[Elecraft] K3 Strong Signals

2009-05-05 Thread rfenabled

Sentiments like the one below make me think that quite a few people have 
not yet encountered HFpack, one of the largest ham radio interest groups.

To the contrary.

We have studied widely on portable operations. As we live in a remote area of 
Australia HF comms is not a novelty, it is absolutely vital to assist S and R 
people to find you when something happens. It is not a game. We (Australia) 
gave the world (the UN also) the Codan and Barrett radios and antennas. 
Australia gave the US military some sophisticated communications technology and 
the testing of this type of equipment is done in Outback Australia, not a 
convenient few hundred square miles of *desert* and because we live in an area 
such as this we do practice all types of HF mobile and portable comms.

Backpacking around these parts can be quite difficult and dangerous, we have 
had many deaths over the years because communications were either inadequate or 
a lack of proper planning was not done correctly or worse, not done at all.

I repeat, I do not expect anyone I know would be so foolish as to enter my 
property talking on ssb @ 100W if they bothered to look up the tower and saw 
the HF Quad (5 bands) and had any anticipation of a warm greeting at the door.

The next multi-op operation by way of *remote* will be at Conjuboy Station 
(Con_jew_boy) (Ranch) which is large enough that it is marked on the road maps 
of Queensland.

We will be running:

K3 and FT-897D
10/15/20m 4 element triband yagi
80M full wave loop
40m full wave loop
30m full wave loop


6m 5 element wide spaced yagi
2m 9 element yagi
70cm 13 element yagi

All within a small clearing beside a creek fed by a natural spring.

I do not think we will have any issues this time either, again due to planning 
the operation.

We all have a wide view of the hobby and I for one respect that, however I 
believe that NO mod is required and if done by FW then some very intense 
testing will need to be done as we have seen with the latest FW Beta releases 
the testing period was rushed and several changes had to be done. 

A single FW change can be fine for the intended change but can lead to problems 
for many owners who had no need for the change to be done.


Sent via BlackBerry® from Telstra
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Re: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby

2009-05-05 Thread Wes Stewart

--- On Wed, 5/6/09, Bruce Bowman, NM5B  wrote:

> From: Bruce Bowman, NM5B 
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Date: Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 12:15 AM
> Unrelated to the K3 performance complaint, what happened to
> the 50 watt 
> PEP limit for US stations on 60-m? 


Has that been changed?


But the rule is 50 ERP, defined as 50 W into a 0 dBd antenna.  A mobile whip 
has a lot lower gain than 0 dBd, in case that's where you were headed.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Strong signals

2009-05-05 Thread Wes Stewart

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, rfenab...@gmail.com  wrote among other 

"I am not having a dig at anyone here"

Of course you are.

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Re: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby

2009-05-05 Thread Bruce Bowman, NM5B
Unrelated to the K3 performance complaint, what happened to the 50 watt 
PEP limit for US stations on 60-m? Has that been changed?

Bruce, NM5B

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Carroll" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby

> Guy-
> That's a nice response to  a really ridiculous complaint.
> 73
> Bob W2WG
> -Original Message-
> From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
> [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Guy Olinger, 
> K2AV
> Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 9:50 AM
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby
> Two 100w mobiles in the same driveway and expecting linear response 
> from the
> RX in one while transmitting on the other?  Talking about volts across 
> the
> antenna jack (or any of the connecting cables) here.  Who's the EE? 
> S9 is
> 50 uv.  1 volt = 20 log 1/ .50  = 86 over S9.  Maybe ten volts on 
> the
> antenna.  That's 106 over S9.
> Hearing some kind of distortion on a 100 over S9 signal is some kind 
> of
> desperately grave trouble in a K3 trouble worth attention?  Really 
> want
> Wayne spend precious development time figuring that out?  Personally I 
> vote
> for 10 Hz granularity on CW using width and shift.
> Thought the customary form of communication from thirty feet was audio 
> off
> the lips.  Need 100 watts on 60m to communicate thirty feet?  Audio
> distortion could be the driveway version of RF in the shack. 10 volts
> externally imposed RF wandering around on your cable of choice is a 
> formula
> for wierdness no matter where the station.
> Someone is really lucky they didn't smoke something.  And if the K3 
> did get
> toasted in this driveway radio demolition derby, that would be the 
> K3's
> fault too, right?  Double fault, K3 was distorting the audio while the 
> front
> end was being roasted.  Bad K3.  Bad K3.
> Some of the radios bandied about earlier were specifically designed in 
> World
> War II to survive conditions related to an enemy was trying to kill 
> the
> operator.  I'd call that a design standard specifically requested and 
> paid
> for.  Since one tank could be next to another, I'd call that 
> reasonable.
> Such radios ARE still made and paid for.  You really want to go pay 
> for
> military grade radios, you can get them, at a price far exceeding the 
> for a K3.  Use a kilowatt in your driveway. No problem.  Use 10 kw in 
> your
> driveway like the CB powerfests. No problem.
> Personally I'd like to keep the features I pay for confined to 
> peacetime,
> and it does not occur to me as good practice to be transmitting high 
> power
> in the same driveway with another radio on-band with a tuned antenna.
> Others may see it differently but I consider the situation in the 
> first
> paragraph as being careless with a friend's property.
> We have contest stations with such situations possible, but we use 
> filters,
> stubs, remote receiving antennas, etc,  to make it possible to operate 
> with
> nowhere near a volt on-band.  Sometimes use radios borrowed from 
> friends,
> and guess who pays to repair a smoked front-end, and guess which 
> embarrassed
> soul has to explain same to friend.
> Whether the audio was distorted in a smoke-it episode is really a low 
> grade
> consideration.
> 73,  Guy.
> __
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> __
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Strong signals

2009-05-05 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
Gary wrote:

As a group (here locally) we travel to remote areas often and would not
entertain using any HF band in a convoy situation.

But it works *very* well, especially 160 or 75 meter SSB running 5 watts PEP
or less during the day. The range is a few miles, if that. 


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Strong signals

2009-05-05 Thread Leigh L. Klotz, Jr WA5ZNU
Sentiments like the one below make me think that quite a few people have 
not yet encountered HFpack, one of the largest ham radio interest groups.

Just like DXers, Contesters, QRP'ers, and kit builders, HFpack 
afficionados are another group of hams with like-minded interests.
They like to optimize their equipment for outdoor, portable operation 
while holding on to the equipment, though HFPack operations also 
encompasses portable, mobile, and home operations as well.  Often, as a 
social activity hams might get together and operate from nearby 
locations as they hike.

There is also some overlap with the "green radio" (military pack) folks, 
who use military and commercial backpack equipment, which also works 
well with close-in signals on HF at the same time as more distant 

HFPackers have been active in many areas of antenna design, portable 
power options, RFI/EMC, and equipment design.

See http://hfpack.com/ for more info, or check out the  HFPack Yahoo Group.

> IMHO I would throttle anyone entering my property running 100W...period
> ...
> We are supposed to KNOW what we are doing and perhaps some people need to 
> examine the way they use the equipment and learn a little more about what 
> would be "best practice" when operating.
> I am not having a dig at anyone here, just suggesting that I have not 
> experienced the problem that started the debate, and I believe this is 
> because I gave a lot of thought to what I wanted to do and made sure I was 
> set up to achieve the result I wanted.

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[Elecraft] K3 Strong signals

2009-05-05 Thread rfenabled
IMHO I would throttle anyone entering my property running 100W...period

I have never found driving along in a *convoy* using ssb as enjoyable as 2M FM.

As a group (here locally) we travel to remote areas often and would not 
entertain using any HF band in a convoy situation.

We run multi-operations monthly on HF and 6M as well as high power VHF and UHF 
and experience NO issues by simply following the simple rulePlan the 
operation ahead of time and give the details to all who are present.

We run Yaesu and Icom as well as the K3 and again, none of the overloaded front 
end issues have been occurring to date simply by following some basic 
principles of operating in this type of environment.

Why do we need further mods from the manufacturer in either FW or Hardware?

We are supposed to KNOW what we are doing and perhaps some people need to 
examine the way they use the equipment and learn a little more about what would 
be "best practice" when operating.

I am not having a dig at anyone here, just suggesting that I have not 
experienced the problem that started the debate, and I believe this is because 
I gave a lot of thought to what I wanted to do and made sure I was set up to 
achieve the result I wanted.

No mods has my vote because I fear the unseen changes that would develop into 
further changes that will have a lot of us unhappy. Sometimes it is better to 
allow the sleeping dog to have his restthe alternative can be painful in 
more ways than one.

Soapbox vacated
Sent via BlackBerry® from Telstra
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 strong signal handling

2009-05-05 Thread wayne burdick

On May 5, 2009, at 8:40 PM, WILLIS COOKE wrote:

> This whole big thread did not start with anyone demanding the K3 be 
> modified so that we can talk to a guy in the driveway running full 
> power.  We were discussing what we had observed and talking about 
> remembering to turn off the pre-amp and turn on the attenuator when a 
> person or two decided to call us stupid for discussing the issue.  
> Other people started talking about adding diodes and some ventured 
> speculation that the pin diodes in the TR circuit might be 
> contributing.  I am confident that Wayne and the others understand 
> this and will not take any action that does not seem to improve the 
> product.


> Wayne has recommended that I do the VCO mod on my K3 which I plan to 
> do, but that is not a change to the product as that mod is in the 
> current production units.




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Re: [Elecraft] K3 strong signal handling

2009-05-05 Thread WILLIS COOKE

This whole big thread did not start with anyone demanding the K3 be modified so 
that we can talk to a guy in the driveway running full power.  We were 
discussing what we had observed and talking about remembering to turn off the 
pre-amp and turn on the attenuator when a person or two decided to call us 
stupid for discussing the issue.  Other people started talking about adding 
diodes and some ventured speculation that the pin diodes in the TR circuit 
might be contributing.  I am confident that Wayne and the others understand 
this and will not take any action that does not seem to improve the product.  

Wayne has recommended that I do the VCO mod on my K3 which I plan to do, but 
that is not a change to the product as that mod is in the current production 

It sure is easy to get a war started on this reflector by trying to have an 
ordinary dialog about how to use the product a little more intellegently.

Willis 'Cookie' Cooke 

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, Eric Scace K3NA  wrote:

> From: Eric Scace K3NA 
> Subject: [Elecraft] K3 strong signal handling
> To: "Wayne N6KR" 
> Cc: "Elecraft mailing list" 
> Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 8:24 PM
> Hi Wayne --
>I always get nervous when I see diodes proposed to clip
> strong RF.
>One of the biggest problems we have in a
> multi-transmitter site 
> (DXpedition or multi-TX contest station) is IMD generated
> by diodes 
> rectifying RF and re-radiating the result back into the
> local 
> environment.  Even a nearby AM BC station can induce enough
> voltage on 
> cause diodes to start rectifying.
> IMHO, if some guy wants to listen to a full-power
> signal from <100m 
> away, it is his responsibility to insert an appropriate
> external attenuator.
>I really don't want to see the performance of the K3
> (AGC on or off) 
> compromised in any way whatsoever to handle such an
> atypical scenario.
> 73,
>-- Eric K3NA
> __
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[Elecraft] K3 strong signal handling

2009-05-05 Thread Eric Scace K3NA
Hi Wayne --

   I always get nervous when I see diodes proposed to clip strong RF.

   One of the biggest problems we have in a multi-transmitter site 
(DXpedition or multi-TX contest station) is IMD generated by diodes 
rectifying RF and re-radiating the result back into the local 
environment.  Even a nearby AM BC station can induce enough voltage on 
cause diodes to start rectifying.

IMHO, if some guy wants to listen to a full-power signal from <100m 
away, it is his responsibility to insert an appropriate external attenuator.

   I really don't want to see the performance of the K3 (AGC on or off) 
compromised in any way whatsoever to handle such an atypical scenario.

   -- Eric K3NA
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 No Menu Problem

2009-05-05 Thread Jim Brown
Don, thanks for your help. Problem solved by replacing R2.

Jim Brown, K5JAZ

On 5/5/09, Don Wilhelm wrote:
> James,
> With 0.1 volts at CB U6 pin 29, I would expect that the K2 may be trying
> to transmit - and that would not allow access to the menu.
> situation resolved.
> With power off, what is the resistance reading from CB U6 pin 29 to
> ground (measure both on the socket and at the chip pin, they should be
> the same, but check anyway) - with the paddles open (should be a high
> resistance)?  How about when the dash paddle is closed (should be about
> 220 ohms)?
> If you read a high resistance with the paddles open (or with nothing
> plugged into the key jack) and approximately 220 ohms with the dash
> paddle closed, I would look carefully at the soldering of CB RP4 pins 7
> and 8 - this resistor is the pull-up for the dash line and should bring
> the dash line to 5 volts with the paddle open.  But if those resistance
> readings are not within the realm of sanity, check CB P3 pin 17 and CB
> U6 socket pin 29.  Make certain U6 pin 29 is not bent under the socket
> nor sticking out to the side of the socket.  Also check RF Board J8 pin
> 17 and the inboard end of R2.
> Let us know where you find something that does not make sense.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> James Brown wrote:
>> K2 #2535 has no menus even though all other functions appear to work.
>> I did resistance and voltage checks on control board and found U6 pin
>> 29 (/DASH) at .10v instead of the expected 5.0v. The 8v and 5v
>> regulators are good.
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread Phil & Debbie Salas
"The hardware AGC mod was implemented around S/N 280 in
January 2008."

It wasn't implemented in my SN308.  But it is now :-)

Phil - AD5X
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 - SWR Indication

2009-05-05 Thread N8LP

Several interesting topics have arisen in this discussion. Here are a couple

1) Most wattmeters use a diode peak detector for each of the coupler ports
(FWD, REF). The forward voltage drop of the diodes becomes an increasing
source of error as power is lowered. The means than for fairly low SWRs,
there is more error in the REF voltage sample, which is lower to begin with.
Squaring the voltage to calculate power exaggerates the error. Very few
commercial meters try to compensate for the diode drop. The LP-100A does,
using a circuit similar to the one in the Tandem Match design, as well as
using a dual Schottky diode on a common substrate to minimize temp
variations between the detector diode and the correction diode. It is
possible to get a fairly good correction for static voltage drop errors, but
errors due to the dynamic inverse impedance of the diode, which is frequency
dependent, can't be easily compensated for. Still, it's much better than

2) Most wattmeters use a simple coupler where samples of line current and
voltage across the load are combined to obtain FWD and REF voltage samples.
There are some inherent phase errors which are relative to frequency in this
simple design, and magnitude errors related to parasitic coupling which
limit the directivity of the coupler. Directivity determines the ultimate
limit of SWR measurement error. As mentioned by K8ZOA, 30dB is an excellent
broadband directivity number, but rarely achieved with high power couplers
from 2-54 MHz. The LP-100A feeds the raw current and voltage samples to a
gain/phase detector chip for determination of SWR, instead of combining them
in the coupler. No diodes are involved, and no FWD or REF voltage samples.
The meter has a frequency counter, and any phase or gain errors in the
coupler samples can be calibrated out, indexed to frequency. This allows the
meter to achieve >40dB directivity from 2-54 MHz.

3) Power circuitry and calculations are completely independent of SWR
circuitry and calculations in the LP-100A. As long as there is about 1-2W of
power, the gain/phase detector will provide the same result at any power
level, with slightly reduced accuracy down to 50mW. The LP-100A uses the
differential magnitude and phase samples to calculate the complex reflection
coefficient, from which all other impedance and SWR numbers are derived. The
meter can display REF power, but it is calculated from FWD power and
reflection coefficient, not measured directly. 

Larry N8LP

Jack Smith-6 wrote:
> A wattmeter built around a directional coupler always has to deal with 
> finite coupler directivity. Making the problem more difficult is that we 
> expect a wattmeter to be accurate over a rather wide frequency range, 
> 1.8  to 30 or even 50 MHz. This places an even greater burden upon the 
> directional coupler.
> If the directional coupler has 30 dB directivity--a very good number to 
> be maintained over a wide frequency range--then 1 KW forward power into 
> a perfect load will show 1 watt reflected power, corresponding to an SWR 
> of 1.065:1 instead of the expected 1.... for the theoretically 
> perfect load.
> It is possible to measure the phase and amplitude of  the coupled signal 
> to "calibrate out" coupler imperfections. This is what is done with a 
> vector network analyzer when the standard "open/short/load" calibration 
> is applied. The VNA measures the phase and amplitude of the coupled 
> signal when the through port is operated into an open circuit, a short 
> circuit and a known value (resistance and stray L & C known) termination 
> for each test frequency. The VNA then computes and applies an 
> appropriate correction factor to correct for coupler errors. O/S/L 
> calibration has been supplemented by more advanced techniques in newer 
> VNAs. (There's a very good Application Note AN 1287-3 from Agilent on 
> this subject available at 
> http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5965-7709E.pdf. Bird 
> Electric has a less technical Application Note on the effect of coupler 
> directivity on SWR at 
> http://www.bird-technologies.com/techapps/app_notes/StraightTalkAboutDirectivity.pdf)
> A wattmeter using diodes to measure RF voltage used with a directional 
> coupler cannot apply sophisticated error correction to compensate for 
> finite coupler directivity. At most, one can tweak a balance pot or 
> trimmer cap to null the reflected signal at a single frequency and power 
> level. Further complications result from the forward and reverse diode 
> detectors being operated at different points on their sensitivity curve, 
> etc.
> Hence, it is far from surprising that different wattmeters will show 
> different SWR under ostensibly identical test conditions.
> Larry's LP-100 wattmeter operates with a different methodology and I'll 
> leave it to him to explain the differences and how coupler directivity 
> is considered.
> Jack K8ZOA
> www.cliftonlaboratories.com

Re: [Elecraft] K3 Compression meter scale

2009-05-05 Thread Lyle Johnson
> Does the compression setting directly correlate to the scale on the LCD?


The CMP reading is the instantaneous amount of compression, with a bit 
of decay time so you can see the peak if it is changing rapidly.

The value displayed in the VFO B area is just a relative number relating 
to the amount of rotation of the control.


Lyle KK7P

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[Elecraft] K3 Compression meter scale

2009-05-05 Thread James Sarte
Hello all,


Does the compression setting directly correlate to the scale on the LCD?
For example if turn compression to 10, the actual compression amount is more
like 2-3 dB instead of 10 as I would expect.  The meter deflects to the 2nd
or 3rd line between 0 and 10.  If I turn it to 20, the meter deflects to
between 10 and 20.


73 de James K3JPS

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+ [END of thread]

2009-05-05 Thread Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ, Elecraft
Time to end this thread.  :-)

73, Eric  WA6HHQ
Elecraft List Moderator

Steve Ellington wrote:
> Hmmm. I wonder if reducing the power supply voltage to 10 volts and using 
> 18ga power cable would make the K3's keying sound like the Omni VI+++?
> Steve Ellington
> n...@carolina.rr.com
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[Elecraft] K2 No Menu Problem

2009-05-05 Thread Jim Brown
K2 #2535 has no menus even though all other functions appear to work.
I did resistance and voltage checks on control board and found U6 pin
29 (/DASH) at .10v instead of the expected 5.0v. The 8v and 5v
regulators are good. The key jack is not shorted and measures 220ohms
to ground from P3 pin 17 when the dash circuit is closed. RP4 measures
82Kohms from pins 7 to 8. When powered up, RP4 pin 7 measures 5v, but
pin 8 is at .10v. Pin 8 voltage does not change when U6 is removed
from socket. Any hints would be appreciated on where to go from here.
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 No Menu Problem

2009-05-05 Thread Don Wilhelm

With 0.1 volts at CB U6 pin 29, I would expect that the K2 may be trying 
to transmit - and that would not allow access to the menu.
situation resolved.

With power off, what is the resistance reading from CB U6 pin 29 to 
ground (measure both on the socket and at the chip pin, they should be 
the same, but check anyway) - with the paddles open (should be a high 
resistance)?  How about when the dash paddle is closed (should be about 
220 ohms)?
If you read a high resistance with the paddles open (or with nothing 
plugged into the key jack) and approximately 220 ohms with the dash 
paddle closed, I would look carefully at the soldering of CB RP4 pins 7 
and 8 - this resistor is the pull-up for the dash line and should bring 
the dash line to 5 volts with the paddle open.  But if those resistance 
readings are not within the realm of sanity, check CB P3 pin 17 and CB 
U6 socket pin 29.  Make certain U6 pin 29 is not bent under the socket 
nor sticking out to the side of the socket.  Also check RF Board J8 pin 
17 and the inboard end of R2.

Let us know where you find something that does not make sense.


James Brown wrote:
> K2 #2535 has no menus even though all other functions appear to work.
> I did resistance and voltage checks on control board and found U6 pin
> 29 (/DASH) at .10v instead of the expected 5.0v. The 8v and 5v
> regulators are good. The key jack is not shorted and measures 220ohms
> to ground from P3 pin 17 when the dash circuit is closed. RP4 measures
> 82Kohms from pins 7 to 8. When powered up, RP4 pin 7 measures 5v, but
> pin 8 is at .10v. Pin 8 voltage does not change when U6 is removed
> from socket. Any hints would be appreciated on where to go from here.
> __
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+

2009-05-05 Thread Steve Ellington
Hmmm. I wonder if reducing the power supply voltage to 10 volts and using 
18ga power cable would make the K3's keying sound like the Omni VI+++?
Steve Ellington
- Original Message - 
From: "Don Rasmussen" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 6:12 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+

> Lee,
> You're right, everyone should leave their K3 CONFIG as shipped by the 
> factory. Any deviation from this should carry a stiff fine from the FCC 
> followed up by a revocation of the station license for repeat offenders.
> ;-)
> Those ham types and their "golden screwdrivers", I tell ya. !
> I enjoy A/B comparisons and dialing the K3 around brings me pleasure. From 
> the hits on the website, one or two others seem to share the idea.
> [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+ - Why?
> Lee Buller k0wa at swbell.net
> Tue May 5 16:41:06 EDT 2009
> No...I've never wonder why.  Should I?  Could someone tell me the point of 
> doing this?  I do not want to go back to the NC-57, the HW-100, etc.  Why 
> do this?
> Lee :>O
> The New Kansas QSO Party - August 29, Sat 9am-9pm and August 30 Sun 
> 9am-3pm CDT
> More Info at:  http://www.ksqsoparty.org/
> In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you 
> don't have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you 
> can't find any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some 
> Common Sense.  Is Common Sense divine?
> --- On Tue, 5/5/09, Don Rasmussen  wrote:
> From: Don Rasmussen 
> Subject: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+
> To: "elecraft at mailman.qth.net" 
> Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 1:10 PM
> http://tinyurl.com/canrhm
> Ever wonder what an OMNI VI+ sounds like? Give it a try with your K3.
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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> Previous message: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+
> Next message: [Elecraft] KX1 Parts Question
> Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
> More information about the Elecraft mailing list
> __
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread Bill W4ZV

Mike Harris-9 wrote:
> One thing to note is that #1400 doesn't have the 
> hardware AGC mod installed 

Are you sure?  The hardware AGC mod was implemented around S/N 280 in
January 2008.  The blue (?) dot on the SMD diode faces toward the front

73,  Bill

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread wayne burdick
Don't worry, Merv. Any hardware mod we might come up with for handling 
extremely strong in-band signals (i.e., from adjacent transmitters) 
would have absolutely no impact on K3 performance otherwise. Or we 
wouldn't do it.


On May 5, 2009, at 3:22 PM, Merv Schweigert wrote:

> I sure do not want my K3 to act as a 897 or any other peanut radio..



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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread Merv Schweigert
wayne burdick wrote:
> If I add anything like this at all, it will default to OFF in a menu 
> entry.
> First I have to do some tests to see if in fact there's a problem. Then 
> I have to consider hardware vs. firmware changes, keeping in mind that 
> only rarely will anyone encounter such circumstances.
> 73,
> Wayne
> N6KR
How many K3s are mobile, how many are used instead of a 2 meter radio
talking car to car bumper to bumper,  or sitting under someones antenna
in the driveway.   I sure do not want my K3 to act as a 897 or any other
peanut radio,  I would have bought one of those if I did. 
As the K3 sits now it can handle stronger signals than any other radio while
hearing a weak signal with no problems,  using diodes has been
nothing but IMD and distortion products all over the band in the old 
radios I
have tried in the past.  No diodes please.  Remember all those upgrades to
radios that changed out the diodes in the front end, filter switching 
etc. due
to IMD products etc. ?
I think Elecraft makes a product for that called an antenuator,
buy one and stick it on the front end if the signal is too strong. 
Or use the gift of manual dexterity to turn down the volume/gain.
I think the thread mutated as usual into one report and many replies
that are not the same problem.
Sure more pressing issues to deal with on the K3.   Rare is good on a 
rare is not so good when dealing with a customer base.  Gain one, loose
nuff said.Merv KH7C
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[Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+

2009-05-05 Thread Don Rasmussen


You're right, everyone should leave their K3 CONFIG as shipped by the factory. 
Any deviation from this should carry a stiff fine from the FCC followed up by a 
revocation of the station license for repeat offenders.


Those ham types and their "golden screwdrivers", I tell ya. !

I enjoy A/B comparisons and dialing the K3 around brings me pleasure. From the 
hits on the website, one or two others seem to share the idea.

[Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+ - Why?
Lee Buller k0wa at swbell.net 
Tue May 5 16:41:06 EDT 2009 

No...I've never wonder why.  Should I?  Could someone tell me the point of 
doing this?  I do not want to go back to the NC-57, the HW-100, etc.  Why do 

Lee :>O

The New Kansas QSO Party - August 29, Sat 9am-9pm and August 30 Sun 9am-3pm CDT 
More Info at:  http://www.ksqsoparty.org/
In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you don't 
have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't find 
any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  Is 
Common Sense divine?

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, Don Rasmussen  wrote:
From: Don Rasmussen 
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+
To: "elecraft at mailman.qth.net" 
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 1:10 PM


Ever wonder what an OMNI VI+ sounds like? Give it a try with your K3.

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Next message: [Elecraft] KX1 Parts Question 
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[Elecraft] K2 No Menu Problem

2009-05-05 Thread James Brown
K2 #2535 has no menus even though all other functions appear to work.
I did resistance and voltage checks on control board and found U6 pin
29 (/DASH) at .10v instead of the expected 5.0v. The 8v and 5v
regulators are good. The key jack is not shorted and measures 220ohms
to ground from P3 pin 17 when the dash circuit is closed. RP4 measures
82Kohms from pins 7 to 8. When powered up, RP4 pin 7 measures 5v, but
pin 8 is at .10v. Pin 8 voltage does not change when U6 is removed
from socket. Any hints would be appreciated on where to go from here.
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread wayne burdick
Mike Harris wrote:

> One nasty winter's day I might just drag out the mod kit again.  How 
> do you
> know which end is which on the SMD LED?

DMM :)

Actually, I think the instructions cover this.




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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread Mike Harris
Hi Wayne,

Thanks for your comment.  I have the stock 2700Hz for SSB and five pole 
500Hz for CW which works for me.

Encouraged by some recent comments I've been playing with width and shift 
and find that 1800Hz BW centred on 1200Hz on SSB works very well and have 
loaded it into profile II.

One nasty winters day I might just drag out the mod kit again.  How do you 
know which end is which on the SMD LED?


Mike VP8NO

- Original Message - 
From: "wayne burdick" 
To: "Mike Harris" 
Cc: "Elecraft Discussion List" ; "Geoffrey 
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

| Mike,
| The AGC mod is definitely preferred. The old AGC circuit allows in-band
| signals as low as S9 to activate hardware AGC. This would cause desense
| if you were using a wide crystal filter but a narrow DSP filter. The
| new AGC circuit has an in-band desense threshold of more like S9+20 to
| +30.
| Of course we also recommend that you have at least one narrow crystal
| filter (e.g., 400 or 500 Hz) if you're using CW or narrow data modes.
| This changes the definition of "in-band" to such a small value that
| desense due to adjacent signals becomes very rare.
| Those really pushing the envelope should consider our 200 Hz filter.
| Ask a few 160 m contest operators about this :)
| 73,
| Wayne
| N6KR
| On May 5, 2009, at 1:29 PM, Mike Harris wrote:
| > Hi Geoffrey,
| >
| > I guess there are no simple answers to this apart from proper operator
| > intervention.  I guess that is why the buttons are there.  I've no
| > intention of adding any diode clipping, I don't have a problem even
| > with
| > my S-9+60++ neighbour.  One thing to note is that #1400 doesn't have
| > the
| > hardware AGC mod installed so it is cutting in approx 20dB before the
| > latest versions.  I was on the verge of doing it before this thread
| > started but I've put it away again

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread wayne burdick
If I add anything like this at all, it will default to OFF in a menu 

First I have to do some tests to see if in fact there's a problem. Then 
I have to consider hardware vs. firmware changes, keeping in mind that 
only rarely will anyone encounter such circumstances.


On May 5, 2009, at 12:46 PM, Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:

> It would be great if any such automatic changes can be turned off.
> ...

> ---


Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread wayne burdick

The AGC mod is definitely preferred. The old AGC circuit allows in-band 
signals as low as S9 to activate hardware AGC. This would cause desense 
if you were using a wide crystal filter but a narrow DSP filter. The 
new AGC circuit has an in-band desense threshold of more like S9+20 to 

Of course we also recommend that you have at least one narrow crystal 
filter (e.g., 400 or 500 Hz) if you're using CW or narrow data modes. 
This changes the definition of "in-band" to such a small value that 
desense due to adjacent signals becomes very rare.

Those really pushing the envelope should consider our 200 Hz filter. 
Ask a few 160 m contest operators about this :)


On May 5, 2009, at 1:29 PM, Mike Harris wrote:

> Hi Geoffrey,
> I guess there are no simple answers to this apart from proper operator
> intervention.  I guess that is why the buttons are there.  I've no
> intention of adding any diode clipping, I don't have a problem even 
> with
> my S-9+60++ neighbour.  One thing to note is that #1400 doesn't have 
> the
> hardware AGC mod installed so it is cutting in approx 20dB before the
> latest versions.  I was on the verge of doing it before this thread
> started but I've put it away again



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[Elecraft] [K2] NB question re: pulse noise problem here

2009-05-05 Thread Ron Greene
Thanks to those of you who responded with various suggestions.  I'm 
going to go ahead and order the KNB2 and see if that does the job.  I 
suspect the noise might be coming from a nearby medical facility 
(hospice) and being transmitted down the power lines.  Even if the NB 
doesn't solve this "pulse' problem it may still be needed some time or 


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+ - Why?

2009-05-05 Thread Lee Buller

No...I've never wonder why.  Should I?  Could someone tell me the point of 
doing this?  I do not want to go back to the NC-57, the HW-100, etc.  Why do 

Lee :>O

The New Kansas QSO Party - August 29, Sat 9am-9pm and August 30 Sun 9am-3pm CDT 
More Info at:  http://www.ksqsoparty.org/
In our day and age it seems that Common Sense is in short supply.  If you don't 
have any Common Sense - get some Common Sense and use it.  If you can't find 
any Common Sense, ask for help from somebody who has some Common Sense.  Is 
Common Sense divine?

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, Don Rasmussen  wrote:
From: Don Rasmussen 
Subject: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+
To: "elecraft@mailman.qth.net" 
Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 1:10 PM


Ever wonder what an OMNI VI+ sounds like? Give it a try with your K3.

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Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html

Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread Mike Harris
Hi Geoffrey,

I guess there are no simple answers to this apart from proper operator 
intervention.  I guess that is why the buttons are there.  I've no 
intention of adding any diode clipping, I don't have a problem even with 
my S-9+60++ neighbour.  One thing to note is that #1400 doesn't have the 
hardware AGC mod installed so it is cutting in approx 20dB before the 
latest versions.  I was on the verge of doing it before this thread 
started but I've put it away again.

So many hooks into the firmware, many possibilities to end up flying with 
crossed controls.


Mike VP8NO 

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Please help support this email list: http://www.qsl.net/donate.html

Re: [Elecraft] KX1 Parts Question

2009-05-05 Thread Don Wilhelm

L9 is 100 uHy, not 4.7 uHy.  Color code brown - black - brown = 1-0-1  
The first two bands indicate the first two significant digits of the 
value and the 3rd band indicates the number of zeros to append to those 
first two digits.

Yes, it is now a mini size instead of the micro.  The micro size were 
quite fragile and are no longer available.  BTW - IIRC, it *was* in the 
errata sheet, but apparently was inadvertently dropped with the last 
errata update.

Either bend both leads inward and mount with the body parallel to the 
board OR, just mount it at a bit of an angle with one end sticking up a 
bit - either will work fine, the aesthetic appearance of the finished 
board is up to you and may influence your choice.


Oscar Staudt wrote:
> Maybe I'm being a little paranoid, but since everything else in the
> instructions is SO precise, I wanted to ensure a slight part variation was
> intended.  - L9 (4.7uH) is specified as a "micro" size -- the smaller size -
> in both the instruction text (page 31) and the parts inventory
>   - The only 4.7uH inductor (brn-blk-brn) sent is actually a "mini" size -
> the larger size
> The inductor will fit on the board, but the leads will have to be bent right
> at the point where the lead exits the device molding - and the text
> indicated these inductors are very fragile.
> Question:  Is the mini size L9 what you are sending now with some of the
> kits? (rather than the smaller micro size)
> If so, no problem -- I'll just chunk it in there and not worry.
> BTW, alignment and test Part I went perfectly.  I haven't had so much fun in
> years.  Great kit, great assembly manual.
> Oscar, WB5GCX
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[Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+

2009-05-05 Thread Don Rasmussen

>> but what's the advantage  of engaging the preamp and then riding the RF 
>> Gain?  That seems like  merely adding another potential source of 
>> non-linearity.

You're forgetting that we are emulating an older radio, so yes, less linear 
than K3 would be. 

Now, if we emulate a future radio, it should be even more linear than K3.  


Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+

2009-05-05 Thread pd0psb

Happening in sound studio's every day!
Old SSL mixers, RCA tube gear, vintage legend EQ's
You name it, they (and I  :-) have it in software emulation.
Some of them quite good actually...


This is an excellent idea!  Why not make a collection of settings  
which emulate various legacy radios?  Then, whenever you miss the old  
radios, simply go and look up the settings for the radio you want, and  
presto!  You are back in nostalgia land! 
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread Ron D'Eau Claire
It would be great if any such automatic changes can be turned off.

I like tools that let me control what happens. I'm not an avid contester, so
whizzing through QSO's at breakneck speed in heavy QRN is of little

Understanding the impact of each part of the radio and learning how to
operate it to achieve the best results under all conditions is of great
interest and a source of pleasure. 

The less the radio anticipates what I want, the better I like it. Already,
I'm constantly tripping over things that change 'per mode' or 'per band'.
Sometimes it takes longer for me to figure out what the radio did to me
automatically than what I want to do manually. 

Guess that's why I drive a car with a stick shift (and disconnected the
"idiot" light that tells me when to shift ;-)


-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of wayne burdick
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 10:42 AM
To: n...@yahoo.com
Cc: pd0psb; elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

So noted on the firmware list. I'll be doing some controlled tests with 
very strong signals.


On May 5, 2009, at 10:33 AM, Wes Stewart wrote:

> I started composing a message yesterday about this and got called 
> away.  Paul has now sort of beaten me to it, but what I had written 
> was:
> "Seems to me that the radio ought to be smart enough to correct (at 
> least partially) these issues.
> If the preamp needs disabling and/or the attenuator needs engaging 
> then the firmware should do it."

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Post: mailto:Elecraft@mailman.qth.net

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+

2009-05-05 Thread William Evans
This is an excellent idea!  Why not make a collection of settings  
which emulate various legacy radios?  Then, whenever you miss the old  
radios, simply go and look up the settings for the radio you want, and  
presto!  You are back in nostalgia land!  Then you can come back to  
the K3 domain any time you wish and listen to the new breed of super  
radio!  Anyone for making a list of settings for emulating various  

On May 5, 2009, at 2:10 PM, Don Rasmussen wrote:


Ever wonder what an OMNI VI+ sounds like? Give it a try with your K3.

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[Elecraft] KX1 Parts Question

2009-05-05 Thread Oscar Staudt
Maybe I'm being a little paranoid, but since everything else in the
instructions is SO precise, I wanted to ensure a slight part variation was
intended.  - L9 (4.7uH) is specified as a "micro" size -- the smaller size -
in both the instruction text (page 31) and the parts inventory
  - The only 4.7uH inductor (brn-blk-brn) sent is actually a "mini" size -
the larger size

The inductor will fit on the board, but the leads will have to be bent right
at the point where the lead exits the device molding - and the text
indicated these inductors are very fragile.

Question:  Is the mini size L9 what you are sending now with some of the
kits? (rather than the smaller micro size)

If so, no problem -- I'll just chunk it in there and not worry.

BTW, alignment and test Part I went perfectly.  I haven't had so much fun in
years.  Great kit, great assembly manual.

Oscar, WB5GCX
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+

2009-05-05 Thread David Gilbert

The AGC settings make reasonable sense to me, but what's the advantage 
of engaging the preamp and then riding the RF Gain?  That seems like 
merely adding another potential source of non-linearity.

Dave   AB7E

Don Rasmussen wrote:
> http://tinyurl.com/canrhm
> Ever wonder what an OMNI VI+ sounds like? Give it a try with your K3.
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+

2009-05-05 Thread pd0psb

Great stuff!
Who's next with a 51s1 template :-)))


Don Rasmussen wrote:
> http://tinyurl.com/canrhm
> Ever wonder what an OMNI VI+ sounds like? Give it a try with your K3.
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
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Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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[Elecraft] K3 emulating Tentec OMNI VI+

2009-05-05 Thread Don Rasmussen


Ever wonder what an OMNI VI+ sounds like? Give it a try with your K3.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread pd0psb

Thanks Wayne,Wes,

Nice to see that "thinking practical" about ways to make K3 even better is
not always interpreted as "attacking the K3 concept" ;-)

Best 73'

wayne burdick wrote:
> So noted on the firmware list. I'll be doing some controlled tests with 
> very strong signals.
> tnx
> Wayne
> N6KR
> On May 5, 2009, at 10:33 AM, Wes Stewart wrote:
>> I started composing a message yesterday about this and got called 
>> away.  Paul has now sort of beaten me to it, but what I had written 
>> was:
>> "Seems to me that the radio ought to be smart enough to correct (at 
>> least partially) these issues.
>> If the preamp needs disabling and/or the attenuator needs engaging 
>> then the firmware should do it."
> ---
> http://www.elecraft.com
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread wayne burdick
So noted on the firmware list. I'll be doing some controlled tests with 
very strong signals.


On May 5, 2009, at 10:33 AM, Wes Stewart wrote:

> I started composing a message yesterday about this and got called 
> away.  Paul has now sort of beaten me to it, but what I had written 
> was:
> "Seems to me that the radio ought to be smart enough to correct (at 
> least partially) these issues.
> If the preamp needs disabling and/or the attenuator needs engaging 
> then the firmware should do it."



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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread Wes Stewart

I started composing a message yesterday about this and got called away.  Paul 
has now sort of beaten me to it, but what I had written was:

"Seems to me that the radio ought to be smart enough to correct (at least 
partially) these issues.

If the preamp needs disabling and/or the attenuator needs engaging then the 
firmware should do it."

--- On Tue, 5/5/09, pd0psb  wrote:

> From: pd0psb 
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Date: Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 10:20 AM
> Quite a number of radios I know disable pre-amp and enable
> ATT when the AGC
> voltage reaches a certain threshold. A handy way of
> extending the range of
> total AGC with 30/40dB without having to reach for the
> knobs. Automatically
> switched by firmware to catch the first unexpected RF hits.
> 73'
> Paul

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread David Gilbert

Yes, but then you'd mask the weaker signals underneath.  Anything that 
requires computation, reaction, and delay (variable or otherwise) to 
stretch the dynamic range is a non-linearity of one type or other (time 
or level or both) that negatively affects the signal handling ability 
(either in terms of sensitivity or distortion) somewhere within its range.

The thing that puzzles me about this entire thread is ... why do people 
want to take a world-class communication rig like the K3 and make it 
function like an FT-817 or a BC-455 or a Hammarlund Super-Pro or a Radio 
Shack Scanner or a 1940's radio for listening to NPR?  Did people buy 
the K3 simply because it was the "in" rig without considering what they 
really needed?  That's like buying a race horse to plow a field.  If 
someone wants to do that, that's fine with me ... as long as they don't 
mess with the breed to turn that race horse into a mule.

I'm honestly puzzled by some of the comments I've seen here lately ...

Dave   AB7E

pd0psb wrote:
> The "pumping" is up to the FW programmer, and his/her choises of threshhold
> and delay-times..
> 73'
> Paul
> That sounds like a way to effectively turn the K3 into an AGC-pumping 
> monster like my old 756Pro ;)
> 73,
> Dave   AB7E
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Re: [Elecraft] ECN Report: The Rest of the Story

2009-05-05 Thread Fred Jensen
Kevin Rock wrote:

>Now that I have all the data I find we gained a respectable total of 34 
> check ins.  Thank you!  From the email I am receiving this could have been 
> larger but the pileup Tom generated was hard to break ;)  Too bad I could not 
> have continued his run when he passed control back to me.  Oh well, there is 
> always next week.  
>Until next Sunday stay dry,

We're heading into the Es season which should help ECN a great deal. 
Last year during the late spring/summer/early fall period, Kevin was at 
least S8 and usually over S9 here in N. Cal on 20.  Last Sun, he was NIL 
at my QTH, but it will pick up.

Incidentally, 20 has been remaining open until fairly late [like 2300 
PDT] to the right-coast and even EU and Pacific Rim.  Don't just shut 
the rig off because the big ball of flaming gas has disappeared below 
the western horizon.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2009 Cal QSO Party  3-4 Oct 2009
- www.cqp.org
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread pd0psb

The "pumping" is up to the FW programmer, and his/her choises of threshhold
and delay-times..


That sounds like a way to effectively turn the K3 into an AGC-pumping 
monster like my old 756Pro ;)

Dave   AB7E

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Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread David Gilbert

That sounds like a way to effectively turn the K3 into an AGC-pumping 
monster like my old 756Pro ;)

Dave   AB7E

pd0psb wrote:
> Quite a number of radios I know disable pre-amp and enable ATT when the AGC
> voltage reaches a certain threshold. A handy way of extending the range of
> total AGC with 30/40dB without having to reach for the knobs. Automatically
> switched by firmware to catch the first unexpected RF hits.
> 73'
> Paul
> It is also likely that the K3 Hardware AGC is maxed out and can 
> lower the gain no more with the resulting of overload of the ADC.   
> the K3 dynamic range (as good as 
> it is) was exceeded - everything has its limits.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
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Re: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby

2009-05-05 Thread hb9ari
Hello Steve,

I totally agree with you!
I get very severe overloading problems with a Winradio G313/180e and the 
proposed solution by a group member was to use a smaller antenna!
I'm using an horizontal loop ~96 m perimeter and with this same antenna,
no problem with my K3. As i'm working mainly with JT65A(50W) and PSKnn 
i get very good results. For SSB, like you for CW, i will be "obliged" 
to add some dB to
be able to be heard by a lot of stations perfectly received!( my idea is 
not to "break" pile-up!)

73 QRO fr Rudolf, HB9ARI
(66yo ham since 1970 but "younger" since i can play with my K3 #1212!)

Steve Ellington wrote:
> The complaint was not "ridiculous". The original observation wasThe K3 
> distorts and the FT-817 doesn't under the same conditions.
> The poor guy was called stupid, ridiculous, ignorant and told he needs to 
> "study" and go back to school.
> I think he has a good question and I have yet to see a logical answer. 
> Claims that the K3 is "souped up" and exempt from strong signal overload is 
> the ridiculous part!
> If the K3 distorts on 109DB signals and the FT-817 doesn't then so be it. 
> It's a weakness. Just leave it at that. I'm sure the 817 has plenty more 
> weaknesses!
> Let's not let this list get like the TenTec reflector. Mention something 
> negative there and you are immediately put down or soon thrown off.
> I've recently subscribed to the IC-7600 Yahoo group just to watch how the 
> new radio was doing. So far I've seen two concerns. Some have a dimmer 
> screen saver than others and a few have had to do a master reset because of 
> audio drop out and it's starting to look like a glitch in some 3rd party rig 
> control program causing that. Otherwise, everyone seems satisfied. Of 
> course, those guys know that ICOM isn't going to respond to anything that's 
> said so maybe they just don't bother.
> I'm still enjoying my K3. Things have been rather lopsided lately however. I 
> am able to copy cw through the QRN better than the other guy, especially 
> when I take advantage of the NR. This gives me er...maybe 6db advantage or 
> so. Therefore I've ordered an ALS-600 to help make up the difference. The 
> K3's superior receiver is costing me money!
> Steve Ellington
> n...@carolina.rr.com
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Robert Carroll" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 10:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby
>> Guy-
>> That's a nice response to  a really ridiculous complaint.
>> 73
>> Bob W2WG
>> -Original Message-
>> From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
>> [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Guy Olinger, K2AV
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 9:50 AM
>> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
>> Subject: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby
>> Two 100w mobiles in the same driveway and expecting linear response from 
>> the
>> RX in one while transmitting on the other?  Talking about volts across the
>> antenna jack (or any of the connecting cables) here.  Who's the EE?  S9 is
>> 50 uv.  1 volt = 20 log 1/ .50  = 86 over S9.  Maybe ten volts on the
>> antenna.  That's 106 over S9.
>> Hearing some kind of distortion on a 100 over S9 signal is some kind of
>> desperately grave trouble in a K3 trouble worth attention?  Really want
>> Wayne spend precious development time figuring that out?  Personally I 
>> vote
>> for 10 Hz granularity on CW using width and shift.
>> Thought the customary form of communication from thirty feet was audio off
>> the lips.  Need 100 watts on 60m to communicate thirty feet?  Audio
>> distortion could be the driveway version of RF in the shack. 10 volts
>> externally imposed RF wandering around on your cable of choice is a 
>> formula
>> for wierdness no matter where the station.
>> Someone is really lucky they didn't smoke something.  And if the K3 did 
>> get
>> toasted in this driveway radio demolition derby, that would be the K3's
>> fault too, right?  Double fault, K3 was distorting the audio while the 
>> front
>> end was being roasted.  Bad K3.  Bad K3.
>> Some of the radios bandied about earlier were specifically designed in 
>> World
>> War II to survive conditions related to an enemy was trying to kill the
>> operator.  I'd call that a design standard specifically requested and paid
>> for.  Since one tank could be next to another, I'd call that reasonable.
>> Such radios ARE still made and paid for.  You really want to go pay for
>> military grade radios, you can get them, at a price far exceeding the MSRP
>> for a K3.  Use a kilowatt in your driveway. No problem.  Use 10 kw in your
>> driveway like the CB powerfests. No problem.
>> Personally I'd like to keep the features I pay for confined to peacetime,
>> and it does not occur to me as good practice to be transmitting high power
>> in the same driveway with another radio on-band with a tuned antenna.
>> Others may see it differen

[Elecraft] K2-Clicks on 40 m using HRD or Logger software

2009-05-05 Thread Yves Dussault
When using HRD or ACLog or K2 Remote (with S meter on), I hear clicking 
noise, particularly on 40 meters.
How do I eliminate this? Anybody had this problem?

Yves Dussault
Laval, QC, Canada


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread pd0psb

Quite a number of radios I know disable pre-amp and enable ATT when the AGC
voltage reaches a certain threshold. A handy way of extending the range of
total AGC with 30/40dB without having to reach for the knobs. Automatically
switched by firmware to catch the first unexpected RF hits.


It is also likely that the K3 Hardware AGC is maxed out and can 
lower the gain no more with the resulting of overload of the ADC.   
the K3 dynamic range (as good as 
it is) was exceeded - everything has its limits.


View this message in context: 
Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Elecraft mailing list
Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread orbarrett

Hello all,

Thank you for all the responses and information, and I may look into the
diode option that Wayne suggested.

I like operating HF mobile a lot (just started using the K3 mobile last
weekend), and very often my friends and I will both be using our HF mobile
setups while driving together (in one vehicle following the other) to a
hamfest.  We'll both be working the same distant station on a 60M channel
for example, and I just turn down the audio volume when my friend transmits
and turn it back up again for the distant station.  I didn't want to make
too much of this overload issue, just was unaccustomed to it occurring in my
K3 as my friend and I have been used to not hearing it in the other rigs
we've used when operating in close proximity like this.  Not a big problem.


View this message in context: 
Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby

2009-05-05 Thread Steve Ellington
The complaint was not "ridiculous". The original observation wasThe K3 
distorts and the FT-817 doesn't under the same conditions.

The poor guy was called stupid, ridiculous, ignorant and told he needs to 
"study" and go back to school.

I think he has a good question and I have yet to see a logical answer. 
Claims that the K3 is "souped up" and exempt from strong signal overload is 
the ridiculous part!

If the K3 distorts on 109DB signals and the FT-817 doesn't then so be it. 
It's a weakness. Just leave it at that. I'm sure the 817 has plenty more 

Let's not let this list get like the TenTec reflector. Mention something 
negative there and you are immediately put down or soon thrown off.

I've recently subscribed to the IC-7600 Yahoo group just to watch how the 
new radio was doing. So far I've seen two concerns. Some have a dimmer 
screen saver than others and a few have had to do a master reset because of 
audio drop out and it's starting to look like a glitch in some 3rd party rig 
control program causing that. Otherwise, everyone seems satisfied. Of 
course, those guys know that ICOM isn't going to respond to anything that's 
said so maybe they just don't bother.

I'm still enjoying my K3. Things have been rather lopsided lately however. I 
am able to copy cw through the QRN better than the other guy, especially 
when I take advantage of the NR. This gives me er...maybe 6db advantage or 
so. Therefore I've ordered an ALS-600 to help make up the difference. The 
K3's superior receiver is costing me money!
Steve Ellington
- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Carroll" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 10:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby

> Guy-
> That's a nice response to  a really ridiculous complaint.
> 73
> Bob W2WG
> -Original Message-
> From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
> [mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Guy Olinger, K2AV
> Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 9:50 AM
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby
> Two 100w mobiles in the same driveway and expecting linear response from 
> the
> RX in one while transmitting on the other?  Talking about volts across the
> antenna jack (or any of the connecting cables) here.  Who's the EE?  S9 is
> 50 uv.  1 volt = 20 log 1/ .50  = 86 over S9.  Maybe ten volts on the
> antenna.  That's 106 over S9.
> Hearing some kind of distortion on a 100 over S9 signal is some kind of
> desperately grave trouble in a K3 trouble worth attention?  Really want
> Wayne spend precious development time figuring that out?  Personally I 
> vote
> for 10 Hz granularity on CW using width and shift.
> Thought the customary form of communication from thirty feet was audio off
> the lips.  Need 100 watts on 60m to communicate thirty feet?  Audio
> distortion could be the driveway version of RF in the shack. 10 volts
> externally imposed RF wandering around on your cable of choice is a 
> formula
> for wierdness no matter where the station.
> Someone is really lucky they didn't smoke something.  And if the K3 did 
> get
> toasted in this driveway radio demolition derby, that would be the K3's
> fault too, right?  Double fault, K3 was distorting the audio while the 
> front
> end was being roasted.  Bad K3.  Bad K3.
> Some of the radios bandied about earlier were specifically designed in 
> World
> War II to survive conditions related to an enemy was trying to kill the
> operator.  I'd call that a design standard specifically requested and paid
> for.  Since one tank could be next to another, I'd call that reasonable.
> Such radios ARE still made and paid for.  You really want to go pay for
> military grade radios, you can get them, at a price far exceeding the MSRP
> for a K3.  Use a kilowatt in your driveway. No problem.  Use 10 kw in your
> driveway like the CB powerfests. No problem.
> Personally I'd like to keep the features I pay for confined to peacetime,
> and it does not occur to me as good practice to be transmitting high power
> in the same driveway with another radio on-band with a tuned antenna.
> Others may see it differently but I consider the situation in the first
> paragraph as being careless with a friend's property.
> We have contest stations with such situations possible, but we use 
> filters,
> stubs, remote receiving antennas, etc,  to make it possible to operate 
> with
> nowhere near a volt on-band.  Sometimes use radios borrowed from friends,
> and guess who pays to repair a smoked front-end, and guess which 
> embarrassed
> soul has to explain same to friend.
> Whether the audio was distorted in a smoke-it episode is really a low 
> grade
> consideration.
> 73,  Guy.
> __
> Elecraft mailing list
> Home: http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft
> Help: http://mailman.qth.net/mmfaq.htm
> Post: mail

Re: [Elecraft] BHI HP-200 and other headphones

2009-05-05 Thread OE5CSP-Chris

Hi Chris,

The K3 headphone amp (National LM4811) is specified at 106dB S/N ratio so
should be pretty noiseless.
Using Sennheiser HD600's here with quite high sensitivity which has no
noticable noise on the K3.
Does the hiss remain with AF gain all the way down?

A quick & dirty way to lower the residual amp noise is a small resistor
network is series with the headphone output. Not so elegant but might save
you from buying yet another headphone...


Hi Paul,

The hiss remains even with the AF gain all the way down! The front panel
connector is worse than the rear connector, so I always connect the Yaesu FH
77 STA to the rear connector. Could you please tell me how to build the
series resistor network? 

73, Chris-OE5CSP
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Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby

2009-05-05 Thread Robert Carroll

That's a nice response to  a really ridiculous complaint.
Bob W2WG

-Original Message-
From: elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net
[mailto:elecraft-boun...@mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of Guy Olinger, K2AV
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 9:50 AM
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
Subject: [Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby

Two 100w mobiles in the same driveway and expecting linear response from the

RX in one while transmitting on the other?  Talking about volts across the 
antenna jack (or any of the connecting cables) here.  Who's the EE?  S9 is 
50 uv.  1 volt = 20 log 1/ .50  = 86 over S9.  Maybe ten volts on the 
antenna.  That's 106 over S9.

Hearing some kind of distortion on a 100 over S9 signal is some kind of 
desperately grave trouble in a K3 trouble worth attention?  Really want 
Wayne spend precious development time figuring that out?  Personally I vote 
for 10 Hz granularity on CW using width and shift.

Thought the customary form of communication from thirty feet was audio off 
the lips.  Need 100 watts on 60m to communicate thirty feet?  Audio 
distortion could be the driveway version of RF in the shack. 10 volts 
externally imposed RF wandering around on your cable of choice is a formula 
for wierdness no matter where the station.

Someone is really lucky they didn't smoke something.  And if the K3 did get 
toasted in this driveway radio demolition derby, that would be the K3's 
fault too, right?  Double fault, K3 was distorting the audio while the front

end was being roasted.  Bad K3.  Bad K3.

Some of the radios bandied about earlier were specifically designed in World

War II to survive conditions related to an enemy was trying to kill the 
operator.  I'd call that a design standard specifically requested and paid 
for.  Since one tank could be next to another, I'd call that reasonable.

Such radios ARE still made and paid for.  You really want to go pay for 
military grade radios, you can get them, at a price far exceeding the MSRP 
for a K3.  Use a kilowatt in your driveway. No problem.  Use 10 kw in your 
driveway like the CB powerfests. No problem.

Personally I'd like to keep the features I pay for confined to peacetime, 
and it does not occur to me as good practice to be transmitting high power 
in the same driveway with another radio on-band with a tuned antenna. 
Others may see it differently but I consider the situation in the first 
paragraph as being careless with a friend's property.

We have contest stations with such situations possible, but we use filters, 
stubs, remote receiving antennas, etc,  to make it possible to operate with 
nowhere near a volt on-band.  Sometimes use radios borrowed from friends, 
and guess who pays to repair a smoked front-end, and guess which embarrassed

soul has to explain same to friend.

Whether the audio was distorted in a smoke-it episode is really a low grade 

73,  Guy. 

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[Elecraft] Driveway Distortion Demolition Derby

2009-05-05 Thread Guy Olinger, K2AV
Two 100w mobiles in the same driveway and expecting linear response from the 
RX in one while transmitting on the other?  Talking about volts across the 
antenna jack (or any of the connecting cables) here.  Who's the EE?  S9 is 
50 uv.  1 volt = 20 log 1/ .50  = 86 over S9.  Maybe ten volts on the 
antenna.  That's 106 over S9.

Hearing some kind of distortion on a 100 over S9 signal is some kind of 
desperately grave trouble in a K3 trouble worth attention?  Really want 
Wayne spend precious development time figuring that out?  Personally I vote 
for 10 Hz granularity on CW using width and shift.

Thought the customary form of communication from thirty feet was audio off 
the lips.  Need 100 watts on 60m to communicate thirty feet?  Audio 
distortion could be the driveway version of RF in the shack. 10 volts 
externally imposed RF wandering around on your cable of choice is a formula 
for wierdness no matter where the station.

Someone is really lucky they didn't smoke something.  And if the K3 did get 
toasted in this driveway radio demolition derby, that would be the K3's 
fault too, right?  Double fault, K3 was distorting the audio while the front 
end was being roasted.  Bad K3.  Bad K3.

Some of the radios bandied about earlier were specifically designed in World 
War II to survive conditions related to an enemy was trying to kill the 
operator.  I'd call that a design standard specifically requested and paid 
for.  Since one tank could be next to another, I'd call that reasonable.

Such radios ARE still made and paid for.  You really want to go pay for 
military grade radios, you can get them, at a price far exceeding the MSRP 
for a K3.  Use a kilowatt in your driveway. No problem.  Use 10 kw in your 
driveway like the CB powerfests. No problem.

Personally I'd like to keep the features I pay for confined to peacetime, 
and it does not occur to me as good practice to be transmitting high power 
in the same driveway with another radio on-band with a tuned antenna. 
Others may see it differently but I consider the situation in the first 
paragraph as being careless with a friend's property.

We have contest stations with such situations possible, but we use filters, 
stubs, remote receiving antennas, etc,  to make it possible to operate with 
nowhere near a volt on-band.  Sometimes use radios borrowed from friends, 
and guess who pays to repair a smoked front-end, and guess which embarrassed 
soul has to explain same to friend.

Whether the audio was distorted in a smoke-it episode is really a low grade 

73,  Guy. 

Elecraft mailing list
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Re: [Elecraft] BHI HP-200 and other headphones

2009-05-05 Thread pd0psb

Hi Chris,

The K3 headphone amp (National LM4811) is specified at 106dB S/N ratio so
should be pretty noiseless.
Using Sennheiser HD600's here with quite high sensitivity which has no
noticable noise on the K3.
Does the hiss remain with AF gain all the way down?

A quick & dirty way to lower the residual amp noise is a small resistor
network is series with the headphone output. Not so elegant but might save
you from buying yet another headphone...


OE5CSP-Chris wrote:
> I recently bought Yeasu lightweight headphones for the K3 and found out,
> that the K3 adds hiss with both the front and rear connectors. I have
> similar problems with the K2. At the moment I use computer headphones-
> they work nicely, but are not made for communication purposes.On the BHI
> homepage I found 8 Ohm HP-200 headphones. Is anybody using them? BHI says
> they should work pretty well with the K3, but they have actually never
> used them with a K3.
> I do not want to spend money again on headphones I can´t use with my K3!
> 73, Chris-OE5CSP

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Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 on-channel strong signal overload?

2009-05-05 Thread Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy
Hi Mike,

There is a penalty to be paid if diodes are used to clamp the level of 
strong signals in a receiver's signal path, and that is the generation of 
intermodulation products. In a "no-split" pile-up situation where two or 
more closely spaced strong signals from other callers are in the passband, 
but not zero beat with the DX, chances are that an intermodulation product 
will land on top of the DX's signal if he returns to somebody before the 
others stop calling. You may ask how a weak DX station could be heard at all 
in this situation even if intermodulation products did not exist, to which 
my reply must be that it is possible.

>From reading the posts, my impression is that this case of  in-passband 
strong signal overload could be viewed in the same fashion as a classic 
example of 3rd Order Dynamic Range droop or "bottoming". There is a 
similarity in the causes even though only a single signal is involved in the 
overload case. Among the usual causes for the dynamic range droop problem 
are (1) too much gain in the front end before the roofer to overcome the 
insertion loss of the roofer, and to maintain a useful overall noise figure, 
or (2) The Input IP3 of the roofer itself is too low, or (3) the 3rd Order 
Dynamic Range of the IF cascade and what follows is inadequate, or (4) a 
combination of these three. All of these are relevant when considering 

According to my back of envelope calculations, the 3rd Order Dynamic Range 
of the K3's  8.215 MHz IF amplifier and the second mixer is in the region of 
80db before the onset of hardware AGC, the second mixer being the dominant 
element. This calculation does not include the stages after the second mixer 
nor the roofer nor LO phase noise, so I believe that the actual in-passband 
dynamic range looking into the roofer would be less than 80db. I can only 
speculate on the effect that the application of hardware AGC might have on 
the dynamic range of this part of the receiver.

What this means of course is that while the overall 3rd Order Dynamic Range 
of the K3 is very good in an enviroment where strong unwanted signals are 
outside of the roofer's passband, one should expect some decrease within the 
roofer's passband, likewise possible overload. The cure could be difficult 
to implement.


Mike Harris"  wrote on Monday, May 04, 2009 at 
7:20 PM

> Just been looking through my archives.  I remembered that there was a
> simple mod to the K2 to overcome audio distortion in an extreme overload
> environment, I installed it on my K2 and it was totally immune to
> co-channel audio distortion when my very near neighbour VP8LP transmitted:
> "K2 - Improved Handling of Extremely strong (and nearby) Signals".
> Maybe the K3 architecture offers similar opportunities.

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[Elecraft] BHI HP-200 and other headphones

2009-05-05 Thread OE5CSP-Chris

I recently bought Yeasu lightweight headphones for the K3 and found out, that
the K3 adds hiss with both the front and rear connectors. I have similar
problems with the K2. At the moment I use computer headphones- they work
nicely, but are not made for communication purposes.On the BHI homepage I
found 8 Ohm HP-200 headphones. Is anybody using them? BHI says they should
work pretty well with the K3, but they have actually never used them with a
I do not want to spend money again on headphones I can´t use with my K3!

73, Chris-OE5CSP
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Elecraft mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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[Elecraft] K3 - SWR Indication

2009-05-05 Thread Jack Smith
A wattmeter built around a directional coupler always has to deal with 
finite coupler directivity. Making the problem more difficult is that we 
expect a wattmeter to be accurate over a rather wide frequency range, 
1.8  to 30 or even 50 MHz. This places an even greater burden upon the 
directional coupler.

If the directional coupler has 30 dB directivity--a very good number to 
be maintained over a wide frequency range--then 1 KW forward power into 
a perfect load will show 1 watt reflected power, corresponding to an SWR 
of 1.065:1 instead of the expected 1.... for the theoretically 
perfect load.

It is possible to measure the phase and amplitude of  the coupled signal 
to "calibrate out" coupler imperfections. This is what is done with a 
vector network analyzer when the standard "open/short/load" calibration 
is applied. The VNA measures the phase and amplitude of the coupled 
signal when the through port is operated into an open circuit, a short 
circuit and a known value (resistance and stray L & C known) termination 
for each test frequency. The VNA then computes and applies an 
appropriate correction factor to correct for coupler errors. O/S/L 
calibration has been supplemented by more advanced techniques in newer 
VNAs. (There's a very good Application Note AN 1287-3 from Agilent on 
this subject available at 
http://cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5965-7709E.pdf. Bird 
Electric has a less technical Application Note on the effect of coupler 
directivity on SWR at 

A wattmeter using diodes to measure RF voltage used with a directional 
coupler cannot apply sophisticated error correction to compensate for 
finite coupler directivity. At most, one can tweak a balance pot or 
trimmer cap to null the reflected signal at a single frequency and power 
level. Further complications result from the forward and reverse diode 
detectors being operated at different points on their sensitivity curve, 

Hence, it is far from surprising that different wattmeters will show 
different SWR under ostensibly identical test conditions.

Larry's LP-100 wattmeter operates with a different methodology and I'll 
leave it to him to explain the differences and how coupler directivity 
is considered.

Jack K8ZOA

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