Re: [Elecraft] no, it isn't a knob, it's a...

2005-07-15 Thread Andrea Borgia
On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Brian Mury wrote:

 On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 17:51 -0500, Stuart Rohre wrote:
  It's a sideswiper.
 No, it's a single lever paddle. Note the three wire connection (and you
 can even see the cuts in the copper base that isolate the dit, dah, and
 ground connections).

Actually, it is both: you can't see it in the picture but below the
crocodiles (is that the correct name?) lies a black jumper wire connecting
red and white(*) contacts and this is the normal configuration (for me). I
have tried to use it a single-lever paddle, but I prefer to do my dits and
dats by myself ;-)

Once I lay my hands on a Simplex Mono, things might change, though...


(*) colors are not casual: this way I remember which one goes right and
which one left 8-)

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[Elecraft] Let me build a K2 for you

2005-07-15 Thread Alan
I have built 98 K2's to date.  Let me build one for you.  My prices are 
reasonable and you receive a new, built K2, ready to play.

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[Elecraft] blank display FINALLY SOLVED!!! r-15

2005-07-15 Thread Roland
I finally found the problem at 2am.  Wouldn't you know it was something I 
thought I checked before.  I was going through all the emails sent to me about 
this problem (I saved them all)  not really expecting anything.  I've been 
working with Gary at elecraft support mostly.  It's been almost a year now.  
Just going over all the solder joints again, I found a spot near r15 on the 
front panel board that didn't appear to be soldered at all! I soldered it from 
the front side since it's kind of buried on the back side by the LCD.  
So all you guys were steering me in this direction from the start and kind of 
had me hanging out it that area.  I guess you-all really do know what your 
talking about.  I was getting ready to box it up and send it off to one kind 
gentleman Doug W4DAS who offered to finish it for me for free!  Many others 
W3FPR, DK8KV who was closer than I thought.  Thanks to Jeff Stai WK6I, and to 
WB6KWT in Tracey- right next door to me almost.  Thanks to all you guys for the 
Still got a long ways to go and probably lots of problems to come.  But I know 
where to come and cry for help.  I tell you, that blank display problem left me 
dead in the water till I solved the problem.  In that time spent,  I've worked 
on my kit building experience with a rockmite, SW+40 a 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 watt rig 
I got running at 5 watts.  Several failed kits from Dan's Small parts, fast 
delivery but incomplete kits with poorly or no instructions.  I've got a 
ten-tec DC receiver kit that is waiting to be built and was considering getting 
that SMT kit from KD1JP who puts out a unique 4 band 5 watt altoids fitting 
kit.  I've built his audio filter and it was a different experience.  Cold 
solder problem found there too.  
Ok, it's 2 am and now that the display light is on, looks like a good stopping 
place for the night.  The wife is starting to think I don't love her anymore. 
hi hi
Roland N5VWN
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[Elecraft] Resistance measurement

2005-07-15 Thread Dave Lindsay

Hello all

The reason that I was getting some wrong readings was down to my own 
stupidity, counting the pins incorrectly. Everything on the control 
board is within the stated ranges apart from 2 which are slightly low

U6  Pin 29   69.1 K
U6  Pin 30   69.2 K

I might try  find another VOM as I have my doubts about the one I am using.

Dave  GM4HQF

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[Elecraft] Human Power Output

2005-07-15 Thread Dan Barker
75 watts my butt! (I forgot which list had the recent discussion about
pedal-powered radios, but this is interesting to both, I imagine). Of
course, those radio operators out there who can maintain 410 Watts on a bike
for long enough to climg a 1500m hill should be in France about nowg.

From the coverage of the Tour de

SRM owner, founder and designer Ullrich Schoberer told me that live
telemetric data could be found online (see or for riders like Voigt, Kessler, Glomser and Lang,
showing heart rate, power, speed and cadence on a single graph, during any
stage of the Tour.

When I asked Schoberer about Voigt's information from stage 9 (when he took
the yellow jersey), he said the data file was not yet online, but was on his
PC: Voigt's average power was 340 watts, and his average on the last climb
was about 410 watts.

Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

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[Elecraft] ARCBS Safari Pride Award - 10 bridge QSOs needed!

2005-07-15 Thread Edward R. Breneiser
Hello all!

The Amateur Radio Covered Bridge Society or ARCBS is proud to present
the Safari Pride Award to any amateur who contacts ten covered bridges
during the ARCBS Covered Bridge Weekend Event held September 3-4, 2005.
This unique award is yours FREE for contacting a minimum of ten covered
bridges. For more information and to view this award click on the link
below. Also check out Sept. Issue of QST for more information. Don't
miss this one!


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[Elecraft] What battery to use?

2005-07-15 Thread Mark Baugh
Hi guys,
I am gearing up for a portable station for emergency
communications and have decided to use my K2/100 and
KAT100 combo.  I want to be able to power it with
batteries, if the need arises.  Have any of you high
tech Elecrafters used a battery to power a K2/100?  I
don't know whether to chose a deep-discharge marine,
an SLA/gel cell or AGM battery.  Let's not beat this
horse to death, but I would like some help on what the
best choice would be.  I've been thinking about using
something on the order of a 50-60 Ahr size.

Mark Baugh
Grenada MS

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[Elecraft] Grounding

2005-07-15 Thread J F

I understand this really depends on the type of soil
you are dealing with, RF does penetrate lossy soil (as
in my region of the world around .002/13) quite
deeply. Keeping your RF ground close to the surface
(or on the surface) seems to be the best practice.

A question: Would what you suggest make a good
lightning dissipating ground? I can see an arguement
where current distribution may be better in the soil
with a (or more) long ground rod or ground mat.



Seems a lot of work for a relatively simple rf
Why not just take a piece of copper tubing and lay it
in a shallow trench and bond your ground wire to it?
RF doesn't penetrate the ground very far, so a deep
trench wouldn't be needed.

73, Bob N6WG

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[Elecraft] Recent problems = another building tip

2005-07-15 Thread Craig Rairdin
Seems like unsoldered pins are a popular problem these days.
One of the things I do to avoid this is count as I solder. I expect an 8-pin
IC to have 8 pins to solder so I count them off as I do them. If I stick 14
resistors in, I expect 28 solder joints when I flip the board over. In the
case of 2-leaded parts I solder one side at a time to avoid heat build-up.
So I'd count off 14 on the first pass and another 14 on the second.
If's fairly normal to get off by one either because I really missed a lead
or I get distracted. That just prompts me to re-count to confirm I've got
them all.
The other thing I do is a systematic visual inspection at each of the
testing stages. It was during one of these that I found an unsoldered pin on
my K1, and that's what led me to start counting as I solder.
As I started the K2 last month we were discussing the need for a thorough
inventory prior to building, with me arguing against. I simply divided the
parts by type (resistors, capacitors, diodes, etc.). I didn't sort by value,
nor did I check everything off on the parts list before starting. I found
that the building process went pretty smoothly. There are a couple points in
the instructions where you're told to sort the remaining parts of a certain
type. Those instructions were sufficient to keep me on track.
I did have to refer to the parts list to identify some of the parts but
didn't have any other problems from not sorting everything by value prior to
building. This assumes that you're onto the Elecraft trick of putting some
parts in odd places. The thermal pads in the serial number kit is the
classic case. The other one is to say in the parts list that a cap might be
2, 2.2, or 2.7 but in the instructions call for only a 2.7 without
mentioning the other possibilities. If your kit has a 2.2 this will throw
you for a while.
K1 #1966
K2 #4941
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[Elecraft] N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar July 14 - Aug 14, 2005

2005-07-15 Thread Ken Newman
July 14 - Aug 14, 2005  
Summer FOX Hunt - QRP 20M CW
UTC: Every Fri  thru August 19, 0100z to 0229z 
EDT: Every Thur thru August 18, 9 PM  to 1029 PM
North American QSO Party (RTTY) /QRP Entries Noted
Jul 16, 1800Z to Jul 17, 0600Z
CQ WW VHF Contest (All, 6  2 Meters) ... QRP (10W) Category
Jul 16, 1800z to Jul 17, 2100z
RSGB Low Power Field Day (CW) ...QRP Contest!
Jul 17, 0900z to 1200z 
Jul 17, 1300z to 1600z 
Colorado Gold Rush (20 mtr CW QRP) ... QRP Contest
July 17, 2000z to 2200z 
Run For The Bacon (CW) ... QRP Contest!
Jul 18, 0100z to 0300z
Jul 21, 0030z to 0230z

Great Lakes Sweepstakes (Ph  Dig=CW-PSK-RTTY) ... QRP Category
Jul 23, z to Jul 24, 2359z
VK/trans-Tasman Contests (160m CW) ... QRP Category
Jul 23, 0800z to 1400z
Islands On The Air Contest (CW/SSB) ... QRP Category
Jul 30, 1200z to Jul 31, 1200z
Flight of the Bumblebees (CW) ... QRP Contest!
Jul 31, 1700z to 2100z
Adventure Radio Spartan Sprint (CW) *** QRP CONTEST! ***
Aug 2, 0100z to 0300z (First Monday 9 PM EDT)
Ten-Ten QSO Party (PH) ... QRP Category
Aug 6, 0001z to Aug 7, 2359z
TARA Grid Dip Contest  (PSK/RTTY) ... QRP Category
Aug 6, z to 2400z
Aug 6, 1200z to 2359z
ARRL UHF Contest ... Low Power Category
Aug 6, 1800z to Aug 7, 1800z
North American QSO Party (CW) ... 100W Max.  (/QRP noted on entry)
Aug 6, 1800z to Aug 7, 0600z
Worked All Europe DX Contest (CW) ... 100W category
Aug 13, z to Aug 14, 2359z
Maryland/DC QSO Party (SSB/CW) ... QRP Category
Aug 13, 1600z to Aug 14, 0400z
Aug 14, 1600z to Aug 14, 2359z

Thanks to SM3CER, WA7BNM, N0AX(ARRL), WB3AAL and others 
for assistance in compiling this calendar. 

Please foreward the contest info you sponsor to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
we will post it and give it more publicity.
Anyone may use this N2CQ QRP Contest Calendar for your website,
newsletter, e-mail list or other media as you choose.  
(Include a credit to the source of this material of course.)
72 de
Ken Newman - N2CQ 

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[Fwd: Re: [Elecraft] What battery to use?]

2005-07-15 Thread Paul Heller

Mark Baugh wrote:

Hi guys,
I am gearing up for a portable station for emergency
communications and have decided to use my K2/100 and
KAT100 combo.  I want to be able to power it with
batteries, if the need arises.  Have any of you high
tech Elecrafters used a battery to power a K2/100?  I
don't know whether to chose a deep-discharge marine,
an SLA/gel cell or AGM battery.  Let's not beat this
horse to death, but I would like some help on what the
best choice would be.  I've been thinking about using
something on the order of a 50-60 Ahr size.


I used my K2/100 with an 80 ahr deep-discharge marine battery over field 
day weekend and it worked out well - left the rig running all weekend, 
made 350 or so CW QSOs, and voltage was down to 11.2 by the end of the 
weekend so it would have gone a while longer.  I used that battery 
because I happened to have an extra one - it's sitting inside a plastic 
Wal-Mart battery box, but because it's in the house I'm going to swap it out for 
an AGM battery - no fumes, no maintenance, no way to spill acid. 


/Paul Heller W3PH

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Re: [Elecraft] What battery to use?

2005-07-15 Thread Mike Morrow
Mark wrote:

I am gearing up for a portable station for emergency
communications and have decided to use my K2/100 and
KAT100 combo.  I want to be able to power it with
batteries, if the need arises...I've been thinking about using
something on the order of a 50-60 Ahr size.

I've been playing around with portable HF gear at campsites for 25 years.
My only QRO rig for such use is a TS-50S running about the same power as the

I won't speculate on other battery technologies, but I'll just say I've
found deep-discharge batteries to work fine as long as they are periodically
well discharged and re-charged (about every 90 days or so).  At the very
least, they need to be put on charge once or more during the same interval
even if they've been sitting unconnected.

Even for short camping trips less than a week long with casual HF
operations, I've found it best to choose the highest amp-hour capacity
battery that you can find and easily move around (something about 100
amp-hours or better).  I think you'll find the 50 to 60 amp-hour capacity
you mention to be too low, even for short trips portable, but especially for
stationary emergency use.

I don't know how the K2 is, but for many solid state QRO rigs the various
bandswitch and control relay switching circuits are the first things to
falter as the battery voltage drops from the 12.6 vdc max that you'll have
when the battery is at full charge.   Low source voltage combined with
voltage drop in the solid-state relay coil switching circuits (at least 0.7
vdc) can result in coil voltage that is too low  to reliably operate the
relays.   I had one rig that wouldn't function much below about 11.0 volts
due to that effect.  Under transmit loads on the battery and with the
voltage drop in the power cables, 11 vdc at the rig happens a lot sooner
than you'd think for a QRO rig.  Since you'll be starting with a relatively
low 12.6 vdc, you'll want to use the shortest and heaviest wire that's
practical for the power cables.

I think you've got a great idea about preparing your station to operate at a
power output level that is conducive to reliable communications.  Any HF
station truely intended to function for emergency communications should be
capable of 100 watts output at least.  QRP is a great hobby mode that tests
the proficiency and equipment of the operator at the other end, but it has
no place in serious emergency communications planning except as a very last

BTW, I've been able to operate for a week a 100 watt HF rig (SSB and CW) a
few hours a day, and as a shortwave receiver for several times that, while
camping in the boonies.  I still had plenty of energy left in the
deep-discharge battery I took, which was rated for 105 amp-hours.  I also
was using that battery to feed a 50 watt 2m FM rig and a scanner radio, and
to feed a small electric light.  It's really surprising how much service can
be gotten from one charge from a decent-sized battery.  I've had a 400 watt
12vdc/120vac portable gas-powered generator for 20 years but I've never
needed to run it to re-charge the battery on any trip.

The nice thing about these high capacity deep discharge batteries is that,
compared to the price of typical handy-talkie battery packs, they are dirt
cheap.  I keep a couple charged at all times.

Mike / KK5F

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[Elecraft] Another Battery Question

2005-07-15 Thread thom2
Hi all,

  I have a basic K2 (s/n 1103) without the 100 amp.  I also have the Elecraft 
internal battery (KBT2), which I use in the field. At home the K2 is connected 
to a 13 volt power supply which, of course, charges the battery while I'm 

  Unfortunately life will be getting in the way of operating over the next 
several months and I was wondering if I should be concerned about causing any 
permanent damage to the K2 battery while it is not getting charged. I'd 
appreciate any thoughts on this.

  I will be around and can turn on the PS to charge the battery from time to 
time (how long and how often?), necessary.

k2 1103

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Re: [Elecraft] Recent problems = another building tip

2005-07-15 Thread Jeff Stai WK6I

I do this too, and it works great!

One caveat: if you can only only count to ten while soldering, don't install 
more than five resistors at a time. Let your ability to remain focussed on the 
count while focussing on soldering dictate how many you install at a time. I 
usually do six resistors, etc., which is a natural count for me, and is also 
the limit of the lead forest I care to negotiate. I also inspect and recount 
-before- any lead trimming.

hope this helps - jeff wk6i

At 06:51 AM 7/15/2005, Craig Rairdin wrote:
One of the things I do to avoid this is count as I solder. I expect an 8-pin
IC to have 8 pins to solder so I count them off as I do them. If I stick 14
resistors in, I expect 28 solder joints when I flip the board over. In the
case of 2-leaded parts I solder one side at a time to avoid heat build-up.
So I'd count off 14 on the first pass and another 14 on the second.

Twisted Oak Winery
Rocketry Org. of CA
Amateur Radio   WK6I ~ Calaveras County, CA ~ WI6NE
40th Annual California QSO Party! ~ Oct 1-2, 2005 ~

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Re: [Elecraft] blank display FINALLY SOLVED!!! r-15

2005-07-15 Thread Jeff Stai WK6I

hi Roland - very glad to hear you found the problem! Take your wife to dinner 

73 and cheers - jeff wk6i

At 02:44 AM 7/15/2005, Roland wrote:
Ok, it's 2 am and now that the display light is on, looks like a good stopping 
place for the night.  The wife is starting to think I don't love her anymore. 
hi hi

Twisted Oak Winery
Rocketry Org. of CA
Amateur Radio   WK6I ~ Calaveras County, CA ~ WI6NE
40th Annual California QSO Party! ~ Oct 1-2, 2005 ~

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Re: [Elecraft] Recent problems = another building tip

2005-07-15 Thread Ian Stirling, G4ICV, AB2GR
On Friday 15 July 2005 13:51, Craig Rairdin wrote:
 Seems like unsoldered pins are a popular problem these days.
 One of the things I do to avoid this is count as I solder. I expect an 8-pin
 IC to have 8 pins to solder so I count them off as I do them. If I stick 14
 resistors in, I expect 28 solder joints when I flip the board over. In the
 case of 2-leaded parts I solder one side at a time to avoid heat build-up.
 So I'd count off 14 on the first pass and another 14 on the second.


  I see no need to count. For all long lead components,
I soldered lots of them in before trimming the leads.
When I started to trim them, I checked if I had soldered
before snipping - caught a few that way.
   ICs - I soldered the corners first so that it's easy
to see one not filled in and make sure no end ones are
 left out.

Ian, K2 #4962
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[Elecraft] Always maximum ALC reading when pressing the PTT on your mic in SSB mode

2005-07-15 Thread Mark_van_Wijk
Hi All,

Just wanting to share a mistake I made this week:

When pressing the PTT on your mic in SSB mode, the ALC reading shows
immediately 8 digits illuminated.
There is no power control possible.
Output in SSB is only 1-3W, whatever the mic settings
In CW mode, where the ALC is not effective, everything is working just

On the SSB pcb, D2 was incorrectly inserted. The component Anode-Cathode
direction was ok, but it was physically completely shifted 1 hole to the
left (left and right across the marking D2).

'73 Mark, PA5MW

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RE: [Elecraft] Recent problems = another building tip

2005-07-15 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Jeff WK6I wrote:
One of the things I do to avoid this is count as I solder. I expect an 
8-pin IC to have 8 pins to solder so I count them off as I do them. If 
I stick 14 resistors in, ...

That's an excellent idea.

I do it during the inspection phase. 

First I use a magnifier strong enough that I can easily focus on only one
soldering pad at a time. My 4X Optivisor plus reading glasses underneath
provide that for me. It's important to have one pad at a time dominate your
field of vision. If they're enlarged enough, it's really hard to miss a

I work my way around an I.C. socket, studying each soldering joint and
counting them off to be sure I've seen EVERY pad properly soldered and

I never install more than ONE part at a time before soldering. That's just
my preference, but it lets me approach the pad with my soldering iron
without working around a forest of wires and parts don't tend to drift
loose from the board while I'm working. You'll notice that the later
Elecraft assembly manuals no longer advocate installing groups of parts.
That's entirely up to the builder.

The step-completed check goes in my manual only after I've installed a part,
checked its position (right holes?) and its value before soldering, then
completed soldering, trimming, inspecting the soldering and making a final
check of the part I.D. to be sure it's the right part in the right place.
Then, and only then, does the check go in the box in the book.

Sound like I hate reworking boards? You got it! Maybe I'm old-fashioned,
but I come from the measure twice, cut once school of building things. It
saves a lot of time and aggravation. 


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RE: [Elecraft] Recent problems = another building tip

2005-07-15 Thread Craig Rairdin
 I see no need to count. For all long lead components,
 I soldered lots of them in before trimming the leads.
 When I started to trim them, I checked if I had soldered
 before snipping - caught a few that way.

That works too, and I check as a trim the leads also. This counting
technique is most effective for ICs and other multi-leaded parts. The only
thing you might miss is if you ticked off a resistor in the book without
actually putting it in the board. 

 ICs - I soldered the corners first so that it's easy
 to see one not filled in and make sure no end ones are
 left out.

You'd think so, but this is exactly how I missed a pin on my K1. I missed
one of the other corners.


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[Elecraft] Front end FET of transverter blown with CW configured K2

2005-07-15 Thread Mark_van_Wijk
OK, guess Murphy forced me to screw up twice this week :))
So another mistake I would like to share with you all.

20dB lost in receiver performance at your transverter, no C1 adjustment
possible (Elecraft XV50 kit)

Q3 PHEMT ATF34143 defective

How did I manage that:
K2 configured in CW , with no RX delay and Iambic keyer set in the menu.
The PTT line from your mic is also the 'dot' line for your internal keyer.
When pressing the mic's PTT in CW mode, the K2 starts sending dots in full
Your transverter will try to follow the quick TX/RX switching , but since
there is also little or no RX delay, the front end FET will go to heaven.
Normally you would not press the mic while in CW mode, but trying to locate
my other mistake (max ALC reading in SSB) I
Both my A and B version K2's do this.
Again human error here, but we're learning :))

'73 Mark, PA5MW

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RE: [Elecraft] K2 and 14205.73

2005-07-15 Thread Pawlak, Daniel
Maybe Wayne is a Buffalo Bills fan. One of the zipcodes for Buffalo is

Dan Pawlak  KF4KKF
Manassas, Va
Hometown? You guessed it - Buffalo (Go Bills!!)

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of W3FPR - Don
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 11:29 PM
To: Matt Osborn;
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] K2 and 14205.73


I don't believe it is significant of anything - other than the obvoius
that the K2 happened to be tuned there when the photo was taken.

As we well know from listening on the bands, most every SSB operating
frequency is on a frequency of .00, so it is unlikely that it was
tuned to a real QSO at the time.


 -Original Message-

 Does anybody know the why the cover of the K2 Manual has the K2 dialed
 to 14205.73?

 Is that a frequent K2 net frequency or is it just happenstance?

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Re: [Fwd: Re: [Elecraft] What battery to use?]

2005-07-15 Thread Paul Heller

Robert Tellefsen wrote:

What is an AGM battery?  Don't think I've heard that term before.
Thanks and 73
Bob N6WG

AGM = Absorbed Glass Mat

As I understand it, the original application was for military aircraft - 
they can be mounted in any position and don't give off hydrogen under 
normal circumstances.  I've used the Optima 'D31M Blue Top' model in 
several long-run UPS applications and they've really worked out well.  
Wal-Mart marine batteries are cheaper (1/3 - 1/2 the cost of AGM) and 
supposedly have more AH capacity, but the AGM batteries seem to have 
significantly more capacity, last for years, and you don't have to worry 
about acid spills or fumes or hydrogen.  Supposedly they won't leak even 
if the case gets cracked, though I haven't tested this scenario and hope 
not to ;-)

There are some vendor writeups with more info at:

A number of eBay sellers carry these.



/Paul Heller W3PH

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RE: [Elecraft] Recent problems = another building tip

2005-07-15 Thread tom.w3qs
Hi Group,

I'm so glad to see that there are so many other anal retentives out there
who check, insert, count and solder, count and trim then check again.

I have only one thing to offer:

When soldering, I only solder one side of a component, then come back and
solder the other side later.  I still count, so if I am doing 10 resistors,
I expect 20 solders.  This way I avoid wiggling the component by touching
the other lead before the one just soldered has had a chance to completely

Glad to say that 4991 and the antenna tuner worked first time, right out of
the box.

73, W3QS

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[Elecraft] Re: What battery to use?

2005-07-15 Thread Mike B
Something to keep in mind when you desire your battery to have a 
relatively long life.  Taking out 50% of the capacity will, in general, 
seriously shorten a battery's life as compared to only drawing it down 
to 80%.  Most renewable energy systems shoot for the 70 - 80% mark.

Since we're talking emergency battery operation here, it can be assumed 
that you'll likely be drawing the batteries down quite a bit before a 
recharge.  Higher capacity batteries are always better - other than in 
size  weight.

My suggestion is to do this right.  Don't use any kind of flooded 
battery (with removable caps to add water), or maintenance-free 
flooded batteries - same internally but you can't add water.  True 
maintenance-free batteries are either gel or AGM.  Gel batteries can 
supposedly handle really deep discharges better, but I wouldn't worry 
about that.  Good AGM batteries beat gel in every other respect.  Some 
manufacturer's charts show more discharge-charge cycles for their gel 
than competitor's AGMs, but from what I've heard in real-world 
scenarios, AGMs are more robust and actually hold up longer.

Concorde AGM batteries came out clearly as the best AGM in the months of 
on-line research I did when recommending new batteries for work, and 
their price was comparable to anything else out there.  No relation, but has one of the best prices out 
there for the 100 and 105 Ah Concorde batteries.

Hope this helps a little.

Mike Boice, KW1ND
Karns, TN
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Re: [Elecraft] Another Battery Question

2005-07-15 Thread Mike B
Yeah, life gets in the way sometimes.  My first recommendation is to 
remove the battery from the K2 - no need to tempt fate.  A sealed lead 
acid battery, in reasonable health, can probably go up to 6 months at 
normal room temps before needing to be recharged.  Charge it fully, pull 
it out  stick it on a shelf somewhere, and mark your calendar.  Mark it 
for 4 or 5 months, if you want to be safe.  Colder temps reduce the 
self-discharge rate, higher temps dramatically shorten it.

Now may be the time to invest in a small PV (photovoltaic; solar) panel 
and charge controller.  Up to 5 watts, oriented south at a tilt equal to 
your latitude, coupled with a charge controller like Don Brown (I think 
that's the fellow) offers here, or the Micro M+ 
(, or Morningstar's SunGuard 
(  I have no connection to 
any of these vendors, other than having a Micro M for 6 or 7 years, and 
using other models of Morningstars at work.

Mike Boice, KW1ND
Karns, TN
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Re: [Elecraft] What battery to use?

2005-07-15 Thread G3VVT
In a message dated 15/07/05 15:37:09 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I had  one rig that wouldn't function much below about 11.0 volts
due to that  effect.  Under transmit loads on the battery and with the
voltage drop  in the power cables, 11 vdc at the rig happens a lot sooner
than you'd  think for a QRO rig.

The basic K2 at least seems a lot more tolerant than most radios with  an 
operating voltage range quoted in the specifications from 9 to 15VDC. An Icom  
IC-706 mkII I have will not work below 11.75VDC as the PLL section voltage  
regulator goes out of regulation below this point causing severe FM on the TX  
With a 12V lead acid type battery it is unwise to expect too much life left  
available when the voltage measured directly at the battery is approaching 11V 
 as the droop in voltage starts to accelerate at that point. Most  comm 
systems that I worked on with lead acid battery plant are usually set to  
disconnect the batteries at 1.75V per cell or 10.75V with a 12V system to  
permanent damage to the batteries. Even if they did not take this  action the 
available battery charge would not last too long in any case.
Bob, G3VVT
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RE: [Elecraft] Recent problems = another building tip

2005-07-15 Thread thom2
Well here's my 2 cents...Before snipping a lead, I try to check for continuity 
between the end of the lead (the part that will eventually be snipped) and a 
compement or pad trace that is connected to the lead that is being snipped.  If 
I get continuity I snip, if not I re-solder.
(yea, it did take 18 months to build my K2!)

k2 1103

 -- Original message --
From: tom.w3qs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Group,
 I'm so glad to see that there are so many other anal retentives out there
 who check, insert, count and solder, count and trim then check again.
 I have only one thing to offer:
 When soldering, I only solder one side of a component, then come back and
 solder the other side later.  I still count, so if I am doing 10 resistors,
 I expect 20 solders.  This way I avoid wiggling the component by touching
 the other lead before the one just soldered has had a chance to completely
 Glad to say that 4991 and the antenna tuner worked first time, right out of
 the box.
 73, W3QS
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[Elecraft] KX1 #999 strange observation...

2005-07-15 Thread JEAN-FRANCOIS MENARD


I used my KX1 this afternoon and I got a strange problem I put  
the power out to zero (0) to practice CW a few moment. And when I  
was  sqeezing both side of my paddle, the KX1 was shutting down like  
power off and immediatly on, like a reset

I tried with the Elecraft KX1 mini paddle and also with my Bencher  
paddle, and both did the same strange thing. After a few On and OFF,  
and menu changes, the problem disapear and everything is now working  
good !! but what did I do ?!?!?

I found that if I put the sidetone level to 1, the problem is there,  
but with the side tone volume to 2 or 3, no problem at all !!!



Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ


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Re: [Elecraft] no, it isn't a knob, it's a...

2005-07-15 Thread Stuart Rohre
Ah, OK thanks for the update---

Depending on how you wire this particular key, ie have jumper on two side
wires, and common on lever, you COULD use it as a sideswiper, (sidewise

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Re: [Elecraft] Front end FET of transverter blown with CW configured K2

2005-07-15 Thread Mark_van_Wijk
Hello Don,

The transverter uses one relay contact (K1) to disconnect the antenna input
from the Q3 input transistor during TX. I understand there will be a small
delay before the full 20W output power is available on the RX/TX relay to
the antenna.
Still I doubt it is capable of doing full break-in (tx-rx delay menu set at
0) with dots at 20wpm and not suffer from any timing issue. The antenna was
correctly connected.
 But then again I can and will certainly not try to repeat this error.

Mark, PA5MW

- Original Message - 
From: W3FPR - Don Wilhelm [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Mark_van_Wijk [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 22:05
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Front end FET of transverter blown with CW
configured K2


 Either you did not correctly describe the situation, but that transverter
 must work in CW mode too, and yes, it makes no difference whether the CW
 paddle or the PTT switch is presses when in CW mode, a string of dots

 The XV50 transverter should be able to follow the T/R switching of the K2
 with no problem and no damage to the transverter, unless you have some
 strange connection on the antenna side of the transverter.

 Don W3FPR

  -Original Message-

  OK, guess Murphy forced me to screw up twice this week :))
  So another mistake I would like to share with you all.
  20dB lost in receiver performance at your transverter, no C1 adjustment
  possible (Elecraft XV50 kit)
  Q3 PHEMT ATF34143 defective
  How did I manage that:
  K2 configured in CW , with no RX delay and Iambic keyer set in the menu.
  The PTT line from your mic is also the 'dot' line for your internal
  When pressing the mic's PTT in CW mode, the K2 starts sending dots in
  Your transverter will try to follow the quick TX/RX switching , but
  there is also little or no RX delay, the front end FET will go to
  Normally you would not press the mic while in CW mode, but trying
  to locate
  my other mistake (max ALC reading in SSB) I
  Both my A and B version K2's do this.
  Again human error here, but we're learning :))
  '73 Mark, PA5MW
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[Elecraft] Birdies

2005-07-15 Thread Randy Johnson
I have had trouble with annoying “birdies,” notably at 14014 and 14029.  I 
hope my experience in chasing these down helps someone else with a similar 

I finally traced this to an interaction between the cable modem for my high 
speed cable Internet access and the network card on my computer.  When I cut 
power to the modem, the birdie would stop.  When I unplugged the CAT 5 cable 
at the computer, the birdie stopped.  When plugged in and when I cut power 
to the computer, it was still there because when a computer is “off,” not 
all circuits are off, and whatever the reason the birdies were still there. 
I tried switching to DSL as provided by the local phone company but the 
problem was still there.

It may well be that there are more expensive network cards that would not 
have this interaction but I did not want to fool around with them. I had 
noted that I did not have birdies while using a laptop in the shack.  So I 
tried a cheap wireless card, similar in function to the ones used with 
laptops except that you plug it in to one of the slots on your PC.  The 
birdies went away but the thing was incredibly slow, worse than a 56K modem. 
So I bought a more expensive Linksys wireless card with a “speed 
accelerator.”  No more birdies and the Internet speed is consistent with 
high speed access. I should point out that the literature provided with this 
card says that the accelerator works only with machines running Windows XP.

Randy W6SJ.

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Re: [Elecraft] Always maximum ALC reading when pressing the PTT on yourmic in SSB mode

2005-07-15 Thread Paul Gates
See, that is what happens when you start messing with SSB. Stick to CW!! HI!
Paul Gates
K1  #0231
KX1 #1186

- Original Message - 
From: Mark_van_Wijk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 2:17 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Always maximum ALC reading when pressing the PTT on 
yourmic in SSB mode

 Hi All,

 Just wanting to share a mistake I made this week:

 When pressing the PTT on your mic in SSB mode, the ALC reading shows
 immediately 8 digits illuminated.
 There is no power control possible.
 Output in SSB is only 1-3W, whatever the mic settings
 In CW mode, where the ALC is not effective, everything is working just

 On the SSB pcb, D2 was incorrectly inserted. The component Anode-Cathode
 direction was ok, but it was physically completely shifted 1 hole to the
 left (left and right across the marking D2).

 '73 Mark, PA5MW

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Re: [Elecraft] Birdies

2005-07-15 Thread Trev - K6ESE


Did you try using shielded twisted pair CAT5E or CAT6 cable? This solved it 
for me. Just an idea...

73 Trev - K6ESE
- Original Message - 
From: Randy Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 3:03 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Birdies

I have had trouble with annoying “birdies,” notably at 14014 and 14029.  I 
hope my experience in chasing these down helps someone else with a similar 

I finally traced this to an interaction between the cable modem for my 
high speed cable Internet access and the network card on my computer. 
When I cut power to the modem, the birdie would stop.  When I unplugged 
the CAT 5 cable at the computer, the birdie stopped.  When plugged in and 
when I cut power to the computer, it was still there because when a 
computer is “off,” not all circuits are off, and whatever the reason the 
birdies were still there. I tried switching to DSL as provided by the 
local phone company but the problem was still there.

It may well be that there are more expensive network cards that would not 
have this interaction but I did not want to fool around with them. I had 
noted that I did not have birdies while using a laptop in the shack.  So I 
tried a cheap wireless card, similar in function to the ones used with 
laptops except that you plug it in to one of the slots on your PC.  The 
birdies went away but the thing was incredibly slow, worse than a 56K 
modem. So I bought a more expensive Linksys wireless card with a “speed 
accelerator.”  No more birdies and the Internet speed is consistent with 
high speed access. I should point out that the literature provided with 
this card says that the accelerator works only with machines running 
Windows XP.

Randy W6SJ.

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Re: [Elecraft] What battery to use?

2005-07-15 Thread Bill NY9H

i also used a 84 ah for field day  k2/100...  with a 50 watt solar panel...

at night it dropped to 11.4 before the panel brought it back to 12.4 the 
next morning after the sun hit the panel for a few hours...

it was slowing climbing up

this was a gota station,.,,,so xmt duty cycle was slow...


At 09:19 AM 7/15/2005, Mike Morrow wrote:

Mark wrote:

I am gearing up for a portable station for emergency
communications and have decided to use my K2/100 and
KAT100 combo.  I want to be able to power it with
batteries, if the need arises...I've been thinking about using
something on the order of a 50-60 Ahr size.

I've been playing around with portable HF gear at campsites for 25 years.
My only QRO rig for such use is a TS-50S running about the same power as the

I won't speculate on other battery technologies, but I'll just say I've
found deep-discharge batteries to work fine as long as they are periodically
well discharged and re-charged (about every 90 days or so).  At the very
least, they need to be put on charge once or more during the same interval
even if they've been sitting unconnected.

Even for short camping trips less than a week long with casual HF
operations, I've found it best to choose the highest amp-hour capacity
battery that you can find and easily move around (something about 100
amp-hours or better).  I think you'll find the 50 to 60 amp-hour capacity
you mention to be too low, even for short trips portable, but especially for
stationary emergency use.

I don't know how the K2 is, but for many solid state QRO rigs the various
bandswitch and control relay switching circuits are the first things to
falter as the battery voltage drops from the 12.6 vdc max that you'll have
when the battery is at full charge.   Low source voltage combined with
voltage drop in the solid-state relay coil switching circuits (at least 0.7
vdc) can result in coil voltage that is too low  to reliably operate the
relays.   I had one rig that wouldn't function much below about 11.0 volts
due to that effect.  Under transmit loads on the battery and with the
voltage drop in the power cables, 11 vdc at the rig happens a lot sooner
than you'd think for a QRO rig.  Since you'll be starting with a relatively
low 12.6 vdc, you'll want to use the shortest and heaviest wire that's
practical for the power cables.

I think you've got a great idea about preparing your station to operate at a
power output level that is conducive to reliable communications.  Any HF
station truely intended to function for emergency communications should be
capable of 100 watts output at least.  QRP is a great hobby mode that tests
the proficiency and equipment of the operator at the other end, but it has
no place in serious emergency communications planning except as a very last

BTW, I've been able to operate for a week a 100 watt HF rig (SSB and CW) a
few hours a day, and as a shortwave receiver for several times that, while
camping in the boonies.  I still had plenty of energy left in the
deep-discharge battery I took, which was rated for 105 amp-hours.  I also
was using that battery to feed a 50 watt 2m FM rig and a scanner radio, and
to feed a small electric light.  It's really surprising how much service can
be gotten from one charge from a decent-sized battery.  I've had a 400 watt
12vdc/120vac portable gas-powered generator for 20 years but I've never
needed to run it to re-charge the battery on any trip.

The nice thing about these high capacity deep discharge batteries is that,
compared to the price of typical handy-talkie battery packs, they are dirt
cheap.  I keep a couple charged at all times.

Mike / KK5F

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Re: [Elecraft] no, it isn't a knob, it's a...

2005-07-15 Thread Brian Mury
On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 16:56 -0500, Stuart Rohre wrote:
 Depending on how you wire this particular key, ie have jumper on two side
 wires, and common on lever, you COULD use it as a sideswiper, (sidewise

Good point. That would work for any single lever paddle. The thought had
never occured to me.

73, Brian
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[Elecraft] K2 #5023 Has a Home

2005-07-15 Thread John W Sims
Fellow Elecrafters--

K2 #5023 has arrived.

I'm a first-time Elecrafter, and only have a few simple Heathkits under
my built as well as a few small homebrew projects.

It's a beautiful package, and all's well with the inventory thus far.

I had wondered before it arrived if seeing the hundreds of parts would
cause me to question the purchase.  Just the opposite:  the kit doesn't
look as daunting after the box is opened as it does when only reading the
downloaded manual.

Many thanks to Elecraft and the K2 owners who answered my pre-purchase
questions and endorsed the rig.

My new soldering station won't arrive until early next week, so I'll be
busy this weekend completing the inventory.

It's great to know all of you are out there--I won't hesitate to post
questions on the reflector if I need help.


John, N7ON  Reno, Nevada
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[Elecraft] XIT/Split interaction?

2005-07-15 Thread Cortland Richmond
I suffered an emabrrassing lapse today while trying to work a DX station
up. I set the A and B vfos for split operation and on transmit, the
frequency display changed as it should .But it turned out the rig didn't 
After  a while I noticed I could hear the DX station while I was (I
thought) on the split side (and before it changed back).   Sheesh. Joined
the LID club.  I had left XIT on by mistake, and it was apparently
cancelling the split. Problem went away when I cancelled XIT.

Later, monitoring with a second receiver showed that was indeed happening. 
I won't crawl away to 2 meter FM just yet (grin), but has anyone else noted


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Re: [Elecraft] Always maximum ALC reading when pressing the PTT onyourmic in SSB mode

2005-07-15 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy
Now Paul, that's quite enough!! Happy be those who speak with SSB, for they 
are the enlightened. g

73, Geoff
K2/100 + KSB2 #3255

Paul Gates wrote:

See, that is what happens when you start messing with SSB. Stick to CW!! 

Paul Gates
K1  #0231
KX1 #1186

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