[ECOLOG-L] Post-doc positions on interdisciplinary research for endangered mammal conservation and road ecology

2018-11-28 Thread Binbin Li
Position Overview:

We are seeking two post-docs to work on conservation biology research in China with Dr. Binbin Li at Duke Kunshan University. Current research focuses on protected area planning and management, endangered species conservation research specifically on giant pandas, connectivity analysis, and developing monitoring techniques such as footprint identification technique and drones (libinbin.org for details).

One position will be engaged with the interdisciplinary research on the impacts of livestock grazing on giant panda habitat and social-economic drivers for effective solutions. The candidate will work a team of ecologists, environmental economists and social scientists tackling the issue in the newly established giant panda national park. The candidate should have prior research experience in China or strong Chinese language skills.

The other position will be engaged with the project looking at the impacts of roads and railways on biodiversity and connectivity in China, as well as Belt and Road Initiative regions. The candidate should have strong landscape ecology background and spatial analysis skills.

The candidates selected for this position must meet eligibility requirements to work in the China through the period of employment. Position is available for immediate filling.

The Environmental Research Center at Duke Kunshan University is a research institution that integrates research and educational programs in environmental science and policy. The research center provides a hub for faculty to engage in interdisciplinary and policy-relevant research in China and beyond; it facilitates collaborations with faculty and researchers at Chinese universities, businesses operating in China, policymakers, and non-governmental organizations. The research center also serves as a hub for innovative student research projects that are collaborative, vertically integrated, problem-focused, and multidisciplinary.

For more information, please visit: https://dukekunshan.edu.cn/en/environment/about-research

Essential Duties:

The candidate will help to develop the research projects and initiate new projects. Responsibilities include research project management, preparing funding application, data collection, data analysis, drafting manuscript for peer-reviewed journals and report writing. The candidate will help to manage the fieldwork team and work with nature reserves, local governments, NGOs and research institutes. This job requires strong capability in independent research and project management. 

The post-doctoral fellow will be given freedom to develop new projects that could expand the current research direction.

Required Qualifications:

1. PhD in ecology, conservation biology, environmental sciences, or related fields

2. Strong quantitate skills in ArcGIS, python, R and remote sensing

3. Experience in fieldwork and management of survey team

4. Strong writing and communication skills, fluent in both English and preferably in Chinese

5. Experience in proposal writing and funding application

6. At least one publication in peer-reviewed journals


$30,000 per year salary plus benefits, Initial appointment is for 1 year with possibility of extensions for subsequent years on an annual basis.  

Please send your 1) CV  2) cover letter with research interests and goals 3) previous publication to Dr. Binbin Li: bl...@duke.edu

Binbin Li

Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, Duke Kunshan University
PhD, Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment
M.S. University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources & Environment
B.S. Peking University, School of Life Sciences

Phone: +86 13810251904 
Office: CC 1084, Duke Kunshan University

[ECOLOG-L] Multiple postdoctoral researcher positions at Institute of Oceanography at Shanghai Jiao Tong University

2018-02-03 Thread Ji Li
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is one of the major universities of
China. Institute of Oceanography (IOO) is located in the Xuhui Campus of
SJTU in downtown Shanghai, and has several postdoctoral researcher positions
open for 2018 to work with faculties at IOO. Applicants are expected to have
background in oceanography, ecology, environmental science, biogeochemical
cycle, or climate change etc. 

Website:  http://ioo.sjtu.edu.cn/

1.   Independently doing research in relevant researching fields.
2.   Applying for funds open to post-doctoral research 
3.   Providing assisting guidance for students.

Up to 3 years
In accordance with regulations regarding SJTU Post-doctors, annual salary
160k – 180k RMB, with insurance and benefit, plus project commission and
annual performance bonus.
University housing, university daycare and school system available for the
Based on the achievement at this position, applicants may be promote to the
faculty track job at SJTU.

Applications apply by e-mail to Ji Li (lij...@sjtu.edu.cn)
Applications should include an application letter describing your interests
and their relevance to this position, a CV, and up to 3 publications.
For further information, please contact Ji Li (lij...@sjtu.edu.cn)

[ECOLOG-L] Ecology and Environmental Science Faculty and Postdoc Recruitment Events in California by Xiamen University

2018-01-31 Thread Ji Li
College of the Environment and Ecology at Xiamen University will hold a
series of faculty and postdoctoral scholar recruitment events in Los Angeles
and San Francisco areas from February 5 to 9, 2018. We invite everyone
interested in working in the general areas of ecology and environmental
science and engineering at Xiamen University to attend these sessions. 
Session 1
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 am, February 5, 2018.
Venue: 301 Science Laboratory Building, University of California, Riverside, CA

Session 2
Time: February 6, 2018.
Venue: University of California, Los Angeles

Session 3
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm, February 7, 2018.
Venue: 209, Li Ka Shing Center, 291 Campus Drive, Stanford University

Session 4
Time: February 8, 2018.
Venue: University of California, Berkeley

Session 5
Time: February 9, 2018.
Venue: University of California, Davis
Or contact Dr. Qingshun Quinn Li (Dean of College of the Environment and
Ecology, Xiamen University; email: l...@xmu.edu.cn) to schedule an
individual meeting at these locations.
The College of the Environment and Ecology (CEE) at Xiamen University (XMU)
was founded on March 2011, on the basis of the Institute of Environmental
Sciences established in 1982, and former Department of Botany/Zoology
established in 1922. It consists of three academic departments, Department
of Ecology, Department of Environmental Science, and Department of
Ecological Engineering for Environmental Sustainability. CEE offers
Bachelor, Master and PhD degree programs in Environmental Science,
Environmental Engineering, Environmental Management as well as Ecology. We
also host post-doctoral programs. Since 2012, Environment Science and
Ecology at XMU has been ranked the top 1% world-wide by Essential Science
Indicators. In 2017, the Ecology discipline at Xiamen University was
selected to be part of the "Double First-Class" plan by the central
government with the aim of developing a group of world-class higher
education institutions and disciplines. In addition, CEE, jointly with the
College of Oceanography and Earth Sciences, hosts the State Key Laboratory
of Marine Environmental Science. CEE also hosts four ministry/provincial
level research platforms and three interdisciplinary research platforms at
the university level. 
CEE currently has 66 faculty members, including 31 professors, 30 associate
professors and 5 assistant professors. Among them are Dual-appointed CAS
Academicians, Cheung Kong Chair Professor, National Distinguished Young
Scholars, awardees of Thousand Talent Plan and Minjiang Chair Professor. 
The College is recruiting about 20 faculty members in the next few years at
all ranks, especially for Chinese talents plans (Thousand Talent Plan, Youth
Cheung Kong Scholar Program, National Science Foundation for Distinguished
Young Scholars, etc.), and postdoctoral scholars for young scientists. We
have open faculty positions in the research fields of, but not limited to,
global change ecology, ecosystem ecology, wetland ecology, landscape
ecology, plant ecology, marine ecology, genetics and evolutionary ecology,
molecular ecology and bioinformatics, environmental ecology, ecological
planning, wetland ecological engineering, ecological restoration
engineering, environmental biogeochemistry, environmental toxicology,
aquatic environment technology and engineering, aquatic environment
dynamics, environmental omics, environmental remote sensing and simulation,
coastal zone environmental management, solid waste recycling, marine
pollution control, air pollution control engineering, etc.
The University will provide competitive salary and benefits, including
settlement allowance, housing subsidy, research start-up funding, in
accordance with candidate’s experience and responsibilities, and support the
successful candidate to apply for research funding and talent programs of
all levels.
If one can not attend these meetings, applicants are invited to submit CV to
ce...@xmu.edu.cn (Contact: Ms. Xinli Wang, Tel: +86-592-2186338). Review of
applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are
filled. For more details, please visit: http://cee.xmu.edu.cn.
In addition, we also invite talented young scholars to attend the Nanqiang
Youth Scholar Forum to be held in Xiamen University on April 25-27, 2018.
The University will provide travel subsidy and arrange local accommodation
for selected attendees. Application information for the Forum should be
submitted online to http://xiamenuniversity.mikecrm.com/oFcBwr7. For
questions regarding the Forum, please contact XMU Human Resources at:
recr...@xmu.edu.cn or call +86-592-2185685/+86-592-2182259. 

[ECOLOG-L] Seeking Graduate Students

2017-11-13 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L Subscribers:

Funding opportunities exist for students who want to pursue doctoral 
degree in the following fields: landscape ecology, space-time analysis 
and modeling, human-environment interaction, land use and land cover 
change, geocomputation, and complexity theory (ABM as method). My 
extramural projects and the joint doctoral program between the 
Department of Geography at SDSU and the Department of Geography at 
University of California, Santa Barbara will have funding to support a 
number of doctoral students each year. Visit this site 
<http://complexities.org/An/JobOpportunities/jobopportunities.html> and 
this borchure <http://complexities.org/Photo/PhD-Brochure.pdf> also 
for more information. The admission and financial support are 
competitive--please contact Dr. An at l...@mail.sdsu.edu 
<mailto:l...@mail.sdsu.edu> before you send your application.

All the best,


Li An, PhD
Professor of Geography

[ECOLOG-L] Earth Stewardship Initiative Demonstration Project Fellowships at ESA 2017

2017-05-12 Thread Yishen Li
Hello Everyone, 
  Are you interested in green infrastructure, watershed management, 
urban land use, and translating science to solutions? At the upcoming 
Ecological Society of America (ESA) 2017 meeting in Portland, Oregon 
this August, the Earth Stewardship Initiative (ESI) Demonstration 
Project is organizing a “learning from the city” program. Working in 
conjunction with the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services 
(BES), we will evaluate Portland’s green infrastructure (GI) design and 
implementation practices and propose design research and monitoring 
strategies to inform their process. We will do so through a field trip, 
targeted workshop, and writing session during the ESA. We now invite 
applications for as many as 30 ESI Student Fellows to participate in 
this exciting project.
  Since 2014, ESI has collaborated twice with representatives from 
the cities where the ESA conferences were held and brought together 
multiple local organizations and academic institutions. 
(https://www.earthstewardshipinitiative.com/) ESI solicits fellows from 
around the country to work with city officials, practitioners, and ESA 
organizers on large-scale land planning projects. Participants 
collaborate on an urban design process to generate sustainable design 
strategies, and propose ways of improving research methods for these 
projects through designed experiments and other adaptive management 
tools. ESA 2017 offers unique opportunities to evaluate current GI 
design for the City of Portland and to develop designed experiments with 
a team of senior ecologists, ecology students, and city managers. 
Portland is a national leader in implementing green infrastructure, and 
has established a city-wide green network drawing on considerable 
experience with GI design, implementation, monitoring, maintenance, and 
community engagement. 
Prior to the meeting, selected ESI Fellows will review 
synthesized materials from Portland and participate in a conference call 
with ESI advisors and the City. At the ESA meeting, fellows will attend 
an organized field trip on August 8 to Portland GI sites with BES 
officials, and discuss how research can be integrated into the design of 
these built environments to assess their ecological value and add 
ecological function. During a subsequent workshop organized on August 
10, fellow will collaborate with senior ESA research scientists, 
landscape designers, and city managers to develop strategies around the 
design, engineering, and maintenance of local GI for future integration 
of ecological research. Workshop participants will engage in a 
collaborative brainstorming session to develop strategies for 
integrating experimental research into GI projects. Following the 
workshop, fellows will hold a writing sessions to synthesize materials 
from the field trip and workshop and make recommendations for 
integrating monitoring and research through designed experiments and 
other adaptive management tools for GI in Portland. After the meeting 
fellows will use this synthesis work to complete a white paper on 
Portland’s GI implementation, leading to potential scientific 
publications. Fellows will also benefit from opportunities to network 
with ESA scientists and City of Portland BES officials. 
  ESI fellows are expected to: 1) register for and attend ESA 2017 
for both the field trip and workshop, 2) review materials and attend the 
conference call and planning session, 3) attend the workshop, field 
trip, and writing session during the ESA in Portland, and 4) dedicate 
several days of remote work following the conference to edit and 
complete the white paper. Funding will be available for outstanding 
fellows to cover conference and transportation costs. To apply, please 
send a one-page statement of interest and resume/short CV as a single 
PDF document to Yishen Li (yishen...@yale.edu) by May 20th. We look 
forward to working with you!

  Best regards,
  Alexander Felson, PhD
  Registered Landscape Architect, Certified Senior Ecologist
  Associate Professor 
  Yale School of Architecture
  Director, Joint Degree Program 
  School of Architecture and School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
  Director, Urban Ecology & Design Lab www.uedlab.org

[ECOLOG-L] Agent-based modeling (ABM) symposium

2017-01-26 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L Subscribers:

Please help distributed this call to potential people with interest.

You are encouraged to participate in an ABM symposium 
at San Diego, California between April 20-22, 2017. You will be able to 
interact with many internationally renowned ABM scholars 
<http://complexities.org/ABM17/people/> (e.g., get their comments or 
instructions on your project or presentation), participate in 
discussions, initiate or join grant proposals, and author or coauthor 
papers or book chapters (about essential issues) that will be shaping 
the future of the ABM science. We are calling for 1) an abstract (for 
poster presentation) *OR* 2) an ABM position paper (for participation 
without poster presentation) that addresses theoretical, technological, 
and application issues related to agent-based modeling. Please send your 
abstract or position paper (<250 words) to ab...@complexities.org by 
February 15, 2017. Your abstract or position paper should include the 
title, author(s), author affiliation(s), five key words, and a text body 
up to 250 words.

Out of this symposium, we expect to develop 1) an ABM synthetic paper 
and several topical papers; 2) a co-edited book or special issue in a 
prestigious journal; 3) an online ABM repository; 4) plans to develop 
1-2 proposals to tackle ABM grand challenges; and 5) recognition of 
young ABM scholars “ABM17 Stars”. More info is here 
<http://complexities.org/ABM17/announcements/> (scroll down to _For 
ABM17 Participants_); contact Dr. Li An for more info 
ab...@complexities.org <mailto:ab...@complexities.org> .

Li An

Li An, PhD
Professor of Geography

[ECOLOG-L] Call for Participation in Symposium “ABM 2017 ”

2017-01-11 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L Subscribers:

Please help distributed this call to potential people with interest.

Sponsored by USA National Science Foundation (see this site 
we are organizing a symposium entitled “ABM 2017: Agent-Based Models in 
the Social, Human-Environment, and Life Sciences” (also see our project 
website <http://complexities.org/ABM17/>) at San Diego, California 
between April 20-22, 2017. The goal of this symposium is to transform 
the science, technology, and application of agent-based models in the 
context of social, human-environment, and life sciences. We have 
assembled a science committee <http://complexities.org/ABM17/people/> of 
exceptional ABM developers, modelers, and users.

We call for participation that address theoretical, technological, and 
application issues related to agent-based modeling. Visit this site for 
detail of the call 
<http://complexities.org/ABM17/announcements#CallForAbstracts>. Once 
your abstract is accepted, please register by visiting our registration 
site <http://complexities.org/ABM17/registration/>.

We will recognize three junior scholars as ABM17 Stars, and here is more 
information <http://complexities.org/ABM17/announcements#ABM17Star> 
about this prestigious award. Also financial support will be provided 
for a limited number of junior researchers; please visit this site 
for detail. Questions or comments should be directed toABM17 Chair Dr. 
Li An by email (ab...@complexities.org <mailto:ab...@complexities.org>).

Li An

Li An, PhD
Professor of Geography

[ECOLOG-L] Call for Participation in Symposium “ABM 2017 ”

2017-01-01 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L Subscribers:

Please help distributed this call to potential people with interest.

Sponsored by National Science Foundation (see this site 
we are organizing a symposium entitled “ABM 2017: Agent-Based Models in 
the Social, Human-Environment, and Life Sciences” (see our project 
website <http://complexities.org/ABM17/>) at San Diego, California 
between April 20-22, 2017. The goal of this symposium is to transform 
the science, technology, and application of agent-based models in the 
context of social, human-environment, and life sciences. We have 
assembled a science committee of exceptional ABM developers, modelers, 
and users (see http://complexities.org/ABM17/people/).

This is the 2nd call for papers (oral presentations or posters) that 
address theoretical, technological, and application issues related to 
agent-based modeling. Potential topics include (but are not limited to): 
ABM verification and validation, modeling of human decisions, model 
transparency and reusability, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for 
ABM, and developing big data friendly ABM.

Please send your abstract to ab...@complexities.org 
<mailto:ab...@complexities.org>by January 31, 2017. You can register 
later once the registration site is available (we are still working on 
this part). Your abstract should include the title, author(s), author 
affiliation(s), five key words, a designation whether it is for a poster 
or oral presentation, and a text body up to 250 words. At the symposium, 
all the science committee members will evaluate the presentations and 
posters and recognize three ABM Stars for their excellence in ABM work. 
Plaques will be sent to the stars after the symposium.

Several ABM Professional Enhancement Awards (ABM-PEA; up to $800 each) 
will be given to junior researchers, including students, postdocs, and 
assistant professors, to cover expenses associated with attending the 
symposium. To apply, download the application form from 
http://complexities.org/ABM17/resources/, fill in the form, and email it 
to ab...@complexities.org <mailto:ab...@complexities.org>by January 31, 
2017. The Symposium Organizing Committee will evaluate all the 
applications and notify the applicants by February 15, 2017.



Li An, PhD
Professor of Geography

[ECOLOG-L] Call for Participation in the PES session at 2017 AAG

2016-11-18 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L Subscribers:

If you plan to attend the 2017 AAG meeting at Boston and have a paper 
related to the following session, please consider joining the following 
session and contact Drs. Song and An at cs...@email.unc.edu and 

The welfare of the society depends on an array of services provided 
by the ecosystems, such as conservation of soil and water, provision of 
food and fiber by forests et cetera. At the same time, human activities 
can drastically change the settings of the natural environment, 
adversely affecting the vital goods and services that natural ecosystems 
provide. Many of the ecosystem services were considered as common goods, 
suffering the tragedy of the commons. Since the 1980s, a new 
market-based mechanism, payments for ecosystem services (PES), started 
to be widely adopted to conserve the vital ecosystem services. Under 
this mechanism, economic incentives are provided to ecosystem services 
providers to undertake actions that produce desired environmental 
benefits.  There are many successful examples of such programs as well 
as some not so successful ones. These programs not only directly 
influence the socioeconomic dynamics for the people living in the 
affected areas and the structure and function of the natural ecosystems, 
but also alter the relationships between humans and their environment, 
such as land use restrictions. Understanding where and how the programs 
work, and where and why the programs do not work are critical for the 
success of future PES programs. In this session, we call for papers that 
investigate how PES programs impacted the dynamics of the coupled 
natural and human systems. Specifically, the topics could include:

(1)  PES influence on the dynamics in the human systems, such as 
land use decision, labor allocation, human migration decision et cetera.

(2)  PES influence on the dynamics of the natural systems, such as 
the composition and configuration changes, ecosystem services changes 
(e.g., carbon storage, enhancement of habitat quality for wildlife, soil 
and water conservation).

(3)  The dynamic feedbacks from the natural system to the human 
system, such as change of livelihood strategies as a result of a change 
in the ecosystem services after the implementation of a particular PES 

Session Chairs: Conghe Song and Li An.



Li An, PhD
Professor of Geography

[ECOLOG-L] Call for Participation in Symposium “ABM 2017 ”

2016-11-04 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L Subscribers:

Please help distributed this call to potential people with interest.

Sponsored by National Science Foundation (see this site 
we are organizing a symposium entitled “ABM 2017: Agent-Based Models in 
the Social, Human-Environment, and Life Sciences” (see our project 
website <http://complexities.org/ABM17/>) at San Diego, California 
between April 20-22, 2017. The goal of this symposium is to transform 
the science, technology, and application of agent-based models in the 
context of social, human-environment, and life sciences. We have 
assembled a science committee of exceptional ABM developers, modelers, 
and users (see http://complexities.org/ABM17/people/).

This is the 1^st call for papers (oral presentations or posters) that 
address theoretical, technological, and application issues related to 
agent-based modeling,. Potential topics include (but are not limited 
to): ABM verification and validation, modeling of human decisions, model 
transparency and reusability, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for 
ABM, and developing big data friendly ABM.

Please send your abstract to ab...@complexities.org 
<mailto:ab...@complexities.org>by January 31, 2016. You can register 
later once the registration site is available (we are still working on 
this part). Your abstract should include the title, author(s), author 
affiliation(s), five key words, a designation whether it is for a poster 
or oral presentation, and a text body up to 250 words. At the symposium, 
all the science committee members will evaluate the presentations and 
posters and recognize three ABM Stars for their excellence in ABM work. 
Plaques will be sent to the stars after the symposium.

Several ABM Professional Enhancement Awards (ABM-PEA; up to $800 each) 
will be given to junior researchers, including students, postdocs, and 
assistant professors, to cover expenses associated with attending the 
symposium. To apply, download the application form from 
http://complexities.org/ABM17/resources/, fill in the form, and email it 
to ab...@complexities.org <mailto:ab...@complexities.org>by January 31, 
2017. The Symposium Organizing Committee will evaluate all the 
applications and notify the applicants by February 15, 2017.



Li An, PhD
Professor of Geography

[ECOLOG-L] Shanghai Jiao Tong U Recruiting Event at UMD 10-26

2016-10-24 Thread Ji Li
Dear all

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Vice President Zhen Huang is leading a
delegation visiting DC, and will have a recruiting event at UMD campus on

When10-26-2016 18:00—20:00
WhereStamp Student Union, Charles Carroll Room A 2203K, 
University of Maryland, College Park, 20742

Light meals will be served. 

Shanghai Jiao Tong University contacts:

Regards, and happy Friday!

[ECOLOG-L] MS and PhD positions in Climate-Soil Interactions

2016-08-08 Thread Jianwei Li
The Lab of Climate and Soil Biogeochemistry (http://jwli.weebly.com/) seeks
motivated graduate students (one MS and one PhD) starting in Spring/Fall
2017 to study human accelerated environmental changes on biogeochemical
cycles of soil carbon and nutrients at molecular to global scales. The
group’s interdisciplinary research integrates field and laboratory
observations as well as modeling approaches to address questions that
intersect external disturbances and global biogeochemical cycles. Research
opportunities may include soil’s microbial and genetic level responses to
global climate change and soil carbon cycle modeling.  Applicants must have
a Bachelor's degree or Master degree (for Ph.D. position) in soil science,
microbiology, environmental science or a closely related field. Laboratory
and/or field research experience is mandatory, but evidence of passion for
scientific inquiry and aptitude for collaborative research are expected. To
apply, please send a statement of interest, complete CV, and contact
information for three professional references as a single PDF file to
j...@tnstate.edu. Transcripts and GRE scores are required though unofficial
copies are accepted for review purpose. Review of applicants will begin
immediately and remain open until filled. Prospective applicants are
welcome to contact PI (j...@tnstate.edu) with questions regarding the
application submission. Principle Investigator (PI): Dr. Jianwei Li,
Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,
Tennessee State University, Nashville TN 37209.  Website:

[ECOLOG-L] "Modeling human decisions and environmental consequences" Symposium

2015-10-14 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L subscribers,

[Please send this message to people with potential interest]

***Symposium on modeling human behaviors/decisions and their impacts on 
the environment*

At The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 
2016 to be held at Towson University, Baltimore, USA, from 8-12 May 2016.

Symposium Abstract: Increasingly humans play an essential role in 
changing the structure and function of many earth systems, causing 
various environmental consequences to a degree that virtually there is 
no pristine place on the earth that is completely "natural" and free of 
human impact. On the other hand, such environmental consequences may in 
turn affect future human decisions and behavior. However, understanding 
/ modeling human behaviors/decisions and their interactions with the 
corresponding environment is still a combination of science and art, and 
many researchers develop or use agent based models (ABM) to untangle 
puzzles related to the human decision-environment change loops. A very 
useful framework in this context is the coupled human and natural 
systems (CHANS) approach, addressing many complexity aspects such as 
feedback, nonlinearity, heterogeneity, and emergence. In light of 
complexity theory and its application in CHANS, this session brings 
together agent-based models developed under different CHANS contexts, 
aiming to distill commonalities from place-specific characteristics. 
This session aims to bring to attention of the related scientific 
community, and advocates, that some generic protocols and/or 
architectures be developed in the context of the specific domain of 
research questions. We hope that our discussions and efforts on how to 
model human decisions and their consequences in CHANS will not only 
advance CHANS theories, but also bring forward new opportunities in 
advancing complexity theory and agent-based modeling.
If you are interested in presenting your work at the symposium, please 
submit your abstract by the extended deadline October 30, 2015: 
http://www.isemconference.com/submit-abstract.asp, and optionally email 
your abstract to Dr. Li An (symposium chair) at l...@mail.sdsu.edu.

Best regards,


[ECOLOG-L] Graduate student opportunity

2015-09-14 Thread Jianwei Li
Graduate Student Opportunity in soil microbial modeling

A M.S. or Ph.D. Fellowship is available starting in Spring or Fall of 2016
at the Lab of Climate Change and Soil Biogeochemistry (
http://jwli.weebly.com/). Research topics may include soil decay modeling,
abiotic and microbial interactions and feedbacks, integration of long-term
datasets with soil models and data assimilation. Applicants need to be a
U.S. Citizen or permanent resident for this Fellowship. Applicants must
have a Bachelor's degree or M.S. degree (for PhD position) in ecology, soil
science, environmental science or a closely related field. Strong desire to
work with large datasets and quantitative modeling are expected. The GRA is
expected to build strong collaborations with research scientists at Oak
Ridge National Laboratory (http://climatechangescience.ornl.gov/). To
apply, please send a statement of interest, complete CV, and contact
information for two professional references as a single PDF file to
j...@tnstate.edu. Transcripts and GRE scores are required though unofficial
copies are accepted for review purpose. Review of applicants will begin
immediately and the earliest start date is in January 2016. Questions
should be addressed to Dr. Jianwei Li (j...@tnstate.edu), Department of
Agriculture and Environmental Science, Tennessee State University,
Nashville, Tennessee 37209. Website:

Tennessee State University is Nashville’s only public university, and is a
comprehensive, urban, co-educational, land-grant university. TSU has rated
as one of the top universities in the country by Washington Monthly for
social mobility, research and community service. Founded in 1912,
Tennessee State
University celebrated 100 years in Nashville during 2012. The city of
Nashville is a so called “capital for the music”, and along with one of the
most vibrant music scenes in America, Nashville is home to a busy arts

[ECOLOG-L] Opening for a post-doc in ABM/Systems integration

2015-09-04 Thread Li An

Hi Ecolog'ers,

[Please send this message to potential people with interest--thanks!]

A postdoctoral research fellow with expertise and interest in systems 
modeling/software engineering is sought to join an ongoing NSF project 
(http://goldenmonkey.sdsu.edu/). The successful postdoctoral fellow will 
lead and coordinate the development and applications of an agent based 
model (ABM) that aims to integrate data from satellite imagery, ground 
based vegetation survey, camera trapping images (for mammal habitat 
occupancy), household interviews, participatory mapping and 
ethnographical surveys, and governmental archives. The ABM is expected 
to be user-friendly, spatially explicit, able to perform parallel 
computing, capable of online, remote simulation, and (hopefully) 
applicable on a variety of platforms (e.g., desktop, mobile).

Successful applicants will have degrees and backgrounds in one or more 
relevant disciplines, such as computer science and engineering, 
computational ecology, geography and spatial science, landscape ecology, 
geographic information systems, bioinformatics, land change science, 
and/or human environment science. Knowledge of and experiences in 
computer simulation modeling and programming languages (e.g., Python, 
Java, C++) as well as spatial software programs (e.g., geographic 
information systems) are essential. Other desired skills include 
experiences with ArcGIS servers, high performance computing 
applications, cloud computing, big data tools, geo-visualization, and 
project management.

This is a non-tenure track postdoctoral position based in the Department 
of Geography (http://geography.sdsu.edu/) at San Diego State University 
(www.sdsu.edu <http://www.sdsu.edu>). A competitive salary and benefit 
package will be offered commensurate with experience.

Application materials should include: (1) cover letter, (2) vision about 
ABM development and how to achieve the vision, (3) statement of 
professional goals, (4) CV, (5) transcripts (unofficial ones are OK 
initially), (6) list of 3-4 references (names and contact information), 
and (7) up to three representative models or software programs developed 
by the applicant.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their application materials as soon 
as possible. Applications are welcome until a suitable candidate is 
identified. Reviews of applications will begin on October 1, 2015. The 
position is available now but start date is relatively 
flexible.Applications and questions should be emailed to:

Dr. Li An

SDSU - Geography

5500 Campanile Drive

San Diego CA 92182-4493

l...@mail.sdsu.edu <mailto:l...@mail.sdsu.edu>


Re: [ECOLOG-L] Field biology course to the Galapagos

2015-01-29 Thread Yishen Li
Dear Dr. Colosi,

You could contact IOI Galapagos, a non-profit organization based off Puerto
Villamil, Isabela. In addition to active engagement of local community
service, they have also run semester-long study abroad programs for
University of Miami and coordinated with other institutions on short-term
programs. I studied abroad there in Spring 2014 and it was an amazing
experience. The staff members are very nice and helpful. You could email
them at i...@ioi.ec or find more contact information from here:

Please feel free to let me know if you have further questions.

Yishen Li

*Yishen Li*
University of Miami, Marine Science/Biology ’15
Research Assistant, University of Miami Coastal Ecology

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 7:06 PM, Colosi, Joseph joseph.col...@desales.edu

 Hello Ecologgers,

 I want to run a spring 2017 semester course on evolution that will include
 a one week spring break trip to the Galapagos.  Can you recommend a tour
 company that can help with arrangements and naturalist guides?  My email is

 Thank you


 Love is never wasted

 Joseph C Colosi, PhD.
 DeSales University
 2755 Station Ave.
 Center Valley, PA,18034
 610-282-1100 ex 1288

 This message, together with any attachments, may contain confidential
 and/or privileged information and is intended only for the owner(s) of the
 e-mail address listed as the recipient of this message. If you are not the
 intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this
 email. Please notify the sender immediately by email if you have received
 this email by mistake and delete this email from your system. Email
 transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free, as
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 or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender, therefore, does not accept
 liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message which
 arise as a result of email transmission. If verification is required,
 please request a hard-copy version.

*Yishen Li*
 *University of Miami, **Marine Science/Biology, **Class of 2015*
Research Intern, University of Miami Coastal Ecology Lab

[ECOLOG-L] Call for papers on Sustainable Payments for Ecosystem Services --2014 AAG

2014-10-22 Thread Li An

Dear Ecologers,

Please spread the following call to people with interest you know of. 

Call for Papers: AAG Annual Meeting, 21-25 April 2015

*Session Title: *Payments for Ecosystem Services: Paths toward 

Co-organizers: Li An, Conghe Song, Xiaodong Chen, Stephen Crook

Co-chairs: Li An, Conghe Song, Xiaodong Chen, Richard Bilsborrow

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are direct incentives paid to 
resource users to take certain actions, or refrain from them, to secure 
ecosystem services, such as clean air, clean water, fertile soil, 
forests, and eco-tourism.Government entities, the private sector, and 
non-governmental organizations worldwide invest billions of dollars each 
year in PES programs. Despite reported successes in restoring and 
conserving ecosystems and their corresponding services, lack of 
sustainability has become a serious concern for many PES programs 
worldwide. An emerging problem is that PES participants may return to 
their previous behavioral patterns when payments end.This session will 
explore possible pathways toward PES sustainability, including 
addressing the complex and sometimes reciprocal relationships between 
PES programs and related socioeconomic, demographic, and environmental 
systems. We particularly encourage research that addresses theoretical, 
methodological, or empirical issues related to (but not limited to) the 
following topics:

1. Potential mechanisms for successful (or unsuccessful) PES programs;

2. Socioeconomic, demographic, and political consequences of PES programs;

3. Methodological issues: collection of qualitative and quantitative 
data related to PES, data analysis and modeling, applications of GIS 
techniques and spatial statistics, integration of multidisciplinary or 
multi-scale data, and addressing complexity in PES related coupled 
natural and human (CNH) systems. Analyses using similar integrated 
frameworks including coupled human and natural systems (CHANS), 
social-ecological systems, or social-environmental systems are also 

This session (sessions) is co-sponsored by the AAG Spatial Analysis and 
Modeling group, the Geographical Information Science and Systems group, 
and the Human Dimensions of Global Change group. To be considered for 
the sessions:

1. Please register and submit your abstract online following the AAG 
Guidelines (http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting); and

2. Please send your paper title, PIN, and abstract no later than 
Wednesday, November 20, to:

Dr. Li An (l...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:l...@mail.sdsu.edu)  Stephen Crook 
(scr...@gmail.com mailto:scr...@gmail.com)

Department of Geography

San Diego State University

Dr. Conghe Song (cs...@email.unc.edu mailto:cs...@email.unc.edu)

Dr. Xiaodong Chen (che...@email.unc.edu mailto:che...@email.unc.edu)

Department of Geography

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An (??), PhD
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/  (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/  (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Postdoc position on wildlife occupancy research

2014-10-22 Thread Li An

Dear Ecologers,

Can you spread the following position to the potential people you know of?

Two year postdoc position available in characterizing mammalian 
diversity distribution and habitat use in a coupled human natural 
system. The postdoctoral candidate will join an international 
interdisciplinary, multi-institutional research team studying 
Sustainability of Payments for Ecosystem Services in Coupled Natural 
and Human Systems, funded by NSF's Coupled Natural and Human Systems 
Program (PI: Dr. Li An; 
You may visit our project website at http://goldenmonkey.sdsu.edu/. We 
are seeking a highly qualified and experienced candidate to join our 
research team and lead efforts to measure wildlife occupancy as a 
function of large-scale and local landscape metrics and human activity 
in Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, China. Candidates must 
demonstrate scholarship, leadership, and have experience/interest in 
conducting ecological research in China. Candidates with knowledge of 
the Chinese language and culture are preferred

Applicants should have strong interest or background in ecology as well 
as conservation and GIScience (remote sensing and GIS in particular). 
Strong quantitative skills (e.g., occupancy and other quantitative 
modeling, statistics), excellent interpersonal skills and writing 
capacity, and willingness to work in a range of different international 
and interdisciplinary contexts (e.g., work on variable terrain in rural 
areas, or with people of varying background or culture) are desirable. 
Salary and benefits are competitive. The ideal starting date will be 
Spring 2015. Candidates may contact Dr. Rebecca Lewison 
(rlewi...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:rlewi...@mail.sdsu.edu) and Dr. Li An 
(l...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:l...@mail.sdsu.edu).



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An (??), PhD
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/  (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/  (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Position opening for a postdoctoral researcher in hydrologic modeling

2014-09-03 Thread Tianyi Li
*Postdoctoral Researcher in Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling*

 Innovative, independent and highly motivated candidates are sought to
conduct a postdoctoral research in a USDA-funded project on watershed
management and water quality. The position is available immediately. The
successful candidate will work with a group of scientists, graduate and
undergraduate students at Cooperative Research Program at Lincoln
University in Missouri. Research will be in the area of field experiment
and application of hydrologic/water quality models for watershed
management. Research could include application, development/modification of
hydrologic and water quality models to investigate hydrologic processes
controlling stream water quality and the impact of land use changes on
water quality.

Applicants should have a doctoral degree in hydrology, environmental
sciences or a closely related field. Applicants must have excellent written
and oral communication skills, possess a valid US driver license and be
able to work independently and collaboratively with others. Experience with
Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), GIS and computer programming is
desirable. The position is for a year and renewable at yearly basis based
on performance and funding availability for up to three years.

If interested, send a Lincoln University Application Form (
cover letter indicating your research interests, curriculum vitae,
university transcripts, and names and contact information of three
references to Human Resource Services, Lincoln University, 101 Young Hall,
P. O. Box 29, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0029. Review will start on November
1, 2014 and the position is open until filled.

*Lincoln University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ADA
employer. *

[ECOLOG-L] Last call for papers on Sustainable Payments for Ecosystem Services --2014 AAG

2013-11-27 Thread Li An

Dear Ecologers,

Please spread the following call to people with interest you know of. 

Call for Papers*: AAG Annual Meeting, 8-12 April 2014

*Session Title: *Paths toward Sustainable Payments for Ecosystem Services **

Co-organizers: Li An, Conghe Song, Stephen Crook

Co-chairs: Li An, Xiaodong Chen, Douglas Stow

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are direct incentives paid to 
resource users to take actions (or to refrain from previous actions) to 
secure ecosystem services such as clean air and water, food, soil 
fertility, forest resources, and eco-tourism.Governments, the private 
sector, and many non-governmental organizations worldwide invest 
billions of dollars each year in PES programs. Despite reported 
successes in restoring and conserving ecosystems and their corresponding 
services, lack of sustainability has become a serious concern for many 
PES programs worldwide; one of the problems is that PES participants may 
return to their previous behavioral patterns when payments end.

This session will explore possible pathways toward PES sustainability, 
addressing the complex reciprocal relationships between PES programs and 
corresponding socioeconomic, demographic, and environmental systems. We 
particularly encourage review and research articles to address 
theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues related to (but not 
limited to) the following topics:

1. Potential mechanisms for successful (or unsuccessful) PES programs

2. Ecological effects of PES programs (e.g., wildlife habitat or 
behavioral change, biodiversity change)

3. Socioeconomic, demographic, and political consequences of PES programs

4. Methodological issues: collection of qualitative and quantitative 
data related to PES, data analysis and modeling, application of GIS 
techniques and spatial statistics, integration of multidisciplinary and 
multi-scale data, and addressing complexity in PES related coupled 
natural and human systems (CNH). Analyses using similar integrated 
frameworks including coupled human and natural systems (CHANS), 
social-ecological systems, or social-environmental systems are also 

This session (sessions) is co-sponsored by the AAG Spatial Analysis and 
Modeling group, the Geographical Information Science and Systems group, 
and the Human Dimensions of Global Change group. To be considered for 
the sessions:

1. Please register and submit your abstract online following the AAG 
Guidelines (http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting); and

2. Please send your paper title, PIN, and abstract no later than Friday, 
November 29 to Stephen Crook (scr...@gmail.com 
mailto:scr...@gmail.com) and cc to Dr. Li An (l...@mail.sdsu.edu 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An (??), PhD
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/  (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/  (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Call for papers on Sustainable Payments for Ecosystem Services --2014 AAG

2013-11-20 Thread Li An

Dear Ecologers,

Please spread the following call to people with interest you know of. 

Call for Papers*: AAG Annual Meeting, 8-12 April 2014

*Session Title: *Paths toward Sustainable Payments for Ecosystem Services

Co-organizers: Li An, Stephen Crook

Co-chairs: Li An, Douglas Stow

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are direct incentives paid to 
resource users to take actions (or to refrain from previous actions) to 
secure ecosystem services such as clean air and water, food, soil 
fertility, forest resources, and eco-tourism.  Governments, the private 
sector, and many non-governmental organizations worldwide invest 
billions of dollars each year in PES programs. Despite reported 
successes in restoring and conserving ecosystems and their corresponding 
services, lack of sustainability has become a serious concern for many 
PES programs worldwide; one of the problems is that PES participants may 
return to their previous behavioral patterns when payments end.

This session will explore possible pathways toward PES sustainability, 
addressing the complex reciprocal relationships between PES programs and 
corresponding socioeconomic, demographic, and environmental systems. We 
particularly encourage review and research articles to address 
theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues related to (but not 
limited to) the following topics:

1. Potential mechanisms for successful (or unsuccessful) PES programs

2. Ecological effects of PES programs (e.g., wildlife habitat or 
behavioral change, biodiversity change)

3. Socioeconomic, demographic, and political consequences of PES programs

4. Methodological issues: collection of qualitative and quantitative 
data related to PES, data analysis and modeling, application of GIS 
techniques and spatial statistics, integration of multidisciplinary and 
multi-scale data, and addressing complexity in PES related coupled 
natural and human systems (CNH). Analyses using similar integrated 
frameworks including coupled human and natural systems (CHANS), 
social-ecological systems, or social-environmental systems are also 

This session (sessions) is co-sponsored by both the Spatial Analysis and 
Modeling group and the Human Dimensions of Global Change group. To be 
considered for the sessions:

1. Please register and submit your abstract online following the AAG 
Guidelines (http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting); and

2. Please send your paper title, PIN, and abstract no later than Friday, 
November 29 to Stephen Crook (scr...@gmail.com 
mailto:scr...@gmail.com) and cc to Dr. Li An (l...@mail.sdsu.edu 



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An (??), PhD
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/  (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/  (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Call for papers on Sustainable Payments for Ecosystem Services --2014 AAG

2013-11-05 Thread Li An

Dear Ecologers,

Please spread the following call to people with interest you know of. 

Call for Papers*: AAG Annual Meeting, 8-12 April 2014

*Session Title: *Paths toward Sustainable Payments for Ecosystem Services

Co-organizers: Li An, Stephen Crook

Co-chairs: Li An, Douglas Stow

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) are direct incentives paid to 
resource users to take actions (or to refrain from previous actions) to 
secure ecosystem services such as clean air and water, food, soil 
fertility, forest resources, and eco-tourism.  Governments, the private 
sector, and many non-governmental organizations worldwide invest 
billions of dollars each year in PES programs. Despite reported 
successes in restoring and conserving ecosystems and their corresponding 
services, lack of sustainability has become a serious concern for many 
PES programs worldwide; one of the problems is that PES participants may 
return to their previous behavioral patterns when payments end.

This session will explore possible pathways toward PES sustainability, 
addressing the complex reciprocal relationships between PES programs and 
corresponding socioeconomic, demographic, and environmental systems. We 
particularly encourage review and research articles to address 
theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues related to (but not 
limited to) the following topics:

1. Potential mechanisms for successful (or unsuccessful) PES programs

2. Ecological effects of PES programs (e.g., wildlife habitat or 
behavioral change, biodiversity change)

3. Socioeconomic, demographic, and political consequences of PES programs

4. Methodological issues: collection of qualitative and quantitative 
data related to PES, data analysis and modeling, application of GIS 
techniques and spatial statistics, integration of multidisciplinary and 
multi-scale data, and addressing complexity in PES related coupled 
natural and human systems (CNH). Analyses using similar integrated 
frameworks including coupled human and natural systems (CHANS), 
social-ecological systems, or social-environmental systems are also 

This session (sessions) is co-sponsored by both the Spatial Analysis and 
Modeling group and the Human Dimensions of Global Change group. To be 
considered for the sessions:

1. Please register and submit your abstract online following the AAG 
Guidelines (http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting); and

2. Please send your paper title, PIN, and abstract no later than Friday, 
November 29 to Stephen Crook (scr...@gmail.com 
mailto:scr...@gmail.com) and cc to Dr. Li An (l...@mail.sdsu.edu 



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An (??), PhD
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/  (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/  (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Visiting assistant ecology prof. position, at McDaniel College

2013-07-16 Thread Li Ling Hamady
McDaniel College invites applications for a one-year visiting appointment at 
the Assistant Professor 
level in Ecology, with a preference for botanical expertise, for the 2013/2014 
academic year, from 
mid-August to the end of May.  Teaching responsibilities include courses in 
Ecology, possibly Botany 
or perhaps a different upper level elective, as well as participation in 
introductory biology courses.  
PhD preferred; ABD required. Applicants should send via e-mail, a single pdf 
file consisting of a letter 
of application, curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy, and names 
and contact 
information for three references to Dr. Randall Morrison 
(rmorr...@mcdaniel.edu), Chair, Department 
of Biology.

[ECOLOG-L] Xiamen University China Job Opportunities

2013-05-15 Thread Ji Li
The newly reorganized College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen
University, China, has a team visiting USA to recruit potential talents to
join their faculty.  If you know anyone of any nationality who are
interested, or to work/collaborate in this college for a year or two, or
would like to talk to them. Please feel from to contact their Dean Qingshun
Li l...@miamioh.edu or #12288;Ms. Pan Yan (pan...@xmu.edu.cn).

They will be in DC around 22-23 this month, and will travel to NC etc.
Please feel free to contact them.


[ECOLOG-L] PhD student assistantship in Ecology

2012-11-29 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L subscribers,

PhD student assistantship in Ecology: habitat use and links to human 
activities of Golden Monkey

A doctoral graduate student is sought to join an interdisciplinary, 
multi-institutional project CNH: Sustainability of Payments for 
Ecosystem Services in Coupled Natural and Human Systems, which is newly 
funded by NSF's Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program (PI: Dr. Li 
For this PhD student assistantship position we are seeking a highly 
qualified student who will study golden monkey habitat occupancy (using 
camera trapping techniques) and human activity from Fanjingshan National 
Nature Reserve, China. Students interested in integrating natural and 
social science are encouraged to apply.

Applicants should have strong quantitative skills (e.g., computer 
modeling, statistics, wildlife habitat analysis/modeling), excellent 
interpersonal skills and writing capacity, and willingness to work in a 
range of different international and interdisciplinary contexts (e.g., 
work on variable terrain in rural areas, or with people of varying 
background or culture). Salary and benefits are competitive. 
*Application due date is Dec 15^th *

Applicants should visit the SDSU Ecology joint doctoral program at 
http://www.bio.sdsu.edu/ecology/prog_phd.php , and follow the 
application instructions there. In addition to following the 
Department's application procedure, interested individuals should email 
the following materials: (1) statement of professional goals, (2) resume 
(including contact information of at least three references),to 

Dr. Rebecca Lewison

Department of Biology

Director, Institute for Ecological Monitoring  Management

San Diego State University

Email: rlewi...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:rlewi...@mail.sdsu.edu

Web: http://www.bio.sdsu.edu/faculty/lewison.html

[ECOLOG-L] PhD student assistantship in Systems Modeling

2012-11-12 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L subscribers,

_A doctoral graduate_ student is sought to join the Department of 
Geography at San Diego State University (SDSU) in support of an 
interdisciplinary, multi-institutional project CNH: Feedbacks between 
human community dynamics and socio-ecological vulnerability in a 
biodiversity hotspot 
This PhD student will integrate GIScience, ecology, and socioeconomics 
to understand what factors may lead to vulnerability of community 
forest socio-ecosystems to the catastrophic effects of rapid 
environmental change (quote from the proposal). The student is expected 
to take a systems approach to understanding vulnerability and resilience 
in coupled natural and human (CNH) systems in many rural-to-urban 
transitioning societies. Specifically, the student will travel to the 
field site (the Chitwan Valley, Nepal) and work with scientists from 
other disciplines; s/he will develop and evaluate an agent-based model 
that integrates multi-scale and multidisciplinary data and serves as a 
platform for hypothesis testing, scenario envisioning, and policy 

Applicants should have strong interests in computer modeling and 
GIScience (GIS and/or remote sensing). A background in landscape, 
ecosystem, and/or wildlife ecology as well as in social survey design 
and analysis is a plus. Strong quantitative and programming experiences 
(e.g., statistics; C++, Java, or python), excellent interpersonal skills 
and writing abilities, and a willingness to work in a range of 
international and interdisciplinary contexts are desirable. Salary and 
benefits are competitive. The ideal starting date will be the 2013 fall 
semester (specifics negotiable). The application materials must be 
received by February 1^st , 2013.

Applicants should visit the SDSU Geography departmental website 
http://geography.sdsu.edu/Programs/phd.html and follow the instructions 
there. In addition to following the Department's application procedure, 
interested individuals are encouraged to send the following materials to 
Dr. An: (1) statement of professional goals, (2) resume (including 
contact information of at least three references), (3) transcripts, and 
(4) GRE scores (TOEFL scores for applicants whose native language is not 
English). Scanned copies or photocopies of transcripts and GRE/TOEFL 
scores are acceptable initially. Contact information:

Dr. L. An

Department of Geography

San Diego State University

San Diego, CA 92182-4493

Email: l...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:l...@mail.sdsu.edu

Web: http://complexity.sdsu.edu/

When contacting me, please put Response to PhD Assistantship in NSF 
Chitwan Project as your email subject to facilitate timely 
consideration of your inquiry or application.

Best regards,


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/   (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/   (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] 2nd CAll for papers: Payments for Ecosystem Services: Paths toward Sustainability

2012-10-13 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L Subscribers,

Please share with people with interest in this call. Thanks.

Call for Papers: AAG Annual Meeting, 9-13 April 2013

*Session Title: *Payments for Ecosystem Services: Paths toward 

Co-organizers: Li An, Alex Zvoleff, and Sarah Wandersee

Co-chairs: Li An, Douglas Stow

Many important ecosystem services have been degraded as a result of 
human activities. Even services derived from so-called protected areas 
are not immune to these threats. Indeed, much debate surrounds the topic 
of the most effective approaches to conservation. One approach has been 
to provide compensation to the parties protecting them in the form of 
payments for ecosystem services (PES).To counteract forces of 
degradation, governments, the private sector, and non-governmental 
organizations worldwide invest billions of dollars each year in PES 
programs that provide incentives to resource users to take actions that 
sustain ecosystem services (or to refrain from taking actions that 
threaten ecosystem services). Despite reported successes in restoring 
and preserving ecosystems and their corresponding services such as clean 
air and water, food, soil fertility, forest resources, and eco-tourism, 
long-term PES program sustainability remains uncertain. PES lack of 
sustainability can arise from many reasons, one being that PES 
participants may return to their previous behavioral patterns when 
payments end.

This session will explore possible pathways toward PES sustainability, 
addressing the complex reciprocal relationships between PES programs and 
corresponding socioeconomic, demographic, and environmental systems. We 
particularly encourage review and research articles to address 
theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues related to (but not 
limited to) the following topics:

1. Land use or land cover change associated with PES programs

2. Ecological effects of PES programs (e.g., wildlife habitat or 
behavioral change)

3. Potential mechanisms for success/failure observed in current PES programs

4. Socioeconomic, demographic, and political consequences of PES programs

5. Methodological issues: collection of qualitative and quantitative 
data related to PES, data analysis and modeling, application of GIS 
techniques and spatial statistics, integration of multidisciplinary and 
multi-scale data, etc.

6. Complexity in coupled natural and human systems (CNH) arising from 
PES programs (e.g., feedback, nonlinearity, time lags). Analyses using 
similar integrated frameworks including coupled human and natural 
systems (CHANS), social-ecological systems, or social-environmental 
systems are also welcome.

This session (sessions) is co-sponsored by multiple AAG Specialty 
Groups: Geographic Information Science and Systems, Spatial Analysis and 
Modeling, Human Dimensions of Global Change, and China Geography. To be 
considered for the sessions:

1. Please register and submit your abstract online following the AAG 
Guidelines (http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting); and

2. Please send your paper title, PIN, and abstract no later than 
Wednesday, October 20 to Dr. Li An (l...@mail.sdsu.edu 
mailto:l...@mail.sdsu.edu), Sarah Wandersee (wande...@rohan.sdsu.edu 
mailto:wande...@rohan.sdsu.edu), and Alex Zvoleff 
(azvol...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:azvol...@mail.sdsu.edu).


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/  (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/  (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Call for papers (2013 AAG): Payments for Ecosystem Services

2012-09-22 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L Subscribers,

Call for Papers: AAG Annual Meeting, 9-13 April 2013

Session Title:*Payments for Ecosystem Services: Paths toward Sustainability*

*Abstract: *Many important ecosystem services have been degraded as a 
result of human activities. Even services derived from so-called 
protected areas are not immune to these threats. Indeed, much debate 
surrounds the topic of the most effective approaches to conservation. 
One approach has been to provide compensation to the parties protecting 
them in the form of payments for ecosystem services (PES).To counteract 
forces of degradation, governments, the private sector, and 
non-governmental organizations worldwide invest billions of dollars each 
year in PES programs that provide incentives to resource users to take 
actions that sustain ecosystem services (or to refrain from taking 
actions that threaten ecosystem services). Despite reported successes in 
restoring and preserving ecosystems and their corresponding services 
such as clean air and water, food, soil fertility, forest resources, and 
eco-tourism, long-term PES program sustainability remains uncertain. PES 
lack of sustainability can arise from many reasons, one being that PES 
participants may return to their previous behavioral patterns when 
payments end.

This session will explore possible pathways toward PES sustainability, 
addressing the complex reciprocal relationships between PES programs and 
corresponding socioeconomic, demographic, and environmental systems. We 
particularly encourage review and research articles to address 
theoretical, methodological, and empirical issues related to (but not 
limited to) the following topics:

1. Land use or land cover change associated with PES programs

2. Ecological effects of PES programs (e.g., wildlife habitat or 
behavioral change)

3. Potential mechanisms for success/failure observed in current PES programs

4. Socioeconomic, demographic, and political consequences of PES programs

5. Methodological issues: collection of qualitative and quantitative 
data related to PES, data analysis and modeling, integration of 
multidisciplinary and multi-scale data, etc.

6. Complexity in coupled natural and human systems (CNH) arising from 
PES programs (e.g., feedback, nonlinearity, time lags). Analyses using 
similar integrated frameworks including coupled human and natural 
systems (CHANS), social-ecological systems, or social-environmental 
systems are also welcome.

 To be considered for the sessions:

1. Please register and submit your abstract online following the AAG 
Guidelines (http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting); and

2. Please send your paper title, PIN, and abstract no later than 
Wednesday, October 20 to Dr. Li An (l...@mail.sdsu.edu 
mailto:l...@mail.sdsu.edu), Sarah Wandersee (wande...@rohan.sdsu.edu 
mailto:wande...@rohan.sdsu.edu), and Alex Zvoleff 
(azvol...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:azvol...@mail.sdsu.edu).


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/   (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/   (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] PhD and MS. student assistantships

2012-09-18 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L subscribers,

_A doctoral graduate_ student is sought to join an interdisciplinary, 
multi-institutional project CNH: Sustainability of Payments for 
Ecosystem Services in Coupled Natural and Human Systems, which is newly 
funded by NSF (PI: Dr. Li An; 
This PhD student assistantship position aims to integrate GIScience, 
landscape ecology, and human socioeconomics for studying the dynamic 
interactions between Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) and the 
associated Coupled Natural and Human (CNH) system at Fanjingshan 
National Nature Reserve (FNNR), China for the endangered Guizhou golden 
monkey. The student is expected to take a systems approach to examine 
human-environment-policy interactions over time and space. Specifically, 
the student will travel to the field site, and will develop, evaluate, 
and use different statistical or simulation models to understand systems 
dynamics of the coupled natural and human system at FNNR and its 
reciprocal relationships with PES programs. The student should function 
well within a collaborative, interdisciplinary research team, with a 
willingness to consider and evaluate a range of methodological approaches.

Applicants should have strong interests in GIScience (geographic 
information systems and/or remote sensing), landscape ecology, computer 
modeling, and forest/wildlife ecology. Strong quantitative skills (e.g., 
computer modeling, statistics,) and programming experiences (e.g., C++, 
Java, or python), excellent interpersonal skills and writing capacity, 
and willingness to work in a range of international and 
interdisciplinary contexts (e.g., work on variable terrain in rural 
areas, or with people of varying background or culture) are desirable. 
Interest in social survey is desirable. Salary and benefits are 
competitive. The ideal starting date will be the 2013 fall semester 
(specifics negotiable).

We also seek _an M.S. student_ in any one or combination of the 
following areas under the same NSF project: (1) golden monkey habitat 
analysis and modeling (using camera trapping data); (2) remote sensing 
of land cover and habitat change; (3) How PES affects the reciprocal 
relationships among human demography, livelihood, and the environment; 
and (4) participatory mapping of local people's resource extraction 
activities and the associated underlying mechanisms.

Applicants should visit the SDSU Geography departmental website 
http://geography.sdsu.edu/Programs/phd.html (for the PhD position), or 
http://geography.sdsu.edu/Programs/masters.html (for the MS position) 
and follow the instructions there. In addition to following the 
Department's application procedure, interested individuals for either 
the PhD or M.S. position shall email the following materials to Dr. An: 
(1) statement of professional goals, (2) resume (including contact 
information of at least three references), (3) transcripts, and (4) GRE 
scores (TOEFL scores for applicants whose native language is not 
English). Scanned copies or photocopies of transcripts and GRE/TOEFL 
scores are acceptable initially. Contact information:

Dr. L. An

Department of Geography

San Diego State University

San Diego, CA 92182-4493

Email: l...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:l...@mail.sdsu.edu

Web: http://complexity.sdsu.edu/

When contacting me, please put Response to PhD Assistantship in 
GIScience and Systems Modeling or Response to MS Assistantship in NSF 
project as your email subject to facilitate timely consideration of 
your inquiry or application (more information is available at 

Best regards,


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/   (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/   (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] PhD student assistantship in golden monkey habitat analysis, ecology, and remote sensing

2012-09-06 Thread Li An

Dear ECOLOG-L subscribers,

A doctoral graduate student is sought to join an interdisciplinary, 
multi-institutional project CNH: Sustainability of Payments for 
Ecosystem Services in Coupled Natural and Human Systems, which is newly 
funded by NSF's Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program (PI: Dr. Li 
For this PhD student assistantship position we are seeking a highly 
qualified student who will to integrate remote sensing, landscape 
ecology or conservation ecology, and wildlife habitat analysis/modeling 
using data from Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, China. 
Specifically, the student will be expected to travel to the field site. 
The student will map/model land use and land cover (canopy fractional 
cover and land cover classification in particular), golden monkey 
habitat occupancy (using camera trapping techniques), and their change 
over space and time.

Applicants should have strong interest or background in GIScience 
(remote sensing and GIS in particular) and forest/wildlife ecology. 
Strong quantitative skills (e.g., computer modeling, statistics), 
excellent interpersonal skills and writing capacity, and willingness to 
work in a range of different international and interdisciplinary 
contexts (e.g., work on variable terrain in rural areas, or with people 
of varying background or culture) are desirable. Salary and benefits are 
competitive. The ideal starting date will be the 2013 fall semester.

Applicants should visit the SDSU Geography departmental website 
regarding our SDSU-UCSB joint doctoral program at 
http://geography.sdsu.edu/Programs/phd.html, and follow the instructions 
there. In addition to following the Department's application procedure, 
interested individuals shall email the following materials to Dr. An, 
Dr. Lewison, and Dr. Stow: (1) statement of professional goals, (2) 
resume (including contact information of at least three references), (3) 
transcripts, and (4) GRE scores (TOEFL scores for applicants whose 
native language is not English). Scanned copies or photocopies of 
transcripts and GRE/TOEFL scores are acceptable initially. Contact 

Dr. L. An

Department of Geography

San Diego State University

San Diego, CA 92182-4493

Email: l...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:l...@mail.sdsu.edu

Web: http://complexity.sdsu.edu/

Dr. Rebecca Lewison

Department of Biology

Director, Institute for Ecological Monitoring  Management

San Diego State University

Email: rlewi...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:rlewi...@mail.sdsu.edu

Web: http://www.bio.sdsu.edu/faculty/lewison.html

Dr. Douglas (Doug) A. Stow

Professor/Joint Doctoral Program Adviser

Department of Geography, San Diego State University

San Diego, California, 92182-4493 U.S.A.

Email: s...@mail.sdsu.edu mailto:s...@mail.sdsu.edu

Web: http://geography.sdsu.edu/People/Faculty/stow.html

When contacting us, please put Response to PhD Assistantship in 
Ecology/Habitat Analysis as your email subject to facilitate timely 
consideration of your inquiry or application.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/  (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/  (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Seeking MS/PhD students for NSF-sponsored projects

2011-09-16 Thread Li An

Dear Ecologers,

A new graduate student is sought to work on a recently funded NSF 
project Mapping Cyberspace to Realspace: Visualizing and Understanding 
the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Diffusion of Ideas through the 
Semantic Web (http://mappingideas.sdsu.edu/).

The M.S. student will start in the fall (spring likely) semester of 
2012. Background in quantitative analysis and modeling, GIS/computer 
science, or related fields would be preferred. The student is expected 
to work on space-time analysis models, characterizing the dynamics of a 
particular set of ideas spreading over the Internet and uncovering 
potential factors that cause susceptibility to and immunity from 
such ideas.

Please go to http://geography.sdsu.edu/Programs/programs.html for 
application procedures. If you have questions about this position, 
please contact Dr. An at l...@mail.sdsu.edu 
mailto:%20...@mail.sdsu.edu.The following materials could be helpful: 
your most recent Curriculum Vita, transcripts, GRE Scores, TOEFL Scores 
(for international students only), and research statement.

Funding opportunities also exist for students who want to pursue 
doctoral degree in related fields (e.g., landscape ecology, space-time 
analysis and modeling, human-environment interaction, and 
geocomputation). Please visit Dr. An's group webpage at 
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/ for related information.

Best regards,


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An (??), PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/ (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/ (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Fwd: Fwd: Re: [ECOLOG-L] Correlation Help

2011-06-22 Thread Li An

HI Mauricio and Ecolog,

It seems you have 17 data points, and each has two variables x and y.
Five of these points have data for both x and y, and 12 points have data
on one of them (say x). You want to know correlation between x and y. Is
this the problem you are addressing? The simplest way (and safe
probably) is to use the five points with both x and y data to calculate
the correlation; but the sample size is very small (5 only), which may
or may not give you good insight into your question of interest.

It seem you had done some data imputation given what you said. I am not
aware of whether you have other variables or information that you can
use to estimate the missing ones. If not, I am not sure what you did
was reliable. If you build a regression based on five points, and then
estimate the missing values of the 12 points based on this regression,
then pool the five known values and 12 estimated values (say for y). Now
you got 17 data points (but 12 points have pseudo data) and used
them for correlation calculation. I doubt this is a good way because
there is a loop in this way.



On 2011-06-21 10:53, Mauricio Carrasquilla wrote:


 I am working on two data sets and want to correlate them but I am having
 some issues and would like some help from this list. The problem is that I
 have one variable that has 5 values and the other has 17 and I want to
 correlate them. I’ve done it in several different ways and come out with
 different correlation coefficient and significance. I’ve tried regression
 for the variable with only 5 values to estimate the missing ones, I’ve  also
 tried introducing the same value on the missing “values “until the new one
 (on a time scale) and finally have tried a direct correlation with different
 sample size.

 I’ve been reading about correlations, regressions and missing data, but have
 not yet come up with a conclusive and strong response. I really think this
 list will be of great help for my doubts.

 Thanks in advance,

 Mauricio Carrasquilla

 Marine Biologist

 Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Colombia, SA

 Masters in Natural Resources and Environment (C)

 Instituto Politécnico Nacional (MX)

   mailto:mauricio.carrasqui...@gmail.com   mauricio.carrasqui...@gmail.com

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An (安力), PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/ (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/ (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Seek articles for a special issue in EcoMod

2010-11-19 Thread Li An

Dear Colleagues,

The Elsevier Editorial System is ready for article submission (see my 
earlier announcement below). Here are the instructions for submission if 
you decide to submit a paper:

§   The submission website for this journal is located at: 

§   To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for 
inclusion into the special issue, it is important that you select 
SPECIAL ISSUE: Modeling human decisions when you reach the Article 
Type step in the submission process. Failure to comply will cause the 
paper to go unrecognized as to belonging to this special issue.

Please let me know if you have questions.

All the best,


Below please see the original announcement:

I have been guest-editing a special issue in the journal Ecological 
Modelling (EcoMod). The topic of this special issue is Mapping and 
Disentangling Human Decisions in Complex Human-Nature Systems, which is 
based on an approved symposium (Feb 18, 2011) during the 2011 AAAS 
meeting. This is an open call for original research articles related to 
the topic, and the symposium description (attached below) may help you 
get a better idea of what we are seeking.

If you are interested in submitting a paper, please contact me 
(l...@mail.sdsu.edu) by email and send me your abstract (better if you 
have an extended abstract). All the papers are expected to be finished 
by February 1--you may send your paper to me through email initially, 
but the journal requests that you submit your paper through EcoMod's 
online submission system. All the papers will be subject to peer 
reviews, and decisions (acceptance /decline) will be made in Mid-March 2011.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me. Thank you very much

[Symposium description]

Many coupled human-nature systems are characterized by complexities such 
as nonlinearities and heterogeneity (Liu et al. 2007 Science). Less is 
known about how human decisions are made to affect such systems. This 
symposium, incorporating case studies in three Asian National 
Reserves/parks, centers on generalizing characteristics, driving forces, 
and related methodologies for understanding human decision making and 
its consequences. Employing social surveys, fieldwork, and different 
modeling approaches (e.g., agent-based modeling, multi-level modeling), 
we will explore how social norms and the hierarchical structure of human 
organizations or decisions may feedback into each other and affect human 
resource utilization decisions, thus affecting habitat dynamics of these 
species. Following that, several well-established researchers will 
present general theoretical reflections on what theories and methods can 
be used to tackle human decisions, and how such decisions lead to system 
changes. Our purposeful intermix of researchers from different career
stages, study sites, and backgrounds aims to better fertilize the study 
of complex human-nature systems. This symposium has been endorsed by 
International Network of Research on Coupled Human and Natural Systems 
and consulted with the AAAS Geology and Geography Section.

All the best,


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An (??), PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/  (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/  (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Seek a graduate student in human-environment interaction, LULCC, or landscape ecology

2010-10-27 Thread Li An

Dear Ecologers,

[Please spread this to potential applicants you know of; my apology for 
cross posting]

Funding opportunities exist for students who want to pursue doctoral 
degree in landscape ecology, land use and land cover change research, 
space-time analysis and modeling, and complexity theory. Please visit 
Dr. An's group web page at http://complexity.sdsu.edu/ (under Positions) 
for application procedures.

Please go to http://geography.sdsu.edu/Programs/programs.html for 
application procedures. If you have questions about your application, 
please contact Dr. An at l...@mail.sdsu.edu 
mailto:%20...@mail.sdsu.edu. The following materials could be helpful: 
your most recent Curriculum Vita, transcripts, GRE Scores, TOEFL Scores 
(for international students only), and research statement.

Also a new MS student is being sought to work on a recently funded NSF 
project Mapping Cyberspace to Realspace: Visualizing and Understanding 
the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Diffusion of Ideas through the 
Semantic Web starting in the fall (spring likely) semester of 
2011(http://mappingideas.sdsu.edu/). Please contact Dr. An as well.

All the best,


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An (??), PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/  (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/  (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Seek a graduate student in an NSF supported project (cyberspace modeling)

2010-10-27 Thread Li An

Dear Ecologers,

A new graduate student is sought to work on a recently funded NSF 
project Mapping Cyberspace to Realspace: Visualizing and Understanding 
the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Diffusion of Ideas through the 
Semantic Web (http://mappingideas.sdsu.edu/). Funding is available for 
an MS student, while funding opportunities exist for students who want 
to pursue doctoral degree in related fields (e.g., landscape ecology, 
spatial analysis and modeling, geocomputation, and complexity theory). 
Please visit Dr. An's group webpage at http://complexity.sdsu.edu/ 
(under Positions) for application procedures.

The student can start in the fall (spring likely) semester of 2011. 
Background in GIS, computer science, statistics, quantitative modeling, 
or a combination of them would be preferred.

Please go to http://geography.sdsu.edu/Programs/programs.html for 
application procedures. If you have questions about this position, 
please contact Dr. An at l...@mail.sdsu.edu 
mailto:%20...@mail.sdsu.edu. The following materials could be helpful: 
your most recent Curriculum Vita, transcripts, GRE Scores, TOEFL Scores 
(for international students only), and research statement.

[ECOLOG-L] Seek articles for a special issue in EcoMod

2010-10-14 Thread Li An

 Dear Colleagues,

I have been guest-editing a special issue in the journal Ecological 
Modelling (EcoMod). The topic of this special issue is Mapping and 
Disentangling Human Decisions in Complex Human-Nature Systems, which is 
based on an approved symposium (Feb 18, 2011) during the 2011 AAAS 
meeting. This is an open call for original research articles related to 
the topic, and the symposium description (attached below) may help you 
get a better idea of what we are seeking.

If you are interested in submitting a paper, please contact me 
(l...@mail.sdsu.edu) by email and send me your abstract (better if you 
have an extended abstract). All the papers are expected to be finished 
by February 1--you may send your paper to me through email initially, 
but the journal requests that you submit your paper through EcoMod's 
online submission system. All the papers will be subject to peer 
reviews, and decisions (acceptance /decline) will be made in Mid-March 2011.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact me. Thank you very much

[Symposium description]

Many coupled human-nature systems are characterized by complexities such 
as nonlinearities and heterogeneity (Liu et al. 2007 Science). Less is 
known about how human decisions are made to affect such systems. This 
symposium, incorporating case studies in three Asian National 
Reserves/parks, centers on generalizing characteristics, driving forces, 
and related methodologies for understanding human decision making and 
its consequences. Employing social surveys, fieldwork, and different 
modeling approaches (e.g., agent-based modeling, multi-level modeling), 
we will explore how social norms and the hierarchical structure of human 
organizations or decisions may feedback into each other and affect human 
resource utilization decisions, thus affecting habitat dynamics of these 
species. Following that, several well-established researchers will 
present general theoretical reflections on what theories and methods can 
be used to tackle human decisions, and how such decisions lead to system 
changes. Our purposeful intermix of researchers from different career
stages, study sites, and backgrounds aims to better fertilize the study 
of complex human-nature systems. This symposium has been endorsed by 
International Network of Research on Coupled Human and Natural Systems 
and consulted with the AAAS Geology and Geography Section.

All the best,


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An (°²Á¦), PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~lian/ (Personal website)
http://complexity.sdsu.edu/ (Group Website)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Aeolian Processes: Biophysical Drivers and Biogeochemical Implications AGU 2010

2010-07-23 Thread Junran Li
Dear Colleagues,

We would like to make an announcement about an interesting session that we
are organizing at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010. Abstract
submissions has just opened on July 21st.

Session info:

B30: Aeolian Processes: Biophysical Drivers and Biogeochemical Implications
[Biogeosciences / Hydrology]


Aeolian processes affect landform evolution, biogeochemical cycles, human
health, climate and desertification. The entrainment, transport and
redeposition of aeolian sediments are recognized as important drivers in the
dynamics of the earth system and there is a growing interest to quantify and
model these processes. This session focuses on empirical, theoretical and
modeling studies on the interactions between aeolian processes and ecosystem
dynamics, with a particular focus on biophysical drivers and biogeochemical
implications. Further, this session addresses diverse perspectives on
aeolian research linking geomorphology, hydrology, ecology and soil science.

Although the proposed session focuses on aeolian processes, but it is our
intention to include studies as diverse as possible. More information about
this session may be found:



Junran Li, Dept. of Geography, UCLA

Sujith Ravi, B2 Earth Science  UA Biosphere 2, University of Arizona

Ted Zobeck, USDA-ARS, Wind Erosion and Water Conservation; President,
International Society of Aeolian Research

Re: [ECOLOG-L] heterogeneity vs. variability

2010-06-01 Thread Jianwei Li

Dear Sanghoon,
I thought of the issue for a while too.
In my mind, variability is a word to be used in broad sense, but 
heterogeneity is one more specific. Dependent on the spatial context (known 
spatial location or unknown), the two words convey different level of 
content. Variability (variations of values) are actually spatial scale 
dependent(study plot or area), but many studies usually don't require an 
accurate record of spatial location (or pattern) of their sampling, rather, 
more focus on changes of central tendency for their research goals. I 
have used coefficient of variation (CV) and Cocran's C test to index 
variability in my study.  With accurate spatial location known, variability 
can be well represented by heterogeneity, which can be indexed by a various 
of methods (trend surface analysis, autocorrlation correlograms, kriging 
In my recent publication we explored the within-plot variability and 
contrasting spatial heterogeneity among three land uses.

Li J, Richter DD, Mendoza A, Heine P (2010) Effects of land-use history on 
soil spatial heterogeneity of macro- and trace elements in the Southern 
Piedmont USA. Geoderma 156:60-73

Hope it helps.

Jianwei Li, Ph.D
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Kansas Biological Survey
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS  66047
Email: j...@ku.edu
Office: 785-864-1564
Fax: 785-864-1534

--On Friday, May 28, 2010 6:17 PM -0400 Sanghoon Kang sk...@ou.edu wrote:

I was writing a paper discussing spatial heterogeneity of soil
measurements. At the moment, I became confused between the concept of
heterogeneity and  variability. To me 'heterogeneity' contains 'spatial'
and 'variability' has 'variations of values'. Thus 'heterogeneity of N'
means 'N concentrations are different at different sampling locations',
while 'variability of N' means simply 'variations of N concentration
without considering locations of sample'. Then in the context of
'spatial'  it seem like they become indistinguishable. But I feel like
they are not  exactly same. Any insight?


[ECOLOG-L] PhD program on avian biology in Beijing Forestry University, China, 2010-2013

2010-03-16 Thread Sheng Li
*PhD study program in Beijing Forestry University, China, 2010-2013*

Prof. DING Chang-Qing of Beijing Forestry University has a grant to
supervise a foreign PhD candidate. The student will be enrolled in Beijing
Forestry University for a three year PhD program, and will major in Wildlife
Conservation. We welcome the students from Europe, North America and
Australia who have a Master degree and Avian Ecology, Animal Behavior or GIS
background to join us.

The duration of PhD study will be three years, full time. It would be better
if it starts from September, 2010. Beijing Forestry University will provide
the tuition fees, accommodation and living subsidy. The candidate’s research
will be supported by the supervisor’s project.

The PhD will be awarded on the basis of an 80,000 word thesis and several
scientific papers publishing during the study, in which the candidate
reports on an independent, sustained and academically-supervised research
project investigating a relevant research field. The candidate's research is
expected to make a significant new contribution to the discipline and the
creative work may form part of the thesis.

The current projects are:

the reintroduction and conservation of Crested Ibis (*Nipponia nippon*);

the waterbird (esp. the Anatidae) migration and conservation in China;

the hotspot and GAP analysis of the conservation of Galliformes in China

If you are interested in this program, please contact Prof. Ding Chang-Qing.

DING Chang-Qing

Professor, PhD

College of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

Beijing Forestry University

Beijing 100083, CHINA

Tel: 86-10-6233 6869 (Office); 86-13701245927 (Mobile)

Fax: 86-10-6233 6164

Email: waterbi...@126.com; cqd...@bjfu.edu.cn

[ECOLOG-L] Statistical test about equality

2010-02-07 Thread Li An

Dear Ecologers,

In testing ecological models, we often use t-test as a way to compare 
our model results with observed data. If they are close enough, we 
obtain more confidence about our model. However, in most traditional 
situations, we put no difference as the null and regarded it as the 
default. This means that unless we find substantial evidence, we would 
retain the null hypothesis. For instance, we can use this type of test 
to examine if a drug has a noticeable effect.

In our model performance situation (testing observed data = predicted 
numbers from a model, assuming data independence), I argue that we 
should keep the alternative hypothesis as the default, making every 
effort to find substantial evidence to support the null hypothesis (if 
unable, we retain the alternative hypothesis related to inequality 
between the model predictions and the data). In this case, we can still 
use the traditional test statistic such as z or p values, but interpret 
the results differently. Rather than using the criterion of p  0.05 (or 
Z1.96 or t  a big number) to retain the null hypothesis, we should use 
a more strict standard--e.g., p  a much larger number (e.g., 0.9) or z 
 a much smaller number (e.g.,0.125), to retain the null hypothesis 
about equality between the model predictions and the data. This seems 
mofrea philosophical issue. Does this make sense?


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Re: [ECOLOG-L] SAS Proc-lifetest help

2009-08-16 Thread Li An

Hi Sara,

This book has a good introduction to lifetest:

Allison, P.D. (1995), /Survival Analysis Using SAS^® : A Practical 
Guide/, Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.


Sara Koropchak wrote:


I am working on analyzing a data set regarding survival from a sodium
tolerance test in which I ended the study before all of the plants had died.
 I have been advised to use Proc LIFETEST for my analysis, but I haven't
been able to find anyone thus far who has a lot of experience writing these

Does anyone know how to write this program?


Sara Koropchak

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, PhD
Department of Geography
San Diego State University

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

[ECOLOG-L] Camera trapping

2009-01-07 Thread Li An

Dear Ecologgers,

I am considering if/how digital cameras (usually with infrared sensors 
to detect movements and automatically take photos without human 
presence) can be used to monitor some type of human activities, such as 
fuelwood collection, illegal mining, and ecotourism? Technically, it 
should work based on my experience. But how do we protect privacy, and 
convince IRB committee?

I appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thanks.

[One of my thoughts: Would mounting cameras at very low positions (near 
trails with camouflage such as bushes or trees) be OK? Only passers' 
legs or feet (below knees; no heads) will be taken and shown on photos, 
and nobody can identify who is who. My research only concerns the 
density and frequency of such human activities, not caring the identities.]

Happy New Year,


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-4493
Office: Storm Hall 315
Phone: (619) 594-5932; Fax: (619) 594-4938

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

help needed on conducting Cochran's C test

2008-02-15 Thread Jianwei Li
Hi there,
I am looking for someone who can help me know how to run Cochran's C test 
(a test on homogeneity of variances). I only heard that it can be done in 
Statistica which I am not familiar with. I wonder if someone has 
experience to conduct the test in Splus, SAS or R, of which I am able to  
Thanks for your suggestion and help a lot! 
My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Jianwei Li

PhD Student
School of Environment
Duke University
Office (919)613-8124
Homepage: http://www.duke.edu/~jl15/

PhD student assistantship in GIScience and landscape ecology

2007-12-11 Thread Li An
PhD student assistantship

A doctoral graduate student is sought to join an interdisciplinary 
project that integrates GIScience, landscape ecology, and human 
socioeconomics for studying wildlife habitat and human dynamics. This 
project is supported by NSF Partnerships for International Research and 
Education (PIRE) program. It will examine how micro-level changes in the 
human or environment subsystems would interact with the emergent 
patterns in the coupled human-nature system in the Royal Chitwan 
National Park in Nepal.

Using micro-level population and remote sensing data, this project will 
take a complex-systems approach to examine human-environment 
interactions over time and space. Specifically, the student is expected 
to develop, evaluate, and use an agent-based model to simulate the 
macro-level landscape and habitat consequences of micro-level changes in 
the environment, human demography, and socioeconomic/cultural context. 
The ABM will incorporate multidisciplinary information (e.g., 
vegetation, wildlife, individual people’s decisions) at multiple scales, 
answering many scientifically significant and practically important 
questions. The student will have opportunities to visit and conduct 
fieldwork in Chitwan, Nepal and potentially in Wolong Nature Reserve, China.

Applicants should have strong interests in computer modeling, geography 
(especially GIScience), landscape ecology, and forest /wildlife ecology. 
Strong quantitative and modeling skills (e.g., computer modeling, 
statistics, geographic information systems, and/or remote sensing) and 
programming experiences (e.g., C++, Java, or python) are desirable. 
Salaries and benefits are competitive. The ideal starting date will be 
the 08 fall semester (specifics negotiable).

Applicants should visit the SDSU Geography departmental website 
regarding our SDSU-UCSB joint doctoral program at 
http://geography.sdsu.edu/Programs/phd.html, and follow the instructions 
there. For specific information about the project, please contact Dr. Li 
An at [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]. In addition to 
following the Department’s application procedure, interested individuals 
may send the following materials to Dr. An (see the contact information 
below): (1) cover letter including general and specific research 
interests/experiences, (2) statement of professional goals (e.g., plans 
after finishing the training), (3) resume, (4) transcripts, (5) at least 
three references including names, email addresses, phone numbers, and 
postal addresses, and (6) GRE scores and TOEFL scores (for international 
applicants only whose native language is not English). Scanned copies or 
photocopies of transcripts and GRE/TOEFL scores are acceptable 
initially. Dr. An’s contact information:

Dr. L. An,
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-4493
Office: Storm Hall 315
Phone: (619) 594-5932; Fax: (619) 594-4938; email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Web: http://geography.sdsu.edu/People/Faculty/an.html

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-4493
Office: Storm Hall 315
Phone: (619) 594-5932; Fax: (619) 594-4938
Web: http://geography.sdsu.edu/People/Faculty/an.html

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

statistical test on CV

2007-10-12 Thread Junran Li
Dear all,

I was studying soil nutrient spatial heterogeneity by calculating 
coefficient of variation (CV) over different years, but I have hard time to 
find out a statistical method to test for significance. Any suggestions or 
references in this regard would be highly appreciated.


Junran Li
Department of Environmental Sciences
University of Virginia
291 McCormick Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Seeking MS students in Wildlife Conservation, Habitat Modeling, or Primatology

2007-08-29 Thread Li An
Dear ECOLOG-Loggers,

We are seeking highly motivated graduate students with interests in 
primatology, wildlife conservation and landscape ecology to join the 
M.S. program in Geography and/or the M.A. program in Anthropology at San 
Diego State University. In addition to course work, you will be expected 
to develop a thesis project that includes 3-6 months of fieldwork at 
Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve (China). The project, co-sponsored 
by the Zoological Society of San Diego, will be part of a large-scale 
study aiming to identify and map the habitat of Guizhou snub-nosed 
monkeys (Rhinopithecus brelichi), and to understand how spatial and 
temporal variations of food resources influence the monkeys' movement 

The ideal starting time is the spring semester in 2008, and the 
corresponding application deadline is September 15, 2007 (for Geography) 
and October 1, 2007 (for Anthropology). We also welcome applications 
starting in Fall 2008, for which the application deadline is March 1, 
2008 (Geography  Anthropology).

Pending on funding availability, the departments may offer graduate 
assistantship to the successful candidates based on his/her background, 
intellectual merits, and past academic performance. Please visit the 
corresponding websites for the Anthropology 
(http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~anthro/)and Geography 
(http://geography.sdsu.edu/Programs/masters.html) departments for 
further information on the graduate program, application processes, and 
financial support. In addition to following the departments’ application 
instructions, you may contact and send your CV to Dr. Li An at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Geography) and/or Dr. Erin P. Riley at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anthropology).

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-4493
Office: Storm Hall 315
Phone: (619) 594-5932; Fax: (619) 594-4938
Web: http://geography.sdsu.edu/People/Faculty/an.html

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Position Announcment

2006-12-05 Thread Li An
*Position Announcment




  **Physical Geographer
  (Watershed Science)
  Assistant Professor Level**

*San Diego State University seeks applicants for a tenure-track 
*Assistant Professor* position, contingent on funding, to begin in 
August, 2007. Ph.D. strongly recommended at time of appointment. 
Expertise in *Physical Geography* or related disciplines with an 
emphasis in *watershed science* such as fluvial geomorphology, 
ecohydrology, water quality, and hazards. Demonstrated excellence in 
teaching and scholarship, and commitment to funded research required. 
Departmental information can be found at http://geography.sdsu.edu 
http://geography.sdsu.edu/. Send letter of application describing 
research agenda and teaching interests, curriculum vitae, and names and 
addresses of three referees. Applicants should show a commitment to 
working in a multi-cultural environment with students from diverse 

SDSU is a Title IX, equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate 
against individuals on the basis of race, religion, national origin, 
sexual orientation, gender, marital status, age, disability or veteran 
status, including veterans of the Vietnam era.

Review of applications will begin January 12, 2007 and will continue 
until the position is filled. Applications should be sent to Dr. Allen 
Hope, Chair, Hiring Committee, Department of Geography, San Diego State 
University, San Diego, CA 92182-4493. e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Li An, Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-4493
Office: Storm Hall 315
Phone: (619) 594-5932; Fax: (619) 594-4938
Web: http://geography.sdsu.edu/People/Faculty/an.html

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Plant Evolutionary Genomics Position Announcement

2006-09-14 Thread Larry Li
Position Announcement
Faculty Position – Assistant Professor
Plant Evolutionary Genomics
University of California, Riverside

The Department of Botany  Plant Sciences at the University of California 
Riverside invites applications to fill a tenure-track 9-month position at 
the assistant professor level in Plant Evolutionary Genomics.  Possible 
areas of specialization include plant molecular population genetics, 
molecular evolution, genome evolution, evolutionary genetics, and 
comparative genomics.  The research could focus on topics such as, but not 
limited to, molecular analysis of adaptations, the nature and rate of 
evolutionary change in genes and genomes, molecular genetic analysis of 
plant speciation or plant domestication, hybridization, or evolution of 

Applicants interested in theory, modeling and data mining, as well as those 
conducting experimental or descriptive studies will be considered.  The 
candidate will hold a faculty position as well as a joint appointment in 
the Agricultural Experiment Station.  The successful candidate will be 
expected to establish and maintain a vigorous, innovative research program, 
and have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching at both the 
undergraduate and graduate levels.  The review of applications will begin 
November 15, 2006, with appointment as early as July 1, 2007.  Applicants 
must hold a Ph.D with a minimum of one year of postdoctoral experience.  
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. 

Interested individuals should submit the following:  (1) a curriculum 
vitae, (2) a brief statement of research and teaching interests, (3) 
samples of relevant publications, and (4) have three letters of 
recommendation sent to: 

Chair, Plant Evolutionary Genomics Search Committee
c/o Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
2118 Batchelor Hall
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521-0124
FAX (951) 827-4437

Information about the Department is available at 
http://www.plantbiology.ucr.edu/ (see alsohttp://www.cnas.ucr.edu/ and  
http://www.evolution.ucr.edu). The University of California, Riverside has 
an active career partner program, and is an Affirmative Action equal 
opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity.