[Drakelist] T4XC drive

2010-12-14 Thread Richard Tucker
My T4XC began providing full output on cw regardless of where the drive control 
was set--even all the way CCW.  Normally on CW you have to advance it beyond 12 
o'clock for full output.
I consulted with Garey, K4OAH, and at his suggestion, checked R-105, the xmit 
gain control for continuity and value and it checked out.  I also checked R106 
and it checked out okay.  His CD was a great help in locating R-106.
I am going to trace and check the associated wiring.  Another other thoughts or 
ideas to check out would be appreciated. 
Thank you
Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T4XC drive

2010-12-14 Thread Garey Barrell

Rick -

Check the DC voltage on the shielded wire at T14 (center pin on side 
closest to CAR BAL pot).  In CW mode, this voltage should be 0.0 with 
the GAIN at MIN, rising to about a volt as the GAIN is turned up.  IF 
the voltage does NOT go to 0 at MIN, there is a problem with R105/R15, 
switch, etc.  In AM mode this voltage should be about a volt regardless 
of GAIN position.

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Richard Tucker wrote:
My T4XC began providing full output on cw regardless of where the 
drive control was set--even all the way CCW.  Normally on CW you have 
to advance it beyond 12 o'clock for full output.
I consulted with Garey, K4OAH, and at his suggestion, checked R-105, 
the xmit gain control for continuity and value and it checked out.  I 
also checked R106 and it checked out okay.  His CD was a great help in 
locating R-106.
I am going to trace and check the associated wiring.  Another other 
thoughts or ideas to check out would be appreciated.

Thank you

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] T4XC drive

2010-12-14 Thread Gary Poland
  Is this on any particular band? Does the power out vary with position of the 
TUNE and LOAD controls? Does this happen into a dummy load? If the PA goes into 
parasitic oscillation power out will go full bore with the slightest 
advancement of the GAIN control.
  Also if there is an issue with the carrier null this will also cause full or 
nearly full output when the mic is keyed.

73, Gary

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR7 issue

2010-12-14 Thread Richard A. (Tony) Stalls

Hello all...

I'm a newbie to the list and this is my first message to the group, 
but I've corresponded to a few individuals privately, mostly because 
I have the wisdom to know what I don't know.  The fact is that I'm in 
the process of duplicating my TR7 rig from the 1980's and from the 
day I broke open all those new factory sealed Drake boxes way back 
then until I replaced it, it functioned trouble-free, so what do I 
know about stuff that goes wrong or fixing it?  (Answer: Not much!)

I did share the remedy Ron Baker applied to my recently acquired TR7 
that in retrospect I should have posted to the group.  At the time, 
as far as I knew, it was knowledge and would have been just a lot of 
QRN.  I won't be so concerned from now on.

Far be it for me, a newcomer, to criticize how the list is run, but 
(here it comes) I don't understand why there's a response to both an 
individual and to the list.  I realize that some may subscribe to a 
daily digest and maybe the thought is the redundancy is so they'll 
get their reply right away, but why burden the real-time members with 
duplicate mailings?

Based on a time I was getting a hundred or so mailings decades ago 
from several discussion lists, many of them duplicates, I'd vote for 
the option to reply to the list, or to the individual at the 
respondent's option.


Tony Stalls, K4KYO
Arlington, VA

At 12:18 AM 12/14/2010, Richard Knoppow wrote:

- Original Message - From: john joh...@nc.rr.com
To: k4...@mindspring.com; captc...@flash.net
Cc: drakelist@zerobeat.net
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] TR7 issue

Just to jump in here and reinforce what Garey mentioned...PLEASE 
respond to the reflector and to the original poster if need 
be.  You can save the next guy with the same problem a LOT of time 
if you share your suggestions and fixes with the reflector (and the 
reflector archives).

Don't be shy, POST.:-)

John K5MO

This is the problem with different mailing lists being set up 
differently, this one, and the Collins list, is set up so that 
hitting _reply_ goes only to the original poster, one must click on 
_reply all_, then the message goes to both the original sender and 
the list and sometimes others who have responded to the thread. 
This one is going to three people plus the list if I don't edit the To: field.
I have heard arguments both ways about this arrangement. For me 
its a bit of a PITA because I subscribe to about twenty mailing 
lists and there is not consistent way of responding to posts. I've 
learned to look at the To field if I am not certain about a particular list.
Everyone thinks their way is the best way which is why we have 
political parties and brands of cola.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR7 issue

2010-12-14 Thread Richard Knoppow

- Original Message - 
From: Richard A. (Tony) Stalls rasta...@verizon.net

To: drakelist@zerobeat.net
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 6:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] TR7 issue

Hello all...

I'm a newbie to the list and this is my first message to 
the group, but I've corresponded to a few individuals 
privately, mostly because I have the wisdom to know what I 
don't know.  The fact is that I'm in the process of 
duplicating my TR7 rig from the 1980's and from the day I 
broke open all those new factory sealed Drake boxes way 
back then until I replaced it, it functioned trouble-free, 
so what do I know about stuff that goes wrong or fixing 
it?  (Answer: Not much!)

I did share the remedy Ron Baker applied to my recently 
acquired TR7 that in retrospect I should have posted to 
the group.  At the time, as far as I knew, it was 
knowledge and would have been just a lot of QRN.  I won't 
be so concerned from now on.

Far be it for me, a newcomer, to criticize how the list is 
run, but (here it comes) I don't understand why there's a 
response to both an individual and to the list.  I realize 
that some may subscribe to a daily digest and maybe the 
thought is the redundancy is so they'll get their reply 
right away, but why burden the real-time members with 
duplicate mailings?

Based on a time I was getting a hundred or so mailings 
decades ago from several discussion lists, many of them 
duplicates, I'd vote for the option to reply to the list, 
or to the individual at the respondent's option.


Tony Stalls, K4KYO
Arlington, VA

I think the reply function is set up by the list 
administrator but it may vary with the mail client. In 
Outlook Express if I choose reply for this list my message 
goes only to the original poster, not the list. If I choose 
reply all my message goes to both original poster and the 
list unless I edit the To field to eliminate the original 
I belong to other lists that work this way but the 
majority of them are set up so that reply goes only to the 
list and reply all goes to both list and original poster. 
That can be edited if one wishes to reply off list. I much 
prefer the latter set up but the administrators of the lists 
using the former defend their choice. I have learned to be 
careful to see who is getting replys and tailor them as 
required. It did take me a while to figure out what was 
going on since all of the lists subscribed to first used the 
first method, i.e., reply went to the list.
   I also agree about the second method sometimes providing 
help to the orignal poster that does not go to the list 
archive if one is kept. I think the arrangement of requiring 
reply all to reply to a list can reduce the value of the 
list as a forum for mutual discussion of subjects and can 
also result in multiple messages to the original posters, or 
to every participant in a particular post in some lists. IMO 
this is counter to the whole idea of a mail reflector. 
However, the list owners are the ones to decide and I have 
just learned to work with whatever is there.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] TR7 issue

2010-12-14 Thread Garey Barrell

Richard Knoppow wrote:

- Original Message - From: Richard A. (Tony) Stalls 

Hello all...

I'm a newbie to the list and this is my first message to the group, 
but I've corresponded to a few individuals privately, mostly because 
I have the wisdom to know what I don't know.  The fact is that I'm in 
the process of duplicating my TR7 rig from the 1980's and from the 
day I broke open all those new factory sealed Drake boxes way back 
then until I replaced it, it functioned trouble-free, so what do I 
know about stuff that goes wrong or fixing it?  (Answer: Not much!)

I did share the remedy Ron Baker applied to my recently acquired TR7 
that in retrospect I should have posted to the group.  At the time, 
as far as I knew, it was knowledge and would have been just a lot of 
QRN.  I won't be so concerned from now on.

Far be it for me, a newcomer, to criticize how the list is run, but 
(here it comes) I don't understand why there's a response to both an 
individual and to the list.  I realize that some may subscribe to a 
daily digest and maybe the thought is the redundancy is so they'll 
get their reply right away, but why burden the real-time members with 
duplicate mailings?

Based on a time I was getting a hundred or so mailings decades ago 
from several discussion lists, many of them duplicates, I'd vote for 
the option to reply to the list, or to the individual at the 
respondent's option.


Tony Stalls, K4KYO
Arlington, VA

I think the reply function is set up by the list administrator but 
it may vary with the mail client. In Outlook Express if I choose 
reply for this list my message goes only to the original poster, not 
the list. If I choose reply all my message goes to both original 
poster and the list unless I edit the To field to eliminate the 
original poster.
I belong to other lists that work this way but the majority of 
them are set up so that reply goes only to the list and reply all 
goes to both list and original poster. That can be edited if one 
wishes to reply off list. I much prefer the latter set up but the 
administrators of the lists using the former defend their choice. I 
have learned to be careful to see who is getting replys and tailor 
them as required. It did take me a while to figure out what was going 
on since all of the lists subscribed to first used the first method, 
i.e., reply went to the list.
   I also agree about the second method sometimes providing help to 
the orignal poster that does not go to the list archive if one is 
kept. I think the arrangement of requiring reply all to reply to a 
list can reduce the value of the list as a forum for mutual discussion 
of subjects and can also result in multiple messages to the original 
posters, or to every participant in a particular post in some lists. 
IMO this is counter to the whole idea of a mail reflector. However, 
the list owners are the ones to decide and I have just learned to work 
with whatever is there.

Richard -

We discussed the 'Reply To' situation on this list some time ago.  I at 
least found it interesting, since the 'authority' was that was the the 
way it was done, from the 'beginning'.  I have to admit, it does gain 
some support in that just about every email client offers both Reply 
and Reply All, so ...   I've been using e-mail since about 1975 on 
ARPANET, and this is the first time it has been questioned!  :-)   Kind 
of like 'reply AFTER quoted material'.  So there are reasons for it to 
be this way.

Unfortunately, this type of 'list' really works better if BOTH are 
reversed from the norm.  You can see most contributions to a subject, 
AND they end up in the archives.  Coming in in the middle of a thread, 
you can read the latest contribution right at the top, and if you need 
further context or want to see what went before (assuming you haven't 
already read it as it was added, you can scroll down.

The WORST situation is if there is a combination of TOP and BOTTOM adds, 
and I usually just skip those!  :-)

By the way, 'cross-posting' (sending one message to six different lists 
with one email) is frowned upon by most list managers.  It causes all 
sorts of management problems when the message includes a list that only 
some or none of the other list members subscribe to.  When THEY Reply 
All bounce messages are generated, which are then sometimes sent to the 
list again, which  ...

I screwed up the other day by sending a message to an individual with an 
attachment, AND copying it to the list.   'Most' lists just strip off 
the attachment and pass the message portion through.  Not this one!  I 
get an automated 'bounce' message that says the message is being 'held 
for moderator approval', with a link to just cancel the message.  At 
least Thom didn't have to attend to it!!

Bottom line, 'Nothin's Ever Easy'.  :-)

73, Garey - K4OAH
Glen Allen, VA

Drake 2-B, 2-C/2-NT, 4-A, 4-B, C-Line
and TR-4/C Service Supplement CDs

Re: [Drakelist] AC4 heat

2010-12-14 Thread Curt Nixon
OK..I added the AC4 pix to the Drake fan install photo album I have on 

The pix of the AC4 show an older AC4 that I havent yet changed over to 
the Silenx fans.  They are amazingly quiet and are available in several 
different sizes, colors, and air flows. 

I now use the Silenx on my TR7 and its PS, Tr4, Tr3, R4/T4 AC4 and a few 
other places.  I need to change them all over inside my PC's also cuz 
now the computers are the loudest fans in the shack!

These are all the 80mm models but they also make 120mm styles that are 
awesome as well and just as quiet.

I will add the R4 fan install and baffle pix to the collection soon.  It 
makes a HUGE difference in the heat getting to the power transformer and 
right side panel of the Rx from the audio tube---along the way, keeps 
the start-up VFO drift to a much lower value.


kc9...@aol.com wrote:

I would love a photo or two of how you cooled your AC-4.
Also, My L-4B PS runs super hot and I need to do soething with it too.

-Original Message-
From: Curt Nixon cptc...@flash.net
To: Dick KF4NS kf4nsra...@verizon.net
Cc: drake dr...@mailman.qth.net; DrakeRadio list 
drakera...@yahoogroups.com; Drake list at zerobeat 

Sent: Mon, Dec 13, 2010 7:05 pm
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] AC4 heat

Generally, transformers can and do run hot enough that you can't leave
your hand on them for very long.  They will be fine like
this..but...heat does deteriorate plastics and varnishes like that used
inside.  Electrolytic caps also have reduced lifetimes depending on
heat.  So I have elected to add a silenx super quiet fan to my AC4.  I
drilled a series of holes in a pattern to match the 80mm fan.  The fan
is mounted on one end of the long side of the aluminum cover.  It has
holes along the sides to allow air IN so the fan draws air OUT.  If you
want to see pictures of this, I can take a few.

I agonized over doing this to the cover but have no regrets at this
point...The PS runs cool enough that it is hard to tell it is on.  It
still fits inside the MS4 if required, and is dead quiet.  These silenx
fans are about 7.00 bucks.

I added similar fan to the PS for my TR7 as well.  Many commercial power
supplies use fans for continuous operation even though the transformers
are rated to run at elevated temperatures.



Dick KF4NS wrote:
A while back I recall a discussion about the heat in the AC4/AC4R. 


that my rig is back in the shelf along with the PS in the MS-4, I
notice that the back of the AC4R is too hot to touch for more than a
couple seconds. I worry about cooking the xfmr too much.

I could put a fan on the rear apron, and if so, is there a preference
on the location? Also, would it make any difference which direction
the air flow goes?

73, Dick KF4NS
St Petersburg, FL 33714 USA
Keep The Glow!

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] Manual Needed

2010-12-14 Thread Peter Dalinis
A few questions -
- I am not sure if I have the correct manual, if you or someone want to send
one to me, I can process it.
- Are you able to access Google Documents?

Below is an example of what I can have generated with very little effort.
If it looks good to you, I can send them all to you via google docs or in a
big email.

This document contains text automatically extracted from a PDF or image
file. Formatting may have been lost and not all text may have been
To remove this note, right-click and select Delete table.

less the switch is depressed. This function must be defeated or VOX
operation will be impossible.
For best results, the T-4XC should be attached to a good earth ground
through as short and as heavy a piece of ground braid as possible. A binding
post is provided on the rear of the chassis for this pur-
pose (see ñgure 2-2).
The RCVR MUTE jack provides a short circuit to ground on receive, and an
open circuit on transmit. This jack can be connected directly to the Mute
jack on the R-4A, R-4B or R-4C`Receiver with one of the cables provided.
The T-4XC contains built-in receiver antenna switching. Simply connect one
of the coax cables provided from the RCVR ANT jack on the rear of the T-4XC
chassis to the receiver antenna
The Anti Vox input and CW sidetone output utilizes the ANTI VOX jack on the
rear of the T-4XC chassis for connecting to the receiver and speaker. The
impedance at this point is approxi¿ mately 5000 Ohms. To connect to the R-4,
R-4A, R-4B or R-4C Receiver, simply couple the ANTI VOX jack to the ANTI VOX
jack on the rear of the receiver chassis with one of the cables provided. If
the R-4, R-4A, R-4B or R-4C is not used, it will be necessary to use a 5000
Ohm to 4 Ohm audio output transformer between the ANTI VOX jack and the
speaker terminal of the receiver. The high impedance winding of the
transformer should be connected to the ANTI VOX jack and the low impedance
winding should be connected to the receiver speaker terminals in parallel
with the speaker. An alternate connection for this jack would be to the
plate of the receiver audio output tube. A DC blocking capacitor must be
provided in the receiver.
Refer to figure 2-4. In order to transceive with the R-4, R-4A, R-4B or R-4C
Receiver, run a cable from the INI jack on the rear of the T-4XC chassis to
the INJ jack on the top of the R-4 or on the back of the R-4A, R-4B or R-4C
chassis. This cable will provide both RF and control voltage. Be sure to use
one of the low capacity injection cables for this connection.
The 5.645 MHZ oscillator injection in the R-4C can be supplied from the
T-4XC by connecting a cable between the Carrier Oscillator jacks of the two
units. This phase­locks the two units to the same frequency on SSB when the
TRANSCEIVE switch is in the Receive or Transmit position. No connec-
tion is made to this jack when using the R-4, R-4A or R-4B. Be sure to use
one of the low capacity injection cables for this connection.
Refer to figure 2-4. The Permeability Tuned Oscil-
lator (PTO) pilot light in the R-4C is controlled by the TRANSCEIVE switch
in the T-4XC when a cable is connected between the PTO lamp jacks on the two
units. When this connection is made, the receiver PTO lamp will be on when
the re-
ceiver PTO is controlling the frequency on receive and transmit. The
transmitter PTO lamp will be on when the transmitter PTO is controlling
frequency in both receive and transmit and both PTO lamps will light when
independent frequency control is used. No connection is made to the PTO lamp
jack when using the R-4, R-4A or R-4B.
When the T-4XC is used with the R-4 Receiver, one change must be made in the
R-4 for proper transceive operation. Change R71, a 150 K resistor, (from pin
1 of the 6AU6 VFO tube V11), to a 330 K. This will not affect the operation
of the receiver in any other way. NOTE: This does not apply to R-4A, R-4B or
R-4C Receivers.

Figure 2-7. Microphone Connect/ons
When the is used with the SPR~4 Receiver with a TA-4 Transceive Adapter
board installed, two resistors must be added to the Add an 8.2 K resistor
from the 12 volt B+ line to the
MUTE jack. Add a 2.2 meg resistor on the back of the TA-4 board in parallel
with R3, a 1 meg resistor.
2-15. LINEAR AMPLIFIER CONNECTION. In order to use your T-4XC with a linear
fier, connect as illustrated in figure 2-5. Note that if the linear
amplifier has negative-going trans-
mitting AGC voltage available, it can be connected to pin 3 of the power
connector, connection available at jack on AC-4, to prevent the linear from
being overdriven by the T-4XC. For con-
nections to the Drake L-4 or L--4B Linear 

Re: [Drakelist] TR7 issue

2010-12-14 Thread Jim Shorney
On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 14:56:42 -0500, Garey Barrell wrote:

We discussed the 'Reply To' situation on this list some time ago.  I at 
least found it interesting, since the 'authority' was that was the the 
way it was done, from the 'beginning'.  

What's missing from this equation was that, in the beginning, most mailing list
users arguably were computer-savvy geeks, scientific or technical people,
educators and/or students of higher learning, etc., who at least had a clue
about Reply to All. Nowadays, a large percentage of users are relatively
computer illiterate and often barely know where the Reply button is, let alone
Reply To. (These are the same folks who don't know that the mouse cursor and
Delete key can be used to remove unnecessary quoted text). Heck, I had to
explain to a cousin of mine that Outhouse Express did indeed support BCC:, and
where she could find it! And I only use Microsoft email products at work, as
little as possible, and only because I have to. I suspect most of the time the
relies don't go to the list simply because the user doesn't know any better. It
could be said that education is the answer to this problem, but who knows how
much good stuff is lost before it sinks in?



Ham Radio NU0C
Lincoln, Nebraska, U.S.S.A.
TR7/RV7/R7A/L7, TR6/RV6, T4XC/R4C/L4B, NCL2000, SB104A, R390A, GT550A/RV550A, 
HyGain 3750, IBM PS/2 - all vintage, all the time!

Give a man a URL, and he will learn for an hour; teach him to Google, and he 
will learn for a lifetime.

HyGain 3750 User's Group - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HyGain_3750/

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] AC4 heat

2010-12-14 Thread Curt Nixon

Hi Dick:

Got a batch from Tigerdirect.com   They are very fast to ship..excellent 
website, and good prices over the long haul.  I pretty much use them for 
all PC related stuff over the course of several years now.

Also bought a couple on eBay  but the cost ended up being nearly same 
and shipping weas actually slower.  I think Tiger comes from Chicago 
area if I recall..they get stuff to me the second day after order even 
with just ground standard delivery.

I see the price for the ones I got is now 10.99.  IXP 5414   14dBA 
32CFM.  THese are the ones I used most of...the Thermister controlled 
speed version is IXP 5414T and a dollar more.

I believe that the IXP5211 18CFM version would be plenty for the AC4 But 
same price.

I got mine on a sale about a year ago or more but I have also seen them 
on line for that 7-8 dollar figure.  Shipping makes the prices all about 
the same.

I didn't shop for the absolute lowest price on these..I do alot of 
business with Tiger so just got about a dozen of these from them. 


Dick KF4NS wrote:
Thanks Curt, I appreciate the thoroughness of your reply.  Where do 
you buy the  silenx fans? I will most likely get 2 of the 80/80 and 
maybe 2 of the 60. On the company website they give retailers but all 
are selling them for around $12 or more. What model numbers do you have?

73, Dick KF4NS
St Petersburg, FL 33714 USA
Keep The Glow!

- Original Message - From: Curt Nixon cptc...@flash.net
To: Dick KF4NS kf4nsra...@verizon.net
Cc: DrakeRadio list drakera...@yahoogroups.com; Drake list at 
zerobeat drakelist@zerobeat.net; dr...@mailman.qth.net

Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Drakelist] AC4 heat

Generally, transformers can and do run hot enough that you can't 
leave your hand on them for very long.  They will be fine like 
this..but...heat does deteriorate plastics and varnishes like that 
used inside.  Electrolytic caps also have reduced lifetimes depending 
on heat.  So I have elected to add a silenx super quiet fan to my 
AC4.  I drilled a series of holes in a pattern to match the 80mm 
fan.  The fan is mounted on one end of the long side of the aluminum 
cover.  It has holes along the sides to allow air IN so the fan draws 
air OUT.  If you want to see pictures of this, I can take a few.
I agonized over doing this to the cover but have no regrets at this 
point...The PS runs cool enough that it is hard to tell it is on. It 
still fits inside the MS4 if required, and is dead quiet.  These 
silenx fans are about 7.00 bucks.

I added similar fan to the PS for my TR7 as well.  Many commercial 
power supplies use fans for continuous operation even though the 
transformers are rated to run at elevated temperatures.



Dick KF4NS wrote:
A while back I recall a discussion about the heat in the AC4/AC4R. 
Now that my rig is back in the shelf along with the PS in the MS-4, 
I notice that the back of the AC4R is too hot to touch for more than 
a couple seconds. I worry about cooking the xfmr too much.

I could put a fan on the rear apron, and if so, is there a 
preference on the location? Also, would it make any difference which 
direction the air flow goes?

73, Dick KF4NS
St Petersburg, FL 33714 USA
Keep The Glow!

Drakelist mailing list

Drakelist mailing list

Re: [Drakelist] AC4 heat

2010-12-14 Thread john

Good info. These rigs aren't getting any younger.

If I remember my reliability info, every 10 deg C reduction in temp doubles 
the component life time.

It's not that hard to do if all you need to do is move a little air.

John K5MO

Drakelist mailing list