Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-18 Thread signor_rossi

bklaas;280805 Wrote: 
 I believe what signor_rossi is asking for is a bit beyond connecting to
 the stream.mp3. Squeezeplay is the software interface that powers the
 SBC, so think SBC on the Nokia. Once Squeezeplay can stream audio in
 the somewhat near future, it could also makes a Nokia tablet a real
 player. stream.mp3 has horrible buffer lag, so that would be a massive
 improvement from what's possible today.
 All of this sounds quite cool, but it's not possible right now. It is
 theoretically possible, but no one has done the work. It'd be a lot of
 work too.

Exactly what I was asking for. Besides the buffer lag the N770 has an
headphone out that produces to much static to be enjoyable. I thought
to try out a Vmware image for N770 development to get an idea about the
tasks that would be necessary, but didn't come far since I couldn't get
to work it properly on my Ubuntu box (some vmware module problem).
Maybe I will try the image again under Xp some time.

Bye, signor_rossi.


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-18 Thread signor_rossi

)p(;280991 Wrote: 
 I am still very happy with using a n800 with moose through remote
 desktop. The library selection experience is just as fast as with moose
 on a desktop computer. The n800 is connected 24h through remote desktop
 to the server so its always instant on ready to use. I am going to try
 the duet controller soon but I suspect I won't be willing to give up
 the large touchscreen of the n800. We'll see ;)

I did something similar prior to my SB3 purchase, I used VNC and Amarok
and a long audio cable ;) , but since Moose is Windows only
unfortunately I can't use it with my Ubuntu server box.
I did try Squeezeplay over VNC and also used xmodmap to map the N770
hardware keys accordingly, but at this time Squeezeplay still lacks
mouse support, so browsing is quite tedious and text input is even
more. Depending how the SP developer chooses to do text input in newer
versions this may improve dramatically, though.
The screen shots on the wiki for the new SP UI look quite good

Bye, signor_rossi.


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-18 Thread erland

)p(;281083 Wrote: 
 Yeah squeezeplay could grow into a great alternative for moose through
 remote desktop or vnc. (Running a nxxx native port might also work but
 I suspect it will be slower then using remote desktop.)
Just note that the only one allowed to distribute a nxxx native port of
SqueezePlay is Logitech, the license forbids any third party to
distribute it without permission from Logitech:


Erland Isaksson
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(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-17 Thread bklaas

I would say that I am uniquely qualified to answer your question, as the
developer of the Nokia770 skin as well as being now on the SBC
development team.

In short: it is my belief that you will be much, much more satisfied
with the SBC than a 770 running my skin. This is especially true with
the latency issues you experience on the 770.

But you's not necessary to take what I say as gospel. There
is a 30-day satisfaction guarantee on the Duet, so buy it and give it a
shot. I feel confident that you will not want to return it.



the Nokia770 skin guy

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Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-17 Thread bklaas

kkitts;280755 Wrote: 
 BTW, I had a Nokia 770 - but it expereinced something that people on the
 internet of called the WSOD (White screen of Death). After waiting 3
 weeks for a repair, Nokia finally agreed to send me a refurbished
 Are the latency issues a bit less with the N800 than the N770?
 Also, does the N770 skin work in both SlimServer 6.54 and Squeezecenter
 7? Finally, where can you download the Nokia 770 skin from? I looked in
 the Plugins page of the website - but I don't see it

The N800 has some enhancements to the wifi that allow it to connect
more reliably and quicker, as well as coming out of sleep in a much
smoother fashion. So, if that's what you're referring to by latency
issues, yes the N800 is better. It's also quicker in general, and the
new OS2008, which the N800 will run but the 770 will not, is superior

N770 skin is available in SS 6.54 and SC 7.0. The skin in 7.0 has some
nice enhancements though, cataloged here:

There is nothing to download, in both products the skin is part of the
core distribution. Append the URL for the webUI with /nokia770/ and
you're in business.



the Nokia770 skin guy

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Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-17 Thread signor_rossi

Just out of interest (and also because my budget for audio products is
still depleted after I bought a new amplifier, new speakers for me and
my mom, the SB3, an external DAC and also quite some music last year):
Does someone have the knowledge to estimate how much effort it would be
to port Squeezeplay to the N770 or N8x0s, if this is possible at all?

Thanks, signor_rossi.


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-17 Thread kkitts

BTW, I had a Nokia 770 - but it expereinced something that people on the
internet of called the WSOD (White screen of Death). After waiting 3
weeks for a repair, Nokia finally agreed to send me a refurbished

Are the latency issues a bit less with the N800 than the N770?

Also, does the N770 skin work in both SlimServer 6.54 and Squeezecenter
7? Finally, where can you download the Nokia 770 skin from? I looked in
the Plugins page of the website - but I don't see it



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Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-17 Thread kkitts

I don't have the 770 in front of me at the moment - and can't quite
recall how I did it. But I was able to start the media player on the
770 and connect to the stream of the SlimServer. And then use the web
browser built into the 770 to connect to SlimServer, select the 770 from
the web drop down list - and then select music to play. It all worked
very well - of course - not quite as seemless has just having 1 app do
it all.

Also, I did this inside my firewall - never tried to set up a ssh
tunnel to do this from outside my house...



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Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-17 Thread Siduhe

kkitts;280779 Wrote: 
 I don't have the 770 in front of me at the moment - and can't quite
 recall how I did it.

There's a good explanation here about halfway down the page:


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Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-17 Thread bklaas

I believe what signor_rossi is asking for is a bit beyond connecting to
the stream.mp3. Squeezeplay is the software interface that powers the
SBC, so think SBC on the Nokia. Once Squeezeplay can stream audio in
the somewhat near future, it could also makes a Nokia tablet a real
player. stream.mp3 has horrible buffer lag, so that would be a massive
improvement from what's possible today.

All of this sounds quite cool, but it's not possible right now. It is
theoretically possible, but no one has done the work. It'd be a lot of
work too.



the Nokia770 skin guy

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Re: [slim] Duet Controller or Nokia N770?

2008-03-17 Thread adamslim

bklaas;280722 Wrote: 
 I would say that I am uniquely qualified to answer your question, as the
 developer of the Nokia770 skin as well as being now on the SBC
 development team.
 In short: it is my belief that you will be much, much more satisfied
 with the SBC than a 770 running my skin. This is especially true with
 the latency issues you experience on the 770.

You are indeed uniquely qualified to answer the question, but you are
also hopelessly conflicted.  I am neither, but agree with your answer
completely :)

I started a poll ages ago on Nokia 770 vs iPhone vs SBC; I used to
think that the iPhone was better than the SBC, but recent (3-4 weeks
ago) advances on the SBC have totally reversed that.  The Nokia 770 is
not close to either.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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