Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-03-02 Thread mecouc

I'd like to be able, when I hear a certain track, to be able to either
tag it or add it to an arbitrary other playlist, so if I think ooh,
that would be good to play at our party or I must play this to Bob I
can find it again ten days later when I suddenly think what was that
track I wanted to play to Bob?


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-03-02 Thread Chris Laplante

Sort of what I was driving at too.


On 3/2/07, mecouc [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'd like to be able, when I hear a certain track, to be able to either
tag it or add it to an arbitrary other playlist, so if I think ooh,
that would be good to play at our party or I must play this to Bob I
can find it again ten days later when I suddenly think what was that
track I wanted to play to Bob?


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-03-02 Thread azinck3

mecouc;184989 Wrote: 
 I'd like to be able, when I hear a certain track, to be able to either
 tag it or add it to an arbitrary other playlist, so if I think ooh,
 that would be good to play at our party or I must play this to Bob I
 can find it again ten days later when I suddenly think what was that
 track I wanted to play to Bob?

You could use the zapped playlist for this functionality.  It's
really just a good way to kind of informally bookmark tracks--it
needn't be used for zapping.


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-03-02 Thread Listener

 1. How do you select which music to play today ?
 (Browse, Search, Random, Smart playlists, other?)

I browse by a series of tags.  Most commonly (for classical music),
Genre, Composer, Album (Work name) and then Artist (performer.) 
Sometimes I have to finally select a particular version (mono, stereo,
rematering version).

Sometimes by Genre, Composer, Artist, Work Name.

Sometimes by Genre, Sub-genre, Composer, Work Name, Artist.

For other kinds of music, I use simpler orders of tgs.  However, for
old broadway standards, I start with Composer then Artist and then Song
name.  Or Song then artist.

That's what I do in J. River Media Center 12.  The browse panes (lists)
for all these tags are on the PC screen so I select tag values in the
order I want.

I'd like to do the same thing in a PC interface to Slimserver.  On the
SB display, I want to select one tag value and then a value for another

 2. How would you like to select which music to play 
 in the future ?

In addition to the above, I'd sometimes like for SS to pick at random,
playing all tracks of a single performance of a single work.  No single
tag is sufficient to specify all tracks of a single performance.

I'd like to tag my music files with whatever tags I want and then use
those tags to select music files to be played.

 - Do you like to be in control your self where you manually 
 select exactly which song to play and in which order to 
 play them ?

Most of the time.

 - If you like to be in control yourself do you do this by 
 creating a number of static playlists that you use later 
 or do you like to browse/search for the exact artist/song 
 every time ?

I browse every time.

 - Do only like to use browsing functions or only search 
 functions or both ?

On MC 12, 95% browse, 5% search.

 - Do you base the selection on what to play next on the 
 currently playing song/artist ?

Mostly not.

 - Do you want the system to automatically select music for 
 you ? 

Sometimes. If it does it right.

 - If you want the system to select music for you, 
 which type of logic should it base the selection on ? 
 Do you want it to be totally random or should it do 
 some more clever things ?

It should not be stupid like playing fragments of multi-track works
unless I say that is OK.

I should be able to specify Genre, sub-genre, Composer and such. I
should able to specify a smart playlist without writing code.

 - Do you want to system to automatically suggest music 
 but still have the control to select exactly which 
 of the suggestions to play ? 
 What logic or information shall the suggestions be 
 based on ?

Not iterested.

 - Do you want the selection to be based on other peoples 
 listening habits or just your own ? For example by using 
 information from LastFM/ and similar sites for 
 the automatic selection ?

Heavens, NO!

I'm impressed with your work so far.  I'm very disappointed that the
developers of SlimServer have done nothing to make SS/SB itself usable
for classical music in a year plus and according to the roadmap don't
intend to in the next major release.



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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-03-01 Thread caldvd

My vote is for more clever/random.  That is my fave way of playing
music.  I also have the spouse-approved filter, so any way to improve
on this would be great.  

I would like my Random Songs, DynamicPlaylist (using CustomSkip
filters) to exclude songs played in the last x hours/days/months
regardless of how many times I stop, clear and restart the random mix. 
I do listen to music other ways, i.e. Browse, mostly for new music, and
then switch back to DynamicPlaylists. The result is that sometimes, I
hear the same track over and over, when I should be able to have no
repeats for at least a week.

How about more pre-built SQLPlaylists.  I have been told that this is
the plugin to use to have more control, however, I've not figured it
out yet completely and I know nothing about SQL.  I get good results
from CustomSkip/DynamicPlayist, though I still want to take it

I like the idea of MusicIP, but I could never get it to work.  I think
if it worked, I'd use it a lot.  

1. Clever/Random
2. Browse/Add Album or Song/Play (mostly for new music)



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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-03-01 Thread orrinc

The Playlist Manager is close, but it only works with the SlimServer Web
interface (as far as I can tell), so it cannot be used with just the
remote control and a Squeezebox.

That's why I wanted to use numbered playlists.

I'm gonna play with it, though . . .


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-03-01 Thread azinck3

orrinc;184802 Wrote: 
 The Playlist Manager is close, but it only works with the SlimServer Web
 interface (as far as I can tell), so it cannot be used with just the
 remote control and a Squeezebox.
 That's why I wanted to use numbered playlists.
 I'm gonna play with it, though . . .

Nope, it works from the remote.  In fact, I don't think it has a web
interface component at all.


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-03-01 Thread Chris Laplante
We would like to see flickr / style tags for music.
One can pretty much accomplish this with the custom browse plugin, but
the ability to easily input the data in the first place is missing. I
would like an extension so I could say tag a song/ablum with an
arbitrary tag (fun, happy, sad, funky, purple) and
immediately have that be something I could key on in custom browse and
build playlists with. We would want to be able to make up new tags on
a whim upon entering them.

This should be able to be done from a drill down type manor, as well
as an on the fly addition to the currently playing song/album.

I am somewhat mixed if I think this data should be a DB only function,
or if it should mod the tags. I would be happy if it were DB only,
aside from the fact that having to do a wipe/rebuild is a pretty
common occurrence when you upgrade.

Thanks! I have found your tools useful.

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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-02-28 Thread wnshall

CardinalFang;175657 Wrote: 
 You could do something similar using a web tablet and an interface a bit
 like the iTunes 3D cover art browsing modes. You can spot albums by art
 far faster when scanning and it also really does prompt listening to
 old albums far more than reading a list. I much prefer to pick music
 this way and I wish you could do it in Slim.

I also find  it easier to browse music by cover art -- it more closely
matches what I do with my real collection.  I don't always know exactly
what artist or album I want to listen to, just a general idea of
genre/type.  (Also, I have a terrible time remembering names -- so
searching, or even browsing line-by-line doesn't work well for me.)  So
almost from the start I knew that the solution for me was going to
require a handheld device with a screen for controling the slimbox, and
I just got a Nokia770.

Fortunately we can already browse, by album or genre, showing cover
art, so it's sort of like scanning your racks of cds.  Erlands custom
browse and custom scan plug-ins make this browsing much, much better,
by being able to narrow the range of albums to look at.  For me, that's
like choosing which shelf of my cd collection to look at. When paging
thru long lists of album art on the Nokia, it's critical to be able to
narrow the items you have to look at.

Unfortunately, custom browse isn't designed for the Nokia skin, so for
now I have to squint at Fishbone.  Presumably someday slim will
encorporate more flexible browsing such as custom browse into
slimserver directly.


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-02-28 Thread orrinc

eindgebruiker;183925 Wrote: 
 What I don't like is going through a lot of effort before listening to
 the music I feel like listening to.
 What I'm thinking of is this: Start with a random song mix. Then,
 whenever I hear a song I really like, a push of a button would insert
 the album containing that song in the playlist, just after that song.
 When Slimserver is done playing the whole album it would continue with
 the random song mix.
 I'd love to be able to go one step further- I'm still looking for a way
 to do this:
 I want to create up to 10 playlists, named 0 to 9, each for a different
 purpose (dance, relax, morning, etc.).
 Then I'd like to listen to a Random Mix, and when I hear a song I'd
 like in a playlist, hit ADD followed by 0 through 9 to add the
 track to that specific playlist (keeping the Random Mix playing).
 That way I can create different Playlists any time without having to
 remember tracks at the PC!
 I know there's already a plug-in to play Playlists by number, but so
 far no way to create this on the fly!
 (BTW- I'd love to be able to do this on my iPod as well; does anyone
 know a software hack to enable it?)


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-02-28 Thread erland

orrinc;184420 Wrote: 
  eindgebruiker;183925 Wrote: 
  I want to create up to 10 playlists, named 0 to 9, each for a different
  purpose (dance, relax, morning, etc.).
  Then I'd like to listen to a Random Mix, and when I hear a song I'd
  like in a playlist, hit ADD followed by 0 through 9 to add the
  track to that specific playlist (keeping the Random Mix playing).
  That way I can create different Playlists any time without having to
  remember tracks at the PC!  You should look into the Playlist Manager 
 I haven't used it myself but it sounds like it will do pretty much
 exactly what you want.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-02-27 Thread eindgebruiker

What I don't like is going through a lot of effort before listening to
the music I feel like listening to.

What I do like is Slimserver figuring this out for me. Random mix would
be good, but perhaps with a bit more control.

What I'm thinking of is this: Start with a random song mix. Then,
whenever I hear a song I really like, a push of a button would insert
the album containing that song in the playlist, just after that song.
When Slimserver is done playing the whole album it would continue with
the random song mix.

Of course you could quickly scan the random song list until you find a
song you like. The trick is to easily switch (one button) to album play
from that point.

This would be a simulation of cliveb's scanning a wall rack full of CDs
in post #15.


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-02-27 Thread erland

eindgebruiker;183925 Wrote: 
 What I'm thinking of is this: Start with a random song mix. Then,
 whenever I hear a song I really like, a push of a button would insert
 the album containing that song in the playlist, just after that song.
 When Slimserver is done playing the whole album it would continue with
 the random song mix.
 Of course you could quickly scan the random song list until you find a
 song you like. The trick is to easily switch (one button) to album play
 from that point.This is possible today, but it requires a few more clicks:
1. In Now Playing on currently played song hit right
2. Click down until you reach Album: xxx
3. Hold Add button down for a while, this will insert Album: xxx after
the currently played track.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins'

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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-02-27 Thread AndrueC

At home I select by artist but at work I have a music player that can
shuffle by album and that works really well.


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-02-02 Thread CardinalFang

I have been building over the past few evenings a Java application to
control my SB via CLI with the server to try out my assumption that a
Java interface to SLimServer is practical and nicer to use. So far I
can control my player and change track, look through the playlist and
artists and jump around based on clicking on the playlist. I'm
currently adding the ability to look up albums and artists to select
music to add to the playlist, adding the ability to change player and
set server (it's currently hardcoded) and then I'll smarten it up a

Even in its hacky, early state, it is far more responsive and nicer to
use that the SlimServer interface, so I can definitely recommend this
as a way to go. I'm not sure what I'll do with the code in the end - it
is a hack, so I am slightly embarassed about the code, but but equally
I'd be happy to pass it on when I get bored of hacking :-)

Anyone know how to get album art through CLI?

|Filename: screenshot.jpg   |


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-02-01 Thread Eelcovb

I think everyone agrees that music is all about emotion. Music creates
emotions and sometimes you want to strengthen your current emotion
through music.

In all kinds of theories about emotion, including the ancient chinese
ones, there are 7 emotions:
Sadness, Anger, Surprise, Contempt, Enjoyment, Disgust, Fear

Why not think of a way to be able to select music on the (combination
of the) rating of one or more base emotions? 

I could imagine a circle with all emotions on them and per emotion a
rating from 0(no emotion)-3(high). Like in Excel, you could then create
something like a radar-graph (spiderweb) which represents the emotion

Also notice that a rating system always should have an even number of
choices, so it makes it harder to go for the easy middle way..

When you want to select music, you just select the ratings for emotion
the emotions you want to have your selection stay within.

If you set the anger emotion to 0, no song will be played which will
make you angry. If you set Enjoyment to 3, all songs with 3,2,1 ratings
are in the filter, but songs with 3 will be played first, or last,
depending you want to strengthen of diminish you mood. The lower the
rate, the more relaxed you are, with the ultimate relaxedness: all
zeros:no emotion, no heartbeat..;-)

You could point out your current emotion(s) and desired emotion(s). The
music mix will slowly bring yo there! Wouldn't that be magnificent??

I know it'll be a lot of work to mark all songs, and all marks are
personal. Perhaps storing the emotion-ratings in different fields. On
the squeezebox, rate the song by using the cursors to set the spot or
area of all rated emotions.


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Re: [slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-29 Thread Michael Herger

1. *How do you select which music to play today ?* (Browse, Search,
Random, Smart playlists, other?)

1. by album (browse)
2. favorite (radio station)
3. Random Mix
4. MIP based on some song I like (browse to song - MIP)
. using a pre-defined playlist

- Do only like to use browsing functions or only search functions or
both ?

Almost browse only. Search only for questions like didn't we have that  
song (of which I don't know where it's published). I guess I know my  
collection too well. Will have to buy more music :-)



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[slim] How would you like to select which music to play ?

2007-01-28 Thread erland

Since most of my plugins are related to different ways of selecting
which music to play I'm a bit interested to know a bit more about this
to get some new ideas. 

1. *How do you select which music to play today ?* (Browse, Search,
Random, Smart playlists, other?)
2. *How would you like to select which music to play in the future ?*

Some additional questions just to give you an idea about what type of
things I am looking for comments on:
- Do you like to be in control your self where you manually select
exactly which song to play and in which order to play them ?
- If you like to be in control yourself do you do this by creating a
number of static playlists that you use later or do you like to
browse/search for the exact artist/song every time ?
- Do only like to use browsing functions or only search functions or
both ?
- Do you base the selection on what to play next on the currently
playing song/artist ?
- Do you want the system to automatically select music for you ? 
- If you want the system to select music for you, which type of logic
should it base the selection on ? Do you want it to be totally random
or should it do some more clever things ?
- Do you want to system to automatically suggest music but still have
the control to select exactly which of the suggestions to play ? What
logic or information shall the suggestions be based on ?
- Do you want the selection to be based on other peoples listening
habits or just your own ? For example by using information from
LastFM/ and similar sites for the automatic selection ?

As I said in the beginning I'm both interesting in how you select which
music to play today and how you would like the selection to be done in
the future.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and RandomPlayList plugins)

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