Re: [slim] Extremely long startup and rescan times

2012-10-10 Thread Bradley

I was experiencing this problem and was looking for anyone else
experiencing the same thing.  

Your fix works perfectly!   Thanks for posting it!


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[slim] Nice Job on 7.4

2009-10-01 Thread Bradley

My upgrade on Ubuntu 9.04 went seamlessly.   Like most folks, I didn't
like losing my squeezecenter preferences.   But in the end, it's a nice
product and very stable.

Congratulations on a nice job with this release.



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Re: [slim] Multi disc sets not in order

2009-01-31 Thread Bradley

No, It isn't working and my FLAC/Vorbis Tags are correct.  This worked
perfectly in prior versions to 7.3.2.   Now my album listings are not
correct for Various Artists Compilation groupings.

All it took was an upgrade to 7.3.2 and rescan of my library to produce
this problem.


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Re: [slim] Multi disc sets not in order

2009-01-30 Thread Bradley

I agree that this is broken in the latest release (7.3.2).   

Multi-Disc Compilation (e.g., Various Artists) Albums appear as
separate listings for each disc, even though settings are set to group
as one disc.

Also interesting is that each track on the 1st Disc of the group is
numbered, 1, 2, 3...N. But the 2nd Disc in the group has it's tracks
labelled 2-1, 2-2, 2-3,...2-N.  3rd Disc in the group has its tracks
labelled 3-1, 3-2, etc.

Multi-Disc Single Artist Albums set to group as one disc work fine.



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[slim] Upgrade to SC7.0 - FABULOUS on Gentoo!

2008-03-11 Thread Bradley

Wow!  Wow! Wow!

Thanks so very, very, very much to EVERYONE involved in making the
SC7.0 release AND getting it to be a flawless upgrade from SS6.5.4 on
GENTOO (not exactly the most popular Linux distribution)!

After having it running for several days while putting it through its
paces, I can attest that it is stable, memory efficient and has
excellent performance.

Keep up the superb work!



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[slim] Herger Plugins on SC7.0 - Stable?

2008-03-05 Thread Bradley

I'm talking about AlbumReview, Biography and No-Setup.

Has anyone tried these on SC7?  Are they stable?  They are all marked
on his website as version 2.4.99-beta.

I upgraded to SC7 on Gentoo today and would like similar functionality
as 6.5.4.  I was going to start with No-Setup as I see no other way to
lock down the server settings on SC7.

Please let me know you experiences with these Michael Herger Plugins on

Thank you,



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Re: [slim] iPod, FLAC and Music Managers

2008-02-17 Thread Bradley

Paul_B;238724 Wrote: 
> I have all my music CD's ripped to NAS storage as FLAC and this all
> works beautifully with Squeezecenter and my SB3.
> However, some times I would like to listen to the same music on a
> portable device. Currently I have an original 2GB Nano but I am
> thinking of getting a new device.
> 1. Should I get a new iPod? If so which one, Touch, Classic?
> 2. Should I get a non-iPod device (Zune Gen 2, Archos, Zen, Cowon,
> etc); I assume I will still need to transcode from FLAC to Mp3?
> 3. Which Music Manager is "best" for ease of use, MediaMonkey, Sveta
> from dbPowerAmp. etc?


I've been in the same situation as you for me and family.  

For me, I bought a FLAC capable player, a COWON iAudio XL5.  It's a bit
dated now, but awesome.  You might want to take the same tact, as no
conversions of your media library files are necessary and, as such, you
retain the high level of lossless sound. The only caveat is that FLAC
files are large, so you'll need a player with a large capacity to carry
a large amount of music.

For my family, they all have iPods.   To accomodate them, for a while,
I bought several licenses of Red Chair Software's Anapod Explorer, the
software that others in this thread have mentioned. It will transcode
your FLAC files to MP3 format (user selectable to a  quality/bit rate).
That may work for you, but note that Red Chair Software is
out-of-business and does not support the software any longer -- they
just collect the license fees you pay to download it.  The software
also has problems in dealing with Album Art, and conflicts with ITunes,
so you'll need to learn the quirks necessary to get it to work with
these two things.  I've totally dropped Anapod for something I feel
works much, much better for family and iPods, or any non-flac
compatible device (see below).

If your Slimserver is on Linux, which mine is, I would strongly suggest
you look into MP3FS (  This utility lets
you mount a psuedo "MP3 drive" of your FLAC files, which you can then
set up as a SAMBA (SMB) Shared Drive, for Windows and Mac computers.  
In this scenario, iPod users see a drive full of 100% compatible MP3
files, fully drag and droppable into iTunes or to the device's
directory.   I find this is the perfect solution for my wife and son
for their music needs .   They pick the music files they want, and
MP3FS transparently  transcodes them to MP3 files for their use,

As for music managers, if you go with an Apple Device, you can't beat
iTunes, in my opinion.   I've tried some of the others, dbPowerAmp,
Media Monkey, but have settled with simple drag and drop with the
windows file system explorer and using both a Samba (SMB) Share mapped
to the straight FLAC files and a second Samba Share mapped to the MP3FS
system for MP3 versions of the FLAC Files.

Best of luck,



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[slim] MusicIP in New SC7 Default Skin?

2008-01-15 Thread Bradley

I'm waiting for the official release, but was wondering if there is
MusicIP capability in the New SC7 Default Skin?

Currently in SS I use the Fishbone skin for this.  Thought by now,
folks would have integrated it into SC7.




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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-05 Thread Bradley

andyg;254770 Wrote: 
> I think he meant would an SB3 provide the ad-hoc connection.  Currently
> the answer is no but it would technically be possible in future
> firmware.

Exactly.  I'm looking for an ad-hoc connection (or as I understand, a
"private wireless network for only the Controller" and no Other
wireless computing device.

Is this doable with 1) the Receiver and/or 2) the SB3?

Thanks in advance.



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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-05 Thread Bradley

andyg;254761 Wrote: 
> Yes, if you have a wired Duet receiver and no other wireless network,
> you can bridge the controller through the receiver's wireless
> connection.

What about if you just bought the controller and not the receiver? 
Would the SB3's provide the same functionality?


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Re: [slim] Announcing the Squeezebox Duet

2008-01-05 Thread Bradley

mvalera;254720 Wrote: 
> Bridging works the same as on the SqueezeBox. You connect your
> SqueezeBox wirelessly to your network, and then you can connect wired
> devices, like a PS2 to your network through your SqueezeBox's Ethernet
> port. Or you can connect a switch to it, and hve a whole load of
> devices connected.
> Mike

What if everything you have is hardwired Ethernet (including 6 SB3's),
not wireless.  Can the Controller then be the sole wireless device that
talks to the Squeezebox or Squeezebox Receiver, and onto the hardwired
network through this bridging capability?  

Hint:  I live in a city and don't use wireless because of security

Not clear whether this would work.



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Re: [slim] SqueezeFox - Slimserver extension for Firefox

2007-07-12 Thread Bradley

Thanks for the great Firefox plugin!

I realize that there is a difference between pause and stop.  Thius
it'd be great if both functions are available in SqueezeFox.

While you're thinking about it, a "Mute" would also fair nicely.

Thanks again for the great work!



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[slim] Gentoo Build of 6.5.2?

2007-05-24 Thread Bradley

Anyone know of one?  Anyone? Anyone?



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Re: [slim] Don't Miss the Final "Slim Devices" Open House! 3/22

2007-03-13 Thread Bradley

agentsmith;187727 Wrote: 
> For us past customers who reside overseas, any chance we can be have an
> virtual open house and be invited to the discounted SB3?  I would love
> to get an extra one or two.

I live in NYC which is practically overseas from Mountain View, CA.  
If you were located in NYC, I'd be visiting, but unfortuately the time
plus the cost of the plane ticket outweigh the benefits.

I've been waiting for a good deal on SB3's for a year. I own 4 SB's
now,  I'd love to pick up 2 more at $199 each. 

What do you say, SlimDevices?  How about a $199 one-day blow-out for
all existing owners?



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[slim] What happened to wired-only Squeezeboxes?

2007-01-27 Thread Bradley

Dear Slim Devices/Logitech:

Had I known the wired-only Squeezeboxes were being discontinued, I
would have bought another one right away (I've been waiting for a deal
on two -- as in the past deals).   

I have no need to pay for wireless capability that I will never ever

Please, if any of the wired-only squeezeboxes are still available, 
please let me know and I will purchase them now.

Thank you.



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[slim] Re: Help! 6.5.1 Kills Fully Working Server Install on Gentoo

2007-01-19 Thread Bradley

More fiddling around seems to point to the init.d script (and thus the not finding the correct pref file -- left from the
previous version.   I copied the original 6.5.1 version of into the 6.5.1, making sure that the script starts up
with the proper location of the pref file explicitly specified and it

I've updated my bug report to reflect this finding. Don't know why this
new version needed the pref file to be specified as it is located in the
default location.


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[slim] Re: Help! 6.5.1 Kills Fully Working Server Install on Gentoo

2007-01-19 Thread Bradley

Please feel free to add more info to the bug record.


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[slim] Re: Help! 6.5.1 Kills Fully Working Server Install on Gentoo

2007-01-19 Thread Bradley

Ron Olsen;172193 Wrote: 
> should be part of the Gentoo 6.5.1 ebuild. It is located
> in /opt/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ in my installation of the
> 6.5.1 Gentoo ebuild.
> I wonder why it's not present in your version.  Did you install 6.5.1
> via "emerge slimserver"? If so, you should have in the
> correct location.
> is also in the Slim/Utils directory in the
> SlimServer_v6.5.1.tar.gz download file.


It was in the 6.5.1 build.  It just wasn't working.

Perhaps your install is working because it's a new install?   I've been
using slimserver since version 2 or 3 on my machine.


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[slim] Re: Help! 6.5.1 Kills Fully Working Server Install on Gentoo

2007-01-19 Thread Bradley

The error originally described at the start of this thread dealt with an
error happening in  I briefly eyeballed the script and
really saw nothing apparent in the 6.5.0 vs. the 6.5.1 versions, so I
copied the script from the 6.5.0 release to the proper
place in the 6.5.1 release. That eliminated the permissions problems!

So, pretty pretty please:  SD/Logitech Devs please look into what's
going on with the logic in THAT script between 6.5.0 and 6.5.1. 

That'll probably reveal the ultimate problem and get a solid fix for me
and anyone else struggling with this or a similar problem.

For now, the "bandaid" I discovered at least is allowing me to run
under 6.5.1.

If anyone has any further insight, please add to this thread.



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[slim] Re: Help! 6.5.1 Kills Fully Working Server Install on Gentoo

2007-01-19 Thread Bradley

My old 6.5.0 install works fine.  Maybe that's the problem.  Is the
6.5.1 script expecting to create directories?  They're already all
there based on having a 6.5.0 install, as is a full non-slimserver
install of MySQL.

As for the permissions issue, all the /opt/slimserver or
/usr/local/slimserver or the /var/cache/slimserver or the
/var/log/slimserver directories/files are chowned to

The user slimserver, however does not have a home directory.

When I normally start slimserver, I use the /etc/init.d/slimserver
start command -- which is run as root but then switches to the
slimserver user using the --user parm in the script.

The reason I was running ./ is to see the error output
because running the /etc/init.d/slimserver start command displays

I did a search on the forums and see that there are several other users
that have had the same problem on the pre-release version of 6.5.1 since
December.   I do not see a resolution to their issues either and they
stem from the same problem.

I took a look at the script (where the error is
happening) and don't see anything significantly different about 6.5.0
and 6.5.1 in there.

I'm willing to provide more debugging information.  I just need someone
to specify more helpful info, so I can help debug.   For example:  What
directory is it trying to create?  Perhaps I can manually create it and
set the correct permissions.

Please try to help me.

Thank you,



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[slim] Re: Help! 6.5.1 Kills Fully Working Server Install on Gentoo

2007-01-19 Thread Bradley

kdf;172149 Wrote: 
> seems obviously a permissions problem.  you should consider creating a 
> slimserver user and running as that user.
> -kdf

It's NOT so Obvious and NOT so simple apparently

I have a slimserver user and slimserver group.  I've done a chown -R on
everything slimserver related.  

I still get the same error.

I even tried installing the Ebuild of Slimserver-6.5.1 through Portage.
Still get the same error.

I can still get my old Slimserver 6.5.0 build up and running.  Thus I
say, the Slimserver 6.5.1 build is BROKEN -- because SOMETHING has
changed between versions.

Can ANYONE Please Help me?  Thanks in advance



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[slim] Help! 6.5.1 Kills Fully Working Server Install on Gentoo

2007-01-19 Thread Bradley

Tried to get this going two different ways:

1.  New Install
2.  Overlay over the 6.5.0 install

This is what I see when I run ./

2007-01-19 20:05:19.1228 ERROR: Cannot write to preferences file
/root/slimserver.pref, any changes made will not be preserved for the
next startup of the server

2007-01-19 20:05:19.1240 Use of uninitialized value in negation (-) at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 1148.
2007-01-19 20:05:19.1254 Use of uninitialized value in join or string
at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/File/Spec/ line 81.
2007-01-19 20:05:19.1256 Use of uninitialized value in join or string
at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/File/Spec/ line 81.
2007-01-19 20:05:19.3706 Use of uninitialized value in join or string
at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/File/Spec/ line 81.
2007-01-19 20:05:19.3710 Use of uninitialized value in join or string
at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/File/Spec/ line 81.
2007-01-19 20:05:19.3712 Use of uninitialized value in join or string
at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/File/Spec/ line 81.
2007-01-19 20:05:19.3714 Use of uninitialized value in join or string
at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/File/Spec/ line 81.
2007-01-19 20:05:19.3715 Use of uninitialized value in join or string
at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/File/Spec/ line 81.
mkdir /MySQL: Permission denied at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 156
2007-01-19 20:05:19.3749 Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 470.

Any all help is greatly appreciated!



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[slim] Re: What?? No holiday super sale? :)

2006-11-27 Thread Bradley

Why not a repeat of the "Buy 2 SB3's, get $100 off"  Or how about "Buy
Three , get One Free?"

Sign me up for either of these.  My CC is ready!


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[slim] Re: Cover art files

2006-09-29 Thread Bradley

I only see cover art on drilling down to an album. The gallery pages
show nothing.  I use FLAC files with a cover.jpg file in each album


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[slim] Re: Upgrade to 6.5 problems

2006-09-22 Thread Bradley

I agree with the poster above.

I'm running on Gentoo and also had to put in a considerable amount of
effort (about 3 hours) to get 6.5 up and running (BTW, I'm been using
Slimserver  for a couple of years, so I'm used to doing a full blown

It took a whole bunch of configuring to get MySql ready to accept
connections from SS, however, the notations on the Wiki were extremely

TIP: If you're upgrading on Linux and your /etc/init.d/slimserver start
command isn't starting up slimserver, go into your local slimserver
install directory and run the main slimserver script manually, via a
./   By doing that, it'll tell you what it doesn't like
and you can go ahead and fix it.

Now that it's up and running, I'm very pleased with the improvements. 
Seems to be running much more efficiently on the server and web
interface response is very nice.

There are only two things wrong that I"ve noticed thus far:

1.  A few albums are not being flagged with the MM for integration with
MusicMagic (MusicIP) -- they are quite clearly shown as mixable on the
MusicIP interface, though. 

2.  The mouse cursor disappears when positioned over the Softsqueeze
interface -- makes it difficult to push the Softsqueeze buttons.



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[slim] Re: 6.3.0: Many Duplicate Albums Listed (as well as duped New Music, Album Art, etc)

2006-06-29 Thread Bradley

Siduhe Wrote: 
> This is a known issue, but it isn't yet clear whether it is a bug or
> something to do with a slightly revised way that Slimserver reads tags.

I'm sorry, but this IS A BUG.  It did not exist in previous versions. 
It's ruining my experience with this product -- It will no doubt ruin
the experience of other users (especially new users).

I have a huge music library of solely FLAC files and many, many
compilation albums.  My system runs on Gentoo Linux

It is LUDICROUS to ask me to go into some editor and resave tags.  The
tags are fine.  THE CODE IS BROKEN, not the Tags.  All I did was take a
fully functioning 6.2.2 release and install 6.3.0.  Developers MUST fix
it, NOT put the burden on users.

If you folks changed the way the system handles tags, then either write
a compatibility layer that bridges any changes in logic, or write a
converter that fixes tags to what Slimserver needs to see.

As a former VP of Development and CTO at many firms, I would never
tolerate a situation like this -- nor a release of software that breaks
basic functionality.  Where is the regression testing?

A word to SlimDevices:  It's great that you've enjoyed success to date
with your products, but start facilitating BS like this 6.3.0 release
and watch your customer base rapidly shrink towards zero.



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[slim] 6.3.0: Many Duplicate Albums Listed (as well as duped New Music, Album Art, etc)

2006-06-28 Thread Bradley

Just upgraded to Slimserver to 6.3.0 from 6.2.2 today on Linux.  I was
shocked to find this problem (among others -- eg: CPAN issue)

These are obviously Albums containing tracks with different artists,
otherwise known as compilation albums.

Is there a fix for this?  To me, this isn't a valid release.  It should
still be beta until it's fixed -- that's why I'd waited to upgrade.  So
much for that.  Maybe it's time for a new DB Architect?

Please help me (and countless others) fix the music library we each
depend on.  You know how dependent we are on the SlimDevices system at
this point.

Thanks in advance,



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-28 Thread Bradley


On a leap of faith, I downloaded and tried 0.5.2 again (with the
official 6.2.2 release).  This time I got it to work (using a different
method to start the player)and noticed a problem which you should be
able to reproduce.

I wasn't able to use the Web Channel Listing (which is great, btw) to
get a player started on Sirius the first time.  It will only start (the
first time) using the Remote (or virtual remote in Softsqueeze).  Once a
player has started a Sirius Stream, then the Web Interface will work.

Maybe this will point to the other problem I found?   It seems to
produce a similar debug log:

Here the log shows me trying to start the stream (twice) via the Web

2006-04-28 08:43:22.7962 openSong: remoteURL stream format : flc
2006-04-28 08:43:22.8993 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec New play mode: play
200 08:43:22.9148 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze to: 0
2006-04-28 08:43:22.9151 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-28 08:43:23.4169 Read to end of file or pipe
2006-04-28 08:43:23.4173 end of file or error on socket, opening next
song, (song pos: 4186(tell says: . ), totalbytes: )
2006-04-28 08:43:23.4174 opening next song...
2006-04-28 08:43:23.4178 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Switching to mode
playout-stop from play
2006-04-28 08:43:23.4179 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec New play mode: playout-stop
2006-04-28 08:43:23.4189 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Current playmode:
2006-04-28 08:43:23.4191 No pending chunks - we're dropping the
streaming connection
2006-04-28 08:43:23.4215 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Can't opennext, returning
no chunk.
2006-04-28 08:43:23.4290 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Decoder underrun while this
mode: playout-stop
2006-04-28 08:43:31.3193 SiriusRadio: got
2006-04-28 08:43:31.3205 SiriusRadio: NOW PLAYING: Alt Nation:Panic! At
The Disco - But It's Better If You
2006-04-28 08:43:41.6587 SiriusRadio: got
2006-04-28 08:43:41.6598 SiriusRadio: NOW PLAYING: Alt Nation:Panic! At
The Disco - But It's Better If You
2006-04-28 08:43:52.0440 SiriusRadio: got
2006-04-28 08:43:52.0451 SiriusRadio: NOW PLAYING: Alt Nation:Panic! At
The Disco - But It's Better If You
2006-04-28 08:44:02.3785 SiriusRadio: got
2006-04-28 08:44:02.3796 SiriusRadio: NOW PLAYING: Alt Nation:Panic! At
The Disco - But It's Better If You
2006-04-28 08:44:12.6539 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Switching to mode stop from
2006-04-28 08:44:12.6542 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec New play mode: stop
2006-04-28 08:44:12.6544 Stopping and clearing out old chunks for
client c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec
2006-04-28 08:44:12.6553 Resetting song queue
2006-04-28 08:44:12.6554 Song queue is now 0
2006-04-28 08:44:12.6557 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Current playmode: stop
2006-04-28 08:44:12.6657 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0


Heres what it shows when I start the player via the remote (virtual

2006-04-28 08:57:45.8971 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-28 08:57:45.8972 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-28 08:57:45.8973 Matched Format: flc Type: flc Command: - 
2006-04-28 08:57:45.8974 openSong: remoteURL command - type flc format
2006-04-28 08:57:45.8975 openSong: remoteURL stream format : flc
2006-04-28 08:57:46.1631 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec New play mode: play
2006-04-28 08:57:46.1697 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Current playmode: play
2006-04-28 08:57:53.6335 Got a track starting event
2006-04-28 08:57:53.6340 Song 0 has now started playing
2006-04-28 08:57:53.6344 Song queue is now 0


Hope this helps you debug.



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-28 Thread Bradley

GoCubs Wrote: 
> Hey Brad-
> I do test functionality before posting a version.  All of my posted
> versions have worked when using the default skin.  0.5.2 works on both
> of my test systems.  I'm not sure why 0.5.2 doesn't work for you.  Did
> you remember to update it with your password?  
> The problem I had earlier was while developing.  My local copy stopped
> working because of a bad password and I thought it was related to your
> earlier post.  The next version will store login information in the
> server Internet Radio settings...  
> The problem you're having with multiple streams appears to be stemming
> from mplayer (used for wma streams on Linux) as the Sirius plugin is
> passing it a valid URL to play.  Maybe mplayer doesn't handle multiple
> streams well, for the time being maybe just try streaming with one
> player and see how things go for you.
> -Greg


Mplayer works great with multiple streams on my system.  AlienBBC,
Shoutcast, RadioIO, etc work great.  I can stop and start the players,
listen to different things in different rooms.

You plugin does not work properly.  As I said, if you start and stop
different players playing different channels (after a period of time),
your plugin gets confused.  Something is clearly going wrong there and
not being tracked or reset.  Restarting the server restores

Just trying to help you get the bugs out.  



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-27 Thread Bradley
19:06:29.6860 checking formats for: flc-flc-softsqueeze-*
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6860 checking formats for: flc-flc-*-*
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6861 Checking to see if flc-flc-*-* is enabled
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6862 There are 0 disabled formats...
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6863 Testing wma-wma-squeezebox2-* vs flc-flc-*-*
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6864enabled
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6865   Found command: -
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6868 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6870 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6871 Matched Format: flc Type: flc Command: - 
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6872 openSong: remoteURL command - type flc format
2006-04-27 19:06:29.6873 openSong: remoteURL stream format : flc
2006-04-27 19:06:29.7792 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec New play mode: play
2006-04-27 19:06:29.7820 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Current playmode: play
2006-04-27 19:06:29.7933 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-27 19:06:29.7937 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-27 19:06:30.3120 Read to end of file or pipe
2006-04-27 19:06:30.3124 end of file or error on socket, opening next
song, (song pos: 4186(tell says: . ), totalbytes: )
2006-04-27 19:06:30.3126 opening next song...
2006-04-27 19:06:30.3129 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Switching to mode
playout-stop from play
2006-04-27 19:06:30.3131 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec New play mode: playout-stop
2006-04-27 19:06:30.3141 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Current playmode:
2006-04-27 19:06:30.3142 No pending chunks - we're dropping the
streaming connection
2006-04-27 19:06:30.3168 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Can't opennext, returning
no chunk.
2006-04-27 19:06:30.3324 c5:fe:5c:d2:44:ec: Decoder underrun while this
mode: playout-stop
2006-04-27 19:07:13.1345 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-27 19:07:13.1349 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-27 19:08:29.9598 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-27 19:08:29.9601 Setting maxBitRate for Ellison - SoftSqueeze
to: 0
2006-04-27 19:08:34.2054 RssNews: getting feed from


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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-27 Thread Bradley

GoCubs Wrote: 
> OOPS...  I forgot I had to change my password because I accidentally
> posted a version with it hardcoded (DUH!).  My current version seems to
> be working...
> -Greg


First off, I appreciate your efforts on this plugin.  I love being able
to listen to Sirius via Slimserver. I can't develop in Perl, but I am a
developer (python, C#, vb), so I know what you go through.  Everyone
makes mistakes, but it would be helpful if you would make a best effort
unit test of all functionality before posting each new version.

Thanks for your continued efforts.  Are you saying that there is a
second 0.5.2 version?  I couldn't get that version to do anything
earlier in the day.  Currently playing in two different rooms on 0.5.1,



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-27 Thread Bradley

GoCubs Wrote: 
> Thanks for your continued testing and feedback.  In a few minutes I'll
> post an updated version (0.5.2) to try.  

Gave 0.5.2 a try with the 6.2.2 release.  Couldn't get anything to play
from Sirius.  Went back to the 0.5.1 release.  I'm able to listen to



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-27 Thread Bradley

GoCubs Wrote: 
> Hey Brad-
> Thanks for your continued testing and feedback.  In a few minutes I'll
> post an updated version (0.5.2) to try.  
> As it turns out, I was wrong in my previous post about the hash keys. 
> What appears to have been happening is that after a while (or maybe if
> you login via a web browser while already logged in via SlimServer)
> Sirius boots you out and makes you re-login.  Thus, the section in my
> code that gets the hash key wasn't finding the key in the web output
> and it would then attempt to reuse the last known key.  That key was
> bad and the plugin wouldn't get a good URL to play.
> In the new version, if I don't get a key back I do a re-login. 
> Hopefully this works, it's kind of a pain to test since there is a time
> delay.  For this version you'll see a huge slew of debugging code that
> I'll ultimately comment out.
> Now what you explain above sounds like a different problem-- some sort
> of streaming error.  All my plugin does is determine the URL to stream,
> and then it hands it over to the SlimSever streaming code to handle. 
> Depending on what OS you're running, it'll use wmadec.exe or AlienBBC
> to decode the stream and SlimSever to send it back to the player (since
> direct hardware streaming isn't supported right now).  If something in
> this process is crapping out so bad that the server has to be
> restarted, it's out of my hands.  
> Hopefully with various debugging options we could figure out exactly
> where the problem is and perhaps a bug could be logged about it.
> -Greg

I haven't tried your new build (0.52) but noticed something else.  If
you have both Softsqueeze and a SB3 playing (separate Sirius Channels)
for a while and you stop the SB3 (Softsqueeze is still playing the
other channel), then you try and restart the SB3 (same or different
channel), it will not start -- just takes you to the "now playing"
display -- does not say, "Connecting" or anything.

You probably have to maintain status for each player -- that's what
Slimserver is all about after all.  Having a different thing playing on
each player -- in your case, a different Sirius channel.

Let me know your thoughts, if you need help debugging, but you should
be able to easily reproduce.



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-24 Thread Bradley

GoCubs Wrote: 
> I haven't done extensive testing streaming to different players on the
> same server, but I'll look into it.  Where are you initiating playback
> from (web interface or remote control) and which menu (by genre,
> channel, etc)?  From the error log it looks like a HTML call is
> failing, but it isn't showing the URL or specific error message which
> is odd.

On SB3, via the remote.  On Softsqueeze both using the "remote" and the

GoCubs Wrote: 
> As for as removing the "Home" link...  Which skin are you using?  All of
> the other radio plugins on my copy have a home link listed.
> -Greg

I'm using Fishbone.



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-24 Thread Bradley

I used it.  Then stopped it.  Then waited 12 hours (overnight).  Now it
won't play anything without restarting slimserver.

I also noticed similar behavior if playback was stopped and started
from different players around the house.

Log (d_source, d_plugins) simply says:
2006-04-24 08:54:10.4466 SiriusRadio: error getting 
2006-04-24 08:54:10.4469 SiriusRadio: 
2006-04-24 08:54:25.0306 SiriusRadio: error getting 
2006-04-24 08:54:25.0308 SiriusRadio: 

Also, on the web interface, you should remove the "Home" link.  Not
necessary (at least in 6.2.2  -  per the other Internet Radio plugins)
and messes up the interface if you click it.



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-24 Thread Bradley

GoCubs Wrote: 
> As for the web interface, it should be appearing.  What skin are you
> using and did you delete the old Sirius directory before installing the
> new version?  On my 6.2.2 copy the web interface works with the default
> skin, and on my 6.5b1 it works with the Fishbone skin so I would think
> it'd work everywhere (although it might not look as good with some
> skins).

You have a path problem.  Your HTML file path starts with a path called
"Default".  It needs to be changed to "EN", then it works.



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-04-23 Thread Bradley

I downloaded the latest nightly of 6.2.2 and confirm that the Sirius
Plugin works on both Softsqueeze and SB3 with the WMA builtin file type

Thanks for the update!

Is it correct that there is no web interface yet (even though
SiriusRadio appears in the SS Web dropdown?



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[slim] Re: Wireless 802.11a

2006-03-11 Thread Bradley

I've been using 802.11a with Squeezeboxes for over two years.  Yes, it
works and works very well, today!

I use these...

..plugged into WIRED squeezeboxes.  Let's me run 108MB turbo (dual
channel) WEP mode to anywhere I need to.

The Squeezeboxes (both SB3's and SB1's) work flawlessly -- no dropouts,
skips, hangs, etc.



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-02-20 Thread Bradley

GoCubs Wrote: 
> Bradley-
> Thanks for the message.  I did notice something about this when looking
> at the documentation for the Yahoo widget.  However, I'm not sure how to
> get this information.  Do I have to do something special to get it out
> of the stream?  I thought SlimServer did this automatically for WMA
> streams, but when I didn't see anything appear I assumed Sirius wasn't
> sending it out.
> -Greg


Slimserver probably handles this for you.  Just be advised that Sirius
only sends out Artist/Song info when the song changes.  So if you start
streaming in the middle of a song, there won't be any song info.  Later
when the song changes, you'll see the info.  

You can see this behavior through the Yahoo widget -- it'll say
"Waiting for Data" until it gets the info.  Otherwise, if you have the
"Enable Channel Data" option selected, it will get the current
Artist/Song info from there.

BTW, the Sirius Yahoo Widget guy keeps updating his software. Moreover,
now he's also using an "all channel feed" from as his primary
provider.It's considerably faster than the
feed.  He uses the feed as a backup.

You might want to check it out.  You also might want to trade emails
with PhilF -- the guy who wrote the XM plugin.  Apparently he was faced
with some of the same obstacles you've faced, and might be able to get
you on the fast track.

Looking forward to your next update!



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-02-19 Thread Bradley

Chop Wrote: 
> Not trying to be a downer, but won't the Sirius stream sound like
> complete crap through a home stereo?  I have XM and it offers low
> bandwidth 32k and high bandwidth 64k WMA steams.  The 64 is listenable
> but by no means good sounding. 
> I tried out Sirius using my friends account and unless I was missing
> something, the only stream offered was 32k WMA.  This is barely
> acceptable on computer speakers, let alone a home stereo.

Actually if you even listen to the actual audio stream directly from
the satellite using Sirius hardware, you'll hear a lot of imperfections
and digital artifacts.   Satellite radio is far from Hi-fidelity.  It's
more about variety.  So you may want to reconsider your point. 

I actually listen to Sirius to get ideas for new CD's to buy.  They
have a decent rotation on most of their channels and best of all, all
the Artist/Album/Song information is displayed, so you can make a
mental note of what you like and then go out and buy the CD and load it
onto slimserver for the true Hi-fidelity experience.

The point of having a Slimserver plugin is to allow listening where you
ordinarily wouldn't have a Sirius hardware tuner, or wouldn't want to
pay for one.   The online feed gives you portability and overall more
value for the monthly subscription you are paying for.  I feel I'm
getting my money's worth by being able to stream Sirius from a
computer, because I'm not often in my car (where my Sirius hardware is)
and it seems foolish to be paying for something I wouldn't otherwise be
able to listen to often enough.  



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-02-19 Thread Bradley

GoCubs Wrote: 
> FYI- Latest beta posted now retrieves song information.  Once the stream
> starts hit the now playing button to view it.
> I have it set to refresh every 15 seconds.  However, the web page where
> it retrieves the information from can get quite bogged down and at times
> takes 20+seconds to respond...
> -Greg

You should also be able to get the song info from the stream itself (in
real time).   Most folks who are writing Sirius stream players are using
the actual stream for currently playing channel song updates and that
auxiliary website for channel browsing (seeing what's playing across
other channels).  You may want to switch to using the actual stream for
song info.  If/When you develop a channel browser or web interface,
knowing what's playing across channels (without hitting the play
button) will be come valuable.

You might want to download the Yahoo Widget Sirius Tuner.

It's a fine non-slimserver example an effective, efficient
implementation of Sirius stream playback.  It blows away what Sirius
offers to its subscribers.   

If you can eventually come close to the feature set the Yahoo Widget
Sirius Tuner offers for Slimserver/Squeezebox, I think you've conquered
the task you set out for.



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[slim] Re: Announce: squeezeslave 0.4

2006-02-13 Thread Bradley


I did figure out a way to get Softsqueeze working on the above
mentioned machine.  It apparently was the ContentProtect content
filtering mechanism that was causing the problem.   However, fixing it
required downloading the Windows exe version of Softqueeze 2.3  and
then entering softsqueeze.exe as an "application override entry" in
ContentProtect in order to get Softsqueeze to get past the above
mentioned error.

Now Softsqueeze is working on that PC so, I can avoid using

Nonetheless, hope the above debug information is helpful in the
evolution of your software.



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[slim] Re: Announce: squeezeslave 0.4

2006-02-13 Thread Bradley

rtitmuss Wrote: 
> On 11 Feb 2006, at 15:18:
> Can you try running with 'squeezeslave --debug slimproto 
> ', and then post the output.

Here's the output:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Theo>"C:\Documents and
ave.lnk" --mac 00:09:5b:95:7c:42 --debug slimproto

C:\Documents and Settings\Theo>Found 4 devices
Primary Sound Driver : : 2
SoundMAX Digital Audio : : 2
Primary Sound Capture Driver : 11025.00 22050.00
44100.00 :
SoundMAX Digital Audio : 11025.00 22050.00 44100.00
: 2
slimproto_connect(, 3483)
PortAudio on DirectSound - Latency = 5376 frames, 121 msec
Connected to
slimproto_send: cmd=HELO len=10
slimproto_recv cmd=vers len=9
Cannot parse vers
slimproto_recv cmd=grfb len=6
Cannot parse grfb
slimproto_recv cmd=grfe len=1120
Cannot parse grfe
slimproto_recv cmd=visu len=50
Cannot parse visu
slimproto_recv cmd=audg len=22
Cannot parse audg
slimproto_recv cmd=grfe len=1120
Cannot parse grfe
[Above line Repeats infinitely]

rtitmuss Wrote: 
> On 11 Feb 2006, at 15:18:
> > OT:  Anyone have any way to diagnose the softsqueeze problem?  I
> can't
> > seem to get anything useful to show in the console.  I was able to
> get
> > one version of softsqueeze to generate an error.log file.  In that
> file
> > it had a "NullPointerException"  relating to "UDP".  This is all on a
> > XP
> > system that uses a content filtering mechanism called
> ContentProtect.
> >
> Could you post the exact error? It may be that ContentProtect is not 
> allowing Softsqueeze/squeezeslave to communicate with the slimserver?
> Richard
Here's the error:

Exception in thread "SlimUDP-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.slim.softsqueeze.Protocol$


My desire is really to get Softsqueeze working again as this is my
son's computer.   I have tried disabling the "Content Protect"
application, but it has no effect.   Softsqueeze UI comes up but it
never gets to "Welcome to Slimserver" and the Remote Buttons are
unresponsive.  However, the web interface will display (although it
won't show softsqueeze as a player) and the options windows/tabs will
show up as well, but I can't find any options that will make this

I very much appreciate your help.



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[slim] Re: Announce: squeezeslave 0.4

2006-02-11 Thread Bradley

I tried this as an alternative to Softsqueeze on a machine where
softsqueeze stopped working properly (UI comes up but stays dark - it
doesn't communicate with Slimserver).   I'm able to get music started
with it, but then it doesn't respond to any commands from the player's
web page once it gets started.

I know this is an early version, so just wanted to give feedback.

I'm not seeing the CPU gains another user describes.  Mine is at 100%
while this is running.

OT:  Anyone have any way to diagnose the softsqueeze problem?  I can't
seem to get anything useful to show in the console.  I was able to get
one version of softsqueeze to generate an error.log file.  In that file
it had a "NullPointerException"  relating to "UDP".  This is all on a XP
system that uses a content filtering mechanism called ContentProtect.



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-02-07 Thread Bradley

Hey Greg:

Great to hear you've got something started on playing Sirius.  I think
you'll need to pass the WMA streams to AlienBBC in order to play them
across all Slim hardware.  A forum member named Triode should be able
to give you assistance with this.

Also, in order for you to display song information from Sirius, you'll
need a real time feed for that.   Most folks who have made online
players use the following realtime channel/song feed:

There's a new online player which is a yahoo widget which is very
slick, and shows what you can do with the channel/song feed and apply
it to slimserver's capabilities. You might want to look at it for

Really looking forward to helping you test your Sirius plugin.  I'm not
in my car much and really want to make more use of my lifetime
subscription without having to sit in front of my pc!



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[slim] Re: Are you willing to pay for a Sirius Radio plug-in?

2006-02-02 Thread Bradley

Should be easy for a perl guy to do especially now with the slim
framework code written for XM...

Not much different other than the channel selection and the
authentication for login, and that's documented here

Count me in as a $ contributor



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[slim] Add me to the list of SB3's falling apart...

2005-12-15 Thread Bradley

I _just_ bought 2 of these.   Sad to see the metal plate falling off the
front without me doing anything to them except letting them sit on the
shelf for a week.

What's the solution?



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[slim] Unsigned Entry in Latest Softsqeeze Download

2005-10-30 Thread Bradley

Just downloaded and tried to run Softsqueeze 2.2 from Sourceforge.

Upon starting Softsqueeze, I get the following error:

An error occurred while launching/running the application.

Title: Softsqueeze 2.2
Vendor: Richard Titmuss,
Category: Download Error

Found unsigned entry in resource:


Bad build on sourceforge?

I'm reverting back to the original slim 6.2 version

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[slim] Interesting Competitor to Squeezebox...

2005-10-27 Thread Bradley

The Olive Musica...

Nice write-up in the NY Times.  Sounds a lot like what
squeezebox/slimserver do without all the "diy, hands-on" work -- simply
plug-in and enjoy.  Sounds promising and its feature set greatly
compliments all the ideas and hard work that's gone into the Slim
Devices stuff.  Of course it's more expensive -- but that's what you
get with Plug and Play.

Here's the NY Times article:

Here's the manufacturers site:

Any thoughts out there??


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[slim] Re: my homely designed squeezebox

2005-09-29 Thread Bradley

Very very nice enclosure.  It reminds me of the Tivoli Audio units I

Here's a link to the Tivoli Model Satellite Unit:

Looking at your picture and Tivoli's makes me think that maybe Slim
Devices should do some sort of co-marketing/manufacturing thing with
squeezebox hardware embedded in Tivoli's integrated Amp/speaker
enclosures.   Would be an awesome match.


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[slim] Re: Softsqueeze flaky with Live365 streams, Squeeze Network sound streams

2005-08-16 Thread Bradley

I tried switching from Java MP3 Plugin to JLayer, but I'm still seeing
the same problem I had before.   On Live 365, the stream won't start
playing unless: after clicking play and waiting a few seconds for the
stream to start buffering, you toggle to pause and then un-pause.  Then
it plays fine.

So still the problem originally described is still there.


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[slim] Softsqueeze flaky with Live365 streams, Squeeze Network sound streams

2005-08-12 Thread Bradley

Found a problem with Softsqueeze that causes it not to play a stream
even though it says it's "Now playing".

This seems to happen with virtually all Live365 streams as well as the
Squeeze Network's Natural Sounds.  The problem does not happen with
RadioIO or Shoutcast.

There is a work around to get it to play -- clicking the pause button
once or twice (after you know the stream is already buffered), usually
will get the stream going.

I normally wouldn't notice this problem (I just moved and my
squeezeboxes are still packed), but I'm using Softsqueeze on my PC a
lot until I fully unpack and setup my SB's and stereos.

Anyway, I hope this can be fixed easily.  I'm currently using
Softsqueeze 2.0b11 (but it also happened on 2.0-10


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[slim] Re: XM Radio Online?

2005-05-17 Thread Bradley

Here's a link to a python-based Sirius online stream player with full
source code:

Provides everything necessary to build a crossplatform player plugin
for Slimserver.  

All you need to do is port the source from Python to Perl and drop into
the Slim Plugin SDK.

Should be a snap for Perl whiz.


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[slim] AlienBBC 0.97 - Not handling RTSP properly

2005-04-04 Thread Bradley Feldman
Here's the trace log (d_source) when I try and play the links for KPLU (in
the Other Streams):

2005-04-04 11:04:21.5169 Trying to open protocol stream for
2005-04-04 11:04:21.5171 Looking for handler for protocol http
2005-04-04 11:04:21.5172 Found handler for protocol http
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9311 Backtrace:

   frame 0: Slim::Player::Source::playmode
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 880)
   frame 1: Slim::Control::Command::execute
(/usr/local/slimserver/Plugins/Alien/ line 387)
   frame 2: Plugins::Alien::Plugin::__ANON__
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Hardware/ line 616)
   frame 3: Slim::Hardware::IR::executeButton
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 589)
   frame 4: Slim::Control::Command::execute
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Hardware/ line 640)
   frame 5: Slim::Hardware::IR::processCode
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Hardware/ line 499)
   frame 6: Slim::Hardware::IR::releaseCode
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Hardware/ line 394)
   frame 7: Slim::Hardware::IR::checkRelease
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 62)
   frame 8: Slim::Utils::Timers::checkTimers
(/usr/local/slimserver/ line 611)
   frame 9: main::idle (/usr/local/slimserver/ line 549)
   frame 10: main::main (/usr/local/slimserver/ line )

2005-04-04 11:04:25.9314 00:04:20:05:5b:58: Switching to mode stop from stop
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9315  Already in playmode stop : ignoring mode change
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9317 Adding song index 0 to song queue
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9318 Clearing out song queue first
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9319 Song queue is now 0
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9417 Trying to open protocol stream for
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9419 Looking for handler for protocol rtsp
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9420 Found handler for protocol rtsp
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9424 Adding song index 0 to song queue
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9425 Clearing out song queue first
2005-04-04 11:04:25.9426 Song queue is now 0
2005-04-04 11:05:19.6752 Trying to open protocol stream for
2005-04-04 11:05:19.6754 Looking for handler for protocol http
2005-04-04 11:05:19.6755 Found handler for protocol http
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7709 Backtrace:

   frame 0: Slim::Player::Source::playmode
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 880)
   frame 1: Slim::Control::Command::execute
(/usr/local/slimserver/Plugins/Alien/ line 387)
   frame 2: Plugins::Alien::Plugin::__ANON__
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Hardware/ line 616)
   frame 3: Slim::Hardware::IR::executeButton
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Control/ line 589)
   frame 4: Slim::Control::Command::execute
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Hardware/ line 640)
   frame 5: Slim::Hardware::IR::processCode
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Hardware/ line 499)
   frame 6: Slim::Hardware::IR::releaseCode
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Hardware/ line 394)
   frame 7: Slim::Hardware::IR::checkRelease
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Utils/ line 62)
   frame 8: Slim::Utils::Timers::checkTimers
(/usr/local/slimserver/ line 611)
   frame 9: main::idle (/usr/local/slimserver/ line 549)
   frame 10: main::main (/usr/local/slimserver/ line )

2005-04-04 11:05:28.7712 00:04:20:05:5b:58: Switching to mode stop from stop
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7713  Already in playmode stop : ignoring mode change
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7715 Adding song index 0 to song queue
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7715 Clearing out song queue first
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7716 Song queue is now 0
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7789 Trying to open protocol stream for
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7791 Looking for handler for protocol rtsp
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7792 Found handler for protocol rtsp
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7795 Adding song index 0 to song queue
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7796 Clearing out song queue first
2005-04-04 11:05:28.7797 Song queue is now 0

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[slim] Re: SlimServer 6.0 - Big Disappointment

2005-03-29 Thread Bradley Feldman
>A little more debugging info would be useful.
>What does an "strace -p" on the process id yield? (it will output a lot).
>Can you try disabling MusicMagic?

Ok, the culprit seems to be MusicMagic and the integration between
SlimServer and MusicMagic.  Once the MusicMagic API is shut off so that
SlimServer doesn't see MusicMagic, the server behaves and CPU utilization by
SlimServer is extremely low.  Also, when I stop the server (without the
MusicMagic API), the process ends as expected.

However, the big deal for me in waiting for 6.0 WAS the MusicMagic
integration.  I must say that MusicMagic's playlist generation functionality
is simply amazing (WOW, what it does with my music collection - I'm totally
perplexed by the intriguing mixes it builds!), however, it is TOTALLY
BOGGING DOWN SlimServer or vice-versa.  A shame to hold out such tasty candy
and see painfully disappointing results (in terms of server performance).

So SlimServer 6.0 seems good by itself.  The wait for a solid link between
Slim and MusicMagic is what is next.  Slim's capabilities paired up with
MusicMagic's stuff is truly worth waiting for  -  audio ecstasy!

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[slim] SlimServer 6.0 - Big Disappointment

2005-03-29 Thread Bradley Feldman
Maybe it simply was over hyped.  I waited and waited until the official
release date, then, backed up my 5.4.x Slimserver and installed a fresh 6.0

After using it for the last day or so, I wonder what folks were thinking.  I
see no improvement in speed, whatsoever.  I hear dropouts I never had
before.  And, if that wasn't exciting enough, I'm finding that my system has
become almost completely unresponsive with Slimserver eating up over 80% of
the cpu when NOTHING is playing on any of the devices on my network.  What's
it doing?  Nothing good.

Even better, when I try to stop Slimserver, it just won't die.  Even trying
to manually kill the process doesn't work.  Only a reboot kills it.

I'm very frustrated and don't want to be rude, as there are nice people
who've worked hard to put this thing together -- however, unless I am really
missing something (and I am very thorough) this 6.0 version is NOT READY for
widespread use.

FYI:  I'm running Gentoo Linux (Perl 5.8.6, i686, 2.6.11 Kernel). I'm also
running the MusicMagic API,

Unless I hear something worthy of staying put, I'm probably going to restore
my backup and stay with 5.4.x for a few more weeks.


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[slim] RE: Is ExBrowse2 working on new 6.0 Release?

2005-03-28 Thread Bradley Feldman
Disregard previous message -- it seems to be working now.  Wiping the cache
(server/browser) perhaps fixed it.
However, seeing that it doesn't have any MusicMagic support (and that
artwork is only available on individual song drilldown) means I'm back to
Fishbone.  Oh, well.

-Original Message-----
From: Bradley Feldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 2:14 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: Is ExBrowse2 working on new 6.0 Release?

>What browser are you using?
>- Jacob

This occurs on both MS Internet Explorer 6.0 and on Firefox 1.02.


-Original Message-
From: Bradley Feldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 10:23 AM
To: ''
Subject: Is ExBrowse2 working on new 6.0 Release?

I heard so much about this new interface, when I downloaded and installed
the new 6.0 Release, I wanted to try it right away.

However, when I try and bring it up, all I get is a black browser screen
with the text, "Loading...".  That's it.

Any ideas?


Discuss mailing list

[slim] RE: Is ExBrowse2 working on new 6.0 Release?

2005-03-28 Thread Bradley Feldman
>What browser are you using?
>- Jacob

This occurs on both MS Internet Explorer 6.0 and on Firefox 1.02.


-Original Message-----
From: Bradley Feldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 10:23 AM
To: ''
Subject: Is ExBrowse2 working on new 6.0 Release?

I heard so much about this new interface, when I downloaded and installed
the new 6.0 Release, I wanted to try it right away.

However, when I try and bring it up, all I get is a black browser screen
with the text, "Loading...".  That's it.

Any ideas?


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Is ExBrowse2 working on new 6.0 Release?

2005-03-28 Thread Bradley Feldman
I heard so much about this new interface, when I downloaded and installed
the new 6.0 Release, I wanted to try it right away.

However, when I try and bring it up, all I get is a black browser screen
with the text, "Loading...".  That's it.

Any ideas?


Discuss mailing list

[slim] AlienBBC v0.94 beta released

2005-02-20 Thread Bradley Feldman
Well, I'm glad this is working fine for Windows folks, but I'm still having
problems on Linux  (hope you're not leaving us folks behind, now that the
windows world has AlienBBC). 

In both 0.93 and 0.94

1.  It still doesn't seem to find in the right place -- you have
to copy it to /usr/bin for it to attempt to call/find mplayer properly.

2.  Some of the rtsp streams aren't working -- like WBGO -- get errors
finding playlist.

3.  On my system (Gentoo Linux - with a fresh compiled
mplayer-1.0pre6-3.4.3) I get a few seconds of sound, then silence, then the
next few seconds of sound, etc.  If I tell slimserver to limit bitrates, I
get continuous play (because it pipes to lame) but that's not how I use

I'd go back to the old transcoder version if it didn't break all those BBC
streams.  I'd even go back to alienstream if this version would support it
via a switch -- those methods worked flawlessly on my end.  I didn't want to
have to "upgrade" to a BETA -- things worked fine for me before.

My only request:  Please fix basic operation on Linux before pushing any new
features or other tweaks!


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