Re: [Elecraft] N6BT Antennas

2013-04-10 Thread Dick WIlliams
I have dealt with Tom for many years (when he owned Force 12), and purchased
several monobanders from him.  The one common complaint about Force 12 back
then was exactly the same one that is "rearing it's ugly head" again.  From
my years of dealing with Tom, I found the worst method was email; for some
reason, he was/has/and most likely, never will be efficient with emailing.

What I found (and someone else I saw just posted the same comment), was/is
to use the old fashion telephone (probably the only way) to deal with Tom; I
was always able to get hold of him on the "landline" and conduct business.
Once you "command his attention" (take a "poo poo" in his in basket), he
will ship your order quickly.

Dick K8ZTT

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Re: [Elecraft] 4W6A Video, count the K3's ! and the 599/59 reports

2011-10-03 Thread Dick Williams

I think the rationale behind the 599/59 report is in the interest of saving
time and maximizing contacts.  Can you imagine the amount of additional time
that would be required to enter each signal report received in the log;
none the less the number of guys that would request a repeat of the report.
The 599/59 report streamlines the contact, allowing many more contacts per

That said, I will agree with you for casual contacts,  an honest report
makes a lot more sense and will give you (and the other station) about both
how you each stack up and band conditions.

Dick  K8ZTT

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Geoffrey Downs
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 1:19 PM
To: Ron D'Eau Claire;
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] 4W6A Video, count the K3's !

Quite agree Ron, yet this 59/599 thing seems to be deeply ingrained into 
dxpeditions and contests these days. Speaking for myself I would far rather 
have a true report so I know how I'm getting out to the relevant place at 
the relevant time.

73 to all


-Original Message- 
From: Ron D'Eau Claire
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2011 7:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] 4W6A Video, count the K3's !

That's great Iain - tnx!

But WHY give someone a "599" report when they have an S1 signal? They made
the contact. They got into the log. That's the goal. Why lie about the
signal strength?

If someone asked about their signal I'd hope they got an honest reply.

(I feel the same way about contests, but the justification there is that a
"signal report" is required by the rules for a valid contact. I've never
seen a rule that it has to be a valid signal report, so it's 599 for anyone
who gets into the log, Hi!)



-Original Message-

Link to 4W6A video via YouTube.

Count the K3's !

Iain G4SGX

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[Elecraft] Lightning Strike - Metal Roof attracts?

2011-09-14 Thread Dick Williams

I have to totally disagree with Drew's (AF2Z) statement that " the rare
close strike probably means everything that is connected will get taken
out".  Nothing can be further from the truth. The next three paragraphs are
quoted from WR Blocks web site (W3FPR specifically mentions Ron Block in his
rather verbose dissertation in his email below):

"Our challenge is to assemble the best amateur radio station possible, enjoy
the benefits of the hobby, and have our station operable during times of
need.  This can be a significant challenge especially considering the height
of the antenna and the awesome capabilities of Mother Nature's lightning
strikes.  While she may have the upper hand as far as when and how much
energy she delivers, you have the ability to influence how that energy is
diverted into the earth.  Said another way, you can implement a lightning
protection plan that will protect your amateur radio station, even from a
direct strike!  

The commercial radio folks have done this for years; many of them have
critical, must operate, installations in some very difficult to reach
locations.  Many of the installations are located on hills or mountaintops
that afford the best area coverage and are great lightning strike targets.
They do survive direct strikes and continue to provide important services to
the communities that they serve.  While this type of solution is possible
for the amateur radio station, it does cost money and it does take a
significant amount of resourcefulness, ingenuity, and effort to implement
and maintain.  

The plan does work; but you must follow all of the rules, exactly.  Any
violation of the rules, even just a little one, may result in a violation of
the protection plan and damage to your equipment.  In some cases the damage
to a semi-protected radio station could be worse than if no protection plan
had been implemented at all.  I'll start with some background and then get
into the heart of the matter."

Don's (W3FPR) is right on track.  I have lived south of Denver on top of a
hill since 1993, and moderate to severe thunderstorms seem to be the rule
rather than the exception in the Spring and Summer (around 40 or so).
Though I can't say that I have ever watched one of my towers take a hit (not
in the habit of sitting by a window during a lightning storm and "standing
watch" over my towers - I normally hibernate in the shack and use the
computer while enjoying feeling the house shake with the close by lightning
strikes);   one evening (wife and I were out) the fire dept told me they
responded to the house after receiving a call from a passing motorist that
he saw one of my towers being hit by lightning.  They did not find any
damage, nor did I after I arrived home and checked everything out.  In an
earlier post, I mentioned that I did have some damage to the M2 Orion 2800
rotor (on the 120 ft tower) and a diode in one of my Hy-Gain rotor relay
switch boxes being shorted after a storm last week.  If that is the only two
"hits" I have had in 18 years, I am pretty damn lucky;  according to the
charts, my 120 ft tower has a probability of being hit 2 1/2 times a year
based on the number of "thunderstorm days".

When I was erecting my "antenna farm" I was well aware of the lightning
problems associated with living on top of a hill at 6600 ft; and took the
necessary steps to minimize the risks of sustaining substantial damage to my
equipment. All I will say is I can't agree more with what W3FPR states;  but
rather than try and "dig up" old QST articles, just go to Ron Blocks web
site  ( and "click" on PAPERS.  That will tell you
everything you ever wanted to know about lightning protection and what you
need to do to effectively "ground" your station.

Since I am not a big fan of "practice bleeding", I do not operate during a
storm; and I try and remember to disconnect the coax and rotor cables
(normally four - five if the 2 mtr radio is connected).  However, I have to
admit that more than once I did not disconnect stuff prior to leaving and a
storm rolled through while I was gone. I can't believe that Drew disconnects
everything from his K3, PC and router;  I can't imagine the amount of time
that must take having to connect and then re-connect every time it is going
to storm (I have around 14 or so connected to the K3 - it would take me at
least 15 minutes to figure out where each one goes!). 

Dick K8ZTT 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Don Wilhelm
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Lightning Strike - Metal Roof attracts?

An alternative to unplugging everything -- create a system where 
everything will be at the same potential through a surge event and you 
will have no damage.

Run a #4 (or larger) perimeter wire around your house (and any other 
buildings) with a ground rod at each point where it cha

Re: [Elecraft] Seeking external speaker recommendations

2010-10-25 Thread Dick Williams

On a "tip" from one of the guys working in the Elecraft booth at Dayton a
couple of years ago, I purchased a pair of Insignia speakers at Best Buy.  I
don't see the model number on them, but they are 4", 3-way speakers rated at
5 to 40 watts.  Black case that are 4 3/4" wide, 7 1/2" tall, and a little
over 4" deep.  They are a about an inch taller than the K3 (when the stand
is out), but look very nice next to the K3;  and they sound good.

That is my 2 cents worth.

Dick  K8ZTT

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Don Wilhelm
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2010 9:11 AM
To: George A. Thornton
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Seeking external speaker recommendations


Scour the second-hand stores and pawn shops in your area for some 
efficient bookshelf stereo speakers with good fidelity.  I found a pair 
of RS Optimus speakers a while back and am enjoying using them with my 
K3.  It is difficult to find reasonably priced, small, unamplified 
speakers these days, but they used to be plentiful.  Try to steer clear 
of the computer type amplified speakers.  While they will work, they are 
often affected by RF and can set off a nasty noise when you transmit.
You can find bookshelf speakers new at audio stores and places like Best 
Buy, but they are not inexpensive.


On 10/25/2010 2:25 AM, George A. Thornton wrote:
> I am looking for recommendations on external speakers for the K3.  I am
> primarily interested in voice modes.
> I would use these primarily in my shack.  My contesting has thus far
> been limited to Field Day, but who knows where this might lead.
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Re: [Elecraft] QRM and filtering

2010-10-22 Thread Dick Williams
Several years ago a guy that lived about a block and a half away stopped by
the house one afternoon for the purpose of informing me that I was
"interfering" with his radio and TV.  I asked him if he was getting it right
now, and he said yes.  Told him, that I was also having  a lot of problem
with some type of noise; and since I am outside working, that would
eliminate me as the source.  

Invited him into the house and turned on my receiver; bingo, the noise level
was about an S7, and it peaked when I turned my beam towards his house.

I told him that I believed the interference source was near him, and asked
if I could go over to his house with him and see what I could find.  Of
course, his tone had changed and he was more than happy for me to look into
the problem.   Took a small portable radio over and I found the noise level
was very high in his house.  Asked him if it would be alright if I turned
the power off to his house.  He didn't have any problem with that, and as
soon as I opened the main breakers, the noise disappeared.

After a little "detective work", I traced the source of the interference to
the doorbell transformer.  Disconnected it, and told him to go buy a new
one.  Of course we were both "happy campers".

Dick  K8ZTT

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lou Kolb
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 4:24 PM
To: elecraft
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] QRM and filtering

I had a nasty noise of s9 plus for a week or so.  Finally tracked it down to

the wall wart on my XYL's sling box.  It had been there for years but I'd 
noticed it had always been warmer than most of them although it seemed to 
work okay.  Apparently, it must've gone bad and started generating a 
terrible hash.  When I pulled it the problem was immediately solved.  73, 
- Original Message - 
From: "Ron D'Eau Claire" 
To: "'Mike Weir'" ; 
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] QRM and filtering

> That sounds like arcing somewhere Mike (BTW, it's QRN - N - noise instead 
> of
> QRM -M for interference from other stations).
> It could be a power line insulator. Sometimes a fluorescent bulb dying
> sounds like that as the starter keeps re-engaging. I've heard that sort of
> thing from some street lights that are flickering. Sodium lamps generally
> create hash, but ordinary incandescent bulbs, in a street light or 
> somewhere
> in the house, can do exactly the same (their filaments sometimes fail but
> are still touching and there is intermittent arcing across the opening).
> Unfortunately the possibilities are as endless as the number of places 
> there
> might be something arcing over.
> How's the weather been? The advent of the rainy season sometimes causes
> dirty power line insulators to arc. When it rains enough it may wash the
> dirt off the insulator it may stop all by itself.
> I'd tackle it like others have chased RFI here: start switching off 
> circuits
> throughout the house while listening. If it stops, you are in luck - it's
> something under your control in the circuit you shut down.
> If not, you'll need to start hunting with a portable radio. Follow the
> strongest signal along the power lines. At that point you can start to
> enlist the help of your power company. Cooperation varies a lot, but some
> are extremely helpful.
> One time I was bedeviled with noise like that and couldn't track it down. 
> It
> was emanating from the general area of several blocks in the neighborhood.
> Then, one night after dark, I noticed something while taking a walk. A
> intermittent weak flashing on one of the power poles. And there it was - a
> dirty insulator arcing over. The utility came out within a couple of days
> and hosed down all the insulators in the neighborhood!
> Ron AC7AC
> -Original Message-
> Over the last 2 weeks some QRM has shown up and I have tried some of the 
> NR
> and NB filtering options to get rid of it and it's not really working to
> well. I am not sure if I am using the proper filtering or the settings I 
> am
> using are off. I have an audio example of the QRM or even RFI on my blog
> site. The link is below I feel if you listen to it that may help.
> Mike
> __
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Re: [Elecraft] K3 how often do you use it?

2010-01-11 Thread Dick Williams

I beg to differ with who stated that "most" hams want large radios and find
the ergonomics and packaging of the K3 to be less than desirable.
First,  not every ham wants a "boat anchor" box that takes up half the
operating position and weights in excess of 50 lbs.  Granted there is a
certain "niche" market of guys that feel the "bigger the better"; but I
don't know as if that is the majority.  Sure, there are tradeoffs when you
reduce the size of anything; and closer spaced buttons and knobs is one of
them with a smaller footprint radio.  I just took a good look at the
keyboard on my cell phone;  it has 41 buttons in a 1" by 4" space.  I see
kids texting a "mile a minute" and never missing a beat on those keyboards;
the K3 has 46 in a 4" by 10 3/4" space;  think how much smaller they could
make the K3!

What is the "psyche" of "most" hams?  And what "more" knobs do we all need
(with possible exception of one to "null out" the XYL when she is yelling at
us to come to dinner when we are trying to work some rare DX)?  What is the
matter with the front panel now?  In the past I owned a Orion I, II, Yaesu
Ft-1000D, 1000D Mark V, and numerous Drake and Heath equipment.  I would not
say their front panels were any better (or worse) than the K3.  I would
agree that some of the Yaesu and Icom radios (with all their color displays
and flashing lights, bells, and whistles) might look "cool"; but at what
expense and does it really improve the performance of the radio?

Just because the K3 does not fit with one individuals perception of what the
radio should be, does not mean that Elecraft is listening to the wrong
people.  They are listening to the guys that want a small, light radio that
will outperform, or is certainly on par with any other out there (regardless
of size).  And it is a radio that we can take apart without having to worry
about "voiding the warranty", one we can replace parts and boards if need
be, and if does need to be returned to Aptos, it will not cost a small
fortune to do so.  

Lastly, I think the majority of K3 owners use their radio more than 5 times
a year.  The K3 is not for the "everyday, get on the air and rag chew with
the guy in the next state" amateur.  The K3 is targeting DXers and
contesters, and I think they are on more than a few times a year.  I use my
radio every day, and in fact it is on 24/7.

This is my "2 cents worth".

Dick  K8ZTT

On Jan 9, 2010, at 5:41 PM, Randy Downs wrote:

> I fellow said "Elecrafts ergonomics and packaging is not appealing  
> enough for most people despite its receiver performance. They could  
> fix it by putting the K3 into a bigger box with a decent front  
> panel and more knobs, but they wont. They wont because they are  
> listening to the wrong people who dont have a clue about marketing  
> and who dont understand the psyche of most everyday hams. Hedging  
> your bets on a small group of hams who turn their radios maybe 5  
> times a year while ignoring those who use a radio probably every  
> second day is not wise."
> in a message to me. I guess now the question becomes, how often do  
> you use your K3? I use mine at least 10 hours a week. We need a  
> poll I guess.
> Randy


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[Elecraft] K3 1.8 KHz Roofing Filter available

2010-01-06 Thread Dick Williams
I have a KFL3A-1.8K filter that I would like to sell.
Asking $100 plus shipping.

If interested, please get in touch (; I am good in and 
would believe every other possible source of call lookup (I was shocked when I 
typed my call in Yahoo search!).

Dick K8ZTT
Franktown, CO

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Re: [Elecraft] [K3] K3: Thinking return to K3.

2010-01-06 Thread Dick Williams
Speaking of the new FT-5000;  one will have to admit that when technology
improves, the FT-5000 will make a much better "boat anchor" than the K3.
But today, one really great feature of the K3 is that I don't need a "block
and tackle" to move it into position in the shack.
Dick  K8ZTT

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bill W4ZV
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] [K3] K3: Thinking return to K3.

K2QI wrote:
> Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but don't forget about Yaesu's new
> FT-5000 as well.  That's something in my opinion worth investigating once
> it
> hits dealer shelves.

I believe those who buy the FT-5000 because of its Sub RX will be I was with Orion's.  The FT-5000 design is basically an
Orion clone and will suffer the same Sub RX problems:

1.  True diversity will not be possible due to slightly different
frequencies between Main and Sub.
2.  Strong-signal handling of the Sub will be very poor.

Time will tell but that's my prediction as an ex-Orion owner for 4 years.

73,  Bill

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Re: [Elecraft] Disgrunteled Japanese

2010-01-04 Thread Dick Williams
Has anybody tried to buy a Yaesu, Icom or Kenwood direct from Japan without
going thru their dealers in the states?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Don Wilhelm
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 9:49 AM
To: Tom Meier
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Disgrunteled Japanese


If he buys direct from Elecraft, he will have Tech Support direct from 
Elecraft, so I would guess he does not know his facts.

He may not have access to tech support from the Japanese distributor, 
but that is a different statement.


Tom Meier wrote:
> Was talking with a JA operator yesterday who said that Elecraft is getting
> very bad name in that country - not for their product, but because of a
> business decision to have everything go through an exclusive dealer for
> sales and service.  The problem (according to this operator) is that the
> exclusive dealer is jacking the price up by up to 50%.  Yes, it is true
> they can buy the product directly from Elecraft, but doing so puts you
> without access to any tech support.
> Don't know if this is the isolated case of a guy who doesn't have his
> straight and likes to spread rumors.  We've got a few of them in this
> country also.  But thought I'd pass this along.
> 73 de Tom (K7ZZ)
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[Elecraft] unable to extract files to update K3 using Win 7 - problem solved!!!

2009-12-14 Thread Dick Williams

I want to thank the individuals that responded to my Win 7 problem of
"unable to download files and unzip files.  Since my Win 7 is new, I even
called Microsoft and was on the phone for about three hours with one of
their support personnel; the bottom line was he was not able to help other
than letting me know that something was "corrupt" in the computer.  The
computer was in such bad shape that I could not even download or even get
their Easy Assist to download.

I finally was able to fix the problem myself with a very simple and
extremely effective cure (three step process):

(1) format the hard drive

(2) load Win 7 back on the computer

(3) re-install programs and associated files

Everything is working like it should now.

Over the years I have found the above three steps to have cured the most
obstinate and perplexing problems that I have ever encountered with all of
the versions of Microsoft operating systems.  I highly recommend it, and the
above three step procedure will certainly decrease your anxiety levels.


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[Elecraft] unable to extract files to update K3 using Win 7

2009-12-11 Thread Dick Williams
More information on my problem.

The problem is something with the way I have the computer set.  I finally
was able to get download to the K3 by using my other computer.  I downloaded
the zip file to my other computer (also Win 7) and then extracted the files.
Everything worked as it should.  I then copied the folder to a flash drive.
Once that was complete, I put the flash drive in the computer I have the K3
hooked up to and copied the file to the temp file on the desktop.

K3 utility worked fine and I updated the radio.

Does anybody have an idea of what I am doing wrong or set wrong that will
not allow me to down load the zip file or even to extract them if I copy the
zip file from my one computer to the one I want it on?

I am the only user of both, so I assume I am the administrator;  If not, on
the one computer,  I have no idea how to make myself the administrator.
Have tried re-boot of computer and that did not help either.

Dick  K8ZTT

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[Elecraft] unable to extract files to update K3 using Win 7

2009-12-11 Thread Dick Williams
Additional information:

I was able to download the zip file to a flash drive on my other computer.
Transferred it to a folder I called TEMP and placed it on the desktop. It is and has a size of 470 KBs.

When I right click on the file and then click on Extract All, I have a new
window that says to select a destination and extract files.

The default destination is the temp folder.  When I click on EXTRACT, it
goes through the motions and I have a new folder created called FILE FOLDER,
but there is nothing in it!   Thus the problem, the files I need are not
being extracted.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks Dick  K8ZTT

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[Elecraft] unable to extract files to update K3 using Win 7

2009-12-11 Thread Dick Williams

I am having a heck of a problem with Windows 7 in trying to download and
extract the k3fw3r68 zip file to update my K3.  It must be a Win 7 issue
because I did not have the problem with XP

First problem is I cannot not even download it to a folder.  I go to the FTP
website, click on the zip file and that opens up the File download window.
Then I click on SAVE, that gives me the save as window with the file name
k3fw3r68.  For lack of a better place, I just tried to save it to COMPUTER/
Local Disk C:,   I click on SAVE and it runs through the save routine, and
the window closes (does not stay open to ask me if I want to OPEN or OPEN
FOLDER);  but when I check on local Disk C, there is no folder there.

Can't even save the darn file to a flash drive.

On my other computer, I was able to save the file to flash drive and then
transfer it to the computer I am running the K3 on.

However when I try and extract the files (unzip) I have no luck at all.

What am I doing wrong with Windows 7?

Dick  K8ZTT

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Re: [Elecraft] OT--A Suggestion About Printers

2009-12-07 Thread Dick Williams
Most of the manufactures make their money off of the ink cartridges, not the
printer.  That said, there are a number of very inexpensive printers out
there;  using different cartridges running  the gamete in price.

Was checking out printers (for ARES use) a couple of weeks ago and the
salesman and I were talking about the price of ink; he told me some people
just buy a new printer, and it is only a couple of bucks more than replacing
the ink in their old one!  In fact, they had a older model HP marked down on
the clearance rack to $45.  I was going to buy it, but was smart enough to
talk them into checking it out.  Plugged it in and the first message was
something to the effect of "replace the color cartridge".  No problem, the
store had them in stock; price was just under $39.  Guess what, they would
not give me one, would have to buy it.  I was born at night, but not the
night before; so I said no thanks.

Before buying a printer, check out the price of the ink before buying the
printer, and look at printers that use different cartridges for the colors.
One of the worst "rib offs" is the tri color cartridge; you run out of one
color and you have to replace the cartridge.

I have two printers here (a wireless HP L7780 and a Canon IP6600).  The HP
has the two cartridge arrangement (black and a tri color); so that one is
used pretty much only for black and white printing by my wife from her
computer in the kitchen.  In the shack I have the Canon, and I use it for
both black and white, and color.  It uses six different cartridges, and they
are reasonable priced.

One other nice option is two sided printing;  both my HP and Canon do that
(which probably makes Al Gore and all his "environmental wackos" happy).  In
my case, I find it saves a lot of money in paper costs.

One final note; I think I have seen Wal Mart advertising a new Kodak printer
that is not suppose to "break the bank" when buying ink.  Might be worth
checking out; especially as a second printer to use for the everyday black
and white printing.

Dick  K8ZTT

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Bob Maser
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 9:20 AM
To: David Yarnes;
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] OT--A Suggestion About Printers

When you print, when the print screen comes up and before you hit the OK to 
Print key, click preferences, set the quality level to "Fast Draft" and then

go to the Color tab and click on grayscale.  Your printer will print faster 
and use much less ink.  Try it.

Bob W6TR
- Original Message - 
From: "David Yarnes" 
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 8:34 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] OT--A Suggestion About Printers

> Hi All,
> I don't know how many of you share my frustration about
> printing needs, but I find it to be a fairly expensive
> process.  I've been using an HP printer that is wireless for
> about 3 years, and it does a very nice job.  However, it is
> a constant battle as those printer cartridges don't seem to
> last all that long.  I try to keep things like my K3 manual,
> and accessories, updated in a notebook, along with all the
> firmware updates, etc.  Often something you print off has
> some color in it, and the color cartridges seem to go really
> fast!  Replacements are very expensive for just about all
> makes and models, even at my favorite supplier--Costco!  I
> think printers have become like safety razors--cheap to buy
> on the front end, but very expensive to keep properly
> supplied.
> As I indicated above, a lot of what comes off the internet
> has color in it, but printing it in black and white would
> not be a very significant loss in most cases.  I know you
> can set your printer to do just black and white--at least
> most of them--but that does tend to be something of a pain
> in the neck when you are just trying to quickly print off a
> couple of pages, etc.  You can also set the resolution
> lower, to save ink, but how many of us take the time to do
> it?  Then there is the constant (or seemingly so) prompting
> you get that one cartridge or another is running low.  Some
> printers has 4 or 5 different color cartridges, and they
> never really seem to deplete at the same rate.
> A while back I started investigating laser printers, and
> found that one model (wireless) by Brother was very highly
> rated.  This is the model HL-5370DW.  Consumer Reports gave
> it a very favorable review, as did a couple of computer
> magazines.  It's black and white only, but I don't think I
> care about color, and I can always use my HP for that.  Best
> of all, the cost per copy was estimated at just over one
> cent per copy, versus 5 or 6 cents per copy on most ink jet
> models.  On my HP, I pay about $90 for a combo cartridge
> package that will maybe get me between 500 and 1000
> copies--if I'm lucky!  That may seem like a lot of copies,
> but if you have kids, it isn't!  Besides, I thin

Re: [Elecraft] USB Sound Card for digital modes.

2009-11-29 Thread Dick Williams
I am using Windows 7 and use the US Interface NAVIGATOR.  It has a built in
soundcard tailored for digital modes; additionally, the drivers work with
Windows 7.  What is nice with any of the external USB interfaces is you only
need one cable to your computer (USB).  All the other connections are
between the radio and the interface.

Dick  K8ZTT

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Julian, G4ILO
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] USB Sound Card for digital modes.

Kenneth A. Christiansen-2 wrote:
> I put Windows7 on my computer 

Bad move. I plan on keeping XP going as long as possible.

> My question is what USB sound card works best and if I change to a USB 
> sound card will it work the way the old Windows sound cards worked or 
> will I still be up against the new AGC action.

A solution that would definitely avoid any hassle caused by generic sound
card drivers would be a dedicated ham radio interface such as a SignalLink.

Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222.
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[Elecraft] K3 firmware upgrade speeds and problems

2009-11-25 Thread Dick Williams
I have found it very interesting reading the various reports of firmware
upgrade issues when installing new firmware releases to the K3.  I am
wondering if it has something to do with the interconnect between the
computer and the K3; and especially if one is using a USB/RS232 converter.

I purchased my K3 at Dayton this year and have done every Beta upgrade and
all went flawlessly.  That said, I am using a RS-232 port on my computer
(Com 1) to connect directly to the radio.  My experience with the USB to
RS232 converters has not been all that great; and from what I have picked up
from "third class rumors" (similar to ones you might overhear in a men's
restroom),  not all USB/RS232 converters are created equally (some work all
the time, some work some of the time, and other never work any of the time).
And one other "tidbit" of information that I read in the US Interface
Navigator Installation Manual was to avoid using COM 3;  the manual says;
for some reason (known only to the computer gods and maybe Bill Gates) COM 3
can be grabbed by other programs"

So, to solve that problem, when I upgraded my computer to Windows 7 last
week, I also "upgraded" to seven RS232 ports on the back of the computer.  I
only need six (K3, two rotor controllers, satellite antenna control, IC-910H
control, and last but not least a DSP-2232 data controller), so that gives
me a spare for possible future use.

Dick K8ZTT

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Re: [Elecraft] LP PAN and "Point and Click"

2009-07-23 Thread Dick Williams

Your point is well taken; but in the end what percentage of  amatuers that 
own a K3 do not have it hooked up to a computer and a logging program; and I 
bet that most amateurs leave their computer on 24/7 and connected to a DX 

Like Dave (AB7E) who posted a comment,  I am also part of the aforementioned 
group, my computer is on all the time;  thus PowerSDR and LP Bridge are also 
on all the time.  When I turn on the K3, LP-Pan (which is powered by the Aux 
12V out on the K3) turns on, and bingo,  signals appear on the PowerSDR 
screen.If for some reason (like going on vacation) I turn off my 
computer,  when I turn it back on, I just start LP Bridge and that auto 
starts both DXBase and PowerSDR.   Basically one click and one button push 
on the K3 and I am in business.

Actually, I have to admit that it is slightly more complicated than that; 
after I turn on the K3, I have to push the on/off switch on the Green Heron 
Eng rotor box to on.   The Green Heron is plugged into a AC switch that all 
the other assorted and sundry accessories are plugged into, and turning it 
on, powers up the rest of the station.

So, I guess that I have not figured out what all the other "issues" might be 
in having a panadapter run by your computer??Actually I spend more time 
in the summer connecting and disconnecting the coax and rotor cables because 
of the thundrestorms than I do "turning on" the K3 and Green Heron Rotor 

In any case, I am sure that your wish for a stand alone unit will come true. 
The only question is what features and at what cost will the Elecraft unit 
have.  One thing I am sure of is the display will not be of the 17" to 22" 

One other interesting point that should be brought upis that CW Skimmer 
works very well with LP-Bridge..  Though I have not installed it yet,  I 
have been told that CW Skimmer is  the "cats meow" to the CW contester or 
DXer; and to them, it  is what Viagra is to the "old timers"!It works 
great and allows them to do things they had never done before!

Dick K8ZTT

- Original Message - 
From: "Vic K2VCO" 
To: "Dick Williams" ; "Elecraft Reflector" 

Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] LP PAN and "Point and Click"

> Dick Williams wrote:
>> Yes, you do have to have a computer;  but what ham out there does not own 
>> a computer (especially amateurs that have found there "niche" in the 
>> hobby were they want and need the capabilities of the K3)?   If you can 
>> afford a K3 (and the cost of a add on panadapter), I will "go out on a 
>> limb" and say you can afford to purchase a computer.
>> You don't have to be a "computer geek" to install and configure LP-Pan, 
>> LP-Bridge, and Power SDR.
> I have (several) computers and I am a 'computer geek'. But I still want a 
> standalone unit.
> I want it to come on when the radio does and I don't want to mess around 
> with all of the issues surrounding a computer just to use it.
> -- 
> 73,
> Vic, K2VCO
> Fresno CA

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Re: [Elecraft] LP PAN and "Point and Click"

2009-07-23 Thread Dick Williams
I'm sure that Elecraft (or any other company) can design and produce just 
about whatever is technologically feasible.   However, the issue boils down 
to at what cost, and then what market is out there to recover the costs.

Yes, it will be great if Elecraft does come out with a Panadapter "add on"; 
the last figure I heard was in the $700 to $800 dollar price range. 
However, if one were to start "tacking on" all the features that every K3 
owner feels is a "must have", the price would probably triple.

Now granted,  if you add 2400 or so bucks to the price of the K3, it is 
still considerable less than the piece of junk Icom sells for 12,000 bucks 
(I guess 10,500 with all the discounts).   Personally though,  I don't think 
the majority of K3 owner would want to fork over much more than 700 dollars 
for a panadaptor.And this is especially true when you can achieve the 
same results (and with a unit that will most likely do considerable more 
than what is in the works at Elecraft) right now for under $300.  A lot of 
the "features" that seem to wanted are already functional or soon will be 
with LP-Pan.

Yes, you do have to have a computer;  but what ham out there does not own a 
computer (especially amateurs that have found there "niche" in the hobby 
were they want and need the capabilities of the K3)?   If you can afford a 
K3 (and the cost of a add on panadapter), I will "go out on a limb" and say 
you can afford to purchase a computer.

You don't have to be a "computer geek" to install and configure LP-Pan, 
LP-Bridge, and Power SDR.   And if you run into problems, there seems to be 
plenty of help on the LP reflector and my dealings with Larry at Telepost 
leave me with the impression that he is more than willing to take the extra 
step in helping you to get his product up and running.

I have had LP-Pan hooked up to my K3 for about a week and I am really 
impressed with what it does.  Went out and bought a second monitor for the 
computer and I have PowerSDR displayed on it.  Right now the display is 14" 
wide and 7" in height;  I can damn near read it without my glasses!

That is my "two cents worth".

Dick K8ZTT

> Julian, G4ILO wrote:
> I disagree.  I think the folks at Elecraft are capable of  developing
> the software required to do point and click.
> In fact I would not purchase one if I couldn't do that.
> Tom, N5GE
>> Maarten van Rossum wrote:
>>> I too would like to express my desire for a build-in / stand alone unit
>>> for
>>> the K3. One were I can hook up a monitor, a key board and maybe even a
>>> mouse
>>> if I wanted too and do all the modes that are available. And also very
>>> important, it should be more or less plug and play.
>>> PC's and I don't go very well together and although the LP PAN stuff 
>>> looks
>>> and sounds very promising, it is way to complicated for me. I am glad 
>>> that
>>> I
>>> am able to update my K3 every once in a while. Kudo's to Elecraft for
>>> making
>>> it that simple.
>> I think all of us find PCs a hassle. I worked with computers all my life 
>> but
>> there are still times when I want to attack the thing with a 4lb club
>> hammer.
>> Unfortunately for your requirement I think a PC would be the most cost
>> effective platform to do all that. I think the most we can hope for is
>> something that is just a panoramic display. The question in my mind is,
>> since for most people the benefit is being able to point and click to 
>> QSY,
>> how would that work using a separate display? Most people will still be
>> using a PC for logging etc. Having a separate screen for the display is 
>> not
>> an issue (in fact it would be a benefit to keep the main screen clear) 
>> but
>> having a separate screen that your mouse cannot click on doesn't seem 
>> like
>> an ergonomic ideal to me.
>> So I'm guessing that it will just be a passive display like the ones in 
>> the
>> Icom 756 series that you can look at but not click on.
>> -
>> Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222.
>> * G4ILO's Shack -
>> * KComm -
>> * KTune -
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Re: [Elecraft] LP PAN

2009-07-22 Thread Dick Williams

I purchased a LP-Pan and a E-MU 0202 a few weeks ago and had no problem 
getting either of them working and interfacing DXBase.  I wonder if you have 
given Larry a call at Telepost?

The only minor problem I had was with the PowerSDR software.   For reasons 
only known to the "computer gods",   it would not load correctly and when I 
tried to run it, I would get three or four "fatal error" messages.  I even 
tried to un-install it and then re-install with no luck.

There was an easy fix that involved formating the hard drive and then 
re-installing Windows XP (a "ritual" that should be done once a year 
anyway).  Fortunately,  formattng the hard drive and re-installing XP is 
pretty easy, but time consuming to download and install all the updates and 
programs.  With the fresh install, everything worked the first time.

I did have a couple of "procedural" questions, and a couple of quick calls 
to Larry answered those.

It works really great and well worth the time and expense of installing it.

Dick  K8ZTT

- Original Message - 
From: "N1IX" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 11:20 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] LP PAN

>I have noticed a lot of LP Panadaapters for sale. I am wondering why.
> Do they work well? I have one but I haven't been able to get it working 
> yet.
> Dave N1IX
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Re: [Elecraft] Yaesu versus Elecraft Service

2009-07-05 Thread Dick Williams

All the more reason to buy American products!   I owned a couple of Yaseu HF 
rigs in the past and I was more than dis-pleased with their service dept. 
In one instance, the SWR protection circuit went out in my 1000D; sent it 
back telling them what the problem was (or what caused the final transistors 
to burn out).   I even called and was told that, "O yes" the purported tech 
I talked to said that the radio was fixed right.  Well, when I got it back, 
all they did was replace the finals.

As far as I am concerned, any ham who buys a Yaesu or Icom HF radio is a 
fool and uninformed.  Both the K3 and O2 will run circles around any of the 
other rigs (maybe with the exception of the SDR radios).

And when you talk about service, both Ten Tec and Elecraft are top notch. 
You are so right when you say you get to talk to a tech, not some idiot that 
is a "go between" and not familiar with the radio.

That is my "2 cents" worth".

Dick K8ZTT

PS  Unfotunately we don't have a lot of choices with the VHF/UHF equipment, 
but at least it is not a big investment if it goes up in smoke.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Garland" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 11:36 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Yaesu versus Elecraft Service

> (Copy of a posting I sent today to the Yaesu FT-2000 reflector, 
> contrasting
> Yaesu and Elecraft technical support. I believe it speaks for itself.)
>  _
> From: Jim Garland []
> Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 11:22 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: Update: Yaesu Service
> Two weeks ago I posted a note here about Yaesu's policy of not allowing
> customers to speak to service technicians, instead referring inquiries to
> customer support personnel who were unfamiliar with the inner workings of
> Yaesu products. This is the same policy used by auto dealers, who insert a
> "customer service manager" between a customer and mechanic, or computer
> manufacturers whose support personnel answer technical questions by 
> reading
> from a prepared script.
> In my case, I had questions about the first mixer stage in my FT-2000D,
> which I suspected had failed. I had traced the signal path to the mixer 
> with
> an oscilloscope, but wasn't sure how to interpret the output signal. I
> couldn't tell from the circuit diagram how much bias current the mixer 
> FETs
> were supposed to draw, what the conversion loss from the mixer was (after
> taking into account losses and turns ratios of the coupling transformers),
> whether this was a common failure mode in the radio and what the likely
> cause was, and whether there were any useful pointers in replacing the 
> tiny
> surface mount mixer IC.
> Unable to get anwers, I didn't want to take a chance plunging ahead with 
> the
> repair myself, so I ended up sending the radio back to Yaesu. The repair
> bill came to $187 plus another $90 round trip shipping. Incidentally, the
> first mixer is nothing special; it is a garden variety IC that costs about
> $4.
> By coincidence, I also had a failure in my Elecraft K3, which had suddenly
> stopped transmitting during a recent 6m contest. I called Elecraft and was
> immediately put through to a service technician. I explained my problem 
> and
> he asked me a few questions about my electronics background and what sort 
> of
> test equipment I had on my workbench. He decided that I had enough enough
> experience to fix the problem myself, and we agreed that I would call him
> back after putting my K3 on my test bench and removing the covers.
> Later that day, I called him back and, together, we traced the signal path
> through the transmitter. I had the phone in one hand and a scope probe in
> the other. In a matter of 20 minutes, we determined that the push-pull 
> FETs
> in the driver stage had shorted. He mailed me replacement FETs which came 
> in
> three days. Ten minutes after opening the package, my K3 was back on the
> air.
> I have had similar experiences repairing a Ten-Tec Orion transceiver and
> SteppIR 4 el yagi. In each case, the service technicians were happy to 
> talk
> to me and, with their guidance, repairs were quick and straightforward.
> Here's my point. Ham radio is a technical hobby. It begin a century ago,
> when all stations were homebrewed by their owners. Today, of course, there
> are hundreds of thousands of hams, and their technical expertise runs the
> gamut from inexperienced beginners to Ph.D. engineers. But all hams, I 
> would
> hope, have a least a passing interest in electronics. Surely, anybody who
> buys a sophisticated transceiver like an FT-2000, has to know _something_
> about DSP, roofing filters, preamps and RF attenuators, 3rd order 
> intercept
> points, antenna tuners, and so forth. And I would hope that all hams,
> whatever their level of technical knowledge and experience, have a desire 
> to
> learn more about their radios.
> Thus I believe Yae