Re: [SH-Discuss] garage door design contest

2014-05-22 Thread Andrew Buczko
- Your contest is a great idea.
- You should of asked for volunteers not a vote.

Just write out how you want the contest to go and then submit it to synhak.

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 Welcome,  If you have given up i'de restart it as a less formal
 competition: if you want to be considered YOU buy a ledger sheet and show
 what it is you want.  we'll all vote (not on a Tuesday) If you win, pay for
 it.  For obvious reason our troll to member ratio is that of (deleted).
  It's a good idea, but the presentation was incorrect for the crowd you
 were addressing.  (don't give a Tuesday meeting an opportunity to build
 something, the builders come other days and avoid Tuesdays like a wasp on

 Too many people think that Tuesday meetings is what we are,  they were
 supposta be where should we steer, and open to the public ONLY for
 transparency.  Next Wednesday I will be sitting on the stage doing
 approximately nothing (*tbd)  If non-members and interested parties want to
 check out the space tell them to come check out me making paper airplanes
 live for one night only.  The Tuesday meeting should be something you want
 to be at, not an idea that this will get me closer to the synhak's
  in-crowd if i show up for it as I have seen since the garage.

 I truly hope this continues, just don't bring it up on Tuesdays.  This is
 something for the otherside of synhak (the side torrie,  omar gave up on
 squinting to see the dim candlelight of, and what imo is synhak) is ready
 and willing to contribute to.  The side that doesn't make it to the minutes
 because nothing official will ever happen.

 On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 9:33 PM, Steve Radonich IV 


 I don't think there was a lack of enthusiasm for the contest. A lot of
 members, myself included, were reluctant to commit SynHak to the contest
 without the details of it finalized for a review.


 --- Original Message ---

 From: Philip P. Patnode
 Sent: May 21, 2014 8:39 PM
 To: SYN/HAK discussion list
 Subject: [SH-Discuss] garage door design contest


  Short version = The contest has been cancelled.

  Long version =

  Because I was feeling like I did not have sufficient support and
 enthusiasm from the members of SYN/HAK for the garage door design contest I
 created, I brought up the subject at last night's weekly meeting.

  Since the contest requires considerable time to create the individual
 entries and marketing materials, plus requires an initial outlay of
 personal funds, I wanted to get a quick Yes or No vote from the 14 SH
 members present at the meeting.  If a majority of members voted to continue
 working on the contest or abandon the contest immediately, I would have
 been able to end the discussion during the meeting within two minutes.  A
 positive outcome would have prompted further discussion after the meeting
 or, online, through email.

  Unfortunately, the simple request for a quick vote turned to the usual
 chaos we have all seen at the weekly meetings over the past few months when
 new subjects and issues are presented.  What should have been a two minute
 exercise in group democracy rapidly descended into the all-too-common
 middle-school playground fight, with petty bickering, silly suggestions,
 frivolous warnings against undesirable images, and outright stupid
 comments.  There were a few good ideas about improving the contest, but it
 was hard to concentrate with all the noise.

  Just because the contest winner would get 1/3 of the entry fees
 collected is not a valid reason the make the entry fee evenly divisible by
 3.  As the contest originator, why should I have to appeal to the
 math-challenged contestant? Anybody who progressed past 6th grade should
 not have a problem with a decimal or fractional reminder after performing a
 numerical division.

  Several members brought up the apparently real possibility of lurking
 artistic trolls who are just waiting for an opportunity to mess with a
 contest and produce results in line with their anti-social agenda.  I am
 still waiting for the video or still photos of the anonymous trolls.

  I even had to defend the use of paint and/or decals as a safe medium
 that would not interfere with the functionality of the garage door.  I
 wonder about such an imagination that ponders a winning design that might
 require 35 coats of paint, weighing over 100 lbs.  Or, maybe they thought
 the use of a decal would somehow prevent the door from bending at the

  After careful consideration and a willingness to accept a minor
 financial loss, I have decided to end the contest before it ever got

  The $55 collected from five people, from a total of eleven entries
 purchased even before the final details were worked out, will be returned
 to them in full.

  The $30 gift certificate for the contest winner that 

[SH-Discuss] Giant yarn?

2014-05-20 Thread Andrew Buczko
Hey guys, look at this:


I never new that existed
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Re: [SH-Discuss] How was oddmall?

2014-05-16 Thread Andrew Buczko
It was a blast. I got to talk to so many people!

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 12:40 PM, alex kot wrote:

 Also Ancient Aliens meme

 On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Steve Radonich IV 

  Haha I remember that guy taking the picture

 --- Original Message ---

 From: gs volt
 Sent: May 15, 2014 12:35 PM
 To: SYN/HAK discussion list
 Subject: [SH-Discuss] How was oddmall?

I couldn't go, how was oddmall this year?

  Btw.. this picture literally made me jump off my seat and I was like it
 is so appropriate!!!

  /cc Steve R.

  For those who can't see the photo, there's a label on a door that says
 'games out the wazoo' and Steve's passing by and fixing his shirt... rofl
 (but in a good way)

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting Minutes 5/13/14

2014-05-16 Thread Andrew Buczko
Andrew, the questions where out of line and uncalled for.

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 10:18 PM, Alex kot wrote:


 Shoot an email to this will send an email
 back letting you know you where unsubscribe.

 Alex Kot
 From: Fiona Casida
 Sent: ‎5/‎15/‎2014 9:29 PM
 To: SYN/HAK discussion list

 Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting Minutes 5/13/14

 Good evening,

 Would you please remove me from the list?  Thank you.

 I wish you all the best.

 Fiona Casida

 Sent from my iPhone

 On May 15, 2014, at 9:05 PM, a l wrote:

 I figured the minutes didn't accurately capture the moment. I agree that
 interviews have been lax and even rushed in the past. It's obvious that
 there are differing views on how we run and how we should run. Members new
 and old should have some, at least casual, knowledge of how we govern and
 what our mission and community goals are.

 Sure we hack and do-ocracy things but what does that mean? How do you
 balance do-ocracy with not crushing people's toes. In the past we were
 operating fairly smoothly. Part of that is due to the small size but a
 bigger part of that was a clearer sense of who we were as a community. It
 would be simple if we could pile all of our faults onto the actions of a
 few, or single person, over the past few months. The current state is a
 symptom of a general failure of us as a community.
 As Becca touched on these events are the culmination of a long history of
 banal interviews and little clear direction. We say our mission at the
 beginning of every meeting but do we really do what we tell everyone we do.
 We've got the infrastructure but our community doesn't follow a coherent
 set of values. Some people want voting, some want consensus, others just
 want to throw money at a cool idea so they can use the tools once a month
 and help out with expenses. Others still are confused as to why we
 collectively need to provide educational outlets to the public. We as a
 community have lost our way, maybe we never really had it.
 We've had a couple classes this year and a few talks that no one went to.
 Apart from GARC  the community isn't using us. They haven't been since well
 before the interpersonal disputes boiled over. If we want to fulfill our
 mission we need to step up our game.

 So while the questions asked were directed at AJ9, like you suggest, we
 should all reflect on them.

 Andrew L

 On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 7:51 PM, Steve Radonich IV 

  If that is the case Andrew then my reworded proposal meets the
 qualifications to be consented on Tuesday. Because that is what I remember
 as well

 --- Original Message ---

 From: a l
 Sent: May 15, 2014 7:49 PM

 To: SYN/HAK discussion list
 Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting Minutes 5/13/14

 My understanding, and how we've been operating, is that proposals
 need to be discussed either on discuss@ or brought up at a meeting and
 recorded in the minutes. Once those present have a wording they feel
 represents the solution they are looking for it is sent to proposals@ or
 brought up at a meeting and recorded in the precise wording to be
 At least week after it has been proposed it is consented on at the
 meeting and forever enshrined in the 'approved proposals' list.

 The important step here are that the exact wording of the proposal is
 sent to a mailing list accessible by the community so that any dissenting
 views may be addressed. I believe proposals@ was spun off of discuss@ so
 people were aware that mail from that list was the 'finalized' wording.

 I wasn't aware I was having trouble seeing proposals?

 Andrew L

 On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Andrew Buczko 

 Hey Andrew,

 it says that:
 6. Proposals must be sent in full to

 But, on:
 it says:
 2. A summary of the discussion is sent to along
 with the actual proposal.

 Witch is it? One of these statements is wrong and needs to be changed.

 Maybe this is why you are having trouble seeing the proposals ?


 On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 12:34 AM, a l wrote:

  Sorry for the double post. I didn't want my comments to get
 mistaken as meeting minutes. I tried to put headings on things in case
 people didn't want to read a lengthy email

 1) Apparently I wasn't clear with my wording regarding Wills membership.
 I ('the secretary') did not say that 'Everything is ok, and last weeks vote
 is upheld.. What I said was Last week was a fairly involved interview,
 you don't need to do that again. Be sure his(and AJ9's) memberships get
 brought up. Meaning his membership needs voted/consented on properly

Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: SYNHAK Drinking Game

2014-05-14 Thread Andrew Buczko
Also will block
Alex is right Torrie you are the only one that is causing arguments.

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 4:54 PM, alex kot wrote:

 First off, I don't condone nor do other people to drink at the space.
  This is because we have equipment that can easily harm people.  This is
 why we wanted to enforce a drug policy rule.  Second, the meeting prior to
 last week went very smooth.  We had no arguing also a lot of laughs and
 good times.  Ironically you weren't in that meeting.

 On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Steve Radonich IV 

 Yea I'd block that.

 Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 16:34:35 -0400
 Subject: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: SYNHAK Drinking Game

 The Problem: Meetings are boring and just end up being yelling and making
 everyone feel bad

 The Solution: Every time someone says proposal, you drink. By the end, we'll
 still be making as much progress as before, but we'll be drunk.

 with hugs,

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal to manage proposal approval.

2014-05-14 Thread Andrew Buczko
I like it. I will support this.

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:02 PM, Steve Radonich IV nesfr...@outlook.comwrote:

 the copy online is out of date

 Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 21:57:46 -0400

 Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal to manage proposal approval. should have bylaws
 On May 14, 2014 11:50 AM, Becca Salchak wrote:

 Where is there the most up to date version of or bylaws? So those of us
 who need to do some research can

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal to Remove Torrie from SYNHAK

2014-05-14 Thread Andrew Buczko
I disagree Philip, Torrie has shown signs of enjoyment during our heated
discussions, this all seems like a game to her. Torries unwillingness to
compromise with other members of Synhak just goes to show that she is doing
this for the attention.

Synhak was built for the community, let it go.

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:23 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:


 I will BLOCK this proposal to evict Torrie Fishcher from SH as strongly as
 I opposed her attempt to block Anna-Jeannine Herman from membership at the
 recent meeting.

 You may think that this may be a solution to some of the current
 problems at SH, but it is not the best approach to solving them.

 It would be a very good day for me if I opened my email inbox in the
 morning to find that Torrie had voluntarily withdrawn her block to
 membership for AJ9 and you had withdrawn your planned proposal to dispose
 of Torrie by any bureaucratic means available.

 Torrie is a valuable member of SH and brings lots of experience,
 knowledge, and excellent ideas for operating and building the organization.

 Sure, she has her faults, but who at SH is perfect?  She might have some
 serious personal issues with one or more members/non-members, but I
 sincerely believe that all the issues can be worked out - if the parties
 involved are willing to discuss the issues and agree in advance to accept a
 final solution so all can move on.

 Torrie has not sought out my advice, but if she did, I would suggest that
 she go to CA as planned and enjoy the time away from Akron and SH. When she
 returns, she should consider taking at least a month off from all things at
 SH.  Thirty days is not a long time and the break would benefit everybody
 at SH, members and non-members.  With the recent change in her employment
 situation, I am sure she has some priority items to deal with.  Her focus
 should be on her new business and not the ongoing squabbles at SH.

 After the break of 30 or more days, I would like to see Torrie return to
 SH as a member, involved in her own projects and sharing her technical
 expertise and knowledge with others.

 It is way past time to stop the bickering and in-fighting that has almost
 brought SH to the brink of dissolution and failure.

 We need to work together and get back to the projects and activities that
 brought each of us to SH in the first place.



 On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Steve Radonich IV 


 No doubt, I didn't hear him say that and was just asking. If he said that
 he was then I would have believed him right there, but hadn't heard a thing.


 Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 20:04:14 -0400

 Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal to Remove Torrie from SYNHAK

 I also have doubts about a CWG's ability to resolve this particular
 situation, but that's too long of an email to write today.

 Xander mentioned he had prepaid for a year, and said he would block the
 proposal.  This, having never had any reason to doubt what he says, means
 to me he is still a member.  This is an example of exactly what some are
 worried about.  You just met him two weeks ago, Why the doubt?

 On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 7:02 PM, Steve Radonich IV 


 I really am not meaning to be rude in asking, but are you even still a
 member? You showed up a couple weeks ago for the first time since I've been
 at SYNHAK and everyone I talked to said that you were no long a part of
 SYNHAK. I'm glad you're back, I'm just confused and wondering if you have
 any right to block the proposal.

 I've said many times, and I think Torrie has demonstrated, that until she
 takes a break from the community and uses the time to reflect and realize
 that she has been causing some serious issues dividing the community there
 is no working it out. After last night she has shown me that she isn't
 truly sorry or even understands what it is that she has done or said, and I
 am not the only one that feels this way. A Community Working Group will
 only work if both parties are willing to be truthful and work it out, and I
 know Torrie says that she is, but she has continually shown that she isn't
 and always feels like she is being attacked. This is not meant as a way to
 attack or punish her, but address the issues she has caused.


 Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 18:22:24 -0400

 Subject: Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal to Remove Torrie from SYNHAK

 I will block this proposal if it is put up to a vote this Tuesday. It
 also saddens me that this is coming up once again and the discussion on the
 CWG has been silent. Torrie is leaving for two weeks. I agree with Chris
 that it is not fair for us to try to push something like this through while
 she is away.

 Let's get the CWG moving if we want to resolve 

Re: [SH-Discuss] friday night at synhak

2014-05-13 Thread Andrew Buczko
+1 wish I could be there!

On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 12:47 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:


 There was no movie last Friday due to the overwhelming crowd of carbon
 units in the building.

 There will be a movie this Friday at 7.30pm at SH.

 I will be showing the sci-fi comedy classic Galaxy Quest on the big
 screen, with a cartoon to precede the main event.

 Yes, there will be fresh popcorn available during the movie - and it's

 If you can't get a date or are just bored, come to SH and join me for a
 relaxing, fun evening.



 Details =

 Galaxy Quest (1999)

 IMDb link =

 IMDb Rating = 7.3/10 from 102,280 votes

 Wikipedia link =

 Release Year = 1999

 Run Time = 102 min

 Genre = Adventure | Comedy | Sci-Fi

 Director = Dean Parisot

 Stars = Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman

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Re: [SH-Discuss] SYNHAK Circuit Boards

2014-05-03 Thread Andrew Buczko
What? can you please explain what you are talking about?

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 8:44 AM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Friday, May 02, 2014 04:54:32 Andrew Buczko wrote:
  Don't forget, you never fixed the 3D Printers X axis, it's still

 Nice! Seven mails in and I'm blamed for ruining SYNHAK.

 But don't forget, I started it! I'm the provoker according to Andy :)

 I don't think I need to explain again why I feel unsafe, or who is causing
 toxic environment.

 Andy, just fix it on your own. Grow up. I'm not your freaking boss, and I'm
 not going to be your punching bag. You can either quit being a raging
 to me, leave the community, be removed by the community, or I'll leave this
 toxic environment.

 PROTIP: A video on how open source projects survive poisonous people:

  On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Torrie Fischer
   On Thursday, May 01, 2014 23:26:24 Craig Bergdorf wrote:
Just wanted to make sure everyone in the back knew you were still mad
   No. I've stopped caring if people get my message. I wrote my thesis. If
   ejected, oh well, there are still hackers in Akron. I've got plans B
   through F
   to fall back on. I keep hacking regardless. Folks have an interest in
:) Anyway, looking forward to the kickstarter.  Would love to see
spiff more recognition too.  There is a decent inventory scanner
downstairs, I don't remember if it's a psion or winCE based one but
eitherway it can be made to dump to mysql.  Spiff would make actual
inventory, loan, skill, and donation tracking a ridiculous amount
after a large amount of setup.  What's involved in feeding an amp or
a solenoid from this? (spiff based B.F.Tool authentication)
   Something that would provide me income to continue work on this would
   best answer:
   It is is 80% ready for a 0.1 release. Last 20% is cleanup and
   python bindings. The kickstarter would fund it.
   (Remember when people did cool things at synhak?)
On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 11:12 PM, Torrie Fischer
 On Thursday, May 01, 2014 22:43:09 Philip P. Patnode wrote:
  Is this the device that I will be assembling for ten bucks an
  this summer?
  You do know that I work very, very slowly.  JK!
  When can I see the finished product or at least the final

 Well, it was going to be for SYNHAK's front door. I'm not sure
 anymore, but keep an eye out for a kickstarter this month from
 about a hackerspace entry system.

  More later.
  On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:48 PM, Torrie Fischer

   On Thursday, May 01, 2014 19:31:48 gs volt wrote:
what is phrobo asking for em? in USD
   The boards? $5 each.
   The entire RFID entry system? $100 each.
what can you do with em?
   Part of an RFID entry system. Described elsewhere in the
On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 7:30 PM, Torrie Fischer
 After a long few months of work, these showed up today with


 branding for Phong Robotics:

 Collector's items, surely.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] C-BOG - the awakening

2014-05-03 Thread Andrew Buczko
This sounds great, I might not be available on the 12th. I'll just send you
guys some notes if I have any :) and catch the next meeting

On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 7:54 AM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:


 Just added the meeting to my weekly schedule.  I will be there at 7pm on
 the 12th.

 Maybe we can work together and get something constructive done at SH.

 Will submit my list of things to do, things to care about, things to
 consider for the future.

 Bringing cattle prod, with new batteries.


 On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 12:15 AM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 It seems there is no opposition to this so:

 1st meeting of C-BOG,

 How about Monday the 12th @ 7pm?


 - Meet everyone who will be a part of the planning phase.

 - Consense what is the minimum acceptable amount of buildout to tackle.

  If significant conflict arises a cumulative voting system can be

(an example with made up numbers: there are 20 items to vote for
 and only 10 can win, everyone gets 20 votes, you can use all 20 on 1, or 3
 on one, 5 on another one, etc.)

 - Establish a team leader for each category (walls, plumbing, electrical,
 hvac) and document intended tasks.

 - Schedule the next meeting for each team leader to present a budget,
 timeline, and hours of skilled/unskilled volunteer time requested.

 - Post minutes to discuss.

 In addition to moderating, I volunteer to head electrical, (including:
 stove, shop 3Ø, kiln, entry lighting repair, and upstairs cat5).  The
 basement raised floor is, for me, in the can-wait category, downstairs
 storage and the air compressor I believe is not, but I look forward to


 Armed with a list of do-able tasks, each with dollar, time,  hour
 estimates a final presentation at a Tuesday meeting can happen.  The
 membership, treasurer, and c-bog can consense on what must be done, what
 can be done, and what could wait.  Money is dispersed, and work begins.

 A few open come help us, we have pizza days with clear lists of tasks
 for volunteers to pick and choose from can be advertised.


 What should be on the list of infrastructure shortcomings currently
 impeding hacking? (shout them out!)

 Machine shop has no power, ventilation, air, or lighting

 Stove has no power or ventilation

 We have insufficient storage, especially for large items

 The basement is a giant do-not-hack pile simply because it’s not sorted.

 There is no hack pile


 What else?

 I hope to present a list of *everything* anyone says in this thread,
 email, slack, or written on the back of a camshaft position sensor for a b5
 volkswagon and mailed to me (anyone listen to the cartalk radioshow?) at
 the first meeting for discussion.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] SYNHAK Circuit Boards

2014-05-02 Thread Andrew Buczko
Don't forget, you never fixed the 3D Printers X axis, it's still inverted.

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Thursday, May 01, 2014 23:26:24 Craig Bergdorf wrote:
  Just wanted to make sure everyone in the back knew you were still mad

 No. I've stopped caring if people get my message. I wrote my thesis. If I'm
 ejected, oh well, there are still hackers in Akron. I've got plans B
 through F
 to fall back on. I keep hacking regardless. Folks have an interest in what

  :) Anyway, looking forward to the kickstarter.  Would love to see this
  spiff more recognition too.  There is a decent inventory scanner
  downstairs, I don't remember if it's a psion or winCE based one but
  eitherway it can be made to dump to mysql.  Spiff would make actual
  inventory, loan, skill, and donation tracking a ridiculous amount easier
  after a large amount of setup.  What's involved in feeding an amp or so
  a solenoid from this? (spiff based B.F.Tool authentication)

 Something that would provide me income to continue work on this would be
 best answer:

 It is is 80% ready for a 0.1 release. Last 20% is cleanup and generating
 python bindings. The kickstarter would fund it.

 (Remember when people did cool things at synhak?)

  On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 11:12 PM, Torrie Fischer
   On Thursday, May 01, 2014 22:43:09 Philip P. Patnode wrote:
Is this the device that I will be assembling for ten bucks an hour
this summer?
You do know that I work very, very slowly.  JK!
When can I see the finished product or at least the final prototype?
   Well, it was going to be for SYNHAK's front door. I'm not sure about
   anymore, but keep an eye out for a kickstarter this month from Phong
   about a hackerspace entry system.
More later.
On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:48 PM, Torrie Fischer
 On Thursday, May 01, 2014 19:31:48 gs volt wrote:
  what is phrobo asking for em? in USD

 The boards? $5 each.

 The entire RFID entry system? $100 each.

  what can you do with em?

 Part of an RFID entry system. Described elsewhere in the thread.

  On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 7:30 PM, Torrie Fischer

   After a long few months of work, these showed up today with the
   branding for Phong Robotics:
   Collector's items, surely.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] [SYNHAK-Announce] Board meeting 5/5/2014 7pm

2014-05-01 Thread Andrew Buczko
Everyone needs to get off the mailing list and come to the meetings and see
for yourself what SynHak is, instead of reading long winded email stories
that do not show what is really going on.

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 7:07 PM, Becca Salchak wrote:

 I'm sorry I was trying to stay out of this conversation because I feel
 like my points are always misconstrued over the mailing lists but I have to
 say something now. SYNHAK does not live and die by Torrie Fischer. We are
 not trying to get rid of her through removing her from her office. I can't
 speak for all of us but I know that most respect Torrie for her major
 contributions to SYNHAK. This board meeting was called because some of the
 membership are very VERY upset in how she is treating her office she hasn't
 been removed yet and we can not guarantee that she will be removed. But
 there are quite a few unhappy members.
 SYNHAK is having some internal problems right now. I was saying that we
 are going through some growing pains and like a child growing into an adult
 there are some painful moments where the body must stretch and change to
 accommodate as such. But the pains we are suffering now are not growing
 pains they are pains from a cancerous growth. (I never thought I would say
 something like this because I like Torrie I think for the most part Torrie
 has great ideas , is a very creative person, and a fun person to hang out
 with.) There obviously is a problem. She is perceiving hatred and judgment
 about personal issues when the majority of the time there isn't any
 judgment. The only judgment now is people judging her on her over
 reactions. The only fires at SYNHAK are a result of Torrie hold a
 magnifying glass over problems until the combust. If Torrie does get voted
 out of office there are people who are willing to step up and fill the void
 . if Torrie does decide to leave and burn SYNHAK down as she goes We will
 survive we will rebuild.
 On Apr 30, 2014 6:16 PM, Ryan Rix wrote:

 RIP SYNHAK, 2011-2014

 Devin Wolfe writes:
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Devin Wolfe
  Date: Apr 30, 2014 12:31 AM
  Subject: Board meeting 5/5/2014 7pm
  To: SYN/HAK discussion list,
  As per the request of the membership I call a board meeting to be held
  on May 5th at 7pm. The meeting will take place at 48 S. Summit st.
  Akron OH.
  The agenda of the board meeting will be:
  The removal of the current officer of treasurer from their position.
  Devin Wolfe
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Hiatus Hiatus

2014-05-01 Thread Andrew Buczko
   And *that* is the response to me explaining why SYNHAK has a toxic
   environment that pushes people away?

   Not calling out people for being offensive?
   No suggestion that maybe the reasons I'm upset have validity and should 
   No desire to figure out who is telling Andy B that my behavior is due 

   biochemical processes found in every female on the planet?
   Your concern is about whether or not I think I'm a source of drama?
   Right, ok.

   RIP SYNHAK. Killed by bystander apathy.
Andrew L
On Apr 30, 2014 12:49 PM, Torrie Fischer


 Its only been 8 days but I see that even when I'm not around I 
 drama. I think Einstein called that Spooky Action at a Distance.

 I are forever entangled at the quantum level.

 My inbox is full of people asking for details about why I went on

 also aware of a board vote to remove me from my office of Treasurer,
 so I
 figure that I might as well join the fun and burn some bridges while 

 in beautiful crimson flames. An ex-synhakker (we've got those now!)
 that SYNHAK seems to have a pattern of taking Treasurers and stomping

 ever-living crap out of them, so I'm obligated to take this

 I'd like to start with this wonderful snippet that was sent to, which caused me to ragequit:

 Andrew Buczko

 Mar 11
 to me
 I'd like to resolve this issue by having Torie (Trevor Fisher) put on
 suspension from SynHak (this will include SynHak's mailing lists and

 other service) for a giving amount of time.

 I feel that she needs time to cool off for 3 months, 6 months a year?

 leave the time period up to the champions. Or at least until her sex
 is done (since it has been brought up to me that this behavior of

 is due to her taking hormones. ) -- not mentioned before since it's
 of my business.

 Hormones or not, the other members and the community should not have
 suffer because of her antics.

 Remember, folks: you voted this mental midget of a person onto the


 Lets not forget this other gem from a previous discussion with Steve

 concerning my efforts to make SYNHAK a Safe Space:

 Even if someone was a raging transphobe how would we know? I don't

 really has any bearing on whether they're going to be a member or not
 as they can keep civil and not let their personal feelings or beliefs

 them from getting a long with, at the very least putting up with
 might be transexual. I highly doubt anyone at SYNHAK would think that

 and find it offensive that you would even think that.

 Remember, folks: I'm someone who should be put up with! You all

 decided to
 along with his plan to introduce more rules and bureaucracy to stop
 from forcing the community to address a situation where they feel


 I could also copy in some discussions I've had with folks around the
 about the rack situation, but frankly I'm just tired of it and would

 prefer to
 notify the Akron Community Foundation, our insurance, the city's
 development team, Akron Public Library, and really any of the other

 organizations in the area that come to me asking about getting
 details about the corruption in our board brought in by Justin and

 sure they would also all love to hear about how the board feels that
 enough of a drug problem to enact a drug policy.

 When we started SYNHAK, we wanted to be better than noisebridge.
 the reactions of others when I explain the situation, I think we've

 in being a better drama mill than noisebridge:

 jontyw London is measured in millinoisebridges
 evanmcc that's totally rotten

 jontyw Sounds like you're at at least several noisebridges
 evanmcc look, you've gotten dangerously close to me having to 

 empathy and for that I am going to punish you forever

 Congrats! I'm so proud of everyone. We are now (in)famous within the


 Community, you've got the power to change this and fix things. SYNHAK
 have to have this shit. It can really be a nice place where everyone


Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-04-22

2014-04-25 Thread Andrew Buczko

On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 8:07 AM, Michael Griesacker

 Andy, first time note taker was being silly. Chris didn't ask about
 windows or pet doors either, just doors.

 On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 3:03 AM, Andrew Buczko 

 * Andy -yes, no pet doors as of yet, maybe a robot door.
 ^ I did not say that. I said Yes, the plans are in my car, I can get
 them if you want. I don't remember anything about a pet door.

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Chris Egeland ch...@chrisegeland.comwrote:

 On 4/23/2014 2:43 PM, a l wrote:

* no one wishes to propose to split the member dues/key restrictions

  It is unclear if this was consented and if so what the wording of the
 proposal is/was. Could someone who remembers the conversation update the

 At last night's meeting, this was discussed, not consented to.  At last
 week's meeting (04-15-2014), this was brought up as a discussion item, not
 a proposal.  As such, last night's discussion (04-22-2014) was, technically
 speaking, the first meeting it was discussed as a proposal.

 The proposal in question is available to view here:

 No changes to the wording of this proposal was discussed or agreed to
 last night.  As such, this proposal will undergo the consensus process at
 next week's meeting.

  Regarding Hacker grants: Since Torrie proposed this and will not be at
 meetings in the near future could someone who understands her vision please
 answer a few questions I have? The following is the current wording:
 *I'm proposing that we allocate $5400 of our recent $15k knight
 foundation grant to, each month, give $150 to a hacker with great ideas who
 applies for it *

  * $5,400 is a lot of money to ear mark for one project with uncertain
 terms. It is in fact 3 years worth(at the proposed 150/mo) of hacker grants
 as well as over 1/3 of our total grant monies. Could we lower this dollar
 amount? perhaps to $1,800 offering 1 years worth of mini-grants instead. We
 can always revisit the idea after one year.

  * What exactly is the application process and constitutes 'great
 ideas'. If two people apply in the same month how do we decide between
 them? Two in the same hour?  If only one person applies does that guarantee
 them the money? What's the application deadline?

  * Do we hand people a check for $150 or refund reciepts?

  * It sounds like this is open to the public, how do we best promote

 Andrew L

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Omar Rassi omar.ra...@gmail.comwrote:

  Regarding the hacker grants proposal, I have a question for Steve.
 Steve said, before we spend any money, we should have a discussion of what
 we want to do with this, before we start spending it.

 Isn't that what we're doing with the proposed expenditure on funding
 mini-hacker grants? By discussing spending money on hacker grants, we are
 in fact discussing how we're going to spend money. What sort of discussion
 were you looking to have on this?

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Chris Egeland 

  The link has been properly updated.

 Here are the minutes:

 |venue=48 South Summit

 = Agenda =

 * '''Note Taker:''' MikeG
 * '''Moderator:''' Becca

 == Introduction and Names ==

  * Round of introductions
 ** What is your name?
 ** What do you do?
 ** If this is your first time, how did you hear about SYNHAK?
  * Ed, Robert R's Grampa, Retired Study of Law.
 * Jen, Stay at home mom
 * Robert, likes to invent
 * Becca, frosts cakes,defrosts bread
 * Mike, pressed the button
 * STeve, brings horribly outdated computers to syhak
 * Matt, updates software
 * Matt, Deathray enthusiast
 * Linda, Librarian, wants her own Makerspace, found out from Clev Pub
 * Joe, retired mechanic
 * Craig, flips cars
 * G, restores bycicles, for kiks
 * Andy, computer tomography machines
 * Chris, untapps
 * Will, gots a new phone
 * Philip, takes pictures, wants to start bike refurb service, with
 MAtt, G, and Theresa, not for profit, but for fun

 == Announcements ==
 * Mini Maker fair, KSU Library, 12-4pm Thurs
 * Informal announcement Akron Mini Maker Faire October 18th  11-4pm
 Akron Bublic Library, main branch
 * NAMES Convention: MEchanical engineering society, makes working mini
 trains, in Michigan
 * Shop Safety tomorrow 8pm
 ** Closed toed shoes
 ** Long sleeve shirt/short sleeve/overshirt
 ** long pants
 ** stick with cottons
 * Matt: may have line on garage toolshop, but in Michigan

 == Membership ==
 * Jen, never considered to be a member, was told Rob couldn't skype
 into a meeting, or join via proxy
 ** G, can we have special off-tuesday meeting for a non-tuesday
 enabled person?
 ** Becca, why can't he be interviewed over the phone.
 ** Chris E, don't see bylaw restriction, to a non-tues meeting

Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2014-04-22

2014-04-24 Thread Andrew Buczko
* Andy -yes, no pet doors as of yet, maybe a robot door.
^ I did not say that. I said Yes, the plans are in my car, I can get them
if you want. I don't remember anything about a pet door.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Chris Egeland ch...@chrisegeland.comwrote:

 On 4/23/2014 2:43 PM, a l wrote:

* no one wishes to propose to split the member dues/key restrictions

  It is unclear if this was consented and if so what the wording of the
 proposal is/was. Could someone who remembers the conversation update the

 At last night's meeting, this was discussed, not consented to.  At last
 week's meeting (04-15-2014), this was brought up as a discussion item, not
 a proposal.  As such, last night's discussion (04-22-2014) was, technically
 speaking, the first meeting it was discussed as a proposal.

 The proposal in question is available to view here:

 No changes to the wording of this proposal was discussed or agreed to last
 night.  As such, this proposal will undergo the consensus process at next
 week's meeting.

  Regarding Hacker grants: Since Torrie proposed this and will not be at
 meetings in the near future could someone who understands her vision please
 answer a few questions I have? The following is the current wording:
 *I'm proposing that we allocate $5400 of our recent $15k knight
 foundation grant to, each month, give $150 to a hacker with great ideas who
 applies for it *

  * $5,400 is a lot of money to ear mark for one project with uncertain
 terms. It is in fact 3 years worth(at the proposed 150/mo) of hacker grants
 as well as over 1/3 of our total grant monies. Could we lower this dollar
 amount? perhaps to $1,800 offering 1 years worth of mini-grants instead. We
 can always revisit the idea after one year.

  * What exactly is the application process and constitutes 'great ideas'.
 If two people apply in the same month how do we decide between them? Two in
 the same hour?  If only one person applies does that guarantee them the
 money? What's the application deadline?

  * Do we hand people a check for $150 or refund reciepts?

  * It sounds like this is open to the public, how do we best promote this?

 Andrew L

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Omar Rassi wrote:

  Regarding the hacker grants proposal, I have a question for Steve.
 Steve said, before we spend any money, we should have a discussion of what
 we want to do with this, before we start spending it.

 Isn't that what we're doing with the proposed expenditure on funding
 mini-hacker grants? By discussing spending money on hacker grants, we are
 in fact discussing how we're going to spend money. What sort of discussion
 were you looking to have on this?

 On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Chris Egeland ch...@chrisegeland.comwrote:

  The link has been properly updated.

 Here are the minutes:

 |venue=48 South Summit

 = Agenda =

 * '''Note Taker:''' MikeG
 * '''Moderator:''' Becca

 == Introduction and Names ==

  * Round of introductions
 ** What is your name?
 ** What do you do?
 ** If this is your first time, how did you hear about SYNHAK?
  * Ed, Robert R's Grampa, Retired Study of Law.
 * Jen, Stay at home mom
 * Robert, likes to invent
 * Becca, frosts cakes,defrosts bread
 * Mike, pressed the button
 * STeve, brings horribly outdated computers to syhak
 * Matt, updates software
 * Matt, Deathray enthusiast
 * Linda, Librarian, wants her own Makerspace, found out from Clev Pub
 * Joe, retired mechanic
 * Craig, flips cars
 * G, restores bycicles, for kiks
 * Andy, computer tomography machines
 * Chris, untapps
 * Will, gots a new phone
 * Philip, takes pictures, wants to start bike refurb service, with MAtt,
 G, and Theresa, not for profit, but for fun

 == Announcements ==
 * Mini Maker fair, KSU Library, 12-4pm Thurs
 * Informal announcement Akron Mini Maker Faire October 18th  11-4pm
 Akron Bublic Library, main branch
 * NAMES Convention: MEchanical engineering society, makes working mini
 trains, in Michigan
 * Shop Safety tomorrow 8pm
 ** Closed toed shoes
 ** Long sleeve shirt/short sleeve/overshirt
 ** long pants
 ** stick with cottons
 * Matt: may have line on garage toolshop, but in Michigan

 == Membership ==
 * Jen, never considered to be a member, was told Rob couldn't skype into
 a meeting, or join via proxy
 ** G, can we have special off-tuesday meeting for a non-tuesday enabled
 ** Becca, why can't he be interviewed over the phone.
 ** Chris E, don't see bylaw restriction, to a non-tues meeting to
 address a new member app.

 == Financial Report ==
 * Funds in bank:
  none reported

 == Proposals ==

 * no one wishes to propose to split the member dues/key restrictions

 open: proposals -see proposal page

 * Hacker Grants

Re: [SH-Discuss] Membership Family Plans

2014-04-13 Thread Andrew Buczko
Torrie Fischer wrote: * Many of us feel
uncomfortable with letting a 7 year old roam around without someone
responsible watching them.

I did not feel this way and I don't feel that Torrie can speak for Many of
us, In fact, I had offered to show Robert how to run the 3D printer. I
have shown other seven year old's how to run the 3D printer and they have
done just fine.

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Michael Griesacker

 Rob, I will try to be brief. The discussion brought up some concerns, and
 the topic of discussion was member/family pricing. As an aside, we
 discussed our current rules concerning keys: Non-members are barred from
 having keys, keys are non-transferrable between members. -also: There is
 responsibility/risk of a keyholder, and when asked what's the youngest age
 a member should be to be entrusted to be at the space alone by themselves
 in case of accident, emergency, other the consensus of the small group was
 18yrs. I agree Robert is far more mature and responsible for his age, but
 we felt it time to discuss some general rules, not exceptions. Seeing
 Robert is intending to be chaperoned to the space by a parent, this is not
 a conflict, except for the key part, and we felt that fit nicely into the
 family membership pricing discussion. Technically, his membership, -if
 going under the student clause would be $15. If an adult family member
 joined, his membership would drop to 5$ and the first adult would be $35,
 the second adult $15.

  I wouldn't have worded nice stuff so much as sharp and pokey if the
 wrong end is used for the wrong thing. This is a makeshift electronics
 lab/workshop, not a padded romper room (envisioning Mcdonalds play area).
 We are all delighted to have Robert join, but did not fully think through
 all the aspects.  We all know Robert wouldn't be riding his bycicle here,
 or being dropped off while mom goes to the grocery store. So I apologize
 for the wording coming off as an attack on you and your wife's parenting
 skills or to your son. We all feel that he should be encouraged and
 nurtured as much as possible, but want to make sure we are setting some
 healthy/reasonable boundaries. If you are willing to willing to work with
 us on this minor growing pain, I think we can settle on a reasonable
 solution that doesn't include 100x more fire extinguishers.  Again, all of
 this proposed has not been voted on by the membership group, just discussed
 by our subcommittee, and released for general discussion.

 best regards,

 On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Robert Rybicki

 Sorry for the double post. Craig I thank you for sharing your story and
 your warm confirmation about membership. That is the kind of kinship we
 should all strive for.

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Apr 11, 2014, at 10:56 PM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 (Happy to hear the argument about age having little to do with anything.
 I think I can get away with saying 29 when anyone asks for the foreseeable
 future, and before that it was 23, 16, 13, etc.  I won't pretend I don't
 still have a bit of a complex on judgement based on age, being the awkward
 but tall kid dragged to mensa meetings their whole childhood that some
 drunkens would occasionally mistake for a peer, then came the question
 that still cuts to the bone how old are you? )

 A member is a member.
 Since the seven year old member is my son, I will add my opinions to the

 First and foremost I want to express my sad displeasure in reading this.
  Perhaps this being paraphrased ideas of a discussion many things are
 getting lost in translation. However the things I have issue with are
 listed as problems

 My seven year old lives 46 minutes driving distance from the space and
 does not currently drive himself places. If he was of driving age and as a
 parent I decided he was mature enough to go places by himself, or use shop
 tools, or as you put it nice things then I would let him go do those
 things. Perhaps sometimes I would go with him at times to check on how safe
 he is still being. Perhaps also I would put two gps tracking devices on his
 car so when he finds the first one I have redundancy. Also guaranteed I, or
 a close and not easily recognizable friend would tail him at times. The
 point I am trying to make here, is my son that is a member of syn/hak, is
 not autonomous yet, and when the time comes that he is, we will still
 parent him.

 The way nice things is worded I am taken back to my own childhood when
 my evil aunt had us over and I was confined to the kitchen, because she had
 a house full of collectable garbage (much like syn/hak,) and I was too much
 of an animal to go into the rest of the rooms in the house.  If there are
 concerns about your members not being able to handle tool, machines,
 supplies, or members projects (again, I'm fuzzy on what is nice,) perhaps
 those concerns could be brought 

Re: [SH-Discuss] Calling a Special Board Meeting

2014-04-13 Thread Andrew Buczko

1There is a conflict of interest, since Chris is more of your friend than
2Chris is trying to force a time limit on me to respond withing 24 hours
of his email's. This is NOT a rule that I have to follow.
3I have to WORK, I have TWO jobs for a reason. I can not be taking time
out for meetings when I have to buy new tires for my car, fix my house
gutters, pay my CPA etc. etc.

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 11:40 PM, Torrie Fischer

 On Friday, April 11, 2014 16:00:01 Chris Egeland wrote:
  To the Board, Membership and Community of SYN/HAK:
  I am hereby calling a special board meeting, the authority for which is
  granted to me as a Champion under Section of the bylaws. The
  purpose of this special meeting is as follows:
  * The adoption of a bylaw amendment to formally change our official
  address to 48 S Summit St.
  * The adoption of a bylaw amendment to require the board to publicly
  post an agenda of a meeting prior to the meeting occurring, and
  restricting the board from voting on topics not on said agenda.
  * The discussion of removing Andrew Buczko from the board for refusing
  to enter into a mediated discussion to resolve interpersonal conflicts
  with a member.

 I've been thinking about this for a few days, actually. I had been
 this on and off with Chris and Omar, but I think they failed to sell me on
 idea of removing Andy from the board.

 First: Yes, Andy and I haven't been getting along. I'm not sure whose
 fault it
 is and would really rather go to mediation so the two of us can figure
 out. If any of it is my fault, I'd want to know what I did wrong, as I
 obviously am unable to grasp what I did so I can apologize and accept
 responsibility. Its a bit of a shame, since he's been with SYNHAK since the
 beginning. I miss friendly Andy :(

 Second: What is this supposed to solve?

 Chris had contacted Andy and myself to ask for mediation at the request of
 another member. I happily agreed, but didn't hear from Andy except through
 Chris who said that Andy said he was too busy due to Notacon. Sure, fine. I
 can understand that. He's pretty involved and I totally support that. I
 heard that he now outright refuses and thinks that there isn't a problem.
 doesn't want to go to mediation with me; He doesn't want to fix whatever
 problems are ailing the relationship between us as friends.

 I'm not sure how removing him from the board solves this except to send
 kind of message of If you have conflicts with another member, you get
 off the board. Thats a scary precedent in my opinion. It flies in the
 face of
 my previous arguments that the board is supposed to rubber-stamp actions
 by the membership and that it should be limited to acting as an interface
 between the community and any legal obligations.

 I'm not advocating this for the current situation with Andy and myself,
 but I
 think the appropriate response to someone who isn't willing to participate
 conflict resolution is that they shouldn't be permitted to participate in
 community. It shouldn't matter if they're on the board, if they're an
 a full member, or even a non-member. I don't think the situation is at that
 point yet, since Andy is obviously very busy with Notacon. I'm cool with
 waiting another week and trying again after Notacon is done with. I really
 don't have a problem with Andy, and this conflict isn't causing me any
 significant grief. I've learned to just tune it out in the hopes that we'll
 cool down and get over it, or he will find time for mediation.

 Previously, I had called for the removal of a board member because they had
 broken my trust. Andy has not broken my trust, so I don't feel that he
 be removed.

 The above points were discussed with Chris in private message, but don't
 appear to have had much sway.

 To summarize:

 * Removing Andy from the board because him and I have a conflict is silly
 * Removing anyone from the board due to an inability to resolve
 conflicts is silly
 * I'm still open to trying mediation
 * Andy hasn't broken my trust, and I still think he's a cool friend, but
 just not seeing eye-to-eye where it matters
 * If someone doesn't want to resolve their differences with another member
 the community, they aren't really participating in the community and should
 leave for a period of time by willful suspension, or be forced to leave by
 stripping them of their membership.
 * I do not support removing Andy from the board as a response to the
 between him and myself.

 We really need a community working group to sort through this stuff
 instead of
 jumping to the board when (not if!) it happens again. I'd like to figure
 out a
 meeting time this week where we can work on it, but its Friday night and I
 have...consumables. I'll get back to you all on that...

  The venue of the board meeting shall be 48 S

Re: [SH-Discuss] Calling a Special Board Meeting

2014-04-13 Thread Andrew Buczko
I have a busy month this month. Everything happens in April! I will not be
able to respond to requests within 5 days.

Here is what's going on for April:

-My Mother's B-Day

The North American Model Engineering Society


Cleveland Mini Maker Fair

Akron Brony Meetup

Slot Car Racing

Cuyahoga Falls Amateur Radio Club 60th Annual HAMFEST

Add this to the fact that I work two jobs and you can tell that I am going
to be busy.

On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 8:10 PM, a l wrote:

 If the parties involved agree to meet in person that's great. Not everyone
 will want/be able to. Getting people communicating to each other, even
 through an intermediary, should be to goal. How it is accomplished should
 be left to them.

 Sure, we've had misunderstandings due to words not conveying mannerisms.
 We've also had polite conversation devolve into a shouting match. Neither
 form is perfect.
 In the end communication is key. Not talking, communicating. If both sides
 are talking but neither is -listening- it won't matter if they're using
 carrier pigeons or lawyers.

 If what is said is not what is meant then what ought to be done remains
 undone  -Confucious

 Andrew L

 On Sun, Apr 13, 2014 at 7:08 PM, Torrie Fischer 

 On Sunday, April 13, 2014 15:25:27 Becca Salchak wrote:
  My issue with dealing with it over email is:
  -yes people tend to feel more free and open but we have had issues in
  past with emails being misinterpreted.

 They happened in the past, and they'll happen again :)

  - these are personal conflicts and i feel the best way to solve these
  problems is face to face with a peace keeper in the middle

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Easier money spending

2014-04-11 Thread Andrew Buczko
ooh, I like your log sheet dea

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 That sounds a lot like a log sheet. The card could be kept in a locked
 cabinet keyed to the front door. This is so that any keyholder can open it
 for a member instead having to rely on the availability of one single
 person. The log sheet can be made on a simple spreadsheet and could look
 like this:

 *Name   Phone#   What to
 purchase   How much $   Date
 Out/In   Signature*

 A monthly limit of $XXX.XX could be imposed on the card. A copy of the tax
 exempt form should be taken with the card, and when turning the card back
 in, receipts should be turned in as well. Maybe the keyholder should place
 their name on each sign out as well so that all hands on this card are
 accounted for? Anyone can review the logsheet and receipts and present
 issues during the meeting if someone identifies a problem purchase that we
 can talk about. A quick blurb about how we can keep nice things like this
 could be written across the top of the log sheet.

 On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 2:43 AM, Andrew Buczko 

 Sounds good.

 ? Where is the check book and card? (don't need to tell me, I just
 assumed that it was locked up at synhak and not at your personal house.

 I'm thinking we can make it like the Tool check out form.
 Where any member in good standing can take out the card for buying stuff.

 We can have them fill out the form for:
 1who they are, Driver's licence number (like how stores do for checks)
 2When they plan to spend the money.
 3Where the money will be spent
 4Amount to be spent
 5When the card is to be returned

 This would be filled out and then giving to the treasurer (Or someone)
 and then the member can have the card to use.
 For no more than 5 business days.

 On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:20 AM, alex kot wrote:

 I think it is a good idea.  Though two things to add.  Who has the
 ability to audit the spending?  I think the champions should have the
 ability to watch over the transactions of each card.  Also we should make a
 rule in place for spending money so it doesn't feel like a free for all.
  Maybe any transaction has to be emailed to members@ 24 hours before
 the purchase. Even if it is a little amount for something like toilet paper.


 On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 9:29 AM EDT Torrie Fischer wrote:

 Hi, all.
 This morning, Chris and I were discussing a possible solution to a money
 The problem: I'm currently the only one who has the ability to spend
 money. If I get hit by a bus, we'd likely be screwed. It also really
 things down. At last night's meeting it was requested that we spend
 some money
 on picking up some doors for the wall project, but getting to the point
 of me
 actually handing out money can take too long because I don't keep the
 checkbook on me, nor do I keep the money card on me.
 The solution: A special spending card that is tied to a second
 account at BFG without the ability to overdraft, cause fees, or
 anything else
 This had been kinda discussed before as a way to handle the
 maintenance/buildout budgets.
 Basically, I setup another account with our BFG membership and keep the
 balance at some maximum of what we agree it should be. Our maintenence
 is still $50/mo, but if we needed to spend more I could instantly
 money into it (like $200 for doors for the walls or somesuch) and hand
 the card. I'd also like to see about getting a total of four cards
 made: One
 for treasurer, and one for each of the champions.
 Thoughts and feedback please! :)
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Easier money spending

2014-04-10 Thread Andrew Buczko
Sounds good.

? Where is the check book and card? (don't need to tell me, I just assumed
that it was locked up at synhak and not at your personal house.

I'm thinking we can make it like the Tool check out form.
Where any member in good standing can take out the card for buying stuff.

We can have them fill out the form for:
1who they are, Driver's licence number (like how stores do for checks)
2When they plan to spend the money.
3Where the money will be spent
4Amount to be spent
5When the card is to be returned

This would be filled out and then giving to the treasurer (Or someone) and
then the member can have the card to use.
For no more than 5 business days.

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 10:20 AM, alex kot wrote:

 I think it is a good idea.  Though two things to add.  Who has the ability
 to audit the spending?  I think the champions should have the ability to
 watch over the transactions of each card.  Also we should make a rule in
 place for spending money so it doesn't feel like a free for all.  Maybe any
 transaction has to be emailed to members@ 24 hours before the purchase.
 Even if it is a little amount for something like toilet paper.

 On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 9:29 AM EDT Torrie Fischer wrote:

 Hi, all.
 This morning, Chris and I were discussing a possible solution to a money
 The problem: I'm currently the only one who has the ability to spend *any*
 money. If I get hit by a bus, we'd likely be screwed. It also really slows
 things down. At last night's meeting it was requested that we spend some
 on picking up some doors for the wall project, but getting to the point
 of me
 actually handing out money can take too long because I don't keep the
 checkbook on me, nor do I keep the money card on me.
 The solution: A special spending card that is tied to a second checking
 account at BFG without the ability to overdraft, cause fees, or anything
 This had been kinda discussed before as a way to handle the
 maintenance/buildout budgets.
 Basically, I setup another account with our BFG membership and keep the
 balance at some maximum of what we agree it should be. Our maintenence
 is still $50/mo, but if we needed to spend more I could instantly transfer
 money into it (like $200 for doors for the walls or somesuch) and hand
 the card. I'd also like to see about getting a total of four cards made:
 for treasurer, and one for each of the champions.
 Thoughts and feedback please! :)
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Testing out slack

2014-04-08 Thread Andrew Buczko
Send me an invite.
I'll take a look at it next week, if I have time

On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 2:23 PM, a l wrote:

 might as well sign me up too

 Andrew L

 On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Torrie Fischer 

 On Saturday, April 05, 2014 08:22:48 alex kot wrote:
  Torrie is this a paid service?

 It can be, but we're on the free plan which has no limits on time or
 number of

 This link might work for non-users, I'm not sure:

  On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 10:43 AM EDT Torrie Fischer wrote:
  On Saturday, April 05, 2014 04:15:58 Andrew Buczko wrote:
   Hmm, I'm confused, I think I just set up another instance of synhak
   of joining Synhak's group?
  Probably. You need to e-mail me or Chris for an invite.
  Would you want an invite?
   On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Torrie Fischer
On Friday, April 04, 2014 15:37:26 a l wrote:
 Is there a way to automate the invite system? If we're going to
 consensus to decide things everyone should use slack at least
 to get an informed decision.
Not from what I can tell. It does have an API, but Im not sure if
invites and membership get handled. If it does, I'll hook it up to
 I don't think Alex meant for you to take that as anything more
 than a
 hearted jab regarding your dedication to fedora.

 Andrew L

 On Apr 4, 2014 2:11 PM, Torrie Fischer
  On Friday, April 04, 2014 10:56:23 alex kot wrote:
   I am just surprised torrie suggested slack as an option.
  SYNHAK has problems.
  They need fixed.
  I don't care what technology fixes SYNHAK.
  Can you (and others who do this stuff) please keep this stuff
  discuss@and stay on topic?
   On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 1:14 PM EDT Philip P. Patnode wrote:
   Add my name as a member to be invited.
   On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Torrie Fischer
Heya, folks.
A few other spaces have started to experiment with using
method that is limited to their membership.
I've created an instance for us to try it out as a way of
to build a community working group, or governance hacking,
machine shop's features, and such.
They don't have any kind of public signup if you wish to
slack, so please let me know if you are interested and I
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Testing out slack

2014-04-05 Thread Andrew Buczko
Hmm, I'm confused, I think I just set up another instance of synhak instead
of joining Synhak's group?

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Friday, April 04, 2014 15:37:26 a l wrote:
  Is there a way to automate the invite system? If we're going to use
  consensus to decide things everyone should use slack at least long enough
  to get an informed decision.

 Not from what I can tell. It does have an API, but Im not sure if it'll
 invites and membership get handled. If it does, I'll hook it up to spiff.

  I don't think Alex meant for you to take that as anything more than a
  hearted jab regarding your dedication to fedora.
  Andrew L
  On Apr 4, 2014 2:11 PM, Torrie Fischer
   On Friday, April 04, 2014 10:56:23 alex kot wrote:
I am just surprised torrie suggested slack as an option.
   SYNHAK has problems.
   They need fixed.
   I don't care what technology fixes SYNHAK.
   Can you (and others who do this stuff) please keep this stuff off
   discuss@and stay on topic?
On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 1:14 PM EDT Philip P. Patnode wrote:
Add my name as a member to be invited.


On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Torrie Fischer
 Heya, folks.

 A few other spaces have started to experiment with using Slack as
 method that is limited to their membership.

 I've created an instance for us to try it out as a way of quietly
 to build a community working group, or governance hacking,
 machine shop's features, and such.

 They don't have any kind of public signup if you wish to join the
 slack, so please let me know if you are interested and I will get
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Re: [SH-Discuss] New tool: Panel Saw

2014-04-04 Thread Andrew Buczko
Torrie, That is not a massive lathe

and for you to suggest getting rid of the pantograph and the lathe is an

Also may I remind you that we are working on donating our Extra tools to

I agree that we need to do something with the extra table saw, band saws
and the 30 or so circular saws. If Canhax is not ready for them then we
could sell them off.


On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 I'm alright with releasing some grant money to buy a panel saw kit. I can
 this being very useful.

 Can we possibly consense on buying this this Tuesday:

 All it is is the kit for the frame. Once that is assembled, we can design
 actual panel saw to not take up as much space, perhaps a collapsible one.

 If we still have open concerns about the floor space it uses, I'd also
 like to
 mention that we have *four* bandsaws. Four. And a pantograph. And a massive

 Certainly we can get rid of some of those things and clean up the machine
 by a lot.

 For reference, here is the footprint of the kit's suggested design:

 Looks pretty skinny, probably as much as our current plywood rack.

 On Tuesday, April 01, 2014 21:25:42 a l wrote:
  Before I had to leave the meeting early there was discussion about how to
  retrofit the machine shop to limit dust c. In that discussion the topic
  plywood/large format wood handling came up and a panel saw like what
  yards have was suggested. New/Used ones apparently cost thousands of
  dollars so I sought out a DIY solution.
  I've found a few kits that come in varying degrees of fully assembled
  prices between ~$300-$1000. There are also a few designs for sale from
  backissues of woodworking magazines($10/issue). Given enough time staring
  at the ones at the home improvement store and pictures online we could
  probably make our own without buying plans. Or should we save our time
  just buy a kit?
  At any rate I think it's a viable solution.
  If someone is vehemently against spending the cash and spare circular saw
  on one we could also situate the table saw near the garage door-side of
  shop and just open the planned( they are planned aren't they?) double
  doors  and put an outfeed table in the hallway when we need to make big
  happy hacking!
  Andrew L

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Re: [SH-Discuss] One Last Time

2014-04-02 Thread Andrew Buczko
Probably because I'm transgender and can easily pick out transphobic
behaviors. Lets not talk about that though.

Why are you against people who are afraid to travel across seas? What do
you have against them?

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 12:50 AM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Tuesday, April 01, 2014 23:10:39 Steve Radonich IV wrote:
  I am aware that there is already separate thread about this, but seeing
  it has been up for so long without a single word of input from anyone I
  to bring it up again. I pretty much addressed Torrie's concerns but I
  do it again, even though most of them are not really valid.

 Which concerns did you address? And which ones are invalid and why?

  Bylaws don't say anything about proposals. Sure they say we've got the
  right to vote on membership applications, but I'm no longer comfortable
  with that
  route. The questions asked interview process have the possibility of
  no real impact.
  First, it doesn't really matter if you are no longer comfortable with
  on a membership application since the proper way of gaining or getting
  rejected for membership is by a vote as outlined in section 5.2 of the
  bylaws, and Section 5.1 Membership Qualifications states having been
  proposed by a current member in good standing, and having been approved
  a vote of the membership. If you really don't want to vote than you need
  to have an amendment to the bylaws, since as far as I'm concerned voting
  the only way we can confirm a member of SYNHAK, even if you don't like

 Right. Thats what the rules say.

 We can change the rules.

 Thats the point of our governance process. The mechanism in this case is to
 get a bylaw amendment. If we feel that this is warranted, it'll go there.
 we not currently discussing making more rules and bureaucracy because the
 current rules are perceived as not compatible with our desired end state?

  Second, the questions in the interview process have a huge impact on
  someone would be voted in or out of SYNHAK membership, I don't see how
  having a vote really changes that at all, kind of confused on this point.
  I imagine asking someone questions and finding out that they're a
  transphobe, but the majority of the people present at the meeting who
  to understand the gravity of my concerns think haha, they're funny.
  Even if someone was a raging transphobe how would we know? I don't think
  really has any bearing on whether they're going to be a member or not as
  long as they can keep civil and not let their personal feelings or
  keep them from getting a long with, at the very least putting up with
  someone who might be transexual. I highly doubt anyone at SYNHAK would
  think that is funny and find it offensive that you would even think that.

 How would they know?

 Probably because I'm transgender and can easily pick out transphobic
 behaviors. Lets not talk about that though.

  not let their personal feelings or beliefs

 You really don't think this matters? People can forget all about their
 prejudices and irrational hate and not let it out in some way?

 You think that I wouldn't feel incredibly uncomfortable at the space if I
 that there was someone there who thinks of me as less than human?

  at the very least putting up with someone who might be transexual.

 Ah, thanks for that. I can see how I am something to be put up with. In
 way could being every day in the presence of someone who feels this ever
 to me and cut deep emotional gouges and cause me to think that SYNHAK is no
 longer a safe place.

 Please understand that you have said some things pointed at a core facet
 of my
 human identity in what I am perceiving as an incredibly insensitive and
 discourteous manner.

 Yes I am nonplussed.

  I certainly would not be comfortable with their membership without
  able to block and then further getting to know them.

  I'm still not convinced that voting is an effective method of getting
  support of everyone.
  You would have the opportunity to make your reservations known to the
  community as a whole, and even block that membership by yourself for 2
  whole weeks, of which if you couldn't convince a small 15% of those at
  meeting to your side then you didn't make your point good enough. One
  person should not have the power to indefinitely hold up a proposal or
  membership application just because they don't like it. Might I ask what
  so effective about using a system that requires us to go back and forth
  over the same issues and talking points to reach 100% consensus and never
  get anything done, than just having a super majority vote of the
  in attendance and getting the issues resolved? I'm not saying everything
  has to be made fast, but if consensus can not be made in 6 weeks I highly
  doubt it will ever be made and there is no reason to drag 

Re: [SH-Discuss] More meeting improvements

2014-04-02 Thread Andrew Buczko
My suggestion for improvement: You (the Moderator) is to only direct the
meeting as far as topics / questions / consensus / voting goes. IF the
moderator has a topic / question / consensu / vote then the moderator shall
do so as a member and wait his or her turn.

Not to pick on you Torie but:
What I saw at the last meeting was more like Torie Time then a meeting.
as Moderator Torie got to give input after every turn. The moderator should
have to wait in the Que, just like everyone else.

PS, What is the short form of consensus? Conseed, conside, consensu, give

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Wednesday, April 02, 2014 17:39:03 Omar Rassi wrote:
  but what about over 50? Is it the same? is it different?

 what does any of this have to do with my original post

 I wasn't asking to talk about member dues or bureaucratic fantasies.. I was
 looking for feedback on last night's meeting and suggestions to improve it.

  On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 5:21 PM, a l wrote:
   The procedure, as written, for removal of board members if the
   is under 50 looks pretty well spelled out ... A majority of the
   membership... Which as Chris pointed out a while back is  defaulted to
   Andrew L
   On Apr 2, 2014 4:41 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:
   From what I gathered since the very beginning of Synhak, the spirit of
   how Synhak is structured is such that the Membership decides how
   should be. The board exists to help support what the members want to
   achieve. Its important to remember that the bylaws also allow for the
   membership to remove any or all board members without cause, (Chapter
   *6.3.3. Removal of Directors *
   Any or all directors may be removed without cause if:
   * In a corporation with fewer than 50 members, the removal is
 approved by
   a majority of all members.
   * In a corporation with 50 or more members, the removal is approved by
   the members.
   So both Torrie and Justin are correct. A board meeting must be called
   make adjustments to the schedule of membership dues but the membership
   first reach consensus on what that new schedule should be. The board
   creates resolutions without the membership deciding if that's what
   want might cause the membership to second-guess their board.
   Also, as a side note, the bylaws do need to be updated with the
   address as it still lists 21 West North as the principal office and
   isn't a clear difference between the less than/more than 50 members
   procedure for Removal of Directors. Time for me to write an email to
   On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Torrie Fischer
   On Wednesday, April 02, 2014 15:42:45 Justin Herman wrote:
Just a point of order...
Per the Bylaws, Section 5.3, the membership does not decide the
board does.
   Right, but it would be a Very Bad Idea to not get consensus on what
Each member must pay, within the time and on the conditions set by
board, the dues, fees, and
assessments in amounts to be fixed from time to time by the board.
So a champion needs to call a board meeting.
(PS: I am in support of having a senior discount as suggested by
   Philip and
interested in talking about family discounts)
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:52 PM, Torrie Fischer
 Last night's meeting seemed to go alright, though less good than

 * It devolved into a series of back and forth QA sessions
 wy too often
 * Nobody had anything they wanted to bring up after we talked

 I'd like to discuss two improvements to the meeting.

 First, a stack-watcher.

 The role of the stack watcher would be to catch who raises their
 and ensure that everyone gets a chance to speak in the order that
 during discussion. When listening to discussion, I'm trying to
   an eye
 the notes on the screen, watching for raised hands, making sure
 talks for too long, and trying to remember the stack of topics
 discussing (i.e., start on the wall, move down into ventilation,
   move down
 into moving the furnace, move back up to ventilation, back up to
 down to ceiling height, etc).

 It'd be super cool if someone could play stack watcher next week.
 keep a
 list of who is speaking when on a whiteboard.

 Second, a programmed agenda.

 Philip and I were talking about this, regarding the fact that

Re: [SH-Discuss] IRC

2014-03-30 Thread Andrew Buczko
Wow, do we have a BBS too?

On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 9:02 PM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:


 On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 8:33 PM, Torrie Fischer 

 Do you folks know about #synhak on

 I think this wiki page needs some love:

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Laser Measuring Tape

2014-03-27 Thread Andrew Buczko
I'll try to make it down there sunday to help measure things out .

Hmm, We could make a SynHak.wad

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:44 PM, Torrie Fischer

 On Thursday, March 27, 2014 22:36:01 Craig Bergdorf wrote:
  I can be found any(!) Sunday from Noon to 3 (i missed a family members
  party the week before last to be there, alone).  For the rest of my life,
  Sundays are indelibly linked to being at SynHak, Alone until 2:59pm.
   Although I am often late, if I won't arrive by the end of cartalk (1pm)
  i've always sent an email to the discuss list in shame (since the
  I'm away from the space at the moment, but will be back in time to sit
  alone Sunday noon to 3.
  How is Sunday?, I can bring in a laser that does nothing, and a tape
  measure to continue gathering data to make a real 3d model of the space.
  Torrie: can you be here Sunday as well?

 Yup, sure! I'll be there at noon.

  On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:16 PM, Philip P. Patnode
   TF  CB
   What time will you be at SH on Sunday?
   On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:12 PM, Torrie Fischer
   On Thursday, March 27, 2014 21:43:30 Philip P. Patnode wrote:
If you need/want/can use some assistance, I'd like to help you when
the floor measurements with the fancy new gizmos/instruments.
Fully qualified to be a worker drone on your team - I can count to
I have memorized the whole alphabet.
Plus, I only ask for a hot cup of coffee once per hour and need to
every two hours.
No doubt, I will learn something new and interesting in the process.
   Lets get together on Sunday and make an accurate floor plan!
On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 9:33 PM, Byron Moran
 I might know a guy with access to a really cool 360 degree
 measuring tool. I'll ping him.

 On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 9:30 PM, Craig Bergdorf
 *stands up* how can I help!? And when can it be a TF2 map?
 ultrasonic is as far as my technology goes (anyone have a lidar
 after making a quake map of the Cub Foods at the corner of hwy 7
 101 in MN (the center of the universe), i'de love to do this
 today's technology ( instead of, blueprints, and cameras with

 i'de like to jump in on this one, my original drawing of the
 corners because of the pressure at the time to finish, but I know
 measurements were assumed, what were quickly measured, and what
 measured precisely, the Micrografx format I desperately cling to
 ability to mark measurements with notes (yes I know - when is
 back;because it is a terrible format I've been locked into for a
 but haven't crawled out of my cave yet, but you can't fight
   but I
 still have all the pen drawings from measuring.

  On Mar 27, 2014 8:50 PM, Torrie Fischer

 Would someone have a long distance laser measuring device?

 I'd like to start playing around with CAD and build a more
 version of
 our floorplan, with a third dimension included so we can get an
 estimation of the resources needed to build a wall.
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 Byron D Moran
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Re: [SH-Discuss] request for 3D printer info

2014-03-24 Thread Andrew Buczko
I've always liked 911-6502 -- that number's never busy

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 10:49 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:

 Because 867-5309 is always busy!

 Might be a good choice for an alternate number.

 I feel for the party that has that number in any exchange.

 No doubt, they get lots of calls and a few un-ordered pizzas too.

 On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 10:33 PM, J. F. Corner wrote:

  Why not 867-5309?

 On 3/23/2014 20:36, Philip P. Patnode wrote:

 I'm changing my cell phone number to 330.555.1234 on all future emails
 to SH lists, as of today.

 On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 8:24 PM, a l wrote:

  I'm sure it's mentioned somewhere in the confirmation e-mail but word
 to the wise: Discuss@, Members@ and a few other SynHak mailing lists
 are publicly viewable and indexed via google. Sending contact info through
 them isn't the best practice.

  Andrew L

 On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 12:13 AM, Andrew Buczko wrote:

 I will be at the Robot building thingy tomorrow.

  If not then, it's ok. we can get together some other time for some 3D

  On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Philip P. Patnode


  Does Paul use a drone and camera to do the aerial photos or a real,
 full-size helicopter?

  Do you know why he does IR photos?

  Looking for drug dealers/growers with heat lamps?

  Paul can email Torrie, Andy, or Chris Neer about the 3D printer.

  Better yet, invite him to SH for a tour and a chat.


  On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Seeley, Tim (PSA-Akron) wrote:

   Paul Gray saw the robotics flyer and called me with questions
 about SYN/HAK's 3D printer.

 Can someone knowledgeable about the 3D printer call him on his cell


 P.S. Paul makes his living doing aerial infrared photos of roof

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Saturday Cleanup and Cleveland Mini Maker Faire

2014-03-24 Thread Andrew Buczko
Yes, Phil
I can pick you up at McD's in Wallhevan at 8:30.


On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 My schedule for that day is still up in the air but I'll be up there at
 some point to give breaks  help out, just most likely not before 11am
 On Mar 24, 2014 8:36 AM, Philip P. Patnode wrote:


 Thanks for the offer to give me a ride on Saturday morning.

 I can be ready to go anytime after 8.30am or even earlier.  I am awake
 and moving by 6.30am, fully functional by 7.30am.

 The forecast for Saturday is good =

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Can you pick me up at McDs at Wallhaven or should I take the bus to
 downtown Akron?  Either is OK with me.  I can send you driving directions
 and a map if you need them.

 G --  And thank you for the offer too.  Will go with Andy and help him
 set up his display and take a quick run around the venue before the show
 starts at 10am.

 If you need any help with the SH table, I will be available.

 Looking forward to a fun day in Cleveland.


 On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 2:13 AM, gs volt wrote:


 Synhak does indeed have a table at Cleveland Mini Maker Faire this year.
 I plan to manage the table, in the worst case where only I end up going.
 Our table is 8ft long.

 If any maker cannot attend the event, but would be willing to loan their
 project for a day, please please consider doing so.

 Cleveland mini maker faire does have a lot of young attendees that will
 appreciate any basic demos or hands on activities.

 I plan to:
 - take along my SnapCircuits kit that will hopefully be able to teach
 kids about electronics.
 - take black and white synhak flyers
 - hopefully take a keyboard, mouse, flat screen monitor, with a laptop
 that will run synhak pictures in a slideshow
 - perhaps (if I complete a simple demo) a tinyduino demonstration
 - 3V batteries and LEDs (thanks to Chris Neer for 3V batteries)

 Last year, I took my cubelets kit and the table allotted to us was
 literally stampeded by kids :)

 Another point of note is that CPL's parking was across the street. We
 did miss their loading schedule last year (which is usually between 8-9:30a
 or so behind the library for bigger items). The event starts at 10a, ends
 at 5p.

 Me, Torrie and Xander went last year. I remember losing my voice - as
 the environment got loud with lots of people. This year there's 100+ makers
 in attendance in two buildings. I might have to pickup my ASL book at home
 (hope not!).

 Philip, I don't know my schedule for Friday over Saturday yet. If I
 leave from Akron, will let you know - as I will be riding alone in my car
 which is rather quite big and can carry hackers and their gear safely.

 My primary motivation for going to CMMF is to interact with kids and
 share something of value with them. You all know my secondary motivation -
 meet and speak with other makers! Of which there are many more this year.

 If anyone would like to come along and schedule workshops every top of
 the hour, that would be great. Many exhibitors follow this format and its
 quite rewarding to see micro-events like make and take activities during
 the event.

 More thoughts and ideas, please reply back.


 On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 8:16 PM, Philip P. Patnode 

 Anybody -

 Would like to go to Cleville on Saturday, but I need a ride.

 Is anybody driving to the Mini Maker Faire that has room for a

 Will be happy to chip in a fiver for gas or buy them a Happy Meal on
 the way back.

 I can be ready to go, anytime after 9am on Saturday morning.

 Can meet you at SH or pick me up at McDs at Wallhaven.


 On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Michael Griesacker wrote:

 I have a tournament on the 29th, so I will be unavailable, but I
 believe I can finish up the craft room ceiling and rehang the lights by
 then so we can restock it with it's furnishings, -that will be one less
 thing to clean around/shuffle

 On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Torrie Fischer wrote:

 So, I think we all agreed to have the cleanup day on March 29th.

 Turns out that the Cleveland Mini Maker Faire is that day.

 I think we have a table there, but I'm not sure.

 Bad scheduling on my part, I had forgotten to add it to my and

 Who might be going to the Maker Faire, and who might be handling our
 table up
 there? Should we move cleanup day to Sunday or another day?
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Paint related items for everyone to pick and choose from

2014-03-23 Thread Andrew Buczko
My Friend and I used some of the spray paint to paint my pinball machine
and it came out great!

Thanks G


On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 8:36 AM, gs volt wrote:

 Hmm.. would you have time today at noon? Your presence at the robot meet
 would be splendid. On meetup someone was asking to bring their kids to
 this. You can share your experiences with them if they show up - no demo

 Yes. Take as many rollers as you'd like.

 Can the person who takes the last roller reply via email to let everyone
 know they are gone?

 Thanks much!
 On Mar 22, 2014 12:21 AM, Byron Moran wrote:

 G, I am actually in the process of painting part of my apartment as we
 speak. I hope no one minds if I swoop in and grab a couple of these
 tomorrow. When will the space be open for me to do so? Super helpful!

 On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 12:16 AM, gs volt wrote:

 Tonight I brought in two boxes of paint rollers (photo of 1box):

 At the moment, these two boxes are on top of the power wheels racing
 car's red cover in front of the back bathroom.

 Also, brought in some Duplicolor Scratch Fix All-in-1 pens (approx. 100):

 These pens are of various colors of automobiles by make and have been
 stored at room temperature on the lower shelf next to our 3d printer.
 Typically I learned that folks that have scratches on their cars, can use
 them to fix them quickly.

 If anyone has use for them, feel free to take them home.

 On opening day, I brought some paint in a Dole banana box that is in the
 machine room area somewhere that can be used for projects as well.

 All this stuff is coming direct from Sherwin-Williams' give-aways they
 sometimes have for anyone to take at no charge! Per item, in their store
 these things retail for a quite a lot. I'm glad to share all this with
 everyone at Synhak.

 Those members who would like to learn how to paint, can consider
 learning it from those that do I'd say, now that we have a huge number of
 these rollers. Perhaps we can have a let's paint synhak's walls that need
 paint day!



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Re: [SH-Discuss] After a week of searching, I need some help...

2014-03-23 Thread Andrew Buczko
I did some organizing in the NOC part of the basement in hopes of finding
them but had no luck.
I did see the ramset charges in a box on the floor by the air compressor.
The charges are on the center shelf now but maybe the ramset is burred in
all those computers?

We will have to get our infrastructure back in order so that there is a
place for everything and then we can put everything in it's place.

Maybe then we will find the things we are looking for.

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 7:19 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:


 While I was looking for a monitor cable in the basement, my eager team of
 triplet Corgi's were busy sniffing around the boxes and tubs for the
 missing Ramset.  They were unable to locate it but did find a bag of
 delicious beef jerky buried in a plastic tub.

 The last time I saw it was several weeks ago when Craig was mounting
 electrical boxes in the front room.

 Also, Craig mentioned that he was missing a piece of computer hardware,
 last seen at SH.

 Never saw an Engenius WAP at SH.  How many are you looking for?  Were they
 in a retail box or loose in the Microcenter bag?

 Was looking for a cold chisel and a #3 Phillips screwdriver today, but
 couldn't find either one.

 Bring up the issue of missing stuff at the next meeting and create a list
 of stuff that all of us should look for at SH.  The list of missing and
 misplaced items can be posted by the front desk and on the Discuss List.

 After the implosion created by the removal of the steel storage racks, it
 will be difficult to find anything smaller than a breadbox for the next few


 On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 So there are two things last seen at Synhak that I need some help looking

1. The Engenius Wireless Access Point modules, They look like 
 this and
were last seen in a plastic Microcenter bag during the move. I spent the
past week looking through the space and have not yet been able to find

2. The ramset fastner, It looks like this and
was last seen about a week ago. It does not belong to Synhak, it was 
it to us while we were renovating our new space. The owner needs it back
and we could not locate it last night.

 If anyone knows where these items are please let myself or the other
 Champions (Devin Wolfe and Chris Egeland) know so we can get them back into
 the light and safe from darkness.

 Thank you,

 Omar Rassi

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Re: [SH-Discuss] request for 3D printer info

2014-03-21 Thread Andrew Buczko
I will be at the Robot building thingy tomorrow.

If not then, it's ok. we can get together some other time for some 3D

On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:


 Does Paul use a drone and camera to do the aerial photos or a real,
 full-size helicopter?

 Do you know why he does IR photos?

 Looking for drug dealers/growers with heat lamps?

 Paul can email Torrie, Andy, or Chris Neer about the 3D printer.

 Better yet, invite him to SH for a tour and a chat.


 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Seeley, Tim (PSA-Akron) wrote:

  Paul Gray saw the robotics flyer and called me with questions about
 SYN/HAK's 3D printer.

 Can someone knowledgeable about the 3D printer call him on his cell


 P.S. Paul makes his living doing aerial infrared photos of roof tops.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: Consensus with Limited Blocking

2014-03-18 Thread Andrew Buczko
I do not see consensus working as the group grows larger, we need to vote
and be done with the mater at hand.
We can always write new proposals to deal with changes that come in the

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 12:02 AM, Justin Herman wrote:

 In the risk of sounding confrontational, you have asked for feedback...

 I have real reservations with this proposal. IMO this will create a
 blockade where the strong willed get their way and those with less time to
 commit to arguing will give up or quit synhak all together. Even with the
 limited blocking option added in I question WHY. Why should 1 person be
 able to hold the entire org hostage to make action?

 Voting does create a winning side and losing side. But it is fair. Every
 member in good standing is allowed 1 vote and only 1 vote. If the majority
 decides to accept a member why should one person get to decide that it
 should be blocked? One person does not decide the path of SynHak, the group
 does. Not everyone is going to be happy with all decisions. The path to
 playing nicely and being excellent is accepting that the group feels
 differently than you and moving forward. Not all decisions can be forced
 into consensus, esp when the group grows beyond a handful of people (as we
 have). Our views, disciplines, and experiences are diverse, let us accept
 that, hear the pov, and allow the voice of the group decide how we move

 Our discussion process and proposal process provides for a clear and
 transparent method for showing different points of views even if all views
 are of the same opinion (OMG new person is super cool). Then the membership
 can make a decision with all views (members and non-members) expressed.



 On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 11:31 PM, Torrie Fischer

 The last few membership applications and proposals we've had, we've
 used a vote, sometimes went with does anyone raise issues?

 This is going to be a bigger year for SYNHAK. I think we should consider
 revisiting our consensus process to allow it to scale in a manner that
 to maintain our shared spirit of experimentation, openness, and the
 triumvirate of Consensus, Do-ocracy, and Excellence.

 I feel that one such vector is by stepping away from the trend of having
 simple majority voting, or rather, any kind of vagueness on the
 definition of
 consensus, as clearly evidenced in tonight's meeting.

 The original intent of our membership process was to weed out the crazy
 people. I think this should also be extended to include measures to weed
 people that might not fully understand what it means to be a member of
 and have an active part in our governance process. I still maintain my
 that you can be as member as you want to be, however I wouldn't want new
 members joining the space that we don't all /not/ dislike. It causes
 and an increase in drama if there exists someone who creates pressure

 The same goes for our proposal process. Traditionally its been used to
 about new rules, changes in protocol, etc. It often leads to a lot of
 and assumption of personal attacks, acting in bad faith, and shouting
 unexcellence. Voting always pits one side against another. It is an all or
 nothing system.

 The purpose of weeding out people and ideas not universally accepted as
 contributing to our common vision, whatever that may be, is to ensure
 that our
 community works together as one.

 I'm not arguing that we shouldn't accept new members or ideas simply
 not everyone agrees with them 100%. However, if someone in the membership
 serious concerns about an applicant or proposal, I feel that there should
 be a
 mechanism that addresses those concerns and ensures that everyone involved
 ends up happy with the outcome, even if it is just one person.

 To use an extreme example:

 If we've got 100 members, and one knows that a new applicant is a
 who has been kicked out of a bunch of other area organizations before, I
 they've got a right to step up and stop them from becoming a member.

 One person harboring bitter thoughts and resentment towards another does
 make a healthy and vibrant community. To quote Omar, We don't all have to
 like everyone, but we do need to get along.

 I would like to suggest that we adopt a modified consensus process in the
 of blocking with explanation. Here's a suggested protocol:

 * Proposals or membership applications may be accepted by the Membership
 long as nobody blocks any such application.
 * If a SYNHAK member wishes to block a membership application or proposal,
 they need to clearly state their reason for blocking.
 ** Not everyone has to agree with the reason for a block to be valid, it
 has to be clearly stated.
 * Proposals and membership applications may be permitted to be blocked at
 point up 

Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal to grant AWS and infastructure access.

2014-03-17 Thread Andrew Buczko
1 do we have a processes for issuing Admin rights to new admin's?
2 If no, then How do other companies bring on new admins?
3 Who are our current admins?
4 What rights do they have for what services/virtual spaces.

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 11:00 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 As a sysadmin myself, I'd have to agree with the extra scrutiny for
 digital assets. I don't see it as a personal attack on anyone that
 regarding this scrutiny, we've spent the past three years fine tuning this
 virtual space to what it is now. Our virtual space is not like our physical
 space at all, you can't walk in to 48 South Summit and accidentally burn
 the whole building down with a typo or wrong command with ease, but that is
 MUCH easier to do on our virtual space.

 I've been involved with Synhak since Torrie's garage and in all this time,
 I have decided not to get involved with the AWS instances for this reason
 since I typo alot, instead I applied my talents elsewhere. Although, it
 would be nice if anyone who wanted to try their hand at improving our AWS
 instance or Virtual Space had sudo access to a sandbox duplicate, then we
 can only commit changes to the live instance that are proven to work while
 only providing read only access to the live instance. Keep in mind that the
 Virtual Space you are talking about does not just contain the website, as
 I understand it, Spiff is also on AWS, which handles, among other things,
 our membership database. Let's please try to keep admin rights to this on a
 need to know basis. I feel the term positive control (I know I use it
 alot) applies well in this scenario.

 On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 7:50 PM, Torrie Fischer 

 On Monday, March 17, 2014 18:22:38 Justin Herman wrote:
  NOTE: Chris and Torrie were able to decrypt it with their private key's.
  In order to avoid extra noise and virtual conflict I have opted to
  any questions during our meeting. I will be available to answer any
  questions during that time. This is equivalent in conditions met to
  a Physical Space key.

 Noise implies useless information. I'm certain that SYNHAK would find
 someone's reason for wanting access to AWS and all of our servers to be
 and even important information.

 I'm concerned about this virtual conflict you perceive. Why would you
 that an open discussion about security would create conflict?

 You're also aware that meeting in person during a meeting aren't the
 conditions for getting a key, right? It involves a proposal for Consensus.
 There's also the fact that a physical door key is completely different
 having administrative access to

 I will block any proposal to grant you AWS access on the grounds that you
 haven't demonstrated why I should trust you, and that you're currently
 demonstrating some interesting interpretations of protocols.

  On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 6:10 PM, Torrie Fischer
   On Monday, March 17, 2014 17:05:56 Justin Herman wrote:
   Ok. Right.
   You sent a SSH key signed with a PGP key that I have not verified. The
   key was encrypted with my public key, meaning that only I could
   Justin, are you aware that we are also asking you questions and not
   asking for an SSH key? I'll copy them again:
   1.) What is your primary purpose for requesting access to AWS?
   2.) What problems with the current website and online infrastructure
   currently see that require AWS root and sudo access to solve?
   3.) What improvements can you offer to the overall infrastructure?
   4.) Are you familiar with Ansible, the configuration-management
   to configure, deploy and maintain servers? If not, do you intend to
   about it?
   In case they kept getting lost in the noise of this thread, I've also
   out the rest of the inline quotes.
   There seems to be a pattern of not answering any questions when
   asked. Would you prefer that I ask them in private instead of on
   often at the space, so I can handle either e-mail or in person. I
   need to relay the answers to a public forum such as noc@ to preserve
   transparency about our site security and keep everyone else up to date
   who has unlimited and absolute power over
   If you're not able to make this work, then I can't really give you

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Re: [SH-Discuss] SYNHAK Cleanup

2014-03-13 Thread Andrew Buczko
Yeah, great idea. Devin and Craig had some ideas for making a raised floor
in the basement's noc area that sounded great.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 5:30 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 On the subject of broken computer crap and the grant, I'm currently
 writing a proposal to purchase the parts to refurbish the nicest of the
 donated equipment in order to re-donate them to other hackerspaces and
 replace old equipment at space. I'll soon be asking NOC for what hardware
 our current infrastructure is using so I can compare it to what we have in
 donated equipment. I'm still about a month away from proposing it though.
 just wanted to throw this out there in case anyone was thinking of
 something similar.

 On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Torrie Fischer 

 I cleaned up all those servers and computers and stuff that were just
 left in the loading dock area.

 I also hung up a bunch of signs stating that the dock area is not general

 Whomever is dropping off all these broken computers, please ask noc@before
 you do so. We literally have too much broken computer crap in the

 More on topic with this mail's subject, I'd like to try and organize a
 cleanup day this month, perhaps on the 22nd at noon. Some storage
 will need constructed or otherwise acquired, which I think is a wonderful
 application of a portion of our $15k grant.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] photos by ppp from the open house 3/1/14

2014-03-05 Thread Andrew Buczko
The photos look great!

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 2:37 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:

 All at SH -

 Just uploaded another 29 photos to my Flickr account.  All photos were
 taken at the Open House on Saturday, March 1, 2014.

 Same link as last time =

 There are forty-eight photos in the stream, so far.  More to come.

 All the image files have been reduced in size from the original.  You may
 print any of them - there are no restrictions or copyright on the images as
 long as they are used for personal purposes.  The files should make a
 decent 4x6 print

 Twenty of the images have been printed to 4x6 and will be posted at SH on
 the display wall in the Palm Room, next to the kitchen.



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Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: Investing in Infrastructure 2: Electric Boogaloo

2014-03-04 Thread Andrew Buczko

I don't have time to read your novels. Please keep your post simple and
to the point.

On Tue, Mar 4, 2014 at 3:37 AM, Andrew Buczko a4s...@dsprototyping.comwrote:

 Thanks Chris, that makes more sense when you say it that way.

 On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:59 AM, Chris Egeland ch...@chrisegeland.comwrote:

  I'm sorry, but I'm siding with Torrie on this one.

 On 3/3/2014 11:35 AM, Justin Herman wrote:

  I agree with Andrew,

  I hold several concerns about this proposal and think we need to
 evaluate the needs of the infrastructure.

 The purpose of bringing up proposals on the discuss list is so that
 anyone subscribed can participate in the proposal process, member or not.
 If you wish to discuss your proposals, please bring them up on the list so
 that people subscribed can participate in the discussion.

  On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:33 AM, Andrew Buczko


  first you said it was $1.60

   This was the monthly increase in billing to more than quadruple our
 infrastructure's power, by implementing the original proposal.

   Then $16.40

   This is the monthly savings we will see if we implement this proposal
 and spend the $200 mentioned to reserve the t1.micro instances mentioned.

   Now it's $123.10

   This was a hypothetical number.  It's the monthly cost of the
 originally proposed infrastructure (2x t1.micro, 2x m1.small, and 1x
 m1.small RDS) purchased without reservations, minus the monthly cost of the
 same infrastructure purchased with monthly reservations.  It was given
 simply to illustrate how much of a monthly savings is available when
 utilizing the AWS Reserved Instances program.  This number has absolutely
 nothing to do whatsoever with this current proposal.


  On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Torrie Fischer wrote:

 Previous thread:

 I'd like to propose that we spend $200 to reserve the two t1.micro
 in that proposal for the purpose of web servers.

 Our current AWS expenditure is still ~$80/mo. Spending $200 up front
 reduce that bill by $16.40/mo and keep our infrastructure expenses low
 for the
 next three years. Thats an extra $16.40 we can invest elsewhere with a
 even point of 12 months.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal discussion: Associate Members

2014-03-04 Thread Andrew Buczko
Meh, seems kind of pointless to me, if you want to join just join. SynHak
is not an inclusive club.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:21 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Mar 3, 2014 9:29 PM, Tomm Smith wrote:
  I agree with Torrie. I am not a member (yet) but am new to the community
 and in a situation where this would be a nice step to becoming a member. It
 would give the psych a certain feeling of acceptance to allow for new
 members to speak up a bit more and get to know the community better,
 quicker. The new member (given the resources) could then also have
 opportunity to prove there skills to the community making their acceptance
 much more likely and swift. Further from this it gives a very established,
 professional feeling to the new comer and welcomes them in, enriching
 within them to help build the community and be constructive and creative.
  One is more likely to buy an item, if they are given a sample at the
 front door.
  Not to mention the availability this leaves for the website and digital
 infrastructure down the road. If the service hosting were to increase,
 associated members could then get a small webspace with limited priviledges
 and quite possibly a shell with limited priviledges. This small
 introductory corner would allow them the sandbox to prove their skills and
 begin to get a taste of what the SYNHAK community is, in and outside of the
 facilities. As Torrie was saying, these account types could also be tagged
 to an academic tracking system that allows members to know and check who
 has been safety trained to use what machines/tools and any concerns over
 such. This tagging system could also be used as a means to keep notes on
 the users and raise issues/concerns or honors/promotions of said associated
 member, to the members. With maturity and incorporation, I would agree
 quite strongly with Torrie about this being a rather foundational element
 of the beginning steps of becoming a member. The structure would then lead
 towards established professionalism, in turn then leading towards becoming
 a 501c down the road and contribution to advancing said facilities could
 benefit the (associated) members by tax exemption.

 Em, you mean turn SH into a 501c3? Cuz we already are.

  Just a few agreeances and thoughts.
  On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 6:33 PM, Torrie Fischer
  On Monday, March 03, 2014 17:57:16 a l wrote:
   I didn't reply due to no concerns as the proposal is laid out here. I
   my question is: Why? Why does someone want to become an associate
   Are they allowed some small storage? They can't be a keyholder since
   is a privilege of membership, so it wouldn't grant them additonal
 access to
   the space.  Perhaps I underestimate the draw of a completely arbitrary
   Since it doesn't really change much I have no reason to block it
  It establishes a web of trust model within the space and provides a
 sense of
  If some unknown guest is milling about, one can easily request what
  username is and figure out if they are someone that the community
 trusts to be
  at SYNHAK. By having a username, it also encourages them to use the
  infrastructure on more, namely the wiki.
  Additionally, I'm sure there are quite a few people who would love to
 say I'm
  a member of SYNHAK, especially visiting hackers. It gives a sense of
  For example, I'm not a full Council Member of Noisebridge. I am,
 however, an
  Associate Member. In a way, I am a part of the Noisebridge community
 more than
  someone who isn't an Associate Member. It gives me warm fuzzies. 3
   Andrew L
   On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 2:12 PM, Torrie Fischer
No discussion on a mechanism that has the potential to prevent
This makes me sad
On Friday, February 28, 2014 10:29:34 Torrie Fischer wrote:
 I'd like to discuss the possibility of an additional class of
 on the success I've seen of using it at Noisebridge. Right now,
 just one class of members called Members. Some time ago, they
 second group called Associate Members. The procedure for becoming
 associate member is pretty simple:

 Essentially, you create a User wiki page, find four sponsors (who
 associate members or regular members), then add a category tag to
 Associate members can't participate in governance or need to pay
 it does give a sense of belonging and establishes a network of
 between active community participants who have not become full

Re: [SH-Discuss] What We Offer Page

2014-03-03 Thread Andrew Buczko
I added the 3D printer.

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 1:16 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Alex, I added the agreed drafting in link format to the page.

 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 12:22 PM, alex kot wrote:

 After work today I can help out with this.  Do we have an Blueprint of
 the new space, that we can put on there to show the area and what they are
 used for?

   On Friday, February 28, 2014 12:10 PM, Justin Herman
   Added some.

 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Torrie Fischer wrote:

 According to Google Analytics, the What We Offer page is getting the
 activity today.

 Would anyone else mind helping out by going through and updating it with
 you know we've got?
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Re: [SH-Discuss] The Bucket System

2014-03-03 Thread Andrew Buczko
That looks cool!
   -Derpy Approves-

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 8:06 PM, Tomm Smith wrote:

 We could possibly make some calls to local industrial plants and inquire
 as to if they have buckets about what we need or similar that their raw
 materials come in and possibly try to claim there disposal?

 Tomm Smith
 God bless

 On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 7:45 PM, Torrie Fischer 

 From Diyode, an incredibly cheap solution to sorting parts:

 Anyone know of a similar way to acquire such buckets or storage units for
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Proposal: Investing in Infrastructure 2: Electric Boogaloo

2014-03-03 Thread Andrew Buczko

first you said it was $1.60
Then $16.40
Now it's $123.10


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 Previous thread:

 I'd like to propose that we spend $200 to reserve the two t1.micro
 in that proposal for the purpose of web servers.

 Our current AWS expenditure is still ~$80/mo. Spending $200 up front will
 reduce that bill by $16.40/mo and keep our infrastructure expenses low for
 next three years. Thats an extra $16.40 we can invest elsewhere with a
 even point of 12 months.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Wanted: PHP Developer

2014-02-24 Thread Andrew Buczko
Is it an option to hire someone from rent-a-coder err, virtual worker to do
it for us?

I'm not sure how much it will cost but I think it might be a viable option
since all of us are pressed for time.

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 SYNHAK's wiki doesn't have file uploads. It used to, before things were
 into a disposable clustered server model.

 It hasn't had file uploads for the past year and I'm getting incredibly
 frustrated that I don't have the time to fix it.

 Would someone want to look into figuring it out? Please mail me or poke me
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Re: [SH-Discuss] vacuum former question-OPENING DAY related

2014-02-23 Thread Andrew Buczko
Mike, what exactly do you mean when you say Drinking the Coolaid I hope
you are not referencing what I think you are referencing.

Hmm, we should try some coffee mugs to see just how good and how many we
can form, using the plastic that we have.

as for getting food safe plastic, better order it over night if you want it
in time for opening day.
I think that making our own SynHak We Make Akron cups would be fun!

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 6:13 PM, a l wrote:

 The plastic we have is -not- food safe. We works need to buy some PETG
 plastic. Most cups are injection molded. While we could make some cups, the
 bigger they are the more likely the form will pull unevenly.

 Andrew L
 On Feb 23, 2014 1:31 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Devin would be the person to ask about the plastic.

 On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 12:39 PM, Becca Salchak blsalc...@yahoo.comwrote:

 I don't know anything about it but if we could make it work that would
 be really cool
 On Feb 23, 2014 11:59 AM, Michael Griesacker

 1) is our vacuum former using food-grade plastic?
 2) has anyone made forms for cups yet?
 3) is anyone interested in showcasing our infrastructure capability by
 making SynHak logo cups for Drinking the Coolaid on opening day/ or other
 sponsored event? I'm thinking about 4oz size to facilitate punch,
 adequately carry our logo or web address, and small enough to serve as a
 -so bigger than shotglass, but not by a lot.

 thoughts?  -and a cost analysis would be appropriate, I don't remember
 how much sheets cost

 Best Regards

 Mike G

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[SH-Discuss] Space IS OPEN!

2014-02-21 Thread Andrew Buczko
Hello, It's Friday the 21st
I am at the space working on electrical, if you wish to come down to the
space to hack or help out feel free to do so!

Please call me at 330-814-6103 if you have any questions since I may be to
busy to check the email.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] hours - friday/21

2014-02-21 Thread Andrew Buczko
I am here now (4:30pm) and will be here for the night.

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 3:50 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Devin and I will be there later ~10pm.

 On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 3:27 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:

  Who is coming to SH this afternoon or evening?

 What time period will the the building be open and occupied?

 I would like to come to SH and work for at least four hours.


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[SH-Discuss] Small bathroom has been painted

2014-02-21 Thread Andrew Buczko
Phile wanted to let Mike know that the small bathroom has been painted and
is ready for sink - instalment :)

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Softer LED lighting

2014-02-21 Thread Andrew Buczko
I've got a bunch of filters that are used for changing the color of lamps,
If I remeber I can bring them to the space for you to try out.

They look like these:

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Robert Rybicki rob...@robertrybicki.comwrote:


 Does anyone know of some kind of filter I can put over white LEDs to make
 a softer light source. I know there are amber LEDs but I would like
 something in between. I am trying to make mood lighting by converting
 lanterns to lamps.


 Sent from my iPhone
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[SH-Discuss] working at the space tonight

2014-02-17 Thread Andrew Buczko
I will be at the space tonight till 10 pm

come on down and help clean / paint / what ever.

Lets make this a hacker space!

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Re: [SH-Discuss] working at the space tonight

2014-02-17 Thread Andrew Buczko
cool, I'll be here

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 1:50 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:

 I will arrive around 5pm to paint the final coat on both bathroom walls
 and re-install the door to the front bathroom.


 On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 1:49 PM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 i will be down in a few hours to finish electrical in the palm room, left
 in a hurry last night so sorry for the mess.

 On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 1:43 PM, Andrew Buczko 

 I will be at the space tonight till 10 pm

 come on down and help clean / paint / what ever.

 Lets make this a hacker space!


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Re: [SH-Discuss] Polar bear jump in portage lakes

2014-02-09 Thread Andrew Buczko
Still warmer that the old SynHak building.

On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 9:26 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Im doing it.

 On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 9:20 PM, gs volt wrote:

 Polar bear jump in portage lakes

 Last year I missed Devin's jump, but do know he does like to participate
 in this.

 For those who have never seen this event, it is mighty big and for
 jumpers real fun.

 Devin, and other folks who jump.. reply back if you're participating, k?

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Re: [SH-Discuss] 3/1 Opening Day Newsletter

2014-02-06 Thread Andrew Buczko
Very well said G!

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 11:57 PM, gs volt wrote:

 Downtown Akron Partnership had a deadline of tonight for a newsletter on
 synhak, so this is what I sent them:


 SYN/HAK The Akron Hackerspace 48 S. Summit St., Akron, OH 44308

 February 5, 2014

 The press and public are invited to the 2014 Spring Open House of SYN/HAK, 
 The Akron Hackerspace on March 1, 2013. Previously located on the far edge of 
 Akron downtown, join us around noon at our new downtown location: 48 S. 
 Summit St., Akron, Ohio to learn more about our space.

 SYN/HAK provides an environment for people to educate, create and share 
 amongst themselves and others within the domains of technology, art and 
 science. Through talks, classes, workshops, collaborative projects and other 
 activities, SYN/HAK encourages research, knowledge exchange, learning, and 
 mentoring in a safe, clean environment.

 Hackerspaces are community-operated places where people can meet and work on 
 their projects. SYN/HAK is a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation in 
 the State of Ohio. Donations are always appreciated, and will be tax-exempt.

 For more information on SYN/HAK, please visit our website at, or e-mail us at

 If you are moderator of other newsletters, please feel free to share this
 with your group(s) as well.

 Feel free to make edits to it, as you see fit.



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Re: [SH-Discuss] Something for summer.

2014-02-06 Thread Andrew Buczko
I'd be up for that

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 12:49 AM, J. F. Corner wrote:

  Train track? locomotives?


 On 2/5/2014 18:59, Martin Pinkston wrote:

   After I got home from the meeting last night, I got to thinking about a
 couple of things. The one being that once winter ends and decent weather
 start, I will be spending more time out at the train track. Because we hold
 public runs every other Sunday. A public run is where we give the public
 free rides on the trains. Some days we have 700 to 800 people come ride
 with us. It is open to any one who shows up and you all are welcome to come
 and see us.
  So, along those lines, I keep thinking about some of the cool things that
 could be done with a RPi or Arduino or BB in conjunction with this hobby.
 For instance, just a simple set up to graphically represent a locomotives
 location on the track on a laptop and then post that info on a webpage.
 From there, the imagination could run wild, like controlling signal blocks
 and switches, and the nice thing is that once the bugs were worked out, an
 actual product could be packaged and easily marketed on the web or our
 hobby publications.
  Again, this is just a thought.
  I don't believe there is a huge demand for any such products, but when
 has that ever stopped pharmaceutical companies. They are always coming out
 with a pill and then generating the demand for it by marketing. Latest
 example, testostrone replacement theropies.
  Besides, I think it would be a great learning experience in programming
 and might make a decent project for teaching programming.

  Again, just a thought.

 Take Care and Have Fun Always.


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Re: [SH-Discuss] another zoning proposal

2014-02-06 Thread Andrew Buczko
looks good

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 1:41 AM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 What if the EE lab and general meeting area were connected again in an
 L? Having the meeting area being the entire width we could fit the 21
 people we had at this weeks meeting.   Also with a shrunken machine shop
 from the first post to the floor drain, a clear shot to load/unload from
 the garage door including the basement  4x8 sheets to the machine room.
 The right side of the back 40 is left out, a good classroom and something
 else could spaciously fit in there.  I'm just trying to get 21 unpacked.  2
 weeks, 2 days till the soft launch.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] 2/13 at 6pm: Special meeting at Synhak to fill Knight Foundation Grant Proposal Form!

2014-02-06 Thread Andrew Buczko
We can ask for funds to pay contractors to do this stuff for us. (not to be
rude, but I already work 4 jobs)
Plus, it might get done quicker.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 Also, what I wrote are ideas, not actual items, unless they are actual
 things we're trying to accomplish then yes I concur.

 On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 6:30 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 I tried to answer some these questions real quick while holding a
 squirming baby on my lap at my laptop in the kitchen. What I wrote is in

- Does Synhak plan to use a fiscal agent? (if not, Knight recommends
Miami Foundation)
- Proposal for a project (*renovation of the building we occupy 48
South Summit Street*)
   - Total cost? $100,000 (*AKA Omar's purely arbitrary guesstimation
   based on previous conversations with other members*)
   - Requested from Knight?  *$100,000*
   - Over how many years? 2 (*spread out the work! we're all doing
   this in our spare time after all*)
   - Synhak's operating revenues $ *???* and expenses $ *???* for the
   current year and the end date of our fiscal year 
   - Attachments that would help Knight and they expect:
   - *Project Budget .. very important for completeness of form *(*Does
  the treasurer have this?)*
  - Existing funders (*Synhak Membership*)
  - Any major expenses/capital equipment we plan to purchase (*LASERS!
  ZAP! uhhh... shoring up the south wall, more roof/ceiling repair,
  re-finishing the Perkins room, ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL ELECTRICAL, 
   - Proposal Narrative (few paragraphs per each of the following):
1. Purpose of grant in one short sentence, *In order to create a more
   perfect hackerspace, we wish to renovate and improve the building 
   by said hackerspace.*
   2. What is the project, *Project Edify*
   3. List key activities and the timetable, including the grant
   start and end dates *???*
   4. Why is this a fit for Knight Foundation? *???*
  1. Explain how you will intentionally engage the community,
  improve or provide access to information flow, and address the Akron
  strategy of engaging and retaining the next generation of talent. 
   5. What are our outcomes?
  1. *Laser cutter!*
  2. *Safer more energy efficient building*
  3. *attract more members with a more attractive infrastructure*
   6. Measuring success?
  1. List the metrics that we will use to track the success of
  our outcomes *BUZZWORDS*

 On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 5:52 PM, gs volt wrote:


 Knight Foundation has emailed me a Grant Proposal Form.

 About Knight Foundation:

 Knight Foundation focuses on projects that promote informed and engaged
 communities. In Akron, we are supporting talent attraction and retention
 necessary to build a 21st century economy.

 This Grant Proposal Form form is used to evaluate whether Knight
 supports an organization's work. In this form, I plan to declare to Knight
 what we need help with.

 Ofcourse, I need help with coming up with what we need help with :)

 I'm planning to meet in person with anyone interested in helping with
 filling this form on Thu Feb 13th at 6pm at our new location at 48 S Summit
 St for a discussion.

 Until then, here are the important things in the form that we can all
 individually think about responses to (mostly a plaintext copy paste of
 things in the form that I thought were important):

- Does Synhak plan to use a fiscal agent? (if not, Knight recommends
Miami Foundation)
- Proposal for a project
   - Total cost? $
   - Requested from Knight?  $
   - Over how many years?
   - Synhak's operating revenues $ ... and expenses $... for the
   current year and the end date of our fiscal year 
   - Attachments that would help Knight and they expect:
  - *Project Budget .. very important for completeness of form*
  - Existing funders
  - Any major expenses/capital equipment we plan to purchase
   - Proposal Narrative (few paragraphs per each of the following):
   1. Purpose of grant in one short sentence
   2. What is the project
   3. List key activities and the timetable, including the grant
   start and end dates
   4. Why is this a fit for Knight Foundation?
  1. Explain how you will intentionally engage the community,
  improve or provide access to information flow, and address the 
  strategy of engaging and retaining the next generation of talent.
   5. What are our outcomes?
  1. Indicate 2 or 3 concrete changes you would like to see in
  place at the end of your grant period
   6. Measuring success?

Re: [SH-Discuss] another zoning proposal

2014-02-06 Thread Andrew Buczko
I will like to be on the committee.
I can be there Monday.
And my membership is in good standing.


On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 8:48 PM, wrote:

 I will be available monday afternoon as well.

  *From:* Torrie Fischer

 *To:* SYN/HAK discussion list
 *Sent:* Thursday, February 6, 2014 5:09 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [SH-Discuss] another zoning proposal

 On Thursday, February 06, 2014 16:12:00 Craig Bergdorf wrote:
  I'll happily draw it up as it's being discussed. I am also busy with
  SparkAK this weekend, what about tonight at 8? If not, then how about

 Monday works. Lets do Monday. I'll be there after 6 PM for more painting,
 can we get a committee working by 8PM?

 We don't need to decide today of course. I'm busy with SparkAK all weekend
 I'll have e-mail of course.

  On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:
   Right here for #5
   On Feb 6, 2014 2:58 PM, Philip P. Patnode
   So, who is going to be #5?
   Torrie @ 1324
   Becca @ 1407
   Justin @ 1408
   Devin @ 1440
   #5 @ ?
   Good to see that some of the members are interested and motivated to
   the new floorplan finalized.
   On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 2:40 PM, wrote:
   I volunteer myself for the committee. Can we meet tomorrow at 7pm at
   Sent from Yahoo Mail on
   * From: * Becca Salchak;
   * To: * SYN/HAK discussion list;
   * Subject: * Re: [SH-Discuss] another zoning proposal
   * Sent: * Thu, Feb 6, 2014 7:07:38 PM
Id like to volunteer myself for the committee
   On Feb 6, 2014 1:24 PM, Torrie Fischer
   On Thursday, February 06, 2014 12:31:45 Philip P. Patnode wrote:
Torrie is doing what she needs to do in the face of the continuing
bickering, deal making, personal agendas, ego-driven land grabs,
subtle obstructionism shown by some members over the floorplan.
In the face of complete chaos and a looming deadline, form a
Yes, I am serious.
Following the philosophy of action as a do'ocracy, some
should assemble to discuss the floorplan and make a final
Five people, with sharp pencils and blank paper, can sketch out a
compromise floorplan in under an hour.  Add another half hour for
and revisions.
   This is an excellent idea. I think this could also be a wonderful
   in an improved governance process for the space. Consensus is
   to fall
   There was recently a large thread on noisebridge-discuss along the
   lines. I will look at their discussion and see what happened.
   I'm wholly in favor of such a committee producing a floorplan with
   limited set of rules:
   * The floorplan is binding on The Community until March 2nd at 00:00
   * No significant modifications may be done to the floorplan after
   floorplan is approved without majority approval from the committee
   * Any committee member may declare a modification to be significant
   such that
   it is required to be approved by the committee
   * The floorplan shall not include anything that cannot be
   disassembled, or otherwise modified over a two day weekend after
   without unaminous approval from the committee members
   * The committee is dissolved on March 2nd at 00:00
   * Additions to the committee shall not change without majority
   the committee members or a Membership proposal
   * Committee discussion and voting is held on the build@ list
   * The SYNHAK Secretary is responsible for maintaining the committee
   * The roster and any other commitee records are made public to The
   * Only Active Members in Good Standing are permitted to be a
   * Committee members may resign at any time, only in writing to the
After a decision has been made, print out a few copies to work
start moving stuff into the designated areas.
The members will take it from there, knowing that a final
If this doesn't sound like a workable solution, then just keep on
and squabbling about where to put things or who gets his way about
   this or
Of course, the opening day celebration might have to be moved to
   August 1st
if you keep up the noise level and refuse to cooperate with each
Reminds me of 4th grade recess out on the 

Re: [SH-Discuss] The Webcam

2014-02-04 Thread Andrew Buczko
I would suggest that we have it film the front door, then we'll know if
someone robs us.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 11:25 PM, Michael Griesacker

 I don't care where its mounted, (besides the restrooms), but I do like the
 semi private areas idea.
 On Feb 4, 2014 11:20 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Seems fair.
 On Feb 4, 2014 11:01 PM, Torrie Fischer

 Hi, all.

 I think this is something we should talk about briefly.

 We've now got internet at the space. The kiosk should be up tomorrow
 so we can start to figure out when anyone is around. The Webcam is also
 a big
 help with this so I'd like to have that ready again soon, but it needs a
 little more infrastructure in place (ipv4 port forwarding/nat) first.

 I've never really appreciated the spooky anonymous all-seeingness of the
 webcam. Thats why I worked to make sure the Perkins Room could be a
 private place. I'd like to have a similar environment at 48 S Summit.

 Any thoughts on where to put the webcam? I would think that putting it
 down the hallway pointing towards the west wall could provide enough
 indication of activity without a significant reduction in privacy. It
 easily show if any lights are on, with occasional glimpses of some
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[SH-Discuss] working at the space

2014-02-01 Thread Andrew Buczko
Hey everyone
I'm heading to the space today to work on the lights.

Give me a call if you want to stop out (330)814-6103
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Notacon 11

2014-01-31 Thread Andrew Buczko
I volunteered so I will be there this year :)

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 3:13 PM, alex kot wrote:

 Friday and Saturdays (11th  12th) are the days that everything happens.
  The other two days are more of fillers.

   On Friday, January 31, 2014 3:00 PM, gs volt wrote:
  I used to go frequently and it was awesome.
 This year I will try to at least catch one day out of the three, I'll see
 which day though.

 On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 1:21 PM, alex kot wrote:

 Notacon is a art, technology, and hacker conference.  Notacon 11 is April
 10th - 13th in Cleveland.  I am wonder if anyone is interesting in going
 with me?  They have discounted rates for group passes and I also might look
 into getting a room at the Marriott it is located in.

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 G | Gaurav Narain Saxena | (330) 283 - 4972

 I am a Board Member at SYN/HAK The Akron
 Hackerspace located at 48 S Summit St Akron Ohio 

 I am providing technical consulting services to 
 Sherwin-Williams behalf of Bennett
 Adelson (Microsoft Solution Center)
 located at 6050 Oak Tree Blvd, Cleveland, Ohio 
 I have also been providing solutions to non-trivial problems other
 businesses may have through my company Whiskey Bits LLC located in Portage
 Lakes, Ohio
 Learn more about things I have created by reading my About 
 page my

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[SH-Discuss] New SynHak flyers

2014-01-27 Thread Andrew Buczko
Hey everyone.

I was looking for some new flyers. I manage to make this one:

I was looking for that small square one, was this 404 it? :

I bet it's on the server that's unplugged.

If there are any other flyers that me and [u]everyone else[/u] can print
out and hand out, please post a link to them.

Also, feel free to try your hands at making your own design for SynHak.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] launches

2014-01-26 Thread Andrew Buczko
Event 38 in Akron does stuff like that.

Michael What mapping app software do you recommend?

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Michael Griesacker

 Thanks G, interesting
 On Jan 23, 2014 4:44 PM, gs volt wrote: has launched online to teach interested readers how to
 get familiar with online mapping.

 I hear its a crucial civic hacking skillset to have.

 Here's an intro about them:

 Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open
 the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a
 time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation
 using mapping tools and technologies.

 This open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge
 offers intentional support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously
 flexible and structured, creating space for workshops, ongoing projects
 with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time. One of these
 projects is the the ABC’s of 

 Maptime was started as an idea at the 2013 State of the Map 
 US conference,
 where some of the organizers – Beth and Camille – realized that they wanted
 to become better mapmakers, but were frustrated with the lack resources for
 learning how to make them. At the same time, discussions were 
 emerging about
 creating diversity in the Open Street Map community. Maptime is an answer
 to both calls— how to learn, and how to engage a diverse group of people.

 Inspiration for Maptime comes from both hack nights and knitting circles.
 Both are models of spaces for people to create and learn together. Our goal
 is to provide this space with an open heart and without pretension. You can
 bring your own projects to work on, or just hang out and socialize or ask
 questions. Some people are experts, and some people are just getting
 started, but all of us are learning, so why not do it together?

 That’s our story. Come be a part of it.  Maps for all forever!

 If its something you've always been curious about, get involved
 electronically and make cool stuff.


 G | Gaurav Narain Saxena | (330) 283 - 4972

 I am a Board Member at SYN/HAK The Akron
 Hackerspace located at 48 S Summit St Akron Ohio 

 I am providing technical consulting services to 
 Sherwin-Williams behalf of Bennett
 Adelson (Microsoft Solution Center)
 located at 6050 Oak Tree Blvd, Cleveland, Ohio 
 I have also been providing solutions to non-trivial problems other
 businesses may have through my company Whiskey Bits LLC located in Portage
 Lakes, Ohio
 Learn more about things I have created by reading my About 
 page my

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Re: [SH-Discuss] The last weekend of moving

2014-01-24 Thread Andrew Buczko
I am going to try to bring my truck to the space's tomorrow (Friday, 24
5/6pm) to help with moving more stuff.

It's a 1979 GMC 1/2 ton, 8' bed with a cap.

If you don't see me there, I ether over slept or the truck broke down ( I
haven't driven it in over a year)
Andy (330)814-6103

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 1:14 AM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 I just want to remind everyone,  ate today: tons of problems in the world,
  have not ate today: one problem (get food).

 We have one week to finish moving, I feel compelled to mention that at the
 end of next week anything we leave in the fridge will most likely be lost
 when we relinquish the space forever to it's owner next Friday.  Most
 (including myself) are only available on the weekends,  this weekend is the
 last we get.  There isn't a huge amout left, but it is far too much for a
 few to handle.  One more assembly and we can move the space for good to our
 new location.

 This is the last push, and there is a lot left.  As with last week, I will
 be there on point Sunday at noon, Who has Saturday?

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Foot traffic

2014-01-23 Thread Andrew Buczko
Akron is a bad part of Akron.

Hopefully SynHak can make it better.

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 11:23 PM, Torrie Fischer

 On Jan 22, 2014 5:17 PM, Martin Pinkston wrote:
  I don't know if anyone has really taken serious notice of the local foot
 traffic at Summit yet or not.
  However, it generally appears to be homeless individuals walking a
 daily circuit until the shelters open in the evening.
  Not all homeless are violent; however, I have yet to see any
 unscrupulous person carrying a sign, warning of the potential for danger.
  That being said, be aware of your surroundings at all times inside and
 outside the building.
  A safe assumption would be everyone of them carries at least a box
 cutter for self defense.
  Just my $.02

 ...and 21 W. North felt safer or something?

  Take Care  Have fun Always.
  Martin Pinkston RN
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Re: [SH-Discuss] January Dues

2014-01-23 Thread Andrew Buczko
I'm paid till Thursday.

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 Should we be getting invoiced if dues are due?

 On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Torrie Fischer 

 Hey, folks.

 Where are everyone's January dues?

 Pretty sure I'm not crazy, but I haven't seen too many people showing up
 except those who paid with cash or Dwolla.
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[SH-Discuss] SynHak Renovations Fundraiser

2014-01-22 Thread Andrew Buczko
Would it be possible to do a fundraiser to help with SynHak's renovation

I asked like two members about  the idea and they seemed to like it. One
suggested a Silent Auction.

If you have a suggestion for a fundraiser please post it in a reply to this
email (for now) and then we can go over the suggestions at the next meeting.

Plus this would be another opportunity to bring new faces to the space.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] SynHak Renovations Fundraiser

2014-01-22 Thread Andrew Buczko
Hmm, we have Devin's GREAT STUFF art sculpture.

Omar's link gave me an idea, instead of a Walk-a-Thon we can have a

Participants get to keep their creations, winner gets some sort of prize,
And we get rid of the junk pile :)

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 3:40 AM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 I know that has grantstation software that assists with
 applying for and writing grants. But its currently one hundred bucks :(

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 3:36 AM, Torrie Fischer 

 On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 03:02:32 Andrew Buczko wrote:
  Would it be possible to do a fundraiser to help with SynHak's renovation
  I asked like two members about  the idea and they seemed to like it. One
  suggested a Silent Auction.
  If you have a suggestion for a fundraiser please post it in a reply to
  email (for now) and then we can go over the suggestions at the next
  Plus this would be another opportunity to bring new faces to the space.

 * Our building is rather old
 * We're a non-profit
 * Many of us are focused on rebuilding a city recovering from poor
 * We're an educational center

 Some organizations who are some of the above are often elliglble for grant
 money. We've proven that such an idea can actually thrive in the city,
 and I
 can't imagine we would need to work too hard to prove that we've done good
 things. I don't have the time to figure out the grant process though :(
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Issues at new space Large and Small

2014-01-22 Thread Andrew Buczko
Yeah, like Omar said, I stopped in at the new space once and it felt warm
and that was with the thermostat all the down at 50 :)

Devin might have some cement/motar stuff that you can use to seal those

On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 Lets remember that this is by far a vast improvement to 21 W. North St.
 where you'd arrive during the winter and its 35 degrees inside the space
 and it would take the Perkins room hours to get to 60 degrees. The
 thermostat could keep the new space at a low enough temp to save money when
 no one is there but not low enough to be unbearable when you arrive,
 opening the space sets the temp to where our patrons will be warm and
 comfortable and then back down again when its closed. This is of course
 after we've patched all the places where we're losing tremendous amounts of
 heat. We also need to switch our gas utility bill to a budgeted plan where
 we pay the amount all year round to avoid HUGE winter usage bills.

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 IMO heat being 50 is perfectly fine for working. If I am working on
 something less physical I might opt to turn on a space heater and heat my
 small area more. I know other would prefer warmer temps and that is fine.

 A programmable thermostat set to run from 4 till 8 is SO much better than
 running it all the time.

 The thing is as we build membership we WILL be running the heater more.
 Unfortunately we are heating empty spaces 16 hours a day. insert sad panda

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Byron Moran byrondmo...@gmail.comwrote:

 The idea of a programmable thermostat is that it warms it up for you
 before you arrive. Tying it into the open / closed sign is the equivalent
 of buying a remote start for your car and turning it on as soon as you get
 in the car. It's 15 degrees out, and it would be really frustrating to have
 to wait an hour every time you come in the space for it to be a reasonable
 temperature. I understand saving money, and something like a Nest will do
 that, but you have to expect some costs as far as heating, and be a ble to
 budget enough to keep your patrons warm and comfortable. Just an outside

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:56 PM, Omar Rassi omar.ra...@gmail.comwrote:

 Good catch Justin! I can see why those would be hard to spot.

 I know there was some talk about having a programmable thermostat but
 realistically, keyholders come in and out at all random times and sometimes
 the open hours don't happen exactly on time or the person has a sudden
 thing come up so that would leak money at times too. Once we're settled in,
 a solution may be to tie the temperature setting to opening and closing the
 space so when you click on open space thermostat is set to X degrees.
 Click close space, it goes back down to X degrees

 On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 12:14 PM, Justin Herman just...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hey folks,

 I stopped in the new space to drop a few things off and I decided I
 would check a few repairs out.

 First, The work that has been completed looks awesome. It is really
 coming together. The team that preformed the move really got a lot done.
 Not enough thanks can be given to the people who have taken a blight on
 Summit St. and made it into a functional space.

 Unfortunately I see a few issues (that may or may not be know to all)

 1. The space is heated but it seemed warm. This is cool when hacking
 is happening BUT expensive when it is not. We MUST work a plan together to
 deal with lowering the heat when the space is not occupied. (I did not 
 where the thermostat was to turn it down so I did not make any actions for

 2. Above the back 40's heater is a GIANT HOLE. It appears to be a vent
 hole and may already have a plan to be resolved BUT at the current moment 
 is flowing out the space. As the heater runs heat flows out and to the
 ceiling and right next to the heater vent is this 8-12 inch hole. This 
 be fixed ASAP.

 3. The front garage door has large leaks of air. Replacement of the
 door would be a more expensive project but buying weather trim and putting
 up a plastic door (similar to the common space-back 40) would help

 4. There are numerous holes in the mortar that need filled.

 When I was in the space previously I didn't see many of these issues
 as it was dark outside but in the light of day they become VERY clear.

 I have an album of pictures in an album I hope these help to clear
 things up.

 SynHak -

 Once again GREAT JOB!

 Much Love


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 Byron D 

Re: [SH-Discuss] 48 Summit St front room discussion thread

2014-01-20 Thread Andrew Buczko
I shouldn't have to explain this...

Every time you start a project you run into expenses. Yes we can recycle
what materials we have but there's always something else needed to get the
project done.

Personally, I'm done with this, so  so already started tearing out the
wall, so fuck it! lets just gut the whole fucking place!

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 Andy, I also emailed the start of this thread to,
 discuss is what responded first.

 A few questions for you Andy:
 It's a nice little room, we can use for what ever we want, if you take
 it away then all we'll have is big empty space.

 It won't be empty, it would be built into the welcome bar. The whole
 reason we moved to 48 Summit is because we need more space, are you saying
 we now have too much? How does keeping the walls make it less empty?

 we don't have the money to build new walls.

 Why would we need to build new walls there? Why would a Synhak office
 absolutely require walls? If a separate office is needed, a walled off
 area right by the front door is not a good place to have one, so a room to
 our specifications would need to be constructed anyway but in a different
 place at the space as a long term project

 heck we still have to fix the ceiling first. Plus if you take out the
 wall you then have to fix the ceiling, who wants to look at a bunch of gaps?

 That's a good point. Was this part of the ceiling not included in our
 estimates regarding roof repair? What is required to fix it, how much wood?
 how much in ceiling tile? Can we get a hardware store to donate the
 materials for a donation tax receipt?

 Andrew, you're right remodeling is expensive, we still have plenty of wood
 at our disposal and we've reclaimed even more from both 21 W North and 48
 Summit. what do we think are the expenses associated with turning the room
 into a welcome area/paperwork repository? And what materials and expertise
 do we already have on hand to make it happen? I can think of floor tileand
 ceiling repair though I have very little experience with carpentry and
 building repair so I couldn't begin to guess how much work and material
 would be needed.

 Thank you for sharing.

 On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 10:24 AM, a l wrote:

 I thunk it would be nice if that area were a reception type desk welcome
 bar type structure that housed paper work. As far as walks are concerned i
 think half height walls would be nice as this allows people to see the
 whole space but still restricts access to documents. locked drawers they
 are only open during filing keeps privacy concerns satisfied but still
 allows for any member to get blank forms for visitors.

 That said remodeling is expensive, we have other more pressing expenses
 like getting up to code properly installed outlets in the main shop so
 people can hack. I think we need to prioritize our spending and realize we
 can't do it all at the same time. For me removing existing infrastructure
 only to modify it slightly is a frivolous expense we can't shots right now.
 We should save for and do it this year, in the next six months money

 Also every project we start now is one more we have to finish by opening
 day. And we already have quite a list.

 Andrew L
 On Jan 19, 2014 1:12 AM, Torrie Fischer

 On Sunday, January 19, 2014 00:33:16 Omar Rassi wrote:
  1) Are we keeping the room or are we taking down the wall with the
  Torrie's argument is compelling, though I leaned towards keeping the
  as is, I am now indifferent to walls up or down.
  2) If we are keeping the room, for what purpose will it fulfill?
  Admin office/recordkeeping? servers? Member storage? Computer lab?
  Etc etc.
  I had envisioned a place where Synhak Inc. office could go. A place
  the office of secretary, treasurer, and the champions, could work on
  not so exciting parts of running a non-profit with minimal distraction
  hackers hacking. It would be a room to keep important paper records
 that we
  are required to have on file in a controlled place to prevent tampering
  (we've never had an issue with this in the past, its just a
 perspective of
  assurance from a 3rd party perspective i.e. How can we guarantee the
  records are true if anyone can walk in and change the paper documents
  a member's back is turned?)
  3) Do we even need walls for those purposes? In other words, if it
  come down, will that detract from anyone's desires for how to use the
  A bolted and locked file cabinet and appropriate file permissions
  (read-write access for officers and champions, read-only access for
  everyone else) placed on a workstation designated for office use can
  accomplish the same records assurance mentioned above while keeping the
  digital copies open and transparent. So perhaps a walled off area may

Re: [SH-Discuss] 48 Summit St front room discussion thread

2014-01-19 Thread Andrew Buczko
To do it right we will need more time and money, two things that we don't
have, heck we still have to fix the ceiling first. Plus if you take out the
wall you then have to fix the ceiling, who wants to look at a bunch of
gaps? Plus fixing the ceiling will take more money that we don't have.
Removing all the walls will make it harder to hear the space.

It's a nice little room, we can use for what ever we want, if you take it
away then all we'll have is big empty space. We need some rooms to divide
things off. Yes that office is small but we don't have the money to build
new walls.

I'm in favor of building accordion walls for the back 40 that can be used
to divide that large section into 3 separate areas. But that will have to
wait for more finances or free wood.

My thoughts on the kitchen is right in the back in front of the basement
stairs, or in the middle of the back 40. But I'm not sure. I would like to
set the kitchen up in both spots to see what feels right.

Also, this discussion should be moved to the Build mailing list.

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 1:12 AM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Sunday, January 19, 2014 00:33:16 Omar Rassi wrote:
  1) Are we keeping the room or are we taking down the wall with the
  Torrie's argument is compelling, though I leaned towards keeping the room
  as is, I am now indifferent to walls up or down.
  2) If we are keeping the room, for what purpose will it fulfill? Crafts?
  Admin office/recordkeeping? servers? Member storage? Computer lab?
  Etc etc.
  I had envisioned a place where Synhak Inc. office could go. A place where
  the office of secretary, treasurer, and the champions, could work on the
  not so exciting parts of running a non-profit with minimal distraction
  hackers hacking. It would be a room to keep important paper records that
  are required to have on file in a controlled place to prevent tampering
  (we've never had an issue with this in the past, its just a perspective
  assurance from a 3rd party perspective i.e. How can we guarantee the
  records are true if anyone can walk in and change the paper documents
  a member's back is turned?)
  3) Do we even need walls for those purposes? In other words, if it does
  come down, will that detract from anyone's desires for how to use the
  A bolted and locked file cabinet and appropriate file permissions
  (read-write access for officers and champions, read-only access for
  everyone else) placed on a workstation designated for office use can
  accomplish the same records assurance mentioned above while keeping the
  digital copies open and transparent. So perhaps a walled off area may not
  be necessary as I previously thought. Objectively thinking about it,
  creating a welcome area out of that room would not lessen my desire to
  the space and could provide a wow factor for visitors and guests, I can
  think of alternatives to achieve my desired goals for a Synhak Inc.

 Thank you. It is important that we all try to be as pragmatic as possible
 considering how to best allocate the finite volume we have available to
 us. I
 feel the quantity of shared space should be maximized as it gives others
 broadest canvas that this building can provide, until it becomes more
 beneficial to the community to do otherwise.

  On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 11:24 PM, Torrie Fischer
   On Saturday, January 18, 2014 22:26:49 Omar Rassi wrote:
There may be some miscommunication/misunderstanding about the front
48 Summit St. So lets talk about what to do with that room.
The original plan was to remove all the walls, shelving and
 cabinetry to
give us a large open area to do what we wish with and turn one of its
into a welcome bar like at the old space. However, it appears that
members want to keep the small office-ish type room for various
(each person in favor of keeping the room has a different idea). So
Key points of discussion:
1) Are we keeping the room or are we taking down the wall with the
   I would prefer to remove the closet side wall of that room and create a
   welcome bar from the other wall of the room by cutting it to only a few
   tall. This would create a very open and inviting physical space.
2) If we are keeping the room, for what purpose will it fulfill?
Admin office/recordkeeping? servers? Member storage? Computer lab?
Etc etc.
   If someone is intending on turning it into some form of member storage,
   SYNHAK, Inc office, or server closet, I think it would be wise to
   that we have a massive basement that has not yet been spoken for in any
   significant capacity and will likely see the smallest fraction of
   traffic in 

Re: [SH-Discuss] Mural on our exterior wall

2014-01-19 Thread Andrew Buczko
hmm, would like to see some samples of their work first, ok.

I was thinking of white walls with two pin strips, one orange and one blue.
 Does that sound good? affordable?

On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 1:49 AM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 Thoughts on trying to get a local artist to paint an Akron-inspired mural
 our exterior wall?

 Might be fun to be a recurring thing that changes every so often, provided
 that the membership approves any proposed design.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] SynHak Speaker Bureau

2014-01-18 Thread Andrew Buczko
You can add my name to the soldering one.

Other idea's:
* MineCraft servers, how to setup and run
* Battle Bots
* Talk on how to cosplay
* Data recovery Technics
* Going green, moving off the grid

On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 4:50 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 I think it might be wise to start talking about our speaker bureau in the
 new space as It would be REALLY smart to be able to tell people about some
 upcoming events when we have our Open House on March 1st.

 Maybe we could get some topics together and getting volunteers to start
 building talks around these topics. Create a flyer and start announcing it.

 I have started a list of ideas 
 I know some have been said before BUT I know we have had a LOT of new faces
 and maybe some of them would also be interested in hearing these talks. In
 addition I think that most of these topics could be expanded into advanced
 topics if the interest was there. So... Please look though the list, add to
 it, add notes, and start thinking how you can share your passion and
 experience with others in the space.


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Re: [SH-Discuss] Hackerspace Passport Stamp

2014-01-10 Thread Andrew Buczko
Cool, We can have the Syn/Hak, We Make Akron moto in it too

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 2:56 PM, a l wrote:

 I will try to have a design for consideration by the meeting on Tuesday. I
 encourage anyone else(Torrie? ) with design ideas to do the same so we can
 have people vote on their favorite.

 I don't see a date for when he wants them made but we should probably have
 a deadline just to keep us on our toes. Things to consider in designing:
 stamps are small so tons of text won't turn out well. Don't put things on
 it that are likely to change(ie; addresses) over the the life span of

 in short, Thanks for the heads up Chris.

 in excellence,

 On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 I think its a GREAT Idea!

 I purchased 9 HackerSpace Passports and MiFareClassic RFID Stickers with
 the idea that I could get the door setup with RFID.

 I figured I would sell them to members who might be interested and donate
 everything to the space. Purchase cost was ~6 bucks each and I thought I
 would suggest a donation of 10 bucks.


 On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Chris Egeland 

 Hi all,

 Some of you may follow the discuss list, and if you do,
 you may have caught this thread which was started last night:

 In short, Daniel is offering to make stamps for hackerspaces that wish
 to have a hackerspace passport stamp.  We just need to provide a vector
 graphic of what we want on ours.

 I'm thinking we take the logo, put I VISITED above it and Akron, Ohio
 USA below it.

 What do you guys think?  Anyone got the time and skill to throw
 something like this together?

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Re: [SH-Discuss] The damaged car parked at the space...

2013-12-28 Thread Andrew Buczko
I agree with Chris, Don't touch it, let the cops deal with it.

On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Chris Egeland ch...@chrisegeland.comwrote:

 Just called Tony. Got his voicemail, left a message, and received a text
 back saying he would be home Sunday night.

 Im deferring this until Monday at the earliest.


 Sent from my iPhone

  On Dec 26, 2013, at 14:20, Chris Egeland wrote:
  Agreed.  It doesn't belong to SYN/HAK, so we shouldn't touch it. Its
 rear passenger-side wheel is missing, and is sitting on a cinderblock, so
 it was likely towed there.  It also has collision-wrap over where the
 driver-side window was.
  Also, it may actually be in the way during the move, given its proximity
 to the overhead door we will be moving most of our stuff out of.
  If Tony doesn't know anything about it, I'll be calling APD and asking
 them to take a report on the vehicle today.  G, mind giving Tony a call
 this afternoon?
  On 12/26/2013 1:36 PM, J. F. Corner wrote:
  It's better to just file a report at that point. Let APD figure out the
  owner. You should never go into a vehicle that isn't yours, whether it's
  abandoned or not.
  On 12/26/2013 13:29, Justin Herman wrote:
  It makes sense to check with membership about this. But unless it stops
  us from moving I wouldn't worry about it any further.
  Is it unlocked? Maybe it has registration. Also the license plate tags
  should have he birthday Of the registrant on it.
  On Thursday, December 26, 2013, Omar Rassi wrote:
  Why do we care who's car it is? It's none of ours and when we
  Tony/APD can take care of it.
  I thought maybe someone brought it so they can hack/repair it at
  Synhak. With us moving I was concerned about someone needing to
  arrange relocation for their vehicle. If it doesn't belong to
  who comes to Synhak, then at this point it's truly Tony's
  although, its in the way of the loading dock...
  On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Justin Herman
  Quick question. Why do we care who's car it is? It's none of
  ours and when we leave Tony/APD can take care of it.
  On Thursday, December 26, 2013, Chris Egeland wrote:
  Agreed.  Since we aren't the building owners, we should
  verify with the Tony et al to make sure that he isn't just
  using the parking lot to keep a car he owns there.
  If he doesn't know anything about it (G, would you mind
  calling Tony?), I'll call APD and inform them next time I'm
  at the space (tonight or whenever).
  Do we know what day the vehicle appeared on the lot?  That
  would be useful for APD to know.
  On 12/26/2013 10:47 AM, gs volt wrote:
  Before reporting, check with Tony and his son is what I'd
  On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 8:17 AM, Torrie Fischer wrote:
  On Thursday, December 26, 2013 03:22:28 Craig Bergdorf
   Or, put a sign declaring that area an extension of
  the hack pile :)  it is
   hurting anything by being there?
  No, but I think reporting it is the right thing to do.
   On Dec 26, 2013 1:51 AM, Torrie Fischer wrote:
On Sunday, December 22, 2013 02:39:06 Omar Rassi
 Does anyone know what the white, damaged car on
  a cinder block is about?
 We're getting very close to a decision on a new
  home for Syn/Hak and if
 belongs to anyone that uses Syn/Hak they should
  consider doing something
 with it very very soon.
No idea. I suggest someone calls the cops and
  reports it as an abandoned
vehicle this week.
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  G | Gaurav Narain Saxena | (330) 283 - 4972
  I am a Board Member at SYN/HAK
  The Akron Hackerspace located at 21 W North St, Akron,
  Ohio 44304

Re: [SH-Discuss] APOC kit

2013-12-24 Thread Andrew Buczko
You can also use some Orange Pottery or Mantels from Lanterns

On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Justin Herman wrote:

 This sounds sweet

 On Tuesday, December 24, 2013, J. F. Corner wrote:

 Ah! Good thinking!

 On 12/24/2013 15:33, Jimmy Carter wrote:
  You could use the radioactive source in many smoke detectors.
  -Jimmy Carter
  On 12/24/2013 03:31 PM, J. F. Corner wrote:
  Only problem is, you'd need a source of radiation to trigger the
  detector. Although, if you had a source disc, it could work.
  Just let me know where to send it.
  On 12/24/2013 14:57, Chris Egeland wrote:
  Oh wow, David, I really REALLY like that idea.
  This could be a really badass source of entropy for cryptographic
  What's that, you use Dual_EC_DRBG for your PRNG?  Didn't you hear
  the RSA scandal?  Well, I did, so I use a gamma particle detector
  Let's talk about this after the new year.
  Jake, I'll accept the APOC and promise to use it for good things.
  On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 2:27 PM, David Morley wrote:
  Hook it up to the internet and use it to generate genuine random
  numbers - given that the uncertainty principle is truly valid.
  On Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 12:10 PM, J. F. Corner wrote:
  I have an APOC basic kit up for grabs for whomever wants to
  build it.
  As long as you make it and donate it for use by the space(s).
  The APOC is a gamma particle detector that will help you
  radiation and find radioactive things!
  Jake @ CanHax
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Short term and mid term plans

2013-12-23 Thread Andrew Buczko
tmazazanec1, We have a 3D printer at the space. If you come down I will
gladly help you print something out. Also, you are welcome to give your
speech at SynHak too

On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 9:43 PM, David Morley wrote:

 One tidbit: In the opinion of The Economist, 3D printing will break out
 much bigger next year when some important patents on sintering technology

 On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 4:45 PM, tmazan...@juno.comwrote:

 I figure 3D printing is about 40 years behind computing in transforming
 society. I enjoyed the Computer Revolution, and I look forward to having
 that fun again.

 In the near term, I am a member of Toastmasters. I would like my next
 speech to be a speech to inform about 3D printing. Is there any advice or
 tips on speaking to groups unfamiliar with 3D printing about the topic? For
 example, is there an easy way for me to get ahold of an item that was 3D

 In the mid term, I learned about computers in the Seventies by first
 reading about them (I have several books on 3D printing on my Kindle, with
 3D Printing for Dummies pre-ordered) and then joining the Computer Club
 at CWRU to get experience before I bought my Apple ][+. So that might be a
 good way for me experience 3D printing. I posted a thread on a 3D printing
 forum and they directed me to you.

 Thank you for any help.

 Tom Mazanec
 Twinsburg, Ohio
 Do THIS before eating carbs #40;every time#41;
 1 EASY tip to increase fat-burning, lower blood sugar  decrease fat
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Open Hours

2013-12-17 Thread Andrew Buczko
(330)814-6103 I don't hold open hours but if you need access to the space
call me and I'll let you in, since I live like 5min away.

*You may have to wake me up :)

On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 9:51 PM, Bethany Munyan beth.mun...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hello! So I am asking anyone who holds hours or who fills in for hours
 that if they can not make it on time, that they inform everyone via the
 discussion list until we come up with a better schedule.  Today I got to
 the space at four thirty thinking it would be open (since we open at four)
 and no one was here.  As a member who doesn't have a key yet (Andrew, if
 you are reading this, I filled out the application I believe early last
 week, please get on that), and as a member who has a long drive to get
 here, this is very frustrating.  If someone can't make hours, that's fine
 whatever.  But please, notify the discuss list BEFORE open hours are meant
 to start.  Hopefully we can soon figure something out so one person doesn't
 volunteer for the majority of the hours anymore, since that isn't very
 fair.  Happy Hacking!


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Re: [SH-Discuss] recent and future donations to synhak

2013-12-09 Thread Andrew Buczko
Speaking for myself, I don't think non-members should be left with junk. I
want everyone to be able enjoy the space. It is for this reason that with
the recent growth of Synhak, and a steady stream of donations have been
coming in. It would not be excellent for one person to claim something that
could be $300 in value especially when we're clamoring for funds for a
bigger space. A simple procedure that places the needs of the space as a
community over an individual, to quote Ambassador Spock, The needs of the
many, outweigh the needs of the few.

My thoughts:
Well this all depends on Time and Money. Yes you might find a laptop
worth $300 in the donated stuff, but do you really want to spend the next
month digging through junk to find it? or do you want to work on your next
project? Even the ones that are not worth $$$ You still need to buy a
charger and hard drive, that's $40 to $60 just to get one up and running
plus $$ for your time spent working on it.

My concern is that I don't want SYNHAK to become a recycling center and or
computer repair shop. I am in good favor of dating all of the donated stuff
so that it does not sit around forever and choke up our working space. We
should defiantly give everyone a fare chance to claim stuff from the

I'll try to be at the meeting to join in the discussion there.

Bethany, when I worked at the Salvation Army thrift store, we had a
different color for each week of the month, everything that was sorted and
placed in week one got a pink tag, week two was blue, three was green, and
four was white. If white tags were coming out on the floor, that meant blue
tags were the oldest (and therefore 50% off). The end of the week saw the
sale tag down to 1 dollar whatever it was... BUT... high value items like
designer ?handbags (Gucci, Louis Vuitton, etc.) or a solid oak bedroom set
were exempt from these sales. I feel a similar tagging system can work for

I'm sorry, but I hate that method. The thrift store is for people that
cannot afford nice things so they buy second hand. What ticks me off is
that if I buy some nice things and then give them to the thrift store, I
expect to see them on the shelf for $1 to $5 just like everything else. Not
on the online store going for list price. (I donated them so that some poor
kid could enjoy them, not for a retailer to profit)

On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Saturday, December 07, 2013 22:48:19 Philip P. Patnode wrote:
  Thanks for the directive to just take it and move on with my project.
  Unfortunately, that is not possible for me to do at this time.
  It is obvious from the contributors to this thread that there are
  points of view and positions on the issue of this specific HP laptop and
  about other high value donated items in general.
  Before I would agree to accept the donated laptop, I would insist on a
  consensus of opinion by a majority of SH members.

 This is the best course of action. Its obviously not something that we can
 just forget about without coming to a solid conclusion we're all happy

  Perhaps the situation can be resolved in my favor at the next SH meeting
  Tuesday evening.
  If the laptop does wind up in my possession, I definitely will seek out
  your guidance and opinion as I proceed with my project.
  Your knowledge and experience in computer repair and maintenance was
  previously highlighted by several SH members, all of whom recommended
  I ask for your help in dealing with my non-functioning machine as a
  Until another day,
  On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 9:27 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:
   Regarding the particular notebook in question:
   Philip, just take it. This drama is just too much for me, I see an
   opportunity for synhak to be able to shorten a funding gap with the
   massive donation of high value computers and instead I get a rain of
   and have to justify trying to prioritize the needs of the community as
   whole. Philip, I am still willing to help you with your personal HP
   in the troubleshooting process, I'm just tired of this thread. I'm not
   going through all that equipment anymore, hack away!
   On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 12:16 PM, Philip P. Patnode
   No need to identify the first SH member who first assured me that I
   claim and make use of the HP laptop since it was in the clearly marked
   No need to identify the second SH member who suddenly took possession
   the laptop from me in the name of SYNHAK, since it will not serve a
   The issue is about procedures or policies at SH, not individuals.
   The whole process of donations and the junk pile should be discussed
   the SH membership.  Solutions to the obvious problems are needed.
   Just to be clear about my intentions, the 

Re: [SH-Discuss] Preliminary inspection of recent donations!

2013-12-09 Thread Andrew Buczko
I have put stickers on the items that I have brought in and I have had DO
NOT HACK labels disappear, That's why the borg cube now has a double
stacked stick of ram in it that had belonged to a workstation that I was
trying to get up and running, and it had a do not hack sticker on the case.

You shouldn't quit, you're smart enough to make it better. I just gave a
shout out about it since It has been a while since I've worked on it and
with things getting moved around there's a chance that the label might have
fallen off.

On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 4:34 AM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 Chris's computer has a very clearly readable DO NOT HACK sticker on it.
 That means, it is being used by someone. Put a sticker on your Dell and put
 in in member storage.

 On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 4:32 AM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 I'm no longer doing anything with any computers at synhak Andy. Besides,
 if it belongs to you and not synhak then *you should clearly have it
 labeled as such* since there are now many new people coming to the space
 looking to do and make things and there could be confusion as to its
 purpose there.

 On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 2:10 AM, Andrew Buczko 

 Do not touch my Dell 670 Workstation, it is waiting on a new hard drive.

 On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Justin Herman just...@gmail.comwrote:

 I dont know when more will come down the line but when it does I will
 bring it in.

 On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Omar Rassi omar.ra...@gmail.comwrote:

 Oh no no no no Thank YOU Justin! The 5 IBMs that pass POST but
 need work, we have the spare parts in what you donated to get them up and
 running, I'm hoping to sell them for synhak at $100 each with no HDD on
 craigslist and put some cash in the bank. Now that we are an actual 
 I'd like to get you or the organization that owned these laptops a 
 receipt. If I could place a number value on everything you brought in, I'd
 say it's between $1250 and $1750 depending on what's working or not. And
 you say there is more? :D

 On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Justin Herman just...@gmail.comwrote:

 Thank you Omar for taking on this project. I will have some later
 that might be available too. I might be able to get power adapters that
 dont look very good but that work But I will NOT be able to get HD as 
 are disposed of securely as we have to conform to HIPPA regulations.

 Be sure to tell the group what parts would be nice so if anyone
 comes across them we can bring them in.

 On Fri, Dec 6, 2013 at 12:12 AM, Omar Rassi omar.ra...@gmail.comwrote:

 Howdy Hackers! So after Spacegiving today... ... nom... I took a
 look at all the computers donated by Justin Herman. Here is a 
 report on the laptops:

 * 5 IBM Thinkpads of Core Duo or newer pass POST.
 ** They all need 2.5 SATA hard drives and power adapters before I
 can begin a full hardware test but otherwise are in GREAT condition.

 * 1 HP G7 has a Windows 7 COA and passes POST, this also needs a
 hard drive and power adapter before I can begin a full test.

 * 5 More IBM thinkpads pass POST but need some kind of work (missing
 palm rest, keyboard, broken LCD panel, etc.)
 **Once corrected, they just need a hard drive and power adapter to
 back to working order.

 * 2 OLDER (Pentium 4, Pentium M) IBM Thinkpads are working but are
 just really old to be of real use as a modern platform. They are
 immediately available for hacking.

 * One has water damage and is going to be scrapped

 * There are still some thinkpads that are in pieces that I need to
 go through.

 * The IBM desktops are not yet tested.

 I hope to keep the HP, and 3 of the best working laptops for use as
 public linux computers in the computer lab so that we can free up some 
 space and allow the desktops to be re-purposed/hacked. One of the 
 I hope to replace is the Electronics Lab Workstation and 2 IBM Thinkpads
 will replace linux based desktops in the computer lab. The HP is going 
 replace the main Office machine with the licensed copy of MS Office 2007
 Professional (if anyone used it :/)

 I will soon be looking at all of the computing hardware at the
 space, cataloging them and selling unnecessary 
 to bring money into Synhak Inc. So here is the first warning: IF YOU 
 ensure that it is clearly labeled as such so that I know not to *put
 it up for sale.*

 Thank you, and as always, if you have questions please ask me
 publicly or privately I care not how, just ask and I will do my best to
 give you an answer.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] SYNHAK is now 501(c)3

2013-12-01 Thread Andrew Buczko

On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Sunday, December 01, 2013 19:32:07 alex kot wrote:
  Champagne for Tuesday meeting?

 Funnily enough, I still have the half-empty bottle of champagne that
 showed up
 for Opening Day in January. Its in my fridge. My fridge is disgusting.
  On Sunday, December 1, 2013 10:23 PM, Torrie Fischer wrote:
  Just got home and checked the mail.
  This big letter from the IRS says we're legit 501(c)3. Finally. I'll
  it with me to the space tomorrow for the secretary to file away in a safe
  spot. ___
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Unified SYNHAK Code

2013-11-30 Thread Andrew Buczko

Now that looks great! Better than anything I can do (trust me I've tried)
wiki hate me

On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 Howdy, all.

 I'm continuing my rampage of wiki editing and space documentation.

 I trolled through all of our proposals and various unwritten rules about
 the space and documented what I came up with as part of a Unified SYNHAK

 Most of it is based on previously passed proposals. Some of the items
 there are based on generally accepted consensus that I think would take a
 whole proposal to modify, such as having meetings at 7:00 PM on a tuesday.

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Re: [SH-Discuss] synhak on facebook

2013-11-29 Thread Andrew Buczko
Omar, I saw this ERROR also, you HAVE to search for SYN/HAK with capitals
AND the slash otherwise you get the WRONG facebook page.

On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:


 It is NOT fine.

 I searched for synhak from my FB page and found the two non-genuine
 pages for SH and no mention or referral to the real SH group page.

 I suspect that anybody who does the same - a search from a FB page - will
 wind up at the wrong page, as I did.

 It does a little bit of harm because new people who search will be sent to
 the incorrect page and not the official group page for SH.

 The two pages need to be removed promptly.


 On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 I assure you it is fine. All the links on our website and reference
 material points to our facebook page. There is no need for us to hunt down
 another page that so far has only served to promote us at best, does us no
 harm at worst.

 On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:


 Will send you screen prints of the two synhak pages I found when I
 searched for the Facebook page for the organization.

 Note that one has the address for SH as 21 W North St and the other
 shows it as 27 W North St

 They are being sent to your Gmail address, not due
 to the message size restriction at SH.

 If the two pages shown in the screen prings are not authentic FB pages
 or were created due to check-ins/posts, I suggest that you or another
 member contact FB and have them deleted.

 There is enough confusion in the world as it is and three FB pages are
 not necessary, especially when two are not maintained or edited or
 monitored by SH.


 On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Bethany Munyan 

 This is the CURRENT facebook page, other than this one, I know of no
 others :)

 On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 12:45 AM, Chris Faircloth wrote:

 Look like locations created for check-ins/posts with that tagged as
 the location.  Anyone can do that so sometimes you'll wind up with 2 or 3
 extras with miscellaneous spellings from people trying to tag the location
 on their phones.

  *From:* Philip P. Patnode
 *To:* SYN/HAK discussion list
 *Sent:* Thursday, November 28, 2013 9:13 PM
 *Subject:* [SH-Discuss] synhak on facebook


 Who is responsible for creating and maintaining the Facebook page(s)
 for SH?

 Why are there two almost identical pages?

 FYI - one of the pages has the SH address as 27 N West St. See
 attached image.

 I suggest that the page in error be deleted and the remaining page be
 updated with pertinent and current information.  Lack of basic information
 about SH, including SH links, is almost as bad as no information at all.

 Also, a nice photo or the SH logo should be added to the page.

 If a new photos of the work spaces at SH or the exterior of the
 building is wanted, I will be happy to wander down to the facility during 
 day when SH is open and take some photos for the FB page.

 If you need/want me involved in the FB page, feel free to contact me
 by email.


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Re: [SH-Discuss] Basic prototyping kit opinions?

2013-11-28 Thread Andrew Buczko
Philip, no, What I am suggesting is to go into the invention process as a
business prospect. I.E. Did you do do a Patent Search to make sure that no
one else has invented a Hawking clone ?   Plus a clone such as a living
being may not be patent-able.  And you wouldn't be signing up for
anything. You would be hiring a patent attorney, a doctor, and many other
personnel to get your  Hawking clone from idea to reality.

Patients are not cheep, so you have to plan out how your are going to pay
for one (I spent over $9,000.00 on mine and it took me 3 years to get it)
If you have an idea I can help you with getting started. If I'm not around,
then I recommend the Hudson Inventors group.


On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 3:15 PM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:


 Are you saying I get a *patient* if I start the funding part of a new
 product/invention process?

 Sign me up for a Hawking clone, please.

 This will be so cool!

 On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 12:35 AM, alex kot wrote:

 I bought a Starter Kit made by OSEPP from microcenter, not as cool as the
 one Torrie showed from SparkFun.  I know Microcenter sells SparkFun
 products, but I am not sure if they have the one she listed yet.  Might
 stop by next time when I am at work (Microcenter is up in Cleveland).

   On Thursday, November 28, 2013 12:28 AM, Andrew Buczko wrote:
   prototyping kit for a brand new inventor
 The kit Torrie suggested looks great, and would be nice to
 have available at SynHak.

 When people ask about how to invent something, I like to talk to them
 about Starting their own business with the thing that they want to invent.
 Since you need to find some way to pay for everything that goes with
 getting a patient. There are a lot of things that people don't think about

 Hmm, I really need some free time so that I can write a talk about it.

 PS, you can also contact the Hudson inventors group for suggestions too.

 On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 10:21 PM, Torrie Fischer wrote:

 On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 13:59:55 Pierce wrote:
  Hi all,
  Could I ask for an opinion from anyone who has a few minutes  feels
  weighing in?
   If I was trying to put together a prototyping kit for a brand
  inventor, what would go into it?
  A really wide range of possible inventions.
  Functional, as well as representative, stuff, not *just* 'model of'
  A bunny slope learning curve.
  An exciting, real, substantive feel.
  Access to many different disciplines (mechanical, electrical, robotic,
  programming, crafty, modern material marvels, etc.?) of making and an
  encouragement to fuzz those lines!
  Ideal for a systems approach or big picture thinking approach to
  Two cost types:
  1.) the skies the limit
  2.)  $100 or $200 for two dozen inventors to take turns, in teams, for
  dismantle-n-rebuild real inventions.
  I've given this bunches of thought but I would like to hear from other
  people with different ideas.  If this is the wrong forum for this big a
  question, feel free to delete and respond with the appropriate

 You might be looking for the Sparkfun Inventor's Kit as a source of
 inspiration for electronics:

 Its only $90 and would easily cover everything about electronics,
 and a touch of robotics. I'm not sure for the other bits though.

  Thanks for everything and hello to all from Steph,
  (One of the new persons, with brown hair, who's been visiting lately.)
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2013-11-26 Thread Andrew Buczko

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 11:56 PM, Craig Bergdorf wrote:

 with an update to the dns record at amazon the cam will be back up and
 On Nov 26, 2013 11:50 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 Okay, so it appears that the kiosk didn't close the space. We are
 currently closed despite what says at this time.

 Thank you

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Re: [SH-Discuss] The Fridge

2013-11-25 Thread Andrew Buczko
Hehe, I would use the fridge for the rare (press a gear onto a crank) trick
where you freeze the crank and boil the gear.
You can store Glue in the fridge to make it last longer. (-- might be a
Batteries. (-- also might be a myth)
Fish Rubber for making slot car tires.

On Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 2:19 AM, Chris Egeland ch...@chrisegeland.comwrote:

 What kind of non-food use? Bio projects?

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Nov 24, 2013, at 0:26, Andrew Buczko wrote:

 I like free option, and bigger will be nice.

 Can we keep the smaller one for non-food use?  If we have the space.

 On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:53 AM, Torrie Fischer

 On Saturday, November 23, 2013 00:45:49 Bethany Munyan wrote:
  As someone who often fill up the fridge when I am there, I think a
  fridge would be a good idea.  If we have to wait until we move, then I
  don't think that would be a big deal. We can always look on craigslist
  we have to. -Beth

 Yeah, I agree. We do need a bigger fridge. We can't fit a bigger one in
 space easily, but I'm open to the idea of using my garage as storage for
 things we want to acquire but don't have the space for 'till we get a
 location. Its only 8 minutes away up in North Hill.

  On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 3:59 PM, a l wrote:
   A second fridge would be a great addition. Then we could have a soft
   fridge and an adult beverage fridge. This will assuage some concerns
 if we
   ever have school groups at the space or members not of age.
   We had discussed an adult fridge this spring and just never got
 around to
   it due to other pressing matters.
   On Nov 22, 2013 2:56 PM, Philip P. Patnode
   Chris  Alex  Omar and anybody else that has an interest in a bigger
   refrigerator -
   If SH is willing to wait, I can probably obtain a full size
   for FREE, sometime in the near future.
   Could be anytime from next week to a day in the next few months.
   I have access to a location where many working household appliances
   discarded on a regular basis.
   In the last few months, several refrigerators, a freezer, a
   combo, two stoves, and lots of small appliances were placed by the
   and abandoned.  Any one or all of them could have become SH property
   If a frig becomes available, SH will have to pickup the item on short
   notice (24 hrs or less) and remove it from the property.
   Also, there is no choice of color or size or model or brand or age.
   If a 10-yr old Amana side-by-side, model #333, in bright periwinkle
   up, that is what the org will get.
   Somebody let me know if I should add a frig to the list of wanted
   free that I maintain for family and friends.
   On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Omar Rassi
   Agreed, its overkill. We need to be more diligent about replacing
   drink we take out of the fridge. Take one, place one...
   On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 2:37 PM, alex kot
   I think it is overkill.  A full size fridge isn't cheap, plus we
   planning to move sometime soon.  Maybe in march we can rebring
 this up
   it starts to get warm.
   On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 2:23 PM EST Chris Egeland wrote:
   So, I mentioned this to Torrie the other day at the space, and I
   figured I'd bring it up here because, well, why not.
   We probably need a bigger fridge soon.  Right now, it's not
   critical because we're TECHNICALLY not out of space, but the
 fridge we
   does get emptied VERY quickly.
   We keep a bit of a stockpile under the counter in the kitchen
 area of
   beverages, but that sits there unrefrigerated which sucks in the
   the Mountain Dew is 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35C for you people in
   other country than the USA, Liberia and Burma).
   So, I'm gonna ask you guys:  Do you think a full-size fridge is
   overkill for our needs?  It would provide us with an actual freezer
   of a small box that grows ice around it every three months, which
   nice.  It would also give us the ability to keep much more
 foodstuff at
   comfortably refrigerated temperature.
   I'm asking for your input before I start hunting for a fridge.
   does everyone think?
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Re: [SH-Discuss] An improved Google Profile

2013-11-23 Thread Andrew Buczko
Phong Phoo  LMAO!

great work Torri!

On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Friday, November 22, 2013 13:09:05 Omar Rassi wrote:
  Insert Phoo pun here.
  Is there an access list for who can log into

 Kinda. Due to Google Pages' managers feature, the following people are
 managers of it:

 * Torrie
 * Chris
 * Omar
 * G

 That gives those people the ability to make Google+ posts, upload youtube
 videos, and modify our google maps data. They don't need to actually login
 with the account.

 Chris, Craig, G, and I are the only ones who have access to the password
 that account, which is stored in a keepass database on my laptop and on the
 sysadmin security repository.

 I've added that information to the Maintainers page:

 I still need to document how the private security repository works though
 who has access to it (Chris, Craig, G and I). I'll add it to the
 page later this evening while I hack on the prusa's new RAMBo board.

  On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Chris Egeland
   I pity da Phoo who manages our Google+ profile!
   Good work, Torrie!
   On 11/22/2013 10:08 AM, Torrie Fischer wrote:
   On Friday, November 22, 2013 01:53:39 Andrew Buczko wrote:
   That sounds like it will work great for SynHak!  Did they mention any
   communication solutions for large groups while you where there?
   PS, while this works great for SynHak, it totally sucks for fellow
   youtubers :(  WE DON'T WANT TO USE OUR REAL NAME!
   PSS, you might have to make up a real name for SynHak at one point.
   Yeah, I had to.
   I created Phong Phoo for
On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Torrie Fischer
   Heya, folks.
   I'm at this event down at Office Space Coworking:
   Ellen K. Martin is giving a very informative talk on how to
   Google+ for businesses. Yeah, we're not much of a business, but it
   incredibly useful for our visibility.
   Things I've learned:
   * I can finally transfer ownership of the Google+ Page to the account, though it'll take two weeks since I
   added as the manager. Security concerns, I'm sure,
   * The Google+ Page can be linked to a youtube channel, where all our
   videos show up on the Google+ page
   * When a page is linked to a channel, the managers can upload
   incredibly useful, since we don't need the separate
   youtube@synhak.orgaccount anymore. I'm working on transferring the
   channel to the
   account, though I'm not sure if I can do that properly. I might
 need to
   and re-upload, but our videos don't have a whole lot of activity.
   * The page can also be linked to the local listing that shows up in
   Maps. Also, working on doing that once the ownership is transferred.
   Apparently, the page dashboard shows all kinds of really useful
   as youtube data and the zipcodes of people who looked up directions.
   Right now, Chris, Omar, G and I are the managers for the page, along
   special account. In two weeks, I'll transfer
   ownership to As soon as I figure out the
   for, I'll start migrating our videos and upload last
   Speaker's Bureau video.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Meeting minutes from 2013-11-19

2013-11-21 Thread Andrew Buczko

I believe that these guys will buy scrap electronics. You should call them
for details on what they will take.

Other than them I know some guys that will buy scrap electronics. I'll have
to remember to get there contact info for us.

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Philip P. Patnode ppatn...@gmail.comwrote:

 fwd to Andrew

 ref recycling computer/electronic stuff

 check out this link =

 some vendors pay money, some just take it and run away

 in any event, the stuff stays out of the landfill

 On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 8:26 AM, Phong wrote:

 Ni hao, hakkers!

 I've noticed that there was a meeting on 2013-11-19 and that the minutes
 are posted. They are visible on the web at I've also included them in
 this mail for reading at your leisure:

 |venue=21 West North

 = Agenda =

 * '''Note Taker:''' Torrie Fischer
 * '''Moderator:''' Chris Egeland

 == Introduction and Names ==

 * Chris - Admins Systems
 * Matt - Makes software'
 * Andrew - Checks new membership apps
 * Tom - Medical Field
 ** Python Cleveland meeting, by Glenn
 * Craig - Systems Integrator
 * Devin - Gets robbed and revenge
 * Tim - Robot Coach
 * Kirby - Builds things
 * Andy - Renders Videos
 * Alex - IT Support
 * Torrie - Implements RTP RFCs
 * Stephanie - Works at InventNow in North Canton. Curriculum and content
 person. Also a writer and creative person.
 ** Heard about it through InventNow's creative director
 * Ander - Helps with some of the curriculum. Also making a card game
 ** Heard about it through Stephanie
 * Adam - Student of Environmental Science
 ** Followed Stephanie and Adam
 * Brinn - Student
 ** Followed Stephanie, Adam, and Ander
 * Becca - Brings Cupcakes

 == Announcements ==

 * Devin sez: New scroll saw. Old scroll saw got sold to buy the new one
 that was already bought. This is how credit works.
 ** There is also a torpedo heater that has no kerosene
 * Alex adds: G sent something to some list last wednesday about the new
 * Devin also sez: I bought a bunch of electrical connectors, more are on
 their way. New wire strippers too. They're awesome.
 * Torrie talks about tomorrow's OpenSCAD class
 ** Also, RAMBo board arrives tomorrow to fix the prusa's bed, maybe
 another pair of blue/orange PLA, and new LED light ring was installed today
 * New webcam stream that isn't technicolour
 ** Don't weld in the main space without covering the camera!
 * Devin suggests that Stephanie, etc might want the junk pile

 == Membership ==
 * Read off any names open for application
 * Anyone eligible should:
 ** Introduce yourself
 ** Answer any questions
 ** Leave the area
 * Members present should reach consensus on whether or not they join
 * Applicants may return

 * Mike Griesacker
 ** Want to learn, make stuff, and collaborate. Interested in Arduino,
 Raspberry Pi, 3d printing
 ** Sponsors: Devin and Omar
 * David Morley
 ** I'm a hacker from way back
 ** Sponsors: Omar and Andy
 ** He came in today and scheduled his interview for next week (November

 == Financial Report ==
 * Funds in bank: $GOOD QUESTION
 ** Someone gave Torrie for dues. She forgot who gave it to her. WHO WAS

 == Proposals ==

 * None

 == Discussion Items ==

 * Andrew talks about the Junk Pile
 ** Somewhere, you can recycle electronics. Apparently you can mail them
 in too, and they'll mail you a cheque.
 ** (Discussion about whether or not pins have gold sometimes)
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Last Night's markerboard clip

2013-11-21 Thread Andrew Buczko
Here is the Heart that I made:

Someone at the talk asked if t could be done, well here it is!

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Thursday, November 21, 2013 14:51:14 Omar Rassi wrote:
  Nothing seems to be there.

 The .scad file is there, thingiverse just seems to not be recognizing it.
 Theres a bunch of others with the same behavior.

  On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:30 PM, Torrie Fischer
   Howdy, all!
   If you came to my OpenSCAD talk last night, here's the markerboard
 clip I
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Re: [SH-Discuss] An improved Google Profile

2013-11-21 Thread Andrew Buczko
That sounds like it will work great for SynHak!  Did they mention any
communication solutions for large groups while you where there?

PS, while this works great for SynHak, it totally sucks for fellow

PSS, you might have to make up a real name for SynHak at one point.

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 Heya, folks.

 I'm at this event down at Office Space Coworking:

 Ellen K. Martin is giving a very informative talk on how to effectively use
 Google+ for businesses. Yeah, we're not much of a business, but it is still
 incredibly useful for our visibility.

 Things I've learned:

 * I can finally transfer ownership of the Google+ Page to the account, though it'll take two weeks since I just
 added as the manager. Security concerns, I'm sure, which

 * The Google+ Page can be linked to a youtube channel, where all our
 videos show up on the Google+ page

 * When a page is linked to a channel, the managers can upload videos. This
 incredibly useful, since we don't need the separate youtube@synhak.orgaccount
 anymore. I'm working on transferring the channel to the
 account, though I'm not sure if I can do that properly. I might need to
 and re-upload, but our videos don't have a whole lot of activity. Yet.

 * The page can also be linked to the local listing that shows up in Google
 Maps. Also, working on doing that once the ownership is transferred.
 Apparently, the page dashboard shows all kinds of really useful metrics
 as youtube data and the zipcodes of people who looked up directions.

 Right now, Chris, Omar, G and I are the managers for the page, along with
 special account. In two weeks, I'll transfer the page
 ownership to As soon as I figure out the password for, I'll start migrating our videos and upload last
 Speaker's Bureau video.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] New Mailing List!

2013-11-14 Thread Andrew Buczko
What are you talking about Torrie?

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:51 PM, Torrie Fischer tdfisc...@hackerbots.netwrote:

 On Thursday, November 14, 2013 11:05:24 Chris Egeland wrote:
  Hi-diddly-ho hackerinos!
  If you weren't at the space last night, you missed the meeting about the
  Power Racing Series project that we are undertaking this winter.

 or reading the mailing list at around 8:18 pm last night

  One idea that was brought up was a separate mailing list for this
  project.  Well, that's been set up, and a handful of people are already
  subscribed.  If you're interested in keeping track of the project,
  please feel free to subscribe to the list using the link below.
  Additionally, you can send me an email with your request to be
  subscribed, and I will manually subscribe you to the list.
  Simply enter your email address, your name (which is optional), pick a
  password and confirm it, and select whether you would prefer daily
  digests, and click subscribe.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Offtopic List?

2013-11-14 Thread Andrew Buczko
What's going to happen when we have 600+ members?

I still say that we should use a forum

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Torrie Fischer

 On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 15:52:35 Chris Egeland wrote:
  Hey hackers!
  I've been watching the mailing lists very closely for some time now, and
  have noticed a general uptrend in the volume of email sent to the
  discuss list.  Sometimes we get offtopic and go off on tangents about
  toast, or other topics which are fun to talk about, but are ultimately
  irrelevant to the space itself.  Usually, this isn't a problem, but for
  someone who is interested in the space, but not the minutiae of every
  little bit of day-to-day operations, it can quickly turn into an
  overwhelming amount of email.
  Today, I'm asking for input on how we should proceed with the mailing
  lists.  As you may know, we currently have 5 lists, two of which are
  public, one semipublic, and two private. and are the two that everyone knows about.  Members may
  know that they are automatically subscribed to
  Board members are subscribed to and us sysadmin folk
  are members of
  My recommendation is to create an offtopic list, which would have very
  very lax rules on what can be posted.  Anything you want to chat about.
  Want to debate why the RubberDucks is a terrible team name and the Aeros
  was WAY better?  Sure, no problem.  Got a pothole on Market street that
  irks you every day?  Have at it.  Joke threads? Toast? No problem.  The
  other side to this idea is that the discuss list would have some basic
  rules imposed that mean that any topics to the discuss list would be
  required to be relevant to the space itself.  Projects occurring at the
  space would be relevant topics, open hours discussion, meeting minutes,

 Looking through the archives, I can see three sources of off-topicness:

 * A newbie comes to SYNHAK and has no idea what the unwritten rules for are and starts an irrelevant thread
 * A newbie comes to SYNHAK and has no idea what the unwritten rules for are and makes an irrelevant reply to an on-topic thread
 * Someone who is familiar with the unwritten rules for discuss@synhak.orgis
 purposely going off-topic.

 For the first two, how will they know that is for off-
 topic stuff if they signed a mailing list signup sheet at a booth? Should
 tell them If you want to hear and make mustache jokes or other off-topic
 drivel that isn't about hacking, you can subscribe to

 For the third, its usually overlooked as only established members of the
 community do that and they have a feel for when it is acceptable.

 Here's a solution that'll actually work: Just tell the people going
 that you don't want it on the discuss list. Usually you only need to tell a
 newbie just once and they'll learn the ropes.

 The reason I know that this will work is because this is what happens in
 real world. Have a look at archives of Usenet groups around September of
 year before 1993. They'd get a batch of fresh-faced newbies who don't
 understand the culture. The regulars would quickly jump in and inform them
 that, while they are welcome to participate, there are a few social norms
 should be followed regarding staying on topic, being polite, and other

 Then again, we are a do-ocracy. If someone wants to throw the discuss list
 into moderation and enforce a rule that every post is on-topic, you're more
 than welcome to take over my job as mailman administrator. I'd feel as
 I'm being treated like a child with no manners for something I didn't
 contribute to. Thats a quick way to make everyone feel unwelcome. If
 wants to put together a web-based forum for us to use, go ahead. I'd wager
 that none of the technically minded people who live on email will use it
 any significant period of time.

 As evidence of both of these statements being true, I encourage folks to
 me a successful hackerspace near our end of the peer-to-peer driven
 of community involvement that satisfies both conditions which appear to be
 ones that this thread is trying to solve:

 * Doesn't use an email list as their primary asynchronous discussion
 * Has infallible enforcement of topicalness on their primary discussion

  So, let me know what you guys think.  I'm not officially proposing this,
  but we may chat about it at the next meeting as a discussion topic,
  because it would fundamentally mean we change how the mailing lists are
  organized and structured.
  Discuss mailing list

Re: [SH-Discuss] Musical Compositon

2013-11-13 Thread Andrew Buczko
I must of missed you, I got there a little after 7pm

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 6:01 PM, Michael Render

  I am not going to be there. But we could meetup down there soon. When
 are you available?

 Michael Render

 On 11/12/2013 12:02 PM, Ben Lippincott wrote:

 Are any of you coming to the meeting tonight? I hope to see you there.
 I'll come a little early so we can talk.

 On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Ben Lippincott wrote:

 I really want to learn from you guys. :P

 On Saturday, November 9, 2013, Joseph Terrett wrote:

  Yea, I'm a jazz guitarist and have written and arranged a bit. I teach
 guitar, music theory and some electronic music as well. We can set up a
 time if your interested.
 Joe Terrett

 Sent from my iPad

 On Nov 9, 2013, at 7:28 PM, Andrew Buczko

   Yes, I took some classes. We can get together at synhak sometime to
 go over what you need help with

 On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Michael Render wrote:

  That's what I do. I have been composing, writing and recording for 30
 Currently I have a Cubase ceneterd studio.
 Anything in particular you need or want to know?

 Michael Render

  On 11/9/2013 1:15 PM, Ben Lippincott wrote:

  Does anyone know about composing or writing songs?

  Ben Lippincott

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  Ben Lippincott

  Ben Lippincott

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Re: [SH-Discuss] CanHax: Canton Hackerspace

2013-11-13 Thread Andrew Buczko
I mentioned that we should give then a gift basket, one with Circular saws
and Xbox CDROM drives in it. :) But seriously we could send them some of
the (more than extra) tools as a gift.

Could be good PR?

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 3:46 AM, Bethany Munyan beth.mun...@gmail.comwrote:

 We should visit!

 On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 3:04 PM, alex kot wrote:

 Looks like it is really new.  The domain was bought on August 22nd 2013,
 the Facebook and Twitter account doesn't have anything on it yet.

   On Tuesday, November 12, 2013 2:55 PM, Torrie Fischer wrote:
  Look what I found today:

 Apparently, someone is starting a space in Canton.
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Mini Maker Faire Pictures

2013-11-13 Thread Andrew Buczko
Has anyone posted any pictures from the Akron Mini Maker Fair yet?

On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Tiki Mclemore

 Chris took a bunch of pictures. Pretty good ones that show just how busy
 all of us were lol.
 On Nov 6, 2013 2:30 PM, Torrie Fischer wrote:

 Hey, so, did anyone get a chance to take pictures of us at the Maker

 I have one picture of when I showed up, but other than that I was working
 soldering lessons pretty hard and missed the whole faire. Not that I'm
 complaining, though :)
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Financial Report

2013-11-11 Thread Andrew Buczko
Wait, we can pay or dues in computer parts
(I'm set for the next five years)

Yeah we can build a ramp for the space but that I think should be Tony's
responsibility.  I would contact Tony and offer to build the ramp for the
space if he pays for the materials.

How much of a discount does the Buckeye Gold card give? Then we should give
the same. I think that having older members will be a great value to the
space, they can bring knowledge and experience.

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 3:35 PM,

 If a wheelchair ramp is needed, accommodations could be made for a
 retractable ramp to be built on one for the side entrances to the building.
 The doorways into the main space are 4 ft in width. Doors to the class,
 craft, and server rooms (the Perkins room) are 32 (I believe, I can check
 tonight). The door to the machine room is smaller but we are not able to
 modify this doorway as per land lord instruction (its a steel framed safe
 type door). Also the bathroom doorways are standard size but that is a
 shared part of the building and doesn't fall under our authority to modify.
 If you have special needs I can address them. All stairways have proper
 railings, landing sizes, and sure knole posts.

 As far as a senior discount, I am not aware of any, but the treasurer
 would be the person to ask.

 Any other accessibility concerns please contact me directly.
 Devin Wolfe

 Sent from Yahoo Mail on 

 * From: * Philip P. Patnode;
 * To: * SYN/HAK discussion list;
 * Subject: * Re: [SH-Discuss] Financial Report
 * Sent: * Mon, Nov 11, 2013 7:36:19 PM

   What is the monthly membership fee for retired geezers?

 [image: Inline image 1]

 Assume that one achieves geezer status at age 65.

 Also, is the current facility handicapped accessible?


 On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Alexander Golightley wrote:

 Howdy hakkers!

 Here is the financial report for this week:

 We have $3,460.72 and we have 9 members that have not paid their November
 dues yet.

 If anyone has any questions about our finances, let me know.

 Alexander Golightley

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old man cartoon (sm).jpg___
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Musical Compositon

2013-11-10 Thread Andrew Buczko
mole day2 and quickness sound like the same song.  It looks like the
recorded volume is to high, you can see where the tops of the wave form is
cut off causing Clipping.

 Should I create a melody before I make the chord progression?
I like that you can do ether one, or whatever you come up with first. You
can use your music theory to build upon the melodies and cord progressions
that you come up with.

I have an Ensonic ZR76 that has a nice feature that records everything that
gets played, so If there was something that sounded good I can go back and
grab it, send it to the on board midi recorded and then save it to floppy

On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 1:01 PM, Ben Lippincott

 Have you used FL Studio or Logic Pro? What MIDI workstations do you use?

 On Sunday, November 10, 2013, Ben Lippincott wrote:

 I was in a music theory class, so I know a few things. (I'm also a
 percussionist/drummer) Are you saying I should vary dynamics more? I'm not
 really sure how I can do that without wrecking my mixes. I just need
 experience. Should I create a melody before I make the chord progression?

 On Sunday, November 10, 2013, Michael Render wrote:

  Listen at about 35 secs in on Happy WubDub. The lower harmony and the
 arpeggios are pulsing on 16th notes, making them very hard to
 differentiate. And it makes a solid wall that competes with the melody for
 your attention. You could change things so that not every part is going
 full bore all the time. Thin out some rhythms and use dynamics to emphasize
 parts in others. I am guessing that if we looked at the source of those
 arpeggios, they are all the same volume.  Just by varying that, you could
 create far more interesting runs.

 Michael Render

 On 11/10/2013 10:40 AM, Ben Lippincott wrote:

 What do you mean by competing rhythms?

 On Sun, Nov 10, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Michael Render wrote:

 I don't think your melodies suck. I think you just straightjacket
 yourself with your chord structures.

 Take for example Mole Day 2 and Quirkiness. They both use a simple C
 minor pattern of root, minor third and fourth. Almost an arpeggio instead
 of chords. That leaves you almost no wiggle room to move about. You are
 stuck in a very claustrophobic box. Everything has to fit within a C minor
 chord with a D major passing, resolving back to C minor.

 In Happy WubDub you do use a more complex chord scheme. But you
 arpeggiate the chords very tightly. No inversions. This competes with any
 melodic phrase and again straightjackets where you can go with the melody.
 Your rhythms also compete.

 We also need surprise and tension/release. Even the most repetitive
 techno/dubstep stuff adds change, whether just bringing tracks in and out,
 dramatic filter sweeps or stopping to drone on a beat or phrase.

 My challenge to you would be:
 Build richer chord structures with thought to tension/release and use
 inversions to give yourself breathing room.
 Let parts of you melody/harmony/chords have dramatically different
 Don't constantly repeat small patterns. Mix it up and surprise us.

 I think you will find that if you give yourself enough room, better
 melodies will flow.

 Oh, and don't stop. Experience is the absolute best teacher.

 Michael Render

 Michael Render On 11/9/2013 10:48 PM, Ben Lippincott wrote:

 Well, first off, I would like some tips. Here's my soundcloud:

 I use FL Studio and Logic Pro X.

 I really suck at writing melodies. :P

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  Ben Lippincott

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 Ben Lippincott

 Ben Lippincott

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Re: [SH-Discuss] 3D printer and Milling machine all in one

2013-11-05 Thread Andrew Buczko
Ohhh, Fancy! :)

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Seeley, Tim (PSA-Akron) wrote:

 *Timothy W. Seeley*

 (330) 923-0491, ext 612


 [image: cid:image001.jpg@01CC575D.0D775080]

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Mini Maker Faire

2013-11-03 Thread Andrew Buczko
Ohh, a portable hacker space would be awesome, But how would we fit 30
circular saws in one box?

Ben Heck's portable work bench:

Also, he designed a portable 3D printer.

Ben Heck's portable 3D printer:

On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 3:23 PM, a l wrote:

 yep,i brought up the concept of a space-in-a-case consisting of a
 laptop, soldering iron, cutting mat, parts drawers, bench supply, and
 dremel. Others brought up Ben heck's version of the concept. I figured a
 fold apart plywood trunk would be best. i can scan my sketches when i find
 them if you want.

 On Nov 2, 2013 11:45 PM, Torrie Fischer

 Weren't we talking up the idea a few months back of producing a portable
 mini Hackerspace to take to places?

 That was hella fun yesterday ^^
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Re: [SH-Discuss] Privacy policy missing? or is it private?

2013-11-01 Thread Andrew Buczko
Good point Chris, I just took the do-oqrocy approach and quickly slap one

Can we put this as a proposal for next weeks meeting (05/Nov/2013)?  That
way it can follow the proper course.

Do you have a URL for a non-SYNHAK-namespace ?

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Chris Egeland ch...@chrisegeland.comwrote:

 Perhaps I'm missing something, but shouldn't the Privacy Policy be a
 Proposal?  Yes, it's overdue to have, but because it changes rules of the
 space (what the space is and isn't allowed to do with information that it
 collects), it needs to be approved by the membership.

 I think that the current page should be moved off of the SYNHAK:Privacy
 Policy page and moved to a non-SYNHAK-namespace until it becomes official.
  Generally, I like to keep the SYNHAK:Whatever namespace on the wiki for
 official policies and such, which is typical with most other MediaWiki

 For what it's worth, I personally think that a Privacy Policy should be
 something approved by the Board, simply due to the bureaucratic nature of
 adopting something that is effectively a legally binding document.  Not to
 say that the membership shouldn't have input on it (the Board works for the
 membership, remember), but most other organizations either have their
 Privacy Policies adopted by their Board or Legal Department.  For example,
 the Wikimedia Foundation's Privacy Policy is adopted by their Board of

 I think we should have the following chain of events:

 1.) Membership and officers collaborate together to build a draft of a
 policy to adopt
 2.) Possibly run it by legal counsel if we determine that it's something
 that we want to have legally checked over
 3.) Submit the policy to the Board for approval
 4.) Board approves or denies the policy.  If they deny, go back to 1, else
 go to 5
 5.) Formally begin following the policy as approved by the Board


 On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 4:46 PM, Chris Egeland ch...@chrisegeland.comwrote:

  Perhaps I'm missing something, but shouldn't the Privacy Policy be a
 Proposal?  Yes, it's overdue to have, but because it changes rules of the
 space (what the space is and isn't allowed to do with information that it
 collects), it needs to be approved by the membership.

 I think that the current page should me move off of the SYNHAK:Privacy
 Policy page and moved to a non-SYNHAK-namespace until the revision in
 question passes the Proposal stage.

 For what it's worth, I personally think that a Privacy Policy should be
 something approved by the Board, simply due to the bureaucratic nature of
 adopting something that is effectively a legally binding document.  Not to
 say that the membership shouldn't have input on it (the Board works for the
 membership, remember), but most other organizations either have their
 Privacy Policies adopted by their Board or Legal Department.  We don't have
 a Legal Department, so the closest thing we have is the Board.

 To give you an idea of who approves and implements privacy policies for
 various organizations:

 University of Akron: Office of General Counsel (Legal Department)
 Wikimedia Foundation: Board of Trustees


 On 10/31/2013 04:17 PM, Andrew Buczko wrote:

 Nice job on the formatting.

  I think what it means is that we can't change our rules to effect
 something that has already happened.

  Lets say we change our policy to We're going to sell our customers
 information on 31/Oct/2013 Now we can sell any info that NEW customers
 give us, but any customers that gave us info prior to 31/Oct/2013 can not
 be sold.

 On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

  Agreed good catch. I did some editing, grammar fixes, and formatting
 so it reads a little easier and there aren't so many redundant statements.
 I also added a date so that people can see the effective date of the
 policy. My only question is this:

  How are we going to separate which information falls under which
 policy revision as per the following statement:

  *changes will only apply to activities and information on*
 *a going forward, not retroactive basis.*

 On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 1:59 PM, Torrie Fischer wrote:

  On Thursday, October 31, 2013 01:40:41 PM Andrew Buczko wrote:
  I just saw the the privacy policy link for our page is missing and or
  This was discussed on 2013-01-24:
  Did this just never happen? I did some searching but was unable to
 find any
  drafts or copies of it on our site.
  I went ahead and edited in a Privacy Policy just so that we have one.
  encourage everyone to review it and make suggestions. Since this is
  one that I copied off of the internet and may not fit perfectly for

  huh, good catch. As far as I know, the only privacy policy we have is
 the one
 incorporated into our bylaws:

 Any member records

Re: [SH-Discuss] Mailing List Statistics

2013-10-31 Thread Andrew Buczko
Love the ascii graph!
can we get the same graph for number of members per month?

Hmm, what can we graph, that would be useful?

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 3:10 PM, wrote:

 So that explains all the activity recently. :P

 On 10/30/2013 03:06 PM, Torrie Fischer wrote:
  In between writing more unit tests at work, I took a break to write a
  python script to generate a pretty chart about our mailing list activity:
  2011 July:   ###
  2011 August: ###
  2011 September:  #
  2011 October:##
  2011 November:   ###
  2011 December:   #
  2012 January:##
  2012 February:   #
  2012 March:  ###
  2012 April:  ###
  2012 May:#
  2012 June:   #
  2012 July:   
  2012 August: #
  2012 September:  #
  2012 October:
  2012 November:   
  2012 December:   ###
  2013 January:### -- Opening Day
  2013 February:   #
  2013 March:  ### -- Class on 3d printing
  2013 April:  ###
  2013 May:
  2013 June:   ##
  2013 July:   ##
  2013 August: ##
  2013 September:  ###
  2013 October:## - ABJ Front Page
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 Michael Yanovich

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Re: [SH-Discuss] Maintainers

2013-10-31 Thread Andrew Buczko
I wouldn't say it as one who knows the most but rather one who is an
expert, just a suggestion.

Also, as we get more members can we have more than one expert? This will
levitate the problem a  rigid hierarchy since there will be more than one
person to go to.

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Omar Rassi wrote:

 Just added my entry :)

 On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Torrie Fischer 

 Howdy, hakkers!

 Over the last month or two, I've been trying to figure out a nice clean
 for others to figure out who is responsible for what in the space.
 I considered toying with the idea of having each Champion claim a title of
 something they're responsible for, such as Champion of System
 Champion of the Machine Shop, etc.

 The problem with that is it creates a rigid hiearchy of who is in charge
 something that could take a significant effort to change along with
 feelings of resentment towards those who are percieved as having more

 After thinking back to how open source development works, I've created
 wiki page:

 It is an informal way for people to openly state that they are indeed the
 person who knows the most about how to work something. For example, if the
 internet at the space is down, I often get a few text messages about it
 before someone mentions it on the discuss list. I'm not the one who
 our network, I just happen to keep the machines that use it happy :)

 If you feel confident that you can take responsibility for something at
 space, add yourself to that table! It doesn't mean you're required to do
 anything or that you've made some kind of commitment to be on call 24/7.
 it means is that we now have some documentation of who to go to for the
 fastest resolution of issues or who to ask for questions. If you're not
 only one who is the de facto handler for a project, please add others who
 out as well. If you don't know who is the maintainer of something, you
 can ask
 Chris or I and we'll figure it out.

 tl;dr: If you're a core volunteer who contributes a lot of effort towards
 infrastructure, you should add yourself to the new Maintainers page on the
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[SH-Discuss] Privacy policy missing? or is it private?

2013-10-31 Thread Andrew Buczko
I just saw the the privacy policy link for our page is missing and or broke:

This was discussed on 2013-01-24:
Did this just never happen? I did some searching but was unable to find any
drafts or copies of it on our site.

I went ahead and edited in a Privacy Policy just so that we have one.  I
encourage everyone to review it and make suggestions. Since this is just
one that I copied off of the internet and may not fit perfectly for SynHak.

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