Re: Related tags ala

2006-05-25 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

Jay Parlar wrote:

>I'm doing a personal app for myself that tracks academic papers I've
>read. As is the style these days, I can apply multiple tags to each
>paper. My basic model is this:
>class Tag(models.Model):
>name = models.CharField(maxlength=200, core=True, unique=True)
>class Paper(models.Model):
>title = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
>tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)
>What I'd like to be able to do is get "Related Tags" like they have in
>, ie. for a given Tag, I need a reasonably efficient way to
>find all the other tags that it's ever been used with.
I would do something like this:

def related_tags(tag_name):

Filter expression reads like "all tags that linked to any papers that 
linked to this tag". Exclude and distinct should be self-explanatory.

Note that with this Tag architecture the search is constrained to only 
specific model (Paper in this case). If you have these same tags linked 
to another models you won't have them as "related". But this what one 
wants usually anyway.

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Re: Tagging app

2006-05-25 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

Luke Plant wrote:

>I've been writing some tagging functionality for my site, and I've 
>developed it in a way that is reusable and generic, similar in some 
>ways to the 'comments' app in contrib.
Seems that tags are hot in Django these days :-). Couple of days ago 
I've done my TagsField as a Django app 
( It's a bit different than yours 
and Ian's. Now I only need the time to translate the page in English :-)

>Tag model
>- The central model.  A *simplified* version is below:
>class Tag(models.Model):
>text = models.CharField()
>target = GenericForeignKey()
The single target means that one tag can't be used for different models? 
I have chosen a different approach in my app: tags are basically just 
text labels that are linked with models with ManyToMany. This allows to 
do some interesting things. For example in my music exchange service I 
have users with tags meaning their likings like "blues", "rock", 
"hard-rock" so  one can easily search both albums and artists with these 
same tags.

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Re: Tagging app

2006-05-25 Thread arthur debert

Hi Luke,

Please do so.

Tagging is, buzzword or not, pretty useful and many people have / will
implement it on their own (I was mid way through just now).

It would be great to leverage on your code, and I think it would
benefit django users in general, as it could make more applications
pluggable / easily distributable with tagging working.


ps: how is the GenericForeignKey going to work? will it be imported
from the tagging app's package, or will it go into trunk?

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Re: Authentication by email+pass

2006-05-25 Thread Jan Claeys

Op wo, 24-05-2006 te 23:51 -0700, schreef Rudolph:
> One of my customers also wants this. One thing I thought of is making
> the e-mailadress case insensitive; only storing lowercase e-mailaddress
> and lowercase the user input address when loggin in.

Remember that the part to the left of the "@" in an e-mail address is
not defined in the RFCs to be case-insensitive (even if every mail
server I know treats it as case-insensitive, there might be exceptions).

Jan Claeys

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Re: I need instructions in best way to use django under IIS shared hosting (Python is installed)

2006-05-25 Thread DavidA

> Ok. So if work, what reason you have for ditch it for Apache?

There were really four reasons I moved from IIS to Apache:
1) Virtual hosting: although you _can_ do virtual hosting on IIS, you
really need IIS6 on Win2k3 to support the host header fields. The
default IIS on XP Pro doesn't allow this and I wanted my dev and prod
environments to behave the same way. Apache's virtual hosting support
is a head and shoulders above IIS, in my opinion.
2) Performance: while I don't have specific numbers at hand, the IIS
configuration (of Django and the MoinMoin wiki) always felt a little
sluggish for what should have been snappy apps. I tried them out under
Apache2 and they felt much more responsive. I can't really say if I was
using IIS in the best way, but I did the quick-and-dirty setup in both
IIS and Apache2 and Apache seemed faster. I especially notice this when
I haven't accessed a page in a while. It seems that IIS takes a while
to "warm up" but once it does its not bad. Apache seems to always be
pretty fast.
3) Consistency: I like that my configuration on Windows and Linux is
very similar now. And I've even been thinking of buying a Mac so that
becomes even more important.
4) Community/documentation: once I decided to start using Python, MySQL
and now Django, I find it a lot easier to find information on the web
for using Apache with those technologies. Its sort of the "go with the
grain" mentality. I didn't want to run into the very kinds of problems
you are now - where its hard to find good examples of how to use the
various technologies you have chosen.

I used to be a C#/ASP.NET guy so I have used IIS quite a bit. Its not
bad, and I haven't had the problems with security that other note - at
least not in any of the more recent versions of Windows and IIS. But I
just find for the development platform I've chose, Apache is a better
fit than IIS. That's all.

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Re: Slicing [-1] on objects.all()

2006-05-25 Thread Jan Claeys

Op do, 25-05-2006 te 11:28 -0400, schreef Ian Maurer:
> Django's QuerySet handles slicing through the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
> of the database. Since the clauses cannot handle python's "negative
> indexing" scheme, you have 2 choices:
> 2. Use an order_by method to set the reverse order and then get the
> first item, use a minus sign to denote DESC order:
> The second option is FAR superior. The first solution is, IMO, totally
> unacceptable since it retrieves all of the records just to access one
> row.

Quick thought: can't the QuerySet do that itself then?

Jan Claeys

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Re: New Django bugs

2006-05-25 Thread Douglas Campos
i've saw too that syncdb create tables out of order,
disobeying the foreign keys, many to many tables, etc...

On 5/25/06, Siah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for the response adrian.
> Somehow I felt the result of Alter Table is not as efficient as
> properly creating the table in the first place. If I'm incorrect, that
> I think I am, your suggestion is actually very good and should make my
> life more efficient.
> I guess if I go with above, I don't have to cry over 'init' again, and
> thanks for the quick tutorial on install django_apps.
> In terms of broken pieces. My sqlall worked fine right now, but my
> sqlclear generates something like this:
> ...
> "bill_address_id_referencing_ss_address_id";
> ...
> that gives me this error:
> ERROR:  constraint "bill_address_id_referencing_ss_address_id" does not
> exist
> Thanks,
> Sia
> >

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Related tags ala

2006-05-25 Thread Jay Parlar

I'm doing a personal app for myself that tracks academic papers I've
read. As is the style these days, I can apply multiple tags to each
paper. My basic model is this:

class Tag(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(maxlength=200, core=True, unique=True)

class Paper(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(maxlength=200)
tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag)

What I'd like to be able to do is get "Related Tags" like they have in, ie. for a given Tag, I need a reasonably efficient way to
find all the other tags that it's ever been used with.

I've done very little SQL in my career, so I'm not even sure of the
best way to do this with raw SQL.

Any thoughts?

Jay P.

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Re: Tagging app

2006-05-25 Thread Scott Anderson


I'm definitely interested, since I've been thinking about doing this
very thing.


On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 00:57 +0100, Luke Plant wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been writing some tagging functionality for my site, and I've 
> developed it in a way that is reusable and generic, similar in some 
> ways to the 'comments' app in contrib.  Would anyone be interested in 
> me tidying it up for release as a Django app?  It would require a 
> little bit of tidying up (mainly fixing Python 2.3 incompatibilities), 
> and if popular, it could do with a bit of community input.  I'd be 
> happy to release it under a BSD license.
> Below is an overview of what is included.  
> Tag model
> =
> - The central model.  A *simplified* version is below:
> class Tag(models.Model):
> text = models.CharField()
> target = GenericForeignKey()
> creator = GenericForeignKey()
> added = models.DateTimeField()
> GenericForeignKey works like a foreign key field except that it is 
> identified by two pieces of information - an 'id' (stored as a string 
> for maximum generality), and a ContentType id. (The model actually 
> requires other parameters and other fields to be present, not shown).  
> For the most part, however, you can ignore this implementation detail.  
> Externally, you just set/get or mytag.creator to any 
> Django ORM object and it will work. 
> Tag objects also have other methods to do efficient SQL queries for 
> summarising Tag information.  e.g. .count_tagged_by_others() returns  
> the number of other 'creator' objects that have tagged the same object, 
> and there are other methods on the TagManager for doing this kind of 
> thing (see below).
> If you want, you can have different types of object that are taggable, 
> so:
>   [ for t in Tag.objects.all()] 
> could be a heterogeneous list. In templates that show lists of Tag 
> objects in detail, this could be a problem, since you don't know what 
> type of object is, and you might want to customise how you 
> display a tagged target object. So I've added a 'render_target' method 
> which is pluggable i.e. you can provide different ways of rendering 
> different types of target objects, and then just use tag.render_target
> in the template.
> (You could also have different types of 'creator' object, but in my case 
> I haven't used this, so haven't tested it much, but I'm not aware of 
> any problems).
> Tag Manager
> ===
> The Manager class for Tag has various methods to return database 
> information about tagged objects.  It uses efficient SQL to do so, 
> which means that most of them can't build up queries the way you 
> normally do in Django, but instead the methods provide optional 
> parameters that should cover most of the kind of queries you want to 
> do, including searching for objects that are tagged with multiple text 
> values.
> The methods tend to return either simple values, or 'partially 
> aggregated' versions of the Tag object:
> TagSummary
> --
> Contains 'text' and 'count', where count is the number of Tag objects
> with that 'text' value.
> TagTarget
> -
> The 'text' + 'target' half of a 'Tag' object, used for answering the 
> question: "What objects are the target of a certain 'text' value (or 
> values) and how many 'creator' objects have tagged it like that?"
> The tag manager methods also work correctly in a 'related' context (see 
> below).
> Tag relationships
> =
> A Tag is essentially two foreign key fields (plus metadata), but since 
> it isn't actually a ForeignKey object, and can point to multiple
> models, it doesn't appear on the 'pointed to' models automatically (e.g. 
> as in mypost.tags.all() or myuser.created_tags.all()). However, you can 
> set this up with the add_tagging_fields() utility method, which allows 
> you add attributes to models with complete flexibility.  You don't 
> define the tags as part of your model, but use this utility method 
> after creating the model to add the attributes.
> This has been done like this mainly for ease of implementation, but it
> also keeps your model decoupled from 'tagging' -- after you've defined 
> your model, or imported someone else's, you can add tagging fields very 
> easily.
> In this related context, you also get methods that parallel normal 
> foreign keys i.e. mypost.tags.create() and mypost.tags.add(), which 
> work as expected.
> Finally, the Tag Manager methods for advanced queries also work 
> correctly in the 'related' context e.g.  
> mypost.tags.get_distinct_text() limits itself to the relevant Tag 
> objects. 
> Views
> =
> A simple tagging facility will allow users to tag objects, and then 
> display those tags inline on the object that is tagged (e.g. a post or 
> a topic etc).  To enable this, a 'create_update' view is provide, with 
> a sample template -- a style form for 

Re: Tagging app

2006-05-25 Thread Ian Holsman

just as an aside, I've also written a similar tagging app, which  
covers about 70% of the same functionality as Luke's

personally I'd love a 'standard' tagging app in contrib which  
combines the best of both worlds, as it seems like this functionality
is what most users:
a) want
b) struggle with implementing, as the stuff to implement it isn't the  
most obvious.

the main differences as I see them between the 2 different  
implementations is:
- the concept of 'creator' ( I use 'User', while Luke isn't limited  
by this)
- object-id .. ( I use int's, Luke uses strings)

(my code is here: 
common/tag/  for reference.. and is BSD/ASL licensed)
On 26/05/2006, at 9:57 AM, Luke Plant wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've been writing some tagging functionality for my site, and I've
> developed it in a way that is reusable and generic, similar in some
> ways to the 'comments' app in contrib.  Would anyone be interested in
> me tidying it up for release as a Django app?  It would require a
> little bit of tidying up (mainly fixing Python 2.3 incompatibilities),
> and if popular, it could do with a bit of community input.  I'd be
> happy to release it under a BSD license.
> Below is an overview of what is included.
> Tag model
> =
> - The central model.  A *simplified* version is below:
> class Tag(models.Model):
> text = models.CharField()
> target = GenericForeignKey()
> creator = GenericForeignKey()
> added = models.DateTimeField()
> GenericForeignKey works like a foreign key field except that it is
> identified by two pieces of information - an 'id' (stored as a string
> for maximum generality), and a ContentType id. (The model actually
> requires other parameters and other fields to be present, not shown).
> For the most part, however, you can ignore this implementation detail.
> Externally, you just set/get or mytag.creator to any
> Django ORM object and it will work.
> Tag objects also have other methods to do efficient SQL queries for
> summarising Tag information.  e.g. .count_tagged_by_others() returns
> the number of other 'creator' objects that have tagged the same  
> object,
> and there are other methods on the TagManager for doing this kind of
> thing (see below).
> If you want, you can have different types of object that are taggable,
> so:
>   [ for t in Tag.objects.all()]
> could be a heterogeneous list. In templates that show lists of Tag
> objects in detail, this could be a problem, since you don't know what
> type of object is, and you might want to customise how  
> you
> display a tagged target object. So I've added a 'render_target' method
> which is pluggable i.e. you can provide different ways of rendering
> different types of target objects, and then just use tag.render_target
> in the template.
> (You could also have different types of 'creator' object, but in my  
> case
> I haven't used this, so haven't tested it much, but I'm not aware of
> any problems).
> Tag Manager
> ===
> The Manager class for Tag has various methods to return database
> information about tagged objects.  It uses efficient SQL to do so,
> which means that most of them can't build up queries the way you
> normally do in Django, but instead the methods provide optional
> parameters that should cover most of the kind of queries you want to
> do, including searching for objects that are tagged with multiple text
> values.
> The methods tend to return either simple values, or 'partially
> aggregated' versions of the Tag object:
> TagSummary
> --
> Contains 'text' and 'count', where count is the number of Tag objects
> with that 'text' value.
> TagTarget
> -
> The 'text' + 'target' half of a 'Tag' object, used for answering the
> question: "What objects are the target of a certain 'text' value (or
> values) and how many 'creator' objects have tagged it like that?"
> The tag manager methods also work correctly in a 'related' context  
> (see
> below).
> Tag relationships
> =
> A Tag is essentially two foreign key fields (plus metadata), but since
> it isn't actually a ForeignKey object, and can point to multiple
> models, it doesn't appear on the 'pointed to' models automatically  
> (e.g.
> as in mypost.tags.all() or myuser.created_tags.all()). However, you  
> can
> set this up with the add_tagging_fields() utility method, which allows
> you add attributes to models with complete flexibility.  You don't
> define the tags as part of your model, but use this utility method
> after creating the model to add the attributes.
> This has been done like this mainly for ease of implementation, but it
> also keeps your model decoupled from 'tagging' -- after you've defined
> your model, or imported someone else's, you can add tagging fields  
> very
> easily.
> In this related context, you also get methods that parallel normal
> foreign keys i.e. 

Tagging app

2006-05-25 Thread Luke Plant

Hi all,

I've been writing some tagging functionality for my site, and I've 
developed it in a way that is reusable and generic, similar in some 
ways to the 'comments' app in contrib.  Would anyone be interested in 
me tidying it up for release as a Django app?  It would require a 
little bit of tidying up (mainly fixing Python 2.3 incompatibilities), 
and if popular, it could do with a bit of community input.  I'd be 
happy to release it under a BSD license.

Below is an overview of what is included.  

Tag model
- The central model.  A *simplified* version is below:

class Tag(models.Model):
text = models.CharField()
target = GenericForeignKey()
creator = GenericForeignKey()
added = models.DateTimeField()

GenericForeignKey works like a foreign key field except that it is 
identified by two pieces of information - an 'id' (stored as a string 
for maximum generality), and a ContentType id. (The model actually 
requires other parameters and other fields to be present, not shown).  
For the most part, however, you can ignore this implementation detail.  
Externally, you just set/get or mytag.creator to any 
Django ORM object and it will work. 

Tag objects also have other methods to do efficient SQL queries for 
summarising Tag information.  e.g. .count_tagged_by_others() returns  
the number of other 'creator' objects that have tagged the same object, 
and there are other methods on the TagManager for doing this kind of 
thing (see below).

If you want, you can have different types of object that are taggable, 

  [ for t in Tag.objects.all()] 

could be a heterogeneous list. In templates that show lists of Tag 
objects in detail, this could be a problem, since you don't know what 
type of object is, and you might want to customise how you 
display a tagged target object. So I've added a 'render_target' method 
which is pluggable i.e. you can provide different ways of rendering 
different types of target objects, and then just use tag.render_target
in the template.

(You could also have different types of 'creator' object, but in my case 
I haven't used this, so haven't tested it much, but I'm not aware of 
any problems).

Tag Manager
The Manager class for Tag has various methods to return database 
information about tagged objects.  It uses efficient SQL to do so, 
which means that most of them can't build up queries the way you 
normally do in Django, but instead the methods provide optional 
parameters that should cover most of the kind of queries you want to 
do, including searching for objects that are tagged with multiple text 

The methods tend to return either simple values, or 'partially 
aggregated' versions of the Tag object:

Contains 'text' and 'count', where count is the number of Tag objects
with that 'text' value.

The 'text' + 'target' half of a 'Tag' object, used for answering the 
question: "What objects are the target of a certain 'text' value (or 
values) and how many 'creator' objects have tagged it like that?"

The tag manager methods also work correctly in a 'related' context (see 

Tag relationships
A Tag is essentially two foreign key fields (plus metadata), but since 
it isn't actually a ForeignKey object, and can point to multiple
models, it doesn't appear on the 'pointed to' models automatically (e.g. 
as in mypost.tags.all() or myuser.created_tags.all()). However, you can 
set this up with the add_tagging_fields() utility method, which allows 
you add attributes to models with complete flexibility.  You don't 
define the tags as part of your model, but use this utility method 
after creating the model to add the attributes.

This has been done like this mainly for ease of implementation, but it
also keeps your model decoupled from 'tagging' -- after you've defined 
your model, or imported someone else's, you can add tagging fields very 

In this related context, you also get methods that parallel normal 
foreign keys i.e. mypost.tags.create() and mypost.tags.add(), which 
work as expected.

Finally, the Tag Manager methods for advanced queries also work 
correctly in the 'related' context e.g.  
mypost.tags.get_distinct_text() limits itself to the relevant Tag 

A simple tagging facility will allow users to tag objects, and then 
display those tags inline on the object that is tagged (e.g. a post or 
a topic etc).  To enable this, a 'create_update' view is provide, with 
a sample template -- a style form for editing tags for an 

A more complete solution will involve the ability to browse/search tags,
view recent tags etc.  For this, I've written a 'recent_popular' view, 
that shows recent tags, optionally limiting to a specific target or 
'text' value etc, with paging, and shows a list of popular tags 
(limited by the same query).

Finally, there is 'targets_for_text' which 

Re: New Django bugs

2006-05-25 Thread Siah

Thanks for the response adrian.

Somehow I felt the result of Alter Table is not as efficient as
properly creating the table in the first place. If I'm incorrect, that
I think I am, your suggestion is actually very good and should make my
life more efficient.

I guess if I go with above, I don't have to cry over 'init' again, and
thanks for the quick tutorial on install django_apps.

In terms of broken pieces. My sqlall worked fine right now, but my
sqlclear generates something like this:

that gives me this error:

ERROR:  constraint "bill_address_id_referencing_ss_address_id" does not


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Re: I need instructions in best way to use django under IIS shared hosting (Python is installed)

2006-05-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok. So if work, what reason you have for ditch it for Apache?

For this hosting setup, I don't have problems in the security or
performance arena... but maybe because is the main plataform for

I'm more worry about crash or glacial performance.

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Re: I need instructions in best way to use django under IIS shared hosting (Python is installed)

2006-05-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Speaking from
experience of setting up IIS and within 3 minutes of it being on the
with the latest updates it being backdoored and viruses roaming free

That is YOUR experience. My web server never have that kind of
troubles. I have my small developer company with Windows 2003 and I
expose my svn, and other 3/4 internal websites. I don't have problems
with viruses or hacking and run well all this time.

I know that windows by default can be more insecure. But that is not my
experience and that is not the point. The point is: Is possible run
well django/python under IIS, yes or not?

> All eggs, one basket? Sounds like a good way to run a business there.

The other option is try another basket I DON'T KNOW and lets see.

I don't know why the rude acctitude... I'm a former Windows Developer
for 7 years and found a compelling reason to try python and put it for
my company. I'm risking because a)My experience in python is 1 month
2)My experience in django is 2 weeks?

I'm triying to lowe the risk. And if is not possible, I'm willing to
try linux...

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Re: I need instructions in best way to use django under IIS shared hosting (Python is installed)

2006-05-25 Thread DavidA

I should have clarified: I use Apache2 on Windows (and Linux for that
matter). As Ian pointed out, Apache2 is multi-threaded and works very
well on both Linux and Windows.

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Re: I need instructions in best way to use django under IIS shared hosting (Python is installed)

2006-05-25 Thread Ian Holsman
On 26/05/2006, at 7:15 AM, Jeremy Dunck wrote: Note that if you are stuck on Windows, Apache + mod_python + MySQL + Django works very well.  Doesn't pre-forking apache on windows scale badly due to window's high process startup cost?  I guess it'd depend how often you recycle your httpd processes... Apache2 hasn't pre-forked on windows for years, it uses threads inside a single process,and is about as fast (or faster.. it was close) as the version running on linux last time I checked.
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Re: I need instructions in best way to use django under IIS shared hosting (Python is installed)

2006-05-25 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 5/25/06, DavidA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've used Python with IIS for the MoinMoin wiki (where do they get
> these names?).

They speak German.

> Note that if you are stuck on Windows, Apache + mod_python + MySQL +
> Django works very well.

Doesn't pre-forking apache on windows scale badly due to window's high
process startup cost?  I guess it'd depend how often you recycle your
httpd processes...

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Re: I need instructions in best way to use django under IIS shared hosting (Python is installed)

2006-05-25 Thread DavidA

I've used Python with IIS for the MoinMoin wiki (where do they get
these names?). They have a good doc on configuring IIS for Python:

I've done it. It works fine. And then I woke up and installed Apache
and turned off the IIS service.

Note that if you are stuck on Windows, Apache + mod_python + MySQL +
Django works very well. I run that at work and do a lot of my personal
Django development on that and then just "svn up" and "service httpd
restart" on my Linux box to roll out changes.

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Re: variable

2006-05-25 Thread Jacob Kaplan-Moss

On May 25, 2006, at 12:59 PM, Mary Adel wrote:
> how could i get a variable from the database in the views
> for example i have a model like this:
> class Menu (models.Model):
> menu_text=models.TextField(maxlength=200)
> and i need to get this variable from the database under certain
> condition
> for example when menu_text ='test' then write it in file

You want something like::


This is covered in the first tutorial ( 
documentation/tutorial1/), and in depth in the DB-API doc (http://


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New Django bugs

2006-05-25 Thread Siah

I am 7 months into coding a large django application. Due to needing
extra bytea fields with my database, I started maintaining my own SQL
instead of django-admin install app. Everytime I made changes to my
model, I would take django-admin sqlall app and apply those changes.
Its been a few days I've been trying to upgrade my django from 9.1 to
9.2. My biggest problem so far is how broken sqlall and sqlclear are.

sqlall generates sql with tables out of order, thus my postgresql
cannot create constraints. And sqlclear generates non-working sql.

Furthermore, I needed django-admin init that would create initial
tables before I manually add my own tables. Please give it back to me.

What could make my day would be if there was a way for me to supply an
alternate 'sql' for the CREATION of that specific model. It would save
me a lot of time not going through my gizilioon tables everytime I made
a change.


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Re: FYI: Primitive Python Version of GWT Working

2006-05-25 Thread Siah

Good work.

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Foreign keys in views

2006-05-25 Thread Christian Schneider
Hi all, I've written (well copied) the following view. In my model I have a defined an attribute "station = models.ForeignKey(Station)". Now, if I call the change view, the station is selected. However, if I submit the change view with some errors, the station is de-selected in the new view.
I've also written a create view that is given a station id on creation an pre-populates the interface. Here I found that the foreign key's id comes in as new_data["station"] but has to go out as new_data["station_id"]. Is that correct and do the generic views stuff like that under the hood?
Form fields for many-to-many relations work as expected, so maybe I'm doing something wrong with the foreign key fields.Any hints are - as always - welcomechrisdef change_recording(request, recording_id):
    try:    manipulator = Recording.ChangeManipulator(recording_id)    except:    raise Http404    recording = manipulator.original_object    errors = {}    new_data = {}
    if request.POST:    new_data = request.POST.copy()    errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)    if not errors:    manipulator.do_html2python(new_data)    new_recording =    return HttpResponseRedirect("/dwasrod/")    else:    new_data = recording.__dict__    form = FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)    return render_to_response('aufnahmen/recording_form.html', {'form': form})

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2006-05-25 Thread Mary Adel

how could i get a variable from the database in the views

for example i have a model like this:
class Menu (models.Model):

and i need to get this variable from the database under certain
for example when menu_text ='test' then write it in file


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2006-05-25 Thread Mary Adel

i need your help in the following :
how to write in the views a function that  has a loop and this loop gets
one field from my database so that i can take each field and put it in a


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Re: Admin, display related 'last modified' field

2006-05-25 Thread Eric Walstad

On Thursday 25 May 2006 10:34, Joseph Kocherhans wrote:
> On 5/25/06, Eric Walstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes, I suspect this is more than a one-off issue.  I'd also like to see
> > the last modified timestamp on the Project's related ProjectFiles.  Can
> > you point me to documentation on how to whip up a new admin widget and
> > direct the admin code to use it for particular fields?  Is this a 'use
> > the source, Luke' instance?
> Yeah it is. :( You'll want to start out by looking at
> django/contrib/admin/templates/widget
> Also, FieldWidgetNode is where the template name get's determined... I
> think. It seems like it might just be a MyModel ->
> widgets/my_model.html conversion, but I don't remember for sure.
> Joseph

Cool, thanks for the leads, Joseph.  I'll see what I can do.


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Re: Admin, display related 'last modified' field

2006-05-25 Thread Joseph Kocherhans

On 5/25/06, Eric Walstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I suspect this is more than a one-off issue.  I'd also like to see the
> last modified timestamp on the Project's related ProjectFiles.  Can you point
> me to documentation on how to whip up a new admin widget and direct the admin
> code to use it for particular fields?  Is this a 'use the source, Luke'
> instance?

Yeah it is. :( You'll want to start out by looking at
Also, FieldWidgetNode is where the template name get's determined... I
think. It seems like it might just be a MyModel ->
widgets/my_model.html conversion, but I don't remember for sure.


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Django AJAX Framework

2006-05-25 Thread Vladimir Pouzanov

I've started this as SoC project, however is hasn't passed so I'm
publising the sources, maybe you'll find them useful.

I've uses Json as the transport layer. You will need Json-py library
( To make server-side code
you need to make a new django view:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from cmh.apps.rpc.minjson import write as JsonWrite
import re

def rpc(request):
if ('module' in request.GET) and ('function' in request.GET):
rx = re.compile('^[a-z]+$')
if rx.match(request.GET['module']):
rpc_fn =
'', '', ['']), request.GET['function'])
except ImportError, e:
return HttpResponse('module not found')

return HttpResponse(JsonWrite(rpc_fn(request)))
return HttpResponse('bad module name')
return HttpResponse('bad module')

This request accepts only module names from small latin chars, you
need to change regular expression ('^[a-z]+$') if you have other
module names. RPC functions are stored at modules' directories in
files You need to change 'testproject.%s.rpc' so that it point
to your module's rpc file, e.g. my CMS uses 'cmh.apps.%s.rpc' (all my
modules are stored in apps folder).

The client-side is handled by MochiKit.

// Point to your rpc view
var baseURL = "http://localhost:8000/rpc/";;

function processRPC(req)
json = evalJSONRequest(req);
for(var i in json) {
switch(json[i].action) {
case "replace":
var element = getElement(json[i].id);
element.innerHTML = json[i].value;
// handle additional operations like
add_before, add_after, hide, show, etc.

function doRPC(mod, func, method, s_get, s_post)
var d;
var req = getXMLHttpRequest();
if (req.overrideMimeType) {
if(method == "GET") {"GET", baseURL + "?module=" + mod +
"&function=" + func + s_get, true);
d = sendXMLHttpRequest(req).addCallback(processRPC);
} else {"POST", baseURL + "?module=" + mod +
"&function=" + func + s_get, true);
d = sendXMLHttpRequest(req, s_post).addCallback(processRPC);
return d;

sample usage:


here's how you handle this call (testproject/rpc/
def test(args):
action1 = { 'action': 'replace', 'id': 'footer', 'value':
'footer changed ;)' }
action2 = { 'action': 'replace', 'id': 'content-related',
'value': 'some more modifications' }
return [action1, action2]

Maybe this code doesn't look a django-way, but I'm still working on it.

Vladimir "Farcaller" Pouzanov

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Re: Admin, display related 'last modified' field

2006-05-25 Thread Eric Walstad

On Thursday 25 May 2006 09:50, Joseph Kocherhans wrote:
> On 5/25/06, Eric Walstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My 'Projects' admin form has 'Notes'.  Notes have a non-user-editable
> > 'note date' DateTimeField.  I haven't been able to figure out how to get
> > the note date to get displayed in the admin interface in such a way that
> > it's visible but not editable.  Any ideas?
> I assume you mean on the edit form since doing this in the change list
> if straightforward. I've done this a few times by overriding the
> appropriate change_form.html template. It's probably your best bet for
> now. You also might try creating a custom field and a new admin widget
> template if this is more than a one off type of thing.
> Joseph

Hi Joseph,

Yes, I'm talking about the edit form.

Yes, I suspect this is more than a one-off issue.  I'd also like to see the 
last modified timestamp on the Project's related ProjectFiles.  Can you point 
me to documentation on how to whip up a new admin widget and direct the admin 
code to use it for particular fields?  Is this a 'use the source, Luke' 



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Re: Admin, display related 'last modified' field

2006-05-25 Thread Joseph Kocherhans

On 5/25/06, Eric Walstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My 'Projects' admin form has 'Notes'.  Notes have a non-user-editable 'note
> date' DateTimeField.  I haven't been able to figure out how to get the note
> date to get displayed in the admin interface in such a way that it's visible
> but not editable.  Any ideas?

I assume you mean on the edit form since doing this in the change list
if straightforward. I've done this a few times by overriding the
appropriate change_form.html template. It's probably your best bet for
now. You also might try creating a custom field and a new admin widget
template if this is more than a one off type of thing.


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Admin, display related 'last modified' field

2006-05-25 Thread Eric Walstad

Hi all,

My 'Projects' admin form has 'Notes'.  Notes have a non-user-editable 'note 
date' DateTimeField.  I haven't been able to figure out how to get the note 
date to get displayed in the admin interface in such a way that it's visible 
but not editable.  Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.  Below is the model stuff.


class Project(models.Model):
client = models.ForeignKey(Contact, db_column='contacts_id', 
job_number = models.CharField(maxlength=20)
class Meta:
db_table = 'projects'
ordering = ['-job_number', 'status']
class Admin:
list_display = ('job_number', 'name', 'assigned_to', 'status', 
'due_date', 'address', 'client',)
search_fields = ['job_number', 'client', 'name',]
list_filter = ['status', 'project_type']
date_hierarchy = 'last_modified'
fields = (
  (None, {'fields': 

class ProjectNote(models.Model):
notes = models.TextField("Note", core=True)
note_date = models.DateTimeField(default=models.LazyDate(), 
 blank=True, editable=False)
project = models.ForeignKey(Project, 

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Re: 'str' object has no attribute 'write'

2006-05-25 Thread Ivan Sagalaev

mary wrote:

>i wrote this view
>def index(request):
>output=open( '/var/www/xml-python/xmleditor/test.xml','w')
>latest_menu_list = Menu.objects.all().order_by('-id')
>output = ', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list])
>return HttpResponse(output)
After fixing what others have pointed you will probably have a next 
problem with empty output in a browser. You're passing your "output" 
object to HttpResponse while output's position is at its end. You should 
move to the beginning:
return HttpResponse(output)

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Re: Slicing [-1] on objects.all()

2006-05-25 Thread Jay Parlar

On 5/25/06, Ian Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Django's QuerySet handles slicing through the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
> of the database. Since the clauses cannot handle python's "negative
> indexing" scheme, you have 2 choices:
> 1. Do the actual evaluation, by converting to a list and then doing your 
> slice:
> 2. Use an order_by method to set the reverse order and then get the
> first item, use a minus sign to denote DESC order:
> The second option is FAR superior. The first solution is, IMO, totally
> unacceptable since it retrieves all of the records just to access one
> row.
> For more information about the amazing Django QuerySets, check out this link:
> This section discusses slicing specifically:

Perfect, the 'order_by' worked beautifully!

Maybe a note should go into the db_api docs about -1 not working? I
did look at those docs before sending my original message, and didn't
see anything about that.

Jay P.

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Re: Unhappy, reinventing

2006-05-25 Thread Frankie Robertson

On 25/05/06, Paul Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 24, 2006, at 9:33 PM, Elver Loho wrote:
> >
> > I used to code stuff with TurboGears, which started sucking rather
> > fast. I still liked their templating engine, Kid. Sort of. I've also
> > tried Zope 3's and Django's, a couple of homegrown ones, Interchange's
> > as used on our big webstore and a bunch of others. As far as I'm
> > concerned, they all have fundamental design flaws.
> >
> Elver,
> The promise of being able to plug in different templating is one of
> the things that drew my interest in Django, but Django's templates
> started to grow on me. I'd say maybe give 'em a little time to learn
> to live with Django's templates.

Indeed, it's common to think that something looks 'ugly' or 'unclean'
before getting used to it.

> However, I saw a presentation by a fellow named Chris McDonough at
> this year's Plone symposium on his templating system called meld3.
> Although it doesn't look entirely prime-time, it's closer to the
> patterns/ideas you described in your article. Cool ideas in there.
> Take a look:
> --P
> --
> Paul Smith
> >

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Re: Searching on a calculated value

2006-05-25 Thread Gary Wilson

Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> You're best off searching by the exact fields rather than messing with
> derived fields.

Would you offer some insight please?

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Re: Slicing [-1] on objects.all()

2006-05-25 Thread Ian Maurer

Django's QuerySet handles slicing through the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
of the database. Since the clauses cannot handle python's "negative
indexing" scheme, you have 2 choices:

1. Do the actual evaluation, by converting to a list and then doing your slice:


2. Use an order_by method to set the reverse order and then get the
first item, use a minus sign to denote DESC order:


The second option is FAR superior. The first solution is, IMO, totally
unacceptable since it retrieves all of the records just to access one

For more information about the amazing Django QuerySets, check out this link:

This section discusses slicing specifically:

Hope that helps,

On 5/25/06, Jay Parlar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm seeing some strange slicing behaviour (using sqlite3 and the dev server).
> All I want to do is grab the last element in the table, so I'm trying this:
> Foo.objects.all()[-1]
> When I do that in a shell (via shell) it works fine, and
> respects my 'ordering' Meta. However, when my application is actually
> running, that same line will ALWAYS return the first row in the table,
> not the last one.
> Am I missing something here?
> Jay P.
> >

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Re: 'str' object has no attribute 'write' Exception

2006-05-25 Thread Darren Redmond


In your code you have assigned output to be a string.
So output as a string would cease to have the operation write on it.

so change the last two lines of your code to be

tempOutput = ', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list])

I hope that this helps


Mary Adel wrote:
> dear all 
> i have this error:Request Method: 
> GET Request URL: 
> Exception Type: AttributeError Exception Value: 'str' object has no
> attribute 'write' Exception 
> Location: /var/www/xml-python/xmleditor/../xmleditor/menues/ in
> index, line 14
> when i wrote this view:
> def index(request):
> output=open( '/var/www/xml-python/xmleditor/test.xml','w')
> output.write('')
> output.write('')
> latest_menu_list = Menu.objects.all().order_by('-id')
> output = ', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list])
> output.write(output)
> >

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Re: 'str' object has no attribute 'write'

2006-05-25 Thread John Melesky

mary wrote:
> and i got this error
>  'str' object has no attribute 'write'
> output = ', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list])
> output.write(output)

In the first line there, you're setting "output" (which used to be a
file object) to a string, and then in the next line you're trying to
call the "write" method again (which would work if it were still a file
object, but it's not anymore).

Do you instead mean this:

output.write(', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list]))

or even:

menulist = ', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list])

Either of those two should work.


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Re: 'str' object has no attribute 'write'

2006-05-25 Thread Jay Parlar

On 5/25/06, mary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i wrote this view
> def index(request):
> output=open( '/var/www/xml-python/xmleditor/test.xml','w')
> output.write('')
> output.write('')
> latest_menu_list = Menu.objects.all().order_by('-id')
> output = ', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list])
> output.write(output)
> return HttpResponse(output)
> and i got this error
>  'str' object has no attribute 'write'
> can anyone help please
> Thanks,
> Mary

When you do this:

   output = ', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list])

you rebound the name 'output' to a string, it no longer references
your file descriptor. Try this:

output_str = ', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list])

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'str' object has no attribute 'write' Exception

2006-05-25 Thread Mary Adel

dear all 

i have this error:Request Method: 

GET Request URL: 
Exception Type: AttributeError Exception Value: 'str' object has no
attribute 'write' Exception 
Location: /var/www/xml-python/xmleditor/../xmleditor/menues/ in
index, line 14

when i wrote this view:

def index(request):
output=open( '/var/www/xml-python/xmleditor/test.xml','w')
latest_menu_list = Menu.objects.all().order_by('-id')
output = ', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list])

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Re: Searching on a calculated value

2006-05-25 Thread Adrian Holovaty

On 5/25/06, Gary Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I would like to provide my users with a single search box where
> they could enter a first name, a last name, or a first name and last
> name.  So maybe...
> if one word entered:
> search in last name OR first name
> elif two words entered:
> search in (last name AND first name) OR (first name AND last name)
> elif more than two words entered:
> ignore words in between first and last and treat as two words
> entered

That's precisely what I'd recommend -- and it's not very difficult to
implement, unless you want to let your users put phrases in double
quotes, which can be a pain to parse.


Adrian Holovaty |

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Re: Unhappy, reinventing

2006-05-25 Thread Paul Smith

On May 24, 2006, at 9:33 PM, Elver Loho wrote:

> I used to code stuff with TurboGears, which started sucking rather
> fast. I still liked their templating engine, Kid. Sort of. I've also
> tried Zope 3's and Django's, a couple of homegrown ones, Interchange's
> as used on our big webstore and a bunch of others. As far as I'm
> concerned, they all have fundamental design flaws.

The promise of being able to plug in different templating is one of  
the things that drew my interest in Django, but Django's templates  
started to grow on me. I'd say maybe give 'em a little time to learn  
to live with Django's templates.
However, I saw a presentation by a fellow named Chris McDonough at  
this year's Plone symposium on his templating system called meld3.  
Although it doesn't look entirely prime-time, it's closer to the  
patterns/ideas you described in your article. Cool ideas in there.  
Take a look:


Paul Smith

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'str' object has no attribute 'write'

2006-05-25 Thread mary

i wrote this view
def index(request):
output=open( '/var/www/xml-python/xmleditor/test.xml','w')
latest_menu_list = Menu.objects.all().order_by('-id')
output = ', '.join([m.menu_text for m in latest_menu_list])

return HttpResponse(output)

and i got this error
 'str' object has no attribute 'write'

can anyone help please


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Slicing [-1] on objects.all()

2006-05-25 Thread Jay Parlar

I'm seeing some strange slicing behaviour (using sqlite3 and the dev server).

All I want to do is grab the last element in the table, so I'm trying this:


When I do that in a shell (via shell) it works fine, and
respects my 'ordering' Meta. However, when my application is actually
running, that same line will ALWAYS return the first row in the table,
not the last one.

Am I missing something here?

Jay P.

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Re: unescaped html in admin column

2006-05-25 Thread Joseph Kocherhans

On 5/25/06, qhfgva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In order to fit more columns of data on the screen in the admin, I
> tried the following:
> # for use in list_display
> def combined_cols(self):
> return '%s%s%s' % (self.col1, self.col2,sel.col3)
> Which displayed the '' in the output.
> Is there some way to prevent the output from being html escaped in this
> case?  Or is there some other way to format columns in a more condensed
> form?

Yep. Set an allow_tags attribute on your method to True.

def combined_cols(self):
return '%s%s%s' % (self.col1, self.col2,sel.col3)
combined_cols.allow_tags = True


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Re: Django memory leak?

2006-05-25 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 5/25/06, Christian Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And
> sorry for any confusion, I don't have 30 processes the output of ps was for
> one process taken every 5 seconds to show the increase in memory usage.

Sorry I'm an idiot.  The PID was clearly the same.  :)

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unescaped html in admin column

2006-05-25 Thread qhfgva

In order to fit more columns of data on the screen in the admin, I
tried the following:

# for use in list_display
def combined_cols(self):
return '%s%s%s' % (self.col1, self.col2,sel.col3)

Which displayed the '' in the output.

Is there some way to prevent the output from being html escaped in this
case?  Or is there some other way to format columns in a more condensed

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Re: Django memory leak?

2006-05-25 Thread Christian Schneider
Malcolm,thanks a lot! That really hit it.I definitely don't need DEBUG to be True because I never knew about it in the first place. Now my memory usage stays nicely constant.I already saw me re-writing the server to use hand-rolled SQL ...

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installing process

2006-05-25 Thread xinfo


I am new userI have some question like i have shared hosting with
cpanel for controling the web space i dont have shell access , well i
like to know how i can find pythom is installed or not well which file
should i download to upload via ftp ? to my web space 


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Re: Unhappy, reinventing

2006-05-25 Thread Max Battcher

Elver Loho wrote:

The XML in Python trick is somewhat similar to how Django's syndication 
(RSS/Atom) framework works, and it is great for such structured XML 
documents.  On the other hand, HTML is a weird thing and not something 
that I'd want to build with the DOM approach.

--Max Battcher--
"I'm gonna win, trust in me / I have come to save this world / and in 
the end I'll get the grrrl!" --Machinae Supremacy, Hero (Promo Track)

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Re: I need instructions in best way to use django under IIS shared hosting (Python is installed)

2006-05-25 Thread Brett Parker

On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 07:18:06PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I know...
> I have the option to get Linux as a fallback.

Shouldn't ever be a fallback, it should be the primary choice - unless
you're fond of having your webserver compromised... (speaking from
experience of setting up IIS and within 3 minutes of it being on the net
with the latest updates it being backdoored and viruses roaming free...)

> The reason? I have everything now under this package, the databases,
> the sites, the expertise. I have almost zero experience in run linux
> and configure this...

All eggs, one basket? Sounds like a good way to run a business there.

> Anyway, despite the fact if I go to Linux or not, I think that persue
> the option of easy to run under IIS can help python/django in the
> exposure side of the things...

Not at the expense of doing more useful things, like finishing off for
the 1.0 release!

> Take in account that if something is under IIS is because run also
> ASP/ASP.NET and have some investiment here...

Or because the space is going cheap because no one else wants to touch
it with a barge pole...

> Add another web server is hard to sell...

Really? I've not noticed that, but the I'm a single user and have 3 web
servers in different places.


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Re: Authentication by email+pass

2006-05-25 Thread spacedman

This is to avoid duplicate usernames? My idea is to call them all
userXXX where XXX is the id value (the primary key in the User table).

Another thought that came to me yesterday was whether there are any
issues if a user wants to change his or her email address. I don't
think it causes any problems - foreign keys into the User table are
using the primary key id so thats not a problem.


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Re: Authentication by email+pass

2006-05-25 Thread Rudolph


One of my customers also wants this. One thing I thought of is making
the e-mailadress case insensitive; only storing lowercase e-mailaddress
and lowercase the user input address when loggin in. Another thing when
not really using the username field is to fill it with an as long as
possible random value (substring of SHA of e-mailadress for example).


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