Re: [Elecraft] N5ESE's T1 review -- excellent, but one correction

2005-04-06 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Leigh:

Despite my tightening the screw on the GND lug with needle-nose, it was 
loose after I soldered it. I don't know if it will get loose again.

Perhaps I have the washer in the wrong place.

For what it may be worth, I used a flat washer on BOTH sides of the plastic 
case (up against the case itself). Then, I used a hand-held socket to 
tighten the nut. Using the flat washers allowed me to apply a higher amount 
of force to tighten the nut since they spread the compressive forces out of 
a slightly wider area of plastic.

I also used two flat washers between the nut and the thumbscrew, so I can 
sandwich the wire between the washers and not have the thumbscrew try to 
expel the wire as it's being tightened down.

I also used a slightly longer screw and then used a pair of heavy-duty wire 
cutters to impart a 'bunged-up thread' right at the end of the screw. this 
keeps the thumbscrew from being accidently unscrewed and lost.


Tom   N0SS

Re: [Elecraft] N5ESE's T1 review -- excellent, but one correction

2005-04-06 Thread Leigh L Klotz, Jr.
I just finished my T1 and am trying it out on a trip now with my FT817.  
(I have my KX1 as a backup.)

I was confused by the battery clip instructions too, as the diagram for 
installing them takes some time to orient.  But I figured out that when 
installing the battery, the narrow tab goes to the battery's narrow 
post, and the wide tab goes to the battery's wide post.  I didn't see 
this in the manual, and it is kind of obvious once you figure it out, 
but noting it in the manual might be soothing.

I was also confused by "face down" for the bottom of the chassis in the 
final instalation of the board into the case.  Again, obvious once you 
start to do it, but it wasn't clear to me whether the face of the bottom 
was the closed side or the open side (whixh would be the face of the 
completed box).

Despite my tightening the screw on the GND lug with needle-nose, it was 
loose after I soldered it. I don't know if it will get loose again.  
Perhaps I have the washer in the wrong place.

Leigh / WA5ZNU

On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 8:11 pm, wayne burdick wrote:


Thanks for comprehensive review of our T1 ATU 
( I'm glad it worked well 
for you in field tests. We may make a few assembly and owner's manual 
tweaks based on your feedback. (We could have used you as a field 
tester :)

One important comment: There is definitely no need to use stacked cores 
for both transformers in the SWR bridge. Balance is excellent even with 
a stacked core at transformer T2 only, because the characteristics of 
the bridge are set strictly by the turns ratio, which is the same on 
both transformers (8:1). There is also no need for a stacked core at 
transformer T1 for power dissipation reasons, since only T2 sees the 
effect of the voltage step-up and corresponding core heating. We have 
fully tested the unit at its maximum rated power with just the one 
stacked core.

We did send out an incorrect version of the errata sheet to a few 
builders that claimed 7 turns were required on T2. Hopefully you got 
the word to use 8!



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[Elecraft] spectrogram question

2005-04-06 Thread Andrew Moore
I used Spectrogram to set up my K2's filters.  When lining up the
frequency peak with the marker for my preferred sidetone (650 Hz in my
case), the typical display shows the usual bandwidth shape, plus a
relatively sharp (and very narrow bandwidth) spike slightly offset from
the center of the overall filter bandwidth.  Something like this:

Do I aim for putting the marker on the sharp peak (slightly offset from
center), or the approximate center of the wider bandwidth shape?

--Andrew, NV1B

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[Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Jeremiah McCarthy
There are a lot of bad fists out there, but there is NO excuse for what I heard 
on 40 meters one day last week while I was at the work bench...A station in 
Canton, Ohio was working 7.037...He got a straight key reply to his CQ that was 
too weak for me to fully copy...His reply was "Your sending is choppy, your 
fist is terrible, and I cannot copy...73"...The poor guy did not 
reply...Fortunately I did not have a key hooked up...I was sorely tempted to 
give this guy a piece of my mind...

Jerry, wa2dkg
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[Elecraft] K2 manual suggestions

2005-04-06 Thread Mike Markowski
Now that my K2 is just about complete & while it's still fresh in my
mind, I thought I'd offer a couple suggestions that might make the
already fantastic manual possibly even a little friendlier.  These are
very, very minor, though.  The manual makes it incredibly easy to start
from a bag of parts and end up with a first rate rig.


RECOMMENDATION: When winding toroids the manual indicates how long to
cut the wire.  It would be nice if it also mentioned approximately how
long a lead this assumes.

WHY: If you use too long a lead that's ok because you can start winding
from that one if you run short on the other end.  But if you start with
a shorter lead, like I did, you end up working extra hard to make tight
turns only to discover at the end that you had plenty of wire left over.
 But I did catch on after a few toroids!


RECOMMENDTAION: It would similarly be nice if the manual mentioned when
you use the last piece of a given color or type of wire so that you know
the rest is now extra.

WHY: For example, when told to make links for the "binocular"
transformer I found myself reading ahead to see what wire was still to
be used to know which hookup wire would be safe to use for this.  Same
goes for the coax when making the RF probe.  I wasn't sure if more coax
would be used later, and so ended witing till the very end to finish the
probe.  It's also helpful to know how much extra you have so that when
you make a mistake, you have the info to know whether to cut a fresh
piece or conserve and work with what you've got.


And for anyone ready to start building & wondering about winding
toroids, I had great luck using the "solder blob" method described in
the manual.  It's not as easy as a solder pot, but not that much harder
either.  I actually found winding the toroids to be a relaxing break
from the install & solder routine.

Mike  AB3AP
Avondale, PA
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FW: [Elecraft] spectrogram question

2005-04-06 Thread Dan Barker
Those local deviations are noise and averaging setting artifacts. Try to
center your "thinking" on the mean, down 3 or 6 db. In your picture, that's
the left ?, rather than the right.

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

Do I aim for putting the marker on the sharp peak (slightly offset from
center), or the approximate center of the wider bandwidth shape?

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RE: [Elecraft] spectrogram question

2005-04-06 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

That spike looks like an actual signal within the passband.  It may be some
kind of pickup in the noise generator you are using or on the connecting
cable (coax?), or it could be pickup in the audio path to the computer.  It
certainly does not look like any shape that exists in the actual filter, so
NO - do not set it to line up with the marker.

Change the K2 VFO to a different frequency and see if it moves - if so, it
is an RF signal, if it doesn't move, it is likely an extra audio tone coming
from somewhere (and it may not be in the K2 - and likely is not).  You could
probably just ignore that spike too.


> -Original Message-
> I used Spectrogram to set up my K2's filters.  When lining up the
> frequency peak with the marker for my preferred sidetone (650 Hz in my
> case), the typical display shows the usual bandwidth shape, plus a
> relatively sharp (and very narrow bandwidth) spike slightly offset from
> the center of the overall filter bandwidth.  Something like this:
> Do I aim for putting the marker on the sharp peak (slightly offset from
> center), or the approximate center of the wider bandwidth shape?
> --Andrew, NV1B

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FW: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Dan Barker
That wasn't a bad fist, it is caused by bat wet-ware. What a lid.

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

His reply was "Your sending is choppy, your fist is terrible, and I cannot

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[Elecraft] crikey! please edit replies down and delete extra footers

2005-04-06 Thread Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft

When replying to emails on the list, please remember to edit down the copied
text to the minimum needed to retain context. One or two sentences from the
original post are usually sufficient. This keeps the list and archive volume
down and makes everything much more readable.

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lot there. :-)

73 from your friendly Elecraft list manager
Eric  WA6HHQ

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[Elecraft] Elecraft email List Official Guidelines

2005-04-06 Thread Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft


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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread R. Kevin Stover

Jeremiah McCarthy wrote:

There are a lot of bad fists out there, but there is NO excuse for what I heard 
on 40 meters one day last week while I was at the work bench...

A station in Canton, Ohio was working 7.037...He got a straight key 
reply to his CQ that was too weak for me to fully copy...

His reply was "Your sending is choppy, your fist is terrible, and I 
cannot copy...73"...The poor guy did not reply...

Fortunately I did not have a key hooked up...I was sorely tempted to 
give this guy a piece of my mind...

Jerry, wa2dkg

I had the same thing happen to me on my very first CW contact back in 1992.

A gentleman in Pennsylvania let me know in no uncertain terms that my 
sending with the straight key was downright ugly and almost un-copyable. 
He also took the time to help me get it straightened out and we ended up 
have a very enjoyable, albeit SLOW QSO.

It motivated me enough to spend the time necessary to improve my sending.

If you don't have the time to help a struggling Ham with some tactful 
instruction keep your hand off the key. You do more damage than good.

R. Kevin Stover ACØH

K2/100 #4684

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Mike Markowski
Jeremiah McCarthy wrote on 04/06/05 10:38 ET:
> There are a lot of bad fists out there, but there is NO excuse for
> what I heard on 40 meters [...] "Your sending is choppy, your fist
> is terrible, and I cannot copy...73" [...]
> Jerry, wa2dkg

You're right, Jerry.  Maybe it's bad habits, or he's new, maybe there's
a physical impairment, or who knows what.  I've had great QSOs with guys
sending slowly & with let's just say less-than-perfect CW.  One op
apologized for his fist saying he had just retired, was getting back
into radio, and it was his first CW QSO in over 20 years!  I felt lucky
to have been the one he ran into.  And the funny thing, regarding what
you copied, is that it takes a lot more effort to use bad manners than

Mike  AB3AP
Avondale, PA
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[Elecraft] Tuning Knob for K2

2005-04-06 Thread Brent Sutphin WB4X
I would like to replace the tuning knob on my K2.  I have seem several post 
here about replacements.  Could someone let me know which knob to get and 
where I might find one.

Brent  WB4X

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread AD5MA
This is the sort of thing that worries me about working CW. I am all in
favor of practicing before going on the air but what is available out there
to do this? Is there a hardware device & software that I can connect a key
to that will send information to a PC to test if I'm sending correctly?


- Original Message - 
His reply was "Your sending is choppy, your fist is terrible, and I cannot

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Re: [Elecraft] K2 manual suggestions

2005-04-06 Thread Margaret Leber

Mike Markowski wrote:

It's also helpful to know how much extra you have so that when
you make a mistake, you have the info to know whether to cut a fresh
piece or conserve and work with what you've got.

Ain't that the truth.

Just before I succumbed to the flu last month my last act in building K2 
1641 was to wind T7 and T6. In my foggy mental state I ended up 
installing T7 in the location for T6, and didn't realize my error until 
I went to install T6.

I got T7 out without damaging the board (I think), but had to cut the 
red leads fairly close to the toroid, then downed-tools before I ended 
up doing any more "negative work". I'm just now emerging from my 
post-flu funk enough to want to resume work.

I may have to rewind T7. I'm not sure whether there's enough red 26ga 
wire left to get away with that without reusing what's left of the 20" I 
used on the first incarnation of T7 on one of the smaller LPF inductors 
later on.

(The good news is Radio Shack has 26ga magnet wire. The bad news is it 
comes in a pack of three gauges but the 26ga is only in one color. :-)

I suppose I should just suck it up and press on, and throw myself on the 
mercy of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" should I come up short.

(My experience so far has been that cutting the wire to the recommended 
length leaves about three inches of extra wire when done winding.)

 73 de Maggie K3XS

-/___.   _)Margaret Stephanie Leber CCP, SCJP/"The art of progress /
/(, /|  /| SCWCD/ is to preserve order/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _`  _  AOPA 925383/ amid change and to  /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  K3XS / preserve change amid/
-/ (_/   '.-/ .-/ARRL 39280 /order."-A.N.Whitehead/
/(_/_(_/___AMSAT 32844_/<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Able2fly
In a message dated 4/6/2005 10:31:27 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

This is the sort of thing that worries me about working CW. I am all  in
favor of practicing before going on the air but what is available out  there
to do this? Is there a hardware device & software that I can  connect a key
to that will send information to a PC to test if I'm sending  correctly?

Al and all,

The MFJ-461 Morse Code Reader (~$80) is a very nice tool to improve the  
quality of one's CW operations. It will improve your fist if you   monitor your 
own sending. Just tune the reader  to your rigs sidetone, and  a "decent" fist 
will read out on the display. Fun to play with.
Bill K3UJ
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Re: [Elecraft] spectrogram question

2005-04-06 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Andrew:

I used Spectrogram to set up my K2's filters.  When lining up the
frequency peak with the marker for my preferred sidetone (650 Hz in my
case), the typical display shows the usual bandwidth shape, plus a
relatively sharp (and very narrow bandwidth) spike slightly offset from
the center of the overall filter bandwidth.  Something like this:

Do I aim for putting the marker on the sharp peak (slightly offset from
center), or the approximate center of the wider bandwidth shape?

It appears you already have it set correctly. You want the center of the 
passband (not an errant peak) to be over the frequency marker.

Now, this having been said, that sharp peak you illustrated, is it there 
ALL THE TIME? If so, that's very unusual... and it might indicate that 
there was a continuous carrier (though weak) within the passband of the 
filter when you were performing the alignment.

Did you use a noise generator or just band noise? I suspect band noise, and 
if so, that might account for the singular peak.


Tom   N0SS

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Mike WA8BXN
A simple way to test your own fist might be to record (on cassette, etc)
some of your own sending, save it for a few days and then play it back and
see if you can easily copy it. Of the bad fists I have heard, the worst
problem seems to be running letters together, followed by little difference
in the length of dots and dashes. Keyers help with the latter, but you can
still run letters together. The MFJ cw reader is a good idea, there are also
some free cw copying programs on the net that could help as well.
73/72 - Mike WA8BXN
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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Toby Deinhardt

Hi Al,

I used my K2 in test mode and sent the sidetone into the sound card of 
my computer. There are various CW readers avaidable, e.g.CwGet (see 
google for others). Some of these will show you your keying in a 
oscilloscope like display and tend to be very picky when decoding.

I found this to work well for me.

vy 73 de toby

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Tom Hammond

Hi Al:

At 09:30 AM 4/6/05, you wrote:

This is the sort of thing that worries me about working CW. I am all in
favor of practicing before going on the air but what is available out there
to do this? Is there a hardware device & software that I can connect a key
to that will send information to a PC to test if I'm sending correctly?

There are any number of ways to accomplish this...

1) There are CW copying programs which run on your PC and which can
   accept input (sidetone from the rig, or from a code practice osc.)
   via their MIC/LINE jack on the sound card.

2) Buy a code copier from MFJ... expensive, but effective... at least
   while during the short time you will probably need it.

3) Send practice CW into a tape recorder (on record it as a WAV file
   on your PC, using the sound card input and the MS WAV player), and
   then play the recorded CW back to yourself after a day or two's
   rest (to give you time to forget what it was you sent the first
   time). If you can copy what you sent, chances are others might too.

4) Have someone whose opinion you trust, and who KNOWS what good CW
   should sound like, critique your fist.

   Be prepared for some let-downs while you learn... few folks can
   develop a really great fist without a bit of effort, but it CAN be

Personally, I like the idea of starting off with a straight key. But find a 
key of decent quality if at all possible. The cheapie (plastic) keys you 
can find for a couple bucks seldom do much for your fist, and can 
materially degrade it, given just a small chance.

Once you get the 'feel' for proper inter-character element and character 
timing, AND once you get up to 15 WPM or so of decent hand-sent code, THEN 
you're probably ready to consider moving up to a keyer and paddle.

I see three main keyer/paddle combinations:

1) Single-lever paddle with a keyer (iambic or other, doesn't matter)

2) Dual-level paddle with an iambic keyer operated WITHOUT using the
   iambic keying features.

3) Dual-level paddle with an iambic keyer operated WHILE using the
   iambic keying features.

Personally, I tend to prefer configuration #2, because it gives me the 
versatility of the dual-lever paddle (slight finger timing differences 
which I appreciate), but since I'm not 'tied' to (and not having learned) 
using the keyer AS an iambic keyer, I can send decent CW with just about 
ANY keyer (iambic or not). Many folks who learn to only send CW with an 
iambic keyer find that they cannot send well if presented with a non-iambic 

Additionally, If I learn to send using a dual-lever paddle in the 
non-iambic mode BUT USING an iambic keyer, if I then choose to maybe try to 
add a few iambic combinations, or to just 'fudge' my finger timing a bit, 
the iambic feature will help to compensate and still allow me to send 
decent CW.

I also much prefer keyers which offer AUTO-CHARACTER SPACING. This option 
can really help an operator who tends to run letters together while 
sending... I think we all sometimes catch ourselves doing this... usually 
not very often, but periodically I'll run a couple letters together... ACS 
will often 'fix' my manual error so the op on the other end never knows my 
fingers hiccuped.

The suggestions the others have offerers are ALL good and should be read 
and considered... especially those about not sending faster than you can 
copy AND not sending faster than you can send cleanly.  Most (though not 
all) folks can send faster than they can copy... because they already KNOW 
what it is they want to send, so they can have the CW all queued up, ready 
for their fingers to do the walking, so to speak. This doesn't necessarily 
mean they can send fast WELL though... if you can't send good CW at the 
higher speeds, then DON'T DO IT! Rotten CW at a higher speed is worse the 
good CW at a somewhat slower speed.

WORK on good character and word spacing when sending CW!!! Concentrate on 
NOT running letters together... (many ops tend to send the letters "the" 
too closely spaced... same for "and" coming out as "pd"... and, when you 
finish a word, there's no harm in allowing a bit more than normal word 
spacing before starting the next word. This helps the receiving operator to 
ensure that he has copied a complete word and that he's not gonna be 
'surprised' by a run-on next word almost sent as the last part of the 
previous word.

Finally... just like the way to get to Carnegie Hall, PRACTICE... 
PRACTICE... PRACTICE!!! You cannot practice too much, or too often. And, of 
course, GET ON THE AIR to hone both your sending AND copying abilities.

ANY TIME someone gives you criticism about your fist... ACCEPT it in the 
spirit it was (probably) given... even though it might seems brutal (or 
ill-worded), the person making the commend felt the need to take the time 
to tell you of a possible problem... use that info to search your style and 
see if there might still be something which needs fixin'.


Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Buddy Brannan
Hey Al,

Don't worry too much. Fortunately, this lid of which we speak (and lid
I shall continue to call him) is in the minority. Most ops are
fantastic and supportive and will do as much as they can to help your
fist improve--or, at the very least, have a nice QSO with you and be
glad to do it. (They might comment on your sloppy sending off air, but
they certainly won't go out of their way to humiliate and embarrass!)
So, if you're feeling up to it, get on the air and make some noise. I,
for one, will be glad to hear you (if indeed I do hear you). Course,
I've been a little inactive the past few weeks, but that's OK :)
Vy 73,

Buddy, KB5ELV
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Learn about Glyconutrients, a discovery that helps your body  protect,
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Re: Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread vze3v8dt
Funny story about this.  I was at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia.  
Great science museum for kids of all ages!  They have at least three or four 
places where you can try sending some code.  One was a spark gap, one was an 
old railroad telegraph "sender" and one used the MFJ-461 or similar.  They had 
an old oak desk that was probably reminiscent of the one from a telegraph 
office and an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper with the typical Morse Code alphabet. 

Kids were sitting there trying to look up a letter and send it then look up 
another letter and send it.  Invariably it printed a bunch of erroneous 
characters (lots of "E" and "T" characters, go figure) on the display.  I'm 
sure the kid thought it was "broken".  My XYL told me to send her a message, 
which I did, and it apparently displayed the message quite well (based on my 
XYL's response, I didn't look at the display).  One kid was amazed and asked me 
how I was able to do that without looking at the chart.  Ah, lots of practice!

Mark, NK8Q

>The MFJ-461 Morse Code Reader (~$80) is a very nice tool to improve the  
>quality of one's CW operations. It will improve your fist if you   monitor 
>own sending. 

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[Elecraft] RE: Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Steven Pituch
Hi all,
For anyone having trouble getting on the air with CW, there is an email list
just for you.  It is called SOLIDCPYCW and is at:  .
Its just the thing if you still have butterflies about getting on the air.
We've got newbies, and old timers getting back to CW or doing it for the
first time.

Very few CW operators will give you __destructive__ criticism.  They are in
the minority, and don't deserve to be on the air.  If you have a thick skin
and realize that having a bad fist is OK if you are new at it, or have a
disability of some sort, just get on the air.  Sometimes a QRP PSE at the
end of the CQ will help.

Otherwise join the above email list to get some support from a bunch of nice

Steve, W2MY/5, Corpus Christi, TX, ELl7
QRP/ARCI 8351, FPQRP 1025, NJQRP 25, QRP-L 269, FISTS 3150, ARS 142, NEQRP
281, NWQRP ??, 10-10 61720, NORCAL 691, K2 #402 

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[Elecraft] Getting Started On CW

2005-04-06 Thread Stephen Brandt
When I started out as a Novice in 1964, I was advised to start with a straight 
key.  When I could send well at about 15 wpm, then consider changing over to 
some kind of speed key.  We didn't have iambics then.  I switched to homebrew 
solid state keyer, that I built myself, and a Vibroplex paddle, which I still 
have.  I now use an Idiom Press Super Keyer II, and an iambic paddle.  I may 
not send the greatest code in the world, I'm still learning, but I'm glad that 
I followed my Elmer's advice.


Steve Brandt N7VS ex: WB6VVS, WN6QYP
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[Elecraft] F/S K2/100 and K1

2005-04-06 Thread Don Brown
For Sale B model K2/100, SSB, NB, 160, 60, AF $1500

For sale K1-4 40/30/20/15 NB, AT, Battery, Stand, 2 band Board 80/17, TecPac 
case $595


Don Brown
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[Elecraft] Tuning Knob for K2

2005-04-06 Thread EricJ
I'm still looking myself. The two I see recommended are for the FT-100 and
FT900. You can get info on the FT-900 knob atit at I like the size, but I want something
with a recessed finger dimple.

I went to HRO and measured a bunch of likely candidates. The TS-570 knob
looked good, but it is 30 bucks! The FT-900 knob is reputedly about 10
bucks. I also looked at the Icom R75 which is the same diameter (1-3/4") and
the FT-847 which is an 1/8" smaller. Both have the recessed finger dimple. I
haven't had a chance to price any of them other than Kenwood (they have
prices on the Internet), but I'll post what I find.

I'm also looking for something better for the K1. I want something a little
bigger and rubber covered because the knob is so sharp. I bought the add-on
finger dimple from Elecraft and, while it is great for rapid QSY, it has a
sharp edge and it sticks out too far so it is always in my way when I am
fine tuning. I want a recessed dimple. I looked at the TS-480SAT knob. It's
only 1-1/2" in diameter, but it is also 30 bucks. I'm still looking.

Some of the guys have resorted to buying turnips at the local supermarket to
get the rubber bands for their K2 knobs.  I'm not there yet.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brent Sutphin WB4X
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 7:19 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Tuning Knob for K2

I would like to replace the tuning knob on my K2.  I have seem several post
here about replacements.  Could someone let me know which knob to get and
where I might find one.

Brent  WB4X

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[Elecraft] Relationship between two Mods.

2005-04-06 Thread Lee Buller

I am home from work a couple of days assisting my wife
who is recovering from surgery.  I have been reviewing
the mods that I have on hand for the K2 (SN 1056).  I
am little fuzzy about two

K2 Temperature-Compensated PLL Referencec Upgrade

I have written on the BFOMDKT envelope that I am to
use the crystal in the Temperature Compensated PLL
Reference Upgrade ... but I cannot find a reference
for that note I wrote.

So, what is the relationship between the two mods?  Is
the crystal in the Temp-Comp better,  different ...

Lee - K0WA

Common sense is in short supply - get some and use it  - Lee Buller
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[Elecraft] Re: What Firmware version is the K2 currently at?

2005-04-06 Thread Brian Broggie

Current firmware is at 2.04P, since Feb, 2004.

Brian Broggie - W6FVI
Elecraft Parts

 Original Message 
Subject: [Elecraft] What Firmware version is the K2 currently at? Nt
Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2005 11:23:30 -0600
From: Phil Townsend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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RE: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
There are a lot of bad fists out there, but there is NO excuse for what I
heard on 40 meters one day last week while I was at the work bench...A
station in Canton, Ohio was working 7.037...He got a straight key reply to
his CQ that was too weak for me to fully copy...His reply was "Your sending
is choppy, your fist is terrible, and I cannot copy...73"...The poor guy did
not reply...Fortunately I did not have a key hooked up...I was sorely
tempted to give this guy a piece of my mind...

Jerry, wa2dkg


I'd have been upset too. Reading your story makes me sad. 

>From The Amateur's Code:

The Amateur is Considerate... never knowingly operates in such a way as to
lessen the pleasure of others. 

The Amateur is Friendly...slow and patient operating when requested;
friendly advice and counsel to the beginner; kindly assistance, cooperation
and consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of
the amateur spirit. 

I'd suggest talking to the station who was listening. The station you could
hear definitely wasn't listening, nor could he copy code. Maybe he is just a
bad character. Maybe he was just embarrassed to realize he couldn't copy CW.

I've noticed that happens more often these days as ops get on the air after
learning Farnsworth code. It's wonderful that they are able to learn CW more
easily and enjoy it more quickly, but several ops I've known who learned
Farnsworth had to stop and learn to copy all over again once they got on the
air. The problem is that in normal operation most ops on the air don't leave
the exaggerated spaces between letters that the Farnsworth system allows
when you set the Farnsworth speed well above the actual sending speed.
They've been studying Farnsworth CW at 20 WPM and when they got their
receiving speed up to, say, 10 wpm, they try to get on the air. Suddenly
"real CW" at even 10 or 15 wpm sounds like a run-together jumble to them
until they learn to follow the proper spacing and rhythm of CW. 

To me sending that way is like playing music off key, but if I run into one
of those ops, I'll stretch out my spacing so they can copy. 

After all, some wise wag said that anything worth doing is worth doing badly
at first, if necessary. 

Clearly, the guy who was listening in the QSO you heard was the station
"down in the mud" at your QTH that day. If I'd have gotten his call I'd have
sent him a letter reassuring him. 


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RE: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Al wrote:

This is the sort of thing that worries me about working CW. I am all in
favor of practicing before going on the air but what is available out there
to do this? Is there a hardware device & software that I can connect a key
to that will send information to a PC to test if I'm sending correctly?


All you need is a good op on the other end Al. The best way to build speed
and confidence is to make RF and make QSO's. 

There's an old pidgin-Latin saying that I've always tried to remember when
dealing with inconsiderate ops: "Illigitimus non-carborundum" (Don't let the
-bad guys- wear you down). 


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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread David A.Belsley

On Apr 6, 2005, at 10:11 AM, R. Kevin Stover wrote:

Jeremiah McCarthy wrote:
There are a lot of bad fists out there, but there is NO excuse for 
what I heard on 40 meters one day last week while I was at the work 

A station in Canton, Ohio was working 7.037...He got a straight key 
reply to his CQ that was too weak for me to fully copy...

His reply was "Your sending is choppy, your fist is terrible, and I 
cannot copy...73"...The poor guy did not reply...

Fortunately I did not have a key hooked up...I was sorely tempted to 
give this guy a piece of my mind...

I can't say I completely disagree with the chap in giving such a 
response.  He might have been a bit more pleasant, but, after all, the 
other ham is supposed to know how to send and receive code **before** 
he is given a license.  Yes, sending is not tested any more, and that 
is a shame.  But what if people got out on the roads in automobiles 
before they learned how to drive.  After they smashed into your car (or 
your kid), would you suggest they slow down a bit, then sit in the seat 
next to them to give them a lesson?   Not quite the same thing in terms 
of the severity of the consequences, to be sure, but . . .

I had the same thing happen to me on my very first CW contact back in 

Yes, this is inferable.

A gentleman in Pennsylvania let me know in no uncertain terms that my 
sending with the straight key was downright ugly and almost 
un-copyable. He also took the time to help me get it straightened out 
and we ended up have a very enjoyable, albeit SLOW QSO.

It motivated me enough to spend the time necessary to improve my 

If you don't have the time to help a struggling Ham with some tactful 
instruction keep your hand off the key. You do more damage than good.

There is a difference, here.  The rather rude chap above couldn't keep 
his hand off the key, because he was the one who sent the cq and got 
answered.  I guess he could simply have qsy-ed and ignored the chap.  
But, just as you benefited from being told in no uncertain terms how 
your fist stacked up, so likely did this guy.  I think a bit of candor 
regarding bad sending is fully warranted, indeed desirable.  I do, 
however, agree with the the tenor of your remarks that the caller above 
could have been a bit friendlier.  That's decidedly in the ham 
tradition -- as also ought be decent sending.

best wishes,

dave belsley, w1euy
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RE: [Elecraft] Relationship between two Mods.

2005-04-06 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

The crystals are the same - either will work, but don't use both - save the
other for a spare.  Other than that, there is no relationship between the 2


> -Original Message-
> K2 Temperature-Compensated PLL Referencec Upgrade
> and
> BFO Upgrade Kit BFOMDKT
> I have written on the BFOMDKT envelope that I am to
> use the crystal in the Temperature Compensated PLL
> Reference Upgrade ... but I cannot find a reference
> for that note I wrote.
> So, what is the relationship between the two mods?  Is
> the crystal in the Temp-Comp better,  different ...
> what?
> Lee - K0WA

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RE: [Elecraft] Tuning Knob for K2

2005-04-06 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

I have information about the Yaesu FT-900 knob on my website, but the phone number is wrong again - I just can't keep
up with Yaesu parts - look them up with a Google search - as of 2 weeks ago,
Yaesu parts were handled by Vertex Standard, 10900 Walker Street, Cypress,
CA 90630 and the phone number was (714)827-7600.

Now for the bad news - Yaesu has discontinued the FT-900 knob, but you can
still buy the rubber tire for it.  With a bit of stetching, you can slide
the FT-900 tire over the stock K2 knob and you end up with a nice knob
without the sharp front corner.  You can add the FingerDimple (available
from Elecraft) if you like them.

The FT-100 knob is a bit smaller, and does have a recessed 'finger-hole',
and is quite usable on the K2 (many folks like it), and that is available
from Yaesu.  I recently bought 3 of the FT-100 knobs and tires, and have 2
extra FT-900 tires available.  I can send the FT-100 knobs to the first 3
persons who request them for $18.60 plus shipping ($1 for 1st class mail or
$3.85 for Priority mail).  I can ship an FT-900 tire by 1st class mail for
$2 or $4.85 for Priority mail.  This is not a price savings over ordering
direct from Yaesu, bu I can save you a few pennies on the shipping - they
ship only UPS and it is a minimum of $6.36.


> -Original Message-
> I would like to replace the tuning knob on my K2.  I have seem
> several post
> here about replacements.  Could someone let me know which knob to get and
> where I might find one.
> Thanks
> Brent  WB4X

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Re: [Elecraft] spectrogram question

2005-04-06 Thread Andrew Moore
> It appears you already have it set correctly. You want the center of the 
> passband (not an errant peak) to be over the frequency marker.
> Now, this having been said, that sharp peak you illustrated, is it there 
> ALL THE TIME? If so, that's very unusual... and it might indicate that 

The sharp peak was there all the time; I used band noise as the source.
It must have been a signal (ham or locally generated).  Filters are now
aligned and as an added bonus all but the narrowest filter have the same

Thanks to all who replied.

Now if only my paddle would arrive I could get on the air.  Everything
else on #4778 is finished.


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RE: [Elecraft] Tuning Knob for K2 - (my supply all spoken for)

2005-04-06 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

It did not take long to deplete my stock of knobs and tires.

You can still get them from Yaesu (see below)

> -Original Message-
> I have information about the Yaesu FT-900 knob on my website 
>, but the phone number is wrong again - I just 
> can't keep up with Yaesu parts - look them up with a Google 
> search - as of 2 weeks ago, Yaesu parts were handled by Vertex 
> Standard, 10900 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630 and the phone 
> number was (714)827-7600.
> Now for the bad news - Yaesu has discontinued the FT-900 knob, 
> but you can still buy the rubber tire for it.  With a bit of 
> stetching, you can slide the FT-900 tire over the stock K2 knob 
> and you end up with a nice knob without the sharp front corner.  
> You can add the FingerDimple (available from Elecraft) if you like them.
> The FT-100 knob is a bit smaller, and does have a recessed 
> 'finger-hole', and is quite usable on the K2 (many folks like 
> it), and that is available from Yaesu.  I recently bought 3 of 
> the FT-100 knobs and tires, and have 2 extra FT-900 tires 
> available.  I can send the FT-100 knobs to the first 3 persons 
> who request them for $18.60 plus shipping ($1 for 1st class mail 
> or $3.85 for Priority mail).  I can ship an FT-900 tire by 1st 
> class mail for $2 or $4.85 for Priority mail.  This is not a 
> price savings over ordering direct from Yaesu, bu I can save you 
> a few pennies on the shipping - they ship only UPS and it is a 
> minimum of $6.36.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> > 

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Re: Re: [Elecraft] spectrogram question

2005-04-06 Thread vze3v8dt
About one year ago when I built a RockMite-40 and was about to try it I heard 
somebody calling CQ on 7040 kHz.  I quickly plugged in my Bencher paddles to 
find that only one side was working and the other side didn't (new stereo 1/8" 
plug from R.S. was bad).  Couldn't find my straight key right off (sorry, I had 
moved a couple of years before and still haven't finished unpacking yet).  So, 
I quickly found another 1/8" plug which I clipped some wires to and tapped out 
my reply for my first QRPp QSO with the RockMite-40, from Allentown, PA to 
Wilmington, DE!  This relates to the thread about a bad fist as well, as you 
can imagine.  But I guess it wasn't so bad, or at least when I explained and 
appologized in advance to the guy in DE he must have given me great room for 
error, but was still able to copy me okay.  I was horrified as it was the worst 
code I think I had ever sent!  It was classic, though, to have a Morse code QSO 
by literally tapping two wires together.

Mark, NK8Q
K2 #4786
>From: Andrew Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed Apr 06 14:02:59 CDT 2005
>Subject: Re: [Elecraft] spectrogram question

>> It appears you already have it set correctly. You want the center of the 
>> passband (not an errant peak) to be over the frequency marker.
>> Now, this having been said, that sharp peak you illustrated, is it there 
>> ALL THE TIME? If so, that's very unusual... and it might indicate that 
>The sharp peak was there all the time; I used band noise as the source.
>It must have been a signal (ham or locally generated).  Filters are now
>aligned and as an added bonus all but the narrowest filter have the same
>Thanks to all who replied.
>Now if only my paddle would arrive I could get on the air.  Everything
>else on #4778 is finished.
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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread stephen Farthing

Hi Gentlefolk,

   When I was learning the code, back then to get a UK class A licence one 
had to pass a mandatory receiving and transmitting test, i used to practice 
sending by hooking my straight key up to the serial port of my PC. I had an 
excellent canadian program which took the input and made the sound and put 
the character on the screen...with a bit of visual feedback it did not take 
long for me to send fairly accurate code...the listening part of the test 
was the biggest hurdle. Its been a while since i have been able to transmit 
CW and the program has long gone...wish i could find it or something similar 
to get my sending back up to par...73 from cold and rainy UK.

Steve G0XAR
- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

A simple way to test your own fist might be to record (on cassette, etc)
some of your own sending, save it for a few days and then play it back and
see if you can easily copy it. Of the bad fists I have heard, the worst
problem seems to be running letters together, followed by little 

in the length of dots and dashes. Keyers help with the latter, but you can
still run letters together. The MFJ cw reader is a good idea, there are 

some free cw copying programs on the net that could help as well.
73/72 - Mike WA8BXN

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Kevin Rock
I agree with taping your own fist and then copying from it a few days 
later.  But do not record someone on the air and send it to them.  I think 
that will drive folks away from the hobby.  Much like showing someone your 
work of art oo new piece of fiction; unless you are very comfortable with 
criticism you may be embarrassed or offended.  Please use restraint while 
commenting on others' sending skills.  If they ask tell them if they are 
running letters together or slurring a character or two.  Then turn right 
around and offer to help them improve.  CW is so much fun I would not want 
to rob someone of a life time worth of pleasure simply to feed my own 
ego.  Life does not have to be a zero sum game.

   Kevin.   KD5ONS


A simple way to test your own fist might be to record (on cassette, etc)
some of your own sending, save it for a few days and then play it back 
and see if you can easily copy it. ...

73/72 - Mike WA8BXN

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[Elecraft] morse code

2005-04-06 Thread ron
I'm gonna' call you "Sparky" from now on! 
By the way, nice story (smile)

Ron wb1hga
"CW, an esoteric experience"

Mark writes:
  (snip)  horrified as it was the worst code I think I had ever sent!  It
was classic, though, to have a Morse code QSO by literally tapping two wires


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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Kevin Rock
I learned CW through a combination of Farnsworth spacing on my CW tapes 
and sending in the TEST mode on my K2.  Then I passed my test.  Scared 
silly I did not get on the air using CW until the next summer when the VE 
who tested me for element 1 met me at field day.  He asked how many 
contacts I had made.  Meekly, Kevin says, "None."  Well he set up a sked 
for the very next day on 15 meters.  Scared and sweating profusely I got 
on the air.  Fought through the QRN and copied him about 30%.  He said I 
did great when he called me on the local repeater.  I knew I had not but 
found out I could actually do it (sort of).  So I kept at it with someone 
more my speed.  The VE op was an Air Force ELINT intercept operator in 
Alaska for years.  Very fine fist on any bug you could imagine.  He has 
dozens of the critters.

Then I found my current CW mentor (I am not sure if he wants to get 
mentioned here But Thank you SB!!)  He worked with me, and is still 
working with me.  Got me faster and faster.  He weaned me from Farnsworth 
at about 15 wpm.  He modified the style so the words were at full speed 
with larger spaces between.  Then he went faster.  Eventually I never 
noticed when the extra spacing went away.  Some place in there I got 
confidence enough (foolish me!) to start the Elecraft CW Net.  I thought 
since the SSB net was getting started maybe we should use these fine rigs 
for what they are best at doing: CW.  So fools (me) rushed in where most 
angels would be scared silly.  Too dumb to know any better I got a CW net 
going.  Wayne still thinks I am a bit nuts but then he may be right ;)

But the jist of this ramble is: Farnsworth is great to learn Morse code 
but see if you can find a mentor to wean you to where you can run the code 
other ops are more comfortable copying.

  Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Op Without a Clue)

Ron D'Eau Claire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've noticed that happens more often these days as ops get on the air 
learning Farnsworth code. It's wonderful that they are able to learn CW 

easily and enjoy it more quickly, but several ops I've known who learned
Farnsworth had to stop and learn to copy all over again once they got on 
air. The problem is that in normal operation most ops on the air don't 

the exaggerated spaces between letters that the Farnsworth system allows
when you set the Farnsworth speed well above the actual sending speed.
They've been studying Farnsworth CW at 20 WPM and when they got their
receiving speed up to, say, 10 wpm, they try to get on the air. Suddenly
"real CW" at even 10 or 15 wpm sounds like a run-together jumble to them
until they learn to follow the proper spacing and rhythm of CW.


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Re: Re: [Elecraft] spectrogram question

2005-04-06 Thread Kevin Rock
One op, about a year ago, was so excited to hear the Elecraft Net he 
stopped his car and worked me mobile.  He did not have a key in the car 
but wound up using a piece of zip cord from a pile of junk in the back 
seat of his car.  He somehow got it stripped and hooked up to his rig.  
Then I got his call at about 8 wpm.  So I slowed down and worked him.  
Welcome to ECN says I.  Got his info where he told me he had an Elecraft 
rig but it was at home and he was working me mobile.  I did not get the 
rest of the story until he got home and emailed me.  I have worked him 
later.  He has a very fine fist once given the proper tools.  Did a 
creditable job with a few wires tapping his metal dash board though!!!

   Kevin.   KD5ONS

On Wed, 06 Apr 2005 14:17:31 -0500 (CDT), <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

About one year ago when I built a RockMite-40 and was about to try it I 
heard somebody calling CQ on 7040 kHz.  I quickly plugged in my Bencher 
paddles to find that only one side was working and the other side didn't 
(new stereo 1/8" plug from R.S. was bad).  Couldn't find my straight key 
right off (sorry, I had moved a couple of years before and still haven't 
finished unpacking yet).  So, I quickly found another 1/8" plug which I 
clipped some wires to and tapped out my reply for my first QRPp QSO with 
the RockMite-40, from Allentown, PA to Wilmington, DE!  This relates to 
the thread about a bad fist as well, as you can imagine.  But I guess it 
wasn't so bad, or at least when I explained and appologized in advance 
to the guy in DE he must have given me great room for error, but was 
still able to copy me okay.  I was horrified as it was the worst code I 
think I had ever sent!  It was classic, though, to have a Morse code QSO 
by literally tapping two wires together.

Mark, NK8Q
K2 #4786

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[Elecraft] ECN/30 tomorrow 10.107.2 @ 0100z

2005-04-06 Thread Daniel Reynolds
Barring any earth shaking matters personally affecting me in the next 24-36
hours, I will be calling for check-ins tomorrow evening on 30m at 0100z. Look
for us on 10.107.2 +/- 2 kHz. The net will start at about 0100z, and will
hopefully not last any later than 0200z. For those of us who are UTC challenged
and are still dealing with daylight savings time - the net starts at

Last week was interesting - I've unfortunately been so busy, that the notes I
took have remained unstudied since I closed last week's net that I haven't been
able to produce a net report (my fiance and I are working on finishing touches
to the house before she and her kids move into the house in May). Time outside
of work has been pretty much consumed in organizing, cleaning, and tossing
(that's the nice way of saying that I'm a habitual pack rat with no place to
store it all).

Oh - by the way - there won't be an ECN/30 on Thursday, April 28 (that's the
evening of our rehearsal dinner). Maybe it would be better to say that I won't
be calling the net that night - but folks can still congregate there and have

Daniel AA0NI
Oklahoma City

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[Elecraft] KX1 Mod's & Suggestions

2005-04-06 Thread Gary Thurmond
I love my KX1 s/n #953,  Have had no problems. Elecraft documentation is 
the best I've ever seen.
Main use has been working on my CW copy and some SWL while laying in bed 
at Odark:30 unable to sleep.
Really appreciate the "Keyer Test Mode" to practice with the KXPD1. 
Elecraft thought of everything.

I have come up with a few modifications or suggestions for consideration.

1. 1 Amp Pico fuse between D2, D3 and S2 Power On/Off.
2. Optional resistor across D3 so BT1 can be charged externally.
3. Second thumb screw and threaded insert for the paddle.
4. Split the AF circuit so the AF Gain control is between a high gain 
low noise diff amp and the AF output. Increase the overall gain a bit.
5. Apply the output audio through two resistors to Tip & Ring. Or output 
audio to Tip and then ground Ring., float Body so Mono Ear plug or small 
speaker can be used.

6. Last but not least,  80/75/40 meter version for us night owls.

I have done 1 & 2 and will do 3, 4, 5 & CW Tuning Indicator next. Looks 
like there is room on top of  U3 and U4 for a small SMT board to do the 
audio mod.

I hope Elecraft will consider  # 6 as a alternate version of the KX1.

The Pico fuse was installed by cutting the large trace on the bottom 
edge of the board near R23 and soldering the fuse across the cut.
The resistor to enable external charging was soldered across D3 on the 
top of the board.

I used 82 ohms 1W (NTE 1W082). small ceramic.
82 ohms is a good compromise between charging with a plug compatible 
Icom BC-25U (IC-2AT) wall wart or 13.8 volts external power.

73,  Gary   W6STR

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FW: [Elecraft] spectrogram question

2005-04-06 Thread Dan Barker
Paddle? Don't need no stinkin' paddle.

I was at a party one night at the home of KR4W, and a receiver was running
in the background. I heard WG4T (the very first 4-land Amateur Extra
licensee after mine) calling CQ. I just HAD to have him in the log.

The only transmitter Richard had operable was some old tube rig, keyed with
about 800 volts on the key line. The closest thing to something keyable was
some alligator clip-leads with (very thin) insulation over them.

I got the QSO, although my code was probably a bit rough. No jolts either.

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456 (and a couple Benchers).

Now if only my paddle would arrive I could get on the air.  Everything
else on #4778 is finished.

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Paul Saville
> That wasn't a bad fist, it is caused by bat wet-ware. What a lid.

What exactly is a "lid"? A derogatory term for someone who asks silly
questions I suppose. Anyone know the origin of the term?

73 Paul ZL3IN

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RE: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
What exactly is a "lid"? A derogatory term for someone who asks silly
questions I suppose. Anyone know the origin of the term?

73 Paul ZL3IN


You'll get 100 answers at least to that question.

In modern vernacular, a "LID" is a new operator. Hence he/she is likely to
commit endless faux pas on the air, probably have a shaky, rough fist,
scramble copy often and generally require a lot of extra effort to
understand and to be understood by. Usually a good sort, a LID deserves
whatever help he can get from the rest of the ops as he develops his
operating skills. 

The most likely origin for "LID" comes from the days of wire telegraph in
which a messaging office might have a number of operating positions with the
individual sounders all clacking away with Morse. Newcomers were often
totally distracted by the cacophony of noise and unable to separate the
clacks of their sounder from those around them. One solution was to attach
something, usually the lid of a tobacco tin, to their sounder so it would
make a distinctive noise apart from all the others to help the new operator
copy. Hence, a new operator as a "LID".

Anyway, it's a nice story...


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[Elecraft] 4784

2005-04-06 Thread W6SJ
K2 #4784 is operational on 20 m and below as band condx bad and can't find a 
signal to use for alignment on higher frequencies.

Made first 2 QSO's on 40 meters, 1st to fellow K2er W7QC and the second to 
ZK1APX, 4500 miles away.  Not too shabby. Also could hear a ZS6 on 40, a signal 
I could not hear on my 756PROII with same antenna.  Did NOT try to work him 
with 15 w!

Glad to be a K2er,

Randy W6SJ

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Stephen W. Kercel


Here is the colorful (perhaps more myth than fact) version.

Back in the pre-radio days of the old railroad telegraph, the receiver was 
a mechanical clicker that clicked in response to both the key closure and 
the key opening. The operator distinguished the dots and dashes by counting 
the length of the space between clicks.

To make matters worse, the old telegraph stations were located on a big 
room with many clickers each connected to a different line. Each operator 
was responsible for one clicker, but all the others were audible in the 

(Kind'a makes working 40 meter CW look like a breeze, doesn't it?)

As it happens, the precise sound made by each clicker was unique, and a 
veteran operator could tell the difference between his and all the others.

However, the less seasoned operators could not tell them apart. The 
solution to the problem was to take the lid from a metal tobacco can and 
mount it on the clicker. It turns out that bending the lid at different 
angles produces different sounds that are easy to distinguish. That way the 
inexperienced operator could distinguish his clicker from all the others.

Not surprisingly, this technique brought hoots of derision from the 
seasoned operators, who could easily recognize their own clicker without 
such a device. The old salts dismissed the the young pups as "can lid 
operators," later shortened to "lid operators," and finally shortened to 
simply "lids." Thus, the term originally referred to an operator whose 
technique revealed inexperience. As with many railroad telegraph 
traditions, it was inherited by radiotelegraphers.


Steve Kercel

At 09:23 AM 4/7/2005 +1200, you wrote:

> That wasn't a bad fist, it is caused by bat wet-ware. What a lid.

What exactly is a "lid"? A derogatory term for someone who asks silly
questions I suppose. Anyone know the origin of the term?

73 Paul ZL3IN

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Deni F5VJC
Here is the colorful (perhaps more myth than fact) version.
Thanks Steve, certainly colourful,  and the best I've heard yet, I would
like to think it was true!
73,  Deni
K2 1188
Make RF make QSO/s  (Another gem from this list) "Bad fist" thread...
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[Elecraft] Balun question

2005-04-06 Thread Vic Rosenthal
I made a simple 1:1 receive-only balun for 160 meters by winding 9 bifilar turns 
of no. 24 enameled wire on an FT37-77 toroid.  I connected a 50-ohm resistor to 
the output and my MFJ antenna analyzer to the input.  On 1.8 MHz it shows a 
resistance of 50 ohms, an inductive reactance of 1 ohm, and an SWR of 1.0:1.

My question is, did I make a 'good' balun?  Are there other tests I should do?

It's job will be to isolate a receiving loop antenna from its feedline, to keep 
the nulls deep and reduce noise pickup.

The RANT feature of the K2's 160-meter option has made it possible for me to use 
a ferrite loop which is only 21 inches (53.3 cm) long and has a s/n ratio much 
better than my inverted L transmitting antenna, even without the balun.  I'll 
put details on my website after I finish testing it.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: [Elecraft] 4784

2005-04-06 Thread Vic Rosenthal

W6SJ wrote:

Also could hear a ZS6 on 40, a
signal I could not hear on my 756PROII with same antenna.  Did NOT try to
work him with 15 w!

Hi Randy,

The path from W6 to ZS on 40 can be really good sometimes.  Next time, try it 
with 15W, you might be surprised!

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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[Elecraft] RE: bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Robert Conley

I guess with all these positive stories
about "bad fists" it won't hurt to put
mine on the air.
de "rc" kc5wa

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread N2EY
In a message dated 4/6/05 5:10:49 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> What exactly is a "lid"? A derogatory term for someone who asks silly
> questions I suppose. Anyone know the origin of the term?

The tobbaco-can-lid story given by others is the origin, passed down from 
landwire telegraph days. 

The classic definition is "A poor operator".

73 de Jim, N2EY
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RE: [Elecraft] Balun question

2005-04-06 Thread Robert Tellefsen
Hi Vic
You can use your MFJ to measure the impedance of the balun.  Connect one of
of the balun (short both wires together) to the center of the MFJ coax
and the other end, shorted together, to the shell of the connector.
Use the MFJ to measure the impedance of the inductor formed at the frequency
to be used, say 1850 kHz.  If the impedance is 5 or more times the 50 ohm
line impedance, you have a good balun for 160m.  If that is the only band
expect to use it on, you are done.

If you expect to use it over more bands, say 80 and 40m as well, tune the
to those bands also and make the same neasurement.  With a good core, the
should hold through these bands as well, or even be higher.

Good luck and 73
Bob N6WG

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Vic Rosenthal
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 3:39 PM
To: Elecraft Reflector
Subject: [Elecraft] Balun question

I made a simple 1:1 receive-only balun for 160 meters by winding 9 bifilar
of no. 24 enameled wire on an FT37-77 toroid.  I connected a 50-ohm resistor
the output and my MFJ antenna analyzer to the input.  On 1.8 MHz it shows a
resistance of 50 ohms, an inductive reactance of 1 ohm, and an SWR of 1.0:1.

My question is, did I make a 'good' balun?  Are there other tests I should

It's job will be to isolate a receiving loop antenna from its feedline, to
the nulls deep and reduce noise pickup.

The RANT feature of the K2's 160-meter option has made it possible for me to
a ferrite loop which is only 21 inches (53.3 cm) long and has a s/n ratio
better than my inverted L transmitting antenna, even without the balun.
put details on my website after I finish testing it.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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[Elecraft] Re: Bad Fist

2005-04-06 Thread ANNE NORMAN
From: Pete,  G0PKS.

FWIW: When I was first learning morse using pre-recorded cassettes on a walkman 
I quickly become familiar with the content; I then wired the output from a 
practice sidetone oscillator to one headphone and the walkman to the other.  
You quickly judge whether you are keying sympathetically!

Regards, Pete, G0PKS.
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RE: [Elecraft] Balun question

2005-04-06 Thread W3FPR - Don Wilhelm

If my calculations are correct, YES you should have a good balun.  The
reactance of the 9 turns is 809 ohms (AL value is 884 mH/1000 turns,
inductance for 9 turns should be 71.6 uH) which is more than 16 times the
impedance of an antenna feedline of 50 ohms.  Greater than 10 times the line
impedance is the value I usually use for an effective chokeing action.


> -Original Message-
> I made a simple 1:1 receive-only balun for 160 meters by winding
> 9 bifilar turns
> of no. 24 enameled wire on an FT37-77 toroid.  I connected a
> 50-ohm resistor to
> the output and my MFJ antenna analyzer to the input.  On 1.8 MHz
> it shows a
> resistance of 50 ohms, an inductive reactance of 1 ohm, and an
> SWR of 1.0:1.
> My question is, did I make a 'good' balun?  Are there other tests
> I should do?
> It's job will be to isolate a receiving loop antenna from its
> feedline, to keep
> the nulls deep and reduce noise pickup.

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[Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread Dudley Chapman
Here is an old trick taught to me by an Old Timer Navy CW operator.  One
of the drills he was taught for getting the rhythm of sending CW is to send
the phrase "Bens Best Bent Wire".  If sent like this, "BensBest Bent Wire",
it sounds like a military cadence.  If you tap your foot the beat should
come down on the first morse element of the capitalized letters like this,
"BeNsBeSt BeNt WiRe".  (ie. DAHditditdit dit DAHdit ditditdit etc.)
However, in the last word of the phrase, the downbeat is on the first dash
in W and in the R rather than on the first dit in those characters (W would
be like ditDAHDAH, rather than DITdahdah.  Try singing it with dits and dahs
while accenting the morse elements on the downbeat.  (To send it perfectly,
the Wi in Wire is run together like it's a single character).  I hope this
makes sense.  Its so much easier just to demonstrate it with a key.

Dudley - WA1X

Message: 14
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 09:30:53 -0500
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist
To: "Elecraft Reflector" 
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="iso-8859-1"

This is the sort of thing that worries me about working CW. I am all in
favor of practicing before going on the air but what is available out there
to do this? Is there a hardware device & software that I can connect a key
to that will send information to a PC to test if I'm sending correctly?


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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 4/6/2005 12:57:46 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  

Then I  found my current CW mentor (I am not sure if he wants to get 
mentioned  here But Thank you SB!!)  He worked with me, and is still 
working  with me.  Got me faster and faster.  He weaned me from Farnsworth  
at about 15 wpm.  He modified the style so the words were at full  speed 
with larger spaces between.  Then he went faster.   Eventually I never 
noticed when the extra spacing went away.  Some  place in there I got 
confidence enough (foolish me!) to start the Elecraft  CW Net.  I thought 
since the SSB net was getting started maybe we  should use these fine rigs 
for what they are best at doing: CW.  So  fools (me) rushed in where most 
angels would be scared silly.  Too  dumb to know any better I got a CW net 
going.  Wayne still thinks I  am a bit nuts but then he may be right ;)

Hi All,
Well, I think you had a good mentor!  The critical thing I think you  learned 
was about spacing, which in my view is the ultimate sin of most poor CW  ops! 
 I can deal with most CW, so long as there is some recognizable  spacing 
between characters.  But when I run across these folks who simply  run their 
and dahs together from one letter to the next, "I'm outta  here"!  Some ops 
insist on having a "swing" to their sending, and though I  don't care for it 
much, I can usually copy that stuff O.K. too.   Personally, I like to make sure 
there is just a slight bit of extra spacing  between words as well.  You would 
be amazed at how much easier it is to  copy when words are readily 
identifiable by their spacing.  When I run  across someone else who uses that 
it is a dream to copy.  Of  course, the characters of each letter in a word 
need proper spacing too, but  there is something very positive about word 
separation--especially if you are  copying in your head.  At 20 wpm or less it 
that critical, but when  you get going at 25 or 30 wpm, you really appreciate 
The best advice I can give any op, particularly new ops, is to tape your  own 
sending and try copying it back.  I would suggest taping the W1AW code  
practice sessions, tape your own sending of the same text, and compare.   The 
best advice I can give is to drop all that "rock and roll" stuff and  just try 
sending well formed characters and words.  You probably won't get  many 
compliments about your fist unless you do.  And last, but not least,  don't 
faster than you are really capable of doing with proper spacing and  character 
formation.  You can bet the op at the other end won't be having  much fun if 
you violate that rule.
Dave W7AQK
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Re: [Elecraft] Balun question

2005-04-06 Thread Vic Rosenthal

W3FPR - Don Wilhelm wrote:

If my calculations are correct, YES you should have a good balun.  The
reactance of the 9 turns is 809 ohms (AL value is 884 mH/1000 turns,
inductance for 9 turns should be 71.6 uH) which is more than 16 times the
impedance of an antenna feedline of 50 ohms.  Greater than 10 times the line
impedance is the value I usually use for an effective chokeing action.

I connected the wires on either end together and tried to measure the 
common-mode impedance.  It exceeded the range of the MFJ meter (650 ohms).  So I 
guess that theory agrees with practice!

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: [Elecraft] Bad fist

2005-04-06 Thread N2EY
In a message dated 4/6/05 12:54:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> I've noticed that happens more often these days as ops get on the air after
> learning Farnsworth code. It's wonderful that they are able to learn CW more
> easily and enjoy it more quickly, but several ops I've known who learned
> Farnsworth had to stop and learn to copy all over again once they got on the
> air. The problem is that in normal operation most ops on the air don't leave
> the exaggerated spaces between letters that the Farnsworth system allows
> when you set the Farnsworth speed well above the actual sending speed.
> They've been studying Farnsworth CW at 20 WPM and when they got their
> receiving speed up to, say, 10 wpm, they try to get on the air. Suddenly
> "real CW" at even 10 or 15 wpm sounds like a run-together jumble to them
> until they learn to follow the proper spacing and rhythm of CW. 

Quite possible, but there's another, more pervasive problem, I think.

In the bad old days many if not most of us spent a considerable amount of 
time listening to the ham bands before we ever got a license, transmitter, or 
went on the air for the first time. We knew what good sending and bad sending 
sounded like, how the bands behaved, how to fight QRM and QRN, etc., from using 
our receivers to learn the code from actual received signals. We also learned 
the typical form of a QSO and many other incidentals like prosigns by listening 
to other ham QSOs.

But it seems that today a number of newer hams learn the code from computers, 
tapes or trainers and have almost no on-air experience with Morse before they 
get on the air and try to use the mode. And since there's no sending test, 
they have to learn to send on their own. Often they are trying to do all this 
live, on-the-air, rather than one step at a time. 

I think the predominance of transceivers today has a lot to do with this. In 
the old days a prospective ham would start off with a receiver, and spend lots 
of time listening, putting up an antenna, etc. When the license was earned, 
you'd buy or build a transmitter and go on the air. The delay between passing 
the exam and getting the actual license was so long (6 to 8 weeks) that it was 
possible to buy or build a transmitter in the interim.

Today many hams get the license first, then get a transceiver. Kinda hard to 
sell the idea of spending all that money for rig that is half-useless without 
the license.

> To me sending that way is like playing music off key, but if I run into one
> of those ops, I'll stretch out my spacing so they can copy. 

That's how I QRS with the bug, which bottoms out around 15 wpm. Most slower 
ops find it easier to copy.


On the issue of how to get started: Use a straight key first. Get a good one, 
learn the proper adjustment, posture, etc., and then use only the straight 
key until you get good at it. 

I went from straight key (J-37) to bug (Vibroplex Original, 1974 vintage, 
Standard model). The straight key experience was invaluable.


Elecraft connection: Just had a wild idea:

One of the best beginner rigs was the Heath HW-16. It was a CW-only 
transmitter-receiver (not really a transceiver) all in one box that covered the 
bands only. Ran the Novice legal limit, was simple to build and simple to 
operate, but had decent performance for its time and the cost was rock-bottom. 
AGC, no S meter, no bells or whistles, but it had a sharp filter in the 
receiver, a decent dial for the time, and QSK. 

What if Elecraft made a successor to that famous rig? Say a CW-only 
transceiver that was dead-simple to build and operate, but would run 50-100 
Minimal controls and displays, maximum value.

What if the basic unit were only a receiver, and you would add the 
transmitter section later?

The K2 is a great rig but it's very complex and the basic one is over $500. 
The K1 doesn't get out of the QRP class.  

What if

73 de Jim, N2EY

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[Elecraft] 4801 lives

2005-04-06 Thread George Cortez

Another baby k2 born into the family!
Now for some options!

George NE2I

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[Elecraft] #4857

2005-04-06 Thread Ron McMurray
passed the first smoke test. pg. 42 in manual.
everything workin ok
ron, kc0tdj
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[Elecraft] FDIM / Hamvention Roms

2005-04-06 Thread Hank Kohl K8DD

There are still rooms available in the QRP-ARCI / FISTS
block of rooms  for another couple of weeks.

72 73HankK8DD


'Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their 
level then beat you  with experience.'   -anon 

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[Elecraft] K2 4777 comes to life and a question

2005-04-06 Thread Mike Monger
Hi Fellow Elecrafters,

K2 4777 came to life a couple of days ago (Monday)with my 80 mtr loop (used on 
all bands) and has since made itself known in MA(80 mtrs), ME(80 mtrs), PA(40 
mtrs), TX(40 mtrs), MD(40 mtrs), Switzerland(40 mtrs), Bosnia(40 mtrs) and 
Spain(40 mtrs).  I was running 10 watts when I made the first contact in MA on 
80 mtrs.  Since then I have run 5 watts to work the other stations.  And, (I 
must add) there were some fair pileup condx on the Switzerland and Bosnia 
stations but I was able to snag them on the second or third try.

Question:  Do any of you K2 users notice an increase in power or current level 
when you put the K2 into tune mode and monitor one or the other???

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RE: [Elecraft] K2 4777 comes to life and a question

2005-04-06 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Mike KT2E asked:

Do any of you K2 users notice an increase in power or current level when you
put the K2 into tune mode and monitor one or the other???


Well, it varies because the power control circuits are disabled in TUNE
mode. That's to keep changing loads (like fiddling with an antenna tuner)
from driving the power control circuits nuts as it tries to keep a
"constant" RF voltage at the output while the load jumps all over the place.

So the power you see in TUNE will often be different from OPERATE. Indeed,
if you have a K2/100, your TUNE power starts out about 20 watts, even if the
POWER  control is set for 100 watts. For a QRP K2, the power out in TUNE is
about what the POWER control is set for, but not exactly. Also, the power
tends to drift upwards while the key is down and the finals warm up, and
with the POWER control circuitry disabled, it will do so in TUNE. 


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