In capture, is there a back-reference form for property prompts?

2024-03-01 Thread Tommy Kelly
In capture, ‘%\N’ provides back-references to the value entered in response
to the Nth prompt of the form ‘%^{PROMPT}’. But from what I can see, when
figuring out which prompt is the Nth, capture does not consider *property*
prompts; i.e. those of the form ‘%^{PROP}p’.

So is there anything similar to '%\N' that can be used to backref
‘%^{PROP}p’ prompts


Re: [BUG] Invalid capture datetree capture templates (newly introduced) [9.7-pre (release_9.6.18-1145-g10d286 @ /home/jds6696/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]

2024-02-10 Thread Tommy Kelly
In response to Tommy Kelly  writing:
>> ...if there is already one or more datetrees anywhere in [a] file AT A LEVEL
>> BELOW THAT specified by [a datetree-based capture] template [then] the
>> position specified by the template is simply ignored.

Ihor Radchenko  wrote:
> Are you sure that what you describe is newly introduced?
> I'd expect this exact behavior since forever, judging from how
> `org-datetree--find-create' is implemented.

No, I'm not sure. In fact, now you mention it, what you're suggesting
probably is the case. This is the first time I've tried using more
than one datetree in the same file, so I wouldn't before have noticed
the behavior I describe.

That said, had I noticed it in the past, I would have been inclined to
flag it as an issue. At very least it makes the documentation
incorrect, but in fact I'd say that the documentation is fine and the
behavior is wrong.

Nevertheless, it's not connected with the issue you already fixed
( so that
should remain closed.


Re: [BUG] Invalid capture datetree capture templates (newly introduced) [9.7-pre (release_9.6.18-1145-g10d286 @ /home/jds6696/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]

2024-02-09 Thread Tommy Kelly
Justin Silverman  writes:
js > Org no longer allows the third argument in (file+olp+datetree ...

And Ihor Radchenko  replied:
ir > Duplicate of
ir > Canceled.

The initial problem has certainly been fixed in that the headline(s)
arguments to file+olp+datetree (f+o+d) are now optional as the doc
implies should be the case.
But I don't think the new behavior is fully correct either, and the
problem affects not just the situation where no headline arguments are
It seems to be connected with how the location of the datetree is
chosen in general.

My expectation (going by prior behaviors as well as current
documentation) is that the location is fully specified by the capture
template. For example, suppose you have the following:

A) entry (file+olp+datetree "")   ;;
i.e. filename only
B) entry (file+olp+datetree "" "H1")   ;;
filename plus heading
C) entry (file+olp+datetree "" "H1 "H2");;
filename plus heading and sub-heading

Then I'd expect A) to use a datetree rooted at the file top level; B)
to use one underneath heading "* H1"; and C) to use one underneath **
H2" (which itself is underneath "* H1").
And in each case I'd expect it to create a new datetree at the
specified location if one didn't already exist.

HOWEVER, it looks like that can break if there is already one or more
datetrees anywhere in the file AT A LEVEL BELOW THAT specified by the
In that case, the position specified by the template is simply
ignored. Instead, the captured item is filed at first occurring
datetree of the above kind.
To be clear, that's even if there is also a pre-existing datetree at
the correct, template-specified location but further down the file.

I tested the situation with all three of the above types available as
capture types, and starting with an empty target file (other than the
two headings "* H1" and "** H2").
I first captured to type A) and I got what I expected: a datetree with
the "2004" root entry being at the file top level. That was positioned
(textually, not hierarchically) beneath the two "H" headings I'd
prepared the file with in the first place.
Then I captured to type C), and also got what I expected; a second
datetree, now with the root being "*** 2004", under "** H2".

But from that point on, all captures, of any of the three types all
went to the one created by that type C) capture -- i.e. to "*** 2004",
under "** H2". under "* H1".
I don't think that's expected/correct behavior.

As to my version of Org: I'm doing all this in my own git copy,
refreshed ("pull"ed?) last night, but I'm still very new to that
approach so this may not be what is usually looked for (and I'd
appreciate the correction if needed), but 'org-version' reports:
- Org mode version 9.7-pre (release_N/A-N/A-ee395b @

And if it matters, here's emacs-version:
- GNU Emacs 28.2 (build 2, aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu, X toolkit, cairo
version 1.16.0, Xaw3d scroll bars) of 2023-05-13, modified by Debian


Re: Suggested manual changes - section 7.2 Special Properties

2024-01-28 Thread Tommy Kelly
> Can you give a link to the Reddit thread
> where this was discussed?

It’s here:

In a nutshell, I was trying to understand how to have one of the columns in
column mode be the creation date of each headline. I thought that because I
almost always insert a clock entry when I create (using org-capture) a new
item then I already had the required timestamp — the first one in the clock
entry. However, it turns out that timestamp isn’t usable, and so the thread
was me looking for help in figuring out the best way to do it.


On Sun, Jan 28, 2024 at 02:39 Matt  wrote:

> Thank you for your suggestions.  Unfortunately, I'm not yet familiar with
> this part of Org.  Can you give a link to the Reddit thread where this was
> discussed?
> --
> Matt Trzcinski
> Emacs Org contributor (ob-shell)
> Learn more about Org mode at
> Support Org development at

Re: Suggested manual changes - section 7.2 Special Properties

2024-01-27 Thread Tommy Kelly
I wrote:
> As it stands, the relevant part reads as follows:
> 'TIMESTAMP' The first keyword-less timestamp in the entry.
> 'TIMESTAMP_IA'  The first inactive timestamp in the entry.
> Both are slightly incorrect and that can be fixed by changing to the 
> following:
> 'TIMESTAMP' The first inactive keyword-less timestamp in the entry.
> 'TIMESTAMP_IA'  The first inactive keyword-less timestamp in the entry.

Sigh. My correction for TIMESTAMP was itself, of course, incorrect! It
should have been:

'TIMESTAMP' The first active keyword-less timestamp in the entry.

The patchfile I provided did not have that error.

Suggested manual changes - section 7.2 Special Properties

2024-01-27 Thread Tommy Kelly
After figuring out, with help on Reddit (ht: Adam), some nuances
affecting timestamps, column
mode, and the Special Properties TIMESTAMP, and TIMESTAMP_IA, I think
the following
modifications to section 7.2 (Special Properties) of the manual would
be worthwhile.

As it stands, the relevant part reads as follows:
'TIMESTAMP' The first keyword-less timestamp in the entry.
'TIMESTAMP_IA'  The first inactive timestamp in the entry.

Both are slightly incorrect and that can be fixed by changing to the following:
'TIMESTAMP' The first inactive keyword-less timestamp in the entry.
'TIMESTAMP_IA'  The first inactive keyword-less timestamp in the entry.

In addition, the following three clarifying details would be useful
(the last of them is required)
perhaps as a footnote:

For both TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP_IA: the word "first" refers to the
first occurrence in the entry, not the earliest in time; the prefix
'CLOCK:' at the beginning of a clock entry is considered a keyword in
this context; and timestamps inside property drawers are ignored.


P.S. I'm not familiar enough with the various moving parts to provide
the above as a proper
git patch. However, FWIW, I did the following. I modified a local copy
of and then I ensured that at least a PDF export
(produced using 'C-c C-e l p', but only the section
in question) looked sensible. Then I produced a diff-based patch file.
Here it is, in case its
of any use:

--- work/git/org-mode/doc/org-manual.org2022-10-06 11:49:32
+++  2024-01-27 22:44:36
@@ -5353,8 +5353,8 @@
 | =PRIORITY= | The priority of the entry, a string with a single
letter.  |
 | =SCHEDULED=| The scheduling timestamp.
 | =TAGS= | The tags defined directly in the headline.
-| =TIMESTAMP=| The first keyword-less timestamp in the entry.
-| =TIMESTAMP_IA= | The first inactive timestamp in the entry.
+| =TIMESTAMP=| The first active keyword-less timestamp in the
entry.[fn::For both TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP_IA: the word "first"
refers to the first occurrence in the entry, not the earliest in time;
the prefix 'CLOCK:' at the beginning of a clock entry is considered a
keyword in this context; and timestamps inside property drawers are
ignored.]  |
+| =TIMESTAMP_IA= | The first inactive keyword-less timestamp in the
 | =TODO= | The TODO keyword of the entry.

  ** Property Searches

BUG? Null character prevents org-babel-tangle from tangling a block

2022-11-11 Thread Tommy Kelly
I'm starting to figure out tangle by wrapping chunks of my emacs init.el in
#+begin_src/#end_src and then hitting C-c C-v t. It has been working fine,
but one block simply refused to participate. I eventually tracked the
problem down to a stray NULL character that had found its way into some of
the lisp comments in that particular chunk of my init.el. It had the effect
of completely disabling tangling of the entire block. Blocks before and
after that one, however, all tangle nicely.

The attached .org file describes a simple test to demonstrate the problem.
I've also attached a .zip version, in case the NULL character in the test
doesn't survive the gmailing process. (The null is In BLOCK 2, two
characters after the '3' in ';; line3' If it's there, you should see the
usual ^@ (as a single character) placeholder.
Description: Binary data

Are colons forbidden for TODO keywords?

2022-11-02 Thread Tommy Kelly
*Am I correct that colons are forbidden for TODO keywords (at very least as
the last character)? *
I can't see an explicit prohibition in the manual, or in, but I'm seeing behavior that
suggests there perhaps should be, as follows.

So, for vaguely aesthetic reasons, I decided I'd like my TODO keywords to
end in colons. That is: TODO:, INPROGRESS:, DONE:, and so on; instead of
just TODO, INPROGRESS, DONE, etc. And it seemed to work fine. At very least
for things like cycling through sequences, quick selection, color and other
face attributes, and so on, there didn't seem to be any issue.

However I've just noticed that the colons do seem to be a problem for smart
tree construction. For example, if I run 'C-c / T' and provide "DONE:"
(with colon) as the keyword, no headlines are found, despite there being
many with that keyword in the relevant file. But if I provide "DONE" (no
colon)[1] as the keyword, then all of my "DONE:" (with colon) headlines are

As I say, I can't find anything in the documentation saying that colons are
forbidden, but it's beginning to feel like it. Does that sound credible, in
which case does the documentation need a tweak? Or was there no intention
to restrict colon use, in which case is it the sparse tree construction
code that needs tweaked?


[1] Having first added "DONE" to org-todo-keywords, so as to allow it to be
a valid choice for 'C-c / T'

Re: [O] Capitalisation and good taste ?

2012-01-10 Thread Tommy Kelly
Hey François,

bh  I wouldn't spend too much time agonizing over the 'right' way

fp Truth is that I've been so agonizing for the whole of my computer
fp life! Each one his sickness, I guess... :-)

I understand your pain. Have you read The Paradox of Choice by Bary
Schwartz? Sounds as if you (like me) are a Maximizer on this kind of
thing :-). As a fellow sufferer, let me put you out of your misery and
choose for you:

First, let's acknowledge the primary raison d'etre of capitals is to
enhance ease of reading by making one class of word stand out in an
environment where -- crucially -- more than one class of word may be
present (e.g. starts of sentences in block of prose, or constants
(say) in code).

So here, it doesn't really matter. Therefore, let's make ease of
writing be the deciding factor.


Best (it would be even better if that underscore was a hyphen but we
can't have everything).


Next best




Worst. Yeah, yeah, it's correct but I'm not hitting Shift three
times when I can hit it no times :-)


Re: [O] Formatting clock tables in the agenda

2011-11-10 Thread Tommy Kelly
Excellent Niels, thanks.

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Niels Giesen wrote:
 You should probably check org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist

 On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Tommy Kelly wrote:

 I have a clock table in my agendas -- I got it there by setting
 org-agenda-start-with-clockreport-mode. I'm trying to control its
 format. I've tried using org-clock-clocktable-default-properties but
 that seems to have no effect. For example, this from my

  '(org-agenda-start-with-clockreport-mode t)
  '(org-clock-clocktable-default-properties (quote (:maxlevel 2 :scope
 file :indent t :link t)))

 The presence/absence of that second line makes no difference to how my
 agenda clocktable looks.

 How do I control that particular table's format?



Tommy Kelly
+1 (512) 289-8262

Re: [O] Putting new to TODO/note to the beginning of the subtree

2011-11-09 Thread Tommy Kelly
 Is there a way to put a new note to the beginning of the
 target subtree (directly under the heading) instead of
 inserting after the last item?

Would org-reverse-note-order be of any use for this (from the org-remember PDF).


Re: [O] Putting new to TODO/note to the beginning of the subtree

2011-11-09 Thread Tommy Kelly
I can't see a way to do that. But if you switched to using org-capture
instead of org-remember, I *think* you can control placement of notes
on at least a per capture template basis, using each template's
:prepend property (


On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Tom wrote:
 Tommy Kelly tommy.kelly at writes:

  Is there a way to put a new note to the beginning of the
  target subtree (directly under the heading) instead of
  inserting after the last item?

 Would org-reverse-note-order be of any use for this
 (from the org-remember PDF).

 Yes, thank you. It seems promising.

 The remaining question is: can it be set only for a specific subtree?

Tommy Kelly
+1 (512) 289-8262

Re: [O] Putting new to TODO/note to the beginning of the subtree

2011-11-09 Thread Tommy Kelly
Actually it looks like you can have org-reverse-note-order be a wee
bit selective using a regexp. Customize implies it's only on a per
*file* basis but the doc is a bit unclear when it says:

Non-nil means store new notes at the beginning of a file or entry.
When nil, new notes will be filed to the end of a file or entry.
This can also be a list with cons cells of regular expressions that
are matched against file names, and values.

I'm wondering what, if anything, is the significance of that and
values. Seems to suggest you could select based on more than just
file names.

Still, remember seems to be deprecated these days, so capture is
probably a sensible move.


[O] Custom agenda -- running functions, not just setting vars

2011-11-09 Thread Tommy Kelly
I'm trying to set up a custom agenda view such that when I enter my
agenda I get, automatically:

- daily view mode (for today)
- log file mode on
- grid on
- Follow mode on

I can see from the docs how to modify the various variables that
control some of how agendas look. But the above are controlled by
functions and I'm not sure how to have those invoked when I open an

I've been messing with org-mode-agenda-hook and
org-agenda-after-show-hook, but I clearly don't know what I'm doing.

Any ideas?


Re: [O] Custom agenda -- running functions, not just setting vars

2011-11-09 Thread Tommy Kelly
Excellent, that works. Thanks.

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 12:18 PM, Bernt Hansen wrote:
 Tommy Kelly writes:

 I'm trying to set up a custom agenda view such that when I enter my
 agenda I get, automatically:

 - daily view mode (for today)
 - log file mode on
 - grid on
 - Follow mode on

 I can see from the docs how to modify the various variables that
 control some of how agendas look. But the above are controlled by
 functions and I'm not sure how to have those invoked when I open an

 I've been messing with org-mode-agenda-hook and
 org-agenda-after-show-hook, but I clearly don't know what I'm doing.

 Any ideas?


 Something like this:

 (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      (quote (( x Test Agenda agenda 
                ((org-agenda-start-with-follow-mode t)
                 (org-agenda-span 'day)
                 (org-agenda-start-with-log-mode t))

 but it doesn't handle the grid - I have that on by default by setting

 (setq org-agenda-time-grid (quote ((daily today remove-match)
                                   #( 0 16 (org-heading t))
                                   (830 1000 1200 1300 1500 1700

 which you can probably add to the above agenda definition but I didn't
 bother.  If there are no items to display on the agenda there is a bug
 where the grid is not shown but otherwise I think this works.


Tommy Kelly
+1 (512) 289-8262

[O] Inactive time stamps along with CLOCK: entries?

2011-11-09 Thread Tommy Kelly
Question for Bernt, but maybe more widely useful.

Bernt, in some of your org-capture-templates, you often include a %U
timestamp as well as clocking in the item in question. for example:

(j Journal entry (file+datetree ~/git/org/
   * %?\n%U\n  %i :clock-in t :clock-resume t)

Why do you do that extra \n%U? Since the timestamp is going to be
identical to the first entry in the CLOCK: line, and since you can
have/not-have clocking items show up in the agenda, why have both the
:CLOCK line and the timestamp? What else do you get from having a
timestamp that you don't get from the CLOCK: line alone?


[O] Formatting clock tables in the agenda

2011-11-09 Thread Tommy Kelly
I have a clock table in my agendas -- I got it there by setting
org-agenda-start-with-clockreport-mode. I'm trying to control its
format. I've tried using org-clock-clocktable-default-properties but
that seems to have no effect. For example, this from my

 '(org-agenda-start-with-clockreport-mode t)
 '(org-clock-clocktable-default-properties (quote (:maxlevel 2 :scope
file :indent t :link t)))

The presence/absence of that second line makes no difference to how my
agenda clocktable looks.

How do I control that particular table's format?


Re: [O] Journal versus clock tables: Opposing requirements?

2011-11-08 Thread Tommy Kelly
 ... it depends on how often you require this weekly report...

Ermm, weekly :-)

 It should be possible to write code that walks your agenda, visits the
 tasks, and copies and pastes the details to a temporary org buffer/file
 just for your chronological report.

Absolutely. But as I've been thinking about this, I'm realizing that
in fact a key input requirement (as opposed to my two output
requirements -- chronology plus clock tables) is ease of entry. As I
begin some new chunk of work, I don't want to have to hunt around for
the most appropriate heading to clock into and begin writing notes
under. As a result, what's happening is two things. First, I'm just
falling back on your single Organization catch-all task; second, I'm
not writing *any* notes.

With a chronological journal, there's no decision to be made. You just
start logging at the end (or start) of the journal. But maybe
something in the org-capture area is what I need. I've tried it before
and didn't get very far, but I'll have another look.


Re: [O] Journal versus clock tables: Opposing requirements?

2011-11-08 Thread Tommy Kelly
 I haven't tried this myself, just looking at the manual. But playing
 around, it seems you need double quotes around your tags match.

Ah OK, that works. But it turns out there was a second problem and it
may be a bug. It looks like any of the clocktable options after
:indent get ignored. So this works:

#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :scope file :block thisweek :step week
:tags test_tag :indent

But this doesn't (i.e. the :tags option is ignored)

#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :scope file :block thisweek :step week
:indent :tags test_tag


Re: [O] Journal versus clock tables: Opposing requirements?

2011-11-08 Thread Tommy Kelly
 Probably, :indent was perceived by the code as nil, but at least
 it did not swallow the :tags key.

It wasn't. I hadn't realized about the need for a value to the
property, but if it's omitted then it looks like :indent's value is
perceived as true, not nil (which is why I got on so long not
realizing the value was required).


[O] Journal versus clock tables: Opposing requirements?

2011-11-07 Thread Tommy Kelly
I'm trying to get org-mode to provide me with two things, but haven't
found a way to do it.

1. First, I want to be able to use it like a daily engineering or
science journal, logging notes as they occur, in pretty much linear
fashion chronologically. Or, more to the point, I want to be able to
report and look at items as they occurred, in pretty much linear
fashion chronologically. Essentially I want to be able to report on
activity by time of occurrence, not topic.

2. But second, I want to see clock tables covering a period of time,
which groups related items together regardless of when (within the
given period) they happened. Essentially I want to be able to report
on actrivity by topic, not time of occurrence.

I'm using some of Bernt Hansen's excellent setup, but it still isn't
getting me quite where I want to be.

I'll note also that the agenda's log mode doesn't really give me point
1. It simply lists the *headlines* which have a clock entry or
timestamp at a given time. I want to see my entire journal -- a la a
blog. (*Ideally* I'd like to be able to control the depth to which
that entire journal output went to, but seeing the whole shebang would
be a good start.)

Anyone have any ideas how to do this.


Re: [O] Journal versus clock tables: Opposing requirements?

2011-11-07 Thread Tommy Kelly
Olaf wrote:
 Maybe I misunderstand what you want to accomplish, but if you put your
 journal into a separate file (e.g., ...

That's pretty much what I want. But if I do that I then have trouble
with getting sensible clock tables. For example, suppose I had:

*** Headline about some activity on Project A
CLOCK: [from]--[to] = duration
notes notes notes

*** Headline about some activity on Project B
CLOCK: [from]--[to] = duration
more notes notes note

*** Headline about some other activity on Project A
CLOCK: [from]--[to] = duration
yet more notes notes

Adding those as a chronological journal lets me get a report of
chronology, but it won't let me have a clock table with the times for
the two on Project A activities combined into one. Will it?

Of course I could shove the Project A activities under one single
higher-level headline, but that than violates the chronology side of
things (in the sense that I want to enter things into my journal in
chronological order, just as I would in a paper log book).

 You can create clock tables and select reported items by tags. So, if
 you tag your journal entries, you can create clock tables made up of a
 few entries only.

OK, that might be what I need then. I thought clock tables grouped
things by headings, not by tags. I'll have a look at the manual.


Re: [O] Journal versus clock tables: Opposing requirements?

2011-11-07 Thread Tommy Kelly
Bernt wrote:
 For item 1) can you use the display of inactive timestamps to get part
 of the information you want in the agenda and then visit the items with
 either follow mode (F) or manually visit each item with SPC to get more

Thanks. That's pretty much exactly my workaround now. So I enter data
all over the place in my file, so as to preserve position with respect
to headings (so my clock table is correct). Therefore the only way to
get the journal-style output seems to be as you suggest.

The problem is, at the end of the week, when I want to output a report
of what I did, it's a fairly manual task. It's true that even with a
chronological report I wouldn't necessarily leave the chronological
output as-is, with no editing or grouping. But it will be *much*
easier to get what I want if I can start with a simple linear-time
report of everything, than if I have to work my way through the weekly
agenda in follow mode.


Re: [O] Journal versus clock tables: Opposing requirements?

2011-11-07 Thread Tommy Kelly
 OK, that might be what I need then. I thought clock tables grouped
 things by headings, not by tags. I'll have a look at the manual.

I'm trying the tagging thing within clock tables, but I can't get it
working at all. I've attached a tag to a single headline, and checked
that I've got that right by using C-c a m. Then I added a :tags item
to my clock table block but it seems to have no effect. Is this valid:

#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :scope file :block thisweek :step week
:indent :tags test_tag

I've also tried :tags 'test_tag', :tags '+test_tag' and a bunch of
other things, but nothing seems to do anything. What I was expecting
was that my clock table, currently filled with lots of items, would be
reduced to looking only at the single headline that I've tagged. But
it's not -- it just stays as it was before.

What am I doing wrong?

[Orgmode] Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?

2011-01-23 Thread Tommy Kelly

 What controls where the tag appears in the regular daily agenda view?


Ah, thanks.

Note to the org-mode gods; that variable doesn't seem to appear anywhere
in the manual. (I see that it is mentioned, however, in your doc Bernt).


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[Orgmode] Special properties -- doc buglet?

2011-01-22 Thread Tommy Kelly
In section 7.2 Special properties the current online org manual says:

The following property names are special and should not be used as keys
in the properties drawer:


Is it correct to have CATEGORY in that list? I thought that putting it
as a key into the property drawer was exactly how to specify categories.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Special properties -- doc buglet?

2011-01-22 Thread Tommy Kelly
In section 7.2 Special properties the current online org manual says:

The following property names are special and should not be used as keys
in the properties drawer:


Is it correct to have CATEGORY in that list? I thought that putting it
as a key into the property drawer just is how to specify categories.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files

2011-01-22 Thread Tommy Kelly
I just figured out why, despite having a setq in my .emacs, my
org-agenda-files wasn't what I thought it should be.

It's because if you modify that variable using C-c [ or C-c ], then any
explicit setq is rendered obsolete by the custom-set-variables
entry that gets added automatically.

Tell us something we don't know, says y'all, and maybe it's as it should
be. But in that case would it be worth adding a note to the relevant
part of section 10.1 in the manual?


P.S. The current online section 10.1 says that C-c [ is bound
to org-agenda-to-front. In fact it appears to be bound to

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files

2011-01-22 Thread Tommy Kelly
I just figured out why, despite having a setq in my .emacs, my
org-agenda-files wasn't what I thought it should be.

It's because if you modify that variable using C-c [ or C-c ], then any
explicit setq is rendered obsolete by the custom-set-variables
entry that gets added automatically.

Tell us something we don't know, says y'all, and maybe it's as it should
be. But in that case would it be worth adding a note to the relevant
part of section 10.1 in the manual?


P.S. The current online section 10.1 says that C-c [ is bound
to org-agenda-to-front. In fact it appears to be bound to

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] Re: Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files

2011-01-22 Thread Tommy Kelly
suvayu ali writes:

 On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Tommy Kelly wrote:
 I just figured out why, despite having a setq in my .emacs, my
 org-agenda-files wasn't what I thought it should be.

 It's because if you modify that variable using C-c [ or C-c ], then any
 explicit setq is rendered obsolete by the custom-set-variables
 entry that gets added automatically.

 This is nothing org specific. Its how customise works. This is the
 reason people are encouraged to _not_ mix customise with setq. I for
 example use customise for everything except org settings.

Ah but hang on.

First, is it reasonable to consider it obvious (I mean, it wasn't to me)
that using C-c [ invokes customize?

Second, even if it is reasonable, isn't it the case that customize
offers a temporary change of variables? You have to explicitly ask it to
make the change permanent, no?

Overall, it just caught me unawares that C-c [ should write something in
one of my files without even telling me let alone asking me. Maybe it's
just me though. 


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[Orgmode] Tags position in regular agenda view?

2011-01-22 Thread Tommy Kelly

org-tags-column appears to affect the position of TAGS only in the file
where a heading resides.

What controls where the tag appears in the regular dail agenda view?

(BTW - if it matters, many of my tags are implicit, being inherited from
a FILETAG or from a higher heading)


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[Orgmode] Re: Basic organization question

2011-01-19 Thread Tommy Kelly

Still digging into this. You said:

 TAGS are much more flexible for controlling what you see on
 the agenda and I use tags for filtering what is displayed on the agenda.

Am I right though that from the point of view of clocking tasks, you
rely not on TAGS but on having each task live inside the appropriate
file/heading/sub-heading/sub-sub-heading and so on? 

Or do you have some jiggery pokery to let clocking and clock tables be
sensitive to TAGs?

Overall it looks like you use file-and-level-of-subheading to categorize things
according to general area (clientX, clientY, or accounting, research,
and so on), and then you use TAGs in addition to orthogonally categorize
things according to some aspect of your workflow (it's a phone call, it
has GTD context @wibble, it needs refiled, and so on). Is that remotely


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[Orgmode] Re: Basic organization question

2011-01-19 Thread Tommy Kelly

Still digging into this. You said:

 TAGS are much more flexible for controlling what you see on
 the agenda and I use tags for filtering what is displayed on the agenda.

Am I right though that from the point of view of clocking tasks, you
rely not on TAGS but on having each task live inside the appropriate
file/heading/sub-heading/sub-sub-heading and so on?

Or do you have some jiggery pokery to let clocking and clock tables be
sensitive to TAGs?

Overall it looks like you use file-and-level-of-subheading to categorize things
according to general area (clientX, clientY, or accounting, research,
and so on), and then you use TAGs in addition to orthogonally categorize
things according to some aspect of your workflow (it's a phone call, it
has GTD context @wibble, it needs refiled, and so on). Is that remotely


Tommy Kelly
+1 (512) 289-8262

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[Orgmode] Re: Basic organization question

2011-01-15 Thread Tommy Kelly

Thomas S. Dye writes:
 Several times when I've had this type of question, I've found answers
 I can use on Bernt Hansen's Org-mode pages:

Actually, when I said:

 And I like the idea discussed in, where

I mis-copy/pasted. I was actually meaning Bernt's stuff. But although he seems
to rely a lot on different files and subtrees, he also seems to get into
tags and categories. I'm trying to take things slowly, adding a little
bit more functionality at a time as needed. I don't want to jump
straight to his overall method and then modify from there. 


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[Orgmode] Basic organization question

2011-01-14 Thread Tommy Kelly
I can see that TODOs can be organized using tags, or categories, or
files, or simply subtrees (or several of those). Is there an obvious

All I'm really looking for is a basic organization, to let me group
tasks of different broad functional areas -- accounting, recruitment,
IT, and so on.

And I like the idea discussed in, where
tasks get captured into a single file and then later moved
about into their classification homes.

But of those various ways of classifying, is there one to be preferred?


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[Orgmode] Understanding habits - repeat interval

2011-01-03 Thread Tommy Kelly
I'm trying a first use of the habits tracking function but I'm not sure
I understand the way they are set up. I have three questions. Here's the

Is it possible to set up a daily habit -- that is, one that should be
done at least every day and at most every day (as opposed to the
shaving example in the manual where the at-most and at-least numbers
are different). Suppose I want to shave every day. Is this correct:

 ** TODO Shave
SCHEDULED: 2009-10-17 Sat .+1d

I already tried the following but it gives an error:

 ** TODO Shave
SCHEDULED: 2009-10-17 Sat .+1d/1d

The first seems to work but it's giving me a confusing bar chart (more
on that later), so I wanted to ask in case the repeater is wrong.


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[Orgmode] Understanding habits - graph coloring of single missed day

2011-01-03 Thread Tommy Kelly

Assuming I have the correct repeater syntax for a daily habit, what
should the colored graph look like if I do the task consistently for a
few days, then miss a day, then pick up the task again? What I expected
to see was:

- a set of GREEN cells (with asterisks)
- a RED cell (no asterisk) for the missed day
- more GREEN cells (again with asterisks). 

But what I actually see is 

- a set of GREEN cells (with *)
- a YELLOW cell (no *) for the missed day
- a RED cell (with *) for the day after the missed day
- more GREEN cells (with *)

 Is that the way it's supposed to be? It doesn't seem right somehow.


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[Orgmode] Understanding habits - org-log-done

2011-01-03 Thread Tommy Kelly

For habits to work, he manual says that You must also have state
logging for the DONE state enabled. My experimentation leads me to
believe that the state logging must not only be enabled but it must be
such that org-log-done is set to 'time and *not* to 'note. I tried the
latter and it doesn't seem to be interpreted as a state change. 

Is that as it should be?

Suppose I want to keep a note. Maybe it's Go for run and I want to log
time or distance. Is that possible?


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[Orgmode] Re: MobileOrg on DropBox for Teams

2010-11-28 Thread Tommy Kelly
Richard Moreland writes:
 ... I'm not sure how your account sharing is setup:  if you are all using
 the same credentials, you will probably run into trouble. ...
 The other option is to let each user have their own Dropbox account and
 simply share folders from a master account to each person.

DropBox For Teams is a third option[1]. Teams gives you a block of
shared space and a set of accounts (each with their own authentication
credentials) that share that space. The entry level is 350G of space and
five accounts. 

From an authentication point of view, it acts just like each user having
their own DB account. However, the difference is that with Teams,
everyone has access (assuming the sharing allows it) to the full 350G of

Actually ... I've just realized that there's no problem. Every user
*can* have their own MobileOrg at the DB root, provided they don't share
it with anyone else. In fact, even if they did share it, it would merely
appear in someone else's view with a number appended to the name (just
as happens right now if there's already a MobileOrg folder in DB when
MobileOrg first starts). But then I don't know what the iPhone client
would do if it spotted multiple genuine MobileOrg (n) folders at the
DB root.

But I think the general solution -- in a DB for Teams environment --
would be to recognize that the entire DB space is being shared among
separately authenticating users, a la a set of unix home
directories. I'm willing to bet that as Teams develops (it must still be
in beta, hence it not being advertized) its multi-user-ness will become
more obvious and demanding of app support.

OK - conclusion. No change needed on anything right now. It's all


[1] We've been using it for over a year now but AFAICT it's still not
being advertized.

[2] Compare an entry-level DB for teams -- five users, 350G of space --
with five completely individual accounts, each with 70G. If no one is
sharing anything (and DB is being used by each user merely only to sync
personal data among multiple machines) then they're pretty much the same
thing, assuming an even share of the 350G in the Teams case. But when
sharing, Teams is better. With Teams, the maximum shared space is 350G,
whereas with the individual accounts the maximum is still only 70G.

[3] But if the Teams edition is to be embraced, then making the location
of the MobileOrg files controllable *from within the setups of both
emacs and the mobile device* (as opposed to after setting up, via a move
of the folder) is probably advisable.

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[Orgmode] MobileOrg on DropBox for Teams

2010-11-27 Thread Tommy Kelly
Is the location on DropBox where the iPhone app expects to find the org
files hard-coded (to /MobileOrg), or is it customizable?

I've tried messing with org-mobile-directory on the emacs side and with
the Index File field on the iPhone app, but it didn't work. I tried:

I set org-mobile-directory to:

and on the iPhone I set Index File to:

It didn't complain when syncing but I got no files on the iPhone (I'd
org-mode-push'ed first).


P.S. I've previously had MobileOrg syncing working fine with the files
in the default place. So my basic setup appears to be fine.

P.P.S. The reason I ask is we use DropBox for Teams. If we had multiple
MobileOrg users, then the default setting would cause collisions since
all our files would be getting dropped in /MobileOrg. It would be better
if we could have the files kept in individualized directories,
e.g. within user-specific DB folders.

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[Orgmode] Re: MobileOrg on DropBox for Teams

2010-11-27 Thread Tommy Kelly
 You should be able to rename the MobileOrg directory from within the web
 interface once you've linked MobileOrg to your Dropbox account.  

Thanks Richard, that worked fine.

But does that mean there's a bit of coordination to manage if multiple
users all decided they want to use MobileOrg? In turn, each user would
get their top level MobileOrg folder up and running, then move it down a
level, so as to make space for the next user who'd do the same?

 ... the iPhone ... doesn't really know what folder its data is stored

Spooky :-)


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[Orgmode] What is your journaling setup? (was Re: Awesome! Date-tree from agenda!

2010-11-26 Thread Tommy Kelly

In response to Carsten's mention of a new capture target type, Eric
 Excellent!  This is perfect.  I keep a journal but ...

I'd be really interested in seeing how people use org-mode for
journaling. By journaling I'm thinking of the various ways of capturing
activity throught the day and then being able to say at some later
point, What exactly did I spend my time on? I guess the more important
part is deciding exactly how to slice and dice previously captured data
so as to give a historical report with the right level of detail. But
obviously that is affected by how the data is captured in the first

I'm new to org-mode so I currently have a very simple capture setup. I
have two types of capturing -- one a TODO and one just a note. And then
I have two broad classes -- personal and work. So four templates in
all. I also have it prompt me for a note if a pause on a task or
complete it.

(global-set-key (kbd C-c c) 'org-capture)
(setq org-capture-templates
(t Todo entry
 (file+headline ~/org/ Journal)
 \n\n** TODO %?\nSCHEDULED: %t\n%i%a\n\n\n
 :empty-lines 1)

(n Note entry
 (file+headline ~/org/ Journal)
 \n\n** %?\n%U\n%i%a\n\n\n
 :empty-lines 1)

(p Personal Templates)
(pt Personal Todo entry
 (file+headline ~/org/ Personal Journal)
 \n\n** TODO %?\nSCHEDULED: %t\n%i%a\n\n\n
 :empty-lines 1)

(pn Personal Note entry
 (file+headline ~/org/ Personal Journal)
 \n\n** %?\n%U\n%i%a\n\n\n
 :empty-lines 1)

;; Log notes and time at various points in a task's life
(setq org-log-done 'note) ;; When we complete it
(setq org-log-note-clock-out t) ;; When we clock out

All TODOs are captured SCHEDULED for today, but I reschedule them
everytime I need to look at the agenda, so I keep today clean. I know
there are better ways, but I'm adding to my org-mode setup slowly, so as
not to be overwhelmed by new things.

But as I say, I'm new to this so I know there's a lot more can be done
than just the above. Also, I haven't yet figure out the best way to
create reports from the above, other than just turning on log mode and
showing inactive timestamped items in the agenda. I'd really appreciate
seeing what others have come up with.

So, anyone care to share their journaling approach?


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[Orgmode] Re: org-mode gnus integration across two machines when using nnimap

2010-11-26 Thread Tommy Kelly
Dan Christensen writes:
 Can you show us what an org-mode hyperlink looks like? 

Here's the link to your reply to me:

[[][email from Dan 
Christensen: Re: org-mode gnus integration ]]

The [[ ][ ]] combination lets org-mode render it so that you see only
the description portion and it is displayed as a clickable
link. Clicking (or executing C-c C-o) will move you to the message in

The reason I assumed there would be a problem is that even if I simply
*move* a Gnus article from one group to another, that breaks the link. I
got the impression that article labeling is very localized.


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