[e-gold-list] Re: Standard Reserve and Privacy

2000-12-29 Thread Edwin Woudt

 The SS# requirement also stopped my application for their debit account.

I'm also curious why SR want this number.

I can see the need for a passport number or driver's license number for 
identification purposes (even though it is pretty useless without 
verification). But AFAIK a social security has nothing to do with 'telling 
who you are'.

(I must admit that I do not know too much about social security numbers in 
the US. In the country I live in, it is even illegal for businesses to ask 
for a social security number.)

 1.  SR is not really opening up to international clients, and you can
 tell this from their application form.  I checked that I was from Costa
 Rica and therefore did not fill in an SSN as per directions,b ut their
 system bounced the application for that reason, so I typed in
 999-99-.  That worked.

I was able to submit a test application without SSN, claiming to live in 
Antigua and Barbados. (note to SR: feel free to delete account 120861)

 they are showing that they are not part of the freedom movement,
 but a part of the system most egold users are trying to get
 themselves out of.

SR never claimed to be part of the freedom movement. In fact, they made a 
clear business decision not to be part of it. If you don't like that: don't 
do business with them. Time will tell if more people feel like you.


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[e-gold-list] Re: Standard Reserve and Privacy

2000-12-29 Thread Eric Gaither, Gaithman's E-Gold Exchange


Please let me be one of the first SR Agents and e-gold Market Makers to
publicly thank you for your efforts:

Ours is not an anonymous service, never has been,
 and was never touted as such.   Rather, we actually verify that
 the applicant is who they say they are.   We owe that to our
 agents who take the risk.

We need to verify that you are who
you say you are.  On this list there have been many reports of
fraud, rip offs, etc.  Ask any of the market makers about the
issues with fraud.  We are trying to avoid that.

I am quite sure I will not be the last.  What many individuals who are
concerned about privacy do not understand is that the current e-gold system
is ripe with abuse.  (Sniff..sniff...can't you smell that?)  Anonymous
services are great and have many wonderful uses, but open up those of us who
act as portals into the system to the targeting eyes of thieves, scoundrels
and counterfeiters.

I do not think it is anyone's business HOW someone spends his or her
money.  However, as an SR agent and e-gold Market Maker, it IS my business
if the payment someone is sending to me to obtain these currencies is
legitimate.  We have seen a dramatic increase in the use of stolen credit
cards, counterfeit checks, bogus money orders, so on and so on!  The only
way for our company to accept these forms of payment and fund accounts is to
know that the person sending the payment is the person they claim to be.

John makes several good arguments about BB and the use of SS #'s.  I
personally am VERY skeptical about giving mine over the Internet no matter
WHO is asking and HOW secure they claim to be.  I prefer to mail it by snail
mail.  Is there a chance that a drivers license and/or SS card can be
photocopied and notarized as proof of identity?  This may ease some of the
privacy buffs concerns about hackers hitting the SR on-line databases.

 To those of you out there that do not want ANYONE to know who you are
or HOW you spend you money, I ask you what faith does someone in my line of
work have in accepting a payment from you?  You have to obtain your e-gold
and SR-AUG and SR-USD somewhere with fiat currency.  Unless you send cash
via mail (which is NOT recommended) certain trust must be demonstrated.
Proving to me you are who you claim to be is the basic foundation of any
client/service relationship I see as mutually beneficial. This is done by
being verified by  Standard Reserve's system.

Lastly, if you STILL desire to remain 100% anonymous, might I suggest my
secret "Invisible Man Formula"?  Guaranteed to turn you invisible!  No one
will know who you are, where you are from, or how you spend your finances.
Just send me, oh, $25 K in an unmarked envelope with no information inside
in small USD, non-sequential bills.  It will work...trust me:0)

 As always, these are just my opinions and not meant to become part of
any routine medical treatment, diet and exercise plan, or for children under
the age of 21 years of age.  Some assembly required.  Batteries not
included.  Gaithman's Invisible Products:  www.nosuchplaceonearth.com

 Happy New Year!

- Original Message -
From: George Matyjewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: e-gold Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 1:59 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Standard Reserve and Privacy

 At 01:06 PM 12/29/2000 -0600, Destiny Worldwide wrote:
 I have noted several things about Standard Reserve, all of which
 I do not like.  We were going to use Standeard Reserve and even
 introduce clients to it, but it is obvious that Standard reserve
 intends to play by the rules of Big Brother, something that we abhor:
 1.  SR is not really opening up to international clients, and
 you can tell this from their application form.  I checked that I
 was from Costa Rica and therefore did not fill in an SSN as per
 directions,b ut their system bounced the application for that
 reason, so I typed in 999-99-.  That worked.  Standard
 rEserve needs to learn that it is ILLEGAL to demand a SSN frm
 soneone, and that the provision of an SSN is 100% voluntary, and
 they need to make provision for this.  By acting like the BB
 banks, they are showing that they are not part of the freedom
 movement, but a part of the system most egold users are trying
 to get themselves out of.  Also, SR says that they are doing
 this to apeal to a larger market.  Well, in actuality, the
 future is AWAY form BB.  As the internet grows in power and net
 currencies based offshore, along with offshore services such as
 ours, WE will someday become the mainstream, not the other way
 around.  Locating themselves onshore and spending a ton of money
 to comply with ridiculous US government regulations that force
 them to SPY on their customers liek the banks is surely the
 wrong thing to do.  It woudl have been better if they had gone
 in the direction of Goldmoney and located themselves safely
 OFFSHORE.  Even egold 

[e-gold-list] Re: Standard Reserve and Privacy

2000-12-29 Thread Loryn E. Jenkins

I personally am VERY skeptical about giving mine
over the Internet no matter WHO is asking and
HOW secure they claim to be. I prefer to mail it
by snail mail. 

Interesting. I personally have always been more comfortable providing my
details over a 128-bit encrypted SSL session than providing them
over-the-counter or through-the-mail. But perhaps that's just me ...
seeing as I've spent the last five years putting financial institutions on
the Internet. (In December 1995, I was part of a team that put St George
Bank, in Australia, on the Internet. We followed up by putting Australia's
then-largest bank on the Internet. So far so good: no security breaches.)

Is there a chance that a drivers
license and/or SS card can be photocopied and
notarized as proof of identity? This may ease
some of the privacy buffs concerns about
hackers hitting the SR on-line databases.

Eric, hackers won't find SSNs or other identity details online. We retain
online only the information required to operate the account.

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[e-gold-list] Re: Standard Reserve and Privacy

2000-12-29 Thread Dale Pond

"Loryn E. Jenkins" wrote:

 I personally have always been more comfortable providing my
 details over a 128-bit encrypted SSL session than providing them
 over-the-counter or through-the-mail. But perhaps that's just me ...

Interesting. Providing personal information to ANY person should always be


PS: I appreciate the "new and open" policy just posted by SR. It's a step in the
right direction.

Dale Pond
Delta Spectrum Research
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
SVP Discussion Forum:

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