[slim] Re: SB3 is selling rather well on Amazon...

2006-02-09 Thread aubuti

seanadams Wrote: 
> Some non-techies are more comfortable ordering from Amazon than
> manufacturer-direct. Also people get gift cards, amazon promos, and
> such.

Yeah, when I wanted an SB3 for Christmas, it was much easier to tell my
non-techie relatives to get me Amazon gift cards then to send them to
Slim Devices. I was genuinely afraid of ending up with some weird diet



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[slim] Re: NAS to run slimserver?

2006-02-16 Thread aubuti

To rip all my CDs to flac I needed more storage anyway, so I went with a
LinkStation HD-HG250. It's more expensive than a simple external USB or
internal drive, but not that much more, and well worth it to me for
being able to run slimserver. For a while I just used it to hold the
music, and continued to run slimserver on an old Dell P3 running Ubuntu
Linux. Last week I used the OpenLink firmware to hack the LinkStation
and install slimserver. 

I have seen lots of comments about rescans and the web interface being
really slow when running slimserver on a LinkStation, but so far that
hasn't been a problem for me. At this point my library is only about
3000 tracks, and I'm only driving one SB, so maybe the LinkStation will
be more taxed as I add more tracks and more SBs -- we'll see.

One thing to note is that the "Gigabit" LinkStations (the HD-HG series)
have more RAM (128MB) than the HD-H series (64MB). I believe the HD-HG
series also has faster processors. There's more info on the LinkStation




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[slim] Re: NAS to run slimserver?

2006-02-19 Thread aubuti

Bruce Tucker Wrote: 
> I'm tuning in late to this thread.  I have a HD-H250 Linkstation, but I
> didn't know that I could run slimserver.  Can you point me to
> instructions on how to do this?
> Bruce

Marc Field has written up a very nice set of directions at:


Other sources of information, files etc. are the LinkStation wiki and
the LinkStation discussion group on Yahoo! 



If you search past threads in this forum you'll also find some useful



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[slim] Re: What is the performance like on a Linkstation

2006-02-19 Thread aubuti

I'm using a LinkStation HD-HG250 and haven't encountered the slowness
that others have mentioned. The remote is very responsive, no different
from when I was running slimserver on an old Linux box. The web
interface for slimserver is a little slower on the LS, but not badly

Admittedly, my library is smaller than yours (only about 3000 tracks),
and I'm playing flac files, so there's no transcoding load on the LS's
processor. Also, keep in mind that the LS "gigabit" (HD-HG) series have
more RAM and faster processors than the HD-H series.

The Infrant NAS is another popular solution, but I have no experience
with it.



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[slim] Re: Where to buy SB2?

2006-02-21 Thread aubuti

Ditto on the kudos to Mike. I got another one of his SB2s, and it works


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[slim] Re: Volume Normalization

2006-02-24 Thread aubuti

Slimserver itself doesn't do this, but it will use volume normalization
that is stored in the tags/comments in the music file. For example,
FLAC files have replaygain (replaygain_album_gain,
replaygain_track_gain, etc.). I don't know how MP3 or other file
formats handle it. What format are your files in?

Robin Bowes has a real nice Perl script that will apply replaygain tags
to any flac encoded files in your music library. It's called
apply_replaygain.pl, and you can search for it on this forum. 

A lot of people use foobar for this instead. It appears that foobar
will apply replaygain to MP3s and other formats as well as flac.


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[slim] superfast playback with squeezeslave 0.5 and low bitrate MP3s

2006-02-28 Thread aubuti

First, thanks to Richard for developing Softsqueeze and squeezeslave.
While they're not the way I usually listen to my music, having
SoftSqueeze to test drive slimserver was instrumental to my decision to
buy a couple SBs. And squeezeslave looks promising for those times when
I want to add my computer to the mix for another stream.

Now, to the bug I think I've found. By chance, I used squeezeslave to
play one of the small 56kps CBR MP3s that I keep around for my little
portable player. I didn't clock it, but I'd guess it was running 2-3
times faster than it should. It sounds like Alvin & The Chipmunks on
speed, just like playing an LP at 78rpm. In contrast, squeezeslave
seems to handle other formats just fine, including 128kps MP3s, flac,
wav, and even a 64kps MP3. I don't know if the problem is the lower
bitrate, the CBR, or what.

This is running squeezeslave 0.5, with the latest nightly 6.2 (6.2.2
6393) on WinXP sp2. Let me know if you need more info. 

For my purposes, the bug's not important, because I generally only use
the low bitrate MP3s for my portable player or on my laptop, but since
it's still a work in progress I thought you'd be interested to know.



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[slim] Re: Help! My new SB3 can't connect to SlimServer

2006-02-28 Thread aubuti

If it's any consolation, I've found the same thing with my Netgear
router. Getting an IP address for the SB via DHCP seems to be
hit-or-miss, and mostly miss. But a static IP works fine, and doesn't
have any drawbacks for me, and probably won't for you, either.


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[slim] Re: Random Play is SO Non-Random!

2006-02-28 Thread aubuti

Neil Cameron Wrote: 
> If I pick Random Play I get the same artists and albums repeatedly
> chosen 
> again and again over the course of an hour; even the same song!
> Can we make Random more Random please?

ModelCitizen Wrote: 
> Yeah, it's crap isn't it. Use the random mix plugin instead. Much
> better.

SFBD (Sorry for being dense), but what is the "Random Play" referred to
by the OP if not the random mix plugin? Do you mean shuffle play, or is
there some other option that I seem to have missed?

I really like the random mix plugin's ability to (de)select genres, but
I find even the RM plugin seems to repeat artists more than would occur
randomly. I haven't had a problem with the same track appearing
frequently in a random mix.



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[slim] Re: How far will the wireless signal carry?

2006-03-01 Thread aubuti

Wireless range depends on so many factors that it's hard to generalize,
but I think the theoretical limit for 802.11g is around 100 meters, and
in the real world it's likely to be a lot less than that. Also, what
were you planning to use to power the Squeezebox?


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[slim] Re: superfast playback with squeezeslave 0.5 and low bitrate MP3s

2006-03-01 Thread aubuti

aubuti Wrote: 
> I don't know if the problem is the lower bitrate, the CBR, or what.

On further investigation, it looks like the problem is the sample rate,
which is 24.0kHz on the problem MP3s, instead of 44.1.


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[slim] Re: Random Play is SO Non-Random!

2006-03-02 Thread aubuti

Ben Wrote: 
> Err, what's non random about repeating? Every song has just as much of a
> chance as being next as any other, including the one that just played.
> What you want is decidly non-random. You want it to pick any song but
> make sure that a song from that artist and album hasn't played
> recently.
> Ben

You're certainly right that repeating can be random, and that what Neil
asked for in his follow-up post is non-random, or random without
replacement. But the symptoms he described in his original post sound
truly non-random. 

I have seen similar issues, although only at the artist or album level,
not the track level. The frequency with which a given artist or album is
repeated in the same playlist, especially near each other in the same
playlist, seems too high to be random. But it's pretty easy to test
formally, and one of these days I'll get around to it.


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[slim] Re: Random Play is SO Non-Random!

2006-03-02 Thread aubuti

Robin Bowes Wrote: 
> There was a bug introduced in some versions of the server whereby the
> plugin would only choose from tracks that had already been played.
> This
> might be the problem, and upgrading to a more recent version might fix
> it.

Thanks. I'm running 6.2.2 (Linux) from a few weeks ago. Is the fix in
the newer 6.2.2, or would I have to go to 6.5b?


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[slim] Re: Defaulting to the clock when SlimServer shuts down

2006-03-03 Thread aubuti

benthos Wrote: 
> I realize that I could get the clock to show by connecting to the
> Squeezenetwork, but I never think to do this (I am lazy) 

Connecting to squeezenetwork takes what, 3 presses on the remote? If
you're too lazy for that, why the urgent need to know the time? :=D

Or then there's my 10 year-old, who wants me to leave the NAS running
slimserver on 24/7 because he wants to know hh:mm:ss, and SQN only
displays hh:mm...


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[slim] Re: Could I make this work...

2006-03-06 Thread aubuti

And if you happen to be using Firefox as your browser, and have it open
most of the time, you might be able to use the extension found here:


I haven't tried it myself, so I don't know the extent of control it
gives, but it might be worth a look if you use Firefox.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver on Linkstation II (MIPS)

2006-03-06 Thread aubuti

My understanding is that the fieldnetworks site is up to date. Your
description doesn't give enough detail for anyone to provide much help.

I suggest that you carefully list each step you took, noting where it
is that you get hung up, including what error messages you receive.
Then someone might be able to tell you where you're going wrong. And I
find that often the very process of carefully documenting each step
tells me what I did wrong, so that I don't need to post after all.

Also, have you searched the posts on the Yahoo LinkStation group, or
the LinkStation wiki?


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[slim] Re: Multiple Library Question (Ape + Ogg)

2006-03-07 Thread aubuti

There may be more elegant solutions, but what about getting rid of the
link to the lossy collection? Presumably you have it there for a
reason, but it's not clear to me what. Or maybe put the link to the
lossy files one level higher in the tree than the lossless collection.


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[slim] Re: Multiple Library Question (Ape + Ogg)

2006-03-07 Thread aubuti

Ok, I get it now. This is still inelegant, but what about separating
your ogg and your non-ogg lossy formats? They could be different
directories on the same drive. Then point your link from the ape
partition to the non-ogg files. 

And, for sync'ing your portable, put a link from the ogg space to the
non-ogg lossy space (not the other way around) and point it to the ogg
space. Of course, this assumes that the iRiver can handle this kind of
link, and that assumption could be dead wrong.


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[slim] Re: Wireless network fails after half hour playing FLACs

2006-03-08 Thread aubuti

If you install the latest nightly release of slimserver, the SB will
upgrade the firmware to v35. You can go for 6.2.2, which is a
maintenance release, rather than going for the 6.5 beta. If it doesn't
work out you can rollback your slimserver to the current version, and
I'm pretty sure the firmware will rollback as well.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver - multiple music folders possible?

2006-03-08 Thread aubuti

See http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?BeginnersGuideToOrganising


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[slim] Re: Does the sb worh with this iPod-style 400GB device?

2006-03-08 Thread aubuti

I'm pretty sure it can't because I don't think you can load anything on
its hard disk except music. And to stream to the SB you need to run


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[slim] Re: Power over Ethernet

2006-03-10 Thread aubuti

stevieweevie Wrote: 
> Now Power over Wireless would be something I'd subscribe to!

Hmm, time to dig up Nikola Tesla's old notes?   


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[slim] SB audio quitting after one track

2006-03-10 Thread aubuti

A problem suddenly popped up with my wired SB2, which has been working
fine since I got it a couple weeks ago. The exact symptoms vary a
little, but the most common problem is that it stops playing after one
track in the playlist. Here's the details:

1. Running SS 6.2.2 - 6491, with firmware 35. Previously ran 6.2.2
build 6200 (with firmware 29) and didn't have these problems.
Unfortunately, downgrading back to build 6200 doesn't seem to help.

2. Slimserver is running on a LinkStation HD-HG250, with OpenLink 0.51b
installed. Connection is via ethernet.

3. The first track plays through, and then the music stops, leaving
that song info on the SB screen. It's still possible to browse the
music collection with the remote, and when I try to play another track,
the track comes up on the screen, but no sound. So it's not that the SB
is completely freezing.

4. After the music cuts out, sometimes traces of the screensaver
(spectrum analyzer and analog VU) remain frozen on the screen
background, not moving when the music stops/starts/changes.

5. I also have a wireless SB3 that doesn't have this problem. I changed
the ethernet cable on the SB2, but it didn't help.

6. Need to power cycle the SB to get it to respond again.

7. SqueezeNetwork seems to work okay.

So it seems like it's a problem with the SB2, not with the server or
the network. Any ideas on solutions, or even the next steps on

Thanks in advance.


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[slim] Re: SB audio quitting after one track

2006-03-11 Thread aubuti


Another day, another data point. Now it seems that I can reproduce the
problem behavior on the other SB, plus I got errors when I tried to
restart slimserver. So I definitely have a server problem, and will
install the latest nightly to see if that sorts it out.

Question: Is it possible that my preferences file is corrupted? And if
so, is there anything else I should watch out for besides
slimserver.pref, the server itself, and the library cache?



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[slim] Re: Handheld controller like Sonos?

2006-03-11 Thread aubuti

Check out the Nokia 770. It isn't Squeezebox-specific, and that should
be considered a plus. There are a lot of posts here about it,
especially the very slick skin that a someone is developing.


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[slim] Re: Switching Between Slimservers

2006-03-12 Thread aubuti

You can also hold down the left arrow for ~5 seconds to get to the menus
for selecting server, network setup, etc.


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[slim] Re: BBC Radio on Squeezebox

2006-03-14 Thread aubuti

Note that you can also get several BBC feeds via SqueezeNetwork, without
using AlienBBC (or slimserver, for that matter!). For example, check out
Internet Radio / Slim Devices Picks / By City / London, UK. If you get
the URLs for other feeds you can enter them on the Favorites page of
the squeezenetwork web site after you log in.


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[slim] Re: Really Weird

2006-03-14 Thread aubuti

No ideas, but if misery loves company, I got the exact same thing last
week. And it also happened with the spectrum analyzer screensaver. And
it happened with whatever playlist I would throw at it (the post is at
http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=21976), but there are no
replies, so it's hardly a 'thread'  :(

In my case it happened shortly after upgrading SS from an early-Feb
version of 6.2.2 to something like the 8-March nightly. This also
upgraded the firmware to 35. I then upgraded to the 11-March nightly
and still no joy. Finally, I deleted my slimserver.pref file and
started clean, and the problem appears to have ceased (knock wood).
Can't say that the prefs file was definitively the problem, or why it
should have gotten corrupted, but it is working.

Good luck, and please post any other symptoms/solutions you uncover.


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[slim] Re: SB audio quitting after one track

2006-03-14 Thread aubuti

It started when I upgraded to firmware 35, but downgrading back to 29
didn't solve it (see #1 in OP). Deleting and re-creating my
slimserver.pref file _appears_ to have solved it, but I wouldn't bet my
life on it.


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[slim] Re: Really Weird

2006-03-15 Thread aubuti

That's pretty much what I ended up doing, other than the factory reset
of the firmware. What is a "factory reset"? 

I suppose I should also contact tech support, and file a bug report or
add to your bug report if you get there first. Just to get it more
visible on their radar screens. 

As our symptoms and solutions were so similar, I think we're looking at
the same bug. Since I got it cleared up, however, there's still one
thing that's not quite right. Several of the BBC streams on
SqueezeNetwork have suddenly started rebooting my wired SB2, even
though they work fine on my wireless SB3. Because it's SQN, slimserver
is out of the equation, so it has to be firmware or hardware. Because
the SB2 and SB3 hardware is essentially the same, I'm afraid it's
something wrong with the SB2, but could you do me a favor and try it

The easiest way is to login to SQN, and go to Internet Radio / Slim
Devices Picks / By City / London, UK and try the 4 or so BBC channels
there. At least one of them worked on the SB2, and at least 2 of them
rebooted the SB2. Thanks!


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[slim] Re: Really Weird

2006-03-15 Thread aubuti

jonheal Wrote: 
> It's hard to imagine how simply playing one file or another could reboot
> the little machine. Maybe BBC is sending some unexpected data in the
> "song info" portion of the stream that is causing a buffer overrun or
> something like that.

That could be it, or maybe something else. I agree it's odd, but in all
the odd behavior I've run into over the past few days, it is by far the
easiest to replicate.


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[slim] Re: Rhapsody Coming to Squeezebox According to PC World

2006-03-15 Thread aubuti

It could be true, but some of the info in that article looks a bit
dated. For example, about Roku it says 

"By the time you read this, Roku plans to ship an alarm clock version
of the SoundBridge--the R1000--with 18 Internet radio presets, for an
expected $399."

That product started shipping in November or December 2005. So I wonder
if the claimed Rhapsody-Squeezebox connection is perhaps confusion
between Rhapsody and Pandora, something that was discussed that is
already dead in the water, or something that really is in SD's future.

Discuss.  ;-)


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[slim] Re: Rhapsody Coming to Squeezebox According to PC World

2006-03-16 Thread aubuti

My mistake. I recall that they *announced* it would be shipping back in
Nov/Dec. I was even mildly interested until I learned that it is only
802.11b and doesn't even have a wired NIC -- a real deal-breaker
combination for me.

Anyway, I just scanned the Roku forums and found that Roku was
accepting orders as far back as last October, and promising delivery in
November. Oops! A lot of posters over there pretty PO'd about not only
the delay, but also Roku being less than forthcoming about realistic
shipping dates. Roku claims unforeseen manufacturing problems.

I still think the self-contained table unit is a promising concept, but
it's hard to imagine the execution could be any worse than what Roku has

EDIT: Dean, I noticed you chose not to comment on the Rhapsody
connection, nudge nudge.


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[slim] Question about "New Posts" in forums

2006-03-17 Thread aubuti

This question is not about SB or SS, but about how the forums software

I've recently taken to reading through the forums using "New Posts",
which seems much more efficient than going back and forth into the
various forums (Beginners, General Discussion, etc.). At what point
does a "New Post" cease being new? 

Perhaps more to the point, why do posts apparently disappear from "New
Posts" AND switch their icons to indicate that I've seen the thread,
when I haven't? I can understand there being a time or space limit on
"New", but I would have expected unread threads to continue to appear

If there's a readme somewhere just point me to it. Thanks.


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[slim] Re: SB3 with NAS Server

2006-03-17 Thread aubuti

A lot of us have slimserver running happily on a NAS. I use a Buffalo
LinkStation HD-HG250. It has 128MB RAM and a 266MHz PowerPC processor
(forget the model number). It does fine serving up my 3k or so track
music collection, and I expect it would do fine with a collection of
10k tracks.

It has a fan and it's not silent. It's not really loud, either, but I
don't need it within easy reach, so I just keep it in the basement.
There are hacks/tweaks to reduce fan noise, but not eliminate it.

It's perfect for my needs, but you might want something quieter.


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[slim] Re: Is there a right and wrong Linkstation for AlienBBC?

2006-03-22 Thread aubuti

Seineseeker Wrote: 
> Thanks, but I am none the wiser to which Linkstation is PPC and which is
> MIPS, and what processor each has. I was looking at the HD-H250LAN, but
> I cant seem to find any info that tells me. Am I looking at the wrong
> thing?

The HD-H series have MIPS processors, but the HD-HG (aka 'Gigabit'
because they have 10/100/1000 Mbps NICs) are PPC. The HD-HG also has
128MB RAM, versus only 64MB in the HD-H models. There's a hardware
comparison at http://linkstationwiki.org/Information/Information

I don't run AlienBBC, but I've been really happy with my HD-HG250,
which is also a "new" model as far as I know.


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[slim] SV: Re: SV: HELP: Why does 120 gb of musicfiles damagetheharddisk?

2006-03-31 Thread aubuti

Tore Wrote: 
> Thanks
> I don´t know what DL is 
> Please explain.

DL = download


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[slim] Re: Successful TeraStation installation except SlimDevice "can't open file"

2006-04-07 Thread aubuti

It could be a rights issue. What are the file permissions, and which
user is slimserver running under on the TeraStation?

Are all of your music files in Apple lossless? I am pretty sure that
you need additional software, such as mplayer or FAAD2 to decode those
files so that they will play on the Squeezebox. You would need to
install mplayer or FAAD2 on the TeraStation to do the decoding.

As a simple test, put an MP3, flac, or other file that SB can decode
natively on the TeraStation and try to play that.


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[slim] Re: Can't listen to some radio streams

2006-04-09 Thread aubuti

Are you listening via Slimserver or SqueezeNetwork? Does one work but
not the other? 

I recently had problems gettings some Windows Media streams (which is
what I think those two you mentioned are) via SqueezeNetwork. I managed
to fix it by deleting my SB listing on the SqueezeNetwork web page, and
then re-entering the info.


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[slim] Re: How to connect to a NAS drive

2006-04-10 Thread aubuti

Siduhe Wrote: 
> Hein / Gabriel,
> I am referring to the standard Linkstation HD250LAN - but you need be a
> bit careful whether you have a PPC or an MIPS version of the Linkstation
> as the installation process is a little different.  They are not two
> seperate products, but different versions of the same product.  Buffalo
> swapped the processor to the more powerful MIPS some time in 2005 AFIAK.
> Most Linkstations for sale now will be MIPS, I believe.
> I can do no better than refer you to the excellent instructions by Marc
> D. Field below:
> http://fieldnetworks.com/slim/linkstation.html
> I followed these on a PPC Linkstation and as a *total* Linux /
> Slimserver newbie (some time ago now) without any real problems.  I
> found the old PPC Linkstation more than adequate for my initial needs,
> but a bit underpowered (i.e. slower rescans and web browsing, and you
> can't run things like Alien BBC on it).  A couple of years and a few
> thousand songs later, I now run a dedicated music server. 
> The new MIPS version of the Linkstation is a bit more powerful and I
> believe some people have even managed to get Alien BBC up and running
> on it.

AFAIK, Buffalo is continuing to produce LinkStations with PPC
processors as well as MIPS. It depends not only on older vs. newer
LinkStations, but also on the model line.

HD-HG ('gigabit') are 266MHz PPC with 128MB RAM

older HD-H are 200MHz PPC with 64MB RAM

newer HD-H are 400MHz MIPS with 64MB RAM

I know that comparing speeds of different processor families is not
always straightforward, so I don't honestly know if a 400MHz MIPS is
faster than a 266MHz PPC. I am running slimserver on an HD-HG250, and
it does fine driving 2 squeezeboxen.

For additional details on the Linkstation hardware configuration, see
the "Hardware" section of

Then there's the new LinkStation 'Home Server' line (HS-D). I couldn't
find processor and RAM information on the Buffalo site, and as far as I
know no one has posted hacks for opening this box's system to run


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[slim] Re: World Radio

2006-04-12 Thread aubuti

soupdragon Wrote: 
> Can any sage merlins amongst you guide me to accessing more internet
> radio than is possible thru the 'standard' out of the box settings on
> SB3 ?

I'll echo the recommendations for checking out Live365, Shoutcast,
LastFM, and the Live Music Archive, and add one more. 

It is easy to get almost ANY mp3 or wma stream to play through
SqueezeNetwork. What I do is find the URL for the stream, usually by
visiting the station's web site. Then I go to the SqueezeNetwork web
page, login, and enter the URL on the Favorites page. Click the Save
button on the bottom and you're done!


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[slim] Re: Linux Distributions

2006-04-12 Thread aubuti

bobharp Wrote: 
> Jon,
> Try the bootable Live CD of Ubuntu.
> http://www.ubuntu.com/download
> It meets all of your requirements.
> It's a great way to try the OS to see if it runs on your hardware.  The
> Slimserver folks have kindly created a debian based install for us linux
> neophytes which makes the installation as easy as Windows.  
> In my opinion it also runs better than Windows and requires less
> maintenance.  Give it a whirl.

Another vote here for Ubuntu. Some more experienced hands are put off
that the standard distribution doesn't include the standard development
tools you need to build from source (make, gcc, etc.), but the "apt-get"
utility is so good that it's very easy to download and install what you

Also, if you only want to run server applications, like slimserver,
there is a version of Ubuntu that is optimized for being a server.
Especially great if you have an old machine that you want to make into
a dedicated music server.


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[slim] Re: A Silly Poll

2006-04-12 Thread aubuti

ezkcdude Wrote: 
> Now, it's approaching a normal distribution.

I'll nudge it a little closer to normality, at least in terms of age
distribution: 46 year-old male


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[slim] Re: How to play SlimServer library on a computer

2006-04-17 Thread aubuti

It would help to know what platform you're on, but assuming it's
Windows, here are a few options:

- SoftSqueeze (Java-based, included in the slimserver package)
- foobar2000
- WinAmp
- squeezeslave, probably partnered with a front-end like Moose

BTW, streaming to http://localhost:9000/stream.mp3 does work, but it's
not as flexible as any of the above solutions.


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[slim] Re: Running 6.2.2 on a Linkstation NAS

2006-04-21 Thread aubuti

I have safely run several builds of 6.2.2 on a LinkStation HG. I'm not
sure where your problem is, but the first thing I would suggest is to
double-check your permissions. Other relevant information would be (1)
how are you starting slimserver (2) which user is running slimserver
(root or someone else), (3) where is slimserver writing its files (log,
database cache, preferences, etc.).


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[slim] Re: Running 6.2.2 on a Linkstation NAS

2006-04-21 Thread aubuti

I'll have to check those settings later when I'm home where the
LinkStation is. Does your LS have 64MB or 128MB of RAM?


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[slim] OT: WZC affecting WPA but not WEP??

2006-04-21 Thread aubuti

Okay, apologies up front because this is really a wireless question, and
not a SqueezeBox question. But my google searches so far haven't yielded
the answer, and I figure some of you know the answer.

My home network has been running solidly, albeit insecurely, with WEP
for a few years. I didn't go to WPA because of an old laptop that's
still running Win2K, and being too cheap to buy supplicant software.
Now that I've learned there's free software (from McAfee) that will let
me run WPA-PSK, I decided to switch the wireless security to WPA (2 XP
laptops, 1 Win2K laptop, and one wireless SB3). The wireless router is
a Netgear WGR614v3, with the latest firmware. 

Almost as soon as I switched to WPA, I started getting dropped
connections on the 2 XP laptops. They would usually reconnect after a
fashion, but it was bad enough to be a real pain. I didn't notice the
SB3 or the Win2K laptop having problems, although I wasn't paying a lot
of attention to them, either. Reading up it seems that XP's Wireless
Zero Configuration (WZC) is to blame for a lot of this kind of
connection problem. And that would be a good explanation since it seems
that only the XP boxes were affected. 

But what is not clear to me is why WZC has not been a problem with WEP.
Does WZC come into play (if you let it) only with WPA and not with WEP?

This weekend I'll try turning off WZC, but I'd appreciate any insights
from the gang here. Thanks.


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[slim] Re: Running 6.2.2 on a Linkstation NAS

2006-04-21 Thread aubuti

rjay Wrote: 
> Good question  I'm not sure. I know it's a mips 250gb model, quite
> recent.

That would have 64MB, and my guess is that you'd be best staying with
the defaults for database tuning. If your LS has the `top' utility, you
can see how much memory and CPU cycles slimserver and other processes
are taking, which can be helpful if you want to experiment with

BTW rjay, you wouldn't be Raymond J. Johnson, Jr., would you?  ;)


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[slim] Re: OT: WZC affecting WPA but not WEP??

2006-04-21 Thread aubuti

Michaelwagner Wrote: 
> What service pack are you running? SP1's implementation of wireless
> config leaves a lot to be desired ... fixed (mostly) in SP2

Thanks for the reply. The XP laptops are both SP2. So I'll keep
experimenting to figure out why switching to WPA made things so


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[slim] Re: Running 6.2.2 on a Linkstation NAS

2006-04-22 Thread aubuti

rjay Wrote: 
> Whilst I've got you though :) Can I ask what settings you have for
> Database Temporary File Tuning (SQLite) & Database Cache Size Tuning
> (SQLite) under Performance ??  I haven't tweaked them from their
> defaults - have you ?  It just seems like a bad idea to be using RAM as
> storage on a Linkstation 

I just checked my settings, and I am using RAM as temporary storage,
and increased the cache size to 15,000. It doesn't seem to strain the
LS, which drives 2 Squeezeboxes, but I haven't really experimented with
these settings much.  When streaming to one SB 'top' reports that it
uses 25% of the LS's 128MB RAM.


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[slim] Re: Running 6.2.2 on a Linkstation NAS

2006-04-22 Thread aubuti

You're right that it's only the gigabit (HD-HG) models that have 128MB.
Both the PPC and MIPS HD-H models have 64MB. Oddly enough, when I was
buying the gigabit models were less expensive than the non-gigabit

I don't know what the new Home Server models (HS-D) have.


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[slim] Re: Running 6.2.2 on a Linkstation NAS

2006-04-24 Thread aubuti

CavesOfTQLT Wrote: 
> aubuti: I'm just about to splash out on a HG300 and was wondering
> whether alien, lastfm, etc all work okay on it. Any other slimserver
> issues with this model?
> Also, do you use one of those Nokia 770s (or anybody) with the HG300
> and if so, how's the performance? Thanks.

I have an HG250. LastFM works fine without any special steps required.
I don't use AlienBBC, but others report it works fine. AlienBBC
requires you to build mplayer from source, which can be done using the
development tools available at linkstationwiki.org.

I don't use a Nokia 770 (next year's toy??). My music library is only
around 3000 tracks, which are mostly flac and a little mp3. I think the
performance is fine: SB menus are responsive, the web interface is okay
(although not exactly snappy), and re-scans take a while (10 minutes?)
but I don't have to do them that often.

No other slimserver-specific issues that I know of. 

But, my BIG CAUTION about the HG300 is that a number of users on
(http://linkstationwiki.org/) and in the Yahoo group
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LinkStation_General/) reported problems
with "bricking" the HG300 when they tried to update the firmware. This
happened not only with the unofficial OpenLink firmware required to
'open' the system so that you could install, but even with Buffalo's
official firmware upgrades. So there was clearly a quality assurance
issue somewhere. 

That was back in January of this year, and I don't know if it has been
resolved yet. It was scary enough to me that I decided 250GB was enough
for my purposes -- your risk aversion may vary. 

If you want 300GB, Daniel's solution of pulling out the hard drive to
install a telnet daemon sounds like a decent workaround. Although if I
wanted 300GB and knew in advance I would have to do that, I'd probably
go with a KuroBox instead, especially since they just dropped the price
of the HG. Daniel: how hard was it to crack open the box? My
recollection from the forums is that opening the LS hardware is at
least as fiddly as opening the software.


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[slim] Re: zip and tar reading?

2006-04-24 Thread aubuti

curly Wrote: 
> 1. would save even more storage space.
> 2. easier to transfer entire artist directories.
> 3. I won't have to unzip all the files I have already zipped.

1. As Mark & Ben have already pointed out, most audio formats are
already compressed, so compression utilities like zip, gzip, etc. won't
squeeze any more space out of them. But unzipping them will chew up
processor time. And I suppose that zip/gzip would end up taking *more*
space, at least in the short run, because you'd have to have some free
space to put the unzipped file, while keeping the zipped version at
least until the unzipping is finished.

2. Seems to me you can get this pretty easily already if you move/copy
from the right place in the directory tree. All OSs should handle this
easily, whether command line or GUI.

3. Actually, you'd be unzipping the files every time you played them,
rather than just once. It would just be less visible.

I'm a big fan of zip and gzip, but I don't see the gains in this
particular application.


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[slim] Re: Running 6.2.2 on a Linkstation NAS

2006-04-24 Thread aubuti

Sounds like a plan. Enjoy!


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[slim] Re: Tuning Capital FM (London)

2006-05-02 Thread aubuti

I believe the "By City" menu is only under the Slim Devices Picks on
SqueezeNetwork, not when accessing via Slimserver. On SqueezeNetwork
there are several Capital FM streams listed: Capital Disney, Capital FM
Top 40, Capital FM Classical, and Capital Gold Oldies. I can't verify
that they are functioning now because my SB isn't nearby, and
softsqueeze doesn't do the transcoding, but give it a shot.


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[slim] Re: Tuning Capital FM (London)

2006-05-03 Thread aubuti

twynne Wrote: 
> In the other thread someone had mentioned going to Internet Radio > Slim
> Devices Pics > By City > London, but I don't have the 'By City' menu...
> mine goes straight to the list of Slim Devices picks... and I can't see
> any way to enable/change it.

Odd. I checked my SB (running 6.5b1 from a couple weeks ago) and it
definitely has the 'By City' menu on both SqueezeNetwork and
slimserver. But like you, only the one on SN works -- going via
slimserver gives the same error. What version of slimserver are you


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[slim] Re: How do you sync two SB2's?

2006-05-03 Thread aubuti

Just go to the Settings menu on the SB, and there should be an option to
Synchronize. Follow that. I don't remember whether or not the other SB
has to be turned on, but it at least has to be connected to slimserver
via your network (and _not_ connected to SqueezeNetwork).


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[slim] Re: Is there an easy way to run SlimServer on a Networked Hard Drive (with pc off) ?

2006-05-03 Thread aubuti

Deaf Cat Wrote: 
> Thank you all for the info.
> A simple question,no doubt, to those who know, can you have a Linux NAS
> with a microsoft based network ?
No problem at all having a linux NAS with a Microsoft network. They use
commmon protocols (SMB and TCP/IP) for file sharing and communicating. I
use a hacked LinkStation to run slimserver, and also to backup the
Windows machines on my home network. It's a great arrangement.

If hacking into a NAS is a little too intimidating for you, consider
one of the off-the-shelf solutions, which at this stage I believe would
be either Infrant or Qnap.


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[slim] Re: Is there an easy way to run SlimServer on a Networked Hard Drive (with pc off) ?

2006-05-03 Thread aubuti

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> The Linux kernel can be very highly optimized and doesn't require nearly
> the resources Windows does - besides, for a device like this that's
> merely displaying a configuration web page and doing some underlying
> work, Windows isn't needed.  Plus Windows would be prohibitively
> expensive to put in so many devices.
All true, of course, although the Linux monopoly isn't quite complete.
LaCie's NAS runs some "mini" version of XP. Earlier versions of the
firmware were hackable so that an intrepid user could install
slimserver, but more recent versions have closed the loophole (see


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[slim] Re: Market for older Slimp3 and Squeezeboxes?

2006-05-04 Thread aubuti

Steve Bernard, Jr Wrote: 
> If one of your squeezeboxes is an SB2 (and you haven't sold it yet),
> email me at steve (at) loungent (dot) com and let me know how much you
> want for it.
And then please put me next in line. Thanks. ksimler (at) starpower
(dot) net


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[slim] Re: New RadioIO Stations - Can they be added to SlimD Picks

2006-05-05 Thread aubuti

I'm curious: what version of slimserver are you running that the new
stations don't show up? I am running 6.5b1 from about a month ago, but
I didn't have to do anything special to get the new radioio stations --
they just showed up. I just assumed (wrongly it appears) the same
applied to earlier versions.

If they don't show up for you then I can see the convenience of adding
them to SD picks. But in the meantime you should still be able to add
them to your favorites by using the radio tune-in on the SS web
interface. Unless your SS pre-dates that feature.


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[slim] Sonos & Olive reviews in PC Mag

2006-05-05 Thread aubuti

FWIW, PC Magazine has recent glowing reviews of Sonos ZP80 and the Olive
Musica. Squeezebox doesn't even register on their radar screens. Other
than a passing mention in a 2005 review of "Wireless Entertainment
Networks", they don't appear to have written anything about Squeezebox
since mid-2004, aka the Squeezebox 1 era.

Sonos: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1956076,00.asp
Olive: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1955885,00.asp


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[slim] Re: New RadioIO Stations - Can they be added to SlimD Picks

2006-05-05 Thread aubuti

Have you tried using something like URLSnooper
(http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Mouser/urlsnooper/) to tease out
the correct URL? radioio channels do seem to be a mix of their standard
formats and non-standard formats. Good luck!


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[slim] Re: SB2 Power Supply Compatible with SB3?

2006-05-05 Thread aubuti

AFAIK yes. I've interchanged them with no ill effect, and the internals
of the SB2 & SB3 are the same. But who knows: you could ask the same
question over in the audiophile forum and spark a lengthy debate....


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[slim] Re: Poll: What is your library size and hardware

2006-05-07 Thread aubuti

246 albums with 2982 songs by 453 artists.

Main system:
Buffalo Gigabit LinkStation (HD-HG250)
PowerPC 266MHz

SlimServer Version: 6.5b1 - 6860 - Linux - EN - iso-8859-1
OS: mini-linux via OpenLink 0.51b

Secondary system:
Dell 500MHz Pentium III
reading music library off the LinkStation NAS (above)

SlimServer Version: 6.5b1 - 6860 - Linux - EN - iso-8859-1
OS: Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger)


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[slim] Last.FM down??

2006-05-07 Thread aubuti

When I try to connect to Last.FM I'm getting an "Error: Cannot open
remote URL. http://streamer1.last.fm/blahblahblah";. This is around 11pm
Eastern time in the US.  I also noticed that my user page on www.last.fm
doesn't show what I've listened to for the past 3-4 hours. Anyone else
seeing the same thing?


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[slim] Re: Radioio Deadhead?

2006-05-08 Thread aubuti

It's listed among the radioio stations on SqueezeNetwork now, too. I'm
sure it wasn't there last Thursday or Friday.


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[slim] Re: Best FLAC converter?

2006-05-09 Thread aubuti

You'll find a lot of people here using EAC combined with FLAC. There's
an excellent write up in the wiki:


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[slim] Re: What's next from Slim? Speculate here.

2006-05-10 Thread aubuti

Agreed. It's really eye-opening (and ear-splitting) to turn off the
mower and realize just how loud you've turned up the headphones. You
might possibly be okay with active noise cancelling headphones,
although I'm not sure how well they do in blocking the frequencies
emitted by a lawn mower. Or you could use some in-ear headphones like
Etymotics. But I'm not aware of any headphones on the market that are
both (a) wireless and (b) noise cancelling/blocking.

OTOH, you could do fine with noise blocking headphones like the
Etymotics attached to a portable player. But I'm not suggesting that
the SB3 is a portable device!


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[slim] Re: What's next from Slim? Speculate here.

2006-05-10 Thread aubuti

Mike Meyer Wrote: 
> I agree that it's not a good idea.  But it is something I've done for 25
> years and will be hard to stop.
You should seriously consider some in-ear headphones like Etymotics,
some of the Shure models, or the like. Like earplugs, they block
external sounds. But they allow your music to play through. Of course,
you'll still destroy your ears if you insist on cranking the volume up
to 11. Check out www.headphone.com


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[slim] Re: When it works, it works ... when it doesn't ...

2006-05-12 Thread aubuti

cliveb Wrote: 
> I cannot fathom how a simple ethernet switch can behave like this, but
> there you go. So if you ever get a connection problem like this that
> seems inexplicable, try rebooting your switches/hubs/routers.
Perhaps related to this, I've found that since I started using SBs
about 4 months ago, rebooting my router/switch has gone from being a
rare event to something I have do more often. I've wondered if
streaming FLACs -- wired, wirelessly, or both -- is exposing weaknesses
in the router itself (a Netgear WGR614v3), that aren't an issue with
ordinary computer use.


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[slim] Re: news for classical music users

2006-05-12 Thread aubuti

Wow. I can see how people with a large classical collection would like a
product that organizes music more sensibly than the typical pop
artist/album structure. But $5000 for a player that you need to hook up
to an HDTV to see what's playing? And only support for proprietary
formats (WMA lossless and MP3)? But I'm sure it will work for some
folks, and probably boost Olive's and Sonos's sales, as their products
look inexpensive by comparison!


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[slim] Re: news for classical music users

2006-05-12 Thread aubuti

Good point about silent, fanless computers being more expensive,
although I am surprised just how much more expensive. Of course,
silent/fanless only matters if the computer is somewhere you can hear

Re the closed nature of the system, it's not just the tagging system,
but also (a) the recommended way of putting your music on the system
("send it to us"), and (b) the prohibition on hardware tinkering (what
if 400GB gets too small?).


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[slim] Re: news for classical music users

2006-05-12 Thread aubuti

Something I overlooked in my earlier comments is that the $5000 includes
ripping and tagging up to 1000 CDs, adding liner notes, etc. If they do
it well and you value your time at all, that service is worth a good
part of the total price tag, especially with the dearth of free online
classical music databases. 

That is good to hear that you can add capacity easily via external HDD.
Is there anyway to do a backup, or do you have to rely on the backup
they keep on their server (mentioned in the FAQ?).


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[slim] Re: VU Meter is 2 bars instead of 3

2006-05-14 Thread aubuti

Hmm, I've never seen it with 3 bars. Just 2 bars on the digital VU, or 8
bars on the mini spectrum analyzer, or lots (30-40?) of bars on the full
spectrum analyzer. Pressing "Now Playing" will cycle through the
available screensavers.


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[slim] Re: weather RSS

2006-05-15 Thread aubuti

grimholtz Wrote: 
> Well, anyway, I've not been able to find a feed to work yet.
> http://developer.yahoo.com/weather/ didn't do it...
There's several out there. Among those that work for the US:

http://www.rssweather.com/[relevant location details]
http://xml.weather.yahoo.com/forecastrss?p=[your zip code]

BTW, I see you're in Boston. Until you get the RSS set up, just expect
rain. :(


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[slim] Re: Sb2?

2006-05-16 Thread aubuti

SB2s come up every so often, so it's worth monitoring. It's interesting
that they're much less common than SB1s and SB3s, but that probably has
a lot to do with them having the same guts as the SB3: there's little
motivation to sell the SB2 to buy an SB3.

Don't expect a big discount for getting the "old" model. Wireless SB2s
have generally sold on eBay for US$200-250 over the past few months. A
couple weeks ago one went for US$220, and another sold via "Buy it now"
for 160GBP, or about $300!



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[slim] Re: Sb2?

2006-05-16 Thread aubuti

gutted Wrote: 
> I'm UK-based...  Can I simply use my existing SB1 power supply for a
> non-UK SB2?

Yes, they are the same. See
http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?HardwareComparison . And if you'd
rather not simply turn the SB1 into a paperweight (e.g., use in another
room or sell it on eBay) you can order a power supply directly from
Slim Devices (https://secure.slimdevices.com/order/upgrades.cgi )

BTW, besides the native flac decoding and the 11g wireless, another big
plus of the SB2/SB3 is SqueezeNetwork, even without Pandora.


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[slim] Re: "No Genre" quirk

2006-05-18 Thread aubuti

What version of slimserver? I had the problem the others described when
I ran 6.2.1 (also on Ubuntu 5.10, but that's just coincidental). Like
them, getting rid of playlists eliminated the problem. Since upgrading
to 6.2.2 it hasn't been a problem for me, even after creating new


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[slim] Re: New user alert!

2006-05-19 Thread aubuti

> Actually one question I do have is what people have found the best
> method for re-ripping protected AAC files?
What a lot of people do is use iTunes to burn CDs of the DRM'd songs,
and then rip those CDs to a lossless format like Apple Lossless or
FLAC. Of course, you don't gain back what was lost in the initial lossy
compression to AAC, but at least you don't lose anything more.

If, by chance, you've never upgraded to iTunes 6.x you could
alternatively use jhymn to strip the protection from the AAC files.

If you have a lot of protected tunes and don't want to waste a lot of
CDs in that intermediate step there might be a way to do it all on your
hard disk, but I don't know it. The big constraint seems to be that
iTunes is the only software that can play those files, and the only
non-CD-burning conversion option it offers is MP3.


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[slim] Re: Slimserver 6.3 not picking up new playlists?

2006-05-19 Thread aubuti

In the dropdown list for rescanning on the web interface there's an
option "Only rescan playlists".


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[slim] Re: World Cup Football Games...

2006-05-19 Thread aubuti

dwc Wrote: 
> I think it is, but it's showing as a real audio stream.  Not an easy
> drop-in (i.e. it won't play).  I have not set up alien-bbc which I
> understand is required?
> I guess this may be the 'killer app' that pushed me to install alien...
World Cup as 'killer app' . . . I like it! I don't know my way around
BBC programming much beyond World Service, but radio 5 live is listed
on SqueezeNetwork as a WMA stream. I'm pretty sure I've played it on SN
before, no alien BBC needed. Of course, the broadcast rights are another


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[slim] Re: Skins

2006-05-25 Thread aubuti

You can get back to the default skin by browsing to
http://localhost:9000/Default/ , where of course you insert the name or
IP of your machine running slimserver in place of 'localhost'.


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[slim] Re: Player does not play tracks in order

2006-05-26 Thread aubuti

ceejay Wrote: 
> 2 - check that you don't have both ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags in your file -
> slimserver really doesn't like this. I don't know how you do this in
> The godfather, but in mp3tag you:
> - from the menu, View - Customise columns
> - click the star button in the middle of the dialog box to add a "new
> configuration"
> - Enter "Tags" in the Name box and "%_tag%" in the Value box
> - OK
> If it says "ID3v1 ID3v2" for the files in question then you have two
> (possibly conflicting) sets of tags.  In the tools - Options dialog you
> will find an option to delete one of them.
Sorry for jumping in here, but first, thanks ceejay for explaining this
tip, which is a big help to me. Second, I don't see how where in the
Tools / Options menus I can delete the ID3v1 tags. There are various
options for Read, Write, and Remove different kinds of tags, but they
don't seem to do anything with my existing tags. Could you please give
some more details. This is on MP3tag 2.35. Thanks! 

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...


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[slim] Re: Player does not play tracks in order

2006-05-26 Thread aubuti

ceejay Wrote: 
> To aswer the mp3tag question: in the options dialog, tags/mp3 section,
> you tick the box that says "remove ID3v1 tags". OK the dialog. Then
> select the relevant files and click the "remove tag" button (red X). It
> will remove the v1 tags !
Got it. Thanks!


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[slim] Re: Player does not play tracks in order

2006-05-29 Thread aubuti

fingers Wrote: 
> Is there any new news on this issue?  How does one get in touch with
> SlimDevices support?
Here you go: http://www.slimdevices.com/su_tech.html


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[slim] Re: Standalone Use of Squeezbox2 and 3 without SlimServer

2006-05-31 Thread aubuti

I suspect that Mark's suggestion of custom code that draws from the
slimserver base might get you closer to what you want, but have you
already considered (and rejected) using SqueezeNetwork? You could enter
the desired URLs on the Favorites page at squeezenetwork.com, and then
set the preferred stream running at each location via the
SqueezeNetwork web interface or the remote. I have one of the streams
you gave as an example running that way right now, and I also started
and stopped it on an SB several miles away. The centralized control is
web interface instead of telnet, but it's an idea.

It wouldn not take care of the automatic restarting when powering up,
and you would still depend on both SqueezeNetwork _and_ the source
stream being up. So this probably wouldn't work for you, and a custom
programming job might be the best way to go. Or maybe www.muzak.com ? 


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[slim] Re: wireless hardware - Apple Airport base-station and adapators

2006-05-31 Thread aubuti

gutted Wrote: 
> I hear lots of nice things about Netgear, for example.  Anyone had any
> problems with Netgear, or does it suffer the same sort of quirks as
> most/all other kit?
I have a Netgear wireless router (WGR614v3), wireless NIC (WG511), and
print server (PS101). The wireless stuff is 11g, not turbo/extreme.
I've generally been very happy with them, BUT have experienced some of
the problems you've had with your USR, with it failing when
transferring a lot of data over wireless. I'm not sure, but I think I
push it to its limits a lot more since getting by SBs. For example, the
first time I really had problems with data transfer was copying several
GB of newly-ripped flac files from my laptop to my server. And resets
used to be a once-or-twice a year event, but now are much more regular,
and I wonder if it isn't because it can't always handle all the flac

In fact, I often wonder if the complaints about "my wireless was fine
before, so the problem must be the SB!" aren't really cases where the
router/network has weaknesses that didn't show themselves before they
were asked to move so much data around.

FWIW, Dean B (the CTO) heartily recommends Belkin pre-N routers (
http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=22990 ).


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[slim] Re: Gigabit Buffalo Linkstation + Slimserver

2006-05-31 Thread aubuti

The gigabit LSs (models HD-HG) come with ftpd installed, but not telnetd
or httpd. But to install slimserver -- or any other software -- you need
to replace the stock LS firmware with something that gives you telnet
(or preferably, ssh) access. The usual route is to install either
OpenLink or FreeLink, available from www.linkstationwiki.org.

I am pretty sure that even with the older LinkStations, the current
firmware disables telnet access, so you need to do a little hacking
even to install slimserver. There are excellent instructions on
installing slimserver on LinkStations and other NAS devices in the Slim
Devices wiki http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?SlimServer.


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[slim] Re: Gigabit Buffalo Linkstation + Slimserver

2006-05-31 Thread aubuti

No problem. I should also mention that when deciding between LS models,
the gigabit models have twice as much RAM (128 vs 64) and faster
processors than the other models. There's a hardware summary  on the
linkstationwiki.org site.


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[slim] Re: Maxtor Shared Storage

2006-06-01 Thread aubuti

I was about to say 'no', but a little googling took me to this site
http://www.openmss.org/ where it appears someone has alternative
firmware to open up the Maxtor NAS. From searching that site it looks
like they don't have a Perl package yet, which you'll need to install
slimserver. But it's on the 'wish list' there, so it's probably worth
it for you to check out the forum there.

A review of the 300GB model at Tom's Networking
(http://www.tomsnetworking.com/2005/06/02/review_mss/ ) indicates that
that model only has 32MB RAM, which could be insufficient for
slimserver, though I'm not sure. I have no idea how much RAM your model
has, or if you can add RAM.


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[slim] possible to reverse L/R channels on a digital optical (TOSlink) connection?

2021-03-09 Thread aubuti

Here's an obscure question: Is there a way to reverse the L/R channels
on a digital optical (TOSlink) audio cable?

Here's why I ask. In one room I have a pair of Audioengine HD-6
self-powered speakers with an SB2 as the source. The left speaker is the
'master' with inputs, amp, DAC, etc. and the right speaker is passive.
I'm liking the sound of the DAC in the Augioengines better than the
SB2's, so the SB2 is connected to the left speaker via a short digital
optical cable. 

The electrical outlets and ethernet jack (I could run the SB2 off wifi,
but I prefer wired) are much closer to the location of the right
speaker. So I could do away with the power and ethernet cables running
across the floor -- and improve marital harmony -- if I switched the L/R
speakers. But that would mess up the imaging. I've tried it, and on a
lot of tracks it is noticeable, sometimes to the point of annoyance. If
I were using analog interconnects it would be as simple as swapping the
L/R cables at either the speaker inputs or the SB2 outputs, but with

Is there a way to swap L/R anywhere in the LMS software, or via a
plugin? Or is there such a thing as a "reverser" adapter for a TOSlink
cable? Or any other solution? Thanks.

Audio system in transition while still relocating from halfway around
the world.
Man-cave: SB3 > Emotiva XDA-1 > NAD C 325BEE > Vandersteen 1
Living room: SB2 > Audioengine HD6
Kitchen/dining: SB2 > AudioSource AMP 100 > 2-pairs of Polk Audio RC60i
in-ceiling speakers
Deck/patio: SB Receiver > AudioSource AMP 100 > Polk Atrium 45
Study: SB Radio
LMS 8.0 running on a Raspberry Pi3 (max2play), controlled using SB
Controller, iPeng and Squeezepad

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Re: [slim] possible to reverse L/R channels on a digital optical (TOSlink) connection?

2021-03-20 Thread aubuti

cliveb wrote: 
> How can swapping the speakers mess with the imaging given that their
> drive units are not offset? It simply doesn't make sense to me.
Maybe imaging isn't the best word here, but it would be playing the left
channel out of the speaker on the right and vice versa. I confess that
on much of my music I don't recall whether, for example, the lead
guitarist is stage-left and the rhythm guitarist or keyboardist is
stage-right. But on some of my best-loved recordings I do. 

These get flipped if I swap the speakers, because when using the optical
input the speaker with the amp will always play the left channel and the
passive speaker will always play the right channel.

Audio system in transition while still relocating from halfway around
the world.
Man-cave: SB3 > Emotiva XDA-1 > NAD C 325BEE > Vandersteen 1
Living room: SB2 > Audioengine HD6
Kitchen/dining: SB2 > AudioSource AMP 100 > 2-pairs of Polk Audio RC60i
in-ceiling speakers
Deck/patio: SB Receiver > AudioSource AMP 100 > Polk Atrium 45
Study: SB Radio
LMS 8.1 running on a Raspberry Pi3 (piCore), controlled using iPeng, SB
Controller and Squeezepad

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Re: [slim] possible to reverse L/R channels on a digital optical (TOSlink) connection?

2021-03-23 Thread aubuti

Thanks philippe_44, cliveb and d6jg for the helpful ideas. The easiest
to try would be feeding the analogue outputs back into the analogue
inputs. I would think that the signal in from the Toslink should appear
at the analogue outputs because their typical use is to feed a sub. The
Audioengine people say that all inputs are active at all times, with the
sole exception that an active Bluetooth connection blocks the optical
input, but that's irrelevant in my case. I'll give it a whirl this
weekend. Cheers.

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Re: [slim] possible to reverse L/R channels on a digital optical (TOSlink) connection?

2021-03-26 Thread aubuti

aubuti wrote: 
> Thanks philippe_44, cliveb and d6jg for the helpful ideas. The easiest
> to try would be feeding the analogue outputs back into the analogue
> inputs. I would think that the signal in from the Toslink should appear
> at the analogue outputs because their typical use is to feed a sub. The
> Audioengine people say that all inputs are active at all times, with the
> sole exception that an active Bluetooth connection blocks the optical
> input, but that's irrelevant in my case. I'll give it a whirl this
> weekend. Cheers.
On second thought, feeding the analog inputs from the analog outputs
(and crossing L/R) probably won’t work, because I’m pretty sure both the
optical and analog inputs will be active. So the L speaker would get the
L channel from the optical and the R channel from the analog, and vice
versa for the R speaker. I’ll double-check with the Audioengine folks,
but probably need to look at one of the other solutions.

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Re: [slim] Squeezebox 2 for sale

2013-04-30 Thread aubuti

Potential buyers should note that the SB shown in the photo is a
Squeezebox (aka Squeezebox 1), and definitely not a Squeezebox 2. If it
were a SB2 it would say *Model: Squeezebox2*. 

Also see http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Hardware_comparison for
details on the differences, which are significant from a performance
point of view.

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Re: [slim] Usage of local music libraries in your family ?

2013-05-13 Thread aubuti

erland wrote: 
> Do you have a need to let each family member browse their library
> individually ?
> If you have individual libraries, do you also have a need for shared
> libraries which is common for multiple family members ?
> Do you have a need to keep track of playlists for each family member ?
No, I'm the only one in the family who uses playlists
> Do you have a need to keep track of favorites for each family member ?
No, our LMS "Favorites" are all internet radio stations, and we don't
use any kind of favorites for local music
> Do you have a need to keep track of ratings and playback statistics for
> each family member ?
no, we don't use ratings or playback statistics at all now, and that
wouldn't change if we could do it separately for each family member.
> Does each family member have individual players which only one of the
> family members mostly use ?
> If so, should all players be controllable by everyone or do you want
> access to certain players to be restricted ? In that case why ?
Haven't seen a need yet to limit the control of any players
> Does each family member have their individual remote control/smartphone
> to control the players or do you also have remote controls which you
> share between different family members ?
We share our SBCs, and I also use my iPod and iPad. My wife doesn't want
any SB remote control on her iPhone.
> If you have a remote control which you share between multiple family
> members, is it a IR-remote, smartphone, tablet or computer ?
Shared controller is mostly SBCs, but sometimes IR-remotes
> How would your dream system work to work as good as possible for usage
> of local music on Squeezeboxes and portable devices in your family ?
Compared to the current LMS: 
- better searching from remote devices (esp complex searches)
- more flexible intelligent mixes, esp from remote. For example,
something like MusicIP's ability to vary strictness/variety wrt to seed
track, but without digging way into the guts of the server settings. Or
for that matter, being able to select a set of tracks for the seed, as
is possible with the MusicIP GUI, but not the SB implementation 
- outside your control, but better battery life on the iPod Touch. Mine
is 3rd generation, so maybe that's already been improved. Or not. But
lots of the time at night I end up listening to the lossy versions on my
iPod rather than turning on the wifi and listening to my lossless
version via LMS and iPeng.

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Re: [slim] Problems playing FLAC

2013-05-14 Thread aubuti

The SB3/Classic supports playback of up to 24/48. And if the files are
higher-res than that then LMS should convert them to 24/48.

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Re: [slim] Napster Not Playing

2013-05-15 Thread aubuti

allgonepetetong wrote: 
> (unless I am missing something glaringly obvious)
You mean like clicking on the link that says "Download Center" and
choosing your model number from the dropdown list? (I guessed at the
number of drive bays)

|Filename: synology2.JPG|
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=14844|

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Re: [slim] Napster Not Playing

2013-05-16 Thread aubuti

allgonepetetong wrote: 
> Does that mean I need to buy a new NAS in order to prevent the constant
> firmware updates when switching between mysqueezebox.com and Home? 
> Sincerely hope not.
If there aren't any SSODS versions for the 207+ with newer LMS you could
consider running LMS on something with a more open and/or conventional
operating system, rather than depending on the NAS manufacturer's
support on a very closed system. I know a lot of people say "I don't
want to leave my computer on all the time", but the fact is that there
are many low-powered computer options out there that are less expensive
and less electricity-demanding than a standard consumer NAS.

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