[slim] Re: New Squeezebox?

2006-12-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/05/06 11:32
AM >>>
> panter;159808 Wrote: 
> > How is the remote upgraded? Just ordered my first Slimdevice
> They are now shipping transporter backlit remotes with squeezeboxen..

> I got one with my new one a few weeks ago.
> Sean: ohhh.. more blackish.. it makes my thinkpad swoon!

Heh, more black...it looks almost as black as my Denon AVR-5805!

Now how soon until the same treatment is applied to the transporter?

Love it!


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[slim] Re: Re-using the "old" pre-Squeezebox-G display

2006-02-27 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/23/06
8:34 PM >>>
> google "parallel port LCD" - it's relatively easy to hook up 
> and there is software out there to drive it.

So what did SlimDevices do with all the returned LCD panels 
from the SB1?


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[slim] Re: SB3 Build Quality

2006-02-17 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/16/06 8:17 PM >>>
snarlydwarf Wrote: 
> Most people I know have hundreds (if not thousands) of CDs and at 
> least decent stereos.  They listen to music all the time.  I would
> to see a Squeezebox in all of their homes but it has to be a bit
> to set up for the novice first.

I agree with you totally, but most of these people still shutdown and 
power up their computer when they need to use it.  They think that 
having the computer off for the time when they aren't using it will 
save lots of money.  Over a year, it might save them $120.  I guess 
that's good enough for them, but I've tried to tell them startup of 
the computer was hard on it, just like starting up a car.  Get over 
that hump first, and there's a chance.

> I think about how cool the awesome last.fm plugin is and how 
> hard it was to get the thing going and wonder if I know many 
> people who could do it without some help.

I can't understand why people think plugging in a stereo to 
some speakers is so hard.  Trying to get some plugin installed that's 
not officially supported by slim, while not challenging, is sort of 
intimidating.  I guess they just do, and it's our jobs to help slim 
make the install easier and sell more units!


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[slim] Re: SB3 Build Quality

2006-02-17 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/16/06 11:48 AM >>>
> > >>> 
> > Who the hell is this guy "Joe 6-Pack" I keep hearing about?
> > And why is he concerned about audio quality while he's drunk?
> > 
> > I doubt most Joe 6-Pack's give 2 hoots about audio quality, and 
> > even less about a computer.  Unless a squeezebox can be used 
> > to play audio porn, slimserver/squeezebox combo will never be 
> > part of the hi-fi setup of Joe 6-Pack.
> > 
> > Paul
> You'd probably be rather astounded then by the number of "normal 
> Joes" who have marvelled at my Squeezebox setup only to be 
> intimidated by what it takes to get the whole thing set up and 
> working.

Probably not, since my dad is what I would consider a "normal Joe" 
who bought a computer specifically to use my slimp3.  Doesn't know 
crap about computers, and he's lucky that he even knows how to turn 
one on.

> Not everyone who has a real job (welding, construction, 
> telecom, pretty much any job where you might actually break a 
> sweat) and has a beer or two is a drunken porn loving slobbish 
> moron.
> But it's good to see you wear your prejudices on your sleeve.

Funny, I don't recall saying "drunks" in my assessment, nor do I recall

including any specific type of worker (amusing you include "telecom" 
in with welders as the same type of people) when I described the 
stuff I was thinking about.  

So it's equally nice to see you wearing your prejudices on your sleve 
as well.  I seem to recall teachers and priests as one of the highest 
convicted users of said specific activity.

Either way, I'm sure Dan's efforts of a wizard for setting up
will certainly help Slim Devices break into a market where they already

have a very good presence.


jmpage2's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=41 
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21126

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[slim] Re: The only downside I've noticed

2006-02-16 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
I'm working on something now like this based on the new MySQL 
structure.  I figure it will be of little consequence to reprint the 
whole thing once a month.


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[slim] Re: SB3 Build Quality

2006-02-16 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/15/06 7:52 PM >>>

radish Wrote: 
> Well, yes, and you could also get 400 candy bars or 20 CDs - but I
> to see the comparison. If I wanted a PC running Linux that's what I
> would have bought...

> I think that Sean and company have done quite well catering to 
> the geeks, tweakers and audio nuts, but at some point to keep 
> selling equipment they will have to cater to joe 6 pack.

Who the hell is this guy "Joe 6-Pack" I keep hearing about?
And why is he concerned about audio quality while he's drunk?

I doubt most Joe 6-Pack's give 2 hoots about audio quality, and 
even less about a computer.  Unless a squeezebox can be used 
to play audio porn, slimserver/squeezebox combo will never be 
part of the hi-fi setup of Joe 6-Pack.


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Re: [slim] Re: Potential Squeezebox killer? iTunes fans might think so...

2006-02-12 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/12/06 3:56 PM >>>
> Howdy folks - I am an Apple fan, running my wifi network with 
> apple computers, owning an airport express and an IPod and 
> an SB3. Why did I buy the SB3 - easy call, because of the big 
> display, the nice remote and the possibility to connect to the 
> Internet without the need to have a computer running.
> - My IMacs stream Internet music superior then SB3 (under 
> my DSL network conditions)

Huh?  The SB3 doesn't stream the music.  This isn't even 
a remotely valid comparison...

> - I do not do FLAC as I am using ITunes to stream music via 
> airtunes to all the other rooms except the SB3 bedroom.

Shame.  FLAC kicks butt...

> As an Apple fan, flac is not doing anything for you. So 
> what does it need to get rid of my SB3.

Huh?  Now I'm really confused.  

> A Airport express device that has a display and can 
> connect to the internet without a computer's help.. 
> then.. but only then you can have my SB3.. An WiFi 
> Ipod is not doing much for me as long as it does not
> connect to the internet...

Can I get first dibs on your SB3?  Because I'm betting that 
either an Airport-like device will have a display or an ipod 
will be internet capable within a year.  

What would be useful is if the ipod could be used as a 
remote for slimserver.

Because I don't want any company telling me what I can 
do with the music I've purchased.  It's bad enough that 
I can't listen to music I purchased with iTunes before 
I knew what I was doing can't be played in my car 
(unless I do the burn/rip dance), but I'll be damned 
if I'll let Apple (or slim, or any one company) tell me 
what format I can or can't have my music stored in.

I like Macs and Apple in general.  I still have a Mac Plus 
from my college days (that actually runs).  I just 
hate what they've done to exploit the lemmings 
otherwise known as consumers.


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Re: [slim] Re: NY times/ Pandora

2006-02-12 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/12/06 1:29 PM >>>
>Perhaps a name change is in order on March 1, when the combined
>Squeezebox/Pandora product is unveiled?
>"Pandora's Box" would be a memorable product name - in which case,
>however, some serious marital discord might ensue, viz.

Nevermind that in Western NY, there is an "adult" news store with that
same name...

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Re: [slim] What Remote Control?

2006-02-09 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/09/06 12:22 PM
>Just pondering what remote solution for the living room.
>Requirements are
>1. Able to display Album Art
>2. No Cables
>3. Battery powered, (nowhere to plug mains in next to the sofa
>4. Very user friendly, must pass teh Wife Test
>5. Capable of being setup to control the Amp, CD Player, TV, e.t.c
>And thats all.
>I have been thinking about a Phillips Pronto for years, but don't
>reckon that will support Album Art?
> What have you? Would you? use in this scenario

Any decent color PDA with a network connection and TelCanto 
should work fine.  The handheld skin might do, so try that first.


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RE: [slim] Re: NY times/ Pandora

2006-02-09 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/09/06 7:49 AM >>>
>> if for example...a non-geographic email address (e.g. 
>> @gmail.com) and the only zipcode I know (90125 ;-) the 
>> Pandora licensing hasn't been explicitly broken...
>And how will you pay for the subscription required for the 
>SlimServer access?

A buddy who lives in the states or paypal?  

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Re: [slim] Re: "I want a Squeezebox boombox"

2006-02-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/05/06 12:21 PM >>>
> Yeah I'm not interested in a video solution from Slim just yet; I 
> like the fact that their speciality is an audio device.  

I pretty much agree.  I like having an audio only device 
in some locations.  

> That said, if they ever do get around to getting into that market 
> I'm sure their solution would be the best.  That said...I'm just 
> weary of it all - I've had a Hauppauge Media MVP for just that 
> since its release (I use it with Beyond TV) and while it's open 
> source and *SUPER AFFORDABLE* (less than $100 USD) support 
> for it has been slow going and sloppy as hell.  I don't see 
> something from Slim being much more successful in that relation.  

Actually, my experience is quite the opposite.  If you're 
already running slimserver, download a copy of mvpmc.  The 
guys on that project have a mediamvp running as a squeeze
box.  I'm running it - it's quite cool.  Now I need to hack my 
mediamvp to have a vfd and it will be kickin'

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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox3 seems very buggy

2006-02-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/05/06 11:25 AM
> > I can't look at bugzilla
>Why not? It's open to everyone.

Because (at that point) the proxy server at work was down.  I
only had e-mail... ;-)


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Re: [slim] Re: Squeezebox3 seems very buggy

2006-02-04 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/04/06 1:52 PM
>I have these exact same problems. I am hoping the problems are due
> to Slimserver and not the SB3. All the nightly beta's i have tried 
> have been to buggy for me. Waiting for the proper 6.5 release to 
> see if that helps.  
> Anyone know when 6.5 is due for release?

LOL.  That's some funny ish...the HTML for the browser control is 
barely working right.  I doubt it will be anytime soon.  I would bet 
that 6.2 train will be working without flaw (or close) first.

All these bugs sound like they're already reported.  I can't look at 
bugzilla, but if they aren't reported, they can't get fixed.

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Re: [slim] Re: Let slimserver organize music?

2006-02-03 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/03/06 12:58 PM
> > 
> > Yeah, not on Windows.  I use easytag on linux.  I'll check out
> > to see if it does what I need. Good suggestion.
> > 
> For Linux command line, use 'eyeD3' -- it reads/writes most of the id3
> tags and can rename files as well.
> --rename=NAME   Rename file (the extension is not affected)
> based on data in the tag using substitution variables: %A (artist), %a
> (album), %t (title), %n (track number), and %N (total number of
> tracks)
> There's also mp3rename, but as I recall, it doesn't do id3v2.
> If you want a gui, kid3 can rename based on tags, too.

I don't want just the filename to be changed.  I want the entire 
location of the file to change.  I have about 5,000 songs 
at the root of a usb drive, and another 2,000 in the 
"lost+found" directory on the music drive.  I need something 
to read the ID3 tags and move them from wherever they are 
to something like /mnt/music/%artist/%album/%artist - %track.*.
In the case of compilations (like soundtracks, etc.) I have 
them tagged specifically enough that I can allow for that 
in something programmatically.

I'm faced right now with two options:

1.  Writing a script to read the tags and move the files 
based on the criteria above or

2.  Moving all the files manually.

I'd rather jump off a bridge rather than doing this 


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Re: [slim] Let slimserver organize music?

2006-02-03 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>I had a "catastrophic" drive failure a couple nights ago.  Through
>> creative means, I've managed to recover most of my music from backup
>> good luck.  My problem is that while most of the tags are good,
>> the filenames themselves or the location is messed up.  Is there a
>> possibility that slimserver could have a feature that could
>> my music for me?  It would take me an extremely long time to put
>> in the locations I want them.  I think iTunes has some feature
>> letting it manage the folder/library format, but all my music is
>> Or, should I start writing some code to do this?
>> Paul
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/03/06 10:22 AM >>>
>you can probably do it with your tagger. if you're on windows, this
>supports FLAC and will batch rename files according to the tags easily

>enough: http://www.mp3tag.de/en/ 

Yeah, not on Windows.  I use easytag on linux.  I'll check out easytag
see if it does what I need. Good suggestion.


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[slim] Let slimserver organize music?

2006-02-03 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
I had a "catastrophic" drive failure a couple nights ago.  Through some
creative means, I've managed to recover most of my music from backup and
good luck.  My problem is that while most of the tags are good, either
the filenames themselves or the location is messed up.  Is there a
possibility that slimserver could have a feature that could reorganize
my music for me?  It would take me an extremely long time to put things
in the locations I want them.  I think iTunes has some feature about
letting it manage the folder/library format, but all my music is flac. 
Or, should I start writing some code to do this?


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Re: [slim] Re: Home automation and cli interface

2006-02-02 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/02/06 10:59 PM >>>
> I think the link is good.  SourceForge is having problems right 
> now; try again later.
> The Linux, OpenBSD link seems to focus on more "hobby-like" 
> automation (i.e. X-10 stuff), which is not terribly reliable.

This was my problem.  I was used to x-10.

> The system I'm referring to (AMX NetLinx) is a 
> "professional" automation system, 100% bullet-proof, 
> 100% reliable, and pretty dang costly.  But these are 
> extraordinarily nice systems to have if you care
> about home automation.

It is expensive to get the initial system installed and 
set up, especially if you can't do it yourself.  The 
Aprilaire thermostats (8870) that work with the 
netlinx modules run about $280.

> Yes, source software fits into this equation.  The 
> software that I wrote for the AMX NetLinx system 
> to drive the SlimServer is open source, freely 
> available.  You can download it from:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/netlinx-modules
> when SourceForge is working okay! ;-)

I was in the middle of browsing the site when sf.net 
starting having problems.  I'm quite stoked at 
the prospect of this actually on the horizon!


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[slim] Re: Home automation and cli interface

2006-02-02 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/02/06 6:15 PM >>>
> I'm a avid user of AMX gear. Furthermore, as you're probably 
> aware, I wrote an AMX module for NetLinx (in partnership with 
> Fred, who did all the CLI work).  If you weren't aware of it, 
> here's a screen shot:
> http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=62827 

Yep, I'm definitely aware.  That's the reason for leaning towards AMX.

> The module is released in binary form, but you're free to 
> download sources from SourceForge.  I welcome patches so 
> everyone can benefit.

I'll take a look.

> That said, although I know little about Crestron, my understanding 
> is that, other than different programming philosophies, the two 
> systems are quite good and quite capable.  AMX uses more of a 
> programming language, Crestron uses more of a GUI arrangement, 
> making it harder to do stuff that the Crestron folks didn't consider

> upfront.

I hate GUIs for doing technical stuff.  I'm a developer by day, which
another reason AMX is appealing to me.

> If you're having lots of problems making Crestron work "quite 
> right", it might be more your skill level (and understanding of 
> the platform) rather than the platform itself.  Or perhaps issues 
> with the lighting system working consistently or something.  
> Again, this is based solely of what I've been told of the Crestron 
> platform from folks that understand both AMX and Crestron 
> quite well.

I have no doubt given more time and patience, I'd be a little better 
at this.  There is no doubt I am by no means proficient in the 
Crestron world.  I was over at a friend's house a couple nights 
ago who runs AMX, and I was able to do some automation 
stuff that has had me perplexed with Crestron for months.
That's why I'm asking if I should continue dumping money into 
Crestron or make a move to a different product.  I realize they 
both can do very similar tasks, just in different manners.

> I've never had any problems making the AMX NetLinx 
> system work perfectly using a wide range of different 
> hardware.  As I add something in my household (like the 
> Squeezebox), the AMX NetLinx system accommodates the 
> changes just fine.  So, if you're looking for recommendations, 
> the AMX NetLinx system is a very good and capable automation 
> system.

Excellent.  This is exaclty the kind of information I was hoping for.

Now, on to the real dilemma.  I've got a 3 zone hot water baseboard 
heating system and a single zone central air conditioning setup.  The 
central a/c has a remote control mounted near one of the heating 
controls.  Yesterday, my heat and a/c were on at the same time.
This happens occasionally in the spring and fall when the temps 
are close to having one system on or the other.  It drives me 

Does AMX have a thermostat that can control both a baseboard 
hot water heat zone and an a/c zone?  My wife is redecorating 
and wants to eliminate one of the thermostats in both places 
where the systems are less than 4 feet apart.

Ideally, I want to control my heat and a/c from one of the 
squeezeboxes in the home, so it is important I get this right.


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[slim] Re: I love my Squeezebox, but it NEVER works perfectly

2005-11-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/05/05 11:51 PM >>>
> Perhaps you can share the names and methodologies of other 
> small, for-profit developers that do likewise such that they might 
> be used as role-models.
> The magic forumla of functionality, performance, schedule, and 
> quality is very intriguing indeed.

I don't write code, but I try to do my best to download the latest 
nightly at least 2-3 times a week to go through a bunch of 
tests.  It's not exactly scientific, but there have been occasions 
where I find little bugs and try to fix them or report them.
It's not often, but I still run the nightlies anyway.

I used to be a corporate software tester.  The job of those 
schmoes is to verify the software works like intended, not 
as people would try to use it.  So, you'll always have 
things pop up in commercial software once it's released.
I would say Dan, Victor, KDF, and all the other 
software devs (working for slim or not) are a whole 
lot more talented than most of the people I worked with 
developing commercial software.  

Oh, and I've only been stranded twice running the 
nightlies with my slimp3 or sbg.  None recently, so 
much so that my wife has been hinting around at 
wanting to get a couple more.


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Re: [slim] Re: Anyone interested to get squeezebox3 in NYC

2005-11-04 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
This one time, at band camp, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> Is SlimDevices a way cool company or not?

Way cool.  I just e-mailed a buddy of mine in NYC to 
see if he is interested.  I'll send something out when 
I hear back from him.


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[slim] Map of us all

2005-10-12 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
How about something a little light?


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[slim] Re: ASX stream support

2005-10-11 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/10/05 12:20 PM >>>
> Has anyone managed to get these links actually playing? I can enter 
> them at the Tune In (Slimserver)but I get no sound to play...:-(

Me too.  Unfortunately, since Empire sports is no longer around, 
I can't watch the Buffalo Sabres any more :-(  When I grabbed the 
url from nhl.com to listen to the game, it didn't play when entered in

the "Radio tune in" option.

Any ideas?  I tried all the links, and none of them worked.

It was most painful to listen to the game via the laptop speaker...


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[slim] Re: SB2 as bridge - with Tivo?

2005-10-04 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/04/05 4:29 PM >>>

> >>>>And if you use QED, shouldn't you have said 
> >>>>Romani ite domum.  QED.
> For the proper conjugation/structure of "Romans 
> go home" please refer to Monty Python's Life of 
> Brian.  John Cleese will walk you through the 
> corrections.

Now, the real question is, do they go home with 
an African Swallow or a European Swallow?


...and now for something completely different...


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[slim] Re: SB2 as bridge - with Tivo?

2005-10-04 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/04/05 2:06 PM >>>
> >>> nick (AT) flyingmachine (DOT) com 10/04/05 1:20 PM >>>
> > 
> > > Caveat lector -- I own the SBG, I don't know if this process 
> > > has changed with the SB2.
> > 
> > Caveat lector?  Isn't that caveat emptor?  Or YMMV?  LOL...
> > accidentally funny post.  Almost sounds like an episode of 
> > The Rugrats in the making...
> > 
> > Chuckie: "Watch out Tommy, it's the caveat lector!"
> > Tommy:  "My daddy says the caveat lector is just my mommy."
> > 
> > Paul
> Lector = reader
> "Beware of lector" (as in Hannibal) would be "Cave lector"
> (imperative).
> :)
> Romans go home. QED.

Talk about funny...now we've come full circle...QED - 
Quiet Electronic Drive?  Although thinking of Tommy's 
mom as Mrs. Hannibal Lector would make a pretty good 
episode as well!  I know QED means "Which was to be 
demonstrated", but it was just funny.

And if you use QED, shouldn't you have said 

Romani ite domum.  QED. 

to be correct?  Geez, I actually remember something 
from my high school Latin class!  And I was able to 
use it!!!  Woohoo!


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Re: [slim] Re: SB2 as bridge - with Tivo?

2005-10-04 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/04/05 1:20 PM >>>

> Caveat lector -- I own the SBG, I don't know if this process 
> has changed with the SB2.

Caveat lector?  Isn't that caveat emptor?  Or YMMV?  LOL...
accidentally funny post.  Almost sounds like an episode of 
The Rugrats in the making...

Chuckie: "Watch out Tommy, it's the caveat lector!"
Tommy:  "My daddy says the caveat lector is just my mommy."


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Re: [slim] Re: Totally OT - Songs about money

2005-10-03 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
Sure.  When I get home, I'll post it.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/03/05 11:17 AM >>>
I'd be interested in seeing the final track list.
Mind posting it?


On 03 Oct 2005, at 15:35 , PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:

> Thanks for those...although I burned the disc last night
> and found almost all songs everyone had posted!
> I bought almost all music used, some I was able to download
> from the artist's website.
> Speaking of good country titles, have you heard of
> "Billy's got his beer goggles on" ?  I heard the song
> yesterday and was actually laughing.  Out loud.  My
> kinds think I'm crazy, which is pretty much true.
> Paul
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/03/05 9:31 AM >>>
> Sorry for stepping into this thread late, but there were two country
> titles missing:
> If My Nose Was Running Money, Honey, I'd Blow It All On You
> by Unknown
> Get Off the Table, Mabel (The Two Dollars is for the Beer)
> by Bull Moose Jackson
> Geoff
> (a fan of country titles, not the actual music)
> On 9/24/05, kefa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 13. I Was Young And I Needed The Money!  from I was young and I
> needed
>> the money  by Clifford Gilberto  PlayAdd to playlist
>> 12. Money Is from Dad Man Cat by Corduroy   PlayAdd to
> playlist
>> 6. Blood Money from XTRMNTR by Primal Scream
>> (btw. good request! demonstrates the combined power of this forum +
>> slimserver)
>> --
>> kefa
>> ___
>> Discuss mailing list
>> Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com 
>> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss 
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com 
> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss 
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com 
> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss 

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Re: [slim] Re: Totally OT - Songs about money

2005-10-03 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
Thanks for those...although I burned the disc last night 
and found almost all songs everyone had posted!  

I bought almost all music used, some I was able to download 
from the artist's website.

Speaking of good country titles, have you heard of 
"Billy's got his beer goggles on" ?  I heard the song 
yesterday and was actually laughing.  Out loud.  My 
kinds think I'm crazy, which is pretty much true.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/03/05 9:31 AM >>>
Sorry for stepping into this thread late, but there were two country
titles missing:

If My Nose Was Running Money, Honey, I'd Blow It All On You
by Unknown

Get Off the Table, Mabel (The Two Dollars is for the Beer)
by Bull Moose Jackson

(a fan of country titles, not the actual music)

On 9/24/05, kefa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 13. I Was Young And I Needed The Money!  from I was young and I
> the money  by Clifford Gilberto  PlayAdd to playlist
> 12. Money Is from Dad Man Cat by Corduroy   PlayAdd to
> 6. Blood Money from XTRMNTR by Primal Scream
> (btw. good request! demonstrates the combined power of this forum +
> slimserver)
> --
> kefa
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com 
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Re: [slim] Re: Small solutions for powering the squeezebox insmall rooms

2005-09-29 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/05 3:14 PM >>>
> On Sep 29, 2005, at 11:20 AM, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:
> > Hey, now that is cool...your brother must be a woodworker or
> > something!
> Indeed.  Check out this kayak he made:
> <http://www.blackketter.com/scott/kayak/>
> (Those leaves are actually inlaid wood...)

Wow.  Does he make those to sell, or was that a one-off?

Who from the Blackketter clan lives in Baltimore?  Scott?


(Sorry, curiosity got the better of me...) 


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: Small solutions for powering the squeezebox in small rooms

2005-09-29 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/05 2:04 PM >>>
> My brother built me a custom Squeezebox1 case some time ago 
> that was intended to be a very close match...  (sorry for the poor 
> cameraphone image...)

Hey, now that is cool...your brother must be a woodworker or


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: iTunes plays fine, butSqueezeBox/Slimservershowblank titles

2005-09-29 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/05 11:24 AM >>>
> Law the First: Computers Suck.
> Law the Second: People Suck.
> Law the Third: Work Sucks.
> Law the Fourth (Corrolary): People Working on or with Computers 
> Triple the Suckitude.

First time in recent memory I have actually laughed out loud!


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: iTunes plays fine, butSqueezeBox/Slimservershowblanktitles

2005-09-29 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/05 10:48 AM >>>

> I can see the flaws, and I've chosen to deal with the ones I can
> control...
 Me too - I bought a Sonos ;-)

You picked the right device for you.  Enjoy the music!

> Perhaps we draw the line at a different point?


> > The sb2 doesn't, but now you're mixing hardware and 
> > software again.
> Well, I'm viewing it as a product.  Hardware/software/firmware -
> doesn't really matter.  I don't really care how an iPod is
> and how much of it is firmware or hardware.  I care that I can drop 
> MP3s on it and it works (or perhaps that I can't drop FLAC or 
> ObbVorbis on it).  In this case, MP3 is an example of the common 
> contract.  And, you could make the argument that MP3 is 
> proprietary - Fraunhofer holds patents on it, and is therefore 
> their intellectual property.  It is, however, practially an open 
> standard - everybody knows about it, everybody uses it, there 
> are no secrets to it, everybody uses it.  I don't care how device 
> X decodes MP3 - I care that I can feed device X an MP3 and it 
> plays.

Here is where we'd probably digress.  MP3 is a very pervasive 
format, defintely owned by Fraunhofer...but they have essentially 
lost the ability to enforce the patent because they didn't defend 
the patent.

Just because a great deal of people use it doesn't make it any 
less proprietary.  Just like streaming via slimserver.  It's 
just that not a lot of people have taken the time to design 
a device that can accept the streams.  A few come to mind, and they 
are not slimdevices products:

roku soundbridge (ever wonder why this guy had 5 other companies?)

> > It's just a shame that you seem to have made up your 
> > mind and haven't really said what technical problems 
> > you're having.
> I'll paraphrase from my 2nd post:
> My NAS device runs Slimserver.  Unfortunately, the version 
> of Slimserver it runs won't transcode m4a files (AAC) - not 
> enough horsepower on the box apparently.  I know the 
> standard version of Slimserver will do this, but that would 
> require another boxen to run Slimserver.  I don't want to 
> run another boxen.  Hence, Slimserver/Squeezebox2 won't 
> play m4a's in my case.

Ah, missed that.  Valid point.  So you went out and got another PC - 
essentially a NAS with more horsepower...they just sell it under 
the brand Sonos.  Granted - the product is fully supported by 
Sonos, so if you need an update, you get it from them.  
Each of the Zoneplayers is a self contained music server, with 
the ability to access a common drive space, like a NAS, a shared 
PC drive or something like that, right?  I'm not sure, but there 
is some point at which the Sonos becomes ridiculously expensive.
10,000ft comparison...

Device: Squeezebox wired (199) vs. Sonos (499)
Music Store: PC (???) vs. PC (???) 
Music streamer: Slimserver vs. ZonePlayer (included in device)
Remote: Cheapo remote (sorry slim) vs. Controller (399)
Client: Web interface vs. Windows or Mac client

So, without going any further, just to get something 
that I can use and control from either a remote or 
a PC, I've got to spend ~200 for a squeezebox or 
~800 for Sonos.  I can use any PC (I only have linux) 
with a browser for using a squeezebox, but I have to 
have a Windows or Mac for Sonos.  To be fair, 
I need to factor in the cost of the PC to run slimserver 
on, but since I already have that, there's no need 
to in my case.  If I went for Sonos, I'd have to factor 
in an additional 2-300 bucks to buy a PC, and another 
$100 to purchase Windows XP so I can run the client.

Wow.  I was thinking Sonos would be twice, but 
not 5-6 times as expensive as the squeezebox.
And it seems like the difference gets larger as 
you add more clients.  I'd rather spend my cash 
giving my daughters dance lessons and taking them 
to a few football games.  ;-)

> I want to keep everything in m4a, so I can't use the
> Slimserver/Squeezebox2 with the setup that I want.

I guess not.  Oh well.  But no digital out?  Ugh.  What's 
the point of m4a then?


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Re: [slim] Internet Radio Dropouts Only on Specific Station mms: //

2005-09-29 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/05 10:37 AM >>>
> When I use SlimServer to play the following radio station:
> mms://

> The pause also seems to coincide with SlimServer refreshing 
> or doing something else as I hear the SlimServer click on my 
> computer coincident with the dropout.

This may be the key.  Do you have IE (or some browser) open 
while listening via the squeezebox?  Close it and the click will 
go away (it's refreshing).  I'm betting the problem will too.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: SB2 internal DAC quality equals that of a $??? CD player

2005-09-29 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/05 10:27 AM >>>
> > Speaking of which, I think the internal DAC is a Crystal 4334 DAC,
> > right?
> >
> If you are talking about the SB2, then no. You might want to reverify 
> if Pat said that about the SB1 or the SB2 DAC because they are very 
> different beasts.
> http://www.slimdevices.com/pi_specs.html#outputs 
> "High fidelity Burr-Brown* 24-bit DAC"
> Ben

D'oh!  I'm fairly certain Pat was talking about the SB1, since I am 
also just as certain that he can't predict the future, as he said that 
in about December of 2004, about 6 months before the SB2 
showed up.

Then again, Pat will show up here eventually and speak for himself.
Sorry if I added to the confusion.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: iTunes plays fine, but SqueezeBox/Slimservershowblank titles

2005-09-29 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/05 9:46 AM >>>
> Paul,

Oh boy, here comes the drama...

> I think you're looking at this from the point of view of 
> someone who loves the device, and can't see it's flaws 
> - not from the point of view of someone who is evaluating.

I can see the flaws, and I've chosen to deal with the ones 
I can control...

> I frankly don't care if it's open source or not.  I care about 
> how it interoperates with other devices.  

My sb and slimp3 interoperate just fine with my stereo and TV.
My mediamvp interoperates not only with another TV, but 
another piece of software I'm running on my server.

> I care about how it works in the palm of my hand, or on my 
> shelf.  I care about how flexible it is - I don't want to be 
> tied down in terms of what I use the product with. 

I don't see this as being a problem.  I have TelCanto and 
it works great in the palm of my hand.  It also works great 
at work, because I no longer have to bring CDs back and 
forth - I just listen on my work PC from slimserver all day.
That's way more than I could hope to do with any other 

> Whether it talks to a server which is open or closed 
> source is irrelivant - as long as I have a standard method 
> of interaction (UPnP, whatever), I have other options available.

To me it's as important as DRMed CDs.  I've returned 4 CDs 
in the past month - after they have been opened - because 
they are not CDs, but music discs.  A CD needs to adhere 
to a certain standard - the redbook standard.  upnp is 
just one method of interaction, there's also CLI and 
http as well.

> Take programming for example: I don't care what C 
> library I use.  I usually don't care what kernel I run.  
> I have a standard API that I get to use.  I can move 
> my code from NetBSD to Linux to FreeBSD to AIX to
> Solaris with minor to no difficulties as long as I conform 
> to the common APIs.  I don't care if the kernel is open 
> source (NetBSD, Linux, FreeBSD) or closed (AIX, Solaris).  

I do, because if I discover a problem with the kernel, 
I have the capability of fixing it...not that I have, 
but the option is always there.

> The API is the common contract. 

Valid point.

> Squeezebox2 has no such common contract.

The sb2 doesn't, but now you're mixing hardware and 
software again.

> I'm a programmer who doesn't want to work at 
> home.  I just want the thing to work.  And Squeezebox2 
> doesn't in my case.  

I am too, yet I don't mind doing a little at home as well.
Sorry to hear the sb2 doesn't work, but I've not seen 
any postings related to technical problems you've had.

> And I have no alternative but to use something else.

The way you see it, sure.  A Sonos is just a PC with a 
totally closed piece of software, some music clients 
and a very fancy remote control.

SB2 is a piece of hardware, similar to the Sonos clients.
If you don't want to tinker, get an mp3beamer.  It's based 
on slimserver and blows the doors off of Sonos.  TelCanto 
is software that runs on a handheld, similar to the 
Sonos remote.  

If things "just work" for me, my engineering background 
tends to take over and pull it apart to figure out what 
is making it just work.  I figure I'll skip that and just put it 
together from the start so I know why it just works, which 
is what slimserver does for me.  Obviously, YMMV.

> Thanks for your opinions.

It's just a shame that you seem to have made up your 
mind and haven't really said what technical problems 
you're having.

Then again, if you'd be more happy going with Sonos, 
at least you seem to have given the squeezebox 
a look.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SB2 internal DAC quality equals that of a $??? CD player

2005-09-29 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/05 8:16 AM >>>
> I would estimate that the internal dac is of a similar quality to
> a stand alone cd player of around the same or slightly lower 
> price.  

Speaking of which, I think the internal DAC is a Crystal 4334 DAC,


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] SB2 internal DAC quality equals that of a $??? CD player

2005-09-29 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/05 3:26 AM >>>
> I know this has been discussed quite a lot, but without any 
> detailed explanations, could you give a rough estimate of 
> the SB2 internal DAC quality? How much would I have to 
> pay for a CD player to get a significantly better sound quality 
> than I get from the SB2 using the internal DAC? (I know 
> there are crappy CD players for $1000 and pretty
> good ones for $300, but I'm looking for a ballpark value.)

Exactly.  You've answered your own question.  
If you want better sound, get an external DAC.
That's what I did and it was a very good investment.

I'll grab something Pat Farrell posted about the sb

"The build-in SqueezeBox DAC is not bad. Probably on the
order of those built into consumer "home theater" receivers.
I bought a Sony receiver with 5 channels and all sort of features
for $300 at Circuit City. I can't tell any difference
between either the SqueezeBox's $5 DAC or the Sony's $5 DAC"

I'd have to agree.

I've permanently ditched my Denon CD player and 
all the hassle that goes along with managing individual 
CDs.  The DAC in that thing was probably on an order 
of magnitude more expensive than the sb2 DAC, and 
once I added my Benchmark DAC (used to have a 
Big Ben Apogee) there's no comparison.  

And that's still 1/3 the price of the Denon.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: iTunes plays fine, but SqueezeBox/Slimserver show blank titles

2005-09-29 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/29/05 6:19 AM >>>


Thanks for your comments.
radish Wrote: 
> SlimServer is about as non-proprietary as you can get.
> That's not true.  If it were, Squeezebox2 would support UPnP or such.

That is your opinion, which you are entitled to.  Upnp is for peer to 
peer, which isn't appropriate in this case IMHO.

> I know the server is open source, but that doesn't make the 
> product non-proprietary.  

Now you are mixing slimserver (software) and squeezebox (hardware).
Pick one and go with it.  slimserver is a very active open source
Open source does not necessarily equate to non-proprietary.  If it 
did, Roku would not be able to use slimserver, and I would not be able

to play music from my mediamvp (which, BTW, is pretty cool).

> Non-proprietary would mean that it uses an established standard 
> to talk to other devices i.e. UPnP, NAS via CIFS or such, etc - 
> i.e. it would talk to other products out of the box. 

Whoa, are you confused.  Is this about proprietary or 
open source.  Proprietary would mean that someone privately owns 
it.  More specifically, proprietary software is not open source. 
Slimserver is open source.

> The fact that I can hack the server if I want to doesn't make it
> non-proprietary.

Right, but the fact that it is open source by the very definition 
makes in non-proprietary.  It just does not use an established 
standard to stream audio.

> radish Wrote: 
> > So why can't you run the server? Bung it on a cheap PC and forget
>> it. You can get something from the local discount store for $200
> > will run it just fine.
> This is just a matter of preference.  I don't want another machine
> running - it's another box to fail, another box to update and
> etc...  With boxes such as Sonos (for example), somebody else
> about it - I just have to update.  I work pretty hard as it is, and
> last thing I need is my wife calling me saying "I can't use the
> - it leaves a bad impression with her (so she may not use the
> which makes the system useless) and means I probaly have an extra
> hour of work to do when I get home.  I'd rather spend that time with
> wife and son.

I have spent very little time actually managing slimserver.  When I do,

I make sure that it doesn't interfere with my wife and two girls.  If 
anything, they like helping me with fooling around with slimserver 
and computers in general.

> As it is right now, my NAS box just works.  Just last night, I 
> upgraded it to 1/2TB in about 5 mins.  The box did the rest.  
> I didn't have to worry about it.  I spent the time playing "daddy 
> monster" with my kid instead of dealing with partitioning, volume 
> management and resyncing.
> "Daddy monster" is a much better way to spend your time ;-)

You're comparing apples and oranges.  A NAS is not an application.
Slimserver is.  If you want, just connect to squeezenetwork.
Or, spend time jerking around with all those CDs to play a few 
of them.  I can say that I have rediscovered audio books, 
and my kids love the "Unfortunate Events" series, almost 
completely because I have a squeezebox and we can listen 
to an audio book while playing a board game.  Or "daddy 
horse."  Girls don't like "daddy monster" ;-)

> radish Wrote: 
> > The other options (as I see them) are something which uses 
> > uPnP to do networking - but you still need a server (and a 
> > Windows one at that).  My NAS box has a UPnP server 
> > built into it, so I don't need an extra PC.

> Yeah, Sonos is expensive.  But if it's an integrated solution which
> just works, that's where I am right now.  Not ideal for everybody, 
> but it fits my needs and situation.

Exactly.  I don't find Sonos even remotely interesting, and I'm 
equally sure that most people wouldn't find running the latest 
slimserver nightly interesting either.

> > Right - it's expensive and MUCH more proprietary than SS. Lets 
> > say you drop $3k or whatever on Sonos and they go bust 
> > tomorrow. Who's gonna support you? Who's gonna add 
> > support for the next cool audio file format which comes along? 
> > No one.

> Well, the same thing holds for Slimdevices, so that's a rather 
> specious argument.  Are you making a comment about the 
> amount of $ invested in the product?

Absolutely not true.  Considering that flac is a pretty popular 
format here and Josh sometimes shows up, I'd say that if 
a more popular format came along and slimdevices were 
no longer around, it's rather trivial to add support.  I've got 
the code and can do anything I want (within my skills) or 
ask someone (whom I'm sure has much greater skills) to 
add it for me.  There is no considering for the amount 
of $$$ invested - more like the interest of the business 
to continue doing so.  We're presuming that Sonos is 
run by music lovers, or people who like making money, 
or some combination.  What would happen if the people 
running either company suddenly los

[slim] Re: NAS Drive Running Slimserver Solution

2005-09-25 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/25/05 2:44 PM >>>
> Will it be terribly difficult for SlimDevices to integrate a HDD 
> in SB2 and make it SB3? Just curious.

Ugh, I'd hate that.  Go get a ReadyNAS and make a new 
case.  I'd rather see the SB3 have a larger VFD, like 2x 
as big as the current one, or have video output, or 
something else.  Adding a HDD should be a different 
product in the Slim Devices cabinet.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: OT: Power line network adaptors (was: Okay, maybe it's time to call it a day...)

2005-09-23 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/23/05 2:50 PM
> FWIW, Canadian factories are supplied with 600V 3 phase, 
> (which is a nice submultiple of a standard transmission voltage) 
> and american factories (for some reason I can't figure out) are 
> 440V 3 phase. And you thought we shared a common power grid?

Well, we do, slightly.  I live in Buffalo and there are powerlines 
strung across the Niagara River between Buffalo and Ft. Erie...

As for power supply standards, try figuring out why hospitals 
(and a select few other businesses) get 207V.  I have 
absolutely no idea why, but they do.  ;-)


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[slim] Music drops out when executing search

2005-09-23 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
I've gotten accustomed to running the latest rpm 
available and tried to search items while a song 
was playing and got a dropout for about 2 seconds.
I thought with the introduction of SQLite, this 
issue might have been solved.

I have a celeron p4 2.2ghz with fc3 and a bunch of 
other apps running on it, but the load average 
rarely gets much above .2.  When I execute the 
search, the load briefly jumps to 1 (and sound stops 
on the sbg at precisely the same time) and then 
back down again.  Is this something that 
is being worked on, or did I trip over a bug 

I searched bugs.slimdevices.com and came up with 
no hits for the search terms "drop out", "dropout" 
or "music stops", or a relevant bug when using the 
term "search".  

I'd be happy to open one up if it doesn't already exist.


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Re: [slim] UK Publicity: Squeezebox2 on "The Gadget Show" CH5

2005-09-22 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/22/05 11:26 AM >>>
> I recently submitted a Squeezebox2 for review by Channel 5's "The 
> Gadget Show" here in the UK. It is on the first episode of the new 
> series, full details below.

Is there any chance someone could record this and make it available?
Preferably a simple mpg would be good.  I see there are podcasts 
available, but I'd like to have a copy of the video version of the

I'm in the US and have not chance of seeing this normally.


Discuss mailing list

RE: [slim] Totally OT - Songs about money

2005-09-21 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/21/05 12:43 PM >>>
> I think he's probably got enough to fill a CD now.
> Simon
> Barcombe UK

I think I do!  Thanks everyone.  I'll be hitting the used 
CD store tonight looking for lots of this music.

This list rocks...Holy mackerel, I never realized how many 
songs had money in their title.  


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: Okay, maybe it's time to call it a day...

2005-09-21 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/21/05 9:40 AM >>>
> The truth of the matter is that the squeezebox software is, and
> always has been, very flakey.

Been running on various machines for about 2 years.  Very few 
problems.  None in the last 18 months that prevented music from 

> If you can give it a dedicated system, with nothing else running, 
> and no competition for bandwidth, it now seems mostly okay. If 
> you can't give it that level of resource, then, in my experience, 
> you're going to have constant, recurrent hassle.

Like you said, in your experience.  In my experience, I've got a 
low-end celeron 2.2ghz box running not only slimserver, but Asterisk, 
MythTV, Big Brother, RRDTool, and a few other smaller apps.  
Plus it functions as my squid proxy, bind, samba and cups 
servers and I still have an uptime of 150+ days.  If I didn't have to 
power it down to put it on my UPS, it would have been up to 
about 400 days by now.

Then again, I do unix sys admin at work, and my box runs like 
a top at home with my kids using it for the occasional game of 
tux racer too.

I don't think I'd ever use windows to run slimserver, although.
YMMV.  And I've never tried wireless.  That seems to be the 
cause of most of the problems.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Totally OT - Songs about money

2005-09-21 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
Pardon the interruption, but this is probably 
the best group to ask this question of...

I need songs that have the word "Money" somewhere 
within the lyrics.  I just got asked this morning to make 
up a CD filled with them.  The only problem is, I can 
only think of a few songs:

"Money" by Pink Floyd
"Take the Money and Run" by The Steve Miller Band
"Money for Nothing" by Dire Straits
"Mo Money Mo Problems" by Notorious B.I.G.
"Money, Money, Money" by Abba
"It's Money That Matters" by Randy Newman
"No Money No Honey" by Beck
"Money" by Yes

"The Money Song" by Monty Python

This is what I've got from slimserver on my box.
The CD is for a homecoming "themed" class 
activity, and I think these songs are ok for 
high school kids, I just need more of them.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Got my sticker

2005-09-19 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
Just got my slimdevices "stickerz" today!  Woohoo!  As soon as I 
buy my new car (within a month or so), I'll be displaying ths proudly!


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Re: [slim] SB1: Feeling Forgotten

2005-09-19 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
I have a slimp3 (the original slimdevices hw product) and 
still use it regularly.  If you want to upgrade, ebay or offer 
them up for sale on this list.  I know I've been thinking about 
getting another one, but don't need the extra stuff of the 
sb2 (yet).  

I'm not sure why you feel 3 is a heavy investment - I know 
there are people on this list who've purchased at least 10 and 
probably are thinking about selling.  Just upgrade incrementally, 
rather than all at once.  You can probably get $150 for a good 
used sb1.  That means it would only cost (at most) $150 for 
an sb2 - a pretty good deal IMHO.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-09-19 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/19/05 11:03 AM >>>
> >>> radish.1vlzy0 (AT) no-mx (DOT) forums.slimdevices.com 09/19/05
> Well it doesn't look much worse than (say) a Bose Waveradio, 
> and plenty of people have those by their beds. Anyway, I wasn't 
> really coming at it from an asthetic POV (I think it looks rather
> but from a functionality POV. The speakers are built in, it has a
> and there are real buttons on the device itself. It's perfect for
> use.  This would do a great job of replacing the SBG & computer 
> speakers setup I have in the bedroom. If it weren't a Roku I'd buy it

> in an instant.

Fair enough.  Although if I had a way of doing the following:

1.  IR blaster to turn my TV on using the alarm plug-in and 
switch to the video2 input on my TV
2.  Play local radio instead of a playlist or internet radio
upon firing up.

I would buy a squeezebox to do the same thing, but better.
No need for snooze (for me), I've never sen the point.  I 
set my alarm to wake me at a specific time to wake up, not 
to delay the inevitable for another 9 minutes.

My wife would never let me put a wave radio in the bedroom.
They are really ugly and take up too much space on an end table.


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[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-09-19 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/19/05 9:59 AM >>>
> Now this is a nice product. Well, it would be if it had a 
> SlimDevices logo on the front...
> http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000243059438/ 

That is EASILY the second ugliest product I've ever seen, only 
topped by that other dorku product of theirs.  Are they focused 
on making dumb looking products?  They must employ an 
anti-design team...


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Re: [slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-16 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/16/05 1:00 PM >>>
> > Nice job.  Let's get someone to build a bunch of them!
> >
> > FrontPanelDesigner should now be called upon.  Someone
> > want to see about a bulk discount?
> How do you connect all those fancy buttons to the SB?

The same way as how we'll actually see this - in our dreams?  

That's for Sean and company to figure out.  We came up with 
the design for the outside (at least the front), it's up to 
slimdevices to do the actual work!


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-16 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/16/05 9:47 AM >>>
> With the most recent changes:
> http://audiofi.dudehost.com/other/squeezeboxtextured4.gif 
> The screen is meant to be slightly recessed on this one.

That is just about perfect.  Although with everything else being 
round, how about making the square buttons round too?

I'm not sure if they should go on the same horizontal plane as the 
other buttons, only because they are grouped with the volume 
knob.  It makes more sense to keep them even with that.

Nice job.  Let's get someone to build a bunch of them!

FrontPanelDesigner should now be called upon.  Someone 
want to see about a bulk discount?


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[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-16 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/15/05 11:42 PM >>>

> >I'd like this do be controlled by software.  I have really 
> > no need for a volume knob on this unit, because it 
> > will be connected via optical and the volume will be fixed.
> > If this form factor is built, I'd probably pick one up for 
> > the bedroom, but still wouldn't use the volume knob.
> Make sense.  But then you would never want the mode to 
> automatatically fall back to 'Volume'.  That would just be 
> frustrating.

That's why it would be nice to do this in a plug in.  Then have 
a webpage that gives you a number of options for turn left, 
turn right, push, push and hold, push and turn left, push 
and turn right.  I'm thinking of something like the Griffin 

> > How about, if you keep the number of buttons/knobs like in this
> > 
> > http://audiofi.dudehost.com/other/squeezeboxtextured.gif 
> > 
> > and doubling the width of the display?
> I think we're assuming use of the current display.  Which reminds me

True.  I just figured since we were dreaming, that's one of the 
things I'd like to see increased.  Do that, and I'm guessing $499 

> the illustrations seem to depict a display that protrudes from 
> the faceplate.  I think it's safe to assume that if you used the 
> current display that it would have to be sunk into the back of 
> the faceplate, so the display will actually be slightly recessed.  

Funny, it looks recessed to me.  Then again, audiofi has been 
improving his photoshop skillz at our expense, so I'm sure he'll 
get the kinks out of the perception thing soon!

> I'm not sure how round the opening in the faceplate could be 
> for the current display - I think you'll end up with a rectangular 
> cutout, with slightly rounded corners.

I agree.

> My thing with the simplified button scheme is that if you're 
> going to put buttons on it at all, then why not make them 
> useful?  You just can't do much with three buttons and a scroll 
> wheel.  For example, how do you play a song or album rather 
> than just adding it to the playlist?  Without a 'Play' button, I 
> don't see how.  

That could be selectable.  Maybe press momentarily gets it on 
the playlist, hold it switches right to the song.  Heck, even the 
little plus sign beside the knob in the three button/1 knob 
layout could be used to add it.  Why not have all the buttons 
programmable?  I'm thinking that the panel controls would only be 
used once in a while, not as the primary interface.

> You may as well have no buttons at all and always use the 
> remote if you're going to need the remote to do even basic 
> stuff like skip to the next track. (And we're right back to 
> square one and the current Squeezebox design.)  

Nah, just make the right arrow press a skip, while right arrow 
hold is FF.

> I'd prefer to have most of the functionality of the remote, 
> sans search capability.  I'd want something good looking, 
> but it doesn't have to win an abstract design contest.

LOL...images of one huge knob with everything on it.  Brings 
back memories of a Bugs Bunny cartoon - get REALLY 
close (like with a magnifying glass) and you'll see that 
the one button have about 50 thousand functions, with 
a flip-up top that revals tons of other buttons and 


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[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/15/05 10:40 PM >>>
> Jim, the volume knob acts as a volume knob by default.  If 
> you press "Select", you'll go into "Menu Mode."  The the 
> volume knob acts like an up/down menu control. If you 
> press-hold "Select" you'll go back to "Volume Mode."  If 
> you do nothing, it will go back to "Volume mode" automatically 
> after a timeout.  SO the knob which looks like it controls 
> volume will do just that, almost all of the time.

I'd like this do be controlled by software.  I have really 
no need for a volume knob on this unit, because it 
will be connected via optical and the volume will be fixed.
If this form factor is built, I'd probably pick one up for 
the bedroom, but still wouldn't use the volume knob.
Maybe I'd put one out in my garage and use the 
volume knob... ;-)

> > Jim Wrote: 
> > A better idea might be to move the display higher and 
> > place a row of these buttons (with labels) below the 
> > display window. I'd even add a couple - Brightness, Size, 
> > Shuffle, Repeat, and maybe Now Playing.  These could 
> > small round buttons - figure 8 or 10 will fit comfortably
> > beneath the display.
> > 
> > See: http://www.arcam.co.uk/images/fmj_C31_large.jpg 
> > 

Ok, now we're talking...the little buttons would be cool.  And 
small would allow the unit to stay slim.

> > The front faceplate will likely need to be taller. I think
> > along the lines of 3.25" to 3.75" would be ideal. The current size
> > the drawings looks a bit slim to me.

Isn't that in  keeping with being a "slim device" ?  I'd much prefer to

keep it skinny.  Not much reason for it to go above a 1u (maybe 2u, 
but no more - that's 3.5").

> Ok, I see what you mean on the Arcam box.  Wouldn't like it 
> to take more vertical space, though.  I would be up for a _few_ 
> more buttons, but I also like the backlighting of the functional
> icons on the buttons.  The Arcam labels are not back-lit. The 
> Arcam box has so many buttons, they had to come up with a 
> way to display them all.  We have far fewer.  Moving the 
> display off vertical center to accomodate buttons seems 
> like a big detraction.  Our VF display is larger, more prominent, 
> and much nicer looking than the Arcam display.  It's the most 
> noticable aspect of the whole box and needs to be placed 
> carefully so that other features do not detract from it.
> Re: backlighting in general:  On a black box, inside a dark
> entertainment center in a dimly-lit room, I think the 
> backlighting of the buttons is necessary.  With only two 
> buttons (select and left-righttoggle), they would not 
> need back-lit icons; perhaps only back-lit outlining, like 
> the volume knob.

Outlining all the small buttons would be cool.

How about, if you keep the number of buttons/knobs like in this one:


and doubling the width of the display?  

And rather than "phone" for headphones, a simple headphone 
icon above the jack would be sufficient.


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[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
Ugh, now it's ugly...

This one:


Was almost perfect IMHO.

The knob was multifunction.  No need to have two separate knobs.

No need to label the 1/4" jack.  I'm pretty sure most users 
would understand you can't plug an amp or guitar into it. ;-)

All those little buttons on the right make it look cluttered.

I liked the light in the knob.  Indents on buttons and knobs 
are important on a keyboard or a car radio, but since I can 
keep my eye on a home stereo piece of equipment, I really 
have no need for indents.  A little light is more helpful. 

This where it gets interesting.  Some people like things 
one way, some like it another.  I tend to lean toward 
minimalist, while it seems like some of the people 
like lots of buttons.  To each his own...

Then again, this is all folly.  Nice diversion...


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/15/05 8:02 PM >>>

With all of those suggestions (keep them coming!)


Any more changes I'll do tomorrow morning (its 1am over here)


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[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
It still *looks* like it was drawn...

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/15/05 4:39 PM >>>



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[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/15/05 2:05 PM >>>
> With Paul's changes
> http://audiofi.dudehost.com/other/squeezeboxnew3.gif 
> I'll look into the textures tonight and tomorrow and see if I can 
> work out how to make it more of a matt metalic look rather than 
> the current perspex.

So, now the question is...how difficult would this be to 
actually implement?  For no additional improvement in 
sound quality, what is something like this worth?  
US $349? $399?

One technical note, if the volume is set to be fixed, there 
should be a way to make the volume functionality of the 
knob be replaced (maybe through some sort of plug-in)
with something else - maybe the right/left functions.
Pushing the knob would still cycle through the functions.
Heck, it would be cool to assign any number of options 
to the knob.  LOL - one knob access to all functions.  One 
of the functions could even be a sort of alphabetic chooser.


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[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/15/05 1:00 PM >>>
> No problem at all, I'm enjoying drawing them and as you say, it 
> would be good to get some ideas together.
> Here are those couple of changes (only took 2 mins to do):
> http://audiofi.dudehost.com/other/squeezeboxnew2.gif 
> Open to any other suggestions from others.

This is almost what I was thinking too.  A few questions/comments...

The power button and headphone jack look odd.  I don't know 
why, I just think they do.  Maybe put one or the other on the 
top left?

How would you differentiate that you wanted to go left/right 
rather than turn the volume up?  Would a push cycle through 
the choices?

I'd rather see left/right in the buttons instead of up down.
Put the up/down on the knob.  When I want to fly through 
1,500 artists, it would be much easier to spin the knob than 
to press the button about 750 times.   Then again, a little 
flip down door in between the buttons and the display with 
a tiny keyboard (or 0-9 like the remote) to get to the general 
area of a list fairly quick would be trick.

If you exchange the buttons, rearrange them so that they are 
side by side rather than over/under.  It would look better (IMHO) 
if all the buttons were on the same horizontal "plane."

Now on to the back of the unit!

Nice job, Mr. Photoshop!  Now you need to work on your 
textures so this thing looks like a photograph rather than 
a drawing...


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Re: [slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-15 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
For a "clean" look, I'd rather see a fold down door of sorts.
Now what would be really cool (getting out of hand here...) 
is the fold down door could house a bluetooth mini keyboard 
for total control of the squeezebox.

Forgoing that idea, what about a fold down door with the look and 
feel of the remote (a la softsqueeze "wide" remote).  Buttons 
on top wouldn't work for me because all my gear is in a 19" rack 
screwed in place.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/15/05 7:57 AM >>>
What about putting the buttons on the top? This would only work if  
the sb is the top piece of equipment but it would give it a cleaner  

Steven Moore
On 15 Sep 2005, at 12:47PM, Dave D wrote:

> audiofi Wrote:
>> Yep, you're right, they were too small, I resized them to the same 

>> width
>> as my Rotel amp:
>> http://audiofi.dudehost.com/other/squeezeboxfullwidth.gif 
>> http://audiofi.dudehost.com/other/squeezeboxfullwidthblack.gif 
>> Screen remains the same size as the current squeezebox.
> Thoughts:
> -- black camp :) but see if the pics can show a matte-black finish
> jet gloss black.
> -- move the screen to the left (the design is not symmetrical and
> putting the screen in the center makes it feel lopsided.)
> -- power button lower left corner.  Rectangular, tactile feel/soft
> touch, momentary.
> -- headphone jack to the right of the power button.
> -- replace the control pad with:
> -- large, weighted, volume/selection knob on the far right.
> -- three buttons to the left of the volume knob:
> -- Left button (momentary up/down rocker): Mode select. 
> Depending on menu arrangement/options/modes, might be able to get
> of this button.
> -- Middle button (momentary): Item select
> -- Right button (momentary left/right rocker): menu left/right.
> In place of left-right rocker for menu left-right, could use digital
> potentiometer (smaller knob) with detents for each selection.
> -- volume knob controls menu up/down when in any mode but volume.
> Spinning the weighted volume knob will have affect of fast
> -- volume mode is entered automatically (timer expires) or by
> selection (press/hold select button). (Remote has it's own modes,
> buttons, etc.)
> -- buttons have tactile feel: rubber-click.
> -- buttons and knobs are backlit.  Option to dim/turn off control
> backlights after timer expires.  Backlights turn on as necessary,
> whenever a button is pressed or knob is turned.
> -- No mechanical limits on knobs.  Volume knob must spin.  Digital
> pot (left/right menu select) should be turnable any direction at any
> time.
> Thoughts?
> -- 
> Dave D
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com 
> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss 

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[slim] XM radio via AOL?

2005-09-14 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
I was wondering if anyone was working on a way for 
Slimserver to somehow stream XM radio streams 
via AOL to the squeezebox?

It would seem doable, but I wanted to check if anyone 
was working on something like this before I head 
down that path.


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[slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-14 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/14/05 5:33 PM >>>
> For those who wanted full width hifi size:
> Silver: http://audiofi.dudehost.com/other/squeezeboxfullwidth.gif 
> Black: http://audiofi.dudehost.com/other/squeezeboxfullwidthblack.gif

Not bad, but it doesn't appear that the scale is quite right...is that

really about 17.125" wide?


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Re: [slim] Re: My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-14 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/14/05 12:55 PM >>>
> I'd go for pale blue and orange, with blinking acrylic knobs. 
> Very 23rd century :)

More like Edmonton Oiler-ish or NY Islander-ish...

A little under a month to hockey season...game on!


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Re: [slim] My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-14 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/14/05 11:39 AM >>>
> > On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 11:20 -0400, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:
> > The drawings themselves are pretty good, but anything 
> > that isn't a 19" wide form factor (to me) isn't hifi 
> > gear - it's something else.  I'm not sure what, just not 
> > audio.
> Most serious audio gear is on a 17" form factor.
> Some, like Meridian, is much narrower.
> Some of the 17" stuff has options for bolt on rack ears,
> which are of course setup for 19" racks.

True.  I tend to forget that.  I look at my rack and think 
19" because the rack is that wide.

> Real professional studio gear is always rack mounted, 
> but most of that stuff is mono.

Good point again... ;-)

> > With a few more buttons, this is what I'd like to see...
> Knobs, real hi-fi has knobs.

Well, knobs and buttons.  I have yet to own an amp 
that has anything but a huge knob for volume...none 
of those silly little up/down buttons...

But my tuner (almost replaced by the sb) has buttons 
for all my presets...

> Computers have buttons.


> Tubes (or as the Brits say, values) make it better still.

Tubes make everything sound warmer.  My dad has 
a tube amp and I swear there is a difference in 
sound.  Not that I believe it, but that's what he says ;-)

> > but maybe in black.  I can't wait for the platinum/silver 
> > fad to die down.
> I love platinum/silver and hate black. YMMV.

Just goes to show you that not everyone has the same 
opinion.  Now where was that all gold Marantz amp I 
have in my attic??  I'm sure at one time I thought you 
were crazy if you didn't go all gold.

I don't like that the platinum says "Look at me!" instead 
of just blending in.  I find that to be too distracting, even 
behind some smoked glass...  But, like you said Pat, YMMV.


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Re: [slim] My ideal squeezebox

2005-09-14 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/14/05 11:08 AM >>>
> Sorry about the 3d drawing, not my strong point!!
> http://audiofi.dudehost.com/other/squeezebox.gif 
> Pictures are quite big, I tried to keep it to scale.

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but those drawings  
look about as far from hifi gear as any I'ver ever seen.

They look like a modified shuttle case, which, IMO, 
are kind of techno-geeky looking, but far from hifi.

The drawings themselves are pretty good, but anything 
that isn't a 19" wide form factor (to me) isn't hifi 
gear - it's something else.  I'm not ure what, just not 

With a few more buttons, this is what I'd like to see...


but maybe in black.  I can't wait for the platinum/silver 
fad to die down.


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Re: [slim] Latest Slimserver nightly crashing

2005-09-11 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
Ok, found the log (doh!) in /tmp...  The last line of the log says:

Not a CODE reference at /usr/local/slimserver//Plugins/Picks/Plugin.pm
line 68.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/11/05 10:59 PM >>>
Paul, where was she navigated to when she pressed add?

Also, did you check the server log and see if there was an error  

On Sep 11, 2005, at 7:54 PM, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:

> Ok, not all the time...but I'm using the nightly from 2005/09/11
> using the rpm on Linux FC4.
> Playing regular flac files from a folder (not a playlist per se)
> and my wife decided after the current list of songs was over,
> she wanted to switch over to an internet radio stream.
> So, she selected add and crashed slimserver.  I was able
> to repeat it on restart of slimserver.  She is not holding play,
> but pressing add.
> I'll add it to bugzilla...
> Paul
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com 
> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss 

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Re: [slim] Latest Slimserver nightly crashing

2005-09-11 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
She had navigated to a folder via Browse Music->Browse 
Music Folder.  She selected "Putumayo presents New Orleans" 
and hit play.  Music started playing and she listened to 
it for about 15 minutes.  She then browsed up to Internet 
Radio and selected "Frequence 3" in the shoutcast streams.

About a second later, the sbg lost comms with slimserver 
and about 5 seconds after that the sbg went blank.

I did the same thing (after firing up slimserver again) 
in a compressed timeframe and crashed it too.

Where is the log on a redhat (fc 4) install?  I did 
a search came up blank.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/11/05 10:59 PM >>>
Paul, where was she navigated to when she pressed add?

Also, did you check the server log and see if there was an error  

On Sep 11, 2005, at 7:54 PM, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:

> Ok, not all the time...but I'm using the nightly from 2005/09/11
> using the rpm on Linux FC4.
> Playing regular flac files from a folder (not a playlist per se)
> and my wife decided after the current list of songs was over,
> she wanted to switch over to an internet radio stream.
> So, she selected add and crashed slimserver.  I was able
> to repeat it on restart of slimserver.  She is not holding play,
> but pressing add.
> I'll add it to bugzilla...
> Paul
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com 
> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss 

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[slim] Latest Slimserver nightly crashing

2005-09-11 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
Ok, not all the time...but I'm using the nightly from 2005/09/11 
using the rpm on Linux FC4.  

Playing regular flac files from a folder (not a playlist per se) 
and my wife decided after the current list of songs was over, 
she wanted to switch over to an internet radio stream.
So, she selected add and crashed slimserver.  I was able 
to repeat it on restart of slimserver.  She is not holding play, 
but pressing add.

I'll add it to bugzilla...


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[slim] Re: SlimDevices losing out in the UK

2005-08-30 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/30/05 5:20 PM >>>
> Arghhh, sorry about that everyone, I tried to remove all traces but
> obviously missed one, will fix it now!!

Well, two...check the mouse-over text as well...


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[slim] Play one thing, display another?

2005-08-23 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
I had a need this morning to see what was going on with 
a particular news story this morning, but still wanted to 
listen to music.  So, it got me thinking...

Can the squeezebox play a song (or playlist), but scroll 
through an xml feed from a web site while doing so?


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Re: [slim] Some enterprising person

2005-08-22 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/22/05 4:10 PM >>>
> Quoting Dondi Fusco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > The screenshot of the 'Java Interface' has the
> > SoftSqueeze java app with the name 'SofttSqueeze'
> > still embedded in the app window
> >
> exactly :)
> and way down near the bottom, Squeezebox IS listed as a 
> supported player.

D'oh!  That's what I get for not scrolling down below the 
fancy table to the list of receivers that *should* work 
with it...


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Re: [slim] Some enterprising person

2005-08-22 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/22/05 1:05 PM >>>

> is going to create and sell a small, quiet, turnkey computer to 
> run SlimServer.  And make some money doing so.

He already is...

> With all the interest in running SlimServer on NAS appliances, 
> which are really underpowered for the task they're being 
> asked to perform, this would seem to be a no-brainer.

Not really...

His name is  - Michael Robertson , the product - mp3beamer.  The 
same dude that created mp3.com and Linspire.  

Ironically, I don't think the squeezebox is listed as supported, but 
the thing is running slimserver, so I can't imagine it doesn't support

a squeezebox...


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Re: [slim] Re: A better remote?

2005-07-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/05/05 2:22 PM >>>

> Since when does a wife choose ANYTHING over bitching about 
> something the husband loves?  (heehee)

So true!  But, when she gets her picture in a magazine 8-)

> I've got a Logitech Harmony 880 remote which is quite nice/flexible,

That IS a nice remote.  Been thinking about one myself for another 
project I dabble in (mythtv).


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Re: [slim] Tag organization question

2005-07-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/05/05 1:47 PM >>>

> I know that there has been some discussion about name 
> vs. display info, but given that the Artist tag is the main 
> one I use, how do people do the following.  I have a number 
> of Jazz Albums by:
> Bill Evans Trio
> Bud Powell Trio
> Dave Brubeck Quartet
> Harry Connick, Jr.
> I have chosen to put the Artist tag in as:
> Evans, Bill Trio
> Powell, Bud Trio
> Brubeck, Dave Quartet
> Connick, Harry Jr.

These (IMHO) should be:

Evans Trio, Bill
Powell Trio, Bud
Brubeck Quartet, Dave
Connick, Jr., Harry

At least this is how I do it.

> Any hints on how people handle this same issue with their 
> collections?  My goal is to make this all make sense.  It 
> does not help when you have people with fake names 
> like Iggy Pop - I guess that become Pop, Iggy - I 
> have to go back to some record stores to see how they do it...

What makes it more interesting is bands named after people..
Seemingly simple tags like:

Lynryd Skynyrd
The Dave Mathews Band
George Thorogood & The Delware Destroyers
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble
The Pat Metheny Group

What do they become?  I've started thinking I'm going to redo 
all my tags to just be regular format, rather than the system 
I've come up with for alphabetizing every song I have.  It 
makes sense to me, but everyone else that comes over to play 
something is used to looking for it under "George Thorogood" 
but I've conveniently placed it under "Thorogood, George" and 
that is confusing to them.


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Re: [slim] Re: A better remote?

2005-07-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/05/05 11:41 AM >>>

>  Well...what can I say to that...people have accidentally held 
> down the skip track button to have it fast forward, and they 
> would wonnder why the song sounds funny as it clicks, and 
> pops forward through the song.  I've had questions about how 
> to get back to the main menu to browse again...etc.   It's easy 
> stuff to learn/remember, but questions, and honest mistakes that 
> can be avoided with a few more buttons.

Ok, I see what you are saying...not that I agree, but I understand.
If anyone has listened to a digital track (or watched one for that 
matter), they will know what that clicking and popping is immediately,

although there doesn't appear to be an easy way to stop it with the 
SD remote.  Once you get to know the remote (mostly trial and 
error), it is quite easy to stop (and resume normal playing).

> > My 5 year old uses the remote with no issues.  She doesn't even 
> > ask how to find Cheeseburger in Paradise or Fins anymore.
> A kid with a fresh mind is one thing, but a technology-fearing wife 
> is a whole other ball game.

Then get her to not fear technology.  It only took me about 3 months.
Now she can surf through listening to any Paris radio station through 
shoutcast, or with a few clicks, over to listening to some classic
from our wedding cassettes (converted to mp3).

> > I'm not saying a better, more featureful remote wouldn't be a nice
> > option.  I'm just saying if all your going to do is use it to
> > another remote and put it away, it would seem there should be a
> > better way to accomplish the programming of the universal remote.
> To setup a universal remote properly, more often than not, you need 
> to move the default buttons around, by learning/relearning buttons 
> from the original remote.  If that's required...there's no way to
> the "FAST FORWARD" command from the current SB remoteand if 
> you don't have an original JVC DVD remote, you can't learn it from 
> that either (and use the jvc codes instead).  It's kinda hard to
> but there is method to my madness on this one.

If you have an inferior remote that you can't program with JP-1, then 
yep, you are up the proverbial creek sans paddle.  

Although the FF/RW is an almost commonplace modification.  It's like 
that on a lot of mp3 portables to save space.

Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: A better remote?

2005-07-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/05/05 10:24 AM >>>
> > So you want a new remote so you can use another remote?  Odd.
> It's not odd...it's the reason some use the JVC DVD remote 
> codes.dedicated FF/REW/PAUSE buttons for starters.  It's a pain 
> for the average joe to dick around at this level.  Especially when
> are talking universal learning remote, and you don't have a JVC DVD 
> remote to start with, and the default button layout is

For one, this whole setup is NOT for the average joe (six-pack, to use

your examples).  But like I've said, everyone has their opinions.
I've not had a problem with "intuitiveness." 

> > A Turn-off to you.  One of the reasons I love the squeezebox is 
> > the simplicity of the remote.  I use my universal remote, but my 
> > wife and kids use the squeezebox remote.  It's simple and gets 
> > the job done.  If I wanted something more spectacular, I'd use 
> > my WiFi pda.
> "Simple and gets the job done" is fine and dandy, but how about 
> intuitive...I doubt that dedicated FF/REW/PAUSE buttons would 
> make the remote intimidating.
> Just hand the remote to someone, and see how long it is before 
> you get the "how do I do this or that" questions!

I did that.  It's been almost 2 years and have had one question - 
and it was related to making up a playlist of shoutcase urls. 
not something any remote would be able to handle short of my 

My 5 year old uses the remote with no issues.  She doesn't even ask 
how to find Cheeseburger in Paradise or Fins anymore.

I'm not saying a better, more featureful remote wouldn't be a nice 
option.  I'm just saying if all your going to do is use it to program 
another remote and put it away, it would seem there should be a
better way to accomplish the programming of the universal remote.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: A better remote?

2005-07-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/04/05 9:16 AM >>>
> I'd like to see a new remote with more buttons, just for the simple 
> reason that I'd like to easily program my universal remote with all
> the  new/extra buttons.

So you want a new remote so you can use another remote?  Odd.

> (I have done so using an old ZENITH DVD remote, but it's not the 
> sameand far more work than it's worth)
> The standard remote that comes with the SB is TERRIBLE, and a
> definite turn-off.

A Turn-off to you.  One of the reasons I love the squeezebox is the 
simplicity of the remote.  I use my universal remote, but my wife 
and kids use the squeezebox remote.  It's simple and gets the job
done.  If I wanted something more spectacular, I'd use my WiFi pda.

Nothing would be able to match its utility or functionality, no matter

how much time and effort was spent developing a new remote.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Calling all Java developers...

2005-05-11 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/10/05 10:21 PM >>>
> True, but in their defense, this is the first release, and I 
> beleive that those things will improve.  I think it would be 
> better already if the company had ever turned a profit; 
> right now I think they're probably in a position of having 
> limited resources (money, manpower) and getting profitable 
> has to take priority.  I also don't think they've named a new 
> CEO yet.

They haven't turned a profit yet?  I'm surprised.  I heard recently
that they sued a couple of the big networks because there was
diaglog containing "tivoing" shows.  They get free advertising, 
but they view it as copyright infringement.  Ironic.

> Well, yes and no.  It is Linux, after all.  The Series 2.5 boxes are

> more locked down than the Series 1, but that doesn't stop some 
> people.  I got the new box for $200 - $200, and honestly expected 
> I might Ebay it because of unhackability without a PROM mod - but the

> fact is, all the stuff I hacked my Series 1 to get is available
> hacking on the Series 2.5, and then some.  And they've always winked

> at capacity upgrades, and still do - I'm sure they planned on it from
> beginning, they just don't want to provide warranty support to people

> who mess things up doing them.  Then there was the backdoors, 
> 30-second skip, etc.  I'd say they've been pretty good to their 
> customers with regards to "unofficial enhancements".

Agreed.  Tivo is a somewhat logical progression of the VCR.


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Re: [slim] Calling all Java developers...

2005-05-10 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/10/05 4:06 PM >>>
> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Tivo = closed as it gets.  If there's any activity for something
> > like this, it would make more sense to integrate with MythTV.
> >
> I have no experience with MythTv - and certainly, the more platforms,

> the better - but the HME stuff is not closed by any means - the whole

> point was to provide an interface and an SDK for third-party 
> development.  A lot of the actual code runs on the user's PC or NAS -

> which is kind of convenient in this case, because it could be
> with the music library and with SlimServer.
> Ed

The fact that the supported platforms only include one version of one 
distro and they released an SDK that can't really do any of the Tivo 
functions (specifically with scheduling or playback), I find it 
kind of amusing.

And Tivo is what I was referring to as closed.  Even the hardware is 
proprietary.  On the other hand, we've got the CEO of Slim posting 
about how to modify his creation to take advantage of some 
bizarre i2c geekport request.

One more amusing thing is that I notice something conspicuously 
absent from the list of prizes - a Tivo.  I know you need one to 
do the contest, but more is usally better.


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Re: [slim] Calling all Java developers...

2005-05-10 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/10/05 10:49 AM >>>
> On 5/10/05, Roy Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > SlimServer already does this (minus the cover art).  Am I missing 
> > something in your question?
> > 
> I think the feature is exposing SlimServer functionality through 
> the Tivo interface, which would be neat for those who have a Tivo.
> Ben

Tivo = closed as it gets.  If there's any activity for something 
like this, it would make more sense to integrate with MythTV.
The MYthMusic module is ok, but if there were a native 
slimserver module for music, that would be killer.  As it is, 
I have a web browser shortcut in Myth that automatically 
points to the squeezebox in the room in question.  I have 
a matched pair of myth boxes and squeezeboxes in two 
rooms, so it's not too hard to maintain.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SB2 missing end of FLAC files

2005-04-25 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/25/05 5:14 AM >>>
> > Odds are it was free (flac that is) in the first place, so I'm
> > confident  he'll be able to get 100% of his money back!  LOL...
> > 
> > Paul
> Careful, I wasn't trying to say anything against the original 
> poster's problem.  I'm not doubting that he is experiencing 
> problems that are very real.  I was simply amused by the 
> error that meant that -some- people could miss 1/100th of 
> a second from the end of the FLAC file.  This is, I imagine, 
> an entirely different problem to that of the poster's.  I wasn't 
> trying to flame!

It wasn't my intent nor did I take it that way.  I know there 
are frustrating little things that crop up from time to time, 
and having a slight cut (due to rounding) at the end of a 
track could be quite maddening if you're trying to get 
gapless playback.


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[slim] AOL Radio?

2005-04-25 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
I've been an AOL subscriber for about 15 years now, and just recently
started listening to AOL Radio.  With the announcement about satellite
radio coming to AOL, I started checking out the current radio offerings.
 Of course, now I'm wondering if there's any interest in getting access
to AOL radio content from slimserver.  If I see much interest, I'll
start looking at a plug-in to get at this stuff.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] Re: SB2 missing end of FLAC files

2005-04-24 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/24/05 9:27 AM >>>
> > jth Wrote: 
> > If you use single-album flac files with external cue sheets, it is
> > possible to lose 1/100 of a second of audio at the end of a track
> > because of a rounding issue. Most people shouldn't notice this
> > ...
> 1/100th of a second??? I'd ask for my money back if I were you!  ;-)

Odds are it was free (flac that is) in the first place, so I'm quite
he'll be able to get 100% of his money back!  LOL...


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[slim] Softsqueeze 2.0b6 and 4/23 6.1.0 nightly menu animation

2005-04-23 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
I'm not sure if this is going to make sense, but the menu 
animation while going up and down seems backwards.

I remember seeing something about this, but I can't seem 
to find the thread now.  From the animation of the menu, 
the organization seems backwards...

Showing Squeezebox Home (1 of 7)
Now Playing

Pressing up arrow (to me) should animate the 7 of 7 should 
scroll from above, but it scrolls from the bottom.  The order 
seems right (pressing down shows 2 of 7, then 3 of 7), but 
it's coming from the wrong direction.  Conceptually, the menu
looks like it's organized like 

7 of 7
6 of 7
5 of 7
4 of 7

but should be 

1 of 7
2 of 7
3 of 7

Does anyone agree or am I just not getting the 
menu animations?


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Re: My SB2 arrived yesterday !

2005-04-21 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/21/05 6:28 AM >>>
> Here at Meridian, we use a VFD in our G Series products, but it 
> has much coarser dots and we don't get 'grayscale' out of it. 
> Actually, I'd love to know the display manufacturer and part 
> number without taking the box apart... :)

Noritake - custom design.

Meridian, as in http://www.meridian-audio.com ?


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Re: [slim] Re: Platinum SB2 Delayed AT LEAST 1 Month

2005-04-15 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/15/05 1:33 PM >>>
> You'd probably hate my main music system (purchased about 7 
> years ago):
> http://ultratrendy.com:31888/images/stereo03.jpg
> Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. :) I think it looks
> pleasantly retro.

It does, in a geeky sort of way ;-)  I do like that huge volume 
knob in the middle.  Cranking up the volume with push 
buttons on some of the newer gear doesn't have the same 

I guess it all depends on the use.  I like my stuff to just blend 
into the background in my theater room.   Maybe when I get 
a plasma TV, it will probably be all silver, so I guess I'll be 
"ponying up" the dollars for a platinum sb2!


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Platinum SB2 Delayed AT LEAST 1 Month

2005-04-15 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/15/05 11:59 AM >>>
> > --- morgan4x4 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > -If you want to switch to a Black case you will receive 
> > a $20.00 discount and it will ship immediately.  If you 
> > would like to do this please reply to this email to inform
> > us as soon as possible.
> I think it's very nice that they offered the $20 discount.  
> I've had stuff get backordered on me before and I can't think 
> of one time I was offered any kind of discount for the 
> inconvenience.

This is sort of off-topic, but what is the excitement about 
all the stereo equipment going platinum?  In my home theater, 
platinum colored components are downright distracting.  
I've actually replaced all my gear with basic black.  
I even have it all behind a smoked glass door.  The platinum 
stuff reminds me of the cheap junk sold at the "consumer" 
level by the likes of panasonic and pioneer back in the early 
80's.  Seemed like as much of a fad then as now...


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Re: [slim] Sonos Doesn't Have to be a Threat

2005-04-13 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
Good point.  It was AOL...  But I think they're in bed together.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/13/05 8:00 PM >>>
ummm...pretty sure it's AOL that bought Winamp, not Apple. Corporate 
goons either way, I guess...

>>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/13/05 5:03 PM >>>
>>It's interesting, but the "Live Search" feature now makes 
>>Slimserver nearly as responsive (if not quite a smooth) as an 
>>app. I've been using it more and more. If it were combined with 
>>a 3-pane display like iTunes or Winamp (which ripped off the 
>>iTunes interface for its media library), and if support for smart 
>>(dynamic, based on a DB query) playlists were added, I don't think 
>>you could say that anything else was easier to use at that point.
> Seeing as how WinAmp has been owned by Apple for over 5 years now, 
> it's not surprising the interface looks a little bit like iTunes. 
> vice versa.
> Paul
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com 
> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss 
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Re: [slim] Sonos Doesn't Have to be a Threat

2005-04-13 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/13/05 5:03 PM >>>
> It's interesting, but the "Live Search" feature now makes 
> Slimserver nearly as responsive (if not quite a smooth) as an 
> app. I've been using it more and more. If it were combined with 
> a 3-pane display like iTunes or Winamp (which ripped off the 
> iTunes interface for its media library), and if support for smart 
> (dynamic, based on a DB query) playlists were added, I don't think 
> you could say that anything else was easier to use at that point.

Seeing as how WinAmp has been owned by Apple for over 5 years now, 
it's not surprising the interface looks a little bit like iTunes.  Or
vice versa.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] SoftSqueeze2.0b3 and 6.1.0 nightlies

2005-04-10 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/10/05 4:47 PM >>>
> I've not written the version for slimserver 6.1 yet, but by 
> the time this version of the slimserver is released I will have :). 
> The main feature I am planning is a much improved music 
> search/playlist.  Softsqueeze 2.0b3 is the latest version at 
> the moment.

Cool.  I'll sit tight and not worry about it...


Discuss mailing list

[slim] SoftSqueeze2.0b3 and 6.1.0 nightlies

2005-04-09 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
When starting up the softsqueeze that comes with the 6.1.0 
nightly from 4/9, I get a message saying it is not the latest.
I went to the sf site and that is sporting the same version 
I'm running.  Are there ss nightlies too?


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] SB2 geekport

2005-04-09 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/09/05 9:00 AM >>>
> It would be nice if there was support for IR blasting over the 
> CLI, then the xAP slimserver connector could support it too.
> Max Barker
> http://www.xapframework.net

Since it appears xAP only runs on windows, is there an equivalent 
on linux?  I searched around but didn't see anything.


Discuss mailing list

[slim] New trunk - 6.1 db choice?

2005-04-08 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
How have the last two nightlies of 6.1 been for 
people?  I'm just wondering, because my counts 
(artists, genres, albums, etc.) have gotten better 
than even on the stable from 6.0.1 release a few 
days ago.  I'm amazed at how fast the scanning 
has gotten in the last couple weeks, and with the 
addition of what Dan has sent to incorporate 
changes in my slimserver.conf file to add support 
for MySQL, I'm quite happy.

Now, on to my other question...

When installing the noarch RPM, is there a way to 
opt for no SQLlite, or will I have to manually go 
disable it?  Maybe there could be an option 
to not start SQLlite if it's already disabled?
I just started fooling with the MySQL integration, 
but I'm stoked about being able to move to 
just one database.  Not having SQLlite start 
would be great.

Is this a candidate for http://bugs.slimdevices.com ?


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] SB2 geekport

2005-04-07 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
Sweet...lemme go get a towel to wipe the drool off my 


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/07/05 12:19 PM >>>

Geekport software is not done, but yes, you'll be able to plug a 
standard 1/8" IR blaster into the headphone port.

At the moment, we are almost done with basic blasting capability, where

the server sends commands to the Squeezebox2. Pass-through, macros, 
triggers and other things are possible down the road.

Blasting support is planned for 6.1 - right now we are only putting in

bug fixes.

On Apr 7, 2005, at 8:37 AM, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:

> Does the headphone jack of the SB2 output the IR
> codes it receives by default?  I'm trying to reduce the
> clutter around my TV, and I've got a "dinky link"
> IR receiver sitting right next to my SB.  If the
> SB2 geekport can "blast" out an IR signal, I could
> just get one of these:
> http://www.smarthome.com/8171s.html 
> and eliminate the dinky link for use someplace
> else.  The device I want to control is in a
> cabinet, but not having a separate IR sensor
> and using the SB2 instead would just be that
> much "geekier."  Plus, my wife would enjoy
> having one less ugly black box cluttering
> everything up.
> Does the male jack of this thing even fit into
> the headphone jack?  I'm guessing it does,
> as the specs say it's a 1/8" jack and that's what
> the SB2 headphone jack is.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> ___
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.slimdevices.com 
> http://lists.slimdevices.com/lists/listinfo/discuss 

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Discuss mailing list

[slim] SB2 geekport

2005-04-07 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
Does the headphone jack of the SB2 output the IR 
codes it receives by default?  I'm trying to reduce the 
clutter around my TV, and I've got a "dinky link" 
IR receiver sitting right next to my SB.  If the 
SB2 geekport can "blast" out an IR signal, I could 
just get one of these:


and eliminate the dinky link for use someplace 
else.  The device I want to control is in a 
cabinet, but not having a separate IR sensor 
and using the SB2 instead would just be that 
much "geekier."  Plus, my wife would enjoy 
having one less ugly black box cluttering 
everything up.

Does the male jack of this thing even fit into 
the headphone jack?  I'm guessing it does, 
as the specs say it's a 1/8" jack and that's what 
the SB2 headphone jack is.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Windows Media Files

2005-04-06 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/06/05 1:22 PM >>>
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/05 8:26 PM >>>
> > > How?  ("Burned and re-ripped" doesn't count in my book.)
> > > 
> > 
> > Why not?  How is my legally purchased music supposed to 
> > survive a system crash if I can back it up to a CD or DVD?
> if "burned and re-ripped" means decoding the WMA file to 
> PCM, burning to a regular audio CD, and reripping, then it
> probably doesn't count because you can't get back to the
> original file that way.  you started with a small lossy file.
> after burn/rerip you get a big lossy file, and to get it
> back down to size you have to re-compress and make it even
> more lossy.  and that assumes the burn and rip step gives
> you identical PCM, which is not trivial.
> Josh

Did I say WMA files?  If I did, I misspoke.  Sorry 
about the potential confusion.These are WAV files.  
When I purchased my first few, I was paranoid so 
I bought the CD where I knew the original song 
came from.  I ripped the music to a wav and 
compared with both EAC and dbPoweramp (both 
in secure/accurate mode) to the file I download, 
and were bit-for-bit exact.

I have since stopped buying music online and 
just troll garage sales and flea markets for 
CDs that are heavily discounted, or buy directly 
from the artists site.

I've since converted all my WAVs to FLACs
and convert to mp3 for mode listening.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Windows Media Files

2005-04-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/05 8:26 PM >>>
> > On Tue, 5 Apr 2005, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote:
> >>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/05 8:17 PM >>>
> >> If they were stolen, it'd definitely work for you; but since you
> >> money, it's probably impossible to legally play your music on a
> >> Squeezebox.
> >
> > That is simply irresponsible.  Funny, probably.  True, no.  I have
> > plenty of legally downloaded music that has been DRM-crippled
> > that I can play on my sqeezebox.
> How?  ("Burned and re-ripped" doesn't count in my book.)

Why not?  How is my legally purchased music supposed to 
survive a system crash if I can back it up to a CD or DVD?

I had a catastrophic flood in my house where I lost close to 
1,800 CDs, 2 computers and a stereo, not to mention damages 
to the house and other personal effects.  My insurance company 
replaced everything I was able to show as a loss.  They disputed 
the loss of CDs until I demonstrated they would not play in a 
CD player.  They replaced both computers, but not the content 
of those computers.  If I didn't have everything backed up, 
I would have really been screwed.  If I back up a computer 
that has DRM-crippled music on it and I need to restore said 
music, the most efficient way is to re-rip it.  I know I 
purchased it, and ripping purchased music from a CD that 
I burned easily falls within my fair use rights.

I feel I can speak specifically to this because I'm 
willing to bet I'm the ONLY one on this list whose 
been investigated by the powers that be, and had no 
problems with anything they questioned me about.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Windows Media Files

2005-04-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/05 8:17 PM >>>
> On Wed, 6 Apr 2005, Andrew Smith wrote:
> > Is there any way of playing music files via my Squeeze Box which
> > downloaded in Windows Media File format?
> > I downloaded the tracks from a legal download site.
> If they were stolen, it'd definitely work for you; but since you paid

> money, it's probably impossible to legally play your music on a 
> Squeezebox.

That is simply irresponsible.  Funny, probably.  True, no.  I have 
plenty of legally downloaded music that has been DRM-crippled 
that I can play on my sqeezebox.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Windows Media Files

2005-04-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/05 7:35 PM >>>
> Is there any way of playing music files via my Squeeze Box which 
> were downloaded in Windows Media File format?

All depends... 
> If not, is there an easy way of converting these files into another
> format?
Always.  I use dbPowerAmp, but I would guess any number of 
apps can do the job just as well.

> I downloaded the tracks from a legal download site.   I have no 
> problem playing the track on my computer using Musicmatch 
> Jukebox.

Do you know if they are DRM-encumbered?  It may not be 
obvious.  The easiest way to eliminate that problem is to 
burn the music to a CD and rip it back off.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Playlists

2005-04-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/05 6:02 PM >>>
> > On 5/4/05 at 5:04 pm -0400, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote
> >Does that user (group) have write access at the level above?
> >I think that if you give access to a folder, the folder about needs
> >to have all those rights plus execute.
> That could be the problem. But, if so, it is a SlimServer problem, as

> I am using standard settings for a Mac user.

I'm not sure how the Mac stuff getss installed.  Are you on OS X?  
It sounds like it, but I wanted to be sure.

> That is, I have installed SlimServer for a single user, ,myself, so 
> it is (some levels deep) in my home folder, and set a playlist in a 
> subfolder of my home folder.

Did you install it "from source" or is there some pre-compiled 
binary?  Do you run slimserver from double-clicking or is there 
some sort of cli you need to do?

> Maybe that doesn't work (any Mac users around who can confirm 
> one way or the other) but it is a flaw in SlimServer if it genuinely

> doesn't work, as this is the normal installation.

I agree.  Then again, I'll be getting a mac mini next week and 
should check out how it works.  I'm pretty stoked.  The last 
mac I had was a "Fat Mac."


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Playlists

2005-04-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/05 4:52 PM >>>
> On 5/4/05 at 4:05 pm -0400, PAUL WILLIAMSON wrote
> > >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/05 4:02 PM >>>
> >>  I'm using the default skin, and have tried several browsers.
> >>
> >>  On one or two occasions "save" has appeared for about 20-30
> >>  seconds, and I have actually saved from that menu item. But
> >>  then "save" disappears from the listing.
> >
> >That smells like a server problem...
> Remember that I am just working on one computer, the only server is 
> slimserver, and I am using local web interface to it.

Yep.  When I said server, I meant slimserver or the Apache web server.

> >>  I can, it seems, always save from the Squeezebox, now I've
> >>  found out how to do it, but that's not always convenient.
> >>
> >
> >Ok, what do your web server logs say?  I would guess it
> >would show in error_log or access_log.
> No logs that are relevant exist, as far as I can see.

There should be *some* kind of logs for the web server.  Just 
because you are using port 9000 rather than port 80, there 
should still be some logs, error and access.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Playlists

2005-04-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/05 4:13 PM >>>
> > Odd.  The plugin works, but the web interface doesn't.  Does
> > the user your web server is running under have write
> > capabilities to that directory?
> Should be no problem. I am running as the same user every 
> time, and as I have said I adjusted permissions so that User, 
> Group, and Other all had both Read and Write abilities.

Does that user (group) have write access at the level above?
I think that if you give access to a folder, the folder about needs 
to have all those rights plus execute.

> > Agreed.  I got confused by that as well the first few times.
> > I'm not sure how it could be made better however.
> Sometimes it's not a matter of changing the program, it's just 
> that the information needs to be there somewhere. Many 
> people don't read manuals, but I do. When basic info like that 
> isn't in the manual (either printed, or via the Web access FAQs
> and other info) I get annoyed. I should have been able to find 
> out what I wanted without having to ask on the list.

I didn't say make the program better.  If making it better means 
improving the documentation, that's what should be done. 
After using it for a while, it seems intuitive to keep pressing 
the right arrow key to save the playlist.  

Maybe every once in a while a completely green user should 
try some of the stuff out (like all of us were at one point 
or another) to clear up any of the confusion or shortfalls 
in the documentation.


Discuss mailing list

Re: [slim] Playlists

2005-04-05 Thread PAUL WILLIAMSON
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/05/05 4:02 PM >>>
> I'm using the default skin, and have tried several browsers.
> On one or two occasions "save" has appeared for about 20-30 
> seconds, and I have actually saved from that menu item. But 
> then "save" disappears from the listing.

That smells like a server problem...

> I can, it seems, always save from the Squeezebox, now I've 
> found out how to do it, but that's not always convenient.

Ok, what do your web server logs say?  I would guess it 
would show in error_log or access_log.  


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