Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-11-24 Thread easystar

I've renamed slimserver-convert.conf to custom-convert.conf but the
problem is persisting. I've attached my convert.conf and
custom-convert.conf files.


|Filename:  |


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-11-24 Thread bpa

mplayer needs a special command line in a conf file. I think the one in
this post should work.

Post the convert.conf, custom-convert.conf and slimserver-conver.conf
that you currently have in your server directory. 

The file slimserver-convert.conf was renamed custom-convert.conf in
6.5.x and so technically you should not have both. If you have both
conf files, there is the issue which files takes precedence and so it
is best have just one or the other.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-11-24 Thread easystar

They're both trusted apps in my firewall. I've tried simply changing the
orginal convert.conf file by replacing mov123 with mplayer. This enables
the m4a files to play without jittering but the audio is through the pc
speakers and not the squeezebox. I'm sure I'm close but not quite

I've now reverted the convert.conf to the factory settings and put the
slimserver-convert.conf file back in place. The M4As now refuse to play
again as per my earlier debug file.

The mplayer app was downloaded from your link on page 2 of this

Appreciate your help


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-11-24 Thread bpa

Make sure socketwrapper.exe is also "trusted"/"unblocked" by your
firewall s/w.  Some firewall s/w blocks apps even thiugh the firewall
is disabled.

What version of mplayer is installed and where did you get it ?


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-11-24 Thread easystar


I've followed the instructions for using mplayer rather than mov123 for
m4a files on slimserver 6.5.4.

If I attempt to start playing an M4a file, no sound is output and the
time remaining counter on the player does not reduce. 

I have vista 32 bit installed but have disabled my firewall and UAC.
I've set mplayer to 'unblocked'.

I've attached my debug log in the hope you can help!


|Filename: slimm4alog.txt   |


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-09-04 Thread bpa

Regardless of SS version, socketwrapper is used with mplayer because of
some mplayer shortcomings.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-09-04 Thread EnochLight

bpa;224820 Wrote: 
> It's possible that a security app is not allowing mplayer to run. Also
> mplayer will need to use socketwrapper so make sure mplayer.exe and
> socketwrapper.exe are trusted app/exception in your security s/w.
> There was a change about using socketwrapper in 6.5.3 which might
> affect its use with mplayer/m4a but try the security app change first
> and then if it still does not work, do a debug log with d_source
> enabled.

I'm not running any security apps on Vista, no anti-virus nor any
firewall either.  I am using Slimserver 6.5.5, so I didn't think the
socketwrapper thing was an issue?

Anyway, I'll try the debug log and get back to this thread.  Thanks
again for trying to help!


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-09-03 Thread bpa

It's possible that a security app is not allowing mplayer to run. Also
mplayer will need to use socketwrapper so make sure mplayer.exe and
socketwrapper.exe are trusted app/exception in your security s/w.

There was a change about using socketwrapper in 6.5.3 which might
affect its use with mplayer/m4a but try the security app change first
and then if it still does not work, do a debug log with d_source


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-09-03 Thread EnochLight

bpa;224788 Wrote: 
> The log says you have not installed mplayer.exe in the right place.
> You need to have in the same directory (something like Bin/MSWin32 ...)
> as mov123.exe  a file called mplayer.exe.

Thanks - I just realized that and did it.  However, when Slimserver
attempts to play my m4a's now it just skips over them until it comes to
an mp3 in the playlist.


Any other ideas?


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-09-03 Thread bpa

The log says you have not installed mplayer.exe in the right place.

You need to have in the same directory (something like Bin/MSWin32 ...)
as mov123.exe  a file called mplayer.exe.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-09-03 Thread EnochLight

bpa;193656 Wrote: 
> Some more thoughts and things to try out.
> 1. Testing WAV and FLAC may not be a good test as they may have been
> sent directly to SB.   Try playing a WMA file with Windows Media
> builtin disabled. 
> 2. I think the problem could be associated with loading QuickTime
> libraries as mov123 uses QuickTime libraries.  Making sure SoftSqueeze
> and QuickTime (in the systray) are not running.  Try to play one of
> your m4a file using Quicktime player - is there a delay ? If there is
> no delay then test is inconclusive as QuickTime could preload
> libraries. 
> 3. If Quicktime is the common problem and not file access then you
> could try to use a different decoder such as mplayer.  Here are the
> steps
> A. Download, unzip and install mplayer.exe in the same directory as
> mov123.exe.  The link beow is for more recent build 1.0rc1 than in
> AlienBBC.  Don't forget to make mplayer a trusted app.
> After installing, from a cmd box try running mplayer and make sure you
> get a banner.
> B. Download, unzip and install custom-convert.conf in the same
> directory (i.e. server) as convert.conf.
> C. Restart Slimserver and check that there are 4 Apple entries in
> Filetypes - mov123 handles AIFF - mplayer will handler and be checked
> for Apple WAV, FLAC and possibly MP3
> D. Try an m4a file and if there is a delay post the log.
> 4. New version of debug socketwrapper - has a few more messages and the
> counters are fixed (they were stuck at zeo in previous version)

bpa, thanks for your assistance.  I tried your suggestion and got the

1.  The mplayer/flac, mplayer/lame, and mplayer show up for FLAC, MP3,
and WAV under Apple Lossless, AAC, or Movie File, however - whenever I
try to check them off I get the following statement:

"Required binary was not found: [mplayer] -really-quiet -vc null -vo
null -af volume=0,resample=44100:0:1,channels=2 -ao
pcm:nowaveheader:file=#PIPE# $FILE$ | [flac] -cs --totally-silent
--endian=little --channels=2 --sign=signed --bps=16 --sample-rate=44100
--compression-level-0 -
Required binary was not found: [mplayer] -really-quiet -vc null -vo
null -af volume=0,resample=44100:0:1,channels=2 -ao
pcm:nowaveheader:file=#PIPE# $FILE$ | [lame] --silent -r -x -q
Required binary was not found: [mplayer] -really-quiet -vc null -vo
null -af volume=0,resample=44100:0:1,channels=2 -ao
pcm:nowaveheader:file=#PIPE# $FILE$"

Not sure what I am doing wrong.  Can you offer any advice?



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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-25 Thread Matt Shelton

Success!  I installed yesterday's 6.5.2 daily, renamed
mplayerrc1.exe to mplayer.exe, installed custom-convert.conf into the
same folder as convert.conf, and the issue is solved! M4a's are now
playing flawlessly (and the web interface with yesterday's 6.5.2 is
performing much better than last weekend's 6.5.2).  BPA, I can't thank
you enough; I would not be enjoying my music as I am at this moment
without your help!

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-25 Thread bpa

I wrote the instructions for a 6.5.x installation and wasn't clear about
renaming mplayerrc1.exe but by the time Matt got around to it he had
downgraded to 6.3.1 and then tried to make the 6.5.x solution work with
6.3.x and ended up with a hybrid.

Your success should give him encouragement that there is a solution and
he is close.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-25 Thread MrStan


Your suggestions for using MPlayer to play MP4 worked for me, not
sure why they haven't worked for Matt.

Running SlimServer Version 6.5.2 - 11700 on Windows Vista Ultimate
32bit. Couldn't play any MP4 files until I followed your instructions
exactly. Now plays fine from both remote and Web Page.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-24 Thread MrStan

Interesting. It's not only SlimServer that is having troubles with MP4

Winamp will play them if you open the file and play manually but if you
associate the file with Winamp and click on the file in explorer, winamp
loads but the file will not play and Winamp cannot read the file tags.

Nero Showtime works fine however so it certainly looks like a bit of
Vista security is getting in the way somewhere.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-24 Thread Gregory Hamilton

Are you by any chance using ReadyBoost?

There have been some reports that Quicktime and ReadyBoost do not work well
with each other.  As a test can you the USB FLASH or disable it.
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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-24 Thread bpa

> my wife is ready to forbid me from ever upgrading to a new op system
> again
Listen to her - it is good advice - if everything is OK avoid upgrading
OSs wherever possible failing that  - make it a dual boot system so you
can tackle new OS problem at leisure knowing you can
reboot old system and have a normal life again.

Test results are good - all potins down to Quicktime related and
possibly a security interaction.
> As many users have been reporting in the Vista threads, they are
> having problems opening the web interface with 6.5.0 or 6.5.1 or 6.5.2.
> I started having those same problems, and no matter what I did, I could
> no longer get the web interface to work properly. So, I reinstalled
> 6.3.1, which was always the version that has worked best for me in XP. 
Up to now I think not many of the non-Slimdevices developers had Vista
so no first hand experience  - this is now changing. Latest 6.5.2 has
changes to address Vista issues regarding services. I think other bug
fixes including the web interface will follow. That said 6.3.1 was
built using a version of ActiveState Perl which was not tested on Vista
so I think it may not be the best solution for Vista.  However as it
seems to work OK stay with it until more Vista bugs are fixed.
>  Using 6.3.1, I followed your instructions re mplayer and
> custom-convert.conf.
IIRC custom-convert.conf was called slimserver-convert.conf in 6.3.1. -
that was the cause of the problem.

I forgot I had save mplayer.exe as mplayerrc1.exe in the zip file -
that was to stop people accidentally overwriting their mplayer.exe.  I
forgot to tell you to rename mplayerrc1.exe to mplayer.exe.  I think
mplayer.exe has problems if it is not called "mplayer.exe"
> interesting: When I tried to play a m4a song by selecting the m4a song
> from the Squeezebox's remote in my living room, the song began playing
> instantaneously on my p.c. in my den by mplayer. However, the song did
> not play on the Squeezebox; after about 20 seconds the Squeezebox
> simply emitted a very high pitched whine (I was able to duplicate this
> scenario multiple times). Although the Squeezebox didn't work, I found
> this encouraging, as selecting a song from my remote did in fact cause
> an m4a file to play instantaneously, albeit not in the right place!
The default action of mplayer is to play through PC speakers - the
command line options "-ao pcm:nowaveheader:file" redirect the sound to
a file which would be processed by Flac. So that "test" was good. 
Whine came because no sound proper from mplayer - just text from
mplayer converted by flac into audio stream sent to Squeezebox.

Next steps - undo some of the previous steps and make changes to suit
1. Stop slimserver
2. Restore convert.conf as shipped.
3. Rename a clean copy of custom-convert.conf to
slimserver-convert.conf - should be in same directory as convert.conf
4. Rename mplayerrc1.exe to mplayer.exe - it is in the Bin/MSWin32...
5. Make sure you have replaced socketwrapper as installing 6.3.1. would
have it back. Although I am not sure if socketwrapper is significant in
6. Start slimserver - check if mplayer is now chosen type 
7. test an m4a file.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-23 Thread Matt Shelton

Enoch Light: I converted all of my CDs to m4a and have bought very
little from iTunes, so I haven't had a DRM issue.  How are you playing
your m4a's? Through Lame?

BPA:  Thanks again.  I had to take a mental break from this
exasperating problem for a week or two (my wife is ready to forbid me
from ever upgrading to a new op system again), although I miss my music
terribly!  Here are the results of the latest tests.

WMA files:   With wmadec/flac and wmadec both enabled and wmadec/lame
and Windows Media (built-in) both disabled, WMA files played
instantaneously (with only the built-in enabled, WMA files played

All files – m4a, WMA, mp3 - play fine using SoftSqueeze.

I verified that neither SoftSqueeze nor QuickTime were running in the
system tray.  I opened QuickTime, tried to play a .m4a file, and got
either very long delays or complete program crashes. It really appears
to me that my issue is directly related to issues with QuickTime
running on Vista.

As many users have been reporting in the Vista threads, they are having
problems opening the web interface with 6.5.0 or 6.5.1 or 6.5.2. I
started having those same problems, and no matter what I did, I could
no longer get the web interface to work properly. So, I reinstalled
6.3.1, which was always the version that has worked best for me in XP.

Using 6.3.1, I followed your instructions re mplayer and
custom-convert.conf.  First, I got a banner when I started mplayer from
a cmd prompt. However, after closing and restarting slimserver and then
checking File Types, mov123 was still listed for FLAC, wav, etc.   I
next opened the custom-convert.conf file and noted that you had listed
the executable file as “mplayer”.  However, the executable file is
actually “mplayerrc1”.  So, I next went into WordPad and changed
“mplayer” to “mplayerrc1” in custom-convert.conf. I closed and
restarted SlimServer, and mov123 was still the default for FLAC, wav,
etc., and I didn’t have an option to select mplayerrc1.  So next,
deleted the custom-convert.conf file and opened convert.conf via
WordPad.  I simply changed the “mov123” reference in FLAC to
“mplayerrc1”.  I restarted my p.c., reopened slimserver, check File
Types, and mplayerrc1 was now in fact listed as the appropriate
decoder.  I found what happened next to be very interesting:  When I
tried to play a m4a song by selecting the m4a song from the
Squeezebox’s remote in my living room, the song began playing
instantaneously on my p.c. in my den by mplayer. However, the song did
not play on the Squeezebox; after about 20 seconds the Squeezebox
simply emited a very high pitched whine (I was able to duplicate this
scenario multiple times).  Although the Squeezebox didn’t work, I found
this encouraging, as selecting a song from my remote did in fact cause
an m4a file to play instantaneously, albeit not in the right place!

Next, I noticed, though, that the text for mov flc in the
custom-convert.conf file is quite a bit different than the applicable
text in convert.conf.  Therefore, thinking that it wasn’t as simple as
changing [mov123] to [mplayerrc1] in convert.conf, I replaced the mov
flc text in convert.conf in its entirety with the mov flc text in
custom-convert.conf.  End result:  Nothing played at all on the
Squeezebox or the p.c..  Mplayer didn’t start, nothing happened. 
Nevertheless, I’m still encouraged.  Do you have any thoughts or
advice? Do you think it could be a simple matter of ensuring the mov
flc code from mplayerrc1 is correct?

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-12 Thread EnochLight

Just wanted to chime in since I went Vista...  After I did so I
discovered that my regular .m4a files played fine, but any .m4a file
that I scrubbed of DRM after purchase from the iTMS wouldn't play
unless I had the "mov123/flac" checked off for file type streaming.

Prior to that, I only used the "Built-in" file types, thinking that all
.m4a files would playback via AIFF.  Didn't realize that it wasn't the
correct one.

Anyway, not sure if any of your .m4a's used to be infected with iTMS's
"Fairplay" crap or not.  Either way, I see you are attempting to use
the "mov123/flac" streaming so I guess my situation was unrelated to

I am curious though, why are you using the socketwrapper if the
Squeezebox supports .m4a playback already?


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-10 Thread bpa

Testing mov123 & Lame still has the common factor of the source file,
socketwrapper and mov123.

The problem needs to be isolated and see if it is associated with just
one of the source file, socketwrapper and mov123.  Here are some of the
possibilities and associated conclusions.

If problem occurs when playing with QuickTime on Vista PC then problem
could be M4A file and/or QuickTime Libraries.  

If problem occurs when playing a WMA file through SoftSqueeze then the
problem is socketwrapper / pipes related as there is no QuickTime or
m4a files in this scenario.

If problem does not occur when playing m4a files through mplayer - then
problem is with QuickTime.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-10 Thread Matt Shelton

Thanks for the suggestion; I'll try that tonight. I just tried the
simple test of installing LAME 3.98 and selecting the mov123/lame
decoder in File Types, and that didn't work, either.

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-09 Thread bpa

Some more thoughts and things to try out.

1. Testing WAV and FLAC may not be a good test as they may have been
sent directly to SB.   Try playing a WMA file with Windows Media
builtin disabled. 

2. I think the problem could be associated with loading QuickTime
libraries as mov123 uses QuickTime libraries.  Making sure SoftSqueeze
and QuickTime (in the systray) are not running.  Try to play one of
your m4a file using Quicktime player - is there a delay ? If there is
no delay then test is inconclusive as QuickTime could preload

3. If Quicktime is the common problem and not file access then you
could try to use a different decoder such as mplayer.  Here are the

A. Download, unzip and install mplayer.exe in the same directory as
mov123.exe.  The link beow is for more recent build 1.0rc1 than in
AlienBBC.  Don't forget to make mplayer a trusted app.
After installing, from a cmd box try running mplayer and make sure you
get a banner.
B. Download, unzip and install custom-convert.conf in the same
directory (i.e. server) as convert.conf.

C. Restart Slimserver and check that there are 4 Apple entries in
Filetypes - mov123 handles AIFF - mplayer will handler and be checked
for Apple WAV, FLAC and possibly MP3
D. Try an m4a file and if there is a delay post the log.

4. New version of debug socketwrapper - has a few more messages and the
counters are fixed (they were stuck at zeo in previous version)


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-08 Thread Matt Shelton

I forgot one thing.  In my internet research, I've noticed quite a bit
of chatter stating that with Microsoft's and/or Apple's efforts to
control "Digital Rights Management", people will run into problems
playing their files.  I don't believe that is the issue that is
affecting me, as I did not purchase my .m4a files from iTunes. Rather,
I converted my entire CD selection a year and a half ago to .m4a.  As
soon as I finished that in October 2005, I bought my Squeezebox, and it
worked flawlessly and integrated perfectly with iTunes using XP.   Oh
why o why did I upgrade to Vista so soon???!

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-08 Thread Matt Shelton

Interesting.   In my debugging efforts, here is what I did today and
yesterday after reviewing your analysis of the debug report and after
reading the website that you provided a link to, in order:

a)  Moved a few m4a files from my music file hard drive (f:) to my
regular hard drive (c:) that has all other program files (including
slimserver) and all data files.  As I suspected, that didn’t solve any
m4a playback issues at all.

b)   Downloaded a few WAV and FLAC files and discovered that they play
perfectly through slimserver.

c)  Went into the Control Panel to check out file associations.  To my
surprise, there wasn’t an entry for a .m4a extension.   However, there
was an entry for an .aac extension.  I changed the default program to
open an .aac file (what is the difference between .aac and .m4a?) from
Quicktime to slim.exe.   This did not help with the .m4a playback
issues at all.

d)  However, within minutes after making that modification, I received
an interesting error message, given that I had not seen it in my three
week effort since upgrading to Vista to get m4a files to play
correctly.  Vista Ultimate has certain color schemes that are not
compatible with older programs.  I soon received a message that
appeared only briefly, stating that “A running program is incompatible
with certain elements of…[it disappeared before I could read the entire
message].  However, then the following message appeared:

The color scheme has changed
The following program has performed an action that requires Windows to
temporarily change the color scheme to Windows Vista Basic.
Process identifier (PID):   1260
Windows will automatically change the color scheme back to Windows
Vista Aero when this program or other programs performing similar
actions are no longer running.

What I find interesting is that given that I had never seen that error
message before, was Vista not recognizing mov123 before? That doesn’t
seem likely.

e)  In Vista, I can right-click on any executable file, click
Properties, then click the Compatibility tab, and then choose to run
the program in XP XP2 mode.   At various times, I’ve been running 
slim, slimtray, mov123, socketwrapper, etc. in compatibility mode. 
Mov123 was in compatibility mode when I received the above error
message.  I went in and turned compatibility mode off for all
slimserver-related files, and I have no longer been receiving the above
error message. However, I had been running mov123 in compatibility mode
before, but had never been receiving that message.

f)  I then right-clicked on a .m4a file, as I remembered that I could
also change what program opens the file in the General tab there.  All
of the .m4a files were set to open with a windows system program
(unfortunately, I did not write down which, and as soon as I changed
the setting for one file, it changed the setting for all .m4a files). 
I changed the default for .m4a to slim.exe.  Once I did that, I
re-opened file associations in the control panel to see that a file
association for .m4a was not listed.However, that didn’t solve the
problem:  it still took 10 to 20 seconds for an .m4a file to start
playing (and that was after rescanning my library.

g)  Next, I uninstalled both iTunes and QuickTime.  Much to my surprise,
this had the effect of causing .m4a files not to play at all in
slimserver anymore.  I’d click on Play, nothing, nada.  So, I
reinstalled both iTunes and Quicktime, and presto, I was back to my
same 10 to 20 seconds for an .m4a file to play.  

h)  Last, I changed the .m4a association from slim to mov123. That
didn’t solve the problem, either.

So, I’m back where I started, with no end in sight.  Do I need to
convert my 150 gib library from .m4a to something else? Ugh.  Do I need
to go back to XP? Other than this issue, everything has worked
flawlessly with Vista for me.  Ugh.  Any suggestions?

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-08 Thread bpa

If this thread is true, then the delay problem is not in slimserver or

What app has Vista associated with m4a extensions ?


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-07 Thread Matt Shelton

My files are all local - albeit not on the same hard drive as
slimserver. Maybe I'll move a m4A file over to the same hard drive as
slimserver to see if that works.

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-07 Thread bpa

I'm glad to see the timestamps have returned.

Below are two excepts: one from your log and one from from my XP
system. I had d_source_v set on my system which is why there are
additional messages.
Socketwrapper is a very simple program which just has a thread per app.
which reads from the source and copies to the destination - no real
processing so delays are caused either waiting for a read or a write to
The interesting thing when comparing the logs is the time taken between
starting a read and starting the corresponding write on my system was
1.2 secs but on your system it was 23.9 secs.
Red for my log, blue for your log. Comparing key logs message

SW: 2007-04-05 20:34:11.328 MoveDataThreadProc for step 2 about to call
SW: 2007-04-05 20:34:12.500 MoveDataThreadProc for step 2 about to
write data.

SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:19.057 MoveDataThreadProc for step 2 about to call
SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:42.923 MoveDataThreadProc for step 2 about to
write data.

This indicates that socketwrapper is OK but something is delaying the
reading the file in socketwrapper or the implementation of
socketwrapper in Vista is provoking the delay. 
My initial guess would be either network delays if the files are on a
server or security/file locking.
Are your files local or on a server ?

I am unfamiliar with Vista but it looks like something is delaying
access to the file to the socketwrapper program.  Playing MP3 files do
not use socketwrapper but still files are read. 

I'm not sure what to do - I can build a new version of socketwrapper
which produces more messsages so all the steps are logged with
associated timing.

You could check out if anybody else experience delays with Vista apps
using pipes and/or Named pipes.

Larger excerpt of logs.


  SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:19.057 MoveDataThreadProc for step 2 started.
  SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:19.057 MoveDataThreadProc for step 2 about to call 
  SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:19.088
  Running as follows
  SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:19.088 # =input== =output= ==type== etc
  SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:19.103 0 0003 0114 PROCESS [012c] 
"F:\iTunes\iTunes Music\Grateful Dead\1978-07-08 Red Rocks\1-01 Bertha.m4a"
  SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:19.103 1 0110 011c PROCESS [0134] 
Files\slimserver652v20070407\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe" -cs 
--totally-silent --compression-level-0 --endian big --sign signed --channels 2 
--bps 16 --sa
  mple-rate 44100 -
  SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:19.103 2 0118 0124 THREAD  [0128]  
  SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:19.103
  2007-04-07 12:00:19.1335 Pipeline reader connected
  SW: 2007-04-07 12:00:42.923 MoveDataThreadProc for step 2 about to write data.
  2007-04-07 12:00:43.1139 Got a track starting event


  SW: 2007-04-05 20:34:11.328 MoveDataThreadProc for step 2 started.
  SW: 2007-04-05 20:34:11.328 MoveDataThreadProc for step 2 about to call 
  2007-04-05 20:34:11.3319 songTime: rate:1 -songtime:0 -startStream:0
  2007-04-05 20:34:11.3332 songTime: rate:1 -songtime:0 -startStream:0
  SW: 2007-04-05 20:34:11.328
  Running as follows
  SW: 2007-04-05 20:34:11.328 # =input== =output= ==type== etc
  SW: 2007-04-05 20:34:11.343 0 0003 003c PROCESS [0094] 
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music\Sample Music\emerge.m4a"
  SW: 2007-04-05 20:34:11.343 1 0038 0044 PROCESS [0080] 
Files\SlimServer65v20070405\server\Bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\flac.exe" -cs 
--totally-silent --compression-level-0 --endian big --sign signed --channels 2 
--bps 16 --sample-rate 44100 -
  2007-04-05 20:34:11.3513 songTime: rate:1 -songtime:0 -startStream:0
  SW: 2007-04-05 20:34:11.343 2 0040 0070 THREAD  [007c]  
  2007-04-05 20:34:11.3539 songTime: rate:1 -songtime:0 -startStream:0
  SW: 2007-04-05 20:34:11.343
  2007-04-05 20:34:11.6376 Pipeline reader connected
  2007-04-05 20:34:11.7338 would have blocked, will try again later
  2007-04-05 20:34:11.7926 would have blocked, will try again later
  2007-04-05 20:34:11.8454 would have blocked, will try again later
  2007-04-05 20:34:11.8982 would have blocked, will try again later
  2007-04-05 20:34:11.9510 would have blocked, will try again later
  2007-04-05 20:34:12.0037 would have blocked, will try again later
  2007-04-05 20:34:12.0564 would have blocked, will try again later
  2007-04-05 20:34:12.1092 would have blocked, will try again later
  2007-04-05 20:34:12.2470 would have blocked, will try again later
  2007-04-05 20:34:12.2997 would have blocked, will try again later
  2007-04-05 20:34:12.3296 songTime: rate:1 -songtime:0 -startStream:0
  2007-04-05 20:34:12.3308 songTime: ra

Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-07 Thread Matt Shelton

BPA, to answer your questions, no I did not delete the time stamps from
the log.  For this go around, I did a clean install of 6.5.2 v
2007-04-07, after verifying that there weren't any slimserver.db or
slimserversql.db or slimserver.pref files that hadn't been deleted.  I
followed your instructions exactly, and I'm still having the same basic
problem:  an m4a file plays completely, but it doesn't start playing for
10 or more seconds after pressing play, while an mp3 plays immediately. 
I'm attaching the log file. Thanks again so much for your assistance.  I
see you're in Ireland? If I'm ever there, I'll buy you a beer!

|Filename: SlimSever m4a Vista|

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-07 Thread Matt Shelton

BPA, to answer your questions, no I did not delete the time stamps from
the log.  For this go around, I did a clean install of 6.5.2 v
2007-04-07, after verifying that there weren't any slimserver.db or
slimserversql.db or slimserver.pref files that hadn't been deleted.  I
followed your instructions exactly, and I'm still having the same basic
problem:  an m4a file plays completely, but it doesn't start playing for
10 or more seconds after pressing play, while an mp3 plays immediately. 
I'm attaching the log file. Thanks again so much for your assistance.  I
see you're in Ireland? If I'm ever there, I'll buy you a beer!

|Filename: SlimServer m4a Vista   |

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-05 Thread Matt Shelton

Thanks BPA.  I'll take a look at this this weekend and let you know how
it works out!

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-05 Thread bpa

Below are debug verison but before using them I have comments about the

There are no timestamps in the log you attached - did you remove them ?
If not the last time I saw this happen the installation was corrupt.

When you installed different version, did you delete all traces of
previous installation including prefs file and database ?

To use debug versions.

You can download special builds of a 6.5.2 slim.exe and socketwrapper.

1. Do a clean install of latest slimser 6.5.2 - ideally into a new
directory name (e.g. slimserver652v20070405)
2. Startup and build database
3. Test that m4a playing still has the problem
4. Stop slimserver and stop slimtray
5. Replace slim.exe and socketwrapper.exe by the debug version.
6. open a cmd window - change layout to 250 wide by 1000 long.
7. cd to slimserver server directory
8. run slim.exe
9. from web interface - open debug window, enable d_source
10. make sure repeat is Off.
11. play one m4a track.
12. After it plays or 2 mins if it doesn't - stop slim.exe, copy cmd
window log to a file and post.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-05 Thread bpa

I'm working on getting a build of 6.5.2 slim.exe which will open a debug
window on socketwrapper.  I also have an update to socketwrapper, no
functionality change but has more messages.  They won't be ready for a
few hours.

I'll look at the log file first in case I don't have to make the
special version of slim.exe


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-05 Thread Matt Shelton

Thanks BPA.  Re testing via 6.5.2 vs. 6.5.1 or 6.5.0: at least my m4a's
will play using 6.5.0 or 6.5.1 - they won't play at all with 6.5.2.  I
have 6.5.0 installed right now.  Im attaching a zip file of the debug
report using d_source, tested on 6.5.0.

|Filename: 6.5.0|

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-05 Thread bpa

That's a brave thing putting an e-mail address on a forum - you could
have PM'ed me.  I'll mail you my address.

Alternatively you can attached log files zipped - log files compress
very well.

A couple of points - the 15 secs delay before playing and now nothing -
that is definitely a different problem and I wonder whether a timeout
has started to interfere. 

Regarding 6.3.1 - There is a faint possibility that it was built using
an ActiveState build which was not fully Vista ready. 

So the moment I think all future test should be with 6.5.2 as that is
using very latest ActiveState build.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-04 Thread Matt Shelton

Thanks BPA. The log that I posted was from 6.5.2.  I experienced the
identical issue - m4a's take 15 seconds to start playing after pressing
play while mp3's start playing instantaneoulsy - under 6.3.1, 6.5.0 and
6.5.1 (historically, prior to upgrading to Vista, I had been using
6.3.1, as I had issues the first time I installed 6.5.0 with XP, so I
simply reverted back to what had been working).  When I changed just
yesterday from 6.5.1 to 6.5.2 to see if that would solve the issue,
instead of taking 15 seconds to start playing, the m4a's simply didn't
play at all.

I've also just tested 6.5.0 without McAfee installed - same problem.

Could I perhaps e-mail you text files of the debug reports when I try
to play the same file under 6.3.1, 6.5.0, 6.5.1 and 6.5.2? Maybe that
could shed some light on the issue. If you're okay with that, send me
an e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks.

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-04 Thread bpa

That socketwrapper is effectively the latest that overcame problem in XP
with security s/w.  A number of Vista users have found that it seems to
fix a similar problem with Vista.  If it is a problem related to McAfee
- disabling is not enough to undo its effects - you have to uninstall

There is a catch-22 situation - SS 6.5.1 is the first version that uses
socketwrapper for transcoding and socketwrapper generates debug messages
for it's console window. However when socketwrapper is launched by 6.5.1
the console window is disabled so the debug info can't be seen. 

What I find strange is that 6.3.1 didn't work - it doesn't use
socketwrapper so there may be a different problem.

Was the debug log from 6.3.1 or 6.5.1/6.5.2 ?  if the 6.5.1/6.5.2 can
you repeat with d_source enabled and show more earlier messages as some
seem to be missing.


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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-04 Thread Matt Shelton

Thanks BPA. I'm using the socketwrapper that I found here:

I use McAfee's firewall/antivirus, and I've given socketwrapper.exe
"full access" in McAfee's Program Permissions (is there perhaps a
related port I need to open up?).

I also ran SS with McAfee turned off, and I had the same problem.

Is there another version of socketwrapper I should try?

Matt Shelton

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Re: [slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-04 Thread bpa

The error message below is typical of the socketwrapper problem.
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0254 readlen undef: (Unknown error)10054

What socketwrapper are you using - I know you have tried a number but
for this debug log the version is important ?

Did you tell you security s/w (e.g. anti Virus, anti spyware, anti IM ,
firewall) that socketwrapper is a trusted app and allowed to network as
it pleases and eachtime you changed socketwrapper you re-entered the
info into the security s/w ?


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[slim] Debugging help re Vista m4a issue, please

2007-04-04 Thread Matt Shelton

Hi there. Ever since doing a clean install from XP SP2 to 32-bit Vista a
few weeks ago, I'm having major problems playing m4a files (95% of my
library), but no problems playing mp3 files. The m4a files either never
play or take 10 to 15 seconds to start playing after starting. On XP, I
never had even the slightest problem ever with Slimserver.  I'm having
the identical problems now, be it SS 6.3.1, 6.5.1 or 6.5.2. I've also
installed the lastest socketwrapper per some threads I've seen here. 
I've even tried to run all SS-related exe files in "XP Compatability
mode", but no luck. I've also completely uninstalled and reinstalled
iTunes and Quicktime, and I've completely rescanned my library - all to
no avail.

I'm pasting in info re my debugging efforts: one for a mp3 file that
played successfully and one for a m4a file that did not play. 
Unfortunately, I'm not sure which debug codes will show the best
information, but I've given it a good shot.  I would greatly appreciate
it if someone could look at the debugging info to see if you can figure
out the issue! Thanks. 

Unsuccesful Playback of m4a song
ned --channels 2 --bps 16 --sample-rate 44100 - |"
2007-04-04 07:37:15.6605 openSong: Streaming with format: flc
2007-04-04 07:37:15.7006 00:04:20:06:25:0e New play mode: play
2007-04-04 07:37:15.7079 _checkValidity: Checking to see if
has changed.
2007-04-04 07:37:15.7081 _hasChanged: Checking for [F:\iTunes\iTunes
Music\Moby\18\01 We Are All Made Of Stars.m4a] - size & timestamp.
2007-04-04 07:37:15.7103 00:04:20:06:25:0e: Current playmode: play
2007-04-04 07:37:15.8604 Pipeline reader connected
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0254 readlen undef: (Unknown error)10054
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0255 end of file or error on socket, opening next
song, (song pos: 0(tell says: . 0), totalbytes: 0)
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0256 Didn't stream any bytes for this song, so just
mark it as played
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0257 opening next song...
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0273 the next song is number 0, was 0
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0280 undermax = 1, type = mov, squeezebox2 =
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0282 checking formats for:
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0283 checking formats for:
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0284 checking formats for: mov-wma-squeezebox2-*
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0285 checking formats for: mov-wma-*-*
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0286 checking formats for:
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0287 checking formats for:
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0287 checking formats for: mov-ogg-squeezebox2-*
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0288 checking formats for: mov-ogg-*-*
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0289 checking formats for:
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0290 checking formats for:
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0291 checking formats for: mov-flc-squeezebox2-*
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0292 checking formats for: mov-flc-*-*
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0293 Checking to see if mov-flc-*-* is enabled
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0293enabled
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0294   Found command: [mov123] $FILE$ | [flac] -cs
--totally-silent --compression-level-0 --endian big --sign signed
--channels 2 --bps 16 --sample-rate 44100 -
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0296 Matched Format: flc Type: mov Command:
[mov123] $FILE$ | [flac] -cs --totally-silent --compression-level-0
--endian big --sign signed --channels 2 --bps 16 --sample-rate 44100 -

2007-04-04 07:37:16.0297 playing out before starting next song. (old
format: flc, new: flc)
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0298 00:04:20:06:25:0e: Switching to mode
playout-play from play
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0301 00:04:20:06:25:0e New play mode: playout-play
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0310 00:04:20:06:25:0e: Current playmode:
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0311 No pending chunks - we're dropping the
streaming connection
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0317 00:04:20:06:25:0e: Can't opennext, returning
no chunk.
2007-04-04 07:37:16.0352 00:04:20:06:25:0e: Decoder underrun while this
mode: playout-play

Successful Playback of mp3 song

has changed.
2007-04-04 07:28:42.7598 Got
from file url
2007-04-04 07:28:42.7611 extracted: F:\iTunes\iTunes Music\dZihan &
Kamien\Freaks and Icons\10 Ocean Air.mp3 from
2007-04-04 07:28:42.7613 _hasChanged: Checking for [F:\iTunes\iTunes
Music\dZihan & Kamien\Freaks and Icons\10 Ocean Air.mp3] - size &
2007-04-04 07:28:42.7639 _checkValidity: Re-reading tags from
as it has changed.