Re: [slim] Thank you so much, and good bye :)

2013-11-08 Thread socistep

Dogberry2 wrote: 
> Good luck with your new music solution, Autopilot. I hope it works out
> well for your needs.
> As for me, I don't really have any "maintenance" issues, but since I'm
> the only one who puts new music into the system, that does simplify
> things. I know my wife would never want to have to bother with that side
> of it; she just wants to play the music, not maintain the database. And
> that suits me, because I'm pretty fussy about tagging, and prefer to do
> it myself anyway. 
> But as for the system itself, in my house there is no maintenance,
> really. Our WiFi is rock solid, and I haven't had to do anything with
> LMS in a long time. I'm a couple releases behind, but even when I do get
> around to updating, it won't take me more than fifteen minutes; it isn't
> painful.
> Everybody has to make his own choices, of course, and I know not
> everybody's SB experience has been smooth and easy sailing. I do see
> that the Squeezebox line is somewhat of a niche system, but I happen to
> be in that niche. My requirements when I started were:
> 1. Music throughout a multi-level house
> 2. A large, lossless personal music library
> 3. Easily controlled from anywhere in the house
> 4. Ability to synchronize any combination of rooms
> The SB system does all those things, and does them well. As far as I'm
> aware, no other system really meets all those requirements, at least
> within the same price range. Although there were some glitches over the
> years, they were really quite minor, and I can't recall the last time
> there was even a minor problem. There are now 8 players (Duets, Touches,
> Booms and Radios) in addition to a couple computers using SqueezePlay,
> and that covers most of the house quite well (though I might pick up
> another Radio or Boom for the basement workshop and/or garage). Among
> the hardware players there are frequently anywhere from two to six
> playing in sync. The majority of our listening is still from our own
> library, but we also have started using Sirius/XM and Pandora quite a
> bit.
> As a bonus, we get access to our personal music collection when we
> travel. Last month we spent a week in a secluded cabin in the woods.
> There was no cell phone reception, but the place did have Internet
> access (via satellite dish) and WiFi, so I took one of the Booms along.
> I connected it to the IP address of the home system, set the bitrate
> limiting, and we had our music -- all our music -- with us on vacation,
> using SqueezeCommander on our phones to control it, just like at home.
> That's not a primary requirement for me, but it's a nice extra feature.
> I don't fret much over the fact that official support is now coming to
> an end. If I lose the ability to put Sirius/XM on the Squeezebox
> players, that will be a bummer, but it isn't the end of the world. Other
> than that, I don't really need anything from Logitech or anyway.
> I figure the hardware is good for a long time (barring physical
> accident), and by the time the devices start failing I'm hopeful that
> there will be adequate replacements available. But that's far enough in
> the future that I just don't worry about it. I'm in no hurry to
> liquidate the SB system and start over.
> But regardless of what system anyone decides to go with, we can all
> agree that what matters most is what the Doobie Brothers told us:
> "Listen to the music!"

This is very similar to me, a few years back when I first got into SB's
I was living on my own in my flat and time wasn't a problem, fast
forward a few years and I live with my partner and have a young family
so time and money is limited so my main focus is being able to listen to
music to relax - my Sb system is rock solid, I have a HP micro server
with vortexbox which automates a lot of processes (cd/DVD ripping etc.),
then from that 4-5 SB players, listening to mainly my lossless
collection & spotify with the odd bit of internet radio, there is the
occasional bit of work but nothing too taxing, I have no reason to
change it or not considering leaving.

My dad recently bought a sonos setup and it works well for him, only one
room currently and he uses an old phone as controller, however I don't
see any gain in functionality to want to leave SB

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Re: [slim] ANN: Orange Squeeze 1.3.0 released!

2013-05-26 Thread socistep

Meridion wrote: 
> My ratings. This is the most simple way of telling LMS which tracks I
> like. Track ratings allow using dynamic playlists to play my favourite
> music.
> When rating are displayed, I know which tracks I already rated (or not)
> and I can remember better which tracks I like without having to
> prelisten them when selecting to play them manually. Maybe my brains are
> not as perfect as yours, but I don't always remember the titles of my
> thousands of tracks I like(d)...
> For those with perfect brains and those not using ratings I suggested to
> have track ratings displayed optionally.

Same for me, I have various top rated dynamic playlists based on rating
(decade/genre split etc.), in fact I'm listening to top rated indie as I
type this.

Slightly linked, I can't play dynamic playlists from OS, does anyone
have this problem?

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Re: [slim] How do you want to create/manage playlists ?

2013-04-19 Thread socistep

1. What kind of device would you like to use when creating the playlists
- A computer
- A tablet
- A smart phone
- A Logitech Controller, Radio or Touch display
- A IR remote
- Something else

My preference would be to use tablet/smart phone followed by the SB
players themsleves and finally a computer, I'm looking for ease of use
playlists over spending a long time creating and deciding what should be
in it

2. How do you decide what should be part of a playlist ?
- By selecting the individual tracks you want to include
- By selecting the albums you want to include
- By selecting the artists you want to include
- By automatically selecting 100 tracks that matches some search
criteria (genre, ratings, ...)
- Something else

I listen to 2 types of playlists

1) album playlists - mainly new music, in this case I'll add an album
(either local or on spotify) and then queue up another one with 'add to
2) dynamic/smart playlists - I've got various playlists set up using
erlands dynamic playlists based on 'top rated' and then the smartmix
playlist, these are both heavily used for more casual listening with
variations of decades, genre etc.

3. How do you decide which order the tracks should have in the playlist
- Random ordered tracks
- Random ordered albums
- Drag and drop albums to put them into the right order
- Drag and drop tracks to put them into the right order
- Something else

See above

4. What's the most frustrating limitation with SBS/LMS playlist
management today ?
- That it doesn't support relative paths in playlist files which are
- That it's too hard to reorder tracks in existing playlists
- That it's too hard to create completely new playlists 
- Something else

There is no native smart playlist from the web interface/phone
controller, so for example when I loaded music into google music it
created some auto playlists, whereas with SB i have had to set up
various plugins/ratings/mixes although the results are good

The web interface is very limited, it would be great if controllers had
the ability to drag and drop or suggest tracks etc.

5. What kind of device would you like to use when modifying existing
playlists ?
- A computer
- A tablet
- A smart phone
- A Logitech Controller, Radio or Touch display
- A IR remote
- Something else

don't really use static playlists

6. What kind of modifications do you usually do on already existing
playlists ?
- Reorder tracks in the playlist
- Remove tracks, albums or artists from the playlist
- Add new tracks, albums or artists to the playlist
- Something else

see above

Is there anything else than the above you feel is important to take into
consideration if anyone would like to improve the playlist management ?

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Re: [slim] What does VortexBox give me that I didn't know I needed?

2013-04-12 Thread socistep

maggior wrote: 
> Huh, I didn't know vortex box supported DVDs too.  What format does it
> rip too?  Which Roku are you using to stream?
> Thanks,
> Rich

Its rips to mkv, I've got a roku xs with the plex channel installed,
plugged into tv, also got plex app on phones/tablet for streaming there

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Re: [slim] What does VortexBox give me that I didn't know I needed?

2013-04-11 Thread socistep

agillis wrote: 
> Simplicity. 
> That's what you get that you don't have now. Drop a CD in the drive and
> it shows up on your SqueezeBox 5 minutes later. One box, no hassles.


I have been running vortexbox for a number of years and its great, not
just for auto ripping CD's but also DVD's which are both then
automatically updated on LMS and plex for Roku DVD streaming. The CD
tagging accuracy is very good, occsionally get a unknown artist but
rarely, every few months I'll manually update the tags with mp3tag to
make sure genre/year etc. is how I want it.

Having a young family this simplicity and time saving is a big plus for
me, my server runs quietly hidden away and vortexbox automates a lot of
this, occasionally need to reboot which I can easy do on my tablet via
the web interface

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Re: [slim] Usage of online services in your family ?

2013-03-12 Thread socistep

erland wrote: 
> For those of you who are living together with a spouse or kids, I'd like
> to understand a bit better how you would like to use premium online
> streaming services. Ignore what's supported in LMS and Squeezebox today
> and instead think about how you would like it to work in the future. 
> One limitation I still want to apply is that with one online streaming
> account you will still only be able to stream a single song to one
> device or to multiple devices synchronized, basically no possibility to
> play different songs to different devices simultaneously as this usually
> is prohibited by the streaming providers and won't change in the
> future.
> The questions I'm wondering about is related to if you have separate
> premium streaming service account for each family member or if you are
> using one account for the whole family.
> If you have separate accounts, is the main purpose of that to be able to
> stream simultaneously or is it mainly to be able to keep track of
> individual favorites and playlists ?
> If you have separate accounts, do you feel it would be important to be
> able to listen to the music from one of the account on all player
> devices in the house ?
> If you have separate accounts, do you have accounts from different
> streaming providers or does all family member use the same streaming
> provider ?
> If you have a single account for the whole family, are you severely
> missing the ability to keep track of individual playlists or favorites
> for each family member ?
> Do you have any ideas how you would like online streaming services to
> work on your Squeezebox and portable devices from a family perspective ?
> How would your dream system handle it ?
> I'll post a separate thread for local music, so don't use this thread to
> say that you don't use online services.

1) one account - spotify

We aren't missing individual playlists for user, its myself & my
girlfriend and she will just listen to what I set up - spotify usage is
mainly me listening to new albums before I buy, playlist wise its local
music and smart/dynamic playlists that are used 95% of the time

Dream system for me would be able to link online/local music more in
terms of music discovery, so if I'd had a few Josh Rouse albums in my
local library it would aggregate his online & local music and also alert
me when he had a new album or single out rather then me always having to
review websites/magazines etc. for new music

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Re: [slim] Olive One - any downsides?

2013-01-04 Thread socistep

erland wrote: 
> If you want smart playlists you also need to add handling of statistic
> data such as play counts, last played time and ratings to the list,
> smart playlists without this is more or less useless IMHO. Often you
> want to filter or limit the smart playlist to things like:
> - Only include music you don't listen to very often
> - Only include music you haven't listen to for a long time
> - Only include music which you love (top rated tracks)
> - Exclude music you hate (low rated tracks)
> - Only include music you listen to often.
> Neither Sonos nor Logitech seems to understand this need, which is why I
> decided to provide support for all of it through third party plugins
> instead.
> It could be that smart playlists is something that would only used by a
> small subset of the users and that this is the main thing that makes it
> less interesting for them to include support for it, but then it's
> strange that both Apple (iTunes/iPod) and Microsoft (WMP) has decided to
> include it in their products because especially Apple is usually pretty
> restrictive regarding including features which is only used by a few
> users. Possibly it might be that both Apple and Microsoft is focused at
> local music while Logitech is more focused at streaming from online
> services.

That feature and your plugins are a 'Must' for me of any system, I have
'smart' playlists set on rating, genre, decades, years which are heavily
used - I then use the 'top rated' tracks to convert to mp3 for usage on
apple/android devices

Basically Erland you are a legend :-)

In terms of moving away from SB I would need that functionality there or
the ability for clever people to develop plugins

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Re: [slim] Olive One - any downsides?

2013-01-03 Thread socistep

garym wrote: 
> I assume olive_media represents olive in some way. That's good...I'm
> happy to see you here. As you'll find, there are lots of people here
> that are serious about use of network music streamers in good (or
> great!) audio systems. I have often said I would pay 10 times what I
> paid for a SB TOUCH if it had the same or better functions/quality.
> The Olive ONE looks like an interesting product. Sort of a SB Boom that
> you add your own speakers to.  I'm sure there is a market for that.  And
> I'd even want that as a *part* of a whole house system.  However, I hope
> OLIVE is considering additional products, as the OLIVE ONE would not
> meet my key criteria.  To summarize my criteria:
> 1. At least one type Player without amp/speakers that I can connect to
> my DAC via either S/PDIF coax, optical, or USB.  Preferably all 3
> options for digital out. Would also have built in DAC so that users can
> simply connect to preamp/amp with analog.  That is, something like the
> Squeezebox TOUCH.   (nice addition, ability to plug in cable for
> automatically turning on/off another component)
> 2. At least one type player that can serve as a table or bedside radio
> (with built in physical controls and display). That is, something like
> the Squeezebox Radio or Boom.
> 3. [ Nice, but not required] A very high quality networked player with
> built in high quality DAC, high quality build and components, all
> digital outs, analog outs, plus BALANCED analog outs. That is, something
> like the TRANSPORTER (nice addition, wired plug in cable for ability to
> turn on/off another component)
> 4. Possibility of perfect synching across different players in same
> network.
> 5. Support of many codecs (FLAC, mp3, m4a, AAC, ALAC, WAV, etc.). 
> 6. Support of at least 24/96, 24/192 better.
> 7. Good implementation of digital volume control
> 8. Support of Gapless playback
> 9. Reasonable database management (must handle large libraries > 200,000
> tracks)
> 10. Reasonable artwork management
> 11. Playlist functions (preferably some sort of smart playlist ability)
> 12. Ability to use smart phones or tablets to control everything
> 13. Ability to provide scrobbling data to
> 14. Mechanism for connecting to free (pandora, etc.) and paid services
> (MOG, Spotify, SiriusXM, etc.). This would be something like
> Yes, with some minor things missing, this describes the Squeezebox line
> at its heyday. Don't take this as nostalgia. I'm not wedded to SB items,
> but I am wedded to the functionality provided. I look forward to some
> quality products from Olive. I *almost* bought an OLIVE digital music
> player many years ago and have always thought of Olive as a good
> company.
> [I also sent this info in an email to:]

Pretty much agree with all that also, I also am wedded to the
functionality, if another company offered that and additional
features/new players that I hoped Logitech would do then I would be
tempted to start migrating from my current SB setup.

Definately interested in seeing how the olive one concept develops, its
easy to be cynical so trying to keep an open mind on it!

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Re: [slim] ANN: Orange Squeeze 1.3.0 released!

2012-12-25 Thread socistep

theslime wrote: 
> I had to register just to say that after installing this app for the
> first time, it's the first time in more than a year (since the
> SqueezeCommander development stopped, more or less) I've not badly
> regretted buying a Squeezebox Touch. I hate remotes and using it with an
> Android app - and, preferably, a good Android widget - was the main
> reason I bought a Squeezebox in the first place, and all other app
> development the last year (apart from Orange Squeeze, that is) has been
> underwhelming, to say the least - especially disappointing since I have
> four Android devices in the house that runs ICS or newer, and the
> official app looks about three years old, design-wise, and lags badly
> even on a Nexus 7 (which is no easy feat, consider I can play GTA III
> stutter-free on it).
> So: Cheers! No problems so far, making this the best 18 Norwegian kroner
> I ever spent. Even a lockscreen widget as the icing on the cake. I love
> my Squeezebox again.

Agreed. Would love to see a tablet optimised android app in the same way
ipeng and squeezepad are available for the ipad.

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Re: [slim] Keep the spirit up guys; just bought a new Radio and used Receiver

2012-09-13 Thread socistep

I do use spotify a fair bit, this is to listen to albums before I decide
to buy them or not and occasionally playlists from there - however I use
Triodes plugin which as far as I'm aware runs seperately to
Even less usage is of BBC radio which I think would still be available.

Local music is my main way of listening to music

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-06-08 Thread socistep

chrisinparis wrote: 
> Great thread, I agree completely.  Will raed the rest later :)
> Like an earlier poster, I spend little enough time on my setup now
> (plugins, tags, backups), but it's still working.  Problems I encounter
> are due to my network (I think).  My SB3 was a birthday present a number
> of years back; I picked up a Radio (great sound!) after moving a couple
> of years ago.  Still want to improve my setup (separate libraries -
> actually a number of Erlend's plugins - musicip, better tags and cover
> art), hopefully my visit today will spur me on to do something.
> If Logitech did decide to stop SqueezeBoxen, I would definitely try to
> bag some stock for the future.  Haha, just remember a conversation a few
> weeks ago with someone whi is doing his best to use DLNA for all audio
> and video - I do not want to have to do that :(
> (Radio and SB3 are regularly synched to play the same music).

Its the same for me, occasional tagging when my vortexbox doesnt get it
100% right but generally server is rock steady and ripping automated

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Re: [slim] Dear Squeezebox, still love you

2012-05-21 Thread socistep

I'm not as active on the forums as previously, mainly due to a young
family but I still love my Squeezebox set-up too.

Listening to it is a daily part of life, I listen to a lot of music
still and we often listen to music with our son, its always a big way
for me to unwind and put my headphones on hooked up to amp/SB Touch.

My set-up is pretty low maintenance now, I run a vortexbox server, main
elements that are important to me are dynamic playlists based on
ratings, spotify for new music and being able to auto rip/tag the cd's
when I buy them - I have automated some things on the server so that
'top rated' & 'recent' tracks are converted to mp3 and then auto
sent to my phone/tablet for music on the go (when not using spotify),
I'm pretty pleased that I can buy a new CD or rate some tracks and it is
on my mobile devices automatically without any manual intervention.

In terms of tagging then I will once or twice a month clean up the
'recent' and 'top rated' music so tags are spot on, generally I am going
through my collection and rating but that is slow, very rarely get the
chance to do that.

As an aside I have also recently got into movie streaming, I bought a
roku streamer and hooked it up to 'plex' which is installed on my
vortexbox, thats also been used to rip DVDs - same principles as to SB
in that space saving in not needed DVDs out and a seperate player as
well as the ease of access direct onto TV and tablets.

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Re: [slim] What is missing from your Squeezebox experience ?

2012-05-04 Thread socistep

I'm actually quite happy with my Squeezebox setup, I spent a lot of time
getting it so that it is pretty low maintenance, especially important
since my son was born I'm more inclined just to listen to music and my
tinkering/forum posting has dropped dramatically.

Roughly speaking the main elements I use are

- vortexbox on HP proliant microserver for storing music/running SBS
- Dynamic playlists for 'top rated tracks'

However in terms of what is missing then

- Android Tablet App - Specifically designed for tablet space
- Collection interface/playlist management - I would probably spend more
time interacting with my collection if there was a better way to manage
and creat playlists/rate tracks etc.

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Re: [slim] Why not in a car?

2012-03-15 Thread socistep

Audio in the car is one area which I still have to rely on apple
unfortunately (and occasionally cd)

I have a ford focus and installed a Kenwood head unit, it has a direct
connection for iPod/iPhone so I can control on the stereo itself,
mainly I use spotify on my old iphone 3G whilst listening as it has all
'new music' on, I had to jailbreak and install 'Music controls' app to
be able to fully use the spotify app with the stereo but it works very
well, I then occasionally use an ipod which has 'Top Rated' tracks on
and obviously more capacity to store them - thats mainly when my
girlfriend is in the car and she doesn't like my music!

I'm mainly an Android user so I'm hoping that in time there will be
head units that come out which will support my Android phone and tablet
and cut down on the number of devices I need to use!


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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-02-17 Thread socistep

TheLastMan;691041 Wrote: 
> I feel your pain!  Things are not so very different in my household.
> However I have reduced the extent of a couple of the problems:
> Both my older children have access to a laptop which they use to update
> their pods.  I have set up iTunes on this so that it uses folders in the
> same music library on my server as the Squeezebox (not a shared library,
> just "adding" folders from my SB library). My library is split into two
> identical halves, one with MP3s for pods and one with FLACs for
> squeezebox.
> This library is synced between NAS and a PC giving some backup
> protection for their iThings, and I have set up iTunes on the laptop so
> that when they add music from the server it keeps a local copy on their
> iTunes folder on the lappie.
> After a bit of cajoling they also let me buy downloads and rip CDs for
> them as I can do that a lot cheaper than iTunes, and usually a lot
> quicker too. My son is now getting interested in this process and has
> offered to take over the job! He is an intelligent lad and understands
> the advantages.
> My wife is happy to use the Controller, because it has "real" hardware
> buttons with obvious functions not disimmilar to an iPod. She simply
> does not get on with either iPeng on my iPod or Squeezecommander on her
> HTC.  I have also added an extra genre tag to "her" music so that it is
> all located in the one menu location, she does not need to scroll
> through long lists of my "what's this awful racket" music to get to her
> own stuff.
> Not sure what your problem is here.  I have set it up so that the
> "choose player" and "sync" options are a the top of the home menu so
> that she can find them easily.  Even my technophobe wife quickly got
> the hang of the sync option after 2 minutes of training (the limit of
> her patience with these things!).  However she finds swapping between
> players with the Controller a bind, so I may have to buy a second one!

Its a shame Mrs TheLastMan won't pick up Squeezecommander or iPeng as
they are really easy for controlling and syncing players!


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Re: [slim] Logitech Airplay Speaker

2012-02-17 Thread socistep

froth;690904 Wrote: 
> The biggest issue I have with the squeeze line is ease of use for techo
> neofites. My system is sold, little to no issues all rooms using
> wireless with a wireless infrastructure that has N based devices and
> extenders.  Even my microwave no longer causes disruptions in the
> kitchen setup.
> The problem comes when the wife wants to use the system beyond presets
> I have put on a boom in the kitchen for her or the favorites I have
> created.
> We use iPeng on ipod and iphones to control the system.  So to me the
> interface is good and easy to use.  She still has troubles, the kids
> not so much but they do say things are much easier to do when playing
> music from their ithing docked in a base.  In fact, often if they are
> in a room with a boom, instead of just using ipeng to play what they
> want, they will connect their ithing to the external input into the
> boom and play right from their ithing.  I hate that as for the most
> part we keep everything on the server and then when they want to update
> their ithing they have a way to easily add the music to their ithing
> from the server.
> For the wife if I know she is doing something and will want certain
> rooms synced, I predo that for her and then ask her what she will want
> to play for music so I can easily put the sources there for her such as
> streaming from Sirius XM or playlists from our large library.  So I end
> up being the DJ so to speak just so she does not get frustrated, go to
> the basement and unboxes thousands of CD's and go old school.
> In some ways I believe we need a very simple interface offering basic
> features to make this easy on the people who are not technical.  For
> example, a sync interface where is actually tells you what to do on the
> infterface to sync devices in very easy terms and steps.  iPeng is close
> but not close enough so my wife can easily figure it out.

I agree and think its frustrating for us SB enthusiasts, we have an
excellent system that delivers so much functionality and music,
multi-room, multi-service etc. etc., yet I've often had conversations
with people who just aren't interested and happy to stick with ipod in
a dock producing a basic sound, I've learnt now just to let it go, safe
in the knowledge that my system is much more suited for my needs

My girlfriend does use the system via iPeng, she knows what to do
however isn't a massive music listener compared to me (prefers to have
the TV on as background noise which drives me mad!), however she will
listen to BBC radio, playlists, albums if needed so she knows what to
do, she likes the benefits when some of her friends come round and I'll
put on one of the dynamic playlists (e.g. 80s pop!) - however she also
is quick to mock my 'geek' system, haha


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Orange Squeeze 1.0 for Android Released

2012-02-16 Thread socistep


I recently bought an Asus transformer Prime and it auto installed
orangesqueeze and squeezecommander, have to say that out of the 2 I
much prefer the look and feel of OS on the 10inch screen - obviously
I'm aware it isn't a tablet version however it still looks good,
especially the now playing screen in portrait orientation.

I'm aware that a tablet version is on your to-do list but unsure of the
status of that? However couple of general comments

- Main thing stopping me adopting OS is being unable to support Erlands
dynamic playlists and rating via trackstat, this is an important way I
listen to music.
- On the tablet in landscape mode the space to the right of the artwork
could be used better
- Would be great to view larger/grid artwork when viewing
artists/albums/new music etc.
- Squeezeplayer works very well, really like the integration of the

If you are planning a beta programme for the tablet version then let me
know, happy to help test that



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[slim] Dynamic Playlist onto iPod/iPhone via spotify

2012-01-05 Thread socistep

Hi All

In SB I heavily use Erlands dynamic playlists with trackstat for 'top
rated' tracks, I wanted to get the top rated playlist onto my mobile
devices, this is the method I used on my linux server (vortexbox)

1. The toprated.m3u playlist with all rated songs is created when I
rescan (auto scheduled), I then do a quick clean up on that with a grep
command for step 2
2. use rsync to transfer the tracks in the playlist from 'flac' folder
to 'mp3' folder, approx 15% of my library
3. Run flac2mp3 mirror to convert to mp3
4. Point spotify to 'mp3' folder as local music, scans for new music
each time I open it
5. Use spotify to tranfer to ipod/iphone/HTC desire etc.

Works pretty well, I'll be automating 1-3 and will use spotify to
periodically update mobile devices, may well look to add in a 'new
music' transfer as well however a lot of those albums are on spotify

Couple of limitations

- I believe that step 2. won't delete tracks in the destination folder
if say I unrate a song, not a massive issue
- Spotify isn't as good as say iTunes for handling 'local' music and
creating dynamic playlists, e.g. on SB I drill down into top rated 80s,
90s, indie, pop etc. etc. - however there is no reason why you couldn't
use itunes for steps 4/5 for apple devices as I believe it auto
monitors a folder (not used itunes for a while)

Quite interested to hear whether others have tried anything like this?
(there might be an easier way) Also whether alternative software is
better for handling the transfer to mobile devices?



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-12-14 Thread socistep

elziko;676170 Wrote: 
> Can I ask how the tablet version is going? Do you have an ETA or any
> beta versions to test? I have an Asus Transformer.
> Thanks!

I'm getting an Asus transformer prime next year, I'm sure Christian is
working on a tablet version and its a potential big market for him,
fingers crossed he is!


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Re: [slim] Just 5 years and a bit less than 2 month Logitech has acquired Slim Devices

2011-12-14 Thread socistep

My journey started nearly 4 years ago so has been all Logitech for me, I
came to know about SB players in early 2008 and bought a Duet on a
holiday to the states in that summer (it was a lot cheaper!)

Duet - Initially I had problems, mainly due to not having a dedicated
server and losing connection when I switched library on and off, but
that cleared up and it became steady, I however ended up not using the
receiver when the Touch came out as the sound quality was so much
better. I still use the controller.

Touch - I have 2 of these and think they are fantastic, sound excellent
as well

Boom - Bought not long after the Duet when it was launched, still a fan
but prefer the newer screens

Radio - Does a very good job in my kitchen.

Overall I'm very pleased with the devices I've purchased under
logitech, however like most share concerns that there doesn't currently
seem to be anything in the pipeline and the team had been cut which
brought some problems and a lack of profile, hopefully that will

Can't deny that the devices have changed how I listen to music and
nearly 50k scrobbles to lastFM since 2008 proves that!


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Re: [slim] Good Squeezebox alternative?

2011-12-07 Thread socistep

garym;675198 Wrote: 
> you mean like vortexbox?  As the owner and user of two vortexbox
> appliances, I agree. Nothing against the automatic vb approach (and I
> played with it just to see how it works, etc.). But for my ripping, I
> use dbpa to rip to FLAC (I'm particularly fond of ACCURATERIP, which VB
> doesn't have), then I make sure my tags and art is exactly what I want,
> then I use dbpa to create mp3 mirror (for my iphone/ipods).  Then I
> move all this stuff onto the Vortexbox Appliances from my windows
> machine (over my network). Yes, a few steps and not "automatic" but it
> is an easy work flow and I know that what I end up with is exactly what
> I really want

For me the ease of use and automation wins out over some tagging
inaccuracies, however what I will do is every month or so I use mp3tag
to access the files on my vortexbox and correct any tags for new music
- the tagging is actually pretty good now and I would say 80% of the
time I am happy, however for something recent like Wilko's new album
vortexbox didn't return any genre or year tags so I keen to correct

I also use bliss or the vortexbox 'get cover art' button for cover art
which is very good for updating artwork.

I guess one of the plus points for vortexbox is that you can easily get
in afterwards to correct the results and it includes tools to help that


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Re: [slim] Vortexbox questions

2011-12-07 Thread socistep

firedog;675148 Wrote: 
> Supposedly true, but not really. Vortexbox is "easy" if it installs
> without problem on your machine (often doesn't); but is anything but
> easy if you have somewhat non standard hardware or if you want to
> introduce some minor option it isn't setup for.(e.g. something basic
> like "install 2nd hard drive") Just go to the forum and
> check the solutions to problems that arise for users (And there are
> many). For virtually every one of them, the solution involves logging
> on with a command line program like Putty and writing/editing code.
> Example:
> So even "user friendly' Vortexbox is way to geeky for most people. I
> only know one person besides me that would go anywhere near it, and
> he's definitely a computer geek. 
> Unfortunately, this is pretty much true for all the Linux distros I've
> encountered. 
> And don't get me wrong: I like Vortexbox and think it works well. It
> just isn't suitable for anything approaching the mainstream computer
> user, unlike Windows and Apple OSes.

Personally I have installed vortexbox on 3 boxes with no issues, an old
compaq desktop, a mini ITX box and a HP proliant microserver, I guess
its different for every user.

What I am talking about above is setting up a box specifically to rip,
tag, get cover art and run LMS, in terms of user friendliness then
vortexbox is a lot easier then setting up say windows home server and
trying to get it to do the same. My view is that the example of adding
a 2nd hard drive is going above and beyond the core features, however
you have a very strong user community who can support users if they
want to go down that route, but there is no need to do that if you
don't want to so I don't agree that its not mainstream compatible.

Also remember that the SB Touch is a mini linux server, designed
specifically for the core features then it runs perfect for its users,
I imagine the % of users who want to log in from the command line and
adapt is small - vortexbox is a similar concept (however requires more
initial set-up), a version of linux adapted specifically, in this case
as a media jukebox.


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Re: [slim] Vortexbox questions

2011-12-07 Thread socistep

Goodsounds;675107 Wrote: 
> Like most people, I'm not interested in learning about an operating
> system. I'd get more bang from the buck from learning more about some
> of the apps I need to use, like Word or Excel. But I'm not interested
> in learning more about them either. 
> Linux's lack of acceptance among PC users is because people are happy
> to pay for the simplicity and ease of use they get from the MS and
> Apple products. These products don't need to be better, and I'll accept
> what (I think) is your view that they're inferior. It doesn't matter,
> perception wins out.

I think the lines are getting blurred here, you need to differentiate
between Linux and Vortexbox - Vortexbox is based on linux but has been
custom built to be very user friendly, auto rips, pulls in tags/artwork
etc, you can do all tasks from an easy to use web interface, you don't
need to be "geeky" and get into the bones of it, that is one of the
beauties of the distro.

Whereas if I build a windows home server I would have to install LMS,
configure various settings etc. etc., much the same using a mac mini


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Re: [slim] Vortexbox questions

2011-12-02 Thread socistep

garym;674121 Wrote: 
> Yep, I have it and know how it works but don't use it. A couple of
> reasons. Mostly because there are not many hours of the day someone is
> not listening and I might even want to listen at 3:00 in the morning (I
> love my soft pillow speaker). I know it can wol but don't really want to
> bother. I sorta think that everything is more trouble free when it just
> stays on. No evidence for this, just a gut feeling. And leaving it on
> 24/7 probably adds less than $20 a year to my electric bill!

I was the same with mine, did look into the plugin but decided to leave
on 24/7


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[slim] Spotify Apps

2011-12-01 Thread socistep

Hi All

Wondered what the views were on spotify apps that were announced

For me this is a good step forward, I use spotify mainly for new music
and playlists, judging by some of the apps that are going to be
available this saves me from having to switch between web browser and
spotify search and can now get pitchfork, guardian reviews etc within
spotify, quite interested to see what the lastFM app is like and other
playlist generation tools.

I did wonder whether there would technically ever be scope for a
Squeezebox app for spotify where you could auto send music to play on a
SB player, that would be quite smart if you find music on the spotify
desktop/mobile app and send to SB player to play, currently I tend to
use spotify app slightly more to find music and add as playlist then
play via Triodes plugin rather then search and play with the plugin.



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-11-23 Thread socistep

flattermann;672166 Wrote: 
> Yes, thanks, that's already fixed in the Beta and will be included in
> the upcoming version.

Great thanks

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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-23 Thread socistep

I would have liked to be on the survey, shame it couldn't be opened to
forum members! 

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-11-22 Thread socistep

Hi Christian

Noticed a potential bug yesterday but may need others to verify, its
only minor though.

I heavily use the ratings plugin, either by tapping the stars from the
main now playing screen or by searching for a song and setting the
rating in the context menu (press and hold on a song) - however I
noticed that the context menu isn't working, it isn't saving the rating
(the main noy playing screen works as expected)

I tested this by rating with my Duet controller which recorded ratings
through both methods, has anyone else seen this bug?



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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-21 Thread socistep

jo-wie;671786 Wrote: 
> I do not know if it's wise to last only on streaming services. Some
> people are not happy when they read messages like the following

Yes availability can change, also some albums not available to stream

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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-21 Thread socistep

toby10;671764 Wrote: 
> I'm sure there might be a small segment of the streaming population that
> rely exclusively on services and own no music of their own.  But I'd bet
> the vast majority of service users also have a music collection of
> varying degrees.  I use both myself, my rather smallish music library
> of a few thousand songs and then I utilize several services for my
> enjoyment.  Those services have indeed influenced numerous purchases of
> additional artists/albums into my music collection.
> I do see your point and your interest in completely owning and
> controlling your music.  I simply don't agree that it must be all or
> nothing, that's all.  :)

For me the two co-exist nicely, I probably listen to my local music 75%
of the time then spotify most of the rest and a small % of internet
radio, I used to use LastFM heavily before that became subscription

Spotify is used for trialling new music, user playlists and the
occasional ad hoc album/song I don't have in my collection.


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Re: [slim] Thank you Slim Devices.

2011-11-18 Thread socistep

sherington;671037 Wrote: 
> Bought an original SB but have now moved on to a Touch - that pushed me
> into sorting out the artwork, since one could now see it - the sound
> quality on the Touch is also fabulous - way better than the old SB,
> although that really worked well too.
> The whole thing made me (continuously - to this day) really sort out my
> tagging, but that is as long a process as ripping was in the first
> place, wo will take years to get absolutely right!
> Onwards and upwards Logitech - you have a gem here, with a larger
> market than you appear to think!

I started with a Duet 3.5 years ago, then bought a boom, a radio and 2x
Touch - the orginal Duet box isn't used but I still use the controller.

All SB players are great and I listen to so much more music now, I
ripped my collection with vortexbox and the tags/artwork are in a good
condition, not exactly how I would want all of them but due to time
constraints (young kid!) I now just enjoy listening to the music with
the occasional tagging session.


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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-16 Thread socistep

Grahame;670650 Wrote: 
> Not True, This feature has been around since pre LMS, it's just non
> intuitive.
> Get the file path to the file / folder / directory of interest
> In the Web Interface
> Paste this into the Internet Radio -> Tune In URL Field
> Click on the play (Tune in) or Add Buttons
> See your desired files queued up or played using the file reference ,
> rather than a stream URL.
> Result.
> For Bonus Points, work out the request / command sent to LMS generated
> by this interaction, then embed it in a shell extension, so you could
> play the file directly from the file system (in much the same way as
> the foobar2000 Shell / File Explorer Context Menu additions) - Or have
> an app you could drag and drop the file onto to play them, or whatever
> Operating system dependent mechanism works for you. 
> The Capability is there - its just how you expose it in a useful
> manner.

interesting, I didn't know that! thats easier to what I mentioned about
copying to music folder


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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-16 Thread socistep

gruntwolla;670645 Wrote: 
> You are pretty strident with your opinions, but when all is said and
> done that is all they are - opinions.
> All I want from my squeezebox SERVER is to to stream my flac and mp3
> files to my 5 squeezeboxes around the house, and sync them as and when
> needed. This is exactly what it does. I only ever access the web
> interface for maintenance. Everything else is done on Squeezecommander.
> I hardly ever buy cd's anymore - Spotify and Napster work seamlessly,
> and there are plenty of sites to download hi res files.
> If a friend should pop by with some flac files on a stick, then
> admittedly my choice is limited, but as previously stated, no one is
> suggesting that SBS/LMS can't be improved.
> However, regarding the things LMS can do that MM cannot - does that
> make MM behaviour a nonsense? Of course not - one was designed as a
> player, the other a server.
> Finally, when I eventually upgrade to my much longed for Cyrus hifi
> system, you would be welcome to come round to my house and plug your
> USB stick straight into the back of the amp!
> Trev

LMS is a very effective server with a decent but improvable interface,
where it lacks is playlist management IMO however you can add Erlands
plugins, ipeng/squeezecommander, other programs to create static
playlists or for windows users look into MM/MS on what that offers.

In terms of plugging a USB drive then I guess the only option is to
transfer into your music folder then you can play from there without
having to re-scan


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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-16 Thread socistep

nicolas75;670531 Wrote: 
> You probably never use your library the way a lot of people does.
> If you want to play some files wherever there are located, without
> necesseraly keeping them in your database, and make frequent changes to
> your library, MediaMonkey is really years ahead LMS (ease of use, speed,
> reliability).
> The first time I tried MediaMonkey was several years ago, and at that
> time, it was already much more convenient than LMS is today.
> There is NO file selection feature in LMS.
> You have to declare a directory to LMS, and place this file in this
> directory.
> If you just want to play a flac file located on a USB stick, and then
> disconnect the stick and forget about this file, LMS behavior is a
> nonsense.

Your obviously quite frustrated that SBS/LMS doesn't meet your
requirement, however I suspect for the majority of users it works well
and does what they want - it does for me complimented by Erlands

However I can understand where users get frustrated around playlists,
as mentioned I tend to user ratings based playlists and edit on the fly
if needed as well as Spotify playlists rather then spending a lot of
time myself on creating playlists - I also heavily used the LastFM 'my
library' and 'my recommendations' playlists before they started
charging - I prefer to get others to do the work rather then spending
ages myself creating playlists but every user is different.


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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-16 Thread socistep

I've reduced the amount of time I spent 'working' on my SB/music system
this year (first born arrived in Jan), 4 main tools I use to reduce the

1) Reliable server - Invested in a HP proliant microserver which is
rock steady, quick and quiet
2) Vortexbox - Installed on above, have had for a number of years and
reduces the manual ripping/tagging work
3) Erlands plugins - Use ratings/dynamic playlists, 'top rated'
playlists form the bulk of background/casual listening
4) Spotify - Use spotify for other playlists and also for music on the
go, this has reduced the time needed to get music onto iphone/android
phone for in car and on the go music

Before I spent quite a bit of time making sure tags/artwork was
correct, still had a lot to go but that has dropped down the priority
list, I will probably once a month go in and correct new music tags
where I wasn't happy with the vortexbox result (e.g. year or genre
incorrect) - I've probably spent more ad-hoc time rating tracks in my
library however limited time - I prefer now just to chill out and
listen to the music :-)


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Re: [slim] Logitech drops Revue, says early Google TV intro a 'mistake'

2011-11-14 Thread socistep

Atlantic;669471 Wrote: 
> Her focus, rightly in my view, is on music streaming - from the
> internet, for now, with SQ Radio - though I think she'll need to move
> up to a SQ radio device that can dock an iPhone or Android phone. 
> (Tech detail: docking not strictly necessary since device could stream
> over WiFi or BT, but there will be battery issues for the main user,
> and a dock could provide power and recharge.)  But this focus on music
> streaming is correct because it is the high-volume future, and where
> Logitech is likely to do well.

Hi Atlantic

This is a very good point, I think this would appeal to the mass market
more, if you think about it the Touch has capability (mixed reviews I
think) to load music from USB/SD and play, how different in HL theory
is that to plugging in an ipod/iphone and loading music? Perhaps a
seperate dock as Sonos went for

I guess the challenge would be around software, ability to give the
user the option to quickly interact between ipod/iphone (potentially
airplay?), 'local' music and internet services whilst still allowing
the 3rd party plugins etc.



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Re: [slim] Ominous lack of stock in UK

2011-11-11 Thread socistep

Mnyb;669266 Wrote: 
> +1 they should not aim at the massmarket, they should aim at to be
> biggest in thier niche .
> a product for music nerds and hifi nuts, I'll bet there is 100 time
> more music nerds that hifi nuts and shall we gues that 1/10 hifi nut
> own a squeezebox or a sonos or similar, so they have not come close to
> saturate thier " niche " market .
> I always believed that it is possible to expand 10 to 100 times in this
> niche ? this would be profitable enough to support the product.
> I think Logitech would seriusly overeach thier competence if they even
> tried to aproach massmarket in this kind of product. they done it in
> mice and pc speakers ,but I don't think they can with this kind of
> product.
> A prerequsite 90% of the population don't have is a serius music
> interest, they just want's a device that " plays something " A little
> effort in ripping and tagging on some serius exploring of the apps
> function for the online services should tweak any music entusiast :)
> but without a real music interest you wont get involved and explore the
> product, You wont be motivated to learn a little bit to get so much more
> back .
> and seruisly I find some desktop software harder to use than my whole
> squeezebox system ?
> dumbing it down would be a serius mistake , there a lot of products
> that demands a little inital effort to use but loved by thier users .
> some of my colegues are into diving or waterskiing or motorbikes .
> I would find scuba gear waterskiis or offroad motorcycles hard to
> operate and maintain.
> I would have a learning curve if tried thier stuff I would not blame
> the product.

Some very good points.

I want more and SB players give me more - more choice, quicker access,
intro to HiFI/Hi-res etc. etc. - the mass market don't want that. I
think it is probably hard for us SBE's (squeezebox enthusiasts) to get
our head round why joe public wouldn't want a solution as good as

However with logitech you have generally a mass market company, mice,
keyboards, speakers etc. who bought some niche products - SB, Harmony
and also has struggled with another potentially niche product in the
Revue - there is a conflict in the product make-up


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Re: [slim] Ominous lack of stock in UK

2011-11-11 Thread socistep

toby10;669168 Wrote: 
> SqueezeBox is and likely will remain a niche product.  Ask your friends
> how they listen to their digital music over their hi-fi, their own
> library or a subscription service.
> The answers will be (in no particular order):
> -  I don't, just use iPod (or mp3 player, smart phone, Zune) with ear
> buds
> -  iPod dock (standalone or connected to hi-fi)
> -  AVR with networking & services
> -  third party box (PS3, Xbox, Roku, Boxee, PopCornHour, WD, Netgear,
> etc..)
> -  TV (or some other DLNA device)
> -  cable or sat TV digital music ch's
> -  Sat radio XM/Sirius
> -  AirTunes
> -  computer (by itself or connected to AVR)
> -  etc...
> We all know the negatives of the above vs using a SB player, but those
> are the likely answers from 80% of the users out there.  The only SB
> users I am aware of are those who have seen my SB players in use and
> only after I thoroughly demo & explain what SB is do they buy.  Even
> then it is very few who do actually buy.  In my entire social circles
> including family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, I've only ever run
> across a total of two Sonos users out there. and I know a lot of
> people.
> Dedicated NMP's like SB & Sonos are indeed very niche markets.  ;)
> Not to say there isn't money to be made in these narrow markets, but
> the numbers are small compared to the lesser devices out there.

For my friends the list is even less then that, pretty much all of them

- ipod on its own
- ipod in dock
- laptop for itunes/spotify/you tube etc.
- Through TV

A friend at work is really bought into SB's after I lent him my Boom
(he has since bought his own and a server with a Touch planned) and I
know another friends Dad has a Squeezebox Radio, I know another guy
from work who bought a Sonos system a few years back, not sure if he
still uses it though


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Re: [slim] The competition

2011-11-04 Thread socistep

pski;667296 Wrote: 
> So, how long does it take to build an iTunes library?
> The thing  supports different libraries. If we are to believe it
> the iC product can merge all your  stuff. This is
> not that hard.
> In windows (does not deserve being capitalized) hold shift and start
> iT.
> Make a new one. You can change back by doing the same thing and picking
> your old iT library.
> In the settings, point to your  SBS music directory.
> You will then also have to get the artwork.
> It takes a while because apple drags it's entire dev/run time library
> wherever it goes.
> This is the same reason why iT on windows is so slow.
> P

I gave up on iTunes a while back, I wanted to use Linux as my desktop
and windows/itunes was s slow, I've replaced my iphone with an
android phone with spotify as the main music player/source - things are
a lot better..


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Re: [slim] Logitech Media Server

2011-11-02 Thread socistep

FredFredrickson;666868 Wrote: 
> Ok so- I had the same password problem. The standard control panel does
> not work with my password, but I can access the web interface. No
> biggie, the regular control panel is redundant anyway.
> As far as features, it's obvious they released this to coincide with
> the Google TV 2 update for the revue, because now we can stream video
> from this. The question is: Will we be seeing a merger of television
> upnp and squeezebox playback? 
> SqueezeboxTV perhaps? the SB touch with video? I will fork over all of
> my money

Unsure of what any plans are, however I did notice that the download
page on now refers to Revue and has lines between that
and a SB player..


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-31 Thread socistep

flattermann;666191 Wrote: 
> Well, I'm not sure yet.
> But the Tablet version is a completely rewritten App, therefore I'll
> probably also sell it as separate App.
> So, the answer of your question is probably 'no'.
> You cannot upgrade for free from the current Classic version to the
> future Tablet version.
> Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk

Hi Christian

Are you working on a tablet version of SC? This would be good news to
me, looking to get a tablet early next year and obviously would prefer
an android version, a tablet version of SC would be the last tick in
the box to get one!

I think it should be a seperate app with another income stream for you



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Re: [slim] Good Squeezebox alternative?

2011-10-28 Thread socistep

warpian;665836 Wrote: 
> I am with Paul Raulerson, if only for his imaginative way of putting
> things!
> I really want to hook up a asynchronous USB dac to a SB, which at this
> moment is not really feasible. Soundcheck (with his Touch Toolbox) made
> the USB port available for output, but the USB driver on the Touch is
> too old (not class 2 audio capable). So I would really like to see
> Logitech put an updated Touch on the market with an newer USB driver.
> That's why this thread interests me.
> However, we can make this work using Squeezeslave on e.g. a fanless
> FitPC (which is smaller than a duet and with a SSD is completely
> silent). The only hurdle is to make hi res work in Squeezeslave. Which
> unfortunately is not an endeaver for the faint of heart as Ralphy
> explained to me.
> You may say: I am loosing the bigger picture here... but once we have
> an (audiophile) alternative for the SB hardware, we are pretty much on
> our own. Let people who just want streaming services use their iPads
> and iPhones etc. They can stream whatever an App Store or Android
> Market app has to offer directly to a DAC already today (have a look at
> Arcam's rDAC with support for "Kleer"). Eventually the SB concept will
> probably loose out to this type of solution for the mass market. 
> But let the mass market be the mass market. I dont see any reason why
> the SB server x client solution wouldnt be able to survive as a niche
> open source initiative for a bunch of well-bred enthusiasts :-)
> But as Erland says, there are no signs from Logitech that they are
> about to abandon the SB yet. So why worry anyway?
> thus my two cents
> Tom

I think because stock is getting low and its been 2 years since any new
products have been launched that people are speculating on the future,
most taking a pessimistic view that Logitech are looking to pull the


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Re: [slim] Good Squeezebox alternative?

2011-10-28 Thread socistep

JJZolx;665822 Wrote: 
> I think that sums it up quite well. Turns out that the 'slim'
> client-server approach used by Slim Devices was totally wrong for the
> consumer market. That's how we ended up with so much reliance on
>, and with products marketed not for their ability to
> play your own music, but for their ability to play low audio quality
> service like Pandora and Rhapsody.

I've mentioned a few times that I believe a 'Touch 2' with beefed up
spec and ability to support plug and play USB stick/external HDD would
be a lot easier to sell - not just as its easier to understand, it
removes the server on a pc element and also quite a handy way of
demo-ing in places like PC world.


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Re: [slim] Good Squeezebox alternative?

2011-10-27 Thread socistep

gruntwolla;665626 Wrote: 
> I think all this stems ( for me anyway) in disappointment that whenever
> I go into a hifi shop ( something I'm doing quite frequently at the
> moment ) there is always a sonos system on display ready for a demo,
> whereas one can only buy Squeezeboxen online nowadays. That is fine for
> those of us who know what Squeezebox is all about, but it doesn't
> suggest much commitment to the brand from Logitech. In a shop, if a
> couple of Touches were available to demo through decent speakers,with
> knowledgable staff on hand,then I think we all know they would sell.
> I am more than happy with what squeezebox/sbs/ does at the
> moment - just disappointed that it seems that in the future inferior
> systems will prevail.
> Trev

Hi Trev

I went to the Manchester HiFi show last sunday, which I enjoyed,
Logitech had no presence at all there - from a streaming perspective
Sonos had a stand as did Simple Audio (although I managed to miss it!)
- There was also the big hulk boxes of Naim, Cyrus etc which looked
big, bulky and a bit dated compared to Sonos/SB. One dealer had an
OliveHD unit, nice UI but not touch screen and again a very big unit.
Quite a few dealers were demo-ing iPad's into DACs.

I did overhear some people talking about SB products so I imagine some
existing/potential users attended however what is disappointing is that
the marketing is non existent for SB products.

I too have found nothing on display in HiFi shops also



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Re: [slim] I don't want to pay for trackstat !

2011-10-21 Thread socistep

castalla;664663 Wrote: 
> A bit off topic - but it all seems a bit of a storm in a teacup.  What
> real world use is a track rating system anyway - it's sort of like OCD
> trainspotting in my book.  If I rate a track as rubbish, borderline,
> uninteresting, then I just dump it.  I also recognise what are '5 star'
> albums, tracks, etc. without the need for a statistic.  I suppose if you
> have 1000s of tracks then you might need some rating system - but then
> how often are you going to actually listen to 1 or 2 star tracks
> anyway?
> Seems a rather esoteric feature to be part of the core system.  I'd
> rather Logitech spent their time and resources developing a usable
> equaliser plugin.
> Just my 2 eurocents worth.

We use trackstat quite heavily to rate the tracks we like, from that I
pull out various dynamic playlists e.g. Top Rated 80s, 00s, indie, pop
etc - these general use playlists are used heavily.

I have about 20k tracks and approx 2k 'top rated' ones spanning various


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Re: [slim] I don't want to pay for trackstat !

2011-10-20 Thread socistep

cunobelinus;664491 Wrote: 
> +1. Perfect summary.
> On 20 Oct 2011, at 14:39, Phil Leigh wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Just to be clear, I have no issue with Erland choosing to charge
> people
> > for his work going forward - that is his inalienable right. However,
> > nobody SHOULD provide anything - under licence or under contract -
> for
> > free or for a price -  and then disable it or disable it until a fee
> is
> > paid... UNLESS it was spelled out at the time of supply (i.e. as a
> > Licence/contract term) that this could or would happen.
> > 
> > I'm not saying anyone should or even could sue anyone - that's just
> > silly. I was talking about the general case of retrospective
> > modification of contract or license terms which is normally
> something
> > only Governments can do with impunity... !!
> > 

ok so legally there is a potential conflict, what are you going to do
next? Your options look like

1) Legally take it further
2) Write your own version of the plugins which is legally correct and
keep them free & fully in your control
3) use previous versions of plugins which are still free
4) Swallow the conflict and pay for the plugins

Despite the legal issue I'm still sticking with 4)


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Re: [slim] I don't want to pay for trackstat !

2011-10-20 Thread socistep

cunobelinus;664473 Wrote: 
> On 20 Oct 2011, at 13:21, Soulkeeper wrote:
> > 
> > Oh, so this is why Custom Browse doesn't work anymore (I haven't
> read
> > this thread before). I occasionally used it to browse artist by
> letter.
> > Oh well. I guess I can do without.
> I've never previously attempted to use Multi Library, despite
> downloading it some months ago. I tried to do so this time only as an
> experiment for this thread. I can certainly do without it. That's not
> the point.
> > 
> > It was of course noble of Erland to make this plugin for free
> > originally. But marketing-wise, I can't help thinking that nag-ware
> > (or, well, anything, really) would have been more psychologically
> > effective than the give-and-then-take-away approach.
> And would have been within the law. Perhaps, though, Erland likes the
> thrill of putting himself outside it and then getting his mates to
> shout "sue him"; or is happy in the the knowledge that he is behaving
> in a way that the legislative bodies of the EU and its constituent
> states - representative of how many million people? - have agreed is so
> shabby and dishonest that it should not be allowed.
> Well, a couple of days ago, I might well have paid for future updates
> for this - despite not using it - and maybe for those of a couple more
> of his plug ins that I've got on the system but never or very rarely
> used. I'd have been happy to do so for future updates, too, if I used
> them and had been given a choice.  But I'm certainly not paying for
> them now.
> > 
> > After all, software, and especially UI, is at least 50% psychology.
> Too
> > many developers fail to realize that.
> Too many developers can't even spell it (let alone "psychology").

Would love to see you take this to the european court of law, go for
it, the majority will just sit back and listen to some music
complimented by Erlands excellent plugins, but do keep us all updated
with progress of your legal adventure if you decide to go for it


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Re: [slim] I don't want to pay for trackstat !

2011-10-20 Thread socistep

reniera;664470 Wrote: 
> Michael, are you from Logitech ?  If you are not, fine, I respect your
> opinion and don't read further. If you are, I can tell you that you
> have no idea what such statement can create in term of bad feeling
> about a company and products that were once so desired. You seriously
> meant that we have to pay for fixing your product ?
> Realy, if you are from Logitech, you better be back to dev. work and
> add this basic code in 7.6.3 and close the discussion.

wrong - its not fixing the product, squeezebox is open source so anyone
can develop a plugin of which there are a wide variety, its enhancing
the base server software not fixing it.


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Re: [slim] I don't want to pay for trackstat !

2011-10-20 Thread socistep

Soulkeeper;664454 Wrote: 
> Oh, so this is why Custom Browse doesn't work anymore (I haven't read
> this thread before). I occasionally used it to browse artist by letter.
> Oh well. I guess I can do without.
> It was of course noble of Erland to make this plugin for free
> originally. But marketing-wise, I can't help thinking that nag-ware
> (or, well, anything, really) would have been more psychologically
> effective than the give-and-then-take-away approach. 
> After all, software, and especially UI, is at least 50% psychology. Too
> many developers fail to realize that.

I doubt marketing came into any initial plans, it was probably born
from a technical interest in improving squeezeboxserver, then as the
years have gone by the overhead of running the plugins has increased -
at that point I think for Erland it was a stop the plugins or get some
financial compensation


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Re: [slim] I don't want to pay for trackstat !

2011-10-20 Thread socistep

cunobelinus;664441 Wrote: 
> On 20 Oct 2011, at 12:38, Michael Herger wrote:
> >> Well, I've just tried to use my long-standing, pre-existing
> installation  
> >> of "Multi-Library", which I was not aware of upgrading, and it's  
> >> demanding the licensing plug in. That appears to be retrospective  
> >> charging, in that it disables an existing service and then demands  
> >> payment without notice, and would therefore appear to be illegal
> under  
> >> EU law.
> > 
> > You should sue Erland. Really. After offering his services for years
> he  
> > now wants to have a beer? This must be illegal.
> > 
> > Guys, your postings are poor jokes.
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > Michael
> OK, if you like.
> I have no objection whatever to people charging for their work, but
> within the law. Retrospective charging is not.
> I wouldn't dream of telling someone I was making a gift of something -
> anything - and then enforcing payment for it after my gift had been
> accepted.
> This "have a beer" argument is spurious and utterly disingenuous.
> "Fancy a pint? OK Here it is. That's 20 Euros, please". Pathetic,
> Michael, truly pathetic.

Pay it or don't, sometimes life brings up some tough luck, and in the
grand scheme of things this is pretty small fryIMO

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Re: [slim] I don't want to pay for trackstat !

2011-10-20 Thread socistep

mherger;664438 Wrote: 
> > Well, I've just tried to use my long-standing, pre-existing
> installation  
> > of "Multi-Library", which I was not aware of upgrading, and it's  
> > demanding the licensing plug in. That appears to be retrospective  
> > charging, in that it disables an existing service and then demands  
> > payment without notice, and would therefore appear to be illegal
> under  
> > EU law.
> You should sue Erland. Really. After offering his services for years he
> now wants to have a beer? This must be illegal.
> Guys, your postings are poor jokes.
> -- 
> Michael

Agree here, Erland has put a massive effort in supporting and
developing the playlists, just be thankful you got years of free usage
and free support, if you want to continue then pay up or if not don't

If the price is too much then how about paying for a year at a lower
cost and then saving up over the year for the lifetime cost

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Re: [slim] I don't want to pay for trackstat !

2011-10-18 Thread socistep

grzlhmpf;664066 Wrote: 
> I have never used any of erlangs advanced plugins... i played around
> with trackstat but i don't really need it.
> looking at the dynamic playlist stuff was on my "todo for later"
> list... i'll mark that one as "skip it", i never really got what all
> that is about anyway and now i am certainly NOT going to pay for a
> functionality i may not need or use anyway... certaintly not for $20 or
> $50...
> and dont tell me there is a trial period, i know.
> existing users will certainly  pay, but i guess new squeezebox owners
> will not be willing to open their wallet again at that pricepoint. 
> If you install any of those plugins the first message is "license
> manager needed" and then EVERY plugin asks for a license... most poeple
> will probably never check the pricing but delete those plugins right
> away.
> I have donated to quite a few projects in the past and will continue to
> do so, so i am not opposed to paying and/or donating but i don't think
> this is going to work.
> Mike

The way I view the paid for 3rd party apps/plugins now is that they are
optional extras, much in the same way when I bought a buggy for our baby
it was extra for a footmuff, raincover, matching bag etc.


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Re: [slim] I don't want to pay for trackstat !

2011-10-18 Thread socistep

exile;663874 Wrote: 
> bottom line in my opinion is that erland's plugins have completely
> transformed my listening experience. so if erland now feels that in
> order to keep these fantastic plugins going that he needs some modest
> revenue then I think a modest charge is just fine. If people are too
> cheap then it's their loss.

spot on


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Re: [slim] I don't want to pay for trackstat !

2011-10-18 Thread socistep

reniera;663940 Wrote: 
> I respect your opinion, but seriously, track rating and play count were
> present in all media players I used in the past (winamp, itunes,
> mediamonkey, Windows Media players, ipod, ipad).

I would agree on ratings being important and central to a number of
other products, however as a comparison Sonos (I believe could be
wrong) doesn't have any support for ratings.

For the record the 2 important Erland plugins I use are Trackstat and
Dynamic Playlists based on the ratings, a lot of our listening is based
on Top Rated All, pop, rock, indie, 80s, 90s, 00s etc.


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Re: [slim] New "SWAP" forum proposition

2011-10-18 Thread socistep

gizek;664004 Wrote: 
> Some of us here, have posted various SB items for sale. Personally I
> managed to conduct a few successful transactions. Since there is no
> separate forum or rules regarding posting items for sale/wanted, I
> propose to create a new forum. It might not be a high traffic area but
> at least people would know where to go. For sure many people would find
> it very helpful. 
> What do you think ?
> ***


I think it is a very good idea, would be good for people to go into one
place to view them - particularly with stock running low for some



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[slim] question re: forum rules

2011-10-17 Thread socistep

Hi All

I'm about to list a SB related item on eBay, I was going to post a link
on here however don't want to break any forum rules - Never really see
anything for sale on here so I'm guessing its not allowed. Can someone
please confirm for me?



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Re: [slim] sonos at target

2011-10-14 Thread socistep

unfortunately Logitech doesn't seem to market Squeezebox at all

I'm off to the Manchester (UK) show at the end
of this month, Sonos have a display and there is an airplay demo with
Denon however no sign of Logitech


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-10 Thread socistep

Christian and tbird - good news, looks like changing the ignorewifi
setting has fixed my problem, I've been on and off wireless 3 times
today and each time SC has connected correctly, it seems quicker as

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-10 Thread socistep

dave77;662411 Wrote: 
> socistep, what version of SBS do you run, I have an HTC Desire HD and
> have not had any problems with SC, I've been using it for about a year
> now.

Hi Dave

I was running 7.5.3 then upgraded to 7.6.1, the problem was seen on
both versions



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-10 Thread socistep

T-bird;662223 Wrote: 
> Have you tried to set "Ignore WIFI status" under settings?
> Since I done that I haven't had any connection problems and I have the
> same phone
> Before it was a 50-50 chance to get it to connect, and if it didn't I
> had to toggle wifi off-on

Hello T-Bird,

Thanks for this tip, I have checked that setting and will monitor.

Christian - also dropped you a mail to join the beta group



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-08 Thread socistep

Hi Christian,

Unfortunately the problem is still there as described above, has
happened 2-3 times since yesterday morning.


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-08 Thread socistep

Hi Christian,

Normally I would see the problem when I had not been connected to
wireless then reconnected and it wouldn't work, e.g. popping out to
shops with SC still running. Restarting SC wouldn't fix the problem,
the only way was to toggle WiFi off and on and the restart SC

However today it has worked after being out this morning, last night I
did get an Android update so perhaps this has fixed it, will keep
monitoring and report back


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-07 Thread socistep

flattermann;661935 Wrote: 
> Sound like a plan, but no, sorry, I'm still around.
> (But I can understand your anger and I'm really sorry. But I promise
> you that I'll be much more active again now.)

Hi Christian

Great to see you back and also that nothing serious had happened!
Congratulations on becoming a father, my son is 9 months old and I know
how much time/energy they take up.

I wasn't angry just a bit frustrated as really like Squeezecommander
but it disconnects a lot with HTC desire HD, happy to work with you to
troubleshoot that one.



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-04 Thread socistep

bluegaspode;661242 Wrote: 
> Just to do the math correctly for the Google World: 
> He had 5000 sales in April 2010 and 10.000 sales in Feb. 2011 (can be
> seen on other sites). So expect him to be at 14.000 right now. (Also
> expect that his daily sales will have drastically dropped since there
> is the free Logitech App).
> In Okt. 2009 he released the first version, so he is involved for 2 1/2
> year with this project. Google takes 30% share, German income tax again
> around 30%. Social insurance contributions 20%.
> VAT shouldn't apply for him as I think he configured Google to add it
> to each purchase where applicable.
> Accountant to support his GmbH might be around 3000€ / year, purchasing
> some common test devices one needs for Android development will be
> 1000€.
> Even if we don't substract german taxes and social contributions and
> calculate it from his companies point of view:
> 14.000*3€/2,5y*0,7 - 2y*3000€ - 1000€ = 4760€ / year = 400€ / month.  
> Economically at common rates 400€ justify 4h of development or support
> per month, now much less due to the Logitech App.
> If he just paid it out to himself, he'd get around 200€ / month. People
> not working at all in Germany get around 700€ / month ("Hartz 4 +
> Wohngeld").
> Don't want to argue, if it's a good income or not.
> Everyone has to decide for himself, if it's a good decision to stick
> (or start) with Squeezebox App development as a hobby.
> At least one shouldn't try to found a company based on those numbers ;)

I think you also need to consider that the app was on sale for 6euros
at some point, according to the website, also there was a major rewrite
in May - see post #440 - I bought on the back of this and many other
would have done, so potentially would have seen a peak in May.

I guess this is the risk that you take in purchasing an app that the
developer may reprioritise


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-04 Thread socistep

pippin;661240 Wrote: 
> I believe since most of the issues with the App are still more
> customer-service kind of issues than real technical issues with the App
> he would do himself a bad favor with that kind of strategy.

For me its a technical issue, the app keeps disconnecting from the SB
server, for some reason the only way to resolve is to toggle wifi on
and off, I can't consistently use for longer then 15-30mins.


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-04 Thread socistep

pippin;661237 Wrote: 
> I believe I know the numbers and it's closer to 30.000£ than to
> 150.000£.
> Plus, a lot of that was BEFORE the Logitech App came out.
> Google gets 30% and the tax man between 25% and 50% so do your math,
> how many years can you live off that?
> It's the same with iPeng. iPeng is still doing fine in comparison but
> it's at the brink of what justifies a full-scale effort. I would
> probably not start to develop it know if I didn't already have it.
> Logitech keeps changing so much on the Squeezebox System that you can't
> just sit back and keep counting money.

Don't get me wrong I am not saying that it should be first priority,
far from it, and hope everything is ok with Christian.

The actual income % is very interesting so thanks for sharing. However
at £30,000 less google amount and tax of 40% its still 13k (which is
the bare minimum) which on top of main job, again still a decent amount
to make - for then to communicate once in 5 months isn't great.

There would be potential to make more money had this been supported
well, an android tablet version would be very popular IMO -
squeezecommander has the basis of a very good app but is buggy and
unsupported in its current form for many users.


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-10-04 Thread socistep

pippin;661173 Wrote: 
> Well, the problem is that Android users don't really buy Apps.
> If you look at the App market you will see that as of the NUMBER of
> Apps, Android is at least at par with iOS right now, however if you
> look at the App REVENUES, iOS Apps still hold like 90% of the market.
> Now add to that that there are actually free options available on
> Android, one of them from Logitech and you don't really get something
> that churns out enough money to make it your first priority in life...

I disagree Pippin, this is a paid app, on Android marketplace it is
showing that it has between 10,000 and 50,000 downloads and believe it
cost £3. On that basis then the income could potentially be between
£30,000 and £150,000 - obviously I don't know whether the developer
gets 100% of the app fee and what costs there are to develop/maintain,
you will probably know a lot more then me. However to me that is
potentially a very good income from the application.


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Re: [slim] Android Tablet

2011-10-03 Thread socistep

I too have my eye on a Android tablet. Unfortunately Android is lagging
behind Apple apps for both smartphone and tablet - the best products
look to be iPeng and Squeezepad.

On Android there is squeezecommander for a smartphone but if you check
out the thread on that it has been unsupported for a while by the
author - I was hoping that iPeng/Squeezepad could be ported or
hopefully someone else is working on a tablet app - I think that will
be the push I need to get an android tablet


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-09-28 Thread socistep

pippin;660231 Wrote: 
> Well, I can relieve you on the latter part: he did already have pretty
> much one of the best seats you can get in Dortmund's stadium before so
> no reason for updating.
> And a real fan would never ever go to an executive box, wouldn't he?
> No, I'd really tend to believe he's probably still very busy with his
> new-born son and moving into his new home.

haha that is true, I wouldn't ever go in an executive box out of choice
- however my Dad won a competition at work for a box at Old Trafford in
April so I will watch Everton (lose) for the first time in a posh box!

I think you are right Pippin however it is frustrating for the users
who have invested in the product that we aren't getting the support -
you'd never have that on ipeng...


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-09-28 Thread socistep

Bytec;659974 Wrote: 
> No news about Squeezebox Commander and no activity in bug tracker page.
> :(
> Is Squeezebox Commander dead?

I've concluded the author developed a decent product, made some money
and disappeared leaving us with a buggy product and him upgrading to an
executive box at Borussia Dortmund :-)


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Re: [slim] Do Squeezebox owners marry dim women?

2011-09-25 Thread socistep

My other half uses the SBs and ipeng and likes listening to music but
doesn't have a massive interest in it, she does get annoyed when I
press the wrong button and start playing the living room player when
she is watching tv :-) 

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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-09-13 Thread socistep

Jacobb;657348 Wrote: 
> Yes and yes ;-) 
> 7.5.3 to 7.6.1

Good news! Hopefully this works for me and others, I'm actually getting
a new server this week which I'll be putting 7.6.1 on so I can compare
to my other server which runs 7.5.3


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-09-12 Thread socistep

Jacobb;656730 Wrote: 
> Hi,I found the source of my connection problems. I needed to update my
> sb server to the latest version. Apparently squeezecommander is not
> backwards compatible. 
> All works fine for me again.
> Tx for great app ,
> jacob

Hi Jacob

Can you elaborate a bit further, e.g. what version were you on and what
did you upgrade to (I'm guessing to 7.6.1?).

I've got connection problems with my HTC Desire HD and I'm using 7.5.3
I believe so not at the cutting edge, interested to see whether the
server upgrade would solve the problem.

Can others also comment on their connection problems and what version
of SB server they are using



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] new features on iPad: SqueezePad 1.8.0 hits the store!

2011-09-05 Thread socistep

Hi Stefan

Squeezepad looks fantastic, will you ever be producing an android
tablet equivilant application? I have my eye on a samsung galaxy tab
for early next year but a swaying factor would be for controlling
Squeezebox players



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Re: [slim] Squeezebox (and others) on IFA trade show in Berlin

2011-09-05 Thread socistep

I find it very frustrating, there are some great products in the SB line
and a loyal and dedicated user community some of who are producing some
excellent add-ons to enhance the system.

Yet Logitech have cut the team, reduced the marketing and seemingly has
no strategy for the future - its sad to see how weak the product line
looks against Sonos and Streamium in those pictures

I'm happy with the way my system works, I have 4 zones (plus one player
boxed), a vortexbox server and it all hangs together well - however we
all want to play with new toys and look for improvements to what we
have - its part of being into gadgets/technology/streamers


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-08-29 Thread socistep

My desire HD loses connection, not sure what causes and won't auto
reconnect. The only way to solve is to turn wireless off and on.

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[slim] spotify - track not available in your region - confused

2011-08-26 Thread socistep

Hi All

Am aware there has been discussion about this before, e.g.

However am confused by the issue here, for example, today I queued up
the new album by Bombay Bicycle Club which is available to listen in UK
region as a pre-release - the first time it worked perfectly on my
Squeezebox, however this evening I've gone to listen to it again and I
keep getting the 'track not available in your region' message via both
the official and triodes plugin routes.

When I play on desktop or HTC phone app it plays fine but not on SB,
I've tried deleting and re-adding etc. but still won't play.

Does anyone know why it would play once and then not after that? quite

Thanks in advance


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-08-26 Thread socistep

Goodsounds;652607 Wrote: 
> I'm wondering if this project is showing signs of being orphaned?  He
> dropped off the radar screen for several months with no advance
> warning, popped back up for one quick posting, and then went away again
> for what's now been another two weeks.
> I hope not, but, hmmm.

yes potentially seems that way...still waiting for the HTC desire HD
connection issue to be fixed...

Christian - Please can you give an update on whether you'll be working
on this project again?


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Re: [slim] Spotify sound quality

2011-08-19 Thread socistep

SilverRS8;650992 Wrote: 
> Spotify is 320kbps. The highest compressed quality. I believe
> information of the stream is accessible by the 'more info' menu.

I've got Spotify and think its great.

However not all tracks are at 320kbps, there are a couple of blogs on
the web about it, I do notice a difference with some albums but overall
the quality is good for me


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Re: [slim] My story of picking betamax...

2011-08-19 Thread socistep

autopilot;651003 Wrote: 
> For me...
> 1. Cost. 
> 2. A portable battery powered option for the garden etc. 
> 3. The third party BBC iplayer plugin
> 4. Having a screen on the players. 
> 5. Being able to use an IR remote as well (made posible by point 3).

4. & 5. for me are very important and often get overlooked, I don't
want to faff around with my smartphone all the time to control the
music - the touch IR remote is excellent.


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Re: [slim] My story of picking betamax...

2011-08-12 Thread socistep

kweller;649116 Wrote: 
> Me too although I'm not sure about the 'slightly' nor 'keeping me
> occupied' as once they're done they're done.
> If my experience is anything to go by I would stay there. I'm much
> happier now as I have a working system once again but it took a while
> to get there. Installing 7.5.3 on top of 7.6.1 didn't resolve my issues
> so I uninstalled everything and installed 7.6.1 as a clean install. That
> sorted out the Classics but the Touch was still displaying the wrong
> track information. I then uninstalled 7.6.1 and installed 7.5.3 which
> sorted everything out.
> I long ago gave up on wireless SQB connection but I don't think that's
> the fault of the hardware, wireless is horrible in this house for some
> reason even with repeaters. Now they are all wired things are much more
> stable and when it works I love it. 
> As I think I said earlier I don't install betas but I do install the
> 'released' versions. It causes issues lots of times even though I clear
> and rescan, reboot the server and turn round three times while chanting
> (perhaps it should be four times?) so I'm my own worst enemy really. I
> think I'm learning that when I have a version that works, and 7.5.3
> does, I should stick with it unless there's a compelling reason for me
> to take the new release.
> Kevin

re: tagging - I've got quite a bit to go to get it how I want it,
however I prioritised concentrating on top rated tracks and making sure
the genre/years are correct. I ripped my library with a vortexbox and
although it was very quick there was quite a bit of tag work to do.

Agree Re: versions, I was probably more like you last year but my son
was born in Jan so spending ages on SB system is well down the priority
list, its stable for me* so have left it on a few versions behind, I
rate songs and do tagging but mainly I concentrate on listening to the
music :-)

* stable apart from the baby monitor which can zap the wireless when a
decent distance from the router, SB doesn't do too bad but causes
rebuffering - laptop and smartphone seem to struggle more


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Re: [slim] My story of picking betamax...

2011-08-11 Thread socistep

Its 3 years since I bought my first SB product which was a Duet, I now
have 4 zones - 2 touch's, a Radio and a Boom, the Duet has been

I still love the product range and what it gives me, listen to so much
more music and also gave me the introduction into getting more HiFi kit
that I've always wanted.

I'm also a bit of a geek with slight OCD for which managing the tags on
a collection keeps me occupied, I like the technology side and I love
music so I've no regrets.

I'm not on the cutting edge of software running 7.5.3 with a vortexbox
on a server, it runs very well probably 95% of the time, there are
issues now and again - mainly with the baby monitor zapping wireless
and outages at spotify end but the pro's FAR outweigh the con's for

I did look into Sonos 3 years ago but was put off by 3 main reasons

1) the cost - Although now slightly cheaper with the advent of
smartphone controllers
2) Lack of options/customisation - couldn't function without my dynamic
playlists from Erland for example
3) Lack of on-player controls/display - I get home, I press a preset
button on my Radio and music plays through all of downstairs, no need
to get phone out, open app, navigate menu etc. etc., plus the bundled
IR remote with the Touch are great!

I don't think its a VHS v Betamax debate, Sonos have a very different
product range, some will love it but for a lot of people it isn't the
choice for them


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-08-11 Thread socistep

Good to see you back, I thought you might have been drinking all.summer
celebrating Dortmunds title!

I still use SC but have the connection problems on my HTC desire HD
which a few of us mentioned just before you went


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Re: [slim] Spotify invitation

2011-07-14 Thread socistep

MeSue;640739 Wrote: 
> I just joined. Still figuring it out. Here's my profile if anyone wants
> to send me music to try:

Here's my best of 2011 playlist :-) a work in progress!


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Re: [slim] Spotify invitation

2011-07-14 Thread socistep

Hi All

I have a spotify subscription and think its great to be honest, the
main pro's for me

- Availability - great range of songs, not sure how it stacks up
against Napster/Rhapsody in terms of million of songs though
- Playlists - This is a killer feature for me, ability to search and
find playlists from other users, you can get any type of playlist for
any situation and cuts out doing a lot of work yourself! For example
one of my favourite playlists is a BBC 6music weekly radio playlist
playlist, updated each week and great for finding new music - this
trumps iTunes, Napster etc. for me
- Offline usage - I use spotify on the go on iphone/HTC phones, cut out
the manual element of maintaining a mp3 collection
- Software - very slick, updates automatically from iphone, HTC phone,
Squeezebox, Linux desktop software, as soon as a choose a playlist on
one devices its automatically on the other


- Not all music is available - recent example is the Arctic Monkeys
album not being on spotify so I just bought the CD without trialling
- Viewing your music isn't comparable to SB, music is organised by
playlists as opposed to artist/album/genre/playlist etc. options you
get in SB server - I think this will get better

I still buy CD's but trial all my new music on spotify first before
only buying the stuff I like

Thats my views, any questions please let me know!



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Re: [slim] Baby Monitor impacting wireless network?

2011-07-10 Thread socistep

Hi all

Slightly off my original topic but still wireless related. Just
returned from holiday and switched power back on, noticed problems with
wireless for smartphones and also my SB boom which is probably furthest
away from router, rebuffering and losing connection to server.

I wondered whether a Nintendo Wii which also connects wirelessly might
impact, sure enough once I disconnected then wireless strength
improved, no devices having connection issues and SB server working

As per the original topic then this might improve performance when the
monitor is on, perhaps the Wii was flooding the router or something


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Re: [slim] Baby Monitor impacting wireless network?

2011-06-20 Thread socistep

maggior;637272 Wrote: 
> You might want to make a more radical change in channel.  If it was on
> 11, moving it to channel 13 may not make a huge difference.  Moving it
> to channel 1 though would be quite significant.

very good point! thanks


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[slim] Baby Monitor impacting wireless network?

2011-06-20 Thread socistep

Hi All

Has anyone got any tips for reducing the impact of a video baby monitor
on wireless networks? (ethernet isn't an option unfortunately). The
monitor is operating on the same frequency of 2.4ghz.

Realised on friday when I was sat in the conservatory listening to
headphone through Touch/amp and using my laptop how much the monitor
was impacting causing rebuffering/cut-outs on the Touch and a much
bigger impact onto the laptop.

I did some speed tests with and without the monitor on via laptop and
was getting about 9-10mbps with it off and <2mbps with it on and
causing router drops etc.

Impact isn't really consistent as it seems to be less impact when
monitor is in living room and within a couple of metres of the router
however we like to listen to a lot of music in the evening and would
like to reduce impact.

Any tips appreciated!



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Re: [slim] Baby Monitor impacting wireless network?

2011-06-20 Thread socistep

Hi All

Thanks for the replies.

I actually tried changing the router channel, it was previously on 11
so moved to 13, will check again to see whether the problem gets any

In terms of homeplugs then I've used before and didn't have a great
record with them plus may struggle with plugs in downstairs rooms,
don't really want to get 4 plug jack etc.

That leaves another baby monitor which is wifi friendly or a security
cam type option, if the problem causes a lot of inconvienience then I
may look further into these



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Re: [slim] Can I vent?

2011-06-20 Thread socistep

jimzak;637177 Wrote: 
> Pre-SB, I was merely a collector of music.
> Now I am listening constantly whenever I am home.
> I have one of everything, all controllable via my iPad or my Android
> phone or scattered controllers.
> The only chore I have now is converting my CD collection to .flac; I
> foresee that going on for another 3-5 years.  I'll hit file 100,000 in
> the next week or so.

Same here for me, I had a Cd player but didn't really listen enough,
its now 3 years since I bought my first SB system and listen to so much
more - not just my music but also background music around the house.

The state of my music collection still needs work, particularly to get
genre's and years corrected - I automated ripping via a vortexbox but
the tagging isn't as good as it would be on say dbpoweramp but it
enabled me to rip quickly and box CD's up into the loft


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Re: [slim] Sean and Dean - We Want You Back!

2011-06-14 Thread socistep

Some thoughts from me...

Slim Devices was very much an advanced niche product bought by a
company that generally deals in mass market peripherals, it seems to me
that the old slim devices team/products have become lost in the big
logitech pool, treading water, all marketing has been removed, the team
has been reduced and no-one knows whether additional products will be
released. On the plus side, the Touch and Radio products were well
received I believe, would be interested to see the sales stats for
those also.

On top of that user habits have changed in the last few years, I think
with the advent of smartphones that a lot of people want jack of all
trade devices for home, and as mentioned music systems seem to be less
of importance compared to tv/home theatre type systems and thats where
the money for streaming will be spent more I believe in the future.

The SB product range is for music fans generally however doesn't have
the mass market appeal - lets face it the mass market either runs
iTunes from a PC, has an ipod/iphone docked music player or a way of
plugging their ipod/iphone into - having network streamed players is
beyond the capabilities of most.

Sonos appeals more to people with more cash as its plug and play but
they have desperately tried to hang-on to the Apple generation by
pushing iPhone/iPad apps/ipod docks more then their own controllers for

I don't know which way the product line will go, for me my current
set-up works very well and as a music lover I can't ask for anymore, I
have all my local music mixed with internet radio and online services,
sure there are improvements here and there but it does exactly what I


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-06-13 Thread socistep

Guy48065;634446 Wrote: 
> Still no answer?  Last I knew he was traveling--went to Google IO--but
> should have returned by now.  I emailed him about his tracker server
> possibly being down & got a reply on the 12th but I still can't log in
> and haven't gotten a reply to my followup email on the 26th.
> Somebody must know...

Its been a month since Christian was on the site and also on his
twitter feed, so I hope that all is ok with him


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Re: [slim] The Spotify app: Connect timed out: Bad file descriptor

2011-06-02 Thread socistep

sadglad;634122 Wrote: 
> I can only play one song in Spotify (logitechs app) on my Squeezebox
> Radio, then it goes silent and tries to play the other songs in the
> playlists but skips to the next one after a while. Also silent. 
> After a while it says: "Connect timed out: Bad file descriptor". What
> can I do? It worked normally a couple of weeks ago. I have the latest
> squeezebox server on my PC and my NAS.


I had a problem last night with a similar message, I had 2x Touch and a
radio synced up and was playing a playlist, quite a few times I was
getting the message saying something like 

"Connection Timed Out: No Error"

It would skip to the next song after that, I was guessing it was a
problem at the Spotify end as opposed to something wrong with
Squeezebox server?



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-05-31 Thread socistep

Has anyone heard from Christian aka Flattermann? This was quite an
active thread and Christian was turning round support queries quickly
however I noticed that Christian hasn't posted since the 13th


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-05-19 Thread socistep

Fozzy;631885 Wrote: 
> I am having the same trouble on an HTC Desire-Z running Anroid 2.2.1,
> i.e. the latest official HTC ROM for that phone.
> I don't have to go out of WiFi coverage for the problem to appear -
> just use SqueezeCommander in the morning then go back and try to use it
> later in the day and find my server is shown in the list as disconnected
> and choosing "Connect" does nothing - no error message and no indication
> of becoming connected.

Hi Again

I noticed the same last night with my Desire HD, I was listening to
some music with Squeezecommander enabled, it connected fine first time
then suddenly disconnected when I tried to skip a track, I also noticed
that it wasn't pulling back any cover art.

It was showing as disconnected and connect wouldn't work as the user
above had.



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-05-17 Thread socistep

T-bird;631679 Wrote: 
> I have same phone running stock android 2.3.3
> Also same problem, no need to restart phone just toggle wifi off/on and
> I get connected.
> As long as I'm home I can quit the app and always get connected again
> without problem, leaving home so I loose my wifi I have the same
> connection problem again when I'm back
> Another thing is it always sync a lot when connecting, my libaray is
> about 8K and sync always start somewhere round 2200 and counting down

Hi T-Bird

Sounds like its a problem with our phone/version of android, I also
have the same problem when leaving home and returning as you

Christian - please can you review?



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-05-16 Thread socistep

Hi Christian

As per my post above I love the new version of the app.

However I am having problems on my HTC Desire HD, basically I am having
problems connecting to my server, it seems to me that if I have been in
Squeezecommander once, exit and then re-open it won't find my local
server, it just comes up as disconnected and then when I click to
connect it won't.

The only way I have to solve this problem is to restart my phone and
then it connects as expected automatically.

Please can you advise on what I should do to investigate and I'll also
supply any information you need



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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] SqueezeCommander 0.9 for Android

2011-05-13 Thread socistep

The new version is a great leap forward, looks a lot better and all the
functionality gaps have been plugged...I wasn't expecting it to improve
so much when I upgraded.

Thanks Flatterman


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Re: [slim] How would you like to manage playlists ?

2011-05-03 Thread socistep

What kind of device would you like to use when doing advanced playlist
management ? A normal computer/laptop ? A tablet ? A netbook ?
Something else ?

Normal computer and when I get one later in the year then a tablet

Do you have any examples of good playlist management user interfaces in
some other app which you feel has solved the problem in a good user
friendly way ?

I'm not a massive fan of Apple products much but I actually like iTunes
for playlists and also banshee on Ubuntu, the main thing for manual
playlists for me is to bve able to view my collection and search easily
and then also review other playlists

Is there a reason you would like to continue using the third party
application you currently use even if a better user interface for
playlist management would be offered through SBS ?

Only for managing my old ipod 

Is it important to integrate it with some other application ? For
example integration with drag&drop with the operating system file
manager or something similar ?

Not for me

In case not already answered in question 2 and 4, do you have some
ideas what kind of features or user interface layout you think is
important for advanced playlist management ?

Mentioned above, also I would like to be able to link to dynamic/smart
playlists, e.g. so I could quickly review my 5* tracks and pull out
tracks from there - that would be a great feature, so for example there
is about 1000 tracks in that and I could get into that and pull out 100
tracks for a specific reason

How do you do advanced playlist management today ? Which app ? From a
computer, laptop, tablet or something else ?

Mainly Banshee on a laptop which creates an m3u into the playlists
folder, I also use the playlist 

However I would also say that my time spent producing manual playlists
now is pretty minimal, I use 2 main sources to get my playlists

1) Your excellent dynamic playlists plugin and specifically a 'top
rated tracks', this is the heaviest used playlist on my setup, we use
this for casual listening/having friends round etc.
2) Spotify playlists - Since getting a spotify premium subscription
then I use spotify playlists a lot, choosing from my android phone
mainly via


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Re: [slim] [ANNOUNCE] Squidget - A SqueezeBox Widget for Android

2011-04-15 Thread socistep

ganjastone;625535 Wrote: 
> Hi Arris,
> Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate any feedback that enable me to
> improve Squidget. 
> Android Widgets are very limited, but even so they are such a killer
> feature that I can't understand how Apple didn't integrate something
> similar. It was one of the main reasons for me to choose Android over
> iPhone.
> I'm indeed aware of the screen state (on / off) and will poll status
> every 5 seconds in the coming release when the screen is on. I also
> take the comment regarding the player icon and will go over all layouts
> to enlarge it. 
> I suggest you try the other layouts. I think you might find the 4x2
> very convenient and it spares some real estate. It shows the basic
> controls people use most and you can switch its layout to less used
> controls pressing on the orange button on the side (4x1 uses the same
> layout toggling but the controlling buttons are a bit smaller (still
> they fit perfectly on my HTC Desire HD) and I guess if you have small
> display / large fingers / low co-ordination (like my wife :)) you won't
> find it useful). 
> Avi

I've recently moved from an iPhone to a HTC Desire HD and IMO the OS is
head and shoulders above iOS (I do miss iPeng though!) - I love the
widgets and having all the information I want quick to hand, I will
take a look at your widget shortly


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