Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-05-21 Thread Hajo Locke


i do some tests with dovecot 2.1.7 and activated a default special-use
config. To get it work with outlook 2013, i also added XLIST to imap
capability string. basically this is working.

is somebody also using special-use folders successful with outlook 2013?

yes, testet a few times, works fine, without Junk folder , cause
outlook wants this handled by it own, but i ve seen reg patches to
change this

My serverside setup now is completed. I did a lot of tests last weeks and 
experienced some strange behaviour of some clients.

Outlook 2013 is only working when adding XLIST manually to imap_capability
imap_capability = +XLIST
This is because outlook 2013 not supports rfc 6154 but the deprecated XLIST 
standard invented by google.
So the problem with junkfolder is not a bug in Outlook 2013, in rfc 6154 
spamfolder is tagged by \Junk, in XLIST standard \Spam is used.

I did see that when using a gmailaccount in outlook 2013.
Adding XLIST capability to dovecot seems to be a problem for other Clients. 
k9 is able to work with rfc 6154 servers. But if k9 finds XLIST and 
SPECIAL-USE together in capabilitystring it seems to prefer XLIST requests. 
Because of dovecot is accepting XLIST requests, but outputs rfc 6154 
details, k9 seems to be confused and dont finds special Folders. rfc 6154 is 
similar but not identical to XLIST.  If you dont test with really individual 
foldernames, you get tricked by clients behaviour.
I looked around and the most imap-servers of hosting companies etc. provide 
XLIST feature, Special-USE unfortunately only a few.

So i did now some changes to dovecot sources on my own.
I added \Spam as allowed special-use attribute and created a new function 
for XLIST Requests. So if XLIST is requested, Clients gets lines of output 
with XLIST and \Junk is replaced with \Spam.
So all is done in the code and i dont need to change my userdb-config. 
Testing this server with different clients was successful. All of them did 
find their special folders and worked fine, outlook 2013 also finds 
spamfolder now. So this changes contribute to consolidate a deprecated 
standard but i have to find a way where all users can benefit from new 
This is not a request to change something in dovecot, this is a call to 
decision makers to support one rfc Standard.


Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-04-04 Thread Timo Sirainen
On 3.4.2013, at 14.24, Hajo Locke wrote:

 Ugh. Not really. OK, latest v2.1 hg has passdb_import, userdb_import and
 userdb_userdb_import and they all work.
 thanks, this is working. now it is possible to let the single user choose his 
 favorite foldernames if client is not very helpful. it results in some more 
 configuration, but is helpful in some situations.
 but i only achieved this without userdb prefetching. latest patch i added 
 latest patch  is included

There are 3 more patches related to the userdb_import stuff since that one.

Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-04-03 Thread Hajo Locke

On Sun, 2013-03-31 at 17:40 +0300, Timo Sirainen wrote:

 same line occurs when querying ...userdb_import as userdb_import... in 
 place of ...userdb_import as userdb_userdb_import. makes 
userdb_userdb_import work.

Ugh. Not really. OK, latest v2.1 hg has passdb_import, userdb_import and
userdb_userdb_import and they all work. In addition, here's a list of
settings that are required for adding two new mailboxes without them
being in the configuration:

/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap -o 'namespace/inbox/mailbox=foo bar' -o
namespace/inbox/mailbox/foo/name=foo -o
namespace/inbox/mailbox/bar/name=bar -o
namespace/inbox/mailbox/foo/auto=create -o
namespace/inbox/mailbox/bar/auto=create -o
namespace/inbox/mailbox/foo/special_use=\\sent -o

That way you can easily test them. They work just the same (without -o
parameter of course) in userdb_import.

thanks, this is working. now it is possible to let the single user choose 
his favorite foldernames if client is not very helpful. it results in some 
more configuration, but is helpful in some situations.

but i only achieved this without userdb prefetching. latest patch i added 
latest patch  is included

this is the old combined query:

password_query = SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home` as 
userdb_home, `uid` AS userdb_uid, `gid` AS userdb_gid,userdb_import AS 
userdb_userdb_import  FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND 

i had to edit the conf and split this query into user and pwd query to make 
it work

password_query = SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`  FROM `mail_users` 
WHERE `login` = '%u' AND `active`='Y'
user_query = SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home`, `uid`, `gid`, 
userdb_import  FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND `active`='Y'

i would like to save one query at loginprocess, but its not existentially 


Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-31 Thread Timo Sirainen
On 25.3.2013, at 17.14, Hajo Locke wrote:

 Looks like it fixed the TAB problem. So I guess I need to fix 
 Could you try if the attached patch fixes it?
 i added the patch and did build my packages. sql.conf i switched back to 
 Log looks like:
 Mar 25 16:01:55 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: 
 prefetch(myusername,ip.ip.ip.ip,Bsf0FcHYGgBVDY8B): success
 Mar 25 16:01:55 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER 3357409281  
 myusernamehome=/home/myusername uid=1004 gid=1000
 same line occurs when querying ...userdb_import as userdb_import... in place 
 of ...userdb_import as userdb_userdb_import… makes userdb_userdb_import 

Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-31 Thread Timo Sirainen
On Sun, 2013-03-31 at 17:40 +0300, Timo Sirainen wrote:

  same line occurs when querying ...userdb_import as userdb_import... in 
  place of ...userdb_import as userdb_userdb_import… makes userdb_userdb_import 

Ugh. Not really. OK, latest v2.1 hg has passdb_import, userdb_import and
userdb_userdb_import and they all work. In addition, here's a list of
settings that are required for adding two new mailboxes without them
being in the configuration:

/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap -o 'namespace/inbox/mailbox=foo bar' -o
namespace/inbox/mailbox/foo/name=foo -o
namespace/inbox/mailbox/bar/name=bar -o
namespace/inbox/mailbox/foo/auto=create -o
namespace/inbox/mailbox/bar/auto=create -o
namespace/inbox/mailbox/foo/special_use=\\sent -o

That way you can easily test them. They work just the same (without -o
parameter of course) in userdb_import.

Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-26 Thread Hajo Locke


the autocreate works if mailbox hallohallo is basically created in conf 
file with special_use purpose:

namespace inbox {
 inbox = yes

namespace inbox {

 mailbox hallohallo {
 special_use = \Sent


userdb_import: namespace/inbox/mailbox=hallohallo 

In this case the settings from userdb_import override this part of 
conffile and folder hallohallo is autocreated and accepted by outlook 
2013. (works only without prefetch)

but my goal is to put also the special_use purpose per user to userdb.
i reduced conf file to:

namespace inbox {
 inbox = yes

now i extended userdb_import to:


so this seems to be the end of the attempt to move special_use features 100% 
to userdb.
i have to mark a folder with special_use feature directly in conf-file and 
are only able to control the autocreation of this folder in userdb_import
If i move all (like above) all 3 lines to userdb, then nothing good happens, 
sometimes outlook 2013 even crashes...

so, do i have any other chances?


Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-25 Thread Robert Schetterer
Am 25.03.2013 09:23, schrieb Hajo Locke:
 i do some tests with dovecot 2.1.7 and activated a default special-use
 config. To get it work with outlook 2013, i also added XLIST to imap
 capability string. basically this is working.
 is somebody also using special-use folders successful with outlook 2013?

yes, testet a few times, works fine, without Junk folder , cause
outlook wants this handled by it own, but i ve seen reg patches to
change this

 In my understanding of special-use extension, every client should map
 its own local folders to corresponding folders on server. Real Name of
 folder on server should be irrelevant, if a folder aaa is marked as
 \Sent, then a Client should show this folder as Sent Sent Items or
 Gesendete Objekte, just like local preferences.

the special names are comming from the server and are stated in rfc

the clients decides how to handle it

additional there is an alias plugin dovecot ( not the same as special
folders but can be mixed

but thats more ment as a solution for older Outlooks which always create
i.e Gesendete Objekte to get mapped to Sent

so its a workaround not magic

 Outlook 2013 seems to work slightly different. Outlook 2013 seems to
 really use the marked folder on server regardless of local preferences.
 If i mark Drafts as \Drafts, outlook 2013 will use this for drafts even
 in german environment. Did somebody other notice this behaviour?

yes, if you set drafts its used by german outlook, no translation,
just verified that

 Is it possible to adjust some settings in outlook 2013  fo fix this?

not that i know, but i will investigate, guess there are ways to fix it
there maybe some reg hacks, but dont go there until they are not official

 Otherwise the serveradmin is forced to provide special-use folders per
 every single user and let them choose how his folders should be named?
 What experience did others make who use special-use folders in
 productive environment?

my personal meanings

stay at english in your dovecot conf
translation should be done from the client, if outlook 2013 german does
not, ask Microsoft why.

Comparing K9 on Android german, the also stay with i.e Sent but add (
Gesendet ) after that, looks like a good idea to me, having orig server
folder name with country language translation adding


Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

[*] sys4 AG, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64
Franziskanerstraße 15, 81669 München

Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Axel von der Ohe, Marc Schiffbauer
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Joerg Heidrich

Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-25 Thread Robert Schetterer
Am 25.03.2013 12:18, schrieb Robert Schetterer:
 Is it possible to adjust some settings in outlook 2013  fo fix this?
 not that i know, but i will investigate, guess there are ways to fix it
 there maybe some reg hacks, but dont go there until they are not official

if your brave you may try , no idea if that might work


Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

[*] sys4 AG, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64
Franziskanerstraße 15, 81669 München

Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Axel von der Ohe, Marc Schiffbauer
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Joerg Heidrich

Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-25 Thread Hajo Locke


if your brave you may try , no idea if that might work


thanks, the MFCMAPI way is working, but i'm afraid that only experienced 
users will have success.

i think about of moving all the special_folders stuff to userdb and let 
every user decide on its own.

2 reasons.

1: outlook 2013 and may be other clients only work correct if 
special_folders on server are autocreated (auto=subscribe). Even when adding 
the special_folders later manually, outlook 2013 would not use them for 
current account. i had to delete and recreate the account to get it work 
again. autocreate and subscription seems to be really needed. This folders 
may be annoying for users who dont use a special_folders client.

2. if microsoft has choosen to not map local folders to serverfolders, i 
expect a lot of support effort to explain why folder names are like this. 
even if i decide to use german names on server, there will be complains by 
other users who wants to have there own preferred foldernames.

moving all this to a userdb lookup is really not in the purpose of rfc 6154, 
but seems to be for me the best compromise.

i dont know which way i will go, but already tried the userdb-thing. without 
I want to know if this will work from pure technical side and deside later 
to use or to discard this possibility.

A good way to do this seems to be the userdb_import field:

i reduced the special_folders part in conf file to:
namespace inbox {
 inbox = yes

then i added text-field to my MySQL Table mail_users and inserted a text 
like this: 

Also i edited the password_query (i use userdb prefetch)

password_query = SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home` as 
userdb_home, `uid` AS userdb_uid, `gid` AS userdb_gid, userdb_import as 
userdb_userdb_import FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND `active`='Y'

This results in no error but also no effect. Verbose logging did show a line 
like this:

Mar 25 13:16:49 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER 
3613786113  myuserhome=/home/myuser uid=1004gid=1000

Looks not really bad, but is not working.
What did i wrong? I would like to get this work to have a plan B.


Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-25 Thread Timo Sirainen
On 25.3.2013, at 15.36, Hajo Locke wrote:

 Also i edited the password_query (i use userdb prefetch)
 password_query = SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home` as userdb_home, 
 `uid` AS userdb_uid, `gid` AS userdb_gid, userdb_import as 
 userdb_userdb_import FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND `active`='Y'
 This results in no error but also no effect. Verbose logging did show a line 
 like this:
 Mar 25 13:16:49 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER 3613786113  
 myuserhome=/home/myuser uid=1004gid=1000
 Looks not really bad, but is not working.
 What did i wrong? I would like to get this work to have a plan B.

See if it works without userdb prefetch? Possibly a bug..

Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-25 Thread Hajo Locke


Also i edited the password_query (i use userdb prefetch)

password_query = SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home` as 
userdb_home, `uid` AS userdb_uid, `gid` AS userdb_gid, userdb_import as 
userdb_userdb_import FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND 

This results in no error but also no effect. Verbose logging did show a 
line like this:

Mar 25 13:16:49 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER 
3613786113  myuserhome=/home/myuser uid=1004 

Looks not really bad, but is not working.
What did i wrong? I would like to get this work to have a plan B.

See if it works without userdb prefetch? Possibly a bug..

Unfortunately not. I edited the sql.conf to:

password_query = SELECT `inbox` as `username`, `password`,  FROM 
`mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND `active`='Y'
user_query =SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home`, `uid`,  `gid` , 
userdb_import  FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND `active`='Y'

Maillog says:

Mar 25 14:59:53 myhostname dovecot: auth-worker(16079): Debug: 
sql(myusername,ip.ip.ip.ip): SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home`, 
`uid`,  `gid` , userdb_import  FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = 
'myusername' AND `active`='Y'
Mar 25 14:59:53 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER  778960897 
myusernamepassword=hidden   home=/home/myusername uid=1004 

looks correct, login and reading mail works, but there is no folder 
autcreated etc. dovecot is 2.1.7


Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-25 Thread Robert Schetterer
Am 25.03.2013 14:36, schrieb Hajo Locke:
 if your brave you may try , no idea if that might work
 thanks, the MFCMAPI way is working, but i'm afraid that only experienced
 users will have success.

however you are the man who tried it, thx

 i think about of moving all the special_folders stuff to userdb and let
 every user decide on its own.
 2 reasons.

your choice, i would not use outlook at all,
its simply not a good internet mail client
in fact it is the client of exchange.

Alternative imternet mail clients are good enough now,
if sombody likes outlook he better should use it with exchange

 1: outlook 2013 and may be other clients only work correct if
 special_folders on server are autocreated (auto=subscribe). Even when
 adding the special_folders later manually, outlook 2013 would not use
 them for current account. 

yes, you need to setup new profile then, thats how outlook 2013 works

i had to delete and recreate the account to
 get it work again. autocreate and subscription seems to be really
 needed. This folders may be annoying for users who dont use a
 special_folders client.

not to my knowledge, most users are on thunderbird, apple mail , k9 etc
since yet ,nobody phoned me here *g, after all, most imap clients without
special folders features still autocreate their meaning of special
folder via imap auto by itselves, and that will stay that way until
everyone has upgraded to clients with special folders features so this
means perhaps never *g

 2. if microsoft has choosen to not map local folders to serverfolders, i
 expect a lot of support effort to explain why folder names are like
 this. even if i decide to use german names on server, there will be
 complains by other users who wants to have there own preferred foldernames.

Microsoft has choosen to earn money with cloud services
and on exchange, the have no prime interest in imap

however outlook 2013 does active sync too, as anounced
new horde webmail will be full compatible to outlook 2013 active sync
version, so for one account minimum you will have  mail , kalendar,
abook, notes etc in sync , no need for direct imap in outlook 2013 then

 moving all this to a userdb lookup is really not in the purpose of rfc
 6154, but seems to be for me the best compromise.
 i dont know which way i will go, but already tried the userdb-thing.
 without suceess.
 I want to know if this will work from pure technical side and deside
 later to use or to discard this possibility.
 A good way to do this seems to be the userdb_import field:
 i reduced the special_folders part in conf file to:
 namespace inbox {
  inbox = yes
 then i added text-field to my MySQL Table mail_users and inserted a text
 like this:
 Also i edited the password_query (i use userdb prefetch)
 password_query = SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home` as
 userdb_home, `uid` AS userdb_uid, `gid` AS userdb_gid, userdb_import as
 userdb_userdb_import FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = '%u' AND
 This results in no error but also no effect. Verbose logging did show a
 line like this:
 Mar 25 13:16:49 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER
 3613786113  myuserhome=/home/myuser uid=1004   
 Looks not really bad, but is not working.
 What did i wrong? I would like to get this work to have a plan B.

as Timo wrote perhaps a bug


Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

[*] sys4 AG, +49 (89) 30 90 46 64
Franziskanerstraße 15, 81669 München

Sitz der Gesellschaft: München, Amtsgericht München: HRB 199263
Vorstand: Patrick Ben Koetter, Axel von der Ohe, Marc Schiffbauer
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Joerg Heidrich

Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-25 Thread Timo Sirainen
On 25.3.2013, at 16.13, Hajo Locke wrote:

 Mar 25 13:16:49 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER 
 3613786113  myuserhome=/home/myuser uid=1004 gid=1000
 Looks not really bad, but is not working.
 What did i wrong? I would like to get this work to have a plan B.
 See if it works without userdb prefetch? Possibly a bug..
 Unfortunately not. I edited the sql.conf to:
 Mar 25 14:59:53 myhostname dovecot: auth-worker(16079): Debug: 
 sql(myusername,ip.ip.ip.ip): SELECT `inbox` as `user`, `password`, `home`, 
 `uid`,  `gid` , userdb_import  FROM `mail_users` WHERE `login` = 'myusername' 
 AND `active`='Y'
 Mar 25 14:59:53 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER  778960897 
 myusernamepassword=hidden   home=/home/myusername uid=1004 

Looks like it fixed the TAB problem. So I guess I need to fix 

 looks correct, login and reading mail works, but there is no folder 
 autcreated etc. dovecot is 2.1.7

The problem is that there is no namespace/inbox/hallohallo section. It needs to 
be created explicitly. And the naming is wrong. So I think..:


Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-25 Thread Timo Sirainen
On 25.3.2013, at 16.28, Timo Sirainen wrote:

 Looks like it fixed the TAB problem. So I guess I need to fix 

Could you try if the attached patch fixes it?

Description: Binary data

Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-25 Thread Hajo Locke


Looks like it fixed the TAB problem. So I guess I need to fix 

Could you try if the attached patch fixes it?

i added the patch and did build my packages. sql.conf i switched back to 

Log looks like:

Mar 25 16:01:55 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: 
prefetch(myusername,ip.ip.ip.ip,Bsf0FcHYGgBVDY8B): success
Mar 25 16:01:55 myhostname dovecot: auth: Debug: master out: USER 
3357409281  myusernamehome=/home/myusername uid=1004 


same line occurs when querying ...userdb_import as userdb_import... in place 
of ...userdb_import as userdb_userdb_import...

I also used your suggested userdb_import setting, but seems that i have no 
luck today. with and without prefetching there are no folders etc. 

i'm stuck... :(


Re: [Dovecot] Outlook 2013 - mounting folders with XLIST

2013-03-25 Thread Hajo Locke


I also used your suggested userdb_import setting, but seems that i have no 
luck today. with and without prefetching there are no folders etc. 

now i have a partially success.

the autocreate works if mailbox hallohallo is basically created in conf file 
with special_use purpose:

namespace inbox {
 inbox = yes

namespace inbox {

 mailbox hallohallo {
 special_use = \Sent


userdb_import: namespace/inbox/mailbox=hallohallo 

In this case the settings from userdb_import override this part of conffile 
and folder hallohallo is autocreated and accepted by outlook 2013. (works 
only without prefetch)

but my goal is to put also the special_use purpose per user to userdb.
i reduced conf file to:

namespace inbox {
 inbox = yes

now i extended userdb_import to:


At this point nothing happens. there is no folder autocreated and telnet 
session shows no special_use folder.

Is there a possibility to put the complete special_folders config to userdb?
