Re: [slim] Anyone thought about AIRPLAY support in Squeezebox Server?

2012-03-15 Thread jdoering

pippin;695977 Wrote: 
> But you are aware that strictly speaking in some countries that support
> violates a number of laws (including most of Europe and the US) because
> it uses cracked DRM passwords. The only reason you can still provide is
> that Apple generally doesn't care about these things as long as they
> don't hurt their sales directly

While it's clear why all of this is out-of-bounds for Logitech; I think
that concluding that this support violates a number of laws (for US
anyway) is overstepping given that Apple has not challenged it and laws
regarding this stuff are very complicated (e.g. DCMA - note that iPhone
jailbreaking was explicitly added as an exception. Different than this
case, yes, but the point is that the whole legal area is far from

Anyway, Logitech obviously licenses Apple stuff legitimately and
wouldn't have interest in gray areas. But there's no reason to make
legal assumptions on third-party choices that aren't being legally
challenged (or to discourage such third-party development based on


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Re: [slim] Announcing SqueezePad - the first dedicated iPad App to controll your SqueezeBoxen !

2011-06-17 Thread jdoering

bluegaspode;634039 Wrote: 
> Constant dripping wears away the stone.
> I'll look into providing these buttons in one of the next versions I
> guess.

Yeah! I've been a long-time iPeng user and decided to pick up
SqueezePad both to see what it's like and to help support third-party
app development.

While I don't think I could quite give up iPeng (I like the "power"
interface for syncing, etc); the simplicty of SqueezePad is commendable
and I bet my wife will prefer it. That said I was perplexed that there
wasn't a shuffle option on the main screen. I've always hated the way
that's buried on the native Squeeze interface - yes I do toggle it
fairly frequently.

I assumed this issue had been discussed and what ready to chime in with
a "me too" post but was pleasantly surprised to find that it's already
in the works!



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Re: [slim] Logitechs new sugary customer approach!

2011-05-25 Thread jdoering

MickeyG;633232 Wrote: 
> Hey guys, thanks for bringing this issue up. There's been a 1-on-1 chat
> with him regarding proper customer relations, so I don't think there
> will be a recurrence of this issue with him.
> We're always interested in hearing about areas where our Squeezebox
> customer relations could be be better, so feel free to bring those up
> here.
> I've removed his personal contact info from this thread. No use
> flogging him any further. No fair dialing up his phone number either!
> Mickey

First class!


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Re: [slim] [Announce] iPeng 1.2.5 now on the App Store

2010-11-03 Thread jdoering

pippin;586509 Wrote: 
> No, that's not what it means.
> The "normal" background behavior under iOS4 for an App is to go to
> sleep and wake up at the same point when you bring it back to the
> foreground, e.g by "restarting" it.
> These Apps are not actually running in the background, they just
> continue where you left them and they keep their data in memory - until
> you run into a low-memory condition with other apps and it really gets
> terminated by the OS.
> That's not what iPeng 1.2.7 did, though. 1.2.7 REALLY kept running in
> the background. It's supposed to do this whenever album/artist/genre
> data caching is incomplete because anything else can cause trouble with
> slow servers or big libraries however it never terminated that mode,
> even whenever cache syncing was long finished.
> This drained the battery a lot.

Great clarification. I had the same concern when I read the update


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Re: [slim] Myriad problems since upgrading to windows 7. Coinicidence or not?

2010-04-07 Thread jdoering

I can't speak to any of your specific issues; but no problems here with
Windows 7 x64. Specifically a fresh install not an upgrade.



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Re: [slim] iPeng on iPad - How should it look like?

2010-02-18 Thread jdoering

I initially thought I was completely disinterested in the iPad. While I
love my iPhone; I'm skeptical about such a closed platform for anything
that starts approaching a laptop replacement.

But after using my iPhone with iPeng and also as a remote for my Tivo
HD (I hate needing to aim line-of-sight IR) I realized that I'd probably
love an iPad as a sort of super-smart universal remote. Yeah I know
there are a bunch of devices in that category (Harmony, etc) but this
one would do more (real web browsing, etc in a pinch) and run
best-of-breed options like iPeng. Now all I need is someone to come out
with a good option for Wifi-to-IR conversion at a reasonable price with
a great iPhone app to go alon. I see that a few options exist but I
don't know if they meet this criteria.

Back to the point. One thing that would be good for the use case I'm
imagining would be quick switching between such remote apps. I don't
know if the iPhone/iPad development platform allows this but for me it
would be ideal to do it with hotlinks between apps rather than having to
exit to the main app screen and pick there (requiring me to keep them
sorted carefully for the right grouping, etc).



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-10 Thread jdoering

toby10;504684 Wrote: 
> Yup, you sure can.  Same with iTunes and others (burn to CD).
> You just keep jumpin' through those hoops.   ;)
>   :)

It's absolutely a pain and it is great that iTunes went largely
DRM-free. I hope DRM becomes obsolete as well. The point was that you do
have the ability to "own" the content just as much as you do with a CD
and you can take defensive measures if you're worried that the
proprietary software, service, etc won't be available in the future.

Is the inconvenience tolerable? It depends on the consumer's
priorities. Is it every superior to DRM-free content? Absolutely not.
But are there really DRM-free audiobook alternatives to Audible that
offer similar instant download, pricing, library breadth, support for
bookmarking (on many portable players), etc?

If there are then all of my Audible purchases have been a mistake. But
I haven't look around much in a while so I really don't know if such
alternatives exist. I prefer audiobook CDs due to quality and DRM
issues; but they're less convenient to obtain, usually more expensive,
and then I still have to deal with less support for bookmarking, chapter
markers, etc.



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-10 Thread jdoering

garym;504663 Wrote: 
> I agree with jimbo's comments in general, but of course we're talking
> about audio books here, not music. I don't want DRM product either, but
> we also don't need "lossless" audio books. Very low bitrates are
> transparent when it comes to the spoken word.

I completely agree that lossless audio books sound like overkill. While
lossy may be a good argument for music - audiobooks are darn long even
with modern storage options I'd rather keep them more manageable.

However, in terms of transparency have you ever listened to Audible
content? I'm not very picky; most MP3s I listen to at typical bitrates
(192+, even a lot of 128, etc) don't bother me. But up to format #4
(32Kb/s) which they touted as great until recently;  Audible is nowhere
near transparent. I haven't tried the newer Ehanced format (64Kb/s)
enough to make real comparisons; it sounded better in quick tests but I
wasn't immediately convinced that it was good enough to beat ripping

Yes even with 32Kb/s the speech is completely understandable but there
are very perceptible differences between it and audiobooks on CD. Some
audiobooks have music fade-ins on chapters or other noises and all of it
sounds slightly unnatural. I guess kind of like listening to a lot of
radio stations. They sound pretty good, maybe even fine, but you don't
mistake them for a CD.

Anyway I certainly don't prefer DRM; but I'm not passionate enough
about it to deal in absolutes, so I do own some Audible content and some
audiobook CDs. But I don't understand objecting to Squeezeboxes doing
more rather than less. Do you complain that so many portable MP3 players
do support Audible?

To each his own. 



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-09 Thread jdoering

toby10;504319 Wrote: 
> Absolutely agree and very unlikely.
> But then, I'm sure the many people buying from Yahoo Music thought the
> same thing about the "safety" of buying from Yahoo, a multi-billion
> dollar operation still in business and still growing.   ;)
> The point is, if it's DRM'd then you are just renting it.  For how
> long?  Who knows.  2 years?  10 years?  50 years?  The length of time
> you are allowed to use it is up to the actual owner (not you).
> The content owner only needs to decide to get out of *that* business,
> not necessarily go *out* of business.

Sort of, sort of not for Audible. As others have mentioned they do
allow conversion to CD (and third-party products can use that
functionality to convert to other digital formats at very high speed
with no actual CDs involved). So they don't force you to stay locked in
their DRM if you're worried about it expiring. There is arguably quality
loss (not that it's amazing to begin with) and it's cumbersome though so
far from ideal.

But it is more open than some DRM schemes that don't provide any legal
access to the decoded data (Kindle e-books for example).

I also suspect that they wouldn't allow server-side decoding due to DRM
concerns; but it's pretty funny considering the existing CD loophole.



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Re: [slim] Would truly love an app to be available on Squeezebox

2010-01-08 Thread jdoering

I'd like the app. I think consumer choice is a good thing and I don't
think Audiobook licensing issues are Logitech's fight. Of course
development cost-wise and licensing-wise this may or may not be
strategic for Logitech.



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Re: [slim] Not a happy customer

2009-12-18 Thread jdoering

JJZolx;496703 Wrote: 
> He's not looking for help.  He's relating a bad customer support
> experience ...

Really? The bad customer support experience he related was that he
asked how to get a refund and they referred him to the store he
purchased it from - duh! He complained of "no empathy" - bummer. Sure a
basic "we're sorry your dissatisfied" is polite but I don't think that's
real empathy anyway - just polite business. The response looked fine to
me. The part about the e-mail address mixup is pretty irrelevent IMO.



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Re: [slim] Hardware Beta Testers Take Note

2009-10-16 Thread jdoering

Goodsounds;473295 Wrote: 
> If participants got software to keep for no payment, then that is free,
> isn't it? Did they also say it was non-taxable? 
> If I understand you, are you thinking about the fact that hardware
> can't be tested unless it is provided? That's right. What would make it
> taxable is that the tester can keep it. 
> If the testers sign paperwork beyond a non-disclosure agreement, it
> might mention that they receive the unit in return for testing. Or maybe
> no mention is made.
> Perhaps one of the Radio or Touch program participants could comment?

Yes it was definitely free; I'm not sure why I quoted it. I don't
recall exactly what they said; I think it was along the lines that if it
was below $600 for the year it didn't need to be reported for taxes. I
suspect they weren't clear on that meaning that THEY didn't need to
report it versus what I was suppose to do. They were definitely tracking
the value of the software and whether or not my total for the year had
exceeded $600.


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Re: [slim] Hardware Beta Testers Take Note

2009-10-16 Thread jdoering

Goodsounds;473140 Wrote: 
> The $600 rule is for payers to report payments to the IRS. Recipients
> are taxable on any amounts received (in cash or property) for services,
> they just receive no report on amounts below $600 from any one payer.

Interesting. A while back MSFT quoted the $600 rule when providing
"free" software as a benefit for particapting in one of their usability
studies. They neglected to explain the nuances of the rule.

I was actually wondering if hardware to beta testers and such fell into
the same classification or if it was somehow different since they're
providing it for you to do something on their behalf (versus the MSFT
software which was purely an after-the-fact perk).

Suffice to say; I won't be calling the IRS to check up on any of


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Re: [slim] Hardware Beta Testers Take Note

2009-10-15 Thread jdoering

I'm pretty sure you're still getting it for free in the eyes of the law.
If it's compensation for services rendered then I guess a whole
different category of law (taxes, etc) comes into the picture.

I understand your point on the personal effort involved; but I don't
think that has anything to do with the legal issue here.


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Re: [slim] Feature request - 802.11n wireless

2009-10-11 Thread jdoering

Is it infeasible to connect your server to the routers with CAT5?

Then you wouldn't have to transfer traffic between your server and your
G devices over your N network at all. May not be a big deal; but having
the server hardwired seems logical in setups where it is feasible.


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Re: [slim] Feature request - 802.11n wireless

2009-10-09 Thread jdoering

MrSinatra;469933 Wrote: 
> so measure it with testing software, leave it for a few days testing,
> whatever; however in my exp, if it works its fine.  its something the OP
> could try, if its no good, it was worth a try.

I'm not trying to be argumentative on this and it might work okay in
practice. But I don't think measuring it with testing software and
leaving for a few days is a very straight-forward proposition. You may
have the expertise and tools to verify this kind of solution but I think
it's beyond most home network users. What software will you use and how
will you know it's working okay and that you've simulated the situations
likely to cause issues?

You're running equipment outside of its specs. Maximum cable length and
such are not arbitrary numbers. They are calculated based on physical
characteristics of the hardware as well as timing requirements of the
protocol algorithms. Many different network pieces (likely from
different vendors) are all designed with these basic constraints in
mind. So once you've gone beyond whatever safety margins are built into
the specs you don't really know anymore when things can be expected to
work correctly or not. Certain protocol traffic patterns might cause
problematic timings while other use cases may run perfectly fine.

Anyway, it certainly something that can be tried and may work but
there's a certain comfort in running things in a configuration that
hardware manufactures are compelled to support.



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Re: [slim] Feature request - 802.11n wireless

2009-10-09 Thread jdoering

As you probably know, cable length restrictions are about timing
tolerances and Ethernet protocol efficiency / error detection. I do
believe that there is quite a bit of robustness built into Ethernet and
that the tolerances likely have a good degree of safety factor; but I
don't think you can use simple testing to make a very strong conclusions
that it "works correctly". Yes it probably "kinda, mostly works"; but it
may degrade performance or cause intermittent problems that are harder
to detect (e.g. high packet corruption rates, lower transmission rates,
etc due to problems with collision detection and such). These issues
might not matter much if performance isn't an issue - but I wouldn't
want to have to worry about the what-if when things don't go quite

I'd personally stick with the specs and use switches, etc appropriately
to solve distance issues.



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Re: [slim] Feature request - 802.11n wireless

2009-10-09 Thread jdoering

I have no disagreement with your 802.11n request - it's a nice to have
in my book. Although I like wires so I'd probably figure out a way to
run it in my case (some strategically placed switches might alleviate
100m cabling limits).

Anyway, I'm curious about your problem running a separate router. You
mention wanting to keep your server on the fast connection. Is your
server wireless too? I'd go with server wired to gigabit switch; switch
connected to a legacy 802.11g access point as well as a separate 802.11n
access point. One of the two access points would probably be running as
my actual Internet router. The independent switch could be eliminated
and the legacy access point connected directly to the switch on the main
wireless router. There are lots of minor variations; I'm not sure why
you'd have a limitation on this front in the first place unless your
server is wireless?



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Re: [slim] new website - please get rid of then annoying "need help?" talking cartoon

2009-10-04 Thread jdoering

dsdreamer;465941 Wrote: 
> The usability of any company's website is the public's first impression
> of the likely usability of its products.

This seems like a stretch. Maybe for technology companies (like
Logitech) it has a bit more bearing; but in general I don't think
there's a clear correlation. Great products sometimes have horrible or
non-existent websites and conversely pretty good websites can back bad
products. I would expect online reviews and commentary, Amazon reviews,
in-store placement, etc to have a bigger impact on new users finding
Squeezeboxes that Logitech's site. But of course I'm just guessing.

I think the attention to Codebaby on the forums is disproportionate to
the impact she'll have on new customers.



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Re: [slim] Windows 7

2009-10-02 Thread jdoering

Seems to run fine. But I haven't used it heavily. Specific concern in


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Re: [slim] CodeBaby on new Logitech Squeezebox site

2009-10-01 Thread jdoering

I don't know what you guys are talking about. One look at CodeBaby and I
thought: "Damn I need to run out a buy a $99.99 wall adapter - wait
maybe two!"



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Re: [slim] RTSP, why not ?

2009-09-15 Thread jdoering

Telling a consumer how easy it is for a radio station can reconfigure
their server software doesn't really help the consumer much.

Sure the station might respond; but if it works for most of the
stations listeners using standard PC clients it might not be much of a
priority for the station. It should be a high priority for the
manufacturer of a NMP to ensure compatability with as many music sources
as possible.


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Re: [slim] Bathroom compatible squeezebox

2009-09-12 Thread jdoering

As long as its not in reach of the shower/tub; I don't think there are
any such rules for non-hardwired appliances in the US (thank goodness).
There are codes of course related to hardwired installations
(fortunately we can have normal switches and outlets in bathrooms). If
there actually are rules on small appliances like radios then I'm pretty
sure that the vast majority of people don't know anything about them and
wouldn't care. The last thing I need is the government deciding for me
what I can have in my bathroom.

Whether or not it's good for the speakers; now that could be important.


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