Wavefile Source does not stream its audio to the end of the file.

2023-11-09 Thread Elmore's
I am attempting to send the output of a Wavefile Source to an Audio Sink as a 
test for inclusion in a larger project.

The flowgraph consists only of the Source block ( 12000 samples/sec), a 
Rational Re-sampler with interpolation of 4 and the Sink (48000 samples/sec). 
The wavefile is 15 seconds long and plays properly using SMPlayer.

When I run the flowgraph there is only a short burst of audio (measured in ms) 
and the flowgraph terminates.

What is wrong here? I expected the flowgraph to run for 15 secs.


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Index Error: output_index < noutputs

2023-09-26 Thread Elmore's
I have submitted this issue previously and received a response which resulted 
in my trying several things which didn’t work.

I then submitted the issue to Stackoverflow and received no answers.

I get this error when I try to use a Selector to select one of 2 outputs with 
my selection obviously being smaller than the number of outputs. I can 
successfully use a Selector if I use a number for the output index or a 
variable whose value is selected by a Toggle Button but not if I try to set the 
variable programmatically in Python.

In general, why do you get such an error?  I am asking the question in this 
manner because my specific questions relating to my code and flowgraph have not 
resulted in any concrete answers (or any answers at all).

Thanks again for any help. I have been struggling with this for several weeks.


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Re: Selector error - "IndexError: output_index must be < noutputs"

2023-09-01 Thread Elmore's

I have attached a greatly simplified version of what I am trying to accomplish. 
I still get the same error. What am I doing wrong?


From: Jim Melton
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 12:01 PM
To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Subject: RE: Selector error - "IndexError: output_index must be < noutputs"

Don’t you need to instantiate “Receive”?


Jim Melton


From: discuss-gnuradio-bounces+jim.melton=sncorp@gnu.org 
 On Behalf Of Elmore's
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 09:15
To: discuss-gnuradio@gnu.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Selector error - "IndexError: output_index must be < 

I am attempting to use a Selector block with 2 outputs. I want to select the 
output programmatically. When I run the flowgraph, I get the subject error.

The following is my abbreviated code which is pertinent to the question 
interspersed with explanatory comments:

import Receive Receive is a Hier Block which I import in to my Python file

blocks_selector_0 = Receive.blocks.selector(gr.sizeof_float*1,0,0) 
Instantiation of blocks_selector_0. The Selector block is in the Receive Hier 

blocks_selector_0.set_output_index(0) I am trying to select the 0 output. This 
is where the error occurs.

0 is certainly less than 2 so what is happening?



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Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Selector error - "IndexError: output_index must be < noutputs"

2023-08-28 Thread Elmore's
I am attempting to use a Selector block with 2 outputs. I want to select the 
output programmatically. When I run the flowgraph, I get the subject error.

The following is my abbreviated code which is pertinent to the question 
interspersed with explanatory comments:

import Receive Receive is a Hier Block which I import in to my Python file

blocks_selector_0 = Receive.blocks.selector(gr.sizeof_float*1,0,0) 
Instantiation of blocks_selector_0. The Selector block is in the Receive Hier 

blocks_selector_0.set_output_index(0) I am trying to select the 0 output. This 
is where the error occurs.

0 is certainly less than 2 so what is happening?


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Python Block Callback Usage

2023-08-22 Thread Elmore's
In an attempt to understand the mechanism of resetting a Head block I developed 
the attached flowgraph as a test. I want to be able to reset the Head block 
using the Check Box.

The comments in the Python Block state:
# if an attribute with the same name as a parameter is found,
# a callback is registeredI don’t understand what the callback method 
is called. I have tried using Reset and _Reset_callback but the callback is 
never called.Also, you might comment on my attempt to call reset() in the Head 
block – is this correct? Jim

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Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Does the reset() method in the Head block work?

2023-08-05 Thread Elmore's
I am trying to reset a Head block so that I can resume streaming after 
receiving 180,000 samples. I had previously posted “Incompatible Function 
Arguments” related to this question but I seem to have resolved that issue. The 
following code – a callback – shows what I am attempting to do but it is not 
re-setting. The streaming never resumes.

Is there more I need to do other than the reset? The Head block is in a Hier 
Block. Is this a complicating factor?

from gnuradio import blocks

def rx(stop_rx):
while not stop_rx.isSet():
print("\nStarting RX")
blocks_head_0 = blocks.head(gr.sizeof_float*1, 12000*15)
print("\nExiting RX")

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Re: Incompatible function arguments

2023-08-01 Thread Elmore's

Attached is the hier block file and the snippet of code for the callback from 
which I want to call the reset.


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code snippet.py
Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Incompatible function arguments

2023-07-31 Thread Elmore's
I have created a flowgraph which has a hierarchical block called Receive. In 
the Receive block is a Head block.

The primary block has an OOT containing a callback in which I wish to call the 
reset() function in the Head block as follows:


This call results in the following error:
TypeError: reset(): incompatible function arguments. The following 
argument types are supported:
1. (self: gnuradio.blocks_python.head) –> None

I’m confused since reset takes no arguments and I don’t understand the meaning 
of the argument types shown.


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Display text output within GNU Radio from an application

2023-07-09 Thread Elmore's
Is there a way to produce a text display window in GNU Radio? I do not see 
anything in the listing of blocks.

I have an application that produces a stream of text for display. I would 
rather display it within GNU Radio rather than as console output.

The only reference I can find is to the following:

Is this what I will need to use? I assume it produces an OOT module.


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Digital Number Control mouse action

2023-02-09 Thread Elmore's
Although I didn’t find any reference to the use of a mouse with the Control in 
the documentation, I discovered that the mouse can be used.

However. it seems to be inconsistent. At one point the buttons would increase 
the selected digit and then suddenly change to decrease the selected digit. I 
thought at one point I saw one button increase while the other decreased the 
digit. However, I could not repeat this behavior. This would certainly be the 
desired behavior.

Any comments on this? Am I doing something wrong?


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Re: Import error using an OOT

2022-12-12 Thread Elmore's
I tried omitting the ./ and still get the same error. I thought ./ indicated 
the current directory.

The .conf file is in the same directory as the .py file.

I tried using read_file and got a MissingSectionHeaderError.


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Import error using an OOT

2022-12-09 Thread Elmore's
I have created an OOT which when I incorporate it in my flowgraph shows the 
following error:

Failed to evaluate import expression ‘import ft8’

The yaml file is:

id: ft8_run_response
label: ft8
category: '[ft8]'

  imports: import ft8
  make: ft8.run_response(${ft8_button})
  - set_ft8(${ft8_button})

#  Make one 'parameters' list entry for every parameter you want settable from 
the GUI.
# Keys include:
# * id (makes the value accessible as keyname, e.g. in the make entry)
# * label (label shown in the GUI)
# * dtype (e.g. int, float, complex, byte, short, xxx_vector, ...)
# * default
- id: ft8_button
  label: ft8_button
  dtype: raw
  default: 0

#  'file_format' specifies the version of the GRC yml format used in the file
#  and should usually not be changed.
file_format: 1

I have developed and used an OOT before without an issue. I looked at the 
previous OOT and reviewed the GNU Radio docs on OOTs without seeing anything 

I am using Python 3.92 with GNU radio on a Raspberry Pi.

I hope someone can show me the error of my ways.


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QT GUI Entry

2022-10-23 Thread Elmore's
I am using a QT GUI Entry for entry and display of a frequency. It appears that 
I can only enter a maximum of 6 digits (Float is selected).

For example, I can enter 7.x MHz giving me a resolution of 10 Hz. However, 
if I wish to enter 14.x MHz to achieve the same 10 Hz resolution, I can’t 
and am limited to 100 Hz resolution.

Am I missing something obvious here? (I have been known to do that).

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Time Partitioned FFT

2022-08-07 Thread Elmore's

Thanks for the explanation of how to implement JM’s solution in GNU Radio. And 
thanks to JM for the discussion.

This should get me over my initial stumbling block to get started.


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Re: Time Partitioned FFT

2022-08-06 Thread Elmore's

I am attempting to see if I can implement a particular communications 
application called FT8 in GNU radio.

FT8 uses FFTs in the manner I described to decode the data which appears as 160 
ms symbols encoded as 8 tones. If I understand the protocol correctly, 4 FFTs 
run concurrently. When 160 ms has completed, the 5th FFT is starting.

My questions at this point boil down to how do you start and stop an FFT? How 
do you implement a delay in starting the FFT? Is what I am trying even feasible 
with GNU Radio?


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Time Partitioned FFT

2022-08-05 Thread Elmore's
Is it possible to use GNU radio to perform time partitioning of FFTs?

I would like to be able to start an FFT and run it for 160 ms. A second one 
would start 40 ms after the start of the first and run for 160 ms. A third 
would start 40 ms after the start of the second. This process would continue 
for any number of FFTs.

I hope I have correctly asked the question. I’m not even sure how you would 
limit the running time of the FFT.

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AGC3 block - only Complex?

2022-05-31 Thread Elmore's
I added an AGC3 block to my flowgraph. When I attempted to change it to a Float 
in the drop-down box there was no drop-down, It stayed at Complex.

Any comments?


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Stop and start flowgraph in real time

2022-05-22 Thread Elmore's
I have a flowgraph for a transceiver in which I wish to stop and start the 
Receive and Transmit flowgraphs as required. The Receive and Transmit functions 
are implemented as Hierarchical Blocks. A PTT selection is used to switch the 
functionality of the top_block flowgraph using a Selector Block and the 

I have not been able to find anything that would implement this.


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Reload Blocks apparently prevented due to warning

2022-05-21 Thread Elmore's
When I attempt to perform a Reload Blocks I get the following:

Warning: vocoder_codec2_decode_ps – option_attributes are for enums only, 
Warning: vocoder_codec2_decode_sp – option_attributes are for enums only, 

It appears that the reload is not being performed since some new parameters 
that I put in a Hierarchical Block are not appearing in the top_block.

I have performed the reload many times in the course of the project without 
issues. It is possible that this is the first time I have tried a reload since 
I upgraded to

What is the problem?


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Re: failed to fetch http://mirrordirector.org/rasbian ...

2022-01-25 Thread Elmore's

My problem is solved. I didn’t need to upgrade to Bookworm. Using the command 
‘apt install gnuradio –dev’ instead of ‘apt install gnuradio’ did the trick.

I don’t understand the need for the –dev but it worked.


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Re: failed to fetch http://mirrordirector.org/rasbian ...

2022-01-25 Thread Elmore's

I have upgraded my Raspberry Pi to Bullseye. When I attempted to upgrade to 
Bookworm I got a message that the repository does not have a Release  file. 
Thus, I cannot upgrade. Bullseye gives me gnuradio 3.8.2.

I went on the Raspberry Pi forum for suggestions about what to do in order to 
be able to upgrade to gnuradio 3.9 without Bookworm and received 2 suggestions 
to build 3.9 from source.

In your reply to my original post you said “If upgrading from Debian 11 to 
Bookworm (which will be 12) is not an option (FOR A REASON, honestly, upgrading 
debian is rather smooth), do not go the manual route of building GNU Radio from 
source using cmake/make/ a lot of time figuring things out, but simply use our 
or the official debian packaging tools to automate that building for you.”

What tools do I use to automate the building?


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Re: failed to fetch http://mirrordirector.org/rasbian ...

2022-01-18 Thread Elmore's
Marcus, At your suggestion:  I upgraded to Debian 11 (Bullseye) following 
instructions I found on Tom’s Hardware site. It seemed to be successful except 
that GNU radio no longer executes.  Figuring that perhaps I need to install 
Debian 12 and upgrade to GNU radio 3.9 before it will run again I went to the 
following:https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Bookworm/Upgrades The 
following happens during the installation process: Execute ‘apt full-upgrade’:  
  unmet dependencies:libc –dev –binlibc6 –dbglibc6 –dev 
   libnih1 Execute ‘apt –f install’ at the suggestion of the instructions:  
  dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/init-system 
–helpers_1.60_all.deb (—unpack) Errors encountered while processing: 
/var/cache/apt/archives/init-system –helpers_1.60_all.deb Sub-process 
/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code Execute ‘apt –y full-upgrade’ at the 
suggestion of the instructions:unmet dependencies error same as above 
Execute ‘apt-get –f install’ at the suggestion of the execution result:
unmet dependencies error same as above What’s next? Jim

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failed to fetch http://mirrordirector.org/rasbian ...

2022-01-15 Thread Elmore's
Device: Raspberry Pi 3
OS: Rasbian Jessie

My goal is to install GNU Radio 3.9.

I am following the instructions in Installing GR on the gnuradio site.

In the installation for Volk I attempt to execute cmake 
–DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release –DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python ../

I get a message that distutils is not found. I need to install 

When I attempt the installation, I get a series of messages “Failed to fetch 
mirrordirector.rasbian.org/rasbian/ ..” with different paths.

I have viewed many forums regarding this issue and they provide many different 
”solutions” but nothing conclusive.

Please help.


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Variable Config Read and Write Questions

2021-11-29 Thread Elmore's
Variable Config
ID: I_image_config
Section: image_sections[image_chooser]
Option: I_image_correct
Write Back: I_Gain

GUI Range
ID: I_Gain
Default: I_image_config

I found a question similar to this one on the forum but no one answered it so I 
hope I can get a response to this one.

I have shown above my configuration for two blocks in my flowgraph.

I wish to write to and read from an INI file with 5 sections.

I can successfully write the value of I_Gain to I_image_correct in a single 
section when I make an adjustment to the I_Gain Range control. I want to use a 
Chooser with the ID: image_chooser to select another section to write a value 
of I_Gain to that section. However, the Chooser callback writes the current 
value of I_Gain immediately to the file without my making a change to I_Gain. 
This is a major problem if I wish to select a Section that I had already stored 
a value in. Whatever the current value of I_Gain happens to be is written to 
the Section. For example: I change I_Gain to 1.1 for Section 40. I then select 
Section 80 which immediately upon selection has 1.1 written to it. I then 
select I_Gain = 1.5 which stores that value in Section 80. I then select 
Section 40 in hopes of using I_Gain = 1.1 but find that in the process of 
selection the value of I_Gain has changed to 1.5. This makes no sense since it 
defeats the purpose of saving a configuration in a file.

How do I save parameters to different sections without the sections being 

The other main issue is how do I read from the file so that I can set I_Gain 
when the Section is selected? I don’t see how to do this. The only time I have 
seen the file read is on initialization. I presume this is due to the fact that 
I set the default value of I_Gain to I_image_config. I need to to be able to 
read a value on demand.

By the way, I have 3 parameters to save and recall in each of 5 Sections.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I have been wrestling with this issue for 
quite some time.

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Variable Config Section parameter - can it be a variable?

2021-11-02 Thread Elmore's
I would like to use a variable as the Section parameter in a Variable Config so 
that I can select a Section in the INI file from another block.

However, the Variable Config sees anything typed in as a string – not the value 
of the variable. I thought perhaps I could specify str(variable) but that 
didn’t work.

Can this be done? I have seen a post which suggested that it could but there 
was no confirmation.

Thanks for your help,

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How do you write to a widget from a Python file in an OOT?

2021-10-23 Thread Elmore's
I had asked this question earlier in a different form but did not receive a 
response so I am trying a different approach using a greatly simplified 
flowgraph to illustrate my point.

I have attached the three pertinent files.

Test is an OOT module. I want to be able to trigger a callback set_IGain (which 
works) and write a value to the I_Gain GUI Entry (which doesn’t work). I have 
tried various imports, setting of variables and any other scheme that I could 
think of. I have not included any specific piece of code in the callback.

This seems like such a simple thing to do but nothing works. I get various 
errors or nothing is written when I eliminate the errors. I must be missing a 
basic point.

Please help me get over this hump.


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Description: Binary data

  import test_sr
  test_sr.test($I_Gain, $Change_I_Gain)


How can I write a value to a Range widget programmatically

2021-10-17 Thread Elmore's
I have a flowgraph containing a GUI Range widget and an Out of Tree module. In 
the OOT Python program I want to read a value from a file and write it to the 
GUI Range.

It seems to me that this should be simple but I have tried multiple scenarios 
with imports, method calls and assignments with no success.

I can read the value from the file but I cannot write it to the widget. I get 
various types of errors depending on the nature of my attempt.

I hope someone can straighten me out.


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OOT Module with shape error

2021-05-25 Thread Elmore's
I am attempting to add an OOT module to my flowgraph. I have generated a 
General block which I want to place between an Audio Source and a Multiply 

The Audio Source is set at a 48K sample rate. Input and Output are float.

As a test (I have never tried using an OOT module before) I said:
out[:] = input_items[0]
in an attempt to simply feed the input to the output unmodified.

I get a run time error:
ValueError: Could not broadcast input array from shape(4800) into shape(256)

Obviously I don’t know how to perform the simplest possible operation. What is 
wrong here?

I have tried looking on forums and reading some of the GNU docs but no joy.

Thanks for any help.


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Frequency Selective IQ Correction

2021-03-15 Thread Elmore's
Does anyone have any information on the use of the subject block?

There is no documentation on the GNU Radio site and a Google search revealed 


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Hierarchical blocks in a flowgraph

2021-01-18 Thread Elmore's
I have created a flowgraph which includes 2 hierarchical blocks which I created 

The entire flowgraph is a transceiver. The hierarchical blocks are a receiver 
and transmitter.

When I tested the hierarchical blocks separately, they function correctly. 
However, when I enable both in the top flowgraph, the flowgraph executes 
extremely slowly. It does not respond to clicks until perhaps as much as 30 
seconds later.

I tried taking one of the hierarchical blocks to the most basic level possible 
by simply using a Null Source and Sink. I still get the hang-up.

Is there something I am not doing in the flowgraph to enable it to run with 2 
blocks? Is there some sort of configuration I need to perform to get it to run?

I have looked all over forums and in the docs but can’t find anything to solve 
my problem.

Thanks for any help.


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Import Block "bad import syntax"

2020-11-09 Thread Elmore's
I have a problem as indicated in the subject line that has me totally baffled.

I have created a noblock module with gr_modtool called softrock. This module 
has been successfully created and lives in 
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/softrock. It contains a file 

I have an existing flowgraph in which I select an Import block. In the Import 
line in Properties I type “import softrock” (without quotes). I get the error 
“bad import syntax”.

I used the document TutorialPythonFunctions from the gnuradio wiki as guidance 
for this task.

I have performed extensive searching for this issue but everything points back 
to simply adding the word “import” in front of the module name.

I have tried completely clearing the text box thinking that there might be 
extraneous characters present.

This seems so simple that I am baffled why it isn’t working.

My platform is a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Jessie.

Thanks for any help you might give me.


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USB communication

2020-10-04 Thread Elmore's
Simple question: How do I use USB communication in gnuradio?

I can’t find any blocks that implement USB. I can’t find any reference to USB. 
I can’t find any discussion about USB on forums.

There must be a way to implement one of the most common means of communication 
in the computer world.

What am I missing?


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2020-09-28 Thread Elmore's
I am attempting to use a Python Module. In epy_module.xml the type is 

When I attempt to use this module in a flowgraph, I get an error that the type 
“is not a possible type”.

However, I have seen this type used successfully in Version 3.7.9 for Windows.

I am using version 3.7.5 on a Raspberry Pi.

What do I need to do to use this type in a module?

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Creating and installing a new Python module

2020-09-22 Thread Elmore's
I am trying to create a new Python module. I am looking at various pieces of 
documentation including guided Tutorial GNU Radio in Python and 

When I get to the step of installing the block, the following is shown as the 
tasks to perform while in the build directory;

cmake ../

When I type cmake ../ it appears that the compilation process is occurring. I 
get an error and when I look at the log file, I see references to C++ as if it 
is performing a C++ compilation even though this is a Python block. Also the 
error occurs due to Boost(?) missing. What is going on here?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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GNU Radio SDR Project

2020-09-09 Thread Elmore's
I am currently working on a GNU radio project using my Softrock/MOBO SDR. I 
have a functioning receiver and transmitter. I now want to incorporate an 
interface to the Softrock in the GNU Radio flowgraph. I have not been able to 
find any info on how to do this.

I am using a command line application called usbsoftrock to control PTT and 
frequency. This is written in C. Ideally I would like to call usbsoftrock from 
the flowgraph but I don’t see any way to do that. I have looked at creating a 
new block and using a Function Probe block but this doesn’t seem possible. The 
blocks need to be written in C++ or Python and Function Probe can’t make a 
single function call.

My platform is a Raspberry Pi. GNU Radio has presented a stiff learning curve 
for me and I’m sure I still have a lack of understanding of many aspects of it.

Note that I have used quisk on the RPi and PowerSDR on a Windows machine with 
the Softrock.

Any suggestions? Thanks for any help you can provide.

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