Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-26 Thread bukharin

Generally it works quite well, and the interface to sync/unsync is good.
However, sync has a number of issues which prevent it from being as
1st-class as the rest of the system - so, thanks very much for working
to improve it!

A few comments about things that could be better:

1) gapless + sync should work together, and IMHO this needs to be
engineered into any sync design from the start. This is my biggest
disappointment with the current system, and is the one thing that could
lead me to switch to The Competition

2) the music sometimes gets stuck between tracks (never happens when
not sync'd). Presumably this relates to buffering and the players being
in different states.

3) the ability to sync mid track is required for various other
- when a player gets behind (eg from a buffer underrun), it's behind
until the next track. What _should_ happen in this circumstance is that
the affected player starts playing again, at the same point it would be
at if it hadn't dropped out
- fast forwarding/rewinding when players are sync'd is not usable
- syncing a player to a player which is already playing something
should just join in rather than forcing the other player to start the
current track again. This sounds petty but it's not when tracks are
long and fast-forwarding doesn't work

I'm more than happy to assist with testing any new software/firmware to
get the above issues sorted out.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-26 Thread SadGamerGeek

I have 2 SB3s in different (yet quite close) rooms, both running
wirelessly (from 6.5.1 SS on Linux FC5). When synced for music (usual
stuff - album tracks 3-5 minutes each), I haven't noticed a problem. I
frequently use AlienBBC to Listen Again to (UK) BBC Radio 4 shows
though, and I do sometimes notice the sync drifting very noticeably
into the programmes. I guess this probably relates to the duration of
the item (up to 75 minutes)


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-26 Thread SadGamerGeek

bukharin;197654 Wrote: 
 - fast forwarding/rewinding when players are sync'd is not usable
 - syncing a player to a player which is already playing something
 should just join in rather than forcing the other player to start the
 current track again. This sounds petty but it's not when tracks are
 long and fast-forwarding doesn't work

Yep, this is a massive pain for me. I might be 30 minutes into a
Listen Again programme via AlienBBC, and want to carry on listening
in another room, but there is basically no way to do this without
listening to he same 30 minutes again

I'm also happy to help test any firmware/code changes.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-25 Thread pbjbryan

I'm synching two players, and I'd like to adjust the time delay between
them to minimize echo. Is there some way like a plugin or hidden player
setting to do this?

I'm currently synching an SB3 and a computer running SoftSqueeze 3.3.
All files are lossless (flac), and I have high-quality digital
converters in each room (UA 2192 and RME HDSP). SoftSqueeze has a
configurable buffer size for the audio output, but it needs to be quite
large (1.5s), so there's a lot of delay.

Btw, audio travels a little over a foot every ms (1.12'/ms), so a 90'
separation will be about 80ms, the time where delays start to become
perceived as distinct echos (as opposed to doubling or thickening).
Delays under about 80ms are micenuts as someone mentioned above, and
delays under about 20ms are knatscocks.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-25 Thread andyg

The problem with a set delay is that there's going to be a variance in
the amount of network delay each time the players sync up at the start
of each track.  This is even worse for wireless networks.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-25 Thread CatBus

For what it's worth, here is my experience with synchronization.

In general, things actually work very very well.  I do have two
problems, however:

1) The current sync implementation breaks gapless playback and inserts
a very audible gap between consecutive tracks.  I understand (and
agree) that the best time to resync players is between tracks, but
there has got to be a way to insert only as much gap as is required
to get the players back in sync.  In many cases, this gap would be so
small as to be unnoticeable.

2) Syncing between SB3 and Transporter doesn't work with native Ogg
playback, so I have to transcode to FLAC.  Not a big deal in itself
(and an easy enough workaround), but this may indicate a problem in how
the basic sync process currently works, because the sync logic in this
case doesn't maintain a lack of delay between players, it merely
maintains a constant and unvarying delay.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-25 Thread upstatemike

I usually sync between 8 and 10 players, all wired, and do not have any
problems with drifting except on Internet Radio streams. I do have a
problem where the playlist will get stuck between songs when players
are synced. It never happens with a single independent player.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-25 Thread andyg

CatBus;197588 Wrote: 
 2) Syncing between SB3 and Transporter doesn't work with native Ogg
 playback, so I have to transcode to FLAC.  Not a big deal in itself
 (and an easy enough workaround), but this may indicate a problem in how
 the basic sync process currently works, because the sync logic in this
 case doesn't maintain a lack of delay between players, it merely
 maintains a constant and unvarying delay.

#2 is caused by the fact that there's a startup delay on the Ogg
decoder, to avoid skipping.  And since Transporter has a faster CPU, it
starts before the SB.  I think Richard is planning on fixing this so the
decoder runs even while paused.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-13 Thread awy

My work on improving the synchronization system is progressing. I'd like
some feedback from people who use synchronization regularly as to what
actual problems they have. Also, people who have tried to use it and
found it inadequate for their purposes – your feedback would be good

I'd like to break this down a bit. It would be really helpful if you
could include as much detail as possible from the issues below:
- Multiple players not starting up a track in sync.
- Players drifting out of sync during play.
- Playing tracks from local server
- Playing remote streams (Internet radio, AlienBBC, etc.)
- Mix of player types: SliMP3/SB/SB2/SB3/Transporter/SoftSqueeze



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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-13 Thread aubuti

I'm glad you're working on this, because sync was a major attraction in
deciding to go with SD, but it has always been a roll of the dice for
me. I have two wired SB2s and a wireless SB3, although the sync
problems show up even if I connect the SB3 via ethernet. Sometimes the
sync is fine, other times it's dreadful. 

Most often, sync problems are a matter of getting out of sync at the
beginning of a track. I also have problems with drifting out of sync
while playing a track, but those seem much less common. I haven't
confirmed it yet, but I suspect that the sync problems are worse when I
am playing random tracks (such as with Erland's plugins). My thinking
(possibly incorrect) is that slimserver is trying to pick a new random
track to add to the end of the playlist at the same time that it's
trying to start the next track on the playlist simultaneously on 2-3
different SBs, but it just doesn't cope sometimes. But I haven't done
controlled testing of that theory, nor am I sufficiently fluent in Perl
to know if slimserver is really trying to do all of that at once.

This is all with my local music library. I don't try to sync internet
radio because it *always* drifts out of sync before very long.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-13 Thread Ken

I have two SB2s permanently synced. One in the living room and one in
the kitchen. I have others but all used independently. 

The two synced SB2s are wired and play mainly flac and occasional MP3
albums. The server is Windows XP box with 2.5GHZ processor and 500MB
memory and doing not much else. And I'm using Slimserver 6.2.2 (well it
works ok for me so not worth the aggro of upgrading).

I find that sync failures are extremely rare, amounting to weeks
between failures. The system is in use daily. If I start one of the two
while the other is running both fall back to the beginning of the
playing track. 

Drift between the two is only noticeable if playing Internet Radio or
DAB radio using DABBAR and for both these it will only become apparent
they are not in sync after 45 minutes or so.

Only issues are that gapless playback (live stuff) is no longer gapless
due to re-sync at each track. And originally I tried syncing an SB1 with
an SB2 and found that usually within three or four tracks the syncing
would break down.



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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-03 Thread awy

So which of the above tends to be the real cause of the problem? I guess
that (3) could be tackled by forcing a re-sync whenever an under-run is

Does (2) happen? If so, what are the clock tolerances on the different


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-03 Thread awy

Hmm, 10-20ms, perhaps it is doable. 

I realise that both getting the initial sync precise and then
maintaining it would best be done with firmware support. I suspect that
firmware change may be needed in the end but here is an outline of how
it could possibly be done without it.

On my LAN at home I typically get 2ms round trip time (RTT) for wired
connections and 4ms for wireless. There are a couple of switches
(100baseT) between the server and the wired SlimP3, plus a WLAN .11g
base-station and ethernet-bridge on the path to the
wirelessly-connected one. I have measured this with both UDP echo and
(by modifying the server software) using normal stream data packets.
There is a quite a large variation, with many packets above the median,
but at the median (or perhaps a lower percentile) the figures are pretty
stable. I realise that there are several reasons for the variation in
RTT (and I understand at-least some of them). Nonetheless, it is
probably possible to get a good measure of the -true- RTT by taking the
median value from the last 20-or-so packets. 

Given the (lack of) accuracy of these measurements, it is also
reasonable to assume that the one-way delay is half the RTT.

As each ACK packet is received on the server, we know the following:
- the time ACK was received by the server and, so long as the RTT is
  considered valid ( median), we can deduce the time-stamp (T) of the
  following data;
- the number of bytes in the player's buffer (F);
- we can get the number of bytes into the song stream (Sb =
- from which we can deduce the play point at T; Pb = Sb – F;

We can collect this data for each player.

The next problem is how to compare the (T, Pb) tuples for multiple
players. If the stream rate is known and constant then this is
relatively straightforward. If it is not known or is variable then one
could either measure it over time (using either rate-of-consumption
data from the player or by inspecting the stream using knowledge of the
stream protocol) and assume that the average rate (perhaps the -recent-
average rate) is a sufficiently-accurate measure for our purposes, or
we could keep a copy of all the data in the player's buffer and
calculate the run-time of the current buffer (again, by knowledge of
the stream protocol). There are probably a variety of tricks that could
be employed to improve the efficiency of these measures and associated

*Question:* is the average bit-rate of variable-bit-rate streams likely
to be good enough in practice?

With the data above we can calculate the relative play-point delay for
each player, at least to the point where it is handed off to the

The next problem is how to get the players which are behind to -catch
up-. I work on the assumption that it is better to do this than to
cause players which are ahead to pause. I do not know much about the
construction of the stream formats (MP3, FLAC, etc.) but I presume that
one cannot simply steal a few bytes out of the stream and have it still
work. I guess that there must be some kind of framing. Is it possible
to detect the frame boundaries just by looking at the byte stream
starting at an arbitrary point (I would have expected the protocols to
have been defined this way to enable a receiver to resynchronize)?
Having found the frame boundaries, can one simple cut out a frame and
the stream will still play? What time period do frames represent
(typical, range)?

Assuming that there are good answers to all the above, then one could
steal one or more frames from the next packet(s) sent to the player, so
that the relative delay is removed. One problem is that this takes
buffer-size-play-time seconds to take effect.

So perhaps the pause idea has some merit. By sending a pause command
followed by a resume (play) command at a known interval, one could
probably make adjustments to around the 1ms level. It has the advantage
of being effective more quickly, before running through the data in the
player's buffer. The trouble would be if the resume command happened to
get caught in a network packet delay then all the other players would
have to be paused by the same period to get things back in sync. This
could quickly get quite silly. In the case of network streams, such as
Internet radio, one might find oneself either exceeding the
buffering/delay that can be tolerated by the stream, causing a stream
reset, or just get more and more behind real time. 

Any comments on the above or other suggestions would be appreciated.



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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-03 Thread awy

A couple of simple firmware enhancements could possibly be helpful.
-  Have each ACK include the player's 1kHz clock tick value
-  Have a -start-playing (unpause) at clock-tick value- command
-  Have a -pause for N clock-ticks- command

Using the mechanism described in the previous message to determine the
typical round-trip-time, this would probably be sufficiently accurate
to get good synchronized player starts and could also compensate for
known differences in decoder delays. The third option would allow for
accurate implementation of the pause method for resynchronization
described above.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-03 Thread amcluesent

Given the the speed of sound in air is 345 m/s, even a 10m separation of
Squeezeboxes (one upstairs, one downstairs) would result in the distant
sound being delayed ~29ms to someone at the local player.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-03 Thread andyg

Each time you send a 'stat' request to the player
($client-requestStatus), you do get back the player's tick value in ms
since last reboot (jiffies).  See
Slim::Networking::Slimproto::_stat_handler.  stat is called once per
second while the player is playing.


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-03 Thread Peter
awy wrote:

 I'm giving some serious thought about how to improve the multi-player
 synchronization problem. In particular, the issue that players can get
 out of synchronization with each other.

Good, there's room for improvement.

 To make sure that I am starting in the right place, let me briefly
 assert my understanding of how the current synchronization mechanism
 works. Players are synchronized at the start of a track by filling each
 player's buffer above a low-water mark while in 'buffering' mode (not
 playing), and then putting all synchronized players into play mode as
 near simultaneously as possible. Synchronization only occurs at the
 start of a track, including when the track is a remote stream such as
 an Internet radio station.

 So the first question is why do players get out of sync? Some
 1.They start out of sync because the command to start playing is not
 received sufficiently simultaneously by all players.

I know I see this fairly regularly. I use my living room and kitchen 
players synced. When the 'living' player is playing and I switch on the 
kitchen one, they don't always start synchronized properly, even though 
the song restarts (annoying enough by itself). Both players are SB3's 
and they're both connected to the same wireless access point. Since 
Slimserver uses TCP I'm assuming they don't use broadcast to turn on the 
players at exactly the same time, but two commands must go out over TCP. 
This is never exactly at the same time and apparently sometimes the 
difference is too great for a decent sync. My idea would be to use a UDP 
broadcast command to trigger playback. If my understanding is correct, 
all players should receive that at exactly the same time - or not at all 
if there's a network error ;).


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-03 Thread awy

I guess that I have been concentrating on the SliMP3 protocol (as I only
have SliMP3s, no SBs).

Reading Slim::Networking::Slimproto I see that the stat response seems
to include loads of good stuff. How accurate is the 'elapsed_seconds'
measure (presumably only integral seconds) and is the 'bytes_received'
64-bit counter since the start of this stream or some other epoc?


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Re: [slim] Looking at improving multi-player synchronization

2007-04-02 Thread andyg

Yes you've touched on all the right issues.

The most delay the human ear will tolerate is something like 10-20ms I

What needs to happen in order to have better syncing is to use a synced
clock with millisecond-resolution on all players and the server, using
NTP, SNTP or something similar.  Then the server will tell all players
to start at time X, where X is some millisecond in the future greater
than the largest latency to any one player.  This is a firmware issue,
and so I'm not sure there's much you can do with just the SlimServer

An even harder problem is dealing with players that slowly drift out of
sync on long radio streams for example.

Also see 'bug 259' (


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