[slim] NEW Bugzilla Process

2010-02-03 Thread ChrisOwens
, and is used by our QA team and developers to
prioritize bugs.

*  Add additional information in comments: If have noticed any more
detail about the bug, add it!  If the original post was about MacOS but
you also see the bug on windows, add it!  If the original bug was about
all music files, but you only see the bug on MP3 files, add it!

*  Link forum conversations in URL: if there's a forum thread about
this bug, make sure the URL of the thread is in the URL field!

*  Check if critical information is there: If you are familiar with
our products, you can easily tell if a bug has enough information to
reproduce.  Ask for any missing information we need!

*  Attach sample files which display the bug: If you can isolate a
file which can help reproduce the bug, attach it!

*  Fix things!  If you see a bug with a lot of votes, or that you are
interested in that is not yet assigned to a developer (many of these
will be targeted for Future), feel free to post to the bug noting
you're working on a patch.  Even if the bug is assigned to a developer,
post a question about whether you could take over the bug.  Participate
in our developer forum at
http://forums.slimdevices.com/forumdisplay.php?f=5.  Attach patches for
review and inclusion in the software!


If you see a bug that isn't being treated properly, or anything else
wrong with the bugzilla system, our bug flow, or software engineering
practices, you can:
*  Post to the forums http://forums.slimdevices.com to see if other
users know something about it!
*  Send me email at chris_ow...@logitech.com.  Note that if you need
technical support on one of our products, I'm not very good at helping
people with common problems, and might totally ignore you.  Our tech
support team is much better at that kind of thing.  You can contact them
at http://www.logitechsqueezebox.com/support/contact-support.html

Thanks for helping improve our software!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] Dropping support for previous hardware ?

2010-02-03 Thread ChrisOwens

If the older players are not working with 7.5.0, please make sure
there's a bug on that.  There is no plan to remove support!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] 7.4.2 nearing release, need your help!

2010-02-02 Thread ChrisOwens

Right now we have users that are not able to hear their alarms AT ALL
regardless of if they have headphones attached.  Alarms are simply NOT
GOING OFF.  Can we agree that that bug is more important?  I think we
probably can.

The headphones bug now has a concrete target and is assigned to an
actual developer who still works for the Squeezebox team.  This bug is
not getting fixed in a couple weeks, true, but really it's in pretty
good shape!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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[slim] 7.4.2 nearing release, need your help!

2010-01-28 Thread ChrisOwens

We're trying to release 7.4.2 shortly to fix two primary issues and a
small number of lesser issues with Squeezebox Radio.

1) Alarm reliability
2) Network reliability

The current 7.4.2 build is release-candidate quality (so it should be
pretty safe to run, without major bugs).  If you have some time to
please check out the current 7.4.2 build and file some bugs, ESPECIALLY
if you've been experiencing problems with network connectivity OR alarms
(or both).

It's available at http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/?ver=7.4



Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] Who are you, Squeezebox Developers ?

2009-10-06 Thread ChrisOwens

Hardware and software QA manager

Working on: 
Test automation, both firmware and SbS
* Version for contributors/average users
* Ability to test all supported platforms
* In-depth testing with devices attached

Migrating to a new test case management system
* Need one that community members can use and contribute to.

Trying to keep all our Matts separate in my mind.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] How do I go back to a previous version?

2009-10-01 Thread ChrisOwens

What is the problem you are having that made you go back?  I'd like to
get this bug fixed in the 7.4.1 release.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] Upgrade killed my SqueezeBox remote

2009-10-01 Thread ChrisOwens

I've made bug 14485 to keep track of this issue. 


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] Upgrade killed my SqueezeBox remote

2009-10-01 Thread ChrisOwens

The secret combo to update the xilinx FPGA is to hold down power (which
causes a reboot) OR unplug and replug the unit.  When you see the
'Logitech' start scrolling across the screen, press '1' on the remote.

You should see the words 'Programming xilinx' on the screen.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] A rant towards a rescue. Needed. NOW. ... From here to where?

2009-09-18 Thread ChrisOwens

Did you ever notice that Logitech employees clam up when a thread
starts getting close to actual product plans?  :)  Although, it's not
looking quite like you envision, Mr.Sinatra.

We really, really, can't talk about it, but we are definitely keeping
these issues in mind as we move forward.  See, now you made me talk like
a marketing guy.  Dammit.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] A rant towards a rescue. Needed. NOW. ... From here to where?

2009-09-18 Thread ChrisOwens

I'll get someone more involved with product definition and strategy to
have a look at the thread for that one.  :)


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] A rant towards a rescue. Needed. NOW. ... From here to where?

2009-08-24 Thread ChrisOwens

All the points that everyone has brought up, they *are* real problems
for us and we (mostly) know it.  At least a few times a week, for
instance, we make decisions including the consideration that we want the
community to continue helping us and being involved in testing new
software/products and in contributing to the product (with patches or

I think we're trying to find the 'right' solution between Joe Sixpack
ease-of-use and hackability.  Erland's certainly right that complaining
helps, and we can take an action-item to communicate back, too. :)

It seems sometimes like there's a clear trade-off between
closed-source, reliable, limited, friendly products and those that are
open-source, unreliable, hacker-friendly, but user-hostile.  However, I
think there are good paths down the middle as well.  Apple does have
success with the first course, but it's far from crystal clear to me
that their success is DUE to those four things alone.  We have to
develop our own synthesis (or gestalt!) for why our products are better,
and I think help from the community and an open source server can
continue to be part of that.

Software quality is always a challenge, and we have an extremely small
team to try to make it work.  As you've no doubt realized,
community-filed bugs are an incredibly important part of it.  I was able
to hire another QA engineer recently despite the economy, and he's freed
up some additional time for me.  We have a plan for test automation and
sharing test plans with the community so that they can help contribute
(something Dean and I have wanted to do for years), and I'll post
separately on those as they get closer.

I feel like I have to point out there have been some big improvements
since the acquisition, too.  The in-house development team is many times
as large as it was when I joined Slim!  It was Dan Sully and Dean part
time and Andy part time (when he wasn't doing SN ops)... and there was a
period when it was only Dean part time and Andy part time and the
community!  I sure don't miss the days when I'd find a bug and file it
in Bugzilla, but then didn't have anyone to assign it to.  And to have
been able to hire so many engineers who already knew the product and had
an interest in improving it is unheard of in my career!

As Michael said, we're not Slim Devices any more, but there is still a
core spirit left from those of use that joined before the acquisition,
and from new team members that know that Logitech bought us because we
had something special, and whatever we do next, we don't want to lose
the special!  There have been some personnel changes, but there's still
a lot of the original flavor remaining, in my opinion, even if some of
us have to spend more time working on detailed budgets and attending
meetings in Fremont than we did in the Slim days.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=66745

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Re: [slim] A rant towards a rescue. Needed. NOW. ... From here to where?

2009-08-24 Thread ChrisOwens

Sorry if I wasn't clear.  I am under no illusions that our products are
as high-quality as Apple's.  

I was trying to say that I don't think in order to have a high-quality
easy-to-use product that it's necessary that we stop being open source
or hacker-friendly.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] Help! A second hand Squeezebox v3

2009-03-31 Thread ChrisOwens

My main concern with this unit is that it sounds like it doesn't have
what Logitech calls a 'belly label' on the bottom side of the unit. 
This label should have the MAC address, which is used to uniquely
identify the unit to our SqueezeNetwork service.  

The MAC address is also visible from the setup menu after the language

If your Squeezebox has a MAC address which is already being used by
someone else, then you (and the other person) will begin having very
strange problems with the user interface when it's connected to

If these units are 'leaking' out of our factory with invalid MAC
addresses then this is a very serious problem for us.  :(


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] Have to unsubscribe ?

2009-02-09 Thread ChrisOwens

I sent harmonic an email to please verify he or she wishes to be


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] Bug 9377: SC on Vista fails with a BEEP

2008-10-07 Thread ChrisOwens

We asked Michael Herger about that and he thought the old way should
still work.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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[slim] Bug 9377: SC on Vista fails with a BEEP

2008-10-06 Thread ChrisOwens

We're trying to find some more information about bug 9377. 

The symptoms are: when you try to run SC (whether as an application or
a service) on Vista, the PC makes a beep sound, and SC fails to start.

A server log shows a message of 


[08-08-25 14:25:20.6826] Slim::Utils::Prefs::__ANON__ (269) Error: can't 
create new preferences directory at Profiles\All Users\Application 

Has anyone seen this, or solved it, or have any theories how we could
reproduce this?  It doesn't affect all users, but the affected ones are
stopped dead.  

The fact that not all users are affected leads me to think it might
have to do with some windows setting, or particular virus software

Thanks for any info!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] lot's of backgroud noise like tape hiss

2008-06-16 Thread ChrisOwens

I went ahead and created a bug for this issue:



Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x3717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] Anyone tried running SlimServer on a fit-PC?

2007-10-16 Thread ChrisOwens

Another thing to bear  in mind is that transcoding is a heavy user of
CPU cycles.  However, if you play a format that your Squeezeboxes or
other players can decode natively (mp3, flac, wav, ogg), you can get
away with a pretty modest CPU.  Usually :)


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x3717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] broken firmware 81?

2007-09-27 Thread ChrisOwens

Does the crash happen on any kind of music?  Or just one specific
decoder (mp3, flac, wma etc)

So Marc is using a cisco AP.  Jim and James, what kind of access
points/routers are you using?  Everyone is on wireless?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x3717

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Re: [slim] Wired Only SB3s?

2007-09-25 Thread ChrisOwens

SB3 uses a mini-PCI network card instead of PCMCIA, but it's still
easily removable.  

Since there were both wired and wireless SB3s, the firmware will
automatically notice there's no wireless card and will behave in
wired-only mode.

You'll need a T10 driver to open up your SB3. :)


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x3717

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Re: [slim] Logitech Customer Support

2007-05-23 Thread ChrisOwens

Kevin our support manager might pipe up, but in the meantime I'll just
say it's something we're carefully planning for.  In addition, there
are some changes going on within the Logitech support 

Right now our support team is too small to support the kind of sales
volumes we're projecting.  The plan is to phase in some trained
Logitech support people who will handle the very simplest calls, but
for any issue that actually seems like technical support, to have them
pass the call on to our team.

As with anything new, we're happy to hear if it's not working out so we
can make the necessary changes.  There are a lot of times  here where we
feel like we need to remind people that our products are not mice, and
have special needs.  Tech support is an area where we are trying to be
very careful how we expand.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x3717

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Re: [slim] Certain artists not appearing in Slimserver library with itunes...

2007-04-27 Thread ChrisOwens

I've created a bug for this at


Please visit it, and add any info you think is important for us to
reproduce it!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-27 Thread ChrisOwens

We have Vista 32-bit and 64-bit machines in house, and we're trying to
reproduce the bugs that have been reported.  They don't seem
immediately reproducible, but they are a high priority for us.

If you're having problems, please have a  look at the bug database to
see if your bug has been filed, file any bugs that aren't in there
already, and add any important information so that we can reproduce
these issues!



Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=32345

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Re: [slim] Slimserver software engineering

2007-02-26 Thread ChrisOwens

You're going to have to get a lot meaner for me to take any of this
personally.  :)

If what you have is a bug, then file it as a bug.  There is no problem
with that.

Since we have recently been growing the QA team from 1 (me) to slightly
larger (me +3), what's now happening is after a bug comes in, it will be
assigned to one of the QA staff and the user will be notified when that
happens.  If it's useful, we can also post a message to the bug at that
time that says 'I'm now reviewing this bug.'

It's my goal to have every bug get a response (at least a notification
that it's been assigned to a QA person) within a few of business days. 
It would be a major change for us to promise a response within 24

Bugzilla has controls for what types of users are allowed to change
what fields.  If a user can edit a field, I have no problem with them
correcting a bug.  If they can't edit a field, they should feel free to
post saying 'This happens on all platforms, not just solaris' or
whatever correction needs to be made.

With regards to our bug process, basically our existing process is
exactly as erland described with small differences.  The primary
difference is I haven't had enough resources to actually implement it. 
Now  we do, and we're trying to make sure those steps are actually

To summarize:

1) Bugs come in
2) They get assigned to a QA person (notification is sent)
3) The QA person makes corrections, makes sure fields are filled out
correctly, searches for duplicates or related bugs, and checks that
there's enough information to try to reproduce.
4) The QA person tries to reproduce
5) The bug gets assigned to a developer or back to me if there's some
kind of problem.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Slimserver software engineering

2007-02-23 Thread ChrisOwens
 marked to fix for a Future release.  We already know what our
goals are for 6.5.2 and 7.0.  If your request is extremely important,
or happens to correspond with work we're already doing for those
branches, it might make it in.  Otherwise we'll review it in a meeting
later to determine what version we want to put your request in to.

Hopefully, this post about the background of software engineering going
on with Slimserver will explain some of the strange behavior you see
from developers and QA people!  But we haven't all been replaced with
policies and automation.  If there's something you have a strong
opinion about, always feel free to make a comment or send some email!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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Re: [slim] Slimserver software engineering

2007-02-23 Thread ChrisOwens

It is our goal to have every bug report get a human response, but we
have gotten a bit backlogged.  We've hired some people (with Logitech's
money :), and we're working our way up to the present.  Please bear with
us.  However, as I describe below, if your goal is getting prompt and
effective support, the bug database is not where you want to be.

As for the definition of a bug, I think it's like the Supreme Court's
defition of obscenity.  I know it when I see it.

But seriously, a bug can be nearly any problem with our software or

One persistent problem for QA, though, is that many users report bugs
that turn out to be really support issues.  We'll try and help, but
especially if you want a prompt answer, you're almost always better off
contacting [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Their job is helping you fix *your*
problems and they're really pretty good at it.  QA's job is finding
problems, making sure they're correctly documented with step-by-step
instructions for how to reprodce, and assigned an initial priority.

If a user files a bug that says 'I just downloaded 6.5.1 and it doesn't
play any kind of music', you're probably going to get a response that
says 'It works for me, can you give me more information?' whereas if
you contact support, they will walk you through troubleshooting the
problem on your system with the goal of making it work.

It definitely happens that after contacting support, a problem will get
filed as a bug.  There's no problem with that.

Fairly often, a bug turns out to be different than what the user
reported.  For example, a bug might be reported initially that some
tracks aren't getting scanned but the 'real' bug might be that the
installer didn't give some installed files the correct
read/write/execute attributes.  Sometimes we call the underlying bug
the 'root cause'.  Another thing that often happens is a bug will get
marked as a 'Duplicate' of a bug that seems completely different. 
Usually this is because we happen to know that the bug in the
underlying structure of Slimserver is causing both symptoms, and we're
pretty confident that the 'fix' for the original bug will also fix

A lot of times our initial replies to bugs seem to be interpreted that
we don't believe the bug report.  I believe you!  But it's a more
effective bug fixing process if we are be able to reproduce it.  The
developer can watch it happen in detail, and formulate the exact best
fix and QA can evaluate the fix to make sure it worked.

I hope this answers some of your questions about bugs!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=33033

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Re: [slim] Is Slimserver sustainable as Open Source?

2007-02-20 Thread ChrisOwens

Well, there are things going on at Slim Devices to which *I'm* not
privy, but I'll go out on a limb and say a few things.  At any other
company, I would run such a post by my manager, and probably his
manager, and maybe the PR director, but things are still open enough
here that I think my own judgment is good enough for this post.

The changes going on at Slim Devices broadly fall into two groups:
Logitech wants to capitalize on its investment after the acquisition,
and Slim Devices wants to use the financial backing of Logitech to
organize itself into a well-run business unit instead of a startup
running on a shoestring.  Add into the mix that all of us here are very
mindful that we don't want to lose any of the Slim Devices magic,
whether that be engineering, quality, customer service, or community.

Within a few months, you're going to see Squeezeboxes in major retail
outlets for which the old Slim Devices could have never manufactured
enough units, and advertising in places the old Slim Devices could have
never afforded.  Logitech has manufacturing and marketing muscle, and
it's not something that's just available to us, it's part of Logitech's
plan to sell a lot of Slim Devices products.  And that's a good thing,

We can now afford to take a few risks on new products.  I'm still going
to follow Sean's lead on not announcing anything before its time, but
there are projects that Sean and Dean have wanted to do for a long
time, as well as some things that might work well with Logitech's more
traditional customer base that are now gathering steam.

These two areas are where we're spending our energy.

Throwing out the Slim Devices way of doing business is not part of the
plan.  I have been in meetings at Logitech now where we discuss
products that have been flops (or worse, are in the process of
flopping).  I don't want to insult my new coworkers, but many of these
flops are due to very strange thinking from a Slim Devices point of
view.  You can spend a lot of time doing market research and interface
design and writing specifications and developing hardware and software,
release it, fix some bugs, and start the whole cycle over again...

Or you can make it powerful enough and flexible enough and open enough
that the *customers* can *turn it into* the product that *they want to
use*.  Naturally there still has to be support and direction on the
Slim Devices side, but there are definitely real business benefits to
the Open Source approach.

Now, looking back at what I've written, can you see where in these
plans and priorities killing Slimserver would fit in?  Do see where a
plan to spend a lot of legal and development energy reinventing the
wheel and ending up with a proprietary software package would fit in?

Me neither.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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Re: [slim] SlimServer and VISTA

2007-02-05 Thread ChrisOwens

There's some info on our Wiki about Vista at

Note in addition to the bug reported here (Slimserver fails to start on
Vista 64-bit) there is also an existing bug for the fact that our
installer needs to be updated to configure the Vista firewall to allow
slim.exe to access the net.

I'll have a look at this new bug as well.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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[slim] Re: Gapless playback not working?

2007-01-29 Thread ChrisOwens

I've reopened the gapless MP3 bug
http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1026 for this issue.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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[slim] Re: Gapless playback not working?

2007-01-29 Thread ChrisOwens

If I recall correctly, gapless MP3 playback involves some extra
information in the header of the file that says when audio should end. 

MP3 files are composed of chunks of fixed sizes, so depending on the
length of the audio, there will almost always be a gap at the end of
audio playback which is the leftover empty space in the current chunk. 
So, to decode gaplessly the decoder needs to know when to stop playing
even though there is technically the remainder of the chunk (which
happens to be silent) left to play.

This is why bugs in this area are more apparent with some files than
with others.

Since you've linked to some example files, hopefully this should be
easy for Richard to reproduce.  I won't guess how easy it will be to
_fix_, though!  :-)


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Filing bugs

2006-12-08 Thread ChrisOwens

Before you file a new bug, please do the following:

1. *Consider whether your issue is really a support problem.*  If you
are the only person who has noticed a terrible problem with a release
that has been available a while, chances are it's something specific to
you.  Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] for official product support. 
Search messages here in the forums or post a new message to see if
other people have seen the same symptoms.

2. *Try the latest stable nightly build of SlimServer and see if the
bug is still there.*

3. *Search existing bugs that are open OR resolved to see if your issue
has already been noticed.* If you find your bug, update it with
additional information you think may be important.

4. If you do file a bug, please include information from the Event
Viewer (in Windows) or log files related to the issue and *step-by-step
instructions to reproduce the problem* so we can find and fix it
quickly.  The address of the bug database is

Thanks for helping us improve our products!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: A post-Logitech observation......

2006-11-07 Thread ChrisOwens

I will confirm the rumors that Sean is on vacation.

I will not divulge the location of his private island.  However I can
provide this exclusive photo:



Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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[slim] QA and Tech Support Help Wanted!

2006-11-01 Thread ChrisOwens

One of the benefits of being bought is we can afford to hire some help! 
We've just posted positions for a QA engineer and tech support person. 

If you're interested, or know anyone who's interested, have them check


We'd love to be able to hire someone from our user community, or at
least someone who knows a thing or two about listening to music!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: MAC Address changed?

2006-09-19 Thread ChrisOwens

I know Richard and Dean have been working on this issue.  I'll see if I
can get Richard to post about his possible solution that's in the
firmware that ships with 6.5.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: iTunes 7 problems

2006-09-18 Thread ChrisOwens

I've created bug 4143 about this issue

If everyone using iTunes 7.0 is having this issue it shouldn't be hard
to reproduce, but it's been a busy day here at Slim World Headquarters.

If someone wants to kick us off by attaching their iTunes xml file,
that might be handy!  It's located in [music_folder_name]\iTunes\iTunes
Music Library.xml


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: iTunes 7 problems

2006-09-18 Thread ChrisOwens

I meant attach it to the bug, not to the forum post. :)  

Dan has the bug database set up to accept even very large attachments!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: MAC address changed???

2006-09-10 Thread ChrisOwens

Bug 2283 is about this issue.  Difficult to reproduce.  However, many
users have been reporting it happened after a power failure or
brownout.  Armed with that theory, I plan to have another look at it


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: Annoying Apple Lossless Issue

2006-09-01 Thread ChrisOwens

This bug has been fixed in 6.5 as far as I can tell.  

If anyone sees differently, please reopen the bug with instructions to
reproduce the problem, and preferably some sample files (if the
attached ones don't show the problem you are having)



Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: Folder with Chinese Characters

2006-08-15 Thread ChrisOwens

This is unfortunately due to a bug in the current perl version.  (noted
in our bug database as bug 2475

If you are interested, you can add your add your email address to the
cc: field for automatic updates when the status of that bug changes.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: Asian Characters will not display

2006-08-09 Thread ChrisOwens

Under Windows only, there is a bug in Perl that is causing us problems.

It is described in our bug database at

Are both of you using Windows?  If not, there may be some other bug
that needs investigating.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: MAC Address changed?

2006-08-07 Thread ChrisOwens

The bug is 2283, and it's been bothering me for some time, but we
haven't been able to reproduce it here.  


I'd love for you to add any information you can provide about the bug,

What was your MAC before the change?  What did it change to?  Had you
ever set it previously?

How complicated is your network?  Do you have a lot of machines and
services running over it?

Thanks for any info!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: Playlist Locks SlimServer on NV

2006-08-07 Thread ChrisOwens

I am having a hard time trying to reproduce this problem.

Do you have multiple Squeezeboxes?  If so, does this problem still
happen if you unplug one of them?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: Switching between SlimServer and Squeezenetwork

2006-08-04 Thread ChrisOwens

I expect Dean will pop up here before long, but until then I'll just
jump in.

One of the things we'd like to do for the next release after 6.5 is
improve the UI as it relates to connecting to Squeeze Network and the
local Slimserver.

A lot of users would like their Squeezebox to be able to do SOMETHING
even if their PC is turned off.  However, at the same time we have as
many users who are happy to have their local Slimserver available all
the time, are only interested in their local high-quality content, and
basically have no use for Squeeze Network.

And for users that switch between the two, I know it was confusing for
me when Dean gave me my first Squeezebox to try to figure out the
interface.  Why can I put in radio stations here... and here?  Why
can't I browse music any more?  Didn't I just set my screensavers, why
are they doing the wrong thing?

We'd be happy to see ideas on how you think it should work!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(650) 210-9400 x717

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[slim] Re: Playlist Locks SlimServer on NV

2006-08-02 Thread ChrisOwens

Sorry, YM = Yellow Machine, another NAS.  Too many NASes in my brain at
the moment.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Playlist Locks SlimServer on NV

2006-07-31 Thread ChrisOwens

Ah that looks a lot like bug 3650 (which has been fixed).

Do you install that from our binaries or does YM have an installation
somewhere that you download?  

What version of the server does it say you are running at the bottom of
the Server Settings page?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: slimserver prevents connect to isp

2006-07-27 Thread ChrisOwens

Hi Ed,

Maybe you could give us some info about how your network is set up.  Is
it DSL?  Cablemodem?  Dialup?

Does it make any difference if your Squeezebox (if you have one) is
plugged in or not?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: slimserver prevents connect to isp

2006-07-27 Thread ChrisOwens

Strange.  When Outlook is frozen, or after it's timed out trying to
download messages, is Slimserver still running okay?  Can you play
music using it?

How about web browsing?  Email and web browsing use different IP
ports, so it the problem's related to a specific port one might stop
while the other still works.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Playlist Locks SlimServer on NV

2006-07-26 Thread ChrisOwens

Infrant tells me that if you've got the RAIDiator 3 beta installed, the
log file is in the .zip file that's created when you do Download All
Logs from the the Logs tab.

If you don't have RAIDiator 3, is there any relevant message on the
Status - Logs page about Slimserver crashing?

It's a problem that I'm not seeing, so I don't think it's a bug in
Slimserver, but I'm not very sure how to diagnose it (or fix it!)
correctly on your Infrant.

Since I can't actually see the error, I'd like to try deleting your
slimserver.prefs file (Because Slimserver will build a fresh one that
might not cause the error), or perhaps uninstall and re-install the
server (in case it was just some quirk or cosmic ray during

I'll ask our support team as well if they have any tips.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Playlist Locks SlimServer on NV

2006-07-26 Thread ChrisOwens

Ah it's under Shares - Services.  There's a Remove button next to

Then reinstall it the same way you installed it originally (probably
System - Update).

And let me know if you've tried this before.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Playlist Locks SlimServer on NV

2006-07-24 Thread ChrisOwens

Hmm I would guess Slimserver is crashing while attempting to write the
.m3u file.  In my experience, .m3u files should be more than 3 bytes
long :).

I wonder if any other linux users have seen this problem?

Otherwise I need to find out from the Infrant guys some info about how
to get information on the Slimserver process on their system.  

I've sent them some email.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: 6.3.0: Many Duplicate Albums Listed (as well as duped New Music, Album Art, etc)

2006-07-24 Thread ChrisOwens


I've been with the company since March, and have been working to build
good test suites for the Squeezebox firmware and Slimserver.  The 6.3.0
release was my first Slimserver release.  There weren't a lot of bugs in
it, but the bugs that caused duplicated album listings were extremely
annoying to end-users.

As part of the QA process, I collect sample data from user-reported
bugs or create my own to test for these problems in the future.

In the case of the CUE sheet album duplication issue (bug 3716), we did
try to fix that bug prior to the 6.3.1 release.  However, it turned out
that fixing it introduced unacceptable additional instability into
Slimserver, so we reverted the changes.  In the end, in this case, it
was not a failure to find the bug, but rather an engineering decision
to release the software anyway.  Quality is not just a matter of
testing, but a process that involves all members of a team.

That said, we are very aware that in order to reach a market outside of
our hackerish roots, we need to improve our Slimserver releases.  With
the invaluable help of you, our users, we will continue to work on it.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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[slim] Re: 6.3.0: Many Duplicate Albums Listed (as well as duped New Music, Album Art, etc)

2006-07-24 Thread ChrisOwens

No apology necessary.  It's a strange job, in that many customers know
Slimserver (or at least some parts of it) better than I do, still. 
It's an extremely complex application, with a lot of years of added

I take the criticism as constructively as possible.  When you're
selling to end-users, customer satisfaction is the primary measure of


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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[slim] Re: 6.3.1 now on the downloads page?

2006-07-21 Thread ChrisOwens

AJ, your ampersand bug does not appear to happen in 6.5.  If anyone
thinks differently, please let me know!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Wireless won't connect ethernet works

2006-07-20 Thread ChrisOwens

Is it a Squeezebox 1?  Or a 2 or 3?  It wasn't something like you were
connecting via 802.11b with your old router, but you've set the new one
to be 'G' only, is it?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Slimserver 6.3 is not reading my second drive

2006-07-19 Thread ChrisOwens

This sounded like a bug to me, so I tested it with today's 6.5 nightly
and (almost to my surprise) it worked fine.  Tracks located in
\\6-5-XPS-6JUL06\shortcuttest\VariousArtistsTest2-flac\ were scanned
and play okay.

I notice there's something about cuesheets in your log.  Is your
content full-album flacs with external cuesheets?  Do individual flac
files work any better?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: m4a to wav format

2006-07-14 Thread ChrisOwens

See I have an alternate theory about what the poster is asking. :)

It looks to me like he wants to stream his m4a files in wav format, but
all he sees in Server Settings - File Types for apple formats is AIFF,
FLAC, and MP3.

So maybe the info he's looking for is this:  AIFF is a basic PCM
format, very very similar to WAV.  The Squeezebox can decode AIFF just
like it can WAV, so it shouldn't really make a difference that you
can't select WAV.

Maybe he's trying to stream to some device that only understands WAV
though.  In that case, life gets more difficult.  We may need a bit
more information about what you're trying to do!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: albums repeted in v 6.3

2006-07-13 Thread ChrisOwens

The 6.3.1 nightly is available which fixes most of these problems, if
people are willing to give it a try.

It looks like the one remaining issue is with MusicMagic/MusicIP.

If you're not running MusicMagic/MusicIP, feel free to check it out at

Or to add details to the bugs at

MusicMagic/MusicIP issues: 


Other duplicated album issues:


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: IE7 and Slimserver

2006-07-13 Thread ChrisOwens

I don't think the Intranet settings IE 7 is complaining about are
causing the problem.

What happens now when you try to look at Slimserver?

Also, in the lower right corner of your screen, in the System Tray
there's a little Squeezebox icon that shows the status of Slimserver. 
Does it have tiny green lights on it, indicating that Slimserver is
still running?  Or has it crashed?

Thanks for any info!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Chinese music still skipped

2006-07-12 Thread ChrisOwens

This looks like a real bug to me.  I'd encourage you to file it at
http://bugs.slimdevices.com so we can keep track of it more easily.



Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: SB3 and 2WIRE 1701HG Wireless Gateway

2006-07-10 Thread ChrisOwens

It's called WEP64, but the key is 10 hex digits.

If I recall, the 2wire 1701HG has the default WEP64 key printed on the
bottomof the unit, under the serial number.  On mine it's all numeric.

Just enter these digits in as the WEP64 key, and you should be able to

Let us know how it goes.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: 6.3.0 Rhapsody server crash

2006-07-02 Thread ChrisOwens

Filed as bug 3687!



Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Anyone here know anything about ad hoc wifi networks?

2006-06-30 Thread ChrisOwens

Well, don't bang your head against the desk!

Let's start with the easy stuff:

You're connected from a Windows PC to an SB3 using an adhoc wireless
network, is that correct?

On the PC, you can tell what the IP address of the various by opening
up a command prompt, and typing ipconfig.  If you have multiple
network adapters (like the wireless and perhaps a connection to a high
speed internet service) you may need to do a bit of detective work to
figure out which IP is which.  Or just tell us both and we'll try to

On the Squeezebox, you can scroll to the Current Settings menu. 
Under that option, the third line down is the last IP address that was
successfully assigned.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Versalink 327W Problems

2006-06-29 Thread ChrisOwens

We used to have a lot more problems connecting to wireless routers,  but
recent work has solved a lot of them.

Your post might indicate there's still an issue or two, though.

Have you tried to see if changing the modem settings has any effect? 
You might try, for instance, if it is set to WPA/WPA2 auto, to set it
to just one or the other.  Or try WEP instead, if it's supported.  Or,
temporarily, set it to 'no security'.

Also, many modems/routers have firewall features to filter packets from
various addresses or ports.  If you have 'MAC address filtering' turned
on, you might need to add the mac address of the Squeezebox to a list
in order for most traffic to be allowed through.  Or perhaps you have
some of the ports that the Squeezebox uses (9000 and 3483) filtered.

Have a look and see what's up in your modem configuration!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: streaming AAC files in native format

2006-06-29 Thread ChrisOwens

If he's trying to work with a software client, I suppose he could do
something wacky like encapsulate his AAC files with a RIFF (wav)
header.  It'll play noise on a Squeezebox since AAC data is not a valid
wav file, but the data will be intact on the other end for his software
to decode as it pleases.

As Mark points out, the only problem isn't that Slimserver can't
stream AAC; with a bit of hacking it can stream anything.  It just
*doesn't* out-of-the-box because Squeezeboxes can't decode AAC.

Anyway, if he's a programmer, I've heard Slimserver's open source.  :)


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Web interface server empty in 6.3.0 - what's missing?

2006-06-26 Thread ChrisOwens

I went ahead and filed a bug against this. 


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Possible SB3 networking bug?

2006-06-26 Thread ChrisOwens

If anyone tried to call the Slim Devices world headquarters on Friday,
you may have had some trouble staying connected due to a squeezebox
here having THIS EXACT PROBLEM, and responding to activity from some of
our phone gear.

Thanks for the description, leko, I'll try to reproduce it... on a
network separate from the phone system.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Possible SB3 networking bug?

2006-06-26 Thread ChrisOwens

That does look like the same bug.  Thanks, Dan.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Web interface server empty in 6.3.0 - what's missing?

2006-06-26 Thread ChrisOwens

Uninstalling is supported using the Windows control panel Add/Remove
programs, but what you had in mind was an option to uninstall when
running the installer a second time?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: Web interface server empty in 6.3.0 - what's missing?

2006-06-23 Thread ChrisOwens

And let us know how that goes, Evert.  One of the employees here saw the
same issue, but it seems somewhat difficult to reproduce.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: No bass coming out of my sub

2006-06-20 Thread ChrisOwens

Depending on how your sub's hooked up, you might also check the polarity
of the connections.

If you are sending one channel 180-degrees out of phase, the bass
(which isn't typically very different from left to right) can get
canceled out!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: 802.11g Data rates for SB2/3

2006-06-20 Thread ChrisOwens

Richard can backstop me on this, but the current firmware claims it

6.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24855

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[slim] Re: SB3 wont stream from PC

2006-06-19 Thread ChrisOwens

Do you have fade in/fade out enabled?



Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

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[slim] Re: How to delete WEP/WPA password?

2006-06-09 Thread ChrisOwens

Strangely, you use the 'Play' button.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
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[slim] Re: Easy to reproduce reboot bug with 6.2.2

2006-06-08 Thread ChrisOwens

I stand by my assessment! I'm pretty happy with with the firmware at the
moment, and don't want to delay the 6.3 release longer than necessary.

It's always a balancing act with new releases.  Do we want to release a
firmware version with a known uncommon bug, or make last-minute changes
to something we hope to ship soon?  Do we want to go ahead and ship
something that will help customers have a good first experience, or do
we want to hang on to it and try to pack in a few more fixes?

But, as Dean is fond of saying, we're a ridiculously open company, so
I'm happy to hear if anyone has advice we can use to improve the way we


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24541

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[slim] Re: Easy to reproduce reboot bug with 6.2.2

2006-06-07 Thread ChrisOwens

Uh yeah I see that.

Firmware crashes are bad.  I filed it as bug 3505; please feel free to
add any additional info you think I missed!

Thanks for finding this one!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24541

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[slim] Rhapsody support coming very soon? WAS Re: [Slim-Checkins]

2006-06-05 Thread ChrisOwens

Well by all means download it and help me beat it up!  There are still
some bugs in it that I've found but aren't fixed yet, and I've seen
enough weirdness that I'm sure there's plenty more to be found,
although hopefully we've fixed the worst ones.

I'm especially concerned about how the web GUI and player GUI deal with
Rhapsody content.

Earlier, Dean created a Rhapsody component for the Slimserver bug
category, so please use it!  :)

Thanks for your help; we're really looking forward to releasing
Rhapsody support!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24491

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox3 stutter/skip

2006-05-02 Thread ChrisOwens

Just to tie this thread off.

We had been trying to reproduce the stuttering problem for a long time.
It was delaying the release of 6.2.2!  Finally, our RMA technician,
Enrico noticed a couple units stuttering.  

I loaded firmware 28 on them as many users had reported and the problem
went away!  Only a small fraction of SB3s turned out to have this
symptom, and all the effected the units worked great with firmware 28.

I soldered on a header to allow Richard Titmuss in the UK to debug the
hardware and shipped it to him.  After some investigating, he
discovered that a new SDK from one of our suppliers had a different
default value for bus timing.  He set it back to the old default, and
the problem was cured.

The changes were put into firmware 45, and were officially released in
firmware 48, currently available as part of the Slimserver 6.2.2
download at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21265

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[slim] Squeezebox crashes after playing one song

2006-05-02 Thread ChrisOwens

I've seen a fair number of people reporting this issue with 6.2.2 and
firmware 48.

If you're seeing this, tell me if you have in your Slimserver player
settings 'Fade in and out'.  Does the problem go away if you switch
that back to 'none'?

There is definitely a bug there that someone pointed out to me.  I'm
trying to figure out if there are more bugs causing the same symptom,
or just that one.

Please let me know.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23552

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[slim] Mystrious MAC address resetting

2006-05-02 Thread ChrisOwens

Another one of my most-wanted bugs!

If anyone has noticed this and you haven't already, I'd love for you to
add your info to http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2816

I'm especially interested in any theories you have about the cause, as
well as the original MAC address and the one that it changed to!

Thanks for any info.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23563

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[slim] Re: Crazy device MAC address - two days old and no longer working

2006-05-01 Thread ChrisOwens

Well, I've heard that for people that have this problem, it sometimes
happens again.  Please let us know if you notice that!  I'm very keen
to reproduce this issue.


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23443

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[slim] Re: How to identify which Squeezebox 3 I have

2006-04-21 Thread ChrisOwens

The wireless ones say Contains FCC ID: Q72WLANTPBG which is the FCC
approval of the wireless card we put in.

If you're really interested, you can even look it up at


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23177

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[slim] Re: SqueezeBox reboots repeatedly after 2 secs of music playback

2006-04-20 Thread ChrisOwens

Hi Philip,

You specify that it happens with mp3 files.  Does it also happen with
other music files or is it only mp3?  That would be VERY strange!

You also note he's running FW41.  Did he have the same symptoms under
FW28, do you know?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23142

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[slim] Re: Problems!SB3

2006-04-17 Thread ChrisOwens

What kind of security settings are you using?  WEP?  WPA?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23015

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[slim] Re: Problem using underscore char in SSID

2006-04-12 Thread ChrisOwens

Hi Triode,

I tried to reproduce this problem, but couldn't manage it.

Are you using a unicode font, by the way?

I tried it using an SB3.  I'll try it with an SB2 when I get a chance
to see if it makes any difference.

Anything else that might be unusual about your setup?

Thanks for any info!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=22806

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[slim] Re: Help with squeeze3 network issue

2006-03-30 Thread ChrisOwens

Hi Scott,

Are you using firmware 35 or 36 or something lower?

Does returning to firmware 28 help?


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=22580

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[slim] Re: Problems with MusicIP and 'non standard' text

2006-03-27 Thread ChrisOwens

Hi Tim,

Could you give me an example of the kind of non-standard text that
definitely seems to cause the problem?

I'll have a look at it.

Thanks for any info!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=22478

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox3 stutter/skip

2006-03-08 Thread ChrisOwens

We're having a hard time reproducing this bug reported by not only
message board users, but by users calling Kevin on the phone for
support as well.  We'd really like to release a new firmware version,
but this issue is too important to release with it still in the

The symptoms I'm interested in are these:

After upgrading your firmware to a version higher than 28, you
experienced brief pauses, breakups, or stuttering in your audio. 
Putting firmware 28 or earlier back on your Squeezebox fixed the

If you've experienced this, it would be very helpful if you'd visit the
bug at http://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=3125 and give some
information about your system.  

I'll take whatever information you can remember; I'm not picky, but
ideally I'd like to know:

Description of the symptom
*   Does it happen immediately upon playing?  
*   Does it happen every time, or does it come and go?
*   Does it only happen with wireless networking?

*   What firmware version did you experience the problem with?
*   What wireless signal strength was it reporting?

*   What Manufacturer and model of WAP or router are you using?
*   What firmware version does your WAP or router have installed?
*   Is your Squeezebox connected via wireless or with a cable?
*   How heavy is your network traffic?
** Wireless?
** Wired?
** Anything else unusual about your network?
*   What kind of wireless security are you using?
** WPA Personal (TKIP)
** WPA2 Personal 
*** AES
*** TKIP + AES
**  WEP
*** 64 bit
*** 128 bit

*   What version of Slimserver?
*   What oS?
*   What kind of CPU?
*   How much RAM?
*   Is the PC heavily loaded?
*   What kind of PC network card are you using to connect to the
WAP/router? (if built-in, what kind of PC?)
*   What format(s) are you using?  Did you notice any difference between
**  Lossless Formats
*** Apple Lossless
*** FLAC
*** WMA Lossless 
**  Uncompressed formats
*** AIFF
*** WAV
*** PCM
**  Compressed formats (MP3, AAC, ogg Vorbis, MP2, MusePack, WMA) 
*** MP3
*** VBR
*** CBR
*** AAC
*** Ogg
*** MP2
*** MusePack
*** WMA
**  What format are you streaming in? (you can tell this by going to
the slimserver - server settings - file types, and noting the first
stream format checked for each file format
*** PCM
*** MP3
*** FLAC

Thanks for any information you can provide!


Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717

ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21265

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[slim] Re: How far will the wireless signal carry?

2006-03-01 Thread ChrisOwens

There's a ton of web sites out there (such as
http://www.turnpoint.net/wireless/cantennahowto.html) that describe
ways to extend the range of your wireless network.

I don't know if anyone's hacked a third-party antenna onto a
Squeezebox, but you could at least attach one to your PC!

Christopher Owens
QA Manager
(510) 743-1152 x717


ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21626

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[slim] Re: New QA Manager

2006-02-28 Thread ChrisOwens

I'm located here at Slim Devices' world headquarters :) in windy
Mountain View, California.  Dean noted that I could telecommute, but I
think the improved communication you get from actually being in the
same physical location is important to the QA role.

However, I like a good road trip now and then, so maybe I'll try
telecommute from the Silverjack Inn in Baker, Nevada for a week
sometime after I'm well settled in.


Chris O


ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21569

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[slim] Re: New QA Manager

2006-02-28 Thread ChrisOwens

Well, it's a smaller number than infinity. :)  As far as a return on my
time investment, I don't think I should spend all day reading the

But I'll check in as best I can manage!

Chris O


ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21569

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[slim] New QA Manager

2006-02-27 Thread ChrisOwens

Dean suggested I drop in and introduce myself.  I'm starting today as QA
Manager here at Slim Devices.

I'll be working not only on testing hardware and software, but on the
larger statistical picture and on our processes to try to catch future
problems before they get out the door.

I come to Slim Devices from the Audio Rendering Technology center at
Analog Devices, where I was in charge of QA on VisualAudio, a tool for
designers of DSP-based audio systems.  Prior to Analog, I spent some
time at Liquid Audio and at Creative Labs.

Since the community is so integral to Slim Devices' business, keeping
an eye on the bug database and on the forums will be integral to my

Always feel free to address a message to me on the message boards, or
send me some email!

Chris Owens


ChrisOwens's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4240
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21569

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