dbsync for mysql lacks effective foreign key constraints, ticket #2720

2007-01-29 Thread Michael Radziej


that's a real bugger ... whenever a ForeignKey refers to a model that
has already been defined (i.e. it is not a forward reference), the table
created from it will *not* have an effective foreign key constraint. The
sad details are in the ticket ...

I've tested the patch with mysql4.1, postgresql 8.1, and sqlite3. Can
anybody test it with ado_mssql, please?

I'm now dreaming of a test service that would automatically run the
testsuite for a given patch (or multiple patches) with all supported
database backends ...


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Re: Critical ticket: can cause data loss

2007-01-29 Thread Matthew Flanagan

On 30/01/07, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/29/07, Ned Batchelder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I don't know that you need to make a release for this fix, but I think you
> > should alert people to it.  There is a mailing list for announcing releases
> > and security issues, right?  You should send a message to that list
> > announcing the patch.
> I will once I've backported it. The question in my mind is just
> whether we need 0.95.2 from this.

I'm +1 on this too. I believe backports and point releases should be
made for the following types of bugs:

- security
- availability e.g. crashing bugs
- data integrity e.g. anything that causes data corruption, deletion etc.

They cover off what most software vendors consider critical issues.
Maybe the triage team could add keywords to that effect to tickets?



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Re: Comments requested on two serializer related fixes

2007-01-29 Thread Russell Keith-Magee

On 1/30/07, Ivan Sagalaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Article.authors = [Author(id) for id in [4,7]]
> I.e. Author(id) creates some strange incomplete object that can be
> nonetheless used for m2m relations since only an id is needed. Would
> this suffice?

I hadn't considered that approach. I'm not a big fan of the
half-complete object instance, though. It strikes me as a little
messy, and if it were accidentally saved, you would get some
interesting fireworks. However, it would work, and you can't argue
with results.

That said, Adrian has stepped in and committed #3389 for me, which
renders this part of the conversation moot.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Comments requested on two serializer related fixes

2007-01-29 Thread Russell Keith-Magee

On 1/29/07, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/29/07 7:22 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> > I've just created two new tickets - #3389 and #3390.
> I'm +1 on #3390 (the ``DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`` bit); that makes a few
> other bulk-insert type tasks besides deserialization much easier.

Agreed. It's a biggish change though, so i'd like to get some more
community opinion or a blessing from Adrian before I push this in.

> do the same thing seems a little weird. I guess I'd say I'm +0 unless anyone
> can think of a better way...

Yes, they do the same thing, but only if you actually have access to
the (previously saved) instances john and fred. If you only have the
primary key value as you do in deserialization, its:

article.author_set = Author.objects.filter(pk_in=[4,7])

which hits the database, which is problematic if the objects haven't
been saved yet.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: New branch: newforms-admin

2007-01-29 Thread Joseph Kocherhans

On 1/16/07, Adrian Holovaty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to take the clean route and move the admin definitions into a
> separate file, or at least still in the models.py but not within the
> models themselves. Of course, that's not as convenient as defining the
> admin stuff directly within the model, but another solution would
> require more typing and possible repetition.

I think I've figured out how we might decouple things while still
keeping convenience intact. If nothing else, maybe this will spark
some more ideas.

First, let's introduce a new class, let's call it ViewRegistry. It can
return urlpatterns by calling its get_urlpatterns method. The include
function in django.conf.urls.defaults should be updated to accept an
instance of this class, or a string path to an instance.

ViewRegistry will also have a register method that takes a model class
and a subclass of ModelAdmin.

That much gives us a way to setup multiple admin systems (loosely
speaking). It's coupling views and urls, but IMHO this is an instance
of controlled coupling for convenience a la django.shortcuts

Now for convenience. Somewhere in django.contrib.admin we should
instantiate ViewRegistry as a module global. When a model class is
being setup and it has an inner Admin class, automatically register it
with this ViewRegistry instance. The inner Admin class would not be an
explicit sublass of ModelAdmin, nor would we do any magic to make it
so. Instead, we could treat it simply as configuration data and pass
it into ModelAdmin's constructor as a second arugment. (The model
class itself still being the first. I really like how that works right

I haven't figured out how to specify a custom ModelAdmin subclass
inside the model defentition yet. Adding a new admin_view attribute to
the inner Admin class immediately pops out at me, but if we're passing
that Admin class into the ModelAdmin's constructor, well... there's a
weird circularity there that hurts my head.


For bonus points maybe we could add the other admin views,
password_change, logout, and maybe even the login_required decorator
as methods of ViewRegistry.

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Re: reverse caching of foreign keys #3369

2007-01-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's a lot more efficient, for one.

select_related() generates more code to query the database.  It also 
goes as "far as possible", so if the blog has a lot more relationships 
to it or if the entries have a lot more relationships to them, then 
select_related would be pretty inefficient especially since it already 
knows the exact object for the blog.  If you already have the 
information, then why query the database for it?  Why not just cache 
it right away?

Other reasons it's different...

b = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
for entry in b.entry_set.all():
entry.blog is b # True

Ok, so that might not be a big deal in most cases, but imagine the 
blog object does some calculations that each blog entry might want to 
know about.  (This is the case in my application, but with different 
models).  If each blog is a fresh object from the database, then this 
information would have to be recalculated for each object accessing 
the original blog.  But if the blog caches it and it's the same blog 
every time, then everything's a lot faster.  Just a code example that 
might help explain what I was trying to say:

b = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
for entry in b.entry_set.all():
calculated = entry.blog.do_some_heavy_calculation()

The reason for not just using the original b object?  Well if you're 
passing your list of entries to a view (and don't want to pass the 
blog object as well because - well, why should you have to?), then 
this situation is very real.

Another reason... select_related() isn't needed here and shouldn't be 
required to be used here.  It's possible to get the same result via 
simple caching.  select_related() is something entirely different.

And the last reason this is different from select related:

b = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
for entry in b.entry_set.all():
entry.blog is b # There is no reason that this should not be 

It makes sense for that to be True.  For people unaware of what's 
going on, that should be True.  For people assuming it's True, it 
should be.  If the information's there for it to be True, and it's 
possible for it to be True, then shouldn't it be?

That's why it's different.

All tests still pass with the changes included.
I wrote test cases.
I added documentation.
It's ready to be included just needs the okay.

On Jan 29, 10:51 am, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/28/07 8:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > i just wanted to spark some discussion of #3369.  i implemented it and
> > would like to see it get included.
> > here's an example of what reverse caching of foreign keys would mean:
> > b = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
> > for entry in b.entry_set.all():
> > entry.blog # No database access required.How does this differ from 
> > select_related()?
> Jacob

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Re: Django tests failing under Python 2.3

2007-01-29 Thread Robert Myers
On 1/29/07, Andrew Durdin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 29, 4:50 pm, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 1/29/07 10:15 AM, Robert Myers wrote:
> >
> > > I'm seeing the same amount of errors on python 2.3.4, it appears the @
> > > decorator syntax is being used in the modeltests/test-client/views.py.
> And I was so used to decorators that I didn't even pick up on that!
> A couple of tests use assertFalse / assertTrue which were introduced
> to unittest in 2.4 also;  these should be changed to failIf /
> failUnless respectively.
> I couldn't figure out why one widget's test was giving a
> UnicodeDecodeError while other extremely similar tests weren't...

I have created a ticket for this error with a patch for assertFalse and
assertTrue as you noted.


I'm still getting one error

FAIL: POST an empty dictionary to a view
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/www/local/django/tests/modeltests/test_client/models.py", line
53, in test_empty_post
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/unittest.py", line 302, in failUnlessEqual
raise self.failureException, \
AssertionError: 500 != 200


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Re: Django tests failing under Python 2.3

2007-01-29 Thread Andrew Durdin

On Jan 29, 4:50 pm, Jacob Kaplan-Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/29/07 10:15 AM, Robert Myers wrote:
> > I'm seeing the same amount of errors on python 2.3.4, it appears the @
> > decorator syntax is being used in the modeltests/test-client/views.py.

And I was so used to decorators that I didn't even pick up on that!

A couple of tests use assertFalse / assertTrue which were introduced 
to unittest in 2.4 also;  these should be changed to failIf / 
failUnless respectively.

I couldn't figure out why one widget's test was giving a 
UnicodeDecodeError while other extremely similar tests weren't...

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Re: Critical ticket: can cause data loss

2007-01-29 Thread David Larlet

2007/1/29, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 1/29/07, Ned Batchelder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I don't know that you need to make a release for this fix, but I think you
> > should alert people to it.  There is a mailing list for announcing releases
> > and security issues, right?  You should send a message to that list
> > announcing the patch.
> I will once I've backported it. The question in my mind is just
> whether we need 0.95.2 from this.

I'm +1 on this option. Before making decision what about at least add
a warning message on the documentation page?


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Re: Comments requested on two serializer related fixes

2007-01-29 Thread Don Arbow

On Jan 29, 2007, at 5:22 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've just created two new tickets - #3389 and #3390.
> http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/3389/
> http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/3390/

These urls don't work with trailing slash, removing it works.


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Re: unicode issues in multiple tickets (#952, #1356, #3370) and thread about Euro sign in django-users

2007-01-29 Thread Michael Radziej

Hi there,

I thank you for all your patience with me. I was completely off-track. I
read all the mails again, and everything is starting to make sense now.
This is going to be a lengthy email about #1356 and #3370, but please do
read until the end. Short executive summary: It's really a bug, and the
patch is not bad, but incomplete.

First, contrary to my former opinion, #3370 is a bug in the newforms
module, as it is passing unicode to the database API which is not ripe
for it and will break as soon as you leave ASCII. #3370 is independent
of #952.

I see three ways to fix the problem in #3370:

a) newforms stops passing unicode strings to the Database API and uses

b) the database wrapper in Django sets connection.charset (but needs to
translate the charset name since the databases don't understand all
charset name variants, see ticket #952 here). This is the approach of
the patches in tickets #1356 and #3370.

c) the database wrapper in Djago must check whether it gets unicode. In
this case, it needs to encode it into a bytestring.

With all three variants, what encoding should be used? We currently
issue (without #952) a 'set name utf8' at the beginning of each
connection, so the database server expects to receive utf8. So,
shouldn't we currently always use utf8 encoding, regardless of what is
in settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET? This point has caused a lot of confusion.

Ivan wrote:

> I'm -1 on setting MySQL connection to 'utf8' in #3370. It *will* make
> sense when we will have newforms ready and models containing unicode.
> But now most of Django is a byte string country. A bright example are
> generic views that take data from web and store it to models without any
> conversions. This patch will feed 'windows-1251' or 'iso-8859-1' to
> MySQL saying that "it's utf-8" and MySQL will try to convert it and most
> certainly will store just strings of ''.

Well, the current patch in #3370 (I still ignore __repr__) only changes
the charset attribute of a connection, and this attribute is used only
to encode unicode strings when sending data to the database, or to
decode bytestrings received from the database when MySQLdb is configured
to produce unicode ('use_unicode'). Here's what the documentation in
MySQLdb-1.2.2b2 says:

If True, CHAR and VARCHAR and TEXT columns are returned as
Unicode strings, using the configured character set. It is
best to set the default encoding in the server
configuration, or client configuration (read with
==> read_default_file).  If you change the character set after
==> connecting (MySQL-4.1 and later), you'll need to put the
==> correct character set name in connection.charset.

If False, text-like columns are returned as normal strings,
but you can always write Unicode strings.

*This must be a keyword parameter.*

(But, the charset parameter is also used when you pass in unicode
without setting use_unicode)

python-MySQLdb-1.2.1p2 is similar, only that there it is no keyword
parameter. There's an interesting difference between 1.2.1p2 and
1.2.2b2: For 1.2.1p2, you have to change the charset attribute of the
existing connection. If you try this on 1.2.2b2, it won't work. For
1.2.2b2, you either have to pass a 'charset' parameter when you create
the connection, or you can call a method set_character_set(). Both of
these won't work for 1.2.1p2, of course :-(

So, the APIs of python-MySQLdb are incompatible with each other (within
a minor version change!) This explains the differences between #1356 and
#3370. We need a patch that plays well with both versions of python-MySQLdb.

I don't see a problem with the generic views since they pass bytestrings
to the database wrapper, this gets as bytestrings to MySQLdb, and for
bytestrings the charset attribute is not used at all.

Of course, as soon as #952 has been applied, we need to use the encoding
from settings.DEFAULT_ENCODING.



If you set the charset parameter in 1.2.2b2's Connection.__init__(), the
default for use_unicode will be True, and python-MySQLdb will return
unicode strings.

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Re: Critical ticket: can cause data loss

2007-01-29 Thread James Bennett

On 1/29/07, Ned Batchelder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I don't know that you need to make a release for this fix, but I think you
> should alert people to it.  There is a mailing list for announcing releases
> and security issues, right?  You should send a message to that list
> announcing the patch.

I will once I've backported it. The question in my mind is just
whether we need 0.95.2 from this.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Re: Critical ticket: can cause data loss

2007-01-29 Thread Ned Batchelder
I think it is risky to assume that all potentially affected users will 
see this information in this thread.  I found it, but there was an 
element of luck involved.  I don't read this list religiously, and could 
easily have missed it. 

I don't know that you need to make a release for this fix, but I think 
you should alert people to it.  There is a mailing list for announcing 
releases and security issues, right?  You should send a message to that 
list announcing the patch.


Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> On 1/25/07, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> At the moment I'm leaning toward rolling 0.95.2 immediately after that
>> goes in, but I'd like to hear opinions on it; with 0.96 probably
>> coming up soon, I can come up with good arguments either way.
> Nah, given that generic relations have never been documented and the
> small fraction of people using them probably all subscribe to this
> mailing list, I don't see any point in having another release. Plus,
> 0.96 is coming soon enough.
> Adrian

Ned Batchelder, http://nedbatchelder.com

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Re: reverse caching of foreign keys #3369

2007-01-29 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On 1/28/07 8:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> i just wanted to spark some discussion of #3369.  i implemented it and 
> would like to see it get included.
> here's an example of what reverse caching of foreign keys would mean:
> b = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
> for entry in b.entry_set.all():
> entry.blog # No database access required.

How does this differ from select_related()?


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Re: Django tests failing under Python 2.3

2007-01-29 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On 1/29/07 10:15 AM, Robert Myers wrote:
> I'm seeing the same amount of errors on python 2.3.4, it appears the @
> decorator syntax is being used in the modeltests/test-client/views.py. This
> was introduced in python 2.4, I changed it to the old decorator syntax 'blah
> = decorator(blah)' and still recieved 3 errors. So I haven't tried any
> further.

I've fixed the decorator usage in [4451] -- thanks for the heads up.


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Re: Django tests failing under Python 2.3

2007-01-29 Thread Robert Myers
On 1/28/07, Andrew Durdin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to run all the django tests under Python 2.3.5 (on OS X
> 10.4.8), and there are lots of failures (see below).
> My settings file for the test is just:
> DEBUG = True
> DATABASE_ENGINE = 'mysql'   # 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3'
> or 'ado_mssql'.
> DATABASE_NAME = 'test' # Or path to database file if using
> sqlite3.
> DATABASE_USER = 'root' # Not used with sqlite3.
> DATABASE_PASSWORD = '' # Not used with sqlite3.
> DATABASE_HOST = '' # Set to empty string for localhost.
> Not used with sqlite3.
> DATABASE_PORT = '' # Set to empty string for default. Not
> used with sqlite3.
> Do these indicate something screwy with my setup, or do other 2.3.5
> users also get these?
> here's the test command and the full output:
> DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=test_django.settings PYTHONPATH=~/django-
> trunk:~/test_django ./tests/runtests.py
> ==
> ERROR: Request a page that is protected with @login, but use bad
> credentials
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/andy/Projects/django-trunk/tests/modeltests/test_client/
> models.py", line 101, in test_view_with_bad_login
> self.assertFalse(response)
> AttributeError: 'ClientTest' object has no attribute 'assertFalse'
> ==
> ERROR: Doctest: regressiontests.forms.tests
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/andy/Projects/django-trunk/django/test/doctest.py",
> line 2150, in runTest
> failures, tries = runner.run(
>   File "/Users/andy/Projects/django-trunk/django/test/doctest.py",
> line 1379, in run
> return self.__run(test, compileflags, out)
>   File "/Users/andy/Projects/django-trunk/django/test/doctest.py",
> line 1267, in __run
> got += _exception_traceback(exc_info)
> UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc5 in position
> 254: ordinal not in range(128)
> ==
> FAIL: POST an empty dictionary to a view
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/andy/Projects/django-trunk/tests/modeltests/test_client/
> models.py", line 53, in test_empty_post
> self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
>   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3/unittest.py", line 302, in failUnlessEqual
> raise self.failureException, \
> AssertionError: 500 != 200
> ==
> FAIL: GET a view that normally expects POSTs
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/andy/Projects/django-trunk/tests/modeltests/test_client/
> models.py", line 45, in test_get_post_view
> self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
>   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3/unittest.py", line 302, in failUnlessEqual
> raise self.failureException, \
> AssertionError: 500 != 200
> ==
> FAIL: GET a view
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/andy/Projects/django-trunk/tests/modeltests/test_client/
> models.py", line 35, in test_get_view
> self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
>   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3/unittest.py", line 302, in failUnlessEqual
> raise self.failureException, \
> AssertionError: 500 != 200
> ==
> FAIL: POST some data to a view
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/andy/Projects/django-trunk/tests/modeltests/test_client/
> models.py", line 64, in test_post_view
> self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
>   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.3/lib/
> python2.3/unittest.py", line 302, in failUnlessEqual
> raise self.failureException, \
> AssertionError: 500 != 200
> ==
> FAIL: GET a URL that redirects elsewhere
> --
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/Users/andy/Projects/django-trunk/tests/modeltests/test_client/
> models.py", line 74, in test_redirect
> self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302)
>   File 

Re: Unicode or strings in models

2007-01-29 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

Gábor Farkas wrote:
> i think currently the "missing" thing is a decision from the "upper 
> level" :), about whether django-1.0 will be unicodized( unicodified?) or 
> not.

Well... Given that newforms are all-unicode and already cause pain on 
unsuspecting developers it's either Django should follow them or they 
should be rewritten in byte-strings. Both tasks are hard but the former 
is better.

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reverse caching of foreign keys #3369

2007-01-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i just wanted to spark some discussion of #3369.  i implemented it and 
would like to see it get included.

here's an example of what reverse caching of foreign keys would mean:

b = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
for entry in b.entry_set.all():
entry.blog # No database access required.

currently each item in the list would require a database access (which 
isn't needed).

the one controversial change that i made is this.  when you assign a 
value for a foreign key association, django sets the value, and clears 
it's cache.  so this:

entry = Entry.objects.get(id=1)
blog = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
entry.blog = blog
entry.blog is blog # false
entry.blog == blog # maybe true, maybe false

is how things work currently.  to some extent this makes sense.  the 
entry hasn't been saved, so the value in the database is still 
potentially some other value.  to me it makes more sense to update the 
cache rather than clearing the cache.  my changes do just that, so the 
way it works is:

entry = Entry.objects.get(id=1)
blog = Blog.objects.get(id=1)
entry.blog = blog
entry.blog is blog # true
entry.blog == blog # true

doing this made implementing the reverse caching easier.  all tests 
still pass, and i doubt it is something that anyone using django would 
notice.  updating the cache is the way that i (and i imagine others) 
would expect things to work.

so i hope that people like the reverse caching idea (the main point of 
this post) and don't mind the small implication that it has on other 
parts of django.

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Re: Comments requested on two serializer related fixes

2007-01-29 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/3389/

That thing:

 Article.authors = [4,7]

is now done by

 Article.authors = [Author(id) for id in [4,7]]

I.e. Author(id) creates some strange incomplete object that can be 
nonetheless used for m2m relations since only an id is needed. Would 
this suffice?

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Re: Comments requested on two serializer related fixes

2007-01-29 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On 1/29/07 7:22 AM, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> I've just created two new tickets - #3389 and #3390.

I'm +1 on #3390 (the ``DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED`` bit); that makes a few 
other bulk-insert type tasks besides deserialization much easier.

#3389 seems logical enough, but I'm a bit wary of TMTOWTDI syndrome here; the 
fact that::

article.author_set = [john, fred]


article.author_set = [john.id, fred.id]

do the same thing seems a little weird. I guess I'd say I'm +0 unless anyone 
can think of a better way...


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Re: Unicode or strings in models

2007-01-29 Thread Gábor Farkas

Ivan Sagalaev wrote:
> Splitting this into new thread since it's already not about db client 
> encodings...
> ak wrote:
>> So if everyone agreed, the way is simple:
>> 1. when django loads data from db and fills in a model object, all 
>> strings have to be encoded according to DEFAULT_CHARSET
>> 2. when django passes data from form object to model object, it has to 
>> encode strings according to DEFAULT_CHARSET again
> No, it would defeat the purpose of all this unicode endeavor. The point 
> is to work internally (view code, models code etc) on unicode objects 
> only. I'd rather propose this:
> - db backend decodes data from db into unicode
> - all models' properties that are now str's should contain unicode all 
> the time (after reading from db and after assigning from forms)
> - user would override __unicode__ of models instead of __str__ that is 
> used now
> - a standard __str__ should be defined as:
>  def __str__(self):
>return unicode(self).encode(settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
> - model validation should call all models' __str__s and warn if they 
> return unicode objects
> I believe migration from __str__ to __unicode__ would as simple as a 
> search/replace operation.
> I apologies if this was already discussed and resolved. If yes, please 
> point me to where it was.

i agree (well, i'm not sure if the migration will really be a 
search/replace, but the rest is ok).

i think currently the "missing" thing is a decision from the "upper 
level" :), about whether django-1.0 will be unicodized( unicodified?) or 


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raw_id_admin, move from "admin" to "forms"?

2007-01-29 Thread Gábor Farkas


(first i apologize if this was already discussed or solved. i could not 
find anything about it in the newsgroup-archives)

i've seen that one of the latest commits did some changes to the 
"raw_id_admin" attribute.

for the admin this is fine, but there is also an another aspect of 
raw_id_admin, which i'm not sure is addressed here:

when the "oldforms" are used, raw_id_admin also affects them.

when you use an automatic manipulator, then if you do not have 
raw_id_admin specified for a field,
then when the post/get-data is manipulator-validated, then all the 
potential/possible foreign-keys are fetched.


class A(Model):

class B(Model):
my_a = ForeignKey(A)

(pseudocode, i didn't check if it's valid or not)

now let's say i have 1 instances of A.
now i call the AddManipulator for B.
for validation, it will load in all the 1 instances of A.
which is usually a bad thing.

if i modify B as:

class B(Model):
my_a = ForeignKey(A, raw_id_admin = True)

then it will do it the "reasonable" way.

i understand the reason for getting all the 1 instances (so that the 
error-message produced by the manipulator can be "nice" and list all the 
possible "good" answers), but i would not recommend this to be the 

in other words:

imho it's good that raw_id_admin is moved out from the database-model
into the admin-part. but also it is needed to be able to specify that in 
the 'automatic' form, i do want the raw_id_admin behavior.

it would be nice imho to make the raw_id_admin=True way the default.


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Re: admin interface and CSS

2007-01-29 Thread Matias Hermarud Fjeld


Henry wrote:
> I had a problem with CSS cause while the admin_media_prefix template
> tag used the ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX setting, it did not prepend the
> MEDIA_URL to it. I have all my static stuff, including CSS, on a
> separate site so I was getting the admin interface without the good
> looks.
> Either I did something wrong, or admin_media_prefix() in
> contrib/admin/templatetags/adminmedia.py needs to have:
> return settings.MEDIA_URL + settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
> instead of
> return settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX

As far as I can tell, django expects ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX to be an
absolute url. Maybe you could file a ticket?

BTW, a much better way to join urls would be:

  from urlparse import urljoin
  return urljoin(settings.MEDIA_URL, settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX)

Matias Hermanrud Fjeld

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newforms: "forms with prefixes", nitpick

2007-01-29 Thread Amit Upadhyay
Am a latecomer to newforms, loving it. I have minor issue with the way
prefixes are handled:

The prefix is prepended to the form names, which leads to some shortcomings,
so add_prefix was created:


Can we simple not take prefix to contain a formatting string? That is what
came to my mind when I read prefix when I first encountered it. Is there
something I am missing?

Amit Upadhyay
Blog: http://www.rootshell.be/~upadhyay

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