[slim] My Slimserver hates The Beatles

2005-12-22 Thread Harry G

I can't get scan library to recognize all my songs. This became evident
when I couldn't find any of my 16 Beatles CDs although they are all
tagged. I don't know what else is missing. I do have a large
collection, over 35,000 songs but I've been reading that this is not a
problem other than potential slowness. 

I've tried using 6.2, 6.2.2 and 6.5 and get the same results. When I
re-scan, eventually Slimserver shuts down while the browser continues
to tell me that it is still scanning my library. 

If I go to Browse Music Folder, I can see the missing albums and songs
and play them. Once I play an otherwise missing song, It will appear in
the library. 

Can anyone suggest a work-around?

Harry G

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[slim] Re: My Slimserver hates The Beatles

2005-12-22 Thread Harry G

Figured out the problem. Once I talked it out, it became obvious. Should
have just told my wife or the dog who both view the audio stuff as magic
rather than bothering you guys.

I had an old, no longer used playlist folder from my SB1 days in my
main music directory. When rescan got to that folder one of the
playlists must have crashed the program. I hadn't noticed a third of
the alphebet missing because I could access CD folders that started
with p through z from my other drives. Once I deleted the playlist
folder, everything worked fine. Hard to blame anyone but myself.

Harry G

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[slim] Telcanto Problem on IPaq

2006-09-06 Thread Harry G

I bought a Pocket PC* specifically to remotely control my Squeezebox
3's running 6.3. The server PC is running XP Service Pack 2.

I've been testing the Telcanto interface and running into a problem.
When I try to look at Artists or Albums in Library, it usually gives
me an "OutofMemoryException" message or stalls out with an hour glass.
It works fine when I choose Genres or Folders.

I have a large library, over 4000 albums on 4 hardrives. Is this the
problem? Do I need more memory or is it something else?

*HP iPAQ rx1955, 300 MHz Samsung SC32442 Processor, 32 MB RAM, 64 MB
ROM. Running Win Mobile 5.0 Premium Edition.

Harry G

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[slim] Re: Telcanto Problem on IPaq

2006-09-07 Thread Harry G

Michael Herger;134233 Wrote: 
> > 
> You should contact Telcanto. This isn't a slimserver issue.
> -- 
> Michael
> I did post to their forum several hours before posting here but its
> pretty sleepy. I'm figuring that anyone who has worked through this
> problem is more likely to pop up here. 
> I'm surprised that you of all people would tell me to go away. This
> forum is where people talk about your interface.
> BTW: I've not had this issue with your program and if I can't get the
> Telcanto product to work, I'll be happy with SlimRemote. However,
> theirs promises to completely cut the tether to my office PC while
> yours functions as a nice adjunct to it. At the end of a ten hour work
> day, with a sore butt and back, not having to return to my office is
> certainly worth 73 Levas.

Harry G

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[slim] Squeezebox streaming to Pianodisc or Disklavier?

2011-05-30 Thread Harry G

Is anyone using a Squeezebox to feed midi files to a modern player
piano? Is so, do you convert the midi type 1 files to waves, MP3s or
stream in native midi? Any input would be appreciated.

Harry G

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[slim] Re: Squeezebox-like device for video?

2006-10-22 Thread Harry G

For ripping DVDs there is also DVD Shrink
<http://www.dvdshrink.org/what.html>. The company was litigated out of
business. The program is available now for free. It allows you to
compress a movie to fit it on disc or store it uncompressed on one of
the hard disc players. 

There are many of these players from £150 - £10,000+. Some allow for
streaming over your network from your PC.

There aren't many films I would want to see more than once though our
granddaughter will watch animated movies over and over, enthralled each
time. We're thinking of gifting one of the less expensive boxes at
Christmas to alleviate the sticky fingers on DVD problem.

Harry G

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[slim] Re: Visa and Mastercard Cut Off AllofMP3

2006-10-22 Thread Harry G

I checked out AllofMP3 because someone had told me I could legally
download Wave and Flac files. To not have to rip and tag would be a
wonderful thing. 

The site was impressive but the only albums I could find available in
anything other than MP3 were the most popular American pop albums. Not
the kind of thing I usually buy. Did I miss something?

Harry G

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[slim] Re: Logitech to acquire Slim Devices!

2006-10-22 Thread Harry G

Human nature is a strange thing. 

Before I bought my wife her last Mercedes, a car buff friend insisted
we drive a Honda before making up our minds. He felt the Accord coupe
was a more modern, somewhat better car than the Mercedes coupe and
would save us about $8000. 

>From the test drive, I'll go as far as to say that the Honda completely
impressed me. Still, we couldn't bring ourselves to buy it. Japanese
cars are what we bought our daughter until she could afford to buy her
own car.

I know that Mercedes today is made by Chrysler, whose cars we also
wouldn't buy, yet, the association doesn't bother me. Maybe because
they're so different.

Everyone here is already in the Slim Devices choir. To audiophiles in
the outside world, if they know about the Squeezebox at all, its just
like the Roku but doesn't get written about as much or its just like
the Sonos but without the pretty remote control. Another one of  those
cheap IPod thingees for the home. Plus, aren't the good ones, like the
McIntosh, servers anyway?

So, you already have Volkswagon bringing out a go fast car and still
calling it a Volkswagon rather than a Porsche. Can I sell my audiophile
friends on that? Maybe some if they get it that this is something
idiosyncratic and that I'm letting them in on a secret. But now I have
to tell them that the little idiosyncratic company that other than
Transporter makes inexpensive things is really owned by a huge slick
company that makes all kinds of other inexpensive things they already
own. I think that takes the mystique away. For non-audiophile friends
and Squeezebox this won't be a problem. They think of their music
systems as appliances anyway. But for the audiophiles who talk of their
audio systems like they talk of fine wines, mechanical watches or art,
this doesn't really work.

For me, I'm already in the club. Unless Audio Research, Classe or Theta
builds something similar, I'll probably buy a Transporter. Just please
don't name it LogSqueeze.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] Dedicated server solution?

2008-05-14 Thread Harry G

My needs are similar to those of Ron M but a little more specific and
for a larger music collection.

Currently, I have two wired and one wireless SB3's, streaming a library
of 96,000 songs, mostly in flac from my home office XP machine running
SlimServer 6.3.1 (I know its ancient but it runs and I've been too busy
with work).

I'd like to move my music playback to a dedicated server running
SqueezeCenter to free up resources on my work machine and hopefully
lower my electric bill. I'm in rural Hawaii. We have the highest energy
costs in the country and with the oil situation, the surcharge goes up
every month.

Ready made machines like the HP home server make little sense here as
any factory service is 2500 miles away. 

I'm thinking of having my local repair and "we build it for you"
computer shop put together a low powered machine to just stream music,
using the Inguz EQ plugin, into the Squeezeboxes and possibly stream
video to a few UPNP client devices that now stream from attached USB

The plan is to run Linux, probably Ubuntu and do a software RAID 5
using five 1TB drives. 

I would like to control this, including boot, from an XP tablet and
continue ripping and tagging at my office machine. 

Does this make sense? If so, can anyone suggest how fast a processor
and how much RAM I need? Any reason I should use Windows Home Server
instead of Linux?

I should probably add that I know near nothing of Linux but am good at
learning by doing and of the two key guys at the computer shop, one
uses a simple Squeezebox system and the other has expertise with
Ubuntu, so I'm not alone blundering in the dark. I hope to share with
them any suggestions the group may have.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] Dedicated server solution?

2008-05-19 Thread Harry G


Thank you very much for the info and wisdom. I've forwarded and
discussed with my friends at the computer store. 

Pat; I'm taking your suggestion about the hardware controller. Was a
bit surprised by my retailer's advice that I then needed a spare
controller as a backup, the logic being that if the controller goes bad
the same model's firmware is needed. Oh well, another hundred bucks but
it makes sense. I'm going to load Ubuntu on my daughter's old laptop
and stress the poor thing (the PC, not my daughter) as a learning

Bob; I'm on Big Island. a kw/hr here is $.3752 and rising monthly.
There are tax credits for solar but just for heating water. I have a
few neighbors "off the grid" but all appliances and electronics they
buy has to be 12 volt. There are more modern 117v systems but no one I
know can afford them.

As far as being jealous, location is always a trade off. I dream of
visiting a Fry's or being able to buy a shirt that doesn't have flowers
or say "Hawaii" on it. Our only concerts are by has-been rock acts. I'd
kill for good Mexican food and our lack of radio stations is what got
me to start such a silly-big music collection when hard drives got
large enough to make it practical and there wasn't yet internet radio.

While there's now a "Tech-Center" on Maui, you're still probably
unemployable here but now there are lots of guys who telecommute to the
mainland and Asia.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] TinyAmp S30 amplifier the perfect companion Squeezebox ?

2008-07-19 Thread Harry G

Has anyone tried one of these?

I understand the drawbacks but I don't expect it to replace a Bryston
or a Theta. For small secondary rooms I'd like something simple my wife
could use without screwing up complicated receiver settings.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] Looking to stream 24/96 lossless PCM w/o transporter

2008-07-20 Thread Harry G

I've had similar thoughts and have wondered if the company disables
24/88 and 96 simply so 'files will buy the much more expensive

I believe the Benchmark has a USB input. Can't you stream higher bit
rates directly using Winamp or whatever? My DACs are older designs and
don't have this option.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] TinyAmp S30 amplifier the perfect companion Squeezebox ?

2008-07-21 Thread Harry G

AbMagFab;321668 Wrote: 
> Just use the IRBlaster plug in.

It will only do the needed job if it will blast her before she can
press random buttons on our Sony and Denon recievers when the music
doesn't start quickly enough;-)

Harry G

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-26 Thread Harry G

Robin Bowes;307685 Wrote: 
> How do I write the analysis info to the file tags?

egd;307855 Wrote: 
> Select all tracks you want to affect, right click and select Archive
> Analysis.  On the Linux GUI you may have to go through a menu to do it,
> I've not used it in a very long time

Is it safe to tag tens of thousands of flac files at the same time in
this manner? Any conflict with ReplayGain?

Any problem in doing so on an XP machine and then moving the tagged
music files to a Linux box that will from then on be my SC server?

Trying out MIP on a 2000 track subset of my library has me extremely
impressed. However, chatter elsewhere about losing tagging info from
using earlier revs of the program has me spooked. 

I've tagged over near 100,000 tracks over six years. If I had to do the
same job again, I think I'd give up on music listening. I was going to
add a ;-) to look friendly and cheerful, but honestly, the thought of
losing the thousands of hours of work leaves me feeling chilled.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] MusicIP & 7.1 automatic re-scans

2008-07-26 Thread Harry G

I have been testing MIP with about 2000 tracks to see if it made sense
to use with my very large library. 

I've been very happy with its functionality but when I tried to add a
few more CDs I got similar results to those of tfish. Even though I
could mix these newer tracks with MIP's own GUI and they showed up in
Spicefly's web Gui, I can't get them to mix in SC. 

In my case, MIP appears to stop the rescan completely after 70 to 80
tracks. When I finally tried a complete SC rescan, I get the following
results. Note that it stops everything such that I now have no access
to my artwork as the rescan stops before it even gets to the artwork
rescan. I have now tried this several times and get consistent results
each time.

Can someone please give me some direction?

SqueezeCenter Status
Information on all identified devices connected to SqueezeCenter

Library statistics

Total Tracks: 0

Total Albums: 0

Total Artists: 0

Total Genres: 0

Total Playing Time: 0:00:00

Music Scan Details
Directory Scan   (2188  of  2188)   Complete  00:00:56

C:\Music for now\Various - MaKEDONSKA 2 Macedonian Pop\Zuica Lazova -
MusicIP Import   (70  of  2090)   Running  00:00:06

C:\Music for now\Boozoo Chavis - hey do right\01 - Zydeco Cha Cha.flac
(  of  )

(  of  )

(  of  )

(  of  )

(  of  )

(  of  )

(  of  )

(  of  )

(  of  )

SqueezeCenter has finished scanning your music collection.00:01:02

Harry G

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Re: [slim] MusicIP & 7.1 automatic re-scans

2008-07-27 Thread Harry G

No need for reply. 

Through debug in logging I figured out that a few files I picked up
from a guy in a trench coat while I was walking down a dark alley in
the bad part of town ;-)had cue files embedded in the tags. Apparently
SqueezeCenter doesn't like this at all.

Once I moved these out of my music folder all went well. I'll try them
again once I remove the offending text from the tags.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-27 Thread Harry G

Thank you all for the encouragements and cautions. I will proceed as

I agree that backup is crucial. This is part of the reason I'm moving
everything to a raid server AND keeping my backups. Let me add that I
think it a good idea (just like with real work)to keep the backups off

With the weird weather much of the world is having, I'd hate to lose my
house and my music at the same time. 

I had significant earthquake damage in '89 when I still lived in SF.
Dealing with the insurance claims adjuster was not fun. I don't think I
could have convinced him that I lost several thousand CDs unless I could
find all the receipts.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] MusicIP Rocks!

2008-07-28 Thread Harry G

maggior;323540 Wrote: 
> Too many people get hung up on the analysis part of this.  You can start
> using MIP before doing the lengthy analysis.  I have not done the full
> analysis and I use MIP all of the time.
> Initially, it will based mixes strictly on your tags.  This works quite
> well.  When you perform the full analysis, each track is fingerprinted
> allowing more finely tuned mixes.  
> Earler in this thread (which has gotten quite large!) a developer from
> MIP commented on this very topic confirming that MIP will work well
> even without full analysis.

If, without full analysis, it mixes just from tags, how does this
differ from simply generating a random mix of a genre? 

BTW: Because of its slowness, I'm suspicious about how the analysis is
actually done. I have a feeling there's this big locked room in India
with a T1 line, rows and rows of desks, and.
All of the workers gravely listening to each of our tunes on headphones
before making their artistic decisions. 

Seriously, this is such a powerful tool that its really a shame that
the setup is a barrier to the non-technical. I'm now comfortable using
MIP. However, of the eight friends I've gotten into Squeezeboxen, all
bright people, the only ones I will introduce MusicIP to are a computer
store owner and a digital engineer. For the others, the setup and
ongoing maintenance, when they stumble, would become my job:-(

I am hoping that Logitech will license MIP as other companies have and
properly integrate it into their product. The old Slim Devices got so
much work for free from their enthusiastic user base that it gave
management an odd, jealous attitude about outsiders making money from
their product.

Logitech is a real company with a history of paying real money for what
they need. I'm hoping one of the company's "Suits" will read the
feedback on this plugin and see the logic in properly embracing this

Harry G

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Re: [slim] SC 7.1 Shuffle?

2008-08-04 Thread Harry G

I'm having the same experience running 7.1 on an Ubuntu server. 

With persistence, using Firefox on the server or Firefox or IE on XP
machines I can eventually get it to work but there is always a long
delay. On an HP XP tablet, who lives to control SC, it does not work at
all now. On all of the above it says "undefined".

Feels like I've lost a friend:-(

Being able to change the relative widths of the two sides of the GUI is
very nice (that is new, isn't it?) though I wouldn't trade it for

Harry G

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Re: [slim] SC 7.1 Shuffle?

2008-08-04 Thread Harry G

MrSinatra;325919 Wrote: 
> what skin can you do that in???
> i can't do it in the default skin using IE7 and i very much want to be
> able to.

With the Default Skin. 

Just checked. You're right. Doesn't work in IE7. I've been doing it in

Is shuffle working for you?

Harry G

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Re: [slim] SC 7.1 Shuffle?

2008-08-04 Thread Harry G

Eric Seaberg;325688 Wrote: 
> It also says 'undefined' on Firefox on a Mac, but I think it wtill
> works.  Just click on it. BTW, it also says 'undefined' in Safari.
> Otherwise, change the interface to something like 'Fishbone', which I
> prefer anyway.

Thanks, but Fishbone gives me a headache. Too many stripes. 

If the default is the default, I think it reasonable that it have all
the standard features.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] SC 7.1 Shuffle?

2008-08-04 Thread Harry G

MrSinatra;326016 Wrote: 
> another annoyance.  how do i get it off?

That's easy, MrSinatra. Have Angie rub it slowly while telling it what
a big beautiful button it is;-)

Harry G

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Re: [slim] SC 7.1 Shuffle?

2008-08-05 Thread Harry G

MrSinatra;326321 Wrote: 
> but at some point in a previous SC build IE7 did it right?  b/c i only
> use IE7 to access SC and i know some months back i saw this feature in
> action.
> frankly, i'd rather have this feature than a background image.

I agree with you about the importance of the feature (and sorry for the

What if you set up and optimized FireFox just for SC and set SC as its
home page? One click would get you there.

SC's a real joy to use in FF's full screen mode with all the toolbars
gone and the album selector side taking up about 70% of the screen.
Makes it look and work like a dedicated $10k music server on one of
those $20K+ corporate control systems Crestron and their ilk make. I'd
post a pic but the Flash makes my snapshot program go nuts.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] MusicIp causing a rescan - why?

2008-09-07 Thread Harry G

ModelCitizen;337357 Wrote: 
> Late edit:
> Can has just finished:
> Directory Scan   (23924  of  23924)   Complete  01:33:03 
> MusicIP Import   (23888  of  23888)   Complete  02:08:09 
> Playlist Scan   (13  of  13)   Complete  00:00:19 
> Merge Various Artists   (1642  of  1642)   Complete  00:03:09 
> Artwork Scan   (1767  of  1767)   Complete  00:30:12 
> Database OptimizeComplete  00:02:12 
> SqueezeCenter has finished scanning your music collection. Total Time:
> 04:17:04
> MC

By scanning both your directory and MusicIP rather than MusicIP alone,
don't you end up with each album showing up twice? This was happening
to me when I tried it while using an earlier SC release, maybe 6.5. 

If there is a trick to make this work, I'd really like to know as I
miss being able to access my music directory in SqueezeCenter.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] MusicIp causing a rescan - why?

2008-09-08 Thread Harry G

ModelCitizen;338000 Wrote: 
> No, all is normal apart from the huge time it takes to complete a scan.
> I don't know why our experience should be different.
> I am using 7.2 and I point both MIP and SC at a folder containing
> shortcuts to my music drives.
> So, if I don't point SC at any music folder (as recommended elsewhere)
> then I can't browse my music directory? Normally I add new individual
> albums to SCs database by navigating to them via Browse Music Folder.
> It'd be bad if I couldn't do that (and/or if MIP initiated a complete
> scan every time I added an album).
> In addition MIP tag functionality is limited. For instance (as noted
> elsewhere) I use tag delimers for genres (i.e. choral;christmas). MIP
> does not handle these.
> I think that not pointing SC at a music folder is probably not an
> option for me.  :-(
> MC

I used to enter new music just like you do. Really miss being able to.

Since it works for you, I ran a fresh scan, exposing my music directory
as well as MusicIP before I went to bed. Just now woke up in the middle
of the night to find the following:
Library Statistics

Total Tracks: 94,453

Total Albums: 0

Total Artists: 0

Total Genres: 0

Total Playing Time: 6736:29:20

Music Scan Details
Directory Scan   (1  of  98744)   Running  03:52:41

I've rebooted SC 7.3-test (Debian). Am trying again now and will check
in the morning(yawn). Thus far, it doesn't look good as "Scan details"
only shows the option to abort, no real details.

Re: tags. I gather you use the delimiters for a script. MusicIP is
flexible enough to show more than the hopelessly inadequate standard
tags. I use about a dozen made up ones for jazz and nearly as many for
different decades and styles of Rock, ie; "Rock 60s UK" "Rock 60s US."
In all, about 160 made up genres. MusicIP passes them all to SC.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] Could Minimo on an Ilaid control a SqueezeBox?

2007-11-03 Thread Harry G

Thank you. 

I'm not that concerned about the lack of color. I've been running
Slimserver for years in its glorious shades of gray. The unit appears
to enough grayscale to do this.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] Could Minimo on an Ilaid control a SqueezeBox?

2007-11-03 Thread Harry G


Are there any deals on this thing? I can't find many places to buy it
and no matter what country, its always about $700. 

I've seen a much cheaper Sony that has the e-ink screen but can't run a
browser. Anything else out there?

Harry G

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[slim] Is there a lawyer in the house?

2007-04-10 Thread Harry G

We all know its legal to copy the music you have to your kid's IPod and
that its not legal to upload it for the world pick up from a torrent

Does anyone know for sure what the legal status is for giving some of
your music files to a friend?

I think everyone knows the drill. Friends come over, like what you do
with music from your Squeezebox and a few weeks later, you're helping
them get their Squeezebox configured.

In this situation, I'd really like to get the new owners started with
some music so they have something to listen to before they rip their

While I've wondered about this for awhile, I wouldn't ask here except
that our latest interested friend is in law enforcement. Its not that I
think he'd haul me away. Its that I just don't want a potentially
embarrassing situation. "Thanks for your generous offer but its a
federal offense". puts a real damper on dinner conversation.

Harry G

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Re: [slim] Is there a lawyer in the house?

2007-04-11 Thread Harry G

egd;194113 Wrote: 
> I think the answer is pretty simple, it is no different to making your
> albums available for distribution online or copying a cd to give to
> someone else.

I expected it to be that simple but the more I google, the grayer the
subject appears to be. Much revolves around "fair use" and "audio home
recording act". On these the Wikipedia pages are informitive but if you
go the the "discussion" tabs, the experts are arguing behind the
curtain. Also important I think is a legal case that allowed the eIPod
and its ilk, RECORDING v DIAMOND :

Some activist sites like:http://www.nyfairuse.org/ flat out say that
its legal as long as there is no profit motive.

I can't digest any more text for now but I've seen enough references to
"Digital Millennium Act" that I would guess that's important too.

I agree that what I describe is no different from making a CD copy for
a friend, but from what I'm reading, I'm not certain either is illegal.

Harry G

Harry G's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1165
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Re: [slim] Digital Output Issue

2007-04-12 Thread Harry G

Since its older, it may be trying to see signals it can't otherwise
identify as CD as 32k because its looking for this frequency for
Japanese digital radio. I believe this is now an obsolete standard.

What about 48k? Can you rip some PCM from a DVD to try?

Harry G

Harry G's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1165
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=34288

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Re: [slim] Is there a lawyer in the house?

2007-04-12 Thread Harry G

djfake;194333 Wrote: 
> Was this post initiated by the RIAA? 
> c

NO. I've been coming here infrequently for a few years and don't work
for the RIAA.

It was that googling did not give me a clear answer. I don't think the
thread will make anyone feel guilty. If fact, while I'm not sure but
think that giving copies of music to a friend may be a illegal, I'm
pretty sure if it is that its civil, not criminal and that accepting
the music is not illegal at all. This (probably correct) information
does'nt  do the Riaa much good.

Harry G

Harry G's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1165
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=34366

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Re: [slim] Legality question... boo... hiss......

2007-07-04 Thread Harry G

I asked about this a few months ago. I hoped to know before giving a
bunch of flac files to a friend in law enforcement. 

While there are a plethora of software engineers here, not one lawyer
spoke up. It ended up a morality thread.

Did a bunch of web research. In spite of those FBI warnings on most CDs
and DVDs, it appears to be a civil matter, likely to end up better
defined by case law over the next few years.

There are places on the web where you can legally download lossless
music files. Google is your friend.

Harry G

Harry G's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1165
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=36487

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Re: [slim] Legality question... boo... hiss......

2007-07-05 Thread Harry G

JimC;212540 Wrote: 
> Civil crimes are still crimes, just classed differently.

I beg to differ. I don't think you will find any reference to any such
thing as civil crime. Wikipedia has an pretty good explanation.

Think of slander. Its actionable but not a crime.

Jim;  your title is interesting. I assume you're specifically with the
Slim unit? Years ago met one of the original Slim guys who had a
similar sounding function. I think his name was Patrick. Introduced me
to the product's existence and tolerated my no more than functional
French. Is he still there or have the founders gone elsewhere?

Harry G

Harry G's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1165
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=36487

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