Re: How to list all parents and their children if any?

2009-11-29 Thread adelaide_mike
Thanks Karen yet again.

Am I right in thinking that this cannot be a symetrical arrangement

connector can access values from cable(s)
cable can access values from connector(s)

It does not appear to be possible to put a ManyToManyField in both the
"parent' models, because one must be declared before the other, and
the other is therefore invalid at that time

Perhaps there is a work around?


On Nov 29, 2:56 pm, Karen Tracey <> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 11:50 PM, adelaide_mike <
> > wrote:
> > I have three models:
> > class Connector(models.Model):
> >    connectorname = models.CharField(max_length=32)
> > class Cable(models.Model):
> >    cablename = models.CharField(max_length=32)
> > class Node(models.Model):
> >    connector = models.ForeignKey(Connector)
> >    cable = models.ForeignKey(Cable)
> >    node_specific_data = models.CharField(max_length=32)
> > I wish to make a report displaying all Connector names at least once,
> > and the Cable name that the Node model relates them to.  If I did not
> > need the nodespecificdata I could have used a many-to-many between
> > Connector and Cable.  Sadly I do need it.
> The extra information doesn't prohibit use of ManyToMany, see:
> Karen


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How to list all parents and their children if any?

2009-11-28 Thread adelaide_mike
I have three models:

class Connector(models.Model):
connectorname = models.CharField(max_length=32)

class Cable(models.Model):
cablename = models.CharField(max_length=32)

class Node(models.Model):
connector = models.ForeignKey(Connector)
cable = models.ForeignKey(Cable)
node_specific_data = models.CharField(max_length=32)

I wish to make a report displaying all Connector names at least once,
and the Cable name that the Node model relates them to.  If I did not
need the nodespecificdata I could have used a many-to-many between
Connector and Cable.  Sadly I do need it.

A Connector may have any number of related nodes, including none.

I need to obtain a report displaying all connectors at least once,
with their related cablename(s), if any, shown (on additional rows if
necessary).  Can I do this without resorting to raw SQL?

Thanks (yet again)



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Setting a fontName in a style

2009-11-26 Thread adelaide_mike
One final question if I may (well I hope its the last).

In my  standard report generating view I need to use Arial font (for

I have studied the reportlab docs (Paragraphs chapter) for hours and
tried all sorts of guesses as to how to do it.  Nothing I have tried
works. My fault.  Now insightful enough.

I have the following in my report generating view (which works a
treat) and I am sure there is a simple alteration that will change the
font.  But there is no example in the docs AFAIK.

stylesheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
normalstyle = stylesheet['Normal']

Any offers?



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Error when generating PDF

2009-11-26 Thread adelaide_mike
In my report generating view I have this (snip):

if tablename == 'Area':
areas = Area.objects.all()
for area in areas:
Paragraph(area.area, normalstyle, bulletText=None),
Paragraph(area.nick, normalstyle, bulletText=None),
Paragraph(area.desc, normalstyle, bulletText=None)
table = Table(data, 1*[0.75*inch]+1*[2.0*inch]+1*[4.0*inch],

elif tablename == 'Rack':
racks = Rack.objects.all()
data.append(['Code','Name', 'Description'])
for rack in racks:
Paragraph(rack.rack, normalstyle, bulletText=None),
Paragraph(rack.nick, normalstyle, bulletText=None),  #
thats line 108
Paragraph(rack.desc, normalstyle, bulletText=None)
table = Table(data, 1*[1.25*inch]+1*[2.0*inch]+1*[4.0*inch],

When tablename = "Area" the .pdf is generated without error.  Wnen it
is "Rack" this error is raised:

Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "/home/mrowan/django/django/core/handlers/", line 86, in
   response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)

 File "/home/mrowan/projects/cbm/djcbm/cbm/", line 108, in
   Paragraph(rack.nick, normalstyle, bulletText=None),

 File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/reportlab/platypus/", line 523, in __init__
   self._setup(text, style, bulletText, frags, cleanBlockQuotedText)

 File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/reportlab/platypus/", line 543, in _setup
   text = cleaner(text)

 File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/reportlab/platypus/", line 61, in cleanBlockQuotedText
   L=filter(truth,map(_lineClean, split(text, '\n')))

 File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/reportlab/platypus/", line 23, in split
   return [uword.encode('utf8') for uword in text.split(delim)]

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

What does the error message mean?  Can someone translate please? TIA



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Re: How best to display a report?

2009-11-22 Thread adelaide_mike
Nevermind.  Found the solution in a post from abrightwell.  Thanks.


On Nov 22, 8:40 pm, adelaide_mike <> wrote:
> Hi Kenneth, and thanks for the reference.  I must admin I did not
> think of looking int he Django docs for ReportLab related stuff.
> Should have.
> My new problem is that the example in the docs uses canvas, but in
> order to display tabular data I think I need to use SimpleDocTemplate,
> with which I am able to prodice the pdf I want.  I do not see how to
> incorporate this technology into the given example.
> Perhaps someone has done this and can give me the next pointer?
> Mike
> On Nov 22, 9:30 am, Kenneth Gonsalves <> wrote:
> > On Sunday 22 Nov 2009 3:38:24 am adelaide_mike wrote:
> > > Django 1.0.2 being used to create, manage and report on data in
> > > tables.  I am using ReportLab to generate a .pdf which I store with a
> > > known name in a sub-directory.
> > it is there in the docs - search for reportlab in the docs.
> > --
> > regards
> > Kenneth Gonsalves
> > Senior Project Officer


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Re: How best to display a report?

2009-11-22 Thread adelaide_mike
Hi Kenneth, and thanks for the reference.  I must admin I did not
think of looking int he Django docs for ReportLab related stuff.
Should have.

My new problem is that the example in the docs uses canvas, but in
order to display tabular data I think I need to use SimpleDocTemplate,
with which I am able to prodice the pdf I want.  I do not see how to
incorporate this technology into the given example.

Perhaps someone has done this and can give me the next pointer?


On Nov 22, 9:30 am, Kenneth Gonsalves <> wrote:
> On Sunday 22 Nov 2009 3:38:24 am adelaide_mike wrote:
> > Django 1.0.2 being used to create, manage and report on data in
> > tables.  I am using ReportLab to generate a .pdf which I store with a
> > known name in a sub-directory.
> it is there in the docs - search for reportlab in the docs.
> --
> regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> Senior Project Officer


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How best to display a report?

2009-11-21 Thread adelaide_mike
Please excuse my lack of knowledge about the following.  (If I knew
the answer, I would not be asking...)

Django 1.0.2 being used to create, manage and report on data in
tables.  I am using ReportLab to generate a .pdf which I store with a
known name in a sub-directory.

I have seen websites where a link can be used to activate the
workstation's download mechanism, such that, at least in Mac OSX,
the .pdf will be displayed.  That is exactly what I want.  The source
code gives no clue as to how this is done.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.  Thanks



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Django and reportlab table question

2009-11-16 Thread adelaide_mike
I am attempting to user ReportLab with Django to make a report
displaying my data in a tabular format.

An example model is:

class Vehicle(models.Model):
ve_name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
ve_type = models.CharField(max_length=20)

My report generating view a copy of the example in the ReportLab
docs.  I have marked my sticking point with '''

def testX(request):
# Our container for 'Flowable' objects
elements = []
# A large collection of style sheets pre-made for us
styles = getSampleStyleSheet()

# A basic document for us to write to 'rl_hello_table.pdf'
doc = SimpleDocTemplate('rl_hello_table.pdf')

elements.append(Paragraph("Vehicle Summary", styles['Title']))

vehicles = Vehicle.objects.all()

'''the question is how to modify the following lines to read the data
from vehicles rather than use the hard coded data shown in the

 data = [['Caves', 'Wumpus Population'],
['Deep Ditch',50],
['Death Gully',   5000],
['Dire Straits',  600],
['Deadly Pit',5],

'''after that, I think I can sort out the following'''
# First the top row, with all the text centered and in Times-Bold,
# and one line above, one line below.
ts = [('ALIGN', (1,1), (-1,-1), 'CENTER'),
('LINEABOVE', (0,0), (-1,0), 1, colors.purple),
('LINEBELOW', (0,0), (-1,0), 1, colors.purple),
('FONT', (0,0), (-1,0), 'Times-Bold'),

# The bottom row has one line above, and three lines below of
# various colors and spacing.
('LINEABOVE', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 1, colors.purple),
('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 0.5, colors.purple, 1, None,
None, 4,1),
('LINEBELOW', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 1,,
('FONT', (0,-1), (-1,-1), 'Times-Bold')]

# Create the table with the necessary style, and add it to the
# elements list.
table = Table(data, style=ts)

Can anyone give me a push in the right direction?  Thanks for any



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coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, Connector found

2009-11-04 Thread adelaide_mike

Hi.  Still learning, slowly.  This is Django 1.0.2
The relevant models are Unit, Connector and Cable

class Cable(models.Model):
cable = models.CharField(max_length=8, blank=False)
desc = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True)
cabletype = models.ForeignKey(Cabletype, blank=True, null=True)
connector_left = models.ForeignKey(Connector,
related_name='cable_left', blank=True, null=True)
connector_right = models.ForeignKey(Connector,
related_name='cable_right', blank=True, null=True)
length = models.DecimalField
version = models.ForeignKey(Version, blank=True, null=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s:%s' % (self.cable, self.version)
class Meta:
ordering = ['cable']

class Unit(models.Model):
unit = models.CharField(max_length=8, blank=False)
desc = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True)
rack = models.ForeignKey(Rack)
version = models.ForeignKey(Version, blank=True, null=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s-%s' % (unicode(self.rack), self.unit)
class Meta:
ordering = ['rack','unit']

class Connector(models.Model):
connector = models.CharField(max_length=8, blank=False)
desc = models.CharField(max_length=128, blank=True)
unit = models.ForeignKey(Unit)
connectortype = models.ForeignKey(Connectortype, blank=True,
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s-%s' % (unicode(self.unit), self.connector)
class Meta:
ordering = ['unit','connector']

Attempting my first reportlab report I get this TypeError:

 coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, Connector found

at the last line in the following view (very much a prototype)

cables = Cable.objects.all()
for cable in cables:
print "cable=",
cable# prints OK
print "connector_left=", cable.connector_left
#prints OK
p = Paragraph(cable.cable+cable.desc+cable.connector_left,

If I make the last line:
p = Paragrapg(cable.cable+cable.desc,style)

the report is generated correctly.

What does the TypeError want me to change?


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Re: How to get a queryset?

2009-10-19 Thread adelaide_mike

Thanks Max.  In an ideal world left_connector, right_connector would
be the way to go.  However, I need to account for a cable that, at one
or both ends is split into separate conductors, that go to separate
connectors (thus breaking the rule I had specified.)  Nodes, with a
little embellishment,  allow me to achieve this.  I will investigate
your itertools suggestion.


On Oct 20, 8:38 am, Max Battcher <> wrote:
> adelaide_mike wrote:
> > Hi
> > My models are, essentially :
> > class Cable(models.Model):
> >     cable = models.CharField(max_length=8)
> > class Connector(models.Model):
> >     connector = models.CharField(max_length=8)
> > class Node(models.Model):
> >     cable = models.ForeignKey(Cable)
> >     connector = models ForeignKey(Connector)
> > So, a real world cable can be plugged in to no, one, or two connectors
> > (one at each end).  The Node table describes the junctions between
> > cables and connectors.
> > Can I, without resorting to raw SQL, build a queryset that shows
> > connector-cable-connector?
> You would have a hard time even accomplishing that in raw SQL with those
> models...  If you have the flexibility to change your models I would try
> something like:
> class Connector(models.Model):
>    name = models.CharField(max_length=8)
> class Cable(models.Model):
>    name = models.CharField(max_length-8)
>    left_connector = models.ForeignKey(Connector, blank=True, null=True)
>    right_connector = models.ForeignKey(Connector, blank=True, null=True)
> This makes your 0, 1, or 2 relationship explicit. I went with the
> left/right distinction as it is an easy "handed" way of describing them,
> but other choices may be more appropriate depending on your usage
> patterns...
> Otherwise, your best bet would seem to me to be to use
> Node.objects.all().orderby('cable') and group the
> connector-cable-connector by yourself. Something that I generally find
> useful in situations like that is Python's groupby function from itertools.
> --
> --Max Battcher--
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How to get a queryset?

2009-10-19 Thread adelaide_mike

My models are, essentially :
class Cable(models.Model):
cable = models.CharField(max_length=8)

class Connector(models.Model):
connector = models.CharField(max_length=8)

class Node(models.Model):
cable = models.ForeignKey(Cable)
connector = models ForeignKey(Connector)

So, a real world cable can be plugged in to no, one, or two connectors
(one at each end).  The Node table describes the junctions between
cables and connectors.

Can I, without resorting to raw SQL, build a queryset that shows

Thanks for any input.

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Re: How to change name for model in Admin?

2009-10-03 Thread adelaide_mike

Thanks for the pointer.

I find that the verbose_name works as advertised in the case of a
model named "Agency", where I use the verbose name "office".
However, in the case of the model Franchise the verbose name "company"
refuses to work.  Anyone know why?


On Oct 4, 2:11 am, Nan <> wrote:
> Yes.
> class Foo(models.Model):
>     # field definitions here
>     class Meta:
>         verbose_name = 'Bar'
> See 
> also:
> On Oct 3, 10:37 am, adelaide_mike <> wrote:
> > Hi again.
> > I have made a couple of confusing choices for table names in my
> > database.  I do not really want to change them in the PostgreSQL
> > database.  Can I change the labels given to them in the Admin.  For
> > example in the list of administratable tables and the pages that
> > follow when doing add or change?
> > Mike
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How to change name for model in Admin?

2009-10-03 Thread adelaide_mike

Hi again.
I have made a couple of confusing choices for table names in my
database.  I do not really want to change them in the PostgreSQL
database.  Can I change the labels given to them in the Admin.  For
example in the list of administratable tables and the pages that
follow when doing add or change?

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Re: How to pass values between views/templates

2009-10-02 Thread adelaide_mike

My only dissatisfaction is that other contributors to this list seem
to do almost anything with very few lines of code, whereas I am using
many.  And, being a newbie I naturally worry that I am on the wrong
pathway, having missed the turning.
Thanks to both for your reassurance.


On Oct 3, 11:59 am, Shawn Milochik  wrote:
> Your current approach makes sense. If you're concerned that you're  
> storing too much data in the session, you could just maintain a  
> session ID in the session and use that as a key for an sqlite3  
> database or something, or even a model in your app's database, if that  
> makes sense. Is there any reason you're unsatisfied with the way  
> you're doing it?
> Shawn
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How to pass values between views/templates

2009-10-02 Thread adelaide_mike

In my app the user needs to drill down through a series of templates
and their views to identify a house.  We start with the city, then the
street and finally the house, in each case chosen from a rendering of
the possible values selected from the relevant database table.

I have all this working nicely using request.session['insert value
here'] as the tool for storing the choices as they are made.

My question is: is there a better or more proper way?

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Re: How to refer to a data item?

2009-09-19 Thread adelaide_mike

Django itself uses the term "column" as witnessed by an exception I
just raised reading:
no such column.


On Sep 17, 11:34 pm, Javier Guerra <> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 9:04 AM, adelaide_mike
> <> wrote:
> > as a database developer for many years I am used to a world
> > populated by rows and columns.
> just curious, what kind of database uses 'rows and columns'? all SQL
> databases use 'records and fields', while other kinds might use 'keys
> and values', or 'documents', or maybe a 'forest of objects'...
> --
> Javier
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Order_by on

2009-09-19 Thread adelaide_mike

I have a multi-table model, each table related to the next by a one to
many foreign key.

I wish to do:

q = Child.objects.filter(date__gte=startdate).order_by

This raises an exception no such column:

Is there a workable way to do this?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

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Foreign Key selector on page does not preset

2009-09-19 Thread adelaide_mike


In my Django 1.0.2 app I have a parent and a child table.  On my child
ModelForm a selector field for the parent is automatically provided.
The form also displays a  "date" field representing a column in the
child model.

In my view I have:

form = MyForm(initial={'date': request.session['date'], 'parent':

Print commands show that both "request.session['date']" and
"request.session['parent']" have values as expected, the latter being
a parent object.

The date value shows on the rendered form, but the parent selector
does not preselect itself.  Anyone know why this might be so?  TIA

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Re: How to refer to a data item?

2009-09-17 Thread adelaide_mike

Hi Daniel

Yes, as a database developer for many years I am used to a world
populated by rows and columns.  I realise Django does things
differently.  Understanding the differences is a bit tricky.

My reference to ifchanged relates to the loop in the template that
will need to display or not certain fields depending on whether their
value changed or did not, in each successive "row".

Thanks for your clear explanation. It helped greatly.


On Sep 17, 10:26 pm, Daniel Roseman <> wrote:
> On Sep 17, 1:48 pm, adelaide_mike <> wrote:
> > Hello
> > I, a newbie to Django and Python, have a model thus:
> > class Person(model.Models):
> >     first_name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
> >     last_name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
> > In my can do this, to illustrate my question:
> > def testing(request):
> >     persons = Person.objects.all()
> >     print "persons=", persons         #prints OK
> >     print "the value in the third column of the second row is ", ??
> > what goes here??
> >     return render_to_response('xyz/testing.html', {'persons':
> > persons})
> > I imagine there is a way to do this, surely, otherwise how can I use
> > ifchanged in my template.  I have battled this for days, got various
> > responses from various esteemed sources, but I don't get it. Any help
> > available as in "the answer is..." ?  Your patience is appreciated.
> > Mike
> What do you mean by 'row' and 'column' here? Are you referring to
> database rows/columns?
> You can get the second Person object in your result set by doing
> persons[2], and get the last_name field by doing persons[2].last_name,
> but the 'third column' has no particular meaning in Django, because a
> model is not a database object and its fields have no particular
> order.
> I don't understand the reference to ifchanged, or what it has to do
> with columns and rows.
> --
> DR.
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How to refer to a data item?

2009-09-17 Thread adelaide_mike

I, a newbie to Django and Python, have a model thus:

class Person(model.Models):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=32)

In my can do this, to illustrate my question:

def testing(request):
persons = Person.objects.all()
print "persons=", persons #prints OK
print "the value in the third column of the second row is ", ??
what goes here??
return render_to_response('xyz/testing.html', {'persons':

I imagine there is a way to do this, surely, otherwise how can I use
ifchanged in my template.  I have battled this for days, got various
responses from various esteemed sources, but I don't get it. Any help
available as in "the answer is..." ?  Your patience is appreciated.

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Make a bold row in a table

2009-09-12 Thread adelaide_mike

Django 1.0.2   In the following template I intend to make rows that
have an empty second column bold.  Hence trying 2 in row.  My syntax
is wrong due to inexperience with Python, and possibly my methodology

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}

Agent summary report
 The most recent listing for each property listed within the past
12 weeks

   {% for row in listings %}

{% for item in row %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}

   {% endfor %}

{% endblock %}

Is there a way to do this?

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Re: Confused ForeignKey ?

2009-09-10 Thread adelaide_mike

Oops - my mistake within  Sorry to waste bandwidtrh.


On Sep 11, 10:36 am, adelaide_mike <>
> Hi
> I am just getting into my second project/app but have run into a
> problem I have not seen before.  My has the following:
> class Cabletype(models.Model):
>     cabletype = models.CharField(max_length=16, blank=False,
> unique=True)
>     desc = models.TextField()
>     def __unicode__(self):
>         return self.catype
> class Cable(models.Model):
>     cable = models.CharField(max_length=16, blank=False, unique=True)
>     desc = models.TextField()
>     cabletype = models.ForeignKey(Cabletype)
>     def __unicode__(self):
>         return self.cable
> In I have:
> from djcbm.cbm.models import Cabletype, Cable
> from django.contrib import admin
> class CabletypeInline(admin.StackedInline):
>     model = Cabletype
>     extra = 5
> class CabletypeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>     inlines = [CabletypeInline]
>     #search_fields = ['franchise_name']
>, CabletypeAdmin)
> class CableInline(admin.StackedInline):
>     model = Cable
>     extra = 5
> class CableAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>     inlines = [CableInline]
>     #search_fields = ['franchise_name']
>, CableAdmin)
> When I go to Add Cabletype in a new sqlite3 database I get:
> Exception at /admin/cbm/cabletype/add/
>  has no ForeignKey to  'djcbm.cbm.models.Cabletype'>
> Can someone tell me what this indicates?  Thanks you in advance for
> your valued assistance.
> Mike
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Confused ForeignKey ?

2009-09-10 Thread adelaide_mike

I am just getting into my second project/app but have run into a
problem I have not seen before.  My has the following:

class Cabletype(models.Model):
cabletype = models.CharField(max_length=16, blank=False,
desc = models.TextField()
def __unicode__(self):
return self.catype

class Cable(models.Model):
cable = models.CharField(max_length=16, blank=False, unique=True)
desc = models.TextField()
cabletype = models.ForeignKey(Cabletype)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.cable

In I have:
from djcbm.cbm.models import Cabletype, Cable
from django.contrib import admin

class CabletypeInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = Cabletype
extra = 5

class CabletypeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [CabletypeInline]
#search_fields = ['franchise_name'], CabletypeAdmin)

class CableInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = Cable
extra = 5

class CableAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [CableInline]
#search_fields = ['franchise_name'], CableAdmin)

When I go to Add Cabletype in a new sqlite3 database I get:

Exception at /admin/cbm/cabletype/add/

 has no ForeignKey to 

Can someone tell me what this indicates?  Thanks you in advance for
your valued assistance.

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Django, Blueprintcss and a data array

2009-09-04 Thread adelaide_mike

I (newbie) am looking at using Blueprintcss to display a 7 column
array of data. The data is passed to the template in "dataarray".  I
have tested the code below without the  section and the column
headings display correctly.

Adding the  section to the code causes an error at {% for row
in dataarray %}:
   Caught an exception while rendering: 'int' object is not iterable

Very similar code in a template that uses a simple table (without
Blueprint) does not throw an error.

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block content %}

Agent summary report
The most recent listing for each property listed within the
past 12 weeks

   {% for row in dataarray %}

{% for item in row %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}

   {% endfor %}

{% endblock %}

Any hints, or pointers to the display of multi-row columned data would
be appreciated.

Mike Rowan
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Re: Django 1.0.2 + CSS how to?

2009-08-30 Thread adelaide_mike

Thank you Mike Ramirez.  [1] makes a difference.  I now see the css
taking effect.


On Aug 30, 8:55 am, Mike Ramirez <> wrote:
> On Saturday 29 August 2009 04:35:11 pm adelaide_mike wrote:
> > As a very newbie I am struggling to understand how to use CSS.  I read
> > in
> >
> >initions
> > that I need to write:
> > class Media:
> >         css = {
> >         'screen': ('pretty.css',),
> >         'print': ('newspaper.css',)
> >     }
> > for example.
> > Where is this code placed, in which file?  Is this what I should do?
> > Any help or pointers to additional docs for beginners would be
> > appreciated.
> > Mike
> That's specifically for forms, that code would go in your file
> normally. The actual css files would be served over your MEDIA_URL.
> Media in general would be served over the static files, in your MEDIA_ROOT
> direcotry. You'll need to set up django or your httpd to serve static media
> over the MEDIA_URL[1]. Once this is done, you can add in css through the
> template using the link html tag.
> There is a template context processor that allows you to use {{ MEDIA_URL }}
> in your templates [2] That will make using the link tag easier. The only
> problem with this is that if you use styles with the url() setting, you'll
> need to change these manually (search and replace works) in your *.css files
> or you can write a command to update the css files for you, when
> switching media servers.
> example of MEDIA_ROOT:
>   app/media
>   app/media/css
>   app/media/js
>   app/media/images
> example of using media in a template:
>    media="screen" charset="utf-8" />
> The files that you have defined for your form media should go in a similar
> place and the paths are relative to your MEDIA_URL.
> The default.css for me is a site wide style sheet and I put most of the styles
> in there. I don't use the metaclass Media, unless the form field needs a
> specific style.
> I hope this helps,
> Mike
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> As I was walking down the street one dark and dreary day,
> I came upon a billboard and much to my dismay,
> The words were torn and tattered,
> From the storm the night before,
> The wind and rain had done its work and this is how it goes,
> Smoke Coca-Cola cigarettes, chew Wrigleys Spearmint beer,
> Ken-L-Ration dog food makes your complexion clear,
> Simonize your baby in a Hershey candy bar,
> And Texaco's a beauty cream that's used by every star.
> Take your next vacation in a brand new Frigedaire,
> Learn to play the piano in your winter underwear,
> Doctors say that babies should smoke until they're three,
> And people over sixty-five should bathe in Lipton tea.
>  signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload
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Django 1.0.2 + CSS how to?

2009-08-29 Thread adelaide_mike

As a very newbie I am struggling to understand how to use CSS.  I read

that I need to write:
class Media:
css = {
'screen': ('pretty.css',),
'print': ('newspaper.css',)

for example.

Where is this code placed, in which file?  Is this what I should do?
Any help or pointers to additional docs for beginners would be

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Change my model names - consequences?

2009-08-26 Thread adelaide_mike

After adding a model to my Django 1.0.2 app I would like to change the
names of two models.  Will the syncdb take care of this for me?  I
anticipate I will need to change the table names in PostgreSQL.

Any caveats?  Any hints?  TIA

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2009-08-16 Thread adelaide_mike

In my reporting function I need to have:

#do this
#do the other

How can I obtain that name, which is established in

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Re: How to tidy up data returned by raw sql has u'blahblah'

2009-08-15 Thread adelaide_mike

OK, and thanks.  I asked the wrong question in that case.  The correct
question might be how do I transfer the data in the returned rows,
which is several columns from various tables, into distinct fields on
a rendered page?  I am assuming that this process will remove the
Python unicode indicators.

I have not found more than a paragraph or two concerning the use of
raw sql.  Any pointers would be appreciated.


On Aug 15, 5:37 pm, Daniel Roseman <> wrote:
> On Aug 15, 5:23 am, adelaide_mike <> wrote:
> > My raw sql returns a list of data very nicely, except that character
> > cols have data surrounded by u'', and dates have
> > (2009-01-01) etc.
> > In my newbie innocence I have not discovered how to remove these
> > extras.  Any clues?
> > Thanks
> > Mike
> They are just how Python indicates a unicode and a datetime type
> respectively. You don't need to remove them.
> --
> DR.
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How to tidy up data returned by raw sql has u'blahblah'

2009-08-14 Thread adelaide_mike

My raw sql returns a list of data very nicely, except that character
cols have data surrounded by u'', and dates have
(2009-01-01) etc.

In my newbie innocence I have not discovered how to remove these
extras.  Any clues?


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raw sql Operational Error

2009-08-12 Thread adelaide_mike

Working in Django 1.0.2 with PostgreSQL backend the following produces
an error:
Operational Error at /report/agent_summary/
near "ON": syntax error

The SQL works if run in pgadminIII but with %s replaced by
"2009-01-01".  Must be a newbie error somewhere.

def agent_summary(request):
'''build a report showing the most recent advertisement (listing)
for properties listed within the last 12 weeks'''
startdate =*12)
cursor = connection.cursor()

cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT ON (property_id) property_id,
date, wha_property.propnum, wha_street.street_name,
wha_suburb.suburb_name, wha_agent.first_name, wha_agent.last_name, FROM wha_listing, wha_agent, wha_agency, wha_property,
wha_street, wha_suburb WHERE = wha_street.suburb_id AND = wha_property.street_id AND =
property_id AND = wha_agent.agency_id AND =
agent_id AND date > %s ORDER BY property_id, date DESC", [startdate])
listings = cursor.fetchall()
return render_to_response('wha/agent_summary.html', {'listings':

Any help very much appreciated. Steep learning curve.
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Calculating a date

2009-08-05 Thread adelaide_mike

This should really be a Python enquiry, but I am sure someone will

I need to calculate the date 12 weeks before today.  What is the best
way?  TIA

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Django 1.0.2 ordering fireign keys

2009-07-22 Thread adelaide_mike

Lets say I have two models Street and House, related by a foreign key

class House(models.Model):
house_number =  models.CharField(max_length=16)
street = models.ForeignKey(Street)

In the admin area, the Change House page displays a list widget by
which to select the street.  I need them to be listed in alphabetical

How should a newbie cause this to happen?  TIA for yor sual helpful

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'str' object not callable

2009-07-18 Thread adelaide_mike

Can some kind soul tell me what, in principle, this means:

'str' object not callable

?  It seems to be associated with

Newbie just needs some additional words to help.  Have looked at the
history of this, which did not help.  I do not want to know why the
error is arising, I simply want to know what it is trying to tell me,
in good ol English (if possible).



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Re: Add extra field to ModelForm

2009-07-11 Thread adelaide_mike

Thanks Alex.

A simpler way out would be if the agent field, which is a foreign key
pick list, could be caused to show only those values I determine

Is this possible  in a ModelForm?


On Jul 12, 12:17 am, Alex Gaynor <> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 10:08 AM, adelaide_mike <
> > wrote:
> > Django 1.0.2.  My ModelForm concerns (and is based on the table for)
> > advertisements for houses placed by real estate agents.
> > I need the agent widget (which by default is a pick list of all
> > agents), to be modified on the form to be either (depending on
> > circumstances) a non-editable preset display object, or a pick list
> > with a dynamically set choice of two agents.
> > So, I need to add extra fields to my ModelForm.  Can this be done?
> > Thanks
> > Mike
> Sure, just define a Field on the ModelForm in the same way you would on a
> regular Form and it will get added to the Form.
> Alex
> --
> "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
> say it." -- Voltaire
> "The people's good is the highest law." -- Cicero
> "Code can always be simpler than you think, but never as simple as you want"
> -- Me
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Add extra field to ModelForm

2009-07-11 Thread adelaide_mike

Django 1.0.2.  My ModelForm concerns (and is based on the table for)
advertisements for houses placed by real estate agents.

I need the agent widget (which by default is a pick list of all
agents), to be modified on the form to be either (depending on
circumstances) a non-editable preset display object, or a pick list
with a dynamically set choice of two agents.

So, I need to add extra fields to my ModelForm.  Can this be done?


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Re: duplicate primary key problem

2009-07-10 Thread adelaide_mike

Very cool, Rajesh D.  Thanks.


On Jul 11, 12:31 am, Rajesh D <> wrote:
> On Jul 10, 11:06 am, adelaide_mike <>
> wrote:
> > I suspect this is a question more for a PostgreSQL list, but please
> > bear with me.
> > In Django 1.0.2 working with PostgreSQL 8.3 I have a model with an
> > implied pkey.  PostgreSQL syas this:
> > CREATE TABLE wha_property
> > (
> >   id serial NOT NULL,
> >   propnum character varying(16) NOT NULL,
> >   beds integer,
> >   baths integer,
> >   rooms integer,
> >   garage character varying(8),
> >   frontage integer,
> >   is_corner boolean,
> >   street_id integer NOT NULL,
> >   land_area numeric(10,2),
> >   year_built integer,
> >   valuation_nr character varying(16),
> >   CONSTRAINT wha_property_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
> >   CONSTRAINT wha_property_street_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (street_id)
> >       REFERENCES wha_street (id) MATCH SIMPLE
> >   CONSTRAINT wha_property_street_id_key UNIQUE (street_id, propnum)
> > The wha_property table is populated with 500,000 rows from another
> > database.  There are gaps in the series of used id numbers.
> > If I attempt to insert a new row Django mostly reports an integrity
> > violation at wha_property_pkey, though a couple of times with
> > different parent rows it has worked.  My very newbie view for
> > inserting or updating a row is here:
> >
> > I would be very happy if someone can spot where I have an error.  If
> > anyone cares to criticise my view, please be gentle.  I am new at this
> > Django/PostgreSQL magic.
> The sequence for the id column might be out of sync. That would cause
> your inserts to pick an id that already exists.
> Try the following command:
> python sqlsequencereset wha
> That will print out the SQL that you need to run to get your sequences
> back in sync with your data. Run that SQL. Then try inserting new data
> through your view again.
> -RD
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duplicate primary key problem

2009-07-10 Thread adelaide_mike

I suspect this is a question more for a PostgreSQL list, but please
bear with me.

In Django 1.0.2 working with PostgreSQL 8.3 I have a model with an
implied pkey.  PostgreSQL syas this:

CREATE TABLE wha_property
  id serial NOT NULL,
  propnum character varying(16) NOT NULL,
  beds integer,
  baths integer,
  rooms integer,
  garage character varying(8),
  frontage integer,
  is_corner boolean,
  street_id integer NOT NULL,
  land_area numeric(10,2),
  year_built integer,
  valuation_nr character varying(16),
  CONSTRAINT wha_property_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
  CONSTRAINT wha_property_street_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (street_id)
  CONSTRAINT wha_property_street_id_key UNIQUE (street_id, propnum)

The wha_property table is populated with 500,000 rows from another
database.  There are gaps in the series of used id numbers.

If I attempt to insert a new row Django mostly reports an integrity
violation at wha_property_pkey, though a couple of times with
different parent rows it has worked.  My very newbie view for
inserting or updating a row is here:

I would be very happy if someone can spot where I have an error.  If
anyone cares to criticise my view, please be gentle.  I am new at this
Django/PostgreSQL magic.

Regards and thanks for past help.


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Re: Django 1.0.2 foreign key display puzzle

2009-06-23 Thread adelaide_mike

Hi Kenneth
I agree that on my reading of the literature what you say is right.
Here is my actual line adjusted as you suggest:
form = ListingForm(initial={'date': request.session['date'],
'source_id': '2',})
In this case the date field is correctly populated with the preset
date, the source foreign key widget is not, thus the user has to make
a choice.  I want the choice that I presume to be correct to be
already presented.

Surely this must be possible?  BTW I have tried every variation I can
think of at the end of that line, with quotes, without quotes, and as
a request.session value (that I know is set).

Thanks for your reply.

On Jun 23, 1:08 pm, Kenneth Gonsalves <> wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 June 2009 09:14:01 adelaide_mike wrote:
> > form = MyModelForm(initial={'myforeignkeyfieldname': myvalue})
> assuming the foreignkey value exists, then you would have to insert it's id
> into the field myforeignkeyfieldname_id.
> --
> regards
> kg
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Django 1.0.2 foreign key display puzzle

2009-06-22 Thread adelaide_mike

Having failed to get any takers to my earlier posts on this, I will
keep it v. short:

How do I preset a foreign key value in a Model Form?

form = MyModelForm(initial={'myforeignkeyfieldname': myvalue})

does not do it.

Surely this can be done?

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Preset foreign key in Model Form

2009-06-18 Thread adelaide_mike

Try again.  I am new to Django and the web, so I do not know all the
right vocabulary.  Sorry.

I need my ModelForm to be displayed, for creation of a new record,
with a date field and a foreign key (pointing to the Source table)
selector list aleady populated.  I am doing this:

form = ListingForm(initial={'date': request.session['date'], 'source':

The date is correctly displayed.  The foreign key selector is not
set.  I have tried all combinations I can think of for the source
argument, such as:

"source": request.session["source"]
"source_id": source_id
"source_id": srequest.session["source_id"]

In each case a 'print' assures me the value is available.  Manually
selecting the 'source' and saving works correctly.

I would be grateful for any assistance.


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Re: How to preset a foreign key choice field in a ModelaaForm?

2009-06-17 Thread adelaide_mike

Oops werong action - incomplete message.

I have a ModelForm:
class ListingForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Listing

that has a method that, for a new record, should set the ForeighKey
field "source" to an object identified in the UserProfile.  The "date"
value is stored the same way:
         if request.method == 'GET':
                 if listing_id > '0':
                         form = ListingForm(instance=listing)
                         print "In listings GET source=",
request.session['source']  # thus proving that the "source" object is
                         form = ListingForm(initial={'date':
request.session['date'], 'source': request.session['source'], 'agent':
                 return render_to_response('wha/listing_form.html',
{'form': form, 'source': request.session['source'], 'date': date, })

The "date" is shown correctly, the "source" is not, though the widget
is populated with the available choices.

What am I doing wrong here?  TIA

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How to preset a foreign key choice field in a ModelaaForm?

2009-06-17 Thread adelaide_mike

if request.method == 'GET':
if listing_id > '0':
form = ListingForm(instance=listing)
print "In listings GET source=", 
form = ListingForm(initial={'date': 
'source': request.session['source'], 'agent': request.session
#form = ListingForm(instance=listing)

return render_to_response('wha/listing_form.html', {
'form': form,
'property': request.session['property'],
'agent': request.session['agent'],
'source': request.session['source'],
'date': dt, 'message': message}
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How to preset a value to a field on a ModelForm

2009-06-15 Thread adelaide_mike

Newbie trying to preset a field on a form where the object is to be
inserted.  The snippet below does not do it.

class FooForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Foo

if request.method == 'GET':
if foo_id > '0':
form = FooForm(instance=foo)# this part 
works OK
form = FooForm() = request.session['date']# we know 
['date'] has a value
form = FooForm(instance=foo)

What is a better way?  TIA

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Re: Searching posts to this group

2009-06-09 Thread adelaide_mike

Hmm.  Sorry.  I see it, for this list.  But is there a way for the

On Jun 10, 6:12 am, adelaide_mike <> wrote:
> Is there a way to search for a word in the Subject line or the text of
> posts to this group?  Same with the list of snippets.  Scanning twenty
> at a time (out of 1500 or more) seems a long way to see what exists.
> Mke
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Searching posts to this group

2009-06-09 Thread adelaide_mike

Is there a way to search for a word in the Subject line or the text of
posts to this group?  Same with the list of snippets.  Scanning twenty
at a time (out of 1500 or more) seems a long way to see what exists.

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Newb - Link users_extra_data table to built-in Users table - how?

2009-06-09 Thread adelaide_mike

I need to store additional info about my users.  The following in raises a name error due to User.  Have tried auth_users and
Users as well.  No joy.

class   User_settings(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User,unique=True)
current_date = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
current_source = models.ForeignKey(Source)

What is the correct name for the built-in user table?

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Re: Newbie - record parent ID in child data entered by ModelForm

2009-06-05 Thread adelaide_mike

Thank you TiNo  that works if altered slightly like so:
 if form.is_valid():
  instance =
  instance.street_id= request.session['street_id']
I have been using Django for about ten days, and it requires very
different thinking c/w "normal" desktop apps.  Still heaps to learn.
Thanks again.
On Jun 5, 6:15 pm, TiNo <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:04, adelaide_mike 
> <>wrote:
> >  Exception Value: 'PropertyForm' object does not support item
> > assignment
> There you go. You can't do:
> > form['street']=request.session['street_id']
> You can save the form instance first, without commiting, then set the street
> the instance:
>  if form.is_valid():
>                  instance =
>                  instance.street = request.session['street_id']
>                  form.save_m2m()
> see:
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Re: Newbie - record parent ID in child data entered by ModelForm

2009-06-05 Thread adelaide_mike

Thanks for the offer.  I have altered the function as suggested:

def property_data(request, property_id='0'):
message = ''
st = request.session['street_id']
print "At start of property_data, request.method=", request.method
print "At start of property_data, st=", st
if request.method == "POST":
form = PropertyForm(request.POST)
print "form=", form
if form.is_valid():
message='we are added'
return HttpResponseRedirect('somewhere')

And here is the traceback:
Request Method: POST
Request URL: http://localhost:8000/wha/address/1/add_property/
Django Version: 1.0.2 final
Python Version: 2.5.1
Installed Applications:
Installed Middleware:

File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/
site-packages/django/core/handlers/" in get_response
  86. response = callback(request, *callback_args,
File "/Users/michael/Documents/Django Projects/whasite/../whasite/wha/" in property_data
  35.   form['street']=request.session['street_id']

Exception Type: TypeError at /wha/address/1/add_property/
Exception Value: 'PropertyForm' object does not support item

On Jun 5, 5:15 pm, Daniel Roseman <>
> On Jun 5, 5:33 am, adelaide_mike <> wrote:
> > Another "in principle" question.  My Street model is the parent of my
> > Property model, many to one via foreign key.
> > User selects the street and I store it in request.session. User then
> > gets to enter the property details in this form:
> > class PropertyForm(ModelForm):
> >         class Meta:
> >                 model = Property
> >                 exclude = ('street', 'price1', 'price2',)
> > and when the Add is clicked we do:
> > def property_data(request, property_id='0'):
> >         st = request.session['street_id']
> >         print "At start of property_data, st=", st           # debug, so I
> > know it has the correct value
> >         if request.method == "POST":
> >                 if property_id > '0':
> >                         #do something
> >                 else:
> >                         form = PropertyForm(request.POST)
> >                         form['street']=request.session['street_id']
> >                         if form.is_valid():
> >                                 try:
> >                               
> >                                         return 
> > HttpResponseRedirect('somewhere')
> >                                 except:
> >                                         message='database error in ADD'     
> >      #debug, this is returned
> > to the page
> > Because all fields in property (except the foreign key street) either
> > have data or are blank=True, the problem must? be the lack of the
> > foreign key. (In admin I can add propertys).  How do I get it into the
> > data to be saved?
> > Mike
> Don't guess. Look at what the traceback actually says. Especially,
> don't use a raw 'except', as that will swallow all types of errors.
> Leave out the try/except for now, and let Django print the traceback
> page, then show us what it says.
> --
> DR.
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Newbie - record parent ID in child data entered by ModelForm

2009-06-04 Thread adelaide_mike

Another "in principle" question.  My Street model is the parent of my
Property model, many to one via foreign key.

User selects the street and I store it in request.session. User then
gets to enter the property details in this form:

class PropertyForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Property
exclude = ('street', 'price1', 'price2',)

and when the Add is clicked we do:

def property_data(request, property_id='0'):
st = request.session['street_id']
print "At start of property_data, st=", st   # debug, so I
know it has the correct value
if request.method == "POST":
if property_id > '0':
#do something
form = PropertyForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseRedirect('somewhere')
message='database error in ADD' 
 #debug, this is returned
to the page
Because all fields in property (except the foreign key street) either
have data or are blank=True, the problem must? be the lack of the
foreign key. (In admin I can add propertys).  How do I get it into the
data to be saved?


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Newb - how to remember the main course while we select the dessert

2009-06-04 Thread adelaide_mike

My latest problem can be illustrated thus:

In the first form we select the main course - spam or eggs.  In the
next form we select the dessert - ice cream or mud cake, and in the
third form we select the after-dimmer drink - tea or coffee.

How is the proper way to remember the choice made in form 1 and form
2?  I assume I need to pass the main_course_id to the second form and
get it back so I can pass it and dessert_id to the third form and then
get all three back, main_course_id, dessert_id and drink_id so they
can be sent to the kitchen.

I had thought that the form wizard might help but on reflection I now
doubt that.

Any clues welcome

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Newb problem with form wizard

2009-06-03 Thread adelaide_mike

My non-wizard templates are in this directory, all working as

I have built a form wizard in my exactly as per
the docs.  I have pasted the suggested template HTML into a file:

My is within the app and is as per the docs.  So I try

This raises an exception:
TemplateDoesNotExist at wha/contact/
Exception value forms/wizard.html

I seem to have something in the wrong place or with the wrong name.
Where or what should it be?

Thanks for past and future help.  Feeling a bit like the Black Knight


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Re: Newbie pls help with stored values

2009-06-03 Thread adelaide_mike

Yes V, thank you.  Thats clearly what I need here.


On Jun 3, 4:01 pm, V <> wrote:
> I'm not sure that I understood your problem, but form wizards might be
> what you are looking 
> for
> I guess
> On Jun 3, 8:04 am, adelaide_mike <> wrote:
> > I am a newbie with Django and web stuff, but have long experience with
> > desktop databases.
> > In Django my user runs through a series of template.htmls choosing a
> > particular great great grandchild object, a house.
> > Then she must select a sales agent object.  Just in general, how do I
> > arrange for the house object to be put on hold (in my other life I
> > would have used an instance or local variable) while we are selecting
> > the sales agen?
> > A brief example would be wonderful, but a pointer to some text would
> > be welcome too.  Have looked at context template processors but did
> > not think it relevant.
> > TIA
> > Mike
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Newbie pls help with stored values

2009-06-03 Thread adelaide_mike

I am a newbie with Django and web stuff, but have long experience with
desktop databases.

In Django my user runs through a series of template.htmls choosing a
particular great great grandchild object, a house.

Then she must select a sales agent object.  Just in general, how do I
arrange for the house object to be put on hold (in my other life I
would have used an instance or local variable) while we are selecting
the sales agen?

A brief example would be wonderful, but a pointer to some text would
be welcome too.  Have looked at context template processors but did
not think it relevant.



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Re: Newbie Django 1.0 help with create object, uopdate object

2009-06-01 Thread adelaide_mike

Thanks Tim for your detailed reply.  I have it now.  HTML was
incorrect, and yes, now I understand better what is happening I have
rewritten the view as you suggest.  I split it up only to try to make
clearer to me what was happening.  Thanks again.


On Jun 2, 1:48 am, Tim Sawyer <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think the recommended approach in django is for forms to submit to the
> current URL and for the view to decide whether the request is to display the
> form (a HTTP GET) or submit the form (HTTP POST).  I'd suggest that you
> attempt to re-write this way.  
> Your error could be caused by nothing in the POST, if your form is wrong - can
> you post your HTML?  You could also put an intentional error into your view
> which will cause the Django error window to pop up - this contains details of
> the POST variables in the request.
> Here's a well commented and cleaner version of the code I posted earlier:
> def edit_result(request, pResultSerial):
> """
> This method in takes a single parameter from the url - the serial of
> an object.  It will either display the HTML form to edit that object, or it
> will accept the submit of a form containing the edited data and save it to the
> database
> """
>   # Get an object from the database, using the passed in serial.  Raise a 404
>   # page not found if the object isn't found
>   lContestResult = get_object_or_404(ContestResult, pk=pResultSerial)
>   # if we are doing a post, the we have data to save.  Process it.
>   if request.method == 'POST':
>     # create a form instance, populating it with the data in the object
>     # selected from the database earlier, then overwriting it with the
>     # stuff submitted in the HTML form
>     form = ContestResultForm(request.POST, instance=lContestResult)
>     # run the form validation
>     if form.is_valid():
>       # save the object inside the form instance to the database
>       # our save completed, so redirect to the next url you want to go to
>       return HttpResponseRedirect('/url/after/successful/save')
>   else:
>     # we aren't doing a POST, so we need to create a form
>     # instance ready for it to be edited in the HTML.
>     # we create this and populate it from the object we selected above
>     form = ContestResultForm(instance=lContestResult)
>   # show the HTML form to allow the user to edit the object
>   # note that this is indented to the same level as the
>   # "if request is a POST" check, so that if the form.is_valid() check fails,
>   # we go back and show the HTML again with the form containing errors.
>   return render__to_response('contests/edit_result.html',
>                                 {'form': form})
> Hope that helps!
> Tim.
> On Monday 01 June 2009 15:56:24 adelaide_mike wrote:
> > Thanks for your response Tim.  However, you lost me a bit there, I am
> > a real newbie.  I have narrowed my question down to this:
> > # in
> > class PropertyForm(ModelForm):
> >    class Meta:
> >            model = Property
> > def property_update(request, property_id='0', street_id='0'):
> >    print "data/property_save, request.method= ", request.method
> >    message = ''
> >    # we attempt to update an edit
> >    print "attempt to update"
> >    form = PropertyForm(request.POST)
> >    if form.is_valid():
> >  
> >    return render_to_response('wha/property_form.html', {'form': form,
> > 'message': message})
> > My property_update function is called when the form Save button is
> > clicked.  The various "print" commands operate as expected.  However,
> > the validation fails and a form with no data is returned with
> > "required data" labels.  I conclude the line:
> > form = PropertyForm(request.POST)
> > does not populate the validation form.  What have I got wrong here?
> > TIA
> > Mike
> > On Jun 1, 8:14 pm, Tim Sawyer <> wrote:
> > > On Monday 01 June 2009 01:38:30 adelaide_mike wrote:
> > > > I found a really clear explanation of creating and updating database
> > > > objects in SAMS TeachYourself Django, but it appears to be for v
> > > > 0.96.
> > > > I have looked at "Creating forms from models" in the documentation,
> > > > and about one-third the way down it shows the following:
> > > > # Create a form instance from POST data.
> > > > >>> f = ArticleForm(request

Re: Newbie Django 1.0 help with create object, uopdate object

2009-06-01 Thread adelaide_mike

Thanks for your response Tim.  However, you lost me a bit there, I am
a real newbie.  I have narrowed my question down to this:

# in

class PropertyForm(ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Property

def property_update(request, property_id='0', street_id='0'):
print "data/property_save, request.method= ", request.method
message = ''
# we attempt to update an edit
print "attempt to update"
form = PropertyForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():

return render_to_response('wha/property_form.html', {'form': form,
'message': message})

My property_update function is called when the form Save button is
clicked.  The various "print" commands operate as expected.  However,
the validation fails and a form with no data is returned with
"required data" labels.  I conclude the line:
form = PropertyForm(request.POST)
does not populate the validation form.  What have I got wrong here?


On Jun 1, 8:14 pm, Tim Sawyer <> wrote:
> On Monday 01 June 2009 01:38:30 adelaide_mike wrote:
> > I found a really clear explanation of creating and updating database
> > objects in SAMS TeachYourself Django, but it appears to be for v
> > 0.96.
> > I have looked at "Creating forms from models" in the documentation,
> > and about one-third the way down it shows the following:
> > # Create a form instance from POST data.
> > >>> f = ArticleForm(request.POST)
> > # Save a new Article object from the form's data.
> > >>> new_article =
> > # Create a form to edit an existing Article.
> > >>> a = Article.objects.get(pk=1)
> > >>> f = ArticleForm(instance=a)
> > >>>
> > # Create a form to edit an existing Article, but use
> > # POST data to populate the form.
> > >>> a = Article.objects.get(pk=1)
> > >>> f = ArticleForm(request.POST, instance=a)
> > >>>
> > I understand what these code fragments are intended to do (I think)
> > but I am not clear as to how to use them.  Can someone point me to a
> > more fully displayed example?  TIA
> > Mike
> Here's an example from my code, does this help?
> Tim.
> def edit_result(request, pResultSerial):
>     """
>     Edit a single result row
>     """
>     lContestResult = get_object_or_404(ContestResult, pk=pResultSerial)
>     if request.user != lContestResult.owner:
>         raise Http404()
>     if request.method == 'POST':
>         form = ContestResultForm(request.POST, instance=lContestResult)
>         if form.is_valid():
>             return
> HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('bbr.contests.views.single_contest_event',
> args=[lContestResult.contest_event.contest.slug,
> lContestResult.contest_event.date_of_event]))
>     else:
>         form = ContestResultForm(instance=lContestResult)
>     return render_auth(request, 'contests/edit_result.html', {'form': form,
> 'ContestResult' : lContestResult})
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Newbie Django 1.0 help with create object, uopdate object

2009-05-31 Thread adelaide_mike

I found a really clear explanation of creating and updating database
objects in SAMS TeachYourself Django, but it appears to be for v

I have looked at "Creating forms from models" in the documentation,
and about one-third the way down it shows the following:

# Create a form instance from POST data.
>>> f = ArticleForm(request.POST)

# Save a new Article object from the form's data.
>>> new_article =

# Create a form to edit an existing Article.
>>> a = Article.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> f = ArticleForm(instance=a)

# Create a form to edit an existing Article, but use
# POST data to populate the form.
>>> a = Article.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> f = ArticleForm(request.POST, instance=a)

I understand what these code fragments are intended to do (I think)
but I am not clear as to how to use them.  Can someone point me to a
more fully displayed example?  TIA

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Re: Newbie, hierarchical models, problem

2009-05-30 Thread adelaide_mike

Thanks Gabriel.  I think it would be good if the tutorial included a
three-level hierarchy sowing how to handle the and for
the third layer.  Anyway, I now understandone step more.

Thanks and regards

On May 31, 11:46 am, Gabriel <> wrote:
> adelaide_mike escribió:
> > urlpatterns = patterns('whasite.wha.views',
> >    (r'^address/{{}}/(?P\d+)/$', 'select_event'),
> >    (r'^address/(?P\d+)/$', 'select_property'),
> >    (r'^address/$', 'select_street'),
> >    (r'^$', 'address'),
> > )
> (r'^address/(?P\d+)/(?P\d+)/$', 'select_event'),
> Url patterns use regular expressions.
> - --
> Kind regards.
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Newbie, hierarchical models, problem

2009-05-30 Thread adelaide_mike

I have model classes  Suburb, Street ,Property and Event.
Each has a name , a foreign key to the model above, and the id
provided by default.  In the admin everything is fine.

The template address.html has a search field and returns a startswith
query that generates streets.

Clicking a line in the klist of streets prompts the second line of the
urlpatterns to build a list of propertys.

Clicking a line in  propertys  returns wha/address/1/3 where 1 is the
id of the street and 3 is the id of the property.  But line 1 in
urlpatterns does not work.  I have tried everything, as they say, and
have read all the docs I can find, to no avail.  I am sure
{{}} is incorrect but I do not know what should replace it.

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *

urlpatterns = patterns('whasite.wha.views',

(r'^address/{{}}/(?P\d+)/$', 'select_event'),
(r'^address/(?P\d+)/$', 'select_property'),
(r'^address/$', 'select_street'),
(r'^$', 'address'),

Have looked at mptt and Pyjamas, both of which seem relevant but I
want to crawl before running.

Any help would be much appreciated.  TIA

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Re: How to include parent name in list of children?

2009-05-27 Thread adelaide_mike

Thank you Tom and Daniel.  Starting to see some light here.


On May 28, 1:25 am, Daniel Roseman <>
> On May 27, 2:59 pm, Tom Evans <> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2009-05-27 at 06:27 -0700, adelaide_mike wrote:
> > > Very beginner here.
> > > My model has two classes, Suburb, the parent, and Street, the child:
> > > class      Suburb(models.Model):
> > >            suburb_name = models.CharField(max_length=72)
> > >            postcode = models.CharField(max_length=4)
> > >            def __unicode__(self):
> > >                    return '%s %s' % (self.suburb_name, self.postcode)
> > > class      Street(models.Model):
> > >            street_name = models.CharField(max_length=72)
> > >            suburb = models.ForeignKey(Suburb)
> > >            def __unicode__(self):
> > >                    return '%s, %s' % (self.street_name, 
> > > unicode(self.suburb))
> > > In my view I populate the variable streets:
> > > def search_street(request):
> > >     query = request.GET['query']
> > >     streets = Street.objects.filter(street_name__istartswith = query)
> > >     # Do a case-insensitive search on the starts-with name of the
> > > street.
> > >     return render_to_response('wha/street_select.html', {'streets':
> > > streets, 'query': query})
> > > The page search_select.html contains:
> > > 
> > >     {% for street in streets %}
> > >         {{street.street_name}}
> > > {{suburb.suburb_name}}
> > >     {% endfor %}
> > >     
> > > This displays only the street name, and not the suburb_name.  I need
> > > it to display as in the admin ie:
> > > street_name suburb_name postcode
> > > What change should I make or where can I see an example?
> > > TIA
> > > Mike
> > {{ street.suburb.suburb_name }}
> Note that although this does give the right answer, it'll be very
> inefficient in terms of database access, as you'll need to hit the
> database to look up the suburb on every single street.
> Easy fix - add select_related() to the lookup in the view:
> streets = Street.objects.filter(street_name__istartswith =
> query).select_related()
> --
> DR.
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How to include parent name in list of children?

2009-05-27 Thread adelaide_mike

Very beginner here.

My model has two classes, Suburb, the parent, and Street, the child:

class   Suburb(models.Model):
suburb_name = models.CharField(max_length=72)
postcode = models.CharField(max_length=4)
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s %s' % (self.suburb_name, self.postcode)

class   Street(models.Model):
street_name = models.CharField(max_length=72)
suburb = models.ForeignKey(Suburb)
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s, %s' % (self.street_name, 

In my view I populate the variable streets:

def search_street(request):
query = request.GET['query']
streets = Street.objects.filter(street_name__istartswith = query)
# Do a case-insensitive search on the starts-with name of the
return render_to_response('wha/street_select.html', {'streets':
streets, 'query': query})

The page search_select.html contains:

{% for street in streets %}
{% endfor %}

This displays only the street name, and not the suburb_name.  I need
it to display as in the admin ie:
street_name suburb_name postcode

What change should I make or where can I see an example?


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Field xyz that is missing from the form

2009-05-25 Thread adelaide_mike

Be gentle with me.  I am on my 7th day with Django.  I have completed
the tutorial for 1.0.2 and have started building an app that has three
models in a hierarchy, Suburb, Street and Property.  All are available
in the basic Admin, working very well.

Now I emulated the tutorial by building a SuburbAdmin function
(similar to PollAdmin in the tute) as shown in the first half of my here:

This half works fine by itself.  However, when I add the second half
of that to attempt to do a similar thing with Street and
Property I get an ImproperyConfigured error stating:
'StreetAdmin.fieldsets[1][1]['fields']' refers to field 'number' that
is missing from the form.

If I comment out the line ('Property', {'fields': ['number'],
'classes': ['collapse']}), it all (both SuburbAdmin and StreetAdmin)
works as advertised except that the StreetAdmin shows every column in
the Property table (understandably).

Can someone pls tell me what faults there are in my


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Re: Django 1.0.2 show grandparent in admin

2009-05-23 Thread adelaide_mike

Spot on. Thanks Karen

On May 24, 11:08 am, Karen Tracey <> wrote:
> On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 9:57 PM, adelaide_mike
> <>wrote:
> > First, please forgive my post to the Django developers group.  I mis-
> > understood the terminology.
> > I am a total beginner in Django but have long experience with Omnis.
> > My data stores addresses in three tables named
> > Suburb, (columns are id, name)
> > Street, (columns are id, name, suburb_id)
> > Property (columns are id, number, street_id)
> > I have the Admin all working well (as per the Poll tutorial) but need
> > to extend it.  I can "Add a property" and on that page I see a pick
> > list for the street name.  Can I get that pick list to show the suburb
> > name also by somehow concatenating the street and suburb names
> > together?
> > In my I have, for each class (using Street as an example):
> >      def__unicode__(self)
> >            return
> > I have not found an exception-free way of changing the last line above
> > to involve the parent class.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Something like (for Street):
> def __unicode__(self):
>    return u'%s, %s)' % (, unicode(self.suburb))
> (assuming Suburb's __unicode__ returns its name) should do it.  (And
> assuming suburb is not allowed to be null -- if it is then you'll need to
> test for a null suburb and fall back to just returning the street name and
> not attempting to access a non-existant related object.)
> Karen
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Django 1.0.2 show grandparent in admin

2009-05-23 Thread adelaide_mike

First, please forgive my post to the Django developers group.  I mis-
understood the terminology.

I am a total beginner in Django but have long experience with Omnis.
My data stores addresses in three tables named
Suburb, (columns are id, name)
Street, (columns are id, name, suburb_id)
Property (columns are id, number, street_id)

I have the Admin all working well (as per the Poll tutorial) but need
to extend it.  I can "Add a property" and on that page I see a pick
list for the street name.  Can I get that pick list to show the suburb
name also by somehow concatenating the street and suburb names

In my I have, for each class (using Street as an example):

I have not found an exception-free way of changing the last line above
to involve the parent class.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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