[slim] Re: Problem With Checked Songs

2006-04-03 Thread ceejay

KevinW Wrote: 
 Clearly, the very forum we are communicating in is a testament to the
 number of problems that users have.  

I'm sorry to hear you are having problems: I've been using slimserver
for about a year now and I do recall it taking me a while to get it
working the way I wanted, but it's been great ever since. And yes, I
know that it works for me isn't the most helpful of replies, but I
also think that the number of problems posted here doesn't indicate bad
software ... the many thousands of people for whom it just works don't
bother to post!

It may well be relevant that I don't try to use slimserver with
iTunes... that kind of integration is inherently tricky and although I
can see that a lot of work has gone into it, its a level of complexity
too far for me, personally.

It might be worth checking
http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?BeginnersGuideToiTunes for any
relevant tips.

 I would urge SD to either put resources into improving SS or write a
 small fast app for doing the basic displaying and playing.  I would be
 willing to pay for such an app.

Have you tried Moose? Several threads in the forums on this. It may be
just what you want. And its free!

 I also have issues when it comes to indexing music.  I listen to a lot
 of classical.  I have three versions of Mahler’s Second Symphony which
 is 2 discs each.  There is no easy way I have found to keep this
 straight. (I am not blaming SS for this).  

Well, you are right that there is no *easy* way, but there certainly is
a way. Some ideas are discussed in 
and also in many threads in the forums.

Hope it works out for you...



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[slim] Re: Problem With Checked Songs

2006-04-03 Thread timmorris

I'll agree with you that the slimserver software isn't an out of the box
solution - bear in mind that it isn't really a web based application but
the easiest way to give all users on a network full control is to use a
web front end.

It has taken me about a month to get it working as I want it (I use the
BBC plug in, I'm about to use IR passthrough to control a scaler which
won't fit on my equipment rack, and I'm going to edit remote control
maps to add in a few commands that will make life easier). The latest
excercise was adding a tag to all my albums so they are sorted by
artists' family name and not first name. It does need a bit of
tweaking, but once you get there it is awesome. My server is reasonably
heavily loaded - it is only an XP3200 and has Exchange Server, all the
Small Busines Server websites plus a couple of my own, MASSIVE users
shared folders (two kids use it and they're always downloading crap,
SQL server, IAS - I'm constantly getting warnings about processor
utilisation being too high, but it still copes with Slimserver.

I've got no experience of ITunes (other than installing it on my
nephew's PC, and he's not impressed with ITunes under windows). I'd
suggest dumping it altogether and replacing it with EAC but that might
be too big a step for you...

Have you tried just disabling the iTunes plug-in on the plug-ins page
and just setting Slimserver up to scan your music folder? It does
sub-folders by default, and if you have multiple folders all you have
to do is create shortcusts and place them in the main folder. I know
that isn't an ideal long term solution, but it might get you up and
running in the short term. Fire off an email to tech support, it will
take a few days but you never know they may come up with a really easy

I do understand your frustration - I tried using a 6.2.2 nightly and
music would just stop playing at random intervals, so I'm back to
released software.

This community is a friendly one, and you'll find that a lot of the
posts aren't bugs per-se but people trying to find a better way of
doing something. It is EXTREMELY powerful, I've been watching this
market for about 5 years since it was in the realm of the Home
Automation hobbyist, but it wasn't until I'd spent a couple of weeks
playing with Slimserver on my PC that I decided to buy a Squeezebox.

Stick with it, it might be frustrating but you'll get there.



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[slim] Re: Problem With Checked Songs

2006-04-02 Thread KevinW

timmorris thnaks for the response.

My problem is that the uncheck songs in ITune check box will not stay
the way I want it -  I want to display songs that are not checked.  I
rip using ITunes and use lossless.

As far as my characterization of SS, I think it is about right.  The
problem is that it is not reliable.  I hold my breath every time I use
it.  Often it will not respond or there will be a significant delay in
it responding. Having it open on two browsers seems to be asking for
trouble. Sometimes it does not show all the CDs and I need to rescan. 
To me it just has the feel of a temperamental program.  It is certainly
not robust.  When it works, which it usually does, I have no problem
with it - although I don’t like browser based apps.

Clearly, the very forum we are communicating in is a testament to the
number of problems that users have.  While no doubt some are
attributable to user error there are far to many not to assign some
fault to the program itself.  Part of the problem, as you may know, is
that there is a tremendous variety on the Windows side as to both
hardware and software.  A SS that works fine on your machine may not
work on mine because in the background I am running MSDE and Hamachi
and your not.

I would urge SD to either put resources into improving SS or write a
small fast app for doing the basic displaying and playing.  I would be
willing to pay for such an app.

I also have issues when it comes to indexing music.  I listen to a lot
of classical.  I have three versions of Mahler’s Second Symphony which
is 2 discs each.  There is no easy way I have found to keep this
straight. (I am not blaming SS for this).  In sum I think there is a
lot to be improved upon.  Most posts seem to think SD needs to upgrade
the hardware, I think the need is much greater on the software side.



KevinW's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4331
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[slim] Re: Problem With Checked Songs

2006-04-01 Thread timmorris

KevinW Wrote: 
 I want to show all songs regardless if they are chekced or not.  I
 change this setting but it keeps on changing back and as a result I
 only see nine albums out of the 324 albums that I have.  Any
 suggestions - other than checking all songs? (Running 6.2.1 5194 on XP)

I don't know what you mean by checked. If you mean scanned by
Slimserver then there is a plug in which allows you to scan once every
24 hours. If you keep loosing albums it could be because your ripping
software isn;t tagging the files properly.

KevinW Wrote: 
 The SlimServer, on the other hand, seems to be trash.  Very unreliable,
 finicky and slow.  Like most poorly written software, it does far more
 than the average user wants but can't do the basic things well.  This
 is to bad because the strength of this kind of set up will never be the
 audio quality, but the ability to get instant and organized access to
 100s of CDs.  The crapy SS software fustrates this goal.  SD would
 better serve their customers if they hired some competent programmers
 and wrote a robuts and responsive application, perferably a WinForm App
 as the primary.  They need something that is going to do the basic work
 of display and play, reliably, 99.999% of the time.

Trash and crappy aren't words I'd use. I do have an issue with the fact
that some of the advanced features are poorly documented, but the
software works perfectly for me. I just rip using EAC and encode using
FLAC in one pass directly onto a Windows Small Business Server which
has around 8 clients accessing it during the course of the day and it
runs 4 Squeezeboxes perfectly. Audio quality may not be a priority for
you, but it certainly is for me.

Perhaps if you changed the tone of your post, explained your problem in
detail someone might dive in and help you.

What ripping software do you use?
How are you encoding your files - and what format?
How is your music organised?

I've been waiting for years for networked mp3 players to come of age
and Slimserver together with the Squeezebox 3 does everything I want to
and because of the nature of the Open Source software it will continue
to evolve as users require and add more features.


timmorris's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4147
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[slim] Re: Problem With Checked Songs

2006-04-01 Thread jlynch3

6.2.2 on MacOS 10.4.5... quite annoying. I am going to try a later

KevinW Wrote: 
 I want to show all songs regardless if they are chekced or not.  I
 change this setting but it keeps on changing back and as a result I
 only see nine albums out of the 324 albums that I have.  Any
 suggestions - other than checking all songs? (Running 6.2.1 5194 on
 Also, Just had the SB3 wireless for a week.  The initial impression is
 that the hardware is quite acceptable.  Sound quality probably equals
 +/- a standard CD player.  The SlimServer, on the other hand, seems to
 be trash.  Very unreliable, finicky and slow.  Like most poorly written
 software, it does far more than the average user wants but can't do the
 basic things well.  This is to bad because the strength of this kind of
 set up will never be the audio quality, but the ability to get instant
 and organized access to 100s of CDs.  The crapy SS software fustrates
 this goal.  SD would better serve their customers if they hired some
 competent programmers and wrote a robuts and responsive application,
 perferably a WinForm App as the primary.  They need something that is
 going to do the basic work of display and play, reliably, 99.999% of
 the time.


jlynch3's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=465
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[slim] Re: Problem With Checked Songs

2006-03-31 Thread snarlydwarf

I don't know what you mean by checked do you mean indexed?  They
need to be indexed to play.  If for some reason you really don't want
to scan the music directory for music files... you could use Browse
Music Folder, and it will add files as it comes across them (either a
directory at a time in the web browser, or a track at a time from the

What are you using for a server?  I just passed 1000 albums an P2/400
with 256M and it works just fine: but, then, that's all that system is
used for, and it certainly does the 'basic things' well: it's playing
music from 7:30am until midnight most of the time.

(sigh, 58 more tracks to 10k tracks.. but, then Ben Harper and Marisa
Monte have double-albums out now, so will have to try to pick them up


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