Re: How can i populate app engine(production environment) database with local sdk database

2010-03-31 Thread Eximius
Please help me out

On Mar 29, 11:04 pm, Eximius  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have created a django application using app engine sdk, and have
> stored data in database using forms. But the problem i am getting when
> i deploy it, the data I stored is not there in the app engine
> datastore.
> So how can i populate app engine database with local database/data and
> also vice-versa .
> I am a newbie to django. I hope you will help me out
> Thanks

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display in a custom model

2010-03-31 Thread Alfredo Alessandrini

I've this model:

class Person(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)

Can I display the or user.first_name in the admin site

I try this:

def __unicode__(self):
return u"%s %s" % (self.user, self.user.first_name)

but don't work.



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Re: How do I properly unit test a Django session?

2010-03-31 Thread Thierry Chich
Le mercredi 31 mars 2010 05:40:43, adambossy a écrit :
> The behavior of Django sessions changes between "standard" views code
> and test code, making it unclear how test code is written for
> sessions. Googling this yields two relevant discussions about this
> issue:
> 1. "Easier manipulation of sessions by test client" [http://
> 2. " raises error for anonymous
> users" []
> I'm confused because both tickets have different ways of dealing with
> this problem and they were both Accepted. I assume this means they
> were patched and the behavior is now different. I also don't know to
> which versions these patches would pertain.
> If I'm writing a unit test in Django 1.0, how would I set up my
> session store for sessions to work as they do in the browser?
Perhaps, you should be more explicit with your problem. I am using the client 
and there is no problem at all.

For instance;
class GeneriqueTestCases(TestCase):   
def test_login_admin(self):



def test_login_domaine(self):
self.client.login(username='admin', password='admin')
self.assertEqual(response.context['user'].username, 'admin')

In the last test, I am explicitely using informations stored in a session. 
(However, I have searched a long time before I understand that some variables 
was set in the accounts/accueil/ page :-( )


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RPC4Django - can't pass Boolean args nor Keyword args

2010-03-31 Thread Simone Orsi
anyone using RPC4Django has faced this ?


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rpc4django - passing keyword arguments or boolean arguments

2010-03-31 Thread Simone Orsi

anybody using rpc4django has faced this?


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after except IntegrityError no database values are returned anymore

2010-03-31 Thread
Dear Django Users,

There is a part in my code where i check if there is an IntegrityError
on certain values and is so the error is caught and saved in a list.
To be able to do this i imported from psycopg2 the IntegrityError.

This all does work like it should the only thing is that after that i
caught the integrityerror and i want to access other data from the
database no values are returned as if there are no values present.

does anybody have a clue what's going on and how i could solve it.

best regards,


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Apache hang-up after booting

2010-03-31 Thread Josh B
Hi everybody,

I'm using django (integrated in an application, omero) as a production
server with mod_python (v3.3.1-147.35) and apache (v2.2.10-2.8.1).
Unfortunately after rebooting the server apache seems to hang-up. When
opening the website I just see the progress-indicator gif.
When restarting the apache server by hand or disabling mod_python
redirect everything works fine.

My mod_python (located in /etc/apache2/conf.d/) script looks like

SetHandler python-program
PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE omeroweb.settings
PythonDebug On
PythonPath "['/srv/omero/omero_dist/lib/python', '/srv/omero/
omero_dist/lib/python/omeroweb'] + sys.path"

The apache error_log:
[Wed Mar 31 14:13:23 2010] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Wed Mar 31 14:14:28 2010] [notice] mod_python: Creating 8 session
mutexes based on 150 max processes and 0 max threads.
[Wed Mar 31 14:14:28 2010] [notice] mod_python: using mutex_directory /
[Wed Mar 31 14:14:28 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.10 (Linux/SUSE) PHP/
5.2.11 with Suhosin-Patch mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.6 mod_wsgi/2.5
configured -- resuming normal operations

Has anyone an idea what could lead to the error when rebooting?

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Re: auth.Message ignores directions from database router - Possible RelatedManager bug

2010-03-31 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 9:28 AM, xin  wrote:
> I am unsure if this a bug in Django, or django-multidb-router, or
> something I've done wrong.
> I'm using django-multidb-router from here: 
> With two database definitions, a read_only_user and a read_write_user
> (with the intentions of having multiple read-only definitions)
> As far as I can tell, all reads get directed to the read_only_user and
> all writes get detected to read_write_user. That is, until
> contrib.Admin tries to create a new user message for a save() which
> for tries to write with the read_only_user and fails.
> When overriding with an empty function, the admin
> interface resumes working as expected, with reads and writes being
> sent to the appropriate databases.
> From what I guess by looking at the traceback, `RelatedManager` is
> overriding `get_query_set()` to set the query-set's DB. But when the
> `create()` call gets down to `models.query.QuerySet.create()`,
> `` (line 350) is called, and forces `using` to self.db,
> negating any direction from the Router.

Apologies for not replying sooner - this message was on my todo list,
but got buried in other stuff.

I presume you are the person behind #13250 -- in which case, I just
committed a fix in r12895. It turns out it was an error in the way
routing information was used when calling create() on a foreign key
(in this case, user.message_set.create()). I've corrected the error;
let me know if you have any more problems.

Russ Magee %-)

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Passing hidden foreign key to form as initial value

2010-03-31 Thread phoebebright
Displayed fields resolve as expected, hidden fields cause errors.

This works:

in the model
CourseBook has a foreign key to Course

In the view:

course = Course.objects.get(pk=whatever)
form = CouseBook(initial = {'course': course})

in the Form:

class CourseBook(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = CourseBooking

The web page now displays a picklist of courses with the initial value
highlighted.  I can now do a no problem.

However, if I make the course a hidden field, which is what I want.

class CourseBook(ModelForm):
course = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput())

class Meta:
model = CourseBooking

then when I come to save() I get a ValueError, unable to assign "My
course"  etc. as it tries to put the name of the course into the
foreign key instead of a course instance.

I can work around this putting a save method on the form, but it seems
to me django should resolve this for me

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Hotmail contacts using python hotmail sdk

2010-03-31 Thread karthi
i have the SDK with me,
source code for getting hotmail contacts in DJANGO environment:
from lib.WindowsLiveLogin import ConsentToken
import urllib, urllib2
def hotmail_login(request):
wll =
url = wll.getConsentUrl("Contacts.View")
return redirect(url)

def hotmail_callback(request):

wll =

class Obj(object):
fs = {}
for var in request.POST:
fs[var] = Obj()
fs[var].value = request.POST.get(var)
consent_token = wll.processConsent(fs)
if consent_token and consent_token.isValid():
lid = consent_token.getLocationID()
lid16 = int(lid, 16)
to_signed_64 = lambda x: x < 2**63 and x or x - 2**64
lid_s64 = to_signed_64(lid16)
url = '
invitationsbyemail' % lid_s64
req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('Authorization', 'DelegatedToken dt="%s"'
response = urllib2.build_opener().open(req)
the_page =

when i am trying to run the above script in the lib path ,shows error:
from lib.WindowsLiveLogin import ConsentToken
ImportError: No module named lib.WindowsLiveLogin

Also i need a console script without django framework,can anybody tell
me on what should i modify on the above script.

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Hotmail contacts using python library

2010-03-31 Thread karthi
can anybody tell me how to write a script to import hotmail contacts
with library,i have a web based script used for
django environment brlow:

from lib.WindowsLiveLogin import ConsentToken
import urllib, urllib2
def hotmail_login(request):
wll =
url = wll.getConsentUrl("Contacts.View")
return redirect(url)

def hotmail_callback(request):

wll =

class Obj(object):
fs = {}
for var in request.POST:
fs[var] = Obj()
fs[var].value = request.POST.get(var)
consent_token = wll.processConsent(fs)
if consent_token and consent_token.isValid():
lid = consent_token.getLocationID()
lid16 = int(lid, 16)
to_signed_64 = lambda x: x < 2**63 and x or x - 2**64
lid_s64 = to_signed_64(lid16)
url = '
invitationsbyemail' % lid_s64
req = urllib2.Request(url)
req.add_header('Authorization', 'DelegatedToken dt="%s"'
response = urllib2.build_opener().open(req)
the_page =

How this can be achieved in python console script with delauth-python
1.2 lib but no djago environment?
thanx in advance

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Model field default value and form field weirdness

2010-03-31 Thread Michel Thadeu Sabchuk
Hi guys,

I'm working on a cms running over django1.1.1 and I'm facing a weird

I have a BlogPost model that uses a callable (
as default value for some field.

I created my own views for manage blog posts. The view make use of a
BlogPostForm ModelForm class, defined on another module. My code is
organized in 3 files:, and

When I instantiate the BlogPostForm class, it expand the default value
and the unbound form get his fields filled with the callable. If the
callable is "", the field is filled with the now

The problem is that this expanding of callables are done on
"formfield" method of the field class and this method is called in the
form instantiation. This cause the default value to be expanded a
first_time and stay the same for the next hits.

Did you undestand what I meant?

I think this is a bug. Did someone faced a similar problem?

Best regards,

Michel Sabchuk

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modelform validation

2010-03-31 Thread Emanuel
Hi all!

I have a modelform and I want to customize validation.

I'm overriding the method clean_().

When I'm saving the form I want to see if a specific user has been already 
assigned to a project. The only way he can ben assigned again is if he's an 
inactive user, so:
Class User(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(...)
active = models.BooleanField()

Class Project(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)

Class ProjectForm(ModelForm)

def clean_name(self):
user = self.cleaned_data['user']
if User.objecs.filter(, active=True):
raise forms.ValidationError(_("This man has been 
already assign 
to a partner"))
return user

When I'm creating a new project it works fine (I believe, haven't been tested 
yet), but when editing it throws an error because the user already exists, and 
that's obvious. So, I want to be able to verify if it is a new instance or if 
it is an instance being edited. 


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Re: Model field default value and form field weirdness

2010-03-31 Thread Michel Thadeu Sabchuk
> The problem is that this expanding of callables are done on
> "formfield" method of the field class and this method is called in the

Sorry by this email guys, I just found a ticket talking about it:

It seems the problem is fixed.


Michel Sabchuk

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script to import hotmail contacts with python hotmail contacts api

2010-03-31 Thread Karthikeyan P
can anybody tell me how to write a script to import hotmail contacts
with library,i have a web based script used for
django environment below:

from lib.WindowsLiveLogin import ConsentToken
import urllib, urllib2
def hotmail_login(request):
   wll =
   url = wll.getConsentUrl("Contacts.View")
   return redirect(url)

def hotmail_callback(request):

   wll =

class Obj(object):
fs = {}
for var in request.POST:
   fs[var] = Obj()
   fs[var].value = request.POST.get(var)
   consent_token = wll.processConsent(fs)
if consent_token and consent_token.isValid():
   lid = consent_token.getLocationID()
   lid16 = int(lid, 16)
   to_signed_64 = lambda x: x < 2**63 and x or x - 2**64
   lid_s64 = to_signed_64(lid16)
   url = '
invitationsbyemail' % lid_s64
   req = urllib2.Request(url)
   req.add_header('Authorization', 'DelegatedToken dt="%s"'
   response = urllib2.build_opener().open(req)
   the_page =

How this can be achieved in python console script with delauth-python
1.2 lib but no djago environment?
thanx in advance

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modelform validation

2010-03-31 Thread Emanuel
Hi all!

I have a modelform and I want to customize validation.

I'm overriding the method clean_().

When I'm saving the form I want to see if a specific user has been already 
assigned to a project. The only way he can ben assigned again is if he's an 
inactive user, so:
Class User(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(...)
active = models.BooleanField()

Class Project(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)

Class ProjectForm(ModelForm)

def clean_name(self):
user = self.cleaned_data['user']
if User.objecs.filter(, active=True):
raise forms.ValidationError(_("This man has been 
already assign 
to a partner"))
return user

When I'm creating a new project it works fine (I believe, haven't been tested 
yet), but when editing it throws an error because the user already exists, and 
that's obvious. So, I want to be able to verify if it is a new instance or if 
it is an instance being edited. 


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Re: Error in image upload while copying file

2010-03-31 Thread pjmorse
On Mar 30, 10:53 am, bruno desthuilliers
> Uh. Oh, well - then you indeed have a problem :(

> Hum... Is that legacy code ? Looks pretty ugly to me - wouldn't pass a
> code review here.
> Well, assuming you're using at least Django 1.0, I suggest you get rid
> of this mess and make appropriate use of FileField /
> ImageField.upload_to:

Thanks, Bruno, that gives me a toehold. Yes, that's legacy code; I'm
guessing it was originally written for a pre-1.0 Django, and as noted
above the original developers suggested that downgrading Python to 2.4
would solve the problem. (Ugh.) I'll follow up on the
ImageField.upload_to and see how that does.



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"format" error with django-piston

2010-03-31 Thread Brandon Taylor
Hi everyone,

I know there's a Google Group for django-piston, but there's not very
much conversation on that group, so I'm re-posting here as well.

I'm getting an error when running the "blogserver" example site
included with Piston:

AttributeError at /api/posts/
'Blogpost' object has no attribute 'format'

Googling this has turned up one post on the Bitbucket site:,
which says there's a patch, like 9 months ago, but that the patch
doesn't work.

The problem seems related to the @classmethod resource_uri, but I'm
uncertain as to how to fix this.

Kind regards,

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Re: Passing hidden foreign key to form as initial value

2010-03-31 Thread Brandon Taylor
Hi there,

Instead of using the course object in your initial data, which will
pass in the __unicode__ representation of the object, pass in the id:

form = CouseBook(initial = {'course':})

That should get you the numeric id, but you'll also need to override
your save method to get the course object to assign when you save your
CourseBook form, as you can't assign an integer (coming from your
hidden form field) to the value of a ForeignKey field on a model.


On Mar 31, 8:20 am, phoebebright  wrote:
> Displayed fields resolve as expected, hidden fields cause errors.
> This works:
> in the model
> CourseBook has a foreign key to Course
> In the view:
> course = Course.objects.get(pk=whatever)
> form = CouseBook(initial = {'course': course})
> in the Form:
> class CourseBook(ModelForm):
>     class Meta:
>         model = CourseBooking
> The web page now displays a picklist of courses with the initial value
> highlighted.  I can now do a no problem.
> However, if I make the course a hidden field, which is what I want.
> class CourseBook(ModelForm):
>     course = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput())
>     class Meta:
>         model = CourseBooking
> then when I come to save() I get a ValueError, unable to assign "My
> course"  etc. as it tries to put the name of the course into the
> foreign key instead of a course instance.
> I can work around this putting a save method on the form, but it seems
> to me django should resolve this for me

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Re: modelform validation

2010-03-31 Thread Brandon Taylor
Hi there,

When calling def clean_name(self):, you can see if your instance has
an id or not:

def clean_name(self):
if not
#this would be a new record
#this would be an existing record


On Mar 31, 9:24 am, Emanuel  wrote:
> Hi all!
> I have a modelform and I want to customize validation.
> I'm overriding the method clean_().
> When I'm saving the form I want to see if a specific user has been already
> assigned to a project. The only way he can ben assigned again is if he's an
> inactive user, so:
> Class User(models.Model):
>         name = models.CharField(...)
>         active = models.BooleanField()
>         ...
> Class Project(models.Model):
>         user = models.ForeignKey(User)
> **
> Class ProjectForm(ModelForm)
>         def clean_name(self):
>                 user = self.cleaned_data['user']
>                 if User.objecs.filter(, active=True):
>                         raise forms.ValidationError(_("This man has been
> already assign
> to a partner"))
>                 return user
> When I'm creating a new project it works fine (I believe, haven't been tested
> yet), but when editing it throws an error because the user already exists, and
> that's obvious. So, I want to be able to verify if it is a new instance or if
> it is an instance being edited.
> Thanks,

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Re: modelform validation

2010-03-31 Thread Vinicius Mendes
Test if self.instance.user is not None, if so, change the queryset to
exclude the self.instance.user:

Vinícius Mendes
Solucione Sistemas

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Emanuel  wrote:

> Hi all!
> I have a modelform and I want to customize validation.
> I'm overriding the method clean_().
> When I'm saving the form I want to see if a specific user has been already
> assigned to a project. The only way he can ben assigned again is if he's an
> inactive user, so:
> Class User(models.Model):
>name = models.CharField(...)
>active = models.BooleanField()
> Class Project(models.Model):
>user = models.ForeignKey(User)
> **
> Class ProjectForm(ModelForm)
>def clean_name(self):
>user = self.cleaned_data['user']
>if User.objecs.filter(, active=True):
>raise forms.ValidationError(_("This man has been
> already assign
> to a partner"))
>return user
> When I'm creating a new project it works fine (I believe, haven't been
> tested
> yet), but when editing it throws an error because the user already exists,
> and
> that's obvious. So, I want to be able to verify if it is a new instance or
> if
> it is an instance being edited.
> Thanks,
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "Django users" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: display in a custom model

2010-03-31 Thread Wiiboy
Hmm, you should be able to do that.  I do exactly that in one of my

The only I differences I see between yours and mine is that you return
a unicode string, rather than just a string, and you wrote self.user,
rather than self.user.something.

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Getting strange email from "dreamhost"

2010-03-31 Thread Wiiboy
Hi guys,
I've gotten two emails from "Mail Delivery Subsystem
" with the subject "Your message was NOT
received by!".
The body is below.  Anyone know why I'm getting these?  Is anyone else
getting them?  I have no affiliation with Dreamhost or at all, so this

We're sorry.. your email was unable to be processed by our automatic
support system, and so is being returned to you.

We could not find your email address in our customer database and so
couldn't accept your email. Due to the HUGE volume of spam we receive
at this address, we've been forced to implement this new policy.

Therefore, please just re-submit your message at:

All messages submitted through that form are guaranteed to be
even if you aren't currently a customer!

Our apologies for the inconvenience,
The Happy DreamHost Support Team!

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Re: Getting strange email from "dreamhost"

2010-03-31 Thread Brandon Taylor
I'm getting those from this forum as well.

On Mar 31, 10:13 am, Wiiboy  wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've gotten two emails from "Mail Delivery Subsystem
> " with the subject "Your message was NOT
> received by!".
> The body is below.  Anyone know why I'm getting these?  Is anyone else
> getting them?  I have no affiliation with Dreamhost or at all, so this
> is...strange.
> We're sorry.. your email was unable to be processed by our automatic
> support system, and so is being returned to you.
> We could not find your email address in our customer database and so
> couldn't accept your email. Due to the HUGE volume of spam we receive
> at this address, we've been forced to implement this new policy.
> Therefore, please just re-submit your message at:
> All messages submitted through that form are guaranteed to be
> received,
> even if you aren't currently a customer!
> Our apologies for the inconvenience,
> --
> The Happy DreamHost Support Team!

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Re: transactions

2010-03-31 Thread Tomasz Zieliński

On 31 Mar, 06:04, Continuation  wrote:
> On Mar 30, 8:33 am, Tomasz Zieliñski
>  wrote:
> > If you take a look at TransactionMiddleware source:
> >
> > then you'll see that it's just commit_on_success in disguise:
> >
> So that means I don't need TransactionMiddleware if I use
> @transaction.commit_on_success, right?

If you put @transaction.commit_on_success explicitly in your code,
then you're doing TransactionMiddleware manually, so the answer is

> > Also, you can take a look at my post here, to avoid some transaction-
> > related problems in future:
> >
> Thanks.
> I assume that calling transaction.commit() after the IntegrityError
> exception is to refresh the frozen view. But I'm not sure I understand
> why transaction.commit() would do that. Can you elaborate?

Because on default MySQL isolation level, i.e. REPEATABLE READ,
view (or snapshot) of db table is frozen after first access to it
(there are some more detail's to it).
To get new snapshot you have to open new transaction, and that's what
commit do.

(Note that in above link they say about SELECT, and I don't remember
if create() also
SELECTs or it's INSERT that freezes table, but the fact is table
become frozen for transaction).

> Also in your stackoverflow answer you said the default for MySQL is
> AUTOCOMMIT=OFF. but in the Django doc (
> en/dev/topics/db/transactions/) it was stated that
> "Django's default behavior is to run with an open transaction which it
> commits automatically... This is much like the auto-commit setting for
> most databases."
> So is auto-commit on or off by default?

It's the tricky part. There are *two* auto-commits - one is in DB,
and second one is in Django.

Autocommit in DB is OFF by default (according to Python DB API spec,
and Django doesn't seem to change that), whereas Django autocommit
is turned ON by default (and documentation is not clear here).

DB autocommit is something you can read about in DB docs,
(for MySQL Innodb:
where as Django autocommit is simple mechanism that calls db COMMIT
each query that modifies db (e.g. INSERT caused by save()) - and
that's the whole magic.

Tomasz Zielinski

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Re: Passing hidden foreign key to form as initial value

2010-03-31 Thread phoebebright
Brandon, Thanks for your suggestion.
I tried passing it an ID, but as you say, I also have to override the
save.  What I don't understand is why it does it fine if the form
includes the foreign key in a popup?  They are both passing back
integers after all.

Also failed to get the save method working, tried to pass in the
course instance, but it still ends up trying to save with the id of
the course.  Is it not using cleaned_data?

def save(self, course=False, force_insert=False,
force_update=False, commit=True):
if course:
self.cleaned_data['course'] = course
return super(CourseBook, self).save(commit=commit)

Any suggestions welcome as I've spent the whole afternoon on this - I
won't go through the many other workarounds that havn't worked!


On Mar 31, 4:02 pm, Brandon Taylor  wrote:
> Hi there,
> Instead of using the course object in your initial data, which will
> pass in the __unicode__ representation of the object, pass in the id:
> form = CouseBook(initial = {'course':})
> That should get you the numeric id, but you'll also need to override
> your save method to get the course object to assign when you save your
> CourseBook form, as you can't assign an integer (coming from your
> hidden form field) to the value of a ForeignKey field on a model.
> HTH,
> Brandon
> On Mar 31, 8:20 am, phoebebright  wrote:
> > Displayed fields resolve as expected, hidden fields cause errors.
> > This works:
> > in the model
> > CourseBook has a foreign key to Course
> > In the view:
> > course = Course.objects.get(pk=whatever)
> > form = CouseBook(initial = {'course': course})
> > in the Form:
> > class CourseBook(ModelForm):
> >     class Meta:
> >         model = CourseBooking
> > The web page now displays a picklist of courses with the initial value
> > highlighted.  I can now do a no problem.
> > However, if I make the course a hidden field, which is what I want.
> > class CourseBook(ModelForm):
> >     course = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput())
> >     class Meta:
> >         model = CourseBooking
> > then when I come to save() I get a ValueError, unable to assign "My
> > course"  etc. as it tries to put the name of the course into the
> > foreign key instead of a course instance.
> > I can work around this putting a save method on the form, but it seems
> > to me django should resolve this for me

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Re: word processing django apps

2010-03-31 Thread Brandon Taylor
At The Texas Tribune (, we use a combination of
TinyMCE and django-reversion. It doesn't track changes between
versions, but it maintains a history table of each previous version of
our main content types.


On Mar 30, 4:18 pm, John Griessen  wrote:
> Some potential Django site users I know asked for word processing with 
> revisions
> for group writing they do.
> Is there a web hostable word processor with savable version history that is 
> easy to integrate with Django?
> A web based editor search turns up
> wymeditor
> TinyMCE
> Anyone integrated these along with versions?
> etherpad looks interesting.  Anyone using it along side Django?
> If so, what's that like?
> John

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Re: Getting strange email from "dreamhost"

2010-03-31 Thread Vinicius Mendes
I getting those too.

Vinícius Mendes
Solucione Sistemas

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Brandon Taylor wrote:

> I'm getting those from this forum as well.
> On Mar 31, 10:13 am, Wiiboy  wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I've gotten two emails from "Mail Delivery Subsystem
> > " with the subject "Your message was NOT
> > received by!".
> > The body is below.  Anyone know why I'm getting these?  Is anyone else
> > getting them?  I have no affiliation with Dreamhost or at all, so this
> > is...strange.
> >
> > We're sorry.. your email was unable to be processed by our automatic
> > support system, and so is being returned to you.
> >
> > We could not find your email address in our customer database and so
> > couldn't accept your email. Due to the HUGE volume of spam we receive
> > at this address, we've been forced to implement this new policy.
> >
> > Therefore, please just re-submit your message at:
> >
> >
> >
> > All messages submitted through that form are guaranteed to be
> > received,
> > even if you aren't currently a customer!
> >
> > Our apologies for the inconvenience,
> > --
> > The Happy DreamHost Support Team!
> --
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Re: Admin Add Page

2010-03-31 Thread Brandon Taylor
You can extend the change_form.html and change_list.html templates for
those views, or the base_site.html template.

Look in your: django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/ folder to see all
of the templates. Also, check out the documentation at:


On Mar 30, 1:16 pm, Asim Yuksel  wrote:
> I want to use a custom admin add page with custom admin look and feel.
> What is the template to extend? I want to use something like this
> I tried to hack the html by viewing the source but it is time
> consuming and it always show a message "This field is required.". I
> want to show this message when I click save.

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Re: Admin Add Page

2010-03-31 Thread Asim Yuksel
Thanks but I get error when I try to extend it

it says:Caught an exception while rendering: opts

and it highlights

{% submit_row %}

Any ideas?

On 31 Mart, 11:23, Brandon Taylor  wrote:
> You can extend the change_form.html and change_list.html templates for
> those views, or the base_site.html template.
> Look in your: django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/ folder to see all
> of the templates. Also, check out the documentation 
> at:
> Cheers,
> Brandon
> On Mar 30, 1:16 pm, Asim Yuksel  wrote:
> > I want to use a custom admin add page with custom admin look and feel.
> > What is the template to extend? I want to use something like this
> >
> > I tried to hack the html by viewing the source but it is time
> > consuming and it always show a message "This field is required.". I
> > want to show this message when I click save.

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Re: Is it possible to change the width of the boxes displayed by the filter_horizontal in Django admin interface?

2010-03-31 Thread rc

Thanks for the clarification. That helped a lot.
I did get this working. Yeah!
Had to do a slight tweak to the surrounding elements on the page to
get it to look right (minor change to widgets.css).
Now I can see all of the data for the profiles. Seems like there
should be a way to auto scale the width based on data, but that's for
another time.
Thanks for your help.

On Mar 26, 10:43 am, Walt  wrote:
> I'm sorry I wasn't more clear, the class Media just gets
> added to your existing admin class. The path to the css
> should be the path that is appended to your SETTINGS.PY
> media path to reach the css file. The class ResizeFilterAdmin
> was just an example name.
> In other words, if your media path is: /var/www/media
> and your css file is stored in /var/www/media/css/bisite.css
> then your Media entry would be:
> css = { 'all': ('/media/css/bisite.css',)}
> So the full entry would be:
> class ProfileAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>     search_fields = ('profile_name',)
>     ordering = ('profile_name',)
>    filter_horizontal= ('profile_test',)
>     class Media:
>         css = {
>             'all':('/media/css/bisite.css',)
>         }
> Does that make more sense? Again, I apologize for the
> miscommunication!
> Thanks,
> Walt
> -~

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Table in not being created during syncdb

2010-03-31 Thread wchildsuk

I'm using the django app, django-schedule (
django-schedule) and am adding an additional table to map users to
calendars (see line 253 on dpaste).  When I run syncdb it completely
ignores my table and doesn't through any errors. Can anyone shed any
light on way it might be being igored?

My models file is available here:

Thanks in advance


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Re: RPC4Django - can't pass Boolean args nor Keyword args

2010-03-31 Thread creecode
Apparently the question has been answered.

On Mar 31, 1:51 am, Simone Orsi  wrote:

> anyone using RPC4Django has faced 
> this


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Re: "format" error with django-piston

2010-03-31 Thread Brandon Taylor
I ended up using jezdez's fork of Piston, and it works as expected:

On Mar 31, 9:57 am, Brandon Taylor  wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I know there's a Google Group for django-piston, but there's not very
> much conversation on that group, so I'm re-posting here as well.
> I'm getting an error when running the "blogserver" example site
> included with Piston:
> AttributeError at /api/posts/
> 'Blogpost' object has no attribute 'format'
> Googling this has turned up one post on the Bitbucket 
> site:,
> which says there's a patch, like 9 months ago, but that the patch
> doesn't work.
> The problem seems related to the @classmethod resource_uri, but I'm
> uncertain as to how to fix this.
> Kind regards,
> Brandon

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Re: Getting strange email from "dreamhost"

2010-03-31 Thread creecode
Hello all,

I just posted a reply to a message here via the web interface and got
an email like this.


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Re: Probably a very basic data modeling question

2010-03-31 Thread Daniel
Hi everyone,

I am still having issues with my data models.  I can't tell if the
underlying problem is my model definitions or my inability to do the
queries to manipulate my models to get the output that I want.

Could someone please tell me if this is the right way to do it in my

Again, what I want is:

 disease = asthma
 gender = male
 race = white
 disease = diabetes
 gender = female
 race = black
 disease = asthma
 race = white
 cell = lung
 disease = breast cancer
 gender = female
 race = hispanic

So, each sample is described by one or more facets (i.e., tags) like
disease, race, cell, gender, etc.  Each facet (tag) will have one
value at any one time.
So do I have the following relations?
sample has a many to many relationship with facets.
facets have a 1 to many relationship with values.

I'm kind of unsure if Sample should have just a Facet field,  and then
Facet should have a Value field; or if Sample should have a Facet
field and also a Value field, both in a many to many relationship with

Finally, here is my code:

from django.db import models

class Value(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=60)
def __unicode__(self):

class Facet(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=60)
value = models.ForeignKey(Value)

def __unicode__(self):

class Sample(models.Model):
number = models.CharField(max_length=30)
facets = models.ManyToManyField(Facet)
description = models.TextField()

def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s' %(self.number,)

class Meta:
ordering = ['number']

Thanks so much!

On Mar 28, 7:52 am, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Mar 28, 2:28 am, Daniel  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'd appreciate it if you could help me out with something.
> > I am trying to build a way to use faceted browsing through a database
> > of biological samples.
> > what I want to model is this:
> > Sample 1
> >      race = white
> >      age = adult
> >      gene = XCFR2
> >      disease = cancer
> > Sample 2
> >      race = white
> >      age = child
> >      gene = 343GS
> >      disease = stroke
> >      date = 2010
> >      country = Netherlands
> > So each sample could contain many tags.  And each tag should have one
> > value at a time.  A tag is a category (like race, age, gene, disease),
> > and a value is for lack of a better word, the choice or free text that
> > is entered to the right of the ='s sign.  TAG = race, then value =
> > white
> > So  does each sample have a many to many relationship with tags?  And
> > then tags have a many to many relationship with values?
> > Each sample can have many tags (race, age, gene, disease, ...etc).
> > Each tag can have many diff values (race could be white, black,
> > hispanic, asian, etc...) BUT only one at a time
> > Each value should be mapped to one tag at a time.  But I guess a value
> > could be reused, like the value XCFR2 could be a valid in gene = XCFR2
> > and discovered_information = XCFR2.
> > I think I'm making it too hard, but if someone can help, I would be
> > happy
> Perhaps you want some kind of machinetags implementation? In other
> words, tag a sample with things like "race:white, gene:XCFR2" and so
> on.
> I've not used it, but there is a branch of django-tagging that
> supports machinetags 
> here:
> --
> DR.

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Re: Passing hidden foreign key to form as initial value

2010-03-31 Thread phoebebright
Final approach:
in the excluded the courses foreign key field
in made courses blank and nullable
didn't pass any initial values to the form
in the view, saved the form like this:
item = Courses.objects.get(pk=whatever)
obj =
obj.course = item

This doesn't feel very tidy to me, I think the form should have the
hidden values, but it works!

On Mar 31, 4:15 pm, phoebebright  wrote:
> Brandon, Thanks for your suggestion.
> I tried passing it an ID, but as you say, I also have to override the
> save.  What I don't understand is why it does it fine if the form
> includes the foreign key in a popup?  They are both passing back
> integers after all.
> Also failed to get the save method working, tried to pass in the
> course instance, but it still ends up trying to save with the id of
> the course.  Is it not using cleaned_data?
>     def save(self, course=False, force_insert=False,
> force_update=False, commit=True):
>         if course:
>             self.cleaned_data['course'] = course
>             return super(CourseBook, self).save(commit=commit)
> Any suggestions welcome as I've spent the whole afternoon on this - I
> won't go through the many other workarounds that havn't worked!
> Phoebe.
> On Mar 31, 4:02 pm, Brandon Taylor  wrote:
> > Hi there,
> > Instead of using the course object in your initial data, which will
> > pass in the __unicode__ representation of the object, pass in the id:
> > form = CouseBook(initial = {'course':})
> > That should get you the numeric id, but you'll also need to override
> > your save method to get the course object to assign when you save your
> > CourseBook form, as you can't assign an integer (coming from your
> > hidden form field) to the value of a ForeignKey field on a model.
> > HTH,
> > Brandon
> > On Mar 31, 8:20 am, phoebebright  wrote:
> > > Displayed fields resolve as expected, hidden fields cause errors.
> > > This works:
> > > in the model
> > > CourseBook has a foreign key to Course
> > > In the view:
> > > course = Course.objects.get(pk=whatever)
> > > form = CouseBook(initial = {'course': course})
> > > in the Form:
> > > class CourseBook(ModelForm):
> > >     class Meta:
> > >         model = CourseBooking
> > > The web page now displays a picklist of courses with the initial value
> > > highlighted.  I can now do a no problem.
> > > However, if I make the course a hidden field, which is what I want.
> > > class CourseBook(ModelForm):
> > >     course = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput())
> > >     class Meta:
> > >         model = CourseBooking
> > > then when I come to save() I get a ValueError, unable to assign "My
> > > course"  etc. as it tries to put the name of the course into the
> > > foreign key instead of a course instance.
> > > I can work around this putting a save method on the form, but it seems
> > > to me django should resolve this for me

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How to display a _unicode_ string when involving a many to many relationship?

2010-03-31 Thread Daniel
Hi guys,

I'd appreciate a little advice on the following:

I'm trying to get a unicode string representation of my model named
Sample.  But that Sample model has a many to many relationship with
another model, Facet.

So Sample's unicode method:

def __unicode__(self):
return u'%s' %(,)

This will not work in the __unicode__ method, but can someone tell me
how to represent this? I also want to use list_display inside a
SampleAdmin class to allow the admin site to show all the fields of my
Sample model, but so far I can't display any many to many fields.

Thanks again

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RE: Displaying the fields of two tables on the same admin page

2010-03-31 Thread Giovannetti, Mark
> I am entering them on the same page otherwise I will have to note down
> the ids of people and publications table and then go to bridge table
> and insert the ids there. So the reason I want to enter in the same
> page is I will insert the ids into bridge table whenever I click save.
> I am not allowed to change the db design by the way and it sucks :)

Does this not work the way you expect?

class People(models.Model):

 other fields

publications = models.ManyToManyField('Publication',

class Publication(models.Model):

 other fields

class PeoplePublication(models.Model):

people = models.ForeignKey('People',...)
publication = models.ForeignKey('Publication',...)


class PublicationInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = PeoplePublication
extra = 1

class PeopleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [PublicationInline], PeopleAdmin)

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Re: How do I properly unit test a Django session?

2010-03-31 Thread adambossy

Thanks for the response and the code sample.

To be clear, the "variables" in accounts/accueil/ are session
variables? I assume your view for that URL looks like this:

def accueil(request):
request.session['domaine'] = Domaine.objects.get(nom='DomaineAdmin')

My problem is that I am trying to _write_ session variables before
calling my view. For example:

def view(request):
if 'foo' not in request.session:
return HttpResponseRedirect('failure')
return HttpResponse('success')

class SessionTestCase(TestCase):
def test_view(self):
self.client.session['foo'] = 'bar'
self.assertEqual(self.client.status_code, 200)

This fails because Django doesn't properly pass the session to 'view,'
and I'm wondering what the best way is to ensure it's passed.

On Mar 31, 12:42 am, Thierry Chich  wrote:
> Le mercredi 31 mars 2010 05:40:43, adambossy a écrit :
> > The behavior of Django sessions changes between "standard" views code
> > and test code, making it unclear how test code is written for
> > sessions. Googling this yields two relevant discussions about this
> > issue:
> > 1. "Easier manipulation of sessions by test client" [http://
> >]
> > 2. " raises error for anonymous
> > users" []
> > I'm confused because both tickets have different ways of dealing with
> > this problem and they were both Accepted. I assume this means they
> > were patched and the behavior is now different. I also don't know to
> > which versions these patches would pertain.
> > If I'm writing a unit test in Django 1.0, how would I set up my
> > session store for sessions to work as they do in the browser?
> Hi,
> Perhaps, you should be more explicit with your problem. I am using the client
> and there is no problem at all.
> For instance;
> class GeneriqueTestCases(TestCase):  
>     def test_login_admin(self):
> self.failUnlessEqual(self.client.login(username='admin',password='admin'),T 
> rue)
>         self.client.logout()
>         response=self.client.get("/accounts/accueil/")
> self.assertRedirects(response,'/accounts/login/?login=/accounts/accueil/')
>     def test_login_domaine(self):
>         self.client.login(username='admin', password='admin')
>         response=self.client.get('/accounts/accueil/')
>         self.assertEqual(response.context['user'].username, 'admin')
>         d=Domaine.objects.get(nom='DomaineAdmin')
>         self.assertEqual(self.client.session.get('domaine'),d)
> In the last test, I am explicitely using informations stored in a session.
> (However, I have searched a long time before I understand that some variables
> was set in the accounts/accueil/ page :-( )
> Thierry

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Re: How to display a _unicode_ string when involving a many to many relationship?

2010-03-31 Thread Daniel Roseman
On Mar 31, 8:26 pm, Daniel  wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'd appreciate a little advice on the following:
> I'm trying to get a unicode string representation of my model named
> Sample.  But that Sample model has a many to many relationship with
> another model, Facet.
> So Sample's unicode method:
>         def __unicode__(self):
>                 return u'%s' %(,)
> This will not work in the __unicode__ method, but can someone tell me
> how to represent this? I also want to use list_display inside a
> SampleAdmin class to allow the admin site to show all the fields of my
> Sample model, but so far I can't display any many to many fields.
> Thanks again

You need to think about exactly you want to display here. You have a
manytomany relationship. That means that each Sample has multiple
Facets. So what do you want to show for each facet? You could join all
the facets for each sample into a comma-separated list:

return u', '.join(self.facet.all())

Is that what you want?

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JOIN instead of multiple SELECT

2010-03-31 Thread Federico Capoano
Hello to all,

has been a while i've been wondering how to optimize Django's queries
to the database, for example by setting it to use JOIN to retrieve
foreign keys instead of multiple selects.

for example if I have a blog object that has a category foreign key
and I write in a template

{{ blog.category.slug }}

I get another query to select the category.

Is there a way I can use a JOIN instead to avoid multiple queries?

Does this have sense for performance optimization?


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How to display other field(not the foreign key) in admin dropdown list

2010-03-31 Thread Asim Yuksel
I have a people table and a bridge table which are related. bridge
table has a foreignkey field for people table.

When I click add from django admin it shows the peopleid in a drop
down list. What I want to do is I want to show the field
instead of peopleid foreignkey field? How can I do this?

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Re: Displaying the fields of two tables on the same admin page

2010-03-31 Thread Asim Yuksel
The people and publication are not related so I cant use manytomany

On 31 Mart, 15:30, "Giovannetti, Mark"  wrote:
> > I am entering them on the same page otherwise I will have to note down
> > the ids of people and publications table and then go to bridge table
> > and insert the ids there. So the reason I want to enter in the same
> > page is I will insert the ids into bridge table whenever I click save.
> > I am not allowed to change the db design by the way and it sucks :)
> Does this not work the way you expect?
> class People(models.Model):
>      other fields
>     publications = models.ManyToManyField('Publication',
>                                     through='PeoplePublication',
>                                     )
> class Publication(models.Model):
>      other fields
> class PeoplePublication(models.Model):
>     people = models.ForeignKey('People',...)
>     publication = models.ForeignKey('Publication',...)
> in
> class PublicationInline(admin.TabularInline):
>     model = PeoplePublication
>     extra = 1
> class PeopleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>     inlines = [PublicationInline]
>, PeopleAdmin)

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Re: JOIN instead of multiple SELECT

2010-03-31 Thread Rolando Espinoza La Fuente
On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Federico Capoano
> Hello to all,
> has been a while i've been wondering how to optimize Django's queries
> to the database, for example by setting it to use JOIN to retrieve
> foreign keys instead of multiple selects.
> for example if I have a blog object that has a category foreign key
> and I write in a template
> {{ blog.category.slug }}
> I get another query to select the category.
> Is there a way I can use a JOIN instead to avoid multiple queries?

select_related() ?


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Re: How to display other field(not the foreign key) in admin dropdown list

2010-03-31 Thread Asim Yuksel
Okey I want to answer this :) just add a unicode method to your model
something like this

def __unicode__(self):
return "%s" %

On 31 Mart, 16:37, Asim Yuksel  wrote:
> I have a people table and a bridge table which are related. bridge
> table has a foreignkey field for people table.
> When I click add from django admin it shows the peopleid in a drop
> down list. What I want to do is I want to show the field
> instead of peopleid foreignkey field? How can I do this?

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Re: JOIN instead of multiple SELECT

2010-03-31 Thread Federico Capoano

how many things i've learnt today, to optimize the number and length
of query by using:

* select_related
* only
* extra

Do you think the performance gain is worth the work?

And I've a curiosity more to ask:
If I use the cache framework, once the results are cached the will the
database be hit again?

Best Regards

On Mar 31, 10:49 pm, Rolando Espinoza La Fuente 
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Federico Capoano
>  wrote:
> > Hello to all,
> > has been a while i've been wondering how to optimize Django's queries
> > to the database, for example by setting it to use JOIN to retrieve
> > foreign keys instead of multiple selects.
> > for example if I have a blog object that has a category foreign key
> > and I write in a template
> > {{ blog.category.slug }}
> > I get another query to select the category.
> > Is there a way I can use a JOIN instead to avoid multiple queries?
> select_related() ?
> ~Rolando

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Select previous and next from a table

2010-03-31 Thread x13

I'm trying to figure out a simple way to get a known record from a
database but also get the "previous" and "next" records too. My model
is a Photo table with user's votes :

ID  Votes

1 24
2 5
3 102
4 21
5 10

So, if I query for the photo with ID=4 (21 votes) I'd like to get the
next photo in the votes rank (ID=1 with 24 votes) and the previous
photo in the rank (ID=5 with 10 votes). Can I do this with only one
query to the database? Ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: JOIN instead of multiple SELECT

2010-03-31 Thread Rolando Espinoza La Fuente
On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Federico Capoano
> Thanks,
> how many things i've learnt today, to optimize the number and length
> of query by using:
> * select_related
> * only
> * extra
> Do you think the performance gain is worth the work?

Yes. Specially in loops where you have:

# in your view
posts = Post.objects.all()[:20]

# in your template
{% for post in posts %}
{{ post.title }}
{{ }}
{{ post.owner.username }}
{% endfor %}

post.category and post.owner will hit the database each loop.

> And I've a curiosity more to ask:
> If I use the cache framework, once the results are cached the will the
> database be hit again?

No. But you need to take care of invalidation.

There are few apps that provide drop-out solution for caching at orm level:
 * cache machine -
 * cachebot -
 * johnny cache -



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Re: Select previous and next from a table

2010-03-31 Thread Vinicius Mendes
I know how to do this with 3 queries:

object = Model.objects.filter(pk=pk)
previous =
next = Model.objects.filter(votes__gt=object.votes).order_by('votes')[:1][0]

My only problem with this is if there is any object with the same value for

Vinícius Mendes
Solucione Sistemas

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 7:45 PM, x13  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm trying to figure out a simple way to get a known record from a
> database but also get the "previous" and "next" records too. My model
> is a Photo table with user's votes :
> ID  Votes
> 1 24
> 2 5
> 3 102
> 4 21
> 5 10
> So, if I query for the photo with ID=4 (21 votes) I'd like to get the
> next photo in the votes rank (ID=1 with 24 votes) and the previous
> photo in the rank (ID=5 with 10 votes). Can I do this with only one
> query to the database? Ideas?
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers!
> --
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Re: Table in not being created during syncdb

2010-03-31 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 1:16 AM, wchildsuk  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using the django app, django-schedule (
> django-schedule) and am adding an additional table to map users to
> calendars (see line 253 on dpaste).  When I run syncdb it completely
> ignores my table and doesn't through any errors. Can anyone shed any
> light on way it might be being igored?

The most likely cause - a table of that name already exists. Django
uses the existence of the table as a mark for whether the table needs
to be created at all. If a table of the required name
(yourapp_calendarusers) already exists -- either because of a clash
with an existing project, or because you ran syncdb previously and
have an old version of the table -- Django won't create or update the

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Getting strange email from "dreamhost"

2010-03-31 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Wiiboy  wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've gotten two emails from "Mail Delivery Subsystem
> " with the subject "Your message was NOT
> received by!".
> The body is below.  Anyone know why I'm getting these?  Is anyone else
> getting them?  I have no affiliation with Dreamhost or at all, so this
> is...strange.

The problem is that somebody has subscribed to django-users with an
email address at dreamhost, but their spam policy doesn't allow mail
from the group, so their spam blocker is helpfully returning the mail.

For bonus points, the bounce mail doesn't seem to provide any
indication *who* has subscribed.

It's annoying, and I'm trying to find out whose subscription is
responsible so I can block it.

Your patience while we sort this out is appreciated.

Russ Magee %-)

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ckeditor and ckfinder

2010-03-31 Thread Bobby Roberts
I'm trying to get ckfinder to integrate with ckeditor.  I can go
directly to the ckfinder sample standalone and it uploads to the right
directory and everything so I know that ckfinder is configured
properly... anyone know how to get the upload tab on the image popup
with ckeditor so that ckfinder works in an integrated form?

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Re: ckeditor and ckfinder

2010-03-31 Thread Sam Lai
On 1 April 2010 13:05, Bobby Roberts  wrote:
> I'm trying to get ckfinder to integrate with ckeditor.  I can go
> directly to the ckfinder sample standalone and it uploads to the right
> directory and everything so I know that ckfinder is configured
> properly... anyone know how to get the upload tab on the image popup
> with ckeditor so that ckfinder works in an integrated form?

Not quite sure how ckfinder works, but to integrate a file browser
into ckeditor so it appears when you click the 'upload' button, you
need to set the 'filebrowserBrowseUrl' setting in the editor

I have a JSON string with all these settings in it which I write to
the template, the template then contains JS code that uses the config
when calling CKEDITOR.replace(textarea_id, config_dict);

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Re: ckeditor and ckfinder

2010-03-31 Thread Bobby Roberts
thanks for your reply... your tip got me thinking and I found the docs

under manual integration

On Mar 31, 10:16 pm, Sam Lai  wrote:
> On 1 April 2010 13:05, Bobby Roberts  wrote:
> > I'm trying to get ckfinder to integrate with ckeditor.  I can go
> > directly to the ckfinder sample standalone and it uploads to the right
> > directory and everything so I know that ckfinder is configured
> > properly... anyone know how to get the upload tab on the image popup
> > with ckeditor so that ckfinder works in an integrated form?
> Not quite sure how ckfinder works, but to integrate a file browser
> into ckeditor so it appears when you click the 'upload' button, you
> need to set the 'filebrowserBrowseUrl' setting in the editor
> configuration.
> I have a JSON string with all these settings in it which I write to
> the template, the template then contains JS code that uses the config
> when calling CKEDITOR.replace(textarea_id, config_dict);
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> >
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> > at

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admin inline objects: replicated insertions on first save

2010-03-31 Thread nate_hardy
hi all,

i'm building an application that models the literature, biology and
ecology of a group of insects. i have been playing around with the
admin site and have noticed some odd behavior. For example, I have a
class for species names, that has several inline model objects in the
admin - one for the name of the author of the species, one for the
name of the collection where the type material of the species is found
etc. When i enter data for a new species and hit save the first time,
the data that i have entered in the inline objects are replicated once
or twice, i.e. instead of having inserted on species author record
with the value 'Kondo,' it will insert two species record objects with
the value 'Kondo.' Sometimes it will automatically insert an
additional value that I had inserted for another name entirely.

If i click the check boxes to delete those automaticaly inserted
records and save again it fixes it.

any idea what is going on here?


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Re: Getting strange email from "dreamhost"

2010-03-31 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 7:55 AM, Russell Keith-Magee
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 11:13 PM, Wiiboy  wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I've gotten two emails from "Mail Delivery Subsystem
>> " with the subject "Your message was NOT
>> received by!".
>> The body is below.  Anyone know why I'm getting these?  Is anyone else
>> getting them?  I have no affiliation with Dreamhost or at all, so this
>> is...strange.
> The problem is that somebody has subscribed to django-users with an
> email address at dreamhost, but their spam policy doesn't allow mail
> from the group, so their spam blocker is helpfully returning the mail.
> For bonus points, the bounce mail doesn't seem to provide any
> indication *who* has subscribed.
> It's annoying, and I'm trying to find out whose subscription is
> responsible so I can block it.
> Your patience while we sort this out is appreciated.

This is a test email to see if we're still getting the bounce
messages... apologies for the noise.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: Getting strange email from "dreamhost"

2010-03-31 Thread Wiiboy
Hehe, that's kinda funny...Thanks for your help Russell. =)

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form object has no attribute 'cleaned_data'

2010-03-31 Thread jeff
so i've searched high and low on this error. lots of answers about
having used old versions of django. i did this:

j...@earth:/home/samba/raymour/v1/rrsite$ --version

then a lot of stuff about python path having been done with an easy
installer and having an 'egg' in it. doesn't seem i have that problem:

['/home/samba/ray/v1/rrsite', '/usr/lib/python2.6', '/usr/lib/
python2.6/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/
python2.6/lib-old', '/usr/lib/python2.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/lib/
python2.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/Numeric',
'/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/PIL', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-
packages/gst-0.10', '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6', '/usr/lib/
python2.6/dist-packages/gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/
gtk-2.0', '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode', '/
usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/wx-2.8-gtk2-unicode', '/usr/local/lib/

i just used the version on ubuntu.

here is my form:
from django import forms

class SymForm(forms.Form):

and view:
def add_pair(request):
# these are the basic locals we need to set for the template to
page_title='Add a Pair'
if request.method == 'POST':
if form.is_valid:
return HttpResponseRedirect('/sym/added/')

please can you offer any suggestions???

thanks in advance.

and the traceback:

Request Method: POST
Request URL:
Django Version: 1.1.1
Python Version: 2.6.4
Installed Applications:
Installed Middleware:

File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django/core/handlers/" in
  92. response = callback(request, *callback_args,
File "/home/samba/ray/v1/rrsite/../rrsite/pairs01/" in
  38.   s1=form.cleaned_data['sym1']

Exception Type: AttributeError at /add/pair/
Exception Value: 'SymForm' object has no attribute 'cleaned_data'

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Re: form object has no attribute 'cleaned_data'

2010-03-31 Thread Nick Arnett
On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 9:09 PM, jeff  wrote:

>page_title='Add a Pair'
>if request.method == 'POST':
>if form.is_valid:

is_valid is a call - you want this:

if form.is_valid():


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Re: How do I properly unit test a Django session?

2010-03-31 Thread Phlip
adambossy wrote:

> My problem is that I am trying to _write_ session variables before
> calling my view. For example:

Django really falls down here, especially compared to Brand X. Stuff a
session like this:

def assemble_session(self, dictionary):
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.importlib import import_module
engine = import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE)
store = engine.SessionStore()  # we need to make load() work, or the cookie is
self.client.cookies[settings.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME] =
session = self.client.session

  # and now remember to re-login!


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Re: How to display a _unicode_ string when involving a many to many relationship?

2010-03-31 Thread Daniel
  return u', '.join(self.facet.all())  does not work.  I believe from
Dive into Python .join expects a String:

"join works only on lists of strings; it does not do any type
coercion. Joining a list that has one or more non-string elements will
raise an exception."

But in the Python docs it says .join() takes an iterable
parameter.self.facets.all() is a querySet, which is definitely

Basically I would like to display every field of my Sample class in
the admin view, like so:

  tag1   value1
  tag2   value2
  tag3   value3

Sample and tag are manytomany, and each tag should have one value at a
time.  It's this many to many relationship that I'm having trouble
Am I to use inlines, the "through" attribute, write a custom method,
or do I need to hack the Admin to do something which I'm thinking
should be a very common thing.


On Mar 31, 3:40 pm, Daniel Roseman  wrote:
> On Mar 31, 8:26 pm, Daniel  wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I'd appreciate a little advice on the following:
> > I'm trying to get a unicode string representation of my model named
> > Sample.  But that Sample model has a many to many relationship with
> > another model, Facet.
> > So Sample's unicode method:
> >         def __unicode__(self):
> >                 return u'%s' %(,)
> > This will not work in the __unicode__ method, but can someone tell me
> > how to represent this? I also want to use list_display inside a
> > SampleAdmin class to allow the admin site to show all the fields of my
> > Sample model, but so far I can't display any many to many fields.
> > Thanks again
> You need to think about exactly you want to display here. You have a
> manytomany relationship. That means that each Sample has multiple
> Facets. So what do you want to show for each facet? You could join all
> the facets for each sample into a comma-separated list:
>     return u', '.join(self.facet.all())
> Is that what you want?
> --
> DR.

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