RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-26 Thread Bryan D. Andrews
So, I had some problems with a project that had a license.licx file in
the root -- nant was choking on it, so I went to the nightly build of
nant. It fixed the problem, but caused another in that it was telling me
a method in an external DLL is not present (but it is indeed there):

C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\tmp45BB.tmp\TI.DNN.DotNetNuke\Global.asax.vb(490) :
error BC30456: 'SendASPNETException' is not a member of

So I tried running the nant script on the build box and it builds fine.
So I went back to the oldest nightly build I could find and it works.

I would post this on the nant list, but the only time it fails is when
draco runs it. What might I look for here when the build script runs
fine from the command prompt but not from draco?

Thanks for any thoughts before I post to the nant list.

-Original Message-
From: Bryan D. Andrews 
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 6:47 AM
Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users]
Vault and Draconet?]

I was just told on the nant list that the only reason it is working for
me is that my project happens to be in the root folder. There is a user
who says that he is ready to fix this but is awaiting feedback.

Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

-Original Message-
From: David Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 1:22 PM
Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users]
Vault and Draconet?]

 Curiously enough I think that a relative path is working. I kinda took
 it for granted that it did not from the comments here and the other


 I have another question though. Why would code such as this build on
 VS.Net then fail on the draco nant build:
 For i As Integer = 0 To value.Count - 1
 If I declare the integer first it works in draco.

No idea, since I don't use VB.NET, but NAnt solution/ may not be
importing all the same things that VS.NET does...  It does seem to me
that because the NAnt crew are all native C# developers, the VB support
is usually a little more fragile than it might otherwise be.  I vaguely
recall some reports of bugs with the vbc/ task...

What's the exact compiler error?

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This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-19 Thread Bryan D. Andrews
I was just told on the nant list that the only reason it is working for
me is that my project happens to be in the root folder. There is a user
who says that he is ready to fix this but is awaiting feedback.

Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

-Original Message-
From: David Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 1:22 PM
Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users]
Vault and Draconet?]

 Curiously enough I think that a relative path is working. I kinda took
 it for granted that it did not from the comments here and the other


 I have another question though. Why would code such as this build on
 VS.Net then fail on the draco nant build:
 For i As Integer = 0 To value.Count - 1
 If I declare the integer first it works in draco.

No idea, since I don't use VB.NET, but NAnt solution/ may not be
importing all the same things that VS.NET does...  It does seem to me
that because the NAnt crew are all native C# developers, the VB support
is usually a little more fragile than it might otherwise be.  I vaguely
recall some reports of bugs with the vbc/ task...

What's the exact compiler error?

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Draconet-users mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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Draconet-users mailing list

RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-17 Thread Bryan D. Andrews
Couple of things. We generally convert all our web projects to local
projects as well (I hate web projects now), but unfortunately this is an
opensource project that we have to keep the webproject a part of it.

We were using the solution task as it *seems* to make the most sense as
it will build what should be built with little maintenance.  Why would a
latest build of nant help with solution?

I started trying to use slingshot to build these large projects (8
projects and thousands of files) and ended up using the solution task
out of simplicity sake. How do people keep their solution and nant tasks
synched if not using a solution file?

Just curious, is there not a way to specify where draco downloads the
files to build? So if I have a web map in a certain place, draco pulls
the files down to there? This would make sense to me also because you
immediately have a live test environment in this location as well.


-Original Message-
From: David Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 9:34 AM
Subject: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users]
Vault and Draconet?]


The reason you won't get hits on Draco  webmap is because webmap is a
NAnt construct... and not Draco's fault at all.  IMNSHO, there is a lot
of time and effort being wasted on the solution/ task by the NAnt team
to reinvent the wheel which could be better spent elsewhere.  But it's
their free time, so who am I to criticize?  I'm sure they believe my
skydiving time to be wasted.  :)

If you ask the NAnt mailing list for help with solution/, the first
five responses you get will be to download the latest nightly build or
get the current version from CVS and try that... so, if you're committed
to trying to use solution/, you'll probably want to start there.  [Let
us know how it works out!!]

Rumor has it that we *might* see a NAnt 0.85 release this year (the last
one was 0.84 in December 2003!).

I gave up trying to use the NAnt solution/ task for anything long ago
and use the csc/ task to compile our all of our binaries, web
projects, services, console apps, libraries, whatever.  It's fast; it's
light and it performs all the functions we really need at the moment,
including clear indication of why the build bombed.

Trying to automate/wrap DEVENV.EXE directly with the exec/ task is
woefully inadequate because of the STUPID requirements that M$ built
into web projects that IIS be available and configured to match the web
project just in order to build a simple library.

I experimented briefly with simply changing the project types from Web
to Local and using the exec/ task to call DEVENV.EXE to do the build
in a vain effort to make the build environment behave exactly like the
development environment...  It worked, after a fashion, and produced
libraries that will serve ASP.NET pages, if you're interested, I'll
share what I learned about transforming web solutions/projects into
local solutions/projects (since I never found the format to be
documented anywhere by Gates  Sons).

I abandoned the vanity for a couple or three reasons:

1. DEVENV.EXE doesn't seem to have a facility for outputting verbose
failure data.  Return code 1 isn't very helpful in determining what
stupid developer trick was just performed.

2. DEVENV.EXE performs horribly slowly and consumes major quantities of
RAM by comparison with CSC.EXE.  Because we run the compile twice with
every check in (one debug build for NUnit to chew on and one release
build to actually deploy to the integration environment), it's critical
that the build run as fast as possible (still need to replace that crazy
sql/ task with some faster for deploying sprocs!).

3. Once a project is established (for us), the references don't change
often, so it's not that hard to update the .build whenever you make a
change to the .SLN.

4. If you're operating a strictly legal (licensewise) shop then you have
to buy yet another VS.NET license just for the build server.  This
wasn't a problem for me (since we've got Universals to spare), but this
was one of the many justifications that I've seen on the NAnt lists for
reinventing the wheel in the form of the solution/ task, so just be
aware of it.

Here's to hoping the MSBuild be a solid replacement for NAnt and be a
better build system than the wacky one we have cobbled together right
now.  If only M$ would hurry the [CENSORED] up deliver!  (As if nobody
has ever complained that I've been too long building software.  Heh.)

Speaking of MSBuild...  Is anybody out there playing with the beta yet
and wondering how to integrate it into Draco?

 -Original Message-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nick Robinson
 Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 7:00 AM
 Subject: RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?
 I attempted to implement a webmap sometime ago, but still found I had
 problems.  I believe I tried to use

RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-17 Thread Bryan D. Andrews
Unless there are other good ideas here, what I would like to do is
update draco to allow me to specify the directory where it is going to
download (unless this is already a feature then GREAT).

We are using vault (and the custom draco build for vault), so what I
would like to do is be able to specify my Root build folder in the
draco.exe.config, then specify the folder based on the repository name
and folder path that is specified currently in my config file:



  URL to the repository.


Then I can have a switch that says whether or not to delete the files
after building.

This should allow us to get around the issue of webmaps because it will
build in the same place each time, and it will provide a live test
environment if desired.

Anyone see any issues with this?

-Original Message-
From: Bryan D. Andrews 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 9:58 AM
Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users]
Vault and Draconet?]

Couple of things. We generally convert all our web projects to local
projects as well (I hate web projects now), but unfortunately this is an
opensource project that we have to keep the webproject a part of it.

We were using the solution task as it *seems* to make the most sense as
it will build what should be built with little maintenance.  Why would a
latest build of nant help with solution?

I started trying to use slingshot to build these large projects (8
projects and thousands of files) and ended up using the solution task
out of simplicity sake. How do people keep their solution and nant tasks
synched if not using a solution file?

Just curious, is there not a way to specify where draco downloads the
files to build? So if I have a web map in a certain place, draco pulls
the files down to there? This would make sense to me also because you
immediately have a live test environment in this location as well.


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RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-17 Thread David Reed
 Anyone see any issues with this?

Yes.  How are you going to work around build collisions when the same
build is launched within seconds/minutes of each other that result is
quasi-parallel builds?  Unless there are new features in your custom
build which prevents the same build from running multiple times
concurrently, this would be a problem in my multi-developer environment.

I imagine that the original reason for the uber-clean temporary
directory build is to prevent just that sort of overlapping chaos.  It
was a good start...  But since we poll every five (5) minutes, my
developers manage to check things into source control *just before* and
*just after* a build starts; it must be a God-given talent that many of
them have: build clairvoyance.

I *really* wish that Draco would only permit a given build to run a
single instance at a time.  If Build X is already running, subsequent
check-ins for Build X should queue up BEHIND it, waiting, and then be
built later, once the currently running build/version instance

The soon-to-be-released feature which limits running builds to N
arbitrary total number is a good start (for limiting build server
overload), but not exactly what I would want, because it would still
allow Build X to be running N times (blocking out Build Y completely
until one of Build X's runs completes).

It also still allows for the (remote?) possibility for later
check-ins/builds to succeed BEFORE earlier check-ins and then be
overwritten by the earlier check-in/build when it finally finishes.  Can
you say race condition?  :)

In case you're wondering why this would happen to me a lot, all other
things being equal on the build server, it is because many of our builds
include deployment of stored procedures to database servers that are
actively in use by developers and analysts, which occasionally results
in delays/blocking/whatever for some builds but not others.

Of course, I could be completely misunderstanding the unnamed
soon-to-be-released feature.  Please educate me if I'm ignorant (on this
or any other topic :).

If you do not use Draco to do just-in-time CI builds, but use it only to
schedule timed builds that have no risk of overlapping (and provide
nifty success/failure notification), then you'll be fine.  I may join
you in that blissful state some time soon...

 -Original Message-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bryan D. Andrews
 Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 9:52 AM
 Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE:
 Vault and Draconet?]
 Unless there are other good ideas here, what I would like to do is
 update draco to allow me to specify the directory where it is going to
 download (unless this is already a feature then GREAT).
 We are using vault (and the custom draco build for vault), so what I
 would like to do is be able to specify my Root build folder in the
 draco.exe.config, then specify the folder based on the repository name
 and folder path that is specified currently in my config file:
   URL to the repository.
 Then I can have a switch that says whether or not to delete the files
 after building.
 This should allow us to get around the issue of webmaps because it
 build in the same place each time, and it will provide a live test
 environment if desired.
 Anyone see any issues with this?

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
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Draconet-users mailing list

RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-17 Thread Bryan D. Andrews
N. I want CI. Damn. Is it possible to just make draco run on a
single thread to solve this problem?

If not, what are my options to getting the solution and the nant task
synched consistently. Is slingshot still around?


-Original Message-
From: David Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 11:14 AM
Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users]
Vault and Draconet?]

 Anyone see any issues with this?

Yes.  How are you going to work around build collisions when the same
build is launched within seconds/minutes of each other that result is
quasi-parallel builds?  Unless there are new features in your custom
build which prevents the same build from running multiple times
concurrently, this would be a problem in my multi-developer environment.

I imagine that the original reason for the uber-clean temporary
directory build is to prevent just that sort of overlapping chaos.  It
was a good start...  But since we poll every five (5) minutes, my
developers manage to check things into source control *just before* and
*just after* a build starts; it must be a God-given talent that many of
them have: build clairvoyance.

I *really* wish that Draco would only permit a given build to run a
single instance at a time.  If Build X is already running, subsequent
check-ins for Build X should queue up BEHIND it, waiting, and then be
built later, once the currently running build/version instance

The soon-to-be-released feature which limits running builds to N
arbitrary total number is a good start (for limiting build server
overload), but not exactly what I would want, because it would still
allow Build X to be running N times (blocking out Build Y completely
until one of Build X's runs completes).

It also still allows for the (remote?) possibility for later
check-ins/builds to succeed BEFORE earlier check-ins and then be
overwritten by the earlier check-in/build when it finally finishes.  Can
you say race condition?  :)

In case you're wondering why this would happen to me a lot, all other
things being equal on the build server, it is because many of our builds
include deployment of stored procedures to database servers that are
actively in use by developers and analysts, which occasionally results
in delays/blocking/whatever for some builds but not others.

Of course, I could be completely misunderstanding the unnamed
soon-to-be-released feature.  Please educate me if I'm ignorant (on this
or any other topic :).

If you do not use Draco to do just-in-time CI builds, but use it only to
schedule timed builds that have no risk of overlapping (and provide
nifty success/failure notification), then you'll be fine.  I may join
you in that blissful state some time soon...

 -Original Message-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bryan D. Andrews
 Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 9:52 AM
 Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE:
 Vault and Draconet?]
 Unless there are other good ideas here, what I would like to do is
 update draco to allow me to specify the directory where it is going to
 download (unless this is already a feature then GREAT).
 We are using vault (and the custom draco build for vault), so what I
 would like to do is be able to specify my Root build folder in the
 draco.exe.config, then specify the folder based on the repository name
 and folder path that is specified currently in my config file:
   URL to the repository.
 Then I can have a switch that says whether or not to delete the files
 after building.
 This should allow us to get around the issue of webmaps because it
 build in the same place each time, and it will provide a live test
 environment if desired.
 Anyone see any issues with this?

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This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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Draconet-users mailing list

RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-17 Thread David Reed
 N. I want CI. Damn. Is it possible to just make draco run on a
 single thread to solve this problem?

Not TMK.  I'd be happy to learn otherwise.  You and I are at the foci of
many tangential feature collisions in several otherwise well-designed
apps.  ;)  I love Draco and I love NAnt; I even like Visual Studio .NET
2k3 most of the time -- but all together (for web apps), they no workie
so well together.

I would still love to know why those wacky M$ developers decided to add
all these goofy features for web apps, when all they really need to be
is a library project...  Most of them seem to be ill-conceived, IMO.

 If not, what are my options to getting the solution and the nant task
 synched consistently. Is slingshot still around?

Every time someone asks about slingshot/ on the NAnt lists, they are
informed that it is deprecated, unsupported and the hapless user should
download the latest nightly build or current version from CVS and try
out the solution/ task instead.  :|

A little script/ task to do find/replace in the project file(s) to
substitute Web for Local, and in the solution file http://; for
String.Empty and / for \ may work better for you than it did for
me...?  And maybe the solution/ task will even eat the resulting
munged *.csproj and *.sln files without further complaint as containing
relative paths?  And maybe there really is a Santa Claus?

Doing this with CSC really isn't so bad, so long as the solution
maintainer(s) remember that they *must* update the build script every
time they add/remove references.  How often does that kind of references
update really occur for you?  [Just sharing my experiences trying to do
the same thing.  Like you I *really* wish that both developers and CI
could build from exactly the same files without change or

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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Draconet-users mailing list

RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-17 Thread Bryan D. Andrews
Hehe, well I just posted on the nant list about relative paths in
webmap. This is the most obvious solution and maybe I'll look at the
nant source for this task and see what I can do.

By the way what script were you referring to? 

Basically the solution file has to converted from
http://localhost/mayapp to myapp/myapp.vbproj or whatever then the
proj file changed from web to local and I think that is it.

By the way I think webprojects (loaded via http) are history in Whidbey.

-Original Message-
From: David Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 11:34 AM
Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users]
Vault and Draconet?]

 N. I want CI. Damn. Is it possible to just make draco run on a
 single thread to solve this problem?

Not TMK.  I'd be happy to learn otherwise.  You and I are at the foci of
many tangential feature collisions in several otherwise well-designed
apps.  ;)  I love Draco and I love NAnt; I even like Visual Studio .NET
2k3 most of the time -- but all together (for web apps), they no workie
so well together.

I would still love to know why those wacky M$ developers decided to add
all these goofy features for web apps, when all they really need to be
is a library project...  Most of them seem to be ill-conceived, IMO.

 If not, what are my options to getting the solution and the nant task
 synched consistently. Is slingshot still around?

Every time someone asks about slingshot/ on the NAnt lists, they are
informed that it is deprecated, unsupported and the hapless user should
download the latest nightly build or current version from CVS and try
out the solution/ task instead.  :|

A little script/ task to do find/replace in the project file(s) to
substitute Web for Local, and in the solution file http://; for
String.Empty and / for \ may work better for you than it did for
me...?  And maybe the solution/ task will even eat the resulting
munged *.csproj and *.sln files without further complaint as containing
relative paths?  And maybe there really is a Santa Claus?

Doing this with CSC really isn't so bad, so long as the solution
maintainer(s) remember that they *must* update the build script every
time they add/remove references.  How often does that kind of references
update really occur for you?  [Just sharing my experiences trying to do
the same thing.  Like you I *really* wish that both developers and CI
could build from exactly the same files without change or

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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Draconet-users mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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Draconet-users mailing list

RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-17 Thread David Reed
 Hehe, well I just posted on the nant list about relative paths in
 webmap. This is the most obvious solution and maybe I'll look at the
 nant source for this task and see what I can do.

Good luck.  I'll watch the fireworks with interest.  There are some
smarter people than I on that list, so perhaps they can imagine a
solution that I can't at the moment.

 By the way what script were you referring to?
 Basically the solution file has to converted from
 http://localhost/mayapp to myapp/myapp.vbproj or whatever then the
 proj file changed from web to local and I think that is it.

Yes.  Something like the following script/ task is what I used before,
and the output worked for me using DEVENV.EXE (I don't have immediate
access to the project history at the moment, but I'll look for it later
if you have trouble):

script language=C#code![CDATA[
public static void ScriptMain( Project project )
// UNDONE: Replace the pseudo code below with working C#.
 * I like to test in a console app or using NUnit on an assembly
 * because, like all good PHBs, I'm terribly Intellisense dependent.

// 1. Read the solution file into a variable, using whichever
//class you like best.
// 2. Replace http://; with String.Empty and / with \.
// 3. Overwrite the solution file with the munged version.

// 4. Read each project file into a variable, using whichever
//class you like best.
// 5. Replace Web with Local.
// 6. Overwrite each project file with the munged version.

// ?. Use the solution task to build the converted solution/projects
//hope for the best.  (I didn't do this, I used exec/ to call

The only reason I didn't continue doing this was because calling
DEVENV.EXE with exec/ was grossly lacking in helpfulness when a build
failed...  It only reported a build failure (which was the obvious
part), but not why specifically...

 By the way I think webprojects (loaded via http) are history in

Amen, brother!  Go tell it on the mountain.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
Draconet-users mailing list

RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-17 Thread Bryan D. Andrews
Curiously enough I think that a relative path is working. I kinda took
it for granted that it did not from the comments here and the other

I have another question though. Why would code such as this build on
VS.Net then fail on the draco nant build:

For i As Integer = 0 To value.Count - 1

If I declare the integer first it works in draco.

-Original Message-
From: David Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 12:02 PM
Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users]
Vault and Draconet?]

 Hehe, well I just posted on the nant list about relative paths in
 webmap. This is the most obvious solution and maybe I'll look at the
 nant source for this task and see what I can do.

Good luck.  I'll watch the fireworks with interest.  There are some
smarter people than I on that list, so perhaps they can imagine a
solution that I can't at the moment.

 By the way what script were you referring to?
 Basically the solution file has to converted from
 http://localhost/mayapp to myapp/myapp.vbproj or whatever then the
 proj file changed from web to local and I think that is it.

Yes.  Something like the following script/ task is what I used before,
and the output worked for me using DEVENV.EXE (I don't have immediate
access to the project history at the moment, but I'll look for it later
if you have trouble):

script language=C#code![CDATA[
public static void ScriptMain( Project project )
// UNDONE: Replace the pseudo code below with working C#.
 * I like to test in a console app or using NUnit on an assembly
 * because, like all good PHBs, I'm terribly Intellisense dependent.

// 1. Read the solution file into a variable, using whichever
//class you like best.
// 2. Replace http://; with String.Empty and / with \.
// 3. Overwrite the solution file with the munged version.

// 4. Read each project file into a variable, using whichever
//class you like best.
// 5. Replace Web with Local.
// 6. Overwrite each project file with the munged version.

// ?. Use the solution task to build the converted solution/projects
//hope for the best.  (I didn't do this, I used exec/ to call

The only reason I didn't continue doing this was because calling
DEVENV.EXE with exec/ was grossly lacking in helpfulness when a build
failed...  It only reported a build failure (which was the obvious
part), but not why specifically...

 By the way I think webprojects (loaded via http) are history in

Amen, brother!  Go tell it on the mountain.

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
FREE Java Enterprise J2EE developer tools!
Get your free copy of BEA WebLogic Workshop 8.1 today.
Draconet-users mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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Draconet-users mailing list

RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-17 Thread David Reed
 Curiously enough I think that a relative path is working. I kinda took
 it for granted that it did not from the comments here and the other


 I have another question though. Why would code such as this build on
 VS.Net then fail on the draco nant build:
 For i As Integer = 0 To value.Count - 1
 If I declare the integer first it works in draco.

No idea, since I don't use VB.NET, but NAnt solution/ may not be
importing all the same things that VS.NET does...  It does seem to me
that because the NAnt crew are all native C# developers, the VB support
is usually a little more fragile than it might otherwise be.  I vaguely
recall some reports of bugs with the vbc/ task...

What's the exact compiler error?

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Draconet-users mailing list

RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users] Vault and Draconet?]

2004-07-17 Thread Bryan D. Andrews
I got it. I did not have the 1.1 SDK installed on the new build box
(only the redistributable) and it was trying to build with 1.0.

All is well. :)

-Original Message-
From: David Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 1:22 PM
Subject: RE: Problems with NAnt.Solution task [was RE: [Draconet-users]
Vault and Draconet?]

 Curiously enough I think that a relative path is working. I kinda took
 it for granted that it did not from the comments here and the other


 I have another question though. Why would code such as this build on
 VS.Net then fail on the draco nant build:
 For i As Integer = 0 To value.Count - 1
 If I declare the integer first it works in draco.

No idea, since I don't use VB.NET, but NAnt solution/ may not be
importing all the same things that VS.NET does...  It does seem to me
that because the NAnt crew are all native C# developers, the VB support
is usually a little more fragile than it might otherwise be.  I vaguely
recall some reports of bugs with the vbc/ task...

What's the exact compiler error?

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Draconet-users mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by BEA Weblogic Workshop
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