Re: [Dorset] HTML/PHP script

2010-03-30 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 16:44:58 +0100, David Stanton  

 This hardly seems something a ethical web designer would do without at
 the very least explaining it to and discussing it with their clients (my
 friends), who not being IT aware, wouldn't look at the source code and
 know anything unexpected was there.

I find it understandable that the web designer would want to track the  
site as it allows them to prove the work they are doing is beneficial etc.  
However there are much better ways of running analytics.  I would also  
expect your friends to have access to the analytics information at any  

It is also possible your friend has been told but never realised what this  

 The Maverick Monkey sequence of websites lead me to a site which
 referred to something called Adsense. I gather this is an extension of
 the Google Adwords(?) (the pay per click advertising system which brings
 up a link to a website when a keyword is searched for). As I
 understood it Adsense is a system which lets a third party (as some
 sort of sponsor) cream off a commission.

Something weird is definitely going on here. My advice would be for your  
friend to get the source code for the whole of the site, though being 'non  
IT aware' they might not know what everything is. It might even be worth  
getting someone 'web-aware' too look over the whole thing for them, though  
knowing who to trust may be difficult.


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Re: [Dorset] HTML/PHP script

2010-03-30 Thread Robert Bronsdon
On Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:28:28 +0100, David Stanton  

 The site is up and running. I've copied the html code using ctrl-U
 facility on Firefox. There doesn't seem to be anything else untoward on
 it and no other scripts - that is except for spelling and other sloppy
 mistakes, besides a mail to link pointing at a non-existant mailbox!

Is it a static website or is there php code running in the background? If  
there is dynamic code running in the background you will NOT capture this  
 from firefox.

 What they have to do is obtain control and ownership of the domain or
 abandon it hope it won't do too much harm and set up another one.

If they have paid for the domain then they should request full control of  
the domain, specifically the login to the registrar.

They will then need new hosting and point the DNS entry to this new server.

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Re: [Dorset] OT: Sign up to oppose the Digital Economy Bill

2010-03-30 Thread Peter Merchant
On Tue, 2010-03-30 at 18:21 +0100, Terry Coles wrote:
 On Thursday 25 Mar 2010, Terry Coles wrote:
  Whatever the truth, here is what Annette Brooke (LibDem for Mid Dorset and
  Poole North) said to me in response to my letter through the 38 Degrees
  Thank you for your message calling for the Digital Economy Bill to receive
  proper parliamentary debate.  Time is running out for the present
   Parliament and from today until Easter the Commons will be debating the
   Budget.  I am watching  the timetable for the Commons but  at this stage
   it is not clear if the Bill will get a Second Reading in the Commons,
   although it is still possible.I am very concerned that the Bill should
   receive proper scrutiny and  I will update you in due course.'
  I received that yesterday, presumably before the date for the debate was
 After the short note last week Annette Brooke sent a much  much longer 
 message that the disclaimer in the footer said was confidential to the 
 recipient (although it was BCCd to lots of people presumably).  
 In essence is says that the LibDems are going to pass the bill pretty much as 
 it is because there are lots of good things that are needed in it.  To get 
 good; they are going to swallow the bad.  What this means of course is that 
 the bill has been framed to ensure that unpopular and unfair measures get 
 forced through because no-one wants to railroad the good stuff.
 The message claimed that the LibDem amendments included some safeguards, 
 including the following requirements:
 1. copyright infringers are notified by letter, without any risk of their 
 internet connection being affected, for at least a year
 2. an evaluation of the effectiveness of such soft measures is undertaken
 3. an evaluation of the need for, and likely effectiveness of, technical 
 measures has been completed
 4. further consultation has taken place
 5. proposed legislation is brought before parliament for decision, and
 6. any process to disconnect users explicitly assumes their innocence until 
 they are proven guilty
 I suspect that on their own the LibDems can't achieve much anyway, so it 
 remains to be seen how the bill works in practice.
   Terry Coles
   64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

Peter M:

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Re: [Dorset] OT: Sign up to oppose the Digital Economy Bill

2010-03-30 Thread Terry Coles
On Tuesday 30 Mar 2010, Peter Merchant wrote:

Yes, but that report is nearly a week old, so the momentum has been lost.  The 
LibDems were the only major party opposing the bill.  Now they've decided to 
support it, it's a shoo-in, so it doesn't really matter how many protests 
there are.

I just hope the LibDems are right and the process of kicking serial infringers 
will be fair and just.  My worry is that we end up in the same situation as in 
the US where individuals get letters threatening legal action and have to 
decided between paying the money to the protection racketeers or facing years 
in court and the millions of $ that that entails, even if they win!.  Even 
when the money for defence is provided pro bono (eg out of the coffers of some 
support organisation), the victim can get hammered (and that takes no account 
of the stress and time involved in the process).

for a couple of examples, where the defendants had help and were still hit for 
huge damage awards.  There was also the woman who had never used a computer 
who got successfully sued (the computer belonged to her late husband) and the 
12 year old girl who got the threatening letter.

I realise that British justice is nowhere near as unjust as the US variety, 
but bad things do happen.  This law needs debating to prevent those kind of 
situations ever being possible.

Terry Coles
64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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Re: [Dorset] OT: Sign up to oppose the Digital Economy Bill

2010-03-30 Thread Sean Gibbins
Terry Coles wrote:
 On Tuesday 30 Mar 2010, Peter Merchant wrote:

 Yes, but that report is nearly a week old, so the momentum has been lost.  
 LibDems were the only major party opposing the bill.  Now they've decided to 
 support it, it's a shoo-in, so it doesn't really matter how many protests 
 there are.

 I just hope the LibDems are right and the process of kicking serial 
 will be fair and just.  My worry is that we end up in the same situation as 
 the US where individuals get letters threatening legal action and have to 
 decided between paying the money to the protection racketeers or facing years 
 in court and the millions of $ that that entails, even if they win!.  Even 
 when the money for defence is provided pro bono (eg out of the coffers of 
 support organisation), the victim can get hammered (and that takes no account 
 of the stress and time involved in the process).

 for a couple of examples, where the defendants had help and were still hit 
 huge damage awards.  There was also the woman who had never used a computer 
 who got successfully sued (the computer belonged to her late husband) and the 
 12 year old girl who got the threatening letter.

 I realise that British justice is nowhere near as unjust as the US variety, 
 but bad things do happen.  This law needs debating to prevent those kind of 
 situations ever being possible.


On that subject, here's something I read today:

A 19 year-old in the UK whose case was dropped.


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[Dorset] SCO Lost in front of a Jury

2010-03-30 Thread Terry Coles
For all those who've occasionally watched the numerous SCO lawsuits against 
Linux unfold over the last 7 years, the jury has returned in the Novell suit 
and SCO has lost.

Of course, they have no money left now, so the millions of dollars that 
they've cost Novell, IBM, Daimler-Chrysler, etc, by suing them, not to mention 
the companies that they conned into buying a licence for their protection 
racket (sorry IP) is all gone.  Presumably their administrator will now wind 
them up, unless he is daft enough to appeal.

If they do appeal, then maybe another mystery investor will creep out of the 
woodwork, just like they've done ever since this saga began, so that we can 
have another seven years of entertainment.

Terry Coles
64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

Next meeting: Bournemouth, Wed 2010-04-07 20:00
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Re: [Dorset] SCO Lost in front of a Jury

2010-03-30 Thread Terry Coles
On Tuesday 30 Mar 2010, Terry Coles wrote:
 For all those who've occasionally watched the numerous SCO lawsuits against
 Linux unfold over the last 7 years, the jury has returned in the Novell
  suit and SCO has lost.

I meant to paste a link and forgot:

Groklaw ( has a page up for the celebrants :-)

Terry Coles
64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux

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Re: [Dorset] SCO Lost in front of a Jury

2010-03-30 Thread Sean Gibbins
Terry Coles wrote:

 What is it about the US legal system that makes litigious companies like SCO 
 continue to the bitter end.  BTW, their share price was down to $0.10 at the 
 close having dropped from $0.46 after the verdict.  It looks like the 
 entertainment continues, but they're going to need more money.

It's a shame that if a company bankrupts itself through spurious 
lawsuits and mismanagement, the board of directors don't become liable 
for jail time for their mischief. It might make some of these companies 
think a little harder before suing.


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