Re: [Elecraft] OT - 32 or 64 bit Windows 7

2012-10-30 Thread Giulio IW3HVB
Win 7 64 bit can load almost any 32 bit software i tried. He has a backward 
compatibility mode that you can try if the software doesn't run at first try.
You will find 32 bit programs in c:\program files x86 directory.
I currently use two old prolific usb to rs232 converters regularly without any 

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

Inviato da iPhone

Il giorno 28/ott/2012, alle ore 17:42, Robert G. Strickland ha scritto:

 Sorry for the OT, but this reflector is about the only place I trust for good 
 I want to buy Win7 before it's no longer available [Win8 seems too far out 
 for me]. I 
 have a 64bit processor. What's the experience with the 32 bit versus 64 bit 
 for operating the range of customary ham software [N1MM, NaP3, HamCAP, 
 Rufz, etc]? Thanks much.
 Robert G. Strickland, PhD, ABPH - KE2WY
 Syracuse, New York, USA
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[Elecraft] OT:E51HVB

2010-12-07 Thread iw3hvb
Hi guys,
In a few days I'll be active from South Cook islands with my K3 100 W / 
vertical antenna and windom dipole.
Look at for frequencies and dates.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB... Leaving tomorrow to Australia
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Re: [Elecraft] KPA 500

2010-10-19 Thread Giulio IW3HVB
I'm waiting for the End of Thread msg by Wayne

Anyway IMHO using non-stainless screws on the K3 is a flaw.
Seen from a producer perspective the difference in costs between the regular
screws and a stainless bunch is minimal.
Things become different when you have to prepare kits for substitution.
In any case why sould it be a flaw? It is not a matter of MIL specs, nor a
matter of a radio worth 2000$ should have them.
It's more a matter of consistency. The K3 is a radio targeted for
Dxpeditions, field use etc (Elecraft says that!). So it is quite surprising
the choice about the original screws.

By the way I'm quite happy with my stainless screw, had to change the
original that became quite rusty after a dxpedition of 1 week in 8Q7 and
after some contest with the Venice Lagoon Contest Team.

These my 3 cents, for the screws..

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

Follow the path of the Prophets...
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[Elecraft] R: Sub-rx or P3?

2010-09-01 Thread iw3hvb
IMHO the panoramic display is better. You can have an instantaneous glance at 
the pileup, and above all you can spot a hole where put out your call...
73 de Giulio IW3HVB
--Messaggio originale--
Da: John Harper
Oggetto: [Elecraft] Sub-rx or P3?
Inviato: 1 Set 2010 12:30 pm

Just curious about opinions of CW DXers/contesters here on the list
regarding these two options - which is likely to make the most impact on

Both is not currently an option  ;-)

John Harper AE5X

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Re: [Elecraft] [K3] Elecraft[K-3] K144XV

2010-01-08 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
IMHO an external sequencer is still the best way to have a foolproof 
system. Running QRO with a mast mounted lna isn't a good idea if you 
don't have one. 20 ms is not enough for sure, as most of the QRO coax 
relays have a switching time of that amount or even more
My sequence timing is around 250 ms, in four steps, including LNA, PA, 
Driver, and RTX/XVTR.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

AD6XY ha scritto:
 I am still worried about the diode switching, 2m specific PTT outputs and
 delays. I assume the usual 20mS delay option is there in the menu like all
 the other bands. This is not quite long enough when you are sequencing an
 amplifier and a pre-amp as there is more to switch than just the coaxial

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[Elecraft] KAT3 L10 burned

2010-01-06 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
Yesterday I paid a visit to a firnd, Giancarlo I3GKK, who was very 
worried about an accident happened 3 days ago.
Suddenly, during a brief tx period (10 seconds) at 100 W into a Windom 
antenna, he saw smoke coming out from the top panel of his K3.
Since then no power out on all bands (measured with an external wattmeter).
The internal wattmeter of the K3 reads correctly and the supply current 
is regular, on both high and low power, so it seems that the TX stages 
are ok.
Looking into the area for smoky parts I found that L10 (96 nH), at the 
output of the KAT3 unit is badly burned. The enamel on the wire is gone 
and with the ohmmeter the inductance measures more than 7 ohms :-/
My guess is that SWR was a little too high, but within the tuning range 
of the KAT3. It was raining heavily when the fault has occoured. 
Measured the antenna with the MFJ-259B and it seems almost ok on all 
bands (less than 2 in the worst band, all the others less than 1.4).
Anyone have had similar experiences?

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

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Re: [Elecraft] XV50, XV144, XV222 Assembly Manual

2009-12-12 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
I'm not so sure about this, at least for the holes.
My old XV144 have them since it came out of the factory...,
Maybe it is a simple packing mistake.
Try ask to elecraft support, maybe they can clear it out.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
 No need to drill the holes or get a fan for any of the other XV
 Models.  They don't get hot like the XV432 does.


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Re: [Elecraft] K3 2 meter capability: internal K144XV or XV144 transverter?

2009-12-08 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
I totally agree with this.
I've too noticed when running the XV144 at more than 10/15 W the xverter 
case get pretty hot.
The Elecraft guys btw are well known to be conservative about component 
choice, keeping well within the safe limits.
On the other hand, just to keep things less hot I'vee added a small cpu 
fan over the top holes (the ones over the attenuator resistors) to drag 
out the hot air.
Since then the case has been a lot less warm even at full output for 
some minutes.
To avoide excessive noise from the fan I've connected the Voltage supply 
for the fan at the 12T point, so it runs only when on tx.

These are my  cents on the matter... :-)

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

AD6XY ha scritto:

  Of course the output will be cleaner if under run, so a 25W amplifier
 running 10W ought to be cleaner than when running 25W.


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Re: [Elecraft] K144XV for K3 NF = 1dB

2009-08-19 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
It isn't exactly true that NF is unimportant on tropo otherwise no 
one would be using a mast mounted preamplifier.
The main issue then is preserving the dynamic range, as you pointed out
On the XV144 module is mandatory to remove the second rx stage to do 
that in this case.
The point is, how many stages the new module have? Is the second one (I 
assume that it is there) easily removable or bypassable?
About the dynamic range I didn't completely agree with the Elecraft 
first choice to use a 50 MHz IF, and the second one with 28 MHz isn't 
much better imho.
Ok, I'm a little selfish here, but the serious contesting machines 
(Javornik, DB6NT and others) use 14 MHz and there are couple ofgood 
reasons to do that.
Usually the HF radios have their better spesc in terms of BDR etc. on 
the 20 mt band, and likely the K3 is no different (Wayne, Eric, can you 
The image frequency on 28 MHz IF is in the FM broadcasting band (88-108 
here), and I must use a cavity filter between the LNA and the RX port of 
the xverter, or I get a lot of crackling noise and birdies, as well as 
good fm music.
The only real disadvantage in this case (14 MHz IF) is that the band is 
somewhat limited by the 14 MHz limits, but for a 144 MHz contester/Dxer, 
the portion of band really important is on 500 KHz, from EME to beacon 
band 144.000 to 144.500.

These are my two cents on the topic.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

AD6XY ha scritto:
 It is nice and low but 1 dB is not exactly cutting edge. I will measure mine
 when it arrives on some high spec equipment. It does not really matter that
 mush though on 2m. For terrestrial use the band noise is the limit, for EME
 anyone serious will be using a low noise pre-amplifier. 

 What is much more important to operational use and what I would like to know
 is the dynamic range. Is it over 100 dB at 3kHz spacing like the K3 on HF?
 What about the intercept point - is it better than 20 dBm? It needs to be
 here in Europe! There are 4 high power stations active in my grid square,
 i.e IO91JO and blocking is an issue with the XV144/K3 combo.



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Re: [Elecraft] K3 Background noise

2009-05-24 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
I had the same problem, with a quite noisy shack, the 8877 I use on 144 
MHz have a pretty big fan, plus I have other fans on the PC, on the 
Network rack and so on.
I solved the problem using a carefully selected microphone.
I chose a SM-57 instrument pickup microphone, from Shure.
The choice followed this criteria:
1) Cardioid (highly directive) pattern, with low sidelobes.
2) Dynamic microphone, with a low sensitivity.
3) Almost flat audio response, with limited bass roll-off.

I keep the TX equalizer completely flat, and I set the mic gain at level 20.
A little bit of compression can give you the right punch, without 
affecting readability, let's say 10.
These settings work well for me, but keep in mind to set the Mic Gain 
looking at an external wattmeter: remaining on Tx, and not talking, you 
shoudn't see any power going out.

Good luck!

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

 I have a problem with noise in the shack.
 On transmit it is picked up by the mic. Other than lowering the RF gain I
 understand that
 there is a setting which could reduce or eliminate this
 some where in the config.  Any tgoughts would be appreciated.

 Jay Rodaman

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[Elecraft] Slightly OT: Elecraft K3 to Maldives

2009-05-18 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
I'll be in Maldives from may 26th to june 04th
I will bring  my K3/100 with me with a multiband vertical antenna.
Will be on the air as 8Q7GP and hope to work some of you guys.
I plan to work mainly 20 and 40 meters, but I will keep an eye to the 
other bands too if the propagation will assist me.
This is a holiday style dxpedition, so don't expect too much from me, or 
I could get beaten by my wife :-)
I will take the laptop and I plan to do SSB and PSK31, as my CW is a 
little bit rusty, but never say never
I still don't know if Internet will be available, so keep a look to the 
cluster as I may not be able to take skeds.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

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Re: [Elecraft] Bay Area Fiber Cut

2009-04-10 Thread Giulio IW3HVB
This is a little OT, but I can't keep my hands off the keyboard.

I totally agree  An easy, but sad example happened some days ago, when
an earthquake stroke the center part of Italy, with more than 250 deaths.
The Volunteers of many ham radio clubs gave their immediate support, helping
coordinate the first waves of help and support, via the good old SSB on 40
mts or FM in 144 MHz. Many newspapers and TV news programs made clear at
what extent the ham support have been fundamental and effective.
Despite the complicated commercial and civil networks, internet, cell phones
etc hams are still more than useful.

Sad that most of the people remember of our existence only in these
occasions, seeing us as a potential health treat or at least as RFI makers
for the rest of the time...

73 de Giulio IW3HVB



 My K2 continued to work just fine during all of this and could have
 provided emergency communications if needed.

 73, Bill - K6WLM
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Re: [Elecraft] Problem with K2 transmit quality

2009-03-27 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
Don Wilhelm wrote:

 Can you please describe the distortion?  Also, please say whether the 
 distortion is heard in the sidetone or on a different monitoring 

 Does all this happen when operating into a dummy load?  Or is it only 
 when operating into an antenna?

 Is this with a hand key? or with paddles?  If with paddles, does it 
 happen with a string of dashes? or a string of dots? or both.

 If you have not cleaned your key contacts, that could be the problem.  
 Put a strip of paper between the key contacts, close the key and 
 extract the paper - that should clean the contacts.

 I cannot comment on the SSB until the CW is corrected.

 Don W3FPR

Instead of a clean note i have a sound like pr pr  :-)  it is 
wide in frequency like when an amplifier is working in a non linear region.

I have it on both antenna and dummy load. Not on the side tone, but on a 
second receiver (Tried on HF and 144 MHz with XV144, same result)

I'm using bencher paddles, on both dot and dashes. The K2 is modified 
with external PTT mod.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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Re: [Elecraft] Problem with K2 transmit quality

2009-03-27 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
Don Wilhelm wrote:

 Do you have anything with a transformer near the K2?  Move the K2 at 
 least a meter away from anything with a transformer and try it again.

 If moving it cures the problem, you may either move the device(s) with 
 transformers or install the VCO Shield Kit in your K2.

 Don W3FPR
That was my idea too, but I have no transformers (switching ps and 
everything else at 1 mt or more and switched off)  and the VCO shielding 
is already in place..

Is the tune carrier generated at the same manner of the CW note?

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

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[Elecraft] Problem with K2 transmit quality

2009-03-26 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
I have a problem with a K2 who behaves strangely on cw. The note is very 
bad, full of distorsions (rf?) but the Tuning continuous carrier is 
crisp and clean.
I don't know if the two are related (I suspect that :-)  ) but tah 
would point to the key !?!.
The other odd thing is that on SSB the modulation is hopping 
continuously from very clean and rich to very compressed.

Any clue?

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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Re: [Elecraft] Dynamic Mics on K3

2009-02-11 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
Don Wilhelm ha scritto:

 You did not say what microphones you were trying to use, only that 
 they were 'dynamic'.  Are you attempting to use Pro-Audio 
 microphones?  If so, check out the information provided by Jim Brown 
 K9YC at http://haminterfacing.pdf/.  Do your microphones have adequate 
 output?  Do they need Phantom Power?  There can be many reasons you 
 are not having success.

 How does the audio sound from the K3 monitor.  You said you did the 
 evaluation on 144 MHz, but what mode?  If it is FM, then many have 
 reported issues with 'thin audio' on FM, and Elecraft is currently 
 working on improvement for that condition.  How does the K3 sound with 
 the microphones on SSB?

Currently I'm using a Shure SM57 dynamic mic. The others are brandless 
or unknown.
The mic doesn't need phantom power, but I agree with you that the output 
level of the microphone maybe is a little low.
The tests I run were on SSB only, no FM or AM. The sound on the K3 
monitor seems perfect (and that points the problem elsewhere, that is a 
test I didn't make until a minute ago).
After a brief test on hf (listening on a K2) the audio seems fairly 
better than on 144 MHz. I've a feeling about the XV144 It seems that 
at a certain point in the IF path the signal become reduced in 
bandwidth, maybe the filters are a little off band

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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[Elecraft] Modulation on XV144 was: Dynamic mics on a K3

2009-02-11 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
After a few good suggestions by Don, Jim and Fern I run a few more 
tests, coming at the conclusion that the problem was not the MIC, or its 
interfacing with the K3 or the radio itself.
The audio on HF bands is simply perfect, with or without compression 
(and comp acts exactly as it should).
But the problem on 144 MHz is still there, so the problem must be on the 
XV144. The Power supply is the same for both the radio and the xverter, 
tried switching and stabilized with no differences.
I've no idea where to look..  Changing the drive power (I'm using 
the KXV3 module) does'nt produce any difference as well.
Any clues?

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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Re: [Elecraft] Modulation on XV144 was: Dynamic mics on a K3

2009-02-11 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
Don Wilhelm ha scritto:

 Unless the XV144 is operating in a non-linear region, it should not 
 distort the SSB signal. 

I tried to redo some calibration of the quiescent current and the 
filters to peak the linearity, and now the problem is gone. Now the 
signal is perfect in 144 MHz also.
Now the only thing to solve is about the PTT, and we are ready to give 
it a fight for the VHF contest of march but this is Wayne's field so 
I'll let him work on that without stressing him too much.  ;-)

Tnx and 73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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[Elecraft] Dynamic Mics on K3

2009-02-10 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
I'm trying to use a dynamic mic with the K3 (KIO3 MIC INPUT high gain) 
but I can't be satisfied with the modulation (I'm listening with another 
radio on 144 MHz using an XV144 with the K3).
If I keep the compression level below 15 the mod is awful. Tried with 4 
or 5 different dynamic mics, but the results are almost the same.
I made a couple of ipothesis:
Balanced Mics doesn't match too well with the unbalanced input of the radio.
The mic level is too low (I tried to push with mic gain and TXG VCE, but 
no results so far).
Any suggestion?

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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Re: [Elecraft] Firmware request

2009-02-08 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
Giulio Pico - IW3HVB ha scritto:
 We use a foot switch to drive the sequencer and the radio PTT is 
 controlled via the external PTT socket.

I've noticed another couple of  issues regarding CW this time.
Squeezing the paddles (or using only dots or dashes, doesn't matters) 
with no external PTT grounded one XV144 relay clicks constantly 
following the CW pattern (no rf output anyway...).
But this is only a minor problem. The big issue is about the no-break in 
functioning that behaves oddly.
If you ground the PTT and start to send CW all works fine, but if you 
release the PTT the radio keeping the paddles working the radio keeps 
transmitting! I finally understand how we manage to burn 3 MGF1801 at 
the LNA. It is likely that an operator slipped on the pedal for a 
brief moment, starting the sequence for rx, while continuing to transmit 
with the paddles The 5 or 6 watts output of the XV144 we use are 
more than enough to cook the gaasfet.
BTW You get the same behaviour when you use the internal memory keyer. 
The radio stops transmitting only when the message is over.
Another one I found while writing this message  If the radio is in 
SSB the paddles keep working hit to tx style.  so if you hit one 
paddle without grounding the PTT the radio goes tx as well

I have no idea if I'm doing something wrong, but I feel this is not the 

That's all so far.  73 de Giulio IW3HVB

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[Elecraft] Firmware request

2009-02-06 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
I've noticed one possible issue using the KDVR3, wich I've installed today.
The PTT is controlled directly by the radio, so basically when you go 
for playback the radio goes on TX automatically.
This is a problem for us, cause on our VHF station we deal with an 
external sequencer who manage to do the timings for relays, PA and the 
mast mounted LNA.
We use a foot switch to drive the sequencer and the radio PTT is 
controlled via the external PTT socket.
At the moment the radio doesn't even allow you to go playback if it is 
already on TX.  In any case, even if this was possible it would have 
been a source for possible troubles, cause you have to rely on the 
smartness of the operator who must remember to start the PTT sequence 
well before pressing the playback button.
It would be better, in a case like this, to inibhit the playback button 
to control the PTT. This should be an option in the config menu, as if 
you are not using any external device, having the K3 going TX with a 
single pressing of a button is quite cool.
These were my 2 Cents on the topic.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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[Elecraft] K3 and XV144 video

2008-11-28 Thread Giulio IW3HVB
We've put a video of our last setup on the local club website.
There is our 2 log loop yagi stack and my K3 and XV144 xverter on a
nice display, showing a beacon 500 Km away from our loc.
Needless to say that the rig is working fine, despite of some strange
behaviour of the XV144 not always recognized by the K3 at the power
The video is the first one
Down on the page you can also find a small video taken during the IOTA
contest where I was still using my K2.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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[Elecraft] Strange behaviour xv144 and K3

2008-11-19 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB

I've found something weird working with this setup:
K3 and XV interface connected to an XV144 via ACC cable and if cables.
Once set up the sw parameters the xverter seems to work fine at home.
If I change band on the K3 the XV144 turns up when I switch band on 144 
MHz and vice versa (sounds normal according to the manuals).

The strange thing happened in two different contests on our portable 
location, where the XV144 doesn't turn up every time.
If the K3 is turned off when in 144 MHz, with the XV144 turned on, 
everything goes off. Ok.
When the K3 is turned back on the XV144 front label flashes for a moment 
then goes off, and the transverter remains dead.
At this point a band switch to HF and back again turns on the 

I am not able to reproduce the issue at home, so there are two possible 

1) The /P location is filled with gremlins
2) There is something else located there that influences the 
communication between the radio and the transverter.

Just for the record, I've double checked the connections between the 
radio and the XV, and they are ok.
The radio is powered via the same switching power supply both at home 
and on the /P station.
The main difference is on the AC, as on the /P location we use an 
inverter power generator (honda, gasoline, 4strokes).

Any clues?

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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[Elecraft] K3 and XV144 strange behaviour

2008-09-10 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
I noticed a strange behaviour during the last IARU VHF Contest last 
With our team we managed to have a first field test of the rig 
coming for our experience with the K2/xv144 MHz combination the 
expectations were high.
The setup was composed by the K3 and a XV144 transverter, plus a Power 
amplifier, a preamplifier at the antenna (with some 30 mt of 1/2 
cellflex line) and two stacked 19 elements Log Loop Yagis.
The switching sequence was controled by an external sequencer drived by 
a foot pedal.
On the receiving side the combo was wonderful, the dynamic range allowed 
us to manage very well in the pretty crowded 2 mt band.

But we had some troubles mainly on TX.
Let say that our P.A. needs to be drived with circa 7/10 Watts at 
maximum (depending on the mode, SSB or CW). It's made from 2 x 4CX250B 
in push-pull configuration.
So I tuned the transverter to go from a range of 1 W (with -10 dBm drive 
from the KXV3 module) to a mazimum of 10 W (with 0 dBm of drive).
Things have worked pretty smoothly most of the time, but on a few 
occasions, we noticed a sudden loss of output power from the transverter 
(and from the P.A. of course).
Turning the K3 off and on again the transverter didn't power up. The 
XV144 label on the front panel flashed for a brief moment and then 
stayed off.
Changing band to HF and back again on 144 MHz (TRV1) and the XV144 
module powered up again. Not always on the first try.
Once powered up most of the times the output power was correct, but 
occasionally we had to do the procedure three or four times before 
coming back to normal functioning.

Any clues of the reasons of this behaviour???

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

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Re: [Elecraft] K3 and XV144 strange behaviour

2008-09-10 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB

Before you ask...
Firmware Revisions: MCU 2.34; DSP 1.89.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB.

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[Elecraft] K3 S/N 1381

2008-08-04 Thread Giulio Pico - IW3HVB
For whom is still tracking deliveries, with apologies about the 
bandwidth for the others.

K3/100 Kit
400 Hz, 1800 Hz, 2800 Hz filters

Ordered on 18/03/08
Katiegram arrived on 29/07/08
Shipped via UPS on 01/08/08
Arrived Today 04/08/08 in Venice - Italy  (The box has been in the 
Venice Airport Customs office since Friday, classic Italian week end mood)

Now straight to assembly!

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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Re: [Elecraft] Xverters

2008-06-06 Thread Giulio IW3HVB
2008/6/6 cptpatmcd [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 My background is physics, not rf theory. But you're saying that the xv144
 gives you better performance than a rig that was designed for that?  I guess
 thats not too hard to believe, but still counterintuitive from my
 standpoint.  Do you think I would get acceptable results from adding a texas
 microwave (or any brand) on top of the xv144 for 1.2 (or is it 1.4) ghz
 operation? My main interest in this area are the amsats but I've only
 managed a few sketchy qso's with a handheld before. Using transverters is
 uncharted waters for me.  The only reason I'm considering one now is that 1.
 elecraft makes them and 2. a lot of folks seem to use them... so they cant
 be that bad right? I'm just skeptical of the added noise you introduce into
 the system with using them.  Again though, I have no practical experience.

There are several good reasons on this one to go for an xv...
1st: The dynamic range. You will not find any on the market radio born
for 144 MHz with a dynamic range comparable to an HF plus xverter
setup (almost every serious contesting station in europe goes for this
choice). The main reason is that the designers don't think 144 MHz can
be as crowded as HF, but there are many stations in the spread in
europe that report 700-800 qsos per 24h contest.
2nd: You can benefit from the many optional filters and dsp stuff that
are normally confined only in hf rtxs.
3rd: On weak signal the setup is as good as the best 144 rigs, if not better.
4th: The design and production in the majority of the commercial IC
from the usual suspects is often directed to save money in the
production process, regardless of the final performance.
5th: You don't really add noise, take a look at the NF figure of the
xverter, and try to compare it with some of the good rigs on 144

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

I currently use an IC-275 on 144 MHz (on FM...)  But for serious
operation the XV144 and the K2 added a lot of fun and made my life
much easier in contest.
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Re: [Elecraft] K2 CW train of dots when ptt

2008-05-25 Thread Giulio IW3HVB
2008/5/25 Arie Kleingeld PA3A [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Yes, the ptt line of the mic is the same as the dot-paddle. This is one
 of the design flaws in the K2.
 Don Wilhelm made a beautiful mod for this, but it is not a simple one.
 You can see it on his website.

The mod I was referring on the msg was exactly the one suggested by
Don, but still the problem seems to remain, altough the ptt input on
the new board works fine on ssb.

73 de Giulio IW3HVB
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R: [Elecraft] K2 S/N 4787 Build In Progress

2005-03-04 Thread IW3HVB
So I'm not the only one..
What a relief!

73 de Giulio IW3HVB


On the front panel board while trying to add SSB components after the fact I
managed to slightly burn the edge of a push button.  Wish the instructions
had mentioned to put the low SSB components in before the higher and
vulnerable parts were added.

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R: RE : [Elecraft] KX1 says PO.4 -- is this 0.4 W or 4 W?

2005-03-03 Thread IW3HVB
IMHO you can try with a bolometer, wich is a milliwatt-meter, an some good
attenuators capable of handle the power levels that you are going to use...
An HP432A is a good instrument that you often find on ebay for less than
200,00 USD (thermistor head included).
If You are going to do some serious test this is the right way to do it!
Alternative: find a dear OM near you that operates on microwave (1296 MHz
and up) He has the instrument for sure

73 de Giulio IW3HVB

K2 N°4681, now completed with KPA100, KSB2, KNB2  KDSP2.

I was afraid of that -- I recalibrated the tuner with a 50 ohm dummy load
and now it's showing 1.9 W when running on batteries, which sounds correct.
I will further calibrate when I have access to a known accurate wattmeter.

Thank you for clarifying.


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[Elecraft] Elecraft n° 4681 alive and working!

2005-02-17 Thread IW3HVB
Just a little thing before the chronicles...
I've never got involved in HF because there was almost no possibility of
build a serious rig (IMHO I think that buy a commercial radio and go to DX
haunt is not too much HAM RADIO).
Lurking on the Web I found Elecraft, read some stuff and got more and more
tempted... Then the Order was sent
On February 4th the Package with all the stuff has arrived.
Yesterday night the rig became alive and working well inside the specs.
What can I say…  Great RX at the very least… Soon I will start with the
assembly of the the SSB board, then the noise blanker, the DSP board and at
last the 100 W amplifier.
BTW the manuals are very precise and no part is missing from the bags (Good
Job Cristine!). The construction is straight forward even for a newbie on
the HF bands as I am…. (But to be honest I've a certain exp. on SMD
soldering for microwave transverters so the parts appears to be very big and
easy to manage !!!)

So Keep building!

73 to all the reflector members de Giulio IW3HVB (Venice, Italy)

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