[slim] Portland Event - (was Re: Seattle Event)

2005-12-05 Thread Dave D

radish Wrote: 
 Ooooh New York :)  Looking forward to that one. If you can make it
 pre-Christmas all the better, I have 2x SB3s to buy as gifts and
 getting them in person would be all the more fun!

Raleigh's weather is a lot nicer :)

Seriously, though, where are the Southeast trips?

Dave D

Dave D's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=924
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18774

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[slim] Re: Is slimserver capable of streaming DRM protected files.

2005-11-18 Thread Dave D

jmpage2 Wrote: 
 I believe that Slim Devices can stream DRM files if they are windows
 media DRM files and you are running Windows.

And I thought the answer to this question was: Squeezebox cannot stream
any DRM files, regardless of encoding.

Dean B, this question comes up so often, shouldn't it be a sticky?  I
recently got the same question from a co-worker since he could not find
the info directly on the Slim Devices site.

The other questions which come up about Squeezebox DRM support are why
not and/or when.  Perhaps you could address these in the sticky as
well.  I recall a note from Sean some time back about this, but its
always hard to find those posts.

Dave D

Dave D's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=924
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18298

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[slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-11-15 Thread Dave D

MarkR47 Wrote: 
 Did you ever get a response from RadioIO ?
 I've had my SB2 for a couple of weeks and rather liked the RadioIO
 Acoustic and Jazz channels whilst listening from another room, but I
 can't listen in the same room as the system as the 'static' is too
 noticable. I've heard it on every RadioIO channel I've tried.

I set them a very complete description of the problem on September 9th.
I received an immediate, brief answer, and have been ignored since. 
You need to report the problem to [EMAIL PROTECTED], because
they are not going to do _anything_ about it because apparently I have
golden ears and no one else has reported anything.  This was the
response I got:

  No, it has not been reported in the past.  I will forward to our sound

- Dave

Dave D

Dave D's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=924
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=16122

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[slim] Re: Another thumbs up for Slim Devices

2005-11-15 Thread Dave D

ChrisB Wrote: 
 When I ordered a pair of SB3s last week, I hadn't noticed the
 lead time - which meant that they might not have arrived at my US
 in time for me to collect them while I'm visiting (sorry, UK retailers
 I did buy my first SB in the UK though) - so the sales guys very
 offered to ensure that they'd ship with the correct priority to make
 sure that they got to me in time.  So they should be arriving
 But the real plus is that I've just checked my credit card statement,
 and they have only charged me for the original UPS ground rate.  It's
 things like this, almost more than the really cool technology, that
 Slim Devices such a great company.

Aw, geez, look what you did.  Now there are going to be complaints from
people that *they* didn't get the extra fast shipping for free.  ;)

Dave D

Dave D's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=924
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=18205

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[slim] Re: Memory Footprint makes me rethink recommending Squeezebox

2005-11-03 Thread Dave D

At the risk of getting back on topic ;)

(and I actually really like Perl; it's saved my butt here in
viewdraw-schematic-land many times.  But cannot really comment on its
use by real s/w engrs for real applications.)

Anyway, regarding the memory footprint, it does seem large (but we can
still ask, does it matter that much).  Here are the top
easily-recognizable memory users on my laptop right now:

slim 60M
javaw35M  (softsqueeze)
thunderbird  33M
outlook  33M  (don't give me crap--I need it for mtgs)
explorer 32M
firefox  29M  (7th in list)
excel17M  (11th in list)
slimtray 7.5M (17th in list)

I have zero music files on this laptop; just using slim for internet
feeds with the softsqueeze infc.

I'm just wondering: is much of this footprint coming from the plugins
or is it mostly the main app?  The plugins are what really make
slimserver attractive, IMO, so I wouldn't really care to remove them. 
I don't have any loaded other than the ones which come packaged with

On the laptop I don't care much about the 60MB; I'm priviledged to have
2GB DRAM.  However, on the home machine it's only 512MB.  (so funny--the
first hard drive I bought for my mother was 20MB :)

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Memory Footprint makes me rethink recommending Squeezebox

2005-11-02 Thread Dave D

JJZolx Wrote: 
 The slim device approach of running an enormous server and a slim
 client is great if you can appreciate the elegance of this
 architecture.  As a software solution for a consumer audio product,
 though, it leaves a lot to be desired.  I'm afraid I'd be unable to
 recommend a Squeezebox to any but a few highly computer savvy friends
 because of the size and complexity of the software.

I reluctantly agree with this, and stability of the s/w falls into the
same category, I think.  My brother was over for a visit and seemed
really interested in the SB2.  However, he is not very comfortable with
computers (limited pretty much to internet browsing) and certainly not
with any networking.  Since he's halfway across the country, I can't
just drop in to fix things for him.

This is a bit OT, but an example I've been having issues with 6.2 and
6.5 beta.  I have not been able to figure out what's going on, but
sometimes the server will just stop (when music is not playing) and the
SB2 will not be able to re-connect.  It requires me to restart the
computer, even though no slim-related processes are going.  Last night,
I loaded 6.5 beta, started it up and was playing around with somthing
else for about 15 minutes.  When I went to play a song, slimserver had
already stopped.  I was able to restart it this time without restarting
the computer, and then it played fine.  Slimserver is still running this
morning.  Who knows why this happens?  For all I know, it could be
something someone else is doing on the 'puter when I'm not around.  But
I have other programs which do not just stop like  slimserver does.

Anyway, these issues are not a big deal for me; just a minor
inconvenience.  But I agree it makes the SB harder to recommend to

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SB3 is shipping!

2005-11-02 Thread Dave D

seanadams Wrote: 
 Good news - the first ones off the line went out last night.

Congratulations!  Always nice to finally ship.  Then again, your
product schedules are _way_ faster than ours ;)

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Remote conf file for Panasonic SA-XR55?

2005-10-28 Thread Dave D

I just got a Panasonic SA-XR55 AVR to replace my old Onkyo receiver.  I
want to be able to hook up the SB2's IR blaster again.

Does anyone have a .conf file for the XR55's remote control?  I've
scoured remotecentral and have not found anything which looks like it
will work.

Also scoured lirc.org

Dave D
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[slim] Re: Announce: Third-generation Squeezebox, SlimServer 6.2

2005-10-25 Thread Dave D

max.spicer Wrote: 
 That there are arguments for and against and there's not much to choose
 between either.

That must be one of those things that never floated across the pond ;)

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-10-10 Thread Dave D

JJZolx Wrote: 
 And it was only $200?  They may not have been making much, but so much
 for those who think wrapping an SB2 in a real case with controls needs
 to add $500 to the price tag.

Maybe there's a reason they are no longer available :)

If you read the thread carefuly, you'll see that Audiotron is not such
a good comparison to what we proposed.

Also, I don't recall anyone saying it needed to add $500 to the price
tag.  I recall that the new price might be under $500, and that would
allow a decent profit margin to actually stay in business.

The slight outward visual resemblance to an Audiotron would be as close
as our fanciful SB got to an Audiotron.  Recall:

-- retain the VF display (or make it even longer)
-- retain the high quality SB2 components
-- add the front panel with backlit buttons
-- add high-quality, weighted, velocity-sensitive volume/selector knob,
also backlit
-- add high-quality case

A colleague of mine (an original SliMP3 owner) and I went through this
quickly at work to size the cost (we build networking equipment, not
audio equipment).  We took the present cost of the wireless SB2, backed
out a guessed-at margin, added the new features using small-company
prices/volumes, added back in a nice profit margin, and came in around
$500.  Lower with good volume pricing.  And that assumed low-cost

The VF display is quite expensive.  It's actually a large chunk of the
cost.  Also, the new case; custom front panel circuit board and buttons
with surround illumination; and the weighted knob probably come close to
the entire BOM cost of the current SB2.

Granted, it was a 5-minute, napkin estimate.

And let me also say that neither Audiotron nor NAD was considered when
we were putting the ideal SB together.  The resemblance was purely by
chance. (check out the beginning of the thread to see what it looked
like then.)  It could look even better with some proper industrial

Dave D
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[slim] Re: New low price on SB2!

2005-10-09 Thread Dave D

patrick Wrote: 
 Line right up...you don't have wait any longer to purchase a second,
 third, or even fourth Squeezebox2!

Patrick, can you give any hints about if this price drop is inspired by
an upcoming new or additional product offering?  I would be disappointed
to buy another SB2, only to see an audiophile version come out a few
months later, or a version with integrated amplifier, etc.

An example of a great company which gives hints about new product
offerings at the same time as offering sales on existing products is
AV123 (av123.com).  I recently bought a set of their closeout Rocket
ELT speakers, even though I knew that they were coming out with a whole
new line of even better speakers for the budget-minded folks (the
X-series).  Why didn't I wait for X? I just didn't like the new finish
offerings, vs. the older speakers.  But at least I had a choice.

I know that might be a bit radical approach to marketing, but it's very
effective. AV123 has an extremely loyal customer base, similar to that
of Slim Devices, who are constantly salivating about product offerings
which are announced far in advance of availability.  By the time the
product is available, they've often sold out of the first shipments via

I'm not suggesting a far in advance approach in your market of audio
electronics.  Not even suggesting that you give details of any product
until it is released (your competitors could be faster than you). 
However, a little hint would be nice, e.g. yes, we're planning a new
product release around the holidays which will be geared more toward
the higher end.  Or if it's just good ol' Slim Devices, making their
flagship more affordable, you could make that clear, as well.

Removing the 2 from the SB2's splash screen has us all wondering
what's going on.

Thanks, Dave

Dave D
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[slim] Re: Buy now or wait till Christmas?

2005-10-09 Thread Dave D

dangerous_dom Wrote: 
 Just wondering when Slim Devices plans are. Will there be a new model
 out before or around xmas time?

Quoting Slim Devices Marketing VP, Patrick Cosson from this thread:


 no hints, no forecasts, no previews.
 - Justice Ginsberg
 As she stated during her congressional hearings when nominated for the
 Supreme Court

He's obviously a man of few words.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Book the cruise, honey!

2005-10-08 Thread Dave D

CardinalFang Wrote: 
 Does that mean that there's a new SqueezeBox coming? :-)
 Great news, I need another for the kitchen. Hopefully the price drop
 will get transferred across to the UK.

Yeah, maybe this goes along with the removal of the nice backgound 2
from the squeezebox2 splash screen.  I too, was disappointed to see
that change, by the way.  Maybe the Co. is anticipating a number of
upgrades and doesn't want to have different versions of
firmware/bitmaps for 2 3 4 etc.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Book the cruise, honey!

2005-10-08 Thread Dave D

max.spicer Wrote: 
 I really think it's probably a bit soon for SlimDevices to be replacing
 the SqueezeBox2!  Mind you, I'd be really interested to see what else
 they'd bring in...

There are a number of very nice products SD could introduce, along with
the SB2, assuming they have grown enough to be able to swing more than
one product at a time:

1) The audiophile version we all have mused about, perhaps looking
something like Andrew's (audiofi) picture here:

from this thread:

2) SB2 with integrated Class-D amp (maybe a version with no line level
or SPDIF outputs to keep the cost down).  Keep the price low enough and
it could compete with other whole-house audio solutions, while providing
greater functionality.  A mid-power Class-D amp using the Tripath chip
might be nice (see Sonic Impact).

3) A version to fit in a single or dual-gang outlet box :)  Put a
little LCD display on it.  Offer it with the integrated Class-D amp. 
Not sure how to get power to it, though.

4) The boombox version.  Not for me, but I've seen it mentioned here
a few times.

Dave D
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[slim] Re: Snow saver for new graphic display

2005-09-22 Thread Dave D

Nice plugin.  Will keep it a secret here at home until the holidays.

One or two small bugs:

1) There appears to be too much space in front of the letter V.  This
makes VERY almost look like V ERY, but not quite.

2) While trying to figure out #1 (I didn't), I noticed that in snow.pm,
line 807 (%letters hash) the letter V should be U (there are two

Also, is there any easy way to change the strings displayed?  It
wouldn't be so simple as changing the PLUGIN_SCREENSAVER_SNOW_WORD_*
strings, would it?

Thanks, Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-19 Thread Dave D

Philip Downer Wrote: 
 On Fri, 2005-09-16 at 19:00 +0200, Michael Herger wrote:
   Nice job.  Let's get someone to build a bunch of them!
   FrontPanelDesigner should now be called upon.  Someone
   want to see about a bulk discount?
  How do you connect all those fancy buttons to the SB?
 The Geekport?

Seems the best way to handle the new design might be with a new design

I would think the front panel would comprise the set of buttons, volume
control, and backlight, with another ribbon cable to the (new) printed
circuit board (PCB).  Add a little programmable logic device to the PCB
(assuming the existing Xilinx device is full or pin-limited or just not
desirable to change, otherwise this function can go there).  The
function could debounce the switch contacts, and interrupt the CPU on a
button press.  Multiple outstanding button presses could be saved, but I
would think the CPU could service the requests fast enough.  Info could
be retrieved over a simple interface like I2C or SPI.  It doesn't take
much to do this.  I would not be surprised to see a little part already
available from Maxim/Dallas or Analog Devices which does button sampling
already in an I2C-accessible device.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-16 Thread Dave D

JJZolx Wrote: 
 My thing with the simplified button scheme is that if you're going to
 put buttons on it at all, then why not make them useful?  You just
 can't do much with three buttons and a scroll wheel.  For example, how
 do you play a song or album rather than just adding it to the playlist?
 Without a 'Play' button, I don't see how.  You may as well have no
 buttons at all and always use the remote if you're going to need the
 remote to do even basic stuff like skip to the next track. (And we're
 right back to square one and the current Squeezebox design.)  I'd
 prefer to have most of the functionality of the remote, sans search
 capability.  I'd want something good looking, but it doesn't have to
 win an abstract design contest.

Yep, you're right, Jim. I was thinking this through last night more
carefully (about how I would go about using the two buttons and knob
interface for various tasks), and I agree that, for control of the box
at the box, it is too cumbersome.  - Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-16 Thread Dave D

audiofi Wrote: 
 I hope this covers the latest points from everyone:

That looks very nice.  Functional, practical, while still having a
high-end look.  Couple of comments:

I am concerned that the label backlighting on the buttons beneath the
display detracts from the display.  However, this will go away when the
backlighting dims down.

Jim Wrote: 
 I think we're assuming use of the current display. Which reminds me -
 the illustrations seem to depict a display that protrudes from the
 faceplate. I think it's safe to assume that if you used the current
 display that it would have to be sunk into the back of the faceplate,
 so the display will actually be slightly recessed.

I think you could have a smoked glass lens/bezel which protruded
slightly, just as Andrew has drawn here:


The display itself would be recessed.  Enough space needs to be present
around the display to prevent hiding part of it behind the edges of the
front bezel, when viewing it from the side.  

The bezel looks good to me either way (recessed or protruded), but is
easier to keep clean if protruded.

--  I think the power button will now look better horizontally (sorry
for the churn; the display moved right and the resulting open space
needs to be re-balanced).  Also, the button seems just a tiny bit too
small.  Maybe 15-20% larger (length and width, i.e. retain the aspect

-- The toggle button will need to be lengthened a little (20%?) to be
used comfortably.

-- For some reason, the toggle and select buttons on the right don't
seem to fit with the whole design any more.  I think they look too
bright/bold; too prominent.  My eye is drawn to them, and they don't
deserve that attention.

Maybe move them down from center (so that the lower edge of the buttons
aligns with the lower edge of the display)?

Anyone have suggestions for them?

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-16 Thread Dave D

audiofi Wrote: 
 Round buttons as requested, I would DEFINITELY buy one of these!!!

Yep, that is sweet.  Nice job.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-16 Thread Dave D

audiofi Wrote: 
 Colour and other changes with buttons to the left of the wheel:
 And to the right of the wheel:

Thanks Andrew.  I like this one better:


I really don't like the large buttons to the right of the knob.  They
look abandoned over there.  (My wife just agreed, though I expect WAF
would not carry much weight in this discussion.)

I also like the uniform backlighting, vs. the 2-tone with the white

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-16 Thread Dave D

audiofi Wrote: 
 This is the version you prefer, but with the extra size button and the
 slightly altered order of the buttons and different play etc. labels.

Well, no.  I prefer the labels under the display to be uniform (not
some with icons and some with words.)  That's #5 or #6:


The little icons on the four left buttons are ok, but might be
difficult to light the inside of a button that small.  I think it would
be possible to get VF backlighting for the whole front panel, but not
sure how the button outlining would work.  Some kind of light piping
would work: maybe even just a clear plastic inset around the buttons
and knob to bring the light out.  LEDs might be cheaper, but would have
to be a different color entirely so not to clash with the VFD's

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread Dave D

audiofi Wrote: 
 Yep, you're right, they were too small, I resized them to the same width
 as my Rotel amp:
 Screen remains the same size as the current squeezebox.


-- black camp :) but see if the pics can show a matte-black finish vs.
jet gloss black.

-- move the screen to the left (the design is not symmetrical and
putting the screen in the center makes it feel lopsided.)

-- power button lower left corner.  Rectangular, tactile feel/soft
touch, momentary.

-- headphone jack to the right of the power button.

-- replace the control pad with:
-- large, weighted, volume/selection knob on the far right.
-- three buttons to the left of the volume knob:
-- Left button (momentary up/down rocker): Mode select. 
Depending on menu arrangement/options/modes, might be able to get rid
of this button.
-- Middle button (momentary): Item select
-- Right button (momentary left/right rocker): menu left/right.
In place of left-right rocker for menu left-right, could use digital
potentiometer (smaller knob) with detents for each selection.
-- volume knob controls menu up/down when in any mode but volume.
Spinning the weighted volume knob will have affect of fast scrolling.
-- volume mode is entered automatically (timer expires) or by
selection (press/hold select button). (Remote has it's own modes,
buttons, etc.)
-- buttons have tactile feel: rubber-click.
-- buttons and knobs are backlit.  Option to dim/turn off control
backlights after timer expires.  Backlights turn on as necessary, i.e.
whenever a button is pressed or knob is turned.
-- No mechanical limits on knobs.  Volume knob must spin.  Digital
pot (left/right menu select) should be turnable any direction at any


Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread Dave D

audiofi Wrote: 
 and for Dave:

Hey, that's not too bad, Andrew, and quick, too.  Gee, I only posted it
this morning!  There can be tweaks, of course, since this is our own
imaginary design and we do what we want to:

-- screen is a bit too far left--about 1/2 inch.
-- buttons are a bit too prominent, relative to knob.  Need to diminish
them somewhat (reduce size 30%), and I think they would look more
high-end if rectangular with flat surface, vs. rounded surface.  The
option for the left-right button to be a small knob with detents (I
called it a digital pot, but it's really a digital rotary switch) is
cool, but I think would detract from the high-end feel.
-- knob is black, too.  We should pick black or platinum and stick with
that and try not to appease both worlds with one design (that would be
-- knob should have backlight option as well.
-- the more I think about it, Mode select button is redundant.  There's
no reason all modes could not be incorporated in the menu system using
left/right button, Volume knob controlling up/down, and a select
-- the idea here is one-hand control:  thumb can control left/right
menu and select buttons while the fingers spin the knob.  Left-handers
will get used to it.
-- Slim Devices will need another color scheme for their logo.  No way
we put the color red on this box.  Lots of companies have multiple
color schemes for their various products.  Logo can't have front/center
status, either.  Upper left or bottom right, but I prefer bottom right
to not detract from the display and the left edge has enough attention
with the power button and the headphone jack.
-- headphone jack is a tad intrusive, I think.  Maybe be better on left
side of power button?  Maybe above the power button? Moving the display
to the right a little bit will help.  I think the headphone jack needs
to be black anodized.
-- Now for the minimalists:  We can spend more money on mechanicals
(probably at least 2-3x, b/c of custom design) to get a soft-touch,
swivel-down control panel.  This display could remain in the down
position while still looking good and not posing any risk to being
broken off like a door would.  Imagine a press-and-release mechanism on
a flat front panel. A 3-inch section of the panel swivels softly almost
180 degrees, to reveal the extra buttons for control.  The panel is
pushed back in place by pushing up on the bottom of the panel,
swiveling it back up and clicking it into place again.  The volume knob
would always be visible.  If we used this type of swivel-down display,
the knob option for the left/right menu control would probably get

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread Dave D

audiofi Wrote: 
 I think this has covered what you wanted:
 This is to scale, should be the same width as my Rotel amp and the
 screen is the same size as the current one, so the height should also
 be ok for size.

Yes, that's much closer to what I was envisioning!

-- Now it looks like the power button could be left edge, above the
headphone jack.

-- You changed the button order though, and we can get rid of one.  I
really think all you need are these:
-- left-most button is select
-- to the right of that is the left/right button.
-- to the right of that is the volume/up/down knob.

This is very close, though.  No need to re-draw it unless other
suggestions come in; this gets the point across.

There will be many opinions on how it should look.  I think the same
design would look also great in platinum. It has a professional feel
with a minimum set of controls to be able to fit into the realm of
high-end audio (at least from the pictures I've seen, since I don't own
any true high-end stuff.) [Just my opinion, folks.]

Anyway, thank you again for the drawings, Andrew.  Who knows what the
Slim Devices team is working on for future products, but drawings like
these go a long way to illustrate what customers might be looking for. 
Plus, the mod houses have something else to work toward.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread Dave D

audiofi Wrote: 

Oh, beautiful!

I have a couple more suggestions and will reply to some of Paul's
suggstions a bit later.  Just got home from work and have to run out

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread Dave D
backlighting be a good compromise?  We might have an issue with the
platinum finish, though.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread Dave D

radish Wrote: 
 From what I can tell that is an actual volume control, i.e. it talks
 about attenuation. In this case the actual attenuation is happening
 digitally, in the SB, so the wheel itself just needs to be an encoder.

I think it does not even need to be an encoder.  We just need to sense
movement and calculate velocity. With just 1/0/1/0 digital switching
happening as the dial is turned, we have a lot of latitude on
implementation. It actually does not matter if our sample rate is a tad
too slow for the fastest spinning dial; if we miss a bit here or there,
it wouldn't even be noticable, or worst-case, we bottom out on
velocity.  I think we would be CPU limited at some point, anyway
(scrolling fast enough.)

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread Dave D

 This one:
 Was almost perfect IMHO.

I agree, but I like _some_ aspects of what Jim and Andrew came up with,

-- the display moved a bit more to the right and centered vertically. 
It is much more balanced now.

-- the power button moved down and away from the edge.

-- the headphone jack moved away from the corner a bit.  Phones label
is ok.

-- the logo at upper left.  And, geez, orange accents, but it looks
good!  No red, though (sorry!).

-- the dot removed the Volume/selection knob.  Finger detent is ok. I
would get rid of the Volume label.

The power button and the other two buttons don't look the same, though.
The power button has a different kind of shading, and the backlighting
is less prominent.  Overall I like the look of the power button better.
I do think it's a bit too long and thin, though, and would consider a
vertical orientation.

I like the raised display bezel, vs. flush.  Also like the over shape
vs. hard corners.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread Dave D

Jim, the volume knob acts as a volume knob by default.  If you press
Select, you'll go into Menu Mode.  The the volume knob acts like an
up/down menu control. If you press-hold Select you'll go back to
Volume Mode.  If you do nothing, it will go back to Volume mode
automatically after a timeout.  SO the knob which looks like it
controls volume will do just that, almost all of the time.

Ha!  The Slim Devices logo is _orange_?! The logo on the top of this
forum screen looks _red_ to me.  Well what do I know? ;) I don't like
the logo in red on the front of this box.  Don't exactly know why. 
Maybe with very thin red accents.  I think the yellow-orange is
ok--less distracting maybe.  This is a minor point.  If SD builds it,
it'll be what they want it to be.

Jim Wrote: 
 A better idea might be to move the display higher and place a row of
 these buttons (with labels) below the display window. I'd even add a
 couple - Brightness, Size, Shuffle, Repeat, and maybe Now Playing.
 These could small round buttons - figure 8 or 10 will fit comfortably
 beneath the display.
 See: http://www.arcam.co.uk/images/fmj_C31_large.jpg
 The front faceplate will likely need to be taller. I think something
 along the lines of 3.25 to 3.75 would be ideal. The current size in
 the drawings looks a bit slim to me.

Ok, I see what you mean on the Arcam box.  Wouldn't like it to take
more vertical space, though.  I would be up for a _few_ more buttons,
but I also like the backlighting of the functional icons on the
buttons.  The Arcam labels are not back-lit. The Arcam box has so many
buttons, they had to come up with a way to display them all.  We have
far fewer.  Moving the display off vertical center to accomodate
buttons seems like a big detraction.  Our VF display is larger, more
prominent, and much nicer looking than the Arcam display.  It's the
most noticable aspect of the whole box and needs to be placed carefully
so that other features do not detract from it.

Re: backlighting in general:  On a black box, inside a dark
entertainment center in a dimly-lit room, I think the backlighting of
the buttons is necessary.  With only two buttons (select and left-right
toggle), they would not need back-lit icons; perhaps only back-lit
outlining, like the volume knob.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Replay Gain!!

2005-09-15 Thread Dave D

JJZolx Wrote: 

  - You need replay gain tags on your files.  
 So for us dummies:  would I need to re-rip everything?

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SlimRoku - SlimServer based music player for the Roku PhotoBridge HD1000

2005-09-14 Thread Dave D

I'm wondering: is the source code available (since it uses Slimserver)?

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Internet Music Favorites Wierdness

2005-09-14 Thread Dave D

I've been having really strange problems with my Favorites the past few
days (I think since about Sunday's nightly image). Have not tried the
nightly from last night; the last two versions have had this problem,
though. WinXP box.

Here's an example of strange:

Favorites in order:
radioIO - Acoustic
radioIO - Eclectic
Folk Alley
Radio Paradise
SkyFM - Smooth Jazz

I can confirm this order in the Plugins-Favorites.

However, tonight, I cannot get SkyFM to play on Favorite #5.  If I
press and hold #5, Folk Alley plays!  (If I press and hold #3, Folk
Alley also plays.)

Last night, I could not get Folk Alley to play at all via the
Favorites, but it would play if I went through Internet Radio -
Shoutcast, etc.  I have restarted Slimserver several times.

Are my prefs screwed up someplace?  Out of sync, if that's possible? 
Any ideas or other reports of this?

Did I see something in the SVN updates about Favorites being changed in
the Default.map file?

I was gonna let this play out in the nightlies, but now I'm beginning
to think this is some prefs issue and might not go away.


Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Internet Music Favorites Wierdness

2005-09-14 Thread Dave D

I forgot that this morning I _did_ load last night's image:


Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Internet Music Favorites Wierdness

2005-09-14 Thread Dave D

Yeah, they somehow got out of sync!  Here's a snippet from my
slimserver.pref.  Notice that the URLs for Favorites 3-5 do not match
up with titles 3-5.

- radioioACOUSTIC
- radioioECLECTIC
- '(#1 - 46/1000) Folk Alley  (( All Folk.  All The Time.  ))'
- '(#1 - 258/15454) Radio Paradise - DJ-mixed modern  classic rock,
world, electronica  more - info: radioparadise.com'
- (#1 - 163/15377) S K Y . F M - Smooth Jazz - the world's smoothest
jazz 24 hours a day
- ''
- radioio://radioioACOUSTIC.mp3
- radioio://radioioECLECTIC.mp3
- ''

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Internet Music Favorites Wierdness

2005-09-14 Thread Dave D

Sorry to keep replying to myself.  I have no idea how the Favorites got
messed up in the first place, or the strange URLs.  I edited them
manually and now it works properly.

- radioioACOUSTIC
- radioioECLECTIC
- Folk Alley
- Radio Paradise
- SKY.FM Smooth Jazz
- radioio://radioioACOUSTIC.mp3
- radioio://radioioECLECTIC.mp3

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Obtaining mp3s/flac/whatever legally

2005-09-12 Thread Dave D

abdomen Wrote: 
 Very well said.

I agree.

I wish this thread could go back to where it started.  Not trying to
command the discussion's direction; just interested in replies to the
original request [slightly edited]:

max.spicer Wrote: 
 Are there sites where you can just buy tracks that can then be played on
 my SB2? [...] Ideally, I'd like some plain old mp3s, but would settle
 for DRM stuff, provided I can actually listen to it. [...] One thing to
 note is that I can't really go with one of the monthly subscription
 service as I wouldn't use it enough to justify the cost.

I hear a lot of great stuff on internet radio which I'll bet is not
mainstream and might be available on some site for non-DRM download. 
I've seen replies in this thread for dance music.  How about acoustic,
folk, jazz?

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Obtaining mp3s/flac/whatever legally

2005-09-10 Thread Dave D

max.spicer Wrote: 
 there sites where you can just buy tracks that can then be played on my
 SB2?  I'm dimly aware of itunes and the like, and the horrible DRM
 monster that's associated with them.  Ideally, I'd like some plain old
 mp3s, but would settle for DRM stuff, provided I can actually listen to
 it (I realise that's somewhat against the whole point of DRM!).  One
 thing to note is that I can't really go with one of the monthly
 subscription service as I wouldn't use it enough to justify the cost.

I am right there with you on this.  I've looked for sites which sell
single-track mp3s which can be played on SB2.  Any I've found that sell
unprotected files generally only have tracks I've never heard of.  I
don't want to get a service; wouldn't use it that much.  I'd pay 2-3
bucks for a track if I could play it anywhere and get it in a non-lossy
format (if I buy the music, I want to buy _all_ the music.)

Someone told me about a method which may or may not be legal.  It is
probably similar to what Daniel mentioned.  You can buy the protected
files, then re-record them on Windows using something like Audacity.  I
have no idea what the resulting quality would be.  I have not tried this
yet; just no time or patience for it.

The same person who told me about Audacity does not actually use it. 
He had an interesting point:  those who have more time than money (e.g.
high school  college students) can easily circumvent the protection
using the method above or others.  They don't care if it takes them
15-30 minutes each time they re-record a track.  Those of us with more
money than time really don't want to go through the hassle of
circumventing the laws, but there are few, if any, options for us to be
able to play our purchased music where we want to.

I'll be honest:  I don't own an iPod or other mp3 player (just SB2) and
have a very small collection of CDs.  I listen mostly to internet music.
But I've been writing down names of songs I've heard which I would like
to own.  I'd like to be able to buy them somewhere and be able to add
them to my ripped music collection.

Silly laws.

Hey, would it be a good idea for a sticky forum thread which would be a
list of sites where you can purchase unprotected tracks?

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Obtaining mp3s/flac/whatever legally

2005-09-10 Thread Dave D

Dave Dewey Wrote: 
 I also use the iTunes store to download music, and then remove the DRM.
 It's an easy process that doesn't take anywhere near the 15-30 minutes
 quoted elsewhere in this thread.  It's a simple, drag-and-drop
 non-techie process.

This is interesting info, but I'll bet if you use this and get caught,
you'll spend a bit more than 15-30 minutes in jail.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Obtaining mp3s/flac/whatever legally

2005-09-10 Thread Dave D

Dave Dewey Wrote: 
 Read this.

I did.

I got far enough in the FAQ to see that JHymn needs to log into an
Apple server, pretending to be a legitimate computer running iTunes, in
order to get a key to unlock the tunes.  If you want to take that
chance, great.

I don't disagree with your sentiment about the DCMA law (it's unclear,
unfair, largely unenforcable, and can be interpreted as being
all-encompassing.)  I don't disagree with the logic that you paid for
the song and should be able to listen to it whereever you want.  And I
don't disagree with your logic that your willingness to spend money at
iTunes is partly driven by your ability to circumvent DRM.

All I'm saying is, if you get caught, and if they wish to prosecute,
you will have no leg to stand on, and unless you have deep pockets, you
will be unable to fund a defense.

I've got a family to support.  I don't need any legal hassles.  What
you do is up to you.

Thanks for the link, though.  It's very interesting; I've often
wondered if anyone had cracked DRM.  This is one way around it.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Enhancement idea

2005-09-09 Thread Dave D

max.spicer Wrote: 
 Makes sense to me.  Does holding the sleep button do anything at the

It does on _my_ remote.  I have sleep.hold mapped to power-on so my
receiver is powered on or off (toggle) but the SB2 is powered on (only)
and thus is unaffected.  (Uses the IR blaster plugin).

I can move this to another key, of course (Felix suggested
search.hold).  An enhancement to the sleep function is logically a
better candidate for sleep.hold than is my personal
receiver-power-toggle.  But this is another example of why I would
like a few unused/programmable keys added to the remote.

- Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-09 Thread Dave D

Thank you for doing the listening test, Steve.  You have confirmed the
presence and nature of the noise which Aaron and I hear.  Your
observation is key: it shows that the original RadioIO stream has the

I just finished sending an email to RadioIO Customer Care, describing
the problem and our observations.  We'll see what happens.

I have done searches on Google to see if others have noticed the noise.
I found nothing other than this forum's thread.  The responses here on
the forum affirming the presence of the noise are very few.

This is disturbing.  The left channel static is SO noticable to me that
I can no longer listen to RadioIO when using headphones.  I don't
understand why there are not more complaints.  I do not have out-of-the
ordinary auditory perception.  On the contrary, my hearing is probably
not as good as it used to be, given my 40 years.  I would fully expect
to see reports of this coming from the regular posters in the
audiophiles forum.

I wonder: is it possible that something in Slim Devices _software_
(remember that I also hear the noise using SoftSqueeze) is causing the
left-channel noise to be enhanced?

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-08 Thread Dave D

Quick bump to ask once more if anyone else is noticing the pops in the
left channel of the RadioIO streams.  Easy to hear on Acoustic.

I'm going to send an email off to RadioIO tomorrow and would like to
provide feedback from more than just a couple people.

One observation today:  the pops seem to come at or almost immediately
after an increase in sound level.  For example, I will hear nothing in
between Zoe Montana's words.  I will hear the popping only when she is
talking.  Same goes for the quiet songs.  I'm wondering if I can
capture this on a scope and what I would trigger on?  The pops are
usually very low level. [Anyone have ideas about this?]

One thing we're still trying to confirm:  is this noise audible only on
the 128k streams going to Slimserver, i.e. are the 128k streams going to
paid subscribers any different?  We seem to have some evidence that the
paid subscriber streams are clean.

I think we've already concluded that the noise is not audible on the
32k (free) stream.

Frankly, I'm surprised I don't hear more complaints about this noise. 
My hearing is not all that great but the popping is very annoying to
me, especially through headphones (no crossfeeding).

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-08 Thread Dave D

Dave D Wrote: 
 I'm wondering if I can capture this on a scope and what I would trigger
 on?  The pops are usually very low level.

I tried for about an hour tonight to just _see_ the pops (nevermind
triggering on one).  No luck.  I think they are very low level. 
Anything high enough to be recognizable on top of an audio signal would
probably be a very loud pop.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-07 Thread Dave D

lostboy Wrote: 
 I used urlsnooper (recommended in a previous thread) on my slimserver to
 find where to point winamp for the test.

So, Chris, you have confirmed that the 128k RadioIO stream used by
Slimserver exhibits the noise in the left channel. I wonder if the
other 128k streams, i.e. to paying customers, also have the noise or if
it's only on the stream Slimserver has access to?

Anyone have a RadioIO membership who can check this out?

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-07 Thread Dave D

stevek1006 Wrote: 
 Well, I have to admit that I only listened for 30 minutes or so (to the
 acoustic channel), but as I mentioned earlier, I heard no static in
 that time. If I get a chance to listen longer through headphones, I
 will do so, but probably not today.

Steve, you should definitely notice the noise within 30 minutes if it
was present.  Over the course of 20 minutes tonight, I heard it for a
second or two distinctly, four times.  Then Rickie Lee Jones -
Company started playing and the noise was _very_ audible throughout.  
Judith Edelman - No One to Love is on now and the noise has been
audible throughout again.  I had a hard time hearing noise on the more
lively pieces, like one from Blue Mountain with fiddle and banjo. 
Listen to a quiet vocal and you'd think it was coming from an LP if the
noise wasn't isolated to the left side. Oh, and gee, I can hear the
noise quite well when Zoe Montana is speaking.

So, I'm going to venture that perhaps the noise is not present on all
128kbps streams.

As I finish this post, Richard Thompson - Old Thames Side is on now
and it's very noisy.  I have it on SB2 and Softsqueeze as I write this
and there's just no missing it.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-06 Thread Dave D

Aaron Zinck Wrote: 
  I listen to RadioIO Acoustic and I've noticed it, too.

Aaron, thank you for your reply.  I thought I was the only one who
could hear this, and it has been driving me crazy.  I've all but
stopped listening to RadioIO because of it, and switched over to Radio

Now here's the bad part, I think.  I can play RadioIO Acoustic via
Windows Media Player, and I don't hear _any_ left-channel noise at all.
I've been listening very carefully through the same speakers: first
with Windows Media Player, then with Softsqueeze, back and forth.  I
hear the noise with Softsqueeze, but not Windows Media.

This could be a Slimserver problem.  It seems very unlikely (why only
RadioIO?), but it's the only conclusion I can make, given the

I would like to get more feedback from others before opening a bug. 
The bug report will not do any good if this is not seen as
reproducible.  So far, only you and I have reported it.

Other poeple reading this thread:  will you please do a simple
listening test?  Listen to a few songs on RadioIO Acoustic or Eclectic
with SB1, SB2 or Softsqueeze, and tell us if you hear any noise in the
left channel.  Then listen to the same station with some player other
than Slimserver and report that as well.

Thank you very much!

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-03 Thread Dave D

dean Wrote: 
 Given that you've heard it in SoftSqueeze and on the hardware player, I
 suspect it's a problem in the original RadioIO data.  I'd drop their
 customer support folks a note.

That's exactly what I will be doing, but it would be nice to say that
I've found other people who have noticed this.  And it would be nice to
be able to find someone who's noticed it listening with non-SD harware
and/or software.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] RadioIO left-channel static

2005-09-02 Thread Dave D

Here's something strange which I've noticed on and off for weeks now.
Wondering who else might have noticed it too:

Sometimes, when playing streams from RadioIO, I hear little crackles or
pops or static from the left channel.  Some observations:

-- I have heard it on RadioIO Acoustic and Eclectic.  It may occur on
other RadioIO streams, but I listen to Acoustic the most.

-- I have never heard it on Shoutcast (I listen to Skyfm Jazz, Folk
Alley, Radio Paradise)

-- Don't know about Live365 (login problems there; I have to go read
the forums about that--just been too busy.)

-- I have heard it using my Squeezebox2, using SlimServer versions from
6.0.2 to the most recent 6.2 beta, and with several firmware versions. 
(I don't think this is a hardware issue.) This is through my amplifier
and speakers.

-- I have heard it using SoftSqueeze with headphones (this is where I
noticed it first and thought it was a loose connection or maybe
interference from my computer).

-- I have heard it using SqueezeNetwork (just verified that tonight).

-- It has occurred on both WinXP boxes I use.

-- I have never heard it in the right channel.

-- It's is seemingly random in occurence, not during any particular
type of music or listening level. It's most noticable during soft
passages, of course, but I've heard it other times as well.

-- I have not listened to RadioIO with other software.

So am I going nuts or have others heard this?  I did a search in the
forums but didn't find anything.

Thanks, Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-16 Thread Dave D

I have noticed that Roku gets some (seemingly) free press here in the US
as well.  Or, maybe they are paying for some of it... presumably, they
have deeper pockets than Slim Devices; their founder has been in the
industry for a while.

I'm an electrical engineer and get the EE Times publication.  This
month they rean a Tear Down article on the Soundbridge, where they
pulled out the circuit boards, pointing out the various conponents and
their functions.  They were very complimentary.  Obviously, they didn't
do any comparison with SB2.

Earlier in the same issue, I saw an ad for Analog Devices Blackfin
processor (used in the Soundbridge).  There in the sidebar were three
products; the Soundbridge family was one of them.  I don't know if Roku
has to pay for this publicity, but it's a win-win situation for both
companies.  Granted, ADI is a huge company, but I have never seen an ad
for Squeezebox's Ubicom processor.

On the positive side, I have seen Squeezebox2 ads on-line, in areas
where music lovers would be found, so they are advertising in
(probably) the most effective venues, as far as sales per advertising
dollar are concerned.  I've seen Rokus in both Tweeter and Best Buy,
but I don't know how many sales that generates, and the profit margins
are going to suffer by going through one of those retailers.

Especially with the Squeezebox2, the word _is_ getting out.  You can
Google Squeezebox2 reviews and the first hit takes you here, which
lists links for a number of reviews:


This one is not listed:

[Interestingly, a search for Squeezebox reviews (without the 2) pulls
up the older (not as complementary) reviews on the older Slim Devices

Finally, in a not-so-small by the way, last year, Sean, Dean, and
Slim Devices were featured in EE Times in a really great, inspiring
article (two actually).  So they've had some time in the sun, too:


Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Can't access Shoutcast any more tonight

2005-08-16 Thread Dave D

Who knows why SQN worked but I could not access Shoutcast via my
PC...but it works again this morning.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] SqueezeNetwork - Slimserver - SB2 prefs

2005-08-16 Thread Dave D

Is there a way to save the display preferences (or for that matter,
other prefs) from Slimserver, out to SqueezeNetwork?

It would be nice to have my SB2 look and act the same when I use
SqueezeNetwork as when I use Slimserver.  The thing I notice right away
is how the display scrolling acts (I have scrolling set to 2 pixels, for
example on Slimserver, so when I go to SqueezeNetwork, it looks

If this is not already available, it seems there are at least two

1) Log into SQN's website and click on a button to have SQN read and
apply local slimserver prefs.

2) Save local prefs out in the SB2 vs. (or in addition to) in

Of course, this does not address issues like bandwidth of the SQN
server for the smooth scrolling, for example.


Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Can't access Shoutcast any more tonight

2005-08-15 Thread Dave D

I started having trouble accessing Shoutcast about 9:30 US-Eastern
tonight.  Trouble started as I was playing around with Favorites, which
might be irrelevent.  It worked for a while (around 9pm), and then as I
was trying to add a Favorite, it seemed to hang.  Power-cycled the SB2.
Same thing.  Re-booted the PC (WinXP).  Same thing.

Here's the wierd part: I cannot connect with either the SB2 or
SoftSqueeze through my PC, but I _am_ able to access Shoutcast via

Next, I tried going to their site: www.shoutcast.com, but it comes back
connection was refused.

Any idea what might be going on here?  Seems if I can access through
SqueezeNetwork, and am getting _refused_, then the problem is on my
end, but I have no idea what it is.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] IR Blaster Support?

2005-08-14 Thread Dave D

I remember seeing a post about IR blaster support, so I did a search and
found that there's a bug for adding it:


There's only one vote...maybe I'll add mine, but it doesn't look
promising (Target Milestone is future), so I'm wondering:

1) Is this actively being worked at Slim Devices?

2) Why does it seem not too many people are interested in this?  There
are lots of applications.  Right away, I would use this to re-map the
SB2 remote's volume commands to the IR blaster and have the remote's
volume then control my receiver's volume instead.  [Yeah, I know I can
go buy another remote to do this, but I *like* the SB2 remote :)  It
would be a shame (and expensive) to go to a Pronto or similar, for such
a simple feature.]

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Financial condition of Slim Devices, Inc. ?

2005-08-03 Thread Dave D

whizkid Wrote: 
 Most companies, public or private, give some sense of their company and
 market strength. Perception is too often not reality in the tech biz.

Most companies?  Please name some examples of small private companies
who have posted financials, or any REAL information about their
financial state which can be proven to be truthful. Slim Devices has no
obligation whatsoever to divulge *anything* about their financial state
to *anyone* but their own private investors.  (And you know what?  I
hope they don't!  I sure wouldn't, and never on a forum.)

whizkid Wrote: 
 As for if they drop dead tomorrow you still have a functioning system.
 True, but for how long? Right up until the next standard or needed
 feature requrires hardware/firmware changes and at that very moment you
 become stranded.

They could close their doors right now.  I'll have a functioning
system, which does everything I want to do, until the hardware dies or
until Slimserver stops functioning with Windows XP (or whatever comes
later).  I can write some Perl and I have tons of folks around in this
forum, willing to help me figure it out.  I'm willing to bet I would
not be stranded for years, even with no other products to choose
from.  And judging from the fact that a co-worker has had a SliMP3 for
several years and has only recently upgraded Slimserver in that time,
I'm not too worried.

I don't know why I'm even replying to this silly thread.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Other Squeezebox Forum Discussions

2005-08-03 Thread Dave D

There's an active Squeezebox2 thread over at av123 if anyone wants to
chime in.  Seems like the recent discussion is about how convenient (or
not) it is to browse or search music folders.


- Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Financial condition of Slim Devices, Inc. ?

2005-08-02 Thread Dave D

JayNYC Wrote: 
 Does anybody know what the business and financial condition of Slim
 Devices is?...Is Slim Devices venture funded (if so, which firm), are
 they profitable, are they planning to be, does existing management own
 the company or have they sold out to investors, etc...Any info greatly

Strange way of fishing for non-public information.  I wouldn't expect
that anyone at Slim would publicly divulge this information (especially
in a forum setting).

If your interest is in investing in the company, why don't you contact
Sean Adams privately?

If you are more like I was, that is, interested in a reasonable
expectation of long-term support after buying a $300 (now $280) box,
then take note:

-- Slim Devices has a market-leading product with a user interface
second-to none.  I really see only two direct competitors, currently:
Roku (whose products have been reviewed and compared to Squeezebox2 on
this and other forums), and Sonos, which is essentially in a different
class because of the price. Apple could be an indirect competitor. 
Roku has an interesting external design with (what I consider to be) a
sub-standard user interface implementation.  Apple could do more with
their iPod products if they wished (but why?  they've got iTunes).  The
iPod add-ons from lots of companies are out there.  But SlimServer has
features which would be hard for iPod add-ons to effectively mimic.

-- Slim Devices has a volunteer cast of (well, I really don't know how
many!), around the world, helping to develop software.  They, and
Slim's own employees, including CEO Sean Adams are very responsive on
this forum.

-- Financially?  Well, they just lowered the price on their fairly-new
Squeezebox2.  There are plenty of possibilities for this, a few being: 
(1) price drop is justified by margins vs. expected sales; (2) some
percentage of boxes were already being sold at a discount (the pony,
now retired) which made the price the same as it is now; (3) better
competition against what some would consider as their most direct
competitor (Roku M1000).  (Believe me, it isn't.  Go try one.)

Of course Slim Devices will face more and more competition, also from
companies integrating these features into more conventional equipment
like receivers, DVD players, and game boxes.  And that will keep Slim
on their toes, which is good. :)

- Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RF interference in SB2's headphone output

2005-07-24 Thread Dave D

I just put in this fix this afternoon.  I used 33pF, 0805-size caps
(forgot to check the dielectric type; they may have been X7R. I can
check and get back to you if you care about that).  Anyway, it does
dramatically reduce the noise, but in my case, does not eliminate it. 
With the headphone cord in the position I described in my 7/15 post,
i.e. across the bottom center of the SB2, there is still audible
buzzing or clicking in wireless mode.

Just curious: how did you determine the 33pF value?

By the way, I really don't care about the little bit of noise; I don't
expect I'll use the headphones much at all, and when I do, I'll be
careful where the headphone cord goes.  This is just a data point for
you and others.

seanadams Wrote: 
 Anyway, the fix is pretty simple but it does require soldering: attach
 two 33pF caps to ground on the headphone jack - make sure to keep the
 leads as short as possible - surface mount caps are best. This
 eliminates the problem for my test case, irrespective of antenna
 arrangement etc.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Stopping SB2 revealing my WPA key

2005-07-16 Thread Dave D

jackaninny Wrote: 
 displaying ANY passwords/passphrase/keys in plain text is bad design

I kind of like being able to see what I entered, vs. a bunch of
asterisks, for example, but I understand your point.  It might be nice
then, to be able to enter a PIN which would make the WEP or WPA
sensitive info be readable.  No PIN entered and you'd get the standard

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Mute button?

2005-07-15 Thread Dave D


Thanks for the extra info and tips on how to do this in a cleaner way. 
Also good to know that the Custom.map file simply overloads
corresponding buttons in the Default.map file (so the Custom.map file
can have only a few entries.)  I wonder if this would be good material
for the wiki (in addition to the info already in Technical

I don't see hold_release mapped anywhere.  What's a example of how this
modifier could be used?

I have a clarification, also, which I just figured out. (FYI for others
doing this.)

In a previous post, you had referred to the use of a map file of
another name, e.g. Custom.map. As you suggested in that post, I had
looked in Home-Settings-Player Settings-Remote, but the only options
appearing there were for enabling or disabling the IR code recognition
for the JVC and/or Slim remotes.

As it turns out, the option to use a different map file only appears in
Player Settings-Remote if another map file currently exists in the
directory with Default.map.  If the only map file is Default.map, the
option to change map files does not show up at all.  (Yeah, ok it makes
sense, but software so often does not make sense that it threw me a
curve ;)


Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RF interference in SB2's headphone output

2005-07-15 Thread Dave D

ephemere Wrote: 
 Removing the antenna makes the interference go away

There are two antennas; only one is removeable.  This is a good hint as
to where the noise entry is.

I wonder if there's a bit of crosstalk on the PCB traces feeding the
high-impedance input to the headphone amp?

I also wonder how many folks are using the SB2's headphone output and
wireless simultaneously, because (unless you got unlucky with two bad
units) others should see the problem.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RF interference in SB2's headphone output

2005-07-15 Thread Dave D

seanadams Wrote: 
 If looks like the headphone amp chip itself (not surrounding traces) is
 susceptible to picking up the 802.11 signal (it does not appear to be
 DC power related).

So that's a 2.4GHz signal? If it was an RF circuit, I'd say maybe one
of the traces is acting as a nice 2.4GHz antenna. (1/10 lambda would be
about 1.25 cm.) However, for this audio amp, it seems you'd have to get
that noise down into the audio range to hear it. (I'm not an RF guy;
just speculating.)  Maybe the noise is actually from modulation of the
802.11b/g signal?

Here's a thought:  If the pop/buzz with each clock tick (once per
second) is reproducable, you could trigger a (digital) scope on that
and (maybe) get an idea of the frequency of the noise.  Maybe the
antenna is a secondary effect, e.g. it's acting as a receiver for a
lower frequency signal (maybe noise from accessing a memory, for
example, or the modulation mentioned above) and re-transmitting. 
Still, you need to be able to pick it up again in the audio amp

I also wonder if the Standby/Shutdown pin would be a convenient place
to inject some noise.

Well, it looks like an interesting problem to debug.

Dang, I gotta stop reading threads like this; it's very hard to resist
opening the box ;)  (I've been going by the photos.)

- Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Mute button?

2005-07-15 Thread Dave D

dean Wrote: 
 That would be ideal, but it's hard to get right, though I think it  
 _is_ doable with the right heuristics in the server.
 Definitely where we'd like to be...

Well, I just tried out Ben's suggestion, and it seems to work fine--or
at least better than the default mode. (Normally, pressing and holding
fwd and rew requires another button press (Play) to get it back to
normal speed.  Add these lines to the Custom.map file (under [Common])
and it works as expected:

fwd.hold_release= play
rew.hold_release= play

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RF interference in SB2's headphone output

2005-07-15 Thread Dave D

seanadams Wrote: 
 What you're hearing is the envelope of the signal. Of course 2.4G  is
 a ways outside our hearing range. :)

I bet some folks in the Audiophiles forum would disagree ;)

(now I'm in trouble)

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: RF interference in SB2's headphone output

2005-07-15 Thread Dave D

seanadams Wrote: 
 Anyway yes, antenna orientation definitely makes a difference - by
 pointing the external antenna either straight out or towards the power
 input plug, I can make it go away. YMMV though - the radio will switch
 dynamically between the external and the internal antenna as needed.

I just changed back to wireless mode to try this out and I also heard
the buzz/clicking under certain conditions.  My network is 802.11b, by
the way.

A few more interesting pieces of info, which may help you debug:

1) I used the volume controls to recreate the buzz/clicking (nothing
playing).  While I was turning the volume up and down, I noticed that
the volume of the buzz/clicking does not change.  That's probably not
all that useful, now that I think about it; volume control is probably
not at the headphone amp anyway, since it affects the speaker outputs
as well.

2) The antenna orientation (or squeezebox orientation--not the same
thing) both affect the level of noise (but read (3) and (4)!).  Noise
level is not always equal in each ear.  Sometimes it goes from the one
ear over to the other.  Sometimes louder in one ear, etc.

3) I can *remove* the external antenna and still hear the noise.  I
discovered the next part accidentally.  The SB2 had gone over to the
RSS screensaver.  (When the screensaver is scrolling a fairly constant
level buzzing can be heard, which is useful for debugging.) When I
started to put the SB2 back up on top of my (metal) CD player, I heard
a fairly loud buzzing (left ear only).  [Read on; it's not the CD
player.]  I started playing with the power cord and found that I could
cause the noise level to increase when a section of the power cord was
brought close to the opposite (right) side of the SB2.  But I don't
think it's coming from the power cord, because I can put the headphone
cord and power cord close together, but away from the SB2 body and hear
no noise.

4) Another accident: with the external antenna removed, I turned the
SB2 so that the screen was facing me and the left side was toward the
floor (top of the SB2 facing to my left).  The noise increased.  Then I
saw that my headphone cord was crossing straight underneath the SB2 (the
bottom side of the SB2 is to my right).  I then raised the headphone
cord so that it was no longer near the left side of the SB2.  The noise
decreased.  The loudest buzzing occurs when I cross the headphone cord
almost across the center of the bottom of the SB2, but slightly
diagonally toward the front (any orientation of the SB2).  Oh, and it
flips from left ear to right ear and I have no idea what causes that.

My stereo equipment was all powered off for these test, by the way. 
Only the SB2 was powered.

- Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Unable to change remote mapping

2005-07-14 Thread Dave D

I thought I would play with the remote mappings a bit on my SB2 remote,
but my changes seem to have no effect, even though I have restarted
slimserver.  In case my new mapping was invalid, I also tried
*disabling* the hold-pause-to-stop function by commenting out this
line: pause.hold = stop.  That did not work, either; this function
continued to operate as if I had done nothing.

Here's what I was originally trying to do:  I saw in
Slim::Buttons::Common that the muted mapping is set up to call
Slim::Control::Command::execute. (So a mute function exists, right? 
At least on the JVC remote?)  So I added the following line to
Default.map in the [Common] mode section:

sleep.hold = muting

and I commented out the line:

muting = muting

(since this button does not exist on the SB2 remote)

Restarted Slimserver (and also the SB2) but it didn't work.  I also
tried other buttons--actually started with 0.hold--without success. 
That's when I started trying to disable a function, also without

What am I doing wrong?


Slimserver 6.0.2
Win XP Pro with all the updates

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Unable to change remote mapping

2005-07-14 Thread Dave D

Sorry for that post.  Boy do I feel stupid.

As I was getting ready to hit the hay, it occurred to me that I have
two copies of the slimserver code:  one in the install directory and
one in another sandbox.  I was modifying the wrong one.

Sorry about that.  The mappings work just as I would expect.

- Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Mute button?

2005-07-14 Thread Dave D

Adding a Mute function to the SB2 remote is really easy.  The Mute
function already exists in the Slimserver code.  It just needs a
mapping for the remote.

Edit this file:

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\Server\IR\Default.map

(or whereever you loaded slimserver.)  You might want to save a copy of
the original file.  I did not find a way to create a map file of a
different name and have slimserver point to it (instead of
Default.map), but I think that is supposed to be possible.

Decide what button you want to overload the Mute function on.  You do
not have to give up the original function of the button.  The Slim
architecture has allowed for both brief button presses and extended
button presses.  Pause is an example of this: press Pause briefly and
the Squeezebox will pause.  Press Pause for a bit longer (press and
hold) and the Stop function is executed.  You'll probably want to
choose a button which does not already have a hold feature
implemented (you'll see I did not strictly follow that advice below). 
Currently, the buttons which have hold implemented are:

rew, fwd, pause, play and add.  The numbers [0-9] also have hold
implemented, but only during text entry, as used in Searching, i.e.
press-and-hold 5 enters 5 instead of the letters J, K, or L.

Anyway, I chose the 0 button as the one to implement the Mute
function.  I chose this button because it kind of makes sense:

1) It's close to where SoftSqueeze has its Mute button.

2) 0 is a nice mnemonic to remember Mute.

3) I wanted to see if overloading the hold function on a number key
would mess up the search function for that key (it doesn't).

So to continue the instructions for editing of the Default.map file,
under the [Common] section header, add this line:

0.hold = muting

Whitespace does not matter; I saw that the Defaults.map file happens to
use tabs--you could follow this practice.

[You could add the above line right under this existing line:

0 = numberScroll_0

so that you'll easily be able to see what pressing 0 briely does, vs.
pressing it a bit longer.]

Restart slimserver.

That's all there is to it.  Press-hand-hold 0 and it goes to Mute. 
Press-and-hold again and volume is restored.  Just like you would

This is one cool toy.

- Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Internet Radio streams vastly louder

2005-07-06 Thread Dave D

sleepysurf Wrote: 
 I've been listening primarily to Radioio feeds. 

My SB2 arrived yesterday (and now I have to leave town for five
days--isn't that like taking a kid's Christmas present away?)

Anyway, this was one of the first things I noticed, after the
Geez-this-is-the-sweetest-toy-I've-bought-in-a-long-time effect wore
off a litle bit.  Radioio is significantly louder than my ripped MP3s. 
I thought at first that I ripped all my CDs incorrectly (which could
easily be part of the problem.)

I tried a few other internet stations and the volume difference is most
noticable on Radioio.  I'll forgive them; there's a lot of music there
I'd never hear otherwise.

- Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] First impressions

2005-07-06 Thread Dave D

Just wanted to take a few minutes to thank you folks at Slim Devices for
a superb product and maybe let a few lurkers out there know what a great
product this is.

First thing I noticed was that UPS was not too nice with the box.  I
thought to myself, Wish they would have packed this inside another box
for protection.  Well, when I opened the box I saw you had done just
that.  Nice clean, white box inside, and well-packed.  Thanks!

The next thing I noticed after opening the box was that I had spent way
too much time worrying about whether the black case would look as nice
as the platinum, and which one I should get.  This soft-touch black
finish is impressive, guys, and the remote's finish matches!  (For you
lurkers: the soft-touch finish feels a little bit like the surface of a
peach.) The black fades away to nothing in my entertainment center and
all I see is the pretty VF display.

Set-up: what a breeze.  I bought the wireless unit even though I've
gone to the trouble of wiring my house in the last year (don't ask me
why; I wonder that myself).  Anyway, the setup was very
straightforward.  I first set it up in wireless mode and it had not a
bit of trouble finding and authenticating to my ancient 802.11b (not g)
Cisco Aironet 340-series basestation.

After that, figuring I might as well use the Cat5 cable in my walls, I
plugged in the ethernet cable and (using the
left-arrow-hold-to-go-back-to-setup) re-set up the box for wired mode. 
Easy as pie.

Next thoughts: Ambiguous.  Part of me felt like I was silly for
worrying about spending a couple hundred bucks on a little box to play
my music from the computer to the stereo, though it does a lot more
than that.  (Why did I wait so long?)  The other part of me was really
glad to have waited long enough to get the 3rd generation Slim Devices
box with the oh-so-cool new high-res display. [Aside for lurkers
checking out Roku: Slim's $300 box has the same vertical resolution
display as the $400 M2000.  The M2000 does have a wider display,

Next: play some tunes!  Okay, here goes.  Already know the VF display
is sweet.  Let's hook into Radioio and see what happens.  Awesome and
easy.  And I don't have to pay anything?  Wow!  I'm like a little kid
with this thing, trying out the screensavers and various settings. 
Next impression (which I already had from using SoftSqueeze, but felt
it renewed), they've done a really nice job on this user interface. 
Then, hope I can read this from the couch, (plop down) Oh nice, they
put a text size button on the remote.

Back to the lurkers wondering what box you are going to buy.  Note this
is not intended to bash the other product; I'm simply stating my
opinion.  I studied Roku vs. Slim for a long time.  I checked out the
M1000 and M2000 at a local Tweeter store.  I chose the Slim product
because I felt it had a much better user interface, would be better
supported over time, and could be tweaked.  (You can read my comments
in another post from a few days ago.)  Add to that the same vertical
resolution display as the more expensive M2000, and the choice was

That was before the Squeezebox2 arrived and I've had a chance to play
with it.  Now the choice is even clearer and I'm wondering why I ever
spent so much time looking at the other product.

Although I'm an EE, I'm a stickler about user interfaces.  Much more so
than with electrical specs.  Often a great product shows up with a
substandard UI and it's a real shame (I am not necessarily referring to
Roku here.)  Slim Devices broke the mold and did it right.

[An aside about electrical specs.  I read the white paper on the Ubicom
IP3023 processor in the Squeezebox2 and I keep wondering what gthe folks
at Slim have up their sleeves for that chip.  It a pretty nifty uP.]

My impression of the Squeezebox2 is that this is a very
well-thought-out and well-implemented design, from bottom up. Kudos to
the Slim Devices team!

- Dave

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Mute button?

2005-07-04 Thread Dave D

Dave D Wrote: 
 The zero button does nothing on Softsqueeze while music is playing. 
 Context-applicable mappings are possible, right?  If music is playing,
 pressing the zero button would mute/unmute.

Well, this suggestion won't fly.  As I was peering through the code to
find a place to overload a Mute function for the remote, I was playing
with Softsqueeze and noticed that the number buttons DO have a function
while music is playing: they take you to various positions in your
playlist (looks like the numbers correspond to a percentage of the
list, i.e. 0 takes you to the end of the playlist.)

Maybe there's another place to sneak it in. :)

Dave D
Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Mute button?

2005-07-03 Thread Dave D

I'm eagerly anticipating my SB2 arriving on Tuesday.  Meanwhile, I've
been playing with Softsqueeze, and hadn't even noticed that the Mute
button is not present on the real SB2 remote.  (Well what do you know?
:)  I've used the Mute on Softqueeze plenty of times already.

I agree that Mute should be added to a future remote, especially since
there are several currently-unused locations.

In the interim, it seems that a new mapping should be possible.  The
zero button does nothing on Softsqueeze while music is playing. 
Context-applicable mappings are possible, right?  If music is playing,
pressing the zero button would mute/unmute.

- Dave

Simon Still Wrote: 
 I'd guess yes as there *is* a mute on softsqueeze.

Dave D
Discuss mailing list