Re: [slim] Converting to Apple Lossless

2007-02-01 Thread geraint smith

thesil;175777 Wrote: 
> I am a mac person as well and I am supported by iTunes. In that case,
> what should I be ripping new tunes as?

Two good choices: Apple Lossless or .aiff. Squeezeboxes don't seem to
enjoy the former much: no ff or rew function, and it has to be
transcoded on the fly to something they can read natively. However, it
takes up no more space than FLAC (which has no such problems, but which
iTunes and iPod can't play at all.).

Aiff, on the other hand, takes up about twice as much space as ALAC,
but otherwise handles better because Squeezebox can read it natively.
It does not need to be transcoded. FF and REW work, and there's much
less burden on the server because there's no transcoding being done (so
less likelihood of dropouts if you're using a slow old box like mine to
run Slimserver). If you run the SB on a wireless network using Airport
Extreme you may find that you get drop outs using Aiff if your house is
nasty to it, in which case try setting up an Airport Express as a
wireless/ethernet bridge (ie the AE receives the signal but transfers
it to the Squeezebox via ethernet cable). I use this setup, with aiff,
and it runs extremely well (but you need lots of disc space - ie 600Mb
or so on average per CD).

Loads of threads on aiff/alac/flac etc. Try this one:


geraint smith

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[slim] Re: Poll: Wired or wireless?

2007-01-22 Thread geraint smith

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Do you use your Slim Devices equipment wired or wirelessly?

- All wired
- All wirelessly
- I have several units, some operate wired, some wireless

Is wired via ethernet bridge from Airport Express wired or wireless?
Both at once? That's how my (working) SB2 is set up (and the spare one
isn't!). Works well. Mostly.


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[slim] Re: Itunes and aiif

2007-01-05 Thread geraint smith

Eric Seaberg;166852 Wrote: 
> I do know there's an OPTION to rip at 48kHz, but you're wasting
> bandwidth!  

Sorry! I misunderstood you. I thought you were being puzzled - ie
"there shouldn't be an option" meaning "what's this about an option?
Where are you seeing it? There shouldn't be one there" because that's
the way I'd probably have phrased it myself (to be gentle!) but in fact
you were saying "this option is silly because there's no point in it and
it should not be there". Which is fair enough. A little touch of
ambiguity in the night!

Eric Seaberg;166852 Wrote: 
>  Since the original was at 44.1kHz and has a 'brick-wall' filter at
> 20kHz, there's NO reason to re-sample (rip) at anything other than the
> original 44.1kHz... THERE'S NOTHING THERE!!  You're just making the
> file LARGER for no reason (please excuse the CAPS, but I'm hoping it
> makes a point). 

There's no need to shout, you know! I know very well already that this
is all perfectly correct. However, I thought when I wrote that I
remembered seeing some debate about the matter somewhere recently and
thought I'd better mention it even if it doesn't make sense (and even
if I certainly can't tell the difference and don't quite see how,
logically, anyone could.)

Eric Seaberg;166852 Wrote: 
> ...As far as transferring from vinyl, if you're planning on putting
> the final product on CD, you're still better off recording at 44.1k or
> 88.2k.  If your record at 48k then SRC down to 44.1k, the math involved
> is not as easy to accomplish as if going from 88.2 to 44.1.  Of course
> this also depends on whose SRC you're using.
> I still offer the best option of keeping it at 44.1kHz if that's your
> final product, yet record at 24-bit whenever possible. 

Yes, of course this is true if one wants to record to CD subsequently,
but if the main use of the material is to put it through a sound card
(or external DAC - or a Squeezebox?) then, and again correct me if I'm
wrong, isn't 48kHz actually quite a good thing because many sound cards
surreptitiously work on that rate? And yes, as far as I'm concerned it's
iTunes' inability to rip at 24 bit that is its biggest drawback.

Eric Seaberg;166852 Wrote: 
>  I've been in the mastering/recording business since 1971 and have tried
> and tested it all.  TRUST ME!!  

Well, you know, I did absolutely until that moment, but now you've
really me suspicious. Now I'm thinking: so what have you got to hide,
and when's the sucker punch coming?


PS. Do I need to add this?


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[slim] Re: Itunes and aiif

2007-01-03 Thread geraint smith

Eric Seaberg;166797 Wrote: 
> Keith, there shouldn't be a setting in iTunes to change the ripping
> sample rate!  ALL audio CDs are 44.1kHz!!!  Only video (DVD, etc) are
> 48kHz... that's the 'standard'. 
> DO NOT confuse BITRATE with SAMPLE RATE!!  The settings for AIF
> encoding should be set to AUTOMATIC.  Let it do what it THINKS it
> should do.  DO NOT CUSTOMIZE to a higher sample rate as it will totally
> screw up your chances to re-burn to an Audio CD, if you ever want to do
> that.
> Otherwise, go to APPLE LOSSLESS as it will retain the quality while
> saving some HD space.  Make SURE you've got "USE ERROR CORRECTION WHEN
> READING AUDIO CDs" checked in ALL instances of ripping, as this will
> make sure you're grabbing all of the data where
> scratches/fingerprints/mustard have been smeared on the CD surface.  It
> may take a little longer, but you're chances of a good rip are improved
> considerably.

erI hate to contradict Eric, but there is in fact an option in
iTunes to sample at either 48kHz or 44.1kHz (in the "Preferences -
importing - custom" menu).

I leave it at 44.1kHz, myself. There's some debate about whether
sampling at the higher rate will do anything for ripping CDs of which,
as Eric says, the standard rate is 44.1. In any case, it used to be
true (pre-Transporter) that no Slim Device could handle this, I think,
but I believe that that has now changed. Really, it is a matter of
preference - as Ross said to you right at the start, suck it and see. I
can myself hear no advantage in oversampling to 48kHz when ripping CDs.
However, when transfering from vinyl, it sounds better to me if I use
the higher sample rate throughout the chain of capture/digitisation
(although I may be imagining this. I've not double blind tested it),
and the higher the rate, the better I think it sounds all the way up to
192kHz - better than CD, in fact.  In any case, it is easy to convert
back down to 44.1kHz if you do want to burn a CD. Bitrate is indeed
automatic, and will be 1411kbps at 44.1kHz sample rate. (It's higher if
you do choose 48kHz).

Incidentally, iTunes will perfectly happily handle and play files with
sample rates up to at least 96kHz (I pick that one because I've just
found one at that rate in my library) if you can get another programme
to sample at that rate. It just won't rip at anything above 48kHz
itself - probably just as well, because if you think 44.1kHz/1411kbps
eats disc space, you should see the size of a file at 96kHz sample rate
and the accompanying bit rate of 3072kbps!

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[slim] Re: Bach to the drawing missing from Slimserver (yet again)

2007-01-03 Thread geraint smith

SteveEast;166777 Wrote: 
> Since v7, iTunes has taken to squirrelling the artwork away in a
> location unknown to SS. The easiest workaround is to embed the artwork
> in each track. I believe there's a script to automate that on the Mac -
> search this site.
> Steve.

Thanks, Steve. I've been using Coverscout, which I thought did the
unsquirrelling and embedding, but perhaps in ways mysterious to Slim.
It shows me cover art for about 97 per cent of the albums - which is a
lot more than SS knows about! I'll have a scout round myself for the


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[slim] Re: Bach to the drawing missing from Slimserver (yet again)

2007-01-03 Thread geraint smith

totoro;166521 Wrote: 
> I had a similar problem recently. I uninstalled and reinstalled the
> server, and teverything showed up again.
> You might be able to get it to work by shutting down the server, as
> well as any mysql processes, and deleting everything under
> $slimserver/server/cache/mysql.
> I've also experienced weirdness wrt the album art. I had a similar
> experience with itunes and album art, and when I switched to flac, an
> apparently randomly different set of albums showed up with no artwork
> (looks like it was a much lower percentage of my collection).
> Maybe you should enter a bug about the album art, if you think yours is
> reproducible. I'd vote for it. I didn't enter mine, as it seemed that
> reproducing it would be very hard.

Uninstall/reinstall did the trick. In the interim between starting this
thread and anyone else taking it up, I had asked Slim tech support for
their help. They opined that there was something wrong with the pref or
database file, and suggested deleting the contents of various folders -
including the one you mention, totoro - but SlimServer then refused to
restart at all, so in the end they came down behind a full wipe and
replace. They also gave me the idiots' guide I needed to doing it
(which was jolly decent of them, as ever). The result is that the
contents of iTunes and SlimServer now more or less match, and SS is
also running (and scanning) much more quickly, as is the web

While uninstalling, I ran a Spotlight search for Slim files, and
discovered a .dmg file for the nightly build of 14 December. I knew I'd
installed one nightly build, but wasn't sure exactly when. Since this
fits the chronology more closely than I'd recalled, I have a feeling
that this may have been the culprit. Which I hope isn't too ominous!
Perhaps it was the attempt to instal this without uninstalling 6.5 that
did the damage.

Anyway, many thanks for your help to totoro and all others kind enough
to assist. I'll have another look at the artwork issue now, too,
(although I don't think I have enough of an idea of how to report a bug
actually to do that yet!)

Thanks again.


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[slim] Re: Itunes and aiif

2007-01-03 Thread geraint smith

KeithL;10 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the replies. I thought aiff was one of the lossless formats.
> Keith

Yes, it is: lossless and uncompressed. And yes, iTunes and Aiff are an
excellent solution for ripping/storing if you are using a Squeezebox,
iTunes and a Mac (and, indeed, an iPod), provided that you are happy
with a format that gobbles hard disc space. (I assume, since you are
talking about AIFF rather than WAV, that you are running a Mac). You
get undegraded sound quality with maximum flexibility and user
friendliness. You would also get the sound quality from any of WAV,
FLAC or Apple Lossless (ALAC) files, but these formats all have
disadvantages for Squeezebox users running iTunes on Macs, especially
if they also use an iPod. A summary:

ALAC: 1. Squeezeboxes don't play ALAC, so SlimServer has to transcode
it into FLAC or AIFF or WAV as it's playing in order to make sense of
it for the Squeezebox. This puts a load on the processing/streaming
chain that is not strictly necessary and which some (myself included)
think results in lacunae - drop-outs - in the signal over a wireless
network. 2. you can't use fast forward or reverse if you are using
ALAC. You can using AIFF. 3. It is very much an Apple format, with
consequent implications for universal use. Many devices/players
including PCs, won't handle it at all (although the same is true to
some extent of Aiff).

FLAC is a good format for PC users (provided they don't iPod), but it's
a non-starter if you want to use iTunes and a Mac because iTunes doesn't
recognise it. Neither does an iPod.

WAV files don't carry tags and will probably end up in an amorphous
heap in iTunes, labelled "no album, no artist" - and no use! I've got a
bag of them somewhere...

The only disadvantage that I can see of Aiff is that one CD takes about
700Mb, so one would be talking terabytes for a big collection. Still,
storage is cheap, and in my view, iTunes and Aiff give the best
combination of ease of use, flexibility and sound quality. There are
other programmes you can use to rip onto a Mac, but I'm not sure
there's any advantage in them except for damaged or otherwise difficult
discs. All the ones I've looked at are just ripping programmes. You then
have to sort out tags as a separate operation, from what I've seen. That
seems a total pain, and I've seen no convincing evidence that they give
any better sound quality, or more accurate, or better corrected,
copying from CD than does iTunes. (I'd like to, if anyone has some).

The only disadvantage I can see to iTunes - leaving aside debatable
claims for other programmes of sonic superiority all else being equal -
is that it can handle only a maximum of 48kHz, 16 bit. It cannot rip to
24 bit 196kHz. That may be OK if you're only ripping CDs, but if you're
digitising pristine vinyl to tracks for use via a Transporter, which I
believe can handle the higher bit/sample rates, you may want something

Corrections welcomed if any of this is wrong, of course. (I'd better
apologise now for any blunders, I think!)

geraint smith

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[slim] Re: Bach to the drawing missing from Slimserver (yet again)

2007-01-02 Thread geraint smith

totoro;166521 Wrote: 
> I had a similar problem recently. I uninstalled and reinstalled the
> server, and teverything showed up again.
> You might be able to get it to work by shutting down the server, as
> well as any mysql processes, and deleting everything under
> $slimserver/server/cache/mysql.
> I've also experienced weirdness wrt the album art. I had a similar
> experience with itunes and album art, and when I switched to flac, an
> apparently randomly different set of albums showed up with no artwork
> (looks like it was a much lower percentage of my collection).
> Maybe you should enter a bug about the album art, if you think yours is
> reproducible. I'd vote for it. I didn't enter mine, as it seemed that
> reproducing it would be very hard.

That sounds a promising approach. I'll try uninstall/reinstall when I
have a moment this evening. Thank you very much, Totoro. Is there any
idiot's guide to uninstalling available, (including Mysql) or is it
fairly self-evident.

I wonder whether all this is connected with a new nightly build. It may
be the result of updating from 6.5 to a nightly build 6.5.1, although I
can't now remember when I did that.

Anyway, thanks again. I'll give it a whirl later today - and take
another look at the album art, too.


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[slim] Re: Bach to the drawing missing from Slimserver (yet again)

2007-01-02 Thread geraint smith

adamslim;166483 Wrote: 
> What about length of filename, including path?  Is there a limit within
> SS?  I had trouble with some very long filenames a while back.
> You could also try getting MP3Tag to cut and paste the tags (i.e.
> cutting whatever is there, be it ID2, ID3v1, ID3v2 etc etc and pasting
> just ID3v2) for an album that fails.
> Adam

Thank you for the suggestions, Adam. I must investigate filename length
further.  I have to say, though, that I'd noticed no problem until the
last ten days. I also rather think, though, that some of those missing
are even shorter than "New York (Christmas)" which is what Slimserver's
sole surviving album of Bach cantatas is called.

I'd been trying to find a tag editor for Mac. Does MP3Tag work with
AIFF and Macs?

Sorry. I seem to be making free with the questions today.


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[slim] Re: Bach to the drawing missing from Slimserver (yet again)

2007-01-02 Thread geraint smith

Justme;166459 Wrote: 
> Do you have McAfee Internet Security installed?
> If so, On McAfee Security Center, set the "Specify Types of files to
> scan" on real time scanning, to program files and documents only. The
> try rescanning library.

Nice thought, for which I'm grateful, but no. Mine is a Mac PPC system.

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[slim] Bach to the drawing missing from Slimserver (yet again)

2006-12-31 Thread geraint smith

In the wake of (another's) solved Mystery of the Missing Janacek, I
present in hope and anxiety and with a plaintive request for aid, a
further Christmas conundrum: the Case of the Walkabout Bach.

Last week, according to Slimserver, I had around 600 albums ripped.
This week, I seem to have 335.  What has happened in the interim, I
have absolutely no idea. If anybody else has any clues, I'd be very
grateful to hear them.

I'm running an eMac 800MHz with iTunes, music stored on a separate
LaCie Triple 250Gb HD. Nothing about this setup has changed recently.
SlimServer is set to look at the iTunes library in the usual place
(/users/username/music/iTunes), and for the music in the correct volume
(/volumes/volumename/iTunes/iTunes music). Nothing about that has
changed. Among the missing albums are all of the Gardiner/Monteverdi
Choir Bach Cantata Pilgrimage so far released, which I'd ripped over
the last six months or so (wonderful music, incidentally) - except for
the one I ripped a week before Christmas which is, oddly enough, the
Christmas one (vol. 15). I've checked the relevant folders. All of the
Pilgrimage series is shown in iTunes. They are all - as carefully
retagged - under the same artist, and the files themselves are all, as
right and proper, contained in close proximity in the same artist
folder on the LaCie drive. There appears to be no difference between
the position, folder or file for vol. 15, and those for vols. 1,7,8,10
etc. iTunes plays them all with great alacrity. However, vol 15 exists
in Slimserver, and vols 1,7,8,10 etc do not.

That also leaves another 300 albums that also seem to have vanished
without trace, but are less clearly near-identical.

I have tried: deleting/rebuilding my iTunes library (although the
contents of that are clearly correct); pointing Slimserver to the
precise addresses of said library and to the music folders; pointing
Slimserver to no addresses, but specifying merely "use iTunes"; leaving
the "look for playlists in" field blank; filling ditto field in;
rescanning (times about nine, at the last approximation); installing
the latest nightly rebuild of 6.5.1; screaming a lot, which seemed to
help at the time, but did not noticeably restore any music.

I am also running Coverscout and CDPedia, although why these should
have any effect, I have not the faintest idea, either, being completely
and utterly baffled. So, if anyone does have any ideas, I'd be very
grateful indeed.

Oh, and while I'm on the whinge, Slimserver doesn't see all my
carefully collected artwork, either, even though iTunes and CDPedia
assure me that it is there, and visible. These helpful applications
also assure me that the album count that Slimserver previously recorded
was accurate, and should, if the world were a fairer place, be

Thanks in advance.


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[slim] Re: Why use iTunes

2006-09-23 Thread geraint smith

SteveEast;138716 Wrote: 
> That's only true if you scan directly. If you scan through iTunes you
> get all the tags.
> Steve.

Yes, and it works in practice, too. Some months - sorry, aeons - ago,
before I knew better and with a degree of intelligence which astounded
even me, I managed to delete my entire iTunes music file, (don't ask)
having completely failed to back up the several months of work this
represented (you may congratulate me later if you wish). The newly
released DataRescue 2 did a superb job in recovering the lot, including
all the iTunes labels and headings (harmonising and correcting the CDDB
version of which had made up most of the months of work).
Unfortunately, though, not those for my digitised vinyl. This left a
piled heap of musical snatches from des Pres to Dire Straits labelled
"File 1" to "File 4759" or something like that, to re-excavate, the
musical equivalent of the aftermath of a tornado at the archeological
finds warehouse for a  cemetary dig. (Ever tried sorting out a few
dozen Gibbons pieces for viol consort from a few dozen Dowland pieces
for viol consort and putting them in the right order, without the
music? Hint: don't.) I'm not quite sure what I might have done to
attach tags to these files securely and so avoid the painful bit, but
certainly there was no problem with the work that iTunes had already
done painlessly for me the first time on the CDs.

Ripping directly into iTunes gives me the full range of labels and
headings (which is what I call them, because I never see the tags
themselves) that I need. In fact, it gives a much wider and more
versatile range than SlimServer will allow me to use ("composer," and
seperate entries (in version 7) for "album artist" and "track artist"
for instance) on the SB. It is immensely flexible, and extremely easy
(allowing for the shortcomings and inconsistencies of CDDB which, as
I've said, for classical music are considerable and annoying, although
that said, it's still better to have to relabel the odd 1965 Decca
recording of the Wiener Philharmonker from Japanese than to have to do
absolutely everything all the time). And, allowing for the
post-production smoothing and editing necessary for classical and early
music, it's all done from ripping to playing in one seamless process.

The only real disadvantage of which I've heard that really does bother
me is that I'm told that the error correction in iTunes does not match
up to some Windows only programmes, like Exact Audio Copy (I still
can't get this to work for me, but that is without doubt the astounding
intelligence in evidence again). That may affect the sound quality of
iTunes ripping generally (although I've not noticed any degradation in
my collection) but does, I'm told, does make it come off second best
when restoring a damaged or flawed discs so that it sounds better than
the original.

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[slim] Re: Why use iTunes

2006-09-22 Thread geraint smith

blackbear;138676 Wrote: 
> Sorry, but that is just plain wrong. You seem ignorant of the difference
> lossy and lossless compressed formats. With lossless formats, such as
> FLAC, all information is retained, and when uncompressed, an exact
> duplicate of the original bytestream is achieved. Thus, there is no
> sonic difference between a .wav and a .flac of the same song. They are
> both "the gold standard".
> Yes, disk space has become very cheap, but so has proccessing power,
> and the cost of compressing and decompressing is no excuse not to use
> (lossless) compression.
> And, as Nostromo correctly ponted out, .aiff and .wav have inferior or
> nonexistent tagging capabilities, unlike FLAC and many others. Perhaps
> iTunes hides that from you (I wouldn't know as I don't use iTunes)

Please don't start throwing accusations of ignorance around. It's
ill-mannered, boring, unnecessary and also happens to be wrong.  This
was a simple mis-phrasing on my part. I meant that there is continuing
argument about the merits or otherwise of lossless compressed formats.
Listen to any bunch of audiophiles, and they'll probably be at it at
some time. There is no such argument about the sonic qualities of the
uncompressed formats.

Why does one need an "excuse" to use an uncompressed format? I happen
to prefer uncompressed files because I find them more versatile and
useful and I'm also not convinced that adding to the complexity of any
process is necessarily a good thing. (Nobody mentioned the cost of
processing as an argument, I believe.) That is a perfectly reasonable -
and reasonably well-informed and rational - position to hold. It
certainly doesn't strike me as terribly provocative. 

What you say about tagging merely repeats, with more aggression but
without imparting any additional information, a point about which I'd
already agreed I knew nothing because I use iTunes, and therefore am
not aware that I need to know anything - which may, or may not, be an
advantage of using iTunes, depending on your point of view. But I'm
really not interested in an argument. I was rather hoping for an
entertaining and possibly illuminating discussion.

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[slim] Re: Why use iTunes

2006-09-22 Thread geraint smith

Nostromo;138512 Wrote: 
> :lol:
> ALAC supports gapless playback? Are you sure? EDIT: I quickly checked,
> and it does seem to support gapless playback. But I don't think that
> plain vanilla AAC supports gapless. And neither AAC or ALAC support FWD
> and REV. 
> As for AIFF, I really don't see the point in using it. If its anything
> like WAV, there's no difference, soundwise, with ALAC or FLAC, AIFF
> tracks take a lot more of space and its a poor choice for tagging
> purposes.
> On ReplayGain
> But its not recommended for music with high dynamic range, like
> classical.

No, I checked, too, and you're quite right, and I was quite wrong,
about AAC and ALAC.  Sorry! (That shows how much I use them!) I
disagree about AIFF, though. In fact, I'd put it the other way round. I
don't see the point in NOT using aiff (or .wav). They are, unarguably,
the gold standard sonically, which one cannot say of any of the
compressed formats, about the relative merits of which or differences
between which there always seems to be some sort of barney going on
somewhere. There's lots else in favour of not using compression -
flexibility, rapidity of ripping, ability to upsample/edit digitised
vinyl, simplicity of processing, not to mention all the things you can
do with them on Squeezebox - that make make ripping to anything else
seem to me like spoiling the ship for a ha'p'eth of tar. The only
argument I can see in its favour is disc space, but this is now so
incredibly cheap that it seems to me like false economy to stint on it
and risk (perhaps) compromising the output of, for instance, a five
figure (or more) audio setup.

Concerning tagging - now, you definitely lose me. I've never myself
found any shortcomings in or limitations to the labelling that I need
of Aiff files. This may well be because - being a benighted iTunes
user! - I don't know anything at all about it, and don't really know
what is possible. That wouldn't surprise me in the slightest. Lead me,
therefore, to tagging Nirvana, O Nostromo, for I comprehend it not.

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[slim] Re: Why use iTunes

2006-09-22 Thread geraint smith

Nostromo;138456 Wrote: 
> Its an intuitive, convenient and easy to use all-in-one package allowing
> you rip your music, tag it and organize it, create playlists and, most
> importantly, smart playlists. Smart playlists are great. Its not the
> absolutely perfect way to do all of these things, but it gets the job
> done. Its also great for people who don't know beans about computers or
> who don't want the hassle of finding the apps, then configuring them.
> Unfortunately, iTunes doesn't support FLAC. Which means that iTunes
> users can't enjoy :
> - Gapless playback on they're Squeezebox (the Squeezebox doesn't have a
> workaround yet for the limitations of MP3 and AAC)
> - Replaygain
> - Can't use RWD or FFW, unless using MP3's.
> I'm not using iTunes anymore. The feature I'll miss the most is
> definitively smartplaylists. Fortunately, Erland wrote SQLplaylist
> plugin. He did a great job, but he'll be the first to admit that its
> not as intuitive and easy to use as the Apple smart playlists.

All true except for the "can't enjoy" bit. What about ALAC and AIFF?
They work a treat gaplessly. I've just been listening to a gapless AIFF
Solti Tannhauser on SS6.5 via SB2. Bliss over wireless. And WAV, for
that matter. I don't myself know whether that works, because, being an
Apple pip, I don't use it much, but doesn't it? And FWD and REV work
with AIFF (certainly - just been playing with it) and ALAC, (I think)
too. As for this "replaygain" of which you speak, I confess I know
little of it. If, however, it's the same as smart pre-set volume
adjustment for individual tracks or albums then it definitely works for
AIFF and ALAC because, having finally got 6.5 working  - very nice
congratulations to the team and all - after some wireless tribulations,
it took me a while to work out why it was being so nannyish about
letting me play it loud. Some pesky default setting, it seems, but it
shows it works.

Come back, O, Nostromo, Come back! Harken to the siren song of iTunes!

(Fixes him with hypnotic gaze. Fails dismally. Loads super boy
scout-type cardboard catapult instead, but hits passing policeman. Oh,
well. One can but try.)

geraint smith

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[slim] Re: Can No Longer Connect

2006-09-21 Thread geraint smith

NY2006;137957 Wrote: 
> "I've got round it by connecting the SB2 by ethernet to my Airport
> Express, which handles the password for it, and telling it that it is
> connected to an ethernet network, not a wireless one. However, this
> still leaves the question of why the SB2 apparently couldn't send the
> WPA2 password properly itself."
> For the wireless connection you might want to try to change the
> password for your wireless connection  as I had a similar situation and
> changing the password solved the problem then.

Thank you again. In the end, (and before seeing your note, I have to
say), I did it the other way round: rather than fiddle about with the
whole network, I used the working ethernet/Airport Express connection
to reinstal the  firmware (in effect resetting the machine). That
appeared to clear the password problem and all is now working as it
should. Once again, many thanks for your help.

geraint smith

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[slim] Re: Can No Longer Connect

2006-09-21 Thread geraint smith

NY2006;137892 Wrote: 
> "I am having the same problem, but I'm afraid I do not understand this
> solution. What settings, where? What "pin"? The WPA password? Where
> does this message about the need to link to the player appear? I'm
> getting one (on the SB2) that says, simply, "cannot connect to
> network". And on the web interface, I'm getting "cannot find a player".
> It was all working so well before the software/firmware updates! I'd
> appreciate your help, too!"
> from the Squeezeboox remote..go into settings look for Player pin then
> on your pc go Squeezebox Network website delete old player name there
> create the name or different player name and put the pin code you saw
> at settings. Hope this helps.

Thanks for the try, but although it looked as though it should have
done, it didn't. The problem, I think, is earlier in the sequence than
this, and appears to be to do with password recognition for the
wireless network (Airport, in my case). It was asking for the WPA2
password, then failing to connect as though the password I'd entered
(four times, plus re-entering the same password in Airport Utility
configuration just to make sure) was incorrect (which it wasn't!)

I've got round it by connecting the SB2 by ethernet to my Airport
Express, which handles the password for it, and telling it that it is
connected to an ethernet network, not a wireless one. However, this
still leaves the question of why the SB2 apparently couldn't send the
WPA2 password properly itself.

geraint smith

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[slim] Re: Can No Longer Connect

2006-09-21 Thread geraint smith

NY2006;137832 Wrote: 
> "I'm running a SB3 and have been going great since last Xmas. Tonight it
> started to skip and generally not play at all. I updated the firmware on
> the Sqeezebox and now the player will not connect at all. I'm only
> running the windows firewall and I have the exception for port 3483. 
> My internet is running fine overall so it shouldn't be the router. I
> have absolutely no idea. It's like the SB3's wireless functionality has
> gone up in smoke. 
> Any ideas of what this could be? I'd appreciate your help.
> Thanks!"
> I had the same experience...after updating firmware would not
> connect...then I checked the settings which required the new pin to be
> enter at Squeezebox Network as the message said needs to be linked to
> Player..try this it should work.

I am having the same problem, but I'm afraid I do not understand this
solution. What settings, where? What "pin"? The WPA password? Where
does this message about the need to link to the player appear? I'm
getting one (on the SB2) that says, simply, "cannot connect to
network".  And on the web interface, I'm getting "cannot find a
player". It was all working so well before the software/firmware
updates! I'd appreciate your help, too!

geraint smith

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[slim] slimserver crashing

2005-05-20 Thread geraint smith

Hi. I'm having problems with Slimserver crashing/quitting every few
minutes. It's running on Mac OSX 10.3.9, via Airport Extreme, to two
Squeezebox 2s, both of them brand new. Playing from my iTunes playlists
(on an eMac 800MHz) it runs for a few minutes, then shuts down. Have not
tried with the whole library yet, but what I've been using is Apple
lossless. Funny thing is, it was all perfect before I went to bed

Anyone any ideas, please?

Geraint Smith.

geraint smith
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