[e-gold-list] Re: eCTA Easter Egg Solved!!

2002-02-18 Thread Chandra

 Now I bet you guys out there are wondering how the hell did he do it and

 Cricket was the first clue and if you did not get it the reference to
 should have told you.  Then think outside the square  was the last clue.

The third clue - it's not what you see, it's what you don't - helped to
clinch it.
At that stage, I thought it was probably an unlisted subdirectory (or file)
named cricket instead of
any term  or link bearing on cricket embedded within the pages.
So I tried a wild shot by trying for http://exchangeprovider.net/cricket
Came up with nothing.

 How to fuind it.  simple.  go to any page except the home page, e.g.

  go to the URL  and after the equals sign type in cricket.

Now to find a file named after cricket.
I was considering the search engines when I noticed that the cgi in the url
does the job.
I actually plugged in ?page=cricket.htm to the cgi and luckily, something

Michael's next page said no, I have not found the egg yet (disappointment)
but that
I was heading in the right direction (hope). A couple of hurdles more to be
the password and the question.

The second took more time. I hadn't the vaguest idea when the first gold
coin was minted
in the US. Ah, but there is always trusty Google. After a few tries, I found
on the search engine
the very page of history that Michael had posted up, with the answer - 1795.

A neat animated gif came up - end of problem.
Thanks, Michael, Paul and eCTA for a most interesting challenge and the
eight grams of gold!

@ Goloka Candra dasa

 You will go to a new page not seen before.  On the password type in
 cricket  with out the brackets.  Another page will come up.  Answer the
 question and a page comes up where uou have the history of the first USA
 Gold Coin Minted and you will find the Easter Egg,  a gif  of a cricket.
 Not not the game  an insect.

 Thanks to all those enthusiastic players out there who gave it a great
 We had heaps of emails with queries, questions and one guy even had the
 boldness to ask me where it was.

 kind regards,

 Michael Moore
 Vice President
 eCurrency Trade Association Inc.
 'Setting the standard for the Gold Based Economy'

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[e-gold-list] Re: Honor Remarks

2002-02-18 Thread Ken Griffith

Jim is correct. I have a minority interest in Gold Mountain Exchange.

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[e-gold-list] Gold Economy

2002-02-18 Thread Ken Griffith

Gentlemen (and ladies),

The Gold Economy has been taken over by Matthew Chancey.  He is in the
process of moving the website to a more secure server.  It should be back up
in a couple of days.

I may occassionally contribute an article from time to time, but Matt is the
new editor.

Kind regards,
Ken Griffith

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[e-gold-list] One more thing

2002-02-18 Thread Ken Griffith

The Gold Economy Conference is still on of course.

I'll be sending out the new pricing and itinerary later today.


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[e-gold-list] Sustainability of gold's rally

2002-02-18 Thread Mark S. Ohberg

To the e-gold list: Happy Presidents Day,
Dateline: worldwide

The price of gold is to its highest level in almost two years.  The last
time gold prices and mining stocks hit this level quickly was in late
1999 and early 2000 when concerns about overheated stock markets and
European central bank reserves saw the metal price quickly above US$315
an ounce.

What is going on?

Volatile days of trading is sending investors searching for protection
against another slide in stocks and the economy.

There are seven more Enron's out there all called G7.  What is the G7?
How can they be compared to Enron? what is a money myth as applied to
the G7?

President George W. Bush's economic stimulus plan will not pass through
Congress, and has been withdrawn.  This failure of the U.S. fiscal
stimulus plan is heaped on to a market still burnt from the Enron
accounting scandal and other stock meltdowns, People are cynical and

Despair is spreading, investors lose faith in the chances of a strong
economic rebound later this year.

South Africa's AngloGold Ltd. followed the lead of many smaller miners,
cutting back its price hedging program. This is proof that the industry
expects the gold price to keep rising. A spate of industry consolidation
seems likely to curtail production over the next few years, boosting
prices and profits,

This will maintain the Global limited supply of actual Gold metal.
Demand for gold exceeds newly mined supply by about a thousand tons a
year. The difference is made up mainly by drawing on stocks held by
central banks and private investors.

Which is THE Swiss Central Bank, they are on it STELLAR MAJOR (got their
finger in the damn)  and must sell off for the breaks to break on a run
away gold price.

Who is the Swiss bank selling to?  What is the LBMA?  Who is UBS
Warburg? What is a money myth as applied to the Swiss Bank?

Following inflationary Argentina, Deflationary Japan is expected to
incur an unsustainable debt burden of $1 trillion in protecting
depositors from the collapsing banking system, which is a long
anticipated financial crisis that about to erupt.
long-term significance is the rush by wealthy Japanese to invest in
bullion bars. It's been triggered by the impending cancellation of the
government guarantee on all bank deposits above Y10 million or USD$75

Why? have I always maintained WHACKY gold derivatives as certain death.
Write now as I right this the derivaters have a sinking feeling.

John Reade, precious metals analyst at UBS Warburg in London, describes
this Japanese rush to buy as potentially the biggest gold demand of the

As predicted the market still has some troubles ahead because
expectations for a quick recovery and for surging corporate profit
growth this year has proven too optimistic.

Congressman Ron Paul of Texas has introduced legislation designed to
curb the ability of the President or the Treasury Secretary to
manipulate worldwide gold prices. The Monetary Freedom and
Accountability Act restores proper congressional authority over gold
policy by requiring that body to vote its approval before the President
or Secretary buys or sells gold.

I'm tickled Yellow, how bout you?
Got Gold?
Kind Regards
Mark S. Ă–hberg
Contraian giddy gold bug

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[e-gold-list] Moneygram and Western Union

2002-02-18 Thread Destiny Worldwide Net

We can do out exchanges through WU and Moneygram.  Moneygram is cheaper for
you, but we can do WU too.  See our offshorearnings site for details.  Our
prices are very reasonable, especially if you register an account with us.


 Get the privacy and offshore services you need from 
 Destiny Worldwide!  Visit our websites often for ---
 the latest seminars and resources! --
 http://www.destiny-worldwide.net  -
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the
argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
-- William Pitt, November 18, 1783

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[e-gold-list] HYIP program note

2002-02-18 Thread Jim Davidson

Dear Friends,

Well, here is a message which was sent unsolicited to me
today.  I've excerpted only the message text, but if anyone
wishes to see full headers, they are available from me. For
what it may be worth, the headers suggest it was from an
actual hotmail account.


 A brand new $3 program has hit the net! This program will 
 be big!  It costs only $3 to join and you get paid $1 on 3 
 levels meaning potentially huge amounts of income!

 * All money is paid directly into your egold account!
 * The system is cheat proof so you will always get paid!
 * You promotional banners and adverts to help you promote!
 * It costs only $3! Cheapest program I've seen!


I've also snipped the signature line.  You'll notice that
this message describes a program indicates a cost to
join and suggests you get paid.  

I'm not really clear how getting paid $1 on 3 levels means
potentially huge amounts of income.  However, the blipvert
says income.  

It also mentions egold which probably refers to e-gold.  So,
it is perhaps a message promoting a program that promises
income.  It does not use the terms invest or investment.

The argument that the system is cheat proof so you will
always get paid does not sound very credible.  For that
to be true for everyone at all times, there would have to
be an infinite number of participants in the program who
each get three levels of action.  Since there are a finite
number of people, a finite and smaller number of Internet 
users, and a finite and even smaller number of pyramid
scheme players, there is obviously a mathematical limit to
how many people can play and always get paid.

This program has many of the earmarks of a classic pyramid
scheme.  Scheme, by the way, used by people of British
background, refers to any sort of program.  Even the national
health care in England is called a scheme.  (Well, it is,
isn't it? grin ;-)

For my own part, I have no serious quarrel with these people.
The person who posted this message to me may have felt I would
be interested based on my participation on some e-gold related
lists such as this one.  I am interested, though in observing
not playing.

The message describes a pyramid style scheme to get rich by
having other people sign-up to pay into the program, from which
one may get some benefit.  While I think the claim that there
is a certainty of always getting paid is false, I don't think
the message or the program requires any sort of governmental
intervention: people who participate shouldn't expect much in
return, but they also aren't being harmed much by adding $3 to
the jackpot and signing up a few friends.  Anyone who goes
broke playing such games should think seriously about what 
they are trying to accomplish.

But, y'all have fun.  Those of you who enjoy narc work can
fink to the nearest feral gummint agent.  Those who enjoy
the investigative journalism possibilities of playing these
games to report further, have at it!  And those who, like me,
enjoy standing on the sidelines and kibbitzing about the
mathematical silliness of the always get paid claim, get
another set of greater fool theorists to ridicule.  It
seems like everyone is a winner!



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[e-gold-list] Gold Mountain Exchange, Inc

2002-02-18 Thread dmueller2


In regards to your queries about Gold Mountain Exchange, Inc., yes it is a
new exchange provider.  I am the chairman.

Ken Griffith does have an interest in the company.

Over the last couple of weeks I have been working to put together the web
site: http://www.goldmountainexchange.com  I started slowly, figuring that
it is better to get the bugs worked out of the web site, before making a big

If you have any questions, I can be contacted at my e-mail address:


David Mueller
Gold Mountain Exchange, Inc

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[e-gold-list] Re: goldeconomy website down?

2002-02-18 Thread Ken Griffith

As I mentioned in my last email, the Gold Economy site is down temporarily
as it is being moved to a more secure server.

The Gold Economy Conference is still on!


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[e-gold-list] Billet and Acrylic Stickers Now Available

2002-02-18 Thread Billet and Acrylic UK Gold Services

Hi Peeps

Our Snazzy White,Orange and Black Billet and Acrylic Stickers are now
available at our website


Just put STICKER in the Other Product Box

Price is just $2.00 E Gold including postage worldwide.


They are strictly limited in quantity and the first one to send us a picture
of their sticker in a prominent place
(like a Hooters Grill Hood, or Gas Station Kiosk for instance) gets double
thier money back.

Go for it!

Kind Regards

Billet and Acrylic Gold Admin

~ Buy Billet Aluminium for E-Gold at
http://www.billetandacrylic.co.uk/ ~

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[e-gold-list] Escrow-Gold.com

2002-02-18 Thread SnowDog

Who is www.Escrow-Gold.com? I checked the 'whois' at NetSol, and the domain
is registered in Bucharest, Romania. From a cursory glance, it appears to be
a scam operation, but if so then this isn't good because I had someone call
me today asking about them, as he wanted to use their service.

Can anyone establish a chain-of-integrity to them?


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[e-gold-list] gold

2002-02-18 Thread John

Got a note from a friend, he said that they were trying to either outlaw
possesion of gold or heavily regulate it. They think terrorists are using it
for untrackable arms deals. He and I are trying to verify now.



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[e-gold-list] re: Gold

2002-02-18 Thread John

Sorry forgot two words   'in Afganistan

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[e-gold-list] re: Gold

2002-02-18 Thread John


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[e-gold-list] Re: WARNING!!! Escrow-Gold.com

2002-02-18 Thread PowerClicks

They copied the about us page directly from escrow.com's website:



Escrow-Gold.com: this IS total fraud, misrepresentation, copyright

Escrow.com is IMHO the best escrow service available online. We've done
$150k+ in transactions with them and I can assure you they are top notch.
Their fee of 1% is very reasonable considering the service they offer. They
do not accept e-gold at this time.

I'm sending an email to my contact at escrow.com to make sure their legal
department takes care of this scum. I'll ask what they think of e-gold at
the same time :)

 Who is www.Escrow-Gold.com? I checked the 'whois' at NetSol, and the domain
 is registered in Bucharest, Romania. From a cursory glance, it appears to be
 a scam operation, but if so then this isn't good because I had someone call
 me today asking about them, as he wanted to use their service.
 Can anyone establish a chain-of-integrity to them?

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[e-gold-list] re: Gold

2002-02-18 Thread John

They did just that a while back.  Didn't you notice?
People who want to defend the republic, including real gbc money, are
already defined as terrorists. As I understand it  this has not been
withdrawn or recinded. It does represent the FBI view of quite a number of
people I know. Including me and possibly thee.



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[e-gold-list] Please see the updated planetgold.com interview

2002-02-18 Thread Ragnar

Check out the problems between Gaithmans and Standard Reserve!!


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] Please see the updated planetgold.com interview

2002-02-18 Thread Gaithman


  I think your statement to the message board is a bit deceptive.  You are
implying that there exists some kind of serious tension between Gaithmans
and Standard Reserve.  On the contrary, there is no tension nor problems as
there is simply no relationship. I feel a little taken advantage of with
your headlines.

   I appreciate your desire to attract readers to your site and the article.
However, I would appreciate a little less grandstanding and possibly a
little more focus on the information that readers may find of interest
rather than trying to stir up a little *gossip* by underscoring
relationships which have been less than feasible. How about promoting the
anti-fraud info, the sales growth rates, and the Know Your Endorser

   Again, there are three sides to every story: mine, theirs, and the truth
halfway between both points.  Possibly you will allow Standard Reserve the
chance to air their side to balance out the article?


Eric Gaither, President
Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.
(317) 788-8580 Voice

Have you seen our new Terms of Service?


Please take the time to review for your financial safety and protection!



Gaithmans: your digital currency destination!

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 6:32 PM
Subject: [dgc.chat] Please see the updated planetgold.com interview

 Check out the problems between Gaithmans and Standard Reserve!!


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games

 Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word Help
 in the body of the message for help with list subscription.

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[e-gold-list] Re: [dgc.chat] Please see the updated planetgold.com interview

2002-02-18 Thread SnowDog

   I think your statement to the message board is a bit deceptive.  You are
 implying that there exists some kind of serious tension between Gaithmans
 and Standard Reserve.  On the contrary, there is no tension nor problems
 there is simply no relationship. I feel a little taken advantage of with
 your headlines.

From my perspective, it didn't look that bad. I don't know if you can ever
get away from the natural tendency of the 'press' to satiate the desire for
gossip -- even if it is 'our press'.


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[e-gold-list] Silver Coin Auction almost over

2002-02-18 Thread khurram

The auction for thost presidential silver coins is almost over.  Only about
an hour left.  Go bid now at http://www.goldbarter.com/viewauction.jsp?id=61
  Khurram Khan

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[e-gold-list] another great interview!

2002-02-18 Thread jpm


another must-read interview!

great stuff!

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[e-gold-list] Re: Silver Coin Auction almost over

2002-02-18 Thread jpm

thath's great!

Khurram, are these coins 100% silver, do you know?

The auction for thost presidential silver coins is almost over.  Only about
an hour left.  Go bid now at http://www.goldbarter.com/viewauction.jsp?id=61
   Khurram Khan

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[e-gold-list] Redirection wanted

2002-02-18 Thread Ben Legume

An associate of my father has been trying to order an educational 
series of video tapes from Amazon.com recently. Due to some sort of 
restrictive and probably illegal practice they won't ship them to 
Australia but only within the US. I am hoping someone reloiable on 
the list would be willing, for a suitable fee, to take delivery of 
these videos and forward them to Australia.

I would be able to pay the person in E-Gold. They are nothing 
particularly raunchy or prohibited, it is merely a PBS history series 
dealing with the US War of Independance.

If you would like to assist in this matter, please email me off list.

New Books at Discount Prices 
  --- Send the right message ---

+ Today freemail +   

Get your free, private email address at

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[e-gold-list] Re: Redirection wanted

2002-02-18 Thread jpm

Ben, why didn't you just ask me?  BANANAGOLD already offers this service!

I'll email you privately!

An associate of my father has been trying to order an educational
series of video tapes from Amazon.com recently. Due to some sort of
restrictive and probably illegal practice they won't ship them to
Australia but only within the US. I am hoping someone reloiable on
the list would be willing, for a suitable fee, to take delivery of
these videos and forward them to Australia.

I would be able to pay the person in E-Gold. They are nothing
particularly raunchy or prohibited, it is merely a PBS history series
dealing with the US War of Independance.

If you would like to assist in this matter, please email me off list.

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[e-gold-list] re: Escrow-Gold

2002-02-18 Thread info

Just visited this site, www.escrow-gold.com. I give you 100% that it is
another scam operation, especially if it is connected with Romania.
A few months ago we encountered a site called www.pro-escrow.com, where
people were scammed by making payments to Market Makers thinking they are
paying for some stuff they bought at Yahoo auctions and then whoever was
behind pro-escrow was placing fake orders and claiming e-gold on behalf of
the clients. pro-escrow site is now off the Net, it happened soon after we
raised the alarm and contacted the authorities. the layout of the
escrow-gold looks exactly the same, even the text looks familiar. Watch:
on the partners page they gonna put the banners of a few market makers,
e-gold.com, etc. I say, this is probably the same people haveing a fresh
start. Tell your customers to stay away from this site.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Honor Remarks

2002-02-18 Thread Ian Green

Here's a (maybe) novel idea that people like Graham Kelly might like. How 
about enabling the importation of eBay feedback ratings! ... Provided the 
person's true identity and / or connection to the eBay identity can be 

Ian Green
e-gold estas monda mono! [Esperanto]
e-gold is world money! [English]

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[e-gold-list] Re: Silver Coin Auction almost over

2002-02-18 Thread shupperd1

Khurram your email keeps bouncing.  I sent you the gold, Here is my address

For regular, priority, and express mail

James Shupperd
po box 158
ninnekah, OK 73067

send all fedex, ups, and airborne to :

James Shupperd
route 1 box 310 Sooner Road
ninnekah, OK 73067

Money to Gold, and Gold to Money. Service you deserve
and the SPEED you require www.fastgold.net

Stay informed about all the latest egold investments, games, and scams. BE

God Bless You and Yours,
James Shupperd

Contact me anytime
ICQ # 99212386
Aol Instant Messenger: James Shupperd

Fax 209-644-6808
Phone 405-222-3370

Where will you spend eternity? If you dont know, you need to know!
I know where I will be, and what I will be doing, so should you! God is #1
in my life. Jesus Loves YOU.

Everything that I have belongs to God, everything that I am longs for God.

Madison Elaine Shupperd our new baby was born feb 3rd , 2002  at 9:13 PM
7lbs 8 oz  20 1/2 long
- Original Message -
From: khurram [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 10:27 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Silver Coin Auction almost over

 The auction for thost presidential silver coins is almost over.  Only
 an hour left.  Go bid now at
   Khurram Khan

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loggers and common viruses.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Silver Coin Auction almost over

2002-02-18 Thread jpm

I got outbid because I don't understand these stupid online auctions!

Jim dude!

You TOTALLY NEED email notification when you have been outbid!!!

Khurram your email keeps bouncing.  I sent you the gold, Here is my address

For regular, priority, and express mail

James Shupperd


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Most of the world's great religions are hijacked from time to time by
men who use the religious faith of others to manipulate them for self-
serving purposes. Environmentalism is different however. It is not a
religion that happens to be manipulated from time to time for political
purpose--for the power and money it can bring to its controllers.
Environmentalism is a religion which has been deliberately created, for
the sole purpose of manipulating its followers. Arthur B. Robinson, 2001.
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