[slim] 1x Squeezebox 3 and 2x Squeezebox Duet for sale

2018-09-22 Thread bigjules

I bought my first slim devices squeezebox a long time ago - back in 2006
- before music streaming over the internet was really a thing.  It was
revolutionary.  I ripped all my cds, and listened to music that I hadn't
heard for ages. Over the years, my wife and I and my 4 kids have used it
constantly.  It has been the best tech purchase I ever made.  I even
contributed some very early code to fix a problem I had with my original

I know there are still avid fans out there, but for me its time to move
on.  My worn out laptop (running LMS) is so old that it is hard to get
parts for.  I no longer have the time to tinker and fiddle to get things
"just so".  And my ears aint what they used to be.  Now days we mostly
listen to spotify (except for some esoteric albums from my old
collection that will never be available).  We already use google play to
purchase video content so we can watch it on a variety of devices, and
use plex for my local video content.  It all works seamlessly with

I'm a bit sheepish to say that today I bought a chromecast audio.  I
pointed Plex at my music library, plugged in the chromecast, and 5
minutes later I was streaming music to the loungeroom.   It took me
about 2 minutes to explain how to use it to my youngest (8 years old). 
For my needs, its easier to setup, easier to use and easier to maintain.

SO.. I'm a bit sad to say that I'm looking for a home for my old setup. 

- Logitech squeezebox 3 ( my original slim devices one failed a while
back )
- 2x Logitech duet and controller (batteries are shot on the

PM me with an offer.  I'll accept anything that covers the chromecast
and postage.  Otherwise I'll donate it to the local Op Shop - which is
always good for your second hand karma :)

Jules - Melbourne, Australia

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Re: [slim] Duet- WOL Has never worked, pls help

2008-08-29 Thread bigjules

I got a bit sick of SC 7.0 erratic WOL behaviour, so I wrote a
Controller applet to wake my server.  Works every time, but connecting
to the server after it wakes can sometimes take a little while.  

If there is any interest I can post it.


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Re: [slim] what can cause an album to dissapear in SB duet?

2008-08-29 Thread bigjules

On SC 7.0 I've found that any tracks without an artist tag wont show up
on the Controller.
Haven't tried newer versions (because upgrading is rarely worth the


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Re: [slim] SB3 appears dead

2008-07-14 Thread bigjules

Its possible I had a PSU fail after 1 year..  same symptoms as above.. 
PSU seemed to output 5v under no load.. 

Because it was under warranty Logitech replaced the whole SB3.


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[slim] Unusual uses for your Controller

2008-04-15 Thread bigjules

At the risk of sounding like a dodgy bugger..  Here's a rather unusual
use I found for my Controller.

I have three kids..  and to ease the number of chores (and to improve
general household sanity), my wife and I agreed to get a cleaner once a
week for three hours to .. well .. clean.

Recently I've noticed that the house has been less clean..  (probably
because I'm on paternity leave with too much time on my hands)..
So I called to make sure the cleaner was .. well .. cleaning and found
that the cleaner wasn't really at our house for the full three hours.. 
closer to one hour the time I rang..
I mentioned to the cleaner that I think it might be appropriate to ..
well.. clean for the three hours instead of one.

who cares I hear you say..  well.. now comes the interesting bit.

Being a little peeved, I attached my Controller to the inside of the
front door, knowing that the handy inbuilt accelerometer will notice
any door movements during the day.
When I get home I check the log to discover that the cleaner has only
.. well.. cleaned .. for about an hour and a half.

Who would have thought that I could use my Controller as an employee
monitoring device.
Needless to say I'm looking for a new cleaner.


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Re: [slim] To upgrade or Not to upgrade, that is the question.

2007-06-17 Thread bigjules

In my experience dont try to upgrade unless you have a lot of time on
your hands and you dont get frustrated easily.

I tried upgrading from 6.2.3 to 6.5 a while back.  I had so many
problems I gave up and went back to my old installation.  And I have a
PhD in artificial intelligence, so (hopefully) its not because I'm

And like you, I am not saying I dont like the product.  I use my SB3
every day, both for internet radio and listening to my music
collection.  I still think it is the most useful thing I've bought in
the last 10 years.


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Re: [slim] Where to buy in New York?

2007-05-08 Thread bigjules

You could try here:


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Re: [slim] How do I allow power-saving Standby mode?

2007-03-18 Thread bigjules

Sounds like you might have your slim server box set to wake on any
network traffic rather than just a WOL signal.  
You're squeezebox continually polls your slim server machine (dont ask
me why.. still seems like a strange design decision to me, but that is
the way it is)  

Dont know what OS you are using though.. can we have more details?


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[slim] Re: Wake-on-LAN: something new...?

2006-06-20 Thread bigjules

I thought the SB polled for the server continuously anyway.. so it
should find the server as soon as the server machine is up and running.



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[slim] Re: Keeping Slimserver awake

2006-06-13 Thread bigjules

what version of slimserver are you running?


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[slim] Re: Slimserver and ISP's

2006-06-06 Thread bigjules

Dougal Wrote: 
> But there must be something that makes slimserver, Squeezebox or
> Softsqueeze to be treated differently than other media players like
> winamp etc.

Perhaps it is differences in the buffer size.


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[slim] Re: How much longer for a really slim SlimServer?

2006-04-30 Thread bigjules

I'm an IT geek.. and have slim running on my server at home (yes I
really do have a home office).  Also comfortable fiddling with things.

but if there was one, I would buy a NAS product from slim devices that
ran slimserver properly and didn't require fiddling.


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[slim] Re: France Vs Apple

2006-04-28 Thread bigjules

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=22423

Question: France Vs Apple

- Apple are right
- The French are right
- Both are wrong, I have a better solution (explain)
- What's France?

Jacob Potter Wrote: 
> Only without DRM. Anyway, Apple doesn't sell songs in ALAC (lossless),
> they're all AAC (lossy), and there are already open-source AAC
> decoders.

k.. my mistake.  I should read more carefully.


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[slim] Re: France Vs Apple

2006-04-28 Thread bigjules

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=22423

Question: France Vs Apple

- Apple are right
- The French are right
- Both are wrong, I have a better solution (explain)
- What's France?

I thought some guy in Melbourne, Australia had written an open source
decoder for ALAC with Apple's DRM..
Surely it isn't hard to put this in as a transcoder for slimserver.

(of course.. I only read about it in passing so I could be wrong).

here's the link: (Googled ALAC) craz.net/programs/itunes/alac.html


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[slim] Re: 6.2.2: Browse Genre -> Artist : not respecting Compilations

2006-04-28 Thread bigjules

NB:  fixed in 6.3 nightly build.


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[slim] Re: 6.2.2: Browse Genre -> Artist : not respecting Compilations

2006-04-27 Thread bigjules

Confirmed this with a clean install of 6.2.2 and a single album music

Will enter bug report.


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[slim] 6.2.2: Browse Genre -> Artist : not respecting Compilations

2006-04-27 Thread bigjules

Just installed 6.2.2.

1) it did a rescan automatically after i installed it..  perhaps
necessary.. but I don't really see why unless the schema has changed.

2) I have the following compilation settings:
"Group Compilation Albums together"
"List Albums by Band"
"Show any tracks & albums for an artist"

When I Browse Artist or Browse Genre->All Artists, I get the correct
behaviour, and Compilations are shown under Various Artists.
When I Browse Genre ->  (say Electronica/Dance), in addition to
Compilation being listed under Various Artists, I get the individual
track artists for my compilations in the Artist list. 

I tried stopping the server, deleting the cache, and doing a full
rescan.  Same behaviour.

Any thoughts?


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[slim] Re: Wake-on-LAN" again

2006-04-22 Thread bigjules

oreillymj Wrote: 
> Also the Prevent standby plugin, if you have it enabled, will be
> telling Windows to keep the system active. Make sure this is disabled.

Just to clarify: The prevent standby plugin only prevents standby if
there is a client playing music.  so if all of your SBs are stopped or
paused, it will let your machine go into standby.


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[slim] Re: Wake-on-LAN" again

2006-04-21 Thread bigjules

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> I'd just like to point out that, once you've shut down the hard disks
> and the monitor, you've already saved 3/4 of the possible electrical
> savings. 

If you're sending your machine into suspend, the power is only
maintained to the devices that can wake from standby, and to the ram.
(and what little of the cpu needs to still work).. even shuts down all
the fans.

-- insert picture of me hugging a tree here


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[slim] Re: Wake-on-LAN" again

2006-04-19 Thread bigjules

If you're happy with your server going into standby rather than shutting
down, then you shouldn't need any plugins to do what you want.

just download the latest 6.2.2.

Set your power management to put your computer into standby (after 10
or 15 minutes).

Open the network interface controller properties for your network card
(or wireless network controller).
Check the "Allow this device to bring the computer out of standby."
Check the "Only allow management stations to bring the computer out of

And it should send itself into standby about 15 mins after you stop
listening to music on your SB.



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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-04-17 Thread bigjules

mortod Wrote: 
> But if the PC has woken due to WOL from the SB, it then goes into
> standby just 2 minutes after the SB playing is stopped - not 15
> minutes.

That is pretty odd..  I wonder if it is related to my display never 
going into standby when I get WOL from SB..

Maybe the windows power management settings dont get restored properly
when the machine wakes up from WOL..

Sounds like a problem that might be hard to track down.  So I might
leave it until I have more time.. 

(working on a plugin to skip all songs in the zapped song playlist --
taking up most of my SB time :)


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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-04-11 Thread bigjules

oreillymj Wrote: 
> Yes, probably the parameter that you are sending to SetThreadExecution
> state is >=2

In the plugin I use SetThreadExecutionState(1) ..  Which shouldn't
intefere with the display standby timer at all.

I rekon its a windows stuffup..  I bet if I send a WOL from anywhere,
and dont use the keyboard or mouse on the machine that wakes up the
same thing will happen..  will test sometime.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-04-11 Thread bigjules

Sorry..  my message was confusing..

I meant the display on my slimserver PC..  So sequence of events:

1) Turn on server PC.
2) After 5 mins -- Display turns off
3) After 15 mins -- goes into suspend.
4) Hit "on" button on squeezebox
5) Wakes up server
6) Server resumes and display turns on
6) Play some music (lets say for 1 hour) -- Server display still on
7) Turn off squeezebox -- Server display still on
8) After 15 mins -- server goes into suspend (and server display turns

So something is keeping the display on.. but I dont know what it is.. 
Its definately not slimserver..  Probably just a windows power
management problem.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-04-10 Thread bigjules

oreillymj Wrote: 
> BTW - When fixed it works great. Good work.


One oddity I have noticed is that when my server PC wakes from suspend
when I press "on" on the squeezebox, the display will not turn off.  It
will happily go back into suspend after the defined timeout (if I turn
the squeezebox back off), but the display stays on the whole time.

If I get time I'll figure out why.. but it is probably some Windows


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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-04-09 Thread bigjules

oreillymj Wrote: 
> The main problem was that the code was missing a "use Win32::API;"
> statement.

err..  the code doesn't seem to be missing the "use Win32::API"..
just take a look in the zip.


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[slim] Re: Network Activity

2006-04-09 Thread bigjules

radish Wrote: 
> Except that just because the player is switched off doesn't mean the
> server wants to forget about it. You still want to see which players
> are connected, and maybe switch them on. That requires an active
> connection. Sure you could drop the connection on power off and bring
> it back on power on, but what if you couldn't? (because it wasn't
> there). That would lead to a UI action which couldn't be completed, and
> that's a Bad Thing (tm).
> The real question is, why not have the keepalives? They use essentially
> zero bandwidth.

The server does know the players IP.  So it could just remember that.. 
if the player IP changes its not like the old connection remains valid

So to switch a player on.. the server could try to open a connection to

Some people have trouble with the keepalives preventing their server
machine from going into standby..  I dont have this issue.. but I just
dont see why they are necessary.  I would have thought the squeezebox
was a passive network device.. in that when it isn't in use it just
sits there.. not impacting in any way on your network..

But I agree that the keepalives have an extremely minimal impact.


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[slim] Re: Network Activity

2006-04-08 Thread bigjules

Triode Wrote: 
> Its a tcp connection.  The way tcp works, you need to send data (or
> keepalives) to know the connection is still running.  As the client is
> responsible for connecting to the server, the client needs a way to
> know it is still connected and if not attempt to reconnect - hence the
> keepalives.

TCP has a connection timeout.  Why not just make that longer. 
Regardless of who initiated the connection, its not like the server
isn't sending packets to the squeezebox all the time.  Except of course
when its doing nothing and nothing is displayed -- which is exactly when
you'd want the connection to timeout.


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[slim] Re: Network Activity

2006-04-07 Thread bigjules

Triode Wrote: 
> There is also a small tcp keepalive once every 2 seconds if there is no
> display activity - so you see packets every 2 seconds or so.

Ignoring the display update issues, why does the squeezebox need a
keepalive?  What sort of connection does it maintain to the server? 
Surely the timeout for the connection could be made quite long, at
least long enough to relieve the need for a keepalive packet.

I'm sure this has been discussed ad-infinitum.. but I couldn't find the
info.  Any reference would be appreciated.


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[slim] Re: Brushed Aliminium Panel coming loose.

2006-04-06 Thread bigjules

Thanks.  Will do.


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[slim] Brushed Aliminium Panel coming loose.

2006-04-06 Thread bigjules

I have to say that my Squeezebox 3 has let me rediscover albums that I'd
completely forgotten I owned.  And I never have to go hunting through my
CDs.  All in all, one of the best purchases I've made in the last year..
Thanks Slim Devices.

But the brushed aluminium panel on the device keeps coming loose.  It
pulls away from the unit in the top right, and bottom left (kind of
looks a bit warped)..  how is it attached?  looks like its glued on to

Any advice on reattaching it properly?  I dont really want to send it
back, cause I use it all day every day.

Also.. the dark display cover (plastic bitty at the top) had a few
scratches at the bottom (near the brushed aluminium bitty) when I
purchased it.. Not that I care about things like that much..  just
thought I'd mention it.


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[slim] Re: Effect of standby/hibernate on Slim?

2006-04-06 Thread bigjules


Try reading this thread for preventing Slimserver from going into
standby while streaming (did you search the forums?? always first port
of call).


It contains a plugin to prevent PC going into standby while streaming. 
The plugin has been incorporated into the 6.2.2 and 6.5 builds (so you
can just download the latest nightly build to fix this if it is a
problem for you).

Of course no content can be streamed to your squeezebox if the computer
running slimserver is in standby or suspend..  Your squeezebox does have
a buffer, so it can continue to play while the slimserver pc is off (or
in standby) until it has emptied its internal buffer.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-04-04 Thread bigjules

ok.. Here's a plugin that fixed my problem..  

I've never written any Perl before.. so be kind.  I used the Win32::API
module from CPAN to access the Windows function
The plugin simply checks all clients every minute, and if any of them
are playing it resets the standby timer using the Windows method

Thanks to everyone for their input.

|Filename: PreventStandby.zip   |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1166|


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[slim] Re: "Album Artist" versus "Artist" behavior

2006-04-03 Thread bigjules

well.. I fiddled with my server settings a lot.. couldn't get it to
so I uninstalled slimserver..  reinstalled..
and now it works again..  compilations are again appearing under
Various Artists.

Scratches head..


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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-04-03 Thread bigjules

Khuli Wrote: 
> I have the complete opposite problem, in that my SlimServer PC -never-
> goes into standby...

lol.. Thats what I expected to happen on my machine..


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[slim] Re: "Album Artist" versus "Artist" behavior

2006-04-02 Thread bigjules

(I know you might not like it but) I use iTunes to manage my music
library.  All my compilations (and some albums that are not
compilations but list the songwriter as Artist) are marked as
compilations in iTunes tags..

I have slimserver setup to use the iTunes plugin and set the options to
group compilations, and to show albumns by band rather than artist.. 
worked a treat.. showed all compilations under Various Artists just as
it does in iTunes.

The next morning I turned on my Squeezebox and all the artists from my
compilation albums were back in my browse by artist lists.. and Various
Artists disappeared..No matter what settings I use now.. I cant get
it to group them again. (I have the Rescan Music Library plugin set to
rescan at 02:00 every morning)

Very Odd that I managed to get it to work and then it just stopped.. I
wish I could remember what I changed.. 

Tried clearing and rescanning..  tried stopping slimserver and
restarting, then clearing and scanning..

will keep fiddling and report back.. something will work eventually.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-04-01 Thread bigjules

Cool.. thanks for finding that bug report.. I forgot to search the bug
database..  will do so in future.

Thanks too for the reference to the VB script.

If I have time I'll look at writing a plugin to prevent standby in
Windows.  Until then.. I'll leave my computer on.



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[slim] Re: Product Announcement: K.R.O.N.O.S

2006-04-01 Thread bigjules

The display looks a bit small..  can I get a bigger version to wear
around my chest?   One that gives me a zap every 5 minutes or so.. 
Make sure I stay awake at work.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-04-01 Thread bigjules

A possibility..  But I'm sure there must be a way to prevent XP from
going into standby when there is network activity.. I just cant find


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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-03-31 Thread bigjules

There are windows system calls that an application can use to prevent
suspend/shutdow.  and events it can monitor when these occur..  But its
been so many years since I did any perl coding that I don't know how
they are accessed.

Most of the threads on standby seem to be about getting the PC running
slimserver to wake up.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-03-31 Thread bigjules

I thought it was a bit more sophistocated than that..  Some applications
prevent standby (eg the machine doesn't go into standby if iTunes is
playing music..  ).

But you may well be right..  I thought there might be a setting
somewhere that let network activity prevent standby..


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[slim] Slimserver PC going into standby

2006-03-31 Thread bigjules

Had a shocker of a week.. so I bought a squeezebox..  love it..  cheered
me up immensely

How can I prevent the PC I have slimserver running on from goint into

I can wake it up again from my sqeezebox by pressing the power button..
but it keeps going to sleep again after the standby timer interval I
have set in Windows Power Management.

I dont particularly want to disable power management..

Any advice?



bigjules's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4805
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