Re: [slim] Setting Sleep from SqueezeCenter...

2008-09-20 Thread kyleki

MikeekiM;342221 Wrote: 
> Is it possible to set the sleep timer on a boom from the SqueezeCenter? 
> I haven't figured out how...  It's probably obvious...but I can't find
> it...
> Thanks!

This is covered by bug 5192:

I hope it gets added soon so we don't have to resort to alternate skins
to get this basic functionality.


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Re: [slim] Alarms in 7.2 missing one critial feature

2008-09-20 Thread kyleki

max.spicer;342234 Wrote: 
> This is probably bug 8383.
> Max

Yes I believe it is.  Thank you very much for the pointer.  I'll add
necessary comments to that bug.


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[slim] Alarms in 7.2 missing one critial feature

2008-09-19 Thread kyleki

All of the new alarm features added in 7.2 are extremely helpful.  It's
now extremely close to the features I've enjoyed in kdf's ExtendedAlarm
plugin for quite a while now.

The ONLY thing keeping me from using the built in alarm is the lack of
a way to turn shuffle on when the alarm is triggered.  Many times I
have shuffle turned off late in the day, but want the alarm to play a
random song in my playlist so I'm not always waking up to the exact
same song every morning.

I'm currently getting this functionality in the ExtendedAlarm plugin so
the priority isn't very high.  I just figured since some effort has been
put into adding alarm features, this one should be thrown in the mix.


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Re: [slim] Shuffle By Artist

2007-11-28 Thread kyleki

slimpy;245747 Wrote: 
> File an enhancement request at

Done.  'Bug 6241' ( 


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[slim] Shuffle By Artist

2007-11-27 Thread kyleki

I'm aware of the existing functionality of putting my SB2/3 in "Shuffle
by songs" mode, browsing to a specific artist, and playing it, but
that's not what I want.  I have, for example, a list of 200 songs added
to the SB2 playlist from the MusicIP plugin.  I want it to play the
songs grouped by artist so it's not completely random.

Can this shuffle mode be added?


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[slim] Re: SlimLite + NAS on board

2006-11-28 Thread kyleki

MelonMonkey;157951 Wrote: 
> Anyway, adding HD to Transporter = bad.
> Creating and marketing Slim-branded server = good.
The original poster wasn't recommending adding a HD to the Transporter.
He was simply suggesting *another* way of accessing his music by
providing extra "logic" in the device itself so it can browse network
accessible storage - independent of a server.

It would be nice if you could:
1) connect network attached storage to LAN
2) connect Transporter to LAN
3) browse and play music from NAS without ever needing to install
slimserver on any PC.

Having this ability shouldn't need to preclude any existing
functionality of the slim devices, it should be in addition to it. 
Just as I have the option when powering on my SB2 to connect to my
slimserver or SqueezeNetwork, why not an additional option to browse a
network attached hard drive for music?  Would this be such a bad thing?


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[slim] Re: Multiple album art formats supported?

2006-10-30 Thread kyleki

I've slightly modified the code you gave me to add a little extra logic
in determining
when it should do the image conversion.  It will also remove a
cover.png file that
exists in the same folder that a cover.jpg is in, leaving just the .jpg


  # Traverse a directory
  cd "$1"
  if [ -s "cover.png" ]; then
  if [ ! -s "cover.jpg" ]; then
  pngtopnm cover.png | pnmtojpeg > cover.jpg
  /bin/rm -f cover.png
  ls | while read i
  if [ -d "$i" ]; then
  echo "Directory: $i"
  # Calling this as a subshell means that when the called
  # function changes directory, it will not affect our
  # current working directory
  (traverse "$i" `expr $2 + 1`)
  if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  traverse . 0
  traverse "$1" 0

Thanks a lot for your pointer in this area as it seems to be working
I am still curious, however, if this conversion should be necessary. 
anyone have an opinion on this?


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[slim] Re: Multiple album art formats supported?

2006-10-28 Thread kyleki

slimpy;150331 Wrote: 
> The following script traverses your file system recursively and calls
> the conversion command in every directory.

Thanks.  I am running Linux (FC4) so this will work.

I guess I feel like slimserver should support multiple formats so we
don't have to
do things like this.  Why wouldn't it display anything found with a
basename of 'cover',
'folder', or a custom name defined in the settings with any one of the
following extensions:
jpg, gif, png, (etc?)?


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[slim] Multiple album art formats supported?

2006-10-27 Thread kyleki

All of my music is organized on the file system as: ARTIST/ALBUM/SONGS.
Within the ALBUM folder I have either a cover.jpg or cover.png file. 
With the
default settings, the only album art shown to me in the fishbone skin
are the
cover.jpg files.  None of my cover.png files are being seen.

What do I need to do to get all album art displayed?



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[slim] Re: MusicMagic causing errors during slimserver scan

2006-10-20 Thread kyleki

At the rate my validation is going, it'll take another 7 days!  Songs
are taking anywhere from 7 to 30 seconds to fingerprint and some song
are being "analyzed" for some reason which can take up to 25 minutes
per song!

After a full day of validating, it's only gone through about 1700
songs.  There's still another 10,000 to go!

Are there any settings that would cause performance problems like this
or is it just the expected behavior?


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[slim] Re: MusicMagic causing errors during slimserver scan

2006-10-19 Thread kyleki

kdf;147810 Wrote: 
> missing album info perhaps.  This is what's being handled on the above
> line.
Perhaps, although I'd expect to see this more frequently if that were
the case, no?

kdf;147810 Wrote: 
> When you added the music to MusicMagic, did you let is validate all of 
> the tracks?
> It really only works right AFTER all music is validated.I let MusicMagic do 
> whatever it does automatically when adding tracks
and I thought I saw it say "Validating...".  However, the MusicMagic
web interfaces says:

Total songs   11,779
Mixable songs 9,871
Songs to validate 11,779

Does this mean it didn't validate anything?

I went ahead and clicked the "Start Validation" button and am now
waiting for it to finish (man it seems slow).

While this is going on, I'm still noticing a couple of duplicate albums
listed on the slimserver web interface.  Should I expect these dups to
go away after the validation is done?


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[slim] Re: MusicMagic causing errors during slimserver scan

2006-10-19 Thread kyleki

I noticed a few duplicate albums being listed after step 7 completed
automatic rescan.  So, I decided to do another full clean & rescan of
my library
in slimserver because of a few other posts I read here about
showing duplicates if a "look for new and changed music" scan is done.

Interestingly, this 2nd manual rescan came back without any errors. 
Might the
errors have something to do with the "look for new and changed music"
scan process?


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[slim] MusicMagic causing errors during slimserver scan

2006-10-19 Thread kyleki

After starting up the MusicMagicServer process on my FC4 Linux box
(while slimserver was already running), I got a lot of these messages
in my slimserver.log:

Use of uninitialized value in string ne at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/ line 2163.
Use of uninitialized value in string ne at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/ line 2163.
Use of uninitialized value in string ne at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/ line 2163.
... repeated many, many times ...

Here's what I did to make this happen:
1) Shutdown slimserver
2) Shutdown mmserver
3) Removed ~slimserver/.MusicMagic/default.m3lib
4) Started up slimserver
5) Did a full clear & rescan of my library
6) Started up mmserver
7) Added my library back into MusicMagic through

After a moment, a scan was automatically started which is when the
errors started popping up.  There weren't any slim errors when I did
step 5 nor were there any errors in ~slimserver/.MusicMagic/log.txt at
any stage of the process.

Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?  I'm admittedly very
new to MusicMagic and am trying to fumble my way through it.

I'm running:
SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 10404 - RedHat - EN - utf8
MusicMagic 1.7


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[slim] Re: Scanning problems

2006-10-17 Thread kyleki

This looks to be the same thing I've been discussing in this thread:

I found that slimserver didn't like any info in the Comments tag (not
sure if it was id3v1 or id3v2 since I cleared both versions on my
troublesome files).  I would look at the tags in
\\musicserver\music\Milla\The Divine Comedy\02 - Gentleman Who Fell.mp3
and see if anything looks "fishy" and clean it up.  If nothing looks
strange, write down the tag information you want to preserve, clear the
tag, and re-apply it.  Sometimes the tags get corrupted.

The fact that Slimserver is crashing on these files is, as pointed out
in the above mentioned thread, a bug.  At least changing your tags on
these few files that cause a crash is a workaround for now.

It worked for me anyway...


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[slim] Re: Full Scan Not Getting All Files

2006-10-16 Thread kyleki

ceejay;146551 Wrote: 
> Glad you got it fixed - but if one of your mp3s isn't already attached
> to could you attach
> one? This might help the developers to fix the problem more
> permanently...

Thanks for the pointer to the bug.  I've just updated it with my


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[slim] Re: Full Scan Not Getting All Files

2006-10-15 Thread kyleki

It turns out the errors were due to some tags in my files.  After
slimserver with "--d_scan --d_paths --d_mp3 --d_info", I was able to
see the
file names that were causing the problem.  The debug output was placed
the logfile on the server (/tmp/slimserver.log).

I cleared the id3 tags on the "bad" files and reset them using
'Zortam Mp3 Media Studio' ( (I just found this
online while trying to
fix my tags from my networked Windows box.  Otherwise I would have
'EasyTag' ( in Linux).

I'm fairly new to utilizing debug flags and found the ones I listed to
at least get me the info I was looking for.  Unfortunately, it took a
long time and generated a fairly large log file I had to wade through.
Does anyone know if there's a more efficient way to find these needles
in the haystack?


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[slim] Full Scan Not Getting All Files

2006-10-14 Thread kyleki
.pm line 422)
  frame 9: Slim::Music::Import::runImporter 
(/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Music/ line 265)
  frame 10: Slim::Music::Import::runScan (/usr/local/slimserver/ line 
  frame 11: (eval) (/usr/local/slimserver/ line 174)
  frame 12: main::main (/usr/local/slimserver/ line 312)
  2006-10-14 10:32:31.5429 ERROR: Scanner: Failed when running main scan: 
[Carp::Clan::__ANON__(): Error executing 'INSERT INTO tracks (audio, 
audio_offset, audio_size, bitrate, block_alignment, content_type, drm, 
filesize, lossless, lyrics, rating, remote, replay_gain, replay_peak, 
samplerate, secs, tagversion, timestamp, title, titlesearch, titlesort, 
tracknum, url, year) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
  Created with mp3Tag, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)': 
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: called with 24 bind variables when 23 are needed 
at /usr/local/slimserver/CPAN/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 771.
  2006-10-14 10:32:31.5431 ERROR: Scanner: Skipping post-process & Not updating 


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[slim] Re: Album art via CDDB on the fly?

2006-09-18 Thread kyleki

Would this allow me to do what I'm looking for?:


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[slim] Re: Album art via CDDB on the fly?

2006-09-11 Thread kyleki

What do applications like MusicMatch use to accomplish this?  They are
somehow able to show me album cover art without me needing to download
or scan anything.  It simply appears to utilize the Album tag from the
file while it's playing and displays the image over the internet.

I'm a little confused why Slimserver wouldn't have something like this
built-in since it's already so internet aware.


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[slim] Re: Album art via CDDB on the fly?

2006-09-11 Thread kyleki

Victor;133260 Wrote: 
> I wrote some code to do exactly this. Check out:

Victor, thank you very much for the efforts on this tool.  I finally
got some time to try this out and I can't get it working for me.  I'm
running 6.5b2 (downloaded Sept. 11th).

It appears that it's not finding any tags in my MP3 files:


./ -p /usr/local/slimserver/ -m 
/data/music/mp3/Information_Society/hack/ -d
  Now looking in: /data/music/mp3/Information_Society/hack
  This album is not a Various artists album
  Use of uninitialized value in warn at ./ line 120.
  Using this track to test:
  No artist or album in /data/music/mp3/Information_Society/hack

When there really is id3 data in there:

id3v2 -l 
  id3v1 tag info for 
  Title  : Seek 200Artist: Information Society
  Album  : HackYear: 0   , Genre: Other (12)
  Comment: Created by Grip Track: 1
  id3v2 tag info for 
  TIT2 (Title/songname/content description): Seek 200
  TPE1 (Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)): Information Society
  TALB (Album/Movie/Show title): Hack
  TYER (Year): 0
  TRCK (Track number/Position in set): 1
  COMM (Comments): (ID3v1 Comment)[XXX]: Created by Grip
  TCON (Content type): Other (12)

Might I be doing something wrong?


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[slim] Album art via CDDB on the fly?

2006-09-03 Thread kyleki

I just started using the Fishbone interface (VERY nice, by the way), and
have realized I haven't been saving any album art with any of my music. 
I then expected (perhaps inappropriately) slimserver to do some type of
CDDB lookup online based on my album tag and download the album art for

Is this something that's possible in the settings and I'm just missing
it?  If not, is there some type of plugin already available that might
provide me with this functionality?


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[slim] Re: Softsqueeze control via IR?

2006-05-01 Thread kyleki

chrisla Wrote: 
> Can you get your IR setup to input X IR code and output Y keyboard
> press? SoftSqueeze already has a full host of keyboard shortcuts, the
> easiest thing to do is send those.
> This is what I do with my setup though not using a slim remote.I'm not sure 
> if I can do this or not; I've never tried.  The only reason
I have XMMS working is that it comes with an embedded IRman plugin. 
What software do you use to accomplish this on your system?  Are you
running Linux or Windows?


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[slim] Softsqueeze control via IR?

2006-05-01 Thread kyleki

I've used XMMS on my HTPC Linux box for quite a while now.  I'm able to
control it via IR through an IRman serial device.  I've even got my
Philips Pronto remote configured for it.  It's nice being able to start
playing music in my media room from a single remote without needing a
separate SB.

I also like that I can synchronize (theoretically) my SB2 in the
bedroom with Softsqueeze in my media room.  The biggest piece of
functionality missing is the IR control of Softsqueeze.  I don't
necessarily like having to use the keyboard/mouse to control my music
playback on the computer.  Many times I don't even have the display
turned on.  I just want to listen to music.

Any chance something like this could be added?  Perhaps the ability to
control Softsqueeze through an IRman device using the standard SB
remote?  Anyone else feel this would be handy?

- Kyle


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[slim] IMMS plugin for slimserver?

2006-03-28 Thread kyleki

At work (and sometimes at home) I rely on XMMS (in Linux) to listen to
my mp3s.  I've grown accustomed to a plugin named 'IMMS'
( that notices which
songs I play and those I skip and rates them accordingly.  It also
analyzes the different song's bpm and tonal qualities to attempt to
play similar songs consecutively.  When I place my entire library in
the playlist and randomly play it, I really like the choices IMMS makes
for me.

The developer, Michael Grigoriev, has developed this as "generic
adaptive playlist framework" and "plugins for other players should be
relatively easy to add" (see v2.0 notes on ).  I'm hoping
this is the case for some possible integration with slimserver.  I
would absolutely love to get the same functionality I've grown
accustomed to and enjoy daily at work through my squeezebox2.

Any thoughts on this?  Does this seem do-able or simply a naive guy's
pipe dream?


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[slim] Re: Place alarm item at the top of SB2 menus?

2006-03-07 Thread kyleki

notanatheist Wrote: 
> Under your player preferences you can click on Menu and at least bring
> "Settings" up to or near the top. At least that'll reduce the number of
> button pushes.
Right.  I know that.  That's what I meant by:

kyleki Wrote: 
> The deepest it goes is the Settings menu.
I was hoping there was a way to float the "Alarm Settings" menu item up
one more layer to the top, but I guess not.  As always, I need to rely
on a plugin for this functionality.  I just wish some of this (basic?)
functionality could make it into the standard slimserver code...


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[slim] Re: Defaulting to the clock when SlimServer shuts down

2006-03-03 Thread kyleki

I run slimserver on the Linux side of a dual boot machine.  Sometimes I
do boot into Windows which leaves my SB2 display blank until I boot
back to Linux.  The machine is always running, but not always in a
'slim-friendly' way. ;-)

The main reason I don't also run slimserver from the Windows side is
all the music is currently stored on a logical volume under Fedora Core
4, which Windows can't mount/see.  Plus, I'd really hate to deal with
running perl under Windows... yuck!


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[slim] Re: Defaulting to the clock when SlimServer shuts down

2006-03-03 Thread kyleki

Eserim Wrote: 
> Sort of on topic, does anyone know the life expectancy of the display
> units in SB2/3s?This has been discussed a lot elsewhere in these forums.  
> Here's what a
few searches revealed:

'Any Risk of screen damage?'
'Need to worry about display \"burn in\"?'
'Screen saver question?'
'Graphic display: will it burn in or wear out?'

(The Search function is your friend) ;-)


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[slim] Re: Defaulting to the clock when SlimServer shuts down

2006-03-03 Thread kyleki

kdf Wrote: 
> you CAN connect to squeezenetwork nad get a clock if you want.  for now,
> this is a manual operation, but the intent to to make this more
> seemless.  regardless, some sort of outside interraction is required to
> have a 
> clock.I think if this were made an automatic operation, as suggested here, it
would accomplish the desired result (provided a power-on signal
returned the device back where it was before).  Is this a difficult
thing to accomplish?

kdf Wrote: 
> personally, I don't support the use of limited resources in firmware to
> simply display a clock.  there are already too many bloody clocks all
> over the place.Agreed, that's why I think automatically grabbing it from 
> Squeezenetwork
is a good comprimise.  It still requires a server of sorts, but doesn't
leave the user with a blank squeezebox.


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[slim] Place alarm item at the top of SB2 menus?

2006-03-03 Thread kyleki

Right now, the only way to get to the Alarm Settings menu item is under
Settings (as well as all the other settings).  Since I use the built-in
alarm quite a bit and find myself navigating there a lot, I was hoping
to place the Alarm Settings menu item at the top of the menu hierarchy
on my SB2.  Unfortunately, the menu editor in the HTML UI doesn't go
this granular.  The deepest it goes is the Settings menu.

Any way to accomplish this today through manual configuration file
edits?  Can something like this be added to the UI?



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[slim] Re: Is a Slim boombox really feasible?

2006-03-01 Thread kyleki

Mitch Harding Wrote: 
> The appeal of a boombox, for me, is:
> - The ability to carry a music device anywhere around my house and
> listen to
> music, as long as it's in Wifi range.  With a SB this is possible if
> you
> also carry around a small set of speakers (and possibly some form of
> battery
> power) -- but this is less convenient, to me.  Having a single unit
> boombox
> that can run on batteries is much more convenient, I feel.
> - The ability to use that same device for FM radio and/or CDs, which
> are the
> other two ways I might reasonably want to play music in a portable
> fashion.
> This would make the device useful away from home.
> - Bonus points if it has some (perhaps optional) form of portable disk
> storage, so I can bring digital music with me away from home.
> Yes, there are other devices that can cover each of these individually.
> I
> want one device that can do it all.  Audio quality would not be the
> emphasis, since it's a boombox. Convenience and portability and
> ruggedness
> would be my primary considerations.I couldn't agree more!  You've taken the 
> words right out of my mouth.

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> Actually, the audio quality isn't what drew me in.
> I wanted an ethernet based music player...Same here.  I have a lot of digital 
> music on my hard drive on my
computer.  I want to listen to it throughout my house.  The best
solution I found was my SB2 and now that I have one, I want more.  The
problem is, I can't afford to add one SB2,3 plus speakers plus amp in
every room of my house.  If I could buy one Slim boombox to carry with
me throughout the house, I'd do so in a heartbeat for around $400-$500.
I would like to see one with a CD player and FM tuner to give it more
value away from the home as well.



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[slim] Re: "I want a Squeezebox boombox"

2006-02-07 Thread kyleki

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Who wants a Squeezebox Boombox?

- I'm interested.
- No, thanks.

I'm not interested in video from my slimdevice at all.  All I need is a
way to play all my music throughout my house.  Besides, this thread's
title is "I want a Squeezebox boombox" not "I want a Squeezebox

I appologize if that comes of as harsh, I don't mean it to.  I'm just
trying to hold on to any glimmer of hope that this may (soon) become a
reality.  I'd hate for us to lose focus on the primary goal.  I sure
hope someone at Slimdevices is reading this thread...


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[slim] Re: "I want a Squeezebox boombox"

2006-01-26 Thread kyleki

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Who wants a Squeezebox Boombox?

- I'm interested.
- No, thanks.

mapper Wrote: 
> This guy did, back in SLIMP3 days:
That's exactly what I'd love Slimdevices to provide as a product for
us.  How awesome!  If Slimdevices were to take their proven hardware
skills to provide a solution like this with the slick look of their
recent Squeezeboxes, I would push women and children out of the way to
get my hands on one (not really, but you get the idea). ;-)  Heck, it
would also be nice to still have a CD player & tuner on the box for
when you want to take it out of a hotspot area.

I was seriously considering making my own, but the time and effort I'd
have to put into it wouldn't be worth it.  Especially since I know my
end product wouldn't be anywhere near the quality Slimdevices could put

Does anyone know if they're even considering doing this at

Eagerly waiting,


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[slim] Re: replaygain = mp3gain??

2005-11-29 Thread kyleki

jth Wrote: 
> Actually the default behavior of mp3gain as I mentioned should
> do exactly what you want. It will calculate and add tages for
> both track and album gain. You can verify this by using a command
> like "strings mysong.mp3 | tail -20" to peek at the ape tags
> added to the end of the mp3 file.

Cool!  I've gone and done my whole 9000 song library using the
following script.  Thank you very much for your help!:


  $FindCmd = "find /data/music/mp3/ -mindepth 1 -type d -print";
  $i = 0;
  open( FINDCMD, "$FindCmd |" ) or die "Can't execute $FindCmd: $!\n";
  while(  )
  chomp( $line  = $_ );
  # Take care of escaping special characters in file name
  $line =~ s/\(/\\\(/g;
  $line =~ s/\)/\\\)/g;
  $line =~ s/\!/\\\!/g;
  $line =~ s/\?/\\\?/g;
  $line =~ s/ /\\ /g;
  $line =~ s/\[/\\\[/g;
  $line =~ s/\]/\\\]/g;
  $line =~ s/'/\\'/g;
  $line =~ s/"/\\"/g;
  $line =~ s/\&/\\\&/g;
  print "DEBUG: $i: $line\n";
  $Mp3GainCmd = "mp3gain -k ${line}/*.mp3";
  open( MP3GAINCMD, "$Mp3GainCmd |" ) or die "Can't execute $Mp3GainCmd: $!\n";
  while(  )
  print "$_";
  close( MP3GAINCMD );
  print "\n\n";
  close( FINDCMD );


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[slim] Re: replaygain = mp3gain??

2005-11-28 Thread kyleki

jth Wrote: 
> If you run the command-line version of mp3gain without any
> switches (mp3gain album-track-01.mp3 album-track-02.mp3 ...)
> it should add the tags but not adjust the gain itself.
> You'll need to run it once for every album you have. That
> shouldn't be difficult to script if you have one album per
> directory.
> Of course, test it out before running it against your entire
> collection.

Thank you very much!  I'll copy a couple of my albums into a separate
directory and start playing with this command then.

Do you know if it's possible to have both Track and Album gain tags in
a single file?  For example, sometimes I like to randomly listen to my
music and other times I like to listen to single albums.  Depending on
how I'm listening to my music that day, I'd like the "Smart" gain
feature of the Slimserver to use the right tag, assuming they're both
assigned.  Is this possible?


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[slim] Re: replaygain = mp3gain??

2005-11-28 Thread kyleki

Hi Dr. Lovegrove,

Dr Lovegrove Wrote: 
> MP3Gain should do what you want.. If you use the MP3GainGUI app in
> windows, and use the 'Album Analysis' button rather than 'Track Gain',
> it analyses the files and just writes the replaygain tag info into the
> files
> without touching the audio streams. It'll write both track and album
> gain
> values to the files. You can then choose to use them or not in
> SlimServer..

Thank you very much for your reply.  As I mentioned in my post, I'm not
using Windows; I'm using Linux.  Do you know if the '-a' parameter to
the mp3gain command-line does what you're talking about?  My
understanding is that you can only choose one of Track Gain or Album
Gain, but not both when using mp3gain.  Is this not true?  I'm so



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[slim] Re: replaygain = mp3gain??

2005-11-28 Thread kyleki

This thread has been dormant for a little while now, so I hope there's
still someone listening.  After reading through it I now understand
what mp3gain does to mp3 files, and what ReplayGain is.  But what
software can I use to apply ReplayGain tags without changing the volume
at every frame?  I'm not interested in mp3gain because:

1) I don't want to choose between Track & Album normalization.
2) I like the ability to play the files back 'as-is' by simply turning
off "ReplayGain" on my Squeezebox.

My only problem is figuring out how to apply the "normalization" via
just the ReplayGain tag in the file header.

I see a lot of references to Foobar2000, but I'm running Linux and I'm
not a big fan of Wine.  Any good Linux programs out there that can
handle this (simple) task?



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