cache large files

2010-01-21 Thread Hinnack

I am using memcached for caching my sites. The documentation says when
not to use it:

one point is output larger 1 MB

I have a site producing pdf files only, where size can easily go over
1 MB. As the docs above mention mogilefs as
an alternative, I wonder if this is the right way to do it, as there
is no batterie for djangos caching system.

I know that the cach system has support for filesystem cache - has
someone used this for large files? and maybe even
in conjunction with GlusterFS (, as that seems
to be more complete then mogilefs?

What about concurrent writes from different hosts to the cache system?



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Re: Cannot convert float to Decimal. First convert the float to a string Error

2010-01-21 Thread Karen Tracey
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 1:13 AM, grp25  wrote:

> got error:
> Cannot convert float to Decimal.  First convert the float to a string
> our code is:
> usr.ratings=usr.ratings-0.5
> 'usr.ratings' is a float field.

Are you absolutely sure of that? It rather sounds like usr.ratings is a
DecimalField, not a FloatField. Perhaps it is a float at the database level
but defined as a DecimalField in the model? In which case the fix is to make
it a FloatField in the Django model so that the database and Django
representations match.


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Cannot convert float to Decimal. First convert the float to a string Error

2010-01-21 Thread grp25
got error:
Cannot convert float to Decimal.  First convert the float to a string

our code is:

'usr.ratings' is a float field.

Help resolve it...

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Re: Import problem on the attempt to use {% url %}

2010-01-21 Thread Karen Tracey
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 9:28 PM, Felipe  wrote:

> Hello Friends,
> Someone here know what this error mean?
> This generally happens when I try to use something like {% url %} tag.
> But I've been ensured that the view 'home.views' exists and it is
> placed in blog.home.views directory, however, by some unknown issue
> this error message are appearing my browser.
> Someone have a tip to me fix the problem ?
You've got a url pattern in your configuration that references a module
named 'home.views', but Python cannot find any module named that. Based on
the traceback information, /home/storage/b/fe/45/catojo/wsgi_apps is in the
PYTHONPATH.  Apparently under that you have blog/, then home/, then a in there?

But combining what you have in your path plus home.views results in Python
attempting to find a file named:




The blog part has to be either included in the url pattern reference or in a
PYTHONPATH entry.  As it is, neither has it, so Python cannot find any
module named home.views when searching through the Python path.


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Import problem on the attempt to use {% url %}

2010-01-21 Thread Felipe
Hello Friends,

Someone here know what this error mean?

This generally happens when I try to use something like {% url %} tag.

But I've been ensured that the view 'home.views' exists and it is
placed in blog.home.views directory, however, by some unknown issue
this error message are appearing my browser.

Someone have a tip to me fix the problem ?

Thanks in advanced.


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Re: Multiple icontains using OR - Is it possible?

2010-01-21 Thread tm
This worked!  Thank you

On Dec 15 2009, 11:27 pm, HARRY POTTRER  wrote:
> you're going to need the Q object, it seems.
> from django.db.models import Q
> MyModel.objects.filter(Q(summary__icontains=q) | Q
> (title__icontains=q))
> On Dec 15, 10:32 pm, tm  wrote:
> > Hello Django Users,
> > I'm trying to use icontains to check 2 fields in the same table for a
> > keyword entered into a search.
> > ex I've tried:
> > queryset = MyModel.objects.filter(summary__icontains=q).filter
> > (title__icontains=q)
> > and
> > queryset = MyModel.objects.filter(summary__icontains=q,
> > title__icontains=q)
> > Neither work, although judging by the docs the second one shouldn't in
> > this case.  Has anyone successfully searched a MySQL DB using
> > icontains on 2 filelds in the same model?  Any help greatly
> > appreciated :)
> > T

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django-authopenid user timeout

2010-01-21 Thread Rachel Willmer
I've just installed django-authopenid in a project, and it seems to be
working just fine, apart from one minor issue.

(The creator of django-authopenid isn't maintaining the project any
more, and there isn't a mailing list, hence why I'm asking this
question here rather than elsewhere.)

So, as I say, it works fine except the user's login gets timed-out
after a short while, and I'd like to keep people logged in unless they
explicitly logged out. Anyone know how to do this? I can't see any
reference to timeouts in the documentation.

Actually, I'm not even sure whether this timeout is caused in
django-authopenid or down at the core django level or elsewhere.

Any pointers very welcome!

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newline in GET data

2010-01-21 Thread Sumanth
Hi ,

I am having newlines in GET data , but when the data comes to server
newline chars are removed. Is that any way I can retain new line
chars ?


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Re: Making InlineModelAdmin objects required.

2010-01-21 Thread iliveinapark
Thanks mate, I'll look into that at some point. It's not a major
requirement of the project, so I'll put it on the backburner for now.


On Jan 21, 5:21 pm, "" 
> Hi,
> Take a look at
> as the RequireOneFormSet class may give you some hints on how to do
> this.
> regards
> Matthew
> On Jan 21, 3:57 pm, iliveinapark 
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'm wondering if there's a way to make InlineModelAdmin objects
> > required, so that if a user saves on an admin page without completing
> > the fields of the inline model, it displays big red "This field is
> > required." Errors like it does with the included fields.
> > Cheers.

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Re: ChoiceField

2010-01-21 Thread pinco
The code

{% for choice_value, choice_text in
myform.fields.choicefieldname.choices %}
choice_value: {{ choice_value }}
choice_text: {{ choice_text }}
{% endfor %}

gives the choices text and values associated to each choice, but
actually do not render the html form, which is what I'm looking for.

On Jan 22, 2:59 am, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> > I think there might be a terminology issue here. I suspect the OP is
> > looking for all the possible value of a model field with `choices`
> > set. Which, is not easily possible from a template (although you can
> > do it in Python: MyModel._meta.get_field_by_name('myfield')
> > [0].choices)
> > --
> > DR.
> > --
> My last post gave exactly that -- all the possible values of the choices 
> model field.
> Shawn

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Re: How to Model a relationship on a constrained subset of the foreign key.

2010-01-21 Thread Wolf Halton
Remember we are all volunteers, here.

sent from the research lab at

On Jan 21, 2010 3:35 AM, "taliesin"  wrote:

taliesin wrote: > > HI. I have a newbie-ish question, if that's alright. I
don't know how to model a...
Okay, clearly no-one wants to touch my question. : / Let me ask a different
related one then... What would happen if I added a constraint directly to
the underlying database? I'm using PostgreSQL so I can create foreign keys
on composite columns if I wish. WIll Django explode?  I know that it
produces the situation where I might get exceptions raised if Django tried
to add an entry that its model predicted was valid but the database
rejected, but if I'm going to have to handle this situation by excluding
invalid options in the GUI anyway, I see no harm in barring those same
entries at the database level just for integrity's sake. Anyone see a
problem with that?

If I need to go into more detail on my posts, please let me know.



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Re: Admin calendar popups on datefield suddenly missing

2010-01-21 Thread Ramiro Morales
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Walt  wrote:
> Okay... The latest release of django that I downloaded has this:
> A previous version that is currently working is this:
> How can I modify or specify that path? And why would it have
> changed?

Because in the development version that was [1]changed
to use an absolute path that are derived from the real location
of such resource instead of having a hardwired relative path
("../../../jsi18n/") that would break when used from pages
located in places different from two levels deeper in the
path hierarchy, and so it was made more usable from

I've just tested this and it is working correctly here for a standard
admin app installation, so we should find why it is faling for you.
Do you have customized admin views? Why isn't the
/admin/jsi18n/ URL a correct one in your installation? What do you
get when you access it with your browser?

Ramiro Morales  |

PS: Also, if you are using the development version it would be
a good idea to get accustomed to read the changelog and/or
follow the Django Trac timeline so you can anticipate, detect
and solve issues of this type for youself.


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Re: django utf-8 Error; field.get_default? I don't think the string I feed to Location should be signed to field.get_default

2010-01-21 Thread Karen Tracey
2010/1/21 iasybvm 

> I have created an object Location:
> class Location(models.Model):
>city = models.CharField(max_length=50)
>state = models.CharField(max_length=50)

I think you've left out a key bit here.  The traceback you include shows the
problem happens when Django tries to force the the default value for a field
to unicode, yet you don't show any default values being specified.

Given the traceback shows the problem is that the default value is some sort
of proxy object, I'm going to guess that what you've actually specified for
a default value for one or more of these fields is the result of a
django.utils.translation.ugettext_lazy call. If so, be sure that the you
have specified the argument to ugettext_lazy as a unicode literal, not a

If not, please show what you have specified for defaults on the model
fields, because that is what is causing the problem.


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Re: I'm wanting to modify Django CMS so I can restrict the content I make to particular users site side?

2010-01-21 Thread ojo
On 21 Sty, 12:15, littlejim84  wrote:

> I have content that I've created in Django CMS that I then want to
> restrict access to on the site site (not the editing side, like with
> the CMS_PERMISSIONS option in Django CMS). I've been told that I can
> use either Middleware or Template Context Processors to inject my own
> code into the way Django CMS is doing things.

i'm not sure if i understand you well, but if i do, your problem seems
to be quite simple to resolve. each page in django-cms has two options
in "advanced settings" section (at the very bottom of editing page):
* login required
* menu login required


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django utf-8 Error; field.get_default? I don't think the string I feed to Location should be signed to field.get_default

2010-01-21 Thread iasybvm
I have created an object Location:
class Location(models.Model):
city = models.CharField(max_length=50)
state = models.CharField(max_length=50)
But I can't initialize it with either unicode data or utf-8 data. I
created a record by hand in my postgresql database. I can now read it
using django Location.objects.get function. Then I tried to create a
similar record in my database with Django. But I got:

location2 = Location.objects.get(pk=2)
print city,state,country
北京 北京 中国
city =
state = location2.state
country =
l = Location(city=city, state=state,country=country, district='')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in 
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/django/db/models/", line
303, in __init__
val = kwargs.pop(field.attname, field.get_default())
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/django/db/models/fields/", line 245, in get_default
return force_unicode(self.default, strings_only=True)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/django/utils/", line 92,
in force_unicode
raise DjangoUnicodeDecodeError(s, *e.args)
DjangoUnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe4 in
position 0: ordinal not in range(128). You passed in
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Re: Analyzing modules before application start

2010-01-21 Thread Matt Schinckel
On Jan 22, 12:00 am, Filip Gruszczyński  wrote:
> I would like to go through all registered apps before server is
> started and check if certain modules (and then process them). I guess
> this mechanism is similar to the one, which looks for models or tests
> in django application. Is there any easy way to do this and where
> should inject such code? Into

This is the registration pattern, used by django.contrib.admin

Look through the source of django.contrib.admin, and pay attention to
the autoregister() function.

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unicode LookupError with Django + mod_wsgi

2010-01-21 Thread Kevin L
Hi all, I also asked this on the mod_wsgi list but it seems like it
may be being caused by Django so I figured this might help. Sorry if
it turns out to not be Django-related, but the exception is getting
raised by Django code.

So I'm running into some strange errors with Django + mod_wsgi. Here's
a stack
trace - this happens every few hours or so for a site with around 1
request per second load:

[Sun Jan 10 10:14:02 2010] [error] [client] mod_wsgi
(pid=29947): Exception occurred within WSGI script '/home/prod/repo/
[Sun Jan 10 10:14:02 2010] [error] [client] Traceback (most
recent call last):
[Sun Jan 10 10:14:02 2010] [error] [client]   File "/var/
python-support/python2.5/django/core/handlers/", line 231, in
[Sun Jan 10 10:14:03 2010] [error] [client]
[Sun Jan 10 10:14:03 2010] [error] [client]   File "/var/
python-support/python2.5/django/core/handlers/", line 199, in
[Sun Jan 10 10:14:03 2010] [error] [client] return
force_unicode(environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', u''))
[Sun Jan 10 10:14:03 2010] [error] [client]   File "/var/
python-support/python2.5/django/utils/", line 68, in
[Sun Jan 10 10:14:03 2010] [error] [client] s =
(encoding, errors)
[Sun Jan 10 10:14:03 2010] [error] [client] LookupError: no
codec search functions registered: can't find encoding

I added print statements and the encoding is simply "utf-8" here, and
s is the empty string. When I run "".decode("utf-8") from the python
interpreter, it works fine. How could this be happening?

I'm running mod_wsgi in daemon mode with the parameters
WSGIDaemonProcess prod processes=3 maximum-requests=500
WSGIProcessGroup prod
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/prod/repo/web/apache/django.wsgi
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Re: Admin calendar popups on datefield suddenly missing

2010-01-21 Thread Walt
Okay... The latest release of django that I downloaded has this:

A previous version that is currently working is this:

How can I modify or specify that path? And why would it have


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Re: Admin calendar popups on datefield suddenly missing

2010-01-21 Thread Walt
That line is there, but for some reason *that* is the broken link!

That at least gives me something to track down...

Thank you for your help!

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Re: Admin calendar popups on datefield suddenly missing

2010-01-21 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jan 21, 5:51 pm, Walt  wrote:
> Okay, we're getting somewhere. It can find the JS file(s) just fine
> and I see that the calendars are added dynamically. However, I'm
> have found that it is generating a javascript error when the page
> loads:
> Error: gettext is not defined
> Source File:
> Line: 26 [monthsOfYear: gettext('January February March April May June
> July August September October November December').split(' '),]
> Error: gettext is not defined
> Source File:
> Line: 134 [today_link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(gettext
> ('Today')));]
> Any ideas?
> Walt
> -~

You need to be sure that the page loads the 'jsi18n' javascript first.
By default, admin templates include this:

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Re: ChoiceField

2010-01-21 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jan 21, 3:59 pm, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> > I think there might be a terminology issue here. I suspect the OP is
> > looking for all the possible value of a model field with `choices`
> > set. Which, is not easily possible from a template (although you can
> > do it in Python: MyModel._meta.get_field_by_name('myfield')
> > [0].choices)
> > --
> > DR.
> > --
> My last post gave exactly that -- all the possible values of the choices 
> model field.
> Shawn

No, you gave the choices for the ChoiceField **form** field, a
different thing entirely. As you've shown, assuming you've got a form,
it's easy to get the field choices. But if you don't have a form to
start with, it's hard to get the field choices, even though they are
stored on the model.
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Re: about django 1.2 alpha release

2010-01-21 Thread James Bennett
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:09 PM, rodel bosque  wrote:
> is django 1.2 alpha release support python version 3?

As the main Django documentation page suggests, it's a good idea to
consult the FAQ:

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."
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about django 1.2 alpha release

2010-01-21 Thread rodel bosque

is django 1.2 alpha release support python version 3?

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Best Practice for developing djangoapp in a repository

2010-01-21 Thread Julian

my problem is maybe not very specific but more a problem with an
approach. Let's say I want to work on a djangoapp (in this case django-
tagging, the famous tagging app). I'm not very satisified with the
code and want to simplify it.

if I clone the repository I have a folder 'django-tagging' wich
contains several files (e.g. the LICENSE.txt, the and a
folder with the djangoapp itself called tagging.

when working on the code i want to test the tagging app with ./ test tagging. so atm I see two possibilities:

1.) the folder django-tagging is a djangoproject and all the files not
concerning the djangoapp (e.g. the are not in the
repository. then I can change the code, test it, submit the changes
and everything is cool except I mess the djangoproject files and the
files of the app.

2.) I could install the app with the and everytime I change
the code I have to reinstall it in order to test it within a
djangoapp. this is another possibility, but makes me not happy.

3.) ??? so what's the best practice to solve that problem? extending
sys.path and keeping the folder its own place?

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GET request breadcrumbs

2010-01-21 Thread Meenal
So far I have seem template inheritance  based examples for
breadcrumbs in django. However for a project I am working on that does
not quite work because all templates inherit from base.

For eg.

 common/ a.html, b.html, c.html
 myapp/ m.html, n,.html, q.html

So a GET request  to a  gets the "Super" breadcrumb from base ,like
Home->a  and that to B gets Home ->b, but a GET request from a-> b
will still show Home->b , I would like it to be Home->a->b

I am thinking I might need to capture the browsing history for a
session ? Any ideas how to do this ?

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Re: Admin calendar popups on datefield suddenly missing

2010-01-21 Thread Walt
Okay, we're getting somewhere. It can find the JS file(s) just fine
and I see that the calendars are added dynamically. However, I'm
have found that it is generating a javascript error when the page

Error: gettext is not defined
Source File:
Line: 26 [monthsOfYear: gettext('January February March April May June
July August September October November December').split(' '),]

Error: gettext is not defined
Source File:
Line: 134 [today_link.appendChild(document.createTextNode(gettext

Any ideas?


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FormWrapper in django1.1

2010-01-21 Thread goome
any substitute for forms.FormWrapper in django1.1. ?
sorry for my poor english
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Django custom fields and generic relationships

2010-01-21 Thread dystopia

I'm struggling to find any useful tutorials on how best to achieve
this so a nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

I've set up a model which references django_content_type. My idea is
to use this model to reference other models so that they can be marked
as "featured" content, without me having to put a new "isFeatured"
field on every model.

All I want to be able to do is have a check box appear on the forms of
my admin for each model, which indicates if the content is featured or
not. If you check it, it's added to the table, if you un-check it
removes it.

class FeaturedContent(models.Model):
content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type',

An example model I would like to use with this is:

class Institute(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
slug = models.SlugField(max_length=200,unique=True)

Firstly, is this the right approach?

Do I need to create a custom form/model field? and how do I introduce
this field to the admin template?

I've been looking inside of (django.contrib.contenttypes)
and you can clearly see where the template data is being loaded and
also which template is being used. I'm wondering if perhaps I just
need to extend this class rather than write my own field?

Thanks for any help,


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Re: Should a decorator be used here or should I do something else.

2010-01-21 Thread Bill Freeman
A decorator is certainly a clean way to apply consistent checking to a bunch of
views.  But it is primarily useful if the selection of the view
function by the urlconf
gives you all you need to know about for what age groups the *CONTENT* is

If, on the other hand, different rows in the same table (different
instances of the
same model) are appropriate for different age groups, then you're stuck with
either doing your object query in the decorator and passing it to the
view, which
might be too magic.  (Maybe pass a base queryset to the view for
further filtering,
but still pretty magic.)

A shared function that you call from the view to filter a queryset based on age
criteria might feel more explicit.


On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Jeffrey Taggarty  wrote:
> Hi Guys, I have a bit of a dilemma in terms of design of a small web
> application...
> I have this requirement where content is being served by age group. On
> first load the user selects their age group and I store that in the
> cookie. I read that cookie and query content for the pages based on
> that agegroup cookie. My question is should I use a decorator to check
> the cookie on every new page requested to make sure they're getting
> the proper content served based on that agegroup in the cookie? I have
> about 6 functions in total in my views. I was thinking just writing a
> decorator to handle that but I am not sure that's the best way to go
> about this.
> Thanks
> Jeff
> --
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Re: Admin calendar popups on datefield suddenly missing

2010-01-21 Thread Carl Zmola
Make sure you can download the JS file.  It could be a permissions 
problem, or your static content server is down.

Walt wrote:

On Jan 21, 10:28 am, Daniel Roseman  wrote:

Do you have TinyMCE on the same admin page? And are you using Firefox
3.5+? If so it might be this bug:

No, I don't think this is the problem. First, I'm not using
TinyMCE on the app at all, secondly, the problem happens
across all browsers, and third the code to display the date
picker isn't even present in the source HTML for the admin
pages, so I think something happened server-side to turn
that feature off.



Carl Zmola

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Re: Admin calendar popups on datefield suddenly missing

2010-01-21 Thread Walt
On Jan 21, 10:28 am, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> Do you have TinyMCE on the same admin page? And are you using Firefox
> 3.5+? If so it might be this bug:

No, I don't think this is the problem. First, I'm not using
TinyMCE on the app at all, secondly, the problem happens
across all browsers, and third the code to display the date
picker isn't even present in the source HTML for the admin
pages, so I think something happened server-side to turn
that feature off.


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Re: Table with 4 Milions of rows

2010-01-21 Thread Carl Zmola
I'm a little late, but if you create the correct indexes on the table, 
you will be fine. 

Also, use unique id fields as much as possible for linking your tables.


nameless wrote:

Hi at all. I have a project with 2 applications ( books and reader ).

Books application has a table with 4 milions of rows with this fields:

 book_title = models.CharField(max_length=40)
 book_description = models.CharField(max_length=400)

To avoid to query the database with 4 milions of rows, I am thinking
to divide it by subject ( 20 applications with 20 tables with 200.000
rows ( book_horror, book_drammatic, ecc ).

In "reader" application, I am thinking to insert this fields:

reader_name = models.CharField(max_length=20, blank=True)
book_subject = models.IntegerField()
book_id = models.IntegerField()

So instead of ForeignKey, I am thinking to use a integer
"book_subject" (which allows to access the appropriate table) and
"book_id" (which allows to access the table specified in the book

Is a good solution to avoid to query a table with 4 milions of rows ?

Is there an alternative solution ?

Thanks ^__^

Carl Zmola
301-562-1900 x315

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Setting a user to have particular permission group when registering with django-registration?

2010-01-21 Thread littlejim84
I'm using django-registration and want to set a user to have a
paricular permission group when they sign in. What is the best way to
implement this without messing with the source of the actual app?

Any information at all would be good. I'm having no luck at all on the
IRC chat group.
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Finding the Min time_of_day from a date field (in a query set)

2010-01-21 Thread Carl Zmola
I am starting to understand aggregation and annotation in django, but I 
am having a hard time translating the following sql

select au.username as 'user name',   count(1) as  event_count , 
min(time(log.start_date)) as min_tod, max(time(log.start_date)) as max_tod

  from log as log join auth_user as au on log.user_id=au.user_id
  group by au.username order by event_count desc;

This will give me the number of events per user, and the max and min 
time of day that this occured (so I can know the working hours of a 
specific individual).
However, I can't figure out how to perform "min(time(log.start_date))"  
since django.db.models.Mintakes a field name, and I want to run 
datetime.time on the field before performing the min function. 

Is there a way to do this without dropping into raw mode?


Carl Zmola
301-562-1900 x315

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Re: Templating problem: equal symbol "=" escaped to "=3D"

2010-01-21 Thread Enrico Sartorello
Ok maybe I got it.

I found those "=3D" symbols just looking at the output of the Python SMTP
server that simulates the email process.

I think that those mime escaped characters will be correctly converted back
to "=" symbols when processed by a mail client.

Am I correct?

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Enrico Sartorello <> wrote:

> You're right, it's the mime escaping!
> In order to send emails I simply use:
> render_to_string(file)
> send_mail()
> How can I send plain text messages with '=' symbols without getting it
> escaped?
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Malcolm Box wrote:
>> Are you sure it's django templates that are doing the escaping? =3D is
>> the mime escaping for = - could it be something else in your email
>> processing chain that's escaping the sign?
>> Malcolm
>> On 1/21/10, Enrico Sartorello  wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > i'm using Django template system to render some text files (not HTML
>> pages)
>> > that I use to send emails.
>> >
>> > I have a problem: in a template file, any occurence of the "=" symbol is
>> > escaped to "=3D" no matter what is placed before or after it.
>> > '=' is strangely escaped to '=3D' even if autoescape is off or the
>> > containing string is marked with 'safe' filter.
>> >
>> > What's wrong with that?
>> >
>> > Please help me because I've lost a lot of time trying to solve this
>> issue!
>> >
>> > Thanks in advance :-)
>> >
>> > --
>> > Enrico Sartorello
>> >
>> --
>> Sent from my mobile device
>> --
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> --
> Enrico Sartorello

Enrico Sartorello

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Re: ChoiceField

2010-01-21 Thread Shawn Milochik
> I think there might be a terminology issue here. I suspect the OP is
> looking for all the possible value of a model field with `choices`
> set. Which, is not easily possible from a template (although you can
> do it in Python: MyModel._meta.get_field_by_name('myfield')
> [0].choices)
> --
> DR.
> -- 

My last post gave exactly that -- all the possible values of the choices model 


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Re: Templating problem: equal symbol "=" escaped to "=3D"

2010-01-21 Thread Enrico Sartorello
You're right, it's the mime escaping!

In order to send emails I simply use:


How can I send plain text messages with '=' symbols without getting it

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Malcolm Box  wrote:

> Are you sure it's django templates that are doing the escaping? =3D is
> the mime escaping for = - could it be something else in your email
> processing chain that's escaping the sign?
> Malcolm
> On 1/21/10, Enrico Sartorello  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > i'm using Django template system to render some text files (not HTML
> pages)
> > that I use to send emails.
> >
> > I have a problem: in a template file, any occurence of the "=" symbol is
> > escaped to "=3D" no matter what is placed before or after it.
> > '=' is strangely escaped to '=3D' even if autoescape is off or the
> > containing string is marked with 'safe' filter.
> >
> > What's wrong with that?
> >
> > Please help me because I've lost a lot of time trying to solve this
> issue!
> >
> > Thanks in advance :-)
> >
> > --
> > Enrico Sartorello
> >
> --
> Sent from my mobile device
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Enrico Sartorello

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Re: ChoiceField

2010-01-21 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jan 21, 2:14 pm, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> What did you try?
> I found it easily.
> First:
> print dir(myform)
> #I found that myform has a 'fields' attribute.
> Second:
> print dir(myform.fields['choicefieldname'])
> #found myform.fields['choicefieldname'].choices
> Third:
> print myform.fields['choicefieldname'].choices
> #got all the nice options I was looking for!
> Then, in my template:
>                 {% for choice_value, choice_text in 
> myform.fields.choicefieldname.choices %}
>                 choice_value: {{ choice_value }}
>                 choice_text: {{ choice_text }}
>                 {% endfor %}
> Shawn

I think there might be a terminology issue here. I suspect the OP is
looking for all the possible value of a model field with `choices`
set. Which, is not easily possible from a template (although you can
do it in Python: MyModel._meta.get_field_by_name('myfield')
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Re: Admin calendar popups on datefield suddenly missing

2010-01-21 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Jan 21, 3:23 pm, Walt  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I don't know of any changes I've made recently other than
> checking out the latest django code but the date picker /
> popup on all admin datefields has suddenly disappeared.
> Any clues as to how to get this back or what might have
> caused it to disappear in the first place?
> Thanks,
> Walt
> -~

Do you have TinyMCE on the same admin page? And are you using Firefox
3.5+? If so it might be this bug:
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Admin calendar popups on datefield suddenly missing

2010-01-21 Thread Walt
Hi all,

I don't know of any changes I've made recently other than
checking out the latest django code but the date picker /
popup on all admin datefields has suddenly disappeared.

Any clues as to how to get this back or what might have
caused it to disappear in the first place?


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Re: Templating problem: equal symbol "=" escaped to "=3D"

2010-01-21 Thread Malcolm Box
Are you sure it's django templates that are doing the escaping? =3D is
the mime escaping for = - could it be something else in your email
processing chain that's escaping the sign?

On 1/21/10, Enrico Sartorello  wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm using Django template system to render some text files (not HTML pages)
> that I use to send emails.
> I have a problem: in a template file, any occurence of the "=" symbol is
> escaped to "=3D" no matter what is placed before or after it.
> '=' is strangely escaped to '=3D' even if autoescape is off or the
> containing string is marked with 'safe' filter.
> What's wrong with that?
> Please help me because I've lost a lot of time trying to solve this issue!
> Thanks in advance :-)
> --
> Enrico Sartorello

Sent from my mobile device
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Templating problem: equal symbol "=" escaped to "=3D"

2010-01-21 Thread Enrico Sartorello
i'm using Django template system to render some text files (not HTML pages)
that I use to send emails.

I have a problem: in a template file, any occurence of the "=" symbol is
escaped to "=3D" no matter what is placed before or after it.
'=' is strangely escaped to '=3D' even if autoescape is off or the
containing string is marked with 'safe' filter.

What's wrong with that?

Please help me because I've lost a lot of time trying to solve this issue!

Thanks in advance :-)

Enrico Sartorello

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Re: ChoiceField

2010-01-21 Thread Shawn Milochik
What did you try?

I found it easily.

print dir(myform) 
#I found that myform has a 'fields' attribute.

print dir(myform.fields['choicefieldname'])

#found myform.fields['choicefieldname'].choices

print myform.fields['choicefieldname'].choices
#got all the nice options I was looking for!

Then, in my template:

{% for choice_value, choice_text in 
myform.fields.choicefieldname.choices %}
choice_value: {{ choice_value }}
choice_text: {{ choice_text }}
{% endfor %}

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view_form for class ModelAdmin

2010-01-21 Thread Massimiliano della Rovere
Has anybody ever implemented an extension to class ModelAdmin to add
"view_form" function and templates?

I'm in a situation where the logged user can list both draft and published
files. With ModelAdmin.queryset i filter the files the user is allowed to
list in "change_list" view, but those files include also the published one
that should only be viewed, not edited, by an editor user. I tried to use
the .has_change_permission, but this is a shortcut to a Permission Denied
exception, rather that a .view_"form" page.

So I was planning to add this feature.

I had two ways in my mind:
 - the cleaner one: modify / override some methods of the ModelAdmin class
so that if the current user do not has_change_permission for a model
instance and clicks the widget to edit the instance, he is presented with a
simple view page, that has the same look of the other admin pages and simply
shows all the fields of the instance (it could look for a class attribute
"display_empty" to decide whether to output empty fields or not)
 - the dirty way: (which I think could be easier for a Django newbie like
me) in urlconf "trap" the edit url with the admin prefix for each model. The
view checks if the user is allowed to edit the instance (and thus the
default admin view for change_form should be returned) or not, and in the
latter case the user is presented with a view_form.

Due to my newbieness I am thinking about going the dirty way, but I do not
know how the change_form view is called and how url regexp splitting is
performed (is it with ?P or just parenthesis?).

Please, can anybody give me any hints?

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Analyzing modules before application start

2010-01-21 Thread Filip Gruszczyński
I would like to go through all registered apps before server is
started and check if certain modules (and then process them). I guess
this mechanism is similar to the one, which looks for models or tests
in django application. Is there any easy way to do this and where
should inject such code? Into

Filip Gruszczyński
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Re: Problem with Django

2010-01-21 Thread
these error messages seem to rather explanatory. you are trying to
serialize data that the serializer you are using can not serialize.
you will have to  convert the data into a format that is serializeable
before hand and then send it.

On Jan 21, 3:16 am, Meenu  wrote:
> My form contains date of birth and total income field. I am getting
> following errors:
> is not json serializable
> decimal is not json serializable.
> On Jan 21, 11:06 am, Prashanth  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Meenu  wrote:
> > > I've noticed that my form submission seems to randomly fail on the
> > > line var response_obj = eval('(' + o.responseText + ')'); in my
> > > javascript. My form contains date and decimal fields.
> > Pretty hard to figure out just with the javascript line though eval
> > looks fine, print the response that you are getting from django and
> > try to debug or if you want people to point out do a pastebin of your
> > view and response that you are doing in the javascript.
> > --
> > regards,
> > Prashanth
> > twitter: munichlinux
> > blog:
> > irc: munichlinux, JSLint, munichpython.
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Creating a dashboard item

2010-01-21 Thread dystopia

I've created a little to-do list model. I'm trying to get a list to
appear on the dashboard (like the history list) with a tickbox next to
each item. Would I need to change a template somewhere (i.e. code
something to render the list like this:
to achieve this, or is there a setting I can enable in my

I've been searching all day for ways to do this, not sure I am using
the right terminology though.

If anyone could give me some direction, that would be greatly


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I'm wanting to modify Django CMS so I can restrict the content I make to particular users site side?

2010-01-21 Thread littlejim84
Hello. I'm not really an expert in Python or Django, but am looking
for a solution to this problem. I've had no luck with this in the
Django CMS mailing list or IRC and it's really more about Django and
how to mod things generally so I can have more control over things.

I'm not wanting to mod the actual code of Django CMS as I want to
retain it so it doesn't mess with any updates of it in the future. I'm
not an expert enough to be able to submit patches to it or anything

I have content that I've created in Django CMS that I then want to
restrict access to on the site site (not the editing side, like with
the CMS_PERMISSIONS option in Django CMS). I've been told that I can
use either Middleware or Template Context Processors to inject my own
code into the way Django CMS is doing things.

I'm basically wanting to have a login on the site site where users can
sign up (I presume I should use django-registration app for this?) and
only when they have signed up they can have access to all my content
I've made in Django CMS that will most probably be at the URL of
''. Thing is, I'm not
really too sure how to do this? Do I use Middleware or use Context
Processors? How do I check the URLs in these things? I could really do
with some baby steps to help me here...

I'm looking at this as a general way to mod Django apps in the future
without having to mess with their code at all. I'm presuming this is
the way to do it for these sort of things?

Thank you in advance. Please help a sorta noob!
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Re: Django and caching when data is updated

2010-01-21 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Malcolm Box  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 7:35 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
>  wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 7:47 AM, Malcolm Box 
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I've got a simple question that I can't find the answer to:  if the data
>> > that a view depends on changes, does Django do anything smart to
>> > invalidate
>> > the cache for that view, or is it left to the programmer?
>> >Your suspicions are correct - there is no systematic cache
>> invalidation tied to Django's models.
> Thanks for the confirmation!
>> If you want to invalidate a specific view, you will need to use the
>> cache key tools to django.utils.cache to reconstruct the key for the
>> view that needs to be invalidated. See the cache middleware for
>> examples of usage.
> So a higher-level question - is this the prefered design approach - have the
> views that alter data explicitly invalidate the views in the cache for the
> ones who's data has been changed?
> It feels a bit too tightly coupled to me - and fragile if new views are
> added.
> What's the recommended approach, or what have others done that's worked?

As with all interesting questions, the answer is "it depends" :-)

You are correct that high level view caching is potentially fragile.
It's a fine strategy if you have static content that isn't going to
change very often (e.g., displaying an article for a newspaper), but
it isn't so helpful if you have highly dynamic sites.

The right solution will very much depend on the exact content you want
to display, and the frequency with which various parts of it will be
updated. You're going to need to analyse the way your site is being
used in order to work out how to best exploit caching.

Firstly, cache parts of pages, rather than full pages. The template
cache tag could be helpful here. Another approach is to use the low
level cache API to cache specific queries or computed responses. In
both these cases, you are in completely control of the cache keys, so
you can generate keys in a known space to make them easy to expire.

Secondly, exploit the signals framework. Django issues signals
whenever objects (and in Django 1.2, m2m relations) are updated; these
signals give you an entry point to expire or update caches whenever a
specific object is updated.

Looking slightly more broadly, it *might* be possible to develop a
generic app/library for cache expiry by wrapping the low level cache
primitives with knowledge of the objects they are caching. However,
this is green fields territory - I can't say I've ever seen a truly
generic cache expiry framework.

Russ Magee %-)
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Re: Django and caching when data is updated

2010-01-21 Thread Malcolm Box

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 7:35 AM, Russell Keith-Magee  wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 7:47 AM, Malcolm Box 
> wrote:
> >
> > I've got a simple question that I can't find the answer to:  if the data
> > that a view depends on changes, does Django do anything smart to
> invalidate
> > the cache for that view, or is it left to the programmer?

> >Your suspicions are correct - there is no systematic cache
>  invalidation tied to Django's models.
> Thanks for the confirmation!

> If you want to invalidate a specific view, you will need to use the
> cache key tools to django.utils.cache to reconstruct the key for the
> view that needs to be invalidated. See the cache middleware for
> examples of usage.

So a higher-level question - is this the prefered design approach - have the
views that alter data explicitly invalidate the views in the cache for the
ones who's data has been changed?

It feels a bit too tightly coupled to me - and fragile if new views are

What's the recommended approach, or what have others done that's worked?

A few more details on my app if that helps:  it's a voting app, so some data
(e.g. the polls, questions etc) change infrequently, whereas the number of
votes and current result change frequently.  I'm aiming to scale to handle
tens of thousands of votes per second.



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Re: Problem with Django

2010-01-21 Thread Meenu
My form contains date of birth and total income field. I am getting
following errors: is not json serializable
decimal is not json serializable.

On Jan 21, 11:06 am, Prashanth  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Meenu  wrote:
> > I've noticed that my form submission seems to randomly fail on the
> > line var response_obj = eval('(' + o.responseText + ')'); in my
> > javascript. My form contains date and decimal fields.
> Pretty hard to figure out just with the javascript line though eval
> looks fine, print the response that you are getting from django and
> try to debug or if you want people to point out do a pastebin of your
> view and response that you are doing in the javascript.
> --
> regards,
> Prashanth
> twitter: munichlinux
> blog:
> irc: munichlinux, JSLint, munichpython.
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Re: How to Model a relationship on a constrained subset of the foreign key.

2010-01-21 Thread taliesin

taliesin wrote:
HI. I have a newbie-ish question, if that's alright. I don't know how 
to model a particular relationship in Django.

I have an Account model which represents a customer account - billing 
address, balance and all that. And I have a Contact model, which 
represents actual people we would pick up the phone and call. The 
relationship of Contact to Account is Many to One and I have set a 
ForeignKey(Account) attribute on the Contact model. This is all fine 
so far.

Accounts can have a variable number of divisions within them, e.g. 
Europe, America, whatever. I have therefore created a Division model 
which has a ForeignKey(Account) attribute as well. This is fine - 
divisions are attached to accounts, they don't cross account 
boundaries even if two Accounts had a "Europe" division for example, 
they're not actually the same division.

I want to have contacts optionally assigned to a division as well as 
to an account. I can do that by giving the Contact model a 
ForeignKey(Division) attribute and this works, but I can't find a way 
of constraining it to only those divisions that belong to the same 
Account. I can fudge it in the forms and views, of course, but it 
seems there should be a way of representing this relationship in the 
models. Do I create a special Contact-Division model and have foreign 
keys to it? Is there a way of doing ForeignKey(Account,Division). How 
can I do this or is it not possible to represent this constraint at 
the model layer? Any help is much valued.


Okay, clearly no-one wants to touch my question. : / Let me ask a 
different related one then... What would happen if I added a constraint 
directly to the underlying database? I'm using PostgreSQL so I can 
create foreign keys on composite columns if I wish. WIll Django 
explode?  I know that it produces the situation where I might get 
exceptions raised if Django tried to add an entry that its model 
predicted was valid but the database rejected, but if I'm going to have 
to handle this situation by excluding invalid options in the GUI anyway, 
I see no harm in barring those same entries at the database level just 
for integrity's sake. Anyone see a problem with that?

If I need to go into more detail on my posts, please let me know.


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Re: Easy database modeling question

2010-01-21 Thread Waqqas Jabbar
If you want to add a profile for each user, check out

the key in django is reusing existing "applications"
maybe this might help

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 6:16 AM, Chris  wrote:

> This is my first Django experience and I'm having trouble figuring out
> the right answer to the right relationship to have. (brain fart
> maybe.. )
> I have a site that users have profiles and can message each other. So
> my model looks like:
> class User(models.Model):
>username = models.CharField(max_length=50)
>password = models.CharField(max_length=50)
>profile = models.ForeignKey(Profile)
> class Profile(models.Model):
>username = models.CharField(max_length=50, primary_key=True)
>sex = models.CharField(max_length=50)
>location = models.CharField(max_length=100)
> class Messages(models.Model):
>sender = models.CharField(max_length=100)
>to = models.CharField(max_length=100)
>subject = models.CharField(max_length=100)
>message = models.TextField()
>date = models.DateTimeField()
> My question here is this a one-to-many relationship from Profile to
> Messages? In that each profile has many messages or is it many-to-many
> as each message has a sender and a recipient. Ultimately I want to be
> able to easily pull the profile for the sender and recipient from the
> message and from the User show their messages.
> --
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