Re: Django Developer Needed

2007-06-22 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves

On 22-Jun-07, at 5:41 AM, Noah Gift wrote:

> > unique interactive web applications, etc. current plans include a
> > python-based CMS such as django on Linux.
> you could also inform them that django is not a CMS - if they are
> expecting one, they may be in for a disappointment.
> I think your being a bit misleading.  Of course you can use django  
> for a CMS.  It certainly doesn't hurt that CMS was the problem  
> domain being addressed while Django was being written either.  Just  
> take a look at 99% of the jobs on django-users.  "Hi, I work for a  
> newspaper.".  So yes it can be a CMS if you write the code for  
> it, and it is probably one of the problems django does best.   
> Saying django is not a CMS is kind of like Elvis saying he wasn't  
> influenced by the Blues... :)

Let us be clear - django is a web framework meant for developers -  
not a cms meant for end users. Yes, you can build a cms with django -  
and you can build a whole lot of other things. For that matter, you  
can built a cms with python-cgi also - but that doesnt make python- 
cgi a cms. I dont know enough about elvis to comment on your last  
statement ;-)



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flatpages and i18n???

2007-06-22 Thread Eric St-Jean

Is there a way to specify different flatpages for the same url, but for
a different language???
So it would default to the one page if there's only one defined, but if 
language is fr-fr and there's a page of the same url defined for tha 
language, it would return that version instead.

I'll haphazardly guess that no, there isn't. I'm definitely willing to 
give that a go, however: a simple change to the model to allow for a 
language column, and to the middleware, to put in the logic to pick 
which version to use, should work, but surely someone here would have an 
opinion on how best to approach this. Please share if that's the case.

Thank you!


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using recaptcha with django's contrib comments module

2007-06-22 Thread Eric St-Jean


Short form of my question: i have a custom view which does some work and 
then calls django.contrib.comments.views.comments.post_free_comment; 
i've customized the templates/comments/free_preview.html, and i would 
like my custom view to somehow pass an additional variable to that 
template, without having to do the whole form validation and 
re-instantiation that post_free_comment does. How?

Very long form, skip if you understand the short form:
I integrated recaptcha[1] into the django.contrib.comments comment form 
of a little blog app that i wrote with django (based on the django 
website blog app, actually, but with tagging).

So i wanted to keep using most of the code from django.contrib.comments 
(view, validation, actual posting, ...) while also using recaptcha.

The hack i came up with to do so with minimal work, was to copy and 
customize templates/comments/free_preview.html, incorporating the 
recaptcha code into it.

The django.contrib.comments.views.comments.post_free_comment view does 
everything i need (except for the captcha) for both previewing and 
posting. It's in the preview that i show the captcha, using the 
aforementionned template (no unnecessary requests to the recaptcha 
servers that way). But then, if it's the actual comment post (not the 
for-previewing post), i need to actually check that the user solved it. 
No problem: i redirected the /comments/postfree/ view to a custom view. 
If it's the previewing step, or if it's the posting step and the user 
solved the captcha it just goes
return post_free_comment(request)
which does the rest of the validation, and posts the comment.

My small problem is that at that point, i need to pass a simple variable 
to free_preview.html, which is the error code that recaptcha sent us 
(such as "the user can't read warped text"), so that the captcha on the 
refreshed screen will have error text[2] the problem is that to 
instantiate that template with its form, FreeComment's post_free_comment 
view uses a ton of code, and i had to duplicate a lot of it into my own 

 options, target, security_hash = 
request.POST['options'], request.POST['target'], request.POST['gonzo'] 
   except KeyError:
 raise Http404, _("One or more of the required fields 
wasn't submitted")
 content_type_id, object_id = target.split(':') # target is 
something like '52:5157'
 option_list = options.split(',')
 new_data = request.POST.copy()
 new_data['content_type_id'] = content_type_id
 new_data['object_id'] = object_id
 new_data['ip_address'] = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']
 new_data['is_public'] = IS_PUBLIC in option_list
 manipulator = PublicFreeCommentManipulator()
 return render_to_response('comments/free_preview.html', {
 'comment': "",
 'comment_form': oldforms.FormWrapper(manipulator, 
new_data, None),
 'options': options,
 'target': target,
 'hash': security_hash,
 'recaptcha_error': recatpcha_resp_text[1],
 }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

(see for nicely formatted view)

all of that only to pass an extra var ('recaptcha_error') to the 
template... the rest of that code is verbatim from the default view.

after all this rambling, my question is quite simple: after having 
validated the captcha, if there was an error with it, i'd prefer to just 
  call django.contrib.comments.views.comments.post_free_comment so that 
*it* bothers itself with refreshing the preview form, rendering my 
customized template, and so that i don't duplicate the above code. But 
how can i pass some value to the template when i'm not the one 
instantiating it? Should i add the error text to the session and have 
the template somehow retrieve that? Can a custom templatetag have access 
to session data?

It all works; i just want it Pretty, and i'm sure there's a stupid 
solution that i'm too newb to see.

thank you for your kind attention...


[2] See Basically, a little js 
function goes to the recaptcha server, which returns a form that gets 
inserted into the page (so that happens on the client side). If there 
was an error in the previous recaptcha validation, the validation server 
will have returned an error code. You add this error code to the url 
that the client will use to fetch the captcha again, which will then 
contain a nice little message telling the user what he did wrong.


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Re: admin: suggestions for how to warn users that an object is being viewed for editing

2007-06-22 Thread James Bennett

On 6/22/07, ToddG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rails has an implementation you could look at for an example, likely
> simpler to read than something like Hibernate... not sure how/if
> anything could be hooked/monkey'd into the django-admin though.

This is best handled by your database (assuming you're using a real
database); set the appropriate transaction isolation level, and your
DB will helpfully toss back an exception if you try to edit something
that's changed since you retrieved it.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Re: Ticket #3297 & Newforms Image Uploading

2007-06-22 Thread Nimrod A. Abing

On 6/23/07, Bryan Veloso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can't paste the code from the actual app (am under NDA) but the logic
> > in saving the image from form data is here:
> >
> >
> The only problem with this, and probably why I'm looking to use #3297
> (which actually didn't work too well anyway), is because I have as
> many as 15 file upload fields on one page. All the examples I've seen
> only take care of one image on a certain form at a time and I don't
> want to duplicate the code up to 15 times.

BTW, Had a typo in the dpaste code. Line 19 should say:

img_obj.save_image_file(uploaded['filename'], uploaded['content'])

You don't have to duplicate code, well not duplicate too much. That's
why the image validation method in the form is separate from the
*_clean methods. In my app, I had to allow up to four simultaneous
uploads. You have to set a limit to the number of uploads because if
you don't you will be bound to hit the limits of your server anyway.

Create a form with the number of image fields numbered in sequence. For example:


Then when you do your processing in your view, simply wrap the code
that saves the images in a loop:

for n in range(0, MAX_NUM_UPLOADS):
img_manip = ImageAttachment.AddManipulator()
img_obj =
uploaded = clean_data['img_fld%d' % n]
obj.save_image_file(uploaded['filename'], uploaded['content'])

For validation, I haven't tried it yet, but I think you should be able
to implement it using __getattr__ to handle it. That way you don't
have to duplicate validation code.

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Re: admin: suggestions for how to warn users that an object is being viewed for editing

2007-06-22 Thread ToddG

One approach: optimistic locking.

Rails has an implementation you could look at for an example, likely
simpler to read than something like Hibernate... not sure how/if
anything could be hooked/monkey'd into the django-admin though.

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Re: mod_python/apache config

2007-06-22 Thread Graham Dumpleton

> Hi,
> I'm trying to configure mod_python on apache on a home Ubuntu machine
> -- hoping to direct to a django project, let's call it
> foo.
> in my /etc/apache2/httpd.conf, I'm told by this django 
> page:
> to add this:
> SetHandler python-program
> PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings
> PythonDebug On
> So for my root site, would I want to do this?
> SetHandler python-program
> PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE foo.settings
> PythonDebug On

If you are going to have them both within the one VirtualHost, you
must use PythonInterpreter directive to force each Django instance to
run in a different Python sub interpreter. You also need to make sure
in your file that you have set SESSION_COOKIE_NAME to
different values for each Django site else there sessions will
interfere with each other.


> I want to store images and such in /var/www/images. Templates that
> refer to images and css can just refer to them in that fashion. So an
>  in a template would load the right
> image -- though the template does not live in /var/www. Right?
> Also, what is the easiest way to restart Apache so that changes to
> the /var/www/httpd.conf stick?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Ivan Kirigin

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Re: UnicodeDecodeError with SelectDateWidget

2007-06-22 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 15:06 -0700, Boo wrote:
> Hi All.
> My form:
> class EditProfileForm(forms.Form):
> birthday =
> forms.DateField(widget=SelectDateWidget(years=range(1968, 1988)),
> label=_('Birthday'))
> If USE_I18N = True in settings, I receive an error:
> Request Method: GET
> Exception Type: UnicodeDecodeError
> Exception Value: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 0:
> ordinal not in range(128)
> Exception Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/
> newforms/ in render, line 173

At the moment, the solution is probably to use the Unicode branch. There
are a number of problems with Unicode and ASCII interchange in trunk and
that is why we have the Unicode branch in development.


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Re: Custom Form Validation

2007-06-22 Thread Nathaniel Whiteinge

Sorry, accidentally hit the submit button.

Here's your example finished (don't forget self in the def!):

def clean_lines(self):
if not format_is_correct( lines ):
raise forms.ValidationError('Bug..')
return self.cleaned_data.get(lines)

Good luck!
- whiteinge

On Jun 22, 4:54 pm, Mario Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I've got a model like:
> class RecepcionForm(forms.Form):
> drivers =
> forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Driver.objects.all().order_by('-
> name'))
> lines = forms.CharField()
>def clean_lines():
>   if not format_is_correct( lines ):
>  raise forms.ValidationError('Bug..')
>  "lines" is a string with a special format, ex: "23, 24,1,0"  and I
> want to validate it with clean(), I've been reading the documentation
> and writing some lines but I think my English is not good enough.
> Can you help me? Regards!

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Re: Custom Form Validation

2007-06-22 Thread Nathaniel Whiteinge

You're nearly there, you just need to return your cleaned value.
Here's one of mine:

if self.cleaned_data.get(field_name) > assets.get_usable_assets():
raise ValidationError(u'You only have %s points available for
% assets.get_usable_assets())

return self.cleaned_data.get(field_name)

On Jun 22, 4:54 pm, Mario Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, I've got a model like:
> class RecepcionForm(forms.Form):
> drivers =
> forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Driver.objects.all().order_by('-
> name'))
> lines = forms.CharField()
>def clean_lines():
>   if not format_is_correct( lines ):
>  raise forms.ValidationError('Bug..')
>  "lines" is a string with a special format, ex: "23, 24,1,0"  and I
> want to validate it with clean(), I've been reading the documentation
> and writing some lines but I think my English is not good enough.
> Can you help me? Regards!

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Re: Install a django site

2007-06-22 Thread Kelvin Nicholson

> I am new to Django. I have a django project that I would like to run.
> How should I do? I have installed django, i don't know how to run the
> project.

Are you wanting to learn how to write a program?  If so, maybe go
through the tutorial first:

Or are you trying to install a project that has already been written?


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Re: mod_python/apache config

2007-06-22 Thread Kelvin Nicholson

Howdy Ivan:

I'll try to take a stab at a few of your questions.


> So for my root site, would I want to do this?
> SetHandler python-program
> PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE foo.settings
> PythonDebug On

If you wanted your entire site to be a Django project, this is what you
would do.  You may need to add the PythonPath in there if the initial
configuration doesn't work:

PythonPath "['/var/www/project'] + sys.path"

> I want to store images and such in /var/www/images. Templates that
> refer to images and css can just refer to them in that fashion. So an
>  in a template would load the right
> image -- though the template does not live in /var/www. Right?

You have a couple of options.  The docs suggest you setup static files
under a separate, non-mod_python server.  If you *really* want to serve
the files under this apache process, you need to tell mod_python to
ignore them.

SetHandler None

To use /var/www/images, you may need to setup an alias...

Alias /images /var/www/images

Alternatively, you could setup virtualhosts, if your home network would work 
with them.

> Also, what is the easiest way to restart Apache so that changes to
> the /var/www/httpd.conf stick?

The httpd.conf is located in /var/www?  That seems to be a very
unorthodox place.  Anyways, to make sure the changes stick you typically
need to do at least a:

/etc/init.d/apache reload

To get any changes in to stick, you'll need to restart

/etc/init.d/apache restart


apache2ctl -k restart

Sometimes under some circumstances you will actually need to stop and
start apache.

> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I hope the above is somewhat helpful.  Don't hesitate asking for
clarification, and I'm sure somebody else will chime in with their .02



Kelvin Nicholson
Voice: +886 9 52152 336
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GPG Keyid: 289090AC
Skype: yj_kelvin

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Install a django site

2007-06-22 Thread arf_cri

I am new to Django. I have a django project that I would like to run.
How should I do? I have installed django, i don't know how to run the


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Re: object serialization problem

2007-06-22 Thread dailer

Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 20:23 -0700, dailer wrote:
> > seems like a very simple example based on
> >
> >
> > def exportCountryCodeFixture():
> > from django.core import serializers
> > from mysite.models import CountryCode
> >
> > out = open("CountryCode.xml", "w")
> > serializers.serialize("xml", CountryCode.objects.all(), stream=out
> >
> > causes this error:
> [...]
> > AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'getvalue'
> Yes. This was a bug in the 0.96 release. It's been fixed subsequently.
> You could grab the contents of django/core/serializers from a recent
> subversion checkout and drop that into your current 0.96 code if you
> didn't want to move entirely up to tracking subversion's trunk. The
> fixes are very self-contained.
> Regards,
> Malcolm

thx. Wow. I'm suprised since I'm just learning both python & django I
tend to think "Ok, what dumb thing am I doing now?"

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mod_python/apache config

2007-06-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm trying to configure mod_python on apache on a home Ubuntu machine
-- hoping to direct to a django project, let's call it

in my /etc/apache2/httpd.conf, I'm told by this django page:

to add this:

SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE mysite.settings
PythonDebug On

So for my root site, would I want to do this?

SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
PythonDebug On

I want to store images and such in /var/www/images. Templates that
refer to images and css can just refer to them in that fashion. So an
 in a template would load the right
image -- though the template does not live in /var/www. Right?

Also, what is the easiest way to restart Apache so that changes to
the /var/www/httpd.conf stick?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ivan Kirigin

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Re: Scalability where file uploads are involved

2007-06-22 Thread Graham Dumpleton

> I've done some preliminary work integrating Tramline with django
> applications.  It wasn't difficult to set up and the performance was
> impressive.  We are looking at this solution now for all of our media
> handling in Django going forward.

If using Tramline, just take note of:

The author of Tramline recommends a patch be made to mod_python but in
the bigger scheme of things haven't been able to work out definitively
why it should be necessary and whether it is just a workaround for
problems in certain versions of underlying Apache code. We have
identified another issue in mod_python filter code which was fixed,
but author seemed to fix this itself didn't resolve problem.

Anyway, this is not to deter you from trying Tramline as I think the
concept is quite interesting and could help to improve performance.
Personally I would have written a dedicated C based Apache module to
do it, but then things like this are much easier to do in mod_python
that using Apache C module API. :-)


> On Jun 7, 12:38 pm, "Nimrod A. Abing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am currently doing research on scaling one of the sites I made using
> > Django. I have looked at Chapter 21 of the in-progress Django Book. I
> > plan to follow the track recommending 3 django servers behind perlbal
> > + 1 dedicated media server + 1 dedicated database server.
> > The current setup for the site I am working on uses a single machine
> > for the whole site. I have Apache +mod_pythonon one IP address
> > serving Django requests. For media, I have lighttpd running on another
> > IP address on the same machine. Postgresql is also running on the same
> > machine.
> > This site allows users to upload pictures. Those uploaded pictures are
> > then served by lighttpd. While this works quite well in our single
> > machine setup I am dumbfounded as to how to handle file/image uploads
> > when we finally move to a load-balanced setup with a dedicated media
> > server.
> > The only thing I can think of right now is to share a directory on the
> > dedicated media server and have each server in the Django cluster
> > mount that share either through NFS or Samba. But I don't think it's a
> > good idea to do it this way.
> > Does anyone know how else this can be done?
> > Thanks in advance.
> > --
> > _nimrod_a_abing_
> >

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Re: Ticket #3297 & Newforms Image Uploading

2007-06-22 Thread Bryan Veloso

> Can't paste the code from the actual app (am under NDA) but the logic
> in saving the image from form data is here:

The only problem with this, and probably why I'm looking to use #3297
(which actually didn't work too well anyway), is because I have as
many as 15 file upload fields on one page. All the examples I've seen
only take care of one image on a certain form at a time and I don't
want to duplicate the code up to 15 times.

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Re: virtualhosts, mod_python, and Django's cache

2007-06-22 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Jun 22, 10:45 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I will try it out.  If you say it is stable, it most likely is.  Do
> you have a tutorial for getting it configured?  If not, I can make one
> as I go along.  Thanks for all your help.

Instructions linked off (maps to Google code

Extra Django stuff in:

Daemon process (fastcgi like) feature not really covered much in
documentation yet but given how you are having issues with two
applications intermingling data, may be better to be using daemon
process feature so that they are forced into separate processes. Thus
no risk of there being some back door method of data leaking between
sub interpreters.

The daemon process feature is controlled through additional
WSGIDaemonProcess/WSGIProcessGroup directives. Details for these in:

Hop on other to the mod_wgsi Google group if you start playing and
need some help which appears to be mod_wsgi specific.


> On Jun 22, 5:43 am, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Jun 22, 2:40 pm, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On 6/21/07, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > To be honest I haven't ever done anything with Django past the hello
> > > > world examples,
> > > Graham, thank you for frequently answering questions that fall in the
> > > gap between Django and mod_python, especially given your more recent
> > > work onmod_wsgi.
> > No problem. Invariably people using Django or even other packages such
> > as TurboGears or Pylons never actually come over to the mod_python
> > list when they have problems, so me coming here is the only way I can
> > find out and understand what issues people are having which may relate
> > to mod_python. My ulterior motive of course is to make sure I know
> > what the problems are with mod_python so I can do it right in
> >mod_wsgi. Also, hopefully answering questions will give me some
> > credibility when it comes to trying to convince people thatmod_wsgi
> > is a good idea and that the code that is already available and ready
> > to release is stable like I claim it is. :-)
> > Graham

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Custom Form Validation

2007-06-22 Thread Mario Gonzalez

Hello, I've got a model like:

class RecepcionForm(forms.Form):
drivers =
lines = forms.CharField()

   def clean_lines():
  if not format_is_correct( lines ):
 raise forms.ValidationError('Bug..')

 "lines" is a string with a special format, ex: "23, 24,1,0"  and I
want to validate it with clean(), I've been reading the documentation
and writing some lines but I think my English is not good enough.

Can you help me? Regards!

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Re: admin: suggestions for how to warn users that an object is being viewed for editing

2007-06-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Tim-

I like your second suggestion:
> Another alternative might be to make your own admin-ish interface
> and, by tracking a "last updated on " and "last
> updated by "" field, for which when Joe requested this
> custom admin page, it would stash those values as hidden fields.
>  If, when the POST came around, the current values don't match
> the ones that have been riding along with the admin form, then
> the user should have to confirm that they *really* *have*
> coordinated with the other user on the matter before the new
> admin would allow them to save the record.

Any idea how to hook this into the generic admin pages?  I'd like to
use as much of the out-of-box machinery as possible.
I thought about using specific URL confs, but the default admin
doesn't seem to indicate 'state' ('new', 'update', etc) via the URL...
so I can't use that as a hook.



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Re: MySQLdb trouble

2007-06-22 Thread rtconner

And dangit how odd. MySQLdb works fine when I run > shell.

On Jun 22, 1:16 pm, rtconner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I try to use MySQL .. I get this error..
> ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named
> pkg_resources
>   args = ('Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named
> pkg_resources',)
> Django works fine, as long as I don't connect to the database. I used
> the latest SVN version of DJango as of a few days ago. Any ideas why
> I'm getting this error? My egg is included in the PYTHONPATH, its
> called MySQL_python-1.2.2-py2.4-linux-i686.egg. If you look at the
> error, I think it finds MySQLdb just fine.. it just can't find the
> pkg_resources module within it. Is that supposed to be part of MySQLdb?

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Re: admin: suggestions for how to warn users that an object is being viewed for editing

2007-06-22 Thread Tim Chase

> In playing with the admin, I've found I can log in as two users via
> two different browsers and edit the same object- no warning is given
> that the object is being edited elsewhere, and of course the last to
> save-'wins.'

Given the stateless nature of RESTful web applications, the only
gospel is the actual sequencing of the POST requests.  As you
describe, "last to save wins".


Joe pulls up the admin page for an object and then goes on
vacation.  Is Jane locked out of editing the page until he
explicitly releases the page via a commit or a cancel?  Or what
happens if Joe's browser/OS crashes after fetching the page?  He
may never be able to cancel/commit the changes.

In theory, you could have a "last requested for editing on
", perhaps along with a "last requested for editing by
" field on your model that you hook into before handing it
off to the admin (perhaps via a wrapper around your URL
dispatcher in your

However, that would only serve as guidance for the 2nd requester,
in the hopes that they noticed that "oh, Joe requested this for
editing just 5 minutes ago...perhaps I ought to coordinate with him".

Another alternative might be to make your own admin-ish interface
and, by tracking a "last updated on " and "last
updated by "" field, for which when Joe requested this
custom admin page, it would stash those values as hidden fields.
 If, when the POST came around, the current values don't match
the ones that have been riding along with the admin form, then
the user should have to confirm that they *really* *have*
coordinated with the other user on the matter before the new
admin would allow them to save the record.

I prefer the second method if it's a needed feature and have used
it in some apps from my pre-Django life.  I don't like to trust
users to recognize when something might be stale.

However, having Django do the work for you...I don't think
there's anything of the sort currently.


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UnicodeDecodeError with SelectDateWidget

2007-06-22 Thread Boo

Hi All.
My form:

class EditProfileForm(forms.Form):
birthday =
forms.DateField(widget=SelectDateWidget(years=range(1968, 1988)),

If USE_I18N = True in settings, I receive an error:

Request Method: GET
Exception Type: UnicodeDecodeError
Exception Value: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 0:
ordinal not in range(128)
Exception Location: /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/
newforms/ in render, line 173

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admin: suggestions for how to warn users that an object is being viewed for editing

2007-06-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In playing with the admin, I've found I can log in as two users via
two different browsers and edit the same object- no warning is given
that the object is being edited elsewhere, and of course the last to

For what we need, I think I can include all the interesting fields in
the list view, and can make the assumption that if a user looks at the
detail/full view, there's a very high probability they're editing the

Rather than add a 'being_edited' field to every model, I think it'd
make more sense to have a new admin model- admin_objects_being_edited.
Then, I think the following pseudo-code would meet our needs:
request->obj details view
check to see if this object is listed in admin_objects_being_edited
object is being edited?
warn user (display user doing editing), allow to proceed or
Proceed (or not being edited):
add this object primary key to admin_objects_being_edited
display normal details view/editing form

And on exiting the details/editing page:
remove this objects primary key from admin_objects_being_edited
update object as normal

Can this be done?  I get the impression it's doable, possibly using
app/model specific admin pages and/or signals.

Any suggestions appreciated!



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admin object change history: how to include changed values, selectively (by model)

2007-06-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there-
the django admin ap looks like it's going to work out very nicely for
an internal application I'm working on.
The history pages (for object changes) are almost perfect, but for
some objects we need to know what the values of the fields were, not
just the names of the fields changed.
I also need this to be selective, based on the model name (some models
are human edited, eg an integer here, a small string there- some are
machine updated- big text blobs etc.)
I understand how to make app/model specific admin pages, but I can't
fully comprehend how the history items are being created, and can't
see a way to extend things the way I need.
Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


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Newbie: Problem with checkboxes

2007-06-22 Thread Nathaniel Martin
I'm working on learning Django, and I'm having trouble getting a basic
"todo" app working.

I'm listing all my todo items in my template, with a checkbox next to each
one for "done".

I have an update button that goes to a view that updates all the item's done

But, it's not working. It doesn't store my updates. I can edit it through
the admin without problems, but I  can't get it to work with my code.

Here's my view:

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect

from django_test.todo.models import TodoItem

def list(request):
  todos = []

  for item in TodoItem.objects.all():
todo_dict = {}
todo_dict['todo_title'] = item.Title
todo_dict['todo_description'] = item.Description
todo_dict['done'] = item.Done

  return render_to_response(' todo.html', {'todos': todos})

def new(request):
  todo = TodoItem(Title=request.POST['Title'],
  return HttpResponseRedirect('/list/')

def update(request):
  checked = request.POST.getlist('doneArray')
  for item in TodoItem.objects.all ():
  return HttpResponseRedirect('/list/')

and here's my template code: ">";>
   To-do List
   To-do List

{% for item in todos %}
   {{ item.todo_title }}
   {{ item.todo_description }}
{% endfor %}

Add new todo:



What am I doing wrong? And is there a better way for me to check which
item's done status has changed, besides iterating through my whole list of

Thanks for any help you can give to a django newbie!

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MySQLdb trouble

2007-06-22 Thread rtconner

When I try to use MySQL .. I get this error..

ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named
  args = ('Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named

Django works fine, as long as I don't connect to the database. I used
the latest SVN version of DJango as of a few days ago. Any ideas why
I'm getting this error? My egg is included in the PYTHONPATH, its
called MySQL_python-1.2.2-py2.4-linux-i686.egg. If you look at the
error, I think it finds MySQLdb just fine.. it just can't find the
pkg_resources module within it. Is that supposed to be part of MySQLdb?

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Re: Newbie Question - How do I get my burger and fries from BK and not Mickey D's?

2007-06-22 Thread Wiley


Thanks for your comment!  I simplified my use case for the sake of
clarity, but in my actual application it does make sense to have
Dishes and Restaurants to be many-to-many.  Does anyone have any
insight as to my original question?  Can the choices of dish be
narrowed to only dishes at a particular Restaurant somehow using the
Admin class or other magic?


On Jun 23, 1:13 am, "Dirk van Oosterbosch, IR labs"
> Hi Wiley,
> I would say your data model -as you describe it- makes more sense if
> Dishes has a foreign key to Restaurants. Because it seems a typical
> dish (say mc_burger) can only be ordered in one restaurant (mcD).
> Then you don't need the foreign key Restaurants in IndividualMeals.
> ... However, this is debatable. It might not be the best data model
> if you want to scale things up later on (like add more dishes). See,
> you have double dishes (mc_fries AND bk_fries). That is redundant (if
> the dishes are equal). So maybe Restaurants should have a many2many
> relation with Dishes. Then you can specify which dishes can be
> ordered from which Restaurants.
> On the other hand, when you want to extend the information about the
> dishes, (a dish might have a price or a volume), you'll run into
> problems there. ...
> dirk
> On 22-jun-2007, at 13:24, Wiley wrote:
> > I'm a true novice programmer, brand new to django, but lovin' it so
> > far.  I was wondering if there was any way to do something a little
> > tricky via the Admin classes that could help me not write a custom
> > view.
> > Basically I'd love to do all my data entry from the Admin interface,
> > but I need to filter a set of choices on one Admin input interface
> > based on a choice I make further up the form.
> > I live in a world with:
> > 2 restaurants (McDonalds and Burger King)
> > 4 menu items, the same type of food at each restaurant (mc_burger,
> > mc_fries,  bk_burger, bk_fries)
> > Each time I eat at one of those restaurants I want to make a record of
> > the meal in my database.  So I do the data entry through the django
> > Admin backend.  If I select "Burger King" as the restaurant that I eat
> > my meal at, when it comes time to select the dishes I ate, I really
> > only want to see bk_fries and bk_burger, cuz I ate at BK and not
> > mickey D's.
> > Can this be done just using the Admin class in
> > Here's the sample code that I'm working with in
> > class Restaurant(models.Model):
> >def __str__(self):
> >return
> >name = models.CharField('Restaurant Name', maxlength=200, blank=True)
> >class Admin:
> >fields = (
> >('Restaurant Name' , {'fields': ('name',)}),
> >)
> >pass
> > class Dishes(models.Model)
> >def __str__(self):
> >return
> >name = models.CharField('Restaurant Name', maxlength=200, blank=True)
> >class Admin:
> >fields = (
> >('Dish Name' , {'fields': ('name',)}),
> >)
> >pass
> > class IndividualMeal(models.Model):
> >def __str__(self):
> >return
> >restaurant_name = models.ForeignKey(Restaurant,
> > verbose_name="restaurant")
> >date_of_visit = models.DateTimeField('date of visit')
> >dishes = models.ManyToManyField(Dish, verbose_name="individual
> > dishes")
> >class Admin:
> >fields = (
> >('Restaurant Name' , {'fields': ('restaurant_name',)}),
> >('Date of Visit', {'fields': ('date_of_visit',)}),
> >('Dishes', {'fields': ('dishes',)}),
> >)
> >pass
> -
> Dirk van Oosterbosch
> de Wittenstraat 225
> 1052 AT Amsterdam
> the Netherlands
> -

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RE: 'retrieve': the missing permission?

2007-06-22 Thread Chris Brand

> > I just wonder why this permission is not part of the default
> > permissions (like add, change and delete)?
> >
> > David
> >
> No more thoughts about that? I'm really surprised that it only happens
> to me, maybe I will be luckier on the users' mailing-list?

Chapter 18 of the Django book (
says this :
" For instance, although the admin is quite useful for reviewing data (see
above), it's not designed with that purpose as a goal: note the lack of a
"can view" permission (see Chapter 12). Django assumes that if people are
allowed to view content in the admin, they're also allowed to edit it."


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Re: Newbie Question - How do I get my burger and fries from BK and not Mickey D's?

2007-06-22 Thread Dirk van Oosterbosch, IR labs
Hi Wiley,

I would say your data model -as you describe it- makes more sense if  
Dishes has a foreign key to Restaurants. Because it seems a typical  
dish (say mc_burger) can only be ordered in one restaurant (mcD).  
Then you don't need the foreign key Restaurants in IndividualMeals.

... However, this is debatable. It might not be the best data model  
if you want to scale things up later on (like add more dishes). See,  
you have double dishes (mc_fries AND bk_fries). That is redundant (if  
the dishes are equal). So maybe Restaurants should have a many2many  
relation with Dishes. Then you can specify which dishes can be  
ordered from which Restaurants.
On the other hand, when you want to extend the information about the  
dishes, (a dish might have a price or a volume), you'll run into  
problems there. ...


On 22-jun-2007, at 13:24, Wiley wrote:

> I'm a true novice programmer, brand new to django, but lovin' it so
> far.  I was wondering if there was any way to do something a little
> tricky via the Admin classes that could help me not write a custom
> view.
> Basically I'd love to do all my data entry from the Admin interface,
> but I need to filter a set of choices on one Admin input interface
> based on a choice I make further up the form.
> I live in a world with:
> 2 restaurants (McDonalds and Burger King)
> 4 menu items, the same type of food at each restaurant (mc_burger,
> mc_fries,  bk_burger, bk_fries)
> Each time I eat at one of those restaurants I want to make a record of
> the meal in my database.  So I do the data entry through the django
> Admin backend.  If I select "Burger King" as the restaurant that I eat
> my meal at, when it comes time to select the dishes I ate, I really
> only want to see bk_fries and bk_burger, cuz I ate at BK and not
> mickey D's.
> Can this be done just using the Admin class in
> Here's the sample code that I'm working with in
> class Restaurant(models.Model):
>   def __str__(self):
>   return
>   name = models.CharField('Restaurant Name', maxlength=200, blank=True)
>   class Admin:
>   fields = (
>   ('Restaurant Name' , {'fields': ('name',)}),
>   )
>   pass
> class Dishes(models.Model)
>   def __str__(self):
>   return
>   name = models.CharField('Restaurant Name', maxlength=200, blank=True)
>   class Admin:
>   fields = (
>   ('Dish Name' , {'fields': ('name',)}),
>   )
>   pass
> class IndividualMeal(models.Model):
>   def __str__(self):
>   return
>   restaurant_name = models.ForeignKey(Restaurant,
> verbose_name="restaurant")
>   date_of_visit = models.DateTimeField('date of visit')
>   dishes = models.ManyToManyField(Dish, verbose_name="individual
> dishes")
>   class Admin:
>   fields = (
>   ('Restaurant Name' , {'fields': ('restaurant_name',)}),
>   ('Date of Visit', {'fields': ('date_of_visit',)}),
>   ('Dishes', {'fields': ('dishes',)}),
>   )
>   pass
> >

Dirk van Oosterbosch
de Wittenstraat 225
1052 AT Amsterdam
the Netherlands

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Uploading multiple images via edit inline give errors when doing auto resizing ..

2007-06-22 Thread LightLan

Ich bin zur Zeit abwesend. Anliegen werden nicht bearbeitet.
Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.

mfg Light Lan

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Re: Uploading multiple images via edit inline give errors when doing auto resizing ..

2007-06-22 Thread Paul Rauch

> Ich bin zur Zeit abwesend. Anliegen werden nicht bearbeitet.
> Ausnahmen best�tigen die Regel.
> mfg Light Lan
> > 
I'm sorry about the spamming,
autoresponse now should not be sent to this addresse anymore, should...

greetz Paul Rauch

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Uploading multiple images via edit inline give errors when doing auto resizing ..

2007-06-22 Thread LightLan

Ich bin zur Zeit abwesend. Anliegen werden nicht bearbeitet.
Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.

mfg Light Lan

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ANN: PyLucid v0.8.0alpha2...

2007-06-22 Thread Jens Diemer

A new PyLucid CMS snapshot released. -

+ Inline Editing with template tag list and tinyTextile help page.
+ reimplemented: create a cms page, delete pages and "Select a page to edit it".
+ better _install section login.
+ CMS page view cache.
+ better update routines.
+ and more...

The PyLucid v0.8.0alpha2 Package is preinstalled. A local django enviroment, a 
preinstalled SQLite database file and a presetuped is included.

You should only run "" or "standalone_w32.cmd" to start a 
local development server and test PyLucid.

Normal CMS page request:
Django admin panel:
Install section link (password is "12345678"):

preinstalled user:


btw. the test page used the new alpha Version.
(It runs via CGI on apache with SQLite)


Jens Diemer

A django powered CMS:

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Uploading multiple images via edit inline give errors when doing auto resizing ..

2007-06-22 Thread LightLan

Ich bin zur Zeit abwesend. Anliegen werden nicht bearbeitet.
Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.

mfg Light Lan

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Uploading multiple images via edit inline give errors when doing auto resizing ..

2007-06-22 Thread LightLan

Ich bin zur Zeit abwesend. Anliegen werden nicht bearbeitet.
Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.

mfg Light Lan

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Uploading multiple images via edit inline give errors when doing auto resizing ..

2007-06-22 Thread LightLan

Ich bin zur Zeit abwesend. Anliegen werden nicht bearbeitet.
Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.

mfg Light Lan

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Re: Re: Re: Uploading multiple images via edit inline give errors when doing auto resizing ..

2007-06-22 Thread LightLan

Ich bin zur Zeit abwesend. Anliegen werden nicht bearbeitet.
Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.

mfg Light Lan

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Re: Re: Uploading multiple images via edit inline give errors when doing auto resizing ..

2007-06-22 Thread LightLan

Ich bin zur Zeit abwesend. Anliegen werden nicht bearbeitet.
Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.

mfg Light Lan

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Re: Uploading multiple images via edit inline give errors when doing auto resizing ..

2007-06-22 Thread LightLan

Ich bin zur Zeit abwesend. Anliegen werden nicht bearbeitet.
Ausnahmen bestätigen die Regel.

mfg Light Lan

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Uploading multiple images via edit inline give errors when doing auto resizing ..

2007-06-22 Thread oliver


I have the following model, which is just for images and is edited
inline in a different model.

Before I added the def save(self) for the image thumbnail creating, I
could upload multiple images in the  Admin "Property" model in one go.
But now i want to resize each image, and this works if I upload the
image via the PropertyImage model, but if i do it via the Related
module "Property" I get an error.

What am i doing wrong? or why would this not work via edit inline?



class PropertyImage(models.Model):
caption = models.CharField(maxlength=30, help_text="Displayed as the
cation and ALT tag.", core=True)
sortOrder = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True,
verbose_name="Sort Order", help_text="0 to high number, 0 is displayed
imageheight = models.IntegerField(editable=False, null=True)
imagewidth = models.IntegerField(editable=False, null=True)
imagefile =
be resized to max 800 x max 800 pixel.")
category = models.CharField(maxlength=3, choices=CATEGORY_CHOICES)
property = models.ForeignKey(Property, edit_inline=models.TABULAR,
num_in_admin=8, min_num_in_admin=8, max_num_in_admin=15,
def save(self):
#Image resize to 800 x 800 (max) also stores new size in table.
from PIL import Image
IMAGE_RESIZE = (800, 800)
image =
if image.mode not in ('L', 'RGB'):
image = image.convert('RGB')
image.thumbnail(IMAGE_RESIZE, Image.ANTIALIAS)
NEW_SIZE = image.size
self.imageheight = NEW_SIZE[1]
self.imagewidth = NEW_SIZE[0]
#finish image resize
super(PropertyImage, self).save()
def __str__(self):
return self.imagefile
class Admin:

IOError at /admin/Property_Management/property/3/
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
Request Method: POST
Request URL:
Exception Type: IOError
Exception Value:[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
Exception Location: C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\PIL\ in
open, line 1888
Python Executable:  c:\python25\python.exe
Python Version: 2.5.0

IMAGE_RESIZE(800, 800)

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Re: Introducing DjangoSites.Org

2007-06-22 Thread natebeaty

It would be great if there was some sort of "Thanks for the
submission! We will post your site after it is reviewed.." notice
after submitting each site. Right now it just dumps you back in the
homepage w/ no feedback as to whether the site submission was received
or not.

Otherwise, looks great so far! Thanks for putting this up..

And fwiw, my account confirmation email came immediately and the
account worked fine.


comix + blather =

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Database Field spanning multiple columns

2007-06-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


We use a lot of IP Adresses and Networks in FFSomething. Currently the
default IPAdressField which works more or less good. To make it easier
to work with IP Networks, i wan't to create a generic IP field type.
Now my problem:

To make this field working on every database, i thought about this:
actuall column are one 128 bit integer and a 8 byte prefix column. The
ip is saved as a 128 bit integer value + the perfix length in a second
column. Using plain integer has advantages:

- db sort works out of the box
- inrange etc is easy math offloaded to the database

I looked arround, but havn't found a example except the rather
complicated ForeignKey stuff how to implement fields spanning two
columns and overloading stuff.

any tips welcome :)

kindly regards

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Re: project directory - simple question

2007-06-22 Thread Sandro Dentella

On Fri, Jun 22, 2007 at 06:32:51PM +0300, KpoH wrote:
> put in your "mysite_classes" directory empty file named
> it will indicate that this is python module, and from now you can import
> it, or it's contents.

Thanks ut this is not what I was looking for. I know how to import a module
what I don't know is ho to *refer to that module*. (And I already have since it is built there by django-admin and is necessary to

In an application called myapp.settings can be referenced as:

   import myapp.settings

or (not exactly the same thing):

   from django.conf import settings

the latter is general and does not require you know in advance the name of
your application. What I need is a way to import from my project w/o knowing
the name of the project.


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Re: project directory - simple question

2007-06-22 Thread KpoH

put in your "mysite_classes" directory empty file named
it will indicate that this is python module, and from now you can import
it, or it's contents.

sandro dentella пишет:
> hi,
>   while writing application that are meant to be used in many
> different
>   projects *and* that allow projects to overwrite single methods/
> classes I
>   need to have a way to refer to the application project in a general
> way
>   (not by name, since I don't know in the application which will be
> the
>   name).
>   Is there a simple way to do this?
>   Suppose I  have a directory schema like this:
>   mysite/
>  templates/
>   I'd like to know how to say in a general way:
>   from mysite.mysite_classes import personalized_classes
>   now I'm doing this using __import__ and and storing the project dir
> in a
>   variable set inside, but I'd like to know if it exists a
> more
>   standard way since it seems to me a pretty common thing to do.
>   thanks
>   sandro
>   *:-)
> >

Artiom Diomin, Development Dep, "Comunicatii Libere" S.R.L.

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project directory - simple question

2007-06-22 Thread sandro dentella


  while writing application that are meant to be used in many
  projects *and* that allow projects to overwrite single methods/
classes I
  need to have a way to refer to the application project in a general
  (not by name, since I don't know in the application which will be

  Is there a simple way to do this?

  Suppose I  have a directory schema like this:


  I'd like to know how to say in a general way:

  from mysite.mysite_classes import personalized_classes

  now I'm doing this using __import__ and and storing the project dir
in a
  variable set inside, but I'd like to know if it exists a
  standard way since it seems to me a pretty common thing to do.


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Re: Apache auth

2007-06-22 Thread David Reynolds


On 22 Jun 2007, at 10:26 am, Sean Mc Allister wrote:

I haven't seen this error myself yet, but you could try to use the  

SmileyChris was so nice as to improve my initial patch, and possibly
this will sooner or later even make it into trunk.

Can I ask what mod_python/apache versions you are using?

I can fairly consistently get this error, however I have to replace:

SetHandler python-program


SetHandler none

or else I get a 404 from django.

Perhaps I am missing something?



David Reynolds

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Introducing DjangoSites.Org

2007-06-22 Thread Bryan L. Fordham

> still havent got the mail, but the login is working
I created a login for bfordham the other day, never got an email, 
account isn't working.


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UnicodeDecodeError when use date filter

2007-06-22 Thread Scater

Database and all project in UTF. Using unicode branch.

in template (after generic view):

{% for entry in latest %}
   Posted by {{ }} - {{ entry.pub_date|date:"j N Y,
H:i" }}
 {% endfor %}

Have exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\template\"
in render_node
  757. result = node.render(context)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\template
\" in render
  136. nodelist.append(node.render(context))
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\template\"
in render
  793. return self.filter_expression.resolve(context)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\template\"
in resolve
  606. obj = func(obj, *arg_vals)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\template
\" in date
  417. return format(value, arg)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\utils\" in
  258. df = DateFormat(value)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\utils\" in
  114. self.timezone = LocalTimezone(dt)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\utils\" in
  28. self._tzname = unicode(time.tzname[self._isdst(dt)])

  UnicodeDecodeError at /en/blog/
  'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in

In settings:
TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Kiev'

If i use template without date filter like this:
Posted by {{ }} - {{ entry.pub_date }}
i have no bug

thanks for any help

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Re: Development / Production Setup

2007-06-22 Thread SmileyChris

> I'm obviously missing something basic. I'm 99% sure I should be able
> to say something like:
>  media="screen" />

Assuming you have SVN...

Make sure you have this enabled in your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS
(it is by default):

Use RequestContext (generic views do automatically). It's made easy

In your template, you'll have the {{ MEDIA_URL }} context variable
ready for your enjoyment (which will equal settings.MEDIA_URL)

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Re: ANN: is out!

2007-06-22 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 6/22/07, Ramiro Morales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> /me raises hand
> I'm there right now. Alone. :)

Dice que estas en #django-es en freenode o un otra network?  Estoy en
#django-es ahora.

(Como se dice "network"?)

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Re: ANN: is out!

2007-06-22 Thread Ramiro Morales

On 6/21/07, Jeremy Dunck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't speak French, but this is very nice to see.
> Is there any interest in a #django-es for Spanish?  I speak a little
> of that and would like to improve.  I could help with Django and
> others could help me with Spanish.  ;-)

/me raises hand

I'm there right now. Alone. :)

Also take a look to


 Ramiro Morales

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Re: ANN: is out!

2007-06-22 Thread Jeremy Dunck

On 6/22/07, Christian Markwart Hoeppner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey! I was just thinking about this. Count me in. Anyone else in to get
> #django-es and up? Spanish people need spanish
> django ;)

I'm GMT-6, which I think will only be an issue while there are fewer
than 10 people on the channel.  :)

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Re: virtualhosts, mod_python, and Django's cache

2007-06-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I will try it out.  If you say it is stable, it most likely is.  Do
you have a tutorial for getting it configured?  If not, I can make one
as I go along.  Thanks for all your help.

On Jun 22, 5:43 am, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Jun 22, 2:40 pm, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 6/21/07, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > To be honest I haven't ever done anything with Django past the hello
> > > world examples,
> > Graham, thank you for frequently answering questions that fall in the
> > gap between Django and mod_python, especially given your more recent
> > work onmod_wsgi.
> No problem. Invariably people using Django or even other packages such
> as TurboGears or Pylons never actually come over to the mod_python
> list when they have problems, so me coming here is the only way I can
> find out and understand what issues people are having which may relate
> to mod_python. My ulterior motive of course is to make sure I know
> what the problems are with mod_python so I can do it right in
> mod_wsgi. Also, hopefully answering questions will give me some
> credibility when it comes to trying to convince people that mod_wsgi
> is a good idea and that the code that is already available and ready
> to release is stable like I claim it is. :-)
> Graham

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Re: Ticket #3297 & Newforms Image Uploading

2007-06-22 Thread Nimrod A. Abing

On 6/22/07, Dirk van Oosterbosch, IR labs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is what I did for the field validation
> the code to save the field data is in the view that uses this form.
> Nice! Would you maybe be willing to share your view code too?

Can't paste the code from the actual app (am under NDA) but the logic
in saving the image from form data is here:

Oh, and make sure you add the following enctype attribute to your form:



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Re: User data shared between two websites

2007-06-22 Thread Joe

James is correct.  Steps 3-5 above actually refer to automatic
login(user stored in session) and session sharing, not just sharing
users. However, I assumed you would want to do this as well.

On Jun 21, 4:14 pm, "James Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/21/07, Petey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there a way to use the same authentication tables between multiple
> > sites? I want users on one of my websites to be able to use the same
> > login on another without duplicating the tables. Is this possible. I
> > couldn't tell if the add-on sites module could server that purpose or
> > not.
> Instances of django.contrib.auth.User on multiple sites which share a
> single database are automatically shared among all of those sites; you
> don't need to do anything special or make any changes.
> The sites framework in django.contrib.sites is there to make it easier
> to specify that certain objects are tied to specific sites, for cases
> where you need to enforce such a restriction.
> --
> "Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Re: Scalability where file uploads are involved

2007-06-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've done some preliminary work integrating Tramline with django
applications.  It wasn't difficult to set up and the performance was
impressive.  We are looking at this solution now for all of our media
handling in Django going forward.

On Jun 7, 12:38 pm, "Nimrod A. Abing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently doing research on scaling one of the sites I made using
> Django. I have looked at Chapter 21 of the in-progress Django Book. I
> plan to follow the track recommending 3 django servers behind perlbal
> + 1 dedicated media server + 1 dedicated database server.
> The current setup for the site I am working on uses a single machine
> for the whole site. I have Apache + mod_python on one IP address
> serving Django requests. For media, I have lighttpd running on another
> IP address on the same machine. Postgresql is also running on the same
> machine.
> This site allows users to upload pictures. Those uploaded pictures are
> then served by lighttpd. While this works quite well in our single
> machine setup I am dumbfounded as to how to handle file/image uploads
> when we finally move to a load-balanced setup with a dedicated media
> server.
> The only thing I can think of right now is to share a directory on the
> dedicated media server and have each server in the Django cluster
> mount that share either through NFS or Samba. But I don't think it's a
> good idea to do it this way.
> Does anyone know how else this can be done?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> _nimrod_a_abing_

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Newbie Question - How do I get my burger and fries from BK and not Mickey D's?

2007-06-22 Thread Wiley

I'm a true novice programmer, brand new to django, but lovin' it so
far.  I was wondering if there was any way to do something a little
tricky via the Admin classes that could help me not write a custom

Basically I'd love to do all my data entry from the Admin interface,
but I need to filter a set of choices on one Admin input interface
based on a choice I make further up the form.

I live in a world with:

2 restaurants (McDonalds and Burger King)
4 menu items, the same type of food at each restaurant (mc_burger,
mc_fries,  bk_burger, bk_fries)

Each time I eat at one of those restaurants I want to make a record of
the meal in my database.  So I do the data entry through the django
Admin backend.  If I select "Burger King" as the restaurant that I eat
my meal at, when it comes time to select the dishes I ate, I really
only want to see bk_fries and bk_burger, cuz I ate at BK and not
mickey D's.

Can this be done just using the Admin class in

Here's the sample code that I'm working with in

class Restaurant(models.Model):
def __str__(self):

name = models.CharField('Restaurant Name', maxlength=200, blank=True)
class Admin:
fields = (
('Restaurant Name' , {'fields': ('name',)}),

class Dishes(models.Model)
def __str__(self):

name = models.CharField('Restaurant Name', maxlength=200, blank=True)
class Admin:
fields = (
('Dish Name' , {'fields': ('name',)}),

class IndividualMeal(models.Model):
def __str__(self):

restaurant_name = models.ForeignKey(Restaurant,
date_of_visit = models.DateTimeField('date of visit')
dishes = models.ManyToManyField(Dish, verbose_name="individual
class Admin:
fields = (
('Restaurant Name' , {'fields': ('restaurant_name',)}),
('Date of Visit', {'fields': ('date_of_visit',)}),
('Dishes', {'fields': ('dishes',)}),

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Re: ANN: is out!

2007-06-22 Thread Christian Markwart Hoeppner

> Is there any interest in a #django-es for Spanish?  I speak a little
> of that and would like to improve.  I could help with Django and
> others could help me with Spanish.  ;-)

Hey! I was just thinking about this. Count me in. Anyone else in to get
#django-es and up? Spanish people need spanish
django ;)

Chris Hoeppner

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Re: i18n problem with newforms

2007-06-22 Thread Scater

Thanks. Its working

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Re: 'retrieve': the missing permission?

2007-06-22 Thread David Larlet

2007/6/20, David Larlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2007/6/20, Gábor Farkas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > David Larlet wrote:
> > > 2007/6/18, David Larlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > >> Hi,
> > >>
> > >> I've just tried to use the permission_required decorator for my views
> > >> and I realise that there is a missing 'retrieve' permission. It's a
> > >> bit odd because others ones follow the CRUD permissions.
> > >>
> > >> Am I missing something here?
> > >>
> > >> The patch is trivial:
> > >> Add 'retrieve' to the function,
> > >> but I don't want to hack my django code so I wonder why this choice
> > >> had been done? (I suspect the admin goal which is driven by the
> > >> User.is_staff field but auth can be used elsewhere).
> > >>
> > >> David
> > >>
> > >
> > > Am I the only one who deal with this kind of permission issue? Or
> > > maybe there is an evident solution that I haven't found yet?
> >
> >
> > you can create your own permissions:
> >
> >
> >
> I know this solution which require to modify all my models or, easier,
> to hack the function as I said
> before.
> I just wonder why this permission is not part of the default
> permissions (like add, change and delete)?
> David
No more thoughts about that? I'm really surprised that it only happens
to me, maybe I will be luckier on the users' mailing-list?


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Re: virtualhosts, mod_python, and Django's cache

2007-06-22 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On Jun 22, 2:40 pm, "Jeremy Dunck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/21/07, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > To be honest I haven't ever done anything with Django past the hello
> > world examples,
> Graham, thank you for frequently answering questions that fall in the
> gap between Django and mod_python, especially given your more recent
> work onmod_wsgi.

No problem. Invariably people using Django or even other packages such
as TurboGears or Pylons never actually come over to the mod_python
list when they have problems, so me coming here is the only way I can
find out and understand what issues people are having which may relate
to mod_python. My ulterior motive of course is to make sure I know
what the problems are with mod_python so I can do it right in
mod_wsgi. Also, hopefully answering questions will give me some
credibility when it comes to trying to convince people that mod_wsgi
is a good idea and that the code that is already available and ready
to release is stable like I claim it is. :-)


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Re: Ticket #3297 & Newforms Image Uploading

2007-06-22 Thread Dirk van Oosterbosch, IR labs

On 22-jun-2007, at 6:22, Nimrod A. Abing wrote:

> I have managed to do
> so either by processing in the view or extending the form. As of now,
> all processing of all forms occur in the view and validation for file
> and image fields in a method of the form.
> This is what I did for the field validation
> the code to save the field data is in the view that uses this form.

Nice! Would you maybe be willing to share your view code too?


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Travel Turkey Free Holiday in Antalya

2007-06-22 Thread bluetigarturkey

Travel Turkey Free Holiday in Antalya

Birlikte çok güleceğiz...Happy Men and Women !


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Re: i18n problem with newforms

2007-06-22 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 02:20 -0700, Scater wrote:
> django rev 5511
> in i18n i have two languages: english and russian.
> all files in utf-8
> when i use russian as active language i has error:
>   UnicodeDecodeError at /ru/contacts/
>   'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 24: ordinal not in
> range(128)

Use the Unicode branch if you want to use non-ASCII characters at the


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Re: Apache auth

2007-06-22 Thread Sean Mc Allister

I haven't seen this error myself yet, but you could try to use the patch
SmileyChris was so nice as to improve my initial patch, and possibly
this will sooner or later even make it into trunk.


David Reynolds wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been playing with the apache auth from djangosnippets [0] and
> I've had it working, but it now seems to be erroring a lot with the
> following error:
> Mod_python error: "PythonAccessHandler historymagazine.modpython"
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 287, in HandlerDispatch
> log=debug)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line
> 464, in import_module
> module = imp.load_module(mname, f, p, d)
>   File "/var/www/django/historymagazine/", line 2, in ?
> from django.core.handlers.base import BaseHandler
> ImportError: No module named django.core.handlers.base
> Anyone have any ideas why this might be happening?
> Thanks,
> David
> [0 -]
> --David Reynolds

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i18n problem with newforms

2007-06-22 Thread Scater

this is the form code:

class ContactForm(forms.Form):
subject = forms.CharField(max_length=255, label=_('Subject'))
email = forms.EmailField(label=_('Email'))
message = forms.CharField(max_length=1024, widget=Textarea,

this is the view code:

def contacts_form(request, language = None):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = ContactForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
# Do form processing here...
return HttpResponseRedirect('/url/on_success/')
form = ContactForm()
return render_to_response('contacts/contacts_form.html', {'form':

django rev 5511
in i18n i have two languages: english and russian.
all files in utf-8
when i use russian as active language i has error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\template\"
in render_node
  738. result = node.render(context)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\template\"
in render
  793. return self.encode_output(output)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\template\"
in encode_output
  772. return str(output)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\utils\" in
  31. return self.__unicode__().encode(settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\newforms\" in
  76. return self.as_table()
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\newforms\" in
  154. return self._html_output(u'%(label)s%(errors)s%
(field)s%(help_text)s', u'%s',
'', u'%s', False)
File "c:\web\Python24\lib\site-packages\django\newforms\" in
  139. output.append(normal_row % {'errors': bf_errors, 'label':
label, 'field': unicode(bf), 'help_text': help_text})

  UnicodeDecodeError at /ru/contacts/
  'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd0 in position 24: ordinal not in

i have seen "
but there was no solution in that thread

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Re: Order_by lower...

2007-06-22 Thread greg

Thanks for your answer

On 22 juin, 01:58, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 06:41 -0700, greg wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Please help me !
> > I just wanna know how to order my queryset by lowering my field
> > before, like in SQL (ORDER BY LOWER(my_field) 'cause in this field
> > I've upper et lower case and by default my result is not sorted as I
> > want.
> At the moment you cannot do this with theorder_byfield or any ordering
> options on a Queryset. The reason is because all the ordering is done at
> the database level and there is no way to pass through functions like
> LOWER() to that level.
> You could try sub-clasing QuerySet and adding extra code to do that. Off
> the top of my head, I'm not sure how hard that would be to do, or even
> if it's possible.
> The alternative is to sort the results in Python.
> Regards,
> Malcolm

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Bug: caching & save() ?

2007-06-22 Thread jj

I do bulk updates on the database, particularly when importing data
from an external source. This seems to cause a caching issue.

I tracked down the issue to:
$ manage shell
>> from models import Book
>> bb = Book.objects.all()
>> for b in bb:
>>b.title = "xx"
>> ^Z
$ manage shell
>> from models import Book
>> bb = Book.objects.all()
>> for b in bb:
>>b.title = "yy"
>> print bb[0].title
>> cc = Book.objects.all()
>> print cc[0].title

Why is the first query set not displaying the book's new name? Why do
I have to create a new query set? This does sound somewhat

FYI, I'm using v0.96 and sqlite3.


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Re: two way edit ManyToManyField in admin interface

2007-06-22 Thread stano

Oh, sorry.
It works.
Even, I found a mention about that in documentation.

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Re: Mysql sleeping queries

2007-06-22 Thread Malcolm Tredinnick

On Tue, 2007-06-19 at 06:51 +0100, David Reynolds wrote:
> Morning,
> We are experiencing a problem with Mysql with django.  Since an svn  
> up yesterday (which seems to be revision 5492) we have lots of  
> sleeping (hanging) mysql processes and we keep hitting our limit of  
> processes (which we weren't doing before). Anyone have any idea why  
> it may be doing this?

One (hopefully) final update to this thread. After a fair bit of
discussion here and on the developer's list, we've pulled the changes
that were causing these problems out of the code. So if everybody who
was seeing the problems wants to update to [5511], things should be back
to normal.

Apologies for the length of the threads involved and thanks to everybody
who has worked on diagnosing, understanding and solving the problems so
far. This is why we like people testing trunk.


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Re: newforms, unicode and umlauts

2007-06-22 Thread patrick k.

thanks for your answer. I´ve been trying to solve this for about 8  
hours ... finally giving up.
so, I´ll switch to the unicode-branch.

Am 22.06.2007 um 02:02 schrieb Malcolm Tredinnick:

> On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 16:23 +0200, va:patrick.kranzlmueller wrote:
>> the code below does not give a validation error when typing umlauts,
>> but the umlauts are not saved to the database.
>> al_re = re.compile(r'^\w+$', re.UNICODE)
>> def clean_last_name(self):
>>  if 'last_name' in self.cleaned_data:
>>  if not['last_name']):
>>  raise forms.ValidationError('Error message.')
>>  return self.cleaned_data['last_name']
>> when doing "print self.cleaned_data" I´m getting this:
>> 'last_name': u'M\xfcller',
>> how am I supposed to deal with umlautes when using newforms?
>> btw: all our data is utf-8
> There are lots of little bugs like this on trunk at the moment. If you
> want to use non-ASCII characters, switch to using the Unicode branch.
> It's completely up-to-date with trunk (merged about twice a week,
> providing there are no risky changes on trunk that haven't settled).
> Part of the problem is that newforms (on trunk) tries hard to be
> unicode-aware, but the transition from unicode to byestrings is not
> handled well in other places in the framework. That is why we are  
> making
> all the changes on Unicode branch (which will soon be on trunk).
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> >

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