[slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-24 Thread Grahame

Dear All,

Todays woot on http://woot.com is the Nokia 770 for $129 ( + $5

I have one (purchased for much more, shortly after it came out), and
use it with the Nokia770 skin created by Ben Klaas. (search the forums
for more info)

(The 770 skin is included on recent slimserver releases - try it

The limitations of the 770 are well known, it has been superseded by
the  N800, but the woot price is a good one (best I found on
pricegrabber currently was ~$259).

So if you want a wireless touchscreen remote for your SB (or
transporter), that displays album art - and lets you surf the web, Now!
(as opposed to waiting for the iPhone ;), or some
as-yet-unannounced-jive-powered device :) ) - and feel the price is
worth it for you - then head over to woot.com

Though I'd better point this out to people who want one, or had been
previously put off by the price.

Hope you find this useful.



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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-24 Thread Tzvi

I just ordered one.  Looking forward to it.



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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread adamslim

Drat it's US-only :(


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

'Last.fm group: people who don't listen to any of last.fm's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread zingerhill

I ordered one. I'd been tracking this guy for a while. My DS browser is
going on the auction block!


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread snarlydwarf

Very nice, I ordered one, too.


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread forddonald

Yup, spotted it this morning and ordered, solely for use as a visual SB


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread jclyle

Do they have any type of return policy if it doesnt work out like I
think it should? I looked around their site and didn't see one.


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread jclyle

i answered my own question.. this is from their site

Will I receive customer support like I'm used to? 
No. Well, not really. If you buy something you don't end up liking or
you have what marketing people call "buyer's remorse," sell it on eBay.
It's likely you'll make money doing this and save everyone a hassle. If
the item doesn't work, find out what you're doing wrong. Yes, we know
you think the item is bad, but it's probably your fault. Google your
problem, or come back to that product discussion in our community and
ask other people if they know. Try to call the manufacturer and ask if
they know. If you give up and must return it to us, then follow on to
the next FAQ entry. 
How do I return a defective product? 
Unless we specifically tell you not to, call the manufacturer of the
product you bought. You will likely get a replacement of a new model or
better item from them. If we still haven't dissuaded you, email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with your woot order number, the name of the product you
are returning, and the detailed problem with the item. We will respond
with return authorization by the next business day. Because we aren't
likely to have a replacement in stock, you should be prepared for a
refund-only option if that's all we can do. Know that return freight
will be at your expense. Again, you will probably get a better deal
from the manufacturer, or whoever else handling customer service for
that product.


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread Jon

Bought mine early this morning, in part to use to control the Squeezebox
in my bedroom, in part to check my kids' schools for emergency closings
in the winter from the comfort of my bed ... I hate getting out of bed
just to find out whether the kids have a snow day :-)

Hard to pass up for $129!


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread bklaas

A couple suggestions to those Woot!ing the 770 today:

the first thing you should do is install the most current 770 OS image
available. who knows what version the Woot! 770s will come with, and a
lot of stuff got fixed between initial release and what's current

secondly, install the streaming media manager Canola.

for using my skin, make sure you have javascript enabled in the
browser, view the skin in full-screen mode (button on the top of the
device toggles full-screen mode), and make sure the browser settings
are to not show the toolbar in full-screen mode.

good luck woot!ers,


"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread utowana

Hey Ben:  thanks for your great addition to the slimserver arsenal.

You say: "make sure the browser settings are to not show the toolbar in
full-screen mode."

How do I do that on my N800?  Ever since my update of the OS on the
N800, (all of which went fine), the toolbar at the bottom of the 770
skin screen floats over the rest of the window (scrolls up and down as
I move the screen around with my finger or pen).  I must have solved
this problem before, but it is pesky now.

Have I described it adequately?


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread bklaas

utowana;210941 Wrote: 
> Hey Ben:  thanks for your great addition to the slimserver arsenal.
> You say: "make sure the browser settings are to not show the toolbar in
> full-screen mode."
> How do I do that on my N800?  Ever since my update of the OS on the
> N800, (all of which went fine), the toolbar at the bottom of the 770
> skin screen floats over the rest of the window (scrolls up and down as
> I move the screen around with my finger or pen).  I must have solved
> this problem before, but it is pesky now.
> Have I described it adequately?

Can you describe this a little further, please?

1. what version of slimserver are you using, and what OS does
slimserver run on?
2. when you say that the toolbar floats over the rest of the window,
are you talking about something that's part of the skin (i.e., the bar
that has links for server settings, player settings, etc.) or the
toolbar for the browser itself? If you mean the former, that's a bug I
need to look at. The latter you can change in the browser settings
under the View->toolbars->(uncheck) full-screen option (or something
like that).



"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-25 Thread notanatheist

Darn them sales! I keep Woot.com open in a tab and when I spotted the
770 I emailed the LUG list and didn't splurge (yet). Tried to convince
myself I didn't need it but they were still available 20 hours later. I
wish they would have sold out. At least I only got one. For those
regretting not getting one, they'll be on Ebay in droves with buyers
finding they can't get more than $150 because too many are being


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-26 Thread SMWinnie

'Nokia 770 at buy.com'

$140.00 shipped; knock off a coupon or Google checkout if you can...


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-28 Thread atlslim

bklaas;210849 Wrote: 
> A couple suggestions to those Woot!ing the 770 today:
> the first thing you should do is install the most current 770 OS image
> available. who knows what version the Woot! 770s will come with, and a
> lot of stuff got fixed between initial release and what's current
> today.
> good luck woot!ers,
> #!/ben

FYI - Received the 770 from Woot today and it has the latest OS

OS 2006 edition v. 3.2006.49-2


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-28 Thread Zten

I just ordered one from Buy.com

I'm sure I'll be back here pining you guys for help once it arrives!


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-29 Thread washburn

The 770 seems to work ok.  I attached the case to the wall, so it would
be like a control panel.

Still, I'm a little disappointed; for one thing, the screen won't show
both the frames (list of albums etc. plus current playlist) that are
needed for most slimserver interfaces.

I also have a suggestion for the Nokia 770 interface---it would be nice
if the "Now Playing" screen would show more items in the playlist,
rather than just three.  Actually, I really wish that one could view a
list of artists/albums/songs, and the current playlist, side by side,
but maybe that's not possible.

Anyway, I'm still playing with the 770, and I definitely appreciate the
effort that went into the 770 skin, even if I imagined it would more
more like a typical slimserver skin.


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-30 Thread utowana

bklaas;210952 Wrote: 
> Can you describe this a little further, please?
> 1. what version of slimserver are you using, and what OS does
> slimserver run on?
> 2. when you say that the toolbar floats over the rest of the window,
> are you talking about something that's part of the skin (i.e., the bar
> that has links for server settings, player settings, etc.) or the
> toolbar for the browser itself? If you mean the former, that's a bug I
> need to look at. The latter you can change in the browser settings
> under the View->toolbars->(uncheck) full-screen option (or something
> like that).
> cheers,
> #!/ben

Hi Ben.  I've been away on business trying to earn enough money to buy
another gadget.

Re your questions above:

1.  SlimServer Version: 6.5.2 - 12047 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252

2.  The former!  Using full-screen option on my N800, the lower dark
grey tool bar of your skin (showing "19247 songs, 1423 artists, 1561
albums  About  Server Settings  Player Settings" remains fixed
over the bottom of the second row of icons in your skin.  It actually
obscures the text label of the icons.  Make sense?

My observation is that this occurred after upgrade of the OS on the
N800.  It was not a problem before.  Currently using the latest
download from Nokia:  Internet Tablet OS 2007 edition Version: 

Thanks for continued work on the skin!


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-30 Thread utowana

bklaas;210952 Wrote: 
> Can you describe this a little further, please?
> 1. what version of slimserver are you using, and what OS does
> slimserver run on?
> 2. when you say that the toolbar floats over the rest of the window,
> are you talking about something that's part of the skin (i.e., the bar
> that has links for server settings, player settings, etc.) or the
> toolbar for the browser itself? If you mean the former, that's a bug I
> need to look at. The latter you can change in the browser settings
> under the View->toolbars->(uncheck) full-screen option (or something
> like that).
> cheers,
> #!/ben

Ben:  Uh.  Sorry.  I did not read your reply with enough attention
to detail.  You answered my question initially.  In View -> Show
Toolbar -> uncheck "Full Screen".

All looks well in 770 skin in N800 world.  Thanks.


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-06-30 Thread washburn

The nokia 770 *can* show both frames of the usual slimserver skins;  I
guess that before I just didn't give it time to refresh enough to
display properly.

However the normal skins are sort of small for the Nokia.  It'd be nice
if there were a "normal" skin that just used a somewhat larger font.


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-07-01 Thread digihead

Hello. New to the forum here. First post.

I recently purchased the Infrant NAS NV+ Squeezebox package deal and a
Nokia770 on the woot.com deal.

When I try to navigate to my NAS, via http://serverip:9900/nokia770/ I
get a message 'cannot connect to remote server'

The Nokia770 is up and running on my network, just can't seem to get it
to connect to the NAS and slimserver.

Any help is appreciated. Very frustrating.


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-07-01 Thread Dave Dewey
Quoting digihead ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> Hello. New to the forum here. First post.
> I recently purchased the Infrant NAS NV+ Squeezebox package deal and a
> Nokia770 on the woot.com deal.
> When I try to navigate to my NAS, via http://serverip:9900/nokia770/ I
> get a message 'cannot connect to remote server'



The port number should be 9000, not 9900, unless you changed it in
the slimserver configuration.

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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-07-01 Thread Mark Lanctot

digihead;211826 Wrote: 
> When I try to navigate to my NAS, via http://serverip:9900/nokia770/ I
> get a message 'cannot connect to remote server'

Should be port 9000, not 9900.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-07-01 Thread digihead

Wow...thank you. Such a simple fix for a problem that has been driving
me crazy. Nothing like a silly mistake to drive you crazy.


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-07-03 Thread kkitts

I picked up one of these 770s - primarily for SlimServer control. Just
curious - the manual says that it plays mp3 as well as a number of
other formats and plays numerous video formats as well. What is it that
Canoloa adds that the 770 cannot already do out of the box?

bklaas;210849 Wrote: 
> A couple suggestions to those Woot!ing the 770 today:
> the first thing you should do is install the most current 770 OS image
> available. who knows what version the Woot! 770s will come with, and a
> lot of stuff got fixed between initial release and what's current
> today.
> secondly, install the streaming media manager Canola.
> http://openbossa.indt.org/canola/
> for using my skin, make sure you have javascript enabled in the
> browser, view the skin in full-screen mode (button on the top of the
> device toggles full-screen mode), and make sure the browser settings
> are to not show the toolbar in full-screen mode.
> good luck woot!ers,
> #!/ben


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-07-07 Thread Zten

I got my n770 from buy.com today. It has SW version 2.2006.39-14.

Should I upgrade the SW in the n770? How do I upgrade the SW?

I am still seeing about a 10 second delay using the N770 with the 770
SS skin. It is much faster when I use the default skin. I've tried all
of Ben's suggestions except changing my Browser from IE (to some other
kind) and downloading the Canola SW. Do I need the canola SW on the
computer or on the N770?


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-07-08 Thread Zten

running SS in the Opera browser and I still have the same slow response.
10 to 15 seconds whne using the N770 skin.  Any other ideas?


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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-07-08 Thread bklaas

>From your desktop opera browser, go to either the now playing or
playlist page and add this to the end of the URL: &ajaxRequest=1

what should display is a bunch of text to the browser, but I'm also
interested if this page is also slow to load.

I'm completely baffled right now, so any input from someone else would
be appreciated. Does anyone else see this behavior--much slower
response from Nokia770 than with Default?


fyi--I'll likely be out of touch with the forums for the next 3 days or


"the Nokia770 skin guy"

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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-07-08 Thread Zten

It loade pretty darned fast. Here is the printout:

# for all pages
previoussong|(Prev) 8. Long Hard Day - BoDeans - Black and White
currentsong|9. Do I Do - BoDeans - Black and White (1991)
nextsong|(Next) Real Wild Child (Wild One) - Iggy Pop - Blah-Blah-Blah

# status page only
songtitle|Real Wild Child (Wild One)

artist|Iggy Pop
genre|Chamber Music
artisthtml|Iggy Pop
artisttext|Iggy Pop

# mm:ss length of song
# mm:ss elapsed

# length of song
# elapsed time 
# time remaining 


# repeat settings: 0 = no repeat, 1 = repeat song, 2 = repeat playlist


# shuffle settings: 0 = no shuffle, 1 = shuffle song, 2 = shuffle album


# player on or off

# status of player: 0 = stopped, 1 = playing, 2 = paused 

# status of player in text
playtextmode|Now playing

# length of playlist

# where this track sits on that playlist

player_name|Family Room

# path to cover art 

# href for album href



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Re: [slim] Nokia 770 $129 on woot.com now!

2007-07-08 Thread snarlydwarf

bklaas;213080 Wrote: 
> I'm completely baffled right now, so any input from someone else would
> be appreciated. Does anyone else see this behavior--much slower
> response from Nokia770 than with Default?

It seems fine to me: my only guess is that the Nokia has much worse
802.11g networking than the SB in the same room... I usually see around
70% signal on the SB and around 30% on the Nokia.  It could be that the
connection is more marginal and causing retransmits.

(even at 30% it works fine, page loads on all sites are a bit slow
sometimes, but i cant blame the skin for google news loading slowly.)


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