Re: [slim] All / Logitech Help! Repair of broken Squeezebox 3 (Classic) - analog out won't work

2012-09-22 Thread slimhase

Atlantic wrote: 
 I recall seeing one ...
 Searching throws up a few half-useful possibilities:
 in addition . the DAC output went to line via a 10pf (I think) cap
 (can you see that on the board?).  The DAC pinout should be widely
 available, so you should find some points to do a basic test.  Have you
 tried posting in the DIY section?

Thanks, Atlantic!

So, if Logitech or Sean Adams or ... has these schematics available for
the Boom, I hope, Logitech (or ...) can make them (again) available for
the SB3?
Please! These things are too good to throw away! 

Regarding to your circuit details: 
I have the schematics from the DAC itself (from TI). That's why I
measured and identified the too low voltage at the DAC power feed as a
possible problem. 
I also know where the 3.3V for the DAC are generated - but I don't know
what happens in between - the PCB is too crowded to see where the 3.3V
from the regulator go to the DAC - somewhere in between the problem
seems to be.

But again: Thanks for your help  information may be, this also can be
pieced together.

So: Still my question to all ( esp LOGITECH) remains: 

** Who can provide the circuit schematics of the SB3 (classic), esp
audio part.? **

Thanks, Heiner

P.S. I also posted this 
- in the DIY section, but no replies there - tha's why I went 'one up'
to the general discussion...
- on the Logitech forum - no feedback there so far

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-22 Thread ralphy

ralphy wrote: 
 What version of OSX are you running? 
 There's no 64-bit powerpc support in the universal binary.
 It's been on my TODO list for a while, you're the first to actually ask
 for it.
 I'll see if I can build a ppc64 stand alone for you to try first. 
 Check back in a few days.

I was way off on this one.  

The 32-bit ppc compiler in Xcode 3.2.6 builds for G4 powerpc macs and up
by default.

The 'incompatible CPU subtype' error was most likely caused by this and
has nothing to do with 64-bit.

However, I've gone ahead and built a ppc64 binary as well.

I've uploaded a 'tar file to google code'
with two binaries; a 32-bit ppc with G3 support and an untested 64-bit
ppc build.

Unfortunately, I have no way to test the new builds.

nekomatic, if you could try squeezeslave-ppc-1.2L-379 and report back
that would be great.

Could someone with a G5 mac try the squeezeslave-ppc64-1.2L-379 build
and report success/failure?

I'll spin a new universal binary, with all 4 architectures once I've had
confirmation that both builds work.

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Re: John Darko: I�m moving to an iTunes-fronted playback system. Bye-bye Squeezeboxen.

2012-09-22 Thread aubuti

dsdreamer wrote: 
 boxen /bok'sn/ pl.n.
 [very common; by analogy with
 VAXen] Fanciful plural of box 
German = Fanciful  ?
Who knew?

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-22 Thread benno

ralphy wrote: 
 Great! It's best to build for your OS.  See how it works and report back
 if it still hangs.

After some days without restarting the services it looks much better
then before 376.
Now there should be no (planned) activities which involves restart, so
more testing time lays infront of me.
I will give a response in a few weeks.

Thanks for this geat work, with squeezeslave we have more comfort and a
higher quality of life in our house!

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-22 Thread ralphy

sbp wrote: 
 Hi Ralphy
 Thank you very much for the Squeezeslave, it is working very well for
 me, and it even can be synchronised with My Duet and Radio. All my local
 music files are playing fine and most of the radio stations. But it
 seems like all my Danish Radio stations can't play via Squeezeslave.
 Here is the link that I use for one of the stations:,ogg,mp3,wmpro,wma,wmvoice,realpartnerId=16serial=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
 It can be played fine in the Radio and the Duet, but not in
 I have tried on two different computers with Squeezeslave installed
 (with a Debian linux and the other with TinyCore linux). Squeezeslave is
 version: squeezeslave-1.2-311
 What can I do?
Search these forums, it's been discussed many times in the past.

Clue: squeezeslave only supports 44100Hz sample rate.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-22 Thread nekomatic

ralphy wrote: 
 I was way off on this one.  
 The 32-bit ppc compiler in Xcode 3.2.6 builds for G4 powerpc macs and up
 by default.
 The 'incompatible CPU subtype' error was most likely caused by this and
 has nothing to do with 64-bit.

I was going to say I thought the G3 was 32-bit, but I figured you knew
what you were talking about!

Anyway, your new build works fine on my G3 so far - thanks very much!

Now to see how well it synchronises with the player in iPeng...

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Re: [slim] How many of you have spare squeezeboxes?

2012-09-22 Thread batka

caseyse wrote: 
 I have 4 Transporters in use with 3 spare.

Uhmmm, you won indeed the hard core award :)

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread DC227

Mnyb wrote: 
 Sorry for being late if you don't want to install certain tweaks of
 questionable value .
 You can turn off wifi if your familiar with SSH and have turned on
 remote access in the Touch .
 Some familiarity with the vi editor , but just google how to use it and
 keep commands handy .
 Note factory resets can wipe this ,be prepared to redo after such
 For example edit this file:
 vi /etc/init.d/rcS
 In that file comment out the wlan start by putting a # before the line.
 # Start wlan
 # /etc/init.d/wlan start
 Another way
 edit or rather sabotage the wlan start-up script itself:
 vi /etc/init.d/wlan
 insert after the first line:
 (go down with cursor) use :i
 To save in vi :wq!
 John Swenson suggested creating an an rc5.local file like this in
 another tread
 To do this, ssh into the touch then do:
 cd /etc/init.d
 vi rc5.local
 (press the 'i' key and then type
 iwconfig wlan0 txpower off
 /etc/init.d/wlan stop
 (press the escape key, type
 :wq (thats colon key, w key, q key)
 This creates the rc5.local file which will be run every time the touch
 boots, the iwconfig line turns off the transmitter.
 You can always turn of the wlan by simply typing iwconfig wlan0 txpower
 off at the prompt when using SSH but it does not stick after next

Thank you very much for taking the time to explain this. I'll try it.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-22 Thread jimzak

Could someone take a moment and explain to me what Squeezeslave does? 

Please excuse the fact that I didn't read through the entire thread.


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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread JohnB

PasTim wrote: 
 JohnB's approach is a lot easier to manage (it's just that my brain
 can't handle Album = Work when it doesn't!).

Sorry for this very late comment but I thought it worth mentioning that
when I want to play a ripped CD as a 'CD' I use browse the music
folders. When I want to play a specific work I can search for it very
simply, as I posted.

Of course, everyone has their own methods. The beauty of this forum is
that we can share methods and get ideas which might help us.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread PasTim

JohnB wrote: 
 Sorry for this very late comment but I thought it worth mentioning that
 when I want to play a ripped CD as a 'CD' I use browse the music
 folders. When I want to play a specific work I can search for it very
 simply, as I posted.
 Of course, everyone has their own methods. The beauty of this forum is
 that we can share methods and get ideas which might help us.
Amazing how differently everyone treats things.  My classical tracks are
filed by composer, work, performer (pop is filed by Album).

However, we have got a bit off message on this topic.  I have been
trying out some UPnP Control Points for my UPnP Client (a Musical
Fidelity M1CLiC) with limited success on my Linux laptop, and my Android
mobile.  As server I have tried the Vortexbox DLNA server, plus
foobar2000 and MediaTomb on another PC desktop running Linux.

The best server for me is foobar2000 with the UPnP plug-in, not least
because you can change the index so as to include non-standard tags,
such as Work.  This is the only server I have yet found that allows one
to get away from just having Artist, Album, Genre etc.  It runs OK on
Linux under Wine - not perfect, but good enough.  I can also use it as a
Control Point on my laptop.  However, none of this is 100% stable.

MediaTomb is a good server, and if I worked at it might be more flexible
than I have currently discovered.  Leia has been the most stable Linux
Control Point, with Skifta best so far on Android.

Anywhichway - LMS is streets ahead on usability.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread Mnyb

JohnB wrote: 
 Sorry for this very late comment but I thought it worth mentioning that
 when I want to play a ripped CD as a 'CD' I use browse the music
 folders. When I want to play a specific work I can search for it very
 simply, as I posted.
 Of course, everyone has their own methods. The beauty of this forum is
 that we can share methods and get ideas which might help us.

Yes the way classic music evolved ( before the recording industry ) it
is not only ill fitted to to the media (to dynamic and complete random
collections to fill a disc and playing time does not fit anything ) no
tagging schema have evolved with influence from classical music.
Thus it does not sit well with any media player .

Myself I do not listen much to classical ( I do sometimes ) but i do
understand the problem , similar issue could be recognized in jazz or
hip-hop/rap or folk where composers ,artist ,soloist ore not well
behaved :) and actually in any music.
But it is very evident in classical as most composers are dead and we
almost never record original events but what rock fans would call
cover/tribute bands ;) and focus shifts to  who interpreted what in what
context ? 
An effort to break this meta data paradigms would greatly enhance music
listening and exploring , especially if the clues left in one piece of
music could lead to another in a natural way ??

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-22 Thread tcutting

jimzak wrote: 
 Could someone take a moment and explain to me what Squeezeslave does? 
 Please excuse the fact that I didn't read through the entire thread.

The wiki is your friend:
Squeezeslave is a software squeezebox player which is very light - no
real GUI. It's great for running in the background or for use on a
headless machine. One drawback is it's limited to 44.1kHz playback,
but if your are running an LMS server, you can configure appropriate

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread PasTim

Mnyb wrote: 
 An effort to break this meta data paradigms would greatly enhance music
 listening and exploring , especially if the clues left in one piece of
 music could lead to another in a natural way ??
As some of us in IT have said The beauty of Standards is that there are
so many of them (and thus keep loads of people in work).

It's a real shame that no serious data analysis was done on music and
possible cataloguing and relating schemes when mp3s, aac and their
forerunners were first developed.  With flacs you can do your own thing,
and with the help of flexible servers, such as LMS with plugins (and
even foobar2000 as a UPnP server), develop your own scheme.  However
it's fraught with problems, not least that some of the tools may not be
flexible enough to do what you want, so you have to build on top of what
exists now just in case.  I find it difficult to believe that the basic
data analysis is particularly difficult, it's just that it is too late
in the evolution of music servers and storage standards to do much about

Where it would get really clever would be in analysing the music itself
and then suggesting relationships to other music. Has anyone ever
attempted anything like this?

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread garym

PasTim wrote: 
 Where it would get really clever would be in analysing the music itself
 and then suggesting relationships to other music. Has anyone ever
 attempted anything like this?


Pandora uses this technology to build their playlists

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread castalla

What I'd like to have is a simple 'Play All Songs/Music' in a given
Genre, Artist category.

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread garym

castalla wrote: 
 What I'd like to have is a simple 'Play All Songs/Music' in a given
 Genre or Artist category.

you can do this now. in LMS go to artist or genre, then click on all
songs.  And you can have random turned on or off.  

Also, I do all this with erland's dynamic playlists and sql playlist
(for more control and so that I don't accidentally add 50,000 songs to a
single playlist).

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Re: [slim] Refurb Squeezebox Classics available

2012-09-22 Thread Steve Baumgarten

Another update: he dropped me email today saying that he's also going to
be restocking his store shortly, so anyone who is interested but
unsure of dealing directly with the seller may want to keep in


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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread Mnyb

.and we have music ip and stuff or apple genius but it still fall short

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread castalla

garym wrote: 
 you can do this now. in LMS go to artist or genre, then click on all
 songs.  And you can have random turned on or off.  
 Also, I do all this with erland's dynamic playlists and sql playlist
 (for more control and so that I don't accidentally add 50,000 songs to a
 single playlist).

Good grief!  Blow me down - I've never noticed that before!   I need new

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-22 Thread jimzak

tcutting wrote: 
 The wiki is your friend:
 Squeezeslave is a software squeezebox player which is very light - no
 real GUI. It's great for running in the background or for use on a
 headless machine. One drawback is it's limited to 44.1kHz playback,
 but if your are running an LMS server, you can configure appropriate

Do the other players support high res?

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread PasTim

garym wrote: 
 you can do this now. in LMS go to artist or genre, then click on all
 songs.  And you can have random turned on or off.  
 Also, I do all this with erland's dynamic playlists and sql playlist
 (for more control and so that I don't accidentally add 50,000 songs to a
 single playlist).
Erland's tools, and the things you can do by adding to or modifying his
basic tools, give you more control over what you want to play than
anything else I have yet found :-)

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Re: John Darko: I�m moving to an iTunes-fronted playback system. Bye-bye Squeezeboxen.

2012-09-22 Thread johnnydarko

dsdreamer wrote: 
 Audirvana allows iTunes to catalog FLAC files and cause them to be
 played back by Audiovana's backend via creation of proxy files. All it
 takes is to drag a group of FLAC files into the Add Files to iTunes
 drop-zone, with the quality setting at the default of  Proxies only, no
 sound. This is much quicker than actual file re-encoding, and stands as
 my last vestige of protest, now that we can no longer truly Free (y)our

I started this way - with proxy files - but found it to be little buggy.
Some files would just stop playing of their own accord.  Going deep
into ALAC territory opens the door to Amarra and PureMusic.

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-22 Thread Pale Blue Ego

I currently have 5 Slimdevices players, the newest being the SB3.  I
would like to future-proof my system with another hardware player or 2. 
Would it be best to just stick with the SB3?  That way, I could possibly
use much earlier and simpler versions of the server software, maybe even  Actually, it would be useful to know what the
earliest server version is to support each hardware platform.  For
instance, the SB3 can use 5.41, but I assume the Touch can't.  Does
anyone have this info, which version is required for the SB3 and which
version for the Touch?

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-22 Thread JJZolx

Pale Blue Ego wrote: 
 I currently have 5 Slimdevices players, the newest being the SB3.  I
 would like to future-proof my system with another hardware player or 2. 
 Would it be best to just stick with the SB3?  That way, I could possibly
 use much earlier and simpler versions of the server software, maybe even

I can't see many advantages to this. Unless maybe you specifically have
problems with the later software due library tagging issues that prevent
it from being scanned successfully.

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-22 Thread erland

Pale Blue Ego wrote: 
 I currently have 5 Slimdevices players, the newest being the SB3.  I
 would like to future-proof my system with another hardware player or 2. 
 Would it be best to just stick with the SB3?  That way, I could possibly
 use much earlier and simpler versions of the server software, maybe even  
I guess it depends if you like to be stuck in the past or if you like to
be able to move on to something new in the future, due to the closed
source firmware in Boom/Classic/Transporter I think they are less likely
to work with something new in the future.

Pale Blue Ego wrote: 
 Actually, it would be useful to know what the earliest server version is
 to support each hardware platform.  For instance, the SB3 can use 5.41,
 but I assume the Touch can't.  Does anyone have this info, which version
 is required for the SB3 and which version for the Touch?
Look at the bottom row in the hardware comparison table on the Wiki:

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Re: [slim] How many of you have spare squeezeboxes?

2012-09-22 Thread caseyse

batka wrote: 
 Uhmmm, you won indeed the hard core award :)

I suspect I'm a contender, but I haven't won yet.  Logitech continues to
sell Transporters, and I'm sure others are stocking up for what looks to
be a long drought in quality server based network music players.

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-22 Thread Pale Blue Ego

Thanks, Erland.  I'm currently running 7.5.2, so I already have support
for a Touch.  The Touch would probably be the best bet, since I do have
a small but growing collection of 24-bit music and much of it greater
than 48kHz sampling rate.

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squeezeslave: 1.2 released

2012-09-22 Thread Mnyb

jimzak wrote: 
 Do the other players support high res?

yes some version of squeezeplay do , but the logitech provided one is
stuck at 48k , the vortexbox player does it .
But SS only does 44.1 not 32k or 48k which can be an issue with some web
radio .

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Re: [slim] Now the Squeezebox is dead, what would your next system be? And why?

2012-09-22 Thread GeeJay

PasTim wrote: 
 Erland's tools, and the things you can do by adding to or modifying his
 basic tools, give you more control over what you want to play than
 anything else I have yet found :-)

And until someone replicates that, I will stick with my SBs until they
die and I can no longer find replacements.

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[slim] Slimdevices Classic (SB3) available

2012-09-22 Thread mlsstl

I recently purchased a second Touch and have decided to sell my older
Slimdevices Classic Squeezebox. It is the white version, is in very nice
condition and works perfectly. Manual, remote and power supply are
included. Photos will be available, but haven't yet taken them. It's
roughly 5 years old. I'm asking $130 but that includes shipping and
Paypal fees. Figured I'd offer it here before formally listing it

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Re: [slim] What features will no longer work if is shut down?

2012-09-22 Thread foehammer

Will the new UE smartradio be able to have all the same plugins?   I use
scannerbox alot ,...

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