Re: [slim] Legality question... boo... hiss......

2007-07-01 Thread machinehead

wrote in message 
 so if you know something I don't
 know about how I can get lossless music from my squeezebox without
 having to buy CD after CD for the few good songs on them, please shed
 some light. I bought a squeezebox for FLAC not bad sounding downloads.
 I can't understand the thinking that says that losing some of the sound
 is OK. Can't comprehend that at all.

First, losing some of the sound is okay if you can't hear the difference. 
True enough, 128K MP3s are awful, but there probably are higher quality 
downloads available.  All downloads are not MP3, and even all MP3 is not 
crap, especially when it reaches the point where audiophiles can't tell the 
difference in a blind ABX test.  I myself do not purchase lossy-compressed 
music, but I do use lossy compression when appropriate for a device, and 
when done properly, it is indistinguishable from the original.

I do agree that for commercial track/album purchase via download, there is a 
dearth of high-quality sources, which is one reason I don't go that route, 
but I do think that situation is improving.

Second, I would suggest that you get a BitTorrent client, such as Azureus, 
and start looking for bootlegs.  I am not talking about the illegal sites 
that feature rips of commercial CDs alongside warez, warez, WAREZ!!!, but 
sites like dimeadozen, thetradersden, or artist-specific sites like  These sites offer unreleased live  (often soundboards) and 
studio/compilations, in FLAC and SHN.  Quality varies but it is not hard to 
find good stuff, especially in the comps and soundboards.  Anything that is 
commercially available from a real label is not allowed.  Also, look at Live 
Music Archive - there used to be a Squeezebox plugin for it, not sure if it 
is still available.


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Re: [slim] Legality question... boo... hiss......

2007-07-01 Thread machinehead

wrote in message 

 As for why would I rip trash, well, it is standard practice and always
 has been in the recording industry to put a couple of hits on a crappy
 record to sell the whole thing. So, if there are two great songs that
 you like on a CD, you can buy the whole thing for $16 US, waste a lot
 of time trying to find it in used CD stores which ends up being more

A couple more thoughts...first, there was a time when the album was 
important, and many many CDs exist with more than 2 good songs on 
it depends what your tastes are.  Not to be snide, but I guess what I'm 
saying is, listen to better artists :-)

Also...try  Join  Buy used from Amazon.  Try  Try comparison engines, like  There 
is simply no reason in this day and age to be paying $16 for a CD, there are 
too many lower-priced alternatives.


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Re: [slim] Re: Serious SB3 problems.

2006-01-14 Thread machinehead

wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Just a general FYI, with 802.11 devices, 'Strength' is sort of a
 meaningless number.  It's slightly useful in if it's very low that is
 a problem, but the real number that matters (which most devices won't
 really record) is 'signal quality'.

 Microwaves, cordless phones, wireless alarm systems, neighbors on close
 channels, all contribute to noise, lowering the quality of the signal,
 but not the strength.

I not only concur, but I will add that there's a bunch of other things that 
can cause problems.  For example, metal surfaces nearby causing reflection 
or refraction, or the ever popular multipath.  I pretty much did 
everything for a certificate in wireless networking (CWNA) except take the 
test, and notwithstanding that, I gave up and wired my Squeezebox because of 
dropouts.  Didn't have them bad at first, but got worse over time, to the 
point where I just couldn't take it anymore.  And like the OP, I had good 
signal strength, and my wireless bridge that the SB was connected to was a 
foot or two from the ceiling of the 1st floor, and almost directly above it, 
3-4 feet off the carpet on the 2nd floor sits my wireless router/AP.

I would definitely suggest changing channels, as it may be a strong signal 
from one of your neighbors.  In the U.S., much equipment defaults to channel 
6.  Try Channel 1 or Channel 11, as those have the least overlap with 6 
(they are the farthest away, so to speak).  Try moving antennas around, 
and bear in mind that the signal radiates outward from the long side; i.e., 
in theory, antennae that are parallel to each other should talk better 
than ones whose ends are pointed at each other.  Avoid large flat pieces 
of metal (amp cabinets, maybe?) nearby if at all possible.

Of course, it may indeed be a problem with the Squeezebox itself.  I have a 
SB1 not a 3 at the moment, but IIRC the 3's have the dual antenna?  Perhaps 
check that both are enabled...


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Re: [slim] Re: Serious SB3 problems.

2006-01-14 Thread machinehead

wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Listen, I don't need to walk through all the basics since I've already
 done that.  Unlike many who may post to boards like this, I'm a software
 engineer with literally years of experience dealing with networks,
 including wireless networks.  I know what I'm doing and I didn't post
 until I was positive that it wasn't the wireless network itself, having
 exhausted all potential problems (and their solutions) there.  It has to
 be either in the SB3 itself, a distinct possiblity, or in something to
 do with the interaction of the server and the SB3.

Not necessarily.  Your laptop is in a different spot, doing differnet things 
with different hardware than the Squeezebox.  Again, your experience mirrors 
my own; I had no problems with my laptop 12 feet away from the bridge.  But 
the laptop was using a different wireless card, was 12 feet away from 
potential sources of interference and reflection/refraction/multipath 
(again, metal enclosures?) and ping is not the same thing as streaming 

It may well be the SB3; as suggested elsewhere, a loose card or antenna 
connection or a downright flaky card; but it also may be interference.  It 
is almost certainly not the protocol stack.  And as a software engineer 
myself with years of experience with networks, wireless networks, and 
networking protocols, including implementing, troubleshooting, and downright 
beating on protocol stacks, I humbly suggest that software engineer and 
RF engineer are two different animals.  You are getting good advice in 
this thread.


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Re: [slim] Re: SB3/6.1.1 and DTS issues

2005-11-25 Thread machinehead

wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 machinehead Wrote:
 I did try one of my DTS CD's, ripped to FLAC, but can't get it working
 on my Squeezebox 1.  Not entirely sure why, there shouldn't be any
 bit-mangling, but I can't find any reference to DTS working on anything
 less than a SB2.
 SB1 doesn't pass the bits through quite correctly -- I asked the other
 day and was told, IIRC, that the sign of each 16-bit word is inverted
 (or something along those lines).

 In theory one could modify the underlying WAV to compensate for this...

Now that you mention that, I think I remember reading that a looonng time 
ago.  Thanks, that would have driven me nuts.


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Re: [slim] Re: SB3/6.1.1 and DTS issues

2005-11-24 Thread machinehead

wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 After setting the volume at full everyting worked perfectly. BTW, the

Glad to hear you got it working, BTW.  I did try one of my DTS CD's, ripped 
to FLAC, but can't get it working on my Squeezebox 1.  Not entirely sure 
why, there shouldn't be any bit-mangling, but I can't find any reference to 
DTS working on anything less than a SB2.


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Re: [slim] SB3/6.1.1 and DTS issues

2005-11-22 Thread machinehead

Ed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I'm not entirely sure it's possible, and I keep meaning to check with one 
 of my own DTS CDs and I keep forgetting.  The problem is that, as far as I 
 know, the Squeezebox cannot handle 96khz/24 bit, which is the format for 
 most DTS music that I know of.

Just to update, I've seen other threads that allude to 48kHz DTS files, 
which should be do-able.  Another thing is that I think you will need to 
keep the Squeezebox volume control at full volume, or disable it via 
SlimServer.  It is a digital volume control, so anything less than full 
volume is changing the actual bitstream, IIRC.


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Re: [slim] OT: dumb US dates

2005-10-09 Thread machinehead

Pat Farrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Sat, 2005-10-08 at 08:30 -0700, Patrick Dixon wrote:
 I think it's actually 'only' 3 months on!  Since Slim are American they
 insist on using arse-about-face dates on their forum ;)

 It isn't just Slim, it is nearly all American dates.
 It is arse-ackwards. As is using inches and feet and yards.

I think when our ancestors threw off the yoke of the British Empire, they 
just wanted to change a few things for spite.  So they screwed around with 
the dates, used commas in large numbers (e.g. one thousand is 1,000.00 in 
the US and 1.000,00 elsewhere), and also they made ' mean feet and  mean 
inches, instead of vice versa, much to the chagrin of Spinal Tap's 

Not adopting the metric system is just us being lazy and stubborn.  Gotta 
have some fun when you're a superpower.  ;-)


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Re: [slim] Re: 48 kHz/1536 kbps wav files

2005-10-09 Thread machinehead

Patrick Dixon 
wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm also surprised that you find wav files to sound so much better than
 flac and I wonder if you are inadvertently streaming as mp3?  Check that
 Player Settings-Audio-Bit Rate Limiting is set to 'No Limit' for your
 Player and that the Server Settings-File Types FLACFLAC box is
 checked.  If you haven't already, you could also check if streaming
 48KHz flac files as wav solves you problem (uncheck FLACFLAC and
 FLACMP3, and check FLACWAV in Server Settings-File Types).

Agreed, there shouldn't be a difference, as the output of the FLAC decoder 
should be identical to the WAV.  There of course is no difference on a SB1, 
since the decoding is done at the server, but there shouldn't be - and I 
don't recall any others noticing - a difference on the SB2, either.


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Re: [slim] printable pdf catalog for 6.x ?

2005-05-14 Thread machinehead

thnmnt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 has anyone started work on a (pdf) catalog maker using the new sql backend
 yet? as virtual as my world has become i'd actually like something for my
 coffee table that's not a PDA :)

Seconded.  I did some playing around with the previous cache2pdf, just to 
make it print the band name at the top of the page.  It worked, though very 
inefficiently - I have like zero Perl kung-fu. :-(


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Re: [slim] Calling all Java developers...

2005-05-10 Thread machinehead

wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The fact that the supported platforms only include one version of one
 distro and they released an SDK that can't really do any of the Tivo
 functions (specifically with scheduling or playback), I find it
 kind of amusing.

True, but in their defense, this is the first release, and I beleive that 
those things will improve.  I think it would be better already if the 
company had ever turned a profit; right now I think they're probably in a 
position of having limited resources (money, manpower) and getting 
profitable has to take priority.  I also don't think they've named a new CEO 

 And Tivo is what I was referring to as closed.  Even the hardware is
 proprietary.  On the other hand, we've got the CEO of Slim posting
 about how to modify his creation to take advantage of some
 bizarre i2c geekport request.

Well, yes and no.  It is Linux, after all.  The Series 2.5 boxes are more 
locked down than the Series 1, but that doesn't stop some people.  I got the 
new box for $200 - $200, and honestly expected I might Ebay it because of 
unhackability without a PROM mod - but the fact is, all the stuff I hacked 
my Series 1 to get is available without hacking on the Series 2.5, and then 
some.  And they've always winked at capacity upgrades, and still do - I'm 
sure they planned on it from the beginning, they just don't want to provide 
warranty support to people who mess things up doing them.  Then there was 
the backdoors, 30-second skip, etc.  I'd say they've been pretty good to 
their customers with regards to unofficial enhancements.

Beyond that, with them adding extraction as a built-in capability, they're 
walking a fine line between customers and networks (advertisers) and had to 
grovel to the FCC for approval as it was, so the kernel mods lockdown is 
at least understandable.  I'll take it since, as I said, I can do everything 
I modded my Series 1 to do without changing anything, and if that changes, 
well, then it's just soldering time. ;-)

 One more amusing thing is that I notice something conspicuously
 absent from the list of prizes - a Tivo.  I know you need one to
 do the contest, but more is usally better.

Heh...hadn't looked at the list, that is kind of amusing.  Don't know why, 
it's not like they've never given the hardware away before.


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