very
> public reputation, (as leaders of open source communities, usually
> with a long history of insightful emails, blogs, and IRC trails).
> I appreciate the importance of being welcoming to all communities.
> In fact, I think that successful Open Source communities are
> naturally welcoming as they have managed to attract developers and
> community. However, I don't think that blind voting is right for
> us.
> -- Cameron Shorter Geospatial Solutions Manager Tel: +61 (0)2 8570
> 5050 Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open
> Standards and Open Source
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Bolivian Local Chapter is born

2012-12-03 Thread Seven
Hash: SHA1

Yay, well done.


Thanks for all your good work over there, good to see progress.

/me start to plan for a visit to Bolivia in June...


Am 2012-12-3 13:40, schrieb Sylvain Lesage:
> We are pleased to announce the birth of the Bolivian Local Chapter.
> You may find some details on:
> We invite all the OSGeo members interested to Bolivia to add their 
> personal information on the wiki page and subscribe to the
> upcoming mailing list.
> The Bolivian group will be mainly dedicated to the local help
> between Bolivian members and the organization of events around free
> GIS software and open data.
> We fixed as an objective the organization of a technical congress
> on june 2013, where we will officially ask the board to be
> recognized as a OSGeo Local Chapter, if we can testify the group
> has been really active.
> Sylvain Lesage ___ 
> Discuss mailing list 

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Happy GIS Day to all (Now - "FREE GIS Day" - not Today :-)

2012-11-15 Thread Seven
Hash: SHA1

Just to make sure that the honor goes to who deserve it, the idea
originated somewhere between and and probably many more, /me just did a
dumb retweet no more.

It is all about marketing.

Did you know that Americans originally had a light breakfast and even
tended to work before eating? So when did the full scale eggs and
bacon combo become commonplace and why?

The meal was popularized in the United States by Edward Bernays during
the 1920s and 1930s. In order to promote sales of bacon, he conducted
a survey of physicians and reported their recommendation that people
eat hearty breakfasts. He sent the results of the survey to 5,000
physicians, along with publicity touting bacon and eggs as a hearty
...and saved the business' neck. Plus he ruined a whole populations'
health, but that is another story. In his letter to the physicians
Edward actually suggested that a hearty breakfast be good and also
mentioned that bacon be part of it. Up to then nobody thought that
bacon in the morning made any sense (and it is kind of gross, is it
not?). From a business perspective it was a great idea which and saved
the companie's neck trying to sell bacon. As a side-effect(!) nowadays
the whole world believes that ham and eggs and baked beans and 16
thousand calories is how a good American starts the day.

So what campaign would you run to make OSGeo Software the new light
breakfast of choice?

(One week drunken GIS fiesta is not an option, although it would have
a charm...).


Am 2012-11-15 14:16, schrieb Tim Bowden:
> On Thu, 2012-11-15 at 12:51 +1100, Noli Sicad wrote:
>> On 11/15/12, Seven (aka Arnulf)  wrote:
>>>> As I am been reading about this "GIS Day".
>>>> It is ESRI Agenda :-).
>>>> I am thinking that  probably OSGeo could come up with another
>>>> day for "FREE GIS Day".
>>>> Noli
>>> Well spotted. I guess we already have it. It is tomorrow and it
>>> is the PostGIS day. Obviously.
>>> :-)
>>> Cheers, Arnulf
>> PostGIS Day?
>> So the next day after PostGIS Day would be,
>> QGIS Day
>> then,
>> uDIG Day.
>> ...
>> It's sort of OSGeo Fiesta for GIS
>> :-)
>> Exciting week for GIS - Fiesta for GIS, Tequila, .. Oder Wurst,
>> Beer -und Pretzels.
>> Noli
> After QGIS day, R-GIS day (spatial analysis with R)? Anything for S
> & T? Maybe a 2 day break before celebrating Udig-GIS day.
> Tim Bowden.

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Happy GIS Day to all (Now - "FREE GIS Day" - not Today :-)

2012-11-14 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

On 11/14/2012 11:37 PM, Noli Sicad wrote:
> Hi,
> As I am been reading about this "GIS Day".
> It is ESRI Agenda :-).
> I am thinking that  probably OSGeo could come up with another day
> for "FREE GIS Day".
> Noli

Well spotted. I guess we already have it. It is tomorrow and it is the
PostGIS day. Obviously.



> On 11/15/12, Edwin Liava'a  wrote:
>> Happy GIS day everyone from the Pacific Islands..cheers!
>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Carlos Rivas 
>> wrote:
>>> Hey Valenty! Happy GIS day, celebrating with a workflow
>>> automation design... guess... Tourism of course!
>>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 8:06 AM, Valenty Gonzalez < 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Happy GIS Day everyone!
>>>> Jeff, thanks by the link.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Valenty
>>>> El 14/11/12 09:01, Jeff McKenna escribió:
>>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>> GIS Day is a great excuse to celebrate our passion for
>>>>> geography and FOSS4G all around the world.  Please share
>>>>> your passion today!
>>>>> Visualization of #GISDay tweets: 
>>>>> Your friend,
>>>>> -jeff
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] any news on Eclipse Location Industry Working Group?

2012-10-29 Thread Seven
Hash: SHA1

yes there has been progress, OSGeo is now an institutional member of
Location Tech and has a liaison officer working closely with the
Eclipse fundation:

MOTION: Frank moved that OSGeo participates in LocationTech with Peter
Batty as OSGeo liason, motion carried.

See also at:

Am 2012-10-29 13:43, schrieb dncarreira:
> Have there been any progress on links with this new geo centred
> open source foundation group?
> How is this going to affect the official osgeo's projects?

Not at all. If projects want to become active in Location Tech they
have the option. This will not take away anything from their
involvement with OSGeo.

> Will there be common projects to both foundations?

I hope so.

> If so, will there be 2 repositories?

This will in part depend on the projects. OSGeo is happy with projects
maintaing their code in any appropriate environment they like. Eclipse
seems to be somewhat more restrictive.

> Will funding raised by Eclipse LIWG reach projects on OSGeo?

Yes, obviously, especially if the projects have already been through
OSGeo incubation.

> It seems a discussion started on this but ended up disussing an
> embassador role... did anyone attend their 1st meeting after all?

See above.

> Just trying to figure this new reality out...

It is still in formation, so if you have special needs or an idea or
doubts, voice them. Peter Batty will have an open ear for you and
direct contect into Location Tech.

> Thanks, Duarte


> -- View this message in context:
Sent from the OSGeo Discuss mailing list archive at
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.18 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] NEWS: Venkatesh Raghavan Receives 2012 Sol Katz Award

2012-10-25 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Congratulations Venka!

On 26.10.2012 04:47, Gérald Fenoy wrote:
> Congratulations Venka for getting the Soltz Katz Award !
> Congratulations to OSGeo for making this choice, choosing the
> place and an event which fit just perfectly i feel.
> Gérald Fenoy
> Le 25 oct. 2012 à 19:00, Jeff McKenna
>  a écrit :
>> --
>> Prof. Venkatesh Raghavan was honored today with the 2012 Sol
>> Katz Award for Geospatial Free and Open Source Software during
>> the inaugural session of the FOSS4G-India 2012 
>> ( conference in Hyderabad, 
>> India. The award was presented by Ravi Kumar and Vundavallu
>> Aruna Kumar, Member of Parliament.  Venka received a memento on
>> behalf of the OSGeo-India Chapter. Venka's dedication to FOSS4G
>> and his community work around the world, promoting open source
>> geospatial, is second to none.  He has been involved in OSGeo
>> since the foundation was formed in 2006, and we are lucky to have
>> such a strong global voice in him.  The OSGeo foundation wishes
>> to thank Venka for his wonderful dedication.
>> Background
>> The Sol Katz Award for Geospatial Free and Open Source Software
>> is awarded annually by OSGeo to individuals who have demonstrated
>>  leadership in the GFOSS community. Recipients of the award will 
>> have contributed significantly through their activities to
>> advance open source ideals in the geospatial realm. The hope is
>> that the award will both acknowledge the work of community
>> members, and pay tribute to one of its founders, for years to
>> come. Sol Katz was an early pioneer of GFOSS and left behind a
>> large body of work in the form of applications, format
>> specifications, and utilities. In the early 80's, Sol assisted in
>> the development of a public domain GIS package called MOSS (Map
>> Overlay and Statistical System). This software was arguably the
>> first open source GIS software in the world. Sol would later go
>> on to release and maintain PC MOSS. He was also one of the first
>> involved in public data translator utilities. Utilities that he
>> developed for converting DEMs and reading SDTS files were
>> contributed back to the geospatial community, and are still
>> available today. Sol was also a frequent contributor to many
>> geospatial list servers, providing much guidance to the
>> geospatial community at large. Sol Katz's collection of GIS
>> utilities at the BLM is still available at 
>> Sadly, after fighting Non-Hodgkin's 
>> Lymphoma for almost a decade, Sol died April 23, 1999 in bed.
>> His legacy will always live on in the GFOSS world.
>> --
>> ___ Discuss mailing 
>> list 
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Looking for Open-Source project inception dates for OSGeo projects

2012-09-26 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

On 09/26/2012 10:23 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) wrote:
> Different strategy . . .
> If you know when a project became Open Source, please reply here
> with that project’s year of Open Sourcing.
> Thanks
> Bobb
> OSGeo Projects
> *Web Mapping*
> * deegree <> * geomajas
> <> * GeoMoose
> <>Description: 
> (2007
> Bob Basques) * GeoServer <>Description: 
> *
> Mapbender <>

Mapbender (2003 Arnulf Christl)

> * MapBuilder <> * MapFish
> <> * MapGuide Open Source
> <> * MapServer
> <> * OpenLayers
> <> * ZOO-Project
> <>Description: 
> *Desktop Applications*
> * GRASS GIS <> * Quantum GIS
> <> * gvSIG
> <>Description: 
> *
> Opticks <>Description: 
> *Geospatial Libraries*
> * FDO <> * GDAL/OGR
> <> * GEOS <> *
> GeoTools <> * MetaCRS
> <>Description: 
> <> * PostGIS <> *
> rasdaman <> Description: 
> *Metadata Catalog*
> * GeoNetwork <>
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Frank Warmerdam *Sent:* Wednesday, September 26, 2012
> 4:08 PM *To:* Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) *Cc:* osgeo-discuss
> (; *Subject:* Re:
> [OSGeo-Discuss] Got a simple question, but can't seem to find the
> stuff I'm looking for.
> Bob,
> I assume you mean when they graduated from incubation?  Or perhaps
> you mean when they entered?  I am not aware of a unified list.  But
> you could review news announcements, and incubation and board
> minutes to harvest the info painfully.
> Best regards,
> Frank
> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) 
> wrote:
> All,
> Anyone know where I might find a chart/list that shows when a
> particular project was ratified by OSGeo, and added to the product
> list?
> I’m only looking for “year of” at this point.  Would meeting
> minutes be the obvious place to start?
> Thanks
> Bobb
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list <> 
> -- 
> ---+--
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
> <> light and sound -
> activate the windows | and watch the
> world go round - Rush| Geospatial Software Developer
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Supporting Standards

2012-09-06 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

one item on the OGC Architecture Board meeting agenda today was to
look at this web site:

- From my perspective the principles listed here are very much aligned
with our goals and nicely worded. So my suggestion is to support this
initiative as an organization [1]. Let's have a dialog here and if we
come to the conclusion that we want to officially endorse this submit
a motion to the board for their next meeting.



- -- 
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Should we write a FOSS4G Cookbook?

2012-09-06 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

we discuss this every year but it never happens. So I picked it up at
yesterday's UK Local Chapter meeting to start an outline based on what
we did over the past years. Once we have a framework I'll ping this
list and then move the thread to OSGeo Conf list and keep FOSS4G 2013
in the loop. It will all happen in the OSGeo Wiki under it's own


On 09/06/2012 10:55 AM, Mike Saunt wrote:
> I think this is a good idea.   We're using basecamp for FOSS4G 2013
> so lots of details will be recorded there.  I would think
> conference post mortems would work too...
> sent from mobile which isn't an iPhone
> On Sep 5, 2012 11:34 PM, "Cameron Shorter"
> wrote:
> In analysing the downfall of FOSS4G 2012 [1] one of the key
> lessons that became apparent to me is that we are not very
> efficient at passing on Lessons Learned from one conference to the
> next.
> Could we do a better job of knowledge transfer by building an
> OSGeo Conference Body of Knowledge? Something like a FOSS4G
> Cookbook [2]?
> If so, what should be the scope of the cookbook? Should it only be 
> for the international FOSS4G event? Should it cover regional 
> conferences too? Should it also cover FOSS4G steams in other 
> conferences?
> Who thinks this idea is important enough that you would like to
> help write sections of the Cookbook, or help with editing?
> What format should we use to write the Cookbook? Maybe a wiki?
> I'm interested to help push this idea forward if we as a community 
> think that there will be value in such a collaboratively edited 
> document.
> If you have an interest, please respond on the OSGeo
> conference_dev email list (rather than OSGeo Discuss)
> [1] 
> [2] 
> <> [3]
> <>
> -- Cameron Shorter Geospatial Solutions Manager Tel: +61 (0)2 8570
> 5050  Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open
> Standards and Open Source
> _ Discuss mailing
> list <> 
> <>
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

- -- 
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] 24h reminder: Board Elections 2012 !

2012-08-11 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Dear OSGeo Charter Members,
this is the last reminder that the election period will end in one day
(depending on where you are)!

If you have not yet voted or did not receive a confirmation email we
recommend that you send in your votes now [1], ideally well before the
election period ends on Sunday at 23:59 your time.

Thank you for your contribution!

If we have not received a vote from you in this or the past year we
consider you as inactive and your OSGeo Charter Membership will become

With kind regards,
Your CROs

- -- 
OSGeo Chief Returning Officers
Arnulf Christl and Michael Gerlek
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] 48h reminder: Board Elections 2012 !

2012-08-10 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Dear OSGeo Charter Members,
this is a reminder that the election period will end in less then
two days (depending on where you are)!

If you have not yet voted or did not receive a confirmation email we
recommend that you send in your votes now [1], ideally well before the
election period ends on Sunday at 23:59 your time.

Thank you for your contribution!

This reminder has also been sent individually to all those who have so
far *not* voted! If you did not get that private mail you fell off our
records! Please contact us now! Check your spam folder, etc.

With kind regards,
Your CROs


- -- 
OSGeo Chief Returning Officers
Arnulf Christl and Michael Gerlek
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] 48h reminder: Board Elections 2012 !

2012-08-10 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Dear OSGeo Charter Members,
this is a reminder that the election period will end in less then
two days (depending on where you are)!

If you have not yet voted or did not receive a confirmation email we
recommend that you send in your votes now [1], ideally well before the
election period ends on Sunday at 23:59 your time.

Thank you for your contribution!

This reminder has also been sent individually to all those who have so
far *not* voted! If you did not get that private mail you fell off our
records! Please contact us now! Check your spam folder, etc.

With kind regards,
Your CROs


- -- 
OSGeo Chief Returning Officers
Arnulf Christl and Michael Gerlek
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] 72h Reminder: Board Elections 2012

2012-08-09 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Dear OSGeo Charter Members,
this is a reminder that the election period will end in less then
three days (depending on where you are)!

If you have not yet voted or did not receive a confirmation email we
recommend that you send in your votes now [1], ideally well before the
election period ends on Sunday at 23:59 your time.

Thank you for your contribution!

With kind regards,
Your CROs


- -- 
OSGeo Chief Returning Officers
Arnulf Christl and Michael Gerlek

- -- 
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Atlas

2012-07-31 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
On 07/31/2012 02:14 PM, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf) 
> wrote:
>> Btw: OdbL will be a great enabler for this because it requires to 
>> maintain this breadcrumb track when publishing the results.
> Confused as to how ODbL (
> is relevant here. Unless, you mean the Old Dominion Baseball League
> (

4.6 Access to Derivative Databases. If You Publicly Use a Derivative
Database or a Produced Work from a Derivative Database, You must also
offer to recipients of the Derivative Database or Produced Work a copy
in a machine readable form of:

  a. The entire Derivative Database; or

  b. A file containing all of the alterations made to the Database
or the method of making the alterations to the Database (such as an
algorithm), including any additional Contents, that make up all the
differences between the Database and the Derivative Database.

So whenever you create a derivative database you can simply add the
breadcrumb track of how you did it and Voila, the license conditions
have been met, happy.

In my mind one of the greatest sections in OdbL (an admittedly narrowly
metadata focused mind).


Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Atlas

2012-07-31 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
On 07/31/2012 02:48 PM, julia harrell wrote:
> I did not suggest that *all* the  maps would not be as 'pretty'. I
> said that even if *some* of them weren't as pretty, that they'd still
> be superior products if they included information on how they were
> created and the design principles used, etc.
> I think we are all aware that it is (for the moment) still a bit more
> of a challenge to get really beautiful cartographic output from some
> (but not all) open source GIS software products.
> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Barry Rowlingson
>  wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 2:26 PM, julia harrell  
>> wrote:
>>>  This would make it a superior product - even if
>>> some of the maps aren't quite as 'pretty' as those in the ESRI map
>>> book :)
>>  Why wouldn't they be as pretty? You're exhibiting the very prejudice
>> I'd like to exterminate! :)
>>  Actually it's probably an effect caused by weight-of-numbers and
>> there being more professional carto types using commercial software.'s "proprietary" software. The term "commercial" software is

Thanks for your patience with me...

>> Barry
>> --
>> blog:
>> web:
>> web:
>> twitter:
>> pics:
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Atlas

2012-07-31 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
On 07/31/2012 12:57 PM, wrote:
> Hi Folks,
>>Hi Guys,
>>I agree totally with everything that has been said. I don't have a
>>problem with using multiple applications to conduct my GIS work. I do
>>all the time.
>>I suppose the issue is what the purpose of the Atlas will be. To promote
>>fosGIS or promote Open Source. I was under the impression it was the
>>former and so I suggested not using Inkscape. I presumed, the Atlas
>>would illustrate what most mere mortals could do with fosGIS rather than
>>show what some creative genius can achieve.
>>If however the task is to create beautiful maps using whatever open
>>source package comes to hand then by all means incorporate Inkscape
>>manipulated images -- it seems to be the preferred tool for manipulating
>>maps generated by a whole raft of fosGIS packages.
>>-- Cheers Simon
> I view this exercise as a Howto on creating great maps with open source
> geospatial software.  As part of the effort, I would assume that there
> would be text included that walked one through the map creation process,
> including steps where tools such as Inkscape were used to enhance the
> visual impact.  To me, telling how it was done with open source
> geospatial tools is as important as that it was done with open source
> geospatial tools.  

... and the resulting breadcrumb track of processing steps and software
used to process the data will be metadata that is worth it's name.

Btw: OdbL will be a great enabler for this because it requires to
maintain this breadcrumb track when publishing the results.

> Doug
> Doug Newcomb
> Raleigh, NC
> 919-856-4520 ext. 14
> -
> The opinions I express are my own and are not representative of the
> official policy of the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service or Dept. of the
> Interior.   Life is too short for undocumented, proprietary data formats.
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Geodata Committee reboot: (was: Fwd: Re: Open Source Geospatial Atlas)

2012-07-30 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
we have been requested to move our discussion under it's own thread.

We can do even better than that because we already have a mailing list
in place and 328 members subscribed. But only four mails have been sent
through this list in the past year and none since December 2011 which
qualifies the committee as dead in the water. I suggest we reboot and
continue here.

The next mail goes to geodata exclusively, so feel free to join this list:

Best regards,

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source Geospatial Atlas
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 01:42:56 +0300
From: Dimitris Kotzinos 

Dear all,

I would like to second Arnulf's suggestions for the committee and the
white paper.
Slight amendment : let's name it Open Geospatial Data Committee.
I'd be happy to participate.



Really good idea, and great to see so many interested.

I offer to act as data licensing advisor / clearinghouse and add what we
learn from the process to the OSGeo Wiki. Step one of my planned Public
Geospatial Data Committee revival. Step two will be an OSGeo White Paper
defining Open Data, VGI, Crowdsourced and so on geospatial data. If
there is interest...

Discuss mailing list

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Nomination for Cameron Shorter

2012-07-30 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
OSGeo is globally active and there are no rules that members have to be
located in a specific region in order to become a Member, Charter
Member, Director or to be active in any other role.

this is a request from a potential new director asking two questions he
would like to get answered before he accepts his nomination.

> * Lastly, we should have members of the board who are prepared to travel
> and this is something I won't be able to fulfil due to my family
> situation. And as I live in Australia, I work the graveyard shift of the
> rest of the world, which means awkward meeting slots for some. Before I
> take on a board position, I will need to ask other board members if they
> are in a position to work around this.

In my opinion this is a no brainer. We are a geospatial organization
that is globally active. So it must be possible for the board to act in
a global way. Our beautiful planet happens to be sort of a ball and
while revolving around it's own axis exposes different regions to the
sun resulting at different times. The location of a member cannot not be
a criteria of exclusion to contribute. Am I wrong here?

Having said that - it makes things more difficult. But we did manage
with Venka and Ravi and several OSGeo committees also meet around the

My appeal to the board is to confirm that physical location cannot be a
criteria not to become an OSGeo director - or simply ignore this message
which I will take for a silent confirmation.


> On 29/07/2012 5:08 PM, Roald de Wit wrote:
>> On 29/07/12 15:00, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
>>> I am pleased to nominate Cameron Shorter to be a member of the OSGeo
>>> Board.
>>> Followers of this list will no doubt already be familiar with
>>> Cameron: active in this foundation since the very beginning, he
>>> chaired the 2009 FOSS4G conference, has served on various OSGeo
>>> committees, and has worked on the OSGeo-Live project, among many
>>> other contributions.
>>> He would surely make a great addition to the board team for the next
>>> two years.
>> I'd like to second this!
>> Here are my reasons for supporting Cameron's nomination:
>> Cameron has been active in the OSGeo community since its inception.
>> You may remember Cameron as one of the core developers behind
>> Community Mapbuilder, GeoTools and OpenLayers. More recently he
>> chaired the successful FOSS4G 2009 Conference in Sydney and now he is
>> one of the driving forces behind the OSGeo-Live community.
>> He is a founding charter member of OSGeo and his active participation
>> in many of the OSGeo committees and mailing lists (Discuss, Marketing,
>> Education, FOSS4G, Conference, Incubator, Live-Demo and more) shows
>> his ongoing dedication to OSGeo.
>> I have had the pleasure of working for and with him in a both a
>> professional context, as well as being members of the Community
>> Mapbuilder, OpenLayers and OSGeo-Live projects. His commitment to the
>> community and and open standards are exemplary.
>> Cameron's experience, vision and dedication would make him a great
>> addition to the board.
>> Regards,
>> Roald
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] The importance of a project's license

2012-07-28 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

On 28.07.2012 05:44, Andrew Ross wrote:
> On 27 July 2012 18:43, Markus Neteler  > wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 3:08 PM, Andrew Ross 
>>> wrote: 
> ...
>> A project can decide what makes the most sense for them.
> Note that for long-term projects a license change is rather
> difficult to realize (especially if older contributors are no
> longer traceable..).
> Markus
> Markus,
> Agreed. This is one of many reasons why this discussion is so
> important, even if we'd rather be drinking beer. ;-)
> If you think you might ever consider re-licensing your project,
> then it's not a bad idea to consider contribution agreements. They
> can make the process to re-license, should you ever decide to, a
> lot less pain & effort.
> I hope that it isn't lost in the discussion that it really isn't
> about a given license winning or dying even if that's interesting
> to data junkies like us. It's about the project's goals, and
> hopefully reducing friction towards achieving them.
> Andrew

This is why OSGeo offers projects to transfer copyright of all their
software to OSGeo as an organization. In that case it is easy to keep
licensing up to date. From that point onwards it simply requires
sticking to the coding rules and adding the appropriate header to any
new code. Done.

Some OSGeo projects chose to do that, some not. But in OSGeo there is
no obligation to do this and it is up to the current copyright holders
and contributors what they prefer.


- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] The importance of a project's license

2012-07-27 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
On 07/27/2012 11:45 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> On 27 July 2012 05:55, Alex Mandel  wrote:
>> This is a really interesting debate. Reading the links provided it also
>> appears to be a mixed bag about acceptance of LGPL of various firms and
>> I'm also sure many of us can name firms that have no issue shipping LGPL
>> components.
> GPL is dying, of natural causes.
> Best regards,

(I don't think that GPL is dying, it is still 70% on SourceForge last
time I checked)

The more interesting question is - what are the "natural causes"? To me
it seems that Open Source is just not being so much under pressure from
a FUD POV, it is wide and largely accepted making it much less prone to
being appropriated. Therefore maybe the whole concept of Copyleft is
just not that important any more?

Another interesting effect is the growing interest of other
organizations in geospatial software, currently mainly on the library
side of things. Current example is GeoTools and GeoToolKit and Eclipse
and Apache respectively. It seems that this is a natural result of the
commoditization of geospatial functions and features and their
dissemination into standard IT. In coming years we will see less and
less distinguishable and openly competing geospatial projects but more
and more geospatial tools become a regular part of software
distributions. We have already seen this happen in a way with GDAL/OGR
which is being used all over the place. Just like Oracle has a WMS
viewer built in installing PostgreSQL already has PostGIS - and may
eventually also ship with MapServer and FeatureServer (or whatever makes
the race) and there is no more need for a separate installation /
configuration. Not sure where this leads us and this is just off the top
of my head, but might be interesting to have a conversation about anyway.


Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Seconding Board Member Nominations

2012-07-27 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
On 07/27/2012 10:06 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone explain me what is this "Seconded by"
> and "Support by" feature listed next to the Board nominations [1]?
> Is this an element of any formal procedure or it's some kind of elevator 
> pitch?
> [1]
> Best regards,

Nominees have to be nominated, hence the name. :-). The nominator is
simply the first to propose a nominee. Additionally each nominee should
get a second from another OSGeo member (Nota Bene, from anybody, not
just Charter Members).

The "Support by" feature is basically something that came into being on
it's own. People felt like expressing their support and it seemed a good
idea to collect them with the profile.

Additionally we encourage nominees to say something about their goals
themselves. This is probably the most important link, I named it
"Acceptance and thoughts".

If you follow all the links in the links then the elevator pitch will
probably develop into a full CV and timeline of the nominee. The more
interest you have the more you will find out.

The "Support by" is not an official vote and is not counted into the
elections which will take place in roughly a week's time. It is just
support by a member who thinks that other's value their public support.
The elections themselves are limited to Charter Members.

Hope this helps,

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board of Directors Nomination: Frank Warmerdam

2012-07-26 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

I strongly support the nomination of Frank Warmerdam. He has proven to
be an invaluable resource on the board of directors. His ability to
quickly and thoroughly understand and analyze complex issues is pretty
unparalleled. Amazingly he can apply this to both technology and
community functioning.

I absolutely trust Frank to contribute and lead OSGeo in the best
interest of the broader community and at a sustainable pace. I admire
the amount of time and consistency he puts into helping to run OSGeo
and would very much welcome him on the board of directors again.

Best regards,

On 07/26/2012 06:51 PM, Even Rouault wrote:
> Dear OSGeo Community and Charter Members,
> I would like to nominate Frank Warmerdam for re-election in the
> OSGeo Board of Directors.
> Frank is one of the key persons that have contributed to OSGeo
> creation and have served it as a board member since then. He is
> currently taking part in various OSGeo committees, such as the
> System Administration Committee and Incubation Committee, or
> updating the web site etc..
> Frank is also the chair of the GDAL PSC and MetaCRS PSC, member of
> the MapServer PSC, as well as a maintainer of other core
> components, such as libtiff and libgeotiff, that a lot of the OSGeo
> software stack rely on.
> His experience, deep knowledge of OSGeo since its inception, and
> his accomplishments make him a good candidate to serve again on the
> Board to help ensure continuity in the realization of OSGeo's
> vision and mission.
> Even

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Board Nomination for Jachym Chepicky

2012-07-26 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
I really messed this one up for good. Thanks Markus and Eli for pointing
out that I first I got the nominee's name wrong (y instead of i) and
then I moved the Czech Republic to Central Asia.

My apologies (must still be still dazed and confused from travelling
with donkeys in Tajikistan and now sitting in a climatized office in

All corrected now.


On 07/26/2012 04:42 PM, Eli Adam wrote:
> Arnulf,
>> organize the FOSS4G Central and East Asia which I had the honor of
> While the Czech Repulbic is east of Deutschland, last time I checked
> it was still Europe.
>> an integral part of the local communities in central and eastern Europe.
> I know it was a typo, but just couldn't resist.
> TschuB, Eli

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Board Nomination for Jachym Chepicky

2012-07-26 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)

I would like to nominate Jachym Cepicki as director for the board of OSGeo.

I know Jachym personally for several years and have been impressed with
his great work in the Open Source community in general and especially in
the Czech Republic and surrounding region. He has chaired and helped to
organize the FOSS4G Central and East Asia which I had the honor of
attending this spring. Jachym is vocal and considerate at the same time,
he has shown great moderation skills between different interests and is
an integral part of the local communities in central and eastern Europe.

Jachym is a thoroughly techy guy with a broad background and always
working on the bleeding edge of things. He is aware of the
responsibilities coming with a director's job and I believe that he
would be a great addition to the board.

All the best,

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: [Board] Board nomination for Nicolas Bozon

2012-07-26 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
On 07/26/2012 01:09 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
> I would like to nominate Nicolas Bozon for the Board.
> Although I have never met Nick in person, I have read his
contributions to the discuss and board lists over the past year or so
and feel he'd be a valuable addition to the team.
> I'm sure he will provide us with a thoughtful post on his background
and how he can help our foundation, but I'll offer this quick summary of
his qualifications:
>   - been involved with OSGeo since 2006, elected as a charter member
last year, currently on the Marketing committee
>   - cofounder and PSC member for the Zoo project (WPS)
>   - has been in the geospatial industry for a number of years,
including consulting work in France and post-doctoral work in Japan
> _mpg
> ___
> Board mailing list

May I add that I know Nicolas personally and also want to support his
nomination. He has a very international approach to geospatial
communities through his French background and his relation with Japan.
He has a keen interest in technical innovation which he somehow manages
to also leverage for community related issues and I believe that he
would be a great OSGeo director.


Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: [Board] Board nomination for Nicolas Bozon

2012-07-26 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Please let me make you aware of the nomination of Nicolas Bozon (which
seems to not have made it to Discuss).

I recommend to also read the personal thoughts and ideas of each nominee
which are provided as links below each nomination.

Best regards,

 Original Message 
Subject: [Board] Board nomination for Nicolas Bozon
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 17:09:45 -0700
From: Michael P. Gerlek 
Organization: Flaxen Geo
To: OSGeo CRO , 

I would like to nominate Nicolas Bozon for the Board.

Although I have never met Nick in person, I have read his contributions
to the discuss and board lists over the past year or so and feel he'd be
a valuable addition to the team.

I'm sure he will provide us with a thoughtful post on his background and
how he can help our foundation, but I'll offer this quick summary of his
  - been involved with OSGeo since 2006, elected as a charter member
last year, currently on the Marketing committee
  - cofounder and PSC member for the Zoo project (WPS)
  - has been in the geospatial industry for a number of years, including
consulting work in France and post-doctoral work in Japan


Board mailing list

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Boad of Director Nomination: Daniel Morissette

2012-07-25 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Dear OSGeo Community, Charter Members,
I want to nominate Daniel Morissette for the OSGeo board of directors.

I have been working with Daniel for many years and he is one of the most
trustworthy and consistently productive people I know. He has always
proven to be highly sensitive to community related aspects and has an
international outlook, combined with very good English skills. This
makes him a good mediator between different regions and cultures, a
regularly upcoming issue in our community. This would already make him
an invaluable member of the board of directors. But this is not enough,
on top of this he also tends to the irksome job of treasurer and has
toiled through many down-to-earth tasks that an organization of our size
requires to get done. He is also an integral part of the Franco-Canadian
local community and a relentless contributor to the MapServer project.

It would be silly to not squeeze some more out of him if he so friendly
asks for it.

Thank you,

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] What is an OSGeo director supposed to do?

2012-07-25 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

maybe this short blog [1] helps to get an idea about what to expect
from a good OSGeo director. And maybe you can then recognize yourself
in one of those areas of work and would like to give it a try?



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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source GIS in Russia

2012-07-25 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
is anybody monitoring / aware of this event:

If you have any contacts there please suggest to them that we would be
happy to connect them with OSGeo, add their event to our calendar, maybe
give a presentation (any volunteers there?) and so on.


Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [Board] Fwd: Board elections Voting

2012-07-25 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

On 07/24/2012 06:50 PM, Stefano Costa wrote:
> Il 24/07/2012 19:30, Ravi Kumar ha scritto:
>> But now I feel this reduces the chances of voting to a worthy 
>> member competing for the board. At the same time it might be
>> rude not voting to any other if he feels that he might reduce
>> the chances of (his) the chosen one. Hope the present charter
>> will react to this.
> Why not something like
> as used by the Debian project?
> Incidentally, this could be used for other voting purposes, too.
> Ciao, steko

Thanks for the link steko. For this election I suggest we stick with
what we have though, probably a little late to introduce this. But I
will add the whole elections topic to the next board meeting so that
we don't wake up late for the next elections again...


> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Board Election 2012

2012-07-23 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

OSGeo Members,
the OSGeo Board Election for 2012 has begun. The next stage is the
nomination of candidates for the board. Board membership is for a two
year term, and half the Board is refreshed each year. This year there
are five seats up for election.

Anyone can submit a Board nomination, however only Charter Members are
eligible to serve on the Board. The complete list of 147 OSGeo Charter
Members is available at:

Please submit your nominations by 23:59 (your time zone) Wednesday
August 1st 2012, consisting of the name or the nominee and a paragraph
describing why you think this person would make a good Board member.
The nomination must be sent to the email address to be
accepted! Please CC the OSGeo Discuss list so the community can be
nudged along and have a sense of what is going on. Please ensure that
your nominee is actually willing to serve, prior to nominating them.

The nomination period will close at midnight Wednesday August 1st
2012, and will be followed by the voting period.

With kind regards,
Arnulf Christl @ Michael Gerlek
OSGeo Chief Returning Officers (2012)

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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source GIS Special Session in AGF(Asia GeoSpatial Forum)

2012-07-23 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Hi Sanghee,
thanks for submitting this event. This is another good opportunity to
support the Asia region. I was at last year's AGF in Jakarta and very
impressed with the broad set of Open Source based applications
presented there.

The event is now also visible on the Events Calendar on the OSGeo web
site at:

Best regards,

On 23.07.2012 09:28, Shin, Sanghee wrote:
> Hi all,
> Open Source GIS special session will be there in AGF(Asia
> GeoSpatial Forum), since OSGeo is a strategic partner of AGF.
> AGF(Asia GeoSpatial Forum) will be held at Hanoi, Vietnam from
> 17th to 19th September.
> If you have any interest in making presentation there in AGF,
> please submit your abstract through to
> . I know abstract submission is
> closed. However still you can apply now. This could be one of
> alternative to those whom planned to visit to Beijing this year.
> I hope I could see many OSGeo guys, especially from Asian region, 
> there in Hanoi. OSGeo Live DVD will be handed out there.
> With regards,
> Sanghee
> ___ Discuss mailing
> list 

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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Nomination period ended

2012-07-07 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

the nomination period for new OSGeo Charter Members ended yesterday.

A big "Thank You" to all who actively contributed by nominating
candidates and supporting their nominations! Another big Thank You to
all candidates for representing their OSGeo community aspect at the
board level and for electing a dedicated board of directors.

As CRO I am very happy to say that the nomination period worked
smoothly (except that almost nobody cared to email the nomination to
the CRO address as requested... :-).

We now have 22 high level candidates [0] but only 20 open slots, a
number which I simply copied over from last year when I prepared the
schedule for 2012.

As per our "New Membership Process" [1] we can add between 10% and one
third of the existing Charter Membership, in this year this would be
13 to 42 members. My proposal to the board is to accept all 22 members
instead of running an election which would simply exclude two
potential charter members on a more or less arbitrary basis.

Therefore I defer the start of the election process for two days in
the hope that the board agrees with my proposal and we do not need to
have Charter Member elections at all.

Best regards & have a nice weekend,


- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Changing this list to "Reply to Poster" NOW

2012-04-19 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

every now and then private mails end up on this list because it is
still set to automatically "Reply to List" even although this is not
recommended. "Reply to List" is my personal favorite because I never
think much when hitting reply and always intend to address the list.
Whenever I do write a personally insulting or private mail it is
intentional and I know what I am doing. But most other people seem to
work the other way round. (Ha, that was a nice global insult)

Now: Changing this setting is a big thing to do. And there will be
exactly two [1] exactly opposite [2] opinions on which way round it
should be done. And each party has perfect arguments.

Protecting the personal integrity of people is more important than
being lazy, so I [3] changed this setting AS OF NOW. This means that
you will now have to hit "Reply List" to talk to the world or "Reply
All" and manually remove individuals. Sorry for the extra work.

Thank you for your attention and happy mailing.

[3] I am your president so there is no need for discussion (but I
recommend you to get a new one in the elections this fall, this one is
becoming overly narcissistic).

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] How to request a new OSGeo mailing list?

2012-04-19 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

the right place to ask for this is the SAC mailing list. After having
confirmed that this list makes sense please file a ticket there.

Someone from SAC has to confirm that this list makes sense, I herewith
do this. Please create the ticket and I will then set up the list and
make you the initial maintainer.


On 19.04.2012 13:16, Tom Payne wrote:
> Hi,
> Following a BOF session at FOSS4G-NA we would like a have a
> mailing list to enable collaboration between all people interested
> in WebGL for geospatial applications.
> How can I go about asking OSGeo to create such a list? I could not 
> find this information on the OSGeo wiki, and emails to 
> are bouncing.
> Many thanks, Tom Payne Camptocamp SA

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] pages completely outdated

2012-04-05 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

thanks for bringing this up, this page really needs an update.

It is probably helpful to also ping
for this kind of request (done).

FDO folks,
I am not subscribed to your lists, this is just to inform you. Thanks.


On 05.04.2012 13:05, Stefan Keller wrote:
> Dear all
> The webpages on seem to be completely
> outdated: Besides the year 2007 (which could be the creation date)
> and the FOSS4G-Logo from Barcelona 2010 the 
> misses to mention
> SQlite and PostGIS-Support. I would also like to know the exact
> versions of supported file formats (without digging into the
> code).
> Yours, Stefan ___ 
> Discuss mailing list 

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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Jeff, Thank you for your service

2012-02-08 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
thanks for this, it pretty much echoes my feelings, especially further
down when you say:

On 02/08/2012 07:57 AM, Smith, Michael ERDC-CRREL-NH wrote:
> This really comes out best as expressing my feelings toward Jeff as well.
> I consider him not only one of OSGeo's biggest assets ;), but also one of
> its most passionate advocates. I worked with Jeff closely on the annual
> benchmarking efforts, some conference organizing, some workshops, as well
> as on MapServer. I'm always amazed at the level of effort that Jeff puts
> into everything he does and am proud to call him a very close friend.

I have no doubt that Jeff will be back in his leadership role after
getting a well deserved break.

Best regards,

> Jeff, we love all you do for OSGeo and please let us know which roles and
> responsibilities you want to pursue in OSGeo after this time off to focus
> on your own consulting firm and your clients.
> Mike

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Emerging Trends in Geospatial Information Management

2012-01-01 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
the United Nations Programme on Global Geospatial Information Management
(GGIM) [0] is an inter-governmental mechanism to consult on issues
related to global geospatial information. As president of OSGeo I was
invited to a high level workshop in October last year and as a follow up
was invited [1] to write about the Emerging Trends in Geospatial
Information Management in the next 5 and 10 years. Which I did [2] - but
only as a seed for a wider collaborative effort to which I want to
invite you now.

I would like to finalize this until January 15th - feel free to change
anything - it is a Wiki.



Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

Re: RE : [OSGeo-Discuss] Distracting discussions of discussing [was:] What is North America?

2011-11-24 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

On 24.11.2011 23:40, Mark Lucas wrote:
> Daniel,
> There is no disagreement that it would be good to coordinate and work
> with other local chapters - that is certainly in our thinking.
> To keep it simple and focused, we are not proposing any formal or
> implied hierarchy between local chapters and the region.  Everyone is
> free to contribute in the best way they see fit.
> I did ping several local chapters, but I realize that wasn't
> comprehensive.  We broadcast our intentions on the discuss list, the
> board list, and then set up communications through the northamerica list
> documenting on the wiki.

Just to make sure that everybody with interest knows where this is going
on. Please feel free to join the discussion at: (currently 42 members)

The corresponding Wiki page can be found at:

And remember, it's a Wiki: You can hack it.

If you are more generally interested in how to coordinate different
Local Chapters this might be the right place to lurk and then speak up: (currently 46


> I look forward to working with anyone who wants to participate and
> contribute.
> Mark
> On Nov 24, 2011, at 5:23 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> On 11-11-24 04:50 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
>>> But to answer your question.. the aim is to run a conference, first
>>> round in the USA.  Other than working alongside other chapters (and
>>> obviously inviting them to partner on the event) there is no proposed
>>> formal connection between them - except of course being under the
>>> OSGeo banner together :)
>> I am of the opinion that the NA Chapter should have a closer
>> relationship to the other local chapters in this territory, but I do
>> not have the time to explain and argue those points.
>> I write this as an active member of the Quebec local Chapter that
>> falls in this territory and personally I'm disappointed that the local
>> chapters were never ping'd for their opinion or interest in being
>> involved other than some notes sent through this list. I thought of a
>> NA chapter as well before and discussed the idea with several people
>> in the last years but it was a different concept: I am of the opinion
>> that a NA chapter would be stronger with support from all the local
>> chapters in the territory.
>> Oh, did I just say that I didn't have time for this? Sorry, I shut up...
>> -- 
>> Daniel Morissette
>> Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Redirection to OSGeo Local Chapter web sites

2011-11-19 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
On 11/19/2011 04:05 PM, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
> Hi Gerald
> On 2011/11/19 17:59, Gérald Fenoy wrote:
> ...
>> Nevertheless, I think that the page on which user arrive should not be
>> a general
>> presentation of the company but maybe the description of their
>> involvement in
>> OSGeo. I mean, a page more dedicated / specific to OSGeo. Honestly, if
>> we look
>> at the page, the OSGeo logo looks lost amongst all the other
>> logos
>> (yes, it is here, the small one on your left).
> +1 to that. But as I said before should also present activities
> of Local Chapters
> in the EU zone.
>> Anyway, I like a lot the Arnulf sentence published in 2009, I think it
>> is good to
>> keep it in mind and which say a lot :
>>"OSGeo is nothing without you doing it."
> Nice.  I wonder why the "Executive Report from the President" stopped
> coming after  2009
> (
> The 2009 report
> by Arnulf was a great one. I think there should be an annual Executive
> Report from the OSGeo
> President.
> Best
> Venka

Because Arnulf is a lazy sod.

...Seven goes to basement and starts to write another executive report.
She will skip 2010 though, if that is OK.

Btw: Is somebody interested in taking over the dormant Journal? This is
where the 2009 report was requested from.


Exploring Space, Time and Mind
Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Confusion in the FOSS4G brand [was Mapnik (GPX) vs MapServer/GeoServer (OGC)] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2011-11-18 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
On 11/18/2011 07:27 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Frans,
> The domain is now managed by OSGeo (the system
> administration committee).  We have just been making year based
> subdomains for the new "main" FOSS4G events; however, I
> wouldn't personally mind having some links to other events using
> the FOSS4G name.
> I do not think we should be registering lots of country specific
> foss4g domains though obviously local chapters can act under
> their own initiative in such matters.
> I understand Bruce's concerns, but OSGeo was permitted to use
> the FOSS4G brand with the understanding that we would not act
> to restrict it's use in other local events so I am not interested in
> trying to keep it's use exclusive.  I would encourage adding something
> to make local events a bit distinct.  (ie. FOSS4G CEE 2012 for the
> planned event in central/eastern europe).
> Best regards,
> Frank

Let's see whether we can get another angle on this. Imagine we were a
large car manufacturer (say Mercedes Benz), then we would have many car
dealers under the star all over the world (that are the businesses). And
we would appear at the IAA in Frankfurt, Germany, but also at the
Detroit Motor Show (these are our conferences). Get the picture?

Now, OSGeo is not just one car dealer but an umbrella for all (maybe
alternatively fueled vehicles, whatever?) and it has (owns) one highly
recognizable brand: "FOSS4G". All that we (OSGeo) want to make sure is
that the brand is clearly focused on Free and Open Source geospatial.
That's all. I have no qualms whatsoever if we have a dozen FOSS4G all
over the world (and we are almost there already anyway). Maybe we just
need to be a little more confident that it will work out. All the energy
that I have seen around the globe this year makes me think that we are
in for another exponential growth year [1].



> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 12:03 AM, Frans Thamura  wrote:
>> based on history
>> who will manage the domain, and what is the different between global FOSS4G
>> event vs country's chapter FOSS4G?
>> and how a local chapter event can be show in
>> On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Venkatesh Raghavan
>>  wrote:
>>> Mori-san,
>>> Nice to relive the 2004 Bangkok nostalgia!
>>> And FOSS4G related papers that we co-authored back in 2004 that can be
>>> viewed at the links below;
>>> And the more about the history of domain in thread below;
>>> Best
>>> Venka
>>> On 2011/11/18 15:20, "Toru Mori (森 亮)" wrote:
>>> Bruce,
>>> Venka used the word "FOSS4G" in 2004 in Bangkok Thailand first time ever
>>> on
>>> globe, 2 years before the international conference in Lausanne. (Please
>>> see
>>> attached photo)
>>> As a person co-working with Venka (inventor of "FOSS4G") for many years, I
>>> know
>>> he says that FOSS4G can be used by everybody who promotes "foss4g tools".
>>> So
>>> there is no restriction in using "FOSS4G" brand as long as promoting
>>> foss4g tools.
>>> It has been already used by many local chapters, conferences and
>>> communities.
>>> FOSS4G belongs to wider community, not to just only one "regal
>>> organization".
>>> If you think "FOSS4G" should be used for only "international conference",
>>> I
>>> would suggest you come up with another naming, instead of FOSS4G.
>>> Toru Mori
>>> OSGeo Japan/ Organizer of FOSS4G 2008-2011 Tokyo/Osaka
>>> On 2011/11/18, at 14:13, Bruce Bannerman wrote:
 I don’t like the idea of having multiple variants to the FOSS4G name.

 I believe that it weakens and detracts from the value of FOSS4G as
 international event that brings open source spatial people together in a
 ‘gathering of the tribes’.

 As a former organiser of FOSS4G-2009, if I was faced with the
 opportunity to
 again host the prestigious FOSS4G event, as things stand at present I
 not get involved. This is due to the weakening of the brand and
 confusion in
 the marketplace. For example, do I go to FOSS4G, FOSS4G.AU, FOSS4G.US,
 FOSS4G.UK, FOSS4G.ID etc etc? What is the difference between them?

 We have colleagues who are trying to organise FOSS4G-2012. All of this
 discussion is making their job much, much harder than it needs to be.

 Lets get behind them and support their hard work. It is certainly not
 easy to
 organise such an event and takes considerable effort and devotion.

 By all means hold regional events. These are very important for

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSSGIS German ... FOSS4G

2011-11-18 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

in Germany this has worked fine and if the respective communities in
Indonesia want to collaborate this will be just fine. You can use the
name FOSS4G for local events if you follow the general guidelines [1].

On a global scale organizing these events has to take many other factors
into account which makes it a lot more difficult to join efforts.
"According to the Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of
China, private surveying and mapping activities are illegal in mainland
China." [1] could make an OSM conference in China a bit tricky.



On 17.11.2011 10:06, Frans Thamura wrote:
> is that possible that FOSS4G also supported by OSM?
> so we can use this brand, because FOSS4G more popular.
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V.
>>> wrote:
> Hi Frans,
> it is correct, that FOSSGIS conference includes OpenStreetMap.
> Because the german FOSSGIS e.V. (existing since 2000) in one
> function is the OSGeo local chapter for german speaking people. But
> the FOSSGIS e.V. is also a big supporter of OSM in the german
> speaking countries. the german OSM communites were looking for a
> conference-like thing and so we added OSM tracks to the FOSSGIS
> conference which were good accepted by the OSM community.  In the
> nmeanwhile the OSM community is also integrated in the organisation
> of the conference.
> Best regards
> Marco
> Am 17.11.2011 01:09, schrieb Frans Thamura:
>> hi alll
>> arnulf mentioned about FOSSGIS
>> i got this URL
>> is FOSS4G just for OSgeo event..
>> and FOSSGIS look like OSgeo + OSM..
>> thx
>> --
>> Frans Thamura (曽志胜)
>> Chief of Advisory
>> Meruvian.
>> Integrated Hypermedia Java Solution Provider.
>> Mobile: +628557888699 
>> Blog: (id)
>> FB:
>> TW: / @meruvian
>> Website:
>> "We grow because we share the same belief."
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Discuss mailing list

[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: Participation in OSGeo

2011-11-18 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

thanks for pointing this out. Although I am not quite sure about which
list is more up to date. We also have the Local Chapters category in the
Wiki [1] which should be the most inclusive. It does not differentiate
between "officially endorsed", "just emerging" or "existing, but mostly

One reason for this diversity is that we have no central point of
contact who maintains these lists. Which is why I included the Local
Chapters mailing list. This is not an official committee but rather a
place for conversations around Local Chapters. Eventually we might want
to make this a committee so that there is a responsible body that can at
least keep track of what is going on around the world.

I suggest to merge the list in the Local Chapters page into the
Categories page which will be easier to maintain. Hearing no objections
I will do that in the next days. ...and there are more places that need
to be cleaned up. The woes of a grown Wiki, sigh...

Best regards,


On 17.11.2011 22:35, Fawcett, David (MPCA) wrote:
> This page is a little more up to date.  It includes Cascadia, New
> Mexico, and Twin Cities (MN).
> David.
> *From:*
> [] *On Behalf Of *Razy Kased
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 17, 2011 3:29 PM
> *To:* OSGeo Discussions
> *Subject:* Re: Participation in OSGeo (was: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter
> Member nomination: Martin Landa)
> Thanks Frank,
> I appreciate the response, looking at the list I would be interest in
> the Education Committee, I'll join their mailing list first and get
> familiar with their network.
> Also, I was looking at the local chapters, I'm in the United States in
> New York, is their no local chapter here? Just in California (Based on
> the link)
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Frank Warmerdam  > wrote:
> Razy,
> I also meant to emphasize that the local chapters are also always
> looking for keen volunteers to give presentations, organize events
> and lead/support local initiatives of various sorts.
> Best regards,
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Frank Warmerdam  > wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Razy Kased  > wrote:
>>> Where can I learn more about each of the committees or other ways to
>>> participate?
>> Razy,
>> There is a list of committees in the second box on the wiki:
>>* Board of Directors
>>* Conference Committee
>>* Education and Curriculum Committee
>>* Finance Committee
>>* Incubation Committee
>>* Marketing Committee
>>* Project Steering Committees
>>* Public Geospatial Data Committee
>>* System Administration Committee (SAC)
>>* Website Committee - Current WebCom tasks
>> Of these I know that the Education, Marketing, Public Geodata,
>> SAC and Website committees are all looking for volunteers and
>> in some cases no specific experience is needed.
>> Of course, the various projects also need help in various ways,
>> so if you are interested in, or using some of the software then
>> look into getting involved there.  Join the mailing lists, file bugs,
>> fix bugs, write docs, write code, answer questions on the list, etc.
>> Best regards,
>> --
> ---+--
>> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
>> light and sound - activate the windows |
>> and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Software Developer
> --
> ---+--
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
> light and sound - activate the windows |
> and watch the world go round - Rush| Geospatial Software Developer
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSs4G + SoTM

2011-11-17 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

you can get all my presentation in editable ODF from my web site.


On 17.11.2011 04:42, Frans Thamura wrote:
> thx venka.
> intersting movement in GIS world :)
> openstandard, opensource application, now open data
> --
> Frans Thamura (曽志胜)
> Chief of Advisory
> Meruvian.
> Integrated Hypermedia Java Solution Provider.
> Mobile: +628557888699
> Blog: (id)
> FB:
> TW: / @meruvian
> Website:
> "We grow because we share the same belief."
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Venkatesh Raghavan
> wrote:
> On 2011/11/17 12:31, Frans Thamura wrote:
>> cant get the slide ;( it is video
>> so can use for our presentation here ;)
>> F
>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 9:00 AM, maning sambale
>>  wrote:
>>> A good presentation by Arnulf on the various communities (osgeo, ogc
>>> and openstreetmap) during SOTM 2011 in Denver here:
>>> My oneliner take:
>>> OGC = open standards
>>> OSGEO = open source software
>>> OSM = open data
>>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 8:07 AM, Noli Sicad  
>>>  wrote:
 You can to learn more on OSM activities.

 Visit OSM Blogsite.


 On 11/17/11, Frans Thamura  
>> SOTM not yet decided (at least according to this,
> that will be new OSS Movement, if both can together
>>  Eli
>> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Frans Thamura  
>>> wrote:
>>> ok -ok :)
>>> thx for the reply..
>>> because i just got a lot of "OSM" in last FOSS4G Tokyo..
>>> and got the SoTM name there...
>>> will next year, also FOSS4G with SotM again..
>>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 6:45 AM, Tyler Mitchell 
>> wrote:
 Hi Frans,
 It seemed to be a coincidence that SOTM also chose the same
 location that FOSS4G had planned for.  Both groups helped
 advertise both events, but there was no more collaboration
 beyond that really.  Just friends meeting friends and staying
 longer in Denver :)

 Best wishes,

 On 2011-11-16, at 3:32 PM, Frans Thamura wrote:

> hi all
> after see FOSS4G Tokyo
> I am planning to create FOSS4G Indonesia...
> but i see in denver, there are SoTM..
> i see OSM is using Mapnik, and it is not part of OSGeo..
> any glue all...
> what is relation between SoTM with FOSS4G
> because held in same day
> --
> Frans Thamura (曽志胜)
> Chief of Advisory
> Meruvian.
> Integrated Hypermedia Java Solution Provider.
> Mobile: +628557888699 
> Blog: (id)
> FB:
> TW: / @meruvian
> Website:
> "We grow because we share the same belief."
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Participation in OSGeo (was: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member nomination: Martin Landa)

2011-11-17 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

On 17.11.2011 03:54, Daniel Morissette wrote:
> On 11-11-16 09:36 PM, Helena Mitasova wrote:
>> I would like to express my support for Martin's nomination.
> [...]
>> ...  so he would be great to have on
>> the conference and education committees.
> Nothing against Martin's nomination, but I wanted to point out the fact
> that it is not a requirement to be a charter member to participate on
> any of OSGeo's committees AFAIK.

Good point. Let's reiterate, just to make sure: Everybody is free to
participate anywhere in OSGeo. This includes committee work, conference
organization, Web site, Marketing, founding Local Chapters, managing
OSGeo presence at events and so on. This is where the real life happens.
And if you are chair of a committee (meaning that you were elected by
peers because of your good work ) you automatically become a vice
president of OSGeo.

OSGeo Charter Members only nominate and elect the board of directors.
This happens once a year. In the rare case that OSGeo needs to change
it's bylaws we also need to go through he Charter Membership. This is
not to belittle the Charter Membership but just to make sure that this
is not a barrier to any activity in OSGeo.


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[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Nomination Dr. Franz-Josef Behr

2011-11-17 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

I am honored to nominate Dr. Franz-Josef Behr as new OSGeo Charter Member.

Dr. Behr teaches FOSS for gesopatial software and geodata (obviously
including OpenStreetMap) since he started to teach as professor of
Geoinformatics 9 years ago [0].

He is founder of the SUAD MapServer project [1], and [2].

He is current president of the AGSE conferences [3] which includes an
dedicated Open Source geospatial track. AGSE is an interdisciplinary,
international forum for sharing knowledge about the application of
Geoinformatics with focus on application and on developing countries.
This year it took place from 15. - 19. August in Nairobi, Kenya.

Dr. Behr will be a valuable member of the OSGeo Charter from the
academic world with a functioning Open Source environment for education
and strong ties in the developing world.

Best regards,


I already added this nomination to the list in the Wiki.

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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] What is North America?

2011-11-11 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

thanks for the advice. To all Americanos, I apologize if my post was
disparaging anyone.

Just for the record: The same Wikipedia page says " Spanish it
simply identifies a foreigner, without any negative connotation."

Further down on the same Wiki page it says: "The term Gringo in Mexican
culture also refers to "Green Go", as visitors from the United States
are considered to be hasty, and are known to offer more money(American
dollars=Green) to get things done faster (Go)."

According to what friends in Peru told me another connotation is that
the "green" (referring to the US military clothing) should "go" home. I
just verified on that this is a myth
somehow related to "la Batalla de El Álamo, Texas en 1836, los mexicanos
les gritaban Greens, go! (Verdes, váyanse)" which does not make sense
because the United States military at that time wore blue.

Again - no intention of disparaging anyone and I will simply refrain
from using the term in future.

Best regards,

Just another proof of how easy it is to insult folks by not knowing the
culture. I probably do this all the time without even knowing which is
why I appreciate when people give me a hint.

On 11.11.2011 17:06, Daniel P. Ames wrote:
> Arnulf, many Americans (Amerikans?) find the term "gringo" to be quite
> disparaging. Close, but not quite as bad as other racist terms (n*,
> etc). Please avoid using it. Also your etymology of the term is
> completely wrong ("green go"!?)
> "in Spanish it simply identifies a foreigner"
> "The word was used in Spain - although the word is nowadays rarely
> heard there - long before it crossed the Atlantic to denote foreign,
> non-native speakers of Spanish." - Wikipedia.
> - Dan
> --
> Daniel P. Ames, Ph.D. PE
> Associate Professor, Geosciences
> Idaho State University - Idaho Falls
> On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 3:29 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf)  wrote:
> Now that a North American Regional Chapter is emerging I wanted to
> understand what the term "North America" actually means. Just a few
> example:
> In my cultural context (Germany) the Unites States on their own are
> typically called "Amerika" which in reality is a whole continent. To
> many Germans Kanada (yes, with a "K") is just a US wilderness adventure
> park (Canadians: no offence meant). In many South American countries US
> citizens are nowadays called "Gringo" which originally meant "Green Go"
> and relates to US "interventions" in Middle and Southern America.
> So for many non-North-Americans the term might be really, really fuzzy
> which is why I thought it would be a good idea to define it more
> closely, started here:
> Looking at the typical roles of a local chapter (or in this case a "meta
> local chapter" or "regional chapter") I would suggest that this chapter
> would be the primary point of contact for the organization of a FOSS4G
> event in English language in either the US or Canada. Extending it
> beyond these two countries would probably raise a whole lot of
> additional issues starting with language (Spanish) and ending with
> politics (Cuba) - which will probably complicate things beyond
> recognition. I can also see other meta chapters forming with a more
> Spanish speaking background in the Middle Americas, so there is no
> exclusivity here at all. The Spanish speaking Local Chapter might also
> be a good template to see how this could look.
> But anything I say here is absolutely not fundamental at all, just 2ct
> from an outsider (sent in the hope that this list will see a broadly
> inclusive dialog about how this group will evolve).
> Have fun,
> Arnulf
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> ___
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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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[OSGeo-Discuss] What is North America?

2011-11-11 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Now that a North American Regional Chapter is emerging I wanted to
understand what the term "North America" actually means. Just a few

In my cultural context (Germany) the Unites States on their own are
typically called "Amerika" which in reality is a whole continent. To
many Germans Kanada (yes, with a "K") is just a US wilderness adventure
park (Canadians: no offence meant). In many South American countries US
citizens are nowadays called "Gringo" which originally meant "Green Go"
and relates to US "interventions" in Middle and Southern America.

So for many non-North-Americans the term might be really, really fuzzy
which is why I thought it would be a good idea to define it more
closely, started here:

Looking at the typical roles of a local chapter (or in this case a "meta
local chapter" or "regional chapter") I would suggest that this chapter
would be the primary point of contact for the organization of a FOSS4G
event in English language in either the US or Canada. Extending it
beyond these two countries would probably raise a whole lot of
additional issues starting with language (Spanish) and ending with
politics (Cuba) - which will probably complicate things beyond
recognition. I can also see other meta chapters forming with a more
Spanish speaking background in the Middle Americas, so there is no
exclusivity here at all. The Spanish speaking Local Chapter might also
be a good template to see how this could look.

But anything I say here is absolutely not fundamental at all, just 2ct
from an outsider (sent in the hope that this list will see a broadly
inclusive dialog about how this group will evolve).

Have fun,

- -- 
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Nomination: Maning Sambale

2011-11-09 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

I have the honor of nominating Maning Sambale [0] from the Phillippines
as new OSGeo Charter Member.

Maning works in a research institution [1] in the Philippines and is
involved with environmental research with local marginalized
communities. He uses all kinds of FOSS4G technologies in his day to day
work and also promotes the use of Open Source geospatial tools among
their local partners. Maning is active user of QGIS and GRASS and also
an active community member of OSM.

He is a founding member of the emerging OSGeo Philippines Local Chapter
[2] hoping to become communities as vibrant as Japan and Korea among the
Asian chapters. He will be a great addition to the Charter Membership
bringing new perspectives to the community.

Best regards,


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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Member Nomination: Sanghee Shin

2011-11-08 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

I have the pleasure of nominating Mr. Sanghee Shin [1] [2] from Korea as
new OSGeo Charter Member.

Sanghee has come a long way with Open Source, first using GRASS during
his studies, later coming back to image processing and now using,
promoting and developing it in his own company. He is founding member of
the OSGeo Korean Local Chapter [3] [4] a  prominent organization with
180 registered members (10-2011) and a lively community [5]. This year
the Local Chapter presentes OSGeo with a booth at SmartKorea 2011 [6],
the  Korean trade fair for geospatial software, data and surveying.
Booth space and equipment was kindly provided by Mr. Shin's company
GRIDA [7].

This fall the OSGeo Local Chapter of Korea organized their first FOSS4G
Local Chapter event [2] in Seoul, again under the lead of Sanghee.
Mori-san, Yoshida-san from the FOSS4G Japan Local Chapter Chapter and
myself were invited to give keynote presentations at the event with
about 60 attendees and a dozen presentations about software, business
models and use cases.

Mr. Shin will be a great addition to the Charter Membership, invigorate
our Asian connection and help to spread word and raise interest in our
next FOSS4G in Beijing which is more or less just around the corner (at
least seen from here...).

Best regards,

[3] Korean:
[4] English:

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Charter Membership Nomination: Suchith Anand

2011-11-07 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

just to make sure: Anybody is entitled to nominate, second and support
the nomination of OSGeo Charter Members. You do not have to be in any
way officially entitled by OSGeo to nominate folks.

Plus I want to stress that we need nominations from all around the globe
because OSGeo aims at being the *global* voice for Open Source
Geospatial and therefore must also have global representation in it's
charter membership. Right now this is still heavily biased to the
north-western quartisphere (or whatever half a hemisphere might be called).

Best regards,

On 07.11.2011 12:19, Mike Saunt wrote:
> I second this (if I can even though I am not being a Charter Member)
> *Mike Saunt*
> Astun Technology Ltd, The Coach House, 17 West Street, Epsom, Surrey,
> KT18 7RL, UK
> t:+44 1372 744 009 m:+44 788  680
> * 
> Matt Walker and I are doing Movember - growing moustaches in 
> November to raise money for the Prostate Cancer Charity - please 
> sponsor us at
> * 
> iShare - Data integration and publishing platform
> See the new Helpdesk and Customer portal
> *
> Over 35% of the 4 star council websites use iShare - SOCITM Better
> Connected 2010
> See our customer commendations and awards
> Company registration no. 5410695. Registered in England and Wales.
> Registered office: 120 Manor Green Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8LN VAT no.
> 864201149.
> On 7 November 2011 11:16, Jo Cook  > wrote:
> Dear All,
> I would like to nominate Suchith Anand as an OSGeo Charter Member.
> His tireless enthusiasm in promoting OSGeo in the UK has been
> immensely beneficial to the UK chapter. His work to promote open
> source geospatial software use in education
> (see is of great importance and
> benefit to OSGeo globally. Furthermore, his work securing an MOU
> between OSGeo and the Centre for Geospatial Sciences at the
> University of Nottingham, and more recently with
> the International Cartographic Association should be recognised.
> Suchith is exactly the sort of pro-active, enthusiastic person that
> we need in OSGeo!
> Thanks
> Jo
> -- 
> ***Jo Cook*
> Astun Technology Ltd, The Coach House, 17 West Street, Epsom,
> Surrey, KT18 7RL, UK
> t:+44 750 095 8167 
> iShare - Data integration and publishing platform
> See the new Helpdesk and Customer portal
> *
> Over 35% of the 4 star council websites use iShare - SOCITM Better
> Connected 2010
> See our customer commendations and awards
> Company registration no. 5410695. Registered in England and Wales.
> Registered office: 120 Manor Green Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8LN VAT
> no. 864201149.
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FW: [OGC Press Release] Take the 'Business Value of OGC Standards' Survey! [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2011-11-07 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

On 07.11.2011 12:20, Anne Ghisla wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Nov 2011 08:05:05 +1100
> Bruce Bannerman  wrote:
>> For those who haven't seen this.
>> If you have the time, please take this survey. The results will be
>> very useful.
> Hello all,
> I wonder how the prize can influence the participation to the survey.
> Personally, I don't want to win a product which is deliberately closed
> and whose interoperability with other products/systems is not a
> priority. Isn't that putting it in contrast with OGC leading principles?
> regards,
> Anne

Hi Anne,
haha, good point!

All the best,

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Educational material (was: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New OSGeo design)

2011-11-03 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

it might be more helpful to ask this on the Education mailing list.

There is quite a lot of material in our searchable database [1].

And you might want to check out our Wiki [2] - it is a bit confusing and
chaotic but once you find yourself around there is a lot to learn.

Best regards,


On 01.11.2011 20:15, Razy Kased wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm interested designing lab exercises for Geography and GIS related
> courses, the course content would be for higher educational courses.
> Does anyone have any suggestions of where I could search for useful
> resources, examples etc...
> Thanks,
> Razy
> ___
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Open GIS Overview

2011-10-02 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

On 02.10.2011 12:50, Carsten Troelsgaard wrote:
> Jeroen, it looks very promising - I look forward to delve on it and will
> surely keep it for further reference.
> Arnulf, the osgeo page has links to projects. The tab/ web mapping  has
> an array of (similar at a glance) web mapping projects (mapbender,
> mapfish ...). I assume that the projects have functional overlap. Is
> there any other way to 'evaluate' without scrutinizing all of them
> individually?

Hi Carsten,
there are several comparisons around but none of them will be "endorsed"
by OSGeo an has the "one right answer". The Open Sourece ecosystm is so
diverse that there will always be competing projects, each of them good
in what they do. It is really up to you to find out which one suits your
needs better. In the end diversity wins. If you opt for an OSGeo project
you can be sure that the licencing is right and that there is a
community behind the project.

A good example might be a mapping framework comparison we gave at a
FOSS4G conference [1]. 30 slides explain the primary areas of use for
the projects OpenLayers, Mapbender, GeoMajas and MapFish. They all
appear under the category "web mapping" but are still different,
complement or even build on each other.

Web map servers can be compared in the benchmark / shootout that takes
place at FOSS4G each year [2]. But again - this is just one aspect of
the software. Other aspects might include that you have a company around
your place that can help you [3]. Or you might be looking for
maintenance contracts to support you when you go online with a massive

...and if you ask on this list eventually every project will answer and
let you know that they are the best (the projects that do not answer are
busy getting better). It is what we are here for. :-)

Again - if you have ideas how we could better guide new parties through
the different options let this list know.

Best regards,


> Thanks a lot to both of you
> CarstenT
> ___
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: [Board] Denver F2F Board Meeting Minutes Posted

2011-09-25 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

it is probably not very helpful to ask Tyler about the future direction
of OSGeo because he is busy looking for a new job and after his family
and newborn.

But please ask questions on this list or - if you explicitly address
them to the board - on this list:

The board list is not a closed list, anybody can subscribe and also read
the archives and everything that the board does goes through this list.
All the board meetings so far have taken place on IRC channel #osgeo
these are also logged and publicly available:

All the meetings minutes are available on the OSGeo Wiki at:

The only meetings of the board which are "private" have been those
concerning our employee.

In response to the latest decision that OSGeo will carry on without an
executive director for the time being there has also been some
discussion on this list and most questions that were raised have been
answered promptly. In some cases the answers were "I don't know" or
"please suggest how to deal with this" which are both valid answers.

In general I would be happy to have more interaction with and by "the
community" and less of a feeling that the board "rules" the foundation.
The foundation is - like all its committee - self organizing. The board
tries to make decisions that help this process as best as it (the board)
can. Every year half the board gets elected by the charter members and
the charter member grows over the years, this year by 20 new members -
starting in a few weeks.

Questions? Post them.

Best regards

On 25.09.2011 01:27, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Some have asked me for more information about the recent board meeting
> and decisions, direction, etc.  Hopefully I can just send one message instead
> of replying to each individually :) Instead of guessing on the plans, I 
> suggest
> you look at the detailed minutes (below) that are now available.  I don't 
> really
> have more information than that.  The previous announcement had a slightly
> higher level summary, so this might answer your questions better
> Hope that helps,
> Tyler
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Daniel Morissette 
>> Date: September 22, 2011 11:42:38 AM PDT
>> To: OSGeo-Board 
>> Subject: [Board] Denver F2F Board Meeting Minutes Posted
>> FYI, the minutes of the September 18 F2F Board Meeting in Denver have been 
>> posted in the wiki:
>> Please let me know if I missed anything important (hopefully not).
>> -- 
>> Daniel Morissette
>> Provider of Professional MapServer Support since 2000
>> ___
>> Board mailing list
> ___
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Report from the OSGeo Board meeting

2011-09-21 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
pleas accept my apologies if my reply was out of bounds. I appreciate
you voicing your concerns and please continue to do just that. We need
to communicate on this to get forward.

If we had a few million funding sure it would be cool to have staff in
every major country of the world. Right now this is just not the case.

Best regards,

On 09/21/2011 01:34 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:
> On 09/20/2011 11:11 PM, karsten vennemann wrote:
>> Yes indeed I can only echo what Gary wrote in his email.
> Then please read Frank's and my answer and come back here to say whether
> this addressed your concerns or at least some of them.
>> I might get ahead of myself with too many assumptions here - before the
>> board even outlined the full reasoning for this decision of eliminating the
>> executive directors position. 
>> But in fact the reasons have not been clearly communicated in Arnulf's
>> summary thus I am just continuing the discussion here. I am very curious how
>> eliminating the only paid staff position that OSGeo had will really benefit
>> the well being of the organization. Obviously there are as many opinions
>> about how OSGEO should be run as OSGeo as we have members ;) 
> In OGC they have "unanimous consent". Such thing would not work in OSGeo
> for exactly your specified reasons, therefore we have a do-ocracy which
> is enhanced by a slim overhead of structure including a board of
> directors. On top of this we had one paid position. This role could not
> satisfy all the opinions of how to run the organization. As a result the
> board took this decision.
>> For me as a GIS professional and business owner it is a
>> "no-brainer"(american slang) that a global professional organization simply
>> cannot be run professionally with out any paid staff, or at the very least
>> not very well. 
> I cannot see that your professional business is a sponsor of OSGeo - it
> is a no-brainer that this is the simplest way of funding an ED position
> - if you really believe that we need it. Sorry to be blunt (German style).
>> Volunteers are great but can do only that much. I am thinking
>> especially of the areas of professional
>> Marketing,  Education,  and User support + outreach. 
> ...which in my opinion are exactly the areas where we did not do too
> well in the past years - even with an ED position. By redirecting funds
> to realize specific objectives I believe that we can achieve more in
> these areas.
>> >From my perspective it is imperative to have a well coordinated,
>> professional (yes therefore paid!) position to support these and other
>> tasks OSGeo performs day to day as a global entity.
> I do not think that a single person can live up to the expectations
> OSGeo has of such a role. Not Tyler and not anyone else. Instead we
> should gear the funds towards professionals who can achieve more in
> their very capacity. I believe that the critical part of your
> perspective is summarized by "well coordinated". How are you going to do
> this when there are as many opinions as there are members of OSGeo? Who
> gives the coordination? So far it has been the board - and if this
> coordination was bad then we should have replaced the board, not the ED.
> I do not believe that one paid staff or even a team of paid staff can do
> any better - why should they? The only way to find ideal coordination is
> by excelling in communication - something that I believe we are quite
> good at.
> Ah - well, except me - I might appear somewhat agitated right now and
> beg your forgiveness.
> But I bluntly refuse to accept that a paid professional (professional
> what?) will solve the issue of multiple opinions. Do you remember
> OSGeo's very first staff member? He was the community manager of
> CollabNet - the closest thing I can imagine to resemble a professional
> in this field - and we wasted him within a few months.
> Instead we are on to something new - I firmly believe that a community
> of volunteers can achieve what we set out to do. I laughed at Wikipedia
> when they started and did not quite believe OpenStreetMap would get
> anywhere, both proved me wrong. It is only fair if you doubt that OSGeo
> will get anywhere, I don't.
>> If there are new directions the OSGeo board is planning to follow, that do
>> really support OSGeo as an professional organization, I would encourage that
>> the planning behind this and the details will communicated to the members.
> Please don't take this personally - but experience shows that whenever
> someone starts preach professionalism without being able to exa

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Report from the OSGeo Board meeting

2011-09-21 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
On 09/20/2011 11:11 PM, karsten vennemann wrote:
> Yes indeed I can only echo what Gary wrote in his email.

Then please read Frank's and my answer and come back here to say whether
this addressed your concerns or at least some of them.

> I might get ahead of myself with too many assumptions here - before the
> board even outlined the full reasoning for this decision of eliminating the
> executive directors position. 
> But in fact the reasons have not been clearly communicated in Arnulf's
> summary thus I am just continuing the discussion here. I am very curious how
> eliminating the only paid staff position that OSGeo had will really benefit
> the well being of the organization. Obviously there are as many opinions
> about how OSGEO should be run as OSGeo as we have members ;) 

In OGC they have "unanimous consent". Such thing would not work in OSGeo
for exactly your specified reasons, therefore we have a do-ocracy which
is enhanced by a slim overhead of structure including a board of
directors. On top of this we had one paid position. This role could not
satisfy all the opinions of how to run the organization. As a result the
board took this decision.

> For me as a GIS professional and business owner it is a
> "no-brainer"(american slang) that a global professional organization simply
> cannot be run professionally with out any paid staff, or at the very least
> not very well. 

I cannot see that your professional business is a sponsor of OSGeo - it
is a no-brainer that this is the simplest way of funding an ED position
- if you really believe that we need it. Sorry to be blunt (German style).

> Volunteers are great but can do only that much. I am thinking
> especially of the areas of professional
> Marketing,  Education,  and User support + outreach. 

...which in my opinion are exactly the areas where we did not do too
well in the past years - even with an ED position. By redirecting funds
to realize specific objectives I believe that we can achieve more in
these areas.

>>From my perspective it is imperative to have a well coordinated,
> professional (yes therefore paid!) position to support these and other
> tasks OSGeo performs day to day as a global entity.

I do not think that a single person can live up to the expectations
OSGeo has of such a role. Not Tyler and not anyone else. Instead we
should gear the funds towards professionals who can achieve more in
their very capacity. I believe that the critical part of your
perspective is summarized by "well coordinated". How are you going to do
this when there are as many opinions as there are members of OSGeo? Who
gives the coordination? So far it has been the board - and if this
coordination was bad then we should have replaced the board, not the ED.
I do not believe that one paid staff or even a team of paid staff can do
any better - why should they? The only way to find ideal coordination is
by excelling in communication - something that I believe we are quite
good at.

Ah - well, except me - I might appear somewhat agitated right now and
beg your forgiveness.

But I bluntly refuse to accept that a paid professional (professional
what?) will solve the issue of multiple opinions. Do you remember
OSGeo's very first staff member? He was the community manager of
CollabNet - the closest thing I can imagine to resemble a professional
in this field - and we wasted him within a few months.

Instead we are on to something new - I firmly believe that a community
of volunteers can achieve what we set out to do. I laughed at Wikipedia
when they started and did not quite believe OpenStreetMap would get
anywhere, both proved me wrong. It is only fair if you doubt that OSGeo
will get anywhere, I don't.

> If there are new directions the OSGeo board is planning to follow, that do
> really support OSGeo as an professional organization, I would encourage that
> the planning behind this and the details will communicated to the members.

Please don't take this personally - but experience shows that whenever
someone starts preach professionalism without being able to exactly
specify what this includes, only shows that the problem has not been

Having said that I challenge you to help plan OSGeo's future. This is
your chance.

Have fun,

> Cheers
> Karsten
> Karsten Vennemann
> Principal
> Terra GIS LTD
> 2119 Boyer Ave E 
> Seattle, WA  98112
> USA 
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Formation of Yukon Chapter

2011-09-15 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
On 09/14/2011 11:02 PM, wrote:
> Anyone interested in working towards the formation of a Yukon OSGeo
> chapter are encouraged to visit the Yukon page on the OSGeo wiki. We're
> already two members strong! Depending on the membership and severity of
> the winter winds, we intend to alternate meetings between Dawson City and
> Whitehorse.

nice local chapter to my taste. Can an ex-pat German become a member?


Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Calling all Charter Members @ Foss4g - volunteer at the booth

2011-09-12 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
this is a clever move, thanks!

I would like to extend this invitation to all members in the hope that
we will have a lively booth and many people who can answer the many
questions we will get. If you scare away from taking over responsibility
by signing up in the Wiki please still consider coming to the booth and
helping out, even if it is only during breaks (when there will be most
traffic anyway). Plus you will be able to meet all the people in and
around OSGeo who you have heard of before but never met.

Best regards & see you there,

On 09/12/2011 12:20 AM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> While it's completely open to anyone to help with the OSGeo booth it
> would be great if Charter Members and other well known involved
> individuals would spend an hour at the booth some point during the
> conference.
> If you sign-up it will help us know who to expect and who to thank later.
> Catch me or Robert Hollingsworth at the conference if you have any
> questions or want to know how to help.
> Thanks,
> Alex Mandel
> IRC:Wildintellect
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

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[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Code Sprint - System internals

2011-09-12 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
I would like to invite one or two savvy PHP hackers, ideally with some
background using LDAP to join a code sprint session this Saturday. We
need to extend the sign-up form for OSGeo, add fields from the new LDAP
schema and maybe make everything just a little bit sleeker.

If we have time or fun left in us there is lots more to do which we
could look at and maybe realize over the next weeks. There is not that
much geospatial in it yet but there are some bits in the Wiki related to
maps, we have coordinates sitting by the side of the members and if you
are interested you will find interesting things to do.

Please contact me during the conference or simply show up at the code
sprint and look for me.

There will also be folks from SAC who know how things run.

Best regards,

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo AGM on Friday September 16th

2011-09-05 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Dear Members of OSGeo,
we will have our OSGeo Annual General Meeting on Friday, September 16th
from 4 to 5 pm in the Grand Ballroom, right after the Closing Plenary of
the conference. The AGM will be a firework of lightning talks by the
Local Chapters, officers, chairs and members highlighting their
achievements within OSGeo in the last year and the objectives for the
next. Other than the typical AGM[1] it will be rather informal and fun.
The latter depends a lot on your participation which is why we send out
this email to remind you that this is your chance to speak up about what
you have done for OSGeo and how you achieved it. The goal is to learn
from each other and to better understand the scope of OSGeo and where we
can still improve it. This will also be valuable input for the board of
directors who will meet on Sunday for their annual face to face meeting
to decide how to realize all of these objectives.

If you are interested in presenting please add yourself to this Wiki
list [2] and prepare a talk no longer than !four! minutes. That is 225
seconds of talking (the missing 14 seconds are for breathing and
switching to the next speaker). The rule is first come first serve with
final arbitration and ordering by the moderator (me). We will not be
able to allow for any overrun so please check your talk against the clock.

If you have questions or doubts please feel free to ask on this list (or
contact me directly).

If you are in a Local Chapter please make sure that at least your
representative is subscribed to the Local Chapters mailing list [3].

Best regards,
Arnulf Christl


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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] North America (Seattle) codesprint -- last chance to save it!

2011-08-19 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

feel free to bring up this topic on the board list which is open to the
public. I would be interested in understanding more about how OSGeo
could become involved in this in a sort of repeatable manner. If you
have more concrete ideas just add them to the mail. If a more
interactive style helps we can also invite you to the next board meeting
and add it to the agenda for our f2f meeting in Denver. This could well
be a focus area for OSGeo in coming years.

Best regards,

On 19.08.2011 00:36, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
> If I was on the board (ahem), I?d be in favor working on such an idea. 
> For small gatherings like this, the amount at risk is relatively low ?
> under $10K, not the huge amount that, say, FOSS4G requires.
> -mpg
> *From:*Daniel Kastl []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 17, 2011 5:10 PM
> *To:*; OSGeo Discussions
> *Subject:* Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] North America (Seattle) codesprint --
> last chance to save it!
> Without being able to attend a code sprint in Seattle, I would like to
> ask, if this isn't something OSGeo Foundation would be able to cover the
> risks for. In my opinion this is one of the events OSGeo could support,
> because it has a high impact on its projects.
> Leaving such a risk on individuals is likely to make this kind of events
> difficult to organize.
> Daniel
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Michael P. Gerlek  <>> wrote:
> The goal of hosting the 2012 North American code sprint here in Seattle is,
> unfortunately, almost dead.
> To date I have received almost $4K in sponsorship money -- thank you to
> Airborne Interactive, Anonymous/CUGOS, Development Seed, and LizardTech! --
> and almost $4K in the form of seven registrations from individuals.
> However, this doesn't get us to the $12K needed to reserve the facilities
> and minimize my risk of defaulting.
> If you are interested in attending and can pay the $525 fee (registration +
> lodging + meals) in advance, please contact me.
> I will try to drum up some more interest down in Denver next month, but the
> longer we wait the higher the chance the facility won't be available
> anymore.  After FOSS4G, if we haven't raised enough funds, I'll be refunding
> the sponsorship and registration monies.
> Details on the event can be found here:
>  Thanks!
> -mpg
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> <>
> -- 
> Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
> eMail: <>
> Web: <>
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] RE: Board Nomination -- Regina Obe Decline

2011-08-11 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

I would have very much appreciated to have you on the board of
directors. So I am sorry to hear that you stepped back from nomination
but at the same time respect your decision. It would be great if
everybody were so considerate about timing and commitment up front.

- From an egoistic perspective I actually like your decision because it
means that you can spend more time on improving the PostGIS experience.


Having said this I want to cite you by saying that: "We have a bright
and very energetic group of nominees, and I’m looking forward to seeing
[...]" five of them join the board.

Thanks & best regards,

On 10.08.2011 23:24, Paragon Corporation wrote:
> David,
> Thank you very much for this nomination.  It is a great honor to be so
> well respected by you. It is also with much regret that I decline your
> offer.
> I really had intended on accepting this, but after thinking about the
> extra responsibility this position would require,
> I realized I would be spreading myself too thin,feeling a bit out of my
> element, and regret later not being able to serve OSGeo as well as I
> wanted to.  I would also be possibly depriving others with more energy
> and will from making their impact.
> We have a bright and very energetic group of nominees, and I’m looking
> forward to seeing many of them, including David
> serve on our board.
> Yours in spirit,
> Regina
>> I nominate Regina Obe for the OSGeo Board of Directors. Regina is a member
>> of the PostGIS steering Committee and has been an OSGeo Charter Member since
>> 2009. Regina has a particular strength that is very rare in the Open Source
>> world and that is her dedication to making open source software and
>> programming accessible to the often non-technical savvy GIS user. Regina
>> (along with her husband Leo) have maintained the BostonGIS blog and the
>> Postgres Online Journal for many years providing quick and understandable
>> tutorials, guides, and cheat sheets for various projects with a particular
>> focus on PostgreSQL/PostGIS, much of this has culminated in the recent
>> publication of *Postgis in Action.* While Regina has a very strong technical
>> background, I believe that Regina could help drive a focus on the usability
>> and accessibility of OSGeo projects.
>> Cheers,
>> David
>> -- 
>> David William Bitner
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [OSGeo-Conf] foss4g 2012

2011-07-01 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Jachym Cepicky wrote:
> Hi,
> I know, this comes late, but is there still request for organization
> proposal of foss4g in 2012 ?
> Jachym

the time ran out a few hours ago [1] but if you send your proposal the
other way round the world and hope for good IP package forwarding you
might just get it into the mailbox looking as if it were in time.

This translates into: Please by all means send a two pager right away
expressing your interest of submitting a bid to the proposal.

We are all expert procrastinators, nothing to do about this it seems...



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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Live-demo] Impacts of OSGeo-Live document license selection on OSGeo

2011-06-19 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

we have a stub about licenses for educational material in our Wiki, feel
free to update it to reflect our current understanding of the issue.

Best regards,

Hamish wrote:
>> * I think that the OSGeo-Live project should mandate that
>> Project Overviews should be available to be used under a
>> CC-BY (without the viral "Share Alike").
> please don't conflate my gift to humanity with a computer virus,
> or some autoimmune disease which parasites on the rest, often
> destroying the host; thanks.
> it's a nasty turn of phrase which was quite deliberately
> invented to skew an otherwise meaningful discussion.
> Copyleft does not infect you; you consciously decide to buy it,
> or not.
> also while in the sensitive words dept., you do not "mandate"
> a team of volunteers if you hope for them to stick around for any
> period of time.
>> However, there is significant cost involved in creating
>> training material, and training is one way OSGeo businesses
>> make money. Is it ok for OSGeo businesses to incorporate
>> quickstarts into their much greater training material, but
>> not give the training material back?
> I invite you to have a look at some of the existing commercial/
> consulting firm's training material, who were happy to give back.
> The key I think is getting a reputation as the go-to company for
> training on some particular area, not just being in sole control
> of some quickly outdated PDF.
> best,
> Hamish
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Media Sponsorship

2011-06-10 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)

On 06/09/2011 10:35 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:

Hi everybody, I've been working on an idea to start a Media
Sponsorship opportunity for OSGeo.  We already do this same idea for
FOSS4G each year, so why not try it for the organisation in general?

I already know of a few media companies that would be interested in:
* providing $x worth of advertising for OSGeo * in exchange for being
listed as a Media Sponsor

This is also a great way to keep communication open so, for example,
OSGeo members can write articles for these companies, we can get our
press releases easily, we can have our logo front and centre, etc.

Note, I'm not proposing an in-kind sponsorship position, but one with
real $ values tied to the arrangement (likely $10k spread over a

Putting the idea out there - what do you think?  Thumbs up or down?
Think of any ways to make it more enticing?


this sounds like a good idea, nothing to add from my side.

Best regards,

Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] A few survey stats

2011-05-13 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Simon Cropper wrote:
> Tyler,
> On 13/05/11 05:30, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
>> Even from this perspective it shows a very strong support for the
>> academic idea, with Government in second.  Then Open Standards and
>> Open Data.
> It would be interesting to get a summary of the participant background.
> was their more academic respondents resulting in a bias? I wonder what
> the chart would look like if you extracted the broad OSGeo groups
> (academics, government, developers, users) and presented the same
> charts, whether they would show academics favoured work with academics,
> government with governments, etcetera.

thanks for the outreach effort and surveys. Nice graph at:

One thing that obviously cannot come out of surveys are things that are
not being asked.

The other thing that cannot come out of surveys are the opinions of
those who are not being asked.

This makes this type of survey kind of introverted because it asks about
existing Memes inside a distinct community. This is a good excercise but
ignores the outside which might have different ideas altogether.

To me it is difficult to understand why someone now not connected with
us would want to invest into OSGeo. But I am sure that there are many
ventures to explore. The question is now how to trace and then mine them?

One things that have been on my radar for a while is that public
administrations are a prefect target for long time funding and
sponsoring. But so far we proven that we are incapable of acessing this
source of income. I guess that we need some kine of outside help to get
this done.

Best regards,

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] A few survey stats

2011-05-13 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Jody Garnett wrote:
> If I can put in 2 cents for something that seems to have been missed:
> supporting open source development.
> I know developers are mostly self motivating; but just like "target
> areas" devoted to use it would be good to see some target areas
> devoted to "development".

I can see a lot of coding going on inside different organisations but
the solutions never find their way back into the core software because
of a disconnect to the core developers of the projects.

In a proposal for a EU-funded project I am now trying to directly
address this. One sub task is dedicatged to hosting code sprints which
focus on the needs of collective user groups. There are now loads of
requirements arising from INSPIRE for example. The idea is to get
funding from the organisations to support the work of the developers -
and at the same time get users and developers closer together. Not sure
whether this works but it is my best try at closing this gap so far. And
it might open new funding streams which so far are left unexplored.


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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Introduction to geospatial open source event at FOSS4G

2011-05-12 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

I would be interested in contributing to this introductory day. We have
been doing this in Germany since 2003 with great success. I could
imagine to give a talk about Open Source, Free Software, associated
concepts and the business modles around it. Or give an overview of use
cases in large installation in Germany, Austrid, Switzerland and the UK.

Just let me know whether you are interested.

Best regards,

Peter Batty wrote:
> Hi all,
> This has already been mentioned on the FOSS4G list, but I wanted to make
> sure that everyone was aware that we'll be a doing a one day "introduction
> to geospatial open source" event the day before the main conference starts,
> in parallel with the pre-conference workshops. This will be aimed at a broad
> audience, but in particular at users, developers and managers involved with
> geospatial software / GIS who haven’t yet had significant involvement with
> open source. It will work equally well as a standalone event, or as a way of
> getting up to speed to get the most out of the full FOSS4G conference.
> More details at
> If you know of people who could benefit from this, please let them know!
> We'll be publicizing it through various channels.
> The event is being organized by Brian Timoney, who has previously run
> several similar events locally. We have several speakers lined up already,
> and we'll be looking over the abstracts submitted to the main conference
> also, and may ask some people to participate based on those. If you have
> suggestions or interest in participating feel free to contact Brian or
> myself.
> Cheers,
> Peter.
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] planning for an osgeo local chapter in the Philippines

2011-05-12 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

maning sambale wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> We are planning to start the osgeo local chapter in the Philippines.
> I've been reading up on the osgeo wiki related pages.  But it would be
> great for the established chapters to share here their own
> experiences.
> Osgeo projects like grass, geoserver, qgis and postgis are slowly
> penetrating the small but budding geo-industry in the country and it
> would be nice to consolidate marketing/advocacy efforts.
> Thanks!

thanks for your interest. You might want also to join the local chapters
mailing list:

Currently not much going on there but this list is exactly intended to
talk about local chapters find out what this is and how it can work out.
Feel free to ping this list about anything related to OSGeo Local

Best regards,

- --
Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Discuss mailing list

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] pycsw 0.1.0 released

2011-04-21 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Woot! this is great, well done. I'll keep an eye on this project, looks


Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Hi Arnulf,
> Thank you very much.
> We have prepared this demo page:
> Best regards,
> Angelos
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf)  wrote:
> Angelos,
> congratulations to this first release. It is always good to have diversity.
> It would be great if you could also provide a demo site for people to
> look at and try out some features (obviously this is somewhat difficult
> with a service interface because there are no nice clicky interfaces and
> maps and stuff).
> Best regards,
> Arnulf
> Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
>>>> The pycswteam announces the release of pycsw 0.1.0. This is the first
>>>> release of the project towards version 1.0.0.
>>>> pycswis an OGC CSW server implementation written in Python.
>>>> pycswimplements clause 10 (HTTP protocol binding (Catalogue Services for
>>>> the Web, CSW)) of the OpenGIS Catalogue Service Implementation
>>>> Specification, version 2.0.2.
>>>> pycsw allows for the publishing and discovery of geospatial metadata.
>>>> Existing repositories of geospatial metadata can be exposed via  OGC:CSW
>>>> 2.0.2.
>>>> pycswis Open Source, released under an MIT license, and runs on all
>>>> major platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X).
>>>> Source and binary downloads:
>>>> The source code is available at:
>>>> Version 0.1.0 (2011-04-20):
>>>>* OGC CITE Compliant
>>>>* support for ISO Metadata Application Profile 1.0.0
>>>>* extensible profile plugin architecture
>>>>* flexible metadata repository connectivity
>>>>* federated catalogue distributed searching
>>>>* Pythonic interface to the supported databases
>>>>* Very lightweight (Python + CGI)
>>>> Testers and developers are welcome.
>>>> The pycsw developer team.
>>>> ___
>>>> Discuss mailing list
Discuss mailing list


> ___
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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] pycsw 0.1.0 released

2011-04-20 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

congratulations to this first release. It is always good to have diversity.

It would be great if you could also provide a demo site for people to
look at and try out some features (obviously this is somewhat difficult
with a service interface because there are no nice clicky interfaces and
maps and stuff).

Best regards,

Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> The pycswteam announces the release of pycsw 0.1.0. This is the first
> release of the project towards version 1.0.0.
> pycswis an OGC CSW server implementation written in Python.
> pycswimplements clause 10 (HTTP protocol binding (Catalogue Services for
> the Web, CSW)) of the OpenGIS Catalogue Service Implementation
> Specification, version 2.0.2.
> pycsw allows for the publishing and discovery of geospatial metadata.  
> Existing repositories of geospatial metadata can be exposed via  OGC:CSW
> 2.0.2.
> pycswis Open Source, released under an MIT license, and runs on all
> major platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X).
> Source and binary downloads:
> The source code is available at:
> Version 0.1.0 (2011-04-20):
>* OGC CITE Compliant
>* support for ISO Metadata Application Profile 1.0.0
>* extensible profile plugin architecture
>* flexible metadata repository connectivity
>* federated catalogue distributed searching
>* Pythonic interface to the supported databases
>* Very lightweight (Python + CGI)
> Testers and developers are welcome.
> The pycsw developer team.
> ___
> Discuss mailing list

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Exploring Space, Time and Mind
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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Using an OSGeo membership to work at the OGC

2011-04-15 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)

I'd really like to get this talk moved to standards to relieve this list 
a bit.

The distinction whether one qualifies for an OGC slot is a bit finer in 
that the work done by the OSGeo member must not be related to the work 
of the company to which she signed over her IPR. Imagine someone working 
as a system admin at HAL, a multi billion IT shop, but not related to 
geospatial at all, and not an OGC member, but also hacking away at QGIS. 
In my understanding she would qualify for an OSGeo OGC slots alright.

The process on OSGeo's side currently is that I decide who deserves it. 
Not a good process but in the past years we never had more than two 
people show interest. For that little activity it worked fine...

Now it seems we have growing interest and therefore might need to set up 
a proper process. Ideas are welcome.

Currently all slots are in use but we will have two turns coming up in a 
few months time. I'll announce here when there are changes.

To all interested folks,
please feel free to participate on this list and let us know what your 
interests are in joining OGC. We can always try to find more ways to 
interact with OGC, it does not have to be limited to those 6 slots.

Have fun,

On 04/15/2011 05:10 PM, Raj Singh wrote:

I don't know what the guidelines are from the OSGeo side, but from
the OGC side (as Jody mentioned) the primary guideline is that you
can't be an employee of an organization that could get OGC membership
the usual way. These OSGeo memberships are intended to accommodate
the ad hoc nature of open source project teams and individuals, and
give them a "seat at the table".

--- Raj

On Apr 15, at 5:34 AM, Adrian Custer wrote:

Hey all,

In reviewing Arnulf's recent white paper, I was reminded that OSGeo
has various memberships to the OGC. Since I am in need of
re-joining the OGC as an individual member, I might be in a
position to use such a membership.

Do we have any guidelines on how these memberships are to be used?
Specifically, if I were to use one of them would I need to
'represent' the OSGeo membership in some way (which I would find
hard since I have always been on the margins of OSGeo) or could I
continue to represent the 'free software community' as I feel I
already do quite a bit at the OGC? Are there any other
responsiblities that using one of those memberships would bring,
such as reporting back to OSGeo in some way?

More practically, how would one go about requesting such a

And finally, is anyone actually invested in any of these
memberships yet?

Thanks for any information or pointers, ~adrian

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Board] Open Source and Open Standards White Paper

2011-04-14 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)

please be so kind and give this paper a moment of your attention:

There is still a lot of confusion in people as to what an Open Standard 
is and what Open Source is. Even within the educated community of OSGeo 
there are very different positions wrt to standards and what an Open 
Standards should be. It ranges from "standards suck and prevent 
innovation" to "standards are the only way out of the misery of the data 

The same is true to what the educated part of the OGC community thinks 
about Open Source ranging from... well you know. No need to repeat here.

Therefore OGC and OSGeo are interested to find a common position on Open 
standards and Open Source and if we don't disagree too badly this will 
become a joint white paper. Please give it a pass and comment if you 
think something is seriously wrong.

On 04/13/2011 09:42 PM, Markus Neteler wrote:

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 9:02 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf)  wrote:

as discussed on IRC we have further developed the article on Open Source and
Open Standards:

It would be great if you could give it a pass

I have done a few edits (see history).


Thanks Markus,
anyone else from the board with comments? The page had 100 views in the 
past two days and if no one else follows up with comments I consider 
this to be generally accepted.

Best regards,

I am sure that as soon as we publish it the usual die hards will start 
to scream at the top of their lungs :-) but we can probably not do much 
more than we did, can we?

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSSGIS Brazil Magazine

2011-03-31 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

congratulations and thanks for this, looks like a great magazine (from
the little that I actually understand...).

It is nice to see that some OSGeo resources are reused including Wiki
and graphics. This is what OSGeo set out to do, support the geospatial
FOSS idea in as many regions and languages possible. Please feel free to
add the OSGeo logo and a link back to the web site.

I guess that there will be many people in Brazil who have no clear
concept of what OSGeo is all about. So maybe it would be a good idea to
have an article with some basic information about OSGeo in one of your
next editions (as you have a good one about OGC in this edition).
Unfortunately I am not able to write in Portuguese myself, so all I can
do is ask others... :-)

Best regards,

Felipe Costa wrote:
> Time to end the mystery and reveal what really is project FOSSGIS Brazil.
> Many bet that was an event, or a
> organization, but nobody has come to settle what really is this project.
> In recent years the Free Geo has grown and seconded as a real option in the
> corporate market, and with it an increase in
> demand for these technologies. Today there are several blogs, lists and
> discussion forums in Portuguese dealing with various matters
> related and provide free support to those technologies. But until today
> there was a magazine specializing in Free Geotechnologies.
> With this intention comes Magazine FOSSGIS Brazil, seeking to fill that gap.
> To make this project the major names in the Free Will of Geo teamed up to
> create a high quality material based on the principles of free software.
> In this first edition we will talk about initiatives like OL4JSF, a 100%
> Brazilian project, which is already making a success out there. Besides the
> OGC, the history of Geo Free, gvSIG, GIS applications for mobile devices,
> among others. There is also an issue in this
> exclusive interview with Gilbert Câmara, general director of INPE (National
> Institute for Space Research).
> The journal is entirely free, without needing to make records, pay taxes or
> something like that. To get your copy of the magazine is only necessary to
> download.
> We hope you enjoy this new initiative.
> Best regards,
> FOSSGIS Brazil team
> Felipe dos Santos Costa
> Vinde, exultemos de alegria no Senhor aclamemos o rochedo que nos salva!
> Ao seu encontro caminharemos com louvores, e com cantos de alegria o 
> celebremos!
> ___
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On Openness (was: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] workshop on "Open Government: Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards")

2011-03-16 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)

thanks for posting this.

this is perfect timing to further our own understanding on openness. We 
are working on this from several ends and as we do, notice that there 
are many different takes on openness. There are for example noticeable 
differences in how the OGC uses the term openness when it comes to 
standards development. But they are not wrong in how they use it, just 
different. The same applies to OpenStreetMap who also have a broad 
understanding of what they mean with Openness. Even the public 
administration starts to develop and understanding of what openness 
could mean. This again proves that truth, just like time are relative.

For a very short definition check this OSGeo page:,_OSGeo_and_OSM

In order to better communicate which aspect of openness OSGeo promotes 
and how it relates to OGC activities the OGC has asked us whether we 
would be interested to produce a joint white paper. We discussed this at 
a board of directors meeting last year but never finished this because 
it is quite an involved topic. At the last meeting we decided that it 
makes sense to involve the whole community in defining what this is. To 
this effect we have created a Wiki page with a first shot at this White 
Paper. It also contains the take that the OGC has developed around 
openness and how this relates to us. The page is available here:

Please go to this page and hack it. Write whatever you think is relevant 
from our point of view. We should not change the OGC's definition, even 
if we feel that it is not complete or differs from our understanding. 
The idea is to allow for different takes. Diversity makes the world go 
round. It would be great if we could come up with a comprehensive paper 
that we can publish together with the OGC. It will always be a 
compromise but it will show that we have matured as an organization to a 
level where we can interact strategically.

Apart from this please also feel free to maintain our own definition of 
Openness which has been defined here:

If my presentation for FOSS4G gets accepted this might also become a 
presentation which we can give at SOTM, FOSS4G and the Denver OGC TC 

Have fun,

On 03/16/2011 04:24 AM, Mr. Puneet Kishor wrote:

## Open Government

Announcing a workshop on *Open Government: Open Data, Open Source
and Open Standards* organized jointly by [Dr Hanif. Rahemtulla][hr],
Horizon Digital Economy Research and [Puneet Kishor][pk], Science
Fellow, Creative Commons, in conjunction with the annual Open Source
GIS Conference, June 21, 2011, Nottingham, United Kingdom. The
workshop will be held at the [School of Geography/Centre for
Geospatial Science][cg]>  at the University of Nottingham.


This meeting follows and builds upon the [Law and the GeoWeb][lg]
workshop on intellectual property issues with geographic data in the
internet era, colocated with the annual meeting of Association of
American Geographers, April 11, 2011 at the campus of Microsoft
Research, Seattle, Washington.


The *Open Government* workshop will bring together speakers from
across industry, research and academia to contribute towards some of
the fundamental theoretical and technical questions emerging in the
Open Data space (i.e., how to mark up and release open data;
licensing models for governments and how to interface them to other
open source and commercial licensing regimes; conflicts between data
protection and transparency and structuring access to data by
different groups). The session will be a series of presented papers
with a lively explorative session which will inform, provoke and
encourage discussion.

Proceedings of the Seattle and Nottingham workshops along with
selected longer papers will be published in a special issue of the
open-access [International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructure
Research][ij] published by the Joint Research Centre of the European


## Speakers

Speakers reflect the broad spectrum of constituencies in the Open
Data domain from across academia, research and the industrial
sector. The following speakers are confirmed:

*   Professor David Martin, School of Geography, University of
*   Professor Derek McAuley, Director of Horizon Digital Economy
 Research, University of Nottingham
*   Dr. Peter Mooney, Department of Computer Science, University of
*   Dr. Richard Mortier, Horizon Digital Economy Research,
 University of Nottingham
*   Dr. Catherine Mulligan, Horizon Digital Economy Research,
 University of Nottingham
*   Mr Ian Holt, Senior Technical Product Manager, Ordnance Surve

Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] open-source project site construction

2011-03-08 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Il giorno mar, 08/03/2011 alle 08.28 +0100, Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas ha
> scritto:
>> I wouldn't suggest google code as a  repository unless you don't care
>> about people living in USA embargoed countries. Google apply USA
>> export restrictions and developers can't access those repositories (a
>> Cuban OSGeo-es member suffers this stuff all the time).
> BTW: is this stil a problem with the OSGEO repo?
> All the best.

not a problem and was never a direct OSGeo issue either. GeoNetwork
operate their code repositories at SoureForge who had some policy
changes a few months back imposing strict export restriction rules to
arbitrarily all projects, whether "justified" or not. Developers from
some nations had trouble for some time continuing to contribute and use
code. Project owners could eventually (after some protesting directed at
SF) revert these changes if they do not "export" restricted code.

Then again, this whole issues is but a laugh and certainly not worth
spending so many words on because it is so very easy to circumnavigate
by using proxies. It is again based on the general misunderstanding that
one could apply the same restriction to software as to matter. Which
simply does not work. Try to copy a brick, or make a backup or send it
via email. The other way round (partially restrict the distribution of
digital data) does not work either. Never. It is nothing but a nuissance
and it demonstrates how unrelated politics, policies and laws are to the
real world.

Best regards,

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[OSGeo-Discuss] Yikes, we have the fifth OSGeo Anniversary TOMORROW!

2011-02-03 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)

I added another agenda item which I believe is really important. Thanks 
for Tyler and Jorge to remind us! We have an anniversary tomorrow. Five 
years ago OSGeo was born in it's current incarnation. Since then we have 
served the vision of promoting and supporting Free and Open Source 
Software for Geospatial.

We should at least have a birthday cake on our website and wiki, ten 
blog articles, a news item and a few dozen tweets. Hopefully we can all 
throw in a few cents to make this an event. OSGeo deserves it.

Join the party?

Local Chaps,
this is a great opportunity to have a news item and maybe some thoughts 
of your own role in your local chapter lists and web sites too.

Best regards,

Sorry for almost forgetting this but I would forget my own birthday if 
folks wouldn't remind me to have a party each year. So we should make 
this a recurring event.

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] PDF of FOSS4G2010

2010-12-10 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Ravi wrote:
> Where can I download this presentation of Arnulf. This is not on FOSS4G2010 
> site !

unfortunately there is no slide set because my performance was live and
based on 100% online examples. As we have no video that part is lost.

But there is a short script and link list here:

There were more requests for this particular presentation so I am
wondering whether I should screencast the presentation and make a video
from it. What do you think?

Have fun,

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Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Please help us choose the logo for FOSS4G 2011 in Denver

2010-12-08 Thread Seven (aka Arnulf)
Hash: SHA1

Peter Batty wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Please take a moment to review our contenders for the FOSS4G 2011 logo, and
> vote for your favorites. More info at
> Thanks,
> Peter.

cool, nice logos - thanks for this. Voted.

(I was on the verge of starting to gripe about still not having a logo...).


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