Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-02-03 Thread Flyfress

mherger wrote: 
> > Wow, I've battered my setup with testing for over 10 hours now,
> trying
> > to reproduce the issue and I think I've made some sort of progress,
> I've
> > gone from rough memory, trying to replicate what I'd done when the
> > volume dropped to 49% to actively abusing the setup trying to break
> it.
> I've added a change to 4.7.2 to simply ignore 49% volume for the time 
> being. Hopefully this will give us some slack until I've figured out 
> what's really going on...

It ain't stupid if it works :)
Installed latest version as the volume jumped occurred this morning.
Will report if it happens again.

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-10 Thread slartibartfast

mherger wrote: 
> > Wow, I've battered my setup with testing for over 10 hours now, trying
> > to reproduce the issue and I think I've made some sort of progress,
> I've
> > gone from rough memory, trying to replicate what I'd done when the
> > volume dropped to 49% to actively abusing the setup trying to break
> it.
> I've added a change to 4.7.2 to simply ignore 49% volume for the time 
> being. Hopefully this will give us some slack until I've figured out 
> what's really going on...If I play to a player using the Spotify app on my  
> Android phone and set
the volume to maximum the volume stays at maximum until I switch to LMS
in a browser on the same phone. The volume then drifts down at a rate of
1% every few seconds until it reaches 86% where it stabilises. This
doesn't happen if LMS is open on a different device.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-10 Thread KeBul

mherger wrote: 
> I've added a change to 4.7.2 to simply ignore 49% volume for the time 
> being. Hopefully this will give us some slack until I've figured out 
> what's really going on...

Thanks, in place and running

This was produced by my usual method - playing through App and Connect,
on SB Touch change to playing local file, go back to Spotify App (which
is still connected to SB Touch) and click on mute, then click un-mute -
at that stage it tries to set the SB Touch to match the App volume...
which obviously in this case was 49 - no idea if that was a coincidence
I certainly didn't previously try and set the App volume to 49.
I'll continue to test around this scenario - got a few things I'd like
to check out.

Note: Debug logging in Spotty Plugin not set until after I had started
to play local music and my Spotify User has been *** out and players
Mac addresses changed.



[22-01-10 16:38:42.1566] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::
DaemonManager::initHelpers (90) Checking Spotty Connect helper
[22-01-10 16:38:42.1578] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::
DaemonManager::initHelpers (120) This is the sync group's master, or a
standalone player with Spotify Connect enabled: 00:04:20:££:££:££
[22-01-10 16:38:42.1589] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::
DaemonManager::initHelpers (120) This is the sync group's master, or a
standalone player with Spotify Connect enabled: 00:04:20:@@:@@:@@
[22-01-10 16:38:42.1599] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::
DaemonManager::initHelpers (120) This is the sync group's master, or a
standalone player with Spotify Connect enabled: 00:04:20:$$:$$:$$
[22-01-10 16:39:09.4612] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (368)
Got called from spotty helper for 00:04:20:££:££:££: volume
[22-01-10 16:39:09.4653] Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::get (202) Found
cached token:
[22-01-10 16:39:09.4660] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1336) Trying to
read from cache for me
[22-01-10 16:39:09.4671] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1339) Returning
cached data for me
[22-01-10 16:39:09.4704] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1340) do {
my $a = {
country => "GB",
display_name => "***",
explicit_content => {
filter_enabled => bless(do{\(my $o = 0)},
filter_locked  => 'fix',
external_urls => { spotify =>
"***"; },
followers => { href => undef, total => 0 },
href => "***";,
id => "***",
images => [],
product => "premium",
type => "user",
uri => "spotify:user:***",
$a->{explicit_content}{filter_locked} =
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7037] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (368)
Got called from spotty helper for 00:04:20:££:££:££: volume
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7078] Plugins::Spotty::API::Token::get (202) Found
cached token:
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7088] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1336) Trying to
read from cache for me
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7104] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1339) Returning
cached data for me
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7143] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1340) do {
my $a = {
country => "GB",
display_name => "***",
explicit_content => {
filter_enabled => bless(do{\(my $o = 0)},
filter_locked  => 'fix',
external_urls => { spotify =>
"***"; },
followers => { href => undef, total => 0 },
href => "***";,
id => "***",
images => [],
product => "premium",
type => "user",
uri => "spotify:user:***",
$a->{explicit_content}{filter_locked} =
[22-01-10 16:39:10.7161] Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (385)
Ignoring volume reset to 49

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-09 Thread Michael Herger

Wow, I've battered my setup with testing for over 10 hours now, trying
to reproduce the issue and I think I've made some sort of progress, I've
gone from rough memory, trying to replicate what I'd done when the
volume dropped to 49% to actively abusing the setup trying to break it.

I've added a change to 4.7.2 to simply ignore 49% volume for the time 
being. Hopefully this will give us some slack until I've figured out 
what's really going on...

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread KeBul

slartibartfast wrote: 
> In my case the volume always jumps to 49 or 50% though. It never jumps
> to any other value.

Yeah sure, was aware of that it was 49% for the first two I had before I
tried to reproduce it, so far not been able to replicate un-asked for
jumps specifically to 49% or 50%, so there must be another factor.

Fully accept and already stated that this may not be the issue seen by
everyone, but thought it interesting enough to open discussion on it,
Michael seems pretty sure that only "connect" adjusts the volume and
this is certainly a method whereby connect is involved in changing
volume on a player not playing music through connect. 

Whilst we are on 49% or 50%, during testing I saw quite a few instances
of a 1% change in volume, logs showed the final value what was
requested/updated from spotify me cache, it happened enough for me to
notice, but decided not to confuse things further.

I asked for "thoughts?" on my post because my initial thoughts were that
the App to SB player "connect" should be cleared down if the SB player
starts to play from another source...
However, I've just tested against an Amazon Echo Dot, which behaves
similarly, once connected to the Dot from the Spotify App, if I pause
play on the Spotify App then the connect remains in place. If I then ask
Alexa to play something from Amazon Music again the connect remains in
place and changing the volume on the Spotify App changes the volume on
the Dot... But the big difference is... if I then change the volume on
the Dot itself then the volume on the Spotify App changes accordingly,
so the volume on App and device remains in sync if they are "connected"
even if I'm playing music on the Dot from another source. This doesn't
happen with LMS, once it is in that "connected but not playing from
Spotify" state LMS Web UI Player volume changes are not replicated in
the Spotify App.

That to me looks like one issue with the plugin/LMS/connect
implementation - allowing the volumes to change independently whilst a
connect session is in progress.

Also don't want to muddy the waters further but just seen a case where
by Spotify App volume is set roughly half way along slider, Touch volume
in LMS UI was set somewhere around 80, after connecting both sliders
remained in the same place, music was playing (but not sure of the
actual volume because my wife is watching the TV so has control of the
Soundbar) I increased the App volume and saw the LMS volume slider jump
back down to 62%, so it looks like the volumes didn't sync until I
changed the App volume.
Interestingly in the log files prior to change to 62% the current
connect state shows a volume_percent of 49 and prior to that there's a 
Plugins::Spotty::Connect::_connectEvent (377) Ignoring initial volume
reset right after daemon start 

Gonna have a break from it now and wait to see what Michael thinks.


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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread Michael Herger
Thank you very much KeBul! There's a lot of good input in that posting. 
I have to find some time to review my code. Maybe I'm simply going to 
ignore volume settings of 49 :-D.

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread RobbH

slartibartfast wrote: 
> In my case the volume always jumps to 49 or 50% though. It never jumps
> to any other value.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

I have wondered if that happens because something prevents LMS from
recognizing an existing player, so it thinks a new player has been
added. Isn't 50% the default setting for a new player?

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread slartibartfast

KeBul wrote: 
> Wow, I've battered my setup with testing for over 10 hours now, trying
> to reproduce the issue and I think I've made some sort of progress, I've
> gone from rough memory, trying to replicate what I'd done when the
> volume dropped to 49% to actively abusing the setup trying to break it.
> (I used to be a software tester... ah!! those good old days!!) 
> I've managed to get the volume to change seemingly on it's "own", as
> Michael thought, initiating a connect and play from the Spotify App
> which previously had a different volume level set and the volume change
> was immediate on playing...
> >   > 
  - So Touch volume = 85 
  - Open Spotify App (on MacOS) and connect to Touch - Spotify App
  > volume slider moves up to a higher level, Touch volume remains at
  > 85%
  - Reduce volume using slider in Spotify App, there's no % indication
  > in the App but Touch volume level follows and drops to a lower
  > level, in this test 44%
  - In LMS Web UI switch to playing a local file - Touch volume
  > remains at 44% local file plays, Spotify App playing is paused but
  > connect remains "listening" to Touch player
  - Increase Touch volume back to 85% in LMS Web UI
  - Go back to Spotify App and click on play for the paused track -
  > Play on Touch swaps from local file to Spotify track and volume on
  > Touch drops back to 44%
  > > > 
> This, from Michael's comments is probably expected behaviour, although
> re-synching of volume does seem inconsistent depending how you
> initiate the connection, sometimes Spotify App will change to
> LMS/player volume setting, sometimes LMS/player volume will change to
> Spotify App volume.
> However, I've also managed to get volume changes whilst playing
> outside of Spotify Connect and that's from further testing around this
> concept of getting Spotify App and LMS/Spotty out of sync, especially
> by direct selecting a non-Spotify track or stream in LMS Web UI whilst
> a Spotify Connect is still in progress (Step 4 above), in this state,
> play from the Spotify App via connect is paused *but the connect
> remains in place* and the volume of the player can still be changed
> from the App even though it's not actually playing through the App...
> Obviously this may not be everyone's issue - but I'm fairly sure I've
> managed to replicate my volume change issue...
> Being new to this Spotify thing and not being overly familiar with the
> App or connect, but wanting to explore the integration with LMS, I
> first tried to find Plant & Krauss Raise the Roof using search in LMS
> Web UI, that didn't find anything, so I used the Spotify App on my Mac
> and selected my SB Touch through the devices menu. After listening to
> that album Spotify continued to queue up more tracks, I then tried the
> search artist option in LMS Web UI managing to find another artist and
> browsed for albums on Spotify, found the album I was after and played
> it.
> This, as I've subsequently found out, pauses the play on the Spotify
> App but leaves the player connected to the App. At some time whilst
> listening to this second album I must have gone back to the Spotify
> App (I may even have exited the App and then re-opened it later, the
> connect but not playing state remains), and whilst in the App must
> have adjusted the volume - which reduced the volume on the Touch,
> (mute in the App doesn't mute the player but then un-mute will then
> change the volume of the player to match the App volume). Bear in mind
> I was new to, and playing around in, the App and probably wasn't aware
> of the significance of the connected status.
> Along similar lines, I tested whether this behaviour occurs with the
> IOS App - having put the setup back into the connected but not playing
> state on the MacOS App I then closed that App and opened the Spotify
> IOS App on my iPhone - that also picked up the connected but not
> playing state (Spotify user cached state), in this case though one
> "innocuous" click on the volume down button on the side of the phone
> saw the volume on the player drop to 23%. 
> I have log files for these incidents, but would probably need to
> notate to indicate what I did where in the log file, but I think it's
> easily reproduced following the steps above and having a little play
> around.
> Thoughts??
> KevIn my case the volume always jumps to 49 or 50% though. It never jumps
to any other value.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread TomS

KeBul wrote: 
> Tom,
> If your daughter sometimes connects her App to your other players then
> this is exactly the scenario I can envisage with the "connect open to
> player but not playing" scenario in my previous post...
> She connects to say the kitchen player for a while, she finishes and
> pauses play/closes App and heads out. You come along and select
> something else to play on the kitchen player, so now you're listening to
> a radio station on the kitchen player, but her Spotify account/App has
> an open connect to that player.
> She comes home heads to her bedroom and opens the app and causes a
> volume change on the connected kitchen player before switching her App
> "connect" to her bedroom player.
> Any chance this could be happening?
> Kev

Hmm, possible - I haven't really explored all the
possibilities/interactions/order of operations of what's going on. 
Would've been a good test during school vacation 2 weeks ago - will try
to find some time to explore/test.


SB3(1), Boom(2), Radio(3), piCorePlayer (1)

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread KeBul

TomS wrote: 
> I believe I am seeing this issue with Spotty/Spotify Connect.  My kid
> uses the spotify app on her phone to kick off a playlist on her sb
> radio, and various other devices seem to jump to 49%.  :(


If your daughter sometimes connects her App to your other players then
this is exactly the scenario I can envisage with the "connect open to
player but not playing" scenario in my previous post...

She connects to say the kitchen player for a while, she finishes and
pauses play/closes App and heads out. You come along and select
something else to play on the kitchen player, so now you're listening to
a radio station on the kitchen player, but her Spotify account/App has
an open connect to that player.

She comes home heads to her bedroom and opens the app and causes a
volume change on the connected kitchen player before switching her App
"connect" to her bedroom player.

Any chance this could be happening?


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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread TomS

mherger wrote: 
> > I believe I am seeing this issue with Spotty/Spotify Connect.  My kid
> > uses the spotify app on her phone to kick off a playlist on her sb
> > radio, and various other devices seem to jump to 49%.  :(
> Could you please make sure you're running the latest Spotty version? And
> could you please collect a plugin.spotty=INFO log file, trying to cover
> this event?

Definitely running latest (LMS 8.2.0 - 1627922070 on Ubuntu 20.04.3 ,
Spotty 4.7.1)

will try to capture the event.


SB3(1), Boom(2), Radio(3), piCorePlayer (1)

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-07 Thread KeBul

Wow, I've battered my setup with testing for over 10 hours now, trying
to reproduce the issue and I think I've made some sort of progress, I've
gone from rough memory, trying to replicate what I'd done when the
volume dropped to 49% to actively abusing the setup trying to break it.
(I used to be a software tester... ah!! those good old days!!) 

I've managed to get the volume to change seeming on it's "own", is as
Michael thought, initiating a connect and play from the Spotify App
which previously had a different volume level set and the volume change
was immediate on playing...

- So Touch volume = 85 
- Open Spotify App (on MacOS) and connect to Touch - Spotify App
  volume slider moves up to a higher level, Touch volume remains at 85%
- Reduce volume using slider in Spotify App, there's no % indication
  in the App but Touch volume level follows and drops to a lower level,
  in this test 44%
- In LMS Web UI switch to playing a local file - Touch volume remains
  at 44% local file plays, Spotify App playing is paused but connect
  remains "listening" to Touch player
- Increase Touch volume back to 85% in LMS Web UI
- Go back to Spotify App and click on play for the paused track - Play
  on Touch swaps from local file to Spotify track and volume on Touch
  drops back to 44%

This, from Michael's comments is probably expected behaviour, although
re-synching of volume does seem inconsistent depending how you initiate
the connection, sometimes Spotify App will change to LMS/player volume
setting, sometimes LMS/player volume will change to Spotify App volume.

However, I've also managed to get volume changes whilst playing outside
of Spotify Connect and that's from further testing around this concept
of getting Spotify App and LMS/Spotty out of sync, especially by direct
selecting a non-Spotify track or stream in LMS Web UI whilst a Spotify
Connect is still in progress (Step 4 above), in this state, play from
the Spotify App via connect is paused *but the connect remains in place*
and the volume of the player can still be changed from the App even
though it's not actually playing through the App... Obviously this may
not be everyone's issue - but I'm fairly sure I've managed to replicate
my volume change issue...

Being new to this Spotify thing and not being overly familiar with the
App or connect, but wanting to explore the integration with LMS, I first
tried to find Plant & Krauss Raise the Roof using search in LMS Web UI,
that didn't find anything, so I used the Spotify App on my Mac and
selected my SB Touch through the devices menu. After listening to that
album Spotify continued to queue up more tracks, I then tried the search
artist option in LMS Web UI managing to find the artist and browsed for
albums on Spotify, found the album I was after and played it.
This, as I've subsequently found out, pauses the play on the Spotify App
but leaves the player connected to the App. At some time whilst
listening to this second album I must have gone back to the Spotify App
(I may even have exited the App and then re-opened it later, the connect
but not playing state remains), and whilst in the App must have adjusted
the volume - which reduced the volume on the Touch, (mute in the App
doesn't mute the player but then un-mute will then change the volume of
the player to match the App volume). Bear in mind I was new to and
playing around in the App and probably wasn't aware of the significance
of the connected status.

Along similar lines, I tested whether this behaviour occurs with the IOS
App - having put the setup back into the connected but not playing state
on the MacOS App I then closed that App and opened the Spotify IOS App
on my iPhone - that also picked up the connected but not playing state,
in this case though one "innocuous" click on the volume down button on
the side of the phone saw the volume on the player drop to 23%. 

I have log files for these incidents, but would probably need to notate
to indicate what I did where in the log file, but I think it's easily
reproduced following the steps above and having a little play around.



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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread Michael Herger

activity configured to alter the soundbar volume. Within 4 tracks of
listening (can't precisely say) the volume suddenly dropped away... the

Now that's interesting! I thought the volume sync would only happen 
within the first few seconds after initializing interaction over Connect.

I've tried to reproduce the issue but annoyingly no luck so far, I got
the impression that both times it was several tracks in after search for
an Artist or Album and then selecting an album to play. I've now set
Spotty logging to info - will report back with log files if it happens

Great, thanks!
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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread KeBul

I've just taken up a Spotify Premium offer, so have been using Spotty
v4.7.1 for 5 days.

I have three players sync'd and the same three players selected for use
with Spotify Connect in the Plugin settings.

On my first ever listen to tracks from Spotify I only had one of those
players turned on and streaming from Spotify, The volume of that player
is always set to 85 (SB Touch), it's hooked to the aux input of my TV
soundbar and actual listening volume is controlled by Harmony Remote
activity configured to alter the soundbar volume. Within 4 tracks of
listening (can't precisely say) the volume suddenly dropped away... the
Touch volume had dropped to 49, at first I thought I'd brushed the
volume slider on the web UI, set it back to 85 and continued listening.

Next time I listened to Spotify, same scenario, just listening to the
Touch and again within a few tracks the volume on the Touch dropped to
49 - this time I ddin't even have the web ui open so knew it wasn't an
accidental swipe this time... 

The Touch has been connected to the soundbar for 8 years and the in
conjunction with the Harmony remote for the last 4 years and the volume
on the Touch has never changed from 85 before.

The other two players SB radio and Boom have also been used but so far
their volume has not changed yet.

I regularly browse these forums and saw this thread had jumped back up
the top, read it and realised it's what I've started to see since I
started using Spotify and Spotty.

I've tried to reproduce the issue but annoyingly no luck so far, I got
the impression that both times it was several tracks in after search for
an Artist or Album and then selecting an album to play. I've now set
Spotty logging to info - will report back with log files if it happens


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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread Jaca

Personally I never had this issue until I started using PiCorePlayer on
rpi. Even with squeezelite on osmc and libreelec it never happened
Also in my case volume issue (reverting to 49) is only present on rpi
pCp. None of others hw squeezeboxes..( Touches, radios and receiver)
don't suffer this.

Saying that, I have disabled Spotify Connect endpoint on rpi yesterday
and it's been fine so far. No spontaneous volume change to 49. but I
guess it's too early to say if that had any impact

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
HiFiBerry DAC+Pro on OSMC), Material Skin Apk, Squeeze Commander,
Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 with Material Skin (Docker in

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread kidstypike

mherger wrote: 
> > I've seen the same using Spotty/Spotify, but I've never used connect.
> I
> > no longer subscribe so can't help further.
> That's what I'm having a hard time believing: Spotty doesn't care about 
> the volume at all. Unless you're using its Connect feature. There simply
> is no code (I'm aware of) which would deal with it outside the Connect 
> code. All Spotty in LMS mode does is provide URLs, and translate URLs 
> into sound data (Ogg, PCM, mp3, whatever your configuration). But it 
> doesn't interact with the player in any other way.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but I only ever used connect when using the
Spotify app on my PC to control my Echo Show, I certainly didn't enable
any Squeezeboxen in LMS/Settings/Advanced/Spotty. On the very rare
occasions I used Spotty on my Squeezeboxen, I used the LMS/Material UI.

Anyway it's gone now.

*Server - LMS 8.3.0 *Pi4B 4GB/Argon one case/pCP 8.1.0 - 75K library,
playlists & LMS cache on Sata SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi4/Pi screen/pCP 8.1.0 > HiFiBerry DAC HAT > Edifier
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 8.1.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > Topping E30 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Echo Show 8
*Garage* - Rpi4/pCP/AP mode > Touch > Edifier

*Spares* - 1xTouch, 1xSB Radio. 1xSB3, 6xRPi, 1xDAC32, 1xCORE32

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread Michael Herger

I've seen the same using Spotty/Spotify, but I've never used connect. I
no longer subscribe so can't help further.

That's what I'm having a hard time believing: Spotty doesn't care about 
the volume at all. Unless you're using its Connect feature. There simply 
is no code (I'm aware of) which would deal with it outside the Connect 
code. All Spotty in LMS mode does is provide URLs, and translate URLs 
into sound data (Ogg, PCM, mp3, whatever your configuration). But it 
doesn't interact with the player in any other way.

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread kidstypike

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I've provided logs a while ago but I think apart from the random volume
> commands there was no obvious cause.

I've seen the same using Spotty/Spotify, but I've never used connect. I
no longer subscribe so can't help further.

*Server - LMS 8.3.0 *Pi4B 4GB/Argon one case/pCP 8.1.0 - 75K library,
playlists & LMS cache on Sata SSD (ntfs)
*Study -* Pi4/Pi screen/pCP 8.1.0 > HiFiBerry DAC HAT > Edifier
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 8.1.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > Topping E30 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Echo Show 8
*Garage* - Rpi4/pCP/AP mode > Touch > Edifier

*Spares* - 1xTouch, 1xSB Radio. 1xSB3, 6xRPi, 1xDAC32, 1xCORE32

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread slartibartfast

mherger wrote: 
> > Spotty can still cause the volume issue even if you are not playing
> from
> > Spotify. Just having players as Connect endpoints is enough.
> Do you have any log files supporting this claim? Spotty would only try 
> to sync the volume when Connect playback starts. These events should be 
> logged in INFO mode.I've provided logs a while ago but I think apart from the 
> random volume
commands there was no obvious cause.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread Michael Herger

I believe I am seeing this issue with Spotty/Spotify Connect.  My kid
uses the spotify app on her phone to kick off a playlist on her sb
radio, and various other devices seem to jump to 49%.  :(

Could you please make sure you're running the latest Spotty version? And 
could you please collect a plugin.spotty=INFO log file, trying to cover 
this event?

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread Michael Herger

Spotty can still cause the volume issue even if you are not playing from
Spotify. Just having players as Connect endpoints is enough.

Do you have any log files supporting this claim? Spotty would only try 
to sync the volume when Connect playback starts. These events should be 
logged in INFO mode.

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-05 Thread TomS

I believe I am seeing this issue with Spotty/Spotify Connect.  My kid
uses the spotify app on her phone to kick off a playlist on her sb
radio, and various other devices seem to jump to 49%.  :(

SB3(1), Boom(2), Radio(3), piCorePlayer (1)

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-04 Thread slartibartfast

CurlyPutz wrote: 
> Mine are all picore players, most have fixed volume so not an issue but
> my kitchen feeds direct into a poweramp so more of an issue.  I don't
> have the pause issue as I only really use LMS to control spotty but
> can't live without this little magic plugin and defo don't want to lose
> spotty, just the volume increase.  That said I do get the volume
> increase issue when to using spotty (bbc sounds) so maybe it's not
> spotty at all.  It started a while back after one of the spotty updates
> which seemed to line up at the time.

Spotty can still cause the volume issue even if you are not playing from
Spotify. Just having players as Connect endpoints is enough.

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-04 Thread CurlyPutz

Mine are all picore players, most have fixed volume so not an issue but
my kitchen feeds direct into a poweramp so more of an issue.  I don't
have the pause issue as I only really use LMS to control spotty but
can't live without this little magic plugin and defo don't want to lose
spotty, just the volume increase.  That said I do get the volume
increase issue when to using spotty (bbc sounds) so maybe it's not
spotty at all.  It started a while back after one of the spotty updates
which seemed to line up at the time.

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-04 Thread Jaca

slartibartfast wrote: 
> The pause issue shows up when you try to pause a track from the Spotify
> app. The progress bar jumps to either the end of a track or in the case
> of a long track to a random point in the track. You might need to
> disable connect for all the players to prevent the volume issue.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkThank you for clarification.

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-04 Thread slartibartfast

Jaca wrote: 
> Ohh interesting.. Thanks. I will have try to disable it (at least on rpi
> to start with)
> BTW I don't use connect a lot but my other half does prefer it over LMS.
> She did mention smth about sudden song stopping.. Perhaps it's a pause
> issue you mentioned.. HmmThe pause issue shows up when you try to pause a 
> track from the Spotify
app. The progress bar jumps to either the end of a track or in the case
of a long track to a random point in the track. You might need to
disable connect for all the players to prevent the volume issue.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-04 Thread Jaca

slartibartfast wrote: 
> My volume issue disappeared after disabling all my players as endpoints.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkOhh interesting.. Thanks. I will have try 
> to disable it (at least on rpi
to start with)

BTW I don't use connect a lot but my other half does prefer it over LMS.
She did mention smth about sudden song stopping.. Perhaps it's a pause
issue you mentioned.. Hmm

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
HiFiBerry DAC+Pro on OSMC), Material Skin Apk, Squeeze Commander,
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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-04 Thread slartibartfast

Jaca wrote: 
> Is it defo Spotify Connect at fault? Has volume  issue gone since you
> stopped using connect.. Do you mean you disabled player as endpoint? Or
> just never chose other speaker with official Spotify app? 
> I swapped rpi with pCp with touch and touch doesn't suffer form volume
> change. I would think its smth with pCp rather then Spotty Connect.. HmmMy 
> volume issue disappeared after disabling all my players as endpoints.

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-04 Thread Jaca

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I just stopped using Spotify Connect. This combined with the pause issue
> annoyed me too much to carry on using it.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkIs it defo Spotify Connect at fault? Has 
> volume  issue gone since you
stopped using connect.. Do you mean you disabled player as endpoint? Or
just never chose other speaker with official Spotify app? 

I swapped rpi with pCp with touch and touch doesn't suffer form volume
change. I would think its smth with pCp rather then Spotty Connect.. Hmm

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
HiFiBerry DAC+Pro on OSMC), Material Skin Apk, Squeeze Commander,
Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 with Material Skin (Docker in

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-04 Thread slartibartfast

CurlyPutz wrote: 
> Still happening, anyone bottom this out?I just stopped using Spotify Connect. 
> This combined with the pause issue
annoyed me too much to carry on using it.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2022-01-04 Thread CurlyPutz

Still happening, anyone bottom this out?

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2021-08-09 Thread Michael83

I also experienced the issues - volume suddenly set to 49% or increasing
to 100%. iPeng was installed on my iPhone and iPad although I only used
the Material Skin web UI. I had the suspicion that iPeng was causig the
volume changes so I uninstalled the app on all devices. I had no volume
changes since then so it might have been the cause in my case.


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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2021-08-05 Thread amey01

I've had this issue! 

For me - it was (still is happening) because I am using iPeng and I had
a bluetooth headset connected to the same iPad. The bluetooth headset
controls the volume on the iPad's player - and if that's iPeng, then you
get inadvertent SB volume control. 

I just have to make sure the headset is turned off when I am running
iPeng...and because it is a work headset, it should be off when I'm
listening anyway :)

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2021-07-25 Thread Jaca

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Today my picoreplayer volume jumped to 50% from 100% while I was
> listening to a radio station. No Spotify involved so the cause is a
> mystery.
> When I say no Spotify involved the player is a Spotify connect endpoint
> but I wasn't playing from Spotify at the time.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkWhenever I want to use picoreplayer it's 
> volume is always at 47‰, I did
think I'm losing my mind as never left it below 80(usually should be
100) glad to learn it's not me ;p

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
HiFiBerry DAC+Pro on OSMC), Material Skin Apk, Squeeze Commander,
Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 with Material Skin (Docker in

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2021-07-21 Thread slartibartfast

chris.cowap wrote: 
> Similar issue here too
> Mine jumps to 55%
> Started couple weeks back 
> Been driving me nuts 
> Seems to happen shortly after powering on and playing 
> But also noticed off players volumes ready to go at 55%
> Will check Spotty / Spotify linking and updates 
> Thanks
> ChrisToday my picoreplayer volume jumped to 50% from 100% while I was
listening to a radio station. No Spotify involved so the cause is a

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2021-07-21 Thread chris.cowap

Similar issue here too
Mine jumps to 55%
Started couple weeks back 
Been driving me nuts 
Seems to happen shortly after powering on and playing 
But also noticed off players volumes ready to go at 55%
Will check Spotty / Spotify linking and updates 

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2021-07-07 Thread CurlyPutz

mherger wrote: 
> > 
> Are you using Spotty with some of the devices exposed to Spotify 
> Connect? I think I introduced a bug somewhere...

Hey yes I am, I did update the plugin this morning.  Oh and thanks for
your work on spotty!

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Re: [slim] Volume increasing to 50% randomly

2021-07-07 Thread Michael Herger

10. This has been running without issue for years. I have in the last
couple of days noticed that my devices started randomly increasing the
volume to 50% for reasons unknown.  I have now upgraded all players to
version 7 today but it is still happening and I have no clues why or how
to trace the issue.

Are you using Spotty with some of the devices exposed to Spotify 
Connect? I think I introduced a bug somewhere...

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